Ed W. Clark Key Club | April 2019

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table of


table of contents


editor’s message


president’s message


member of the month


walk ms


district convention

10 april DCM & kat’s banquet 11 race for hope 12 upcoming events 13 division newsletter 14 contact


from the

EDITOR Hey Chargers! This is my first newsletter serving as your 2019-2020 bulletin editor, how exciting! I’m so glad I get to spend my senior year serving the organization that is #1 in my heart. I can’t wait to create more of these throughout the term, sharing all the precious memories you’ve made. The end of the school year is coming up, and I am really thankful for another great year in Key Club. I owe it all to you guys! It’s also really sad that we have to say goodbye to our seniors soon, so make sure to thank them for all that they’ve done for this club. I wish you all good luck on your upcoming AP exams and finals, and hope you all have a wonderful summer break, make the most of it! Keep an eye out for events during the summer!

Charging Into Service,

Kayla Arcangel


from the

PRESIDENT Hey Clark Key Clubbers! My name is Chrysia Edano and I’ll be serving you guys as your President for the 2019-2020 term. During April we held some of our last few events such as Walk MS and our annual Blood Drive. Then, our members said a bittersweet farewell to our IP officers and LTG Katrina Orevillo at DCON and our April DCM. Congratulations to all of you for a well served year in Key Club, and to all the seniors who’ve stayed with Key Club thus far: thank you for everything, you will be deeply missed. With that being said, for all our remaining members, I encourage you all to keep up with Key Club activities throughout the duration of summer! We will still hold a variety of service events, and monthly DCMs during June and July will still be run by our new Division 28 South LTG, Megen Lopez. Follow us on Instagram @clarkeyclub and check our remind for updates on upcoming events. Thank you for your service and spirit this term, and I hope to see many of you return for another fun filled year with Clark Key Club. Have a wonderful summer, I chrysia-ppreciate you all <3.

Serving as if it’s my last,

Chrysia Edano


member of






Walk MS was super fun! Although it was pretty early in the morning, we arrived at where the start/finish line was to cheer on everyone who was running. Everyone was full of energy, and we were able to cheer everyone on with little objects like cowbells and hand clappers. The most amazing aspect was to see the smiles on the faces of the runners when they knew that we would be cheering them on from start to finish. Walk MS showed me that a community can become united even in a tragic instance, and there was no better thing to see than everyone motivating one another in the early morning. — MELANIE GARCIA


DCON 2019

APRIL 12-14 Attending my last District Convention was an absolute rollercoaster of emotions, but I am extremely grateful to have attended! Throughout the weekend I got to meet up with my friends from all over CNH, meet new Key Clubbers, host a workshop, and gain a greater appreciation for all that Key Club has to offer. I was super proud to see Division 28 South’s accomplishments recognized on the district level — one of three Distinguished Service Awards (for Greatest Membership Increase), the Most Improved Division Award, and an array of distinguished/outstanding contest awards included! Although DCON did mark the bittersweet end of my term as LTG (for which I may have cried a lot), I am extremely excited to see the new term unfold! — KATRINA OREVILLO

L-O-V-E we love our (IP)LTG! 7


The second DCON I went to has got to be one of my most favorite key club events of the year! I got to meet new people from all

over the Cali-Nev-Ha region and made new friends. Going to different workshops, learning new things about key club, and talking to so many people were numerous things we did at DCON. Our first day, the spirit day, we were decked out in our spirit gear and showed our seamonkey spirit for our division! The second day, business professional, we went to many

workshops talking about new opportunities we could do in our key club career and also engaged in some icebreakers where we can hang out with key clubbers from other divisions. The third day, it was a day full of tears. Our, now immediate past, CNH district governor, as well as everyone who was part of any board during the 2018 to 2019 term retired and everyone part of the 2019 to 2020 term was installed. There were tears of both happiness and sadness everywhere and I’m

I got to be a part of this wonderful experience. I can’t wait for DCON 2020! glad — BETHANY ANTERO This was my first DCON and by far, one of my favorite Key Club events I’ve attended. Going in, I didn’t know much of what was going to happen, other than it’s with the whole CNH district and it’s like a bigger RTC (which they weren’t wrong about entirely). I was greeted with many new faces and a few familiar faces, all together making up my second family. I was blown away by the amount of dedication that goes into Key Club that many don’t know as it’s being done behind the scenes. I was overwhelmed with happiness to see my IP LTG, Kat, present and be awarded during the convention as she has work very hard, not just during her terms but also the 4 years she been dedicated (Thank you Kat for being my inspiration). Although I miss leaving California and all the memories created there, DCON left me very much blessed for being able to experience it along with wanting to do more for Key Club. Till next year, see you there~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ




