作為豪宅代理的先鋒,佳士得國際地產獨家邀請世 界頂級地產經紀組成代理網絡,為全球客戶提供卓 越服務。透過搭建世界級市場行銷平台、與拍賣行 建立良好合作關係,加上得到頂尖地產經紀網絡推 薦,我們因此能夠提供切合客戶需要的服務,250多 年來一直備受信賴。佳士得國際地產誠意邀請閣下 探索我們代理的部分重點豪華住宅物業。
作為豪宅代理的先鋒,佳士得國際地產獨家邀請世 界頂級地產經紀組成代理網絡,為全球客戶提供卓 越服務。透過搭建世界級市場行銷平台、與拍賣行 建立良好合作關係,加上得到頂尖地產經紀網絡推 薦,我們因此能夠提供切合客戶需要的服務,250多 年來一直備受信賴。佳士得國際地產誠意邀請閣下 探索我們代理的部分重點豪華住宅物業。
Christie’s International Real Estate offers incomparable service to a global clientele. The vanguard of luxury, our exclusive invitationonly network includes only the world’s top real estate brokers.
Our world-class marketing platform and collaboration with the auction house, combined with referrals from our network of the world’s top real estate brokers, allow us to deliver the tailored, trusted service that Christie’s clients have depended on for more than 250 years.
Christie’s International Real Estate is pleased to invite you to explore a sampling of important properties from our luxury property portfolio.
More details on pages 3-5:
The Safar Estate
Costa Smeralda, Sardinia, Italy
Serving the Sardinia-Costa Smeralda property market since 1974, Immobilsarda’s expert team of real estate professionals represent the finest homes in the most prestigious locations on the Costa Smeralda.
Set within a private 5.68-acre (2.3 ha) park on Romazzino Bay, this trophy estate includes three luxurious waterfront villas with guest annexes, two private beaches, two docks, and a mooring for a superyacht.
Price upon request
Julia Bracco
+39 34833 07912
Charlotte Delaney
+44 7786 021278
自1974 年以來,Immobilsarda的地產專業團 隊一直專注於薩丁尼亞島-翡翠海岸的房地產 市場,代理翡翠海岸最尊貴地段的優質房產。
這座名聲顯赫的莊園坐落在羅馬齊諾灣的一個 5.68英畝(2.3公頃)的私人園區內,設有三棟奢華 的海濱別墅、兩個私人海灘、兩個碼頭和一個超 級豪華遊艇泊位。
Founded in 1945, Benedetti Real Service® specializes in high-value residential property transactions and valuations in South Tyrol, Cortina d’Ampezzo, and Northern Italy. Dr. Sabine Voppichler and Dr. Alexander Benedetti lead the company’s dynamic team.
Villa Altissima
This spectacular, luxury ski-in, ski-out chalet in Cortina d’Ampezzo has a breathtaking mountain setting framed by the rocky peaks of Cristallo and Sorapis.
Price upon request
Alexander Benedetti +39 0436 808024
Anastasia Menardi Demai +39 0436 808024
Benedetti Real Service® 成立於1945 年,專門 提供南蒂羅爾、科爾蒂納丹佩佐和意大利北部 高價值住宅的物業買賣和估價服務。公司有一支 活力充沛的團隊,由Sabine Voppichler 博士和 Alexander Benedetti博士帶領。
Villa Altissima
這座豪華滑雪小屋位於科爾蒂納丹佩佐,可欣賞 到克里斯塔羅和索拉皮斯的壯觀山脈。
Villa La Vista 意大利南蒂羅爾蒂羅洛
Villa La Vista位於南蒂羅爾其中一個最尊貴的地 段,是當地的建築瑰寶,融合奢華、現代和獨一 無二的地中海風格,傳達阿爾卑斯的生活態度。
Villa La Vista
Dorf Tirol, South Tyrol, Italy
An architectural jewel in one of South Tyrol’s most prestigious locations, Villa La Vista offers luxury, modernity, and a unique Mediterranean-style lifestyle in the Alps.
