Carolina Chrome July Issue 177

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The #1 Magazine For South Carolina Bikers! Carolina Chrome FREE NOT FOR RESALE July 2023 Issue #177 Riding a Motorcycle is not just a journey, it’s an escape into Freedom! Thank You to those that Protect our Freedom!

Cover Alex Ravensson Hopkins, SC

Photography by Deb Davis

4 Ms. Chrome July 2023; Olivia

Photography by Geo Martinez

10 Current Motorcycle Related Information I n SC By Ralph Bell

12-13 Events

18-19 The Swofford Car, Truck, and Bike Show

Article & Photos By Wally Wersching

20 Monthly Devotional

By Dennis Reynolds

21-22 National Motorcycle Day Information

212 Cobbleview Drive Lexington, SC 29072

Nicole CGW 803-931-2613 Cover By Deb Davis
To all those who are or have served, we thank you for being our HEROES !

M s . C hro M e J ul y 2023

Ms. Olivia Photography By Geo Martinez Bike Owner, Bank
Photography by Grange Simons Lucas III
Page Photography by Grange Simons Lucas III
a a a a Corner Bar Bike Wash a a a aPhotograpgy by Cherokee
9 WWW.CHROMESC.COM aaaaCorner Bar Bike Washaaaa Photograpgy by Cherokee

Current SC Motorcycle Related Information

The GOOD; Passed and became law:

S 36 “Interlock First Offense”

Driver’s license suspended due to a first offense. This will allow DUI interlock requirement exclusion for motorcycles and mopeds. Currently these devices cannot meet the requirements needed if installed on motorcycles. This bill was signed by Governor McMaster on May 19th and makes our state one of the few if not only with this in current DUI laws. This law will take effect on May 19th of 2024.

S 363 “Carolina Squat”

This law now requires that trucks ca not be modified over four inches from the front to the back axle. This bill was signed by Governor McMaster on May 16th and has an effective date of November 12, 2023.

The BAD; Did not pass both chambers:

H 3394 “SC Hands Free Act”

Distracted driving is our #1 priority. Passage of this would make driving with a cell phone in your hand illegal. Representative Bill Taylor introduced this bill, and it currently sits in the House Judiciary Committee. We made great strides in getting over 15 co-sponsors and will continue the push next year on this bill.

S 375 “Move Over”

Passage of this would require the driver of a vehicle to move over if possible and slow down when approaching a stopped vehicle that has its hazard lights on the side of a road. This would make it a fine of not less than $300 and not more than $500. Senator Grooms sponsored this bill, and it passed out of the Senate in February with a vote of 41 ayes and 0 nays. It is now in the House of Representatives Judiciary committee.

The Ugly (If passed would ?):

H3359 “Street Legal Utility Terrain Vehicles”

H 3168 “Antique Motorcycles Use at Night”

Passage of this would allow antique motorcycles to ride at night for certain purposes if they are equipped with working headlights and rear lights. Representative Chumley sponsored this bill, and it passed out of the House of Representatives in April with a vote of 100 ayes and 0 nays and is now in the Senate Transportation committee.

H 3962 “Large Debris Falling from Vehicles”

Passage of this would make it illegal for large 2’ polyethylene pieces to fall from a vehicle in the roadways. Representative Trantham sponsored this bill, and it is now in the Education and Public Works committee.

Passage of this would allow UTV to operate on roads with a posted speed of 55 mph, pay a registration fee and have liability insurance. They would not be required to pay property tax. Operators would be required to have a valid driver’s license and be at least 16 years old. Section J as shown below lowers the age for UTV operators to 18. We have asked that the age of 21 be left alone and not amended for other vehicles unless it’s amended for all.

(J) Drivers and passengers in a registered UTV who are under the age of eighteen must wear the protective gear described in Sections 56-5-3660 and 56-5-3670.

How to Stay Informed:

If you want to have the most current information make sure you are part of the Legislative Alerts email list. Just send me an email stating you want to be added.

