作為豪宅代理的先鋒,佳士得國際地產獨家邀請世 界頂級地產經紀組成代理網絡,為全球客戶提供卓
越服務。透過搭建世界級市場行銷平台、與拍賣行 建立良好合作關係,加上得到頂尖地產經紀網絡推 薦,我們因此能夠提供切合客戶需要的服務,250多 年來一直備受信賴。佳士得國際地產誠意邀請閣下 探索我們代理的部分重點豪華住宅物業。
a brand like no other
Christie’s International Real Estate offers incomparable service to a global clientele.
The vanguard of luxury, our exclusive invitationonly network includes only the world’s top real estate brokers.
Our world-class marketing platform and collaboration with the auction house, combined with referrals from our network of the world’s top real estate brokers, allow us to deliver the tailored, trusted service that Christie’s clients have depended on for more than 250 years.
Christie’s International Real Estate is pleased to invite you to explore a sampling of important properties from our luxury property portfolio.
More details on pages 85-86: 詳情請見本冊第85-86頁﹕ 1680 N Doheny Drive
Los Angeles, California, United States 美國加州洛杉磯

explore more at christiesrealestate.com

RIEDEL, a successful family business with decades of experience, is one of the leading experts when it comes to the valuation and brokerage of high-quality luxury residential properties in Munich and the Bavarian Lakes Region.
Superb and Unique Property with Spectacular Mountain Views
Munich, Bad Tölz, Bavaria, Germany
Spanning 224 acres (91 ha), this breathtaking country estate and professional riding center offers an Alpine lifestyle, coupled with comfort and absolute privacy in the midst of nature.
Price upon request
Ralf Heidemann
+49 89 159455-47 ralf.heidemann@riedel-immobilien.de
Sabine Lenzer
+49 89 159455-75 sabine.lenzer@riedel-immobilien.de
RIEDEL是一家擁有數十年經驗的家族企 業,為慕尼黑和巴伐利亞湖區的優質豪 宅提供專業估價和代理服務,堪稱業界 翹楚。
享有壯麗山景的卓越獨特莊園 德國巴伐利亞巴特特爾茨慕尼黑
這座氣勢磅礡的鄉郊莊園兼專業馬術中 心佔地224英畝(91公頃),在此可親身體 會阿爾卑斯山的生活,享受在大自然簇擁 下營造的舒適和隱蔽私密空間。

Remington Montenegro
Remington Realty upholds the highest standards in luxury real estate brokerage. We are dedicated to preserving the Christie’s International Real Estate tradition and reputation, ensuring clients receive exceptional service and expertise in every transaction.
Remington Montenegro
Remington Realty秉承豪華地產代理的 最高標準,致力於維護佳士得國際地產的 傳統和聲譽,確保客戶在每筆交易中都能 享受到卓越的服務和專業的支援。
Porto Montenegro
Tivat, Montenegro
Synchro Yards, Porto Montenegro’s avantgarde neighborhood, unveils AERIS and IVO Residences, epitomizing luxury with breathtaking bay views and upscale amenities, fostering a vibrant, creative community in this Mediterranean haven.
Price upon request
Sasa Popovic
+382 67 28 27 11 sasa.popovic@remingtonchristies.me
Ivan Vuksic
+381 63 47 37 61 ivan.vuksic@remingtonchristies.rs
這片濱海住宅地帶融入了地中海奢華的 精髓,建有 450 個泊位、專屬的府邸和 訂製式零售區域,令人豔羨的沿海生活由 此展開。

這個全年無休滑雪度假村位於蒙特內哥羅北部,到處都 是一片生機勃勃的景色。此處獨一無二的房產已一躍成 為猶如天堂般的住屋,不但可體驗從雪山上滑下的刺激 快感,亦極具投資價值。
Kolasin Valleys
Kolasin, Montenegro
A reborn year-round ski-in, ski-out mountain resort in northern Montenegro, this unique offering is a new residential haven and serves as a gateway to adventure and investment opportunities.
Price upon request
Sasa Popovic
+382 67 28 27 11 sasa.popovic@remingtonchristies.me
Ivan Vuksic
+381 63 47 37 61 ivan.vuksic@remingtonchristies.rs

Portonovi極盡奢華,建有 218 套世界級一流的房屋和 One&Only 在歐洲的首個度假村,在博卡灣入口處亦設有一個大型遊艇碼頭, 並提供各式各樣的豪華設施。
Portonovi Herceg Novi, Montenegro
Portonovi stands as an ultra-premium address with 218 world-class housing units, a mega yacht marina at Boka Bay’s entrance, Europe’s first One&Only resort, and luxurious amenities.
Price upon request
Sasa Popovic
+382 67 28 27 11 sasa.popovic@remingtonchristies.me
Ivan Vuksic
+381 63 47 37 61 ivan.vuksic@remingtonchristies.rs

Lustica Bay
這個位處於蒙特內哥羅優越地帶的 Lustica Bay,把亞得里亞海和獲 聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產的博卡灣的景緻,完美地融為一體, 在地中海的優美風光襯托下,以奢華的府邸和齊全的基建配套,營造 無與倫比的生活態度,亦極具投資價值。
Lustica Bay
Lustica, Montenegro
Montenegro’s premier destination seamlessly blends the Adriatic with UNESCO’s Boka Bay, offering an unmatched lifestyle, lucrative investments, sumptuous accommodation, and robust infrastructure in a stunning Mediterranean setting.
Price upon request
Sasa Popovic
+382 67 28 27 11 sasa.popovic@remingtonchristies.me
Ivan Vuksic
+381 63 47 37 61 ivan.vuksic@remingtonchristies.rs

