Cfp jan us cat 2015

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US Seasonal Catalogue – January 2015 Spurgeon’s Sorrows

Realistic Hope for those who Suffer from Depression Zack Eswine – Senior Pastor, Riverside Church, St Louis, Missouri Zack Eswine draws from C.H. Spurgeon, the Prince of Preacher’s experience to encourage us. What Spurgeon found in his darkness can serve as a light in our own darkness. The river of life often flows through sloughs of despond. Charles Spurgeon knew that well... Zack Eswine in this unusual, refreshing, sensible book... Read it, and take it to heart. David Powlison, CCEF Executive Director, Senior Editor, Journal of Biblical Counseling incredibly practical guide for caring for heartpained friends God places in our lives. Dr Scotty Ward Smith, Teacher in Residence, West End Community Church, Nashville, Tennessee 978-1-78191-538-7 | Trade paperback 144 Pages | $9.99

John Knox

Fearless Faith Steven J. Lawson – President of OnePassion Ministries and Professor of Preaching at The Master’s Seminary, California John Knox is one of the most colourful figures in church history and his impact is still felt around the world. The real story of Knox surpasses the best fiction novels. Five hundred years after his death, Steven Lawson seeks in this book to ignite our faith in Jesus through Knox’s story. ...writes with characteristic verve and passion and captures the aroma of Christ in the lives of his subjects... Dr Lawson helps us catch the vision and passion of this ‘lion’ in the pulpit. Liam Goligher, Senior Minister, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 978-1-78191-539-4 | Trade paperback 128 Pages | $9.99

And Some Evangelists

Growing Your Church Through Discovering and Developing Evangelists Roger Carswell – Evangelist and Author Your church has a pastor and teachers – but where are your evangelists? Seek out who your evangelists are and send them out. Roger Carswell sets out the biblical focus on evangelism. Be prepared to be challenged. With a lifetime of experience, Carswell gives a practical and challenging resource to help equip Christians – whether pastors or future evangelists. ...this book is a clear and compelling word to encourage and empower the evangelist of our day. Joseph M. Stowell, President, Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, Michigan 978-1-78191-519-6 | Trade paperback 192 Pages | $11.99

Mary Slessor

A Life on the Altar for God Bruce McLennan – Holds degrees from Edinburgh University, the University of Guelph, Ontaria, the University of Aberdeen and Dundee University Mary Slessor was no ordinary woman, indeed she was no ordinary missionary. Brought up in Dundee, one of eleven children, Mary was called to mission. Setting sail for West Africa on the 5th of August 1876, Mary arrived one month later. Bruce McLennan examines this remarkable story of a woman who shared the gospel, stood up against inequality and impacted all areas of life in Calabar with boldness and conviction. “This biography not only tells us what she accomplished, but also analyses why her labours had such a deep impact. We do well to learn from her example!” Conrad Mbewe, Pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka, Zambia 978-1-78191-518-9 | Trade paperback 272 Pages | $14.99

The Messiah and the Psalms

Preaching Christ from all the Psalms Richard P. Belcher, Jr. – Professor of Old Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina What is the relevance and significance of the psalms both to the New Testament and to our lives in the 21st century? Richard Belcher helps you understand how all the psalms relate to Christ. Some have a direct relationship, but with others the link is not so evident. He carefully explains the biblical basis for his view and then how it works with different types of psalms. 978-1-84550-074-0 | Large trade paperback 288 Pages | $19.99

The Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life

Psalms 1-12 Dale Ralph Davis – Minister in Residence, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina Trusted theologian, Dale Ralph Davis, leads readers through a careful study of Psalms 1-12 with clear application for daily life. 978-1-84550-581-3 | Trade paperback 144 Pages | $10.99

