Contents 00 | about me
01 | canini
02 | canini: 2nd generation
03 | city go round
04 | buddy bean
05 | chandeliano
06 | inflight meal redesign
g1 | ncku jazz club
g2 | the silence of loneliness
Christine Yu-Hsuan Lai 賴宥軒 / Taipei, Tokyo, Tainan +886 920 890 706
/ 國立成功大學 工業設計學系 學士學位 Industrial Design, Bachelor of Science National Cheng Kung University
Class of 2014
/ PostlerFerguson (London, UK) 實習生 Intern 2013.08 - 09 產品設計 展覽規劃 / 國立故宮博物院 教育展資處 National Palace Museum (Taipei, Taiwan) 實習生 Intern 2012.07 - 08 平面設計 活動策劃
Languages / TOEFL 112 / TOEIC 970 / JPLT N1 level PASSED / Fluent in Japanese, English, Mandarin und ein bißchen Deutsch
Design Shows & Workshops
/ 2014 TOKYO Designer’s Week Participating Project: CANINI & 2nd gen. / 2013 LONDON Design Festival Participating Project: City Go Round / 2013 Mind the Gap International Workshop Critic’s Choice Award
/ NCKU Jazz Club Art Coordinator 2012-2013 Events Organizer 2012
/ Freelance Translator 2010 - Present Translation between Chinese, English, Japanese
設計,是人類進步的原因。 在設計的過程當中,我們不斷地在connecting the dots,將以前的經驗、現在 的設計、未來的科技作結合。透過觀察分析,設計師必須在這麼多的點子裡做 配對與連結,找出最適合的答案。 當然,設計不只是觀察與分析,還有外型與功能之間的配置。 在大學四年當中是同時學習,同時將我們的知識運用。現在要把所學的東西跟 工作的內容connect,希望能成為一位成功的設計師。
/ Music Violin Photography Traveling F1 and of course DESIGN!
t e g s ’ let ted! r a st 003
CANINI CANINI是一台狗狗專用的互動餵 食器,也是家中的飲食顧問。希望 透過這台餵食器可以帶給狗狗健康 的生活,並拉近飼主與狗狗之間的 距離。 CANINI is an interactive feeder specially designed for dogs. It also acts as a diet consultant for your pet and helps them maintain a healthy lifestyle. With CANINI, you can also interact and play with your dog via live video feed, bringing you closer to each other.
Collaboration with Sheng-Wen Wang, Hong-Yu Pan 2013.09 - 2014.06 Dimensions: 30 cm x 60 cm x 50 cm
狗寶貝期待的神情總令人心動不 已。但狗狗不再身邊的時候,誰能 注意牠的進食狀況呢?CANINI的 目標是要帶給人和狗快樂與健康生 活。 Dogs are adorable, there’s no denying that. However, there are times when we can’t be around to take care of them. With CANINI, we hope to bring healthy and happy lifestyle to you and your dogs.
Daily Snapshots of Dogs
very thin <1% underweight 2%
ideal 44%
obese 17%
overweight 36%
Current Statistics 目前全球患有肥胖症的狗占全數量 之兩成至四成。在台灣每四隻狗就 有一隻過胖,這些狗的死亡率比一 般高三倍,也會導致其他疾病, 例 如糖尿病、心臟病、脊髓壓迫等。 About 22-40% of the world dog populace is overweight. 1 in 4 dogs are obese in Taiwan. Obesity not only brings diseases, but also triples the death rate. Diseases include diabetes, heart attacks, spinal problems, etc.
Elements 人 居住於適合狗狗活動空間的家 庭。主要針對將狗狗飼養於室內 的飼主們。 People From couples to families who live in places that allow pets.
物聯網 一個基於無線網路,可以讓不 同對象互聯互通的網路。 Internet of Things A network in which objects are connected via identifiers, mostly wireless.
