Portfolio Worksample

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Christopher Ghouse Worksample 2009 - 2014

Studio and Seminar projects done in the: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Institute of Art and Architecture and The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Architecture

E christopher.ghouse@gmail.com / P +43 660 6240400 /


2014 THREE MOVEMENTS TOWARDS AN OPEN TRANSFORMATION Animating Space and Time page 7 SITE OF ERASURE Short films from Hong Kong page 11


2012 THE RESILIENT PALACE Hybrid garage page 21 A USUAL PATH THROUGH THE DISTRICT Temporary use as a catalyst for urban renewal page 25 A JOURNEY ALONG THE RIVER DELTA A portrait of the Matanza-Riachuelo river delta in 11 images page 29

2011 SIGN[O]THE HOUSE iucn category Ia page 31 BIG! BAD? MODERN: (2) Metamorphosis FOUR DESIGN PROPOSALS page 35 FROM DETAIL TO MOMENT The Weather Project Reenactment page 49

2010 BIG! BAD? MODERN: A year theme page 33 BIG! BAD? MODERN: (1) The Audacity of Preservation and Continuous change RESEARCH page 39 WINDOWS AND CASINGS From a window to a spacial context page 51

2009 ZOO HABITAT Design for a Red panda Enclosure page 53

Three Movements Towards an Open Transformation Animating Space and Time Studio Jia (HKU) SUMMER 2014

frame 157

Still frames of: Fluidum The charisma of a person or an object that creates a distinct atmosphere, aura. 00:00:19, 25 fps vimeo.com/94808684

FLUIDUM Movement One

The Studio addresses the development of an architectural concept that allows for change and individualism in space and time. Any architectural settlement should basically meet the user needs. Those needs are different from one user to the other. And the needs of each user change through time. If the building wants to serve its occupants, the building has to accommodate change as well. The aim of the studio is not to provide a comprehensive or complete design. Three Movements shall be seen as proposals for offering form and space that is in constant movement, that is open for mutation on time, open for interpretation and allows for physical interaction with people.

MOVEMENT ONE Task is to do a simple installation object using: sliding, rotating and folding as the basis for movement. The object should follow the design rules for no material, no function and no ‘architecture‘. MOVEMENT TWO The second task takes up on the Lohbach housing complex in Innsbruck, Austria. The open plan building serves as a field for exploration and experimentation. The structure, facade, service core and entrance lobby are fixed. The focus of the design lies on the development of an infill system. MOVEMENT THREE Phase three shifts its focus to a site up for development. Xi’an Jiaoda University is about to redevelop part of its area. The programme involves a guest house/student village as well as mixed use programme.

XI’AN Movement Three

Ground floor other side: First floor S = 1:750, N

SITE OF ERASURE Short films from Hong Kong Topics in Advanced Technology - Seminar (HKU) SUMMER 2014

BANAL Short film no.1

Through the investigation of the relationship between architecture and film, these short films shall persuade an audience of a precise architectural position as well as reveal interwoven broader issues. As a canvas for exploration the city of Hong Kong serves, an ever changing organism. These four visual sequences are a document of Hong Kong.

Title of the short films: - banal - transition - aneurysma - my neighbor The short films can be viewed under: vimeo.com/album/3157780


WHAMPOA GARDEN 2.0 Regular vs. irregular formations

Renderings of Whampoa Garden 2.0 Arrays of high density towers following the urban pattern create an inbetween space, which allows this space to develop 'freer'. Smaler plots should provide diversity, indeterminateness is desirable.

The towers form a vertical city. The layering as in the current podium tower typology becomes a mix of living, businesses and cultural and social spaces.

TOWER TYPOLOGY Evolution of the Core The two types of towers in Whampoa Garden

Tower Entrance 90째 Evolution A

Tower Entrance 45째 Evolution B

Kitchen and bath(s) form a unit looking towards the narrow gash. Claiming one side of the flat, the space next to the tower core is merely left - isolated from the rest of the flat.

Kitchen unit now plugged to the tower core. The bath unit(s) stay at their position looking towards the narrow gash. The flats flexibility has risen, but the potential is not being used.

