JESUS: GOD UNWRAPPED It was not how he had planned it should happen. No reasonable husband expected his wife to be away from her home and family when their baby was about to be born. And Joseph was in every way a reasonable husband. What kind of an environment is this for your firstborn child to enter the world? Cattle and their food littered the stable, not to mention the other more unsavoury odours that their dung created. But it would have to do because time was not on their side. Mary by now was deep into her labour pains and though it was the first time she had given birth, she knew it wouldn’t be long before this child would leave the safety and sanctity of her body and join the ranks of the human race. Those final moments seemed like endless hours and not just a matter of minutes as Joseph, a humble carpenter from Nazareth, watched his wife bravely give birth to their first child, Jesus. All of a sudden the surroundings, though they were still completely unsatisfactory, mattered far less, as together Mary and Joseph were caught up with this beautiful and vulnerable bundle of love in their arms.
Joseph had wanted so much more, so much better for his amazing wife and their priceless son. He was now a father and felt the natural and instinctive protective feelings any father would feel. Even as a carpenter he had wanted something better for his son, a better place to begin life. Yet hovering over that strange but wonderful scene was the presence of the child’s real father. This father had planned exactly where this should take place, where His son would be born, something Joseph would maybe later begin to understand.
DECEMBER IGNITE YOUTH dept. If you are aged 11-18 join us for our annual Christmas ball, it’s not one to miss, bring a friend...and it’s free!
Sunday 2nd December 6.30pm at The Centre
DECEMBER ENGAGE MONTHLY: ‘GOD & SUFFERING - GUEST TIM ALFORD Tuesday December 4th 7.30pm @ The Church Engage monthly is a monthly event where our young adults join together over free food and discussion. This month we have our in-house live band and are joined by Tim Alford from the 40:3 Trust bringing us his Big Questions seminar on God & Suffering. If you are between the ages of 18-30 and would like to come along please feel free to just turn up. If you want to know more about Engage monthly please speak to Mike Nicholls or Phil & Grace
ST. ANDREWS CHRISTIAN BOOKSHOP OPEN DAY Wednesday 5th December 9.30am -7pm @ St. Andrews Bookshop Bournville An open day for members of CLC to purchase Christmas gifts with 10% discount. Shop team leader, Liz Hunting, will be hosting the day with coffee and mince pies. You will find the store just beyond Cadbury’s at 216 Maryvale Road, Bournville, B30 1PJ. Tel: 0121 459 7000 or email: birmingham
PRIMETIME CHRISTMAS MEAL Thursday 6th December10.30am @ Holme Lacey Prime Time will be enjoying a special festive day including lunch at Holme Lacey House Hotel in Hereford on Thursday 6th December. The coach will leave the church at 10.30am arriving at Holme Lacey at 11.45am and we will be arriving back at the church for 5.15pm. Please speak to Lorna Browne for further details of the day.
PHOTOGRAPHY LIFEGROUP There will not be a meeting of the Photography Group in December. However, the group are currently working on a couple of winter projects entitled: ‘Winter Season’: Please capture some striking winter morning scenes. The second/ alternative project is entitled: ‘How Britain works’: Taking a look at life in the workplace in various industries. Please come ready for our next meeting on Thursday 3rd January to share your pictures. Speak to Vic Nicholls for further details.
DECEMBER YOUTH MOVIE NIGHT Friday 7th December 7.30pm @ The Church If you are aged 11-16 this evening is for you! For one night only we will be taking over the church and transforming it into a movie theatre. We will have a selection of films for you to choose and we will be running a cafe full of all your favourite snacks. If you would like to find out more, please speak to either Pastor Mark Savage or Youth Intern Dave Grogan.
HEALING ON THE STREETS Saturday 8th December 10.30am @ Northfield (outside High Street Post Office) If you have received training for this ministry, please consider joining with Jean and the team this month to share the love of God in praying for those who are need of healing on the high street in Northfield. If you are not trained but would like to come along to support the team you are welcome. If you are able to bring along a box of mince pies to share too that would be great! Please contact Jean Perini for further information about the ministry on: 07737117321. The next meeting for the team will be on Saturday 19th January 2013.
INSPIRE LIFEGROUP Saturday 8th December 12pm @ The House of Fraser Inspire will be enjoying a Christmas meal together on Saturday 8th December at House of Fraser, meeting at 12pm in the sixth floor restaurant. The cost of the meal is: £8.50 for lunch or £9.50 with dessert. See Pauline Drummond for further details.
CAROLS IN THE PARK Saturday 8th December 5pm @ Selly Oak Park, Gibbins Road This is a joint carol singing event in conjunction with other local churches and community groups in the local area. Please join with us to sing of our Saviour’s birth, and remember to wrap up warm!