狗 主要針對中小型家用犬(23公 斤以下),可以接受一般指令 訓練。 Dog Small to midsize domestic dogs. (up to 23 kg)
Experiments 我們認為拍攝狗狗的角度非常重 要,因此我們實驗以不同角度和方 法拍攝狗狗進食的畫面。在這過程 中我們發現許多平常人們不會注意 到的角度和畫面,設計新的方法將 它記錄下來。相信這些記錄可以帶 給大家新的體驗。 Capturing the right moment is critical. Thus, we experimented many methods for filming dogs that are eating. We found many creative and entertaining angles from which people don’t usually see dogs. These moments can bring new experiences to people.
用厚紙板做出餐盤裡的各種特 徵:斜度、斜牆。也嘗試製作不 同慢食碗的形狀。 We were able to make prototypes with cardboard. Testing different shapes for better results.
Mechanics 為了了解現有自動餵食器的結構, 我們拆解並研究舊型餵食器,發現 飼料的分量是以滾筒內容量為最小 單位,依照需求增加或減少餵食 量。 此分量方法非常不精準,我們將分 料機構改成以秤重為主。依照狗狗 體重去計算食量,提高準確度。
In order to understand the mechanics of an automatic feeder, we disassembled an old machine for study. We took reference from existing mechanic structure and replaced the current distrubution system (which is based on volume) to a new and accurate one with a weighing system.
1: 餐盤與慢食碗 草模 Cardboard Prototypes 2: 完整草模(測試向機用) Cardboard Prototypes for testing camera angle 3: 草模測試畫面 Experiment with prototype with dogs 009
比起傳統餵食器的介面,新的界 面讓飼主更簡易的操作,螢幕也 是播放飼主影像的地方,而麥克 風能讓狗兒聽到飼主的聲音。 The interface is made easier compared to older designs. The monitor and speaker allows the owners and dogs to interact.
以往餵食器由體積來計算出料, 其中的些許誤差日積月累,便是 造成肥胖的主因。於是我們改以 秤重方式,來精準計算餵食的 量。 The amount of food is weighed according to the status of the dog. Weighing the food makes the amount more accurate.
由機台外能看到盛桶內的飼料多 寡,了解是否該補充飼料或是清 洗盛桶。而內包的設計則避免狗 兒自行去挖掘飼料。 Users can easily see how much food is left inside the dispenser without having to check all the time.
狗兒進食過快,容易消化不良, 甚至會噎到。為了減緩進食速 度,在碗裡增加肋,並在尋找食 物的過程中,讓他有更多的探索 空間。 The inside of the food bowl is made for slower eating, which is better and prevents choking
鏡頭位於餐盤上的轉盤,狗兒進 食時,會推動轉盤,使鏡頭跟著 移動,這樣鏡頭的視角就能一直 拍攝到狗兒的正面。 The camera not only connects to your phone, but also moves as your dog moves when eating!
機台資訊連結到手機,使飼主能 更方便輸入及設定資訊,將飲食 量記錄下來,以便之後就醫參 考。視訊鏡頭拍攝的影像也能分 享到手機。 With your smartphone linked up to CANINI, you can check your dog’s health status and video chat with them! 011
上:內部機構 Top: Inner Mechanic Details 中:機台後觀&智慧參盤 Middle: Back view of CANINI & Smart bowl 下:內部機構:透明飼料桶&慢食碗 Top: Inner Mechanic Details: Transparent Food Bucket & Slow-eat Bowl
我們希望CANINI可以擺設於家中 任何可以讓狗狗安心吃飯的地點, 例如:廚房、客廳。 CANINI can be placed anywhere in the house that gives dogs a comfortable enviroment when eating. ex: kitchen, living room.
打開機檯後輸入狗狗基本資料與 餵食時間。系統算出建議食量。 亦可透過手機設定。
機台發出提醒訊號至飼主手機, 飼主透過手機端做最後更改並發 送開始餵食訊號。
First time setting CANINI requires entering basic data and feeding time. (via smartphone or CANINI)
A signal is sent to your smartphone when feeding time arrives. You can make last minute changes before feeding.
