Pope Francis / Cabbage Code Analysis

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is Pope

Francis the AntiChrist

or merely a torpid minion of the antichrist?

Finally ! The End is Nigh! After Many False Alarms & Missed Holidays‌

666 = Catholic Jesuit; Pope Francis 666 = Pope : Jorge Mario Bergoglio C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N O N PA G E 3 9

Centuries Ago; In The 12th Century; The Ruddy Faced, Irish Saint Malachy Infallibly Predicted

that this would be The Last Pope! And While The End of The World has Now Missed Several Important Dates;

We must remain Cognizant that No Myn, Featherless Parakeet,

Auditorium Filling Mechanical Cogitator or Downy Fleeced Lizard Headed Alien will Know The Hour, Day or Moon Phase when The Heavens Open Up like a Split Melon

& Spill Out with Melancholy Black Robed Angels, Chanting Incomprehensible Latin or Aramaic Religious Slogans

& Swinging Flaming Swords Left & Right, Striking Down All The Cumulous Inequities from The Last 6,000 years—

Since The Park Closing at Eden. We don’t know which Unexpected Wednesday it’s going to happen on;

But suffice to say; This time when we say, soon—

We mean: ‘Soon’. Clean out your garage, get your diaries spell checked, wash your best socks, drink plenty of eucalyptus tea & sincerely beg for forgiveness from all your petty sins

Five times a day until this is over with.

All this is Confirmed with •

The Gematria’s Method of The Cabbage Codes !

666 = Catholic Jesuit; Pope Francis 666 = Pope : Jorge Mario Bergoglio

All of The Following Revelations are Gleaned from this

Incredibly Uncontrived, Divinely Inspired,

Obviously Accurate Cabbage Code Key ( Derived from The Gematrian Q’ballah )

It Uses Only Four of The Most Sacred & Mystical Numbers of Arithmancy

to Give Sums To Any Word or Phrase, By Which Numeretical Significance may be Derived ( ! )

666 = Malachy's Ridiculed Prophecies 666 = Prophesized : Pope Francis I 666 = Gay Darklord Is Nancy-Pope Francis 666 = We Are Aware Of The Glory And Majesty

666 = All Penguins And Pagan Sodomites 666 = Catholicism Dogma & Their Manmade God 666 = The Gay Vatican Museum In Rome, Italy

666 = Pope Satan's Roman Catholic Church 666 = The Deity Known As Your Majesty; 'Man' 666 = All Accompanying Levitating Saints

666 = Divine Miracles; Such As The Stigmata 666 = The Always Snooty Rows Of Cat Lickers 666 666 666 666

= = = =

Dan The The The

Brown's Amazingly Sacred Holy Vagina Archangel Lucifer A.K.A. Satan ( Always ) Nudist Antichrist Says; Apostasy! Next Reign Of Papacy Majesty

666 = Papacy Love, Equals Arrogant Hate

Perhaps The Most Elementary Philosophical Question Precursory to Any Axiomatic Inquiries for A Given Religion is :

Is The World Meaningful ?

And If So; How Meaningful ? Like The Man that was walking through The Forest & Asked;

“Where are all The Trees?”

The Riders of The Golden Hamster believe that Meaning & Truth are Hidden all around us, & One need only Look Attentively to See All The Secrets that The Angels have Hidden there for us to See ! The Cabbage Code Method Allows The Curious Seeker of Truth to Open any Book & Find An Endless Repository of Wisdom & Knowledge that has been placed there by The Great Cabbage, which will answer any Question or Provide The Novice with A Depth of Erudition, UnImaginable to The Damp Masses The Elementary Idea behind The Cabbage Codes is that While many Religions Claim to have Various Esoteric Truths Available for their Adherents through Specific Documents, Which Require a Priestly Caste to Interpret, Elucidate & Illuminate for The Votaries & Lay Devotees— The Riders of The Golden Hamster; Who Worship The Path of The Greatest Conceivable Cabbage; For Whom there is No Cabbage Which Is in Any Plausible Way; Greater; Believe that These Arcane, Delphic & Abstruse Revelations Are Available to Anyone, Anywhere With The Only Requisite, Being that you Must Want To Discover these Truths, Have your Most Perplexing Questions Answered, Find The Secrets of Gospels known Previously Only to Angels & Long Dead Saints &

Be Willing to Open your Eyes.

These Fabulous Revelations are All Around you,

Right Now! They are ‘Hidden’ in Every Book, Bad Poems, Shopping List, Light Reading on The Backs of Cereal Boxes, Internet Blogs, Love Notes passed in 5th Grade Class Rooms And Warning Labels written in Fine Print On The Bags of Ant Poison.

How do you Read The ‘Secret’ Parts ? Each Document ( Block of Text ) has a Unique Key, But A Theme May have One Key for Several Documents.

How do you Obtain The Key ? There are Essentially Three kinds of Keys :

The UnContrived Key. The Structured Key. The Calibrated Key. An Example of An UnContrived Key Would be The Simple English Gematria Alphabet;

In which A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 … Z = 26. A Key in which each of these Values would be ‘Adjusted’ In A Very Specific Manner would also be Considered UnContrived.

Such as Multiplying Each Value by 6. A = 6, B = 12, C = 18 … Z = 156 Many Keys are Much Less Contrived than Others.

A Structured Key

is An Alphabet which has Contrived Values

That are Embedded in An External Structure Which Provides The Key with A Constraint that Prevents it from Straying too Far from Its Credibility, or Obvious Believability. This Cabbage Code for Pope Francis is A Structured Key.

Cabbage Code for Pope Francis 47






12 A C G M S W Y Z







It uses Only Four Values for All 26 Letters, & These Assignments are Determined by The Structure. The Values themselves are Based on 12, with a Slight Deviation with 23, which is Included for Its Mystical Connotations.

23 + 12 = 35 & 35 + 12 = 47. This is A Very Strong Key. The Calibrated Key

is Wholly Contrived; With Values for All The Letters being Entirely Arbitrary. The Strength of A Calibrated Key is with its Results, Which are Often Astonishing.

p Once you have a Key,

( Obtained through Divine Revelation ) You Then Apply it to Looking for Phrases that which you have to A Solution


Lines of Text in your Document, Equal a Predetermined Value or Sum Decided is Preconditioned that you’re looking for.

This Value may be a Date, Address, Phone Number, Social Security Number, Identification Number of any kind, A Favorite or Magic Number, or The Number which is The Sum of A Name, Phrase of Place.


In this Latter Case; The Key would be Created First, Applied to A Name, Resulting in a Sum, Which is then Applied to A Text to Find The ‘Revelations’ that will Answer your Query.

In The Case of The Pope Francis Cabbage Code Revelations The Key was Discovered through Divine Inspiration & through The Careful Examination of Toenail Clippings from Elder Saints which were once Venerated in a Manner now reserved for Media Whores & Television Weather Personalities. The Number 666 has long been Considered

The Mark of

The Beast,

which is Now Embedded into Every Product Inventory BarCode Label, Fulfilling The Prophecy regarding something something about The Lord Archangel Lucifer controlling every purchase

in The Industrialized World, for an unspecified period prior to The Beginning of The Everlasting ( or 10,000 years )

Reign of Our Dark Saviour. There are Several Other Values ( Sums ) which are Derived from Word or Phrase Equivalencies. The Strength of This Cabbage Code

( It’s Ultimate Validity ) Is Derived from The UnContrived Structured Nature of The Key &

The Astonishing Revelations

that The Key Exposes.

