Christie's International Real Estate Luxury Living | Autumn | Winter 2022 | Chinese

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AUTUMN | WINTER 2022 秋季 | 2022 年冬季

A Brand Like No Other

Christie’s International Real Estate offers incomparable service to a global clientele. The vanguard of luxury, our exclusive invitation-only network includes only the world’s top real estate brokers. Our world-class marketing platform and collaboration with the auction house, combined with referrals from our network of the world’s top real estate brokers, allow us to deliver the tailored, trusted service that Christie’s clients have depended on for more than 250 years.

Christie’s International Real Estate is pleased to invite you to explore a sampling of important properties from our luxury property portfolio.

優質豪宅物業的獨家代理 作為豪宅代理的先鋒,佳士得國際地產獨家邀請世界頂級地 產經紀組成代理網絡,為全球客戶提供卓越服務。透過搭建 世界級市場行銷平台、與拍賣行建立良好合作關係,加上得 到頂尖地產經紀網絡推薦,我們因此能夠提供切合客戶需要 的服務,250多年來一直備受信賴。佳士得國際地產誠意邀請 閣下探索我們代理的部分重點豪華住宅物業。
2 台北


Jubon Assets Management is located in Taipei, well-known for its technology and innovation. Specializing in luxury real estate, Jubon assists clients seeking to acquire, lease, develop, or realize the value of residential and commercial properties.

Xinyi Metropolitan Mansion Taipei

Located within Taipei Financial Center, Xinyi Metropolitan Mansion is just a short distance from almost every popular sightseeing spot in the city.

Price upon request

Michael Liu +886 939 555 111

An Liu +886 936 168 286


住邦資產管理位於台北,憑藉其科技和創 新的經營理念而聞名。住邦專注於高端地 產市場,致力為客戶提供收購、租賃或開 發的專業建議,以及實現住宅和商業物業 的價值。
台北信義路都會府邸 台北 信義路的都會府邸坐落於台北金融中心地 帶,鄰近市內幾乎所有熱門景點。 價格另洽
4 台北
陽明山上的前衛匠心之作 這座時尚前衛的大宅聳立於仰德大道的最 高處,眺望繁華都市和自然美景,只需15 分鐘車程即可抵達台北市中心。 價格另洽 Modern Masterpiece on Yangming Mountain Taipei Located
Price upon request Michael Liu +886 939 555 111 An Liu +886 936 168 286 5
on the highest point of Yangde Avenue, just 15 minutes’ drive from downtown Tapei, this modern residence offers spectacular views of the bustling city and the natural landscape.
6 台北
陽明山上的雅緻別墅 這棟富現代氣息的別墅位於陽明山上,以 天然石材建造而成,周圍綠樹成蔭,毗鄰 台北最高檔住宅區天母。 價格另洽 Artistic Villa on Yangming Mountain Taipei Built with natural stone and bordered by lush greenery, this contemporary villa on Yangming Mountain is just a short distance from Tianmu, Taipei’s most affluent neighborhood. Price upon request Michael Liu +886 939 555 111 An Liu +886 936 168 286 7
8 台北
桃園威斯汀度假村奢華別墅 桃園 這棟五房間隔的豪華別墅坐落在美麗的桃 園市內,翠綠環抱,綠化面積達10.92英 畝(4.4公頃)。 價格另洽 Luxurious Westin Resort Taoyuan, Taipei This luxurious five-bedroom villa is secluded within 10.92 acres (4.4 ha) of lush, landscaped gardens in the beautiful city of Taoyuan. Price upon request Michael Liu +886 939 555 111 An Liu +886 936 168 286 9
10 威尼斯


From “chic petit” pieds-à-terre overlook ing the rooftops to dazzling Grand Canal palazzi, Dimora Italia Real Estate offers over 20 years’ experience and a track-re cord in transforming cherished dreams of living in Venice into a fulfilling and re warding reality.