TOWER TRANSFORMATION Via code based principles

Cement, Aggregate, Water and a Container Topographic Construction, Material and Technology - Studio SUMMER 2013

The studios aim is to experiment with the comprehensive building material concrete. Poured prototypes build an important figure in understanding the materials behaviour, with the container (formwork) being an important part of it. The task it to design an office-communication pavilion for W&P Zement. The company, which acts as the client, is located in Wieterdorf near Klagenfurt, Carinthia. Founded there in 1893, it has been constantly extended, developed and renovated so that it today forms an ensemble of many buildings all distributed around and in the vicinity of the original historic `founding` building from 1893. The pavilion should be located near the founding building, whereby the building should demonstrate contemporary concrete construction with respect for the historic industrial surrounding. Start for the project forms a 1x1 formwork experiment exploring the building material concrete as well as a discussion within the studio about todays workplace.

above: Column experiments S = 1:50 other side: 3d print of final landscaped building. Top: riverside elevation Bottom: garden elevation S = 1:200

1X1 FORMWORK Unpacking vimeo.com/6930a6280

THE RESILIENT PALACE Hybrid garage Ecology, Sustainability and Conservation - Studio WINTER 2012

Sketch of the first thoughts site ties 01.

SITE TIES The existing site reveals certain influences regarding the design. First of all the structural possibilities become clear when looking at the existing Wienfluss and subway structures. Besides that, the historic context - given by Otto Wagner´s architecture: from the building to the small detail and other significant buildings in the surrounding-, an re-evaluation of the traffic regulation on the site, as well as thoughts about the connectivity of the structure to existing conditions guided the design steps throughout the project. ADAPTIVE ARCHITECTURE A. STRUCTURAL BASIS The layout of the structure follows the outlines of the existing structural walls of the Wienfluss, which leads to a structural depth of around 25 meters. Looking closer at the section of the Wienfluss a carving out of the ground seemed a logic step to take, as there is not only a gain regarding 2.30 meters in height, it would also reveal a new ground (Re[dis] covered Ground) by doing so and would thereby put oneself

in direct relation to an until now hidden mega structure of the city. The revelation of it nevertheless is ensued in a sensitive way. Further the span of 25 meters is also applied in the length of the structure creating 25x25 meter modules. This module gets, in the course of the design, a structural pattern. B. TRAFFIC REGULATION With the site having five access points for cars, two of them are considered to be closed and a third to be closed for the transformation of the garage into a multi-use structure. With a depth of 25 meters a parking arrangement with 4 tilted parking rows is possible. C. ARCHITECTURE The design aims to keep the ground, as well as the roof free. Two so-called infrastructural levels are forming the load bearing structure. These two, built compressed in height, are supported by an array of extremely thin 10x10 cm columns. Setting the height of the building at 23.0 meter, the maximum height that can be built in respect for the sunlight angle regarding the surround-

ing buildings, the infrastructural levels form together with the ground level an enclosed space with a height of 16.20 meter. Here for the garage, two additional levels a drawn in. They are set so that they can remain untouched in course of the transformation. These levels are hung from the infrastructural levels. The height of the structure reflects the surrounding buildings and the public ground on the roof is not only hovering above the city but is also taking the existing condition of the site literally - the fact that the site is an vast empty space within the city - and projects it onto the roof top, saving so this characteristic of the Naschmarkt site. D. CONNECTIONS With the module of 25x25 meters a standard vertical connection is created that hosts a staircase and an elevator within 3.60x5.65 meters. According to what ever after use this basic vertical connector can be easily altered. Besides these, the structure hosts seven special vertical connectors, with each responding to its location.


Section S = 1:333

A USUAL PATH THROUGH THE DISTRICT Temporary use as a catalyst for urban renewal Geography, Landscapes and Cities - Studio SUMMER 2012

By opening the courtyards, they become another network layer. Infinite paths are created - the district becomes porous. All buildings establish new relationships = new possibilities for interaction. S = 1:6666 other side: Courtyard detail

The studio project “Taking the Academy to the street�, by the GLC Platform, deals with the hypothetical scenario for a temporary relocation of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, during the renovation of its main building at the Schillerplatz. Through using vacant shops, all in close relation to the street, the project aims towards activating hidden resources within the city and perceiving urban renewal as a protagonist rather than a planner.

(...) The final presentation of the project resembles a path through houses, courtyards and even roofs. In doing so, this fictive path picks up several topics, which are directly related to the life of the inhabitants. The presentation itself should be seen as the first intervention towards the interrelationship between the Academy and the inhabitants of the 15th district; as the path reflects first contacts and negotiation processes with residents and landlords and while the group will walk along this path for sure the group will be seen as an intruder from time to time.