How it could it Not be True ?


Saint Malachy, A Holy & Venerated Irish Dwarf, Noted for his Uncontrollable Levitations, Occasional Spontaneous Cures of Skin Diseases & The Restoration of Life to A Bag of Drown Cats;

Was Most famous for; His Prophecies In 1139 of The Popes from Celestine II to Our Own Pope Francis;

The Last of The Popes. Each Prophecy was a Tiny Snippet that Described in Elegant Brevity, The Essential Nature & Significance of The Specified Pope.

Using The Pope Francis Cabbage Code Key : Each Line of The Final Prophecy of Saint Malachy Is Found to Equal The Beast’s Belly Measurement for Yoga Pants

666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666

= = = = = = = = = =

As In The Utmost Persecution; Say A Myn Of The Sacred ( Mayan Age ) Roman Church; There Will Always Perch, A Salmon Satan Who Will Shyly Pasture His Aged Lambs In Many Accompanying Tribulations And When These Gay Items Are Sewn Up The Museum City Of Seven Hummocks Will Be Smeared Away Into Pagan Dust And The Oily Naked Assissi Waitress Will Judge S'he/Its Icy People.

The End.

Bonus Fun !

Anagrams ! Anagrams for ‘Pope Francis’ If a Porn S- / Epic! If a Penis? Crop! Pi) Prison Face. Epic, If Parson. Prep in Fiasco. A Corpse? Fin. (Pi) If Pain- Corpse! I Fancier! POPS! Fancier? So Pip! If Arsenic- Pop!



Jorge Bergoglio : Anagrams O! O! Gerbil Jogger! Ego Job. Ogre Girl!

ArchAngel Lucifer : Anagrams re: Clerical Fun Hag Real Graceful Chin Graceful Earl Chin A Richer ‘Flag’ Uncle Call: re: Reach Fungi Careful! Rich Angel!


More Values of 666 666 666 666 666

= = = =

666 = 666 = 666 =

666 = 666 666 666 666 666

= = = = =

666 = 666 = 666 = 666 =

666 = 666 666 666 666 666

= = = = =

Is Also Known As Saint Malachy ( Ireland ) New Pope Cardinal; Jorge Mario – Instigation? We Pay Holy Spirits! No Contraceptives And Gay Marriage

And To Moderate Jesuits; Ass Symbol Considering That– Age Was Surprise! Considering That Many, Was Surprise!

Social Clothing? Of Course; Papal I; John Paul, Was Elected Pope Outspoken Critic Of Communism! St. Joseph’s Seminary And The Sacred Conclave Splashed! Anonymous Diary! The General’s Specific Consensus

Pastor John Was Pastor, And: Sailor! Corresponding Pope Was John John Paul II Was John Paul II Some Others; Obsessed With Peace

Choice Of His Name; Is The Popes And Already Made Peace With Israels Some Suspiciously Believe In... John— It Is An Unnecessary Sacrament! Many Cherishing Dangerous Pastors He Has, In The Past, ( Taken ) Gay Marriage


When The Bible says that The Bible is Infallible; The Attentive Reader might Pause & Wonder if that’s Circular Reasoning. But When The Cabbage Codes Reveals Self Referential Truths

which have been Imbedded into Any Examined Text; Who but The Great Cabbage could have placed them there?

This Technique isn’t asking you to Believe that This Method is Infallible, It is Infallible because The Messages that It Reveals Can Not have been Faked or Contrived by Any Imaginable Method of

Mere Human Design.

What is ‘The Secret’ The Cabbage Codes Reveal It’s Purpose : The The - The The - The - The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The - The The The - The The The The The - -

Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret -

= 221 = = 221 =

One Church Religion

= 221 = = 221 =

New Leader Shepherd

= 221 =

Desert God

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Beginning In History The War With Christ Will, With These : Evidence Of All Time; The Clouds Believes The Pure, More Love Is The Gift Of The Most Extravagant Universe And World War!

221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

= 221 = = 221 = = 221 =

The Body Is The Vatican Of Neglect!

= = = = =

The Sign Of The Alumni Are Twelve Destroyed Tree Bears!

221 221 221 221 221

= = = = =

The The The The The The The The The The The The The - The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The

Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret Secret

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

In View Of Child’s Fear; Ridicule The Design Everyone Shall Mourn; The Poor Great Evil Antichrist, Chieftain, Shepherd, “The Bowels From Unity”.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221 221

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The Plain Vision Of; Love Of Man Is Not One Liturgy Of The Second List Of What Duty To God Denotes An Attitudes Like This Obsolete Doctrines To Save The Highest Of Behaviors With These Full Plans Like Fear, He Does It; ( Exactly Half ) The House, Her Maiden, One Flock, The Sermon For Poor Hunger– Now.

There are Many Other Values which have Significance ! Pop Francis is The 266th Pope : Values for 266 266 = 266 = 266 =

Third Ballot To The Front Of The North

The Number Seven, or Seven Hundred is thought to be Gawd’s Numbers ! Values for 700 ! 700 700 700 700 700 - 700 - 700 700 700 700 700

= = = = = = = = = = =

Visited By Christian Missionaries In The Past, He Has Spoken Openly Of Distinguishing Characteristics; The New Pope Chose His Moniker: Judge Will Judge The People. Does Not Rejoice At Injustice! Saint Peter As The Successor Of The Evidence, Suggests That John Paul; The Last Popes Known To Catholics Was To Bless And Baptize His Converts; Many Anglican And Protestant Churches.

Malachy Predicted that The ‘Name’ of The Last Pope would be Petrus Romanus; Obviously a Pseudonym, Monkish Latin, Malapropism, Double Entendre, Regionalism or Pidgin version of “Pope Francis”. The Numerical Value of Petrus Romanus is 327 Equivalencies for Petrus Romanus Petrus Petrus Petrus Petrus Petrus Petrus Petrus Petrus Petrus Petrus Petrus Petrus Petrus - - -

Romanus Romanus Romanus Romanus Romanus Romanus Romanus Romanus Romanus Romanus Romanus Romanus Romanus

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Pope Clement Worked Miracles And Of Saint Malachy; Prophesized Angel’s Miracle And This Prophecy An Unspeakable; Many Misfortunes, Persecutions, Dispositions, Striking Changes, Dangerous Ideas, To Lose Courage.

Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = - - Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = Petrus Romanus = 327 = - - - - - - - - - - - Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 = Peter The Roman = 349 =

Because From God; ‘Church By Pope’ Pope In Rome Peter’s Square Your Name As Evil; League With Satan, Papal Clothing Select Someone: From: Latin Papa From; The Americas The Name; ‘Pope’ Man Who They Chose; Pope Cardinal Francis Is Scholar The Last Pope’s Opposition Against His Church, And Saw No Visions; For Ye Weep Now. Speak Of John! The Physical Harm Of New Mysteries; Seven Jesuit’s Ghost Pictures. - - - - - - - That She Will Dream: The Saint Peter Provides Light The Olivae Glory Beautiful Moon It Is Noteworthy; Church Religion. Extravagant Church. The Next Pope; The Exception Disturbing SoulWith The Darkness An Angelic Hitler And Many Be Fearful, Dreadful Judge. Tens Of Thousands Into Confusion And Disruption Transportation Exterminations Falling In Sheets Ritual Elements Mount Of Olives The Resignation

Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter Peter

The The The The The The The The The The The The

Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman Roman

= = = = = = = = = = = =

349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349

= = = = = = = = = = = =

Would God; “The God” Our Power Lord: The New Testament Righteous Tree Incorrupt Body The Highest Echo Is The Beginning The Holy Spirit, Unconquerable And Focus On Love. The Truest Sense Self-Giving Love.

