Facilitators Project

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The Facilitator / Dorodango Project A Program to Find A Long Term Solution for A Full Spectrum of Social Misfits This is a Very Rough Overview of This Proposal, Largely because The Author is seeking to be a Candidate Client of This Program. e.g.; The Author is A Socially Dysfunctional Hobo.

Presented by : Tiny Wanda / Chrstphre Campbell / The Translucent Amoebae Consortium Contact : transamoebae@seanet.com Contact : thetranslucentamoebae@gmail.com Contact by Text Messaging : 5092805247 Troublesome Rants : http://transamoebae.blogspot.com Pictoglyphs : http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrstphre Flickr Favorites : http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrstphre/favorites/ Family Snapshots : http://www.flickr.com/photos/harvey-marie Original Music : http://www.icompositions.com/artists/chrstphre

Scratch Programs : http://scratch.mit.edu/users/tinywanda

The Japanese Art of Dorodango Consists of Taking A Dirt/Mud Ball & by Simply Constantly Handing It, It Eventually Dries Into A Very Shiny Ball! It might also be noted that these Dorodango Balls Are Very Fragile & Require A Stupendous Effort To Preserve them in This Impeccable Guise. This is both a Strength & Weakness of The Facilitator Approach. The Strength is The Awareness that It is Possible To Take a Mud Ball or Homeless Vagabond And Create This Remarkable Self Actualized Form; While The Weakness is That This Level of Perfection Requires Constant Attention & Care in Preserving It. :---------------:o

The Dorodango Project is A Self Sustaining Approach & Methodology towards Eliminating Homelessness; As well as Providing A More Pervasive Solution to All Underutilized Citizens that May Not be Capable of Self Actualizing on their own.

One Line Overview : The Dorodango Project is A Self Sustaining Approach & Methodology to Eliminating Homelessness; As well as Providing A More Pervasive Solution to All Underutilized Citizens that May Not be Capable of Self Actualizing on their own. Initial Assumptions : The General Population of any given Society contains a measurable Subset of Citizens which are unable to sustain themselves as productive residents for A Wide Variety of Reasons; Such as Mental Illness, Personality Disorders, Intellectual Bovinianess, Narcotic Dependancies, Incorrigible Laziness, Ideological or Philosophic Beliefs that Conflict with Capitalism, Foreign Cultural Mores or A Pathological Confusion pertaining to The Minutia of Existence— The Dorodango Project Assumes that these Featherless Parakeets are Chronically Broken, & Do Not Need a Mere Helping Hand, But Rather; Long Term Guardianship & Supervision of The Sort that Responsible Parents provide for their Children— Indefinitely. The Candidates for The Dorodango Project will remain within The Program Perpetually, But Not as a Burden to The Program or Society; But Rather as The Principle Income Generating Beavers that Sustains The Supervisory Conservators that Nurture & Assist them in Every Venue of their lives. The Dorodango Project Assumes that Everyone that is Accepted into The Program ( Which Allows that Some Social Delinquents are Not Suitable for this Program ! ) Want to Be Happy; And this Happiness is Socially Agreeable & Obtainable by Means of An Attention to Details which The Participants are Unable to Identify &/or Manage on their own. This is The Core of The Dorodango Project; It assumes that The Principle Handicap Underlying The Dysfunctionality of Most Social Misfits is that they are Unable to Manage The Common & Ordinary Minutia of

Existence that Socially Functional Citizens are able to Perform Intuitively without Conscious Effort. You may believe that many of these Eccentrics have ‘Larger’ or More Extensive Problems that are their ‘Real’ Problems, But The Dorodango Project Openly Refutes This ! The Dorodango Project Believes that Their Mental Illness, Drug Addictions, Criminal Preferences or Incorrigible Indolence may have a Physiological Foundation— But its their Inability to Understand & Cope with All of Their Everyday Annoyances that makes them Truly Dysfunctional. :---------------:o

The AntiThesis of The Dorodango Project is that Dysfunctional Citizens need Therapy, Judicial Incarceration, Ostracization, Hand Outs, Sympathy, Pity, Pointless Labor or Tough Love; Which The Proponents of these Approaches believe will Enable The Dysfunctional Citizens to ‘Snap Out of It’ & Then Reintegrate into Society on their own, Without Any Additional Help. This is Crazy Talk. :---------------:o Things That The Dorodango Project will Eliminate Soup Kitchens Welfare SSI Warming Centers Dumpster Diving ( Except by Middle Income Teenagers The Economic Potential of Dumpster Diving; The Amazing Resources that may be found in Dumpsters !!! ) Drunken Sots Loitering around your Corner Grocery Store --How will The Dorodango Project get Rid of These Scourges ?

By simply creating an Opportunity & Methodology for Resourceful Entrepreneurs to make money from these Blights. :---------------:o

Initial Definitions : The Facilitator : The Supervising Caretaker / The Grandmother Witch / A Curandera The Toaster : The Client / Misfit / Ne’er-do-well / Hobo / Traffic Cone / Bæbours : The Damp Masses / The Mediocre Masses / Hoi Polloi / Peasants Sheep : The Passive Grazers that want Simple Lives Wolves : The Reckless Predators that Prey on The Sheep, Destabilizing The Community Beavers : The Hard Workers that are Incessantly Busy, Sustaining The Social Infrastructure Engineers : Generic Term for Artists & Musicians, Creators, Shakers & Doers, Anyone that Changes Things to Evolve Society. The Functional Opposite of The Engineers are The Janitors. The Dysfunctional Tangental Opposite of The Janitors are The Cats. Janitors : The Bæbours that Maintain The Structures within A Society. This Includes are The Professions that one may think of as Conventional Janitors, Window Washers, Middle Management, Assembly Line Workers & Such; But also Doctors & Lawyers, Wall Street Money Jugglers & anyone else that Doesn’t Contribute anything ’New’ to Their Culture. Cats : The Bæbours that just loaf around & never do anything. These are The Street

People, Drunken Sots, Homeless Bag or Shopping Cart Lunatics & such that Litter The Streets of Metropolitan Centers & Public Parks. Hobos : A Distinct Autonomous Class of Cats, But are Effectively Unseen by The Bæbours. Infinite Greed : Greed that Abhors Waste Self Actualization : The State of Individual Perfection ( Complete Fulfillment of Ones Potential ) Cogitator : Next Generation of Thinking Machines M&M : The Pinnacle of Technology / Simplicity & Complexity, Nearly Free Perfection


New Introduction : i live in an apartment building that features 10 Units, each of which is appropriate for a single individual, or perhaps a couple that have a very functional, loving relationship. Recently; Since The Building’s Change in Ownership, The Categories of Tenants has changed substantially since when i moved in, 5 years prior to this shift in Management Philosophy ( ! ) Which has compelled me to think harder about The ‘Problem’ of Misfits. Where would be The ‘Best’ or ‘Most Appropriate’ Place for Misfits, Eccentrics, Ne’er-dowells, Oddballs, The Marginally Disabled due to A Personality Disorder, Foreigners & Refugees, Serious Criminals Not Currently Incarcerated, or DeadBeat Relatives.

