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SAME DIFFERENCE The Diversity Issue 1


FACE The diversity issue







FACE The diversity issue


“The natural you is not good enough, at least not visually” IN a world where appearance is becoming increasingly important, society and the media are pressuring us into aspiring towards perfection. Judging a person based on appearance is becoming the norm, but is what you see always what you get? The idea of looking like you have porcelain skin, silky long locks and not an imperfection to be seen has translated from the media into real life. To what extent are we willing to cover up our so called ‘flaws’ and ‘imperfections’ before we realise we are in fact covering up our personality, and everything that makes us unique. Advertisements for anti-ageing creams or hair growth pills, and even plastic surgery clinics are to be seen everywhere; constant reminders that the natural you is not good enough, at least not visually. Whilst it is arguably make up, surgery and cosmetic lotions and potions which are the main reason to blame for the masking of our true appearance, we need to consider those who are being judged by their appearance without any of this trickery. Identical twins, perhaps?


A topic which is not widely discussed, or really given any thought to, yet is so present that it is ignorant to ignore it. Despite the fact genetics made them appear the same, are we right in seeing them as the same person in two, identical looking bodies? No. Many, if not most identical twins have completely different personalities. Some may in fact be the polar opposite of their sibling, yet have to endure life accepting the fact they will be addressed simply as ‘the twins’ many a time, especially by those who do not know them well. They are categorised into the same person purely based on their appearance, which can lead them to doubt their self-worth and individuality.




“In an age when parents arrive at parties wielding allergy lists and ask if the birthday tea is organic, I don’t think it’s ridiculous to point out that my identical twins would like to be called by their own names.


A 2010 article written by Andrea Catherwood explains the struggles she has had bringing up her two identical sons as individuals and having people call them by their own names. “In an age when parents arrive at parties wielding allergy lists and ask if the birthday tea is organic, I don’t think it’s ridiculous to point out that my identical twins would like to be called by their own names.” This sort of judgemental behaviour had even rubbed off one of her sons who said ‘I wish I wasn’t a twin, I wish I was just a brother, because no one ever knows my name.’ Whilst some twins suffer with finding their identity away from their sibling, many are able to break away and distinguish themselves as a true individual character. ISophie and Hannah, two identical twin sisters from Belfast explain that they feel more pressure to make themselves look different from one another, in order to avoid trouble differentiating them.

’Sophie explains “we don’t like to look exactly the same. l dye my hair a bit darker and Hannah will get hers highlighted lighter.” And when asked if they feel as though they are treated the same, due to their similar looks they replied “Yes and no depending on who the person is. If the person doesn’t know us they would tend to treat us the same because of how similar we look, but our friends and family treat us differently as they know our personalities aren’t the same.” If we keep defining ourselves and others by appearance only, then it will be a matter of time before we forget the importance of a strong personality and being unique. The world will be soon filled full of perfection-seeking clones, rather than imperfect, real humans.




FACE The diversity issue

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