Ed W. Clark Key Club | Dec. 2016

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Ed W. Clark Key Club | V5, Issue 8 | December 2016 Division 28 West | Region 5 | Cali-Nev-Ha District




table of contents


from the editor


president’s page


member of the month


fall rally south


rock & roll marathon


key club/nhs olympics


we are thankful for‌


upcoming events


contact us

It’s winter, Chargers! The temperatures are dropping, but our love for service remains high as ever! We have had many events during the month of November, including Fall Rally South, where we took home the spirit stick for the first time in a couple years! Congratulations! The board has been working really hard to plan the year ahead. Winter Inductions are over, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop attending events. You can expect a lot of events to get you more involved with the community and get to know more people within Clark Key Club! Remember that you may still get inducted at the Spring Inductions banquet for 45 hours! Elections are also coming up, so if you are intend on running, make sure to send letters of intent to Kelly by the 31st! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask any of the current officers! With that, I hope you all have a great break. Stay warm, Clark cuties!

Serving With Spirit,

Katrina Orevillo 3

Hello Clarkies! No school November is over but now it is time for the holiday season of giving and spending time with family! During the month of November, we wrote letters to soldiers for the Thanksgiving holiday. We went to Six Flags for Fall Rally South, winning the Spirit Stick and donating over $200! We assisted thousands of runners at the Rock N Roll Marathon, and also donated over $120 to Shop for a Cop! Good job Clark Key Clubbers! Remember that all of this wouldn't be possible without YOU the members. You, are the most important aspect of this club and I would like to thank you for all your amazing contributions over the past month. Looking at December, we have Adopt-A-Family where we will be collecting presents for a family so that they can have a fantastic holiday season and hopefully a more stable upcoming year. These families need our help! if you would like to donate, drop off presents to Ms. Wong's in room 302! Your donations will be greatly appreciated. Also coming up is our Annual Dance Video Competition! Who will win this year's Disco Spirit Stick? Come and find out at our Dance Video Party on December 16, 2016 in the library! Remember that even though big events such as Region Training Conference and Fall Rally South are over, don't stop coming to events to serve your community! With the power of love and friendship,


Kelly Tay


kyle koo

NOV. 2016 5


ARTICLE BY: EVONIE CLAIRE VILLARETE Saturday, Nov 12, 2016. Around 1:00am PST. It was that time of the year again for one of the most awaited Key Club events. Key Clubbers from California, Nevada, and Hawaii gathered at Six Flags to support the Pediatric Trauma Program. The bus ride was not the best part of the trip, but it was all worth it - knowing that we would get to have fun while helping out PTP. Fall Rally gave me the opportunity to meet new people and start new friendships. It also challenged my bravery. Like you know, the dilemma of choosing between kiddie and extreme rides. Until now, I don't know why we decided to ride the Goliath the moment we got inside the park. But the highlight of the entire event: D28W brought home the spirit stick!


ARTICLE BY: DION VALDECANAS It was at Fall Rally South last year that I fell more in love with my division and everyone in it. This year, I couldn’t believe that I had attended my last Fall Rally South. Division 28 West raised over $3000 for Pediatric Trauma Program, took home the spirit stick, but above all, won my heart once again. Key Club never fails to make me feel extremely blessed and proud to be a part of it. I was not only given the opportunity to enjoy my day; through this event, I was also given the opportunity to save children’s lives so that they can enjoy their day. This event reminded me of the reason why I choose to be a part of this organization. I will continue to help and choose to save other people’s lives. I know that I wouldn’t trade my experience for anything else. It was bittersweet bidding farewell to Fall Rally South, but I wouldn’t have spent it any other way. 7

marathon ARTICLE BY: MICHELLE CHAU This was definitely one of my favorite events. At first, it was pretty slow and we were all just kind of competing to see who would take our water. After a while, it was so hectic and everyone just kept coming in and taking cups after cups and smacking cups after cups. We ran out of water and had our “ water people� cross the literal sea of people to grab more water on the other side. It was exciting and everyone was rushing; it was just one of those things that got your heart pumping. It felt like a whole lot of teamwork was required. I was sad when it ended. Overall, this was something I would absolutely do again, but only with the Key Club family.