狗狗靠近機台並開始進食,餐盤 也同時開始錄影,傳送影像至飼 主端。
飼主透過手機、機台與狗狗互 動。可以將錄下來的影片或照片 做編輯和上傳。 Other than interacting with your dog, uploading images and videos is also possible with the application.
When your dog approaches and starts eating, the camera starts recording and sends the video to you.
飼料經秤重後出料至餐盤李,吸 引狗狗注意。 Once it is set, CANINI starts to distribute dog food for your pet.
餐盤與部分機台可以拆下做清 洗,維持一個乾淨的飲食環境。 The food bowl and certain parts of the dispenser can be taken apart and cleaned.
CANINI 2nd Generation
CANINI透過台創與仁寶電腦進行 了一個學期的產學合作。和其他產 學合作不同,以一個workshop的 形式進行,將現在的科技運用在狗 狗生活上,透過設計探索所有可能 性。 The second generation of CANINI is a collaboration with COMPAL computers via Taiwan Design Center. Applying “Internet of Things” and advanced technology, we designed new dog products together with great advice and suggestions from more experience designers in the field.
Collaboration with COMPAL Computers Sheng-Wen Wang, Hong-Yu Pan 2014.02 - 2014.06 Dimensions: Various, see more
Workshop 我們邀請了非設計領域的朋友們來 參加我們的迷你工作坊。在一天時 間內做了腦力激盪與發想,最後收 斂成幾個產品概念。透過我們製作 的故事卡裡輔助大家做設計的發想 與收斂。 Inviting friends from different fields, we held a mini-workshop for one day and brainstormed about dog products applied with current technology and Internet of Things. In the end, we summarized into six products.
Doggy Story Cards 這些故事卡協助我們想出心的點子,當 作發想過成的參考,也是激發我們想到 更多東西的道具。 These story cards helped us during the workshop to come up with more ideas. It not only serves as inspiration, but also making sure things were accurate, since they are based on real stories.
Workshop Candids 透過一天下午的發想過程,我們收 集到了很多點子。由經驗豐富的仁 寶電腦設計師吳昆家帶領我們,在 這個過程中學到了新的設計方法。
Workshop Photos 018
With only just a few hours, we were able to come up with almost a hundred ideas. Design Kunchia Wu lead us during the workshop, teaching us new design methods and ways to brainstorm.
Discussions at COMPAL 將工作營所想出來的產品在做更細 一步的分解與發想。不只把產品想 出來,也將最重要的情境都規劃 好,再加上把系統架構都寫出來, 概念地圖的草稿就出來了!也跟機 構師討論技術的運用,讓我們更清 楚產品的外貌與細節。 Using the ideas from the workshop, we discussed and brainstormed more details back at COMPAL Computers. We also discussed with a mechanist and learned about the different utilities that can be used in our products. Other than the products, we also defined the scenario to the details, making it easier for us to picture what the products will look like. Finally, with all the ideas added up and linked, the first edition of the map was created. 019
Sketch & Discussion Photos
Mockup 3D Printing 我們使用了3D列印技術與現有材 料至作出草模。總共有三件草模: 智慧項圈、健康慢食碗、和地雷相 機組。 智慧項圈上有三種模組:最基本的 GPS模組、燈光模組與相機模 組。相機模組須要將電池插上項圈 才能使用,平常可以將它拔掉省 電。飼主可以透過項圈傳到手機的 資訊去觀察狗狗。 健康慢食碗上面除了有慢食碗突起 的特徵,碗的下方有RFID感應 器可以將飼料上的資訊記下來,作 記錄。 地雷相機組室使用藍芽科技iBeacon,感應狗狗離相機的距離。當 狗狗太靠近相機,會發出警告到飼 主的手機。所以會建議可以將向機 放在您不想狗狗靠近的房間或是貴 重物品。 We used 3D printing machines together with existing materials to make our mockup model. In all, we made three: smart collar, health bowl, and mine camera. The Smart Collar has three modules: GPS, camera, and LED lights. Users just have to put in the battery module when they want to use the camera and LED lights. As for the Health Bowl, there is an RFID sensor at the bottom of the bowl, which can read the barcode on the packaging of the food and record it. Lastly, the Mine Camera set is to protect your valued goods from getting destroyed by your dog. Using iBeacon, it can know the distance between your dog and the camera (together with the collar). If your dog is getting too close, it will send a message to your phone. 021
City Go Round 有沒有遇過在一個新城市裡,不知道 要去哪裡玩的煩惱?City Go Round 可以幫你解決!只要輕輕一拉,機器 就會隨機推薦四個景點,包含吃喝玩 樂。除此之外,開放的評論系統可以 形成一個在地的小社群,促進觀光客 與在地人的交流。 Ever not know where to visit in a new city? City Go Round solves your dilemma with just a pull of a lever. It will randomly recommend four places for you to go and have fun, and establishes a network between locals and tourist, boosting communication between them.
