Winter 2014

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Who We Are Christian Surfers is open to everyone; men, women, youth, boys, girls and families who desire to share God’s love through their actions towards surfers. We are an outreach where we care for surfers at the beach, at surf contests and at special events. Although we do surf and have surfers involved you do not need to be a surfer to serve God. Please take a moment to pray for our group and see if you, or any of your friends or family, feel drawn into our mission field. If you have any questions feel free to approach any of the CS guys or gals at the events or e-mail us. Monthly Events We meet each month, either in front of First Peak, at Sebastian Inlet State Park or at contest sites. We arrive at different times according to the tide or contest start times, we set up our tent and coolers and we serve those around us. We either help the contest get set up and broken down or we help beachgoers who are carrying arms full of chairs, umbrellas and coolers. In between we surf, pass out snacks or drinks and CS stuff. Afterwards, we gather for a devotion and discuss upcoming events and opportunities to serve others. Our devotions are very casual and geared towards first timers and Bible scholars alike, ok not Bible scholars. All are welcome to hear God’s word and ask questions like, “What does that have to do with me?”. Special Events We try and pack up the vans and see our local sites. The wave pool in Orlando is obviously a favorite as well as our Summer Surf Jam where we jam as many kids into two vans and travel up coast and camp our way back home while surfing as many breaks a possible. We also serve at the Surf Expo two times a year providing daily coffee and donuts as well as man power on the last day of the show to help the industry pack up after a long week. There are lots of ways to be involved. We serve at National and Regional Contests: ASF Contests, NSSA Southeast Contests, NSSA East Coast Championships, Quiksilver King of the Peak, Gnarly Charley Surf Series, Walking on Water Tour, Rip Curl Grom Search… Get plugged at: / or e-mail us at

Age: 15 Hometown: Mel Beach Nickname: Chaun Cho Favorite (local) surf spot: Sebastian inlet is my favorite spot in the world. Sponsors: Reef, Gordzilla Shapes, Grom Social What kind/size board are you currently riding: Gordzilla 5’4” x 17” x 2” Where would you like to travel to surf: I’d love to go to Indonesia. I always see clips of guys getting tubed off their socks. Favorite place to eat breakfast: Home. I make a great omelet Do you have any phobias: Sharkaphobia. It means I’m scared of sharks ha ha ha Favorite movie: John John’s new movie is ridiculous and I would say it is my favorite besides Walking on Water. How old were you when you started surfing: I started surfing when I was about 7 and my dad wash pushing me into ankle biters on my boogie board at Blind Pass, Sanibel on the West Coast of Florida. How has your brother Wiley influenced your surfing: Wiley is always pushing things to the next level and he motivates me to do the same Local hero: Dave Speir! Whenever I watch him surf I try to push myself to surf like him. Who do you like to surf with: Mostly friends and groms! What do you do when it is flat: I like to skate and hang out with friends. Do you have any pets: I have a dog name Mick. He CHARGES the beach! Recommended reading: The new Surfer Magazine is pretty rad haha What music is on your playlist right now: I listen to everything. Mostly anything that will get me pumped up to do an air. What surfers do you look up[ to: I really look up to Tommy Coleman and Blake Speir. They redefine what an 11 year old can do. Who has influenced your life the most: My parents. They are the reason I am where I am. Jesus is: LOVE!

Check out page 6 to see how Chauncey did at the recent ASF Championships that were held at Sebastian Inlet this past October.