(803) 556-2354 (803) 491-5145 E-mail Email
11 WWW.CHROMESC.COM Support Your right to ChooSe bY Supporting AbAte oF SC Thank YOU!! to ALL ABATE Members & Sponsors!! ABATE of SC; Fighting for the Freedom of our Roads!! to Members & Sponsors!! ABATE of SC; Fighting for the of our Roads!!



6PM-9PM @Hooter's Two Notch Rd, Columbia SC FMI Oasti 980-313-5402


Dog Days of Summer

@ Low Country Harley-Davidson 11AM-2PM. Come join us at this pet adoption event at Low Country Harley-Davidson.


Car & Bike Show

10AM-2PM. $25 Entry 9:00AM

Registration & Setup. People's Overall Choice 1st, 2nd 3rd, Best Truck, Motorcycle, Oldest Car & Chairman's Award. Food $10/plate Chicken Leg Qtr with 2 sides. 50/50. Stop in for details and registration payment 7days/wk. You can Pre-Register at the Post Before or Day of Event. FM(803)359-8738



Flat Rock Loop Group Ride (approx. 50 miles) Donation for Entry (no set amount) Register 3pm KSU at 4 pm followed by Bike night at Coates Poolroom hosted by Coate's Billiards and Ride for the Soul. Games: Plank Ride and Slow Ride DJ: Teknisounds Media Food truck 50/50 raffle Auction Items Contest: Loudest Bike, Best Bike in Show, Least amount of Threads *Entry to any game or contest is via donation Come join us for a good old time All proceeds from bike night games contests will go to benefit Food for the Soul (homeless shelter) The night will also be an opportunity to drop off an item for donations to the local homeless shelter (food, clothes, toiletries, cleaning supplies, etc)

FMI Brandy Gunter

803-729-9717 FLYER PAGE15


Benefit Ride for James Muller Ride starts & ends @Bubba’s Pub-N-Grub, 2544 S. Lake Dr. Lexington. Registration starts at 11am, FBO 1pm - LBI 6pm. Best Hand Winner, 50/50 & raffles. Music!! Selling BBQ plates. All proceeds goes to the Muller Family (Fallen Lexington Firefighter).



@ Cox's Harley-Davidson of Rock Hill, 11AM-2PM. This Power Lunch is for a purpose bigger than just a Club Support thing... This is for the displaced kids in Lancaster.



Starts & Ends @ The Corner Bar 687 Hwy 15N,Bishopville, SC. Calling all Bikes, Cars, Trucks, bicycles.... come join us in supporting our friend Allen McKnight who is fighting Stage 4 Cancer. Kickstand up at 11:30 a.m. and last bike in at 5:00pm We will have raffles, auction, and music.



Starts & Ends @ Barrel House Grill 104 Robertson Blvd, Walterboro, SC Registrations @ 10am, FBO NOON, LBI 5pm. Food served end of the ride. Raffle, Games, Corn Hole competition. Prizes for Best Costume! ALL donations go to Colleton County Baptist Association for toys for the children Christmas 2023.


CSRA Blessing of the Bikes

10AM - 3PM Riverview Park, N. Augusta, SC



2PM-6PM. We will fire off the grill for some hot dogs with all the fixins. Live music with Lil Kris Isbell. Drinks are always ICE cold. Just a day to take a break and enjoy good times and good conversations with great folks. Most welcome and we always reserve the right. 3555 Dobbins Bridge Rd , Anderson, SC


SUMMER MADNESS CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW1PM-7:30PM. Indoor/Outdoor Car, Truck & Bike Show @ Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center, 1101 Lincoln St, Cola SC




6:30PM-8:30PM. Join us at LG's by the Creek, 1005 Tanner Ford Blvd, Hanahan, SC. Fun-filled night of drinks, food, raffle prizes and MORE! This is the perfect opportunity to mingle with like-minded motorcycle enthusiasts in the low country!