During The Selection of Pope Francis, A Seagull Played a Role that many thought might have Meant something Significant,

Did it ? Seagull = 152 Equivalencies for Seagull

Seagull = 152 =

See God

Seagull Seagull Seagull Seagull Seagull Seagull Seagull Seagull Seagull Seagull Seagull

= = = = = = = = = = =

152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152 152

= = = = = = = = = = =

To God As; The Mayan Vatican’s; Was First, Was True, Choose: Life Was His Name “Joy” And “Grace” And “Icy Cold”.

Seagull Seagull Seagull Seagull Seagull Seagull Seagull

= = = = = = =

152 152 152 152 152 152 152

= = = = = = =

Grace Of Angelic Miracle; Sister’s Pastor, In Mercy; Judge.

Seagull = 152 = Seagull = 152 = Seagull = 152 =

Great War Famines Piety

The Numerical Value for ‘Pope Francis’ is 304 Equivalencies for Pope Francis Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope

Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis

= = = = = =

304 304 304 304 304 304

= = = = = =

Prophecies; His Prophecy Mystical Vision Marks The Place We Have ‘Pope’ Was; Sailor John.

Pope Francis = 304 = Pope Francis = 304 = Pope Francis = 304 =

The Specifics; Just How Close? Closed His Eyes!

Pope Francis = 304 = Pope Francis = 304 = Pope Francis = 304 =

As Man Of Cardinals Angelic Pastor Seven Sacraments

Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope Pope

Emphasize That His Disciples Taught By Jesus; Aquinas WritesMore Was History, And Of Communism… The Comet Comes! Will Cause Great Epidemics And Plagues And Want Apparitions, And It Was Icy Cold.

Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis

= = = = = = = = = = = =

304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 304

= = = = = = = = = = = =

The Namesake for Pope Francis was Saint Francis of Assisi

Whose Autobiographic Story is Depicted in The Disney Movie ‘Dr. Doolittle’ The Numerical Value of Saint Francis of Assisi is 421 Equivalencies for Saint Francis of Assisi Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint

Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis

of of of of of of

Assisi Assisi Assisi Assisi Assisi Assisi

= = = = = =

421 421 421 421 421 421

= = = = = =

Encouraging Many Forms Obsessed With Peace Efficacious Signs Of Particular Sacraments... Chose His New Pope He Became Prophecy

Saint Saint Saint Saint

Francis Francis Francis Francis

of of of of

Assisi Assisi Assisi Assisi

= = = =

421 421 421 421

= = = =

Prophesy Is Gloria; Are Religious DogmasAnd The Mayan Saint Malachy Is Regarded As ‘Pope’.

Saint Francis of Assisi = 421 = Saint Francis of Assisi = 421 = Saint Francis of Assisi = 421 =

Was Bergoglio’s Sister Also Kissed The Pagan Everywhere Low Masses

A Principle Attribute of Saint Francis was his Acquiescence to A Simple Life. Equivalencies for Poverty ( Value of 198 ) Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The Sacred Holiness Holy Roman Theology Christian He Had Less Perfect Pure Of Gods Love, Receive Merciful Salvation The Angels Holy Ghost The Clergy Minister Human Hands Human Mind Goodwill Humility The Meek

Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty

= = = = =

198 198 198 198 198

= = = = =

Outside This Daily World Watch His Island Argentina

Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty Poverty

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The New Law: The Comet! Obvious Confused Problem. Haughtily; Witchcraft! The Ocean Tidal Wave. No Vatican The EnemyHeretics Sinister, Negative Ambition And Famine

The Pope’s Muggle Name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio Which has A Numerical Value of 502 Equivalencies for Jorge Mario Bergoglio ! Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge

Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario

Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio

= = = = = = = = =

502 502 502 502 502 502 502 502 502

= = = = = = = = =

As With The Prophecies Pius Angelic Shepherd He Chose The Pope Name Is Exactly The New Pope Pastor Would Be Pope Of The Society Of Jesus Great Pope Of All Times! Good Success Throughout Passion For Spiritual

Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 502 = Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 502 =

Church Now Marks The Place Where He Was Appointed

Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 502 = Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 502 =

Select Someone Younger Someone Younger But Alas

Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge Jorge

Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario Mario

Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio Bergoglio

= = = = = = = = = = =

502 502 502 502 502 502 502 502 502 502 502

= = = = = = = = = = =

Diary Coming: Divine Mercy Is Against God And His Church And Senseless Questions? These Men Said Blaspheme! Peoples Will Reject Pope With His Cardinals Apostasy And Destruction! To Use Any Manmade Lighting Was Huge And Lit Up The Sky The One Sun Was Eclipsed Many Also Have Misfortunes

The Numerical Value for ‘The Catholic Church’ is 384 Equivalencies for The Catholic Church ! The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The

Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic

Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The Kingdom Of God Kingdom Of Navarre The Gloria Olivae Silver Reliquary Roots In Theology His Blessed Mother Of The Lord Jesus The First Jesuit Jesus Fulfilled Established Christ The Clergy And Church Individual Souls In The Strict Sense Life Of Christians Gift Of Knowledge Describes The Gift

The The The The The The The The The The

Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic

Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church

= = = = = = = = = =

384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384

= = = = = = = = = =

See The Hand Of Satan The Supernatural Long Count Calendar The King Of Israel Illuminated Dome Ideology Of Evil Horrible Disease Heretics And Tyrants Will That Fury And Wars And The Icy Cold Rain


The The The The The The The The The The The The The The

Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic

Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church Church

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384 384

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Does Not Consider Based On Doctrines Although Many Think Hopes Do Not Fade Mercy In The Mother The Great Time When Martyrdom And Others All Denominations Blessed Are They All Virtues Are Given Hands Will Sink Down They Will Burn Waste And Will Lay In Ruins Leaving The Vatican

The Society of Jesus ( The Jesuits ) has a Numerical Value of 444 Equivalencies for The Society of Jesus The The The The The The The The

Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society

of of of of of of of of

Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus

= = = = = = = =

444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444

= = = = = = = =

The Gospel Of Jesus Whose Long Mayan Calendar This Pope Will Come The Pope And Peace Christian Simplicity The Pope Of Peace Presuppose Faith Values Taught By Jesus

The The The The The The The The The The The The The

Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society Society

of of of of of of of of of of of of of

Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

April; The Same Saturday. The Key: Perhaps, Sins! Jesus Christ; Person. To Satan: How Much Power? Pa, Is This The Pope? John Paul Was Senile. Those Who Will Escape Cease To Give Service! Apostasy, Destruction Immorality, Impurity Gay And Contraceptives Senseless Questions Fits Of Rage, Jealousy!