C.J. Hobgood joins DFS To Promote Drug-Free Lifestyle DF S h a s a n n o u n ce d t o d a y t h a t 2 00 1 A SP W or ld Tou r Ch am p ion C. J . Ho b good h a s j o i n e d t h e D FS M o v e m e n t T ea m. C li fton J am e s “ C . J . ” Hob go od o f Sat el li te Be ach , F lor id a h a s b e en a Wo rld T ou r Su r f er s in c e 19 99 an d won th e W orl d Tou r C h a mp i on sh i p in 2 00 1. Hob good joi n s oth e r Wo rld Tou r p r o s l ik e Br ett Si m p son an d T ra vi s Log ie on t h e D FS Mo v e m en t T ea m . C . J. e xp la in s, ” Su rfin g sa v ed my li f e fr o m a wo rld o f d ru g s a n d an yth in g u n h ea lth y. I lo v ed su r fin g so mu ch I d id n ’t wan t to d o an yt h in g th a t wou ld ru in it an d ta k e th a t ex p er i en c e away . ” H ob g ood con tin u e s, ” If D FS can h elp r em in d k id s o f th i s an d th e rea li ty th a t su r fin g co u l d b e sn at ch e d away f ro m t h e m i f d o in g d ru g s, th en I ’m in . ” Hob g ood , i s n o s tran g er to g r eat cau s e s, C. J . a ls o s u r f s an d sp r ead s t h e wo rd ab ou t th e b attl e s of su ic id e, d e p re s s ion a n d ad d ic tio n t h rou g h an o th er o rg an iz ation , “ To Wr it e L o ve on He r A r m s ” , C. J . say s, “ I h a ve b e en wo rkin g wi th TW LO HA f or man y y ea r s n o w an d I ’v e h a d man y h ea vy d i s c u s si on s wi th p eop le al l ov er th e wo rld ab ou t t h e s e p rob le m s . ” “ I f e e l c om f orta b l e i n l i st en in g to th e ir st or ie s an d g i vin g th e m t h e ou t le t to te ll th ei r sto ri e s, ju st fo r th e m to h a ve s o me on e to tal k t o can ch an g e t h e ir li v e s. ” DF S fou n d e r Jo h n Sal an oa, “ W e a re so lu cky t o h a v e so m eo n e l ik e C. J. jo in t h e t ea m. Wh en I re c ei v ed th e e mai l b a ck f ro m C. J. th a t h e w a s on b oar d I k n e w w e w er e h ead ed to t h e n ex t l e v el . Ha v in g so m eon e lik e h i m an d a Wor ld Ch a mp i on wi ll d efi n it el y h e lp u s g et th e word o u t, th a t t h er e i s an oth er way to li v e w ith in th i s ext r e me sp ort s li f e sty le . ” Sa lan oa c on tin u e s, “ I t tak e s a l ot for th e se gu y s to st ep u p an d p l ac e sti ck er s on th e ir b oa rd s to sh o w su p p ort an d fo r th e gro m s to s ee . T h e im p ac t C .J . is go in g to h a ve on k i d s a s th ey se e th at s tic ke r on h i s b oard i s i m m ea su rab l e . ” For more information on DFS log onto: For more information on TWLOHA log onto:


Sebastian Inlet surfers stand at the top

Young Tommy Coleman continues his domination. Tommy won both Boys Under 12 and Under 14 divisions.

The "second time was a charm" as they say, and it was for the ASF's Atlantic Surfing Championships this past October, as the top qualifiers from the Eastern US gathered once again at the fabled surfing theater in Sebastian Inlet, Florida. As it is with this competitive sport we call amateur surfing, the conditions were far from epic, but with the experienced athletes in this event, they know only too well that one can never expect zenith conditions at any event, from the ASF to the WCT, and they responded. Being able to showcase their full skill level was challenging with the conditions they were given, but they adapted. It was evident by the performance witnessed, why they qualified for this modern showcase championship event. There were maximum scores from small conditions, a top flight ASP Judging Panel, led by ASF Head Judge, Gordon Lawson, and awards were given to the athletes who showed commitment and power in less than stellar conditions. "In my 25 years, I've had the opportunity to direct at many venues, and I have witnessed and dealt with a lot of situations. However, while we weren't even close to calling it, as sometimes happens, my focus was turned in another direction. This year's crop of athletes was more impressive than any other. When it came to facing conditions without negativity, studying what they had to work with, and getting their act together, these athletes were definitely some of the best", said ASF Competition Director, Brian Broom. "We had a bump here and there, but our expert judging panel adjusted the criteria, and rewarded risk and successful effort in these conditions. The stoke on the beach from the kids, parents, and spectators reinforces my belief in our modern, progressive program, our 20 minute, 4-man heats, and my commitment to making sure that the kid in the US is taught the same as the kid in France, New Zealand, or Australia. This has been a belief of mine for many years, and I shall never tire of saying it. I owe huge thanks to so many, and I consider it an honor to direct this program, and the Atlantic Surfing Championships." Julie Hume Source: Atlantic Surfing Fed.