Ca’ Dario Venice, Italy

Palazzo Dario is an architectural gem on the most prestigious part of the Grand Canal, stretching from the Accademia Bridge to San Marco. Offered at €20,000,000

Arnaldo Fusello +39 34 0347 3464

從摩天大廈內的公寓,到享有大運河景色 的府邸,Dimora
20多年的專業資歷,令夢寐以求的威尼斯 生活,成為豐富多彩的現實。
Ca’ Dario 意大利威尼斯 Palazzo Dario坐落於大運河最享負盛名的 一個河段,即從雅卡迪米亞大橋到聖馬可 的一段,堪稱運河上的建築瑰寶。 售價:歐元20,000,000 11 意大利
Italia Real Estate憑藉
12 威尼斯
13 意大利

Palazzo Lezze


這座府邸位於一棟歷史悠久的大宅主層, 內設一個私人入口和陽光露台,牆面以灰 泥壁畫粉飾,配以威尼斯風格的水磨石地 板,令人一見傾心。 售價:歐元8,000,000

Palazzo Lezze Venice, Italy

Located on the principal floor of a historic palazzo, complete with a private entrance and sun terrace, this impressive residence is enriched with stuccoes, frescoes, and Venetian terrazzo floors.

Offered at €8,000,000

Arnaldo Fusello +39 34 0347 3464

14 威尼斯
15 意大利
16 威尼斯
17 意大利
18 巴黎


With a heritage built on over 70 years of prime real estate experience, Daniel Féau, principal Parisian estate agent, and its leading international department, Belles demeures de France, offer the most comprehensive service and access to the most prestigious properties.


Paris, France

This elegant apartment was renovated by an internationally renowned interior decorator. The 3,630 sq ft (338 sq m) floor plan includes a reception room, dining room, superb kitchen, and four principal suites. Price upon request Marie-Hélène Lundgreen +33 6 60 34 14 62




年的高端地產銷售經驗,其領先的國際部 門
客戶提供最負盛名的地產物業以及最周全 服務。
Champs-Élysées 法國巴黎 這套別緻的公寓由國際知名室內設計師主 理翻新,佔地3,630平方英尺(338平方 米),設有一個客廳、飯廳、設備齊全的 廚房和四個主套房。 價格另洽
Belles demeures de France竭誠為
19 法國
20 巴黎

La Muette

La Muette Paris, France

This 2,605 sq ft (242 sq m) split-level apartment on the top floor of a luxurious 1930s building enjoys a view of the Eiffel Tower. Spacious reception rooms and four bedrooms are further highlights. Offered at €9,350,000 Valérie Lefoll +33 1 84 79 81 13

法國巴黎 這套複式公寓坐落於1930年代建成的一棟 豪華建築物頂層,坐擁巴黎鐵塔景色,在 佔地2,605平方英尺(242平方米)的空間 內,設有多個寬敞的客廳和四間卧室。 售價:歐元9,350,000
21 法國

Île Saint-Louis 法國巴黎 這套公寓由國際知名室內設計師主理翻 新,佔地2,659平方英尺(247平方米), 設有一個客廳、飯廳、設備齊全的廚房和 四個主套房。 價格另洽 Île Saint-Louis Paris, France

This 2,659 sq ft (247 sq m) apartment was renovated by an internationally renowned interior decorator and includes a reception room, dining room, fully equipped kitchen, and four primary suites. Price upon request Marie-Hélène Lundgreen +33 6 60 34 14 62

23 法國



這套經過翻新的複式公寓坐落於一棟1920 年代建成的大宅中,佔地5,124平方英尺 (476平方米),附設一個客廳、三個主 套房和面積達4,306平方英尺(400平方 米)的私人露台。 售價:歐元10,700,000

Jasmin Paris, France

Situated in a magnificent 1920s mansion, this renovated 5,124 sq ft (476 sq m) splitlevel apartment includes a reception room, three principal suites, and 4,306 sq ft (400 sq m) of private terraces. Offered at €10,700,000

Sophie Mennesson-Berg +33 1 84 79 82 02

25 法國
康城 26


Since 1977, Michaël Zingraf Real Estate through its agenices based in the most iconic locations on the French Riviera and in Provence, offers prestigious properties for sale, rent sale and rent, and personalized services.

Exceptional Estate on the French Riviera Cannes, France

Situated in an elevated coastal location overlooking the sea, this majestic, fully restored mansion spanning nearly 27,000 sq ft (2,508 sq m) is one of the finest properties on the French Riviera. Offered at €110,000,000

Angie Delattre +33 4 93 39 77 77

法國 自1977年以來,Michaël
斯最具標誌性地點的代理機構,提供優質 的個人化物業銷售和租賃服務。 法國里維埃拉的優美莊園 法國康城 這座宏偉的莊園已徹底翻新,位於沿海高 地,居高臨下遠眺海景,佔地近27,000平 方英尺(2,508平方米),是法國里維埃 拉最優質的房地產之一。 售價:歐元110,000,000 27
Zingraf Real Estate透過其位於法國里維埃拉和普羅旺
魯伯倫 28

Restored 18th-Century Hamlet Luberon, France

This splendid 175.5-acre (71 ha) domain includes an authentic, recently renovated private hamlet, a second contemporary house, a heated swimming pool, and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.

