2012 Presidential Cabbage Codes

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An Unbiased & BiPartisan

Cabbage Codes Project 666 = Barack Hussein Obama Jr 666 = Joseph Robinette Biden Jr 666 = Willard Mitt Romney 666 = Paul Davis Ryan `'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*' Created by The Translucent Amoebae Consortium With Method’s Pioneered & Actualized by Wanda Louise ‘Tiny Wanda’ Campbell For Comments, Complaints or Inquires: transamoebae@seanet.com See Also : Blog of Rants & Links to Peripheries : http://transamoebae.blogspot.com Personal Photos & Creations : http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrstphre Family Photos : http://www.flickr.com/photos/harvey-marie Scratch Programs : http://scratch.mit.edu/users/TW Music : http://www.icompositions.com/artists/chrstphre

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Contents links to internal pages ! Credits & Contact Information Table of Contents Introduction Principle Equivalency Values : ( with some Anagrams ) 666 = Barack Hussein Obama Jr 666 = Joseph Robinette Biden Jr 666 = Willard Mitt Romney 666 = Paul Davis Ryan Bonus Fun ! Anagrams : The Cabbage Code Key Character Values : The Meaningful Significance of Each Value : Is This Really Real ? How to Check The Value of Each Word or Phrase : The Most Startling ! ( Proof of The Key’s Validity ! ) The Complete ( Edited ) Listing More 666 Equivalencies : 911 Equivalencies Control Value : gawd’s Number : 700 Control Value : gawd’s Number : 777 Word & Phrase Equivalences : This = That Mittens Romney = 587 Mitsy Romney = 560 Mighty Romney = 527 Mormon = 289 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints / Mormon = 1833 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints = 1544 Bain Capital = 310 Michelle Robinson-Obama = 675 Maliaann Obama = 300 Natasha Obama = 258 Christian = 352 Honolulu = 369 Kenyan Descent = 554 African American = 495 American Civil Rights = 865 Chicago Illinois = 574 Hollywood Influence = 698 Harvard Law School = 683 Hillary Rodham Clinton = 760 Osama Bin Laden = 343 War = 81 War on Terrorism = 601 Military Personnel = 722 Homeland Security = 650 United Nations Security Council = 1306 Collateral Damage = 465 Foreign Relations = 596 United States of America = 750 House of Representatives = 1009 The Supreme Court = 680 Small Government = 736 Political Missteps = 737 Three Ring Circus = 658 Trillions = 404 Real Americans = 448 American Businessman = 697 Cultural Revolution = 1001 Progressive Views = 963 Unfair = 227 Rich vs Poor = 638 The Financial Crisis = 667 Unemployment = 550 Recession = 409 Deficit = 223 Chinese Loans = 446 Loopholes = 366 Money = 236 Love of Money = 612 Personal Wealth = 461 Blue-Collar Jobs = 485 The Damp Masses = 433 Illiterate High School Graduates = 966 Sexual Predators = 632 Oil and Gas Industry = 679 Oil Spill = 345 Automobile Industry = 743 Banks = 193 ································································· 2 : 50

Great Britain = 351 France = 211 Israel = 211 Iraq = 148 Iran = 138 Islamic = 276 North Korea = 428 Afghanistan = 291 Libya = 143 Hispanics = 362 Illegal Immigration = 595 Masturbating in Public = 744 Freedom of Speech = 507 SameSex Marriage and Civil Unions = 1253 Gay Marriage = 344 Lesbian Marriage = 422 Womyn's Rights = 531 Abortion = 271 Right to Life = 368 Fetal Rights = 355 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act = 1310 Universal Health Care = 793 Health Insurance = 519 Medicaid = 215 Romneycare = 440 Space Program = 491 Myn on Mars = 434 Flying Saucers = 581 Black Projects = 559 The Death of Television = 764 Robotics = 352 Artificial Intelligence = 746 The Role of Magick = 562 The Great Cabbage = 306 Evolution = 548 Creationism = 453 Intelligent Design = 572 A Reasonable, Intelligent Designer = 933 Toenails = 294 Paralympics = 496 Lame = 102 Predictions via 2012 Equivalencies Predictions Via 2013 Equivalencies Predictions Via 2014 Equivalencies Predictions Via 2015 Equivalencies Predictions Via 2016 Equivalencies Year of Founding : 1776 = Equivalencies Year of Discovery : 1492 = Equivalencies Year of Conquest : 1968 = Equivalencies The Cabbage Code Key Values Curve Alphabetic Occurrences for Principle Names : The Cabbage Code Frequency of Words In The Glossary Curve Glossary with Values End of Export File

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Introductory Introduction Many People Searching for Real Truths in The World have long yearned for A UnAmbiguous, Incorruptible, UnContrived & Easy to Use Method by Which Messages from The One, Original & Benevolent, Creator of The Universe, Life & Our Immortal Souls; Could be Received & Read at Our Connivence. While most Any Generic Religion may promise you The Answers that you Seek; There is always a Taint of Uncertainty in The Methods that they Use to Produce, Reveal or Interpret their Missives, Dogma & Bulletins. The Great Cabbage; For which No Cabbage may be Imagined To Be Any Greater; Has Revealed an Incorruptible Method by Which S’he/its Revelations are Engraved into The Fabric of The Universe Itself. These Messages are Available to anyone that has The Merest Curiosity to Simply Look for Them. These Memorandums can not be Mistook or Misinterpreted by A Sexually Precocious Clergy or Clinically Obese AM Radio Media Whores, They are Just Laying There; Carefully Woven into Every Book, Shopping List, News Story, Package Instructions or Wikipedia Article. Who; But The Great Cabbage could so Seamlessly insert these Messages into Every Written Page of Human Manufacture ? The Method of Finding these Messages is Quite Simple; But Suffice to Say; Let us First Examine A Collection of These Revelations just to Demonstrate The Validity of This Approach to Finding The Secrets of The Universe. In this Completely Bi-Partisan Analysis of The 2012 Presidential Race It is Revealed that All Four of The Principle Candidates are Ruffians for Satan. The Cabbage Codes Method Uses The Gematria to Determine The Values of A Wide Number of Names, Statements, Phrases & Words Using One, Very Uncontrived Key which was provided through a process of Devine Intervention. Could All The Worlds Computers, Working for The Next 100,000 years have Created This Key? Consult your local Cybernetic Experts for their Unbiased Opinion. : -: | = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = | : : < 2012 Presidential Race Principle Equivalency Values : ( with some Anagrams ) 666 = Barack Hussein Obama Jr 666 = A Burr? Am Bohemian Jackass! 666 = Inasmuch As A Barb; Am Joker. 666 = Joseph Robinette Biden Jr 666 = nth Poorest Ne'er Jib Jibed 666 = Brr! Tiniest Peeed John Job 666 = The Inborn Jester Pied Job 666 = Willard Mitt Romney 666 = Madmen? It'll Worry It 666 = Rat? Dirty Mill Women 666 = I'm Worldly Martinet 666 = Yam Midwinter Troll 666 = I Will! Trendy Marmot. 666 = re: Am Mildly Torn Wit 666 = Malt— My Tinier World 666 = Paul Davis Ryan 666 = I Pray; U.S. Vandal! 666 = Yup! A Vandal Sir. 666 = A Privy Anus Lad. 666 = Pal? Via Dry Anus! 666 = A Vinyl U.S. Ad Rap 666 = Ya! Larva in Spud. :---------------:o

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Bonus Fun ! Anagrams : Barack Obama = Am a Boar Back Joe Biden = I need job. Joseph Biden = I hep! Send Job. Mittens Romney = I Ten Stormy Men. Mittens Romney = My men is Rotten. Mittens Romney = Ye Mint Monster. Mittens Romney = Me? Tiny Monster. Mitt Romney = My! I’m Rotten! Mitt Romney = Into my Term. Mitt Romney = Norm? Ye Mitt! Mitt Romney = re: Minty Tom! Paul Ryan = Yup! la Ran. ----------------------------------:o The Cabbage Code Key Provided/Revealed by A Heavenly Host in A Series of Horrific Dreams Over The Course of Several Weeks. As far as Gematria Keys go; This is a Calibrated Key. There are also; Simple Keys, Multiplication Keys & Graphically Structured Keys. The Simple & Structured Keys are The Most Convincing in themselves, In that They Appear Completely UnContrived. This Key is Only Slightly Contrived; Such that; It may seem mostly Straightforward; But The Strength of This Cabbage Code is Derived from its Value Equivalencies; Which are Numerous & Startlingly Astonishing. ----------------------------------:o Character Values :


= = = = = = =

3 -12 67 13 16 20 23


= = = = = = =

7 30 14 93 40 43 46


= = = = = = =

49 53 56 59 63 47 69


= = = = =

202 19 79 82 86

----------------------------------:o The Meaningful Significance of Each Value : A = 3 B = -12 C = 67 D = 13 E = 16 F = 20 G = 23 H = 7 I = 30 J = 14 K = 93 L = 40 M = 43 N = 46 O = 49 P = 53 Q = 56 R = 59 S = 63 T = 47 U = 69 V = 202 W = 19 X = 79 Y = 82 Z = 86

The Number of Apples Left by Paul Ryan for His Teachers The Number of Pendulous Breasts Joe Biden has ( Dreamt of ) Stuffing into his Trousers

The Number of Cantaloups eaten by Barack Obama The Number of Dog Breeds in The Garden of Eden The Handspans of The Elephant in Height, If Mittens Romney were an Elephant

The Number of Frankfurters that Mitt Romney has eaten in one Sitting The Number of Giraffes that Barrack Obama has killed & Eaten The Number of Fingers that Lylith ( Adam’s First Wife ) had on Each of her Hands

The Number of Inches between Hell & Good Intensions John F. Kennedy’s Shoe Size The Number of Kangaroos that Mitt Romney has Ridden The Length in Lima Beans of Barrack’s Love Train The Number of Moons that The Earth had when Dinosaurs went Extinct The Number of Noodles in a Bowl of Chinese Fish Heads The Record Number of Eggs An Ostrich has laid in Obama’s Home Town The Number of Potato Chips that Joe Biden is Allowed to Eat in One Day The Number of Actual Al Qaeda Terrorists in The World Today The Times Romney has said ‘Ribald Roofies Rappel Ragged Round Ringworms’

The Diameter of Satan’s Soft Syphon in Snail Swatches The Minutes of Taunting it took to Tempt Eve The Unicorn’s Favorite Number The Number of Venereal Diseases Joe Biden can Identify by Smell Alone The Number of Ages The World will Endure ( Currently on # 5 ) The Bars on The First Xylophone Created by Adam The Number of Yo-yo’s that Paul Ryan had Stolen from him in Grade School The Number of Animals Left in The Only Zoo in The World; In 2147.


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Is This Really Real ? i suspect that anyone looking through these will presume that it is all just a load of hokum; After all; Many of these ‘Discoveries’ or ‘Revelations’ are So Startling, That if There is any ‘Truth’ or ‘Validity’ to Any of This— What does that mean ( ? ) ( !!! ) How much Magick is there in The World ? So i urge The Curious Examiner to pick out a dozen or so, And use The Cabbage Key & A Grocery Calculator to Check/Verify their Value Sums (!) Try to keep in mind that if any One of these were ‘Fudged’ to work to A Desired Value; All of The Other Equivalent Words & Phrases would Shift as Well, Utterly Ruining them. Some of These are Predictions; Some are Insights &/or Appreciations of The Obvious or InObvious, And Some are Transcendental Revelations that Only Grubby Faced Angels may Recognize. How to Check The Value of Each Word or Phrase : 666 = Willard Mitt Romney W = i = l = l = a = r = d = M = i = t = t = R = o = m = n = e = y =

19 30 40 40 3 59 13 43 30 47 47 59 49 43 46 16 82

Willard Mitt Romney

19 + 30 + 40 + 40 + 3 + 59 + 13 + 43 + 30 + 47 + 47 + 59 + 49 + 43 + 46 + 16 + 82 = 666 !


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The Most Startling ! ( Proof of The Key’s Validity ! ) 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = — 911 = 911 = 911 = 911 = 911 = 911 = — 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 =

The Most Spiritual Expected Opponent Children And Seniors War? If Then— I Had Been Misguided. The Most As A Swell Leader Nobel Peace Prize For ( ? Show No Mercy To The… In New York City Chicago’s South Side In Western Europe And (? Year Between February And ( ? ) New York Times Best Seller To Take Us Back To Reagan/Bush On Time In American History The Plan For Economic Growth I Expanded Economy At Rate Of (n And Protect Civilians Tao: Main Components Public Service Protection Agency Ideological Purity To Be Home for The Holidays LDS Church and The State

Islamic = 276 = Church Mormon = 289 = The Start Mormon = 289 = The First Evolution = 548 = To Improve Evolution = 548 = Innovation Intelligent Design = 572 = My World View Intelligent Design = 572 = Many Weaknesses Intelligent Design = 572 = Out of Business Creationism = 453 = Who Saw Religion A Reasonable, Intelligent Designer = 933 = As Candidate For Electricity The Great Cabbage = 306 = Game Changer — Mittens Romney = 587 = Alcohol And Marijuana Mittens Romney = 587 = Continued Growth Mittens Romney = 587 = The Iranian Leadership Mittens Romney = 587 = Military Group Mittens Romney = 587 = ‘Acting’ Republican Mittens Romney = 587 = Southern Baptist Mitsy Romney = 560 = He Worked For Year Mitsy Romney = 560 = He Said; “Shellacking” Mitsy Romney = 560 = Child of Automobile Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mostly Money Mitsy Romney = 560 = I Live by My ’T’ Mitsy Romney = 560 = Got Great Religion Mitsy Romney = 560 = With Scissors Mighty Romney = 527 = Most Powerful Mighty Romney = 527 = The Candidate Himself Mighty Romney = 527 = Another Story Mighty Romney = 527 = Mormon Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton = 760 = Thatcher/Obama Has Half-Sister Michelle Robinson-Obama = 675 = President George W Bush Maliaann Obama = 300 = New Start Natasha Obama = 258 = The Next Real Americans = 448 = English Language — Kenyan Descent = 554 = And Unapologetic African American = 495 = As President Obama African American = 495 = Missionaries African American = 495 = Early Romney American Civil Rights = 865 = Little? But Medicine Is Bitter American Civil Rights = 865 = Alcohol, Marijuana and Cocaine American Civil Rights = 865 = Deceptive Practices American Civil Rights = 865 = Globally Competitive — The Supreme Court = 680 = Independent Business The Supreme Court = 680 = Political Pundits The Supreme Court = 680 = And Abortion Should Be Safe The Supreme Court = 680 = With The Highest Incomes The Supreme Court = 680 = Or; Out of Business — Unfair = 227 = Obama and Joe Political Missteps = 737 = Vice President Joe Political Missteps = 737 = The Worldwide Recession Political Missteps = 737 = Nicotine Replacement ································································· 7 : 50

Three Ring Circus = 658 = To Be Elected President Three Ring Circus = 658 = The Islamic World and The… Three Ring Circus = 658 = Vice President Three Ring Circus = 658 = Obama’s Administration — Small Government = 736 = Divorced Parents The Financial Crisis = 667 = Worldwide Recession Deficit = 223 = Fiscal Deficit = 223 = The Salt Chinese Loans = 446 = Budget? That Much! Chinese Loans = 446 = Faith Is; The Faith of… Unemployment = 550 = Must Be Something Unemployment = 550 = And The Car Accident Recession = 409 = Industry Recession = 409 = of Education Trillions = 404 = The Military Trillions = 404 = They Say That Loopholes = 366 = Pensions American Businessman = 697 = National Security American Businessman = 697 = Role In The Vietnam American Businessman = 697 = How Many Jobs, Exactly? American Businessman = 697 = The Personal Scandals American Businessman = 697 = Careers In Business Money = 236 = High Reward Love of Money = 612 = Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell Love of Money = 612 = State The Loopholes — Iraq = 148 = Games Iran = 138 = The Bomb North Korea = 428 = Complicated Afghanistan = 291 = Guilty Libya = 143 = Flip Great Britain = 351 = The Spinoff France = 211 = Affordable Israel = 211 = That Faith Hispanics = 362 = Both Parties Illegal Immigration = 595 = Got Relatives? Illegal Immigration = 595 = Varsity Team Illegal Immigration = 595 = For More Equity Foreign Relations = 596 = To Show No Mercy Foreign Relations = 596 = That; and Violent Foreign Relations = 596 = The Role of Religion Foreign Relations = 596 = Consistently Foreign Relations = 596 = Responsibility Homeland Security = 650 = The Protection Act Homeland Security = 650 = For Pakistan and India Homeland Security = 650 = And Reducing Healthcare Homeland Security = 650 = Rev. Jeremiah Wright Homeland Security = 650 = Flexible Application Homeland Security = 650 = The Stock Market Homeland Security = 650 = re: But Never The Law Homeland Security = 650 = Not To Worry, Is Job War on Terrorism = 601 = And Television War on Terrorism = 601 = Political Action Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Obama; My Mind Osama Bin Laden = 343 = President Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Help People Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Confused Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Equality — Military Personnel = 722 = Chicago Community Military Personnel = 722 = Houses of Congress Military Personnel = 722 = Praise and Criticism — House of Representatives = 1009 = Motivated? Include Crimes House of Representatives = 1009 = College Preparatory School — Womyn's Rights = 531 = To Live By It Womyn's Rights = 531 = Paving The Way Womyn's Rights = 531 = Richard M Nixon Womyn's Rights = 531 = Family Road Trip — Abortion = 271 = Oil Leak Abortion = 271 = One Woman Right to Life = 368 = Elementary Right to Life = 368 = Obligations Fetal Rights = 355 = For People — United States of America = 750 = To Drop Sick People Universal Health Care = 793 = And Those Said: ‘Illegal Shelter’ Universal Health Care = 793 = As Per Medical Treatments Health Insurance = 519 = Radioactive Health Insurance = 519 = Those Ill People ································································· 8 : 50