NOON-3PM. Join Harley-Davidson of Greenville as we collect School Supplies for the children of Greenville County. Petting Zoo, Free Food & Drinks, Live Entertainment, Face Painting, Cotton Candy & Snow Cones. All donations benefitting Carolina Family Services. Book Bags of all sizes needed.

Submitted eventS 2023 Submitted eventS 2023

Saturday, July 29, 2023 -

Sunday, July 30, 2023


Motorcycle Races @ Carolina Motorsports Park 3662 Kershaw Hwy, Kershaw SC.


83rd Annual Sturgis Bike Rally


Ride For The Soul

Old Schol Bike Night

second saturday every month! @ Coates Billiards, 504 Shop Rd Kershaw 29067


Bikers Against Bullies USALaurens, SC Chapter 6th Year

Anniversary Party

@VFW 763 East Main St Laurens, SC. 4pm until!

FMI Donney 864-340-9624


7th Annual Bobby Golden Run for St. Jude's Childrens Hospital

@ Big Daddy's of Laurens

915 Church St., Laurens, SC 10am-7pm


Cox's Harley Summer Swap Meet

10AM-4PM @ Cox's Harley-Davidson of Rock Hill. Buy, Sell, Trade Motorcycle Parts, Accessories, Gear and More



@Big Daddy's of Laurens 915 Church St., Laurens, SC 10am-7pm


SmokeOut Rally 23

@ Rowan County Fairgrounds

1560 Julian Road Salisbury, NC. Bike

Shows - Mini Bike Racing - Live Music

- Vendors - Wet T Shirt Contest - Dirt

Drags - Bike GamesOn Site Camping


Page Photography by Cherokee

The Marine Corps Birthday was celebrated on July 11 from 1799 until 1921. The date was permanently changed to November 10 to commemorate the establishment of the Corps to aid in the Revolutionary War.

504 Shop Rd, Kershaw SC
Page Photography By Debra Teseniar

The Swofford Car, Truck, & Bike Show

On Saturday March 4th, I awoke about 6:30AM. The sky was clear with the sun just rising in the east. My first stop was the Crestview Baptist Church. It was the First Saturday, and they have an “all you can eat” breakfast. The food was delicious, and talking with friends was very pleasant. I really enjoy visiting with them every month. They had a great turnout for the breakfast.

I had been looking forward to the Swofford show. I saw the flyer for the show on the school’s Facebook page.

After breakfast, I headed west on Rt 150 in the Miata with the top down. It was a perfect day for a car show! I stayed straight until I turned left onto Rt 221A. After a few miles, I turned right onto Rt 11. I went through Chesnee, and as I passed Strawberry Hill, I saw all the peach blossoms in bloom on the trees.

Just past Fingerville, SC, I came to the Swofford Career Center where high school students from the surrounding counties learn a trade – anything from auto mechanics, cosmetology, and even the culinary arts. It’s a great alternative to college. There should be more schools like it around. For more info, go to:

I parked in the grass next to the road. It was pretty soft and muddy from the rain last night. The car show consisted of almost 300 cars, trucks, and bikes. The weather was perfect – sunny with a slight breeze, and in the mid 60’s. The cars looked great as they shined in the sun. Some of the cars I recognized but many of them were new to me. The entrance fee for a car in the show was $20.00, and for spectators, it was $3.00. All proceeds go to the Swofford Scholarship Fund.

After I paid the three dollars to the man who was taking the money, I walked around to the left along the side of the school building. There was a very diverse group of cars. A few late 60’s MOPARs were parked next to a couple of new Mustangs. There were also many street rods – some way out, and others slightly modified. They were all unique in their own way.

I walked around front to the other side of the school. It was a great car show (as always) with low-riders to high four-wheel drive trucks. It keeps getting bigger every year. I was surprised to see two Pontiac GTO’s in the show – a highly modified 1969, and a very original looking 1971.

