MAGAZINE & BUSINESS GUIDE 2019 | 310.645.5151
LOCATION, LOCATION! Real estate in the golden statE.................6 Your Local Chamber.....................................18 MemberSHIP directory..............................21
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 1
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LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 1
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a look inside
Credits + Editor’s Letter
Cover Story
Location, Location, Location
From local real estate to industry trends
in the Golden State.
On The Cover
Supporting Education (and Seeing Results)
Your Business Community at Work
Meet Your Local Chamber
Thanking Our Corporate Partners
Membership Directory
Welcome to LAX Coastal
Explore the members and industries of the
LAX Coastal Chamber.
Community Resources
Construction & Engineering
Dining & Catering
Financial Services
Freight Forwarding
Protect Your Profits
Home & Business Improvement
Housing & Apartments
Legal Services
Medical & Care Services
Professional Services
Real Estate
Shopping & Retail
Transportation & Aviation Services
Wellness, Fitness & Personal Care
77 A 80
Index A-Z Membership Directory One Last Look
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editor’s letter Editor-In-Chief Christina Davis Publisher · Art Director · Editor · Writer
I am constantly amazed by how important the LAX Coastal Chamber is
Kirby Israelson
to the fabric of our community. As the President/CEO, I don’t mean to sound
biased, but it’s true. On the surface, the Chamber might seem to be a simple
Southwest Offset Printing
business organization comprised of 500+ members, but these members are
Distribution CBS Distribution
more than just a business—they are people.
Guest Writers Louis Burklow; Ryan Gales
In my role at the Chamber, I have been lucky enough to interact with business
Cover Photographer
leaders and their employees, getting to know them both personally and
Mike Harriel
professionally. I have witnessed how deeply they care for this community, and
Pictured on the cover (from left to right) is Stephanie Younger/ Stephanie Younger Group | Compass, Chad Cole/Cole Properties, Jack Davis/RE/MAX Estate Properties Silicon Beach, Olivia Patterson Ryans/Coldwell Banker, Joel Vendette/Compass, Philip Gilboy/The Real Estate Consultants, Jane St. John/ RE/MAX Estate Properties and Nanci Edwards/Vista Sotheby’s International Realty.
how eager they are to support this region whenever they can. My friends in hospitality are some of the most generous and fun individuals that I have had the pleasure of working with. Whether I’m asking them for a donation for our local schools, to help with a pancake breakfast or offer an
Additional Photos Courtesy Of AMLI Marina del Rey; Ballerini Cooley Studios; Angela Clouse; Christina Davis; Harry Eelman; Food Fleet; Glenn Marzano Photography; HomeTown News; Hyatt Regency LAX; Industrious; Kirby Israelson; Dr. Gail Jackson; Jane St. John/RE/MAX Estate Properties; KIMA Events; Los Angeles World Airports; Chad Maender; Mike Harriel Photography; PCL Construction Services; Pexels; reDiscover Center; Sharky’s Woodfired Mexican Grill; Shutterstock;; Venice Paparazzi; Wikipedia.
overnight stay to support youth programs, they always blow me away with their generosity. My small business owners are also an inspiration, constantly giving back with both time and treasure. Many of them don’t live in big flashy houses or drive fancy cars; instead, they are people who went after a dream and took a risk to open their doors. They understand firsthand how important it is to give back to their customers and neighbors.
want to give back and make our community a more vibrant place. We really are more than just a Chamber of Commerce, and I am proud to be at its helm.
Christina Davis LAX Coastal Chamber of Commerce
When I look at our members, do you know what I see? Wonderful people who
LAX Coastal Chamber of Commerce 9100 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 210 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.5151 | This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form, for any purpose, without permission of the LAX Coastal Chamber of Commerce, the Publisher and respective copyright owners. The information in this magazine is gathered and carefully compiled in such a way as to ensure maximum accuracy. The LAX Coastal Chamber of Commerce and the Publisher cannot, and do not, guarantee the authenticity of all the information furnished to them, nor the complete absence of that information. Thus, no responsibility for omissions and errors can be or is assumed. Inclusions of listing or advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement of products or services provided. This Directory is supported by the members of the LAX Coastal Chamber of Commerce. We encourage you to repay their support for our community by patronizing their places of business and letting them know that you saw their name in this publication.
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 5
location, location location From local real estate to industry trends in the Golden State No appraisal of
large economy, aided by the great innovations
amounted to a $25,000 increase for the year
seen by many as being typified by Silicon Valley,
as a whole. Many local real estate agents have
the American real
California continues to attract buyers and
referenced this “correction” as an important
investors from not only the rest of the United
factor in their business in the past four months.
estate market
States but much of the world as well. Los Angeles is one of the counties in which real
the local market has been great as well.
would be complete
estate prices dropped a bit according to the CAR
Affordability, the flip side of rising or falling
report. Even so, the median price of property
prices, has eliminated some potential buyers
in the Golden State as a whole rose in August.
from the market.
without a look at California.
Zillow’s current forecast for the state looks for 8/3% growth in real estate prices. This is attributed to declines in delinquent mortgages and few properties with negative equity.
Whether for residential or commercial purposes, land sales and leasing in the Golden State stand out both for their sheer quantity and the value of each deal. The notion of California as a leader in the market is firmly ingrained in the minds of most Americans. This state of affairs is by no means guaranteed to continue; in fact, certain factors could limit the market’s growth or even cause a decline. Speaking with many local realtors, the combination of habitual optimism tinged with a note of caution stands out. Each still maintains their belief that this is a great place to sell a piece of land; it may just take quite a bit of work.
The impact of other economic factors on
Along with these economic factors based on real statistics, other considerations are less measurable in their effects on the market. These include the traffic congestion and
As for 2019, the fear of many business watchers,
long commutes that many Californians, but
current U.S. tariff policies and potential trade
especially Angelenos, know so well, the fears
wars are not expected to affect the vibrancy of
of economic volatility and the lack of available
the market. This is because decreased business
properties for rent or sale. This last factor has
activity and domestic output does not always
not dissipated with a recent increase in listings
hurt, and often helps, the California economy.
and a corresponding drop in prices, especially
As of September 2018, there was a rise of 17.2%
since both were modest indeed.
in the state’s real estate listings. This caused
In spite of late-year declines, the volume of Los
what can be seen as a bit of a market correction
Angeles transactions and local property values
locally: Los Angeles home prices dropped
was strong for much of 2018. Prices rose 1.7%
almost 2% to an average of $525,000. This still
even as sales increased by 5.5%. In spite of
A local Westchester listing, featured on the cover.
predictions by some that the state’s real estate market may have peaked, the majority opinion (backed by statistics) is that property values have risen steadily and are expected to do so for the foreseeable future. This is borne out by the
The California Market Recent studies complete by the California
fact that prices of “starter homes” in the state are in the $500,000 range.
Association of Realtors (CAR) show that the real
There is also the “NIMBY factor.” The acronym for
estate market on both the state and local level
“Not In My Backyard” has serious implications
is actually much more volatile. According to
for Golden State homebuyers. The fact that local
the organization’s 2018 report with predictions
governments have not been allowing greater
for the next year, California remains the most
development of property (especially multifamily
prosperous state in the nation. Because of its
plans) comes into conflict with not only the need
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A local listing overseeing the bluffs and Playa Vista.
Opportunity for Newcomers and Old Hands
Proving Value to Clients
resources to approve and build them. Californians who find themselves kept out of
The range of experience in the agents consulted
Westside must find an edge. Each must answer
the market by these factors find themselves in
for this piece is great indeed. Drollinger was
the question, whether spoken or not, of what
the position of hoping for a statewide housing
founded in 1947 in Westchester and built the
makes them different from their competition.
crash. Experts agree that there is little hope for
community’s first commercial property, while
For many, the answer lies in their experience
such an event on the horizon. The strong, lasting
Payne has been associated with the company
and the corresponding understanding of the
demand for properties has created pressure
for 30 years. CCR Properties has been around
local market. For Crockett, this takes the
that keeps property values high. The American
for more than 50 years; Crockett likewise has
form of years learning about the Westchester
economy is booming, as is that of California.
30 years of experience. LaPlante has a similar
and Marina del Rey markets. Payne relies on
More prosperous Californians equal more money
amount of experience. Younger and Ryans have
Drollinger’s decades in Westchester and the
available to be spent on property within the
worked in the real estate industry for about 17
company’s understanding of the community.
state. The upward pressure on prices is unlikely
years apiece.
Others emphasize their mastery of the numbers
In contrast to these years of experience,
involved in making each deal work. Cole spoke
Vendette has seven years of experience
of his attention to every detail. Ryans considers
within the industry; Cole only five. This mix
herself “a teacher who educates people on
of residential and commercial, veterans and
passive income” because she understands the
Reflecting both the vitality of the local real
relative newcomers, allows for a greater
numbers with which she deals. LaPlante can
estate market and the large membership of the
understanding of how the Westside market
boast of CBRE’s corporate platform.
LAX Coastal Chamber, the real estate agents
currently looks and a better idea of where it
Still, other agents offer high-quality service.
who contributed their insights for this article
may be headed.
Cole’s attention to detail allows him to offer a
for such projects, but cities/counties’ lack of
to drop anytime soon.
Finding Places for Families and Businesses
As with any other profession, agents on the
represent a variety of areas within real estate.
highly personalized experience. Vendette works
From the world of residential realty, Patty
to provide “hands-on service” that includes
Crockett of Team Crockett @ CCR Properties, Inc.; Stephanie Younger from Stephanie Younger Group | Compass; and Joel Vendette, Realtor. The specialty of commercial realty is represented by Miki Payne from Drollinger Properties and Todd LaPlante, CCIM of CBRE. Finally, there are agents who work in both areas such as Chad Cole of RE/MAX Estate Properties (although he
speaking with his clients “honestly and directly”
The strong, lasting demand for properties has created pressure that keeps property values high.
some idea of the market as it currently operates can be understood.
commitment” to a good customer experience while also being able to point out her years of experience within the industry. Each of these real estate agents have found his
The American economy
in multifamily investments (apartment buildings). From their experience and views,
Finally, Younger offers a mix of “100%
or her own way to promise a unique experience.
does more residential work) and Olivia Patterson Ryans from Coldwell Banker, who specializes
to create trust.
is booming, as is that of California.
Hard Work and Market Knowledge Having found their own approach, each of these professionals have mastered the Westside LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 7
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Each of these real estate agents have found his or her own way to promise a unique experience.
Not only were the agents pleased with their results for the year, they believe that they were not alone; most of the professionals thought their sales figures were typical for the local real estate market.
Technology and Adjustments The reasons for these results and the growth of the local market can be attributed to a variety of Robin Zacha of Zacha Homes, posed above in a local listing, has been selling real estate for more than 30 years in the Westchester community.
real estate market, an expertise laypeople do
LaPlante uses his market knowledge to build
not have. Because of their knowledge, there
relationships with his clients.
are certain things they would like for people to understand about their work. Crockett sums up one of the biggest of them: “How hard we work.” Cole elaborates on this to say that “your Realtor is involved from before the start of the sale to well after the purchase.”
factors. Today’s agents often present properties that potential buyers have seen already. As Ryans explains, her customers do much more research than in the past. The internet has made it easy to see properties—and even the
Vendette has an overriding concern that each
neighborhoods they reside in—virtually before
of his clients do not find themselves distracted
ever visiting them in person. Younger also cites
by “the pretty and the ugly,” like remodeling the
Compass’ use of technology as an advantage to
house. With that in mind, he helps them to focus
selling listed properties.
so that they can make critical decisions.
Another important factor is the area itself. Cole notes that Westchester has seen a large
Ryans goes further still, observing that one
A Solid Market even with
out of every five Californians has a real estate
Limited Inventory
the local market especially dynamic. This has
Real estate agents can emphasize different
also led to the growth of adaptive reuse of older
reasons that they stand out from their
properties. LaPlante notes the increase in office
competition, but one issue unites them: the
properties that were once industrial buildings.
license. Despite this minimal requirement, few are professional Realtors, who “work full-time and understand the market and community,” which she calls a “specialized skill.”
increase in both population and pricing, making
question of how good a year they had. Across
The recent adjustment in prices in the fall is a
Payne also highlighted her hands-on operation,
the board, all were happy with their sales results
trend that Vendette sees as important. As he
which includes “mastering nuance” and being
in 2018. As LaPlante said, the year’s real estate
puts it, potential buyers are “not feeling the
able to explain things. She goes on to note a
activity was “extremely dynamic.”
rush anymore” and will be choosier in their real
That said, there were some concerns voiced.
estate purchases.
Vendette spoke of a change from a seller’s
The one idea that comes through all the agents’
market through the spring and summer that
comments is the idea that change is constant.
Others stress the importance of developing trust
“leveled” as prices dropped a bit. Cole also
No matter how many years of experience each
with clients. Younger states that it is necessary
noticed this, saying that there was “not so
of them has in this industry, all would probably
for the client to believe the transaction will go
dramatic an appreciation” in prices in the fall.
agree with Crockett’s belief that “there are no
well and that the agent “is working for you.”
Still, all were happy with their business in 2018.
big surprises” with the market.
concern for the commercial market, that of being able to offer such explanations each year when the costs of operation may change.
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 9
Consistency with Hope for Growth The CAR report suggests that housing shortages,
it comes in the form of new regulations from Sacramento or tariff wars from Washington.
along with the lack of new construction, means
That said, there are no signs that the demand is
real estate prices may rise again in 2019. Local
any imminent danger of decline. Cole believes
agents seem to share this view; none believes
there will be an influx of cash buyers to keep
their business will slack off in the coming year.
demand high. Younger also points out that the
Across the board, they anticipate business will
number of new homes and new housing permits
either be steady or grow.
remain low so sustained demand ensures the
Cole points out a third factor which will also Chad Cole & Jane St. John
own fears of any kind of turbulence, whether
market will not be in decline any time soon.
contribute to a consistent market: the fact that
In Vendette’s view, the answer to the potential
interest rates are still historically low. As long as
for disruption lies in the agents themselves. As
that trend continues, business will be constant.
he puts it, selling real estate “is all about the
In fact, the growth in the residential market
hustle, what you’re willing to do.” As long as a
will cause corresponding expansion in the
professional is willing to go the extra mile to
commercial market. Payne notes that Drollinger
make the sale, the market will still have plenty
is moving ahead with plans for a new bookstore
of attractive properties being sold.
in Westchester planned for early 2019, the first for the community in several years.
California Here I (Still) Come?
This steadiness in the market is a reason
Philip Gilboy & Jack Davis
Younger believes the volume of sales will grow
California has been a part of the U.S. since 1848.
in the coming year; she expects some potential
Throughout those 170 years, its nickname has
buyers and sellers to “get off the fence” and
influenced its perception as the Golden State;
enter the market. The other agents see this
and to many, it still looks like the same golden
consistency and hope for further growth in 2019.
land of opportunity. Unsurprisingly, this view has caused many Americans to want to own a little
Turbulence Still a Threat
piece of it for their homes and businesses.
Despite the expectations of continued growth,
A section of paradise does not, and has never,
these realty professionals do not see a clear
come cheap. In a time of economic anxiety,
horizon. There are still concerns that could
does this threaten the California agent’s
cause disruptions in the local market.
dream of good sales? Not in the view of these
Interest rates constitute the single greatest worry on the minds of local agents. Several spoke of the costs any increase in rates would
Nanci Edwards & Olivia Patterson Ryans
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argues that people will want their own homes “as long as tax incentives stay stable.”
add to any transactions. This can also increase
This view extends beyond the residential
costs for developers, causing declines in starts
market. Each of the commercial agents polled
of new residential and commercial properties.
feels an equal enthusiasm for the immediate
Continuing low interest rates can create their
future of their market as well. Much as the
own economic fears: since they cannot last
demand for homes will remain constant, there
forever, when will they go up? Will it be a gradual
will be abundant opportunities for businesses to
rise or a sudden explosion that takes down the
cater to the neighborhoods that serve them.
entire market for a time?
Joel Vendette & Stephanie Younger
professionals. Crockett sums it up when she
Another fear that has found expression in recent
Rising rates can create a result that also greatly
surveys centers around the idea that younger
concerns real estate agents: government
Americans will have neither the ability nor the
regulation. When rates threaten the economy,
interest in owning homes of their own. Payne
the government will intervene to lessen their
does not agree with this view and argues that
impact. Any action taken can affect the market
they will be “especially important” to the future
in immense ways. The long-lasting, consistent
of the Westside market. The durability of the
growth of the Westside market creates its
local market during a slump has been well-
This community until
real estate market will be their own heirs. As
appears likely for the indefinite future. This
they start their own families, they will want
community until recently seemed a sleepy
homes. One of their biggest requests (and a
part of Los Angeles County. That perception
part of Los Angeles
topic he brings up if they do not) is the proximity
has changed and the local neighborhoods have
of good schools to properties. This specific
grown correspondingly in both residents and
County. That perception
demand will keep property values high in
property values. This has brought increased
neighborhoods near such schools.
attention from buyers looking for options. The
recently seemed a sleepy
has changed.
To Ryans, this continued demand will increase the density of L.A., with continued hyperurbanization making the city more like
local market remains tight, ensuring demand will stay high (always a good way of promising solid returns for sellers).
documented before, and there is no reason to
Manhattan. In such a place, real estate prices
In such a time and place, the rosy expectations
expect it won’t be the case again.
can only go up. Younger is of a similar view,
of these real estate professionals for a lasting
saying, “People always demand housing. There’s
market look less like a point of view and
still a plentiful market for it.”
more of a likely outcome. People still
of the “boomer transfer.” The Baby Boomer generation is passing wealth and property to
In a continually growing, sometimes impersonal
their heirs. This “changing of the guard” creates
market, the agents themselves search for ways
a mystery the market will deal with in the years
to make themselves a part of the community
to come: will the Boomers transfer ownership
beyond their roles selling it. For Vendette, this
of properties? Will they instead diversify,
comes naturally from his charity work. He is a
cash out their holdings to pass on more liquid
volunteer for the Boys & Girls Clubs, as well as
wealth? At present, no one can be sure how this
Home For A Home. These commitments broaden
development will affect the local market.
his connection to the area beyond just a job.
Chad Cole points out the reason that many
From whatever vantage point the agents
younger Californians will still be active in the
may use, the continued growth of the market
need housing and business space, and they will pay to get decent properties. The LAX Coastal community looks like a great place to find them for 2019 and beyond.