On November 13th, I volunteered for Rock N Roll marathon at North of the Wynn entry for Key Club from 2pm to 8pm. It was the most memorable event I’ve been to. The event’s purpose is to provide an opportunity for people around the world to run a marathon regardless of what their day-today jobs are. About ten thousand people participated in this event. Along these 26 miles, many volunteers set up water stations to give out runners the supplies they needed to finish the race. We were one of the many stops. From 2pm to 4pm, we patiently built a fort a water cups with three layers by groups of four, in order to hold the maximum amount of water available to the runners on a table. At 4pm, the event finally started. After about 40 minutes into the race, we’ve started seeing competitors to show up. Everyone anxiously stood in a line in front of their tables, with water cups standing on our palms. As the first small waves of runners come, one of them grabbed the water out of my hand while sprinting away. I was excited to give my first cup of water away because my arm was getting sore holding the water up for so long. Sometimes, the runners will accidentally drop the water as they grab it, therefore, many people’s feet and arms were getting wet. After time passed by, huge waves of people started rushing in, taking all of the water at the table that my group had. I often had to run to the water jug to get more water for our table. It was busy and messy at the end of the event. People spilled water all over the place, but I had so much fun at the end of the day. Despite the chilly weather that day, the spirits of the runners warmed me up. I liked this event because I get to help the runners and witness their happiness when they run and the spirit of not giving up even though they are exhausted.


with nhs ARTICLE BY: KYLE ESTIMOS Overall, the Key Club Olympics was enjoyable and fun. The morning started with Tiffany Bui’s “amazing” yoga exercises for the pre-game warm up. After the warm up, we were sent to our teams of 8 to make up our team’s name and prepare ourselves for the obstacles to come. The games we played were fun and consisted of teamwork, speed, and strength. Jordan, who was on my team and is the current SAA, had somehow disastrously but hilariously slipped on a hula hoop. Two of the teams were so strong they broke the rope during the tug-of-war event whipping the person nearest to where it was frayed. In the middle of the event, a brand new Key Club member joined one of the teams to make a great addition. Although many of us were inexperienced with the games, we all had lots of fun to start the day. The event ended with Team L taking the W that they deserved.



This event was absolutely crazy! This was by far the best event I chose to take part in. The reason being is because I chose my whole team for it (aka my close friends) and participated in group activities. These group activities tested our abilities to communicate with one another and tested our physical limitations towards achieving goals and ultimately becoming the victors in various events throughout the Olympics. While our team was fairly stacked in terms of physical ability and size, all the events we participated in were fairly close. The funniest part of the whole thing, however, was when the rope snapped on us and whipped our team as it swung backwards like a whip. This signifies the strengths of both parties going against one another (and shows that the people organizing the event didn’t think a thicker rope was necessary), but aside from that the event overall was a blast and I had a great time with friends.



Members like you are what makes Clark Key Club amazing. Thank you for serving your community and being part of our family. From our Key Club ohana to yours, happy holidays!


upcoming events: Keen Community Holiday Party Thursday, December 15, 2016 Secret Santa Party Thursday, December 15, 2016 Class Dance Off Party Friday, December 16, 2016 Salvation Army Bell Ringing Saturday, December 17, 2016

Winter Ice Skating Social Thursday, December 28, 2016 LETTERS OF INTENT DUE Sunday, December 31, 2016 By 11:59 PM, to clark.kc.presi@gmail.com

Check FB or message an officer for details!


(Peace out) Call us, beep us, if you want to reach us!

President: Kelly Tay clark.kc.presi@gmail.com

Vice President: Tiffany Bui clark.kc.vp@gmail.com Secretary: Dion Valdecanas clark.kc.sec@gmail.com Treasurer: Anish Devati clark.kc.treas@gmail.com Editor: Katrina Orevillo clark.kc.be@gmail.com Historian: Leo Li clark.kc.hist@gmail.com SAA: Jordan Phimmasane clark.kc.saa@gmail.com

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