A USUAL PATH THROUGH THE DISTRICT. <1345hrs> [Students from the Academy enter the garage of the Geibelgasse 5, Arnsteingasse 2-6 with the help of the `Hauswart` and will wait there till the group will pass the plot - around 1658 (ACT THREE, Scene 1).] <1630hrs> Start of: A usual Path through the District <BEGINNING OF THE FIRST PART OF THE WALK.> A STROLL ALONG THE PATH. (The participants (approx.30) arrive loosely at the given destination Sechshauser Strasse 36 - from the previous presentation) [Those, who can not climb ladders, will be guided along an alternative path in order to experience as much as possible of the performance.]

Staging: - 21 Beer crate (height ca.162cm, coming from Kranzgasse 7) - Cable fasteners (2/2) - 1 Artist plus his/her equipment - Love letter, A2 Scene 1 Kranzgasse 5, The Communal Oasis The participants enter the Communal Oasis on the constructed stair of beer crates, finding firstly folders and booklets, placed on a pedestal of the Academy, that each grabs as he/she climbs over the wall.// (The folder, booklet will serve as a backbone of the ´tour´. Participants will find the outlines of the project in it as well as homages - poetical, architectural and photographically - which should trigger the participants imagination for the space. At the end of the walk the booklet should serve for referring back to experienced moments.)

[Call the mechanic of the car repair shop to remind him that we are coming (ACT SIX, Scene 1).]

Having reached Kranzgasse 5 participants will take a first look at the courtyard and the booklet till everybody has arrived.//

----ACT ONE ---->For Courtyard Number 1< Staging: - 1 Wooden ladder (provided by the house) - Red tape - Love letter, A2

Scene 2 <1637hrs> (Once everyone has arrived.// Due to time pressure some of the participants, together with those who can not climb ladders, will be guided through the main entrance of the Kranzgasse 5, also for those who are not able to climb walls)

Scene 1 Sechshauser Strasse 36, The Untapped Potencial The loosely arriving participants will be briefly welcomed by one (or two) members of the group, only to be instructed to go inside the hallway and follow the red tape pasted on the ground leading to a ladder.// Participants will climb up the ladder and reach the next courtyard. >Kranzgasse 5, The Communal Oasis<.// [For those who can not cross the wall by climbing the ladder. One person of the project group is guiding them along the street in order to enter the first courtyard via the entrance of Kranzgasse 5.] ----ACT TWO ---->For Courtyard Number 2< Staging: - 15 Beer crate (height ca.135cm, entering from Sechshauser Strasse 36) - Cable fasteners (1/2) - 1 White Academy pedestal - Booklets and folders (on pedestal) - 2 Ladders (Gebäudetechnik, to cross fence 150cm, to Kranzgasse 7) - Love letter, A2 >For Courtyard Number 3< Staging: - 1 Ladder (Gebäudetechnik, to cross wall - 175cm, to Geibelgasse 8) - 1 Vegetable plant - Love letter, A2 >For Courtyard Number 4<

The introduction to the project will take place (- open air lecture).// The reaction of the inhabitants will be tested, for the first time, as ´strangers´ at this very moment (beginning of implementing AKBILD program into the district) occupy their space.// following is the: >project description< through the district/manual)


(see: a usual path

(Advice to let the booklet guide one through the respective courtyards.) End of introducing the project.// <1647hrs> [Looking at the courtyard of Kranzgasse 7 via Kranzgasse 5, then leading them back out as they went in and along the street to Geibelgasse 8.] Scene 3 (10min time till everbody crossed and group leaves Geibelgasse 8. To wander freely between Kranzgasse 5, 7 and Geibelgasse 8. The Booklet should be a helper) Kranzgasse 7, The Leftover Participants climb over the fence by using the two installed ladders.// (In the empty, unused courtyard covered with gravel a plant - vegetable - is planted and so the participants can perceive the strangeness of this courtyard as the inhabitants themselves have no access to it. Who planted it or did it grow from from a random seed?)