Serving the Sardinia-Costa Smeralda property market since 1974, Immobilsarda’s expert team of real estate professionals represent the finest homes in the most prestigious locations on the Costa Smeralda.
The Safar Estate
Costa Smeralda, Sardinia, Italy
Set within a private 5.68 acre (2.3 ha) park on Romazzino Bay, this trophy estate includes three luxurious waterfront villas with guest annexes, two private beaches, two docks, and a mooring for a superyacht.
Price upon request
Julia Bracco +39 34833 07912 juliabracco@immobilsarda.com
Charlotte Delaney +44 7786 021278 cdelaney@christiesrealestate.com
自 1974 年以來,Immobilsarda 的地產專 業團隊一直專注於薩丁尼亞島-翡翠海岸 的房地產市場,代理翡翠海岸最尊貴地段 的優質房產。。
薩法爾莊園 意大利薩丁尼亞島翡翠海岸 這座名聲顯赫的莊園坐落在羅馬齊諾灣 的一個 5.68英畝(2.3公頃)的私人園區 內,設有三棟奢華的海濱別墅、訪客附屬 建築、兩個私人海灘、兩個碼頭和一個超 級豪華遊艇泊位。

Rome Exclusive
With a proven track record in the real estate market and a team of experienced and qualified agents, Exclusive RE is focused on providing the highest quality services to its clients in Milan, Rome and Naples areas. exclusivere.it
Rome Exclusive
Exclusive RE在房地產市場擁有專業資 歷,其持牌經紀團隊經驗豐富,致力為 米蘭、羅馬和拿坡里地區客戶提供頂級 服務。
Via Borgonuovo Milano, Italy
A majestic apartment of rare beauty designed by architect Mongiardino, this residence in the elegant Brera district is surrounded by boutiques, luxury shops, and exclusive restaurants.
Price upon request
Astrid Heimann +39 33 57 61 30 21 aheimann@milanexclusive.it
Via Borgonuovo 意大利米蘭
這套宏偉而獨一無二的公寓坐落於氛圍 優雅的布雷拉區,是建築師 Mongiardino 的作品,鄰近多家精品店、奢侈品商店和 高級餐廳。

教宗的故居 意大利科莫
這座壯觀的歷史建築坐落於科莫市中心,由七間格調優雅的獨 特公寓組成,距離大教堂和湖岸僅數步之遙。
售價:歐元12,500,000 Historic Papal Residence Como, Italy
This magnificent historic building comprising seven elegant, exclusive apartments is in the heart of Como, just a few steps from the cathedral and the shores of the lake.
Offered at €12,500,000
Jada Jabes
+39 35 18 40 52 23 jjabes@milanexclusive.it

Largo Ponchielli
這套五房間隔的豪華公寓屹立於備受追捧的 Pinciano 區的中心地帶,毗鄰 Villa Borghese的入口。
售價:歐元 6,200,000
Largo Ponchielli
Rome, Italy
This luxurious five-bedroom apartment is in the heart of the sought-after Pinciano area, just a stone’s throw from the entrance to Villa Borghese.
Offered at €6,200,000
Gianluca Campus +39 34 88 11 32 02 gcampus@romeexclusive.it

小型城堡 意大利伊斯基亞
這座別具特色的房產面向阿拉貢城堡,佔地約 6,458 平方英尺 (600 平方米),帶有可俯瞰壯麗海景的露台。
售價:歐元 4,000,000
Tiny Castle Ischia, Italy
Directly facing Aragonese Castle, this character property of approximately 6,458 sq ft (600 sq m) includes a terrace with spectacular sea views.
Offered at €4,000,000
Giorgio Berti
+39 33 19 96 17 70 gberti@romeexclusive.it

Benedetti Real Service®
Founded in 1945, Benedetti Real Service ® specializes in high-value residential property transactions and valuations in South Tyrol, Cortina d’Ampezzo, and northern Italy. Dr. Sabine Voppichler and Dr. Alexander Benedetti lead the company’s dynamic team.
Stylish Farmhouse with Mountain View Lüsen, South Tyrol, Italy
With two luxuriously renovated farmhouses, extensive land, and breathtaking mountain views, this property is the perfect holiday home.
Price upon request
Alexander Benedetti
+39 0473 236613
Sabine Voppichler
+39 0473 236613
Benedetti Real Service®
Benedetti Real Service® 成立於1945年, 專門提供南蒂羅爾、科爾蒂納丹佩佐和意 大利北部高價值住宅的物業買賣和估價服 務。公司有一支活力充沛的團隊,由Sabine Voppichler 博士和 Alexander Benedetti博 士帶領。
別具格調的山景農場莊園 意大利南蒂羅爾盧松
這座房產由兩棟設計奢華的農場小屋組成, 除了佔地面積遼闊外,更坐擁令人嘆為觀止 的山景,絕對是度假放鬆的完美之地。