Offered at €7,000,000
Alexander Benedetti
+39 0473 236613
Sabine Voppichler Benedetti
+39 0473 236613
歷史悠久的豪華鄉郊別墅 意大利南蒂羅爾 Malles-Laudes
這座奢華的鄉郊別墅建於1582年。2010年,一位 著名建築師修復和翻新了別墅,為古色古香的建 築注入當代舒適生活的格調。
Built in 1582 and restored and updated in 2010 by a renowned architect, this luxurious country house offers modern comfort and style in a historic setting.
Offered at €1,700,000
Alexander Benedetti
+39 0473 236613
Sabine Voppichler Benedetti
+39 0473 236613
別具格調的農場莊園 意大利南蒂羅爾盧松
這座房產由兩棟設計奢華的農場小屋組成,除了 佔地面積遼闊外,更坐擁令人歎為觀止的山景, 絕對是度假放鬆的完美之地。
Stylish Farmhouse
Luson, South Tyrol, Italy
With two luxuriously renovated farmhouses, extensive land, and breathtaking mountain views, this property is the perfect holiday home.
Price upon request
Alexander Benedetti
+39 0473 236613
Sabine Voppichler Benedetti
+39 0473 236613
SPG One is dedicated to curating the finest selection of luxury properties in Frenchspeaking Switzerland and the Alps.
Choulex/Geneva, Switzerland
A harmonious balance between tradition and modernity, this restored 18th-century property offers more than 10,700 sq ft (1,000 sq m) of grandly scaled living space designed for utmost comfort and luxury.
Price upon request
Maxime Dubus
+41 79 464 83 58
SPG One致力於管理瑞士法語區和阿爾卑斯山 地帶的頂級奢華豪宅。
這座經過翻新的18世紀豪宅,糅合傳統建築與 當代設計,提供超過10,700平方英尺(1,000平方
米)的寬敞生活空間,把舒適度與奢華感提升到 極致。
這座優雅的海濱大宅已完成全面翻新,裝潢豪華 富麗,另設一棟雅緻的主樓、一棟附屬樓、泳池和 宜人的花園。
St-Prex/Vaud, Switzerland
This elegant waterfront property, fully renovated with high-quality finishes, features a beautiful main house, an annex house, a pool, and an enchanting garden.
Price upon request
Amélie Woitrin
+41 79 583 04 68
這座壯麗的聯排別墅屹立於日內瓦的中心,建有 一個大花園和一棟連室內泳池的附屬建築,非常 適合家庭入住。
Lovely Family Townhouse
Champel/Geneva, Switzerland
A beautiful family home ideally located in the heart of Geneva, this townhouse includes a vast garden and an outbuilding with an indoor swimming pool.
Price upon request
Pierre Révay
+41 79 521 69 02
坐擁一望無際景觀的奢華家庭別墅 瑞士沃州佩羅瓦
這座奢華的別墅採用最優質的建材建造而成,佔 地 3,767平方英尺(350 平方米),位處的園林面積
接近一英畝(0.4公頃),別墅景觀開揚,俯瞰著 日內瓦湖。
Luxury Family Villa with Panoramic Views
Perroy/Vaud, Switzerland
Built with the finest materials, this sumptuous 3,767 sq ft (350 sq m) villa is nestled on nearly an acre (0.4 ha) of landscaped gardens overlooking Lake Geneva.
Price upon request
Amélie Woitrin
+41 79 583 04 68
Miells is a leader in the Monaco Luxury real estate market, offering a range of tailor-made, global services supported by a highly qualified, diverse, dynamic, and close-knit sales team with experience spanning generations.
This penthouse in the heart of Port de Fontvieille features a rooftop terrace with a Mediterranean garden, Jacuzzi, and a picture-postcard view of the marina and the sea.
