The Campos Family to Clarksdale

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P.O. Box 1501 Clarksdale, MS 38614

FACTS ABOUT CLARKSDALE: Birthplace of the Blues - Home to Muddy Waters, Son House, and other famous Blues musicians. The Crossroads (seen above) is supposedly where Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil.

High Schools - There are three high schools in Clarksdale: Coahoma County High (public), Clarksdale High (public) and Lee Academy (private). Young Life has a presence in all three schools.

Come take a trip with the Campos Family!

Population Demographics - As of the 2010 United States Census, There were 17,962 people residing in the city. 79.0% were African American, 19.5% White, 0.1% Asian, 0.6% Native American, 0.4% of some other race, and 0.5% from two or more races. 0.9% were Hispanic or Latino of any race. Clarksdale has over twice the crime rate of the US Average. Clarksdale also has one of the higher rates of people living in poverty in the nation, with 40.86% of its population below the federal poverty line.

Montgomery, Alabama Sweet Home Alabama. That’s what it has been for me for 3 years and for Amanda Claire her whole life. In fact, it’s where we found each other and the first place we were able to call home together. It has been three years of growth, pain, adventure, loss, life and many, many unforgettable experiences. I felt called to be a part of the community from the first days I visited with the prospect of doing full-time Young Life ministry here. Montgomery has given a lot to us, and we feel like we have given everything we have to Montgomery. We’ve truly seen lives changed and hearts redeemed, and been able to walk alongside so many people while being a part of the great work the Lord is doing in this community. We’ve made friends that we now see as family, and will always have a special place in our hearts for this city. There is a time for everything, Solomon reminds us, and our time in the Capital City is coming to a close. Just as I felt called here 3 years ago, we both feel that God is pulling us in a different direction. It is hard to leave our home and the relationships we’ve formed, but we know that God has the best for us in mind, even if that means uprooting and leaving everything we know. We feel comfortable in Montgomery. We feel comfortable with our church, with our friends, and with the life we get to have. It’s time for us to move out of that comfort and trust that the Lord will provide if we are faithful to His calling. And we know that we do not do that alone. Our friends, our family, all the bonds we’ve formed here will be a huge part of what carries us into this next phase of our ministry.

We Need Your Help Clarksdale, Mississippi M-i-crooked letter-crooked letter-i-crooked letter-crooked letter-i-humpback-humpback- i. That’s all I’ve ever known about our neighboring state. But I believe we are about to learn a whole lot more. Amanda Claire and I were presented with the opportunity to do ministry in the delta of Mississippi and after prayer and many conversations, we feel like this is where God is calling us. Not necessarily away from Montgomery, but toward an adventure that only he could orchestrate. Clarksdale is a very small community in the middle of the Mississippi delta, home of the blues, and home to some incredible people. Young Life has thrived in Clarksdale for just over a decade because the community recognizes the need for God to invade every corner of life there. And they are willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen. Every single person we met when we were there said, “I’m sure thankful for Young Life and the impact it has on our community”. We are excited to go be a part of that impact, but also fearful of the changes. Clarksdale has about 8 percent of the population of Montgomery. No Target, no Chick-fil-A, none of the perks that we are used to. But where the town lacks in “ammenities”, it certainly makes us for in character and community. We feel like we can make a huge impact on the town and feel sure that our time there will grow us closer together both to each other and to God. This is a step out for us in faith. But we trust that God will take care of us. In fact, He can do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. This has been a theme for the past 12 months. I feel confident that this will continue to be the case as we give Him control. There are teenagers in Clarksdale whose lives will be forever changed because God is choosing to move us into the neighborhood. And we are ready.

The only way that a small community like Clarksdale is able to support a ministry like Young Life is with the help of people outside of the community. And, the only way that Amanda Claire and I will be able to effectively do ministry there is with the help of our friends and family that believe in us and the work we are called to do. We need a team behind us, and are asking you to be a part of that. Our goal is to raise $30,000 each year from outside of the community. This money will go to directly support us in the community and support the area in its ministry to the community. We believe in Clarksdale and the in the impact Young Life will continue to have there. Would you join us as we work toward the goal of teenagers in Clarksdale having the opportunity to hear about the gospel of Jesus and to grow in their faith in Him? Would you join us as we share not only the gospel of Jesus with them, but our lives too?

“We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.” See the enclosed pledge card if you are able and willing to support our ministry. Would you also consider committing for the next two years? We believe God has great things in store for Clarksdale and we need your help!

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