Contradictory Christians: Persecution via Anti-LGBTQ+ Religious Rhetoric
By Christy ChiltonAs a society, despite our perceived progress in acceptance and inclusivity, there persists a troubling faction that weaponizes religion to pass judgment on and condemn LGBTQ+ Americans. Experts attribute this to factors such as inadequate education and understanding, which breed fear and prejudice. However, a significant contributing factor is the sway of conservative Christians who misinterpret the Bible as condemning homosexuality.
The assertion that the Bible prohibits homosexuality is based on flawed biblical scholarship and cultural prejudice. Led by prominent pastors and scholars, the Human Rights Campaign's Religion and Faith Program confronts these misconceptions by exposing flaws in biblical interpretation. They assert that the Bible does not explicitly address sexual orientation as an intrinsic aspect of one's personality.

According to experts, there are still many reasons why there is condemnation and discrimination against the LGBTQ community. One reason is a lack of education and understanding about gender and sexual orientation, leading to fear and prejudice. However, one of the most significant factors in this perpetuation of discrimination and condemnation is attributed to a large number of conservative Christians who believe that same-sex relationships do not reflect God’s creative intent and that the Bible forbids homosexuality.

At the heart of the claim that the Bible is clear "that homosexuality is forbidden by God" lies poor biblical scholarship and a cultural bias read into the Bible.
The HRC(Human Rights Campaign)'s Religion and Faith Program is headed by a group of notable Pastors and Biblical scholars who have come together to shed light on of the assumptions informing many Christian approaches to understanding the Bible.
Together, they contend that this belief stems from flawed scholarship and cultural bias imposed on the text. They assert that the Bible does not explicitly address sexual orientation as an inherent aspect of personality.
Televangelist Kenneth Copeland Photo by Getty Images
People turn to their faith for guidance and inspiration, and LGBTQ+ individuals, along with our families and friends, are no exception. The HRC Religion and Faith Program is dedicated to forging a world where no one is compelled to sacrifice their identity or their love for who they are and what they believe in.
Recognizing that we are all God's children, created in His perfect image, it is imperative to acknowledge that every individual deserves to embrace their sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression, as well as their faith and its customs, without reservation. In support of the coming out journey, the Religion and Faith Program offers a comprehensive set of resources tailored for faith leaders and devout individuals.

study by the Center for American Progress Photo by The Center for American Progress
Religious beliefs play a significant role in perpetuating negativity towards those who identify as LGBTQ+. According to a study by the Center for American Progress, 66.3% of religiously identified sources express negative or anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments, despite broad acceptance of LGBTQ+ rights by religious groups in the US. With the exception of white evangelical Protestants, majorities in every major religious group support marriage equality. It's imperative to acknowledge that religious Americans overwhelmingly support LGBTQ+ rights, and this must be accurately reflected in media coverage.
This study’s top finding is that news media coverage of religion and LGBTQ rights more often cites religiously identified sources that oppose LGBTQ equality. This overall finding starkly contrasts with the support for LGBTQ rights expressed by religious Americans. While 66.3 percent of religiously identified sources expressed negative or anti-LGBTQ sentiment, public opinion polling of religiously affiliated Americans suggests that only 25.8 percent oppose nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people.
Photo via Center for Progress
Amidst rising anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric by extremist politicians who monetize their hate speech on social media, profiting off harm to LGBTQ+ Photo by Human Rights Campaign
This form of hate speech, designed to harm an innocent community, is not only unconstitutional and unethical but also fundamentally unchristian. It stands in stark opposition to the very essence of what Our Lord and Savior sacrificed His life for; it contradicts the foundational principles of Christ and Christianity.

It is profoundly ignorant, narrow-minded, and antithetical to Christian values for self-proclaimed Christians to persecute the LGBTQ+ community and misinterpret the Bible or Christianity as justification for such actions.
Proverbs 6:16-19 NIV Photo by Spotlight St. Pete
Additionally, the FBI has released data showing a worrying increase in hate crimes, including those targeting LGBTQ+ individuals.'

According to the latest findings from ACLED, anti-LGBTQ+ mobilization has reached unprecedented levels since data collection began in 2020. Incidents of anti-LGBTQ+ violence have seen a significant uptick, with political violence against the LGBTQ+ community tripling compared to the previous year. Notably, antiLGBTQ+ demonstrations have doubled, often involving extremist groups and militant social movements. These
Photo via FBI Hate Crime Report Photo via FBI Hate Crime Reportdemonstrations now constitute the majority of anti-LGBTQ+ mobilization, marking a substantial increase compared to previous years.
As followers of Christ, it is imperative to acknowledge and celebrate the diversity and individuality of all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Jesus's teachings emphasize love for all, unequivocally condemning hatred and discrimination. Therefore, using religion to justify discrimination is utterly misguided and wholly unacceptable.