London Design Festival 2013 Critic’s Choice, Mind the Gap Workshop 2013 Collaboration with Diana Simpson, Yen-Chi Ho, Ting-Hsuan Chang, Ya-Ting Yang 2013.02 - 2013.09 Dimensions: Various, see more
對於正在旅遊的人,同時面對大量的資訊 會造成很大的壓力。如何給予他們適當的 正確資訊是很大的關鍵。 我們設計的方法是將這些資訊融合到一台 拉霸機裡,讓遊客可以快速的拿到資訊! It’s difficult for people to face massive and chaotic information when traveling. Therefore, it is important to give just the right information to the people who need them! The method we designed for the information to be given to the travelers is through a sensational gaming slot machine.
A new way to explore the city
這一台景點拉霸機台叫做City Go Round,它會隨機推薦四個景點給 你,並將這些地點標記好在列印出 來!列印出來的地圖就像尋寶圖一 樣,給遊客一種心的體驗。 透過雲端系統,每拉一次的紀錄都 會被記錄下來,可以創立自己的帳 號,把自己去過的地方分享給自己 的朋友。當你累積到一定的地點, 可以解鎖一些私房地點,讓整個旅 程更有趣。 We call it City Go Round. The slot machine randomly recommends you places to visit, to eat, to shop and to have fun, and it prints out an unique kind of treasure map for the travelers to enjoy the city when they arrive at the stations or traffic hubs for the first time. Through the cloud system, you have all the records of the places that you’ve visited, including the map and the sites. You’ll be able to rate the places that City Go Round recommended you. One can also accumulate experience while traveling with the information provided by City Go Round and get extra secret places for future adventures.
A visitor arrived at Tainan Station. And there was still a lot of time before the trip I arranged...
But, hey! I found something interesting here! It’s City Medley!
Okay, let me see how much time I could spend.
Enter the available hours and SLOT the place to go!
Simple Information
Something Special
Phone/Pad Apps
Record your Journey
我們提供給使用者的資 訊都是經過整理與簡化 的部分,這樣可以讓 他們一看到就了解到資 訊。透過評分系統和" 形容詞",使用者可以 髮上了解這些資訊。
這些特別景點可以和當 地的店家做結合,配 合節慶或是當做一個 驚喜。這樣可以吸引 更多人來使用City Go Round還有來觀光。
City Go Round可以透 過你/妳的智慧裝置使 用,隨時都可以看到店 家的資訊與地圖,也可 以隨時使用。
印出來的地圖可以當作 一張明信片寄給自己的 親朋好友!把地圖延著 色塊折好之後,就可以 將自己與對方的地址寫 上去而寄出去!折的方 法也有設計過,無須貼 紙就可以固定。
You can also use the Tourist spots can system on a smart phone collaborate with local or tablet, allowing you 當使用者對於隨機出現 stores for special events, to use it whenever you 的景點滿意,就可以按 or even a surprise gift or want, where ever you 下列印按鈕,印出自己 mission. These events want. 的尋寶圖! can increase and attract When people pull the more people to City Go lever on the machine, Round. a set of sightseeing spots will appear on the screen randomly; 當使用者轉出四個 this will include some logo,就等於中了大 simple information, a 獎,所有的地點都會被 rating score, as well as 解鎖,不需要慢慢累積 three adjectives that best 經驗了! describe the place There will be a small Once people are happy logo that appears on place shown with their choices, they each press the print button randomly. If the four and print out a map of panels all have logos on them at the same time, the four places. it will unlock all of the recommended places.