To trespass to the next courtyard the participants will use the ladder leaning to the wall.// Scene 4 Geibelgasse 8, The Forgotten Beauty The participants will enter Geibelgasse 8 via a stair created out of beer crates.// [Arriving at Geibelgasse 8.] An artist will work there and will show the participants an implemented AKBILD atelier situation in the courtyard.// (After 10min gathering point = Exit Geiblgasse 8.// It is of utter importance that the group a as hole leaves and enters Geibelgasse 5/Arnsteingasse 2-6.) <1657hrs> The group will be directed to Geibelgasse 5. ----ACT THREE ---->For Courtyard Number 5< Staging: - Pictures of courtyard - Love letter, A2 Scene 1 Geibelgasse 5/Arnsteingasse 2-6, The Green Abundance <1658hrs> Walking along the Geibelgasse the participants will enter the garage of Geibelgasse 5.// [Access is only granted by the housing administraion when an official, like the ´hauswart´, is present.// Negotiating with the Hauswart, he agreed that students from the Academy can arrive at latest 1400hrs - he leaves at this time - and wait in the garage till the group is passing the plot.// The students will open the garagedoor from the inside.] (Walking through the participants experience the change in the ground use, the courtyard is lifted to the floor. Pictures of the courtyard shown in the garage and giving an of what is resting on top.)

will floor first are idea

The participants will pass by the pictures as the group paces the garage and enters the hallway of Arnsteingasse 2-6, only to leaf it collectively and reach Sechshauser Strasse.// <1703hrs> Walking along the Sechhauser Strasse, turning at no. 48 towards the dark tunnel, not knowing what is at the very back.// ----ACT FOUR ---->For Courtyard Number 6< Staging: - 1 Binocular - 1 Tripod, to fix binocular on it >For Courtyard Number 7/Interior Space<

SCRIPT - PROCEDURES While walking through the district Staging: - 1 Ladder (Gebäudetechnik, to climb down the wall 400cm, coming from the roof top) - 1 Beamer - 1 PC - Sound-system - Love letter, A2 Scene 1 Sechshauser Strasse 48, The to See but not to See <1705hrs> Participants are guided through the tunnel till reaching the gates at the very back of it, without any explanation.// [A member of the house administration opens the gate.]

(na daLokal; displaying the plans, section and video and audio examples.// The plan, 4x A0 is mounted on the floor and above hanging the section; Scale = 1:200.// Video of love letter reading - conversation captured in the Geibelgasse 8 with the children and the elderly.// Audio, examples being played for each courtyard ´looking´ into the future are supporting the drawn martial and should speak the participants imagination on aother level.) Entering the na daLokal, the participants will go trough the `exhibition space` and view the material to retrospect the seen and experienced path.// [Meeting the rest of the group again.]

After everyone has entered a surprisingly hidden courtyard nobody would have imagined in the back of the Zielpunkt, the group will get short direction of what act follows.// <1710hrs> Instruction to climb up the existing fire ladder and to take a look around at the various courtyards attached.//

<1720hrs> (After 10min gathering point = Exit Reindorfgasse 8.// Leafing together and staying together is important as we have to pass the car repair shop by 1730hrs.)

[Being not able to go up to the roof, persons will be guided back out to the Sechshauser Strasse into the Reindorfgasse where the plans are exhibited.]


(10min time to wander freely in the courtyard, on the roof and climb down the ladder to enter the na daLokal and to take a look at the plans, section and video and audio examples.) (A binocular fixed on a tripod is waiting installed on the roof.) Those, first arriving on top of the roof, will take a look around and by using the provided binocular they are even able to look closely into flats/roof gardens.// By wandering on the roof and getting an insight to the various ´small private´ courtyards the booklet serves again as a activator as it provides selected details that show traces of the past and by that the participants should think of a possible future for the hidden courtyard as well as for the roof.// (Standing on the roof with approx. 30 people, the group again, as in the courtyard of Kranzgasse 5 act as a by now unknown intruder to the inhabitants - which perhaps, sporadic will watch the group.) Scene 2 [Entering courtyards in the Reindorfgasse 10, 12 was not allowed - although FROFF would have announced interest to participate.// Going through the courtyard of Reindorfgasse 8 would have been possible but the people of na daLokal are taking a summer break.// A way without allowance has to be considered.] Reindorfgasse 8, The na daLokal Climbing down the ladder and arriving in the small courtyard of Reindorfgasse 8, it can be observed how the inhabitants use the tiny space.//

The participants will be guided to the Sechshauser Strasse 43.