Medicaid = 215 = Temple Medicaid = 215 = Helping Medicaid = 215 = Us All Romneycare = 440 = In Enacting Death — Progressive Views = 963 = Nothing Like The People Around Progressive Views = 963 = The Unemployment President Progressive Views = 963 = Who? Past Rival; Ted Kennedy Progressive Views = 963 = But Have Banned Samesex Marriage Progressive Views = 963 = Alternatives To Romney Cultural Revolution = 1001 = Legalization of Samesex Marriage Cultural Revolution = 1001 = Also Includes Medical Spending Cultural Revolution = 1001 = Highlighting The Television Ads Artificial Intelligence = 746 = Something Must Be Wrong — Freedom of Speech = 507 = The Desire Of Some Freedom of Speech = 507 = And Pretending to… Freedom of Speech = 507 = Love You Freedom of Speech = 507 = Can You Imagine Freedom of Speech = 507 = House Speaker — Gay Marriage = 344 = He Remarried He Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Mismanagement Lesbian Marriage = 422 = The Operation Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Bush/Romney — Masturbating in Public = 744 = American to Hold The Office Masturbating in Public = 744 = Start Arms Control Masturbating in Public = 744 = The Lameduck Session Masturbating in Public = 744 = And To Curb Emissions Masturbating in Public = 744 = Increase in Job Creation Masturbating in Public = 744 = Sat on The Board of Staples Masturbating in Public = 744 = This Other Country Masturbating in Public = 744 = Lobbied Aggressively Masturbating in Public = 744 = d) An Unapologetic Defense Masturbating in Public = 744 = Could Straighten Out Masturbating in Public = 744 = Expanding Coverage Masturbating in Public = 744 = Waiting? Board an Air Canada Plane — Collateral Damage = 465 = Main Article : War Collateral Damage = 465 = Times Square Collateral Damage = 465 = Rev. Jeremiah Collateral Damage = 465 = Political Life Collateral Damage = 465 = Currency — Hollywood Influence = 698 = Less Than Ten Percent The Role of Magick = 562 = Be Elected President — Harvard Law School = 683 = Until Kindergarten Harvard Law School = 683 = Two Cents Per Gallon Rich vs Poor = 638 = And Mitts Was Affluent Blue-Collar Jobs = 485 = In Recession Blue-Collar Jobs = 485 = People Worldwide Blue-Collar Jobs = 485 = Clashed With Women Blue-Collar Jobs = 485 = Surplus of… Illiterate High School Graduates = 966 = Volunteer Registrars Illiterate High School Graduates = 966 = Romney, Scalia and Samuel Alito — Space Program = 491 = Manned Mission Space Program = 491 = Official Launch Space Program = 491 = Space Shuttle Space Program = 491 = Five Years Myn on Mars = 434 = The ‘New’ York Flying Saucers = 581 = We’re Seriously... Flying Saucers = 581 = For Clunkers Flying Saucers = 581 = He Claimed Bullock Flying Saucers = 581 = The Secure America Flying Saucers = 581 = The Defense Policy Flying Saucers = 581 = To Take Over Black Projects = 559 = Requiring Mandate — Oil and Gas Industry = 679 = Political Insiders Oil and Gas Industry = 679 = US Government Oil and Gas Industry = 679 = For Pulling The World Oil Spill = 345 = Guarantees Oil Spill = 345 = Job Losses Oil Spill = 345 = And Hijinks :---------------:o

································································· 9 : 50

The Complete ( Edited ) Listing :---------------:o More 666 Equivalencies : 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 = 666 =

Head of His Congregation The Most Spiritual Expected Opponent As The Work of Others a) The First Elections Expensive Race Presidential Run-In Pragmatic Schools Children And Seniors On Road Trip with The Dog Career? Recruited By... His Interests Within And Hired as The President And His Wife Received... Newfound Discipline His Local Position War? If Then— I Had Been Misguided. During His Pep Squad Crisis of Financial… The Most As A Swell Leader Nobel Peace Prize For ( ? Would Pin Their Hopes Show No Mercy To The… Children by Romney had… G.D.P. Recoveries In New York City Chicago’s South Side In Western Europe And (? Later; The Nobel Obama was named... Obama lived in with his... In The United ( ? ) : Barack Obama Later: I signed into Law (n n) I Was Passed In December The Earning Percent of... Terrorism? Also; Obama. With Health Assignments Signed Into Law by Obama Was… Year Between February And ( ? ) By Granting His First The Only Nation To Do... One Figure; The Most As... His Hope In February Of... e) His White Sox Jacket Fight Such Diseases as... That Might Interfere With Kennedy Tried To Tie In Utah’s Lake City; He... And Lacked The Chance To... To Ensure The Safety Eliminating Waste, Fraud... That Would in February Million And Over Images of What President? But for Republicans... a) The Human Beings Sin Can Be... And Appearances in Debates After Record Breaking His Additional Years of… That Stated Percent of... Mitt’s Position of... Paul’s Proposal of... Is Occurring; But... Included; Sliding Down It Only Considered... Conduct The Charges In Its Liberal Sense; The... Had Partially Established


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911 Equivalencies 911 is A Prime Number ! 911 = New York Times Best Seller 911 = Drinking, Smoking And Dating 911 = In Particular; Equality &… 911 = Based On His ( Romney) Business 911 = Romney’s Task Was; Add One Up 911 = From Spending His Own Money 911 = Back Into Parity Or Worse 911 = Having Once Supported 911 = Exceptions Cited, Regarding... 911 = Consultants And Clients 911 = Say; Give Up Your Wine 911 = Following Periods During Deal 911 = Main Political Positions 911 = Public Political Stances 911 = To Take Us Back To Reagan/Bush 911 = To Visit His Fathers For... 911 = Senator Ass From Illinois 911 = Initially Became Demoralized &… 911 = Low Income Red Taxis For Ct 911 = It’s Not Too Late To Stop The… 911 = Through Veterans Affairs 911 = The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act 911 = On Time In American History 911 = I Expanded Economy At Rate Of (n 911 = The Plan For Economic Growth 911 = Over Similar Creation 911 = The US; Which Health Care System? 911 = Intended To Stop The Well’s Flow 911 = Russian Administration Of... 911 = And Protect Civilians 911 = Was Rated As The Most Respected 911 = n) I Became Engaged Later That Summer 911 = The Sportuguese Have Obama 911 = Five Children By Romney 911 = That Leading Life Would Want To Be My... 911 = Romney Won The Gubernatorial 911 = And Later Recalled It As The Only 911 = Residence Up At Cranbrook 911 = School Clubs; Overall 911 = By The End Of His Stint In December 911 = And Finally Selling Value 911 = To Give Up Pregnancies 911 = Drivers For Licenses 911 = Whose Income Threshold Is Below 911 = Was The First Of Its Kind In The... 911 = Their Union Would Be Illegal If In... 911 = My Faith Is The Faith Of My Fathers 911 = Response Program In Relief 911 = American Exceptionalism &… 911 = The French Surgery Police :---------------:o Control Value : gawd’s Number : 700 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 =

Plane Waiting To Take Off In Its Most Beautiful Prominent Election Chair of The Six Years As It Happened; The State Ended Public Service Ideological Purity Edging The Vote Out To Be Home for The Holidays African American Hold To Paving Equality The Budget Control Act Protection Agency While From/To His Mother He Opposed Crisis of… Push Questions of… Rights Organization Companies Value National Media Attention In Military Spending Obama’s Party Expected ? At The Center; Not Where The... Disagreeing About The Lake In The Congressional ································································· 11 : 50

700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 = 700 =

To Determine, How Many of… And The Income Tax Rates To Cap The Uninsured Insurance Sector Tao: Main Components Enrollees Income That... Promoting States &… Lt. Commander Forces Main Article: Death of Osama Received In July Former Senator From Control of The House In Other Countries Obama Was Rated As The Tribune In Massachusetts; The... Master of Business &… Is The Supporter of; Republican Primary Gubernatorial Campaign Romney to Get Married Later; In Christian Faith Joined The Movement December Draft Lottery And Showed Organization Earned Reputation for… Regarding His Character Organizing Salt Lake LDS Church and The State The Only Feasible Way To Ban... Before Making Decision

:---------------:o Control Value : gawd’s Number : 777 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 = 777 =

From Dreams of His Memoir; To National Attention; Obama Resources to Work Geopolitical Views Had Five Years Shepherded Revise The Policy Within The Corruption Obama Formally Announced Was Born in Wichita Kansas Divest From South Law Firm Specializing in: Gingrich’s Past Record On The Senate Committees Was Over Viewed By... By Law: Was Into Obama ( The Lilly ) Which Ends The Process Of... To Italian Automaker; Fiat In December: Time Magazine Award At The Obama Family’s Net Worth Valuable To His Career Convinced Others Fraud was Discovered With More Bankruptcy And Its Investors The: William Kennedy Smith Three Years As President His Overall Campaign Money Spent by The State Escorted off The Aircraft


································································· 12 : 50

Word & Phrase Equivalences : This = That :---------------:o 587 is A Prime Number Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mittens Romney = 587 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 = Mitsy Romney = 560 =

Alcohol And Marijuana The State’s Children With The Federal Papers Justice John Paul Manned Mission To... The Worldwide “Deepening” Continued Growth Making People Up The Iranian Leadership David Petraeus Military Group Attended Obama’s Daughter Stated; Am Christian He Joined The Pep Squad Private Roof Romney; Well Funded ‘Acting’ Republican Southern Baptist Other Than The Money The Nation Pays? No! His Business Case

He Worked For Year Give To Banks Trillion At Least Fourth Quarter Act at The White House In The Media and Public Cleanup Plan and, and… Defense Capabilities He Said; “Shellacking” Specified Elsewhere And Increased The Fees Child of Automobile Differed from Most Mostly Money Expertise As Well Was In Remission I Live by My ’T’ His? Free and Strong With Scissors Got Great Religion Several Days

Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 = Mighty Romney = 527 =

Cosponsored Maximum Share of Predominantly Bomb The Compound And Times Square Most Powerful Peace Prize For… And; The Politician Thirty Months His Olympics The Candidate Himself The Religion Role Not Work Out Nations Capital Another Story Significantly Mormon Candidate

Mormon = 289 = The Start Mormon = 289 = The First The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints / Mormon = 1833 1833 = In Military Operation that Resulted in The Death of Osama Bin Laden 1833 = During Two Debates in Criticism of Free Market Capitalism 1833 = Promises to Invest More Heavily in Military 1833 = Recovered Quickly without needing The Surgery The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints = 1544 1544 = and Deceptive Practices In Federal Elections 1544 = Continuation of Unemployment Reduction 1544 = Obama Was Known As Barry In The American Civil War 1544 = So Came To My Christian Church Faith Later In Life 1544 = Dissatisfaction With Romney’s Administration 1544 = And— and; He Apologized For Any Pranks That Went Too Far ································································· 13 : 50

Bain Capital = 310 = Bain Capital = 310 = Bain Capital = 310 = Bain Capital = 310 = Bain Capital = 310 = Bain Capital = 310 = Bain Capital = 310 = Bain Capital = 310 =

Let Me Say; Maximum Tax Relief For Those The Union Real Estate and The Other Latterday

:---------------:o Michelle Robinson-Obama = 675 = President George W Bush Maliaann Obama = 300 = Daughters Maliaann Obama = 300 = New Start Natasha Obama = 258 = The Next Natasha Obama = 258 = Pizza Natasha Obama = 258 = Challenge Christian = 352 = Christian = 352 = Christian = 352 = Christian = 352 = Christian = 352 =

Economy By Saying We Not Enough As Management Mormons

Honolulu = 369 = And Buried at Sea Kenyan Descent = 554 = Kenyan Descent = 554 = Kenyan Descent = 554 = Kenyan Descent = 554 = Kenyan Descent = 554 = Kenyan Descent = 554 = Kenyan Descent = 554 = Kenyan Descent = 554 = Kenyan Descent = 554 = Kenyan Descent = 554 = Kenyan Descent = 554 =

The First Wrong Of… To Begin: Proposed Their Hostility Group Found That… Press Charges and… And Unapologetic License and Wanting Released Statement Federal Legislation Healthcare Costs The Rest Of The Year

African American = 495 = African American = 495 = African American = 495 = African American = 495 = African American = 495 = African American = 495 = African American = 495 = African American = 495 = African American = 495 = African American = 495 = African American = 495 = African American = 495 = African American = 495 = African American = 495 = African American = 495 =

As President Obama Member of The Senate Tax Loopholes Campaigning for Missionaries Won The Election He Reduced Budgets People Without Media Events Early Romney While’s Herman Cain Rival Days And makes Medicaid Awards & Honors People Ask Me If…

American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = American Civil Rights = 865 = Chicago Illinois = 574 = Chicago Illinois = 574 = Chicago Illinois = 574 = Chicago Illinois = 574 = Chicago Illinois = 574 = Chicago Illinois = 574 = Chicago Illinois = 574 = Chicago Illinois = 574 = Chicago Illinois = 574 = Chicago Illinois = 574 = Chicago Illinois = 574 = Chicago Illinois = 574 =

He Is The First; United States... Policy Initiatives Alcohol, Marijuana and Cocaine Originally Comprising Father of University Participate in The Election Deceptive Practices Globally Competitive Obama; Raise The Nation’s Debt Limit Meeting of The United Nations Capital of Acquisitions Little? But Medicine Is Bitter Necessary To Save The... Massachusetts Problems Will Support President Allowing Each State To Decide On...

Death of Osama Bin Laden in… Became Inactive Permits & Leases Similar To Ronald… Best Spoken Word His College Years Later As President And Family that would… Seek ReElection Dissatisfaction The Sovereign Corporations ································································· 14 : 50

Hollywood Influence = 698 = Less Than Ten Percent Hollywood Influence = 698 = Meeting Israel And Poland Hollywood Influence = 698 = High School Sweethearts 683 is A Prime Number ! Harvard Law School = 683 = Harvard Law School = 683 = Harvard Law School = 683 = Harvard Law School = 683 = Harvard Law School = 683 = Harvard Law School = 683 = Harvard Law School = 683 =

Million Viewers Prohibiting Policy Promoting Middle East Until Kindergarten Two Cents Per Gallon Are Also Obvious Fully Internalized

:---------------:o Hillary Rodham Clinton = 760 = Hillary Rodham Clinton = 760 = Hillary Rodham Clinton = 760 = Hillary Rodham Clinton = 760 = Hillary Rodham Clinton = 760 =

States; Combat Mission Thatcher/Obama Has Half-Sister Republican Nomination Into Parity Or Worse Increased Domestic Oil

:---------------:o Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Osama Bin Laden = 343 = Osama Bin Laden = 343 =

President Obama; My Mind Seven To Arrest Asia and Africa Company Department War Article Audiobook US Effort Was Profit Which Would He? Help People Confused Equality

War = 81 = New 601 is A Prime Number ! War on Terrorism = 601 = War on Terrorism = 601 = War on Terrorism = 601 = War on Terrorism = 601 = War on Terrorism = 601 = War on Terrorism = 601 = War on Terrorism = 601 = War on Terrorism = 601 = War on Terrorism = 601 = War on Terrorism = 601 = War on Terrorism = 601 = War on Terrorism = 601 = War on Terrorism = 601 = War on Terrorism = 601 = War on Terrorism = 601 =

The Obama Presidency Orderly America &… Themes of Education Until The End In Iraq He Described Household And Television The City; Salt Lake He Was Very Good Showed Republicans The Opponents Said… The Rules of Medicaid Considerable Effort Political Action Newt Began Voting And Steve Forbes

Military Personnel = 722 = Military Personnel = 722 = Military Personnel = 722 = Military Personnel = 722 = Military Personnel = 722 = Military Personnel = 722 = Military Personnel = 722 = Military Personnel = 722 = Military Personnel = 722 = Military Personnel = 722 = Military Personnel = 722 = Military Personnel = 722 = Military Personnel = 722 = Military Personnel = 722 =

Chicago Community Spaceflight To The Moon Authorized Department Houses of Congress And The Seizure of Bin Laden Praise and Criticism Olympic Committee The Years of Negotiating US Constitution Should Be Americas Highest… Gave Him Its Truce and President Was Killed For Business Managers Religious Equality

Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 =

Against Hillary Rodham The Protection Act Ovarian Cancer For Pakistan and India Veterans Affairs As Symbolic; Because… Mission To Mars &… And Reducing Healthcare The Effort of Leadership ································································· 15 : 50

Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 = Homeland Security = 650 =

Computer Papers Rev. Jeremiah Wright Paul Ryan-Romney Was Mother Native? Social Experience Flexible Application People Struggling With Whom He Felt Were Women The Stock Market The Unrealistic Were… Not To Worry, Is Job Church Succeeds re: But Never The Law

United Nations Security Council = 1306 1306 = Church based Community Organization 1306 = and Neighborhood Economic Development 1306 = Made Him The Overnight Rising Star Within 1306 = Homeland and Health Education, Labor and Pensions 1306 = The United States Vetoed Security 1306 = Intervention Article In Military 1306 = The Firm Invested/Made Large Returns In… 1306 = Also Formulated Sunday Services 1306 = Restructured Romney Olympics 1306 = Romney Also Closed Them Tax Loopholes 1306 = Still Received Without Insurance 1306 = His Economic and Geopolitical Views 1306 = Abortion; Except In Cases of Incest, Rape Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Collateral Damage = 465 = Foreign Relations = 596 = Foreign Relations = 596 = Foreign Relations = 596 = Foreign Relations = 596 = Foreign Relations = 596 = Foreign Relations = 596 = Foreign Relations = 596 = Foreign Relations = 596 = Foreign Relations = 596 = Foreign Relations = 596 = Foreign Relations = 596 = Foreign Relations = 596 = Foreign Relations = 596 =