Mystery Prize
在網路上登記的帳號可 以讓使用者分享他們的 旅程與心得給大家看。 曾經去過的地點也會被 記錄下來,可以隨時查 看紀錄。 The printed map can be folded into a small letter for you to send to you loved ones around the world. The website will provide an account for every person to use and record their journeys, including photos and videos. A history of journeys can be viewed as well.
you can fold your map and send it as a postcard!
Images of the show in London & Close-up of the final model 030
很榮幸的今年可以將自己的作品帶 到英國參加倫敦設計師周。能跟世 界各地的人交流是個難忘的經驗。 從他們得到的很多不同的建議與想 法。作品也受到很多人的喜愛,覺 得這樣的IDEA真的很棒! 這也是第一次參加全球性設計師周 的活動,整個城市都變得很熱鬧, 充滿了不同與前衛的設計。
I feel very honored to have the chance to participate in a world class event in the summer of 2013 in London. My team and I feel very proud to present our work to the world. Many people were attracted by City Go Round, feeling the idea as something new and fresh. The
feedback was great, and the advice we got helped us improve. It is also the first time to attend a design week/festival. The whole city was filled with design, and I got to see various new and creative ideas that inspired me.
Buddy Bean Buddy Bean是能將煙蒂轉變成環保 煙蒂盒的一台趣味販賣機! 透過 創意藝術裝置,希望改善台南海安 路路上清潔環境。將煙蒂回收到機 台裡,回饋給吸煙者一個環保煙蒂 盒,將之後的煙蒂都丟到盒子,保 持環境的整潔。 With Buddy Bean, we hope to keep the streets clean and tidy of cigarette butts. It is vendor machine that allows smokers to throw away the butts, and gives a cigarette butt box back to them, giving the a new place to throw away the butts instead of the streets. Collaboration with Yun Cheng, Pei-Yi Cho 2013.02 - 2013.06 Dimensions: 30 cm x 30 cm x 110 cm
ddyBean Bu BUTTY
販賣一種體驗, 宣導一種意識, 一種”生活中常見而被忽略的意識” Selling an experience, Promoting a concept, A concept that’s often neglected in life.
Buddy Bean可以將菸蒂回收,回饋 給使用著一個菸蒂盒的販賣機。我 們宣傳的是一個概念,而用這台機 器去實踐。 Butty is the main part of the vendor machine. He collects cigarette butts and gives BEANS to smokers in return. There are many holes on Butty’s head for smokers to put in. We hope that Butty’s bright colors and unique form will attract more people to come to him for cigarette boxes: BEANS.
我們作了許多調查與實驗,從觀察 環境與吸菸者到最後的材料實驗。 我們決定以台南海安路為主要地點 去作設計:一個充滿創意跟熱鬧的 一條街。在這裡我們發現有很多人 都將菸蒂亂丟在地上,覺得如果這 條路可以被保持乾淨,一定會更 棒。我們參考了國外的裝置,最後 決定以公共藝術裝置的方法呈現。 菸蒂盒的部分我們作了許多材料 實驗,如何讓菸蒂不會將材料點 燃等。以咖啡渣和回收紙作為材 料,我們作出了一個小巧的菸蒂盒 BEANS。不同亮的咖啡渣或白膠 最有不同的效果,這也是我們實驗 的重點之一。 將菸蒂放進Buddy頭上的孔裡時, 會發出聲音,吸引大家的注意力。 而我們是使用Arduino來完成這個 互動部分。 My group and I did tons of field research and material experiments. We decided to place our project on one of the busiest roads of Tainan, Haian Road. A lot of people gather there at night to share a drink and a few snacks, and many of them smoke. We found a lot of cigarette butts on the floor during our visits. With our project, we set our goal to clean the streets of cigarette butts. Our experiments mainly included material testing. We tried different ratios of recycled newspaper and coffee powder and blend it together to make the cigarette butt box. In addition, we added aluminum foil to prevent the paper-based material from catching fire from the remaining flames of a cigarette. Finally, we added Arduino to Buddy to create a react-interation relationship between the user and Buddy. All the codes were written on our own.