Louis Burklow
Todd LaPlante sees us in the early stages
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 11
on the cover
A closer look at the Power Brokers of the LAX Coastal community
Olivia Patterson Ryans is a polished professional with a background as a High School math
Coldwell Banker Olivia Patterson Ryans
teacher and as a Senior Commercial Fleet Sales Manager of Ford Trucks, enabling her to transfer her ability to understand “the numbers” into the Income-Producing Real Estate Industry. As an active investor herself, she understands the market and can help you know when to buy, sell or exchange for the best return on your investment. Whether you are a seasoned investor wanting to expand your portfolio or reposition assets, or a new investor needing direction to get started and grow, she can help.
Chad Cole is passionate about ensuring his clients are happy with their experience and
Cole Properties
confident in their real-estate decision. Born and raised around the real estate business in
Chad Cole
knowledge of the housing market and inventory as well as the subtle intricacies of each
unique community. He is constantly looking for innovative and out-of-the-box solutions to
the South Bay area of Los Angeles and a current Playa Del Rey resident, he has a thorough
make your buying or selling experience productive, positive and profitable in what can be an overwhelming real estate process. With Chad Cole, you can rest easy.
For Los Angeles agent Joel Vendette, real estate is personal. Having bought and sold his own homes, he knows firsthand how stressful the process can be and the difference a
Compass Joel Vendette
knowledgeable guide can make. That’s why his goal, first and foremost, is to create an atmosphere where clients feel totally supported, informed and relaxed. From this place of calm, the process becomes enjoyable and successful. With more than 20 years of combined experience in real estate, advertising and design, he makes the most of today’s innovative marketing tools and negotiation techniques to help buyers find the perfect new home and earn top dollar for sellers.
Nanci Edwards Real Estate Nanci Edwards
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Nanci Edwards is a Licensed Professional Realtor ®, Senior Property Sales Specialist, a mother of two and your neighbor. As a local resident, she cares about this community, you and your family—and she knows how to best buy or sell your home. When you work with the Nanci Edwards Sales Team (NEST), you get more than 30 years of experience in real estate, polished skills that keep pace with today’s market and strategic, state-of-the-art techniques that produce results.
Jane St. John is an experienced, active real estate agent representing buyers and
RE/MAX Estate Properties Jane St. John
sellers in all communities on the Westside of Los Angeles. When working with sellers, she and her partner Julie diligently market the property through personal calls, agent networking, email campaigns and publication advertising. Buyers feel comfortable that Jane understands their needs and priorities in the purchasing of a home, provide realistic expectations, monitor financing and represent them throughout the buying and escrow process. Jane St. John’s knowledge, sales skills, networking and positive and professional attitude make her team invaluable to you.
RE/MAX Estate Properties Silicon Beach Jack Davis
Jack Davis is your neighborhood expert. His clients can relax while he handles the details. His tag line of “Neighborhood Real Estate Experts” is there for a reason—it’s his goal. Selling and buying real estate is stressful enough without any added surprises or missed details. That’s why during his first client meeting he helps lay out the options. There is never “one way” to get the results you want, so going over the pros and cons of what is available is often the best strategy to get to the results you need. With more than 20 years in the business, he has seen it all and would love to help.
The Real Estate Consultants was founded in 2000 by Philip Gilboy on the principles of customization and personal service. Philip has moved away from the model of the
The Real Estate Consultants Philip Gilboy
mammoth real estate companies and instead prefers local expertise over corporate franchising. His team focuses their attention on intimately knowing this community, rather than spending the energy on having the world know who they are, because they believe it is more important to truly know their clients. Their Real Estate agents have serviced, and or lived in, the Westchester, Playa del Rey and Marina del Rey communities for more than 40 years combined and understand that real estate goes beyond the buying or selling of a house—it’s about building the American Dream.
Stephanie Younger’s results-driven approach, integrity and honesty have earned her top-
Stephanie Younger Group Compass Stephanie Younger
producer status, as well as the hard-earned respect of her clients and colleagues. Most recently, she has become a top media resource for all things Westside. A Los Angeles native and a top real estate agent in the area, Stephanie has brought a world of experience and vision to her clients throughout her long and successful real estate career. An alumna of Loyola Marymount University and long-time Westchester resident, Stephanie is loyal to the Westside with a commitment to serving the people and communities she knows and loves, especially Westchester, Playa del Rey, Marina del Rey, Playa Vista and the surrounding areas.
Robin Zacha is not your typical Real Estate Agent. At Zacha Homes, they love Westchester/ Playa and want you to love your home; that’s why Robin always goes the extra mile for
Zacha Homes Robin Zacha
her clients. She knows it’s not just about listing your property, it’s about transforming it into the home you deserve with skilled renovation and construction teams. If you buy a home with her, Zacha Homes will turn it into your dream residence—just ask her happy clients on Agnew, Stewart and Kentwood! Robin has lived in Westchester for 34 years and specialized in local real estate for 32; she has what it takes to ensure you and your family love your home. LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 13
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supporting education (and seeing results) LAX Coastal Education Foundation makes an impact for local schools Just over a year from its reincarnation, the LAX Coastal Education Foundation (LAXCEF) is already making a difference. LAXCEF was originally established as the Westchester/Playa Education Foundation in 2004 to support traditional public schools in Westchester and Playa del Rey. With an expansion of community, an influx of new schools within the territory and multiple new options for school designation, it was time for the organization to change in order to better serve both schools and their students. The LAX Coastal Chamber saw an opportunity to rebrand and revive this nonprofit, offering their support to help them relaunch in 2017 as the LAX Coastal Education Foundation, with an updated goal to support all local schools in the
Westport Heights Elementary students pose enthusiastically with a STEM grant donated in partnership by the LAX Coastal Education Foundation and SoCalGas (also featured). These grants will support STEM programs and projects at local schools.
I have been helping behind the scenes as both
Their mission? To support and enhance the
Vice President and resident. I am proud of the
highest quality educational environment for
work we have done so far, such as the Rock Roll
students, educators and parents in the LAX
& Run 5k/1k and our grant program, but I know
Coastal area of Westchester, Playa del Rey,
there is even more to do.”
Playa Vista, Marina del Rey and beyond.
“We’re in this for the long-haul,” continues
Their goal? To support and promote local
Chereck. “Supporting education isn’t just about
schools through grants, education, promotion
making sure my children get a great education;
and community outreach. Through the
it’s about making sure all children do for years
leadership efforts of the foundation in
to come. It’s about building a stable community
fundraising, promotion and creating strategic
that will continue to succeed, and ensuring that
partnerships with educators, families, local
every graduating class is full of innovators,
• Partner with Office Depot of Westchester to provide supplies to teachers at the start of the school year.
government and the business community, they
leaders and the young men and women
• Host the Community Connections reception to raise awareness for business leaders about education.
will strengthen all local schools—public, charter,
that will change the world.”
private and parochial.
And that’s exactly what they’re doing. To
In February 2019, Andrew Chereck took his place
the right is a list of the many ways LAXCEF
as new foundation board President; replacing
offers its support, proving that even in
Matthew Swanlund, who has held the title
a short amount of time they are already
since the relaunch. As a local resident with two
positively impacting our local education
school-age children of his own, Andrew has a
community. With Chereck at the helm—
vested interest in helping our schools thrive.
and the continued
“My son, Rylan, attends St. Anastasia, and my daughter, Emma, will attend St. A’s starting next year; so I know how important it is to support the schools within your backyard,” says
support of the LAX Coastal Chamber—we know our schools are
Kirby Israelson
LAX Coastal Chamber
coverage area—regardless of classification.
• Host the Rock Roll & Run 5k/1k in partnership with Loyola Marymount University. In 2018, 20+ schools participated and $65,000 went back to education. • Partner with SoCalGas to distribute STEM Grants to fund science labs, robotics lessons, supplies and more. Last year, $70,000 went to local schools. • Partner with the LAX Kiwanis Club to raise money for scholarships and grants for local classrooms. • Support our teachers through sponsoring honorees at the Teacher Eddy Awards.
• Present to key stakeholder groups the current state of local education and schools. • Host the Neighborhood School Expo in collaboration with the LAX Coastal Chamber at the Westchester Family YMCA. • Partner with the School’s special edition.
for the Spotlight on
• Provide arts and beautification grants to our schools. In 2019, $15,000 went to nine local schools. • Support teachers through sponsoring the Playa Venice Sunrise Rotary Teacher Mini Grants. $19,000 was distributed in 2019. • Sponsor the inaugural Community Spelling Bee in March 2019.
in good hands.
Chereck. “Since the foundations’ re-inauguration, LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 15
State of LAX
Installation Awards Gala
Teacher Eddy Awards
connecting your community Networking Networking Mixers Binge Networking Leadership Academy
Young Professionals VIP Power Hour Lifestyle Group Development, Design, & Construction Group Public Policy ChamberFest LAeXpo Installation Awards Gala
Lifestyle Group
Community Education Committee State of LAX Young Professionals
4th of July Parade Teacher Eddy Awards Protectors’ Luncheon City of Angels Awards Gala Resources Leadership Academy LAX Coworking Lunch N Learn Workshop Series Marketing/Promotional Opportunities Promotional Ceremonies
LAX Coworking
16 •
Certificates of Origin Office Space & Room Rentals
Protectors’ Luncheon
City of Angels Awards Gala
your business community at work
Growing within the LAX Coastal Chamber & community Throughout my life, growth has always been a prominent theme. I have grown up within the LAX Coastal region, from being a student at St. Bernard High School to volunteering at the Westchester Family YMCA’s Youth & Government Program. I have grown within my career, first working under Mayor James Hahn and working my way to becoming CEO of Jenkins/Gales & Martinez. I have also grown within the ranks of the LAX Coastal Chamber of Commerce, where I started as the first Chair of Promotional Ceremonies
the LAX Coastal Young Professionals, served many years as a proud member and board member, until finally landing in my current role as the Chairman of the Board for the 20182019 year. I have worked hard to grow as a person and a professional, and I have been able to come this far thanks to the wonderful individuals, mentors, and friends I have made along the way. I am proud to say that the people I have met within the LAX Coastal Chamber and community have been just
volunteer, philanthropist, and businessman. When you work in this neighborhood, you aren’t just doing business—you’re making the connections that make you who you are, and help you become who you want to be. I am honored to be building up the community that helped
Annual Meeting of the Membership
Ryan Gales
pushing me to succeed as a community member,
Jenkins/Gales & Martinez
the right amount of inspirational and intimidating,
build me into the man I am today. I know all of us, together, will make a difference. Innovate LA @ LAX Coworking
Development, Design & Construction Group
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 17
your local chamber meet the LAX Coastal Chamber
meet the Chamber Staff
meet the Chamber Leadership
Building a better community—
Ryan Gales, Chair
Christina Davis joined the Chamber team
Jenkins/Gales & Martinez
in 2004 and as CEO has launched dozens
A local resident born and raised in our
of new programs and grown the annual
area, Ryan has grown into an active
budget by more than $300,000.
community member. After graduating
members are offered exclusive access
VP of Membership
from UCLA in Civil Engineering, Ryan
to resources, connections, advocacy,
Chad Maender is the newest team
networking and community outreach not
member to join the Chamber, focused on
available anywhere else.
growing our dynamic membership.
The Chamber has been serving the
VP of Marketing & Communications
communities of Westchester, Marina del
Kirby Israelson is the Chamber’s resident
Rey, Playa Vista, Playa del Rey, Del Rey
design expert, and she is always around
and surrounding areas since 1953. As
with a smile to help with your creative or
a community partner, we understand
promotional needs.
collaboration, relationship building and
Director of Business Relations
As your local Chamber, we are the hub for all businesses and organizations looking to thrive. LAX Coastal Chamber
a commitment to service are integral for a thriving business, so we are here to assist you, and your business, every step of the way. Our mission is to promote business and enhance the vitality of the community.
18 •
Kelli Trombley has a passion for fostering connections between members that build lasting relationships.
began his career under Mayor James Hahn and was named CEO of Jenkins/ Gales & Martinez, a prominent design and construction manangement firm, specializing in transportation for LAWA and Metro. Cozette Vergari, Honorary Mayor Vergari & Napolitano Cozette is a Westchester native. Not only does she have a successful law practice, Vergari & Napolitano, but she volunteers countless hours of service. She is the Past-District
Office Manager
Governor of Rotary District 5280,
Judith Ciancimino has been with the
proud Westchester Rotarian and is
Chamber for 6 years and loves the
spearheading the new Westchester/
members and this community.
Playa Historical Society.
thanking our 2018-2019 leadership
Corporate Partners At the LAX Coastal Chamber, we are
professional success. Connecting to industry
building the relationships that strengthen
leaders allows us to connect to the communities
Ryan Gales · Jenkins/Gales & Martinez
our community—and no relationship is more
we all represent, supporting local business
Honorary Mayor
valuable that the one we have with our
through events, connections, and outreach. Our
Cozette Vergari · Vergari & Napolitano
Corporate Partners. These strategic partners
Corporate Partners are the backbone of the LAX
Incoming Chair
are the reason we have been able to keep our
Coastal Chamber and because of them we are
Michael D’Amodio · Embassy Suites LAX North
finger on the pulse of this region, helping realize
able to continue our 66-year legacy. From the
Immediate Past Chair
a thriving local economy for both business and
staff and leadership, we say “Thank you!”
Liz Hall · Playa Venice Sunrise Rotary Secretary Anthony Kirby · Arup Treasurer Rae Lamothe · Golding + Lamothe Vice Chair of Membership Thomas Flintoft · Kindel Gagan Vice Chair of Public Policy David Voss, Jr. · Voss, Silverman & Braybrooke Executive Committee R. Andrew Chereck · Bryan Cave Alexandra Dumas · Google Jon Graff · Reason Foundation Jonathan Lonner · Burns & Bouchard Board of Directors Charles Bassett · Wallypark Karl Brooks · KRB Construction Maria Canchola · Hollywood Park Casino Grant Coonley · Hilton LAX Hotel Christine Dieu · Marina del Rey Hotel Tracy Fietz · Kaiser Permanente Gabriela Flores · Cedars-Sinai Kayla Friedman-Barb · Vanto Group Arthur Galvan · Southwest Airlines Rod Giapo · Los Angeles Airport Marriott Mike Harriel · SoCalGas Kelly King · Villa del Mar Apartments & Marina Cody Koopmann · Drollinger Properties Todd LaPlante · CBRE Rashmi Menon · Parsons Tony Palermo · Tony P’s Dockside Grill Mila Petrenko · Otis College of Art and Design José Quintanilla · Ameriprise Financial Stephanie Sampson · Los Angeles World Airports Matthew Swanlund · Aesthetic Legal Grace Yao · Loyola Marymount University Stephanie Younger · SYG | Compass LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 19
Dr. Gail 75
PCL 27
Posner Fine 43
Boys & Girls Club of 74
Needlepoints 69
20 •
reDiscover 33
welcome to LAX Coastal
23 Community Resources . Learn more about local services, from Protective Agencies to Elected Officials, BIDs to Newspapers.
27 Construction & Engineering . Get a handle on construction projects with Engineering Firms, General Contractors and Consulting Resources. Food 29
29 Dining & Catering . Enjoy the delicious side of LAX Coastal with local Restaurants, Food Trucks and Caterers.
33 Education . Advance your studies with Counseling, Tutoring, and Schools ranging from Preschools to Universities.
37 Entertainment . Enjoy a night on the town with quality activities from Bowling to Theaters to Yacht Cruises.
39 Financial Services . Take it to the bank with 401(k) Benefits, Financial Advisors, Investments, Retirement, Insurance and more.
41 Freight Forwarding . Go abroad with our local Import/Export companies.
43 Home & Business Improvement . Build the perfect home or office with Architects, Custom Furniture, Garden Centers, Movers and more.
45 Hospitality . From vacation to staycation, these Hotels, Motels and Bed & Breakfasts will never disappoint.
47 Housing & Apartments . Come home to the LAX Coastal community with local Apartments Buildings and Developers.
49 Legal Services . Protect yourself and your assets with the support of these Attorneys, Law Firms and Legal Consultants.
51 Manufacturing . Learn more about the state of production with local Manufacturing Companies and Services.
53 Medical & Care Services . Keep you and your family healthy, from local Hospitals and Pharmacies, to Dentists and Senior Care, and more.
55 Nonprofit . Making the world a better place, with Service Clubs to Outreach to those protecting our Environment.
61 Professional Services . Branding & Marketing - Enhance your professional brand through Marketing, Print and Design Services. . Business Services & Consulting - Expand your business through Coaching, Consulting and Engagement. . Event Planning - Show what you have to offer with DJs, Photographers and Event Services. . Public Affairs & Advocacy - Share your message through Public Affairs and Advocacy Consultants. . Safety & Security - Stay safe with Security Services, Remote Guarding and Private Investigators. . Technology & Infrastructure - Update your tech with IT Services, Web Design and Software Development.
65 Real Estate . For those looking to buy/sell their dream home, these Real Estate Agents, Developers and Managers can help.
69 Shopping & Retail . Find what you’re looking for with shopping hot spots like Florists, Pet Suppliers, and Shopping Centers.
71 Transportation & Aviation Services . Supporting planes, trains, and automobiles with Airports/Airlines, Aerospace, Parking, Car Rentals and more.
75 Wellness, Fitness & Personal Care . Take care of yourself and your loved ones with Stylists, Gyms, Massage Therapy and Mental Health Services. Westchester/Playa Arts 25
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Community Resources Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa
staying up-to-date...
213.473.7023 | In 1999, the Los Angeles City Charter established the Neighborhood Council System “to promote more citizen participation in government and make government more responsive to local needs.” The Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa (NCWP) was certified in 2002 as one of the first certified Neighborhood Councils in the city. Neighborhood Councils are the closest form of government to the people. They are advisory bodies who advocate for their communities with City Hall on important issues like development, homelessness and emergency preparedness. Neighborhood Councils are part of the Los Angeles City government and have annual budgets funded by taxpayer dollars, and while their board members are city officials who are elected by the people, each of them donates their time as volunteers to help build a stronger, more effective community. The NCWP meets regularly on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm.
