Ed W. Clark Key Club | June 2016

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Ed W. Clark Key Club Division 28 West | Region 5 June 2016 | Volume 3 | Issue 2

2 – Table of Contents 3 – Editor’s Message 4 – President’s Message 5 – Member of the Month 6 – End-of-the-Year Banquet 8 – May DCM & DLT Elections 10 – Spring Park Social 12 – Thank You 13 – Upcoming Events 16 – Contact Information

(Editor’s Message) Hey Chargers! Welcome to the second edition of Charger’s Corner. I hope that the past month has been a-MAY-zing (get it?) for all of you, and that your summer vacation has been great so far. I know that I’m definitely enjoying the ability to sleep in. First off, I just wanted to thank all of you for an amazing year in Key Club. This was my first year in this organization and I can’t thank all of you enough for making me feel like I was completely welcome. I’ve had so many great memories, I’ve made tons of new friends, and I’m really excited to see what this upcoming year has in store! Please remember that just because the school year has ended, it does not mean that we stop serving! Key Club serves year-round and we do have a few service opportunities in June and July.

Have a great summer and keep serving! Serving With Spirit,

Katrina Orevillo

(President’s Note) What's up Clark Key Club! Summer has finally started! This last school year was definitely a roller coaster ride but now it is time to relax after all of your hard work. Relaxing doesn't mean you can't do service though! Throughout the summer, we will be providing you with all sorts of opportunities for you to stay involved in our community. Check it out and I hope to see you all there at our service events. With the power of love and friendship,

Kelly Tay


MAY 2016

Spring Spring Banquet Banquet

I went to my first Key Club banquet (Spring banquet) and although there weren’t as many people there as the Winter banquet (or so I’ve heard), almost all the seniors were there which was nice because honestly there are underclassmen who get inducted, but really, the Spring banquet was for the seniors. I thought it was crazy that my freshman year was over, but I couldn’t imagine leaving all of my friends and going off to college. These seniors, the class of 2016, are truly magnificent and absolutely inspiring, not only for us Key Club underclassmen but for us as students and people in general. I wish I could’ve gotten to know a lot of seniors better and for the ones that I did get to meet, I’m so glad I did. It was really emotional of an experience. Even though I’m not even a senior, I started tearing up when Sehee started crying as she got her award from Elissa. Overall, it was a great experience and I can’t wait to see what us other classes will do with Key Club and wonder how we’ll compete with the class of 2016! - CHANEL PULIDO

This May DCM was held at West Career and Technical Academy and was very fun! I think it is always good to attend as many DCMs as possible to hear how each club has been doing. As always, everyone who shared in club reports had many accomplishments. There were also awards given out for Dance Marathon, so that was really cool to see who won different awards in our division. This DCM was not just any DCM though! Justin Zhou, our LTG, was also announcing who the Division 28 West DLT was for this term! I happened to apply for DLT, and my name was called up for Administrative Assistant! I was super excited to meet who I would be working with. Everyone was so friendly and said congratulations to me, and I was just thinking that I could not ask for a better division to serve (I'm very excited to be serving you and getting to know all of you even more this term, by the way). Afterwards, as always, there was pizza to eat! Overall, it was a very good event to attend, and I highly encourage everyone to go to a DCM at least once! - KATLYN WONG

The board really tried hard to make the Spring Park Social different from any other social. It also happened to be Ms. Wong's birthday that day. We bought Ms. Wong a Pooh bear Tsum-Tsum and Bundt cake! She was so happy and the mission was accomplished. Now what we did that was different was that we had a scavenger hunt but not just a regular one, one where you would have to find people, not items. Before the scavenger hunt though, we spiced up the social with a service event! We made blankets for senior citizens. Overall, I feel that this social was truly a success! The members seemed like they had a lot of fun especially during the scavenger hunt. We are planning to try more new and interesting activities with our members! - KELLY TAY

The Spring park social which was held on May 21st was an amazing experience and a great way to finish up this school year that was filled with so many amazing events. Members gathered at Desert Breeze Park and helped make blankets that were later donated to James Seastrand Helping Hands of North Las Vegas for senior citizens. Afterwards, the Key Club officers arranged a very creative scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt consisted of 7 clues that described the 7 officers that were present at the time. Each clue would require you to search the entire park for the officer described and upon finding them, members would have to answer many trivia questions about key club to acquire the next clue. A big thanks to Dion for being the hardest officer to find, and Anish for running away. My team, which consisted of Erik Contreras and Keerati Kasikam, won the scavenger hunt. It was a lot of fun and I definitely learned a lot that I didn't know about Key Club. It was well organized and planned out and was my favorite part of the whole event. May 21st was also the birthday of our amazing advisor Ms. Wong, and we celebrated with a barbecue! Many thanks to Ms. Wong for cooking us food. We gave her presents and a cake. Unfortunately it was very hard to keep all the candles lit with the constant breeze but we were able to light all of them with enough time to take a nice picture! I hope Ms. Wong enjoyed her birthday wishes! - DHIMANTHA DASWATTA


great year! for a


events Visit our website for details! tinyurl.com/clarkeyclub

June 15, 2016 June/July DCM with D28N & D28S June 25, 2016

Clark Key Club Summer Park Social

(Peace out) Call us, beep us, if you want to reach us!

President: Kelly Tay clark.kc.presi@gmail.com Vice President: Tiffany Bui clark.kc.vp@gmail.com Secretary: Dion Valdecanas clark.kc.sec@gmail.com

Editor: Katrina Orevillo clark.kc.be@gmail.com Historian: Leo Li clark.kc.hist@gmail.com SAA: Jordan Phimmasane clark.kc.saa@gmail.com

Treasurer: Anish Devati clark.kc.treas@gmail.com

Check out our website!

tinyurl.com/clarkeyclub Twitter/Instagram:


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