Offered at €26,500,000
Nicolas Croesi
+377 97 97 79 29
Miells在摩納哥豪宅市場享有領導地位,其銷售 團隊由一群高素質、背景多元、充滿活力和經驗 豐富的人才組成。團隊成員彼此合作無間,針對 客戶不同的需要提供一系列全球服務。
這座頂層公寓位於芳特維耶港中心,屋頂的露台 設有一個地中海風格花園和按摩池,可欣賞到碼 頭和大海的迷人景緻。
售價:歐元 26,500,000
Les Lierres
這套新裝修的公寓採光充足,位置極佳,坐 落於摩納哥黃金廣場之上,距離蒙地卡羅賭
場、Metropole購物中心和各式各樣的餐廳只有 數分鐘路程。
售價:歐元 5,300,000
Les Lierres
Monte Carlo, Monaco
This bright, newly renovated apartment has an enviable location on Monaco’s Golden Square, just moments away from the Casino de Monte-Carlo, Metropole shopping center, and a vast array of dining options.
Offered at €5,300,000
Thierry Rosenal
+377 97 97 79 29
這座位於蒙地卡羅區的大宅坐落於一棟 1950年 代建成的大樓中,可俯瞰主要港口的景色,距離 賭場、奢侈品商店和國內最著名的酒店只有數 步之遙。
Situated in a 1950s building overlooking the main harbour, this residence in Monte-Carlo district is a stone’s throw from the casino, luxury shops, and the Principality’s most famous hotels.
Offered at €7,400,000
Elena Balashova
+377 97 97 79 29
Les Abeilles
這套新裝修的中央公寓光線充足,裝潢時尚優雅, 可飽覽地中海和摩納哥的醉人景緻。
售價:歐元 5,300,000
Les Abeilles
Newly renovated in a sleek and elegant style, this bright central apartment offers an amazing view of the Mediterranean Sea and the Principality.
Offered at €5,300,000
Eric Cancemi
+377 97 97 79 29
Since 1977, Michaël Zingraf Real Estate has been presenting upscale properties for sale and rent, along with personalized services, through its network of agencies situated in the most renowned spots along the French Riviera and in Provence.
Among the most iconic estates on the French Riviera, this magnificent circa-1920 mansion was the former summer retreat of U.S. President John F. Kennedy.
Offered at €31,500,000
Angie Delattre
+33 4 92 92 87 87
自1977年以來,Michaël Zingraf Real Estate透 過其位於法國里維埃拉和普羅旺斯最具標誌性 地點的代理機構,提供優質的個人物業銷售和 租賃服務。
位於法國里維埃拉最具標誌性的莊園裡,這座於 1920年代建成的宏偉豪宅,曾有幸成為美國總統 約翰.甘迺迪的避暑勝地。
售價:歐元 31,500,000
經過翻新的當代海景別墅 法國康城附近
這座豪華的府邸坐落在一個可直通大海的私密 環境中,包括一棟別墅和一棟連接寬敞露台和泳 池的客房。
Superbly Renovated, Contemporary Waterfront Villa Close to Cannes, France
Set within an exceptional private environment with direct access to the sea, this sumptuous property includes a villa and a guest house opening to extensive terraces and a pool.
Offered at €11,850,000
Grégory Moulin
+33 93 39 77 77
普羅旺斯的宏偉大宅 法國亞爾勒附近
這座宏偉的莊園建於一個古老的梧桐樹園林內, 由農舍、客房和附屬建築組成,四周都散發著普 羅旺斯的魅力。
價格另洽 Majestic Property in Provence Close to Arles, France
In a park graced with ancient plane trees, this exquisite estate comprising a farmhouse, guest house, and outbuildings exudes Provençal charm.
Price upon request
Véronique Fresquet
+33 4 32 60 00 00
這座樓高三層的豪宅視野開闊,俯瞰地中海全 景,裝潢採用當代風格,處處流露著優雅品味, 內設私人升降機。另外,多露台的設計令整體 布局生色不少。
Overlooking the Mediterranean, this exclusive triplex offers a breathtaking panorama, elegant and contemporary interiors, and access via a private elevator. Outside, several terraces create a truly exceptional setting.