Material Experiments
coffee powder
mix with blender
old newspaper
+ white glue
with heat!
final product 036
what is the material made of? outside: COFFEE PAPER MATERIAL inside: ALUMINIUM FOIL
當我們把材料放進模具時,它自然就會形 成半個蛋的形狀。之後再把兩個半縫在一 起,形成蛋的形狀。在邊邊有一個小開 口,是提供給使用者放入菸蒂的地方。
material testing model-making
The material forms the half-egg shape when it is placed in the mold. Two halves of it are sewn together to form the final egg shape. There is a small opening at the side for putting the cigarette butts in.
01 03
01: Exterior of Buddy Bean (Inner Mechanics on the side) 02: Inner Mechanics of Butty (Box) (How BEANS will fall out) 03: LED lights 04: Putting cigarette butts in 05: Cleaning out cigarette butts (drawer on the back) 06: Taking BEAN out of Buddy Bean 07: BEANS are made from 100% recycled material Can be thrown away!
Chandeliano Chandeliano是一盞結音樂與互動 的燈。改善目前家中使用的多段式 燈,讓操作介面更簡單也增加更多 樂趣。也可以達到省電的效果。 Chandeliano is an acrylic light that makes opening the lights fun! Combining music and interaction, Chandeliano improves the user interface on current multi-control lights, making it easier to adjust the brightness of lights, which also saves energy.
Best Design Award 2012, Department of Industrial Design, NCKU 2012.02 - 2012.06 Dimensions: 45 cm x 45 cm x 20 cm
Concept 有動詞的燈要怎麼做?我的燈飾一個可以 演奏音樂的燈。 這一盞燈可以透過鍵盤來控制燈的亮度: 白鍵控制大燈,而黑鍵是控制夜燈。每一 個按鍵是控制一排燈,白燈可以控制八段 亮度。這改變了傳統多段式燈的開關方 法,以往都是用同一個按鈕重複按,一不 小心就會按過頭。用新的方法就不會那麼 不雜又容易弄錯。除此之外,按下按鍵後 會有該健的聲音,讓開燈更有趣又增加互 動。 For this project, we were supposed to make “a lamp with an verb. For me, I came up with the idea of a music playing lamp. I had a few concepts and ideas that I wanted to include in my lamp, and they are: easy to control the brightness, save energy, and fun. The main concept of this lamp is to allow users to control the brightnessof the lamp easily, without having to switch on and off the light so many times like the conventional lamp. Instead, there is a piano keyboard with 8 white keys and 5 black keys. Each key represents one row of lamp, the white connected to day lamp and the black to night lamps. Also, when you press a key, the note of key will be played out.
Energy Saving
Model-making Process
Easy Control
Other than the cutting of acrylic boards with a laser machine, the main part of the model was making the keyboard and planning the circuit for the LED lamps. It was a lot of work, but I learned a lot more about circuits after I finished the lamp.
Another challenge was trying to keep the lamp together. Because it will be hanged from a board (ceiling), it needed to stick to the board sturdily, however, the lamp itself was very heavy so I tried different ways attach the lamp to the â&#x20AC;&#x153;ceilingâ&#x20AC;? board. The lamp really works and can light up according to the keys. For instance, if you want just 50% brightness, you can press a C7 Major Chord (C/E/G/B), and 4 of the 8 day lamps will light up. The night lamp can be controlled as well, which is different from conventional one-brightness-only lamps.