An Adherent of The Society of Jesus is A Jesuit The Numerical Value for Jesuit is 187 Equivalencies for Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit

= = = = = = = = = =

187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187

= = = = = = = = = =

See: ( Saint ) Laws Of God Goodness Respect Someone. Priests. Apostle. The Graces. St. Michael Catholics

Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit Jesuit

= = = = = = = = =

187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187

= = = = = = = = =

Enemies: The Pagan. The Jews. Princes. An Angelic Crackdown. Holy Sick! Sex Abuse. Penance.

there’s still more...


Along with Religious References The Cabbage Codes allow us to Determine Underlying Truths of More Profane or Secular Issues that Test our Indulgences in The Lives of The Damp Masses One Principle Unsettling Item of Pope Francis is his Concerns with ‘Child Abuse’, Which has a Numerical Value of 233 Equivalencies for Child Abuse Child Child Child Child Child Child Child

Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse

= = = = = = =

233 233 233 233 233 233 233

= = = = = = =

God HimselfVirgin Said: Kingdom Of Nephites. Roman Church. Vatican Staff Your Church

Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child

Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse

= = = = = = = =

233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233

= = = = = = = =

Seven Gifts The Source Knowledge The Prayer What Is Right Doing Good Liturgical His Pride

Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child

Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse Abuse

= = = = = = = =

233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233

= = = = = = = =

The Judge Remarkable Devastating Confusion Sight Of God Ashen White Of Darkness On All Souls.

Pope Francies has an Obsession with

Sexualized Slavery !

l l ll l l

Equivalences for Sex Slavery ( Value of 210 ) Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex

Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery

= = = = =

210 210 210 210 210

= = = = =

Great Time For Animals Creatures Horse Race Big Mastiff

Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex

Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery Slavery

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The Axioms. The Spark? Ideology: This Man; Gawd, Baptized, His, In Satan: Monsignor Nietzsche, Eucharist, Holy Canons, Love, Joy, Orgies And Such Things, Heresies, Dangerous Wars And FuryHolocaust: Godly Work.

What Is The Significance of Contraception & Abortion? The Cabbage Codes reveal The Thoughts of The Great Cabbage Equivalencies for Contraception Contraception Contraception Contraception Contraception

= = = =

338 338 338 338

= = = =

The Great Miracle Of Latin Phrases, Catholics Credit. Read Freemasonry.

Contraception = 338 = Contraception = 338 = Contraception = 338 =

The Key Words Are: The Holy Pope The Only Pope

Contraception Contraception Contraception Contraception

The Most Austere Mysteries Of The True Communion Against The Church.

= = = =

338 338 338 338

= = = =

Contraception Contraception Contraception Contraception Contraception Contraception Contraception

= = = = = = =

338 338 338 338 338 338 338

= = = = = = =

Contraception = 338 = Contraception = 338 = Contraception = 338 =

Lasting Three Days. Means: White Light. And The Sacrifice, Weakening Love. Spirit Is Love. Sick, Holy Orders. Private Vatican. Waited And Waited Worship And Duty. This Happened.

Equivalencies of Abortion Abortion Abortion Abortion Abortion

= = = =

209 209 209 209

= = = =

The Relic. The Church. Mother And Lightning.

Abortion = 209 = Abortion = 209 = Abortion = 209 =

Love This New Order. Iron Will.

Abortion Abortion Abortion Abortion Abortion

= = = = =

209 209 209 209 209

= = = = =

At The Holy Identity And Ritual; The Demon. The Christ.

Abortion Abortion Abortion Abortion

= = = =

209 209 209 209

= = = =

The The The The

Globe. Reign. Things. Whole.

Euthanasia = 222 = Euthanasia = 222 = Euthanasia = 222 =

Surprise Amid Poor. And Saw Deaths.

Euthanasia = 222 = Euthanasia = 222 = Euthanasia = 222 =

These Woes As Woe Unto Seven Woes.

Euthanasia = 222 = Euthanasia = 222 =

Prepare Two Columns.

Euthanasia Euthanasia Euthanasia Euthanasia

Vacant Since‌ All Souls Day East And West. Means: White.

= = = =

222 222 222 222

= = = =

Is Euthanasia An Acceptable Practice in A Modern Civilization? Equivalencies for Euthanasia

Euthanasia Euthanasia Euthanasia Euthanasia

= = = =

222 222 222 222

= = = =

Gospel Of Peaceful New Spring, Immorality.

Euthanasia Euthanasia Euthanasia Euthanasia

= = = =

222 222 222 222

= = = =

That Jesus Spoke Of, The Same God Was Half Moon.

Equivalencies for Homosexuality ( Value of 315 ) Homosexuality = 315 =

See: ( Confusion )

Homosexuality = 315 = Homosexuality = 315 =

Without Asking, Is Love By Chance?

Homosexuality = 315 = Homosexuality = 315 =

Spirituality? You Are Blessed.

Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality

= = = =

315 315 315 315

= = = =

Missionary Born All The Popes Jesuit Church The Ancient Mayan

Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 315

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The Catechism Of Superfluous Righteousness, Light Will Cease. The Sacraments Of Manmade Lighting. Tyrants Will Come Great Slaughters, Persecution. Mourn And Weep. Fiercest Storms. The Pharisees Fights Against It. Darkness Lasting Beg God For Mercy!

Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality

= = = = = =

315 315 315 315 315 315

= = = = = =

Years Of Neglect Provide Mercy Live In Peace For Some Reason Reduced Misery. Will Rejoice!

Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality Homosexuality

= = = = = =

315 315 315 315 315 315

= = = = = =

The Gods In Mercy: To New Teachings Of Holy Sacrament. Second Greatest Esoteric Realm. The Pagan Q’uran.

Homosexuality = 315 =

Coming Of Christ

Equivalencies for Masturbation ( Value of 268 ) Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation

= = = =

268 268 268 268

= = = =

Had Enjoyed Forearm Which Used To Bless, To Keep It.

Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation

= = = = =

268 268 268 268 268

= = = = =

Ideology Of Resignation And Struggling On This Post, Nearly Spent.

Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation

= = = = = =

Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation

268 268 268 268 268

= = = = =

268 268 268 268 268 268 = = = = =

= = = = = =

His Latin Name; The Apostle. Race Between Sailor John And Famine, Want Divine Mercy.

The Laws Of God; Will God Bless His Holiness Abomination Worth Seeing?

Masturbation = 268 = Masturbation = 268 = Masturbation = 268 =

Rites By Which The Meek Are The Diocese.

Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation Masturbation

= = = = =

Last Go Around Tumultuous Deception Misfortunes Be Emptied

Masturbation = 268 = Masturbation = 268 =

Five Decades Of Horse Race.

= = = = =

268 268 268 268 268

How does The One True Gawd Feel about Same Sex Marriage? These Revelations were found in Texts which Could not Possibly Contain Messages Secreted there by Anyone Other than A Being Whose Control & Supervision of The Entire Universe was Any Less than it is.