i have come to believe that simply dumping them into residential centers whose principle occupants do Not fulfill any of The Criteria Mentioned above, is Inefficient & Perilous to The Sheep as well as The Wolves. It is Not The ‘Job’ or ‘Responsibility’ of The ‘Good’ ‘Responsible’ Lodgers to care for to ‘PutUp-With’ The Antics of The Misfits. So where should they be housed ? It is also necessary & prudent to more thoroughly define our Misfit Categories by Dividing them into Quiet & Bothersome Misfits. i would consider myself a Quiet Misfit, & while i may Not be a ‘Good’ Neighbor as i Envision a Good Neighbor, i strive to be an Invisible Neighbor. A Good Neighbor is much friendlier than i am. i have a Schizoid Personality Disorder ( Or possibly Aspergers ), which interferes with my ability to interact with people. While i may cognitively consider baking ( or buying ) a pie to welcome a new Occupant to The Building; i am deeply inhibited from doing so. i think that most people find The Quiet Misfit Tolerable— But even so; i would consider myself a good prospect for The Dorodango Program as a Toaster. Anyways. i think that The Best Solution for Bothersome Misfits that are ‘Interested’ in Integrating into The General Community ( As Opposed to those that Don’t— & Require a Different Solution ), Is to put them into ‘Group Homes’. Ideally; A Group Home should be fairly Small; Because— You obviously don’t want to Cater a Gathering for Criminal Delinquents that are eager to form a new gang, Or have so many Clients ( Under a Facilitator ) that they become Dehumanized. The Biggest Problem i see for this Solution is that many of your Misfits may be Wolves that would Prey on The Sheep in a Group Home.

The Obvious Solution is to Carefully Collect The Residents so that A Compatible or

‘Functional’ Congregation Not Only Survives One Another ( ! ) But acts as One Another’s Yin to Yang Melding to A Comfortable & Tasty Vanilla. There may be A Place for Italian Butterscotch; But in any Environment where Explosions, Meltdowns, Confrontations or Catastrophic Volcanic Paroxysms are probable, Vanilla is The Flavor you should be aiming for. So that if you’re interested in Recruiting a Ne’er-do-well as a Toaster, You need a Community Toasters will equal dominance that are Not Ne’er-do-wells. So— How would you Start Something like this; From Scratch ? Find a House with 5 or 6 Bedrooms. Find a Facilitator ( or A ( Married ) Couple acting as A Facilitator ) Do some Research & Assemble A Small Community of Toasters. Live Responsibly. The ( Other ) Problem is that if a Ne’er-do-well currently lives in a building where they have worn out their welcome, & they don’t want to move to a Group Home, How might you proceed ? Ideally; They would move to The Facilitator Center Willingly, Because there are substantial incentives for them to Self-Actualize there & have all The Problems taken care of; But sometimes a Misfit has a much greater desire or ‘Need’ for ‘Personal Freedom’ than The Promises of The Dorodango Program can offer them. In Such A Case; You’d need somekind of Legal-Smegal Foundation to move them out of The Apartment Complex that they’re currently taking residence in, & then Move them to The new Facility as Painlessly as Possible— Perhaps even moving all of their stuff while they are otherwise occupied off-site ( ! ) At The End of The Day; You simply redirect them to their new residency & feed them pie until they calm down. :---------------:o i realize. That. Ideas are cheap. i have no idea how any of this would be implemented,

& i am aware that there are innumerable details that i have Not considered. This is a Raw Idea. A Half Baked Idea. It is however; i believe, A much Better Hare-Brained, Impractical, Cockamamie Proposal than many of The Programs that i have experienced first hand as a Recipient of Their Misbegotten Goodwill. :---------------:o

Second New Introduction : Another Level of The Original Cockamamie Idea is to Identify ‘Good’ or Promising Candidates for The Dorodango Program. The Best Way to do this; i suspect; Is to administer an Expansive Personality Inventory to As Many People as Possible. This assumes that everyone, even crazy homeless people, have an iPod, Android Phone or Reading Tablet which is capable of loading an App that consists of This Personality Inventory, & is Fun to ‘Play’. The App; Through Devious Means ( ! ), learns The True Identity of The Person taking The Personality Inventory & emails Their Results to a Central Repository where The Best Candidates are Shunted to A Second Tier Recruitment Processing Center. For The Many Citizens that take The Inventory that are Not Dysfunctional Enough to be in The Dorodango Program, they are redirected to Others that are like minded or suitable for romantic relationships based on formulas that have been shown to link certain personality types & resources to one another. So that The App serves everyone. ( nearly everyone ) This App : ( Fun to Take ! ) Determines The User’s Personality Type. Intelligent Quotient ( Multiphasic Analysis ) Ethical Quotient Drug Dependancies Tendencies toward Sociopathic or Psychopathic Behaviours Cultural Literacy Interests & Curiosities Sexual Fetishes

What Animal they’d like to be Greatest Aspirations Any Phobias What Question they’d like to ask Gawd. What Question they’d like to ask The Aliens. How Gullible they are Favorite Color Social Caste ---? :---------------:o

The Third New Introduction One other point that i would like to address; & This Continuance of New Introductions speaks to this Third Tier by Pure Example; e.g. ) i am ( Author of The Dorodango Project ) Of The Type that would be A Client of The Dorodango Method. i am Muddled in my thinking, & find it very difficult to organize my thoughts sufficiently to ‘Get Things Done’. How The Dorodango Project Differs from The Status Quo : One of The things that has greatly irritated me in my many failed attempts, ( feeble as they were ) to integrate into a more normalized Employment Situation; Is that when seeking help from Employment Agencies, whose job, it was, arguably; to find an employment solution for me— They ( & this applies to my many teachers in The Public School System as Well ) would invariably ( i’m pretty sure that i’m using this wood correctly ) push me back down to my ‘Proper Position’ if i were to dream wildly, & express a desire to serve The Community or Employment Realm in A Creative Manner. That is; Actually Contribute Something Creatively, To Change The Way Things Are Now & Lift Up The Damp Masses. Their position was to simply put me to work on an assembly-line somewheres & if Any of Us ( The Victims ( Children ) of The Public School System or Government

Employment Bureaus ) really wanted to Contribute Something in This Manner, we would ‘Be On Our Own’ — & Indeed, Many of The Victims of The Public School System do escape this Flour-Mill System, & Actually go on to Accomplish Something. Gawd Bless Them ! But The Dorodango Project is Not Intended for Those that Can Do that On Their Own. The Dorodango Project is for Those that have The Crazy Ideas & A Grand Spiritual Desire to Serve The Fallen Angels, Featherless Parakeets, Naked Hamsters & The Damp Masses; Without Gratuitous Compensation— Something like; Doctor’s without Boarders ( ? ) !!! —But are lacking in that very special Attribute of : “Knowing How To Get Things Done.” That is What The Dorodango Project Provides for them; These Angels that Want very much to be productive, but are deeply stymied by Their Own Inner Confusion. i think that i can reliably recount a solid 90% of all The Times that A Teacher in The Public School System or Government Employment Agency told me, in no uncertain terms, to Sit Down & Shut Up & To Stop Bothering them with all of my Crazy Ideas. Granted : Lunatics like myself have A Lot of Crazy Ideas; Many of Them, A Great Many of Them, Really are Very Crazy, & with The Greatest Effort Applied to them, Will Never Bear Fruit !!!