Inflight Meal Redesign
到了英國實習,除了規劃倫敦設計師 周的其中一個展覽,還幫國泰航空重 新設計機上餐的包裝。每個文化都有 自己的小吃,而香港就是港式飲茶。 重新設計的包裝讓經濟艙的乘客也可 以享受美食,並減少飲食過程的煩雜 過程。 During my internship in London at PostlerFerguson, my colleague and I redesigned the inflight meal for Cathay Pacific, based on the local cuisine of Hong Kong. Since Cathay is based in Hong Kong, the corresponding cuisine is DimSum. We hope to bring delicious and great quality food to passengers in the Economy Class. In addition, we also made it easier for people to eat on the airplane, instead of easily making a mess because of the small space available. Collaboration with Mei-Feng Lin 2013.08 - 2013.09 Dimensions: Various
Airline Meals meets Dimsum 每個文化都有自己的小吃。每個航空 公司的餐點也和公司的背景文化有 關。國泰航空公司以香港為據點,航 線遍布了全球。 港式飲茶是最能代表香港的小吃,早 上吃、中午吃、晚上吃都可以,而飲 茶也在國際上受到很多人的歡迎。飲 茶可以很親民,也可以很高尚。也不
少地方的廚 師將飲茶作 改變,符合當 地的口味。 這個作品希望能帶給 在經濟艙的乘客好吃的 飲茶,讓他們享受文化。 我們發現,現在某些飛機餐 裡會把飲茶的點心當作配菜, 但是我們希望把它變成重點,也 讓乘客可以挑他們喜歡吃的,增加 選擇。 我們也希望設計可以減少包裝,簡化 準備餐點的過程。這樣不只方便空姐 空少,也可以減少吃完時所造成的垃 圾:節省空間也更環保。 Every culture has a representing cuisine, and many airlines include the local cuisine into their meals. For Cathay Pacific, their base is Hong Kong, which is famous for their dimsum. Dimsum can be eaten anytime during
the day; it can be simple and local, it can also be made into fine cuisine. Many chefs also make changes so it fits the taste of the local culture. Currently, some inflight meals include dimsum as a garnish; we want to make dimsum the main course as well as give passengers the choice for what they would like to have. We hope to simplify the preparing process with our design, making it easier for attendants to heat the food. In addition, there will be less wrapping so as to save space and be more environmental-friendly.
飲茶 Dimsum 大家常常都會說要去吃港式點心,但其實正確的 方法是說要去「喝(飲)茶」,而英文的Dimsum 指的就是點心。港式飲茶的茶跟點心是一樣重 要,不可缺一。飲茶的英文是:Yumcha。希望可 以給乘客吃到熱騰騰的點心與現泡的熱茶。
Dimsum actually refers to the food that is served when one goes to “Yumcha“, which literally means drink tea. The tea is just as important as the food, so we hope to serve fresh-made tea to passengers together with hot dimsum.
MOCKUP PROTOTYPES 3D Printing, Paper Mache, Tracing Paper, Tape, Cardboard, Heat Trapping Material
成品 Final Product 大 家 常 常 都 會 說 要 去 吃 港 式 樣重要,不可缺一。飲茶的英文 點 心 , 但 其 實 正 確 的 方 法 是 是:Yumcha。希望可以給乘客吃 說 要 去 「 喝 ( 飲 ) 茶 」 , 而 到熱騰騰的點心與現泡的熱茶。 英文的Dimsum指的就是點 心。港式飲茶的茶跟點心是一
Dimsum actually refers to the food that is served when one goes to “Yumcha“, which literally means drink tea. The tea is just as important as the food, so we hope to serve fresh-made tea to passengers together with hot dimsum.
