ICRS 1 CFP 2013 US catalog

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Summer Catalog – May-October 2013 Living by Revealed Truth

The Life and Pastoral Theology of Charles Haddon Spurgeon Tom Nettles – Professor of Historical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky Charles Haddon Spurgeon. With insights into Spurgeon’s views on theology, his ministry, and church life. This will be the definitive biography of C. H. Spurgeon. ISBN 978-1-78191-122-8 | Hardback | 700 Pages | $49.99

Everyday Worship

Our Work, Heart and Jesus Trisha Wilkerson – a blogger for The Resurgence, a biblical counselor and women’s leader at Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington. We often leave God to the spiritual categories of our lives, seeing our daily occupations as just work. Here Trisha Wilkerson addresses the underlying issues that keep us from seeing that all of life is to be lived for God’s glory. ISBN 978-1-78191-155-6 | Large trade paperback | 224 Pages | $14.99

A Neglected Grace

Family Worship in the Christian Home Jason Helopoulos – Jason Helopoulos is assistant pastor at University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Michigan In this book Pastor Jason Helopoulos graciously calls church leaders and individual members to reclaim the practice of family worship as a glorious expression of our Christian faith. This indispensable means of grace directs our families to seek and enjoy the love and beauty of Christ daily. Jason lays out a biblical defense of family worship and provides plenty of wise and practical help for how to get started. C.J. Mahaney, Senior Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church Louisville, Kentucky ISBN 978-1-78191-203-4 | Trade paperback | 128 Pages | $10.99

The Ascension

Humanity in the Presence of God Tim Chester – The Porterbrook Network and The Crowded House, Sheffield Jonny Woodrow – Jonny Woodrow is the Associate Director of Porterbrook Seminary The ascended Jesus is King, Priest and man and he is still at work. Ultimately he is humanity in the presence of God. ISBN 978-1-78191-144-0 | Trade paperback | 96 Pages | $8.99

66 Books One Story

A Guide to Every Book of the Bible Paul Reynolds – Paul Reynolds is an Assistant Pastor at First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman. The Bible has one author - God - so we need to see the Bible as a whole, as God’s Word. In this overview each book is simply explained. ISBN 978-1-84550-819-7 | Larger format paperback | 240 Pages | $18.99 1

Adoniram Judson


A Fistful of Heroes

Radical Dating

Devoted for Life Vance Christie – pastor and author specialising in missionary biographies Explore the life of America’s first foreign missionary Adoniram Judson (1788-1850) who was devoted to serving God for over 38 years in Burma. God called him away from the safety of home to a dangerous life, from a possible life of prestige to a life of missionary service. ISBN 978-1-78191-147-1 | Trade paperback | 384 Pages | $14.99 Christians at the forefront of Change John Pollock – An award winning biographer John Pollock’s deft, biographical pen sweeps over great reformers, liberators and evangelists of the 18th and 19th centuries. ISBN 978-1-78191-204-1 | Trade paperback | 288 Pages | $14.99

Lamp Unto My Feet

How God has used His Word through the ages Peter Barnes – Pastor, Author, Lecturer, Revesby Presbyterian Church, Revesby, New South Wales, Australia Over a hundred bite-sized, thrilling, biographical sketches from a wide range of cultures, time, gifts and status show how God’s Word determined their story. ISBN 978-1-78191-121-1 | Large trade paperback | 384 Pages | $14.99

When God takes over your love life Diane Montgomery, Gabrielle Pickle and Sarah Bubar Fun but not flighty, this comprehensive, Bible-based guide gives candid, relatable insight on guys, dating, singleness, purity, and true love. ISBN 978-1-78191-058-0 | Trade paperback | 176 Pages | $10.99


How we can be sure of God’s love Frank Retief – Former Bishop of the Church of England in South Africa With helpful study questions this book helps you grasp the scale of what happens to those who turn to Christ, and find real assurance. ISBN 978-1-84550-970-5 | Pocket paperback | 144 Pages | $8.99

How Prayer Impacts Lives

To Walk Or Stay

Get Over It

He Gave Us a Valley

41 Christians and their Conversations with God Catherine MacKenzie Forty-one different people from various stages and backgrounds summarise what prayer means to them, how it has been their life strength and a direct communication to their Creator, Lord and Saviour. The theologian and the young mother; the entrepreneur and the charity worker; the doctor and the artist; the ex-muslim and the southern belle. ISBN 978-1-78191-131-0 | Large trade paperback 160 Pages | $12.99