So that; It is entirely reasonable that these Factory Workers would be Exercising Reasonable Impatience when Suppressing my Creative Impulses. But. That squanders many of The Great Crazy Ideas & Disorganized Lunatics like myself from Ever Getting Anything Done. They have; thrown another wondrous Book in The Fireplace. Burnt down another Library. BullDozed Another Concert Auditorium. Maybe it is Entirely Reasonable for them Not to Squander Their Time on Us. The Dorodango Project is Specifically Intended to Seek out These Lunatics with The Crazy Ideas, Not So Crazy Ideas, or Merely a Sincere Desire to Work Hard & Accomplish Something ‘Real’.

This in itself is a Crazy Idea. The Dorodango Project is Recursively Crazy. Another Small Point that occurred to me, & that i wanted to somehow ‘Integrate’ into this Third Introduction, but i keep leaving it out; Is that many of these Teachers & Employment Agency Drones, Don’t seem to ‘Be Aware’ that there are many Jobs, Real Jobs, Simple, Concrete ‘Jobs’ that aren’t mere Busy Work. It seems to me that The Public School System & Government Employment Agencies are Only Concerned with finding BusyWork for The Damp Masses to keep themselves occupied with. To keep idyl hands from getting into superfluous mischief. In one ( Real World ) Case; i had this Crazy Idea of Wanting to Redesign All of Those 3rd Class Mailing Fliers from ‘Woolworth’s’ or ’Newberry’s’ ( nowadays; Waldomart or Fred Meyer’s ) from The Structure that they were currently using, which caused many people to simply throw them away without even looking at them; To Something that most eveyone would keep, in piles, in their homes, like National Geographics. National Geographic is such an odd Periodical, in that while most Magazines are superficially read & then Discarded; Most Everyone that Subscribes to National Geographic, keep them, in Stacks or Bookcases forever. What if it were somehow possible to Redesign all of The Junk Mail, 3 Page Fliers; So that Most Everyone that got one of these, would actually eagerly read through it & keep it. or Take it apart & tape some parts of it to their Walls. This seemed like a deliciously mischievious idea to me. But The Government Employment Drone that i was relaying this idea to, just didn’t get it. i think that her problem was that she didn’t think, or wasn’t aware that The Process of Designing these Fliers was someones ‘Real Job’. It’s like Product Packaging; Andy Warhol may have tried to show us that The Campbell’s Soup Can is Real Art, But most people, of course; Weren’t able to ‘Extend’ that understanding to All Product Packaging. Every Canned Good or Product Label or Box is a Work of Art that was Created by A Creative Artist. Every now when i mention this to you; i’m sure that most of you Balk at this idea. That is Crazy Talk, you say.

Then you have proven my point. You don’t ‘Get It.’ You don’t understand that there are Lots of Real Jobs that are, That Offer, a Lot more to someone that wants to ‘Do Good’ than be Nothing More than Busy Work. The Dorodango Project’s Mandate is to Provide Confused Hobos with Facilitators that Know How To Get Things Done & get them into Jobs that will provide them with an Opportunity to Do Real, Lasting Good.* -* is that a Carnegie Quote ?

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The Facilitator/Dorodango Project A Generic, Form Fitting Solution Towards Eliminating The Bane of The Homeless Population & Finding A Productive & Self Sustaining Niche for Everyone in A Given Society. It is all about Making Full Use of The Resources Available to A Society. It is all about Infinite Greed. Infinite Greed differs a little from Conventional Greed in that : The Usual Kind of Greed is All About Obtaining Something; Money, Land, Raw Materials, Opulence &/or Gratuitous Creature Comforts, Controlling Souls, Hoarding Capital Resources or Essential Necessities, Dominating & Restricting Knowledge or Simply Destroying The Potential Wealth of Others to Create A Greater Chasm between The Rich & Poor, So that you seem, or Are Richer, than ‘The Others’. Infinite Greed is Most Notably Defined by Its Equivalence to The Actions of Perfect Egotism, & by Extension; Acquisitive Altruism— Which is An Illustrative Narrative of A World without Color or Shadows. Imagine a World without Color or Shadows. How would you distinguish one thing from another? Everything would remain distinct, but you would not be able to discern their Separateness. Everything would appear as They Really Are; One Continuous, Holistic Gaian Organism, Filling all available Space & Time. It’s The Colors & Shadows that confuse us. Infinite Greed & Perfect Egotism are Philosophies that understand that any change(s for The Betterment of What may appear to be ‘This Over Here’, Must Include ‘Everything Over There’ as well. This may seem overwhelming or impossible, But like any good magic trick; It is fulfilled with misdirection & lots of tiny steps that allows any given caterpillar to climb to The top of The Highest Tree. :---------------:o

Various Ideas for An Outline : Include before & After Pictures; Possible Venues for Exploitation The Acknowledgement of Talentless Homeless Clients Procedure to Completion Things that The Facilitator would need to take care of. Introduction My Background The Facilitator Synopsis Contact Information & Disclaimer Table of Contents Definitions & Glossary List of Included Definitions & Links The Facilitator Introduction Suggestions for Recruiting, Identifying & Excluding Potential Facilitators The Two Principle Expenditures ( Seed Money ) A) The Detoxification Hospitalization B) Housing, Groceries & Other Amenities for The First Six Months Minimal Housing Containment Egg Group Housing for Socialites :---------------:o