break page
arts & graphics
logo & printed goods for events 2012.09 - 2013.06 as art director of ncku jazz club GRAPHIC DESIGN
大學期間參加了兩年的爵士樂社, 是個由系上學姐新創的社團。在第 二年我接下了美宣長的工作,負責 設計活動的宣傳品與管理粉絲頁, 除此之外也設計了社團的標誌。 音樂在我人生中是很重要的「元 素」,除了享受,也深深影響了我 的設計。爵士樂對我來說是一個新 的領域,打破以前古典樂所教我的 規則與技巧。爵士樂鼓勵我跳脫現 有的框框,尋找更多的可能性。 Music plays a big part in my life, and I spent two years in the NCKU Jazz Club, founded by my talented friend Yen-Ting Lo. As an establishing member, it was without surprise that I took a position in managing the club. Of the two years, I spent one year as the art directors Jazz was a new field for me when I joined the club. It taught me to think out of the box, for it was very contemporary and often broke the rules of classical music, of which I was trained in. It was great to combine two of my favourite things: design and music.
LOGO的設計原理很簡單: 從遠遠的看像是「爵」, 靠近看的話會發現有一個 音符、薩克斯風,爵士與 國立成功大學的英文還有 音樂的流線。可以依照季 節或是活動文宣品設計而 改變顏色,如下面的橘黃 色系列跟暖灰系列。 主要的LOGO會使用粉紅色 是因為爵士樂給人很活潑 跟充滿生命力的感覺。
The logo design is one of my firsts, and its concept is very simple. If looked from afar, it looks like the character「爵」. and if looked up close, the details will include a musical note, saxophone, JAZZ & NCKU, and the flow of music. The pink shade reflects how energetic jazz is, adding life to surroundings.
Printed Goods
Promotional Poster // 01 Winter Concert 2012: NOVA NOVA 841mm x 594mm (A1 size) Matte Paper
Program // 02 Winter Concert 2012: NOVA NOVA 148mm x 105mm (Postcard size) Ivory Card
Printed Goods
Promotional Poster // 03 Summer Concert 2013: Jazz on the RIse
420mm x 594mm (A2 size) Matte Paper
Program // 04 Summer Concert 2013: Jazz on the RIse 148mm x 105mm (Postcard size) Ivory Card Matte Gloss Finish
Special Visual Effect Posters are often put up in a row, so I designed a poster that made both Chinese and English titles stand out. The bright yellow Chinese title stands out on one single poster, but the colorful English title stands out when the posters are in a row, giving a continuous effect.
Printed Goods Seminar Poster // 05 Jazz Ensemble & Improvisation Skills 420mm x 594mm (A2 size) Matte Paper
Seminar Poster // 06 What is Gypsy Jazz? Who is Django? 420mm x 594mm (A2 size) Matte Paper
The Silence of Loneliness
exhibition promotional goods 2014.06 GRAPHIC DESIGN
在大四這一年選擇多修外系的課 程,期中一堂就是當代策展。因為 是研究所的課,所以許多同學在期 末時辦了聯展,當作論文的一部 分。我負責製作全部的文宣品。 展覽主題是「孤寂」,選擇了藍綠 色跟白色當作主題色。孤寂就像藥 一樣,即使只有一小劑,是會慢慢 擴散直到影響全部。文宣品包含了 海報、DM等。 This exhibition was part of one of the classes that I took during my final year of university. The course was for contemporary curation. At the end of the semester, they held a joint exhibition, and I was in charge of the promotional goods. I chose turquoise and white as my theme color, because it reflects loneliness. In addition, the syringe and drop of dye shows how loneliness can spread even with just a single drop.
Exhibition Poster // 01 The Silence of Loneliness 300mm x 600mm Matte Paper Matte Gloss Finish
Brochure (Printed Version) // 02 The Silence of Loneliness 420mm x 210 mm (4-folds) Ivory Paper
Invite Cards
Invite Cards// 03 The Silence of Loneliness 148mm x 207mm (Postcard size when folded) Ivory Card
front inside back
see you soon :)
Christine Lai +886 920 890 706