(A ladder is leaning to the wall facing to the Grimmgasse 12.// Having reached the roof, the participants hear someones voice, reading out the love letter of the Grimmgasse 12.) <1735hrs> Once on the roof the participants look around and start climbing down the ladder to reach the final destination - the sport field of the Grimmgasse 12.// ----ACT SEVEN ---->For Courtyard Number 10< Staging: - 1 Ladder (Gebäudetechnik, to climb down the wall 300cm, to Grimmgasse 12) - Love letter, A2 Scene 1 Grimmgasse 12, A Roof above the City (The participants will enter the courtyard at a very specific location within the Sportplatz of Grimmgasse 12.) Entering, the participants face a `Schrebergarten` situation, having previously just been walking on the higher frequented Sechshauser Strasse.// The participants will be guided to the sportfields and should absorb the vibe of the space - A Roof above the City.//

----ACT FIVE ---->For Courtyard Number 8< Staging: - Love letter, A2

[Accessing way.]

Scene 1 Sechshauser Strasse 48, The Architecture of the Inhabitants <1723hrs> Walking along the Sechshauser Strasse the participants will enter the courtyard of Sechshauser Strasse 43.// (Leaving the courtyard, entering again Sechshauser Strasse to house number 74.) <1726hrs>

<END OF THE SECOND PART OF THE WALK.> End of: A usual Path trough the District <1750hrs>

----ACT SIX ---->For Courtyard Number 9< Staging: - 1 Ladder (Gebäudetechnik, to climb down the wall 300cm, to Grimmgasse 12) - Love letter, A2 Scene 1 Sechshauser Strasse 74, The Backbone <1727hrs> The courtyard, where an auto mechanic is located, is only used as a go-through by the participants.// [The mechanic is so kind to stay longer than his working hours and let the group use the stair inside of the repair shop.] The stair in the workshop, which leads up to the roof, is used.// [Going out again to the street again and entering Grimmgasse.]





(After a round the conclusive discussion starts.// Brief drinks.)

----<script: 120624 1400hrs/latest.> -----

A JOURNEY ALONG THE RIVER DELTA A portrait of the Matanza-Riachuelo river delta in 11 images Geography, Landscapes and Cities - Seminar SUMMER 2012

In 11 steps, from La Boca to one of the river’s origins, the produced booklet shows a portrait of Buenos Aires along the Matanza-Riachuelo taking into account topography/landscape/morphology, demography/economy/politics and water quality measurements. Depicting local players and interrelating their various actions, impacts and responsibilities in space suggests a different reading of data where any figure materializes in its physical reality.

Fig. 1 Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Fig. 7

Fig. 5

Fig. 4

Fig. 6

Fig. 8

Aim is to illustrate the history, needs and the condition of the city but also of its inhabitants. Therefore each drawing is addressed with a title. This title and the drawing itself, supported with a descriptive text and data, show only parts of the 64km long Matanza-Riachuelo, but these draw a picture of how people (and the city) relates and adapts themselves to the river, but also adapted the Matanza-Riachuelo in certain parts to their needs.

Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 11

above: The Matanza-Riachuelo to one of river origins, with the allocation of the 11 portraits. other side: Index of Figures, depicting the shape of the river, each with a specific title and the distance to the Rio de la Plata.

INDEX OF FIGURES 11 portraits

Fig. 1 “Where the ships enter the city“

Fig. 2 “Infrastructure, shanty towns inbetween factories“

Fig. 3 “Workers dewllings“

to Rio de la Plata = 0km

to Rio de la Plata = 4,7km

to Rio de la Plata = 7,1km

Fig. 4 “Contrast between districts“

Fig. 5 “The river as a social border“

Fig. 6 “Regulation of the river ends“

to Rio de la Plata = 16,6km

to Rio de la Plata = 21,4km

to Rio de la Plata = 25,3km

Fig. 7 “Endless grid“

Fig. 8 “Countryside“

Fig. 9 “Solitary living“

to Rio de la Plata = 29,0km

to Rio de la Plata = 49,3km

to Rio de la Plata = 77,0km

Fig. 10 “Farm land”

Fig. 11 “The beginning is the end“

to Rio de la Plata = 80,6km

to Rio de la Plata = 83,5km

SIGN[O]THE HOUSE iucn category Ia Analog and digital Production - Seminar WINTER 2011

TRANSFORMED BILLBOARD vimeo.com/118498569

In the city of Vienna a lot of roof capes are used to communicate visually and verbally with their surroundings. These billboards, with their independent construction could easily be seen as a house on top of house. In the course of the seminar, one of these billboards will serve as an example on how to communicate between architecture and its users. The structure builds the basis for the design proposal in which the billboard gets a new meaning.