A Short Introduction The Facilitator Project/Program The Facilitator Project Is Principally Intended to Remove The Homeless from The Cities that they Plague. The Facilitator Project Rejects Homeless Shelters, Jobs Programs, Tent Cities, Cardboard Boxes as Homes, Police Harassment, Drug or Alcoholism Enabling, One Solution Fits All, Religious Altruism, Charity, Resignation of The Human Condition, Voluntary Organizations, Soup Kitchens, Welfare, Street Juggling, Public Housing, Humanitarianism, Social Conscious, Compassionate Goodwill or Bleeding Heart Liberal Tolerance for The Under-Privileged. The Problem(s ( Principle Fallacy ) with Altruistic Charity Programs is That; A) They are constantly Scrambling for Funding & B) The Volunteers that Donate their Time & Effort, Eventually Burn Out & Resign; Bitter & Disillusioned that they have accomplished Nothing, Since these programs are Invariably Interested in Only Sustaining The Status Quo & Enabling The Self Destructive Habits of The Homeless ( et. al. ). The Facilitator Project is Based on The Simple Idea of Perfect Egotism & Infinite Greed that Exploits The Resources that The Homeless have to Offer. This Resource ( The Homeless Rag-a-muffins ) is Being Tragically Squandered & The Best

Way to Cultivate it, Is to Find Facilitators that are willing & able to Discover these Hidden Resources & Exploit them to The Desired Effect of Self Actualizing The Previously Homeless Clients. ······················································ The Facilitator Project is Intended to Help a Specific Class(s of The Homeless; Petty Criminals, Welfare Recipients, The Chronically UnEmployed, Bothersome Relatives, Misguided Youth, Disenfranchised Single Apartment Dwellers, Traumatized Veterans, Most Mentally or Physically Disabled Jelly Rolls, Quirky Genius', Confused Overachievers & Talentless Go-Getters, MailArtists, Green Peace Vegetarians, UnEnculturated Immigrants, Suicidal Adolescents from Abusive Homes, Aimless Whores, UnAttractive HighSchool DropOuts & Recently Divorced or Widowed Housewives that are Minimally Trainable According to The Well Established Principles of Classical Pavlovian Conditioning. The Facilitator Program consists of a Symbiotic Relationship Between The Greedy Exploiter & The Dysfunctional Loafer.

The Inclusive Rule is : Featherless Parakeets that Require Extensive Supervision to Become Functional Citizens. The Exclusionary Rule is : Shaved Hamsters that are Not Enthusiastic or Acquiescent about Self Actualizing.

:---------------:o i’ve been thinking about this project a few days after i started it, & while this thought has occurred to me previously; it suddenly seemed to ring ‘more true’ as i’ve been formalizing an approach to The Implementation of The Facilitator Project, & that Is : This Entire Program may only be suitable for a very tiny subset of The Homeless Population.

And that Subset consists of Homeless people that retain a long term dream for their own future. -Another thought that i had while watching The News on how The Local Government & Police were dealing with The ‘Campers’ under The Freeway Overpasses; Was that The Government was still thinking in terms of handling this Situation as A Janitorial Problem, Rather than an Opportunity for Everyone’s Benefit. The Position that The Government should take is; We Fully Respect The Freedoms of These Homeless People to Break Away from Western Civilization & Live without Boundaries; But Sadly; There is No Specific Place where This Sub-Culture can go & live under The Benevolent Hand of Gawd, Sufficiently Isolated from Western Civilization to Exist as An Autonomous Entity. As a Sub-Culture that Routinely Uses The Waste & Refuse of Their Parental Community that they have Rejected; This Ad Hoc Solution is UnAcceptable to Many of Us that Perceive these Bohemian Idlers as An Eyesore, or Worse; A Threat to our Security. So. Our Position on this is; If you keep a Low Profile, make use of Facilities that we will provide for you to Store your Belongings in a Secure Location, Take Periodic Showers & Stay out of Mischief; We will respect your rights & Freedom to live peripherally within our communities, without The Usual Arduous Responsibilities or Gratuitous Benefits— We will make every effort to ignore you; But ( Alternatively ) If you insist on jumping onto our Radar, Getting in our Faces & Being A Nuisance; Then we will take possession of your Liberties; & Insist that you become integrated at ( at least ) A Minimal Level of Societal Participation. This may be greatly beneficial for your circumstances; But if you don’t see it that way; You’ll need to Readjust your priorities. -This Hardass position of ours does Not presuppose that you are powerless to push back; But we would like you to avoid conflict, as The game of Antagonism will often result in very unexpected consequences for everyone concerned. :---------------:o

Initial Observations & Assumptions : Bell Curve of Self Sufficiency

While most Homeless Vagabonds are perceived as shoddy undomesticated chattel, Whose grooming habits are inferiour to that of houseflies; One might well consider that if You were thrown out of Your home, with only The Clothes on your back in Mid-Winter; What would your Survival Potential Be ? These Crazy Lunatics that dig through our Garbage Dumpsters are capable of Exhibiting A Genuine & Remarkable Set of Skills that Demonstrate that they have a Strong Desire to Survive & Within The Confines of Their Mental Illnesses— Flourish. The Facilitator Program is Simply Intended to Take that Raw & MisDirected Ambition & Focus It on Allowing these UnClaimed Social Orphans to Self Actualize under Austere, Self-Motivating & Loving Supervision. The Facilitator Leaves Nothing to Chance. Any Problem or Difficulty that Arises, Is The Responsibility of The Facilitator. The Facilitator is Not a Mother or Father Surrogate; The Facilitator is A Symbiotic Leech attached to The Belly of The Client & Insures that their Every Need is Cared for. The Facilitator’s task is Not to Train The Client to Take Care of Themselves. It is Axiomatically Assumed that The Client will Never be Able to Care of Themselves. The Client should be Considered to be like a Quadriplegic in a Basket that must be carried everywhere & fed hourly. And Then: Within this Tightly Confined Womb of Nurturing; The Client is given The Freedom to Perform some Fiscally Productive Activity without any of The Wholly Expected Burdens that Any Ordinary Person would be forced to Endure. That is The Facilitator Program. The Client Pays The Facilitator. It Costs The State, Government or Community Nothing. The Only Requirement is Finding Sufficiently Greedy & Infinitely Patient Facilitators to Exploit The Derelicts, Transients & Vagrants that Litter our Freeway Underpasses. :---------------:o

Definitions : Provide Links within The Document to The Definitions Unfortunately; .pdf’s do not have an active ‘return’ feature which would work with multiple references, so that this convenience would be a one way trip to The Definition, But require The Reader to find their own way back to their place in The Document ! The Facilitator : The Active Service Provider that Cares for The Client(s under their Guardianship. The Facilitator is Self-Motivated to Serve their Own Best Interests; Which Consists of Exploiting The Clients under their Care to Provide them with The Highest Potential Income. This Necessitates that they Sustain a Careful Balance of Both Challenging Their Clients to Excel & Self Actualize; Without Breaking them like Calcium Deficient Fibula. Since The Roll of The Facilitator Requires that They Exhibit Expertise in So Many Different Fields; Rather than find A Cadre of ‘Jeeves’; It may be more Beneficial & Easier for The Project Administrators to Create A Tiered Hierarchy of Facilitators that are Subservient & CoOperative with One Another. Obviously; The Fewer Tiers, The Better. The Facilitator; More than Any, Superfluous Expert on Any Given Field, They are Simply Someone that is Proficient at ‘Getting Things Done’, & Know, Without Hesitation, Where to Go to Find Help when they Need it. Kinds of Facilitators : The Entrepreneur The Nursemaid The Housekeeper The Legal Liaison / Insurance Specialist / Money Manager The Ethicist / Anthropologist / Sociologist / Philosopher The Passive Psychoanalyst The Field Expert / Master (x / Employment Advisor OverSeer : Supervisor under The Facilitator