Price upon request
Jean-Nicolas Frontini
+33 4 93 32 32 32
Swen Ingwersen
+33 4 93 32 32 32
With a heritage built on over 70 years of prime real estate experience, Daniel Féau, principal Parisian estate agent, and its leading international department, Belles demeures de France, offer the most comprehensive service and access to the most prestigious properties.
Located in a prestigious 1930s Walter building, this 6,372 sq ft (592 sq m) split-level apartment features four main suites and a private garden with a swimming pool.
Price upon request
Julia Saint-Mleux
+33 1 76 77 34 19
巴黎首席地產經紀 Daniel Féau擁有70多年的 高端地產銷售經驗,其領先的國際部門 Belles demeures de France竭誠為客戶提供最負盛名 的地產物業以及最周全服務。
這套複式公寓坐落在1930年代建成的著名Walter 建築物內,佔地6,372平方英尺(592平方米),設 四個主套房和一個附有泳池的私人花園。
Villa Montmorency 法國巴黎
這座私人豪宅所處位置,是維克多.雨果、萊昂. 布魯姆和馬克.夏卡爾的故居,佔地 6,803 平方英 尺(632平方米),室內外生活空間已進行翻新。
Villa Montmorency
Paris, France
This private mansion offers 6,803 sq ft (632 sq m) of exceptionally restored living space, indoors and outdoors. The property was built in place of the one where Victor Hugo, Léon Blum, and Marc Chagall lived.
Price upon request
Pauline Chpilevsky
+33 1 84 79 82 02
歐元 6,800,000
This split-level, south-facing penthouse has commanding views of Notre Dame Cathedral, the Panthéon, Sacré Coeur Basilica, and Beaubourg (the Centre Pompidou). The 2,443 sq ft (227 sq m) floor plan includes three bedrooms.
Offered at €6,800,000
Séverine de Freycinet
+33 1 88 40 78 39
Place François Ier 法國巴黎
這套豪華複式頂層公寓佔地 2,422平方英尺(225 平方米),建有三間主套房和四個露台,每個露台 均可飽覽巴黎鐵塔的美景。
Place François Ier Paris, France
This superb 2,422 sq ft (225 sq m) duplex penthouse includes three principal suites and four terraces, each with a panoramic view of the Eiffel Tower.
Offered at €9,950,000
Kyan Zare
+33 1 76 77 34 19
Carter Jonas is a multi-disciplinary partnership that advises and supports clients across Residential Sales and Lettings, Build to Rent and New Homes, as well as on Planning, Development, Commercial, Property Management, Building Consultancy, and Rural matters.
London, United Kingdom
A stunning, architecturally crafted duplex with its own private entrance, this fivebedroom apartment overlooks the famous Cadogan Square.
Offered at £15,700,000
Samuel Richardson +44 20 7493 0676
Carter Jonas是一家合夥企業,涵蓋多元化業 務,包括住宅銷售和租賃,為租而建和新屋,以及 規劃、開發、商業、物業管理、建築顧問和農村事 務。
這座建築風格華麗的複式公寓屬五房間隔,俯瞰著 名的加多近廣場景緻,並設專屬的私人入口。
售價:英鎊 15,700,000
Denmark Place
這套兩房豪華公寓用色大膽且迷幻,提供無與倫 比的奢華入住體驗。公寓可供短租,機會難得。
售價:英鎊 8,004/周
Denmark Place
London, United Kingdom
A unique short-let experience of a twobedroom deluxe apartment embracing bold and psychedelic colors and offering unrivaled opulence.
Offered at £8,004 per week
Kim Bays
+44 20 7493 0676
South Molton Street 英國倫敦
這套豪華三房頂層公寓位於倫敦的潮流地帶,居 住空間達到1,884平方英尺(175平方米),設兩 個露台。
售價:英鎊 4,495/周
South Molton Street
London, United Kingdom
Located in London’s most fashionable destination, this stunning three-bedroom triplex penthouse offers 1,884 sq ft (175 sq m) of living space with two terraces.