南蒂羅爾的古老葡萄園 意大利南蒂羅爾泰拉諾 這個私人農莊坐落於南蒂羅爾 Terlan葡萄酒產區的 山腰,位置幽靜,陽光明媚,並建有多個葡萄園和一 座歷史悠久的塔樓。
價格另洽 Historical Vineyard Terlano, South Tyrol, Italy
This secluded, private farm with vineyards and a historic tower has a sunny hillside location in the Terlan wine region of South Tyrol.
Price upon request
Alexander Benedetti
+39 0473 236613
Sabine Voppichler
+39 0473 236613

Sella Ronda山景大宅
意大利多洛米提山脈 Sella Ronda
這座古式古香的農莊是多洛米提山脈上的一個奢華出租房產,經翻 新後已恢復了昔日的風貌,建有水療中心和室內游泳池,並可欣賞 到壯麗的山脈景色。
Sella Ronda Chalet with Mountain Vistas
Sella Ronda, Dolomites, Italy
A chalet for luxury rentals in the Dolomites, this ancient farm restored to its former glory includes a spa and indoor swimming pool, and spectacular mountain views.
Price upon request
Alexander Benedetti
+39 0436 808024
Anastasia Menardi Demai
+39 0436 808024

意大利多洛米提山脈科爾蒂納丹佩佐 這座設計精緻迷人的小屋,位於2026 年冬季奧運會主辦城市科爾 蒂納丹佩佐的最尊貴地段之一,可欣賞到多洛米提山脈的山景。
Luxury Mountain-View Chalet with Indoor Pool Cortina d’Ampezzo, Dolomites, Italy
This beautiful chalet with mountain views of the Dolomites is in one of the most exclusive locations of Cortina d’Ampezzo, host of the 2026 Winter Olympics.
Price upon request
Alexander Benedetti +39 0436 808024 ab@irs-benedetti.com
Anastasia Menardi Demai +39 0436 808024 amd@irs-benedetti.com

Daniel Féau & Belles demeures de France
With a heritage built on 75 years of real estate experience, Daniel Féau, principal Parisian estate agent, and its leading international department, Belles demeures de France, offer the most comprehensive service and access to the most prestigious properties.
Carré des Antiquaires 7th district, Paris, France
This elegant, early 19th-century private mansion extends to 14,047 sq ft (1,305 sq m), currently divided into two apartments overlooking the street and a single-family house overlooking a pretty courtyard.
Price upon request
Otto Weijsendfeld
+33 1 84 74 89 67 otto@bdfrance.fr
Daniel Féau & Belles demeures de France
巴黎首席地產經紀Daniel Féau擁有 75 年 的地產銷售經驗,其領先的國際部門Belles demeures de France竭誠為客戶提供最 負盛名的地產物業以及最周全服務。
Carré des Antiquaires
這座建於19 世紀初的私人府邸設計高雅大 氣,佔地14,047平方英尺(1,305 平方米), 目前分為兩套俯瞰街景的公寓和一棟眺望 迷人庭院景緻的獨立式洋房。

Avenue de New York 法國巴黎第十六區
這套位於四樓的豪華公寓已進行了翻新,可飽覽艾菲爾鐵塔 和塞納河的景色。公寓佔地2,281平方英尺(212平方米),設三 個卧室,包括一個套房。
售價:歐元 6,490,000
Avenue de New York 16th district, Paris, France
This superb, renovated, fourth-floor apartment enjoys an open view of the Eiffel Tower and the Seine. The floor plan extends to 2,281 sq ft (212 sq m) with three bedrooms, including a suite.
Offered at €6,490,000
Dania Sinno
+33 1 84 74 89 68 dania@bdfrance.fr

這座設計優雅的大宅坐落在一個佔地8,611平方英尺(800平方米) 的園林之中,環境清幽,綠意盎然,毗鄰沒有其他大宅。室內佔地 8,342平方英尺(775平方米),包括六間卧室,其中一間為豪華主人 套房。
Neuilly-sur-Seine, Paris, France
This elegant property is cocooned in an 8,611 sq ft (800 sq m) peaceful, leafy garden benefiting from no facing neighbors. The 8,342 sq ft (775 sq m) interior includes a superb main suite among six bedrooms.
Offered at €18,000,000
Anne-Laure Antoine
+33 1 84 79 83 29 al.antoine@danielfeau.com

Rue de Rivoli
這套佔地3,229平方英尺(300平方米)的複式公寓,給人 一種猶如入住獨立屋的感覺。公寓參照18世紀的華麗風 格重新裝修,設有三個主要套房和觀景露台。
售價:歐元 4,200,000
Rue de Rivoli
1st district, Paris, France
With the feel of a private house, this remarkable 3,229 sq ft (300 sq m) split-level apartment has been remodeled in the ornate style of the 18th century. Benefiting a landscaped terrace, it includes three main suites.
Offered at €4,200,000
Paola Féau
+33 1 84 79 75 47