Congressman Ted Lieu
Business Improvement District Gateway Los Angeles 5901 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 100 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.216.7328
Westchester Town Center B.I.D. 8929 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 130 Westchester, CA 90045 310.417.9030
Honorable Fiona Ma
Elected Official Senator Dianne Feinstein United States Senator for California 310.914.7300 Senator Kamala Harris United States Senator for California 213.221.1269 Honorable Gavin Newsom Governor of California 916.445.2841 Congresswoman Karen Bass 37th Congressional District 323.965.1422
33rd Congressional District Congresswoman Maxine Waters 43rd Congressional District 323.757.8900 California State Treasurer 916.653.2995 Honorable Alex Padilla California Secretary of State 916.653.6814 Senator Ben Allen 26th Senate District 310.318.6994 Senator Steven Bradford 35th Senate District 310.514.8573 Assemblymember Autumn Burke 62nd District 310.412.6400
Supervisor Janice Hahn 4th District 408.316.6158 Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas 2nd District 213.974.2222 Mayor Eric Garcetti City Mayor of Los Angeles 213.978.0600 Honorable Mike Feuer Los Angeles City Attorney 213.978.8100 Honorable Rob Galperin Los Angeles City Controller 213.978.7200 Councilmember Mike Bonin 11th District 310.568.8772 Energy Company Chevron Products Co. 324 W. El Segundo Blvd. El Segundo, CA 90245 310.615.5281
Government/Municipal 61 FSS Marketing L.A. Air Force Base 483 N. Aviation Blvd., Bldg. 272 El Segundo, CA 90245 562.254.5420 City of L.A. Board of Public Works 200 N. Spring St., City Hall Rm. 361 Los Angeles, CA 90012 L.A. County Dept. of Beaches & Harbors 13837 Fiji Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 424.526.7777 L.A. Sanitation Dept. of Public Works 200 N. Spring St., City Hall Rm. M-165 Los Angeles, CA 90012 213.978.0315 Water Replenishment District 4040 Paramount Blvd. Lakewood, CA 90712 562.921.5521 West Basin Municipal Water District 17140 S. Avalon Blvd., Ste. 210 Carson, CA 90746 310.660.6211
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local public art...
Westchester/Playa Arts Committee Colorful mini-murals on utility boxes are popping up all over the neighborhood, thanks to talented artists who are helping bring more public art to the community and beautifying some of the area’s busiest thoroughfares. With funding from the Neighborhood Council of Westchester/Playa (NCWP), Councilmember Mike Bonin’s office and the Drollinger Family Charitable Foundation (DFCF), and with support from the Playa Venice Sunrise Rotary, 11 designs were selected and approved by the committee, the NCWP and the city. Artists began painting in mid-January, and all of the boxes are anticipated to be completed by March. To view a map of completed boxes, visit The Westchester/Playa Arts Committee is looking to secure additional funding and hopes to announce the next call for utility box artists in the spring.
Newspaper The Argonaut 5301 Beethoven St., Ste. 183 Los Angeles, CA 90066 310.822.1629 Daily Breeze 21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Ste. 170 Torrance, CA 90503 310.543.6120 HomeTown News 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 110 #745
Westchester, CA 90045 310.641.1016 Los Angeles Times 2300 E. Imperial Hwy., Ste. 105 El Segundo, CA 90245 213.421.1842 Public Safety California Highway Patrol 6300 Bristol Pkwy. Culver City, CA 90230 310.642.3939 L.A. County Fire Department 4433 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.823.3773
L.A. City Fire Department #5 8900 S. Emerson Ave. Westchester, CA 90045 213.485.6205
Los Angeles World Airport Police 7303 World Way W. Los Angeles, CA 90045 424.646.5437
Utility Company
L.A. City Fire Department #67 5451 Playa Vista Dr. Playa Vista, CA 90094 310.862.2844
Pacific Area LAX Field Services Division 802 World Way Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.646.2255
L.A. County Life Guards 2300 Ocean Front Walk Venice, CA 90291 310.577.5700
US Coast Guard 13871 Fiji Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.823.2300
L.A. County Sheriffs Department Marina del Rey 13851 Fiji Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.482.6090 LAPD - Airport Detail 802 World Way Westchester, CA 90045 310.646.2255 LAPD Pacific Division 12312 Culver Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90066 310.482.6334
L.A. Department of Water & Power 111 N. Hope St., 15th Fl., Rm. 1531 Los Angeles, CA 90012 213.367.1361 SoCalGas 8141 Gulana Ave., SC9585 Playa del Rey, CA 90293 213.244.4633 Southern California Edison 1721 22nd St. Santa Monica, CA 90404
US Coast Guard - LAX 7159 World Way W. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.215.2112
Sheriff Alex Villanueva 4700 Ramona Blvd. Monterey Park, CA 91754 323.526.5000
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Publishing Westchester Living 12114 Fielding Cir., Ste. 5206 Playa Vista, CA 90094 516.314.5018 Visitors Bureau Marina del Rey CVB 4701 Admiralty Way 310.306.9900 Wholesale Water Agency Metropolitan Water District of Southern California PO Box 54153 Los Angeles, CA 90054 213.217.5538
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Construction & Engineering PCL Construction Services
workforce development...
818.246.3481 |
Workforce development has social, business and community implications that impact the bottom line. Career readiness, especially for those living in lower socioeconomic areas, is not necessarily an attainable goal due to a lack of financial resources or access to information. Without resources, the cycle of hiring, or lack thereof, and economic impacts continue. Workforce development benefits large and small businesses. When larger enterprises mentor small businesses and help them develop best practices in critical areas, small businesses can effectively take on larger projects. Additionally, initiatives that build skillset capacity and support at-risk populations can be an integral component in reducing the rate of recidivism, increasing the likelihood that disadvantaged populations can live independently, and providing employers with long-term access to a technically experienced workforce. Because most programs are community-based, the workers may live and work in their own communities which means the economic benefits and income generation from employers stays local. At its core, workforce development promotes inclusion, collaboration and diversity of thought based on personal experiences. This perspective is a bonus for our organizations, employees and the communities we serve.
CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING Construction Balfour Beatty Construction 633 W. 5th St., Ste. 2800 Los Angeles, CA 90071 213.223.2114 The Blue Book Building & Construction Network Los Angeles, CA 90045 818.468.2547 Hensel Phelps 18850 Von Karman Ave., Ste. 100 Irvine, CA 92612 949.852.0111
Lane Construction Corp. 7725 Gateway, Ste. 4432 Irvine, CA 92618 203.235.3351 PCL Construction Services, Inc. 500 N. Brand Blvd., Ste. 1500 Glendale, CA 91203 818.246.3481 Skanska 1995 Agua Mansa Rd. Riverside, CA 92509 951.368.6484 Turner Construction 555 S. Flower St., Ste. 4220 Los Angeles, CA 90071 714.940.9000
Los Angeles, CA 90014 213.408.4518 Jenkins/Gales & Martinez, Inc. 6033 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 601 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.0561 McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. 20401 S.W. Birch St., St. 300 Newport Beach, CA 92660 949.851.8383 RTI Consulting, Inc. 8325 McConnell Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.670.5977
Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. 10704 Shoemaker Ave. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562.946.1816
Walsh/Shea Corridor Constructors 111 N. La Brea Ave., 7th Fl., Ste. 30 Inglewood, CA 90301 310.863.4220
Engineering Firm Burns Engineering, Inc. 400 Continental Blvd., 6th Fl. El Segundo, CA 90245 800.803.1386
KRB Construction 2774 Sawtelle Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90064 310.766.5555
Construction Management Consulting Cumming Construction Management, Inc. 523 W. 6th St., Ste. 1001
HNTB Corporation 601 W. 5th St., Ste. 1000 Los Angeles, CA 90071 213.403.1000
kpff 700 S. Flower St., Ste. 2100 Los Angeles, CA 90017 213.418.0201 Parsons 100 W. Walnut St. Pasadena, CA 91124 626.240.8777 Engineering/Construction Arup 900 Wilshire Ave., Ste. 1900 Los Angeles, CA 90017 310.578.4400 Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions 6001 Rickenbacker Rd. Los Angeles, CA 90040 323.889.5318 General Contractor The PENTA Building Group 181 E. Warm Springs Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89119 702.614.1678
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Dining & Catering Food Fleet
great food and great people...
310.922.4569 | Food Fleet was founded in 2015 with the intent of helping small businesses and food truck owners work with larger customers and clients. They saw the need, as well as the frustration, from mom-and-pop businesses that wanted to partner with larger entities such as airports, hospitals and universities. When it came time to work these larger events, the mom-and-pops not only had a hard time understanding what was required, but also faced challenges providing proper requirements from insurance, health and safety, as well as transaction times. Looking to give local business a fighting chance, Food Fleet’s founders combine 65 years of experience from more than 22 countries, plus multiple years in logistics, communications and customer service, to support their “fleet” of small-to-large businesses. With these skills, they’ve created a world-class company that can think outside the box to find solutions to everyone’s needs. But in the end it’s not just about the business—it’s about relationships. Food Fleet loves bringing great food to great people and seeing how they emotionally connect to the cuisine. That connection was never more apparent than when Food Fleet was working with the United States Navy. Each and every day, the Food Fleet team saw that meal breaks were the favorite part of each sailor’s day. Meals were the one time they were allowed to disconnect from the stress of their job and enjoy a meal with friends and family. Laughing over their plates and sharing stories helped them go back to their post with increased focus and dedication. Food Fleet wanted to make sure they were a part of what these heroic individuals looked forward to as small token of thanks for the work they do to protect us and our country. There is a huge difference between sustenance and enjoyment and at Food Fleet, they make sure you savor every moment.
DINING & CATERING Catering El Pollo Loco #3364 12860 W. Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90066 310.301.0326 New York Food Company 2320 Alaska Ave. El Segundo, CA 90245 310.643.6151
Rise & Shine Catering 6511 1/4 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.649.0906 Food Production/Export Primex International Trading Corp. 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 1485 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.568.8855 Treehouse California Almonds, LLC 6914 Road 160 Earlimart, CA 93219
Food Truck Food Fleet Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.922.4569
Ice Cream Parlor/ Frozen Yogurt Yogurtland Marina del Rey 4371 Glencoe Ave. Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.577.9572
Global Restaurateur HMSHost 201 World Way Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.307.7515
Restaurant AKASHA Restaurant 9543 Culver Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232 310.845.1700
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Sharky’s Woodfired Mexican Grill
making a difference...
310.301.4441 | Sharky’s is aiming to make a difference with food. Founded in 1992, CEO Steven Paperno had a vision to combine the flavors he experienced traveling through Mexico with innovative recipes and his passion for healthy living. The result, a fast-casual restaurant that combines a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere with fresh and modern menu items and enables him to serve meals that all guests can feel good about eating. “We’re so passionate when it comes to providing delicious Mexican food with modern flavors in a healthy way,” says Steven; but their passion for making the world a better place doesn’t stop there. The restaurant takes its commitment to healthy living one step further with recycled or reclaimed elements, both inside and outside the restaurant, such as a 99-percent recycled plastic wood alternative on the exterior. They also do their part to conserve energy with variable speed motors in kitchen exhaust hoods and low-energy air conditioning units, plus thermalized insulated window glass and mechanized window coverings that are activated by sunlight. And of course, Sharky’s is a good neighbor. They know that being a good community partner means helping each other, so they offer two fundraising programs to support local business and residents. Whether you’re looking to donate 15% of sales to your cause or host a Guacamole Smash Night—yes, it is as fun as it sounds!—Sharky’s Woodfired Mexican Grill is here to help you raise money, enjoy killer food and have some fun.
Benny’s Tacos & Chicken Rotisserie 7101 W. Manchester Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.670.8226 Buca di Beppo 1670 S. Pacific Coast Hwy. Redondo Beach, CA 90277 310.540.3246 Cafe del Rey 4451 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.823.6395 Cantalini’s Salerno Beach 193 Culver Blvd. Playa del Rey, CA 90293 310.821.0018 The Coffee Company 8751 La Tijera Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.7315 LaRocco’s Pizzeria 8806 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045
Melody Pizza 9146 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 424.227.7686 The Proud Bird Food Bazaar & Events Center 11022 Aviation Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.670.3093 Ruth’s Chris Steak House 13455 Maxella Ave., Ste. 230 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.821.4593
The Warehouse Restaurant 4499 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.823.5451 Restaurant/Bar & Grill Melody Bar & Grill 9132 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Westchester, CA 90045 310.670.1994 Tony P’s Dockside Grill 4445 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.823.4534
Sharky’s Woodfired Mexican Grill 4371 Glencoe Ave., Ste. B5 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.301.4441 SOL Mexican Cocina 12775 W. Millennium Dr., Ste. 160 Playa Vista, CA 90094 424.289.0066
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Education reDiscover Center
tinkering with tools...
310.393.3636 | Decades ago, children often spent their free time tinkering. Whether it was messing around with junk in the garage or hammering together old boards and wheels into a makeshift go-cart, they were often seen with tools in their hands, having the time of their lives. Today, manual arts have fallen out of the common curriculum and kids often spend hours a day in front of a screen. reDiscover Center, a local nonprofit, is trying to change all that with an intensive summer camp called Tinkering School L.A. At Tinkering School L.A., campers learn to safely use woodworking tools such as electric drills and power saws. They participate in brainstorming and team-building exercises that connect groups of socioeconomically diverse children together to practice design thinking. In each week-long session, groups of 10-15 campers design, build and tinker within what reDiscover calls a Big Build—a room-sized installation as wild as a kid’s imagination. The 2018 Big Build included a 12’ tall guitar, a giant space llama and a deserted island scene complete with waterfall, monster octopus and crashed airplane.
California Language Academy
Business Counseling & Training El Camino College SBDC 13430 Hawthorne Blvd. Hawthorne, CA 90250 310.225.8277
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Early Childhood Education The Little Garden Preschool 2929 Washington Blvd. Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.795.7660
12958 W. Washington Blvd.
Education/Business Academic Success, Inc. 333 Washington Blvd., Ste. 325 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.823.4398
8632 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 205 424.225.2375 Education/STEM reDiscover Center Los Angeles, CA 90066 310.393.3636 Education/Training EmpowerTech 9100 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 204 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.338.1597 Venice Skills Center
CBEST - USC Marshall Lloyd Greif
611 5th Ave.
Center for Entrepreneurial Studies
Venice, CA 90291
3670 Trousdale Pkwy. Los Angeles, CA 90089 323.384.7784
Education/Language Braddock Drive Elementary 4711 Inglewood Blvd. Culver City, CA 90230 310.633.3003 Education/Workforce Development West Los Angeles College 9000 Overland Ave. Culver City, CA 90230 310.287.4325
Marine Science Research USC Sea Grant Program 3616 Trousdale Pkwy., Rm. 141 Los Angeles, CA 90089 213.740.4477
School/Elementary Cowan Avenue Elementary School 7615 Cowan Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.1973
Music Lesson/Music Education Playa Music Lessons, LLC 8125 W. Manchester Ave. Playa del Rey, CA 90293 310.751.6830
Goethe International Charter School 12500 Braddock Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90066 310.306.3484
Psychology/Education Services Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology 12777 W. Jefferson Blvd., Bldg D Los Angeles, CA 90066 424.255.6388 School/Preschool Westchester Parent’s Nursery School 8619 Aviation Blvd. Inglewood, CA 90301 310.670.5522 School/Preschool to Adult Carousel School 7899 La Tijera Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.9222
Kentwood Elementary School 8401 Emerson Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.670.8977 Loyola Village Fine & Performing Arts Magnet Elementary School
8821 Villanova Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.670.0480 The Open Magnet Charter Elementary School 5540 W. 77th St. Westchester, CA 90045 310.568.0735 Paseo del Rey Natural Science Magnet School
7751 Paseo del Rey St. Playa del Rey, CA 90293
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Playa del Rey Elementary School 12221 Juniette St. Culver City, CA 90230 310.827.3560
Playa Vista Elementary School 13150 W. Bluff Creek Dr. Playa Vista, CA 90094 424.228.1800 Westport Heights Elementary 6011 W. 79th St. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.5611 WISH Community School 6550 W. 80th St. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.642.9474 School/Elementary & Middle St. Anastasia School 8631 S. Stanmoor Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.8816 St. Jerome School 5580 Thornburn St. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.670.1678
Visitation School 8740 S. Emerson Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.6620 Westchester Lutheran Church & School 7831 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.670.5422 Westside Neighborhood School 5401 Beethoven St. Los Angeles, CA 90066 310.574.8650 School/Middle Ánimo Westside Charter Middle School, a Green Dot Public School
5456 McConnell Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90066 323.565.3251 Katherine Johnson STEM Academy 8701 Park Hill Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90045 323.673.1230 WISH Charter Middle 6th-8th Grade 6550 W. 80th St. Los Angeles, CA 90045
310.642.9474 Wright Middle School STEAM Magnet 6550 W. 80th St. Westchester, CA 90045 310.258.6600 School/High St. Bernard High School 9100 Falmouth Ave. Playa del Rey, CA 90293 310.823.4651 Venice High School 13000 Venice Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90066 310.577.4200 Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnets 7400 W. Manchester Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.338.2400
WISH Academy High School 7400 W. Manchester Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.743.6690
School/University & Colleges Loyola Marymount University 1 LMU Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.338.2700 Otis College of Art and Design 9045 Lincoln Blvd. Westchester, CA 90045 310.665.6830 University of Southern California 3601 Trousdale Pkwy., STU B1 Los Angeles, CA 90089 213.740.2177 University of West Los Angeles 9800 S. La Cienega Blvd., 12th Fl. Inglewood, CA 90301 310.342.5200 Tutoring Kumon Math & Reading of Westchester 8801 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. E Los Angeles, CA 90045 424.226.6284
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Entertainment KIMA Events
something to remember...
310.741.2378 | Make an impact by giving them something to remember. From large to small, a single event can have a lasting impression on your business— depending on how it’s run. Today, more and more companies are hosting events that are unique, distinctive and require the support of full-service event planning to truly make a positive impact. Elicia Magaña, Founder and CEO of KIMA Events, provides these services, including consultation, concept and theme support. She is passionate about helping events that make a difference; coordinating with nonprofit organizations such as The S.H.A.Y Foundation, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers and Crystal Stairs. Crystal Stairs is a nonprofit aimed at helping families succeed through child care services, research and advocacy. As part of the Building Stronger Families Watts/Willowbrook project through First5LA Best Start, they hosted the Crystal Stairs Family Bonding Day. “Crystal Stairs and KIMA worked together to create a celebration for young parents and their kids. Elicia was able to create magical ideas and bring them to life, making it a successful event for the community,” said Anil Arora of Crystal Stairs. “I would recommend KIMA for any event!” Each time Elicia works alongside her clients, she is able to witness firsthand the difference they make in their neighborhoods, and how together they are able to change lives. Inspired by her clients, Elicia even created her own community event —her passion project—called Rise Up! to promote wellness in inner-city communities, as well as raise awareness and access to free resources in the areas of health, finances, education and mentorship. The inaugural Rise Up! Community Fair & Symposium was free for families to attend, and included guest speakers, interactive workshops and musical performances.