I was looking for Greg – the auto-shop instructor. I had another book for him. I have a small library of automotive books – some actual text books. I wanted to give him a text book from 1960 on fuel and ignition systems. There were questions after every chapter that could be used as a test.


I found him driving around in his blue golf cart – making sure that the show went smoothly. We talked for a short while when I gave him the book. He was really excited about receiving it. He has a collection of automotive text books, and now can add another after sharing it with his students.

There were a lot of very nice cars in the show. I was still looking for my favorite. The GTO’s were all nice but I was looking for something a little more unusual.

I continued walking around taking pictures of all the great looking cars. I walked onto the field next to the school’s parking lot, and it was full of cars too. It was one of the largest Swofford Car Shows that I had been to.

In the middle of the large parking lot, wedged between a couple cars was a great looking 1962 Oldsmobile Starfire. I hadn’t seen one in a long time. They were the sporty performance models of Oldsmobile in the late 50s’ and early 60’s. This one was for sale for $35,000 – not a bad price for the condition and rarity of the car.

As I was looking at the Starfire, a man walked up and asked what kind of car it was. He had never heard of a Starfire before. I’m glad that I remember how great they were back in the day.

Another interesting car was a 1940 Mercury four-door. It looked like a streamlined 1940 Ford with smoother lines and a more powerful engine. Mercury cars of that era are rare too.

I thoroughly enjoyed the show. People were very friendly especially the students and faculty working the event. I was glad that they had great weather, and so many people came out to show their cars. It was perfect for the many spectators too.

It was fun for the whole family. At a little after 11AM, I headed back home. I backtracked on Rt 11, turned left onto Rt 221A (north), and drove through Boiling Springs on the way home.



In March of 2021 it was my pleasure to purchase a beautiful, yellow and silver, 2005 Screamin’ Eagle Electra Glide from a lifelong friend. While he had bought the motorcycle brand new, he had not ridden it very much because he owned several other bikes. At sixteen years old, the Screamin’ Eagle was still in good condition, and only had 848 miles on the odometer. Yes, I said 848 miles! I named her Miss Frances after the previous owner’s mom.

When I brought Miss Frances home, I set about doing a few things to her. I dislike fairing lowers, so as soon as she rolled off the trailer, I removed them from the highway bars. The tires still looked brand new but they were sixteen years old, so naturally, they needed to be replaced. The gas tank had some rust inside, the fuel filter was gunky, and the fuel pump had gone bad from lack of use, so those things had to be addressed.

After the initial work, a full service, and a fresh tank of gas, I started her up and she ran like a top!

Fast forward to November of 2022. Every year, a group of brothers and myself take a ride from Greenwood South Carolina to Galveston TX for the Lone Star Rally. Now, for most of my road trips, my motorcycle of choice is my 2015 Street Glide Special. The NAV system along with other modern conveniences make touring simple and easy. This year however, I was toying with the idea of riding Miss Frances to Texas.

Now keep in mind, it has some 2005 quirks. The five-speed transmission and five-gallon tank weren’t a big deal, but the lack of antilock brakes and the skinny back tire made me a bit nervous, especially where wet weather was concerned. Still, I committed to riding Miss Frances to the rally, and prepared for the trip.

There were absolutely no issues, and I had a great ride there and back. Since that road trip went so well, I decided to take her to DC the following May for Rolling to Remember. As before, she was flawless and there were no problems.

When I arrived at home after the DC trip, I pulled my garage door closed, and stepped over to look at her odometer. Two years after I purchased what some people would consider a barn find, Miss Frances had gone from 848 miles to a little over 11,000. There would have been even more miles on her if I didn’t own two other motorcycles as well.

Looking at her mileage made me think.

The day she rolled off the assembly line, she was the finest, top of the line, touring machine Harley Davidson produced in 2005. Then, for most of her first sixteen years, she sat in a garage covered up. She was taken care of, and her owner loved her, but she was built for touring and not sitting. Until now, she had never reached her full potential, and when she did, she shined!