Offered at £4,495 per week
Kim Bays
+44 20 7493 0676
這座極具氣派的當代風大宅屹立在某村莊的邊 端,並坐落於宜人的園林內,可享開揚的向南景 觀。
Bath, United Kingdom
This remarkable contemporary residence sits on stunning gardens with an open southerly outlook at the edge of a village.
Offered at £2,750,000
David Mackenzie
+44 1225 747250
An exclusive affiliate of Christie’s International Real Estate, Costa Del Sol 365 specializes in the sale and acquisition of unique luxury properties in Marbella and across the Costa del Sol.
Villa George
Sierra Blanca, Golden Mile, Marbella, Spain
Located in the beautiful residential community of Sierra Blanca, this luxury villa is just 1.25 miles (2 km) from the center of Marbella, Puente Romano, and the glamorous Puerto Banús.
Price upon request
Hans Veenhuijsen
+34 649 540 864
Costa Del Sol 365是佳士得國際地產旗下的獨家 附屬公司,專門從事銷售和收購位於馬貝拉和太陽 海岸地區獨一無二的豪宅
Villa George
這座豪華別墅位於布蘭卡山脈優美的住宅區內,距 離馬貝拉市中心、羅馬橋和迷人的巴努斯港只有 1.25英里(2公里)。
Grand, Lavish Villa 西班牙馬貝拉貝納阿維斯
這座設計別緻的別墅優雅地屹立在山坡上,隨便 選擇一個角度,都能欣賞到令人嘆為觀止的景色, 而從屋頂露台俯瞰而下的景緻更是一絕。
售價:歐元 5,620,000
Grand, Lavish Villa Benahavís, Marbella, Spain
This refined and sophisticated villa sits gently on the hillside, offering stunning views from every vantage, especially the rooftop terrace.
Offered at €5,620,000
Hans Veenhuijsen
+34 649 540 864
Premier Estate Properties, Florida’s only privately held boutique real estate brokerage presenting properties “Exclusively in Excess of One Million Dollars” since 1993, is distinguished for proven results-driven marketing and the largest percentage of sold million dollar-plus properties.
Situated on the water’s edge in the tranquil north end area of Palm Beach, this 2.3-acre (0.93 ha) plot offers the potential to develop an exceptional oceanfront property or two.
Offered at US$200,000,000
Jim McCann
+1 866 485 1960
Premier Estate Properties是佛羅里達州唯一 一家精品私人地產經紀公司,自1993年開始代理 「一百萬美元以上」的房產,其以成果為導向的 市場推廣方案和所售一百萬美元以上房產佔比最 大,業內聞名。
這幅2.3英畝(0.93公頃)的土地位於棕櫚灘北 端的海邊,四周環境寧靜,可建造一至兩座海濱 大宅。
售價:美元 200,000,000
這座直接用沙石建成的海濱豪宅提供極致的濱 海生活體驗,是2023-2024年在棕櫚灘過冬的理 想居所。
Palm Beach, Florida, United States
Offering seaside living at its finest, this direct-sand, oceanfront mansion is ideal for the 2023-2024 Palm Beach winter season.
Offered at US$149,000 per month/ annual lease
Margit Brandt
+1 866 220 1275
歷史悠久的地中海風格大宅 美國佛羅里達州棕櫚灘
這座大宅建於1924 年,時至今日仍獲悉心打理, 保養得宜。房產位於市中心海洋街區的一條主要 街道上,設有4個卧室、4.5個浴室、一間客房、綠 油油的熱帶花園和一個恆温泳池/水療池。
Historic 1924 Mediterranean Palm Beach, Florida, United States
Meticulously maintained and updated, this 1924 home on a prime ocean-block street in midtown includes 4 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms, a guest house, lush tropical gardens, and a heated pool/spa.