Michaël Zingraf Real Estate
Founded in 1977 by Michaël Zingraf in Cannes, Michaël Zingraf Real Estate is a leading player in luxury real estate, with 29 agencies across iconic locations and over 130 expert and multilingual collaborators. michaelzingraf.com
Michaël Zingraf Real Estate
Michaël Zingraf Real Estate於 1977年由
Michaël Zingraf在康城創立,是豪宅市場的頂 尖地產經紀人,旗下的29家代理機構遍佈多個 具標誌性的地點,並且已與超過130名專家和 多語種人才建立合作關係。
Provençal Mas
Mougins, Alpes-Maritimes, France
A traditional 18th-century mas (French farmhouse), this 5,866 sq ft (545 sq m) residence combines the charm and authenticity of a Provençal estate.
Price upon request
Anne-Catherine Leman +33 4 92 92 87 87 acl@michaelzingraf.com
普羅旺斯農場莊園 法國濱海阿爾卑斯穆然
這座建於18世紀傳統法式農場莊園,佔地 5,866平方英尺(545平方米),糅合了普羅旺 斯莊園的魅力和本土風情。

這座歷史悠久的豪宅花費了鉅款進行翻新。房產位於卡馬爾坦的 專屬私人土地上,位置僻靜,尊享優美的摩納哥景色,亦毗鄰蒙地 卡羅。
售價:歐元 55,000,000
Exceptional Waterfront Villa
Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, Alpes-Maritimes, France
This historic mansion underwent a lavish renovation.
Situated in Cap Martin’s exclusive Domaine Privé, the property offers security, stunning views of Monaco, and proximity to Monte Carlo.
Offered at €55,000,000
Christophe Lemieux
+33 (0)4 93 88 99 99 cl@michaelzingraf.com

180度無敵海景別墅 法國濱海阿爾卑斯康城
這座翻新過的當代風格別墅位於 Super Cannes,提供 8,880平方英尺(825平方米)的生活空間,包括九個套房, 更可飽覽醉人的海景。
售價:歐元 24,800,000
180° Panoramic Sea View
Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, France
This renovated contemporary mansion in Super Cannes offers 8,880 sq ft (825 sq m) of living space, nine en suite bedrooms, and stunning sea views.
Offered at €24,800,000
Angie Delattre
+33 4 93 39 77 77 angie@michaelzingraf.com

私人領土上的優質房產 法國濱海阿爾卑斯聖保羅德旺斯
這座獨一無二的房產坐落在Les Hauts de Saint Paul的一片私人 領土上,由兩棟別墅組成,均可飽覽全海景,並提供完善的配套設 施,盡顯無與倫比的奢華感。
Exceptional Property in a Private Domain
Saint-Paul-de-Vence, Alpes-Maritimes, France
In the private domain of Les Hauts de Saint Paul, this unique property includes two villas with panoramic sea views, extensive amenities, and unrivaled luxury.
Offered at €12,500,000
Sven Ingwersen +33 (0)4 93 32 32 32 sven@michaelzingraf.com

Christie’s International Real Estate Group
With over 1,000 associates and 30 offices, Christie’s International Real Estate Group is the exclusive affiliate of Christie’s International Real Estate serving clients in the tri-state area with its flagship office located at 1 Rockefeller Plaza, NYC.
Christie’s International Real Estate Group
佳士得國際地產集團僱用超過1,000名員 工並設有30個辦事處,是佳士得國際地產 的獨家附屬公司,其旗艦辦事處位於紐約 1 Rockefeller Plaza,致力於服務紐約都 會區的客戶。
Chateau de la Roche
Alpine, New Jersey, United States
Chateau de la Roche is a rare sanctuary of grand scale, 15 mins from Manhattan. This grand residence of luxury and convenience was built for the most prominent buyer.
Offered at $22,490,000
Denise Albanese
+1 201 401 3978
Chateau de la Roche 美國新澤西州阿爾派恩
Chateau de la Roche 是一個不可多得、 氣派非凡的府邸,距離曼克頓15分鐘車 程。這座奢華而便利的豪宅專為最尊貴的 買家而建造。
售價:美元 22,490,000

The Atlantic Club 美國新澤西州朗布蘭奇
The Atlantic Club這個具標誌性的項目,將於2026 年春 季 竣工,提供132套一房至五房間隔的大宅,當中大部分均可 觀賞到一望無際的海景。
售價:美元1,120,000至美元 5,950,000
The Atlantic Club Long Branch, New Jersey, United States
The Atlantic Club is an iconic project set for completion in Spring 2026, offering an exclusive collection of 132 one-to-five bedroom residences, many with unobstructed ocean views.
Offered at $1,120,000-$5,950,000
Atlantic Club Sales Gallery +1 732 204 7344 info@theatlantic-club.com

這座富麗堂皇的布雜藝術風格豪宅是鍍金時代的活生生寫照, 佔地11,638平方英尺(1,081平方米)的宮殿式居住空間,引入了 一系列現代化設施和升級配套。
售價:美元 24,750,000
James F. D. Lanier Residence
New York City, New York, United States
A true testament to the Gilded Age, this magnificent Beaux-Arts mansion boasts 11,638 sq ft (1,081 sq m) of palatial living space with modern amenities and updates.
Offered at $24,750,000
Edward Joseph
+1 917 821 6225
Smitha Ramchandani
+1 973 953 7777

