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The Ultimate Guide to the Jersey Shore Things To Do
All of the beaches at the Jersey Shore are clean and well maintained by the individual town’s beach departments. Beach maintenance is supported by the sale of daily and seasonal beach badges. Cost is $4-$10 per day. Visitors can enjoy pristine beaches from Sandy Hook south to Island Beach State Park.
Monmouth County offers 6 public golf courses, two of which Howell and Hominy Hill, are consistently rated among the top public courses in the country. Hominy Hill in Colts Neck, was called “Augusta of New Jersey.” By Zagat. Colts Neck Golf Club is semi-private and offers a wonderful and challenging trek.
The “boards” as the boardwalks are called are ideal and scenic for walking or running along the ocean. Bikes are only allowed on the boardwalks before 9am in season, anytime out of season. The Manasquan Reservoir, located about 20 minutes away is a natural preserve and has a beautiful 5 mile trail through the woods and along the reservoir. Wonderful place to walk, run or bike. There is a lengthy bike path through the woods, starting on North Main Street in Manasquan and stretching out all the way to Trenton. Bikes can be rented a Shore Riders Bike Rentals in Point Pleasant.
Kayaking in and around the Manasquan River is both great exercise and wonderful way to spend an hour or two. There’s a place in Manasquan that rents kayaks by the hour or day. Paddle Out in Manasquan at 537 Main Street opens at 10am, but if you call the night before they’ll meet you as early as 8am.
Boatsetter.com and Getmyboat.com offer a variety of boats to rent throughout the Jersey Shore.
Gambling and top notch shows are about an hour and fifteen to an hour and thirty minutes away in Atlantic City.
We are fortunate to have three theater companies in the area. Spring Lake Theatre Company 3rd Ave, Spring Lake, Algonquin Arts Theater in Manasquan and the Count Basie Theater in Red Bank. All produce Broadway type shows and the Algonquin and Basie also feature live music concerts.
Surf fishing is very popular in the area with striped bass and blue fish the usual catch. Young guy recently caught a 52lb striper in the surf. You’ll have to bring your own pole, but you can get everything else you need at Bogan’s Basin in Brielle, on Higgins Ave. Brielle is the deep sea fishing capital of the East offering both charter boats and party boats.
Monmouth Park Rt. 36, Long Branch No better way to spend a cloudy day than the beautiful Monmouth Park. Clean, well managed facility with manicured grounds, top horses and jockeys. Season runs late May to late September.
The PNC Bank Arts Center Located in Holmdel. This outdoor amphitheater is a beautiful venue and hosts some of the top acts touring each summer. Count Basie Theater is on Monmouth Ave. in Red Bank viSiT SpringLakeTheaTre.com To purChaSe TiCkeTS for one of our produCTionS, or for more informaTion abouT our danCe & workShop CLaSSeS!
This small indoor theater offers interesting concert and theater productions throughout the year.
The Spring Lake CommuniTy houSe and TheaTre waS dediCaTed by oLiver h. brown on JuLy 4, 1923. iT waS buiLT aS a memoriaL To veTeranS of The firST worLd war and inTended aS a gaThering SpaCe for arTS and CommuniTy organizaTionS. SinCe 1978 iT haS been home To The Spring Lake TheaTre and The Spring Lake TheaTre and dance academy. in 2022 over 17,000 paTronS and 300 STudenTS Came Through The doorS of our TheaTre. we Look forward To our 100Th anniverSary being our beST year yeT.