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The Ultimate Guide to the Jersey Shore Take-Out & Specialty
Cardinal Provisions 513 Bangs Ave., Asbury Park 07712 732.898.7914 https://www.crdnal.com
Berg’s Smoked Meat & Poutine 1405 Main St, Belmar, NJ 07719 732.889.0245 https://www.bergssmokedmeat.com
Brennan’s Delicatessen Multiple Locations Multiple https://brennansinc.com
Burke’s Market 536 Main Ave #534, Bay Head, NJ 08742 732.899.0068 https://www.burkesmarket.com Delicious Orchards 320 NJ-34, Colts Neck, NJ 07722 732.462.1989 https://www.deliciousorchardsnj.com
Fins Tropical Cuisine Multiple Locations Multiple https://www.finsusa.com
Irv & Karen’s 2114 NJ-88, Brick Township, NJ 08724 732.899.6990 https://www.facebook.com/IrvandKarensDeli
Mike’s Multiple Locations Multiple https://www.jerseykikes.com
Jersey Shore BBQ 710 Aernold Ave. Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08724 732.899.4400 http://www.jsbbq.com
Joe Leone’s Centro Market 113 Main Street, Manasquan, NJ 08736 732.722.8522 https://www.joeleones.com
Joe Leone’s Italian Specialties 510 NJ-35, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 0874 732.701.0001 https://www.joeleones.com
Joe Leone’s Gastronomia 527 Washington Blvd, Sea Girt, NJ 08750 732.681.1036 https://www.joeleones.com
Jose’s Mexican Restaurant 101 NJ-71 #2, Spring Lake, NJ 07762 732.974.8080 http://josesspringlake.com
Local Smoke Multiple Locations Multiple https://localsmokebbq.com/ Loveland Town Groceries & Provisions 219 Bridge Avenue, Point Pleasant, NJ 08742 732.903.6855 https://www.lovelandtowngrocery.com
Mike’s Crumb Cake Factory 1949 NJ-88, Brick Township, NJ 08724 732.475.6140
Mileto Polish-Italian Gourmet 718 Arnold Ave, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742 732.701.6140 https://miletopolishitaliangourmet.com
Mulberry Street 474 Brick Blvd, Brick, NJ 08723 732.477.4520 https://www.mulberrystreet.net
Offshore BBQ 713 Arnold Ave, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742 848.232.2307 https://www.offshorebbq.com
Pastosa Ravioli 2410 NJ-35, Manasquan, NJ 08736 732.722.8076 https://www.pastosa.com
Pete & Elda’s Bar/Carmen’s Pizza 93 Summit Ave, Neptune City, NJ 07753 732.774.6010 https://peteandeldas.com
Rosie’s Pizza 620 Bay Ave, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742 732.746.3060 https://www.rosiesppb.com
Speakeatery 705 Cookman Ave, Asbury Park, NJ 07712 732.898.9456 https://www.thespeakeatery.com
Squan Tavern 15 Broad Street, Manasquan, NJ 08736 732.223.3324 https://www.squantavern.com
Sugar Bake Shop & Gourmet Foods 406 Higgins Avenue, Brielle, NJ 08730 732.612.8282 https://sugarbakegourmet.com
Surf Taco Multiple Locations Multiple https://surftaco.com/
The Scone Pony 305 Washington Ave Spring Lake, NJ 07762 732.289.8887 https://www.facebook.com/thesconepony
Tom Bailey’s Market 1323 3rd Ave, Spring Lake, NJ 07762 732.282.0920 https://tombaileysmarket.com
Vic’s Pizza 60 Main St, Bradley Beach, NJ 07720 732.774.8225 https://www.vicspizza.com
Windmill Multiple Locations Multiple https://www.windmillhotdogs.com

WehadthepleasureofdiningatHouse of Prime Rib in San Francisco this year and enjoyed their amazing rendition of creamed spinach.