My White Mother Raising Funds For Law School State Capitol Making People Interview Main Article : War Times Square Rev. Jeremiah Sevenfold Blind Trusts Among Candidates Political Life Currency Opposite Lane Between Parallels Neither Party Wall Street Reform To Show No Mercy Most Spiritual As Work of Others The Way In The Church The Next Two Years More Than Days Out The Role of Religion With Palin and Huckabee Consistently Responsibility The State; As It Happened That; and Violent

:---------------:o United States of America = 750 = United States of America = 750 = United States of America = 750 = United States of America = 750 = United States of America = 750 = United States of America = 750 = United States of America = 750 = United States of America = 750 = United States of America = 750 = United States of America = 750 =

To Drop Sick People He Was Granted Visits His Social Experience Suspicious of Fire Bush Responded; Romney Conservatism and… An Additional Olympics In The Democratic Leaders Considered Suspect When Greatly Relieved

1009 is A Prime Number! House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 =

Undergraduate Economics Degree College Preparatory School Replace The Ryan in November The Democratic Party Candidates Motivated? Include Crimes Nato Took Over Leadership As Crowds Gathered; The Country... Largest Of Its Kind in The Nation ································································· 16 : 50

House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 = House of Representatives = 1009 =

Campaigns During ‘His’ Business Of Leadership? The Church Of Jesus To Focus from The Startups My View; The Best Security Construction Process Overrode All The Vetoes Additional Cuts in His Last Year Romney Revealed In Amendment Social Conservatism Of... Later Saying; Financial Crisis And as Vulture Capitalism Exceptions Regarding Abortion

The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 = The Supreme Court = 680 =

Passage of Legislation International Family In American History Premiums Will Be From… Independent Business Outside The White House Acknowledged Wrong Obama Strong Support American Ancestors Mostly From Sales He Has Since Apologized Political Pundits The Worst Day of His Life And Abortion Should Be Safe The First of Its Kind Promising To Seek… With The Highest Incomes Or; Out of Business

Small Government = 736 = Small Government = 736 = Small Government = 736 = Small Government = 736 = Small Government = 736 = Small Government = 736 = Small Government = 736 = Small Government = 736 = Small Government = 736 = Small Government = 736 = Small Government = 736 = Small Government = 736 =

Divorced Parents Science Professor Protection and Affordable Humbling and Shellacking Purchase Insurance Would Be Illegal In Their Home Skeptics Issues Business Experience Especially In Weak Field Support President Law: In School, In Public The Children and Seniors

Political Missteps = 737 = Political Missteps = 737 = Political Missteps = 737 = Political Missteps = 737 = Political Missteps = 737 = Political Missteps = 737 = Political Missteps = 737 = Political Missteps = 737 = Political Missteps = 737 =

Increased Tax Credits Vice President Joe The Worldwide Recession Nicotine Replacement To Understand The Power Highly Profitable Capital An Effective Tax Rate Ruled Unanimously I’ve Got Your Wine

Three Ring Circus = 658 = Three Ring Circus = 658 = Three Ring Circus = 658 = Three Ring Circus = 658 = Three Ring Circus = 658 = Three Ring Circus = 658 = Three Ring Circus = 658 = Three Ring Circus = 658 = Three Ring Circus = 658 = Three Ring Circus = 658 = Three Ring Circus = 658 = Three Ring Circus = 658 = Three Ring Circus = 658 =

Democratic National He Only Died Once In Hawai`i Following High School Another Antiwar Rally To Be Elected President Vice President The Islamic World and The… Obama’s Administration Buy Health Insurance Developed By The CIA His Business Career The Budget Proposals The Mormon Bias Against…

Trillions = 404 = Trillions = 404 = Trillions = 404 = Trillions = 404 = Trillions = 404 = Trillions = 404 =

The Military Romney Said; Worst Day of… Abuse of Power I’m Familiar With… They Say That

································································· 17 : 50

Real Americans = 448 = Real Americans = 448 = Real Americans = 448 = Real Americans = 448 = Real Americans = 448 = Real Americans = 448 = Real Americans = 448 = Real Americans = 448 = Real Americans = 448 =

English Language From My Father and Themes of Hope War In Afghanistan The Years of Obama Public Attended Business Path I’m That Abortion Father Grandfather

American Businessman = 697 = American Businessman = 697 = American Businessman = 697 = American Businessman = 697 = American Businessman = 697 = American Businessman = 697 = American Businessman = 697 = American Businessman = 697 = American Businessman = 697 = American Businessman = 697 = Cultural Revolution = 1001 = Cultural Revolution = 1001 = Cultural Revolution = 1001 = Cultural Revolution = 1001 = Cultural Revolution = 1001 = Cultural Revolution = 1001 = Cultural Revolution = 1001 = Cultural Revolution = 1001 = Cultural Revolution = 1001 = Progressive Views = 963 = Progressive Views = 963 = Progressive Views = 963 = Progressive Views = 963 = Progressive Views = 963 = Progressive Views = 963 = Progressive Views = 963 = Progressive Views = 963 = Progressive Views = 963 = Progressive Views = 963 = Progressive Views = 963 = Progressive Views = 963 =

Being Heavily Modified Troops Levels US Troop Strength National Security Role In The Vietnam How Many Jobs, Exactly? The Personal Scandals Series of Work Days Perfectly Sincere Careers In Business

Legalization of Samesex Marriage Also Includes Medical Spending The Business Is; They Work For… In Private Equity Firms In/of Suspicious Origins Focal Point For Opposition ed: He Plays A Political Outsider Highlighting The Television Ads The Next Businesses Over…

Nothing Like The People Around Partly Based Upon Politics Presidential Government and States; Better Exploitation Directing The US Military To… The Unemployment President Closure of Corporate Tax Alleviating The Concerns The Games Ended Up With Surplus Who? Past Rival; Ted Kennedy But Have Banned Samesex Marriage Alternatives To Romney

227 is A Prime Number ! Unfair = 227 = People Unfair = 227 = Obama and Joe Unfair = 227 = Baptism :---------------:o Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 = Rich vs Poor = 638 =

Democratic Party To Divest From Of Small Quantity September and October Budget Office Figures Master of Business Students Came There He Became President of The… Its Role Exactly Public Statements Equity Business Outside Their Estate Their Baby For Adoption Again Candidate Romney Campaign Made Romney For Their Lives And Mitts Was Affluent

The Financial Crisis = 667 = The Financial Crisis = 667 = The Financial Crisis = 667 = The Financial Crisis = 667 = The Financial Crisis = 667 =

Health Care and Education Worldwide Recession Without Insurance For Individuals Suffered Broken Ribs

································································· 18 : 50

Unemployment = 550 = Unemployment = 550 = Unemployment = 550 = Unemployment = 550 = Unemployment = 550 = Unemployment = 550 = Unemployment = 550 = Unemployment = 550 = Unemployment = 550 = Unemployment = 550 = Unemployment = 550 =

Recovery The Manuscript Must Be Something Roots In Ireland White Sox Jacket And The Car Accident Even If; Career In Annual Dollars And Severance of The Uninsured Cases of Incest

409 is A Prime Number ! Recession = 409 = From Fifth Grade Recession = 409 = Establishment Recession = 409 = Industry Recession = 409 = of Education Recession = 409 = The Seizure Recession = 409 = Health Costs Recession = 409 = That Project Recession = 409 = Romney Won 233 is A Prime Number ! Deficit = 223 = Newborn Deficit = 223 = Fiscal Deficit = 223 = Married Deficit = 223 = Earning Deficit = 223 = Years Deficit = 223 = Billion Deficit = 223 = Had Slowed Deficit = 223 = The Salt Chinese Loans = 446 = Chinese Loans = 446 = Chinese Loans = 446 = Chinese Loans = 446 = Chinese Loans = 446 = Chinese Loans = 446 = Chinese Loans = 446 = Chinese Loans = 446 = Chinese Loans = 446 = Chinese Loans = 446 = Chinese Loans = 446 = Chinese Loans = 446 = Chinese Loans = 446 = Loopholes = 366 = Loopholes = 366 = Loopholes = 366 = Loopholes = 366 = Loopholes = 366 = Loopholes = 366 = Loopholes = 366 = Loopholes = 366 = Loopholes = 366 = Loopholes = 366 = Loopholes = 366 = Loopholes = 366 = Money = 236 = Money = 236 = Money = 236 = Money = 236 = Money = 236 = Money = 236 = Money = 236 = Money = 236 = Money = 236 =

Senate Police From School Family Members Chief Justice With Company On His Income Budget? That Much! Not Partisan Least Afford Them Faith Is; The Faith of… For The Problem Years Earlier Grip First and…

Pensions Against The War Global Warming Candidate For Conflict Its Cost Spending Began The US Role On Abortion He Vetoed His Square Barrage Against

Marriage Class Payday He Said ‘That’ Mayor of Rome Baptized Enjoyed High Reward

Love of Money = 612 = Love of Money = 612 = Love of Money = 612 = Love of Money = 612 = Love of Money = 612 = Love of Money = 612 = Love of Money = 612 = Love of Money = 612 = Love of Money = 612 = Love of Money = 612 =

Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell Senate Committees Combat Operations Tomahawk Missiles Symbolic Salary Except Abortions It Was Obvious Leadership Crisis Public Response State The Loopholes

································································· 19 : 50

461 is A Prime Number ! Personal Wealth = 461 = The Republic of… Personal Wealth = 461 = and Democracy Personal Wealth = 461 = Children’s Health Personal Wealth = 461 = Creates Limit Personal Wealth = 461 = Peace Prize and… Personal Wealth = 461 = That Kind of Life Personal Wealth = 461 = Is Unknown Personal Wealth = 461 = Had Lasting Effect Personal Wealth = 461 = As Well Figures… Personal Wealth = 461 = Romney; Right Personal Wealth = 461 = Money Spent Personal Wealth = 461 = Parts of More Personal Wealth = 461 = Resources Personal Wealth = 461 = Evaporated Personal Wealth = 461 = With Lee Iacocca Blue-Collar Jobs = 485 = Blue-Collar Jobs = 485 = Blue-Collar Jobs = 485 = Blue-Collar Jobs = 485 = Blue-Collar Jobs = 485 = Blue-Collar Jobs = 485 = Blue-Collar Jobs = 485 = Blue-Collar Jobs = 485 = Blue-Collar Jobs = 485 =

Job Creation Act In Recession The Congo Relief Who Look Like… People Worldwide Romney/Ryan Romney Left Bain Clashed With Women Surplus of…

433 is A Prime Number ! The Damp Masses = 433 = The Damp Masses = 433 = The Damp Masses = 433 = The Damp Masses = 433 = The Damp Masses = 433 = The Damp Masses = 433 = The Damp Masses = 433 =

No Impact On… Recommend New: Mercy To The… Another Chance Father’s Family Devils of… Flip Flopper

Illiterate High School Graduates = 966 = Illiterate High School Graduates = 966 = Illiterate High School Graduates = 966 = Illiterate High School Graduates = 966 = Illiterate High School Graduates = 966 = Sexual Predators = 632 = Sexual Predators = 632 = Sexual Predators = 632 = Sexual Predators = 632 = Sexual Predators = 632 = Sexual Predators = 632 =

His Undergraduate Economics Volunteer Registrars The United States In Front of The… Sovereign Authority of… Romney, Scalia and Samuel Alito

Multiracial Heritage Charitable Foundation With Family Problems The Campaign Approach The Use of Mandatory… Treatments Should Be…

:---------------:o Oil and Gas Industry = 679 = Oil and Gas Industry = 679 = Oil and Gas Industry = 679 = Oil and Gas Industry = 679 = Oil and Gas Industry = 679 = Oil and Gas Industry = 679 = Oil and Gas Industry = 679 = Oil and Gas Industry = 679 = Oil and Gas Industry = 679 =

The Republican Candidate US Government Egypt Calling For New… For Pulling The World That Made Large Returns Into Bankruptcy Guide The Congregation Mormon Doctrines Political Insiders

Oil Spill = 345 = Guarantees Oil Spill = 345 = Job Losses Oil Spill = 345 = And Hijinks 743 is A Prime Number Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 = Automobile Industry = 743 =

Access To Emergency Include Mitt Romney Straighten Out What Was Held Speech; House Divided Across Party Lines When Issuing Financial Aid Paternal Relatives The Great White Savior The Military Commander Year Of Job Protection Italian Automaker Fiat and… Relations With Russia Gubernatorial Election The Pranks May Have…? Increased Its Number Of... Closed Tax Loopholes Cases Of Incest and Rape ································································· 20 : 50

193 is A Prime Number Banks = 193 = Wherein Banks = 193 = Rape And Banks = 193 = Highest Banks = 193 = And Maya Banks = 193 = Blind In... Banks = 193 = Woods :---------------:o Great Britain = 351 = Great Britain = 351 = Great Britain = 351 = Great Britain = 351 = Great Britain = 351 = Great Britain = 351 = Great Britain = 351 = Great Britain = 351 = Great Britain = 351 =

Imperfect The Troubled Star Within From World Hate Crimes Tax Breaks The Spinoff Their Estate Lives

211 is A Prime Number France = 211 = Says France = 211 = Affordable France = 211 = Canadian France = 211 = Israel Israel = 211 = Al Arabiya Israel = 211 = That Faith Israel = 211 = Irked Iraq = 148 = Iraq = 148 = Iraq = 148 = Iraq = 148 = Iraq = 148 = Iraq = 148 =

Between Death and… Obama and… Games Before Great

Iran = 138 = Iran = 138 = Iran = 138 = Iran = 138 =

Duel The Bomb Trade Lady

Islamic = 276 = Church North Korea = 428 = North Korea = 428 = North Korea = 428 = North Korea = 428 = North Korea = 428 = North Korea = 428 = North Korea = 428 = North Korea = 428 = North Korea = 428 = North Korea = 428 = North Korea = 428 = North Korea = 428 = North Korea = 428 = North Korea = 428 = North Korea = 428 =

His Character Complicated Be Achieved By… Limitations Of Political As Symbolic My Mind Was— Obama Romney Became; Its First Of... Opposing and… Equity For… Not Wanting Deal Health Reform Law Midway Candidate Running Mate

Afghanistan = 291 = Afghanistan = 291 = Afghanistan = 291 = Afghanistan = 291 = Afghanistan = 291 = Afghanistan = 291 = Afghanistan = 291 = Afghanistan = 291 = Afghanistan = 291 = Afghanistan = 291 = Afghanistan = 291 =

Said Those; The United The Nation Bitter But, Guilty Had Trouble With Dilemma On Power To Ten Obama Norwegian Irked Him

Libya = 143 = Flip Hispanics = 362 = Hispanics = 362 = Hispanics = 362 = Hispanics = 362 = Hispanics = 362 = Hispanics = 362 = Hispanics = 362 = Hispanics = 362 =

Symbolic Favored Prohibiting Both Parties No Mercy Public Image Handsomely Apologized ································································· 21 : 50

Illegal Immigration = 595 = Illegal Immigration = 595 = Illegal Immigration = 595 = Illegal Immigration = 595 = Illegal Immigration = 595 = Illegal Immigration = 595 = Illegal Immigration = 595 = Illegal Immigration = 595 = Illegal Immigration = 595 =

National Attention To Be African American Change In Direction Got Relatives? Varsity Team For More Equity Questions About Campaign Speaking Officially Florida

:---------------:o Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Masturbating in Public = 744 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 = Freedom of Speech = 507 =

American to Hold The Office Until His Resignation Start Arms Control His Active Engagement The Lameduck Session And To Curb Emissions Increase in Job Creation In The Civil Rights And Path To Be Cleansed Of Sin The College of Humanities Sat on The Board of Staples The Medical and Industrial Learned That She Had Multiple... This Other Country And Legal Expertise as Well Lobbied Aggressively And The Leadership Crisis And Opposing The Former Which Nearly Requires... Sclerosis Therapies Next in Line to be Chosen d) An Unapologetic Defense His Positions were that… Romney Made Comments Could Straighten Out Expanding Coverage Father George and Steve Waiting? Board an Air Canada Plane

The Desire Of Some Who Do Not Have And Criticized Suggesting That His Two Years Of… My Job Is Not To… Love You Can You Imagine Anthropology As Young Adult Most Of His Time And Regulations House Speaker Costs Of These For More Details; Pharmaceutical Plainly as This Education League Differ Markedly Bankruptcy Highest Incomes And Pretending to… Which Tax Shelter Him? Vulcan.