Full Potential…

Just like those Harley Davidson engineers had cross country touring in mind for the Screamin’ Eagle Electra Glide from day one, when God designed each of us, he had a specific purpose in mind.

Then, just as that motorcycle sat covered up for years and never achieved her intended purpose, we may have wasted precious time living life our own way. We may have spent years ignoring the God ordained direction He intended for us when he oversaw our creation. Miss Frances would have wasted away and wound up as scrap metal if she had not been given that second chance to shine. In that same way, if we live our lives only for ourselves and not for Jesus, we are destined for eternal separation and destruction. But, we too have another chance!

Are you living out your full potential for Jesus? Are you embracing the plan He has for your life? If not, what are you waiting for? Take hold of Jesus' hand today, because now it’s YOUR turn to shine!

You will never regret it!

Ephesians 2:10 NIV “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Ride on and stay safe, Dennis Reynolds

Mideast Regional Elder

Bikers for Christ M/M


The second Friday of July each year.

National Motorcycle Day celebrates the positive impact riders have on communities!

Read more on page 22

July 14, 2023

Who Founded National Motorcycle Day?

After 50 years of watching the positive contributions riders provide to their local communities, a motorcycle insurance company felt it was important to highlight this philanthropy and contribution.

As a result, the second Friday in July was chosen as the day to celebrate all the good in motorcycle culture.

The state of Wisconsin provided a citation in 2016 awarding the first ‘official’ Day for motorcyclists.

How Can I Observe National Motorcycle Day?

This is an excellent opportunity to get involved by going on your first ride or taking your favorite bike out for good old-fashioned fun!

National Motorcycle Day spirit is that of giving back. Look for opportunities to participate in a local charity ride, organize a group to volunteer at a local non-profit, or help a neighbor in need.

In addition to riding and contributing positively to your community, you can observe National Motorcycle Day by using the hashtag #NationalMotorcycleDay across social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

What are Other Notable Motorcycle Holidays?

National Motorcycle Day isn't the only day dedicated to celebrating the motorcycle community.

National Motorcycle Ride Day

Dedicated to the comradery that joins all bikers, National Motorcycle Ride Day (not to be confused with National Motorcycle Day) has been celebrated on the second Saturday of October since 2015.

National Ride to Work Day (NRWD)

Andy Goldfine, the founder of a biking safety apparel brand, started the informal National Ride to Work Day (NRWD) in 2000. Every year on the third Monday of June, you can participate in the National Ride to Work Day.

The Congressional Motorcycle Safety Caucus and press sources reported that as of the early 2010s, NRWD was the largest motorcycle event, reaching upwards of one million participants.

The event is observed worldwide, including in Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Slovenia, Israel, Turkey, Ecuador, Argentina, and the Philippines.

International Female Ride Day (IFRD)

Celebrated on the first Saturday of May since 2007, International Female Ride Day® (IFRD), has participants from over 120 nations.

World Motorcycling Day

Celebrated on the longest day of daylight in the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice, there's no better day to celebrate as a motorcycle rider than June 21st each year.

What are the Benefits of Motorcycle Riding?

Whether you’re looking to save money, reduce your carbon footprint, or just want a fun way to get around town, motorcycles are an excellent choice. Motorcycles are often more fuel efficient than cars, they're easier on the environment because they produce less pollution, and they require far less space in parking lots.

Riding a motorcycle can be much cheaper than owning a car if you keep it long-term—not just because gas is cheaper but also because insurance and maintenance costs may be lower.

But these advantages aren't just for those who must use motorcycles as their primary mode of transportation—they're also great for anyone who wants to use their bike as a second vehicle or even as a primary vehicle on occasion.

Whether commuting to work every day or heading out for some weekend adventures with friends or family members, motorcycling can help you connect with your community while getting from point A to point B quickly and easily. events/national-motorcycle-day


We Are The Firm That Rides! ®


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