Caroline Marks took down each heat she entered and took home the trifecta. Caroline won the Girls Under 12, Under 16 and Under 18 divisions. Caroline is 11 years old.

Chauncey Robinson had a great final and ran away with the heat by sitting on first peak and catching barrels and boosting airs. Chauncey won the Under 16 Boys division.

You have to hand it to Luke Marks, during the Championships Luke surfed with a dislocated shoulder. The shoulder got the best of Luke and on the finals day he had to call it quits but not before taking 1st in the Open Shortboard division.

Older brother Wiley Robinson helped fill the house with joy during the ASF Championships. Wiley won the Under 18 Boys division.

Jacksonville Panama City

St Augustine Flagler Beach Ormond Beach

Jacksonville Director, Matt McKinney, St. Augustine Director, Dean Plumlee,

New Smyrna Cocoa Beach Sebastian Inlet

Flagler Beach Director, Chris Dawson, Ormond Beach Wes Hewson, New Smyrna Beach Director, Bill & Kate Whatley, Cocoa Beach Director, Terry Salber, Sebastian Inlet Director, Tripp Hernandez, Panama City Director, Jody Miller,

22 Chapters in the USA

45 countries across the globe

“If God wants us to do His will, then why is knowing His will so difficult?”

While questions about God’s will (purpose for us) are good, and should be asked, there may be a better way of asking. Often, our questions about God’s will are rooted in two things. First is our desire for a secure future. We believe if we are in God’s will, then our life ahead promises rather smooth sailing. Second, we hope to please God. We believe if we are in God’s will, He will be pleased with us and we can avoid any unnecessary punishment. Viewing God and His will like this is little more than fatalism. Just knowing God’s plan for us seems impossible, but we hope we can find it someway, somehow. We convince ourselves God has a determined plan for us, and it is far beyond our ability to control. God’s will, or what God wants, is the reconciliation of all things on earth or and in heaven. God’s will, what God desires, is that all men and women would be saved, and that none would suffer. God’s deep desire is the redemption, renewal and restoration of all things. He wants this so badly that Jesus shed his blood and gave his life so that He could restore peace and wholeness to our broken world. The biblical writers call this good news. We do not have to The amazing thing is not only does God want this, but he invites us to join with Him in His work in this world. Simply put: God’s will for us is that we join with Him in His redemptive work in this world. Which reframes our question about knowing and doing God’s will. Knowing, doing and being in God’s will begins with looking at our lives and asking, “Are there places where we see ourselves joining with God in his redemptive work in this world?” We can ask this question in the many important decisions that face us in life—whether that be colleges, jobs, spouses, relocating or careers.

grope about blindly in prayer hoping we hit some cosmic bullseye called God’s will.

We do not have to grope about blindly in prayer hoping we hit some cosmic bullseye called God’s will. We are freed to ask, “Will this decision allow me to participate more fully in God’s redemptive work in this world?” This lends tremendous freedom when it comes to making choices and doing God’s will. God has not made His will hard to know. His will is the renewal of all things. What’s really difficult is choosing to participate in God’s will, and spend our lives joining God in His redemptive work in this world of ours that so desperately needs it.

To read the article in its entirety log onto :

As for information regarding the project what I’m doing is having 15 boards made by 15 different shapers. The boards need to be hand shaped and fully functional. I call it functional art. The photograph, which is selected from my archives, is printed by me on a special textile material that is light and pliable, holds great image detail and works with any type of resin. It’s placed on the shaped blank before the board is glassed and finished as normal. The fact that it’s inlayed means that no matter what happens to the board, if you wax, scratch or pressure ding it, you will not damage the print. To restore the board to its original finish all that needs to be done is sanded, re-glossed and polished. Part of this project is to pay homage to the craftsmanship and artistic ability of the hand shaper, something that is underappreciated and to a certain degree a thing of the past as more and more shapers rely on computer shaping to rough out the boards. I photograph each shaper working on the board and try to photograph as much as possible of the board being glassed and finished, and of course the print being put on. I also do a formal portrait of each shaper. The portrait is taken with a film camera that holds 6 cm x 6 cm film and gives excellent quality and is a throw back to the days of film, much like these shapers are a throw back to the days of fully hand shaping a board. The portraits will be made into 16”x16” prints to be shown at future exhibits. Hopefully once all 15 boards are finished I can interest major galleries to do an exhibition of the project. The boards will be individually displayed on floor stands that will allow the viewer to see both sides and touch and closely examine them. On the walls will be the portraits of the shapers and I’m thinking framed prints of the photographs used on the boards. The final touch of the exhibit, as I see it, will include a looping slide show of the boards being made. I’m also hoping to interest a publisher to do a book.