UnderSeer : Supervisor under The OverSeer. An Underseer may be A Resident that is Comparatively Less Disabled in some Spectral Range of Abilities, So that they would aid another Resident within That Realm, While in another Context; The Roles of these Two Residents would be Reversed. The Client, Toaster or Resident : The Formerly Homeless or (x, Oily Bundle that The Facilitator Cares for & Nurtures. The Functional Participation of The Client is to Allow The Facilitator to Aid them in Self Actualizing, So that they may become a Fiscally Productive Member of The Industrial Civilization that Spawned them; And has an Ethical Responsibility towards Exploiting them for Their Mutual Benefits.

Crazy : A Generic Term for A Condition Characterized by A Severe Disconjunct between a Person’s Understanding of The World, & The Predictable Cause & Effect Activity of The Shared Reality. IQ : IQ is a very Curious Idea that Generally means or refers to a toaster’s ‘Brightness’. It has been well noted that there are a wide spectrum of IQs & any given induhvidual may possess a high Brightness Indicator in one Area & be quite a dullard in another. As Such; To Consider any given person either Entirely Bright or Dull based on a Particular Attribute is to Sell them Short Laces. Each induhvidual must be considered ‘Apt’ for a particular Task or Situation. It may well be that some Featherless Parakeets seem very Bright over a Wide Spectrum of Abilities, but They may fall far short in a particular skill when matched against a well established Sack Bouncer. Invisible : Anything that The Client ( or Facilitator ) is UnAware of, But Tangibly Exists & Either Services their Needs or Impedes their Growth & Development. e.g.; Automatic Electronic Bill Payments, Community Prejudices, Unconscious Self Loathing, Undiagnosed Brain Tumors, Multiple Personality Syndrome or Pixies that Rearrange things in your Room. Perfect Egotism : Egotism that understands that to best serve ones personal agenda; You invariably need The Cooperation or Indifference of The Damp Masses; Such that one must always strive to stay on their good side by Offering them small treats to keep

them placated. Infinite Greed : Greed with Abhors Waste. The Damp Masses : The Hoi Polloi / The IQ 100s / What is Noticeable concerning The Damp Masses, is that The IQ <80s are Not included in this Category. Only The Featherless Parakeets from IQ 90 to 110 are fully considered here. These are The Working Masses, The Social Insects that provide The Functional Labor Pool which allows civilizations to function; Yet do Not possess The Cognitive Skills of a Lamp Shade. Featherless Parakeet : Induhvidual of The Damp Masses Shaved Hamster : Induhvidual of The Damp Masses Traffic Cone or Paperclip : Induhvidual of The Damp Masses Oily Bundle : A Changeling that is Placed in a Crib or Bassinet while The Healthy Child is Taken.

The Lazy Town Exception i should note that while this Definition ( Lazy Town ) is at The Top of This Thesis; It is a Tiny Subset of ’The Solution’ that Is Not Inclusive to The Facilitator Program. It is an Alternative Resolution to a Very Specific Class of Hopeless Cases. ‘A Lazy Town’ Community : This is a Community of ‘Lazy’ People that are simply UnEnculturated. They have No Interest in Becoming a Worker Bee, By means of Making A Perfectly ‘Rational’ Decision, Based on Well Considered Philosophical Principles, The Choose To ‘Drop Out’ of Western Civilization. The Exact Machinery of How these Communities would work is UnDefined at this Time. But they Absolutely Should Not be ‘Tent’ or Cardboard Box Camps, surrounded by Port-A-Potties, that encourage everyone to be high on Marijuana all The Time. The Lazy Town Community should instead encourage The Citizens to Create & Evolve an

Alternative, PreTechnological Village like Cabal, Strongly Influenced by Magical Thinking, Anarchy without Formal Laws, Simple Chores & Embedded in A Natural Agriculture-Fauna Opulent Environment In An Thoroughly Embedded Location of Several Hundred Square Miles. ( PreAgricultural Haut Monde / Hunter-Gatherer Band of Localized Nomads ). Think : !Mbuti or Yanomami The Harmless Edenist : Is someone that just doesn’t want to do anything. They have no ambition to accomplish anything, And usually have no hidden abilities that they are denying to the general population. They should be housed in a structured & reasonable place for these people to live in, as one would expect to, in Eden. The Simple life of Monks or Nuns perhaps. Free Zones : Free Zones are Not Even a Subset of The Facilitator Solution; But An Alternative/Alternative Resolution to The Problem of Career & Petty Criminals that have No Place in The Main Stream Society. These Oily Bundles may well be better served by Isolating them in A Perfectly Functional ‘Small Town’ that Consists of Nothing-But These Ner’er-do-Wells. Within this Community, They would be Highly Supervised, But have every Opportunity to Live like ‘Real’ People, & Achieve their Fondest Dreams, Far Away from The Well Indoctrinated Damp Masses that are typically characterized by their Lawfulness. :---------------:o

Classes of The Homeless : Crazy - Dysfunctional / SSI - Group Home, or Formal Institution with Locks on The Doors - Strongly Motivated to Be Active / Facilitator Candidate

Not Crazy - Dysfunctional / Facilitator Candidate - Lazy / Lazy Town - - DisIllusioned / Facilitator Candidate - - Suffers from Very Low Self Esteem / Facilitator Candidate - - Habitually Lazy / Philosophically Resigned to The Hopelessness of A Moral, Ethical or Productive Life. ( The Most Rational Realization ) / Solution : Relocate to ‘A Lazy Town’ Community.