860 Fifth Avenue, #11K
這座位於第五大道的大宅,在寬敞的居住空間裡提供各式 各樣的設施,包括健身房和車庫,另有管家提供全方位服務, 更可直接眺望中央公園的景色。大宅最近進行了翻新,奢華 和舒適度均昇華到極致。
售價:美元 5,995,000
860 Fifth Avenue, #11K
New York City, New York, United States
Direct Central Park views, a full-service staff, gym, and garage are among the many features at this spacious Fifth Avenue residence, recently renovated for utmost luxury and comfort.
Offered at $5,995,000
Geoffrey Gottlieb
+1 212 590 2473

H.G. Christie Ltd
Founded in 1922, H.G. Christie Ltd is the oldest, largest and most respected real estate firm in The Bahamas offering 10 offices throughout the island archipelago and an incomparable selection of property listings.
Rocamar, Lyford Cay
New Providence, Bahamas
Golf panoramas and timeless elegance combine at this nine-bedroom ridgetop paradise situated on 1.46 acres (0.59 ha) with an additional 1.15 acres (0.47 ha) of leasehold land.
Offered at US$17,250,000
Philip Hillier +1 242 427 2795 philip@hgc.com
Anya Mousis +1 242 376 3046 anya@hgc.com
H.G. Christie Ltd
H.G. Christie Ltd成立於1922年,是巴哈 馬最歷史悠久、規模最大和最受人敬重的 地產公司,在全國設有十個辦事處,代理 著一系列超群出眾的精選房產。
萊福德島羅卡馬爾 巴哈馬新普羅維登斯島
這座房產坐落在山頂的位置,佔地1.46英 畝(0.59公頃),裝潢設計永恆優雅,並 設有九個臥室,更可觀賞到高爾夫球場全 景。另外,有 1.15英畝(0.47公頃)的額外 土地屬於租賃性質。

Wild Berry Cay
巴哈馬Berry Island
這座高聳的私人島嶼景色秀麗,佔地 100英畝(40公頃), 鄰近佛羅里達州和楚布礁。該島已獲准興建一個豪華 露營度假村,是難得的投資機會。
售價:美元 4,500,000
Wild Berry Cay
Berry Islands, Bahamas
An exceptional investment opportunity, this beautiful and well elevated, 100 acre (40 ha) private island, in close proximity to Florida and Chub Cay, includes approvals for a luxury glamping resort.
Offered at US$4,500,000
John Christie +1 242 357 7572 john@hgc.com

3 North Shore Terrace, Ocean Club Estates
這座當代風格海濱別墅坐落在一個令人艷羨的位置,那裡清 幽寂静、隱蔽私密。別墅在佔地17,300平方英尺(1,607平方米) 的空間內,提供八個臥室、戶外娛樂區、長形游泳池和客房。
售價:美元 22,900,000
3 North Shore Terrace, Ocean Club Estates
Paradise Island, Bahamas
Offering privacy, tranquility, and an enviable location, this eight-bedroom beachfront contemporary spans 17,300 sq ft (1, 607 sq m) and boasts an outdoor entertainment area, lap pool, and a guest house.
Offered at US$22,900,000
John Christie +1 242 357 7572

Java House, Dunmore Town
這座歷史悠久的房產由三棟大宅組成,共提供九間卧 室和一個游泳池,島上的寧靜海灣和粉紅色沙灘就在 不遠處。
Java House, Dunmore Town Harbour Island, Bahamas
Comprised of three residences, this historic estate totals nine bedrooms and enjoys a pool and easy access to the island’s peaceful bay and pink sand beach.
Offered at US$15,000,000
Philip Hillier
+1 242 427 2795 philip@hgc.com
Anya Mousis
+1 242 376 3046 anya@hgc.com

Premier Estate Properties
Premier Estate Properties, Florida’s only privately held boutique real estate brokerage presenting properties “Exclusively in Excess of One Million Dollars” since 1993, is distinguished for proven results-driven marketing and the largest percentage of sold million dollar-plus properties.
Quietly Sophisticated Oceanfront Estate
Palm Beach, Florida, United States
Enviably ensconced on a walled lot with pristine manicured lawns, this magnificent estate sits directly across the street from its own deeded, gated, and semimanicured beach parcel.
Offered at $59,000,000
Jim McCann +1 866 485 1960 jim@premierestateproperties.com

Premier Estate Properties
Premier Estate Properties是佛羅里達州唯一 一家精品私人地產經紀公司,自1993年開始代 理「一百萬美元以上」的房產,其以成果為導 向的市場推廣方案和所售一百萬美元以上房 產佔比最大,業內聞名。
寧靜優雅的海濱莊園 美國佛羅里達州棕櫚灘
這座宏偉的莊園坐落在一片令人心馳神往的 土地上,四周圍牆環繞,草坪亦修剪得很整 齊,而對面街的半人工海灘地皮也是莊園的一 部分,其入口設有大閘。
售價:美元 59,000,000

永恆典雅的攝政時期莊園 美國佛羅里達州棕櫚灘
這座帕拉第奧式攝政時期風格的莊園,建有六個臥室。它的設 計經過精心安排,旨在保留棕櫚灘精緻優雅的生活格調,並以 舒適為核心理念。
售價:美元 23,750,000
Elegant Timeless Regency Estate
Palm Beach, Florida, United States
This six-bedroom Palladian Regency-inspired estate was designed with a curated eye toward encapsulating Palm Beach’s refined and elegant style of living, with comfort as its core.
Offered at $23,750,000
Jim McCann +1 866 485 1960 jim@premierestateproperties.com