Name: C.T. Taylor Label: C.T. Taylor Surfboards Age: 38 Hometown: Satellite Beach FL Facebook: C.T. Taylor Surfboards How long have you been shaping: Since 98 off and on. Production since 2002 Do you have a single fin in your quiver: No, but I should. They teach you how to surf rail-to-rail. How many boards have you shaped: Not many, I just broke a 1,000. 1,170 to be exact. Where are you shaping your boards: Indian Harbour Beach off of Tomahawk Dr. How did you get started shaping boards: Rusty did an event years ago called “Anything but Three” Surfer and shaper got 10K each for winning and I wanted 20k. Favorite (local) surf spot: Monster Hole What model and size board are your currently riding: 6’0” High Performance Shortboard. What percentage of your boards are 3 fin, 4 fin or 5 fin: I would guess 80%, 5%, and 5%. What’s next in surfboard design: Good question. What kinds of feedback helps you the most: Honest feedback. What shapers did you look up to: That list is long and constantly being added to, to tell you the truth. I look at as many boards as I can and there’s a lot of good ones and some bad ones. Who has influenced your life the most: Jesus Christ. He’s the example in how to live and that mark I am nowhere close to hitting. Surfing wise Curren and Slater. Best Breakfast in town: Son on the Beach Favorite non-surf movie: The Right Stuff or Saving Private Ryan. Where can we buy your boards: At our showroom on Tomahawk Dr. in Indian Harbour Beach or just call me 619-847-4388. How do we order a custom: Call me. Last words, for your fans: “You can’t go wrong when you do what’s right.”

God has opened many doors for us to be part of Surf Expo year after year. At the recent show we had 30 volunteers representing five different chapters. Some were there for the first time, some were veterans, but God was faithful to use everyone as they served with a practical “see a need, meet a need” approach. Our opportunities to serve basically doubled with the addition of The Boardroom International Surfboard Show to the lineup this year. As exhibitors pulled up with truckloads of surfboards, displays and gear, they were greeted by a crew of our volunteers ready to work hard, serving them, so they could save their energy for the long weekend show ahead. There were many conversations pointing all the credit to Jesus as the source of this bewildering love for surfers. Along with help setting up, providing coffee, donuts… each morning, and simple encouraging conversations, on the last day of the show they helped break it all down and carry everything back to the exhibitors trucks. What a great testimony to the surf world that Jesus really does change everything. The changes seen in the hearts of our members from Friday morning to Sunday night are almost tangible. As our people grow into “suffering servants” for the sake of the gospel being shared with surfers, more and more people will come to know Jesus and grow to be more like Him in character and priorities. Thank you God for how you are working to see surfers connected to Jesus

“I like surfing the Gnarly Charley Surf Series because there is no pressure� Brody Moore Age 7 Melbourne Beach

Questions to help move on from "what now?" Your twenties can be a rough time. You graduate college. You get a job—not necessarily the one you always dreamed of. You may move to a new city and start trying to establish yourself. But a lot of the time, you're just not sure where you're headed—or even where you want to be going. Often, the question of “what now?” plagues us in our twenties like chickenpox. The more we scratch, the worse it itches. The overwhelming vagueness of “what am I doing with my life?” can crush us like the bully who sat on our head in third grade. Our twenties can feel like being smothered in questions, but if we don’t ask the right questions, we will forever remain stuck.


Are your friends taking steps forward or are they still playing beer pong in the basement? Do you leave from hanging out with friends feeling anxious or alive? Are your friends anvils tied around your ankles or jetpacks helping you fly? Your life will resemble the lives of your closest friends—does that fact excite you or freak you out? To read all 11 questions, log onto Paul Angone is the author of 101 Secrets for your Twenties, as well as a speaker, humorist, and the creator of— a place for those asking “what now?”