SameSex Marriage and Civil Unions = 1253 1253 = Ovarian Cancer and Uterine Cancer 1253 = The Torch had Not Been Passed to New Generation 1253 = Private Road Trip with Dog On The Roof 1253 = Is Unknown Due To Lack of Records 1253 = Romney Declared; Believe In My Speech 1253 = Similar To The Massachusetts Health Care Gay Marriage = 344 = Gay Marriage = 344 = Gay Marriage = 344 = Gay Marriage = 344 = Gay Marriage = 344 = Gay Marriage = 344 = Gay Marriage = 344 = Gay Marriage = 344 = Gay Marriage = 344 =

He Remarried He Tony Blair Similar In... Zone Leader Steve The Greatest His Party Ruled This To Take Off ································································· 22 : 50

Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Lesbian Marriage = 422 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 = Womyn's Rights = 531 =

Unexpected Mismanagement No Doctrine President Joe Justice John The Operation Media Reaction The Confederate In The Church Helping Soon The Many Homes Pregnancies Bush/Romney No Stories

To Live By It Paving The Way Died In An Automobile Who Was Not At Fault The Experiences And Iraq Policy Obama Presidency Out Against The War Supporters And Ground Zero After The Death Of Osama And The Peace Prize Obama Is Christian Corporate Tax Richard M Nixon Don’t Know What Is Family Road Trip Salt Lake City His Performance Damaged Him in The Senate Was Not Partisan ...Of Mitt Romney The Money Spent Of Incest and Rape

271 is A Prime Number ! Abortion = 271 = One Year Abortion = 271 = Creates Abortion = 271 = Parties Abortion = 271 = Oil Leak Abortion = 271 = One Woman Right to Life = 368 = Right to Life = 368 = Right to Life = 368 = Right to Life = 368 = Right to Life = 368 = Right to Life = 368 = Right to Life = 368 = Right to Life = 368 = Right to Life = 368 = Right to Life = 368 = Right to Life = 368 = Right to Life = 368 = Fetal Rights = 355 = Fetal Rights = 355 = Fetal Rights = 355 = Fetal Rights = 355 = Fetal Rights = 355 = Fetal Rights = 355 = Fetal Rights = 355 =

Elementary Emergency However Obligations Holidays War Muammar Gaddafi From Dreams Demoralized Unknown Car Windows The Citron After Years For People And Half Years First Time Anti-Iraq War Strategic Paul Ryan Realistic

:---------------:o The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act = 1310 1310 = Fulfilling Key Promise Made of Repeal Act 1310 = Foreign Relations With Russia and Europe 1310 = Troop Strength In Afghanistan He Announced 1310 = Believed To Be In The Location of Osama Bin Laden 1310 = Body Was Identified Through DNA Testing and Buried 1310 = As Well As Rated : The Most Popular World Leader

································································· 23 : 50

Universal Health Care = 793 = Universal Health Care = 793 = Universal Health Care = 793 = Universal Health Care = 793 = Universal Health Care = 793 = Universal Health Care = 793 = Universal Health Care = 793 = Universal Health Care = 793 = Universal Health Care = 793 = Universal Health Care = 793 = Universal Health Care = 793 = Health Insurance = 519 = Health Insurance = 519 = Health Insurance = 519 = Health Insurance = 519 = Health Insurance = 519 = Health Insurance = 519 = Health Insurance = 519 = Health Insurance = 519 = Health Insurance = 519 = Health Insurance = 519 = Health Insurance = 519 = Health Insurance = 519 = Health Insurance = 519 = Medicaid = 215 = Medicaid = 215 = Medicaid = 215 = Medicare = 247 = Medicare = 247 = Medicare = 247 = Medicaid = 215 = Medicaid = 215 = Medicaid = 215 =

These Provisions As Per Medical Treatments On Venture Capital Olympics To Propel… Innovatively Was: We’re Not The Essential Law Republican Opponents Said Something That’s Just Clarence ‘Antonin’ Thomas Hydraulic Fracturing And Those Said: ‘Illegal Shelter’

Same-Sex Marriage Radioactive The Elimination of… Traditional Rite Was Effective Had No Clear Winner Smallest Margin Light Foundation With Surplus Square and Ample Jaw Speech In America Called; Strategy Those Ill People

Temple Helping Us All Injured Public Somewhat Against Crime With NSA

Romneycare = 440 = In Enacting Death :---------------:o 491 is A Prime Number ! Space Program = 491 = Out of My Mind Space Program = 491 = Neurological Space Program = 491 = Obama Was Also Member Space Program = 491 = This Discharges Space Program = 491 = Manned Mission Space Program = 491 = Official Launch Space Program = 491 = Space Shuttle Space Program = 491 = He Was An Automobile Space Program = 491 = New Private Space Program = 491 = Greatest Winter Space Program = 491 = Five Years Myn on Mars = 434 = Myn on Mars = 434 = Myn on Mars = 434 = Myn on Mars = 434 = Myn on Mars = 434 = Myn on Mars = 434 = Myn on Mars = 434 = Myn on Mars = 434 = Myn on Mars = 434 = Myn on Mars = 434 = Myn on Mars = 434 = Myn on Mars = 434 = Myn on Mars = 434 = Myn on Mars = 434 = Myn on Mars = 434 =

Creation Act The New York As Dreams From Another AntiWar In Both Houses Does Not Allow No Fly Zone Best Spoken For The Money He Oversaw Park City Republicans His Motorboat And All Mormon An Air Canada Plane

Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 =

Videotaping of The Secure America Italian Automaker For Clunkers Had Only Trillion Campaign Promise Meeting of The United The Defense Policy Believe Christ The Seventh Grade Unpaid Position To Take Over He Claimed Bullock In Another Million… ································································· 24 : 50

Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 = Flying Saucers = 581 =

Could Help People SameSex Marriage and… Prohibits Alcohol We’re Seriously Equality Making

Black Projects = 559 = Black Projects = 559 = Black Projects = 559 = Black Projects = 559 = Black Projects = 559 = Black Projects = 559 = Black Projects = 559 = Black Projects = 559 = Black Projects = 559 = Black Projects = 559 = Black Projects = 559 = Black Projects = 559 = Black Projects = 559 = Black Projects = 559 = Black Projects = 559 =

To Her Newborn Son Laws He Sponsored Too Late To Stop Include Crimes Out of Pocket Requiring Mandate Was Over Iraq Air Strikes To… US Olympics And The Olympics Decreased The Deficit Public Crisis Say; My Job is Not… Outing Romney Turning Around

:---------------:o The Death of Television = 764 = The Death of Television = 764 = The Death of Television = 764 = The Death of Television = 764 = The Death of Television = 764 = Robotics = 352 = Robotics = 352 = Robotics = 352 = Robotics = 352 = Robotics = 352 = Robotics = 352 = Robotics = 352 =

Devils Advocate Bill Signed Into Law By Obama Was… Speculated To Include… Fracturing Fracking Another Is That Education

Incumbent Obama Resigned Economy By Saying ‘We’ Not Enough Christian As Management

Artificial Intelligence = 746 = Artificial Intelligence = 746 = Artificial Intelligence = 746 = Artificial Intelligence = 746 = Artificial Intelligence = 746 = Artificial Intelligence = 746 = Artificial Intelligence = 746 = Artificial Intelligence = 746 = Artificial Intelligence = 746 = Artificial Intelligence = 746 = Artificial Intelligence = 746 = Artificial Intelligence = 746 = Artificial Intelligence = 746 =

and Human Services Because It Was Symbolic Job Training Program Up Was Sworn In As Senator The Race Remaining Close Less of The Average Than… Overhauling The US Something Must Be Wrong An American Businessman The Business Schools As The Worst Day of His Life Gun Licenses To Raise Skepticism By Some

:---------------:o The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Role of Magick = 562 = The Great Cabbage = 306 = The Great Cabbage = 306 = The Great Cabbage = 306 = The Great Cabbage = 306 = The Great Cabbage = 306 = The Great Cabbage = 306 = The Great Cabbage = 306 = Evolution = 548 = Evolution = 548 = Evolution = 548 = Evolution = 548 = Evolution = 548 =

First President Presidential Debates Be Elected President For The First Three He Spoke Globally From My Dreams of… United Trinity Latterday Saints Issues Sought Have Abortions Vacation Home During His Speech It Derailed Romney Use of Mandatory Is Occurring Our Citizens Mother Was… Justice Argument In The Green By Choice Game Changer Hard Scrabble

The Class Action To Improve Innovation Deprivation Difficulties With… ································································· 25 : 50

Creationism = 453 = Creationism = 453 = Creationism = 453 = Creationism = 453 = Creationism = 453 = Creationism = 453 =

Cell Research Greenhouse Gas Clunkers Continuing The Audacity of… Who Saw Religion

Intelligent Design = 572 = Intelligent Design = 572 = Intelligent Design = 572 = Intelligent Design = 572 = Intelligent Design = 572 = Intelligent Design = 572 = Intelligent Design = 572 =

Virtually My World View The Senate Election Basketball Court Five Percent Many Weaknesses Out of Business

A Reasonable, Intelligent Designer = 933 = A Reasonable, Intelligent Designer = 933 = A Reasonable, Intelligent Designer = 933 = A Reasonable, Intelligent Designer = 933 = A Reasonable, Intelligent Designer = 933 = A Reasonable, Intelligent Designer = 933 = A Reasonable, Intelligent Designer = 933 = A Reasonable, Intelligent Designer = 933 =

Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell— Policy As Candidate For Electricity Known Also As The Public Plan Reestablishment of Military Aid Nonprofit Organizations Investment Decisions Solve Social Problems That Would Become Part of My Agenda

:---------------:o Toenails = 294 = Toenails = 294 = Toenails = 294 = Toenails = 294 =

Nobel Peace Disaster Baptists of Jesus

Paralympics = 496 = Fifteen Candidates Paralympics = 496 = Great Humility Lame = 102 = An Arab Lame = 102 = Ideal


································································· 26 : 50

Predictions via 2012 Equivalencies 2012 = 2012 = 2012 = 2012 = 2012 = 2012 = 2012 = 2012 =

His March in The Illinois Democratic Primary Victory From Until His Graduation from Fifth Grade Preparatory School To Focus on His Transition Period of The Lameduck Session And Hillary Clinton Called for Her Supporters to Endorse Obama Or International Organizations that Perform Family Planning To Buy American Health Insurance was Unconstitutional, Son Sitting Meeting of The First President to Preside Over Us Obama Won For Pulling Out The Best of The World Economic Downturn

:---------------:O Predictions Via 2013 Equivalencies 2013 = 2013 = 2013 = 2013 = 2013 = 2013 =

As Young Social Adult; Described His Struggles to Reconcile During His General Election Homicide Campaign of Interrogations That ‘That Path’ Gives Me Faith To Be Cleansed of Sin and Have Eternal Life The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in The Boston Area Executives Viewed in Him as Having Bright Future There He Had Been That Severely Conservative Governor

:---------------:O Predictions Via 2014 Equivalencies 2014 = Several in The United States House of Representatives 2014 = Obama in With Police Organizations, Enacting Death Penalty Reforms 2014 = Funding New Rocket Type Projects and Earth Science Research 2014 = Unitedly He Spoke; Make The Global States More Competitive 2014 = Benjamin Netanyahu To Continue Building Jewish Housing Projects 2014 = Far More Comfortable Accommodations than He Previously had 2014 = Saw His Greatest Hurdle in Gaining The Republican Party Nomination 2014 = I’ll Never Convince Them To Worry About those People :---------------:O Predictions Via 2015 Equivalencies 2015 = 2015 = 2015 = 2015 = 2015 = 2015 = 2015 =

Following Until His Resignation; Serving His Presidential... The U.S. Increased Military Cooperation with Obama Administration Then Seizure of Papers And Computer Drives and Lead Disks And before Being Elected President he Met with Prominent Foreign Figures As The Worst Day of His Life; After Experiencing Two Years of Tests Another Million from Businesses Over The next Two Years Romney Revealed Change of View; In Regarding, Marriage Amendment

:---------------:O Predictions Via 2016 Equivalencies 2016 = 2016 = 2016 = 2016 = 2016 = 2016 = 2016 = 2016 = 2016 = 2016 = 2016 =

Military Increased Troop Involvement in The Iraq War Nominated First Hispanic Supreme Court Justice; Elena Kagan Overcame The Taxes Compromise/Opposition From Some Lady Draws Pint of Stout at The Ollie Hayes Pub in Moneygall Ireland That Highly Profitable Private Equity Investment Firm Until Changes Were Implemented; Romney Became VicePresident Bain? That to Romney; There was No Financial or Professional Risk Romney Took The Curling Position before The Match Event And Advocated Tolerance; But Supported Civil Unions As One Health Care Reform Passed during Romney’s Associated Term To Define The Union of Us; Marriage As One Man and One Constitution

:---------------:o Year of Founding : 1776 = Equivalencies 1776 = Prize Laureate In April; He Announced that He would be Running 1776 = He Visited Barack where He Remarried; In Hawaii ( Only in ‘Kenya’ ) 1776 = Obama Was Member Of The Self Named ‘Choom Gang’; ( Was Also Out Of My Mind ) 1776 = Where in Kenya; He Met for Many of His Paternal Relatives 1776 = Was, At The End, Selected as An Editor of The Harvard Law Review 1776 = Program Providing One Year of Job Protection for… 1776 = As The Member of The Senates Subcommittee on European Affairs 1776 = Retiring Associate Justice Was John Paul Stevens 1776 = And They Weren’t Folks Who went to Church Every Week 1776 = From Backgrounds Even More Privileged than his 1776 = Bain Capital; Found Guilty of Defrauding The Government 1776 = And People who Do Not Have Adequate Employer Insurance 1776 = Participated in Some High School Hijinks & Pranks that… 1776 = Five Former Classmates Detained by The Local Police in… ································································· 27 : 50

Year of Discovery : 1492 = Equivalencies 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 = 1492 =

Candidates for President And Vice President Later Serving as Its Chief Executive His Became One of The Largest of Its Kind In The Nation Presidential Party Primaries Against Hillary During A Bout; Using: Alcohol, Marijuana And Cocaine The Police Record The Race of Toy Drivers Introduced Two Initiatives that Bore His Name Obama and U.S. : Warrantless Wiretapping Operations Act to Add Safeguards for Personality Disorder First Presidential Day Trips Made by Barack’s Obama Replace Retiring Associate Justice John Paul United States More Competitive Globally Enforces Budget Control Act of The Legislation By The End; Congress Wanted to Approve ‘Which Obama’ Provide Prohibiting Denial of Health Care Benefits Primarily; The Law Faced Several Legal Challenges To Allow The Government to Require People... Secretary of State; Made Hillary Rodham Clinton Obama Is Supporter of House Basketball Court Associate at The Chicago Law Firm of Sidley Austin Often; Motivated People, Keep Keeping Less Exhaustive Analysis of Whether to Go Forward Directives From Church Leadership in Utah Such as The Abortion; Romney Would Respond; No

:---------------:o Year of Conquest : 1968 = Equivalencies 1968 = Obama Recalled That Of His Early Childhood; My Father and Uterine Cancer 1968 = The Result of When Those; The Two More, Student Deferments Ran Out 1968 = The Million in Salary & Severance Payments to Charity 1968 = While Recruiting New Concerns of Corporate Sponsors 1968 = He Vetoed Eight Sections of The Health Costs of The Uninsured 1968 = Referred to Romney’s Role There as; Vulture Capitalism 1968 = From That; All Had Realistic Chances of Becoming The First President 1968 = Romney Changed to Being Against Therapeutic Cloning of Embryos 1968 = That is Occurring; But He Does Not Know how much of it can change


································································· 28 : 50

>--------------------------------:O The Cabbage Code Key Values Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . >

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b b b -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c c c c c c c c c c c c c . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d d d . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e e e . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f f f f . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g g g g g . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h h . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i i i i i i . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j j j . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k k . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l l l l l l l l . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m m m m m m m m m . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n n n n n n n n n . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o o o o o o o o o o . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p p p p p p p p p p . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q q q q q q q q q q q . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r r r r r r r r r r r r . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s s s s s s s s s s s s . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t t t t t t t t t . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u u u u u u u u u u u u u . . -

. v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w w w w . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y . . -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z . . - - - - - - - - : o



h h -

i i i i

j j -

k -

Alphabetic Occurrences : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: BarackHusseinObamaJr JosephRobinetteBidenJr WillardMittRomney PaulDavisRyan

: : : :

a a a

b b -

c -

d d d

e e e -

l l

m m -

n n n n

o o o -

p p


r r r r

s s s

t t -

u u


w -


y y


:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: > :||- - - - - ) (- - - - - : : - - - - - ) (- - - - -||: O >--------------------------------:O

································································· 29 : 50

The Cabbage Code Frequency of Words In The Glossary Curve Number of Bins In The Glossary : 628 Maximum Words Per Glossary Bin : 24 Number of Bins Per Column : 10 Maximum Occurrences Per Column : 151

* ** ** * ** * *** * * *** * * **** ** * ******* * ******* * * ** ******** * * ************* ** * * **************** * * ****************** ********************* ********************* * * ********************* * * ********************* * * * *********************** * *************************** **************************** * ***************************** ******************************* ******************************* ******************************** ******************************** * ********************************** *********************************** ************************************** ************************************** *************************************** ****************************************** ******************************************* ******************************************** * ************************************************ * * ************************************************** **************************************************** ** *********************************************************** ************************************************************* ************************************************************* Range of Glossary Values: -12 To 863 >--------------------------------:O : -: | = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = | : : <

································································· 30 : 50

Glossary with Values > :--------------------------------------------: O -12 : B > :--------------------------------------------: O -1 > :--------------------------------------------: O 1 > :--------------------------------------------: O 3:A > :--------------------------------------------: O 4 : Be : Bad > :--------------------------------------------: O 7:H > :--------------------------------------------: O 13 : D > :--------------------------------------------: O 14 : J > :--------------------------------------------: O 19 : W > :--------------------------------------------: O 20 : F > :--------------------------------------------: O 23 : He : Had : Web : G > :--------------------------------------------: O 25 : Bob > :--------------------------------------------: O 27 : Jd > :--------------------------------------------: O 29 : Add > :--------------------------------------------: O 31 : Bid > :--------------------------------------------: O 34 : Nb > :--------------------------------------------: O 35 : We > :--------------------------------------------: O 36 : Jaw > :--------------------------------------------: O 37 : Ban : Bo > :--------------------------------------------: O 39 : Head > :--------------------------------------------: O 41 : Bp : Big > :--------------------------------------------: O 42 : Ahead : Age > :--------------------------------------------: O 43 : Al : M : La > :--------------------------------------------: O 45 : Abbas : Dade > :--------------------------------------------: O 46 : Aid : Am > :--------------------------------------------: O 47 : Able > :--------------------------------------------: O 49 : An > :--------------------------------------------: O 50 : at : If : Ben : Bar > :--------------------------------------------: O 51 : Job : Wade > :--------------------------------------------: O 52 : Fee > :--------------------------------------------: O 53 : Arab : P > :--------------------------------------------: O 54 : Th > :--------------------------------------------: O 55 : Few > :--------------------------------------------: O 56 : Did : Le > :--------------------------------------------: O 58 : Added > :--------------------------------------------: O 59 : Me > :--------------------------------------------: O 60 : Ii > :--------------------------------------------: O 61 : Baby > :--------------------------------------------: O 62 : and : Law : Do : Dna : Ne : Idea > :--------------------------------------------: O 64 : Bin : Debt > :--------------------------------------------: O ································································· 31 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 65 : Faded > :--------------------------------------------: O 66 : As : Been : Gm : Dig : Data : Bear > :--------------------------------------------: O 67 : High : Bain > :--------------------------------------------: O 68 : Bomb > :--------------------------------------------: O 69 : of : Led : Fan > :--------------------------------------------: O 70 : The : By : Half : Base : Il > :--------------------------------------------: O 72 : Died : Lead : Deal : Go : Lee > :--------------------------------------------: O 73 : Phd : Has : Jr : Bay : Hate : Im > :--------------------------------------------: O 74 : Behalf > :--------------------------------------------: O 75 : Who : Made : End : How : Hedge > :--------------------------------------------: O 76 : In : Began : Held : What : Ted : Ds > :--------------------------------------------: O 77 : It : Jet > :--------------------------------------------: O 78 : Are : Era : Bcg > :--------------------------------------------: O 79 : Joe : Date : Jane : Gap : Ads > :--------------------------------------------: O 80 : Him : Bayh : Dc > :--------------------------------------------: O 81 : War : New : Area > :--------------------------------------------: O 82 : Her : Sea : Far : Hard > :--------------------------------------------: O 83 : Based : All : Debate > :--------------------------------------------: O 84 : Hit : Bias > :--------------------------------------------: O 85 : Was : Wife : Gen : Game : Dog : Saw : Foe > :--------------------------------------------: O 86 : Obama : Death : Mid : She : Get : Laid : Flag : Hes > :--------------------------------------------: O 87 : Lt : Dubbed : Boat : Label > :--------------------------------------------: O 88 : When > :--------------------------------------------: O 89 : Gas : Gdp : Off > :--------------------------------------------: O 90 : Phi > :--------------------------------------------: O 91 : Dear : Both : Need > :--------------------------------------------: O 92 : Hawaii : Alan : Air : Man : Hay : Feel > :--------------------------------------------: O 93 : Is : Biden : Tie : Fail : Each > :--------------------------------------------: O 94 : Ward > :--------------------------------------------: O 95 : On : Ann : Gang : Bobby : See : Win : No : Page : Flew > :--------------------------------------------: O 96 : To : Bowl : Debated > :--------------------------------------------: O 97 : Award : Blu > :--------------------------------------------: O 98 : Day : Bill : Due : Lgbt : Here : Deep : Ease : Axe : Wheel > :--------------------------------------------: O 99 : Asia : Paid : Hair > :--------------------------------------------: O 100 : His : Fiat : Cia : Behind > :--------------------------------------------: O 101 : Iowa > :--------------------------------------------: O 102 : Wall : Dalam : Old : Land : Gain : Safe : Ideal > :--------------------------------------------: O 103 : With : Begin : Being : Than : Let > :--------------------------------------------: O 104 : That : Ended : But : Cbo : Way : Agenda > :--------------------------------------------: O 105 : Ages : Media : Aimed : Again : Gaddafi : Raid : Hey : Lane : Arm > :--------------------------------------------: O 106 : Met : Late : Abraham : Oath : Life : Nfl : Face > :--------------------------------------------: O ································································· 32 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 107 : Drew : Faith : Away > :--------------------------------------------: O 108 : Name : Lawn : Ran : Or : Gay : Low > :--------------------------------------------: O 109 : Hold : Ten : Mate : Said : Net : Team : Find : Jon > :--------------------------------------------: O 110 : Were : St : Pub : Path : Belief : Flat : Ill > :--------------------------------------------: O 111 : One : Free : Wine > :--------------------------------------------: O 112 : While : Board : Bore : Nsa : Fair : So : Broad : Rig : San : Below : Banned : Harm : Fine > :--------------------------------------------: O 113 : Blue : Them : Fpl : Mac : Ice : Sat : Fatal : Brief > :--------------------------------------------: O 114 : Won : Now : Tebet : Grade : Jobs : Own : Cable : Best : Damaged : Himnb > :--------------------------------------------: O 115 : Two : Home : Goal : Well : Nasa : Fees : Image : Want : Ampad : Garbage : Medal : Huge > :--------------------------------------------: O 116 : John : Then : Fisa : Fell : Can : Lds : Farnb : Help : Globe > :--------------------------------------------: O 117 : Where : Act : Blind : Eager : Hybl > :--------------------------------------------: O 118 : Laden : Auma : Magna : Hyde : Real : Whom > :--------------------------------------------: O 119 : Field : White : Oil : Filed : Faced : Malia : Got : Dealt : Adapt > :--------------------------------------------: O 120 : Health : Tim : Needed : Blair : Gift > :--------------------------------------------: O 121 : Named : Elena > :--------------------------------------------: O 122 : Sr : India : Side : Up : Main : Failed : Sale : Legal : Enabled : Pep > :--------------------------------------------: O 123 : Left : Eight : Cq : Cap : Felt : Pac > :--------------------------------------------: O 124 : Fifth : Near : Road : Defer : Lobbied : Warm : Roe > :--------------------------------------------: O 125 : My : Hired : Laws : Sen : Hope : Rate : Same : Lay : Fire : Handle : Garff : Ames : Farm > :--------------------------------------------: O 126 : Set : Awarded : Utah : Janet : Est > :--------------------------------------------: O 127 : Bush : Down : Billed : Fight : Feared > :--------------------------------------------: O 128 : For : May : Decade : Per : Flow : Went : Newt : Wise > :--------------------------------------------: O 129 : Tax : Seat : East : Mile : Car : Rebate : Will : Came : Abbottabad : Pin : Bears > :--------------------------------------------: O 130 : Which : Agreed : Bains : Bank : Baling > :--------------------------------------------: O 131 : Maya : Gained : Birth : Whole : Any : Weak : Diego : Rape : Defy > :--------------------------------------------: O 132 : Us : Mind : Earth : Brigade : Body : Ceo : Maybe : Wealth : Taped : Line : Golf > :--------------------------------------------: O 133 : Became : Dcp > :--------------------------------------------: O 134 : Armed : Manage : Gone : Good : Headon > :--------------------------------------------: O 135 : Rin : Deals : Sarah : Ohio : Canada > :--------------------------------------------: O 136 : Time : Lot > :--------------------------------------------: O 137 : Rare > :--------------------------------------------: O 138 : Nine : Loan : Iran : Duel : Pay : Ends : Show : Lady : Herald : Rated : Seem : Thatnb : Gun : Barred : Trade : Hoped > :--------------------------------------------: O 139 : Nobel : Self : Tom : Labor : James : Pace : Buy : Sasha : Sin : Final : Byu : Join : Abuse > :--------------------------------------------: O 140 : Its : Engaged : Chief : Cash : Jets : Word : Build : Ribs > :--------------------------------------------: O 141 : Mnoa : Laude : Seen : Large : Ares : Does : Battle : Define : Exam > :--------------------------------------------: O 142 : Born : Not : Byrd : Plan : Draft : Begun : Higher : Align : False > :--------------------------------------------: O 143 : Degree : Tell : Libya : Global : Album : Inc : Owned : Flip > :--------------------------------------------: O 144 : Defeated : Wanted : Water : Week : News : Fore : Elder > :--------------------------------------------: O ································································· 33 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 145 : Three : After : Care : Maui : June : West : There : Helped : Race : Lined : Too : Yet : Nato : Abridged : Asian : Mold > :--------------------------------------------: O 146 : Debates : Bring : Jolla > :--------------------------------------------: O 147 : Basis : This : Range : Leader : Light : Managed > :--------------------------------------------: O 148 : Before : Iraq : Use : Fund : Between : Denial : Share : Say : Great : Threw : Adapted : Games : Waste : Haley : Sue > :--------------------------------------------: O 149 : Obamas : Told : Pell : Top : These : Jewish : Didnt : Case : Tampa : Gets > :--------------------------------------------: O 150 : Might : Reagan : Amended > :--------------------------------------------: O 151 : Allow : Leon : Back : Basic : Guide : Barrage : Edging : Median > :--------------------------------------------: O 152 : Father : Los : Firm : They : Stage : Gulf : Leak : Reach : Lake : Rite : Atop > :--------------------------------------------: O 153 : Last : Staff : Earned : Brigham : Salt : Neared : Defended : Night : China > :--------------------------------------------: O 154 : Whose : Bright : Damon : Radio : Needs : Nor : Alone : Ron : Tight : Dianne > :--------------------------------------------: O 155 : Peace : Dont : Also : Middle : Make : Ken : Bernie : Ample : Lmfao : Decide : Shaped > :--------------------------------------------: O 156 : Budget : About : Alice : Site : Third : Ties > :--------------------------------------------: O 157 : Deny : Draws : Child : Wards > :--------------------------------------------: O 158 : Luo : Son : Differ : Anns : Long : Adamant : Tone : Plane > :--------------------------------------------: O 159 : Ask : Their : Take : Break : Baker > :--------------------------------------------: O 160 : Year : Awards : Green : Wedding : Reaped : Tithed : Woman : Blus > :--------------------------------------------: O 161 : Osama : Bills : Days : Yes : Logan : Logo : Saddled : Used : Fears : Town : Doing : Along : Pledge : Shared > :--------------------------------------------: O 162 : Part : Change : Dating : Unable : Debuted : Sigma : Audit > :--------------------------------------------: O 163 : Methat : Cell : Obtain : Balance : Benefit : Wary : Facial : Boss > :--------------------------------------------: O 164 : Drug : Open : Offer : Among : Role : Club : Learn : Fraud : Afford : Healey > :--------------------------------------------: O 165 : Later : Out : Member : Braun : Paul : Peak : Gains : Tried : Urban : Staged : Term : Dental : Sold : Ideals : Grip > :--------------------------------------------: O 166 : Mobile : Begins : Camp : Past : Lifted : Shot : Chair : Right : Beings > :--------------------------------------------: O 167 : Teenage : Federal : Manned : More : Showed : League : Rome : Ways : Mitt : Match : Ballot : Owing : Seemed : Sweep : Thats : Flight > :--------------------------------------------: O 168 : Major : Arms : Joined : Galland : Human : Kagan : Mars : Arabiya : Appeal : Decided : Sole : Rise : Echoed > :--------------------------------------------: O 169 : Full : Delaware : Stem : Least : Faces : Behring : Put : Lifes : Lates : Alito : Prebig > :--------------------------------------------: O 170 : Pact : Door > :--------------------------------------------: O 171 : From : Form : Leading : Mandate : Indiana : Whether : Raise : Some : Hayes : Going : Highway : Dealing : Noted : Aligned : Pried > :--------------------------------------------: O 172 : Attend : Six : Adult : Arts : Into : Star : Clean : Natasha : Treat : Watched : Logjam : Plain : Palin > :--------------------------------------------: O 173 : Women : Welfare : Better : Gender : Alcs : Byunb : Exbcg : Beliefs : Paths : Cited > :--------------------------------------------: O 174 : Rodham : Many : Ending : Pledged : Delegate : Run : Drop : Knew : Guy : Built : Ones : Herman : Relied > :--------------------------------------------: O 175 : Boards : Buried : Ollie : Leadbeing : Method : Either : Heirs : Changed : Come : Double > :--------------------------------------------: O 176 : State : Pint : Liberal : Feasible : Balanced > :--------------------------------------------: O 177 : Jack : Engine : Our : Margo : Older : Roof : Abandoned > :--------------------------------------------: O 178 : Other : Once : Lolo : Grant : Wells : Iraqi : Homes : Wasnt : Often : Keep : Opted : Goals : Images : Warmth > :--------------------------------------------: O

································································· 34 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 179 : March : Like : Cum : Book : Within : Threat : Called : Website : Place : Become : Enact : Fault : Abreast : Trial : Soft : Focal : Swift : Twice > :--------------------------------------------: O 180 : World : List : Hills : Billy : Allowed : Forged : Urged : Backed : Chalet > :--------------------------------------------: O 181 : Relief : Dunham : Reached : Ladens : Trend : Worth : Mixed > :--------------------------------------------: O 182 : Africa : Altgeld : Fiance : Poll : Pass : Matthew : Banning : Less : Those : Rebels : Lasted : Detached : Kind : Boys : Craig : Mike > :--------------------------------------------: O 183 : Curb : Bought : Eligible : Cut : Argued : Claim : Delayed : Lower > :--------------------------------------------: O 184 : Fellow : Detained : Gathered : Walter : Emmy : Raised : Friend > :--------------------------------------------: O 185 : April : Meets : Rest : Seals : Sales : Wright : Clear : Thune : Sharp : Sides > :--------------------------------------------: O 186 : Joint : George : Lesbian : Much : Effect : Caps : Benjamin : Islamabad : Chapel : Thus : Total : Emerged : Ski > :--------------------------------------------: O 187 : Repeal : Moon : Rose : Differed : Bitter : Donated : Roads > :--------------------------------------------: O 188 : Next : Kaine : Rates : Try : Hopes : Asked : Jeremiah : Seek : Ratio : Obrien : Dilemma : Charged > :--------------------------------------------: O 189 : Plant : Small : Stated : Crs : Libyan : Husband : Irish : Besides : Highly : Trip : Facing : Scale : Fumbled > :--------------------------------------------: O 190 : Would : Wrote : Ryan : Defense : Bushs : Limit : Bishop : German : Smith : Midway : Derailed : Needing > :--------------------------------------------: O 191 : Senate : Signed : Decades : Black : Peter : Sonia : Key : Spend : Barry : Sox : Belonged : Rather : Burden : Core : True : Imagine : Onto > :--------------------------------------------: O 192 : Push : Enabling : Themes : Estate : Month : Illegal : Miles : Seats : Pins : Benefited : Asset : Placed : Failing > :--------------------------------------------: O 193 : Woods : Just : Titled : Banks : Learned : Highest : Wherein > :--------------------------------------------: O 194 : Dying : Miner : Shore : Lugar : Today : Repeat : Peaked : Herding : Adopted : Mitch : Related > :--------------------------------------------: O 195 : Stay : Fifteen : Lines : Fisher : Size : Jeghelian : Solid : Island : Forbes > :--------------------------------------------: O 196 : Taught : Power : Order : Wrong : Wearing : Films : Matched : Shifted > :--------------------------------------------: O 197 : Majored : Dreams : Yehudah : Withdraw : Cabinet : Four : Ruled : Desire : Combat : Zone : Reside : Harper : Found : Marine : Rrated : Appealed : Fearing : Demands > :--------------------------------------------: O 198 : Gamaliel : Rush : Affairs : Type : Lotand : Cows : Pence : Intend : Judges : Mort : Waiting > :--------------------------------------------: O 199 : Local : Lost : Italian : Absence : Times : Items > :--------------------------------------------: O 200 : Early : Slowed : Formed : You : Room : Widely : Larger > :--------------------------------------------: O 201 : Attended : Heritage : Irans : Gaining : Loans : Retain : Leases : Prime : Reset : Rebuffed : Exited : Swaps : Oslo : Gallon : Eighteen : Flightnb : Rallied : Pays > :--------------------------------------------: O 202 : Office : Chose : Most : Racial : Tort : Space : V : Fighter : Quit : Though : Byus : Attire : Busy > :--------------------------------------------: O 203 : Wichita : Under : General : Werent : Newly : Lack : Bachmann : Cubes > :--------------------------------------------: O 204 : House : Pitch : Margin : Affirmed : Growth : Willard : Squad : Sealy : Dollar : Amassed : Disease : Hurdle : Poland : Sense > :--------------------------------------------: O 205 : July : Nairobi : Plans : Bushera : Signal : Taggart : Joshua : William : Taken : Alaska : Embraced : Kappa : Broke > :--------------------------------------------: O 206 : Regained : Such : Ranger : Chance : Bennett : Answer : Worse : Scalia : Task > :--------------------------------------------: O 207 : Angeles : Weeks : Antiwar : Crowd : Annual : Ankara : Peres : Ireland : Soon : Enjoy : Granted : Know : Spread : Played : Happened : Rough > :--------------------------------------------: O 208 : Park : Enacted : North : Default : Taxes : Cairo : Create : Rating : Paris : Applied : Holding : Handling : Texas : Theres > :--------------------------------------------: O 209 : Xliii : Adjacent : Awakened : Pratt : Clashed : Kept : Situ : Cains > :--------------------------------------------: O