Offered at US$11,995,000
Rosalind Clarke
+1 866 485 1928
這座帕拉第奧式莊園建於攝政時期,內部裝潢典 雅堂皇,娛樂設施和家具一應俱全,並設有六個 臥室,適合一家大小入住,可滿足不同場合與季 節的需要。
售價:美元 27,900,000
Spectacular Move-In-Ready Regency
Palm Beach, Florida, United States
Showcasing elegance for entertaining as well as everyday easy livability for the family, this Palladian Regency six-bedroom estate truly befits all occasions and seasons.
Offered at US$27,900,000
Jim McCann
+1 866 485 1960
這棟華麗的別墅坐落於幽靜的園林中,佔地 13,778平方英尺(1,280 平方米),由時裝設計師
高田賢三建造,並由著名建築師隈研吾主理翻新。 由 Belles demeures de France 招售。
Tucked away within secluded gardens, this stunning 13,778 sq ft (1,280 sq m) property was built by fashion designer Kenzo Takada and has been renovated by the celebrated architect Kengo Kuma. Listed by Belles demeures de France.
Price upon request
Charlotte Delaney
+44 77 8602 1278
位於Perl-Borg的馬術莊園 德國薩爾
Gestüt Peterhof是位於德國摩塞爾河上游段的 馬匹健康中心,也是享譽國際的種馬場,以及符合 國際馬術總會和奧運會盛裝舞步賽標準的場地。 作為世界級馬術莊園之一,這座佔地74英畝(30 公頃)的宏偉莊園為訓練和繁殖馬匹提供一切所 需設施,讓牠們可在國際舞台上一較高下。
Gestüt Peterhof is an internationally respected stud farm, FEI- and Olympicgrade dressage facility, and equine wellness center on Germany’s Upper Moselle River. One of the world’s finest equestrian estates, this magnificent 74-acre (30 ha) property offers every amenity to train and breed horses for competition on the global stage.
Price upon request
Monique Ghosh
+44 (208) 1587228
Villa Neo
這座樓高多層的別墅佔地逾9,500平方英尺(883 平方米),曾於2018 年精品酒店大獎中榮獲「最 佳私人別墅」稱號,俐落的線條設計和高雅的室 內空間令人猶如置身比華利山;然而,Villa NEO 卻是位於聖巴特斯島,眺望St Jean海灣。由
Sibarth Real Estate招售。
Villa Neo
Saint Jean, Saint Barthélemy
Voted “Best Private Villa” at the 2018 Boutique Hotel Awards, this 9,500+ sq ft (883 sq m) multi-level structure’s sleek linear form and chic interior spaces would be at home in Beverly Hills; however, Villa NEO is on the island of St Barths, overlooking St Jean Bay. Listed by Sibarth Real Estate.
Price upon request
Katherine Pardo
+1 561 318 9366
Zarek Honneysett
+590 690 484 867
Valley Trunk Estate 英屬維爾經群島
Valley Trunk Estate遠望大樹幹灣。大樹幹灣是
一個長1,000英尺(305米)的白色沙灘。這座莊園 佔地超過18英畝(7公頃),被花崗岩巨石環繞,隱 蔽私密。由Smiths Gore B.V.I Limited招售。
售價:美元 48,000,000
Valley Trunk Estate
British Virgin Islands
Valley Trunk Estate overlooks Big Trunk Bay, a white sand beach spanning 1,000 ft (305 m). Encompassing more than 18 acres (7 ha) of grounds surrounded by huge granite boulders, the estate offers ultimate privacy.
Listed by Smiths Gore B.V.I Limited.
Offered at US$48,000,000
Katherine Pardo
+1 561 318 9366
Edward Childs
+1 284 346 3918
獨一無二的海濱豪宅Gemin Las Catalinas 哥斯達黎加瓜納卡斯特省
這座位於太平洋邊陲位置的海濱別墅絕無僅 有,內外裝潢華麗,私密度高,可 360度飽覽周 圍遼闊的海景。由Costa Rica Resort & Estate Properties招售。
售價:美元 8,700,000
This unique beachfront villa at the edge of the Pacific Ocean offers equal parts privacy and architectural grandeur, and a sweeping panoramic view of the surrounding seascape. Listed by Costa Rica Resort & Estate Properties.