這套新裝修的海景公寓位於 Bellaria,擁有 10英尺7英寸(3.2 米)的高樓底,配備全套家具,客房和第三卧室/活動室均可 直接欣賞到海岸內的景色。
Oceanfront Luxury Condominium
Palm Beach, Florida, United States
An extraordinary ocean-view condo at Bellaria, this newly renovated, fully furnished residence features 10 ft, 7-inch-high (3.2 m) ceilings and direct Intracoastal views from the guest bedroom and third bedroom/den.
Offered at $7,895,000
Rosalind Clarke +1 866 485 1928 rclarke@premierestateproperties.com

大沼澤島上的新建海濱莊園 美國佛羅里達州棕櫚灘
這座頂級別墅是大沼澤島上目前唯一正在發售的新建大宅, 由Dailey Janssen Architects和 Sabatello Companies Construction 設計,剛於2024 年2月完工。
售價:美元 34,500,000
New Everglades Island Waterfront Estate
Palm Beach, Florida, United States
The only new residence now available on Everglades Island, this premier estate by Dailey Janssen Architects and Sabatello Companies Construction was just completed in February 2024.
Offered at $34,500,000
Margit Brandt +1 866 220 1275

Christie’s International Real Estate AKG
Christie’s International Real Estate AKG in Los Angeles is one of the area’s top Real Estate Brokerages. Their industry knowledge, unparalleled network, and commitment to excellence has put them at the forefront of luxury real estate and solidified their position as unrivaled leaders. akgre.com
120 Montecito Ranch Lane
Montecito, California, United States
The 19.78 acre (8 ha) Bella Vista Estate is a grand Neoclassical villa, featuring massive living spaces, an official equestrian facility, clubhouse, stables, driving range, infinity pool, nightclub, and stunning ocean/mountain views.
Price upon request
Timothy Di Prizito
DRE #01433017
+1 310 266 2777
Aaron Kirman
DRE #01296524
+1 424 249 7162
Christie’s International Real Estate AKG
Christie’s International Real Estate AKG位 於洛杉磯,是當地表現最優秀的地產經紀公 司之一。AKG 憑藉深厚的行業知識、無與倫比 的網絡和對卓越的承諾,而得以成為豪宅市 場的業界翹楚,並鞏固其行業領導地位。
120 Montecito Ranch Lane 美國加州蒙特斯托
這座Nesbitt莊園佔地19.78英畝(8公頃),是 一棟新古典主義風格的別墅,非常宏偉壯觀。
莊園提供寬敞的居住空間,配備正式的馬球 場、俱樂部、馬廄、練習場、無邊際游泳池、 夜總會,更可飽覽宜人的海景/山景。

670 Hot Springs Road
Far Afield位於加州的蒙特斯托,佔地 10.5英畝(4.25公頃), 坐擁無拘無束的壯麗景色。莊園最初由著名建築師法蘭西斯∙ 湯森∙安德希爾於1917年設計,後於2017年進行修復和翻新。
670 Hot Springs Road
Montecito, California, United States
Far Afield is 10.5 acres (4.25 ha) of unfettered splendor nestled within Montecito, California. Originally designed in 1917 by renowned architect Francis T. Underhill, the estate was restored and renovated in 2024.
Price upon request
Timothy Di Prizito DRE #01433017 +1 310 266 2777 timothy@dpgestates.com

830 Picacho Lane
英畝(4.25公頃),坐擁無拘無束的壯麗景色。莊園最初由著名建築師坐落於蒙 特斯托的Villa Luna佔地3.4英畝(1.3公頃),在迷人的山海景色襯托下,流露永 恆的歐洲優雅氣質。別墅附帶草坪,並提供寬敞的生活空間和奢華的設施。
售價:美元 44,995,000
830 Picacho Lane
Montecito, California, United States
Situated on 3.4 pristine acres (1.3 ha), Montecito’s Villa Luna embodies timeless European elegance with its lush grounds, abundant living spaces, and luxurious amenities amidst the alluring mountain-to-ocean backdrop.
Offered at $44,995,000
Aaron Grushow
DRE #020296374
+1 310 924 0980 homes@aarongrushow.com
Bryce Lowe
DRE #01918939
+1 424 303 1751
Kirby Gillon
DRE #01960253
+1 310 729 9977 kirbygillon@gmail.com

1680 N Doheny Drive
這座新建的別墅由知名的Vantage Design Group設計,坐落在日落 大道上方的高級鳥街社區內,佔地 13,500 平方英尺(125平方米),可 飽覽1.2英畝的景色。別墅以混凝土/鋼結構建成,附帶一個巨型的 室外露台、無邊際游泳池、水療中心、行人小徑等等。
售價:美元 43,000,000
1680 N Doheny Drive
Los Angeles, California, United States
This new 13,500 sq ft (125 sq m) contemporary by iconic Vantage Design Group is set in the exclusive Bird Streets above the Sunset Strip, with panoramic views on 1.2 landscaped acres (0.48 ha). The home features concrete/steel construction, a huge outdoor deck, infinity pool, spa, walking paths, and much more.
Offered at $43,000,000
Aaron Kirman
DRE #01296524
+1 424 249 7162