ACT FOR JUSTICE Wednesday 12th December 7.30pm @ The Lifehouse Lounge Our Act for Justice group aims to aid and support the ministry Hope for Justice who work towards ending modern day slavery in the UK. The group meets monthly on a Wednesday. If you would like to know more or would like to get involved, please see Zena Hollins.
ARK APPEAL CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS On the evenings of our Christmas production (Sat 15th & Sunday 16th December) we will be taking up a special offering which will go towards supporting the valuable work that is being done at Townsend Gardens. They have recently approached us for financial help in order to assist them in creating some starter packs of basic household goods to equip the girls as they leave and find new accommodation. Thank you for giving generously to these special offerings this Christmas time. We believe that our giving will communicate a message of love and hope for all.
GIFT VOUCHERS Other ways that we are seeking to be a blessing is buying gifts for the residents of Townsend Gardens which provides hostel accommodation for young girls that are estranged from their families. Some of the girls have been attending the Drop-In each week and we are building relationships with them. We have produced gift vouchers to the value of ÂŁ5 & ÂŁ10, which you can support us in purchasing to enable us to buy small gifts which will be delivered to them just before Christmas.
SEASONAL HAMPERS We are looking to give seasonal items of food in a small hamper to each person who comes to the Christmas party. If you could help by donating items such as small boxes of chocolates, small boxes of biscuits, mince pies, Christmas crackers or other such items that would be appreciated.
DECEMBER DROP IN CHRISTMAS PARTY Thursday 13th December 11am - 2pm @ The Centre The ARK Drop-In team are preparing for a special Christmas party for those who have been regularly coming along each week to the Drop-In. We have an amazing team of volunteers who are committed to sharing the love of God each week in this practical ministry. Please pray that this event will provide a great opportunity to communicate news of the greatest gift of all! *Please note that drop in will continue to run over the Christmas period except Thursday 27th December.
PRAYER FOR OUTREACH MINISTRIES Friday 14th December 7pm @ The Lifehouse The group meets on the second Friday of each month to pray for the various outreach ministries that operate out of CLC. Please feel free to join us. For more information speak to Pastor Emmanuel.
IGNITE MENTORING Wednesday 19th December 7pm @ The Lifehouse This is a ‘Just Looking’ event for anybody interested in becoming a mentor for a member of the youth here at CLC. This is an opportunity to hear something of the vision for the mentoring programme and get an insight into what we do.
CH -CHURCH CE -CENTRE LH -LIFEHOUSE 3 7pm Intercessors (CH) 7.15pm Worship Team (CH)
4 10am Oasis Coffee Shop (LH) 10.30am Lifegroup (CH) 7.30pm Engage Monthly with Tim Alford (CH) 7.30pm Lifegroups (various)
5 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 9.30am - 7pm St Andrews Bookshop CLC open day 7pm Core (CE)
6 11am Drop in 11am Job Clu 12.45 CAMEO 10.30am Prim 6pm Led by th
10 7pm Intercessors (CH) 7.15pm Worship Team (CH)
11 10am Oasis Coffee Shop (LH) 10.30am Lifegroup (CH) 7.30pm Lifegroups (various)
12 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 7pm Core (CE) 7.30pm Act for Justice (LH)
13 11am Drop in 11am Job Clu 12.45 CAMEO 6pm Led by th
17 7pm Intercessors (CH) 7.15pm Worship Team (CH)
18 19 10.30am Lifegroup (CH) 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 7.30pm Lifegroups (various) 7pm Core (CE) 7pm Just Looking Mentoring (LH)
20 11am Drop in 11am Job Clu 12.45 CAMEO
25 CHRISTMAS DAY 11am Christmas Service
n (CE) ub (LH) O (CH) mtime he Star (CH)
n Party (CE) ub (LH) O (CH) he Star (CH)
n (CE) ub (LH) O (CH)
2 9/11.15am Worship Service (CH) 6.30pm Evening Service (CH)
7 6.30am Early Morning Prayer (CH) 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 6pm Kidzone (CE) 7pm Youth Movie Night (CH)
8 10am Healing on the Streets (Northfield) 12pm Inspire (House of Fraser) 5pm Carols in the Park (Selly Oak Park)
9 9/11.15am Worship Service (CH) 6.30pm Evening Service (CH)
14 6.30am Early Morning Prayer (CH) 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 6pm Kidzone (CE) 7pm Prayer for Outreach Ministries (LH)
15 6 6.30pm Led by the Star (CH) 9/11.15am Worship Service (CH) 6.30pm Led by the Star (CH)
21 6.30am Early Morning Prayer (CH)
23 9/11.15am Worship Service with Childrens Nativity (CH) 6.30pm Carols by Candlelight (CH)
30 10.30am New Year Worship Service
CHRISTMAS @ CLC CHRISTMAS CLOSURES & RE-OPENINGS During the Christmas period our usual weekly programme shuts down. Please make a note of the dates provided below. GROUP
18th December
22nd January
14th December
18th January
Cosy Toes
19th December
16th January
11th December
15th January
Youth Church
23rd December
13th January
19th December
16th January
17th December
14th January
Worship Team
17th December
14th January
20th December
3rd January
SUNDAY SERVICES IN DECEMBER JESUS: GOD UNWRAPPED... ‘He is more than a baby and more than a man. He is God, who came to us in human form.’ This is our theme this Christmas and we will be exploring it together on Sunday mornings during December.