Running under the title: iucn category Ia, the project should explore the way MANKIND interacts with nature. The title thereby refers to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, in the case of category Ia to: Strictly protected areas set aside to protect biodiversity and also possibly geological/ geomorphological features, where human visitation, use and impacts are strictly controlled and limited to ensure protection of the conservation values. Such protected areas can serve as indispensable reference areas for scientific research and monitoring.

BIG! BAD? MODERN: A year theme WINTER 2010 / SUMMER 2011 The Institute of Art and Architecture has decided to work collectively for a hole academic year on the theme of Re-Visioning Bigness and the Politics of Conversion. To do so, the institute has chosen four Viennese post-war structures to investigate: The University of Economics (WU), the General Hospital of Vienna (AKH), the headquarter of Austria’s public broadcasting (ORF) and the housing estate of Alt Erlaa. Although these four big buildings - built between the 1960s and the 1980s - are singular projects , each with its characteristic qualities, all of them share specific properties attributed to big structures. Today, some of them are facing discussions regarding their conversion, renovation or even demolition. In the course of the year theme, the Institute of Art and Architecture has decided to take up on the current debate and propose scenarios on how to continue. Thereby the first semester was dedicated to research on the four ´agents´, while the second semester resulted in concrete design proposals. The resulting projects where presented in two exhibitions: “BIG! BAD? MODERN:” in February 2011 and October 2011.

BIG! BAD? MODERN: (1) The Audacity of Preservation and Continuous change RESEARCH Construction, Material and Technology - Studio WINTER 2010

other side: Minimalistic prefabrication, clear forms and reduction to basic geometry STRUCTURE = SCULPTURE?; the ORF is a workshop = working means change > strict funktionalism and simple form language next page: Mindmap regarding continuous change. Roland Rainer´s thoughts on architecture

For the studio, two of the four case studies where chosen to be focused on for a closer investigation. The University of Economics (WU) and the headquarter of Austria’s public broadcasting (ORF). Both conceived in about the same time period, are facing a discussion about their possible demolition. My project makes a connection between these two buildings and the ideas of the architects who conceived them. In 1972 Kurt Hlaweniczka, the architect of the University of Economics had drawn up an assessment of an existing, required & future needs on behalf of its trustees (Kuratorium zur Förderung der Wirtschaft-

suniversität Wien). His findings were printed in the report: „Hochschule für Welthandel Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Grundlagen und Projektstudie“. These results formed the basis of his concept for the site. They argued that a constant change in teaching makes it necessary to pay special attention to external and internal flexibility; in drawing up the plans the subject should consider that the building will be exposed to a constant change1,2. This notion of a building which is subject to continuous change1,2, I chose to examine in dealing subsequently with the ORF media centre by the architect Roland Rainer in conjunction with his concept of the building as an organism.

In order to facilitate this study which was subject to many a to and from between spatial ideas, I chose to use the tool of a mind map. I could thus show the connections my investigation had lead me to as well as the new references they revealed. It was the intention to determine to what degree the thoughts of RR on architecture could serve as a guideline in the intelligent preservation of his work. Footnotes: 1. Hochschule für Welthandel – Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien // Grundlagen und Projektstudie; pages 15, 109 2. UZA Festschrift zur Eröffnung der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien


BIG! BAD? MODERN: (2) Metamorphosis FOUR DESIGN PROPOSALS Ecology, Sustainability and Conservation - Studio SUMMER 2011

other side: University of Economics (WU) after ist completion in 1982.

Under the title: “Allotment City - From Mono-Use To Multi-Use�, the University of Economics (WU) has been chosen to serve as a testing ground of ideas on how to approach large scale postwar structures. With the WU moving in fall 2014 to their new campus, the fate of this large complex is still open. In the course of this studio it is assumed, that the concrete structure - the slabs, the columns and beams - are stripped from its entire facade, all mechanical equipment and cladding. The shell construction builds thereby the structural and constructive point of departure.

Without aiming at a overall project four different topics will be elaborated. Firstly the general access from the urban surrounding onto the site. Secondly the flat roofs, which until now build only a protective element but potentially can build a multi-faceted space. Thirdly, the side by side of living and working. And fourthly, the facade. An interface between public, semi-public and private. The first design deals with the accessibility of the WU. The second with the (re-)activation of the roofs. The third with the realtionship between inhabitation and work. And the fourth design with the facade of the WU.