Unashamed Workmen

How Expositors Prepare and Preach Edited by Rhett Dodson – Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church, Hudson, Ohio. Bringing together some of the finest preachers of our day, Unashamed Workmen focuses on the methods they use to prepare their sermons. You will find a variety of approaches and styles, but they all share a passion for the Word of God to be explained and applied clearly. Contributors: Peter Adam, Rhett Dodson, Iain Duguid, Ajith Fernando, David Jackman, Simon Manchester, David Meredith, Josh Moody, Douglas Sean O’Donnell and Richard D Phillips. “This is a great book. It brings together diverse and complementary voices from experienced expository preachers who are thoroughly committed to the gospel.” D. A. Carson, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois 978-1-78191-319-2 | Large trade paperback 256 Pages | $17.99

The Envy of Eve

Finding Contentment in a Covetous World Melissa B. Kruger – Conference speaker, Women’s Ministry Coordinator, Uptown Church, Charlotte, North Carolina The key to overcoming covetousness and discontentment is to get to the root of our problem: mistrust of God’s sovereignty and goodness. An ideal resource for deeper study and discussion. 978-1-84550-775-6 | Large trade paperback 256 Pages | $14.99

John Calvin

Revolutionary, Theologian, Pastor Williston Walker – An American church historian (1860-1922) Learn of a man whose theological stance and political philosophy has sharpened modern Western culture and continues to influence millions of people in the 21st century.

978-1-84550-104-4 | Trade paperback 352 Pages | $14.99

Coming Soon Tough Topics 2

Biblical answers to 25 challenging questions Sam Storms – Lead Pastor, Bridgeway Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Tough Topics 2 provides solid and scriptural answers to 25 tough Bible questions. Looking deeply, not superficially, at what Scripture says, Sam Storms derives clear and persuasive explanations for these thorny matters. Sam Storms tackles difficult questions in Tough Topics 2 like only a seasoned pastor can... this is a great book to use as a resource or to read straight through. Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor, The Village Church and President-Acts 29 Church Planting Network, Flower Mound, Texas 978-1-78191-552-3 Large trade paperback | 368 Pages | $15.99

1 Samuel

Looking on the Heart Dale Ralph Davis – Minister in Residence, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina “The commentary is full of idiom, imagery and illustrations while never straying far from the essence of the text itself” Mary Evans, Northwood Anvil “A great feast of biblical truth made so digestible, garnished with so many apt illustrations.” Alec Motyer 978-1-85792-516-6 | Large trade paperback 336 Pages | $15.99


No Falling Words Dale Ralph Davis – Minister in Residence, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina “...ideas pop out everywhere, even in the most unlikely places. New insights abound. No one who reads this book will ever find Joshua dull and tedious again.” Richard A. Bodey, Professor of Homiletics, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School 978-1-84550-137-2 | Large trade paperback 224 Pages | $15.99

Teaching Acts

Unlocking the book of Acts for the Bible Teacher David Cook – Retired Principal, Sydney Missionary and Bible College, Sydney, Australia Acts has a vital message about the spread of the gospel to teach to every generation. David will give you confidence to handle God’s Word in a variety of contexts. 978-1-84550-255-3 | Trade paperback 304 Pages | $14.99

Teaching Romans

Volume 1: Unlocking Romans 1-8 for the Bible Teacher Christopher Ash – Director, Cornhill Training Course, London The book of Romans emphasiss the wonderful scale and depth of God’s grace. Christopher Ash leads us step by step to understand and communicate this challenging and life changing book. 978-1-84550-455-7 | Trade paperback 320 Pages | $12.99

2 Kings

The Power and the Fury Dale Ralph Davis – Minister in Residence, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina 2 Kings provides a fast-paced narrative of insight into the history of Israel under its monarchy. A warning about the consequences of sin, but through prophets such as Elisha and Elijah we see God’s compassion for his people and the opportunity for repentance. 978-1-84550-096-2 | Large trade paperback 368 Pages | $17.99