Offered at €3,500,000

Claude Segalin +33 4 90 72 06 06

經過翻新的18世紀小莊園 法國魯伯倫 這片廣達175.5英畝(71公頃)的土地, 屹立著最近經過翻新的傳統私人小莊園、 一棟當代風洋房、一個恆温泳池,坐擁附 近鄉村的宜人景色。 售價:歐元3,500,000
法國 29

Sumptuous Domain with Panoramic Sea Views Mougins, France Nestled in 7.7 acres (19 ha) of private for est overlooking the Bay of Cannes, this sumptuous maison de maître (manor house) has hosted members of the nobil ity, celebrities, and luminaries. Price upon request

Angie Delattre +33 4 92 92 87 87

豪華臨海地帶 法國穆然 這座奢華莊園別墅坐落在7.7英畝(19公 頃)的私人森林內,遠望康城灣,多名貴 族成員、明星與名人亦曾是座上客。 價格另洽
30 穆然
31 法國

Estate in a Sought-After Area Cannes Backcountry, France In an elevated setting close to a charming village and a golf course, this exclusive property offers stunning views of the sea and the verdant landscape. Price upon request Maryam Guidfar +33 4 93 77 93 77

康城 受追捧地段內的獨特莊園 法國康城郊區 這座建築物別具特色,所處的高地鄰近一 個景色宜人的小村莊和高爾夫球場,壯麗 的海景和碧綠青翠的景色盡收眼底。 價格另洽 Unique
法國 33


Miells is a leader in the Monaco luxury real estate market, offering a range of tailormade, global services supported by a highly qualified, diverse, dynamic, and close-knit sales team with experience spanning generations. Mirabeau Monaco

Located in a prestigious building, this residence features a large terrace with a view of the sea and part of the Monaco Formula One racing circuit.

Offered at €12,800,000

Laurent Locchi +377 97 97 79 29

Miells是摩納哥豪宅地產市場的翹楚,以 多年經驗打造一隊高度專業、背景多元、 充滿活力和彼此關係密切的銷售團隊,為 全球客戶提供一系列量身定制的服務。 Mirabeau 摩納哥 這套公寓位處於一座著名建築物內,特色 的大露台面向海景,並能看到摩納哥一級 方程式的部分賽道。 售價:歐元12,800,000 35 摩納哥

Parc Saint Roman Monaco This sleek apartment delivers fairy-tale views of the Mediterranean Sea and Principality of Monaco. Each room opens to its own terrace, providing abundant natural light and marvelous indooroutdoor living. Offered at €25,500,000

Inna De Miller +377 97 97 79 29

摩納哥 這套設計時尚的公寓享有地中海和摩納哥 公國如童話般的景緻。每個房間均設相連 露台,除可增加自然採光外,亦能提供寬 敞的室內外生活空間。 售價:歐元25,500,000
Saint Roman
37 摩納哥

Grand Residence


This luxurious contemporary apartment offers amazing views over the Mediterranean Sea, the Rocher, and Port de Fontvieille. Offered at €14,500,000 Marilyn Milardi +377 97 97 79 29

豪華大宅 摩納哥 這套設計奢華的公寓走當代風格路線,坐 擁地中海、摩納哥岩和豐維耶港的美景。 售價:歐元14,500,000
39 摩納哥


摩納哥 這套寬敞的公寓位於摩納哥Jardin Exotique 區,屋外宜人的城景、山景與海景盡收眼 簾。 售價:歐元5,230,000



Located in Monaco’s Jardin Exotique district, this spacious apartment offers pleasant views of the city, the mountains, and the sea.

Offered at €5,230,000 Nathalie Morchio +377 97 97 79 29

41 摩納哥
42 馬爾貝拉


We help our clients to find high-quality luxury villas and apartments in the Marbella area of Southern Spain.