Offered at US$8,700,000
Katherine Pardo
+1 561 318 9366
Robert F. Davey
+1 877 661 2060
810 W Smuggler
位於阿斯彭歷史悠久的West End社區,這座新 建的大宅以大自然為設計靈感,並融入當代建 築風格。住宅室內裝修巧妙精緻,提供各式各 樣的設施。由佳士得國際地產招售 Real Estate Aspen Snowmass.
售價:美元 28,500,000
810 W Smuggler
Located in Aspen’s historic West End neighborhood, this new-construction, nature-inspired home combines contemporary architecture, sophisticated interiors, and a complete complement of amenities. Listed by Christie’s International Real Estate Aspen Snowmass.
Offered at US$28,500,000
Anne Colvin
+1 401 263 2369
Mark Haldeman
+1 970 379 3372
這座豪宅位於阿斯彭令人嚮往的West End中心 地段,距離地標建築 Hotel Jerome只有數個街 區。大宅提供 5,482平方英尺(509平方米)的室內
外生活空間,可觀賞到壯麗的山景。由Christie’s International Real Estate Aspen Snowmass 招售。
In the heart of Aspen’s coveted West End, just a few blocks from the iconic Hotel Jerome, this luxury home offers 5,482 sq ft (509 sq m) of seamless indoor-outdoor living space with spectacular mountain views. Listed by Christie’s International Real Estate Aspen Snowmass.
Offered at US$19,500,000
Anne Colvin
+1 401 263 2369
Bineau Team
+1 970 688 0609
美國科羅拉多州阿斯彭這座優雅的維多利亞式住宅位於阿斯彭West End的中心地段,與 Hotel Jerome只相隔一個
街區。大宅經過徹底改造,融入了當代生活的奢 華元素。由Christie’s International Real Estate Aspen Snowmass招售。
This elegant Victorian home in the heart of Aspen’s West End, only a block from Hotel Jerome, has been completely transformed for luxurious contemporary living. Listed by Christie’s International Real Estate Aspen Snowmass.
Offered at US$19,500,000
Anne Colvin
+1 401 263 2369
Colter Smith
+1 970 309 2000
411 Wood #8
美國科羅拉多州Snowmass Village
Residence 8由Lake Flato Architects設計,是 位於 Havens on Fanny Hill的一座現代式滑雪
屋,也是Snowmass Village僅有 10座獨立屋住 宅的專屬飛地。由Christie’s International Real Estate Aspen Snowmass招售。
411 Wood #8
Snowmass Village, Colorado, United States
Designed by Lake Flato Architects, Residence 8 is a contemporary ski-in, skiout home in The Havens on Fanny Hill, an exclusive enclave of just 10 single-family residences in Snowmass Village. Listed by Christie’s International Real Estate Aspen Snowmass.
Offered at US$17,600,000
Anne Colvin
+1 401 263 2369
Mark Haldeman
+1 970 379 3372
Jennifer Banner
+1 970 471 6200
Circle Creek Estate
Circle Creek Estate 是馬術界的天堂。這座宏偉 的房產坐落在南卡羅萊納州藍嶺山脈下的一幅
54英畝的土地上,提供 16,000 平方英尺的訂製式
居住空間和世界級馬術設施,包括三個馬術競技 場和一個設有12個馬房的馬棚。由BlackStream International Real Estate招售。
售價:美元 22,000,000
Circle Creek Estate
Simpsonville, South Carolina, United States
Circle Creek Estate is an equestrian paradise. Set on 54 acres (22 ha) against the foothills of South Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains, this magnificent property features a 16,000 sq ft (1,486 sq m) custom home and worldclass equestrian amenities, including three riding arenas and a 12-stall barn. Listed by BlackStream International Real Estate.