Definitions of Same Sex Marriage ! Same Same Same Same

Sex Sex Sex Sex

Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage

= = = =

305 305 305 305

= = = =

Means Accepting Any Circumstances Sea Coast Cities E.G.; As In; In Psalms

What is Fun ? What What What What What What What What What What What What

is is is is is is is is is is is is

Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun

= = = = = = = = = = = =

198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198

= = = = = = = = = = = =

What is Fun = 198 =

God Loves... The Angels Human Hands Human Mind Nonsense Theology Shall Laugh Holy Ghost Love Gods The Spot And Riches Salvation The Enemy

What is Not Fun ? A Lady Pope = 246 = A Lady Pope = 246 =

Mainly In Asia The Apostasy

A Lady Pope = 246 = A Lady Pope = 246 = A Lady Pope = 246 =

Is Against God

It Is Jesus Signs Of Grace

The Greatest Mystery ? Man Man Man Man

Nipples Nipples Nipples Nipples

= = = =

269 269 269 269

= = = =

Catastrophic Impossible New Mysteries Natural Causes

Man Nipples = 269 = Man Nipples = 269 = Man Nipples = 269 =

And Majesty Of Much Praised Jesus Christ

Man Nipples = 269 = Man Nipples = 269 = Man Nipples = 269 =

His Coat Of Arms Great Pope Works Of Mercy

The Second Greatest Mystery ? Vulva = 116 = Vulva = 116 =

Cleft Folly

Vulva = 116 = Vulva = 116 = Vulva = 116 =

First True Truly

Vulva Vulva Vulva Vulva Vulva Vulva Vulva Vulva Vulva

= = = = = = = = =

116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116

= = = = = = = = =

Life Light Faith Bread Trust Heart Live Love Child

Vulva Vulva Vulva Vulva Vulva

= = = = =

116 116 116 116 116

= = = = =

Earth World Tidal Month Total

Vulva Vulva Vulva Vulva Vulva

= = = = =

116 116 116 116 116

= = = = =

Evil Death Died Fire Rude


- A = B = C = D = E = F = G =

- - - - 12 H = 23 I = 12 J = 23 K = 35 L = 23 M = 12 N =

- - - - 23 O = 35 P = 47 Q = 35 R = 23 S = 12 T = 23 U =

The Cabbage Code Key Template Number : Zero - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : o 35 V = 23 47 W = 12 35 X = 23 23 Y = 12 12 Z = 12 23 35

The Cabbage Code Frequency of Words in The Glossary Curve Number of Bins in The Glossary Maximum Words per Glossary Bin Number of Bins per Column : Maximum Occurrences per Column * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * ** * **** * * * ** * **** * * * * ** * **** * * * * ** * **** * * * * ** * **** * * *** * ** * **** * * **** * * ** ** * **** * ****** * * ** ** * **** * ****** * * * ** ** * **** * ****** * * * ** ** * **** * ****** * * * ** ** * **** * ******** * **** ** * ****** ******** ** * * **** ** ******** ******** ** * * **** ** ******** ******** ** * * ***** ** ******** ******** ** * * ****** ** ******** ******** ** * * * ****** ** ******** *********** * ** * ****************** *********** ***** ** ****************************** ***** ** * ******************************** ***** ** * ******************************** ************* ** Range of Glossary Values: -1 to 572 > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : o

: 111 : 120 2 : 163

Range of Glossary Values: -1 to 572 : -: | = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = | : : < -1 > :--------------------------------------------: o 1 > :--------------------------------------------: o 12 : a : m > :--------------------------------------------: o 23 : x : d : n : r : t > :--------------------------------------------: o 24 : as : my : sa : mm : ca > :--------------------------------------------: o 35 : at : an : by : st : ad : i > :--------------------------------------------: o 36 : was : gay : say : way : saw : may > :--------------------------------------------: o 46 : th : xv : rd > :--------------------------------------------: o 47 : day : is : has : arm : wah : yan : so : mar : man : we : can : ua : why : war : any : sat : go : lay : law : me : act : p : ye : eg : us > :--------------------------------------------: o 48 : says : away : mass > :--------------------------------------------: o 58 : de : in : of : and : he : had : far : to : it : on : il : art : be : cnn : no : if : or : all : xi : et : tan : vi : do : lax : try : ix : van : ex > :--------------------------------------------: o 59 : goa : ges : pm : ap : age : many : alas : arms : days : mary : pa : icy : sky : sea : laws : wars : yea : cast : mans : acts : awe > :--------------------------------------------: o 70 : now : his : bom : who : new : are : how : last : its : hes : own : yet : sin : two : fast : sun : ii : son : she : god : get : what : cut : sex : fact : him : call : few : met : bow : want : fog : men : lady : set : air : beg : low : star : big : warn : six : harm > :--------------------------------------------: o 71 : asia : came : glass : pay : mayan : same : class : seas : nyssa : sums : amp > :--------------------------------------------: o 81 : the : led : but : not : than : for : xvi : that : hard : hed : end : fun : did : vit : half : off : old : her : idf : rod : lit : nor : run : land : hand : rob : rev : fall : red : der : let > :--------------------------------------------: o 82 : most : also : face : less : goal : march : back : sign : main : name : wing : city : said : race : watch : year : carry : wait : see : shyly : facts : maol : each : such : made : wyon : much : up : coat : slow : east : gave : walls : amid : jo : sale : seat : walk : must : whom : gods : news : hangs : wave : you : mobs : laach : west : save : use : yves : aged : satan : suns : woe : rage : sins : key : lack > :--------------------------------------------: o 83 : macao : macau : cases : always : pays > :--------------------------------------------: o

> :--------------------------------------------: o 93 : one : thus : body : from : tomb : with : high : hong : word : head : they : very : will : lead : them : deal : this : have : dust : out : our : well : falls : tens : long : ends : lost : only : holy : laid : xii : boat : down : flos : when : shot : late : date : near : bear : tear : read : iran : xvis : cold : rain : lens : able : dead : host : mind : too : rest : fear : die : wind : fury : shall : heat : hands : hear : altar : send : form : sent : leo : staff : harsh : howl : real : hate : rich : term : best : list : fits : envy : fade : gift : stand : duty : deny > :--------------------------------------------: o 94 : areas : marks : years : come : sees : some : past : waves : among : meals : armagh : sawand : waste : means : goes : mercy : islam : cross : again : syria : sales : palm : snap : eyes : salus : joy : coast : ageda : aware : maria : circa : grace : signs : woman : claim : pray : sake : woes : seem : make : sick > :--------------------------------------------: o 95 : malacca : macaus : masses > :--------------------------------------------: o 104 : born : turn : held : find : next : full : both : tell : lord : then : bolt : lift : fill : left : burn : text > :--------------------------------------------: o 105 : roman : part : time : which : local : reach : china : beach : grave : used : bless : rome : more : saint : vacant : move : job : path : began : take : once : newly : crowd : getty : home : might : diary : work : grown : least : forms : taxes : side : waved : iii : put : monk : tears : were : named : faced : italy : great : nauta : york : iris : site : seer : moon : lanae : soon : huge : large : daily : solar : lying : soul : realm : lies : does : glory : ranks : obey : canon : shown : king : state : sede : storm : armed : luck : dome : words : water : boats : dies : rings : dream : lose : chain : stands : good : rise : heavy : share : your : give : rock : martyr : human : sink : sword : know : crave : siri : view : ready : wife : seen : sorts : ashen : ahead : angel : ghost : based : laugh : false : echo : slave : godly : today : ones : bears : lists : style : wrong : fails : gifts : sight : saith > :--------------------------------------------: o 106 : across : malachy : system : pagan : jews : image : comes : makes : cease : saying : dogmas : scarce : agency : cause : schism : mahatma : graces : stages > :--------------------------------------------: o 116 : first : into : been : learn : after : right : rule : latin : billy : ever : four : over : five : later : death : line : world : life : live : treat : month : earth : here : died : trek : fire : true : faith : light : labor : toil : even : evil : total : love : exalt : final : fight : branch : feed : heard : added : note : short : holds : child : frail : roof : worth : bring : hardly : rout : stern : tidal : none : abbot : trial : iron : cleft : flee : bread : folly : food : root : ordo : fresh : laden : foot : kind : need : heart : edit : unto : still : nine : tree : truly : flesh : rude : done : trust > :--------------------------------------------: o