Christie’s International Real Estate San Francisco | Marin | Wine Country
Christie’s International Real Estate San Francisco | Marin | Wine Country together with Christie’s International Real Estate Sereno have 18 offices and 600+ agents throughout Northern California. The brokerage is committed to providing luxury service and making a positive impact for our clients and communities.
Red Rock Island San Francisco, California, United States
A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own a breathtaking private oasis nestled in the San Francisco Bay. This extraordinary island offers unrivaled natural beauty and endless potential.
Offered at $25,000,000
Chris Lim
DRE #01376103
+1 415 577 3770
Michelle Balog
DRE #01353918
+1 415 810 7890
Christie’s International Real Estate San Francisco | Marin | Wine Country
Christie’s International Real Estate Sereno 和 Christie’s International Real Estate San Francisco | Marin | Wine Country 在加州北部擁 有 18個辦事處和 600多名代理,致力為客戶和社區 締造正面影響。
Red Rock Island
這個不同凡響、令人歎為觀止的島嶼有著無 與倫比的自然美景和無窮無盡的潛力,能夠 成為這個私人綠洲的主人,實屬千載難逢 的機會。
售價:美元 25,000,000

1750 Taylor Street #1703
這座設計典雅的公寓已進行翻新,全屋裝修經過特別設計,非 常高端大氣,配備落地窗和露台,並提供各式各樣的皇室專用 配套設施。公寓坐落於絕佳的位置,可飽覽城市和海灣景觀。
售價:美元 4,995,000
1750 Taylor Street #1703
San Francisco, California, United States
Offering an unparalleled vantage point, this elegant, renovated residence showcases city and bay views, floor-to-ceiling windows, and a terrace. Custom and high-end finishes and Royal Towers amenities abound.
Offered at $4,995,000
Chris Lim
DRE #01376103
+1 415 577 3770 chris@baygroupre.com
Jenn Davis
DRE #01362352
+1 415 812 2340 jenn@jenndavis.com

Christie’s International Real Estate Sereno
Christie’s International Real Estate Sereno together with Christie’s International Real Estate San Francisco | Marin | Wine Country have 18 offices and 600+ agents throughout Northern California. The brokerage is committed to providing luxury service and making a positive impact for our clients and communities.
1041 Lakeshore Boulevard
Incline Village, Nevada, United States
The epitome of Lake Tahoe’s lakefront sanctuary, this exceptional property, best known as Old Forge Estate, offers unparalleled privacy and exclusivity, and unobstructed views of Lake Tahoe.
Offered at $68,900,000
Christine Perry
NV DRE #0192951
+1 408 858 5587
Christie’s International Real Estate Sereno
Christie’s International Real Estate Sereno
和 Christie’s International Real Estate San Francisco | Marin | Wine Country 在加州北
部擁有 18個辦事處和 600多名代理,致力為客 戶和社區提供奢華服務和締造正面影響。
1041 Lakeshore Boulevard 美國內華達州斜坡村
這座宏偉的莊園坐落在一片令人心馳神往的土 地上,四周圍牆環繞,草坪亦修剪得很整齊,而 對面街的半人工海灘地皮也是莊園的一部分, 其入口設有大閘。
售價:美元 68,900,000

275 Camino al Lago
這座位於矽谷的新建大宅設計永不會過時,高超的工藝搭配大 自然的元素,讓這塊瑰寶變得更加罕有。房產的裝飾高雅,提供 奢華的娛樂設施和無縫銜接的室內/室外空間,距離史丹佛大 學只有數分鐘的車程。
275 Camino al Lago
Atherton, California, United States
Masterful craftsmanship meets nature’s elements at this timeless new construction in Silicon Valley. This rare gem offers high-end finishes, luxurious entertaining spaces, and seamless indoor/outdoor living, just moments from Stanford University.
Price upon request
Nathalie de Saint Andrieu
DRE #01351482
+1 650 804 9696

Gestüt Peterhof是位於德國摩塞爾河上游段的馬匹健康中 心,也是享譽國際的種馬場,以及符合國際馬術總會和奧運 會盛裝舞步賽標準的場地。這座佔地30公頃(74英畝)的宏 偉莊園為訓練和繁殖馬匹提供一切所需設施,讓牠們可在國 際舞台上一較高下。
Equestrian Estate in Perl-Borg
Saarland, Germany
Gestüt Peterhof is an internationally respected stud farm, FEI- and Olympic-grade dressage facility, and equine wellness center on Germany’s Upper Moselle River. This magnificent 74 acre (30 ha) property offers every amenity to train and breed horses for competition on the global stage.
Price upon request
Monique Ghosh
+44 208 158 7228 mghosh@christiesrealestate.com

Quinta da Alegria Estate
Quinta da Alegria莊園是18世紀葡萄牙宏偉建築的典範。莊園的 主宅、兩間客房、小教堂和宜人的花園已經過為期兩年的復修,並 贏得「國家最有價值房產」的稱號。由Porta da Frente招售。
價格另洽 Quinta da Alegria Estate
Sintra, Portugal
The Quinta da Alegria estate is a magnificent exemplar of 18th-century Portuguese architecture. The two-year restoration of the manor house, its two guest houses, chapel, and resplendent gardens earned the prestigious classification as a Property of National Interest. Listed by Porta da Frente.
Price upon request
Rafael Ascenso
+351 21 116 5770 rascenso@portadafrente.pt
Charlotte Delaney
+44 7786 021278 cdelaney@christiesrealestate.com