Paradise Bound Yacht Charters
The Ritz-Carlton, Marina del Rey
Hollywood Park Casino
Boat Charter Fantasea Yachts 13428 Maxella Ave., Ste. 984 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.827.2220
4375 Admiralty Way, Dock E600
3883 W. Century Blvd.
Marina del Rey, CA 90295
Inglewood, CA 90303
Bowling Alley
Community Theater
Hornblower Cruises & Events 13755 Fiji Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.301.6000
Bowlero Los Angeles
Kentwood Players
8731 Lincoln Blvd.
8301 Hindry Ave.
Westchester, CA 90045
Westchester, CA 90045
Entertainment Center OUE Skyspace Los Angeles 633 W. Fifth St., Ste. 1500 Los Angeles, CA 90071 213.894.9000 Event Planning KIMA Event Management & Consulting 12655 W. Jefferson Blvd., 4th Fl. Los Angeles, CA 90066 310.741.2378
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 37
Movie Picture Technology IMAX 12582 W. Millennium Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90094 310.255.5500 Podcast Born to Talk Radio Show Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.351.0983 Restaurant/Arcade Dave & Buster’s 6081 Center Dr., Ste. 118
38 •
Westchester, CA 90045 310.846.9950 Sportfishing/Whale Watching Marina del Rey Sportfishing 13759 Fiji Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.822.3625 Sports/College Loyola Marymount University Athletics 1 LMU Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90045
310.338.7643 Sports/Professional Los Angeles Chargers 3333 Susan St. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714.540.7100 Los Angeles Clippers 6951 S. Centinela Ave. Playa Vista, CA 90094 310.862.6000
Los Angeles Rams 29899 Agoura Rd., Ste. 200 Agoura Hills, CA 90301 818.540.2901 Yacht Club California Yacht Club 4469 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.823.4567
Financial Services Xceed Financial Credit Union
supporting leaders...
310.607.2169 |
Xceed Financial Credit Union is deeply committed to financial education. From offering free financial tutorials, calculators and blog posts, as well as seminars and webinars so their members can achieve financial fitness, Xceed’s services extend far beyond being a full-service, federally chartered not-for-profit workplace credit union. But their support for education doesn’t stop there. Each year, Xceed offers $1,000 scholarships to deserving young members who are preparing for college through the Romeo Doty Scholarship Program. Named for a long-time Board member, Romeo Doty, who dreamed of making higher education accessible for all students, the program has awarded nearly $150,000 in scholarship money to students nationwide since its inception. “Each of our scholarship winners has an impressive record of achievement and service, and we’re proud to support them as they embark on the next chapter in their academic lives,” said Xceed Financial President and Chief Executive Teresa Freeborn. Honorees are chosen every year by the Credit Union’s scholarship committee, who consider information submitted such as GPA, extracurricular activities within the student’s school and community and essay responses to questions such as, “What can a Credit Union do to remain competitive in an environment where technology is rapidly evolving?” Here’s to another generation of thoughtful, influential leaders—thanks to Xceed Financial Credit Union.
FINANCIAL SERVICES 401(k) Benefits Larchmont Financial, ICM 6100 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1560 Los Angeles, CA 90048 310.557.9850 Accounting/Bookkeeping Services Ten Key Accounting Solutions 7544 Denrock Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 424.254.9243 Accounting/CPA M. Debra Reno, CPA 8055 W. Manchester Ave., Ste. 550 Playa del Rey, CA 90293 310.822.2222 Richard Moon & Associates 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 1580 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.484.0800 Sarlo Income Tax Service, Inc. 1842 Washington Way Venice, CA 90291 310.823.6363
Bank First Citizens Bank 898 N. Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. 100 El Segundo, CA 90245 310.538.1776 OneWest Bank a Division of CIT, N.A. 8750 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Westchester, CA 90045 310.670.0150 Pacific Premier Bank 1419 Highland Ave. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 310.606.8002 U.S. Bank 4700 Lincoln Blvd. Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.301.9263 Wells Fargo 333 S. Grand Ave., Ste. 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90017 800.869.3557 Banking/Credit Union Kinecta Federal Credit Union 8601 Lincoln Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.410.9672 Xceed Financial Credit Union 888 N. Nash St. El Segundo, CA 90245 310.607.2169 Consulting Grant Thornton, LLP 515 S. Flower St., 7th Fl. Los Angeles, CA 90071 213.627.1717 Credit Card Processing Heartland Payments Marina del Rey, CA 90292 646.287.2526 Financial Advisor Ameriprise Financial 12400 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1120 Los Angeles, CA 90025 310.496.5563
Michelle Rudo World Financial Group 5301 Beethoven St., Ste. 222 Los Angeles, CA 90066 310.963.4831
Financial Planning/Services Aequitas Wealth Management 5465 S. Centinela Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90066 310.253.5000 Conservative Financial & Insurance Services 9100 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 214 Westchester, CA 90045 310.877.2297 DeLarme Wealth Management Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.
2780 Skypark Dr., Ste. 225 Torrance, CA 90505 424.250.1725 Edward Jones Investments 4551 Glencoe Ave., Ste. 240 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.301.2183 Mass Mutual Financial Group Westchester, CA 90045 310.991.1617
Financial Services/Investments Vanclef Financial Group 8107 Loyola Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 39
Insurance Blend2Day Agency Financial Concepts of America 5233 W. 119th Pl. Del Aire, CA 90304 310.780.1393
Jaffe Insurance Agency 13160 Mindanao Way, Ste. 204 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.827.5050
Dickerson Employee Benefits 1918 Riverside Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90039 323.805.2907 Farmers Insurance - Peter Kohly 6320 Howard Drollinger Way, Ste. 202 Los Angeles, CA 90045 40 •
Paul Major State Farm Agent 12030 Washington Blvd., Ste. A Los Angeles, CA 90066 310.482.3990 Primerica 18732 Corby Ave. Artesia, CA 90701 626.399.3462
Insurance/Life New York Life - Cedric Joins 2029 Century Park E., Ste. 950 Los Angeles, CA 90067 424.386.4737 Insurance/Supplemental AFLAC 5805 Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 700 Sherman Oaks, CA 91411 310.803.7852 Microloans/Small Business Opportunity Fund 5701 S. Eastern Ave., Ste. 102 City of Commerce, CA 90040
408.297.0204 Title Loans Wheels Financial Group, LLC 15400 Sherman Way, Ste. 170 Van Nuys, CA 91406 800.562.6627 Wealth Management Regatta Capital Group, LLC 7135 W. Manchester Ave., Ste. 2 Westchester, CA 90045 424.255.1045
ARC Air Logistics, Inc.
Hayward Meridian, Inc.
Rodolfo Corral, Inc.
1950 E. 220th St., Ste. 201
2875 Pomona Blvd.
Custom House Brokers
Air & Ocean Import/Export
Long Beach, CA 90810
Pomona, CA 91768
9100 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 124
Apex Logistics International, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA 90045
17511 S. Susana Rd.
BDP International, Inc.
James G. Wiley Co.
Senderex Cargo, Inc.
1010 Knox St.
5305 W. 102nd St.
PO Box 90277
Torrance, CA 90502
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Los Angeles, CA 90009
Freight Forwarder/
310.342.2900 x836
Customs Broker
C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.
JAS Forwarding USA, Inc.
680 Knox St., Ste. 210
1975 Charles Willard St.
Transgroup Worldwide Logistics
Torrance, CA 90502
Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220
Carmichael International Service
Jet Pro, Inc.
533 Glendale Blvd.
10722 S. La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Inglewood, CA 90304
CEVA Logistics
Kuehne & Nagel, Inc.
19600 Western Ave.
20000 S. Western Ave.
Torrance, CA 90501
Torrance, CA 90501
Commodity Forwarders, Inc.
Leman USA, Inc.
11101 S. La Cienega Blvd.
21221 S. Western Ave., Ste. 210
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Torrance, CA 90501
W.J. Byrnes
Byrnes Logistics
615 N. Nash St., Ste. 201
Dachser Transport of America, Inc.
Maxfreight International Logistics
5220 Pacific Concourse Dr., Ste. 360
411 N. Oak St.
Inglewood, CA 90304
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Inglewood, CA 90302
Logistics Provider
Air Power International
Aramex International
Express (U.S.A), Inc.
DHL Global Forwarding
Newtrans Overseas, Inc.
3750 W. Century Blvd.
8366 Isis Ave.
4000 Redondo Beach Ave., Ste. 103
9690 Telstar Ave., Ste. 206
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
El Monte, CA 91731
Shipping Services
Air-Sea Forwarders, Inc.
DSV Air & Sea, Inc.
Onestop Internet, Inc.
Universal Express International
9009 La Cienega Blvd.
1700 E. Walnut Ave., 6th Fl.
3040 E. Ana St.
14930 S. Figueroa St.
Inglewood, CA 90301
El Segundo, CA 90245
Rancho Domiguez, CA 90221
Gardena, CA 90248
All Logistics Cargo, Inc.
Express Line Corporation
Panalpina, Inc.
2320 N. Alameda St.
901 W. Arbor Vitae St.
19900 S. Vermont Ave., Ste. A
Compton, CA 90222
Inglewood, CA 90301
Torrance, CA 90502
Apollo Freight, Inc.
Golden Bridge International, Inc.
Rock-It Cargo
5330 W. 102nd St.
733 9th Ave.
5343 W. Imperial Hwy., Ste. 900
Los Angeles, CA 90045
City of Industry, CA 91745
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Compton, CA 90221 310.665.0288
a. hartrodt 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 1605 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.0357 A-Link Freight, Inc. 8350 Isis Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.216.1881 Able Freight Services, Inc. 5340 W. 104th St. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.568.8883 Adcom Worldwide LAX 1111 E. Watson Center Rd., Unit E Carson, CA 90745 310.216.0379 AG PAC, Inc. 5146 W. 104th St.
1560 W. 190th St. Torrance, CA 90501 310.637.5447 UPS Supply Chain Solutions 19701 Hamilton Ave., Ste. 250 Torrance, CA 90502 310.404.2800 UPS Supply Chain Solutions Inglewood 3600 W. Century Blvd. Inglewood, CA 90303 310.673.7661
El Segundo, CA 90245 310.615.2825
Inglewood, CA 90303 310.410.9366
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 41
stay informed at
Protect Your Profits Burglary prevention tips from LAPD Pacific Division
On October 26, 2018, Melody Pizza was
register is completely empty, the thieves don’t
burglarized. In plain view of Sepulveda Blvd.,
know that.
four suspects smashed through the front door of the pizza parlor to take what was not theirs.
“We want to help you protect your profits,” continued the officer. “We hate seeing our
“[There was] shattered glass on the ground,
neighbors and businesses robbed for their hard-
papers were everywhere, and the cash register
earned money.”
was hanging, dangling on wires,” said formerowner Christian Warren. Unfortunately, Melody Pizza is not the only local business that has been affected. “We’ve had an uptick in commercial burglaries in the area,” says a local LAPD Pacific Division officer. “These are small businesses, some of them right here near the LAX Coastal Chamber, that have been targeted by burglars. The normal tactic they’ve been using is in the middle of the
To do that, LAPD Pacific Division is available to
We’ve had an uptick in commercial burglaries in the area. These are small businesses, some of
night, when they know no one is around, they will take a rock, smash a plate glass window or a door window and enter the business looking for easy cash.”
them right here near the LAX Coastal Chamber.
LAPD Pacific Division is the city’s most popular sector. Home of Venice Beach and the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), the Pacific community is 25.74-square miles with more than 200,000 residents, and their officers handle approximately 140 radio calls for support and service each day. Suffice to say, LAPD Pacific Division has seen a lot of action—and has the knowledge on how to prevent it. Commercial burglary suspects are often looking for a quick cash grab and will do almost anything to get it. Many businesses do not take
not only respond to emergency calls, but also to offer commercial burglary prevention advice. No matter how small they might seem, these tips have been proven effective in reducing crime in our streets, as well as protecting you and your business in the process. “We’re going to catch them,” Christian added when discussing Melody Pizza’s recent break-in. And with the support of our local protectors— they will.
the time to store their cash in a safe or make a deposit each night, but if the amount you leave inside your register is small, or even if your 42 •
Kirby Israelson
LAX Coastal Chamber
Home & Business Improvement Posner Fine Art
art & creativity...
323.933.3664 | Posner Fine Art knows how to make a lasting impression. With five decades of experience in large-scale commissions and public works, Posner has worked on notable projects including an educational exhibition of historical photographs at Cal State Dominguez Hills, the Mecca Area basketball court floor in Milwaukee, painted in 1960 by artist Robert Indiana, and most recently an exterior installation for Graye LA, an artfully curated design gallery in Los Angeles. Posner presented the work of artist Ali Silverstein to Graye for inclusion in their showroom in honor of the grand reopening of their location on Sycamore Ave. Because the paintings suited the space and aesthetic so well, the owner of the showroom approached Posner about a possible exhibit on the building’s exterior in honor of Frieze Los Angeles, an international contemporary art fair that saw its first iteration in Los Angeles this year. Posner worked with the paint company Farrow and Ball, who donated the paint for the project, as well as the original artist to create 20 50’ paintings on canvas to be mounted on Graye’s exterior walls. Ali worked as she always does: by lying the canvas on the floor of her studio and applying paint in pools and broad gestures, sometimes using brooms to sweep the paint across the canvas’ surface. In the end, Posner Fine Art feels that the final painting remains true to the artist’s traditional means of production, all while creating a highly visible installation within the creative hub of Los Angeles.
Pop Up Clean Up
HOK Group, Inc.
Copy Machines & Supplies
9530 Jefferson Blvd.
1 Touch Office Technology
Culver City, CA 90232
370 Ampola Ave., Ste. 106
Torrance, CA 90501
Art Consultant Posner Fine Art 1212 S. Point View Los Angeles, CA 90035 323.933.3664 Cabinetry Sales/ Kitchen Design The Kitchen Store 6322 W. Slauson Ave. Culver City, CA 90230 310.572.7515 Cleaning Services
Los Angeles, CA 90045 877.767.8706 x1 Custom Furniture & Cabinetry Ferrufino Interiors/ Budget Blinds 3959 Sepulveda Blvd. Culver City, CA 90230 310.827.4446 Fine Artist/Custom Art Art by Chad Maender Los Angeles, CA 90045 612.747.1341 Garden Center
Landscape Architect Lynn Capouya, Inc. 17992 Mitchell S., Ste. 110 Irvine, CA 92614 949.756.0150 Locksmith Industrial Lock & Security, Inc. 401 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 310.322.3252 Manchester Lock & Security 1043 W. Manchester Blvd. Inglewood, CA 90301 310.649.6222 Remediation & Restoration KRB Flood and Fire Restoration 2774 Sawtelle Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90064 310.766.5555
9469 Jefferson Blvd., Ste. 118
13198 Mindanao Way
Culver City, CA 90232
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Window Cleaning Services Fish Window Cleaning 15665 Hawthorne Blvd., Ste. D Lawndale, CA 90260 310.973.3474
Molly Maid of Playa Vista
Marina del Rey Garden Center
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 43
Meet Michael D’Amodio
2019-2020 LAX Coastal Chamber Chairman of the Board Born in Brooklyn and raised in Staten Island, New York, Michael began his hospitality career at the Pittsburgh Greentree Marriott as the Executive Steward, an entry-level food and beverage management position. Michael was no stranger to hard work and quickly climbed the ranks. Many different hotels and 11 cities later, Michael is now the Vice President, Operations at Interstate Hotels and oversees a portfolio of properties owned by Seaview Investors. Some of his hotels include the Embassy Suites by Hilton LAX North, Residence Inn by Marriott LAX and the dual-branded Homewood Suites by Hilton LAX/H Hotel, Curio Curio Collection by Hilton (all proud LAX Coastal Chamber members). “The best part of the hospitality industry is hiring and mentoring my staff,” said D’Amodio. “I love helping my team members grow their careers.” Michael’s real passion has been working as a general manager. “Running a hotel is like being the mayor of a little city,” shared D’Amodio. “People come here to eat, sleep, and be entertained. We sell an experience and our job is to make sure that experience is memorable and our guests want to come back again and again.” On July 1, 2019, Michael will assume his role as Chairman of the Board of the LAX Coastal Chamber. His energy and enthusiasm, both for hospitality and small business, are infectious. “I have a passion for community, local government, business and giving back. As businesses, we have a role to play in the neighborhoods where we operate. The Chamber is very instrumental to the vitality of our area and I am excited to serve as its incoming leader with the support of the Chamber board and our members.”
44 •
your incoming chair...
Hospitality Hyatt Regency LAX
taking in the sights...
424.702.1234 |
See Los Angeles from a new angle. The Hyatt Regency Los Angeles International Airport Hotel recently renovated their Penthouse 280, an elegant 1,950-square-foot event space located on the top floor of the hotel alongside Century Boulevard. This breathtaking space not only comes with all of the amenities offered by their high-class hotel but features a sweeping 280-degree view of our LAX Coastal community— highlighting our beautiful scenery from LAX to the mountains.