What is Truth? The 10 Commandments give us a good set of rules to abide by. So much so they are the reason we have the laws we do today. Murder someone, you’re going to the courthouse. Commit adultery, you’re going to the courthouse. Steal something, you’re going to the courthouse. 4000 years later and they still hold up as Law, but who’s law? God’s Law. God set these rules up, not so that we would be perfect people, because he knew better, He set these laws up so we could see that we could not be perfect. If the Law was set up to determine who would spend eternity with God and who would not, then no one would. God knew this. So in His great wisdom He set up a payment policy. A sacrifice had to be made to wipe the slate clean. Now the Jews sacrificed animals to God but when Jesus came, He was the sacrifice. As John The Baptist said, “Behold the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world”. The what? The world. But the world hated Jesus, and yet he died for it. While we were still sinners he died for our salvation. Yours too. God has a plan that neither you nor I truly understand. But it is His plan and it will continue according to His will. All I can say is that I am willing to be a part of His plan and be used as He sees fit. That opportunity is available to you too. All you need to do is ask Him to use you, sacrifice your desires for His and surrender your life to Him. He will do great things with you. He has already promised that. Got questions, come and see.

Sticker Up Very rarely will you meet a pro athlete who isn't proud of their sponsors. Maybe you'll find a big name rider that rides for Target, and maybe they're doing it just for the money, but for the most part the majority of athletes are proud to represent the companies that sponsor them. This is usually the case because these riders are getting hooked up in some way. Maybe its cash, free product or maybe they’re just really stoked about what that company stands for. The same is true for Christians....Are we proud to be riding for Christ? Is he our biggest sponsor? When you paddle out, the question is, "WHO DO YOU SURF FOR?” 1 Corinthians 10:31 says: So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God! This means EVERYTHING....wakeboarding, surfing, skating, and snowboarding. WHATEVER YOU DO, DO IT FOR THE GLORY OF GOD! You see when we say we are "followers" of him....we're now on HIS TEAM and we are riding for the creator. Just like any other sponsor offering free swag to those who ride for their team, Christ is hooking us up with the greatest swag of all time....a relationship with himself and the opportunity to have eternal life. So the question is, are you PROUD to ride for Christ? When you brag about who you’re sponsored by, does His name ever come up? Where is Christ's "sponsor placement" on your board? Is it hiding underneath your board where no one will see it, or are you proudly displaying your faith in the Lord and that you ride for his glory!? Roman 1:16 tells us to not be ashamed of the Good News about Jesus Christ for it is the power of God at work that is saving everyone who believes in Him! If you call yourself a Christian and you have made the decision to follow Christ, than you're sponsored by the greatest team and sponsor of all time....the body of Christ! Don't be ashamed to brag about it.

Gospel of John Key Verse: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Introduction: The Gospel of John is one of four books of the Bible that talk about the life of Jesus. It has some unique elements that make it well suited for evangelism. John wrote to impress upon the reader that Jesus was the Son of God, fully human yet fully divine because He was filled with the Spirit and power of God. John walked with Jesus, talked with and was taught by Jesus personally. As an eyewitness, he contrasted the many miracles of Jesus that demonstrated His awesome power with His servant's heart. The result is a book that speaks clearly about Jesus' love and forgiveness and the promise of eternal life for those who believe in Jesus and His Father who sent Him. John wrote his Gospel with a specific purpose in mind, which he describes near the end of his book. He wrote that “These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31). Get your copy of John for FREE at the CS tent during any of the events we are serving .

Why Blank? Like a surfboard, we all begin as a raw blank; scuffed up, yellowed and not so pretty. As the master shaper, God works in us to shape us for His glory and to His plan. We may not know exactly what our final shape will look like, but He is the master shaper and we have to trust in his plan. You may want to be a big wave gun and he may be shaping you into a fish. Why a fish? He has a plan to use you when a wider outline, slightly thicker rail and fuller tail is needed. How well will you work, for His glory, if your outline is for Pipe and you are surfing Ocean Ave.? We will never be glassed. In this shaping bay, the Master Shaper is never finished with us.

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