( -1 ) First Step : The Vetting Process To Select Likely Candidates for The Facilitator Program. The Best Candidate would be A Client with Few, If Any Major Mental or Physical Illnesses — ( Although Once The Facilitator Program were well underway, Greater Allowances would be Made for A Broader Inclusionary Cliental ) A Comparatively High Intelligence ( Wechsler 120 or Above ) A Distinctive Talent or Skill A Desire to ‘Get Going’ A Recognition that they require Supervision A Grandiose Dream This Vetting Process should be Administered in As Easy & Enjoyable A Manner as Possible; Perhaps by means of an ‘App’ consisting of a Series of Easy Questions, Fun little games, Selections, Moral Dilemmas, Trick Questions, & so on; That The App itself could evaluate & grade. It should be Designed to Foil or Deter anyone attempting to ‘Cheat’ on it; by Changing its structure for each administration. The App should check The Clients IQ, Personality Type, Honesty, Preferences for a Wide Variety of Venues, Criminality, & such. The App would be much more useful at Excluding Clients, Rather than Selecting them. The Additional Step(s would consist of Interviews & An Inventory of their Personal Belongings ( which i think are always very telling ! )

First Step : Obviously ( ? ) If A Facilitator Candidate is Using Recreational, Mind Altering, Hallucinogenic Drugs, Alcohol, Caffeine, Nicotine, Chocolate, Fatty Acids, Sugary Cookies or Engages in An Compulsive Habitual Activity that MisDirects their Ability to Make ‘Free’ Choices; They will have to Be DeToxified Before Their Participation in The Program may begin. The DeToxification Center should be Very Cheerful, Clean, But not reeking of Antiseptics. The End Game to Bring them into A Life Style that they will be Eager to Participate within, Not Another Dreary Zoological Penal Institution that The Damp Masses have Willing Volunteered for. The Paperclips that are to be Included in The Facilitator Program have made some Very Harsh Decisions during their Lives to Actively Reject Western Civilization & Willingly Accepted The Consequences of Those Decisions. If They Suspect that This Program is Designed to ReIntegrate them into that Society; They will Reject it. The Facilitator Program is Intended to Offer these People a Very Real Chance to Self Actualize & Discover Their Inner Superman. This is a Opportunity that Most ‘Ordinary’ People have abandoned when they were in The 5th Grade; Just as our Public Schools intended them to. Next Tier : Once they’re in The Program, their Level(s of Supervision will be Sufficiently Intense that Relapses will be Negligible. Initial Steps : Find them a ‘Home’ or Dwelling; Purchase Several ‘Outfits’, including Casual Wear & A Cheap Suit or Formal Wear. Groceries for A Month. Minimal Electronic Appliances. Wifi A List of Expectations / House Rules A Plan. :---------------:o

Poverty / Homeless / Petty Criminals / Facilitators There are some people that simply need a greater degree of supervision than most people. Many people suffering from pitiful Poverty, Homelessness, or are prone to pointless chronic criminal behaviour, need to be supervised and guided towards becoming either harmless Edenists, or productive citizens. The Harmless Edenist is someone that just doesn’t want to do anything. They have no ambition to accomplish anything, And usually have no hidden abilities that they are denying to the general population. They should be housed in a structured & reasonable place for these people to live in, as one would expect to, in Eden. The Simple life of Monks or Nuns perhaps. Others that do show some enthusiasm or initiative to accomplish something, but are unable to move in that direction on their own, need to supervised by Facilitators that are motivated to squeeze their Clients to Achieve their greatest potential and reap the rewards that they accumulate. The Facilitator would work as Their Agent’s, and typically An Agent would reap 50% ( or More ! ) of Their Clients Earnings. But since most of their Clients would not be Talented Artists or Musicians, But merely require Assistance to navigate their way through the inanities of Ordinary Living, And because each Facilitator would have dozens of Clients, They may reasonably earn a much smaller percentage; Say 20%. In return for this fee, The Facilitators would be responsible for every emergency or social crisis that the Client may suffer from.

Facilitators This is the solution for homelessness, misguided youth, petty criminals, disenfranchised housewives, traumatized veterans, most mentally or physically disabled people, quirky genius', confused overachievers & talentless go-getters that are minimally trainable. The Facilitator Program consists of a Symbiotic Relationship between The Greedy Exploiter & The Dysfunctional Loafer. Assumptions:

The Greedy Exploiter must fully embrace the principles of Infinite Greed. This form of Greed is different from ordinary greed in that when exercising ordinary greed, the practitioner is often satisfied with minimally exploiting their available resources, resulting in the squandering & waste of assets that are irreplaceable. The Facilitator must find these practices unacceptable. The Practitioner of Infinite Greed seeks to Draw Every Damp Smidgen & Stain of Life Giving Force from Whichever Resource they Choose to Exploit. The Next Assumption is that The Dysfunctional Loafer has real survival skills & a desire to accomplish something, even though these goals may typically be severely noncommercial. It is my Ball Park guess that a Solid 20% of all Loafers are Severely Under Utilized. That is: They have very special skills that are unrecognized &/or unused. It may even be that such skills don't have a common employment position, or that such a recognized position doesn't even exist in this culture, or anywhere in the world...!

The Mucilage that sticks The Exploiter & The Loafer together is The Last Assumption that there is A Method by which The Loafer may be Exploited to SelfActualize their natural abilities, Sustaining their own commercial value and pulling the Facilitator along with them. The Facilitator’s function is to essentially DO EVERYTHING that the loafer is incapable of doing for themselves ( for a variety of reasons ). The Facilitator is going to be VERY BUSY...! Their Part in this Symbiotic Relationship will require A LOT OF WORK...!!! It may well be that the Facilitator Symbioses Relationship may be constructed as a Hierarchal Structure in which their are intermediate layers of Facilitators that are themselves cared for by Facilitators, and a given Facilitator may care for multiple Loafers & SemiFunctional Underling Facilitators. -The principle antithesis that The Facilitator Program is NOT, Is where a Labor Baron would round up a few hundred Puerto Ricans and force them into a coal-mine in Oklahoma. Each Loafer must be considered as a Secret Bag of Gold with Undiscovered Talents &

Aspirations, that; If encouraged & released will explode with wealth. It may well be that many of the loafers will have very subtle, vanilla flavored Skills & Commitments; Which puts the onus on the Facilitator to harness & ride their obscure & marginally unique aptitudes. One Potential Solution to This Problem of ‘Talentless Derelicts’ Is to Make them Lackeys of A SuperSkilled Client. That is; The Facilitator would Identify A SuperSkilled Client under their Care; And then Use The Talentless Derelicts to Perform Routine & Marginally SemiSkilled SubTasks for The Principle Client. e.g.; A Talented & Creative Metal Working Crafts Person in A Workshop would require many subservient drones, which would themselves, eventually, become highly skilled & proficient in their particular Service Assignment. It might also be desirable to train one lackey at a time; Introducing one Proficient Helper to be Trained to do the Subservient jobs, then once they’re sufficiently experienced to require little supervision, they would be given a subservient lackey of their own to Train, as they are in turn, given more responsibilities. -The Major Necessary Skills for The Facilitator Program to Succeed Are: Greed, Communication, Transparency & Seriousness of Intent. The Obligation is always on the Facilitator to make it work. One of the Principle Assumptions is that The Loafer is incapable of making sense of their own abilities & life, and are always going to be restrained by a wide variety of circumstances that out of their control. The Loafer must NEVER be held responsible for this dysfunctionality. The Cooperative Loafer will be held as The Sweet Deal, While The Stubborn, Recalcitrant Loafer will be Regarded as the Nauseating Challenge. --