HOSPITALITY Hotel/Motel/Bed & Breakfast Cambria Hotel & Suites El Segundo
199 N. Continental Blvd. El Segundo, CA 90245 310.965.0555 Courtyard by Marriott LAX 6161 W. Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.649.1400 Courtyard by Marriott LAX/El Segundo 2000 E. Mariposa Ave. El Segundo, CA 90245 310.322.0700 Courtyard by Marriott LAX/Hawthorne 4427 W. El Segundo Blvd. Hawthorne, CA 90250 310.263.1116 Courtyard by Marriott Long Beach Downtown 500 E. 1st St. Long Beach, CA 90802 562.435.8511 Courtyard by Marriott L.A. Westside 6333 Bristol Pkwy. Culver City, CA 90230 310.484.7000 DoubleTree by Hilton L.A. Westside 6161 W. Centinela Ave. Culver City, CA 90230 310.649.1776
Embassy Suites LAX North 9801 Airport Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.215.1000 Four Points by Sheraton LAX Airport 9750 Airport Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.4600 Four Points by Sheraton LA Westside 5990 Green Valley Circle Culver City, CA 90230 310.641.7740
H Hotel Los Angeles (Curio Collection by Hilton) &
Homewood Suites LAX 6151 W. Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.215.3000
Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton 888 N. Pacific Coast Hwy. El Segundo, CA 90245 310.322.2900
Hotel MdR A DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel 13480 Maxella Ave. Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.822.8555 Hyatt Regency Los Angeles International Airport 6225 W. Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 424.702.1234 Inn at Playa del Rey 435 Culver Blvd. Playa del Rey, CA 90293 310.574.1920 The Inn at Venice Beach 327 Washington Blvd. Venice, CA 90291 310.821.2557 Jamaica Bay Inn 4175 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.823.5333
Marina del Rey Marriott Hotel 4100 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.301.3000 The Redondo Beach Hotel 400 N. Harbor Dr. Redondo Beach, CA 90277 424.275.9300 Renaissance LAX Hotel 9620 Airport Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.337.2800 Residence Inn by Marriott Los Angeles LAX 5933 W. Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.568.7700 The Ritz-Carlton, Marina del Rey 4375 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.823.1700
The Kinney 737 W. Washington Blvd. Venice Beach, CA 90292 310.821.4455
Sheraton Gateway L.A. Hotel 6101 W. Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.642.1111
Hilton Garden Inn Marina del Rey 4200 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.301.2000
Los Angeles Airport Marriott 5855 W. Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.641.5700
Super 8 L.A. / LAX Airport Motel 9250 Airport Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.670.2900
Hilton Los Angeles Airport 5711 W. Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.410.4000
Marina del Rey Hotel 13534 Bali Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.301.1000
Westin Los Angeles Airport 5400 W. Century Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.216.5858
Hilton Garden Inn LAX El Segundo 2100 E. Mariposa Ave. El Segundo, CA 90245 310.726.0100
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 45
46 •
CONTACT: Ronna Goldstein +1.323.453.2850 +1.866.740.2389 toll free
Housing & Apartments AMLI Marina del Rey
healthier lifestyles...
310.696.4503 |
AMLI is making great strides in building apartment communities with an emphasis on sustainability— not only as it pertains to the environment, but also the health and wellness of its residents. Last year, AMLI partnered with architecture firm Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) and Multifamily Executive to reimagine AMLI 900, their first foray into green-building more than a decade ago. What they developed was quickly put into place for AMLI Marina del Rey, outfitted with various new green and wellness technologies. Here are a few core takeaways from AMLI Marina del Rey: Making Spaces Healthier and More Flexible One of the most important considerations to make when designing an apartment community is creating spaces that maximize comfort and encourage healthy choices. The easiest way to complete these objectives is to keep your spaces fluid, able to be repurposed as the times dictate and culture changes. Spaces were recast with designs that would encourage residents to take the stairs and traded square footage in individual apartments in favor of larger community spaces for all to use and enjoy. This was done on the idea that more publicly shared space would foster more interaction between residents, developing a community of stable, lasting relationships. Smoke-Free Living AMLI’s Breatheasy ® program prohibits smoking by residents and guests, creating a healthy and clean living environment for their residents. The feedback from this program has been overwhelmingly positive, with everyone appreciating the opportunity to live in a completely smoke-free community. Sustainability For All AMLI strives to create healthier lifestyles for all, across arbitrary generational divides. According to their annual sustainable living index, millennials and baby boomers alike show increased interest in green living and sustainability issues. By placing emphasis on their communities as a whole, they can work toward the overall wellness of each and every resident that calls AMLI Marina del Rey their home.
HOUSING & APARTMENTS Apartment Development Sares-Regis Group 18825 Bardeen Ave. Irvine, CA 92612 949.809.2515 Apartments Caladan Investments, LLC 15335 Morrison St., Ste. 365 Sherman Oaks, CA 91436 818.839.5695 Mariners Village 4600 Via Marina Marina del Rey, CA 90292 866.407.1783
The Ventana 7225 Crescent Park W. Playa Vista, CA 90094 310.496.3900 Villas at Playa Vista Irvine Company 12411 Fielding Circle Playa Vista, CA 90094 310.862.6740 Apartments & Marina Esprit Marina del Rey 13900 Marquesas Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.305.3700
Marina Harbor Apartments & Anchorage 4500 Via Marina Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.578.5200
Furnished Apartments Oakwood 323.453.2850
Villa del Mar Apartments & Marina 13999 Marquesas Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.823.4644
AMLI Marina del Rey 4242 Via Marina Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.696.4503
Real Estate/Development/ Leasing
Apartments/Anchorages Wayfarer Apartments + Marina 14000 Palawan Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.822.2001
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 47
48 •
Legal Services Aesthetic Legal
protecting artists...
310.486.6958 | Attorney Matthew Swanlund is a creative at heart. He is a painter, writer, photographer and designer—and an attorney. This dual perspective allows his company, Aesthetic Legal, to translate complex legal concepts to creative individuals and companies in a language they understand, to the benefit of both parties involved. Through his work, Matthew is seen as a leader in Art Law. He represents numerous artists (local and international), art galleries, museums and arts-related businesses. He is involved in local arts-related community groups and organizations to promote public art in our community and is even an adjunct professor at UC Irvine School of Law. Because Matthew has a particular affinity for protecting artists, a profession that has routinely been taken advantage of and wields little to no bargaining power, he recently launched a subscription legal service directly for artists, art galleries and arts-related businesses called Artside Counsel. The age-old legal model of billing by the hour doesn’t always work for startups and creative businesses, so he changed the model to better address the changing needs of his clients. According to Aesthetic Legal, Matthew believes that creativity both shapes and improves our society, culture and world. Thus, creativity must be protected.
LEGAL SERVICES Attorney Services Legal Resource Services 8117 W. Manchester Ave., Ste. 100 Playa del Rey, CA 90293 310.395.7425 Attorney/Family Law Berenji & Associates 8383 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 443 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310.271.6290 Law Offices of Charles Rosenberg 11500 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 400
Los Angeles, CA 90064 310.391.5839 Attorneys Citywide Law Group 12424 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 705 Los Angeles, CA 90025 424.248.2700 Eisner Gorin, LLP 1875 Century Park E., Ste. 705 Los Angeles, CA 90067 310.328.3776
Fernandez & Karney 429 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 120 Santa Monica, CA 90401 310.393.0236 Law Office of Christopher Blatter 6080 Center Dr., 6th Fl. Los Angeles, CA 90045 424.832.1141 Michael B. Goldstein Law Office 4640 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 323.651.0125 The Rodriguez Law Group 626 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 460 Los Angeles, CA 90017 213.995.6767 Smith, Gambrell & Russell 444 S. Flower St., Ste. 1700 Los Angeles, CA 90071 213.358.7200 Voss, Silverman & Braybrooke 4640 Admiralty Way, Ste. 800 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.306.0515
Attorneys/Business Law Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner 120 Broadway, Ste. 300 Santa Monica, CA 90401 310.576.2100 Attorneys/Business Litigation Golding + Lamothe 5901 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 750 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.348.7240 Pettit Kohn Ingrassia Lutz & Dolin 5901 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.649.5772 Attorneys/Collections Jen Law Firm, APC 5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 1235 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.853.2298 Attorneys/Estate Planning Law Office of Edgar Saenz 8921 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 101 Westchester, CA 90045 310.417.9900
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 49
The Law Offices of Valeria C. Velasco 8055 W. Manchester Ave., Ste. 710 Playa del Rey, CA 90293 310.821.7890 Attorneys/Intellectual Property Aesthetic Legal
Jen Law Firm
310.853.2298 |
8055 W. Manchester Ave., Ste. 310
Jen Law Firm is a proud LAX Coastal Chamber member,
Playa del Rey, CA 90293
serving businesses throughout California with their
commercial collections and judgment enforcement Attorneys/Personal Injury Nelson & Natale 5550 W. Manchester Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.641.8300
needs. The firm exclusively focuses on helping its clients recover difficult and hard to collect debts, leading many to ask managing attorney Jerry Jen, “Why collections?” Because Jerry was raised in a family that relied heavily
on a business income, Jerry understands the needs,
Attorneys/Trusts & Estates
tribulations and issues that businesses face daily—
Vergari & Napolitano
especially when its customers do not pay. Jerry’s goal
5777 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 1580
is to help businesses alleviate the stress and headache
Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.410.4014
of having to chase after their hard-earned money, when
instead the businesses can focus on growing and doing
Law Firm
the things they love.
Arias Sanguinetti Wang & Torrijos 6701 Center Dr. W., Ste. 1400
Whether you are seeking to prevent future collections
Los Angeles, CA 90045
issues (or unfortunately dealing with some right now),
the Jen Law Firm is committed to helping you protect
your business.
50 •
why collections...?
Manufacturing California Manufacturing Technology Consulting
a thriving industry...
310.263.3060 | CMTC, a private nonprofit corporation, was established in 1992 as an affiliate of the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program to provide consulting services to small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) in California. MEP is a federal program under the National Institute of Standards and Technology that works with U.S. Manufacturers to help them create and retain jobs, increase profits and save time and money—ultimately securing their global competiveness. CMTC’s mission is to serve as a trusted advisor to manufacturers, providing solutions which will grow both their businesses and the California economy. One way the company achieves this goal is by participating in Annual Manufacturing Day. MFG DAY is a celebration occurring on the first Friday in October, giving small and medium-sized manufacturers the opportunity to showcase their products and capabilities to students, educators, businesspeople, politicians and the media since its inception in 2012. MFG DAY also helps to dispel misconceptions about manufacturing—that all work is “dark, dirty and dangerous”—in order to recruit the next generation of skilled workers. And, with manufacturing facilities losing a large number of workers to retirement in the coming years, this is absolutely crucial for the continued success of the industry. And the good news is that it’s working! A Deloitte survey of nearly 270,000 students participating in MFG DAY events revealed that: 89% became more aware of manufacturing jobs in their communities 84% became more convinced that manufacturing provides rewarding career 64% became more motivated to pursue careers in manufacturing In our Golden State, which boasts the nation’s largest manufacturing sector, CMTC is a vital partner. California’s Manufacturing Network, formed and managed by CMTC, provides services exclusively to SMMs in California. The Network is a collaboration of more than 20 partners that deliver technical assistance, serving more than 1,100 companies annually, generating significant financial impacts for our clients and for our state— proving once again that CMTC is California’s trusted resource for a thriving manufacturing industry.
MANUFACTURING Manufacturing Services California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC) 690 Knox St., Ste. 200 Torrance, CA 90502 310.263.3060 Manufacturing/Apparel 7 For All Mankind 4440 E. 26th St. Los Angeles, CA 90058 323.406.5300
Dreamgirl International 5548 Lindbergh Ln. Bell, CA 90201 323.268.0220 Hudson Clothing, LLC 1231 S. Gerhart St. Commerce, CA 90022 323.890.1800 James Perse Enterprises, Inc. 7373 Flores St. Downey, CA 90242 323.588.2226
Koral Industries, LLC 5124 Pacific Blvd. Vernon, CA 90058 323.585.5343 Wildfox Couture, LLC 2107 Bellevue Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90026 213.484.8650 Manufacturing/Footwear Skechers USA, Inc. 330 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 310.318.3100 x4134
Manufacturing/Products Allied Feather & Down Corp. 6905 W. Acco St., Bldg. A Montebello, CA 90640 323.585.5677 Chrome Hearts, LLC 915 N. Mansfield Ave. Hollywood, CA 90038 310.945.3100
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Medical & Care Services New Day In-Home Care
professional care...
424.259.3108 |
Many of us have loved ones who are getting older and starting to need a little help with everyday activities. We know that people who are allowed to age in place live longer, happier lives; at the same time, many seniors who would like to remain independent may need some assistance to ensure they are safe and healthy. It can be a delicate balance for families, and oftentimes finding the right help can be a real challenge. That’s where New Day In-Home Care comes in. “We grew up here, and our home care company grew out of our personal experience of caring for family members,” says owner Clark Broyles. “We know how delicate these decisions can be, so we bring a caring and professional approach to those looking for support. It’s all about understanding the needs of the senior and the family as a whole.” New Day In-Home Care helps seniors maintain their independence and stay socially connected in the comfort and familiarity of their own home. With carefully screened caregivers and services ranging from meal preparation to personal care, they can provide the support your loved one needs. Sometimes it’s hard to ask for help. New Day In-Home Care can make it a little easier.
Medical Billing
Providence Health & Services
Golden West Medical Billing, Inc.
20555 Earl St.
Playa Pharmacy
8929 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 210
Torrance, CA 90503
8131 W. Manchester Ave.
Bioidentical Hormone Balance
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Playa del Rey, CA 90293
Medical/Urgent Care Westchester Pharmacy
Gail N. Jackson, M.D. 2211 Corinth Ave., Ste. 211
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Medical/Health Services
Manchester Urgent Care
Aesthetic MdR
6222 W. Manchester Ave, Ste. A
13160 Mindanao Way, Ste. 202
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Cemetery & Mortuary
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Hillside Memorial Park & Mortuary
6001 W. Centinela Ave.
6020 Seabluff Dr., Unit 1
Los Angeles, CA 90045
8700 Beverly Blvd., TSB8711
Playa Vista, CA 90094
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Holistic Addiction Treament
Playa Vista Medical Center
8930 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 103 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.670.3463 Physicians/Podiatry Airport Podiatry Group 9100 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 100 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.3338
Phoenix House
Kaiser Permanente
Marc S. Simmons, O.D.
503 Ocean Front Walk
5619 Mesmer Ave.
6225 W. 87th St., Ste. 101
Venice, CA 90291
Culver City, CA 90230
Westchester, CA 90045
323.857.4496 x5
In-Home Health Care
New Day In-Home Care
Marina del Rey Hospital
Playa Vista Orthodontics
PO Box 45975
4650 Lincoln Blvd.
8540 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 700
Reproductive Medicine/Services
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Los Angeles, CA 90045
11500 W. Olympic Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Psychiatric Rehabilitation The Life Adjustment Team 11936 Jefferson Blvd., Ste. B Culver City, CA 90230 310.572.7000
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424.293.8841 Senior Services Always Best Care of L.A. Beach Cities 2409 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 302 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 310.546.3400 Sunrise of Playa Vista 5555 Playa Vista Dr. Playa Vista, CA 90094 310.437.7178 Westside Pacific Villages 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 326 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.695.7030 Special Needs Services EBS Children’s Institute L.A. 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 320 Los Angeles, CA 90045 424.331.9212
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Nonprofit LAX Kiwanis
65 years of support...
310.924.0835 | The LAX Kiwanis club just celebrated their 65th anniversary! They are proud of their service and financial assistance to those most vulnerable in the communities surrounding LAX: local children and their families affected by poverty, unemployment, racial bias and lack of educational opportunities. Just a few of their efforts include: Awarding 700+ scholarships to LAX-area high school students—99% of them with highranking GPAs, a family income at or below the poverty level and active in volunteerism Partnering with local schools to raise money for teacher mini-grants Donating new clothes, shoes and backpacks each August to help less fortunate students start school with a smile Adopting hundreds of local families every holiday season Supporting the LAX Coastal Education Foundation with a gift of $19,000 to support local schools as a thank you for their partnership in the 2018 Golf Tournament Raising funds to send local kids to YMCA Summer Camp Volunteering at local Ronald McDonald Hospitals Partnering with local schools to raise funds for teacher mini-grants
National Association of Minority Contractors, SoCal Chapter
Association/Club/Organization Marina del Rey Holiday Boat Parade 13967 Marquesas Way, Ste. 50 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.670.7130 Marina del Rey Lessees Association
(NAMC-SC) PO Box 43307 Los Angeles, CA 90043 323.296.8005 SoCal Masonic Lodge #529 7726 W. Manchester Blvd.
PO Box 4805
Playa del Rey, CA 90293
Van Nuys, CA 91412
Aviation Services Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) 535 Herndon Pkwy. Herndon, VA 20170 888.359.2572 Community Garden Emerson Avenue Community Garden Club 6550 W. 80th St. Westchester, CA 90045 310.337.0827
Community Organization Westchester Vitalization Corporation 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 102 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.670.5626 Community Pet Center Wallis Annenberg PetSpace 12005 Bluff Creek Dr. Playa Vista, CA 90094 424.384.1801
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Education/Training EmpowerTech 9100 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 204 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.338.1597 Education/Workforce Development Salvation Army Inglewood Citadel Corps 324 E. Queen St. Inglewood, CA 90301 310.677.3375 Environmental Protection Friends of Ballona Wetlands 211 Culver Blvd., Ste. N Playa del Rey, CA 90293 310.306.5994 Foundation LAX Coastal Education Foundation 9100 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 210 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.5151 Historical Society Marina del Rey Historical Society 13737 Fiji Way, C-3 Marina del Rey, CA 90292
424.391.6976 Westchester/Playa Historical Society 6205 W. 87th St. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.5151
History Preservation Flight Path Museum & Learning Center 6661 W. Imperial Hwy. Los Angeles, CA 90045 424.646.7284 Military Services Bob Hope USO at LAX 203 World Way, Ste. 200 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.3716 Nonprofit Organization Badge of Heart PO Box 5945 Garden Grove, CA 92846 714.901.1615 Political Navigation Los Angeles, CA 90045 540.604.3456
Non-Profit/Workforce Development PVJOBS 4112 S. Main St. Los Angeles, CA 90037 323.432.3955 South Bay Workforce Investment Board 110 S. La Brea Ave. Inglewood, CA 90301 310.970.7700 Peace Officer Support Los Angeles Airport Peace Officers Association 6080 Center Dr., 6th Fl. Westchester, CA 90045 310.242.5218 Marina del Rey Sheriff’s Support Unit 13851 Fiji Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.578.9832 Pacific Area Booster Association PO Box 2895 Venice, CA 90294 310.202.4524
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Pet Care/Services Michelson Found Animals Foundation 4235 Sepulveda Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232 310.574.5780 Public Policy/Think Tank Reason Foundation 5737 Mesmer Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90230 310.391.2245 Recruitment Services Managed Career Solutions 3333 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 405 Los Angeles, CA 90010 310.405.5931 Research & Development The Kavli Foundation 5715 Mesmer Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90230 424.353.8800 Service Club LAX Kiwanis Los Angeles, CA 90266 310.924.0835 Playa Venice Sunrise Rotary Club PO Box 10883 Marina del Rey, CA 90295 323.459.1932 Venice-Marina-LAX Lions Club Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.823.7449 Westchester Elks Lodge #2050 8025 W. Manchester Ave. Playa del Rey, CA 90293 310.821.3005 Youth Services Boys & Girls Club of Venice 2232 Lincoln Blvd. Venice, CA 90291 310.390.4477 Westchester Family YMCA 8015 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Westchester, CA 90045 310.670.4316
LAX Coastal Chamber
your local chamber...