Letting Go and Moving on with God Mary Whelchel – Mary Whelchel is founder of The Christian Working Woman Unrealistic expectations. Hurt feelings. False guilt. As we go about our daily lives, we are so often mired down in all kinds of joy-robbing thought patterns and unhealthy habits. But grounded in God’s Word, we can move on, set free from these burdens. Through more than 25 years of ministry, author Mary Whelchel has developed insightful wisdom for leading women to experience the true freedom of following Christ. ISBN 978-1-78191-145-7 | Trade paperback 160 Pages | $10.99


A Guide for Homesick Christians Rebecca VanDoodewaard – Rebecca VanDoodewaard is a freelance editor. VanDoodewaard offers practical guidance for those going through the life-changing experience of relocation. Remembering these times were often a catalyst for spiritual growth. ISBN 978-1-84550-964-4 | Pocket paperback | 112 Pages | $7.99

Trusting God through shattered hopes and suffocating fears Lara Williams – Lara Williams lives with her husband and three children in Greensboro, North Carolina. Lara gives tender guidance to any woman walking the unexpected paths of betrayal. She teaches and reminds readers that we are not in control, God is. ISBN 978-1-78191-128-0 | Trade paperback | 144 Pages | $12.99

Helen Roseveare – Former missionary in Congo, internationally respected speaker with WEC ministries and author Helen’s adventures of re-establishing the medical and church building work and that of forgiveness, necessary after the destruction of the civil war in Belgian Congo. ISBN 978-1-84550-190-7 | Large trade paperback | 192 Pages | $12.99

Puritan Portraits

The Mortification of Sin

The Life of God in the Soul of Man

The Art of Man-Fishing


Christ Crucified

Plight of Man And the Power of God

Not Against Flesh And Blood

Glory in the Glen

Daily Readings - The Puritans

J. I. Packer – Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, Canada Packer gives us profiles of Flavel, Boston, Bunyan, Henry, Scougal, Owen and Charnock and two closer portraits of William Perkins and Richard Baxter ISBN 978-1-84550-700-8 | Large trade paperback | 192 Pages | $14.99

Real Religion Henry Scougal – Henry Scougal died in 1657 at the age of 27 but by then he was already Professor of Divinity at Aberdeen University. Henry Scougal died in 1657. But his timeless classic provided much of the stimulation behind the Methodist Revival of Britain and the Great Awakening in America. ISBN 978-1-78191-107-5 | Trade paperback | 128 Pages | $10.99

Turning from sin to God Thomas Boston – Thomas Boston held a pastorate with a very small Congregation in Simprin, Scotland until 1707. One of the last great Puritan preachers, Thomas Boston brings us the most important message for every person, is that of the need for repentance. ISBN 978-1-84550-975-0 | Trade paperback | 256 Pages | $12.99

Martyn Lloyd-Jones Based on Romans chapter 1, this wonderful book will help you understand what the gospel is. You will want to hear its message again and again. ISBN 978-1-84550-736-7 | Trade paperback | 128 Pages | $10.99

Tom Lennie – author of ‘Glory in the Glen: A History of Evangelical Revivals in Scotland 1880-1940’ No nation on earth has a richer, more colourful, and more long-standing heritage of evangelical awakenings than Scotland. Fascinating, revealing and in some cases untold stories. ISBN 978-1-84550-377-2 | Large trade paperback | 512 Pages | $19.99

Dealing with sin in your life John Owen – John Owen (1616-1683) is amongst the best known of the Puritans. Owen believed that God, through his Word and Spirit, provided the guidelines and the power, for Christians to deal with their sinful tendencies and attitudes. ISBN 978-1-84550-977-4 | Trade paperback | 160 Pages | $10.99

How to reach the lost Thomas Boston – Thomas Boston held a pastorate with a very small Congregation in Simprin, Scotland until 1707. A clear and vigorous challenge to preachers and laymen to remain persistent in sharing the gospel with unsaved people. ISBN 978-1-78191-108-2 | Trade paperback | 96 Pages | $8.99

