2 minute read
• Mobilising others refers the ability to involve others in the entrepreneurial project (stakeholders) in a way that generates participation and adherence to the initiative. This term is associated with interpersonal skills (Hood and Young, 1993; Vesper & McMullan, 1988; cited in Mitchelmore & Rowley, 2010) which are defined as a set of habits and behaviours aimed at achieving the necessary interaction for the development of the venture. • Persuasion: Persuasion means the communicating behaviours that a message sender performs to influence a message receiver’s attitude by language or non-language manners (Dillard & Pfau, 2002). It consists of convincing others about the value of ideas and opportunities and that they exist/can be created (Dorado, 2005). • Negotiation: process of joint decision making. It is communication, direct or tacit, between individuals who are trying to forge an agreement for mutual benefit (Peyton Young, 1991). • Interpersonal skills: those that involve customers and other stakeholders in the process of finding the solution to an opportunity, and this goes beyond the simple commercial interaction with clients (Lackéus et al., 2020). Hint: • Inspire, enthuse and get others on board
• Inspire and enthuse relevant stakeholders • Get the support needed to achieve valuable outcomes • Demonstrate effective communication, persuasion, negotiation and leadership. Thread FOUNDATION Discover – Explore Relying on support from others INTERMEDIATE Experiment-Dare Building independence ADVANCED Improve-Reinforce Taking responsibility EXPERT Expand-Transform Driving transformation, innovation and growth
Inspire and get inspired Get inspired by role models and success cases, and learn from these cases what is relevant to my circumstances.
Inspire others by example or by showing the way forward.
Inspire others, even in adverse, uncertain or challenging circumstances. Maintain momentum with my team, partners and stakeholders along extended periods of time, even when the going gets tough.
Persuade and negotiate
Communicate effectively
Persuade others by
providing arguments
and evidence for these arguments.
Explain the main metrics for effective communication.
Persuade others by
appealing to their emotions.
I can communicate my ideas clearly to others, to different audiences with simplicity and elegance.
Communicate imaginative design solutions.
Communicate my ideas clearly to others
in written and oral forms, in a variety of ways (posters, videos, role-plays) and types of presentations (pitches, pep talks, formal or informal presentations).
Create a call to action and get stakeholders on board. Prepare and develop a good
negotiation strategy
(following ethical rules for negotiation; e.g., without manipulation nor coercion).
Take the lead of the social
conversation in the community that my idea is targeted at via high impact channels (press, trade journals, conferences, community platforms…)
Build narratives and
stories that provide meaning and motivate, persuade and inspire.
Use media effectively Provide examples of
inspiring communication
campaigns and learn from them. Use of social media appropriately, with awareness of my audience and purpose.
Design effective social-media
campaigns to mobilise people in relation to my (my team’s) valuecreating activity. Effectively design communication strategies to mobilize people in relation to my value- creating activity.