310.645.5151 |
The LAX Coastal Chamber of Commerce was established on March 11, 1953, as the Westchester Chamber of Commerce. Since its inception, the Chamber has changed names seven times to better represent the areas and members it covers, before finally landing on “LAX Coastal” in 2007. The Chamber’s mission is to promote business and enhance the vitality of the community. It is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) organization comprised of over 550 businesses with a board of 34 members. As a 501(c)(6) organization, the Chamber is classified as a business league. According to the IRS, a business league is defined as, “an association of persons having some common business interest, the purpose of which is to promote such common interest.” The Chamber is proud to serve the communities of Westchester, Playa del Rey, Playa Vista, Marina del Rey, Del Rey and Ladera Heights. To find out more about how to get involved with your local Chamber, contact us today.
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Professional Services Sean Story Inc.
a splash of passion...
310.871.2587 | The Sean Story story (yes, that is not a typo!) begins in a small town in the heart of Silicon Valley where a young man began to use his skills for marketing, technology and business to build websites for local businesses. Surrounded by innovative tech giants from a young age, Sean was motivated to bring high-quality websites to the businesses of his town. More than 10 years later, Sean now calls the sands of Playa del Rey his home. Sean is known for awesome websites, cybersecurity, secure computer networks and WiFi solutions, as well as providing tech support for small to medium-sized businesses. His design approach is built on the fundamental idea that every creative work should have a purpose. This philosophy, combined with a keen eye for detail and a sleek aesthetic, allows Sean to create pieces that leave clients in awe and their customers coming. His IT services follow a similar formula, with an emphasis on reliability, security and ease of use. As a proud Chamber member and Playa Venice Sunrise Rotarian, Sean loves small towns and looks forward to calling Playa del Rey his home for many years to come. At Sean Story Inc., he looks forward to helping you with his technological expertise—balanced with artistry and a contagious splash of passion.
Business Creative Services
Culver City, CA 90230
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Sharpe & Associates
Branding & Marketing
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Hilton Brown
PromoShop, Inc.
Advertising/Marketing J. Rosen Group
5420 McConnell Ave.
7560 Cowan Ave.
Digital Marketing
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Candace Owens
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Graphic Design Services
Printing Services
CyberCopy, Inc.
FASTSIGNS Inglewood/LAX 403 S. La Brea Ave. Inglewood, CA 90301
Westchester, CA 90045 310.990.9703
Just Kirby
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
440 S. Hindry Ave., Unit C
Inglewood, CA 90301
Mailing Services
KES Mail, Inc.
2930 Vail Ave.
Branding Specialist
Commerce, CA 90040
3517 Schaefer St. Culver City, CA 90232 310.736.1001 Parviz Printing 118 E. 8th St. Los Angeles, CA 90014
Social Media/Marketing/ Advertising HB Internet Holding 510 S. Normandie Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90020 619.829.9562 Trophies/Plaques Trophymasters
8331 Lincoln Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Toragrafix 347 W. Arbor Vitae St.
Inglewood, CA 90301
Video Marketing
Kimbop TV, LLC
PO Box 7171
Topanga, CA 90290
Promotional Products
Torrance, CA 90504
BCU Works
C&S Sales
5412 JanisAnne Ave.
12947 Chadron Ave.
HOW Creative 101 S. Topanga Canyon Blvd., Ste. 355
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Lux Virtual
using virtual reality...
805.895.3715 | This past year, one of the highlights at Lux Virtual was working on their second interactive Virtual Reality project with the Metropolitan Water District (MWD). Lux Virtual has worked hard to build a relationship with the innovation team at MWD, focusing on continually bringing new technologies to the agency and connecting them to fellow companies focusing on technological innovation. The project was developed to educate the public on how difficult it is to get water to Los Angeles, and the importance of water conservation—especially with the continual increase in population and an ever-present risk of droughts from year to year. MWD is focused on better storage, increased conservation methods and educating the public on how to best conserve water and minimize its use. Early on in the project, Lux Virtual hosted over a dozen employees from multiple water agencies at an all-day drone and video 360 training/educational course. This was made possible because they had the opportunity to bring Corey Petrick onto this project, an Emmy-Award winner for digital innovation for his work with Video 360 images on the film “Capturing Everest.” Robert DeCou, Founder & CEO of Lux Virtual, is a firm believer in building relationships. “To grow and excel in this fast-paced economy,” says Robert, “building partnerships, joint ventures and solidifying relationships is essential. Be diligent in building new friendships in your community and it will serve you well in both health and prosperity.”
Business Services & Consulting Business Accelerator International Business Accelerator Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.319.1199 Business Development Dan Gordon Enterprise 938 N. Serrano Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90029 818.613.1984 Consulting The Franchise Consulting Co. 1730 E. Holly Ave, Ste. 808 El Segundo, CA 90245 310.773.7662 Global Community Enrichment Long Beach, CA 90803 310.384.6244
Vanto Group 353 Sacramento St., Ste. 208 San Francisco, CA 94111 213.255.9189
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Employee Benefits Playa Vista Insurance Services 8055 W. Manchester Ave., Ste. 405 Playa del Rey, CA 90293 310.821.3263 Employee Engagement Services Woodhill Solutions Los Angeles, CA 90045 619.540.6480
Life Coach Rising C Playa Vista, CA 90094 765.714.4274 State-Of-Mind Resilience Coaching Los Angeles, CA 90025 310.473.8017 Management Consulting
Employment Agency Express Employment Professionals 130 E. Grand Ave., Ste. F El Segundo, CA 90245 310.414.3100
4 Oranges
Image Consultant Fashionably Wealthy by Bobbie Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.701.9418
Notary Services
Intl. Research Analyst Katrina Schenfield Research 5870 Green Valley Circle, Ste. 232 Culver City, CA 90230 626.629.6720
531 Main St., Ste. 939 El Segundo, CA 90245 424.290.1411 Notary/Mobile Westside Mobile Playa del Rey, CA 90293 310.403.0815 Payroll Service PayrollCentric 5777 Century Blvd., Ste. 910 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.258.9703
Procurement Software
Venice Paparazzi
MBI Media
1901 Oceanfront Walk, Unit 3
957 S. Village Oaks Dr.
4676 Admiralty Way
Venice, CA 90291
Covina, CA 91724
Los Angeles, CA 90092
Zsuzsi Photography
Safety & Security Professional Development
Los Angeles, CA 90045
adaptED Consultants
4204 Lafayette Pl.
Interactive Remote Guarding Elite Interactive Solutions
Technology Company Google 340 Main St. Venice, CA 90291 310.310.6090
1200 W. 7th St., Ste. L1-180
Production Rentals
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Westside Production Rentals
Communications ‘A La Carte’
5601 W. Slauson Ave., Ste. 170
6857 W. 85th Pl.
Strategic Communications
Culver City, CA 90230
Westchester, CA 90045
Murakawa Communications
Security Services
2110 Artesia Blvd., Ste. B-354
Allied International Security, Inc.
3325 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 724
Video Production & Marketing
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Fiction Films
114 Sheldon St.
El Segundo, CA 90245
Allied Universal
Culver City, CA 90232 310.400.0998
Redondo Beach, CA 90278 310.376.2236
Public Affairs & Advocacy
Consultant/Land Use & Planning
Tax Credit & Incentives Recovery
Trifiletti Consulting, Inc.
Business Group Resources
1541 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 560
13065 Mindanao Way, Ste. 4
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Management Consulting
JMP Protective Services
Culver City, CA 90232
Zann, Inc.
6709 La Tijera Blvd., Ste. 534
7752 E. 4th Ave., Ste. 1C
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Denver, CO 80230
Security/Private Investigation
7749 Hindry Ave.
Public Affairs Advocacy
SECO Investigative
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Burns & Bouchard, Inc.
& Security Services
9619 National Blvd.
PO Box 5099
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Playa del Rey, CA 90296
Event Planning DJ Service Celebrations Mobile DJ Service 1494 W. Santa Cruz St. San Pedro, CA 90732 310.221.0999 Montjoy Enterprises PO Box 451671 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.877.8805 Entertainment/Music Mustol Music 3761 Maplewood Ave.
Visual Presentations
JKH Consulting
Technology & Infrastructure
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Los Angeles, CA 90066 310.397.3590
550 S. Hope St., Ste. 530
Los Angeles, CA 90071
KIMA Event Management
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Kindel Gagan
Event Planning
3000 S. Robertson Blvd., Ste. 150
Lux Virtual 10866 Washington Blvd., Ste. 157
Web Design/Development Bolhuis Design, LLC
Don Miller Design PO Box 90554 Los Angeles, CA 90009 877.394.3468
Sean Story, Inc.
8614 Saran Dr., Ste. 210
1507 7th St., Ste. 476
Playa del Rey, CA 90293
Santa Monica, CA 90401
310.893.7558 Computer Services/IT Support
& Consulting
Lee Andrews Group
12655 W. Jefferson Blvd., 4th Fl.
818 W. 7th St., Ste. 880
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Vectis Strategies
Angela Clouse
2121 Rosecrans Ave., Ste. 2380
Santa Monica, CA 90401
El Segundo, CA 90245
Ballerini Cooley Studios
Public Relations
8242 Sunnysea Dr.
Maleman Ink Public Relations
Internet Service Provider
Playa del Rey, CA 90293
8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 518
Bel Air Internet
Westchester, CA 90045
15301 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 250
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
TWE Solutions, Inc.
Individual Member Renate Hild
13900 Marquesas Way, Ste. 6006
Westchester, CA 90045
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Denny Schneider Creative Production Space
Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.641.4199
YouTube Space LA 12422 W. Bluff Creek Dr. Playa Vista, CA 90094 424.354.5858
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Real Estate Burns & Bouchard
starting a company...
310.802.4261 |
In 2009, the real estate world was on its head. It was no time to start a company that focused on landuse entitlements—and yet, that is exactly what Jonathan Lonner chose to do. That year, Jonathan opened the doors to Burns & Bouchard. Burns, after his grandparents’ last name, and Bouchard, for the last name of his wife’s grandparents. Kristen Lonner, Jonathan’s wife, was a successful land-use and community-outreach expert and a partner at a successful local lobbying firm; however, she too was experiencing the uncertainty of the market. But when Jonathan’s client list began to grow and Kristen began partnering with him on projects, it became clear that the two were meant to do this together. Jonathan’s development experience from his years at Lee Homes and Kristen’s City Hall experience working for Councilmember Cindy Miscikowski were serving them well as a power duo. In 2010, Kristen would leave the security of a well-established 40-year firm to join Burns & Bouchard and grow their services to not only entitlements but lobbying and outreach as well. Almost 10 years later, Burns & Bouchard represents development projects from Hollywood to Venice Beach, Woodland Hills to Glassell Park, and of course, Westchester/Playa del Rey—the same community where Jonathan and Kristen were starting their family when Burns & Bouchard was born.
El Segundo, CA 90245
Property Management
Coworking Space LAX Coworking 9100 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 210 Los Angeles, CA 90045 424.290.8745
2221 Rosencrans Ave., Ste. 100
Developer/Leasing The Ratkovich Company 700 S. Flower St., Ste. 2600 Los Angeles, CA 90017 213.486.6500 Escrow Services Betty Betts Escrow Company 8641 Truxton Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.670.2398 California Investors Escrow 7125 W. Manchester Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.568.2701 Income-Producing Real Estate Specialist Olivia Patterson Ryans Coldwell Banker 222 N. Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. 150
Mortgage Advisor/Consultant The CS Mortgage Group 433 N. Camden Dr., Ste. 600 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310.887.1342
El Segundo, CA 90245 310.363.4797 Playa Vista Parks & Landscape Corporation
6200 Playa Vista Dr.
Mortgage Broker
1st Mortgage Advisors, Inc. 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 102 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.670.5626
Playa Vista, CA 90094 Real Estate/Broker/ Brokerage Jack Davis RE/MAX Estate Properties
Office Space/Room Rentals/
7131 W. Manchester Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90045
6060 Center Dr., Fl. 10
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Rowena Ake Realtor
347.927.7388 Planning & Land Use Consultant
8409 Lincoln Blvd. Westchester, CA 90045 310.645.5000
Burns & Bouchard, Inc.
9619 National Blvd.
Stephanie Younger Group
Los Angeles, CA 90034
7296 W. Manchester Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310.499.2020 Real Estate/Commercial Management The Bridge Group 1237 S. Victoria Ave., Ste. 506 Oxnard, CA 93035 805.263.6455 Real Estate/Commercial Management Del Rey Crossing 4800 Alla Rd. Playa del Rey, CA 90291 310.640.1520 Real Estate/Developer Brookfield Residential Playa Vista 12045 E. Waterfront Dr., Ste. 400 Playa Vista, CA 90094 310.448.4629 Hanover Company 5847 San Felipe, Ste. 3600 Houston, TX 77057 713.267.2100 Real Estate/Investments Plotkin Properties, Inc. Westchester, CA 90045 310.906.9747
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Collaboration and Creativity in the Workplace 347.927.7388 | 424.290.8745 |
The concept of coworking has developed beyond a change in a professional’s workday—it’s changed the way people do business. In 1994, the Chiat/Day ad agency built a New York office that was designed to break every workplace tradition, with the help of Italian architect Gaetano Pesce. There were no offices or personal desks, the walls literally glowed with vibrant colors and hieroglyphs and surfaces were built to seemingly hinder productivity (such as tables coated with resin that made paper stick to the surface and chairs that wobbled intentionally). As expected, the workers of Chiat/Day abandoned the space within a year, but the coworking community sees that office as a revolution. It was one of the first creative, open-planned, collaborative spaces within Corporate America, and it taught the rest of us that it’s okay to break the rules and to learn from our failures. Today, there are currently more 18,900 coworking spaces worldwide with 1.7 million cumulative members. Office buildings are advertising open “Creative Space” and abandoning traditional offices, enticing new tenants with open floor plans and exposed architectural features. Nonstandard items such as treadmill desks and office yoga are no longer startling concepts, they’re becoming commonplace. While many feel there are downsides to this new, collaborative workplace (such as noise distraction and a higher likelihood of spreading illness), with more than 70% of US offices featuring an open-plan design something is obviously working. Interested in seeing if this modern workplace is for you? Visit LAX Coworking in the LAX Coastal Chamber’s office, or proud member Industrious in the Playa District.
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the modern office...
Real Estate/Loans Carlos A. Pizarro NMLSR ID 1043451 Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking
2141 Rosecrans Ave., 4th Fl. El Segundo, CA 90245 310.956.0180 Real Estate/Management Decron Properties 6222 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 400 Los Angeles, CA 90048 323.556.6600
Real Estate/Property Management All of Us Enterprises 335 E. Manchester Blvd., Ste. 200 Inglewood, CA 90301 310.680.9988 Standard Management Co. 5901 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 1010 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.410.2300
Zacha Homes 6605 W. 80th St. Westchester, CA 90045 310.215.1981 Real Estate/Sales & Leasing Esmeralda Gonzalez & Associates 13274 Fiji Way, Ste. 100 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.844.3601
Drollinger Properties 8929 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 130 Westchester, CA 90045 310.417.8048
Real Estate/Residential Cole Properties RE/MAX Estate Properties 124 Washington Blvd. Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.418.8040
E & S Ring Management Corporation 11050 Santa Monica Blvd., 2nd Fl. Los Angeles, CA 90025 310.337.5400
Jane St. John RE/MAX Estate Properties 124 Washington Blvd. Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.567.5971
Marina Towers 4640 Admiralty Way, Ste. 222 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.821.0777
Nanci Edwards Real Estate 7151 W. Manchester Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.7785
Vacation Rentals
Pacific Ocean Management 13737 Fiji Way, C10 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.822.6866
Philip Gilboy The Real Estate Consultants 7151 W. Manchester Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.642.7653
Team Crockett @ CCR Properties, Inc. 8816 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 105 Westchester, CA 90045 310.641.3383 Real Estate/Office Leasing Gail L. Goldstein, CPM Avison Young 10940 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 2100 Los Angeles, CA 90024 424.265.9199
Kevin & Kaz ‘’Spouses Selling Houses’’ 7131 W. Manchester Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.410.9777 Lantana Media Campus 3000 Olympic Dr., Ste. 1480 Santa Monica, CA 90404 310.315.4700 TurnKey Vacation Rentals 8033 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90046 323.553.0776
Team Real Estate Alliance Brokered by eXp Realty 14040 Panay Way, Ste. 503 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 626.695.2576 Joel Vendette, Realtor 9454 Wilshire Blvd., 4th Fl. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 424.281.4851
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Shopping & Retail Needlepoints West
starting a hobby...
