Office of Innovation & Collaboration (OIC) Mission Statement:
To use ingenuity, inspiration and inventiveness while working with, cooperating with, and assisting all City departments and external stakeholders in the OIC responsibilities of development approval, applying land use vision, facilitating business activities and developing the resources of City staff.
Primary Responsibilities The Office of Innovation and Collaboration (OIC) department manages a number of files for the municipality including: economic development, building, planning and communications. Also under the OIC umbrella is Records Management, Staff Recruitment, Retention and Training as well as Computer Network Support.
Planning staff advises both the public and Council on bylaws relating to subdivision, zoning and building in order to manage changes in land use that is consistent with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and helps guide the public through related development approval processes. While Building staff reviews and issues building permits for all buildings and structures constructed or altered within the City.
The Communications Office provides the public and the media with information on City issues and services.
Economic Development completed the creation and implementation of the Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) through Cranbrook Tourism and provided continued support to the Cranbrook-Kimberley Development Initiative (CKDI).
development agreement with the local construction and development community - to be rolled out in 2018.
OIC also oversees and maintains the corporate Records Management system in accordance with the LGMA classification and retention schedule. Computer Network and Support staff maintains and manages citywide computer networks, collects, stores and manages digital data and protects IT infrastructure and data from external threats.
2017 Key Projects
OIC Planners worked on a number of long range special projects including initiating a feasibility study for an inter-modal / logistics facility, began the 12th Avenue South Neighbourhood Plan and worked closely with Community Services on the Cranbrook Cycle Network Plan. Other initiatives included: the downtown bike rack program and community vibrancy. Notable Development Permits approved include the new Wildhorse Surgical office at Victoria Plaza, the new Fitness Inc. building, the Fire Hall Kitchen and Tap renovation of the City’s old Fire Hall No. 1 and the Train Sheds for the Cranbrook History Museum.
City of Cranbrook 2017 Annual Report
OIC staff, City Clerk and Communications staff provided support to the Chief Election Officer for the 2017 by-election. Communications overseen the significant updates and re-launch of the City’s main website @ www.cranbrook.ca. Work also continued toward completion of a negotiation framework for a master
Records Management included research and development of an electronic tracking software to be implemented in 2018 for the City’s legal documents.