Might it be that there Loafers that simply have absolutely NO AMBITION to accomplish anything...??? Anything’s possible, but it is far more likely that the Facilitator/Loafer Union is flawed, And that the loafer needs a new Facilitator that they are compatible with. ---

??? Where to Find The Facilitators? The Ideal Facilitator is A Jeeves like Character. Lovable, Benevolent, Intelligent & Knows How to Get Things Done. They should be Highly Intelligent, but lacking a Special Talent for Themselves. They need to be highly sociable with an ability to manipulate others, without exploiting them for selfish reasons. ( It's perfectly alright to exploit and manipulate people for their own good, And the overall good of their community, or to benefit a single individual or small group whose importance is greater than those being exploited. ) Colleges & Universities that have Graduated Students with Top Honors, Have shown a desire to serve the community, And have no Marketable Skills of their own, & would otherwise become a middle-management drone for a large impersonal corporation. i very much suspect that the number of graduates that satisfy this criteria is actually very high. There are undoubtedly many students that went to college for all the wrong reasons, and studiously worked their way through 4 or 6 years of higher education, without a clear intention for what they would do afterwards. Things that The Facilitator Program is Not...! Slave Labor A Prison System Oriented Towards Punishment or Vengeance A Get Rich Quick Scheme for Shysters A Public Funded Pit of Despair Various Classes of Facilitation Supervised Independent Living Group Home Institutionalized Care Facility ( Nut House Controlled Access Community ( Low Security Prison Coed Community Conventional Prison Environment

The Rules of The Facilitator 1:

The Facilitator is Never Allowed to Say “You should be able to do that for yourself!� That is a terrible slippery slope for the lazy Facilitator. If The Client simply doesn't want to do something, then they may have some very good, but unspoken, or unspeakable, inarticulatable reason for not wanting to do it. It is certainly not the time or place to demand that The Client suddenly resolve all their difficulties in a moment of crisis when The Facilitator is just too lazy to do something.


One of the Principle Aspects of The Relationship between The Facilitator & The Client(s is that they absolutely Need to have Client/Professional Confidentiality. Like a Doctor or Priest. If The Facilitator is aware that their client is engaging in deeply antisocial or criminal activity, then they should be morally or ethically bound to help their client to function more reliably within their own context, and that would include the suppression of these life interfering activities. But if the client can not trust their Facilitator; Then they are not going to let them into the hidden caverns of their lives to help them deal with them. The Motto of The Facilitator should be: I am here to help you live your life to it's Fullest Potential. I will Never act To Interfere with Your Full Potential, Which May Include sending you to Prison or Causing you to incur health problems, Such as exposing you to dangerous materials or persons which mean to do you harm by meaningful intentions or thoughtless neglect.


The Obligation is always on the Facilitator to make it work.

Source Material for Cult Article from WikiPedia Leaving There are several ways people leave a cult:[32][33] Popular authors Conway and Siegelman conducted a survey and published it in the book Snapping regarding after-cult effects and deprogramming and concluded that people deprogrammed had fewer problems than people not deprogrammed. The BBC writes that, "in a survey done by Jill Mytton on 200 former cult members most of them reported problems adjusting to society and about a third would benefit from some counseling".[34] Ronald Burks, in a study comparing Group Psychological Abuse Scale (GPA) and Neurological Impairment Scale (NIS) scores in 132 former members of cults and cultic relationships, found a positive correlation between intensity of reform environment as measured by the GPA and cognitive impairment as measured by the NIS. Additional findings were a reduced earning potential in view of the education level that corroborates earlier studies of cult critics (Martin 1993; Singer & Ofshe, 1990; West & Martin, 1994) and significant levels of depression and dissociation agreeing with Conway & Siegelman, (1982), Lewis & Bromley, (1987) and Martin, et al. (1992). [35] Sociologists Bromley and Hadden note a lack of empirical support for claimed consequences of having been a member of a "cult" or "sect", and substantial empirical evidence against it. These include the fact that the overwhelming proportion of people who get involved in NRMs leave, most short of two years; the overwhelming proportion of people who leave do so of their own volition; and that twothirds (67%) felt "wiser for the experience".[36] According to F. Derks and J. van der Lans, there is no uniform post-cult trauma. While psychological and social problems upon resignation are not uncommon, their character and intensity are greatly dependent on the personal history and on the traits of the ex-member, and on the reasons for and way of resignation.[37] The report of the "Swedish Government's Commission on New Religious Movements" (1998) states that the great majority of members of new religious movements derive positive experiences from their subscription to ideas or doctrines which correspond to their personal needs, and that withdrawal from these movements is usually quite undramatic, as these people leave feeling enriched by a predominantly positive experience. Although the report describes that there are a small number of withdrawals that require support (100 out of 50,000+ people), the report did not recommend that any special resources be established for their rehabilitation, as these cases are very rare.[38] ^ Report of the Swedish Government's Commission on New Religious Movements (1998), 1.6 The need for support (Swedish),English translation The great majority of members of the new religious movements derive positive experience from their membership. They have subscribed to an idea or doctrine which corresponds to their personal needs. Membership is of limited duration in most cases. After two years, the majority have left the movement. This withdrawal is usually quite undramatic, and the people withdrawing feel enriched by a predominantly positive experience. The Commission does not recommend that special resources be established for the rehabilitation of withdraws. The cases are too few in number and the problem picture too manifold for this: each individual can be expected to need help from several different care providers or facilitators.

Problems & Considered Solutions ( ? Many of The Clients may feel that their participation in A Symbiotic Relationship which requires such Close & Overbearing Supervision, to Be A ‘Poor Fit’ for Their own Aspirations; Leading them to Believe that once ‘Established’, They can ‘Make it on Their Own’. It would be The Responsibility & Onus of The Facilitator to Then Rebalance their Relationship with The Client to find a More Equitable Alliance so that The Client retains An ‘Invisible’ Safety Net that will Continue to Support The Client, While allowing them to believe that they are ‘Independent’. ( ! Some time ago; There was a Child Artist; Alexandra Nechita, that was occasionally thought of as The Petite Picasso. Although very young, she painted pretty much like Picasso, which i might add, has already been done, most notably by The Hack; Picasso. Suffice to say; When Picasso was about 20 years old, He & Some other Parisians cobbled together a style of painting that The Critics called; Cubism. Then, for The Next 80 years of his life, Picasso painted like Picasso. The latest Picasso’s looked just like The Earilest Cubist Picasso’s. Then Alexandra started duplicating this particular style. As a Novelty Item; These ‘Forgeries’ were somewhat popular, & were selling for what A Hotdog Salesman might consider Extravagant. But they weren’t selling themselves. Alexandra & Her Parents hired A Promotional Agent. These Agents work Very Hard to Sell their Client’s Art or Poetry, And Consequently, Charge A Prodigious Percentage of The Client’s Income. Usually— This is around 50%, But in Alexandra’s Case; This Agent Charged Alexandra ( And her Parents ) 80% of The Paintings Income. Everyone became very wealthy & Alexandra became a Flash Celebrity of Sorts. Then The Contract that she’d signed with This Agent expired & She wanted to Renegotiate The New Contract. She ( And her Parents ) may or may not have understood how hard this agent was working to sell these paintings, but they did understand that Alexandra was Famous ( Comparatively Speaking ) Now, & that 80% was too much for The Agent’s Cut. The Agent thought Differently; And it all became Newsworthy. The Facilitators Job in The Beginning is Going to Much Harder in The Beginning than Months or Years later in Getting their Clients Up & Running. The Facilitator’s have to constantly rejuggle how much they’re worth to their Clients &