Acts 10:34-35 Photo by Spotlight St. Pete
Grounded in Christian principles, it's implausible that Jesus would condone nor Himself condemn individuals for simply loving one another. Sexual orientation remained undefined during biblical times, as numerous
scholars and biblical references affirm. Love, as Paul asserts in 1 Corinthians 13:13, is paramount: “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love,” .

Supreme among His virtues, love embodies God's essence, a teaching Jesus imparted by urging his followers to love as he did. Hence, it's logical to infer that he wouldn't alienate or persecute based on sexual orientation or romantic inclinations.
The Bible states that God would be more likely to provide protection and shelter to those who have been persecuted, just like how He Himself was persecuted. His tormentors chose to be ignorant, hateful, and violent towards Him, even though He had done nothing wrong.
Photo by Getty Images
Matthew 5:10 Photo by Spotlight St. Pete
Matthew 5:10–12 (NIV) is one example of scripture which confirms this notion stating:“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
The Bible unequivocally underscores God's defense of the persecuted, mirroring Jesus's own persecution. Regrettably, many in the LGBTIQA+ community still endure unjust treatment in our ostensibly "progressive" society today.

Christ's intention is not for us to remain ignorant, intolerant, or critical of others; His commandments do not advocate such behavior. Instead, guided by His righteous and holy principles and enlightened outlook, we are urged to pursue understanding and demonstrate empathy towards one another. In His teachings, Jesus unequivocally denounces those who exhibit ignorance, indifference, shame, and cruelty in a sinful manner.
Photo via Center for Progress
Acts 10:34-35 NKJV Photo by Spotlight St. Pete
Regardless of your discomfort with differences, remember we are all children of God. Take a moment to introspect: What truly unsettles you about love between two individuals? How can you distort a beautiful expression of love into something repulsive just because it involves same-gender individuals? Reflect on the Bible's emphasis on identifying ourselves by our inner selves rather than our physical bodies.
Are we not our flesh, but our spirit?
On what grounds do you feel entitled to criticize another with such untrue and disgusting statements?

On what grounds do you feel entitled to criticize another with such untrue and disgusting statements?
At the bare minimum, it goes against the essence of Christianity to entertain impure thoughts, just as it is improper to silently pass judgment on any of God’s children.
Moreover, it is absolutely unacceptable and intolerable to endorse speech that fuels hatred, division, cruelty, and the persecution of the innocent. Those who propagate such hateful and offensive rhetoric must not find justification or pride in their actions. It's vital to understand that all forms of promoting hatred, regardless of the platform or medium, are equally reprehensible.
Photo by Google Images
This includes making anti-LGBTIQA+ remarks, sharing disparaging memes on social media, participating in rallies with offensive signage, or using any media outlet to perpetuate persecution. Regardless of how insignificant these actions may seem, they all contribute to the oppression of innocent individuals. Therefore, none of it can be justified or deemed consistent with Christian values. It's crucial to take responsibility for our words and actions and actively advocate for positivity and acceptance.
Your Constitutional Right (nor your God given right) to free speech does not permit you a license to speak with an evil tongue.