Sustainable Villa in Real de la Quinta Benahavís, Marbella, Spain

Built in harmony with the surrounding landscape, this one-of-a-kind villa is located in Benahavís, one of the most luxurious and exclusive areas of the Costa del Sol. Offered at €4,995,000

Hans Veenhuijsen

+34 951 122 313

de la Quinta的別墅

我們幫助客戶搜羅西班牙南部馬爾貝拉地 區的優質豪華別墅和公寓。
西班牙馬爾貝拉-貝納阿維斯 這座別墅坐落在貝納阿維斯,與周圍的景 色融為一體,是獨一無二的存在。貝納阿 維斯是太陽海岸最奢華尊貴的地段之一。 售價:歐元4,995,000 43 西班牙

Sea-View Villa in Los Flamingos Benahavís, Marbella, Spain Designed with exceptional architecture and interior decor, this unique contem porary villa features an infinity pool with a panoramic vista of Los Flamingos golf course and the Mediterranean Sea. Offered at €9,500,000

Hans Veenhuijsen +34 951 122 313

洛斯弗朗明哥斯的海景別墅 西班牙馬爾貝拉-貝納阿維斯 這座獨一無二的現代風格別墅外型獨特, 室內裝修雅緻,在無邊際泳池暢泳時能飽 覽洛斯弗朗明哥斯高爾夫球場和地中海的 景色。 售價:歐元9,500,000
44 馬爾貝拉
西班牙 45
拉薩加萊塔的華麗別墅 西班牙馬爾貝拉-貝納阿維斯 這座別墅位於拉薩加萊塔,是西班牙最昂 貴的住宅發展項目之一,設傳統式花園並 享幽美的海景。 價格另洽 Stunning Villa in La Zagaleta Benahavís,
Spain This
Price upon request
46 馬爾貝拉
stunning villa is in La Zagaleta, one of the most exclusive residential developments in Spain. The property is set within formal gardens with spectacular views of the sea.
Hans Veenhuijsen
951 122 313
47 西班牙
48 馬爾貝拉

Mediterranean Villa on the Golden Mile Paraiso Alto, Marbella, Spain This exquisite Mediterranean villa is situ ated on a private plot in the prestigious neighborhood of Casablanca along Marbella’s Golden Mile, just minutes from the promenade and the beach.

Offered at €6,500,000

Hans Veenhuijsen +34 951 122 313

帕拉伊索奧拓黃金地帶地中海別墅 西班牙馬爾貝拉 這座精緻的地中海別墅是位於久負盛名的私 人土地上,鄰近卡薩布蘭卡與馬爾貝拉黃金 地帶,距離海濱長廊和海灘只有數分鐘。 售價:歐元6,500,000
49 西班牙
50 阿爾加維


LUXIMOS operates in the premium real estate markets of the Algarve, Porto, and Northern Portugal. The company offers high-end brokerage services and professional advice to its international clientele, including the Golden Visa and Non-Habitual Resident Programs.

Luxury Golf Villa Algarve, Portugal

This exclusive four-bedroom villa is set within private grounds with a resort-style pool, formal gardens, a golf practice area, and an equestrian facility with a riding arena and stables.

Offered at €4,995,000

Fiona Thornton +351 968 638 340

LUXIMOS專注於阿爾加維、波多和葡萄牙 北部的高端房地產市場,為世界各地客戶 提供高端經紀服務和專業建議,包括黃金 簽證計劃和非慣常居留計劃的建議。 豪華的高爾夫別墅 葡萄牙阿爾加維 這座別具特色的四房別墅建於私人土地之 上,除了建有度假村風格泳池、傳統式花 園、高爾夫練習區外,還配備騎馬專用場 地和馬廄等馬術設施。 售價:歐元4,995,000 51 葡萄牙

Luxury Villa in the Algarve Countryside Algarve, Portugal Secluded within the Algarve countryside, this luxuriously appointed villa features seven bedrooms, south-facing patios and terraces, a heated outdoor pool, and expansive gardens planted with fruit trees.

Offered at €1,800,000 Fiona Thornton +351 968 638 340

阿爾加維郊區的奢華別墅 葡萄牙阿爾加維 這座裝潢豪華的別墅坐落於阿爾加維郊 區,內有七間卧室、向南的平台和露台、 一個恆温室外泳池和廣闊的果園。
52 阿爾加維
53 葡萄牙

Luxurious River Flat Porto, Portugal

This luxury duplex flat includes three bedrooms and a balcony over the Douro River. It is located in a landmark devel opment on the banks of the Douro with spectacular views of the river and the city of Porto.

