Sabbaton OpenLetter Invitation for song about the 1821 Greek independence War

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Ανοιχτή επιστολή επιστολή στο συγκρότημα Sabbaton Κατατέθηκε στο Hi, let me first say that i a huge fan of yours. I am keenly interested in war history and though Metal is not my primary music genre that i listen to I absolutely love your songs. I am Greek so as you expect my favored song is Coat of Arms and Sparta. I would like to bring into your attention the the 8 year Greek independence war of 1821-1829 against the Ottoman Empire. The above website provides some historical info, but essentially it was the start of the end for the Ottoman Empire. The Greek independence war started after 400 year of oppression. The Ottomans occupied modern day Greece after the Byzantine Εmpire fell in 1453. On 25 March 1821, simple villagers, merchants, town people and long time partizans (kleftes) revolted against the mighty Ottoman Εmpire, it was a bitter fight of David against Goliath, with countless fights and sacrifices for 9 long years. There are many stories to be told and although the Greeks did not have European powers support them initially, they prevailed and the common opinion and first successes made the Europeans understand that this was something serious. Greece was the first ethnic state to form out of the Ottoman Εmpire and caused the first cracks in the 500 year Ottoman rule over Minor Asia, Middle east and parts of Europe. Next year 2021 Greeks will celebrate the 200 years anniversary of the Greek independence war. The Greek independence war represents the values of Freedom, Equality, Democracy the values of the West against the Despotism and Monarchy of the East, there are hundreds of heroic acts to sing about, hundreds battles. The war was fought from men, Women and Children which endured hell for 9 years and with the help of foreign powers a decisive sea battle (of Navarino) was held which forced the Ottomans to finally agree to provide independence. Please consider to create a song dedicated to the Greek independence 1821 war that can coincide with the 2021 celebrations. This would be a great opportunity and publicity and another epic history/battle to be told as only you can. I personally and as President of Akovos Village Foundation am willing to help out with anything you need and also welcome you for a presentation in Athens.

I will close my plea, with the words of the Greatest General of the Greeks during the independence war Theodoros Koloktronis. "When we decided to do the revolution we did not think about how many we are, nor if we had weapons, nor that the Turks held all the castles and towns, nor was there any prudent man to tell us "where do you go and plan to fight with old merchants ships and no arms", but as the raindrops fell from the sky all of us were befallen with the desire of freedom, all of us people, the clergy men, the dignitaries, the boat captains and crews, the merchants big and small, we all agreed to this purpose and started the Revolution.�

Kind Regards Dimi Christopoulos

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