The Son Bielo Estate
這座氣派不凡的莊園建於16世紀,曾是馬略卡帕爾馬主教的避暑山 莊。為迎合21世紀,大宅加入了很多典雅精緻的新元素。房產包括一座 莊嚴的主屋、附屬住屋、游泳池和寧靜的私人庭園。由Luxury Estates Mallorca招售。
The Son Bielo Estate
Alaró, Mallorca, Spain
This distinguished 16th-century estate once served as the summer retreat for the bishops of Palma de Mallorca. Elegantly updated for the 21st century, the property includes a stately main house, ancillary dwellings, a pool, and serene, private gardens. Listed by Luxury Estates Mallorca. Price upon request
Andrea Berchtold +34 971 673 934 ab@luxury-estates-mallorca.com
Charlotte Delaney +44 7786 021278 cdelaney@christiesrealestate.com

Villa NEO
這座樓高多層的別墅佔地逾 9,500 平方英尺(883 平方米),曾於 2018年精品酒店大獎中榮獲「最佳私人別墅」稱號,俐落的線條設 計和高雅的室內空間令人猶如置身比華利山;然而,Villa NEO卻是 位於聖巴特斯島,眺望St Jean海灣。由Sibarth Real Estate招售。
售價:美元 50,537,634
Villa NEO
St. Barthelemy
Voted “Best Private Villa” at the 2018 Boutique Hotel Awards, this 9,500+ sq ft (883 sq m) multi-level structure’s sleek linear form and chic interior spaces would be at home in Beverly Hills; however, Villa NEO is on the island of St Barths, overlooking St Jean Bay. Listed by Sibarth Real Estate.
Offered at US$50,537,634
Zarek Honneysett
+590 590 29 8891

4610 Makena Road
呈現夏威夷極致奢華的4610 Makena Road,是茂宜島上無可匹敵
的海濱莊園。這次首度在大名鼎鼎的Old Makena Road上推出的 項目包括四套獨立別墅,而別墅均坐落於佔地1.43英畝(0.57公頃) 的熱帶雨林內,連接Po’olenalena海灘上的一條長148英尺(45 米)的海岸。
售價:美元 33,000,000
4610 Makena Road
Kihei, Hawaii, United States
The epitome of Hawaiian luxury, 4610 Makena Road is Maui’s unrivaled beachfront estate. This first-time offering on prestigious Old Makena Road encompasses four individual dwellings set amid 1.43 tropical acres (0.57 ha)—including a 148 ft (45 m) strand on Po’olenalena Beach.
Offered at $33,000,000
Paul Stukin
DRE #01937601
+1 310 779 2595 paul@deepbluehi.com

362 Copa de Oro Road
這座莊嚴的英國都鐸風格豪宅,是傳奇音樂製作人兼 A&M 唱片公 司聯合創始人Jerry Moss的府邸,散發永恆的優雅氣息。大宅屹立 於貝萊爾的中心地帶,該區是洛杉磯西區最受歡迎的社區之一。由 Christie’s International Real Estate AKG 招售。
售價:美元 26,985,000
362 Copa de Oro Road
Los Angeles, California, United States
The longtime estate of legendary music producer Jerry Moss, co-founder of A&M records, this stately English Tudor-style mansion offers timeless elegance in the heart of Bel-Air, one of the most sought-after neighborhoods on the Westside of Los Angeles. Listed by Christie’s International Real Estate AKG.
Offered at $26,985,000
Aaron Kirman
DRE #01296524
+1 310 994 9512

W 3124 S Lakeshore Drive
這座經典的莊園優美地坐落在威斯康星州日內瓦湖的南岸,由德雷 克家族於1900年建造,房子經過精心修復後,呈現出至臻完美的狀 態。由@properties Christie’s International Real Estate招售。
W 3124 S Lakeshore Drive
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, United States
This incredible home was finished in 2011 to the highest level of standards. This stunning 12 acre property is perfectly designed for entertaining and multi-generational living. Infinity pool and spa, 368ft of lake frontage, five boat slips as well as a guest home. The Hamptons of the Midwest await! Listed by @properties Christie’s International Real Estate.
Price upon request
Brandie Malay Siavelis
+1 773 968 4550

百達翡麗,極罕有及矚目,18K紅金鑲長方形切割紅寶石自動上弦鏈帶手錶,配 中心秒針及日曆顯示, NAUTILUS,型號5723/112R-001,約2017年制,附原廠證書、盒子及外包裝 成交價︰HK$4,158,000 估價︰HK$2,400,000 – 4,800,000 精緻名表,2023年11月26日,香港
Alexandre Bigler 亞太區高級副總裁暨名錶部主管 abigler@christies.com +852 2978 6759 christies.com

成交價︰HK$ 83,875,000 估價︰HK$ 70,000,000 – 100,000,000 瑰麗珠寶及翡翠首飾,2023年11月27日,香港
副總裁暨亞洲區珠寶部拍賣管理主管 rhsu@christies.com +852 2978 9979 christies.com
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