································································· 35 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 210 : Withdrew : Leaders : Zero : Enough : Ronald : Dozen : Poor : Desired : Hampered : Dinner > :--------------------------------------------: O 211 : Affordable : Funds : Passed : Canadian : Force : Israel : Effort : France : Irked : Daniels : Says > :--------------------------------------------: O 212 : Medical : Talked : Stop : Details : Thomas : Cases : Latter : Claimed : Admitted : Post > :--------------------------------------------: O 213 : Barack : Entered : Barnhill : Reagans : Freeze : Calls : Atheist : Release : Angry > :--------------------------------------------: O 214 : Editor : Palmer : Lending : Defeating : Loyal : Modified : Shepard : Lynn : Entire : Wanting : Allows : Unpaid : Florida : Wealthy : Formal : Enhanced > :--------------------------------------------: O 215 : Against : Choom : Fathers : Firms : Elected : Search : Leaks : Helping : Totaled : Medicaid : Offset : Panetta : French : Girls : Temple : Matter : Loss : Lakian : Crime : Lining : Mclean : Stages : Barbour : Fought > :--------------------------------------------: O 216 : Winner : Donor : Sitin : Itself : Wrapped : Already : Acting : Appeared : Enron : Freedom : Staffs : Repealed > :--------------------------------------------: O 217 : Only : Homeland : Planned : Iranian : Figure : Winter : Upon : Managing : Follow : Plagued > :--------------------------------------------: O 218 : Family : Carol : December : Makes : Ratified : Instead : Single : Robert : Hauling : Quite > :--------------------------------------------: O 219 : First : Start : Limited : Himself : Lawyer : Budgets : Fishing : Bully : Endure : Michele > :--------------------------------------------: O 220 : Work : Regret : Career : Period : Schip : Still : Little : Departed : Burdened : Ability > :--------------------------------------------: O 221 : United : Mother : Created : America : Neither : Front : Number : Turn : Egypt : Meeting : Nation : Harris : Lefthanded : Sidwell : Rotate : Frank : Pushed : Stood : Changer : Elaborate : Sons > :--------------------------------------------: O 222 : Jakarta : Speech : Because : Since : Takes : Breaks : Stake : Must : Basement : Forward : Bribery > :--------------------------------------------: O 223 : Earning : Married : Newborn : Years : Gardens : Hundred : Warming : Billion : Deficit : Language : Earlier : Fiscal : Womans : Adequate : Greater > :--------------------------------------------: O 224 : Passage : Rally : Steady : British : Unified : Tony : Praise : Sepira : Stayed : Forced : Towns : Tour : Perot > :--------------------------------------------: O 225 : Ordered : English : Spent : Changes : Boosted : Signs : Wounded : Jesus : Short : Finished : Brother : Point : Parts : Recall > :--------------------------------------------: O 226 : City : Remained : Released : Benefits : Spill : Initial : Cost : Lenore : Sixth : Pedigree : Bailout : Founded : Gordy : Relaxed : Chris : Modern > :--------------------------------------------: O 227 : People : Another : Mahmoud : Intended : Pending : Message : Declared : Eternal : Roles : Clubs : Handson : Unfair : Minor : Marked : Becket : Rushed : Baptism > :--------------------------------------------: O 228 : African : Terms : Have : Joyce : Honest : Members : Caring : Taxing : Gallup : Finance : Missed : Watchdog : Perish : Familiar : Willing > :--------------------------------------------: O 229 : Rights : Bachelor : Actual : Torch : Belmont : Banking : Flexible > :--------------------------------------------: O 230 : Address : Rural : Ethics : Mitts : Retained : Surge : Hitting > :--------------------------------------------: O 231 : Using : Apartheid : Legacy : Safety : Addition : Look : Master : Blunder : Pulled : Apply : Baptist : Obamacare : Alumni > :--------------------------------------------: O 232 : Until : Seattle : Lilly : Launch : Direct : Credit : Lacked : Getting : Killed > :--------------------------------------------: O 233 : Graduate : Rooted : Stint : Longer : Dearborn > :--------------------------------------------: O 234 : Congo : Daytime : Mandates : Dave : Writes : Seller : Samuel : Escapade : Broadly : Ross > :--------------------------------------------: O 235 : Close : South : Stands : Bounce : Juris : Print : Staging : Utahns : Scandal : Hardship : Strife : Tenets : Via : Narrow : Shipped : Bentley : Briefly : Anyway > :--------------------------------------------: O 236 : Marriage : Class : Payday : Sworn : Choice : Mayor : Football : Money : Baptized : Suburb : Tests : Enjoyed : Disagreed : Womens : Officenb : Highreward : Regards : Exceeded > :--------------------------------------------: O 237 : Menteng : Wealthier : Resign : Feingold : Delegates : Agency : Nofly : Daughter : Showing : Worst : Praised : Phony : Runs > :--------------------------------------------: O ································································· 36 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 238 : Making : Richard : Took : Candidate : Buying : Shimon : Charges : Fluent : Could : Despite : Duties : Sky : Swiss : Linked > :--------------------------------------------: O 239 : States : Around : Teaching : Expanded : Building : Afterward : Touch : Cents : Ductal : Windows > :--------------------------------------------: O 240 : During : Kenya : Forum : Memoir : Spanned : Yesse : Reduce : Union : Withdrawal : Jacket : Winning : Wave : Retired : Handsome : Really : Paradise : Episode > :--------------------------------------------: O 241 : Grants : Posted : Reliant : Tanning : Israeli : Immediate : Plays : Declined : Others : Should : Noting : Touted : Resemble : Melton : Soften : Financed : Issue > :--------------------------------------------: O 242 : Brought : Patient : Wideopen : Action : Energy : Ledbetter : Steps : Taking : Deepwater : Stance : Books : Boston : Academic : Cambodian : Watching : Settled > :--------------------------------------------: O 243 : Foreign : Madelyn : Annenberg : Impact : Highlighted : Capital : Readily : Titles : Citing > :--------------------------------------------: O 244 : Party : Prize : Meantime : Sidley : Gave : Nancy : Geithner : Spur : Intern : Tyler : Searched : Trapped : Trends > :--------------------------------------------: O 245 : Families : Bringing : Although : Aftermath : Polls : Risk : Eightfold : Almost : Factor : Assembled : Casual : Sliding > :--------------------------------------------: O 246 : Chicago : Nominee : Reform : Followed : Climate : Graduated : Former : Cuts : Claims : Indoor : Humbling : Talks : Extended : Nearly : Button : Topic : Moderate : Midyear : Marry > :--------------------------------------------: O 247 : Public : Friends : Rules : Funding : Obamaalong : Papers : Medicare : Hearings : Saying : Borders : Hours : Series : Carried : Abilities : Whitney : Famous : Arrest : Injured : Somewhat > :--------------------------------------------: O 248 : Street : Nothing : Started : Beginning : Misrata : Rejected : Ive : Chosen : Style : Closed : Problem : Shelter > :--------------------------------------------: O 249 : Worked : Calling : Weapons : Select : Tv : Effects : Distant : Michigan : Thought : Artist : Rick : Aspect : Georges : Traits : Factual > :--------------------------------------------: O 250 : Eastern : Preside : Magazine : Prior : Allowing : Nixon : Salary : Turned : Urging : Itselfnb : Numbered : Airplane > :--------------------------------------------: O 251 : Center : College : Rising : Pelosi : Recent : Reaching : Fourth : Midterm : Income : Largest : Losing : Artisan : Empathy : Pedestal : Choose : Obriens : Creek : Broken : Fully > :--------------------------------------------: O 252 : Assisi : Social : Owners : Trips : Plants : Ceiling : Elsewhere : Saints : Familynb : Borrowed : Lasting : Combined : Hillsdale > :--------------------------------------------: O 253 : Laureate : Group : Ryans : Reduced : Known : Limits : Tenure : Decrease : Sick : Towards : Grammy : Margaret : Thatcher : Keeper : Parley : Preceded : Accept : Cities > :--------------------------------------------: O 254 : Treaty : Recalled : Second : Senates : Raising : Replace : Issued : Exempt : Youth : Cramped : Press : Perhaps > :--------------------------------------------: O 255 : Months : Alcohol : Police : Homicide : Assets : Renewing : Tribune : Milton : Stemberg : Tapping > :--------------------------------------------: O 256 : Mccain : Attempt : Depending : Dropped : Beneficial : Stakenb : Managers > :--------------------------------------------: O 257 : Troop : Maternal : Forty : Carper : Gross : Lesser : Amount : Salazar : Assigned : Athletic : Twenty : Tailored : Nominal : Establish : Sargent > :--------------------------------------------: O 258 : Cancer : Austin : Challenge : Chairman : Worldwide : Package : Clause : Referred : Norway : Sought : Selling : Pizza : Profit : Merits : Tripled : Coming : Asking : Above : Cannot : Truce : Breaking > :--------------------------------------------: O 259 : Besuki : Michelle : Powers : Axelrod : Addressed : Official : Cabinetand : Orders : Deepening : Stating : Ground : Prepare : Swearing : Huckabee : Inferred : Your > :--------------------------------------------: O 260 : Looked : Separate : Marines : Super : Charitable : Shannon : Douglas : Dominated : Remains > :--------------------------------------------: O 261 : Hillary : Directed : Credited : David : Through : Lengthy : Identified : Launched : Officer : Detroit : Affluent : Isolated : Matrix : Market : Finally : Medicine : Signing : Stepped : Gushing : Biology : Retaliate > :--------------------------------------------: O 262 : Europe : Article : Becoming : Endorse : Initiated : Bolster : Disks : Chihuahua : Refrained : Switched : Placing : Obtaining : Liberty > :--------------------------------------------: O 263 : Senior : Mortgage : Record : Muammar : Presided : Offering : Shepherded > :--------------------------------------------: O ································································· 37 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 264 : National : Integral : Written : Together : Narrowed : Existed : Agencies : Tomahawk : Posing : Cleansed : Subject : Lifelong : Phrases : Emphases : Smaller : Outing > :--------------------------------------------: O 265 : Described : Globally : Healthcare : Shelling : Folks : Italys : Indicated > :--------------------------------------------: O 266 : Western : Resigned : Weekly : Ongoing : Square : Orator : Shifting : Managerial : Decreased : Judicial : Regional : Graying : Dependent > :--------------------------------------------: O 267 : American : View : Paternal : Evan : Bernanke : Houses : Onethird : Replaced : Mercy : Notion : Roots : Therapy : Profile : Dollars : Diseases : Imposed : Prolife : Antonin > :--------------------------------------------: O 268 : Campaign : Tenants : Five : Crains : Focus : Similar : Descent : Trouble : Without : Worry > :--------------------------------------------: O 269 : Young : Measure : Agreement : Ensure : Regular : Bilingual : Perry : Incest : Track : Chances > :--------------------------------------------: O 270 : Kogelo : Marijuana : Keyes : Sexual : Carry : Macondo : Crowds : Cougar : Rankled : Propel : Gasoline : Retailer : Threatened : Expert : Exchanged : Greatly > :--------------------------------------------: O 271 : Kansas : Oneyear : Mutual : Assess : Abortion : Give : Creates : Parties : Sport : Treating : Attending : Booster : Studio : Holdings : Kenneth : Challenged > :--------------------------------------------: O 272 : Regarding : Setting : Special : Testing : Music : Thirty : Founder : Links : Picked : Stratham : Cycle > :--------------------------------------------: O 273 : Separated : Amendment : Expands : Enforce : Christ : Scott : Honors : Attract > :--------------------------------------------: O 274 : August : Eastwest : Antiiraq : Spoke : Notify : Spring : Additional : Forces : Option : Efforts : Dmitry : Lafount : Study : Johnson : Greatest : Deval : Parity : Israels : Factored > :--------------------------------------------: O 275 : School : Childhood : Twoyear : October : Reformed : Endorsed : Memoranda : Stout : Goodridge > :--------------------------------------------: O 276 : January : Islamic : Church : Bordeaux : Deferment : Sunday : Suffered : Informed : Mammary : Arizona : Arrested > :--------------------------------------------: O 277 : Smoked : Dominant : Further : Leave : Granting : Useful : Rev : Idolized : Outboard : Keeping : Layoffs : Reaganbush : Maintained : Reliance : Salaries > :--------------------------------------------: O 278 : Children : Central : Sister : Cocaine : Selected : License : Enacting : Million : Coburn : Crimes : Estimated : Locked : Newfound : Matters : Except : Temples : Trailing > :--------------------------------------------: O 279 : Published : Engagement : Resumed : Access : Enrolled : Casting > :--------------------------------------------: O 280 : Journal : Future : Lugarobama : Rapidly : Figures : Condemn : Worship : Even : Centered : Nominate : Apparent : Looming > :--------------------------------------------: O 281 : Include : Roberts : Troubled : Passing : Drilling : Hampshire : Basketball : Familys : Spinoff : Polling : Legality : Appoint > :--------------------------------------------: O 282 : Accepted : Lowering : Ensured : Lawyers : Beautiful : Claiming > :--------------------------------------------: O 283 : Samesex : Uterine : York : Senator : Works : Allowance : Periods : Report : Offshore : Cameron : Careers : Wouldnt : Siblings : Immersed : Partner : Entering : Namesake : Pressed : Hijinks : Eightyear > :--------------------------------------------: O 284 : Training : Mexico : Nations : Recess : Numbers : Mothers : Twenties : Doctor : Save : Meetings : Partly : Anything : Americas > :--------------------------------------------: O 285 : Kenwood : Station : Financial : Sebelius : Attempted : Suburban : Staples : Penchant : Trust : Gingrich : Widespread > :--------------------------------------------: O 286 : Sitting : Kenyan : Hundreds : Openly : Determine : Person : Management : Enforced : Billions : Appearing : Deficits : Established : Earnings : Clinched : Bleachedblond : Iacocca > :--------------------------------------------: O 287 : Russia : Parents : Penalty : Planning : Housing : Holidays : Outside : Strong : Clergy : Havre : Trying : Poster : Profited : Seeking : Lobbyist : Internal : Ambassador > :--------------------------------------------: O 288 : Francis : Live : Hatecrime : Wealthiest : Muslim : Brothers : Bloomfield : Scholar : Points : Receipt : Patriot : Upright : Aircraft > :--------------------------------------------: O 289 : Columbia : Accident : Offeredto : Roseland : Program : Yearsas : Capitol : Federally : Costs : Citys : Shuttle : Mormon : Blunting : Persona : Therefore : Attacked : Wolfeboro > :--------------------------------------------: O ································································· 38 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 290 : Research : Negotiated : Reelected : Secure : Spending : Liability : Payment : Moscow : Peoples : Thereafter : Baptisms : Departing : Adoption : Rescue : Resident : Flopper > :--------------------------------------------: O 291 : Afghanistan : Staffers : Court : Compete : Twostate : Norwegian : Speaks : Guilty : Pushing > :--------------------------------------------: O 292 : Hospital : Status : Statute : Defrauding : Daytoday : Wellfunded : Pulpit > :--------------------------------------------: O 293 : Nominated : Summer : Arsenals : Religion : Ever : Dominos : Tuesday : Mercedes > :--------------------------------------------: O 294 : Hussein : Couple : Parishes : Pullman : Oval : Included : Cleanup : Plainly : Arabisraeli : Disaster : Baptists : Longtime : Result : Unlike : Approach : Tsongas : Therapies : Losses : Looks : Reflected > :--------------------------------------------: O 295 : Nyangoma : Credits : Incident : Summit : Charity : Romney : Entities : Transit : Mistake : Finishing > :--------------------------------------------: O 296 : February : Indonesia : Grandfather : Punahou : Founding : Viewed : Remaining : Relaxing : Insured : Return : Opposed : Releasing : Explained : Graduates : Runup > :--------------------------------------------: O 297 : Sixteen : Stanley : Democrat : Marking : Carolina : Focused : Unless : Avoid : Sincere : Rearranged : Thousand : Common : Campaigned : Kingdom : Authors > :--------------------------------------------: O 298 : Remarried : Visa : Shrink : Nicolas : Affection : Parttime : Exists : Exaggerated : Scandals : Accused : Certified : Citron > :--------------------------------------------: O 299 : Perform : Hispanic : Reasons : Marriages : Federation : Vowed : Determined : Respond : Nationwide : Inadequate : Apology : Lowkey > :--------------------------------------------: O 300 : Nuclear : Fairness : Leadership : Daughters : Equity : Increase : Budgetary : Present : Stanford : Misguided : Origins : Critic : Acceptable : Landmark : Ranking : Stick : Steering : Embryos : Story > :--------------------------------------------: O 301 : Student : Lived : Sutter : Candidates : September : Speeches : Sector : Causing : Pulling : Cross : Studies : Telegenic : Threshold : Likely : Uncles : Cloning > :--------------------------------------------: O 302 : Childcare : Possible : Killing : Fibrosis : Campaignnb : Plausible > :--------------------------------------------: O 303 : Pension : Secured : Speaker : Souter : Unions : Compared : Stabilize : Facilitate : Withdrawals : Jefferson : Wresting : Opinion > :--------------------------------------------: O 304 : Percent : Issues : Israelis : Scheduled : Across : Buyout : Solidified : Partisan : Minimum > :--------------------------------------------: O 305 : Science : Project : Longrange : Timothy : Require : Actions : Profitable : Stances : Bostons : Fulltime : Academics : Garnering > :--------------------------------------------: O 306 : Justice : Argument : Capitals : Reiterated : Fortune : Otherwise : Hardscrabble > :--------------------------------------------: O 307 : Partys : Molokai : Expected : Internet : Gratitude : Relaunch : Altogether : Love : Lategaining > :--------------------------------------------: O 308 : Risks : Strike : Strength : Specified : Believe : Indirect : Factors > :--------------------------------------------: O 309 : Doddfrank : Chicagos : Reforms : Moseley : Condemned : Quarter : Expanding : Addresses : Unrelated : Clients : Interfere : Buttons : Generating : Kerry : Restore : Readiness > :--------------------------------------------: O 310 : Catholic : Birthplace : Video : Detention : Appointed : Retiring : Motors : Maximum : Standards : Latterday : Move : Realestate : Messaging : Surfaced > :--------------------------------------------: O 311 : Election : Davis : European : Financing : Identity : Posting : Permits : Comment : Declining : Having : Problems : Simply > :--------------------------------------------: O 312 : Crisis : Reported : Aspects : Artists : Employed : Kennedy : Highrisk : Settling > :--------------------------------------------: O 313 : Increased : Strict : Promise : Premium : Featuring : Household : Nixons : Cofound : Acquired : Excluded : Transfer : Highlighting : Register : Dressing > :--------------------------------------------: O 314 : Vote : System : Predicted : Level : Healthrelated : Minutes : Ivy : Audacity : Hockey : Veto : Evennb : Colleges : Penalties : Decision : Clarence : Incomes > :--------------------------------------------: O 315 : Geography : Vice : Employee : Classes : Smallest : Putting : Footinch > :--------------------------------------------: O 316 : Following : Graduating : Reissue : Groups : Promote > :--------------------------------------------: O 317 : Creation : Divided : Given : Outreach : Reaction : Challenger : Neighboring : Pranks : Injuring : Apartment : Parallels : Liabilities > :--------------------------------------------: O