310.670.4847 | If you’ve ever wanted to knit a scarf, crochet a blanket or complete a needlepoint to hang on your wall, the L.A. County Yarn Crawl is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. During this two-weekend event, taking place in April 2019, Needlepoints West will be one of 20 stores throughout LA to open its doors for newbies, novices and experts for a day filled with yarn, crafting, giveaways and more. “It’s a fab event,” says Needlepoints owner Joanne Bronson. “You really see stores at their very best. It’s a party atmosphere and a great time to think about taking up a new hobby.” Joanne’s shop, which opened in 1972, has thousands of bundles of yarn and thread lining its walls—made from anything from cotton, wool, corn, silk, alpaca, milk and cashmere—making it a stitcher’s (or a “fiber-ista’s”) dream. Joanne says the goal of the LA Yarn Crawl is to get people excited about all the different craft and art opportunities associated with yarn, meet fellow enthusiasts, and perhaps, learn a new skill. “People want to start knitting for a wide variety of reasons, whether they want to make a gift for someone special in their lives, they want to get involved in charities that revolve around knitting or maybe they are retired, and they want to be part of a community,” she says. “It’s also great for people wanting to de-stress because working with your hands is very relaxing; there is definitely a Zen to it.” Originally published in The HomeTown News
Natural Simplicity
Product Development
223 Main St.
Chrome Hearts Eyewear, LLC
Automobile/Motorcycle Sales Harley Davidson 4141 Lincoln Blvd. Marina del Rey, CA 90292 310.823.1112
El Segundo, CA 90245
1070 E. Dominguez St., Ste. F
915 N. Mansfield Ave.
Carson, CA 90746
Hollywood, CA 90038
Knitting/Needlepoint Supplies
Needlepoints West
Shopping Center
Beverage Warehouse
6081 Center Dr.
4935 McConnell Ave., Ste. 21
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Marina Marketplace
13450 Maxella Ave., Ste. 240
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Lexus Santa Monica L.A. Car Guy Family of Dealers 1501 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90404 310.309.1300 Royal Carriage Auto Sales & Leasing 110 N. Maclay Ave., Ste. 104 San Fernando, CA 91340 310.916.3479 Farmer’s Market Playa Vista Farmer’s Market 12775 W. Millennium Dr. Playa Vista, CA 90094 Florist Flowers by Felicia 8428 Pershing Dr. Playa del Rey, CA 90293 310.305.1200
6227 W. 87th St. Westchester, CA 90045 310.670.4847 Natural Food Market Rainbow Acres Natural Foods 13208 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90066 310.306.8330 Pet Care/Services Healthy Spot Playa Vista 12746 Jefferson Blvd., Ste. 2130 Los Angeles, CA 90094 747.444.8087 Post Boxes Waterside at Marina del Rey Caruso 4700 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 323.900.8000
Playa Place
Westfield Culver City
322 Culver Blvd.
6000 Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 2820
Playa del Rey, CA 90293
Culver City, CA 90230
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 69
70 •
Transportation & Aviation Services A New Experience at Terminal 1
a world-class airport...
855.463.5252 |
When the ribbon was cut at the end of 2018, the $516-million overhaul of Terminal 1 at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) came in on schedule and on budget, with no lost-time injuries over the four-year construction project that modernized the 34-year-old building. “Building a world-class airport requires a team of committed partners, and with our Terminal 1 renovation we delivered what we envisioned” said Deborah Flint, Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA). “Thanks to the leadership of Southwest Airlines, Hensel Phelps, 35 subcontracted companies, and LAWA employees—the project was built safely, on-time,and on-budget. There is now an exceptional experience for the almost 10 million guests who travel through Terminal 1 annually.” Originally published at
TRANSPORTATION & AVIATION SERVICES Aerospace Boeing 900 N. Sepulveda Blvd. El Segundo, CA 90245 310.364.7255 Aircraft Maintenance/Service Mercury Air Group, Inc. 2780 Skypark Dr., Ste. 300 Torrance, CA 90505 310.827.2737 Airline American Airlines LAX Terminal 4/5 222 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 2100 El Segundo, CA 90245 800.433.7300
Delta Air Lines LAX Terminal 2/3 11101 Aviation Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 800.221.1212 Southwest Airlines LAX Terminal 1 100 World Way, Rm. 204 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.665.5507 United Airlines LAX Terminal 7/8 700 World Way Los Angeles, CA 90045 650.634.5980 Airline Services Aviation Safeguards 8929 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 300
Westchester, CA 90045
Concourse Ventures, Inc.
2373 N. Hobart Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Los Angeles World Airports
DFS NorthAmerica
1 World Way
1580 Francisco St.
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Torrance, CA 90501
Airport Concessionaire
I Love L.A.
ABM - Aviation
13701 Cimarron Ave.
4151 Ashford Dunwoody Rd., Ste. 600
Gardena, CA 90249
Atlanta, GA 30319
Concourse Concessions, Inc.
SmarteCarte, Inc.
880 Parkview Dr. N.
4455 White Bear Pkwy.
El Segundo, CA 90245
St. Paul, MN 55110
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 71
72 •
Airport Facility Developer
Parking Facility
Aviation Facilities Company
The Parking Spot
Management (AFCO)
on Century
45025 Aviation Dr., Ste. 100
5701 W. Century Blvd.
Dulles, VA 20166
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Airport-Related Development
The Parking Spot
LAX Consolidated Solutions
on Sepulveda
3200 Park Center Dr., Ste. 600
9101 S. Sepulveda Blvd.
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Los Angeles, CA 90045
5901 W. Century Blvd., Ste. 200
Los Angeles, CA 90045
707 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 4300
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Aviation Consulting AvAirPros
300 N. Continental Blvd., Ste. 625
Westchester Association
El Segundo, CA 90245
PO Box 91014
Los Angeles, CA 90009
Charter Bus/Tours
Project Management
Corporate Coach Charter/Tours
Plenary Infrastructure Airports
150 W. Ivy Ave.
200 S. Los Robles Ave., Ste. 250
Inglewood, CA 90302
Pasadena, CA 91101
Tours/Custom Group Tours Starline VIP Tours 5260 104th St. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.641.8114 Transportation/ Services Lyft 662 S. Santa Fe Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90021 MyBus Corporation 636 S. La Brea Ave., Ste. 8 Inglewood, CA 90301 310.322.6066 SuperShuttle 531 Van Ness Ave. Torrance, CA 90501 310.222.5500 Van Rentals State Van Rental 9020 Bellanca Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.641.7000
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 73
Boys & Girls Club of Venice 310.390.4477 | The Boys & Girls Club of Venice (BGCV) recently celebrated 50 years of fulfilling their mission to support young people in reaching their potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. With nationally recognized, after-school enrichment programs and a network of more than 50 partners, BGCV offers youth a “home away from home” during the critical hours after school when children are most vulnerable to crime, violence and unsafe behaviors. In 2018, BGCV expanded their programs to include ukulele, drums & percussion, music production, ballet, Capoeira, indoor soccer, 3D printing and so much more at no additional cost to members. When you support BGCV, you’re not just sending a child to an afterschool program—you’re breaking the cycle of poverty in Los Angeles. You’re funding good grades, healthy meals, leadership development, and career readiness. Our programs are as vital to the community as street lamps, and your investment helps children shine.
74 •
helping kids...
Wellness, Fitness & Personal Care Gail N. Jackson, M.D.
body balance...
310.850.4345 |
With aging comes the natural diminishing of our body’s production hormones; specifically estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. As a result, certain symptoms such as hot flashes, forgetfulness, anxiety, sleep disruption, low libido, moodiness, weight gain and difficulty maintaining muscle tone are common. Before these symptoms become intolerable, it’s possible to restore your body back to its beautiful balance. Maintaining balance is the goal of any hormone replacement therapy. Your choices include using naturally plant-derived compounded bio-identical hormones or manufactured synthetic hormones. Bio-Identical hormones are plant-derived hormones, prepared from precursors found in wild yam or soybean. They are compounded by specially trained pharmacists in a sterile environment to be identical to the hormones produced by the human body. Therefore, the body reads them as familiar and they are readily received. Synthetic hormones are artificial and not found in nature. They are chemically altered substances that are not identical in structure or activity to natural human hormones. Because these hormones are altered, there are many undesired (and often dangerous side effects) associated with them. For those looking to explore these options, Dr. Gail N. Jackson has a passion for ensuring excellent care for all women and offers services such as bio-identical hormone treatments, gynecology and the lady lyft.
Dance Studio
Acupuncture A.I.M. For Wellness 8725 La Tijera Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 424.331.5661
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Root & Branch 8725 La Tijera Blvd. Westchester, CA 90045 562.794.8207
5433 Beethoven Ave.
Westchester Wellness Center 8727 La Tijera Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.940.9424
Head to Toe Salon
Bioidentical Hormone Balance Gail N. Jackson, M.D. 2211 Corinth Ave., Ste. 211 Los Angeles, CA 90064 310.850.4345 CranioSacral Therapy Renew CranioSacral Therapy 8540 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 120 Los Angeles, CA 90045 626.374.4037
Artistico School of Dance 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 105 818.445.0227 Gymnastics/Children Broadway Gymnastics School Los Angeles, CA 90066 310.302.0035 Hair Salon 6310 W. 89th St., Ste. A Westchester, CA 90045 310.338.8689 HeadQuarters Salon 6214 W. 87th St. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.670.3397 Health/Fitness Club Westchester Family YMCA 8015 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Westchester, CA 90045 310.670.4316
Lash Extensions Amazing Lash Studio MdR 13155 Mindanao Way, Ste. D5 Marina del Rey, CA 90292 424.389.9000 Massage Therapy Intuitive Body Care 6625 Green Valley Cir., Ste. 300 Culver City, CA 90230 310.227.7718 Mental Health Services Airport Marina Counseling Service 7891 La Tijera Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.670.1410 Physical Fitness/ Personal Trainer SoCalSport and Fitness 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 111 Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.497.0863
Soccer Shots 323 Pershing Dr. Playa del Rey, CA 90293 310.857.6560 Tennis Facility/Lessons Elite Racquet Sports The Ritz-Carlton, Marina del Rey Tennis Campus 4375 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 844.944.4400 Wellness/Longevity OsteoStrong Mar Vista 12712 Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90066 424.331.1404 Youth Sports/Softball & Tee Ball Westchester del Rey Little League 6000 Will Rogers St. Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.645.0903
Soccer/Children Euro Soccer USA, LLC 5556 S. Centinela Ave., Ste. 5 Los Angeles, CA 90066 424.228.5305
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 75
76 •
stay connected with
A-Z membership
@laxcoastal #yourlocalchamber #memberpride
directory 1 Touch Office Technology...................................................43
Benny’s Tacos & Chicken Rotisserie..........................28, 31
Conservative Financial & Insurance Services...............39
1st Mortgage Advisors, Inc...........................................38, 65
Berenji & Associates.............................................................49
Corporate Coach Charter & Tours, Inc..............................73
4 Oranges................................................................................62
Betty Betts Escrow Company.............................................65
Courtyard by Marriott LAX..................................................45
61 FSS Marketing, Los Angeles Air Force Base..............23
Beverage Warehouse............................................................69
Courtyard by Marriott LAX/El Segundo............................45
7 For All Mankind....................................................................51
Blend2Day Agency, Financial Concepts of America............40
Courtyard by Marriott LAX/Hawthorne............................45
a. hartrodt................................................................................41
Blue Book Building & Construction Network, The.........27
Courtyard by Marriott Long Beach Downtown...............45
A-Link Freight, Inc..................................................................41
Bob Hope USO at LAX...........................................................57
Courtyard by Marriott Los Angeles Westside.................45
A.I.M. For Wellness................................................................75
Cowan Avenue Elementary School...................................33
Able Freight Services, Inc....................................................41
Bolhuis Design, LLC..............................................................63
CS Mortgage Group, The......................................................65
ABM - Aviation.........................................................................71
Bonin, Councilmember Mike...............................................23
Cumming Construction Management, Inc......................27
Academic Success, Inc........................................................33
Born to Talk Radio Show...............................................36, 38
CyberCopy, Inc........................................................................61
adaptED Consultants............................................................63
Bowlero Los Angeles............................................................37
Dachser Transport of America, Inc....................................41
Adcom Worldwide LAX........................................................41
Boys & Girls Club of Venice...........................................57, 59
Daily Breeze.............................................................................25
Aequitas Wealth Management...........................................39
Braddock Drive Elementary................................................33
Dan Gordon Enterprise.........................................................62
Aesthetic Legal......................................................................50
Bradford, Senator Steven.....................................................23
Dave & Buster’s......................................................................38
Aesthetic MdR........................................................................53
Bridge Group, The..................................................................65
Davis, Jack - RE/MAX Estate Properties..........................65
AFLAC..................................................................................2, 40
Broadway Gymnastics School...........................................75
Decron Properties..................................................................67
AG PAC, Inc..............................................................................41
Brookfield Residential Playa Vista.....................................65
Del Rey Crossing....................................................................65
Air Line Pilots Association...................................................55
Brown, Hilton...........................................................................61
DeLarme Wealth Management / Raymond James Financial Services ..39
Air Power International Express (U.S.A), Inc....................41
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner, LLP...............................49, 50
Delta Air Lines.........................................................................71
Airport Marina Counseling Service..............................74, 75
Buca di Beppo.........................................................................31
DFS NorthAmerica.................................................................71
Airport Podiatry Group.........................................................53
Burke, Assemblymember Autumn...................................23
DHL Global Forwarding.........................................................41
Air-Sea Forwarders, Inc........................................................41
Burns & Bouchard, Inc...................................................63, 65
AKASHA Restaurant..............................................................29
Burns Engineering, Inc.........................................................27
Dickerson Employee Benefits............................................40
All Logistics Cargo, Inc.........................................................41
Business Group Resources.................................................63
Don Miller Design...................................................................63
All of Us Enterprises......................................................66, 67
C&S Sales................................................................................61
DoubleTree by Hilton Los Angeles Westside..................45
Allen, Senator Ben.................................................................23
C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.............................................41
Dreamgirl International........................................................51
Allied Feather & Down Corp................................................51
Cafe del Rey.............................................................................31
Drollinger Properties.............................................................67
Allied International Security, Inc.......................................63
Caladan Investments, LLC...................................................47
DSV Air & Sea, Inc..................................................................41
Allied Universal......................................................................63
California Highway Patrol....................................................25
E & S Ring Management Corporation................................67
Always Best Care of Los Angeles Beach Cities.............54
California Investors Escrow................................................65
EBS Children’s Institute - Los Angeles.............................54
Amazing Lash Studio Marina del Rey................................75
California Language Academy...........................................33
Edward Jones Investments................................................39
American Airlines............................................................71, 73
California Manufacturing Technology Consulting.........51
Eisner Gorin, LLP....................................................................49
Ameriprise Financial............................................................39
California Yacht Club............................................................38
El Camino College SBDC......................................................33
AMLI Marina del Rey........................................................46, 47
Cambria Hotel & Suites El Segundo..................................45
El Pollo Loco #3364..............................................................29
Ánimo Westside Charter Middle School, a Green Dot Public School .......35
Cantalini’s Salerno Beach.............................................30, 31
Elite Interactive Solutions...................................................63
Apex Logistics International, Inc........................................41
Carmichael International Service......................................41
Elite Racquet Sports.............................................................75
Apollo Freight, Inc..................................................................41
Carousel School..............................................................33, 34
Embassy Suites LAX North.................................................45
Aramex International............................................................41
CBEST - USC Marshall Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies ....33
Emerson Avenue Community Garden Club.....................55
ARC Air Logistics, Inc............................................................41
EmpowerTech..................................................................33, 57
Argonaut, The.........................................................................25
Cedars-Sinai.....................................................................14, 53
Esmeralda Gonzalez & Associates...................................67
Arias Sanguinetti Wang & Torrijos, LLP............................50
Celebrations Mobile DJ Service..........................................63
Esprit Marina del Rey.............................................................47
Art by Chad Maender.............................................................43
Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology......................33, 34
Euro Soccer USA, LLC...........................................................75
Artistico School of Dance....................................................75
CEVA Logistics........................................................................41
Express Employment Professionals................................62
Chevron Products Co............................................................23
Express Line Corporation.....................................................41
Chrome Hearts Eyewear, LLC.............................................69
Fantasea Yachts....................................................................37
Aviation Facilities Company Management, LLC.............73
Chrome Hearts, LLC..............................................................51
Farmers Insurance - Peter Kohly......................................40
Aviation Safeguards..............................................................71
City of Los Angeles Board of Public Works.....................23
Fashionably Wealthy by Bobbie.........................................62
Citywide Law Group..............................................................49
FASTSIGNS Inglewood/LAX................................................61
Badge of Heart.................................................................57, 59
Clouse, Angela.......................................................................63
Feinstein, Senator Dianne...................................................23
Balfour Beatty Construction...............................................27
Coffee Company, The...........................................................31
Fernandez & Karney..............................................................49
Ballerini Cooley Studios.......................................................63
Cole Properties.......................................................................67
Ferrufino Interiors/Budget Blinds.....................................43
Bass, Congresswoman Karen............................................23
Commodity Forwarders, Inc...............................................41
Feuer, Honorable Mike..........................................................23
BCU Works...............................................................................61
Communications ‘A La Carte’.............................................63
Fiction Films....................................................................60, 63
BDP International, Inc...........................................................41
Concourse Concessions, Inc...............................................71
First Citizens Bank................................................................39
Bel Air Internet.......................................................................63
Concourse Ventures, Inc......................................................71
Fish Window Cleaning..........................................................43
Advertiser • Active members as of January 1, 2019
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 77
Flight Path Museum & Learning Center............................57
Jenkins/Gales & Martinez, Inc............................................27
Loyola Village Fine & Performing Arts Magnet Elementary School ....33
Flowers by Felicia..................................................................69
Jet Pro, Inc................................................................................41
Lux Virtual................................................................................63
Food Fleet.........................................................................29, 30
JKH Consulting.......................................................................63
Four Points by Sheraton LAX..............................................45
JMP Protective Services.......................................................63
Lynn Capouya, Inc..................................................................43
Four Points by Sheraton Los Angeles Westside............45
Just Kirby..................................................................................61
Ma, Honorable Fiona..............................................................23
Franchise Consulting Company, The................................62
Kaiser Permanente.........................................................52, 53
Maleman Ink Public Relations.............................................63
Friends of Ballona Wetlands...............................................57
Katherine Johnson STEM Academy...................................35
Managed Career Solutions...................................................59
Galperin, Honorable Ron......................................................23
Katrina Schenfield Research...............................................62
Manchester Lock & Security...............................................43
Garcetti, Mayor Eric...............................................................23
Kavli Foundation, The...........................................................59
Manchester Urgent Care, Inc...............................................53
Gateway Los Angeles...........................................................23
Kentwood Elementary School............................................33
Marina del Rey Convention & Visitors Bureau..........BC, 25
Geraphix.............................................................................60, 61
Kentwood Players...................................................................37
Marina del Rey Garden Center.............................................43
Gilboy, Philip - Real Estate Consultants...........................67
KES Mail, Inc............................................................................61
Marina del Rey Historical Society.......................................57
Global Community Enrichment..........................................62
Kevin & Kaz ‘’Spouses Selling Houses’’............................67
Marina del Rey Holiday Boat Parade.................................55
Goethe International Charter School................................33
Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.............................................26
Marina del Rey Hospital........................................................53
Golden Bridge International, Inc.........................................41
KIMA Event Management & Consulting......................37, 63
Marina del Rey Hotel..............................................................45
Golden West Medical Billing, Inc....................................1, 53
Kimbop TV, LLC.......................................................................61
Marina del Rey Lessees Association.................................55
Golding + Lamothe................................................................49
Kindel Gagan...........................................................................63
Marina del Rey Marriott Hotel..............................................45
Goldstein, Gail L. - Avison Young........................................67
Kinecta Federal Credit Union..............................................39
Marina del Rey Sheriff’s Support Unit................................57
Kinney, The..............................................................................45
Marina del Rey Sportfishing.................................................38
Grant Thornton LLP................................................................39
Kitchen Store, The.................................................................43
Marina Harbor Apartments & Anchorage.........................47
H Hotel L.A. (Curio Collection by Hilton) / Homewood Suites LAX ..........45
Koral Industries, LLC.............................................................51
Marina Marketplace........................................................68, 69
Hahn, Supervisor Janice.......................................................23