Offered at €725,000 Ricardo Costa +351 224 057 008

豪華河畔洋房 葡萄牙波多
這套豪華複式洋房是斗羅河畔的標誌性開 發項目,內設三間卧室和面向斗羅河的露 台,能欣賞到河景和波多市壯麗的景色。 售價:歐元725,000
54 波多
55 葡萄牙

Distinguished Family Villa Porto, Portugal

This distinctive home is appointed with beautiful finishes and floor-to-ceiling windows that flood the interior with natural light. The elegant outdoor spaces include a pool, barbecue and dining terraces, and lush gardens. Offered at €2,200,000

Ricardo Costa +351 224 057 008

獨一無二的家庭式別墅 葡萄牙波多 這座與眾不同的別墅裝潢雅緻,採用落地 窗將自然光引入室內,而設計典雅的戶外 空間更配備泳池、露台燒烤用餐區和綠意 盎然的花園。 售價:歐元2,200,000
56 波多
57 葡萄牙
58 佛羅里達


Premier Estate Properties, Florida’s only privately held boutique real estate bro kerage presenting properties Exclusively in Excess of One Million Dollars since 1993, is distinguished for proven results-driven marketing and the largest percentage of sold million dollar-plus properties.

Iconic Oceanfront Estate Palm Beach, Florida, United States

The most desirable oceanfront rental on Palm Beach Island, The Beach House is a one-of-a-kind direct oceanfront estate boasting 10,455+/- sq ft (971 sq m) of living space. Offered at US$208,000 per month

Margit Brandt +1 866 220 1275

Premier Estate Properties是佛羅里達州 唯一一家精品私人地產經紀公司,自1993 年開始代理一百萬美元以上的房產,其以 成果為導向的市場推廣方案和所售一百萬 美元以上房產佔比最大,業內聞名。 標誌性的海濱府邸 美國佛羅里達州棕櫚灘 海灘洋房是棕櫚灘島上最令人嚮往的海濱 租盤,也是獨一無二的臨海大宅,提供佔 地約10,455平方英尺(971平方米)的生 活空間。 售價:美元208,000/每月 59 美國
60 佛羅里達
流線設計的全新匠心之作 美國佛羅里達州棕櫚灘 這座大宅坐落在菲普斯莊園一片0.5英畝 (0.2公頃)的封閉式土地上,佔地約 9,100平方英尺(845平方米),建有寬敞 的花園、泳池、有蓋木屋、夏季專用廚房 和電梯。 售價:美元28,900,000,完工前 New Streamlined Masterpiece Palm Beach, Florida, United States This 9,100+/- sq ft (845 sq m) residence on a 0.5-acre (0.2 ha) gated parcel in Phipps Estates features generous gardens, a pool, covered loggias, summer kitchen, and elevator. Offered at US$28,900,000, Pre-completion Jim McCann +1 866 485 1960 61 美國
62 佛羅里達
英屬西印度群島風格莊園 美國佛羅里達州西棕櫚灘 這座魅力非凡的新建大宅位於新潮的SoSo 社區,屋內採用開放式和臥室分隔設計, 採用上乘材料和精湛工藝打造滿分的細節。 售價:美元7,495,000 British West Indies-Style Estate West Palm Beach, Florida, United States This charming newer-construction home, located
open floor
a split-bedroom layout and features high-quality materials and superior workmanship and detailing. Offered at US$7,495,000 Jim McCann +1 866 485 1960 63 美國
in the
SoSo neigh borhood, has an
plan with
64 馬焦雷湖

Mosca Bianca Lake Maggiore, Italy Melding contemporary high-tech living with gracious environmental sensitivity, this exclusive waterfront home with direct lake access and a private dock is a work of art. Listed by Benedetti Real Service Price upon request Georgina James +44 (0) 20 7389 2942

意大利馬焦雷湖 這座獨一無二的臨海別墅仿如一件藝術 品,把當代高科技生活與清雅脫俗的環境 融為一體,設有直接通往湖泊的通道和私 人碼頭。由Benedetti Real Service招售 價格另洽
意大利 65
Mosca Bianca

Oceanfront House Howth, Dublin, Ireland

Oceanfront House is a striking contem porary home set within 7.2 acres (2.9 ha) of private grounds on Dublin’s windswept Howth Peninsula, one of the most covet ed coastal locations on the Emerald Isle. Listed by Sherry FitzGerald

Offered at €6,000,000

Charlotte Delaney +44 (0) 7786 021278

66 臨海別墅 愛爾蘭都柏林霍斯 外型奪目的臨海別墅走當代風格路線,位
於被海風簇擁著的都柏林豪斯半島。豪斯 半島是翡翠島上最受追捧的沿海地區之 一。由Sherry FitzGerald招售 售價:歐元6,000,000
67 愛爾蘭
68 新澤西

Château de la Roche Alpine, New Jersey, United States A magnificent French-inspired manor sited on 2 acres (0.8 ha) just 45 minutes from Manhattan, Château de la Roche offers grand reception rooms, intimate family spaces, and ample accommodation.