This behavior stands as a significant, if not the foremost, catalyst for the escalating epidemic of violence inflicted upon innocent members of the LGBTIQA+ community. From youth to adulthood, these individuals endure a relentless barrage of mistreatment, discrimination, unfounded stereotypes, exclusion, bullying, threats, physical assaults, and tragically, all too often, become victims of homicide.
Psalm 34:13-14 Photo by Google Images
“Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.”-James 1:26 (NIV)
This behavior starkly contradicts the core principles of Christianity, as it stems from a misguided belief that it aligns with divine teachings. It's not just distasteful; it's egregiously ignorant of the many inequities it perpetuates. Despite its clear divisiveness and hostility, some persist in their self-righteous proclamations, oblivious to the harm inflicted on innocents and ultimately on themselves.
Photo by Getty Images
Those who claim righteousness while perpetuating such divisiveness aren't just shaming others; they're tarnishing their own souls. Their actions directly contradict the fundamental principles of Christianity.
Jesus unequivocally condemns such conduct. To truly embody his spirit of boundless love and compassion, one must unequivocally reject such divisive behavior. Those genuinely attuned to Jesus and his teachings would instinctively recognize this truth.
Photo by Spotlight Sarasota
As these self-proclaimed "Christian" Crusaders continue to condemn, inflict undue shame, and perpetuate divisiveness among God’s children, they brazenly justify their spouting off misinterpretations of Christianity and the foundational beliefs Jesus Himself taught and stood for. Not only do they appear justified, but some of these "Crusaders" seemingly take great pride in being an ignorant threat and imposition to fellow members of our society. who have never caused harm or infringed on their rights to a peaceful existence.
Ironically, these very same "Christian Crusaders" remain blind to the fact that it is they who are infringing on the Constitutional Rights of the members of our society who happen to identify as LGBTIQA+. It is they with their Contradictory Christian Rhetoric and actions who are infringing on the rights of our fellow citiziens, who are equal Americans, taxpayers, and law-abiding citizens. They are the ones not only having their right to a peaceful existence infringed upon, but also facing harm on multiple levels due to the misguided bias of others, reinforced by false religious prophets, leaders, and pseudo media networks that perpetuate ignorance for ratings and audience appeal.
Photo by Advocate
We must confront the glaring omission in our legal framework: why do mainstream media, false religious prophets, and divisive political speeches escape criminalization despite their evident role in fostering discrimination and inciting violent hate crimes? Despite the existing First Amendment jurisprudence, which permits the criminalization of hate speech when it directly incites imminent criminal activity or issues specific threats of violence against individuals or groups, it is undeniable that these harmful expressions persist without facing adequate legal repercussions.
Photo by Spotlight St. Pete
How can we justify the lack of criminalization for mainstream media, political speeches, or any other divisive forms of communication that lead to detrimental outcomes such as discrimination and, ultimately, violent hate crimes? Despite the current First Amendment jurisprudence, which allows hate speech to be criminalized when it directly incites imminent criminal activity or involves specific threats of violence against individuals or groups, it seems that these harmful forms of expression continue to evade legal consequences.
Photo by Google Images
Anti-LGBTQ+ Grooming Narrative Surged More Than 400% on Social Media Following Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay or Trans’ Law Photo by HRC.ORG
Research reveals an alarming trend where extremist politicians and their allies orchestrate a meticulously coordinated assault targeting LGBTIQA+ children, resulting in an alarming 400% surge in anti-LGBTIQA+ hate speech across multiple social media platforms. It's distressing to acknowledge that approximately one in every five hate crimes in the United States in 2020 was directed towards LGBTIQA+ individuals.
These concerted campaigns are fueled by far-right rhetoric, false religious prophets, evangelical Christian groups, and white nationalists. It's deeply unsettling to witness mainstream media, political figures, and conservative lawmakers lending support to these detrimental ideologies.
It's been far too long that we've sat back, looked the other way, and bitten our tongues in the midst of such sadistic behavior towards those who don't deserve it.
How long shall we allow these misguided perpetrators of hate speech and misinformation to continue condemning our fellow Americans without being outwardly condemned themselves?
Not only are the facts they state erroneous, but they are also dangerous and will lead not only to further damaging effects but ultimately to the downfall not only of the LGBTIQA+ community but also of our society.
How much longer will we stand idly by, neglecting to amplify our voices against the egregious injustice inflicted upon our fellow citizens? It's not just about speaking up against the unjust treatment they face; it's about recognizing the tragic loss of human life. Every time one of God’s children, an innocent soul, an American citizen who proudly identifies as LGBTQ+, is unfairly snatched away from us, we must confront ourselves: How much longer will we endure this? The time has come to shatter the silence and vigorously demand justice for all.
In today's era, it is utterly inconceivable and utterly unacceptable for anyone to argue or attempt to justify tolerating the intolerable. The era of silence and fear of repercussions is over. It is imperative that we, as a collective, unequivocally denounce and swiftly terminate such behavior. Those who inflict harm on innocent individuals in our society due to their ignorance must be condemned without hesitation. Failure to act will only perpetuate and escalate the cycle of hatred, violence, and division into something far more sinister. What cost are we prepared to bear for such inaction?