The once-for-all sacrifice Stephen Charnock – Stephen Charnock (1628-1680) was chaplain to the Governor of Ireland and Presbyterian minister in London. Jesus willingly submitted to the pain he knew he would go through, in order to bring us the blessings of a new covenant with God. ISBN 978-1-84550-976-7 | Trade paperback | 240 Pages | $12.99

Martyn Lloyd-Jones The confusion and chaos of present-day society can be traced to the destructive work of satan and we need to be on our guard. ISBN 978-1-84550-735-0 | Trade paperback | 112 Pages | $8.99

Edited by Randall Pederson Various – Daily wisdom from the Puritans. Here you will find renewed joy for your daily service. This beautifully presented gift edition has 12 months of readings. ISBN 978-1-84550-978-1 | | 396 Pages | $19.99


The Cross in the Experience of Our Lord

R A Finlayson – Roderick Alick Finlayson was minister in various Free Church congregations and lectured at the Free Church College in Systematic Theology. The significance and mystery of the cross focusing on 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 and Isaiah 53 applied in a compelling and deeply moving manner. ISBN 978-1-78191-149-5 | Trade paperback | 112 Pages | $8.99

Kingdom Come

The Amillennial Alternative Sam Storms – Pastor of Bridgeway Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Sam Storms provides a biblical rationale for amillennialism. “There is something in here to challenge and encourage us no matter our persuasion.” Justin Taylor, author and blogger ISBN 978-1-78191-132-7 | Large trade hardback | 592 Pages | $29.99

Taking the Bible At Its Word

Paul Wells – Adjunct dean of the Faculté Jean Calvin in Aix-en- Provence France God’s Word is unchanging and complete and He speaks to us through it today. Are we listening and taking it seriously? ISBN 978-1-84550-969-9 | Large trade paperback | 272 Pages | $14.99

Christian’s Pocket Guide to Being Made Right With God

Understanding Justification Guy Waters – Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi Liberating and transformational message of justification through faith in Christ alone. Sinful humans are declared not guilty through Christ’s atonement. ISBN 978-1-78191-109-9 | Pocket paperback | 96 Pages | $6.99


Confessing Jesus As Lord

Terry Chrisope – Professor of History and Bible at Missouri Baptist College, St Louis, Missouri. This lucid book provides a Biblical survey on the theme of Christ’s Lordship and how we can experience this as a living reality every day. ISBN 978-1-84550-962-0 | Large trade paperback | 352 Pages | $19.99

God Redeeming His Bride

A Handbook for Church Discipline Robert K. Cheong – Pastor of Care and Counseling, Sojourn Community Church, Louisville, Kentucky Highly practical and gracious advice on church discipline. Includes interviews with over 30 pastors from different countries and backgrounds. ISBN 978-1-84550-719-0 Large trade paperback 352 Pages | $17.99

Christian’s Pocket Guide to Growing in Holiness

Understanding Sanctifictication J V Fesko – Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Westminster Seminary in, Escondido, California How do believers grow in holiness? ‘Sanctification is by faith alone in Christ alone.’ Practical guidance. ISBN 978-1-84550-810-4 | Pocket paperback | 96 Pages | $6.99

Supernatural Living for Natural People

The Life-giving message of Romans 8 Ray Ortlund – The lead Pastor at Immanuel Church, Nashville, Tennessee In this perceptive book Ray Ortlund delves deeply into the spiritual gold of Romans 8. Our appreciation of these wonderful truths will be revitalised. ISBN 978-1-78191-139-6 | Large trade paperback | 144 Pages | $14.99

14 Words From Jesus

James Montgomery Boice – Late pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia Christ’s seven words from the cross and seven words of His words after the Resurrection give us a richer understanding of His saving love. ISBN 978-1-78191-205-8 | Trade paperback | 160 Pages | $12.99

The Cost of the Kingdom

Elliott Tepper – Founder and Director of Betel (WEC) and Pastor of Iglesia Betel, Madrid, Spain The cost of Christian discipleship pales into insignificance in light of Christ’s sacrifice for us. The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden. ISBN 978-1-78191-207-2 | Trade paperback | 128 Pages | $12.99

Revive Us Again

Biblical Principles for Revival Today Walter C. Kaiser Jr. – President Emeritus, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts. Revivals led by Moses and John the Baptist provide clear examples of what God can do. Read this book and prepare the way for revival. ISBN 978-1-85792-687-3 | Large trade paperback | 288 Pages | $14.99