································································· 39 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 318 : Orderly : Required : Lincoln : Closing : Starting : Highincome : Affiliation : Antipathy : Rejecting : Doubledigit : Membership > :--------------------------------------------: O 319 : Running : Facility : Mccains : Supreme : Netanyahu : Working : Appearance : Stock : Attempts : Joklik : Unloading : Attributed : Biologist : Christie > :--------------------------------------------: O 320 : Troops : Exchanges : Pubgoers : Spoken : Youtube : Steelers : Corning : Turning : Diagnosis : Anecdotes : Insiders > :--------------------------------------------: O 321 : Policy : Comparable : Believed : Challenges : Profits : Pundits : Subprime > :--------------------------------------------: O 322 : Bipartisan : Republic : Equalpay : Average : Officials : Bottoming : Thinking : Ambitious : Grounds : Huckabees : Twotoone : Prowess : Disagreeing : Restored > :--------------------------------------------: O 323 : Resulted : Wailuku : Moved : Monitor : Reducing : Course : Source : Preceding : Jerusalem : Accidentnb : Rallying : Attacks : Colleague > :--------------------------------------------: O 324 : Mostly : Treatment : Interest : Candidacy : Mission : Issuing : Tactics : Something : Tradition : Cousin : Accuride : Essential : Longshot : Huntsman > :--------------------------------------------: O 325 : Clinton : Returned : Articles : Powerful : Organized : Depicting : Available > :--------------------------------------------: O 326 : Over : Records : Popular : Refusing : Disability : Promised : Payroll : Petraeus : Residence : Avoided : Prohibits : Seniors > :--------------------------------------------: O 327 : Majority : Voted : Injuries : Speaking : Quality : Davies : Doctrine : Event : Brokers : Stories > :--------------------------------------------: O 328 : Illinois : Domestic : Responded : Statement : Newspaper : Pragmatic : Referring : Character : Shortfall : Performed > :--------------------------------------------: O 329 : Primary : Personal : Promoted : Colorado : Network : Destroy : Homemaker : Pursue : Addressing : Frequent : Presented : Cutting > :--------------------------------------------: O 330 : Americans : Analysis : Session : Emphasized : Views : Robinson : Applying : Value : Notions : Escorted > :--------------------------------------------: O 331 : Attention : Campaigns : Directing : Rocket : Location : Nicotine : Stepfather : Stepping : Potential : Collapse : Advice : Utilized : Statesman > :--------------------------------------------: O 332 : Soetoro : Safeguards : Guantanamo : Slightly : Measures : Gradually : Shareholder : Unplanned > :--------------------------------------------: O 333 : Russian : Washington : Soldiers : Favor : Depreciated : Navy : Colony : Portion : Behinddoors : Arkansas : Tendency > :--------------------------------------------: O 334 : Military : Automobile : Highprofile : Projected : Lawsuits : Accelerate : Minister : Gives : Existing : Sports : Exactly : Abortions : Curling : Rival : Choosing : Motorboat : Incoming : Twothirds > :--------------------------------------------: O 335 : Subsidies : Charlotte : Operator : Indicating : Generation : Reasoning : Departure : Averaged : Attitudes : Contest : Truck > :--------------------------------------------: O 336 : Neighborhood : Formally : Amendments : Enforces : Establishes : Brackets : Interior : Remarks : Decreasing : Proceeds : Eleven : Difficult : Entirely : Greatness > :--------------------------------------------: O 337 : Legalizing : Stepson : Fitzgerald : Electoral : History : Purchase : Marriott : Imposing : Northeast : Primetime : Havens : Onesixth > :--------------------------------------------: O 338 : Schools : Pakistan : Business : Caucus : Multiple : Protect : Escalating : Clerks > :--------------------------------------------: O 339 : Followup : Earmarks : Commander : Seizure : Deferments : Produced : Never : Drove > :--------------------------------------------: O 340 : Director : Twelve : Education : Drinking : Lottery : Advised : Stressed : Likeminded : Strategy : Purity : Commented > :--------------------------------------------: O 341 : Associate : Hopkins : Childrens : Trillion : Achieve : Sisters : Trinity : Millions : Licenses : Fracking : Dangerous : Straighten : Mistaken > :--------------------------------------------: O 342 : Review : Indonesian : Graduation : Registered : Highschool : Electric : Propose : Independent : Announce : Preparing : Moneygall : Cofounded : Implicated : Ownership : Pursued : Inaugural : Practice > :--------------------------------------------: O 343 : President : Seven : Confirmed : Company : Department : Consider : Vetoed : Audiobook : Mixture : Valued : Tolerance : Confused : Capability : Equality > :--------------------------------------------: O 344 : Completed : Lameduck : Discharges : Includes : Native : Younger : Steve : Pharmacies > :--------------------------------------------: O