Teaching 1 Peter

Unlocking the book of 1 Peter for the Bible Teacher Angus MacLeay – Rector, St. Nicholas, Sevenoaks, Kent This is a vital message for Christians in any generation. “Provides shrewd insight into the details of the text and also offers much helpful advice about how to apply and present its material.” Vaughan Roberts 978-1-84550-347-5 | Trade paperback 272 Pages | $12.99

Teaching Isaiah

Unlocking Isaiah for the Bible Teacher David Jackman – engages in a worldwide ministry for Proclamation Trust, London The people of God had a choice to follow their own human policies or to follow the promises of God. They chose to be unfaithful, but the prophet breaks in with an evercurrent message to call them to repentance. 978-1-84550-565-3 | Trade paperback 320 Pages | $14.99

Bible Delight

Heartbeat of the Word of God: Psalm 119 for the Bible Teacher and Hearer Christopher Ash – Director, Cornhill Training Course, London This study of Psalm 119 is the first in a series that studies the culture of preaching and teaching, and highlights the place of joy in God’s Word as the centre of our experience of faith. Study questions at the end of each chapter make it ideal for personal or group study. 978-1-84550-360-4 | Trade paperback 208 Pages | $12.99

Frances Ridley Havergal

The Girl Who Loved Mountains Lucille Travis – Lucille Travis has written several books for children, held children’s writing workshops, taught college-level English, and lectured on Christian literature Frances loved to climb trees, enjoy the countryside and to run about with her spaniel. She became a hymn writer and singer, longing to share the love of her Saviour. 978-1-78191-522-6 | Pocket paperback 176 Pages | $8.99

Lottie Moon

Changing China for Christ Nancy Drummond – Nancy Drummond lived and ministered for many years with her parents who were missionaries in Jamaica Lottie Moon was a dark-eyed, raven-haired mischief at school. She lived through the American civil war, taught at school and finally went to China as a missionary to share the good news of Jesus Christ with thousands of people. This is her story, 978-1-78191-524-0 | Pocket paperback 160 Pages | $8.99

Hudson Taylor

An Adventure Begins Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor Hudson Taylor was a sickly child. He was often ill and had very poor eyesight. But God chose him to evangelise the Chinese. So at the age of twenty-one, Hudson Taylor left the United Kingdom to sail halfway round the world to China. 978-1-78191-526-4 | Pocket paperback 176 Pages | $8.99

Charles Spurgeon

Prince of Preachers Christian George – Curator of the Spurgeon Library and Assistant Professor, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City Charles Spurgeon was a simple country lad who went on to become one of the best known preachers in London, Europe and the world. Charles spoke words that touched the hearts of rich and poor alike. 978-1-78191-528-8 | Pocket paperback 160 Pages | $8.99

Hannah More

The Woman Who Wouldn’t Stop Writing Sarah Allen – married with five children and involved in a church plant in Huddersfield, United Kingdom Hannah More is best known today for her penmanship, but also for her defence of women’s rights, education and freedoms. She stands, as a woman in her own right, beside the names of William Wilberforce and John Newton as a supporter of the anti-slavery movement. 978-1-78191-523-3 | Pocket paperback 128 Pages | $8.99

Martyn Lloyd-Jones

From Wales to Westminster Christopher Catherwood – Grandson of Martyn Lloyd-Jones and has taught 20th century and church history at Cambridge Christopher Catherwood tells you about the amazing life of his grandfather, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, who trained as a doctor when he was just sixteen years old. Talented and successful, he was destined to become the Queen’s Surgeon. 978-1-78191-525-7 | Pocket paperback 160 Pages | $8.99

Patricia St. John

The Story Behind the Stories Irene Howat – An award-winning author who has written several books for children and adults Patricia St. John’s life is a story in itself, but she grew up to become one of the world’s best-loved Christian writers for children.

978-1-78191-527-1 | Pocket paperback 160 Pages | $8.99

John Calvin

After Darkness Light Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor John Calvin’s ideas were radical, his life was filled with dramatic events and dangers. Find out how this great teacher changed the church.