Talking About Prayer

Richard Bewes – OBE, author and retired rector of All Souls Church, Langham Place, London Simple guidelines for your prayer life and for use in churches and fellowship groups. Stand alone chapters allow the reader to dip in at random. ISBN 978-1-78191-206-5 | Trade paperback | 144 Pages | $12.99

Coping With Change Ecclesiastes

Walter C. Kaiser Jr. – President Emeritus, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, Massachusetts. Walter Kaiser mines the riches of Ecclesiastes to reveal that the Lord is the source of true and lasting joy. ISBN 978-1-78191-062-7 | Trade paperback | 208 Pages | $12.99

Created to Praise

Derek Prime – Author and former pastor of Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh As humans we are created to praise God in everyday life, trials, death and then heaven. Written in a heartwarming and encouraging style. ISBN 978-1-78191-236-2 | Trade paperback | 128 Pages | $12.99

The Lamb Wins

A Guided Tour Through the Book of Revelation Richard Bewes – OBE, author and retired rector of All Souls Church, Langham Place, London Richard Bewes explains the great themes and landmarks of the book of Revelation that is the message of Christ to every generation of believers. ISBN 978-1-85792-597-5 | Trade paperback | 160 Pages | $12.99


Simple teaching on simply preaching Alec Motyer – Well known Bible expositor and commentary writer Advice from an experienced Bible expositor helps you to make the best of the gifts God has given you in your preaching. ISBN 978-1-78191-130-3 | Trade paperback | 192 Pages | $14.99


Teaching Numbers

From Text to Message Adrian Reynolds – Director of Ministry, The Proclamation Trust & Associate Minister, East London Tabernacle. The Book of Numbers follows the Journey of the Israelite people between the Exodus from Egypt. Discover how God speaks even in the wilderness! ISBN 978-1-78191-156-3 | Trade paperback | 304 Pages | $14.99

The Wisdom And the Folly Dale Ralph Davis – Well respected author and Bible expositor Davis’ pastoral application, laced with his own humor and illustrations ensure you remember the point he tackled head on as a scholar. ISBN 978-1-84550-251-5 | Large trade paperback | 352 Pages | $17.99

Introducing Numbers

2 Samuel - Focus on the Bible

Introducing Romans

Judges - Focus on the Bible

Adrian Reynolds – Director of Ministry, The Proclamation Trust & Associate Minister, East London Tabernacle. This short book will not take long to read, but will be a great help to all those seeking to understand the book of Numbers. ISBN 978-1-78191-158-7 | | 96 Pages | $4.99

Christopher Ash – Director, Cornhill Training Course, London This introduction will be a great help to all those who seek to understand the book of Romans better. ISBN 978-1-78191-233-1 | | 0 Pages | $4.99

The Ministry Medical

A health-check from 2 Timothy Jonathan Griffiths – Tutor, Cornhill Training Course This book, of 36 chapters that each form a chapter, is a prompt and refresher for any pastor-teacher at any stage of ministry. ISBN 978-1-78191-232-4 | Trade paperback | 144 Pages | $12.99


1 Kings - Focus on the Bible

Out of Every Adversity Dale Ralph Davis – Well respected author and Bible expositor Lessons from Israel and David have obvious modern parallels. Davis writes with a pastor’s heart AND the incisive brain of a respected theologian. ISBN 978-1-84550-270-6 | Large trade paperback | 336 Pages | $17.99

Such a Great Salvation Dale Ralph Davis – Well respected author and Bible expositor Davis makes Judges digestible by analysing the major literary and theological themes discovered in each section, providing a ‘theocentric’ exposition. ISBN 978-1-84550-138-9 | Large trade paperback | 240 Pages | $15.99

1 & 2 Peter & Jude

Christian Living in an age of Suffering Paul Gardner – Senior Minister, Christ Church Presbyterian, Atlanta, Georgia These books of the Bible address Christians that have known suffering. With a message that Christ has not and will not abandon them. ISBN 978-1-78191-129-7 | Large trade paperback | 416 Pages | $19.99

CF4Kids C.S. Lewis

Can You Imagine? Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor Find out how the little boy, C S Lewis, grew up to be one of the best known children’s writers of the 20th century. ISBN 978-1-78191-160-0 Hardback | 24 Pages | $7.99

Gladys Aylward

Are You Going to Stop? Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor The story of a little girl from London who grew up to become a missionary in China, started an orphanage, and escaped a war zone. ISBN 978-1-78191-161-7 Hardback | 0 Pages | $7.99

God Is King

My God Is So Big

The Bible’s Big Story

What Is the Gospel?

Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor Sing the song and read the story. Jesus is the King of Kings, Creator, Saviour, Son of God and we can be friends with him. ISBN 978-1-78191-133-4 Paperback | 40 Pages | $7.99

Salvation History for Kids James M. Hamilton Jr. – Associate Professor of Biblical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky With easily remembered rhymes and Bible verses, children are taken through salvation history from Creation onwards. These short poems summarize turning points in the Bible’s storyline. ISBN 978-1-78191-162-4 24 Pages | $4.99

Words About God

Nicholas Choy – Nicholas Choy is a graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois, and an architect who lives in London, UK. Every child needs to know about God. Words like merciful, faithful, holy and gracious will help children worship the one true God. ISBN 978-1-84550-778-7 Hardback | 56 Pages | $9.99

Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor This is a great book which teaches children about the strength of God. Learn about our amazing world and our amazing God! ISBN 978-1-85792-739-9 Paperback | 40 Pages | $5.99

Mandy Groce – Mandy is a wife, mother and part-time illustrator who occasionally writes stories for her children and others. The gospel is the good news that, even though we sin and have disobeyed God, we can have life and joy as part of his kingdom. ISBN 978-1-84550-820-3 Paperback | 16 Pages | $4.99

The New Children’s Bible

Anne De Vries – A native of the Netherlands, he was one of the twentieth century’s most prolific writers for children This popular Bible, written for children, is designed to be enjoyed by children as well as adults who read it to them. ISBN 978-1-85792-838-9 Hardback | 288 Pages | $15.99


Facing Lions

J. R. Williamson & R. M. Freedman Meet people from the early church who stood up to opposition from the devil, who is like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. ISBN 978-1-78191-153-2 | Trade paperback | 112 Pages | $8.99

Nate Saint

Operation Auca Nancy Drummond – Nancy Drummond lived and ministered for many years with her parents who were missionaries in Jamaica. The story of Nate Saint, a missionary pilot, who was killed along with four others while bringing God’s Word to the elusive Auca tribe in Ecuador. ISBN 978-1-84550-979-8 | Pocket paperback | 160 Pages | $8.99

Fanny Crosby

The Blind Girl’s Song Lucille Travis – Lucille Travis has written several books for children, held children’s writing workshops, taught college-level English, and lectured on Christian literature The story of a little blind girl who grew up to be a talented poet and musician. The hymns she wrote are still being sung today. ISBN 978-1-78191-163-1 | Mass market paperback | 176 Pages | $8.99

How God Changes People

Carine MacKenzie – Best-selling author of children’s books, Inverness, Scotland Find out how the lives of people in the Bible were changed by God through his Word. Read about Zacchaeus, Paul, Lydia and many others. ISBN 978-1-84550-822-7 | Hardback | 48 Pages | $9.99


Fighting Wolves

J. R. Williamson & R. M. Freedman Meet those in the early church who fought for God’s truth and stood up to the false teachers described by Paul as ‘savage wolves’. ISBN 978-1-78191-154-9 | Trade paperback | 112 Pages | $8.99

Witness Men

True Stories of God at Work in Papua, Indonesia Rebecca Davis – A writer and teacher who lives in Greenville, South Carolina, U.S.A. True missionary stories which took place throughout the highlands of Papua, Indonesia from 1955 to 2010, when one of the tribes received their first New Testaments. ISBN 978-1-84550-972-9 | Trade paperback | 144 Pages | $8.99

John Knox

The Sharpened Sword Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor The story of John Knox who went from being a bodyguard to a preacher of God’s Word. He stood with his convictions - biblical and political. ISBN 978-1-78191-057-3 | Pocket paperback | 176 Pages | $8.99

Jesus Christ to the Rescue

Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor Jesus Christ has come to the rescue. He came to save people from sin and help them know God his Father. He came to rescue you. ISBN 978-1-84550-973-6 | Paperback | 64 Pages | $7.99