> :--------------------------------------------: o 117 : mainly : since : paul : sacred : mario : chose : aires : just : young : dreams : post : close : media : symbol : goods : cries : views : moves : takes : master : using : asked : whose : souls : sense : states : waning : solis : times : family : agree : parts : thomas : works : german : sharp : sunday : monday : storms : scandal : abuse : italys : shock : twice : myself : bosco : enemy : ship : rosary : fatima : comet : ocean : change : clergy : heap : tragic : raise : angels : almost : canons : agreda : scorns : crying : ideas : rooms : plans : taigi : siena : saints : spot : homes : going : meek : yours : focus : gives : romans : chance : risks : allows : knows : puts > :--------------------------------------------: o 118 : jasso : papa : images : malachys : fascism : ceases : causes : assisi : ecstasy : psalms : summary : agape > :--------------------------------------------: o 127 : birth : third : front : forth : north : fifth : truth > :--------------------------------------------: o 128 : seven : india : these : being : island : taken : church : moved : where : bones : relic : ruins : childs : would : while : wanted : took : known : about : strict : called : worlds : nearly : horse : votes : below : notes : roots : having : embed : wrote : those : look : france : irish : count : mildly : visit : reign : verse : book : flock : john : elect : lunae : white : given : karol : globe : like : doing : eight : christ : things : quran : mount : highly : above : unity : begin : could : serve : hours : cried : quit : help : shout : friday : every : anchor : whole : south : months : nights : tyrants : cruel : regard : skill : break : shine : demon : tours : toward : cover : evils : vigor : cannot : novus : rights : trying : hearts : deaths : leave : xiii : stood : trance : cloud : links : mourn : luke : stated : manner : force : gandhi : theme : creed : trees : labels : matter : codex : shoot : lives : taught : prov : rites : touch : alone : block > :--------------------------------------------: o 129 : spain : pauls : place : casket : social : stances : became : against : germany : misery : caused : animals : maedoc : pius : russia : carnage : fascist : august : phase : spark : coming : homage : missed : awoke : amongst : ships : coastal : changes : axioms : making : steps : manmade : muslim : isaiah : weep : major : command : imply : common : seeks : asking : wisdom : stump > :--------------------------------------------: o 130 : success : assissi > :--------------------------------------------: o 139 : other : there : under : father : noted : ballot : found : their : arnold : field : bander : tiber : three : think : never : order : until : bible : lived : fired : health : taller : rather : flood : thrown : event : enter : doubt : refer : built : devil : thirst : often : fruit : hatred : verbal > :--------------------------------------------: o

> :--------------------------------------------: o 140 : april : loyola : francis : open : house : kept : alumni : school : greek : exactly : vatican : select : churchs : calling : balcony : spent : career : scholar : deep : riches : poor : limits : guido : marini : resign : paved : reason : legate : lignum : showed : critic : sailor : books : sailed : argued : ethics : waited : gloria : serves : emblem : loose : quest : already : israel : visits : forces : citing : romano : vacante : easter : upon : sheets : moment : second : closed : sought : statue : gravely : struck : sounds : homily : column : fastens : hanging : famine : monarch : bowels : clouds : design : towards : jude : dangers : heresy : sister : breaks : convey : creeds : equal : maiden : june : lasting : candles : window : leaves : remain : demons : voice : daysthe : mastiff : hope : wheels : pure : matthew : sermon : plain : ideals : mormon : largely : charity : johns : warning : sexual : insist : touchy : writes : avoids : values : weyden : affirms > :--------------------------------------------: o 141 : jesus : japan : museum : assumed : papal : samesex : peace : causing : russias : mystical : piuss : speak : places : customs : muhammad : analysis : issues : jesse > :--------------------------------------------: o 142 : papacy : assissis : messages > :--------------------------------------------: o 151 : xavier : navarre : notably : burial : shortly : silver : leader : credit : mother : central : during : though : should : around : reveal : heaven : wonder : humble : truest : xxiii : flower : florum : virgin : albino : follow : labore : native : theory : earned : olive : others : within : listed : nelson : writer : thinks : recent : falling : started : leaned : relate : served : murder : rulers : nation : tribes : living : throats : werdin : nature : result : natural : afflict : exile : bloody : finally : defeat : arrival : torres : orders : fathers : talents : earthly : desert : forced : suffer : unholy : events : gentle : theirs : hunger : twelve : fruits : author : termed : freely : refers : itself : hebrew : filial : obtain : ineed : effect : ritual > :--------------------------------------------: o 152 : placed : encased : keep : chapel : jorge : sisters : chemist : decades : waiting : claimed : crossed : vaticans : embrace : course : income : monies : habemus : square : morgair : alarming : choose : series : angelic : pastor : sheep : phrase : krakow : seemed : saturday : kissed : comment : romanus : judge : choice : hopes : israels : russian : reasons : evasio : columns : seeing : similar : spring : quick : guides : cities : carrying : become : gambling : weaker : esteem : anymore : seized : famines : weaken : power : spread : mocked : opens : miracle : members : prayer : michael : voices : league : gregory : anglican : modesty : chastity : account : orgies : george : piety : source : meaning : teaches : signify : bestows : moments : anathema > :--------------------------------------------: o 153 : moluccas : americas : papum : premaya : amazingly : suggests : escape : massacred : company : majesty > :--------------------------------------------: o 162 : unborn : fuller : hitler : rented : filled : throne : better : ferrer : fodder : little : letter : return > :--------------------------------------------: o