DCON is one of the greatest events you’ll ever experience. From fun ice breaker workshops where you can make new friends and find your soulmate, to treasurer and secretary workshops where you can see all the hard work they do for their home club. DCON is a great learning experience, you can learn so much about CNH and overall ways you can improve with helping your home, school, and community. DCON really brings everyone in your club together it also brings back all the good memories you had with your club and the passion you have for key club. When it comes time for retirement you better make sure you have tissues on you because you are going to cry trust me saying bye to your board and to the seniors who were with you through your key club experience will at least make you tear

up saying from experience. All together DCON is an amazing event everyone should experience and I do encourage you all to go to at least one DCON because it will make you realize just how much

you do to help and how amazing key cub is. — AALIYA CRUZ

From April 12th through 14th, Clark Key Club members attended the California-NevadaHawai’i Key Club District Convention in Ontario, CA. This year, I was fortunate enough to serve on the Creative Media Team, taking official photos for the CNH District to be used in future marketing materials. It’s the thrill of being a historian with the flexibility of taking pictures of all Key Clubbers, not just those from Clark. It was a great way for me to build my time management skills in a busy convention environment. Otherwise, this DCON was an excellent experience as always. From electing the CNH district executives to learning about leadership positions, there was always something unique to do. Late-night bonding with my roommates playing Smash Ultimate was a treat, as was interacting with members from all over the CNH District. This DCON marked the end of my incredible term as historian and the beginning of something new. Who knows? — KEVIN WONG



april dcm +

KAT’S BANQUET The April DCM was a pretty sentimental event as it was also Kat's goodbye banquet :') She got real and deep with us and started crying and getting us all in our feels!! Then everyone also went up to share their favorite moments with Kat and it was just super sweet :'0 The food was also very yummy (10/10!!) — GRACE GU

Kat’s banquet was extremely fun and heartwarming. We were able to say goodbye to our Lieutenant Governor as well as her Leadership Team. Everyone got a little emotional but it just showed how much we all truly care and appreciate Key Club. We also learned about all of the achievements that D28S has been able to accomplish, such as getting Most Improved Division at DCON. Overall, it was a really good experience and I hope that next year, it will be just as wonderful. — KARA OREVILLO



RACE FOR HOPE Helping the vendors setup tables, grab chairs, and even cheering on the runners and walkers was a really fun experience. I love volunteering at walks because the amount of support blows my mind, and this event was no different. I highly recommend coming by next year to cheer these runners and walkers on next year! — FLAVIO CORONADO

On April 27th, Flavio, Grace, Kayla, and I volunteered for Races for Hope at UNLV! While it was a bit hot, early, and we all had a few sneeze attacks, it was for a great cause and was a fun event! In the beginning, we got to set up tables and chairs for various vendors and once the race started, we cheered for the participants. There was a wide range of participants; young, old, dogs, and even a pony! But they were all in support of the fight against autism, raising awareness for a great cause, and fundraising research. All in all, it was a fun event with amazing people :D — NAOMI SCHLAGETER

Race for Hope was a pretty fun event (minus the allergies haha)!! It was similar to the Walk for Wishes event; we got to cheer on runners while holding up signs. We also got to visit different booths that were set up which has different games and gave out free stuff (like food and sunglasses)! Overall I would go again next year, but make sure to bring your allergy meds! :) — GRACE GU 11



spring banquet time|4:30 pm - 6:30pm Ed W. Clark HS


miracle flights carnival time|12 pm - 4 pm Craig Ranch Park


joint-division DCM

16 18 7

time|12 pm - 2 pm Valley High School

*look out on Remind/Instagram/Twitter for events over the summer!


click here to check out this month’s edition of




feel free to contact us anytime!

CHRYSIA EDANO PRESIDENT|clark.kc.presi@gmail.com

IG: @chrysiaedano



clark.kc.vp@gmail.com IG: @graceeguu



SECRETARY| clark.kc.sec@gmail.com

IG: @naomiso21


TREASURER| clark.kc.tr@gmail.com IG: @kyleestimos

KAYLA ARCANGEL BULLETIN ED|clark.kc.be@gmail.com IG: @okayluhh


FLAVIO CORONADO HISTORIAN| clark.kc.hist@gmail.com IG: @_asian_ibuprofen_


SERGEANT AT ARMS| clark.kc.saa@gmail.com IG: @ptlasthi



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