Marina Towers..........................................................................67
Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton..........................................45
KRB Construction....................................................................27
Mariners Village .....................................................................47
Hanover Company..................................................................65
KRB Flood and Fire Restoration..........................................43
Mass Mutual Financial Group..............................................39
Harley Davidson.....................................................................69
Kuehne & Nagel, Inc..............................................................41
Maxfreight International Logistics.....................................41
Harris, Senator Kamala........................................................23
Kumon Math & Reading of Westchester...........................35
MBI Media.................................................................................63
Hayward Meridian, Inc...........................................................41
L.A. City Fire Department #5...............................................25
McCarthy Building Companies, Inc....................................27
HB Internet Holding................................................................61
L.A. City Fire Department #67.............................................25
Melody Bar & Grill...................................................................31
Head to Toe Salon............................................................74, 75
L.A. County Dept. of Beaches & Harbors...................23, 76
Melody Pizza............................................................................31
HeadQuarters Salon..............................................................75
L.A. County Fire Department...............................................25
Mercury Air Group, Inc...........................................................71
Healthy Spot Playa Vista......................................................69
L.A. County Life Guards.........................................................25
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.......25
Heartland Payments.............................................................39
L.A. County Sheriffs Department, MdR.............................25
Michael B. Goldstein Law Office.........................................49
Hensel Phelps.........................................................................27
L.A. Department of Water & Power..............................24, 25
Michelson Found Animals Foundation.............................59
L.A. Sanitation Dept. of Public Works................................23
Molly Maid of Playa Vista......................................................43
Hild, Renate.............................................................................63
Lane Construction Corp........................................................27
Montjoy Enterprises..............................................................63
Hillside Memorial Park & Mortuary....................................53
Lantana Media Campus, LLC...............................................67
Murakawa Communications...............................................63
Hilton Garden Inn LAX El Segundo....................................45
LAPD - Aiport Detail...............................................................25
Mustol Music...........................................................................63
Hilton Garden Inn Marina del Rey.......................................45
LAPD - Pacific Area................................................................25
MyBus Corporation.................................................................73
Hilton Los Angeles Airport...................................................45
Larchmont Financial, ICM....................................................39
Nanci Edwards Real Estate...........................................66, 67
LaRocco’s Pizzeria..................................................................31
National Assoc. of Minority Contractors, SoCal Chapter.....55
HNTB Corporation............................................................26, 27
Law Office of Christopher Blatter.......................................49
Natural Simplicity..................................................................69
HOK Group, Inc........................................................................43
Law Office of Edgar Saenz...................................................49
Hollywood Park Casino................................................IBC, 37
Law Offices of Charles Rosenberg.....................................49
Needlepoints West.................................................................69
HomeTown News.............................................................22, 25
Law Offices of Valeria C. Velasco, The..............................50
Nelson & Natale...............................................................48, 50
Hornblower Cruises & Events.......................................36, 37
LAX Coastal Education Foundation...................................57
New Day In-Home Care, LLC.........................................53, 54
Hotel MdR - A DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel........................45
LAX Consolidated Solutions...............................................73
New York Food Company.....................................................29
HOW Creative...........................................................................61
LAX Coworking.......................................................................65
New York Life - Cedric Joins................................................40
Hudson Clothing, LLC............................................................51
LAX Kiwanis......................................................................56, 59
Newsom, Honorable Gavin..................................................23
Hyatt Regency Los Angeles International Airport ..................45
Lee Andrews Group...............................................................63
Newtrans Overseas, Inc........................................................41
I Love L.A..................................................................................71
Legal Resource Services......................................................49
Oakwood............................................................................46, 47
Leman USA, Inc.......................................................................41
ONEHOPE Wine........................................................................69
Industrial Lock & Security, Inc...........................................43
Lexus Santa Monica / L.A. Car Guy Family of Dealers ...................69
Onestop Internet, Inc.............................................................41
Lieu, Congressman Ted........................................................23
OneWest Bank, a Division of CIT, N.A................................39
Inn at Playa del Rey........................................................44, 45
Life Adjustment Team, The...........................................53, 54
Open Magnet Charter Elementary School, The..............33
Inn at Venice Beach, The......................................................45
Opportunity Fund...................................................................40
International Business Accelerator...................................62
Little Garden Preschool, The...............................................33
OsteoStrong Mar Vista..........................................................75
Intuitive Body Care.................................................................75
Los Angeles Airport Marriott...............................................45
Otis College of Art and Design...........................................35
J. Rosen Group.........................................................................61
Los Angeles Airport Peace Officers Association............57
OUE Skyspace Los Angeles.................................................37
Jackson, Dr. Gail N...........................................................53, 75
Los Angeles Chargers...........................................................38
Owens, Candace.....................................................................61
Jaffe Insurance Agency........................................................40
Los Angeles Clippers............................................................38
Pacific Area Booster Association.......................................57
Jamaica Bay Inn.....................................................................45
Los Angeles Rams.................................................................38
Pacific Area LAX Field Services Division..........................25
James G. Wiley Co..................................................................41
Los Angeles Times.................................................................25
Pacific Ocean Management, LLC........................................67
James Perse Enterprises, Inc.............................................51
Los Angeles World Airports...........................................70, 71
Pacific Premier Bank.............................................................39
Jane St. John, RE/MAX Estate Properties..................11, 67
Los Angeles World Airports Police....................................25
Padilla, Honorable Alex........................................................23
JAS Forwarding USA, Inc......................................................41
Loyola Marymount University......................................32, 35
Panalpina, Inc..........................................................................41
Jen Law Firm, APC.................................................................49
Loyola Marymount University Athletics...........................38
Paradise Bound Yacht Charters..........................................37
78 •
Parking Spot, The - Century Blvd........................................... 73
SECO Investigative & Security Services..............................63
Voss, Silverman & Braybrooke, LLP......................................49
Parking Spot, The - Sepulveda................................................ 73
Senderex Cargo, Inc...................................................................... 41
W.J. Byrnes/Byrnes Logistics.................................................. 41
Parsons.............................................................................................. 27
Sharky’s Woodfired Mexican Grill........................................... 31
Wallis Annenberg PetSpace......................................................55
Parviz Printing................................................................................. 61
Sharpe & Associates.................................................................... 61
WallyPark.......................................................................................... 73
Paseo del Rey Natural Science Magnet School................33
Sheraton Gateway Los Angeles Hotel..................................45
Walsh/Shea Corridor Constructors....................................... 27
Paul Major State Farm Agent....................................................40
Signarama......................................................................................... 61
Warehouse Restaurant, The..................................................... 31
PayrollCentric.................................................................................. 62
Simmons, Marc S., O.D.................................................................53
Water Replenishment District.................................................. 23
PCL Construction Services, Inc........................................26, 27
Skanska............................................................................................. 27
Waters, Congresswoman Maxine........................................... 23 Waterside at Marina del Rey - Caruso..................................69
PENTA Building Group, The........................................................ 27
Skechers USA, Inc......................................................................... 51
Pettit Kohn Ingrassia Lutz & Dolin.........................................49
SmarteCarte, Inc............................................................................ 73
Wayfarer Apartments + Marina............................................... 47
Phoenix House.................................................................................53
Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP..............................................49
Wells Fargo.......................................................................................39
Pizarro, Carlos A. | Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking............... 67
SoCalGas....................................................................................24, 25
West Basin Municipal Water District..................................... 23
Playa del Rey Elementary School..........................................35
SoCalSport and Fitness.............................................................. 75
West Los Angeles College.........................................................33
Playa Music Lessons, LLC..........................................................33
Soccer Shots.................................................................................... 75
Westchester Association........................................................... 73
Playa Pharmacy.............................................................................53
SOL Mexican Cocina...................................................................... 31
Westchester del Rey Little League........................................ 75
Playa Place.......................................................................................69
South Bay Workforce Investment Board............................ 57
Westchester Elks Lodge #2050..............................................59
Playa Venice Sunrise Rotary Club.................................. 55, 59
Southern California Edison........................................................ 25
Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnets..........................35
Playa Vista Elementary School...............................................35
Southern California Masonic Lodge #529...........................55
Westchester Family YMCA...........................................59, 74, 75
Playa Vista Farmer’s Market.....................................................69
Southwest Airlines.........................................................................71
Westchester Living....................................................................... 25
Playa Vista Insurance Services, Inc...................................... 62
St. Anastasia School....................................................................35
Westchester Lutheran Church & School.............................35
Playa Vista Medical Center........................................................53
St. Bernard High School..............................................................35
Westchester Parent’s Nursery School.................................33
Playa Vista Orthodontics............................................................53
St. Jerome School.........................................................................35
Westchester Pharmacy..............................................................53
Playa Vista Parks and Landscape Corporation................65
Standard Management Company........................................... 67
Westchester/Playa Historical Society........................... 57, 58
Plenary Infrastructure Airports............................................... 73
Starline VIP Tours........................................................................... 73
Westchester Town Center B.I.D............................................... 23
Plotkin Properties, Inc..................................................................65
State Van Rental............................................................................. 73
Westchester Vitalization Corp.................................................55
Political Navigation....................................................................... 57
State-Of-Mind Resilience Coaching....................................... 62
Westchester Wellness Center................................................. 75
Pop Up Clean Up.............................................................................43
Stephanie Younger Group | Compass.............................. 4, 65
Westfield Culver City....................................................................69
Posner Fine Art...............................................................................43
Sunrise of Playa Vista..................................................................54
Westin Los Angeles Airport.......................................................45
Super 8 Los Angeles / LAX Airport Motel............................45
Westport Heights Elementary School..................................35
Primex International Trading Corp......................................... 29
SuperShuttle.................................................................................... 73
Westside Mobile Notary Services........................................... 62
PromoShop, Inc............................................................................... 61
Team Crockett @ CCR Properties, Inc.................................. 67
Westside Neighborhood School..............................................35
Proud Bird Food Bazaar & Events Center, The.................. 31
Team Real Estate Alliance | Brokered by eXp Realty................... 67
Westside Pacific Villages...........................................................54
Providence Health & Services.................................................53
Ten Key Accounting Solutions, LLC.......................................39
Westside Production Rentals...................................................63
PVJOBS............................................................................................... 57
Tony P’s Dockside Grill................................................................ 31
Wheels Financial Group, LLC....................................................40
Rainbow Acres Natural Foods..................................................69
Toragrafix....................................................................................61, 62
Wildfox Couture, LLC.................................................................... 51
Ratkovich Company, The............................................................65
Transgroup Worldwide Logistics............................................ 41
WISH Academy High School............................................. 34, 35
RcreativeMachine.......................................................................... 61
Treehouse California Almonds, LLC...................................... 29
WISH Charter Middle 6th-8th Grade......................................35
Reason Foundation.......................................................................59
Trifiletti Consulting, Inc...............................................................63
WISH Community School...........................................................35 Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions................ 27
reDiscover Center..........................................................................33
Trophymasters................................................................................ 61
Redondo Beach Hotel, The.........................................................45
Turner Construction...................................................................... 27
Woodhill Solutions........................................................................ 62
Regatta Capital Group, LLC........................................................40
TurnKey Vacation Rentals.......................................................... 67
Wright Middle School STEAM Magnet...................................35 Xceed Financial Credit Union...................................................39
Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel..............................45
TWE Solutions, Inc.........................................................................63
Renew CranioSacral Therapy................................................... 75
U.S. Bank............................................................................................39
Yogurtland Marina del Rey......................................................... 29
Reno, M. Debra, CPA.......................................................................39
U.S. Coast Guard............................................................................. 25
YouTube Space LA.........................................................................63
Residence Inn by Marriott Los Angeles LAX......................45
U.S. Coast Guard - LAX................................................................ 25
Zacha Homes...........................................................................IFC, 67
Richard Moon & Associates......................................................39
United Airlines.......................................................................... 71, 72
Zann, Inc............................................................................................63
Ridley-Thomas, Supervisor Mark............................................ 23
Universal Express International............................................. 41
Zsuzsi Photography......................................................................63
Rise & Shine Catering................................................................... 29
University of Southern California...........................................35
Rising C............................................................................................... 62
University of West Los Angeles..............................................35
Ritz-Carlton, The - Marina del Rey..........................................45
UPS Supply Chain Solutions...................................................... 41
RMA SoCal.........................................................................................53
UPS Supply Chain Solutions - Inglewood............................ 41
Rock-It Cargo................................................................................... 41
USC Sea Grant Program..............................................................33
Rodolfo Corral, Inc. - Custom House Brokers................... 41
Vanclef Financial Group..............................................................39
Rodriguez Law Group, The.........................................................49
Vanto Group...................................................................................... 62
Root & Branch................................................................................. 75
Vectis Strategies............................................................................63
Rowena Ake Realtor......................................................................65
Vendette, Joel, Realtor........................................................... 8, 67
Royal Carriage Auto Sales and Leasing...............................69
Venice High School.......................................................................35
RTI Consulting, Inc......................................................................... 27
Venice Paparazzi............................................................................63
Rudo, Michelle - World Financial Group...............................39
Venice Skills Center......................................................................33
Ruth’s Chris Steak House........................................................... 31
Venice-Marina-LAX Lions Club................................................59
Ryans, Olivia Patterson - Coldwell Banker................ 64, 65
Ventana, The.................................................................................... 47
Salvation Army, Inglewood Citadel Corps.......................... 57
Vergari & Napolitano............................................................ 48, 50
Sares-Regis Group......................................................................... 47
Villa del Mar Apartments & Marina.................................46, 47
Sarlo Income Tax Service, Inc..................................................38
Villanueva, Alex - Sheriff............................................................ 25
Schneider, Denny...........................................................................63
Villas at Playa Vista - Irvine Company................................. 47
Sean Story, Inc................................................................................63
Visitation School............................................................................35
Advertiser • Active members as of January 1, 2019
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 79
one last look
Celebrating 20 years of the LAX Coastal Fourth of July Parade
2000—Community with a Kindred Spirit
2013—Red, White & Blue Goes Green
2019—America, Better Together
It was the year 2000 and excitement was
they ensured streets were closed, signage was
The year 2019 marks another special milestone
at an all-time high. The community was
placed, announcer booths were set up, posters
for our local parade: its 20th anniversary.
embracing a new century, full of bright futures
were printed and more.
Everyone can agree that when it comes to both
and endless possibilities, and residents were coming together in celebration. The eyes of every man, woman and child were bright as they relished the small-town feel of this big city in a new age, and local leaders were looking for an iconic event to help bring everyone together.
On the morning of July 4th, each committee member was nervous, wondering if anyone would show up to what they believed to be Westchester’s first—and only—community parade. When thousands appeared, it was clear this was more than just a celebration of
That is where history begins for the LAX Coastal
the year 2000; it was the start of a brand new
Fourth of July Parade.
Westchester tradition. This would be first of
Westchester had already begun to celebrate the
many LAX Coastal Fourth of July Parades!
millennium, thanks to a series of events dubbed
Over the years, the parade has seen many faces.
“The Gathering” and hosted by the Westchester/
From themes recognizing “Hometown Heroes”
Playa del Rey Historical Society, but something
(2005), “America’s Moments in History” (2007),
larger was needed to commemorate such
or “LMU at 100” (2011), to including more than
a momentous occasion. Historical Society
50 parade entries, attracting more than 8,000
President and longtime Westchester resident,
spectators and printing a robust parade program
Mary Lou Crockett, spearheaded the idea of
(courtesy of the HomeTown News), this parade
a community parade. Needing a community
has truly grown since its inauguration
partner to help bring this idea to life, the LAX Coastal Chamber of Commerce (formerly known as the Westchester/LAX Chamber of Commerce) jumped on board to help.
The parade committee, still spearheaded by Gwen Vuchsas and the LAX Coastal Chamber, is honored each year to watch this community come together in a sea of red, white and blue.
Then Chamber President, Gwen Vuchsas,
It is said that true hometown events are rare in
worked with the inaugural parade committee
large cities, but through the dedication of local
to rally participants, volunteers and sponsors
residents and businesses we can truly say that
to celebrate America’s birthday under the
the LAX Coastal Fourth of July Parade is our
theme, “A Community with a Kindred Spirit.”
area’s version of a Norman Rockwell painting:
The committee worked tirelessly to produce
proudly patriotic with community camaraderie,
an event worthy of this amazing community;
and a splash of happy smiles.
80 •
country and community, we always work better when we work together. To celebrate the beauty of the diversity, inclusivity and collaboration that helped create this great nation, this year’s Parade Committee chose the theme, “America, Better Together!” This parade will celebrate what connects us, with entries promoting unity, diversity, working together and thriving in this prosperous country. “The parade is such a positive community event, and with our 20th anniversary, we really wanted to highlight that great things can be accomplished when everyone comes together for common goals and collaboration,” said LAX Coastal Chamber President/CEO, Christina Davis in an interview. “Our parade wouldn’t be possible without volunteers, neighbors, sponsors and our participants, and we’re excited to celebrate what unites us all as members of our community, our city and our country.” The LAX Coastal Fourth of July Parade is a tradition—our tradition—and we cannot wait to spend another year with you celebrating community, country, and how America truly is better together. View the complete timeline at
Kirby Israelson
LAX Coastal Chamber
LAX Coastal Magazine 2019 • 81
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