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> :--------------------------------------------: O 345 : Litigation : Concept : Guarantees : Reforming : Enrollees : Spirits : Physical : Mandatory > :--------------------------------------------: O 346 : Harvard : Senators : Donations : Guidelines : Partners : Percentage : Vary : Toronto : Reports : Monsanto : Fundamental : Foremost : Outsider : Bullock : Specific : Exercise : Opposes > :--------------------------------------------: O 347 : Kapiolani : Shortly : Smoking : Portrait : California : Analysts : Maintaining > :--------------------------------------------: O 348 : Initially : Halfsister : Missiles : Policies : Downturn : Humility : Prolonged : Trusts : Gingrichs > :--------------------------------------------: O 349 : Attorney : Keynote : Publishing : Markedly : Serious : Burgeoning : Pretending > :--------------------------------------------: O 350 : Advance : Counsel : Profiling : Sustained : Respected : Staterun : Purchased > :--------------------------------------------: O 351 : Contains : Pranksnb : Lives : Imperfect > :--------------------------------------------: O 352 : Operation : Incumbent : Historic : Denver : Economy : Recommend : Confederate : Christian : Growthshare : Accepting : Exponent : Mormons : Biographical : Mackinac : Suspended : Programs : Patrick > :--------------------------------------------: O 353 : Relations : Elevated : Halfsiblings : Payments : Counter : Residents : Mainstream : Devised : Skyler : Fractured > :--------------------------------------------: O 354 : Village : Achieved : Factories : Giving : Eliminating : Majorities : Directly : Surgical : Pictured : Humanities : Lifestyle : Associated : Disputes : Honorary : Suffolk : Courts > :--------------------------------------------: O 355 : Announced : Proposed : Refineries : Strategic : Churches : Committed : Hospitals : Realistic > :--------------------------------------------: O 356 : District : Primaries : Summers : Serve : Eligibility : Establishing : Advantage : Southern : Exemplified : Cystic : Senatorial : Momentum : Signature : Norfolk : Sweethearts > :--------------------------------------------: O 357 : Control : Results : Direction : Product : Conceding : According : Couples : Fouryear : Highnetworth : Narrowly : Closely : Huffington : Resemblance : Paving : Partially > :--------------------------------------------: O 358 : Workers : Committee : Fulfilling : Automatic : Destroyed : Missionnb : Romneys : Incidents : Subsidize : Employer : Stimulate : Conduct : Bankrupt > :--------------------------------------------: O 359 : Political : Churchbased : Lowincome : Opponent : Seemingly : Returns : Analyzing : Formulated : Spotlight : Very : Cooperate > :--------------------------------------------: O 360 : Democrats : County : Thousands : Commerce : Leaving : Periodical : Tensions : Allegations : Negotiating : Lieutenant : Ideological : Persisted : Electorate : Opposite > :--------------------------------------------: O 361 : Valuable : Thrive : Encouraged : Midoctober : Coalition : Arrangement : Framework > :--------------------------------------------: O 362 : Fourterm : Symbolic : Prohibiting : Favored : Apologized : Handsomely : Midjanuary : Stronger > :--------------------------------------------: O 363 : Current : Closure : Increases : Presents : Advanced : Implemented : Maintenance : Critics : Immediately : Protested > :--------------------------------------------: O 364 : Including : Reflecting : Greenhouse : Students : Collateral : Sectors : Devils : Olympic : Southeast : Correct > :--------------------------------------------: O 365 : Response : Active : Assistant : Revealed > :--------------------------------------------: O 366 : Pensions : Billwithout : Turkey : Conflict : Rezkos : Loopholes : Usually : Opposing : Differences : Viewing : Driven > :--------------------------------------------: O 367 : Economic : Kisumu : Position : Traditional : Upbringing : Focusing : Campaigning : Buyouts : Travel : Inheritance : Restless : Conclude : Carcinoma : Culture > :--------------------------------------------: O 368 : Projects : However : Obligations : Council : Requires : Assisting : Preference : Elementary : Demoralized : Unknown : Emergency > :--------------------------------------------: O 369 : Honolulu : Civil : Served : Publicly : Spaceflight : Proposal : Optionon : Ceremonial : Arrive : Separation : Carrying : Justices : Visible > :--------------------------------------------: O 370 : Tutoring : Companies : Process : Secrecy : Continue : Capabilities : Strengthen : Miniunited : Sometimes : Confidence : Solve : Restraint : Hydraulic > :--------------------------------------------: O 371 : Organizer : Republican : Living : Divest : Strikes : Bluecollar : Believes : Surgery : Fertility > :--------------------------------------------: O ································································· 41 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 372 : Visit : Foundation : Quarters : Considered : Severe : Freemarket > :--------------------------------------------: O 373 : Maternity : Lecturer : Voter : Usisraeli : Scottish : Studying : Recently : Meanstested : Stewardship > :--------------------------------------------: O 374 : Schooling : Cochairman : Elections : Allocation : Selection : Precepts : Competing : Comments : Succeeds : Resistant > :--------------------------------------------: O 375 : Represent : Distributed : Impossible : Every : Understand : Reinforced : Kennedys : Lowprofile > :--------------------------------------------: O 376 : Partyline : Premiums : Equipping : Recruited : Promises : Streamlined > :--------------------------------------------: O 377 : Levels : Decisions : Votes : Palestinian : Important : Presidentnb : Condition > :--------------------------------------------: O 378 : Inaugurated : Expressed : Occidental : Independence : Methodists : Vehicle : Ceremony : Employees : Fundraiser : Missteps : Insisting : Suspect > :--------------------------------------------: O 379 : Authorized : Wiretapping : Administered : Exemption : Condemning : Evening : Laboratory : Religious : Driver : Counseled : Politics : Prove : Expertise : Santorum : Capitalism : Promotes > :--------------------------------------------: O 380 : Heavily : Quantity : Embryonic : Diplomacy : Elimination : Concluded > :--------------------------------------------: O 381 : Predatory : Highlevel : Comfortable : Portrayed : Sections : Guaranteeing : Officially > :--------------------------------------------: O 382 : Sponsor : Automaker : Perpetrated : Urgently : Arrived : Castigating : Appearances > :--------------------------------------------: O 383 : Ancestry : Increasing : Continued : Uncertain : Drives : Youthful : Negative : Identifying : Reception : Educational : Valley > :--------------------------------------------: O 384 : Dismantling : Situation : Cessation : Invited > :--------------------------------------------: O 385 : Contract : Acceptance : Expansion : Indictment : Kingswood : Localities : Progress : Citizens > :--------------------------------------------: O 386 : Reelection : Minority : Congress : Originating : Pittsburgh : Adviser : Nationally : Courses : Sources : Revise > :--------------------------------------------: O 387 : Legislation : Counties : Speculated : Missions : Conducted : Cousins : Treatments : Vietnam : Supplies : Interests : Midseptember : Reorganize : Influential > :--------------------------------------------: O 388 : Requiring : Personnel : Clintons : Discipline : Leveraged : Shirtless : Prohibition : Sophomore : Swerved > :--------------------------------------------: O 389 : Nomination : Develop : Compound : Prominent : Requests : Veteran : Summaries : Inelegantly > :--------------------------------------------: O 390 : Events : Reconcile : Immunity : Considerable : Doctrines : Outspent : Childhoodhome : Accompanied : Passport > :--------------------------------------------: O 391 : Illinoiss : Combatrelated : Dissatisfied : Statements : Regularly : Treasurer > :--------------------------------------------: O 392 : Ovarian : Extension : Coordinated : Proved : Relieved > :--------------------------------------------: O 393 : Support : Values : Deescalation : Authority : Springfield : Cover : Chrysler : Resulting : Solution : Upheaval : Observe : Vetoes : Moving : Sessions : Corrected > :--------------------------------------------: O 394 : Democratic : Milkbarely : Landslidewhich : Cultural : Spiritual : Entitlement > :--------------------------------------------: O 395 : Organizing : Institute : Politician : Youngest : Hostility > :--------------------------------------------: O 396 : Traveled : Reduction : Outlook : Adolescence : Devout : Portions : Avoiding : Additionally : Promising : Favors > :--------------------------------------------: O 397 : Seventh : Burlington : Capturing : Prochoice : Voting > :--------------------------------------------: O 398 : Experience : Contests : Superior : Treasury : Acknowledged : Combination : Weaknesses : Deserved : Pressure : Resurgent : Outdoors > :--------------------------------------------: O 399 : Several : Insurance : Neighborhoods : Democracy : Primarily : Promoting : Nonprofit : Qualifying : Diverse : Remission : Substantial > :--------------------------------------------: O 400 : Millionup : Industrial : Advocate : Collectible : Perfectly : Livonia : Thirdparty > :--------------------------------------------: O 401 : Visited : Soetorong : Transferred : Specialty : Nunnlugar : Assistance : Procedure : Moderators : Customs > :--------------------------------------------: O 402 : Originally : Corporate : Fundraising : Conference : Oceanfront : Credibility : Apparently : Cochituate > :--------------------------------------------: O ································································· 42 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 403 : Struggles : Directors : Immigration : Emissions : Mckiernan : Computer : Excellence : Exception : Driving : Compensate : Suggesting > :--------------------------------------------: O 404 : Francisco : Startups : Exposure : Represented : Endeavor : Invest > :--------------------------------------------: O 405 : Delivered : Viewers : Practices : Averaging : Insurers : Deployment : Questioned : Passengers : Significant : Enterprise : Equestrian : Fervor : Taxpayers > :--------------------------------------------: O 406 : Presidents : Replacement : Companys : Receive : Savior : Evidence : Legislature : Hillarycare : Electability > :--------------------------------------------: O 407 : Devices : Prospect : Academically : Ministerial : Financially : Footsteps : Inaccurate : Altercation : Underpinned : Visual : Suspected : Bernosbeaulac > :--------------------------------------------: O 408 : Participate : Classmates : Success : Sufficient : Instituted > :--------------------------------------------: O 409 : Recession : Introduced : Establishment : Industry : Overall : Propelling : Evaluated : Priority : Fraternity : Internally > :--------------------------------------------: O 410 : Private : Succeeding : Stressing : Advising : Commenting : Outofstate : Penultimate : Especially > :--------------------------------------------: O 411 : Sponsored : Unopposed : Uninsured : Temporary : Experienced : Oversaw : Accounts > :--------------------------------------------: O 412 : Resignation : Consumer : Registering : Majorparty : Secretary : Informally : Specialist : Removal > :--------------------------------------------: O 413 : Importance : Legalization : Concerns : Relative : Kansasborn : Ancestors : Cranbrook : Maximizing : Documents : Photographs : Vetoing : Incremental : Advocated : Turnpike : Wisconsin : Deductions : Doctorates : Curve > :--------------------------------------------: O 414 : Intimidation : Sanctions : Numerous : Compliance : Collapsing : Collision : Therapeutic > :--------------------------------------------: O 415 : Operations : Necessary : Antimormon : Patricks > :--------------------------------------------: O 416 : Presidential : Component : Surplus : Scientific > :--------------------------------------------: O 417 : Businesses : Intelligence : Caucuses : Occasional : Techniques : Sentiments : Ultimately : Accuracy > :--------------------------------------------: O 418 : Unanimous : Warrantless : Developed : Property : Purported > :--------------------------------------------: O 419 : November : Received : Country : Churchowned : Reputation : Commonly > :--------------------------------------------: O 420 : Transition : Authorities : Punishment : Journalist : Competence : Directions > :--------------------------------------------: O 421 : Committees : Participated : Distinguish : Application : Employers > :--------------------------------------------: O 422 : Registrars : Supported : Unexpected : Provide : Orientation : Information : Pregnancies : Mismanagement : Opponents : Grandchildren > :--------------------------------------------: O 423 : Virginia : Struggling : Responsible : Assessment : Plurality : Electorates : Fracturing > :--------------------------------------------: O 424 : Stimulus : Achieving : Celebrations : Revenue : Pivotal : Accumulate : Disorderly > :--------------------------------------------: O 425 : Promotion : Terrorism : Announcing : Appropriate : Explosion : Surprised : Meetinghouse : Mormonism > :--------------------------------------------: O 426 : Averting : Complicit : Throughout : Dividends : Controlled > :--------------------------------------------: O 427 : Olympics : Recipients : Vulcan > :--------------------------------------------: O 428 : Limitations : Fiveyear : Shellacking : Complicated > :--------------------------------------------: O 429 : Terrorist > :--------------------------------------------: O 430 : Economics : Cultures : Savings : Businessman : Strikers : Passive : Positions : Particular : Pollsters : Quinnipiac : Violent > :--------------------------------------------: O 431 : Grandparents : Multiracial : Reserve : Disorganized : Contributed : Performance : Professor > :--------------------------------------------: O 432 : Proposals : Gubernatorial : Datadriven : Favoring : Skeptics : Internalized > :--------------------------------------------: O 433 : Security : Subsequent : Invested : Paralympic : Appointment : Legislators : Distortion > :--------------------------------------------: O 434 : Calvert : Noflyzone : Effective : Republicans > :--------------------------------------------: O ································································· 43 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 435 : Employment : Coverage : Approve : Visits : Sarkozy : Provided : Strictly > :--------------------------------------------: O 436 : Undergraduate : Criticism : Uprisings : Industries : Partnership : Voters : Perception : Canterbury : Shriver > :--------------------------------------------: O 437 : Functions : Vastly : Decisive : Quickly > :--------------------------------------------: O 438 : Riverdale : Deteriorating : Participant : Routinely > :--------------------------------------------: O 439 : Serving : Variety : Questions : Eventual : Prevent : Confusion : Cronyism > :--------------------------------------------: O 440 : Conditions : Containment : Persistent : Romneycare : Interaction : Wellorganized : Palestinians > :--------------------------------------------: O 441 : Scholarship : Inactive : Vehicles : Subsidizing : Behindthescenes : Undertook > :--------------------------------------------: O 442 : Drivers : Reconnected : Alsostrong : Manipulator > :--------------------------------------------: O 443 : Assignments : Overallnb : Relationship : Peremployee : Proclaiming > :--------------------------------------------: O 444 : Reversed : Sotomayor : Settlements : Culminating : Greatgrandfather : Reserved > :--------------------------------------------: O 445 : Presidency : Regulations : Resolve : Criticized : Difficulties : Sponsors > :--------------------------------------------: O 446 : Countries : Protector : Exceptional : Recruiting : Aspirations > :--------------------------------------------: O 447 : Regulatory : Outrageous : Vacation : Geopolitical > :--------------------------------------------: O 448 : Englishlanguage : Revoked : Expressing : Approved > :--------------------------------------------: O 449 : Divorced : Authorizing : Counseling : Congresss : Transitioned : Advisers : Negotiations : Invoked : Officeholders > :--------------------------------------------: O 450 : Criminalize : Motivated : Association : Virtual : Sclerosis : Obvious : Distinguished > :--------------------------------------------: O 451 : Moratorium : Frequently : Kindergarten : Personally : Prospering : Portraying > :--------------------------------------------: O 452 : Veterans : Improve : Courtesy > :--------------------------------------------: O 453 : Stevens : Clunkers : Completely : Continuing : Evergreen : Service > :--------------------------------------------: O 454 : Respectbecame > :--------------------------------------------: O 455 : Extensions : Overcame : Venture : Nearcollapse > :--------------------------------------------: O 456 : Supports : Proromney : Secondmost > :--------------------------------------------: O 457 : Unregistered : Instructed : Conducting : Principles : Flipflopping : Scissors > :--------------------------------------------: O 458 : Politicians : Counselor : Congregation > :--------------------------------------------: O 459 : Fifthgeneration : Copresident : Incursion : Brookstone : Disastrous : Reductions > :--------------------------------------------: O 460 : Deceptive : Statistics : Quarterback : Turnaround > :--------------------------------------------: O 461 : Resources : Experiences : Olympicsnb : Evaporated > :--------------------------------------------: O 462 : International : Preexisting : Movement : Approval : Recognition : Entertainment : Coordinating > :--------------------------------------------: O 463 : Protection : Comprising : Transitional : Overrode : Mistakenly > :--------------------------------------------: O 464 : Procedures : Portuguese : Developer : Thirtymonth > :--------------------------------------------: O 465 : Interview : Improved : Sevenfold : Currency > :--------------------------------------------: O 466 : Violence : Positioning : Traveling : Exceptions > :--------------------------------------------: O 467 : Discussing : Physically > :--------------------------------------------: O 468 : Resolution : Prevented : Restoration : Recover : Cooperation : Supporter : Missionary : Acknowledging > :--------------------------------------------: O 469 : Invasion : Strengthening : Opposition : Disclosure : Stakeholders : Occurring : Formative > :--------------------------------------------: O 470 : Prospects : Reorganizing : Unrealistic : Suspicion > :--------------------------------------------: O 471 : Organization : Visiting : Respondents : Overseas : Seriously > :--------------------------------------------: O 472 : Registration : Perceived : Compromise : Protesters > :--------------------------------------------: O ································································· 44 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 473 : Characterized : Invesco : Economists : Backgrounds : Littleknown > :--------------------------------------------: O 474 : Representing : Predecessor : Inauguration : Consistent > :--------------------------------------------: O 475 : Supplemented : Various : Questioning : Presentation > :--------------------------------------------: O 476 : Community : Subdistrict : Relatives : Individual > :--------------------------------------------: O 477 : Consultant : Endorsements > :--------------------------------------------: O 478 : Subcommittee : Mcchrystal : Profitability : Intervene > :--------------------------------------------: O 479 : Overnight : Introducing : Vulnerable : Groundwork > :--------------------------------------------: O 480 : Manuscript : Consulting : Alleviating > :--------------------------------------------: O 481 : Temporarily : Unusually : Vicechair : Experiencing : Initiative > :--------------------------------------------: O 482 : Victims : Privileged : Advisors : Periodically > :--------------------------------------------: O 483 : Preparatory : Speculation : Commission : Journalists > :--------------------------------------------: O 484 : Reestablishment : Preserve : Explicitly > :--------------------------------------------: O 485 : Condominium : Publications : Popularity : Takeover > :--------------------------------------------: O 486 : Varsity : Evangelical > :--------------------------------------------: O 487 : Specializing : Revenues > :--------------------------------------------: O 488 : Developing : Sophisticated : Personality : Severance > :--------------------------------------------: O 489 : Exploitation : Veltroni : Receiving > :--------------------------------------------: O 490 : Positive : Statelevel : Acquisition : Undiplomatic > :--------------------------------------------: O 491 : Intervened : Survey : Incorporated : Professional : Neurological > :--------------------------------------------: O 492 : Supporting : Didntfrankly : Unapologetic : Terrorists > :--------------------------------------------: O 493 : Nonmormons : Achievement : Moreover > :--------------------------------------------: O 494 : Announcement : Governing : Christianthemed : Performances : Misconduct : Severely > :--------------------------------------------: O 495 : Africanamerican : Redemptive : Missionaries : Surpluses > :--------------------------------------------: O 496 : Structure : Concession : Privacy : Paralympics > :--------------------------------------------: O 497 : Recovered > :--------------------------------------------: O 498 : Taxadvantaged > :--------------------------------------------: O 499 : Perceptions : Partnerships : Commencement : Undergraduates : Criticisms : Discover > :--------------------------------------------: O 500 : Winnipesaukee > :--------------------------------------------: O 501 : Electricity : Advisory : Nonideological : Overcome : Contributing : Singlemindedly > :--------------------------------------------: O 502 : Puzzlement : Vulture > :--------------------------------------------: O 503 : Communities : Governor > :--------------------------------------------: O 504 : Spontaneous : Sovereign : Interrogation > :--------------------------------------------: O 505 : Providing : Skepticism > :--------------------------------------------: O 506 : Destruction > :--------------------------------------------: O 507 : Anthropology : Pharmaceutical : Bankruptcy : Wellpublicized : Sarbanesoxley > :--------------------------------------------: O 508 : Activity : Poverty > :--------------------------------------------: O 509 : Administration : Alternative : Lumpectomy > :--------------------------------------------: O 510 : Legislative : Lesserknown > :--------------------------------------------: O 511 : Corporation : Civilians : Christianity > :--------------------------------------------: O 512 : Videotaping : Commissioned > :--------------------------------------------: O ································································· 45 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 513 : Antivietnam : Indecisive : Associations : Themselves > :--------------------------------------------: O 514 : Reversing > :--------------------------------------------: O 515 : Converted : Doctormaster : Vehemently : Criticizing > :--------------------------------------------: O 516 : Services : Spiritually : Culturally : Reluctantly : Frontrunner > :--------------------------------------------: O 517 : Participation : Historically > :--------------------------------------------: O 519 : Divorcing : Radioactive > :--------------------------------------------: O 520 : Nonreligious : Overseeing : Feinsteinmichael > :--------------------------------------------: O 521 : Expensive : Medvedev : Recordbreaking > :--------------------------------------------: O 523 : Divestment : Convince > :--------------------------------------------: O 525 : Authorization : Concurrent > :--------------------------------------------: O 526 : Conclusion : Scriptures : Connections : Recollection > :--------------------------------------------: O 527 : Cosponsored : Predominantly : Significantly > :--------------------------------------------: O 528 : Corruption : Universal : Versions : Discovered > :--------------------------------------------: O 529 : Presidentelect : Continuation > :--------------------------------------------: O 531 : Supporters > :--------------------------------------------: O 532 : Exhaustive : Commentators > :--------------------------------------------: O 534 : Organizations : Bankruptcies : Thirtyyearold > :--------------------------------------------: O 535 : Gynecological : Improving : Activities : Relatively > :--------------------------------------------: O 536 : Victory : Instructor : Convinced : Exploratory > :--------------------------------------------: O 537 : Successful > :--------------------------------------------: O 538 : Evolved : Preventing > :--------------------------------------------: O 539 : Occasionally : Individuals : Television > :--------------------------------------------: O 540 : Unanimously : Consultants > :--------------------------------------------: O 541 : Development : Mcchrystals : Previous > :--------------------------------------------: O 542 : Executive : Diversity : Visibility : Microtargeting > :--------------------------------------------: O 543 : Constellation : Directives : Characterizing > :--------------------------------------------: O 544 : Initiatives : Volunteer : Transparency : Overhauling > :--------------------------------------------: O 545 : Extraordinary : Politifactcom > :--------------------------------------------: O 546 : Reorganization > :--------------------------------------------: O 547 : Government : Overturn > :--------------------------------------------: O 548 : Innovation : Deprivation > :--------------------------------------------: O 549 : Converts : Mormondominated : Concussion > :--------------------------------------------: O 550 : Recovery : Unemployment > :--------------------------------------------: O 552 : Particularly : Confirmations : Ecclesiastical > :--------------------------------------------: O 554 : Congressional : Benghaziannounced : Massachusetts > :--------------------------------------------: O 555 : Automotive : Subsequently > :--------------------------------------------: O 556 : Investment : Suspicious : Effectively > :--------------------------------------------: O 557 : Approximately > :--------------------------------------------: O 558 : Confrontation > :--------------------------------------------: O 559 : Outofpocket > :--------------------------------------------: O 561 : Eventually : Incorporating : Opportunism > :--------------------------------------------: O ································································· 46 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 562 : Incorrectly > :--------------------------------------------: O 563 : Incentives : Interactive : Victories > :--------------------------------------------: O 564 : Prevention : Discretionary > :--------------------------------------------: O 565 : Indonesianlanguage : Colloquially : Tumultuous : Consensusbased > :--------------------------------------------: O 566 : Nonpracticing : Governors > :--------------------------------------------: O 567 : Interrogations : Institutions : Recovering : Inauthenticity > :--------------------------------------------: O 568 : Accountability > :--------------------------------------------: O 570 : Foreclosures > :--------------------------------------------: O 571 : Restructure > :--------------------------------------------: O 572 : Administrations : Virtually : Accommodations : Alternatives > :--------------------------------------------: O 574 : Dissatisfaction : Corporations > :--------------------------------------------: O 575 : Investors > :--------------------------------------------: O 576 : Executivenb : Activeduty > :--------------------------------------------: O 577 : Recoveries > :--------------------------------------------: O 579 : Reconciliation : Contraception : Unconscionable > :--------------------------------------------: O 580 : Resurrection > :--------------------------------------------: O 581 : Provision > :--------------------------------------------: O 582 : Exceptionalism > :--------------------------------------------: O 583 : Convertsnb > :--------------------------------------------: O 584 : Opportunity : Restructured : Overcoming > :--------------------------------------------: O 585 : Involve > :--------------------------------------------: O 587 : Administrationera > :--------------------------------------------: O 589 : Motivational > :--------------------------------------------: O 590 : Governmental : Recommendations : Constitution > :--------------------------------------------: O 591 : Cooperative > :--------------------------------------------: O 592 : Greatgreatgrandfather > :--------------------------------------------: O 593 : Costsaving > :--------------------------------------------: O 596 : Consistently : Responsibility > :--------------------------------------------: O 597 : Voluntary : Consequently > :--------------------------------------------: O 598 : Convention : Involved : Democraticleaning > :--------------------------------------------: O 599 : Audiencerousing > :--------------------------------------------: O 600 : Reauthorization : Environment : Competitive : Unpopularity > :--------------------------------------------: O 602 : Preinauguration > :--------------------------------------------: O 605 : Rezkoattracted : Executives : Valedictorian > :--------------------------------------------: O 606 : Insufficiently > :--------------------------------------------: O 607 : Volunteers > :--------------------------------------------: O 610 : Governments > :--------------------------------------------: O 611 : Opportunities > :--------------------------------------------: O 618 : Intensively : Unconscious > :--------------------------------------------: O 619 : Investments : Selectively > :--------------------------------------------: O 620 : Aggressively > :--------------------------------------------: O ································································· 47 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 623 : Responsibilities > :--------------------------------------------: O 624 : Proselytizing > :--------------------------------------------: O 627 : Conversion > :--------------------------------------------: O 631 : Reinvestment > :--------------------------------------------: O 632 : Administrative : Investigation > :--------------------------------------------: O 633 : Constitutional : Conviction : Progressive > :--------------------------------------------: O 634 : Intervention > :--------------------------------------------: O 637 : Accomplishments > :--------------------------------------------: O 639 : Construction : Largerpopulation > :--------------------------------------------: O 640 : Circumstances > :--------------------------------------------: O 641 : Conventional : Supportive > :--------------------------------------------: O 643 : Environmental > :--------------------------------------------: O 644 : University : Provisions > :--------------------------------------------: O 647 : Unequivocal > :--------------------------------------------: O 651 : Presumptive > :--------------------------------------------: O 652 : Nearuniversal : Unsuccessful > :--------------------------------------------: O 653 : Constitutions > :--------------------------------------------: O 654 : Infrastructure : Survived > :--------------------------------------------: O 655 : Prospective > :--------------------------------------------: O 656 : Governorship > :--------------------------------------------: O 657 : Publicprivate : Unconditionally > :--------------------------------------------: O 658 : Vicepresident : Counteractions > :--------------------------------------------: O 659 : Successfully > :--------------------------------------------: O 660 : Simultaneously > :--------------------------------------------: O 661 : Stockownership > :--------------------------------------------: O 663 : Previously > :--------------------------------------------: O 664 : Advertisements > :--------------------------------------------: O 665 : Mccainintroduced > :--------------------------------------------: O 668 : Involving > :--------------------------------------------: O 671 : Universities > :--------------------------------------------: O 672 : Consecutive > :--------------------------------------------: O 673 : Representative > :--------------------------------------------: O 677 : Conversation > :--------------------------------------------: O 687 : Counterprotest > :--------------------------------------------: O 688 : Conservatism > :--------------------------------------------: O 690 : Conversions > :--------------------------------------------: O 691 : Respectively > :--------------------------------------------: O 696 : Adjacenttohishomestate > :--------------------------------------------: O 699 : Usaspendinggov > :--------------------------------------------: O 713 : Vancouver > :--------------------------------------------: O 714 : Reconstruction > :--------------------------------------------: O ································································· 48 : 50

> :--------------------------------------------: O 719 : Postbankruptcy > :--------------------------------------------: O 720 : Counterculture > :--------------------------------------------: O 722 : Universitywide > :--------------------------------------------: O 730 : Controversial : Overexposure > :--------------------------------------------: O 731 : Vicepresidential > :--------------------------------------------: O 736 : Representatives > :--------------------------------------------: O 737 : Involvement > :--------------------------------------------: O 741 : Successtofailure > :--------------------------------------------: O 748 : Unconstitutional > :--------------------------------------------: O 771 : Telecommunications > :--------------------------------------------: O 774 : Unsuccessfully > :--------------------------------------------: O 775 : Constructionism > :--------------------------------------------: O 778 : Counterterrorism > :--------------------------------------------: O 790 : Personalitydisorder > :--------------------------------------------: O 793 : Innovatively > :--------------------------------------------: O 800 : Conservative > :--------------------------------------------: O 854 : Counterinsurgency > :--------------------------------------------: O 863 : Conservatives > :--------------------------------------------: O

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> :--------------------------------------------: O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- End of Export File -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

dark angel by crazy clayz

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