Offered at US$22,000,000
Anne Colvin
+1 401 263 2369
Damian Hall Group
+1 828 817 2046
2026 N Kenmore 美國伊利諾伊州芝加哥
這座氣勢磅礡的房產處於三幅地段之上,由身為 著名設計師的業主精心翻新和設計。這座佔地
13,400 平方英尺(1,244 平方米)的住宅坐落在林 肯公園的一個街區,營造獨一無二的生活氛圍。
由@properties Christie’s International Real Estate招售。
2026 N Kenmore
Chicago, Illinois, United States
This sensational triple lot home has been masterfully renovated and designed to perfection by its well-known designer-owner. The 13,400 sq ft (1,244 sq m) home is located on a fantastic Lincoln Park block and offers a lifestyle like no other. Listed by @properties Christie’s International Real Estate.
Offered at US$10,750,000
Emily Sachs Wong
+1 312 286 0800
Anne Colvin
+1 401 263 2369
Aloha Lodge
這座經典的莊園優美地坐落在威斯康星州日內 瓦湖的南岸。由德雷克家族於1900年建造,房
由@properties Christie’s International Real Estate招售。
售價:美元 35,000,000
Aloha Lodge
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, United States
This quintessential classic estate sits beautifully on the south shoreline of Geneva Lake in Wisconsin. Built by the Drake family in 1900, this home has been painstakingly restored to the highest level of quality and perfection. Listed by @properties Christie’s International Real Estate.
Offered at US$35,000,000
Brandie Malay-Siavelis
+1 773 968 4550
Anne Colvin
+1 401 263 2369
這座位於百慕達的臨海莊園背景顯赫,佔地 14英 畝(5.7公頃),離哈密爾頓只有數分鐘路程。房 產的翻新工程由國際建築師和工匠組成的團隊主 理,歷時三年。由Sinclair Realty Bermuda招售。
售價:美元 35,000,000
Graced with an impressive provenance and located just minutes from Hamilton, this grandly proportioned 14-acre (5.7 ha) Bermuda beachfront estate was the subject of a carefully orchestrated three-year renovation by a team of international architects and artisans. Listed by Sinclair Realty Bermuda.
Offered at US$35,000,000
Daniel Peros
+1 212 417 0360
John M. Sinclair
+1 441 296 0278
Karin H. Sinclair
+1 441 296 0278
受弗雷德里克.艾耶爾委託,路易斯.康福特.蒂 芙尼以環遊世界為靈感,採用摩爾風格馬賽克 和當代設計打造了這座五層高的中空別墅。由 LandVest招售。
售價:美元14,995,000 The Tiffany Ayer Mansion Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Inspired by world travel, Louis Comfort Tiffany explored the use of Moorish mosaic influences and surprisingly contemporary design at this block-through, five-story residence commissioned by industrialist Frederick Ayer. Listed by LandVest.
Offered at US$14,995,000
Daniel Peros +1 212 417 0360
Greta Gustafson +1 617 686 6258
艾耶爾府邸 美國麻省波士頓Château de la Roche 是一座宏偉的法式莊園, 佔地2英畝(0.8公頃),距離曼哈頓只有45分鐘 車程。大宅提供大型的接待室、親密的家庭空間 和寬敞的住宿環境。由Christie’s International Real Estate Northern New Jersey招售。
售價:美元 22,490,000
Alpine, New Jersey, United States
A magnificent French-inspired manor sited on 2 acres (0.8 ha) just 45 minutes from Manhattan, Château de la Roche offers grand reception rooms, intimate family spaces, and ample accommodation. Listed by Christie’s International Real Estate Northern New Jersey. Offered at US$22,490,000
Daniel Peros
+1 212 417 0360
Denise Albanese
+1 201 401 3978
貝爾格四季酒店, Quai des Bergues 33, 1201 Geneva
裝飾藝術風格紅寶石、藍寶石及鑽石長項鍊 估價:瑞士法郎800,000-1,200,000
貝爾格四季酒店, Quai des Bergues 33, 1201 Geneva
獨一無二精鋼腕錶,配38毫米錶殼及皇家藍錶盤 估價:瑞士法郎600,000-1,200,000
© Christie’s Inc., 2023
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