Massage them into believing that they are worth The Percentage of Wealth that The Client’s are Producing. They mustn’t become complacent that they are Indispensable, ( which they are ( almost certainly )), And come to believe that their Client Shares this View. Their Clients will not share this view. Once they are Successful; The Paperclips will almost certainly want to, In a Best Case Scenario for The Facilitator, Shift Their Facilitator’s Responsibilities to A Far Less Intrusive ‘Advisory’ Position.

The Facilitator has to Understand that they must constantly be taking on New Clients as Their Established Clients require fewer Services. --One Hurdle that The Facilitator may have The Most Difficulty With; Is that many Clients, that may seem to be Reasonably ‘Functional’, Will, Nevertheless; Possess Personality Disorders, Quirks, Phobias, Mental Blocks &/or ‘Baggage’ that Prevents them from performing simple chores; Such as Washing their Dishes, Doing Laundry or Performing Routine Grooming Activities. Potentially; All these things may be ‘Cured’ with Various Techniques; But for The Short Term; The Facilitator must Acknowledge these Petty Annoyances, & Never Ever Confront The Client with Accusations of being ‘Difficult’. It should always be Assumed ( Until Proven Otherwise ) that The Client is Interested in Self Actualizing; As The Preliminary Vetting Process should have Identified The Potential Client as being ‘Heartfelt’ & also very Dysfunctional. ( Which is why they’re in this Program ! ) --As a side issue — i just recently came across a study that seems to suggest that one of Psychiatries most Hallowed Therapies; CBT ( Cognitive Behavioural Therapy ) wasn’t successful because of The Methods used which define it as a Unique Therapeutic Practice— But simply because someone was willing to sit down & listen to The Patient. This suggests ( ? ) that The Hobos in The Facilitator Program might just as easily be ‘Helped’ with The Same amount of proficiency as a Fellow Hobo that’s a Genuinely Good Listener, as a Very Expensive Psychiatrist, Psychologist or Psychotherapist.

--It might seem Prudent or ‘Reasonable’ that many of these Clients will require ‘Professional’ Psychiatric Care, which may be very Expensive. These Professional Psychotherapists or Psychologists may be, in many cases, replaced with a readily available ‘Good Listener’. This may be resolved with simply pairing a problem case or ( not ) with a ‘Good Listener’ which is also another Client. These two may be Room-mates or House-mates & Draw off each others Strengths & Support each other’s Weaknesses. Identifying these ‘Good Listeners’ will be included in The Initial Evaluation Process. It will undoubtedly be The Case that there will be more ‘Confiders’ than ‘Confidents’ & you want to be wary of Overburdening your Available Listeners, So that The Second Tier Solution would be to Identify Good Listeners from Outside this Repository of Primary Clients, And Luring them into these Group Houses with Free Rent, Small Stipends or Other Essentially Unpaid Services.

Ideally; The Facilitator themselves should be a Good Listener, but they will be Busy doing ‘All The Other Things’ to be available when The Confider/Neurotic Client needs The Good Listener. Good Listeners might be marshaled from Retirees, College Students, Mildly Disabled SSI Recipients, Lonely Bachelors or Old Maids, Unpublished Writers, Divorcees & so on ( ? ). --Responsibilities of The Facilitator Provide Invisible Housing for The Client :---------------:o

One of The Most Curious ‘Problems’ of Properly ‘Caring’ for Ne’er-do-wells is that they may become participants in programs that provide them with ‘Entitlements’ or ‘Services’ that are Denied Ordinary, Law Abiding Citizens. The Way ‘Around’ This is to Provide these ‘Over-all’ Programs to anyone that would like to ‘Enroll’ in them, & thus they would be ‘Constrained’ by The Same Limitations & Obligations to their Facilitator(s. -This thought occurred to me while i was watching on The TV another Police Shooting ( Killing ) of a Well Documented Ne’er-do-well that Eventually got himself killed by police, while ( probably ) ? high on Drugs. The Entire Facilitator Program would be Designed to Eliminate this Social Frailty by Catching Potential & Actualized Ne’er-do-wells as Early as Possible, Perhaps as Early as Grade School. Such Children wouldn’t be torn from their Families; Unless of course, their Families consented & Desired to Wash their Hands of Their Unruly Devils Spawn. But Ideally; They would simply be Admitted into something like The ‘Scouts’, only with a little more over sight. This ‘Scouting’ Program wouldn’t simply be Busywork to keep their Idyl hands from throwing unnecessary rocks, but shape them into Superiour Citizens, Good Faeries that work invisibly to aid The Community. As with all Facilitator Programs; The Children would work within The confines of Actual Services that Pay their Way & The Salaries of The Facilitators. As mentioned above; Any ‘Good’ Children that would like to participate in such a program, they would be welcomed, to help provide ‘Desirable Models’ for The Other ‘Conscripts’. :*’``’*:-.,_,.-:*’``’*:-.,_,.-:*’``’*:-.,_,.-:*’``’*:-.,_,.-:*’``’*

A Side Program for The Facilitator Projects is The Creation of Group

Homes that

Include a Diversity of Residents & Overseers. It is my understanding that Group Homes are Usually very small ( 6 ± Residents ) with A Single Overseer.

It seems obvious to me that if Instead of Basing a Given Group Home on a Particular Theme, in which all of The Residents shared a common disability; It would be far more Beneficial to Everyone if There was a Diversity & Gradation or Spectrum of Disabilities, So that The Residents could look after each other, As well as have a Principle Overseer or Couple or Team of Overseers. This Principle Overseer would be The Facilitator, with Accompanying UnderSeers which may be college Students or Retired Persons, with some minor disability themselves, but provide clear thinking in a Crisis or Minor Crisis. Given this New Model : This Extended Group Home might well encompass several Ordinary Homes linked to one another with a Common Outdoor ( Backyard ) that is Shared by all The Homes & Encourages a Greater Community Involvement. Each home would have a Set of Residents, Each would have a personal Space & Bathrooms that would be shared by no more than Residents &/or Underseers. All of The Homes ( 4 Âą ) would be Administered by a Principle Facilitator. :---------------:o

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