978-1-78191-550-9 | Mass market paperback 160 Pages | $8.99

Paul Brand

The Shoes That Love Made Lucille Travis – Lucille Travis has written several books for children, held children’s writing workshops, taught college-level English, and lectured on Christian literature Paul Brand was a missionary to lepers. His work and compassion changed how the world saw this disease and the people who suffer from it. 978-1-84550-630-8 | Pocket paperback 176 Pages | $8.99

David Brainerd

A Love for the Lost Brian Cosby – Brian H. Cosby is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America. Life on the American frontier in the early 1700s was difficult. David Brainerd was one of the first missionaries to the various Indian tribes there – a risky situation to be in. 978-1-84550-695-7 | Pocket paperback 160 Pages | $8.99

Lightkeepers Boys Box Set

Ten Boys Irene Howat – An award-winning author who has written several books for children and adults Includes all five of the Ten Boys books in a gift box presentation set. Great for Christmas or birthdays. 978-1-84550-318-5 $39.99

My First Book of Questions and Answers

Carine MacKenzie – Bestselling author of children’s books, Inverness, Scotland This book explains the Christian faith to young children in bite-sized chunks. It was a great pleasure to watch our daughter learn these answers. As usual teaching a child great truths enriched our thinking and worship. John and Noel Piper 978-1-85792-570-8 | Paperback 64 Pages | $3.99

Eric Liddell

Finish the Race John Keddie – Christian minister and writer. Eric is a sporting hero and a role model for many youngsters. But his life was more than medals – it was a race for God. Find out how this race took him to China.

978-1-84550-590-5 | Pocket paperback 160 Pages | $8.99

Christian Focus Story Bible

Carine MacKenzie – Bestselling author of children’s books, Inverness, Scotland The Word of God is full of wonderful real life stories: spies on the rooftops of Jericho, the young boy who kills a giant, and the most important story of all, that of Jesus. 978-1-84550-494-6 | 160 Pages | $15.99

Lightkeepers Girls Box Set

Ten Girls Irene Howat – An award-winning author who has written several books for children and adults Includes all five of the Ten Girls books in a gift box presentation set. Great for Christmas or birthdays. 978-1-84550-319-2 $39.99

Coming Soon The Easter Story

The Bible Version Carine MacKenzie – Bestselling author of children’s books, Inverness, Scotland Outside the city walls there are three crosses on a hill. Darkness covers the world. The Son of God has died ... but daylight is coming and three days later death has lost ... Jesus Christ is the victor! 978-1-78191-566-0 | Hardback 48 Pages | $9.99

Amy Carmichael

Hudson Taylor

George Müller

Corrie Ten Boom

Helen Roseveare

David Livingstone

Can brown eyes be made blue? Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor When Amy Carmichael was a little girl she had begged God to give her blue eyes. But, blue eyes were not the eyes of India – but Amy’s brown eyes were. 978-1-84550-108-2 | Hardback 24 Pages | $7.99

Does money grow on trees? Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor Find out how God changed George Müller from a thief to someone even children could trust. 978-1-84550-110-5 | Hardback 24 Pages | $7.99

What’s in the parcel? Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor In the jungle an orphan baby needs a hot water bottle urgently. But no one would ever send one of those to the hot equator would they? 978-1-84550-383-3 | Hardback 24 Pages | $7.99

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Could somebody pass the salt? Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor Hudson Taylor’s mother forgets to give her boy some soup, but while he waits he learns about the country of China where he will go as a missionary one day. 978-1-84550-111-2 | Hardback 24 Pages | $7.99

Are all of the watches safe? Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor Corrie ten Boom is constantly watching out for danger to ensure that her friends in the secret room are safe. But she trusts that God is the one who keeps them safe. 978-1-84550-109-9 | Hardback 24 Pages | $7.99

Who is the bravest? Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor David Livingstone didn’t think twice about travelling to Africa to tell people of Jesus, despite the dangers. He trusted in Jesus – the bravest one of all. 978-1-84550-384-0 | Hardback 24 Pages | $7.99

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