Getting to the Heart of Personal Prayer and Bible Study Jo Boddam-Whetham – Jo BoddamWhetham lives near Carlisle with her husband Tudor and her three children. Before becoming a mum she worked as a youth and children’s worker in various churches. Reading the Bible and praying is not about making God love you more, but allowing your love for God to grow and spill over in your life. ISBN 978-1-78191-125-9 Trade paperback | 192 Pages | $9.99

Rebels Rescued

A Student’s Guide to Reformed Theology Brian Cosby – Brian H. Cosby is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America. Reformed theology teaches that only God can take our sinful hearts and replace them with ones that desire to seek and follow him. ISBN 978-1-84550-980-4 | Trade paperback | 112 Pages | $8.99

Antarctic Adventures

Emerald Isle Adventures

Love Is


You Asked

How to be a Bible Warrior

Bartha Hill – Author and journalist living in New Zealand Find out about the beauty of God’s creation and the history of explorers in Antarctica, as well as learning what God can teach you about himself. ISBN 978-1-78191-135-8 | Large trade paperback | 96 Pages | $8.99

Laura Martin – Laura Martin lives in New Zealand and homeschools her children. Find out what love really is and about the One who is love and gave it to us in the first place. ISBN 978-1-84550-971-2 | Trade paperback | 176 Pages | $8.99

Your Questions. God’s Answers. William Edgar – Professor of Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Twenty four questions which are often asked by young adults are given a biblical, common sense unpatronising answer. For example, “Can we trust the Bible?” ISBN 978-1-78191-143-3 | Large trade paperback | 272 Pages | $15.99

Robert Plant – Children’s evangelist and author Read about the Emerald Isle which has been divided by man, but one that has much to teach us about the power of God. ISBN 978-1-78191-136-5 | Large trade paperback | 96 Pages | $8.99

L H Martin – L H Martin lives in New Zealand and is a homeschooler. If we have put our trust in the Lord Jesus, we have a mission which he has commanded about honouring him in the way we live. ISBN 978-1-78191-120-4 | Trade paperback | 176 Pages | $8.99

Catherine MacKenzie – Author and CF4K Editor Learn about how God wants us to fight evil, to stand up for the truth, trust in him to be our Lord, Leader, Defender and Victor. ISBN 978-1-78191-231-7 | Trade paperback | 128 Pages | $8.99


God Answers Prayer for Girls

God Answers Prayer for Boys

Glorifying God

My First Book About the Bible

Irene Howat – an award-winning author who is has written several books for children and adults. Stories from the Bible and from the lives of believers, help girls understand how God answered prayers for them and can answer our prayers too. ISBN 978-1-78191-151-8 | Trade paperback | 96 Pages | $8.99

Obedient Lives from the Bible Carine MacKenzie – Best-selling author of children’s books, Inverness, Scotland Find out about the ten commandments, God’s rules for our lives and about the only one who kept them, Jesus Christ, God’s Son. ISBN 978-1-78191-124-2 | Trade paperback | 96 Pages | $7.99

God’s Special Tent

The Story of the Tabernacle and What Came After Jean Stapleton – Jean Stapleton made nursing her career before she became a wife and a mother. Find out how the Israelites made the tabernacle and what was placed inside. Learn how it was used and what it taught the people about Jesus. ISBN 978-1-84550-811-1 | Paperback | 52 Pages | $8.99

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Irene Howat – an award-winning author who is has written several books for children and adults. Stories from the Bible and from the lives of believers, help boys understand how God answered prayers for them and can answer our prayers too. ISBN 978-1-78191-152-5 | Trade paperback | 96 Pages | $8.99

Carine MacKenzie – Best-selling author of children’s books, Inverness, Scotland Teaches children that God’s Word is true, eternal, pure, living, perfect, inspired and without error. It is seed, a sword, a fire and spiritual food. ISBN 978-1-78191-123-5 | | 64 Pages | $3.99

The Golden Chariot

By Kids from around the world Edited by Jen Kallmier Exciting, true stories, written by modern day kids whose parents are part of the missionary organisation WEC International, which is now 100 years old. ISBN 978-1-84550-981-1 | Trade paperback | 144 Pages | $8.99

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