> :--------------------------------------------: o 163 : xaviers : forearm : general : neglect : peter : office : cardinal : italian : arrives : yearold : buenos : prior : instead : fierce : standing : himself : clement : calendar : ancient : century : vision : renewal : enraged : mariner : venice : certain : flowers : blessed : reveals : poland : prove : history : circled : morning : senile : carried : desire : olives : olivae : several : probe : straight : leading : guided : anything : putin : rocket : nuclear : branches : failing : strike : granting : leaving : bodies : victory : nations : descent : densest : mankind : effects : destroy : lowlands : heavens : refuse : greater : discord : highest : advanced : queen : origin : servants : martyred : ensure : married : worked : healing : pride : boasted : country : figure : exodus : chariot : viewed : nephi : nicene : liturgy : follows : selfish : writing : arrogant : authors : ethical : whereby : willing : mindset : correct : creator : rogier > :--------------------------------------------: o 164 : society : mission : corpse : basilica : seminary : pope : accounts : marriage : choices : piece : prayers : paper : phrases : powers : blossoms : gonzalez : wojtyla : spoke : because : exjews : gospel : mockery : courage : disease : succeed : sacrament : plague : assuring : ecstatic : pastors : annamaria : miracles : january : consists : galatians : display : becomes : groups : aquinas : baptism > :--------------------------------------------: o 165 : apostasy : capacity > :--------------------------------------------: o 174 : student : borneo : buried : another : brought : liberal : entire : settled : before : indeed : belief : outlet : flanked : ireland : burning : flanders : united : nothing : double : toiled : written : divine : thought : through : related : favored : whether : narrated : vividly : labeled : current : funeral : fearful : killed : dorante : friede : vincent : trinity : divide : baneful : future : convert : needed : revile : context : delight : finite > :--------------------------------------------: o 175 : catholic : kingdom : humerus : claudio : coloane : college : bishop : meeting : cardinals : younger : crushing : concerns : peters : churches : conclave : various : public : cooked : openly : unjust : creating : goodbye : mandating : archives : visions : emerged : forecast : garabandal : conchita : luciani : strangest : polish : partial : faustina : martyrdom : priest : decrying : petrus : blessing : person : putins : reviews : israeli : pillars : purest : pilots : obstacle : reject : regions : plunge : service : insanity : purify : morality : permit : marianne : workers : darkness : except : ascribed : ongoing : singular : salaried : greatest : perish : minutes : council : spirit : familiar : chapter : arguable : mildness : factions : austere : object : philos : counsel : firmness : material : opere > :--------------------------------------------: o 176 : languages : popes : passion : marriages : kowalska : special : plagues : appear : physical : sacraments : necessary : catechism > :--------------------------------------------: o 177 : pappas > :--------------------------------------------: o 185 : fulfill : fretful : further > :--------------------------------------------: o

> :--------------------------------------------: o 186 : visited : february : removed : converts : detached : cathedral : recently : regarded : elected : expert : railroad : national : although : between : currents : studied : reduced : insider : clothing : gathered : stunning : earlier : affinity : reigned : halfmoon : october : visible : version : anderson : invading : defense : kremlin : strained : interim : touched : holiest : decided : suddenly : startling : wounded : declared : prefer : butchery : restore : sunlight : hostile : unknown : survive : freedom : whatever : naturally : clouded : defiles : ensured : without : diverse : thoughts : relating : intense : lighting : obliged : dupont : guttural : entries : distinct : recited : biblical : idolatry : mention : virtues : kennedy : feature : denotes : endures : culture : oneself : servile : covenant : however : nourish > :--------------------------------------------: o 187 : francisco : ignatius : empire : shangchuan : baptize : jesuit : apostle : afpgetty : wednesday : someone : immigrant : subject : catholics : priests : splashed : spoken : business : citizens : overcame : omorgair : according : spellman : depicts : diocese : youngest : incessant : obsessed : objects : crackdown : enemies : replace : tarcisio : secretary : couple : attacking : deceased : princes : scourged : kingdoms : upper : monastery : families : arguments : expects : secondary : struggles : praised : summoned : teachings : worship : services : goodness : stylistic : spirits : persons : respect : increase : penance : matrimony > :--------------------------------------------: o 188 : successor : communism : appears > :--------------------------------------------: o 197 : brothers : billion : retired : beloved : belluno : traveled : threaten : faithful : founder : dreadful : bertone : neither : divided : rebuild : children : evident : attended : inherit : defined : inflated : thereof > :--------------------------------------------: o 198 : december : christian : monument : argentina : historic : reports : outside : obvious : joined : problem : sentence : selected : goaround : ratzinger : register : theology : unequal : endorses : thousands : marveling : electors : clairvaux : religio : millions : unshaken : sinister : quoting : holiness : putting : probably : original : moniker : protect : modernday : moderate : launchers : fiercest : breaking : candidate : pietro : striking : salvation : certainly : shooting : stricken : prevail : receive : period : poverty : conceded : corrupt : nonsense : heretics : present : triumph : designed : remained : perfect : hideous : private : quatrain : merciful : location : testament : elevates : humility : exaction : statement : kindness : witchcraft : ambition : negative : goodwill : consider : emotion : haughtily : confused : reliance : minister : conveyed : elements > :--------------------------------------------: o 199 : jesuits : acquaviva : communist : justice : joseph : anonymous : consensus : persists : accurately : coatofarms : eclipse : suggested : compared : angelicum : sometime : mysteries : encyclical : symbolize : senseless : emmerick : commentary : separate : meekness : perhaps : sacrifice > :--------------------------------------------: o

> :--------------------------------------------: o 209 : destined : restored : currently : benedict : hallowell : abortion : pontiff : twothirds : revealed : identity : november : innocent : recorded : literally : included : murdered : entombed : ordained : together : believe : doctrinal : shoulder : interest : lightning : followed : churchthe : hildegard : forehead : survived : overflow : disorder : intervals : reserved : culleton : finished : infected : listened : nightwhen : oddsover : benefits : translated : likened : suffered : totalling : follower : enduring : revolves > :--------------------------------------------: o 210 : struggling : enjoyed : pereira : europe : something : moderates : personal : ideology : monsignor : remarkably : canonized : committed : christians : patriarch : baptized : numerous : holocaust : auxiliary : esoteric : testaments : cafeteria : modernism : captured : picture : audience : auxilium : eucharist : submerged : colonies : creatures : emptied : slaughters : precede : johannes : heresies : ministers : preached : dangerous : thpope : publicly : quatrains : satisfied : considers : reproach : nietzsche : embodying : corporal : temporal : promote : statements : explains : concludes : describes : pouring : perfects : judgment : overcome : proper : operato : regardless > :--------------------------------------------: o 211 : missionary : josephs : associated : applies : immaculate : calamities : composed : specific : sometimes : jealousy : accepting > :--------------------------------------------: o 220 : ventured : threshold : defender : entitled : revolved : horrible : untilled : defended : terrible : referred : foretold : orthodox > :--------------------------------------------: o 221 : dedicated : montmartre : container : worldwide : election : argentine : challenger : received : concerned : benedicts : historian : religion : shepherd : following : heretical : indicated : doctorate : connected : antichrist : beginning : olivetans : followers : destroyed : relations : described : pontiffs : pointed : evidence : authority : devastated : universe : radiation : everyone : ridicule : elaborate : confirmed : believes : chieftain : universal : catherine : extravagant : giannetti : eighteen : tabernacle : comforted : resonated : provide : including : revision : doctrines : benignity : behaviors : attitudes : lifestyle : unmannerly : obsolete : anointing > :--------------------------------------------: o 222 : spreading : shipped : displayed : support : surprise : subscribes : seriously : commitment : people : catalogued : pressure : popular : eclipsed : applied : preaching : audiences : prepare : peaceful : camerlengo : arisesthis : immediate : succeeded : possible : promptly : coincides : rejoice : blaspheme : despised : apparent : communion : exemplary : curiosity : stopped : nostradamus : pictures : signifying : patience : accordingly : commandment : immorality : impurity : weakening : patristic > :--------------------------------------------: o 223 : specifics : emphasize > :--------------------------------------------: o 232 : believed : entrusted : evidently : obedient : enlighten : sheltered : inhabited : twentieth : venerable : understand : devotion : shortened : referring : terrorist : friedrich : tradition : resentful : attention : offending : infinite : strengthen > :--------------------------------------------: o