LED BY THE STAR Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th December 6.30pm @ The Church This year we look forward to a Christmas production that will be a treat for young and old alike. Sue and the production team have worked very hard to bring together a team of children, young people and adults to share the Christmas message in drama and song. Please take this opportunity to invite friends and family to this event which showcases the wonderful message of the gospel. The production will be performed on two consecutive evenings, Sunday evening being a repeat performance.
CHILDREN'S NATIVITY PLAY Sunday 23rd December 9am & 11.15am @ The Church We all love to see our children enact the Christmas story, and we look forward to this during our morning services on the weekend before Christmas. Please note the following message from Sue Nicholls the Children’s Leader:“Could any teachers and helpers who are available to assist with the children on the morning of the nativity play, please come to either the 9am or 11.15am service. However, If your child is in the play please just drop off your child at least half and hour before the service and leave them with their teachers.” A DVD of the children's nativity will be available to purchase for £3. Please put names in reception. *If anyone has any old cd's or DVD's that we can use for a Christmas craft please can you bring them to church ASAP and leave on reception or see Sue or Amanda. Thank you.
CHRISTMAS @ CLC CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT Sunday 23rd December 6.30pm @ The Church A special evening for all to enjoy with traditional Christmas carols and readings by candlelight.
CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE Tuesday 25th December 11am @ The Church A joyful Christmas morning celebration for all the family to enjoy. A chance to sing a carol or two and for the children to show us their presents!
NEW YEAR WORSHIP SERVICE Sunday 30th December 10.30am @ The Church A New Year worship service. Please note there is only one service on this day, and that the meeting will be held at a different time to normal, 10.30am.
JANUARY IGNITE LIVE Sunday 6th January 6.30pm @ The Church Kick off the new year with a bang and join us for our monthly youth service. This month we will be joined by guest speaker Sarah Parker from Father House in Lancaster.
LIFE STUDIES *Please note there is NO Life Studies meeting in January. Our next meeting will be Sunday February 3rd.
IGNITE CAFE Starting Friday 18th January 8-10pm @ The Centre If you’re 11-18 join us for the re-launch of Ignite Cafe for music, games, theme nights and cafe. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend to church in a relaxed and chilled out way. For more information please speak to Mark
IGNITE CORE Wednesdays 7-9pm @ The Centre Ignite core is a discipleship based group for young people to explore faith. It runs Wednesdays from 7pm, with snacks and games! For more information please see Mark Savage or Dave Grogan.
JANUARY LIFEGROUP LEADERS Tuesday 15th January 7.30pm @ The Lifehouse There will be a meeting for all of our Life Group Leaders with Pastor Emmanuel in the Life House the week before the groups re-commence following the Christmas break. Please contact him if you are not able to attend.
PRIMETIME Thursday 17th January 2pm @ The Church Prime Time’s meeting in the New Year is scheduled for 17th January with specially invited guests Margaret and Euguene Schellenberg from the Ifakara Bakery Project, which is a self funding charity which provides bread for the needy. This is an ideal opportunity to invite a friend. Please do come along and support this event. There will be an entrance fee of £1.50 with all of the proceeds going to the work of the charity.
CAR PARK SECURITY TEAM Our Car Park Security team are working together to provide a safe place for us to park and leave our cars during our Sunday services while we worship together. Paul Drew who is leading the group has requested that if anyone has a baby monitoring system that they no longer have need of, the team would be able to put it to good use to help with communicating with team members. Please contact him if you can help: 0121 694 0129 / 07791 204 441.
Worship Service including communion and a Children’s programme
Celebration Service including Youth & Children’s programme
Celebration Service including prayer ministry
At the junction of Bristol Road & Langleys Road 900 Bristol Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6HW
Offices: 2-6 Frederick Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6PB Phone: 0121 471 3677