Offered at US$25,000,000

Daniel Peros +1 212 417 0360

美國新澤西州阿爾派 法式風格莊園Chateau
la Roche坐落 在一片2英畝(0.8公頃)的土地上,距離曼 哈頓45分鐘車程,內有寬敞的客廳、親密 的家庭空間和充足的住宿設施。 售價:美元25,000,000
de la Roche
69 美國

The Tiffany Ayer Mansion: Louis Comfort Tiffany’s Masterpiece Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Inspired by world travel, Louis Comfort Tiffany explored the use of Moorish mosaic influences and surprisingly contemporary design at this block-through, five-story residence commissioned by industrialist Frederick Ayer. Listed by LandVest

Price upon request

Greta Gustafson +1 617 686 6258

艾耶爾府邸:蒂凡尼的大師之作 美國麻省波士頓 受弗雷德里克‧艾耶爾委託,路易斯‧康福 特‧蒂芙尼以環遊世界為靈感,採用摩爾風 格馬賽克和當代設計打造了這座五層高的 中空別墅。由LandVest招售 價格另洽
70 麻省
71 美國

The James F.D. Lanier House New York, New York, United States

This magnificent Beaux-Arts mansion in Manhattan’s historic Murray Hill neigh borhood presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own a New York City land mark and inhabit a living work of art. Offered at US$33,000,000

Daniel Peros +1 212 417 0360

詹姆斯F.D. 蘭尼爾大宅 美國紐約州紐約 這座宏偉的布雜藝術風豪宅位於曼哈頓歷 史悠久的默里山社區,能擁有紐約市地標 建築物同時將藝術品融入生活,機會難逢。 售價:美元33,000,000
72 紐約
73 美國

Point House Parrot

Islands The magnificent Point House estate is nestled on a secluded cove on the famed, highly sought-after private island of Parrot Cay in the Turks and Caicos archipelago. Offered at US$15,000,000 Danielle Austin +1 561 307 8208

Cay, Turks and Caicos

土克斯及開科斯群島鸚鵡洲 氣勢磅礡的Point House莊園坐落在土克斯 開科斯群島鸚鵡洲內幽靜的海灣上。鸚鵡 洲是著名的私人島嶼,廣受歡迎 售價:美元15,000,000
74 鸚鵡洲
75 土克斯及開科斯群島
76 瓜纳卡斯特省
Las Catalinas的臨海瑰寶 哥斯達黎加瓜納卡斯特省 這座置身於太平洋邊緣地帶的獨特臨海別 墅,集高私密度與宏偉氣派於一身,四面 環海,優美海景一覽無遺。由Costa Rica Resort & Estate Properties招售 售價:美元8,700,000 Beachfront Gem in Las Catalinas Guanacaste, Costa Rica This unique beachfront villa
Danielle Austin +1 561 307 8208 哥斯達黎加 77
at the edge of the Pacific Ocean
equal parts
and architectural grandeur, and a sweeping panoramic view of the surrounding seascape.
at US$8,700,000
RARE WATCHES Geneva, 7 November 2022 VIEWING 3–5 November 2022 Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues 33 Quai des Bergues, 1201 Geneva CONTACT Remi Guillemin +41 (0) 22 319 17 97
LEGEND Rolex, Ref. 6263, Paul Newman Lemon, Daytona, c.1969 Estimate: CHF 3,000,000–5,000,000
BULGARI EMERALD AND DIAMOND RING ESTIMATE: CHF 800,000–1,200,000 MAGNIFICENT JEWELS Geneva, 8 November 2022 VIEWING 3–8 November 2022 Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues 33 Quai des Bergues, 1201 Geneva CONTACT Max Fawcett +41 (0) 22 319 17 38
DRC ASSORTMENT CASE 2005 Estimate: CHF 48,000–65,000 FINEST AND RAREST WINES AND SPIRITS Online, 2–12 November 2022 VIEWING 3–7 November 2022 Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues 33 Quai des Bergues, 1201 Geneva CONTACT Pablo Huarte +33 (0) 1 40 76 84 29

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