University of Economics - WU

Section line of the actual ground level

Lichtensteinstrasse Augasse OEBB railway Althansstrasse


Nordbergstrasse Spittelauer L채nde Subway U4

OEBB railway Subway U4

Heiligenst채tter L채nde

Concrete slab of UZA 1

Concrete slab of UZA 2

Section line of the actual ground level


SUMMER Design 2

“leafs” of garden house > use whole year/ open in summer, closed in winter: green house

40.000 einwohner 9. bezirk (10.000 = 55-70 jahre)


community gardening (used also by restaurant / back-up)

recreation area view above the roofs students/office people/...

gp eetin

m seniorentreff? sports summer + winter: - street soccer 15x9m - baskettball 24x13m - volleyball 18x9m

running track

open kindergarten/ school

indoor: verteilung / community read - talk - meet

way up to +4th floor: HOUSING below: storage - summer/winter stuff



sun deck winter: ice-scating

removement ceeling of festsaal “floating roof” freeform breaking geomentry of former WU

WINTER Design 2

heavy snowfall? winterlandscape above the city building snowman / iglu?



indoor: activities inside in winter ice-scating


Depiction of summer and winter activities.

SECTION 1 Design 3

S = 1:75

above: Floors +3 to +6. Public space pervading private, public roof floor +3 and +6, rough arrangement of flats. Rearranged stairs on the 3rd floor influencing upper floors. S=1:1000 other side: Sketch of the facade, public space bridging floors. S = 1:333

FACADE Design 4

FROM DETAIL TO MOMENT The Weather Project Reenactment Construction, Material and Technology - Seminar SUMMER 2011

Within the seminar of Building Technologies 3, a closer look is taken on several projects that tries to establish an interaction between architecture and its users. My selected project was Olafur Eliason´s The Weather Project.

The final presentation included an reenactment of the Weather Project by building and life size model out of wood, aluminum foil, the sun out of fabric and behind a light bulb. Besides that, the survey that Eliasson made in the Tate Modern, was also made among the participants of the course.

A short written essay about the Weather Project and Eliasson´s work builds the basis for investigating on how technology, or in this case an illusion, changes the behavior of the human. above: Original Poster used for advertising the installation. other side: Survey among the participants of the seminar building technology 3, according to Eliassion´s survey made in the Tate Modern.



a weather survey among the participants of the seminar building technology 3

WINDOWS AND CASINGS From a window to a spacial context Analog and digital Production - Studio SUMMER 2010

above: Night rendering, design proposal for a single family home; transforming key elements of the ‘BP’ into a spatial arrangement. The result is a building inhabited by a family of three.

other side: Rendering sequence trough out the day - reflections I Reflections, creating a virtual landscape and the fluid space become integral part of the building.


For Toyo Ito, the Barcelona pavilion is the ‘outstanding building’ in the whole of the 20th century architecture. Nowhere else, even in following works by the same architect, we are not able to find a space filled with such “fluidity”. Itos study about the Barcelona pavilion is lesser scientific/research based; rather a personal analyse about experiences that are of importance for him as an architect. Toyo Ito continues with the term that understands the Barcelona pavilion space as “Fließender Raum”, but develops it further and implements terms as “fluidity”, “fluid” and “liquid”. Thereby these terms are not simply another expression for him. With “the space is liquid” Ito lays the focus on possible movements under water. Like sea anemones, the visitor himself is not actively moving, but, like the sea anemones, gets moved by water. The understanding for floating under water - as an element of nature and therefore life in general - is essential for Toyo Itos philosophy. The human body consists mostly of water and so he is connected to the world. Ito differentiate between a real body, linked to nature and his society and a artificial, virtual body, detached from a specific place and time, liked with the world of electrons.

VIRTUAL LANDSCAPE and the fluid space

ZOO HABITAT Design for a Red panda Enclosure First Semester - Studio WINTER 2009

In the first semester studio the task was to design a habitat for an animal upon free choice.

This project deals with the design of a red panda enclosure. The pandas behavior was studied in the Vienna Zoo.

The section and plan present the boundaries between red pandas in the trees and the visitor´s path.

E christopher.ghouse@gmail.com / P +43 660 6240400 /


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