> :--------------------------------------------: o 233 : pioneer : reliquary : anniversary : bergoglio : originally : selection : situation : liturgical : announcing : divisions : describing : elsewhere : remarkable : medietate : designated : centuries : provides : countries : confusion : printings : technology : promoted : excepted : powerful : residence : existence : artificial : sufferings : devastating : holzhauser : knowledge : preceded : cherishing : otherwise : originate : themselves : prophet : concerning : imitation : nephites : important : gentleness : righteous : continency : debauchery : selfgiving : conceited : concluding > :--------------------------------------------: o 234 : upkeep : catholicism : appealed : prophecy : appeared : prophesy : necessarily : peoples : unnecessary : conscience : precepts : pleasures : mysterious : pharisees : apostolic : sacrificial : rejoices : recognizes : separating : disciples > :--------------------------------------------: o 235 : compassion > :--------------------------------------------: o 243 : different : fulfilled : turbulent > :--------------------------------------------: o 244 : cofounder : extensive : reporter : reported : direction : runnerup : believers : beautiful : nonitalian : reference : fiftyeight : denounced : disturbing : noteworthy : mentioned : terrifying : olivaethe : inhabitants : twentyfive : alteration : intensive : everything : affliction : irrational : ridiculed : altogether : defection : beatitude : condition : continued : devotions : attributes : repented : translation : elaborated : reverence : required : celebrated > :--------------------------------------------: o 245 : superior : religious : persuaded : bergoglios : housewife : situations : archbishop : september : rejecting : limousine : opulence : spiritual : previous : auctioning : churchgoers : position : filippo : happened : adversaries : overcoming : christianos : provinces : questions : eventssome : freemasonry : prophets : particular : expressed : professed : generosity : longanimity : cumulation : dispensed : chrismation > :--------------------------------------------: o 246 : catholicisms : pilgrimage : appealing : composite : epidemics : simplicity : disappear : especially > :--------------------------------------------: o 247 : accompanying > :--------------------------------------------: o 255 : attributed : fortitude > :--------------------------------------------: o 256 : incorrupt : millennium : qualified : argentinian : potential : predicted : discovered : reputedly : published : tremendous : connection : publisher : everywhere : university : conversion : originated : credentium : established : penetrate : nothingness : desolation : governments : bartholomew : defections : considered : controversy : collection : sheepfold : celebrating : explained : beatitudes : admonition : protestant : represent : illustrates : forbearance : christlike : corinthians : conflicting : lifegiving > :--------------------------------------------: o

> :--------------------------------------------: o 257 : commentators : preparing : pergoglio : encouraging : ceremonies : maolmhaodhog : proposed : immediately : persecute : happening : dissensions : evangelicals : appearthe : components : douayrheims : pleonastic : injustice : eucharistic > :--------------------------------------------: o 258 : circumstances : accompanied > :--------------------------------------------: o 267 : thencardinal : downtoearth : traditional : revelation : monteforte : reflection : contribute : throughout : orderchurch : individual : frequently : selfcontrol : difference : dependent : instituted > :--------------------------------------------: o 268 : resignation : considering : overseeing : tumultuous : circulation : publishing : subsequent : deception : earthquake : misfortunes : manufactured : expensive : repudiate : astonishment : exceedingly : abomination : exception : publishers : consolation : perceived : distinguish : explaining : historically : affirmations : presenting : originating : petersburg : comprehend : rejection : instigation : punishment : forgiveness > :--------------------------------------------: o 269 : kongpope : copernicus : automatically : opposite : catastrophic : poisonous : oppressed : impossible : skeptically : accumulation : efficacious > :--------------------------------------------: o 270 : epigrammatic : apocalyptic : possessions : peacemakers > :--------------------------------------------: o 279 : shoeleather : chauffeured : ostentation : interesting : reportedly : fleursdelis : undermining : sixthcentury : destructive : illuminated : vitiguerro : destruction : exterminate : surrounding : friendship : distinctive : faithfulness : drunkenness : rhetorician : demonstrated > :--------------------------------------------: o 280 : temporarily : preconclave : appointed : outspoken : equipment : herepope : earthquakes : uncanonically : punishments : pestilence : persecuted : characterized : unbecomingly : selfseeking : consecration : recipients : expression > :--------------------------------------------: o 281 : azpilicueta : missionaries > :--------------------------------------------: o 282 : pagansclaiming > :--------------------------------------------: o 290 : influential : identified : tribulation : sevenhilled : enlightened : revolution : selfevident > :--------------------------------------------: o 291 : priesthood : potentially : conservative : liberalizing : developing : announcement : triumphantly : disruption : redemption : foreshadowed : confirmation : humiliation : corruption : instructions : conversation : nonchristians : enumeration : counselright : perfection : allpowerful : administered > :--------------------------------------------: o 292 : portuguese : depopulata : unspeakable : predecessor : speculative : principles > :--------------------------------------------: o

> :--------------------------------------------: o 302 : benedictine : traditionally : tribulations : revolutions : unbelievers : undefeatable : benevolence : intellectual : understanding > :--------------------------------------------: o 303 : subsequently : conservatives : predictions : publication : implemented : christianorum : intercession : supernatural : unequivocal : description : administering > :--------------------------------------------: o 304 : prophecies : popesknown : prophesize : apparitions : characteristics > :--------------------------------------------: o 305 : suspiciously > :--------------------------------------------: o 314 : controversial : benedictines : represented : xiiioctober : denomination : unpardonable > :--------------------------------------------: o 315 : persecution : prophesied : resignabdicate : appointment : perceptibly : experiences : righteousness : spirituality : superfluous : disposition > :--------------------------------------------: o 325 : distribution : unfortunately : interpreted > :--------------------------------------------: o 326 : unexpectedly : denominations : beatification : preservation : effectiveness > :--------------------------------------------: o 327 : opposition : prophesized : persecutions : happenedsee : dispositions > :--------------------------------------------: o 328 : presuppose > :--------------------------------------------: o 337 : interpreters : unconditional > :--------------------------------------------: o 338 : corresponding : photographer : distinguishing > :--------------------------------------------: o 339 : philippians > :--------------------------------------------: o 348 : redistributed > :--------------------------------------------: o 349 : straightshooter : transportation : exterminations : unconquerable > :--------------------------------------------: o 350 : contraceptives : adjectivesone : apprehension > :--------------------------------------------: o 361 : constantinople : incorporation > :--------------------------------------------: o 362 : possibilities : philosophies : sacramentcitation > :--------------------------------------------: o 372 : stunnedlooking > :--------------------------------------------: o 373 : correspondence : unrighteousness : servicecitation > :--------------------------------------------: o 383 : loveoneanother > :--------------------------------------------: o 395 : interpretation > :--------------------------------------------: o

> :--------------------------------------------: o 407 : governmentcentric : interpretations > :--------------------------------------------: o 419 : fortitudecourage > :--------------------------------------------: o 454 : sourceworldnetdaily > :--------------------------------------------: o 467 : apostolicindicating > :--------------------------------------------: o 501 : resignationabdication : justificationthough > :--------------------------------------------: o 572 : ecumenicalismfriendship > :--------------------------------------------: o =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- End of Export File -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Contact : transamoebae@seanet.com Troublesome Rants : http://transamoebae.blogspot.com Pictoglyphs : http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrstphre Flickr Favorites : http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrstphre/favorites/ Family Snapshots : http://www.flickr.com/photos/harvey-marie Original Music : http://www.icompositions.com/artists/chrstphre Scratch Programs : http://scratch.mit.edu/users/tinywanda

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