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Permitting the tolerance of dehumanizing and unethical behavior is not only unconstitutional but also morally reprehensible. There is no harm in whom someone loves, and it is appalling to witness the extent of tolerance granted to false religious leaders, corrupt politicians, and media outlets spreading dangerous misinformation. This conduct encroaches upon the peaceful coexistence of fellow Americans, and it is disheartening to observe the lack of action from all political parties, irrespective of religious affiliation. We must collectively rise against this ignorance and hate that is now deemed acceptable in society.
Any action promoting violence or hate towards innocent members of society is as intolerable as a bomb threat or the actions of the Ku Klux Klan. The challenges faced by LGBTIQA+ individuals have been exploited for political gain and manipulated by religious figures. None of this behavior is justified or acceptable, and silence is not an option. We cannot stand idly by while discrimination persists.
"shocking tolerance given to false religious leaders, corrupt politicians & media outlets spreading dangerous rhetoric" Photo by Google Images
Those who spread misinformation and fearmonger under the guise of religion are the true perpetrators of harm, not the innocent LGBTIQA+ individuals they target. Their claims to act in the name of Christianity are misguided; the Bible does not endorse condemnation or judgment of others.
These self-proclaimed Crusaders who spread mistruths and fearmonger with illogical viewpoints are the ones causing harm, not the innocent LGBTQ+ individuals they target. Claiming to act in the name of religion, they fail to understand that the Bible does not condone condemning or judging one another.
Photo by Getty Images
Clutching onto the Bible and spewing hatred toward the innocent does not align with the teachings of Jesus, quite the opposite. Those who engage in such vile behavior should be aware that they are not representing true Christian values and that Jesus will ultimately serve them with the consequences for their wicked actions.

Clear logic and many biblical references make evident that Jesus finds favor in those who are unfairly persecuted, just as He was.
It is egregiously ignorant to condemn LGBTIQA+ individuals and deny them a peaceful existence. These individuals epitomize virtues such as peace, love, tolerance, acceptance, unity, equality, and kindness, all of which are sacred and commendable. The campaigns against them defy the teachings of our Lord and Savior. Denouncing, persecuting, and spreading hate among God's children stand in stark contrast to the principles Jesus embodies.

It is lamentable that such actions are so grievously misunderstood, and even more so, that some purport to carry out such deeds in the name of the Lord. Our Lord would commend those who navigate life with dignity despite
Galatians 3:28 Photo by Spotlight St. Petethe unjust burden of shame thrust upon them. The shame lies with those who oppose love and peace, the very pillars of Christianity, while falsely professing to act in the name of God.
It is truly remarkable how these individuals who identify as LGBTIQA+, burdened with various forms of ignorance, manage to maintain their dignity. Their unwavering composure in the face of persecution and verbal abuse resembles the strength exhibited by Jesus when he was subjected to stone-throwing and derogatory slurs. In retrospect, we now understand the grave error committed against Him. Despite possessing the knowledge of the ultimate truth and the power to rightfully correct their wrongdoers, Jesus never retaliated or resorted to spitting in their faces.
Jesus chose to walk with nobility, courage, and grace, uttering the profound words, 'Forgive them, for they know not what they do.'

“Forgive them, for they know not what they do." Giambattista Tiepolo "The Crucifixion" Photo by Giambattista Tiepolo "The Crucifixion"
I have never witnessed, nor have I found any data to indicate, any instances of violent protests, attacks, or hate speech inflicted upon innocent civilians by LGBTIQA+ individuals. Data unequivocally demonstrates that the only occurrences of violent crimes and hate speech associated with the LGBTIQA+ community are perpetrated by ignorant, immoral criminals. This glaring disparity underscores who truly embodies the principles of a genuine Christian, a true American. The evidence unmistakably points not to the misguided Christian Crusaders, but to the genuinely Christlike behavior exhibited by those within the LGBTIQA+ community.

While this perspective may unsettle some, it serves as a catalyst for introspection. Meanwhile, I stand in awe, admiration, and inspiration by the resilience and dignity displayed by my fellow citizens in the LGBTIQA+ community as they navigate through life.
Mathew 7:1–2 states “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Forbes Photo by Forbes
John 7:24 NIV Photo by Spotlight St. Pete
John 7:24 states “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment." Here He says we are to judge, but He mitigates it with instruction on how to judge, just as in Matthew 7 above.

ΚΡΊΝΩ is the ancient Greek word mentioned over 114 times in the Holy Bible, it translates to "Judge" Photo by Spotlight St. Pete

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
Undoubtedly, we are called to discern to judge what is right or wrong, guided by the mind of God as expressed in His Word. How we apply that discernment to others holds immense significance, for Christ will approach us with the same attitude that we adopt towards others.
“As you do unto others, so shall it be done unto you”.
-Christy Chilton Psalm 139:14 NIV