Mar 1 carter employability skills ibt

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STANDARD 4 Employability Skills and Career Development Activities

Lori Carter

Project 1 Class

Introduction to Business & Technology Teacher Lori Carter Project Title Creating Business Letters Semester Fall 2015

Employability Skills Project 1 Introduction to Business & Technology

Carter Fall Semester

Description of Assignment 1. Creating Business Letters – Students will create three correctly formatted business letters including letterhead which an essential employability skill. Students will reference a go-by sheet to set up their business letters correctly.

Project Instructions

Student Sample 1

Student Sample 2

Student Sample 3

Student Sample 4

Student Sample 5

Project 2 Class

Introduction to Business & Technology Teacher Lori Carter Project Title Ideal Employees Semester Fall 2015

Employability Skills Project 2 Introduction to Business & Technology

Carter Fall Semester

Description of Assignment 1. What Would You Do? – Teacher will discuss Building Work Relationships PowerPoint with class. After this introduction, students will be presented with five scenarios that they may face in the workforce. They are to carefully consider their options and explain how they would professionally handle the situations. 2. The Ideal Employee – After discussing the seven work ethic characteristics, students will have to describe how each characteristic can be shown to their boss while at work. Furthermore, students will have to suggest an acceptable consequence if the opposite behavior occurs.

Project Instructions

Student Sample 1

Intro. to Human Resources Unit Mrs. Carter — Room 4108

What Would You Do Student's Name:

Shae Mayne


Comp. #: 12

If you were in this situation at work what would you do? In the middle of working on a budget report for your boss, a co-worker sits down next to your desk and starts telling you about his past weekend. He is giving you every detail from the time he woke up on Saturday morning to the time he walked into work on Monday. Your boss if expecting the budget report within the hour, what do you do? I would say I'm sorry but I have lots of work to do can we talk about it over lunch? As you are working at your desk, you hear two of your co-workers gossiping. The topic is YOU. The new

person was hired two days ago and you, being a team player, asked him/her to join you for lunch. Your coworkers saw you and have started gossiping about the friendly lunch you and the new co-worker had together. What do you do in this situation? I would say please don't say that about me, we just had lunch together, and I don't appreciate it. Your coworker, Billy, is always complaining about the amount of work he has to do. His moral is bringing the entire department down. How can you encourage Billy to be more positive about his work? I would say Billy I have lots of work to do also, lets get through this together and go ahead and get it done. Dominique is a close friend of yours, as well as a coworker. She has recently started dating someone new and is frequently coming into work late and leaving early. Naturally, her work is starting to get behind. As a friend, you have helped her with a couple of deadlines, but it is becoming a routine. How can you resolve this ongoing situation with your friend, Dominique? I would say Dominique I'm not going to be able to do your work anymore I have my own to do and it is putting me behind. You love to work as a team! Your department consists of five coworkers including yourself and has always

worked well together. When the boss compliments the team for a job well done, Dillon is always the first to take credit for the work. You, as well as the other members of the team are getting frustrated. How can you resolve this problem and still be able to work together as a team? I would tell him that the rest of the team would like to get credit also since we all did it together.

Student Sample 2

Intro. to Human Resources Unit

What Would You Do Student's Name:

Caitlin Kelley

Mrs. Carter — Room 4108


U Li


Comp. #:


If you were in this situation at work what would you do? In the middle of working on a budget report for your boss, a co-worker sits down next to your desk and starts telling you about his past weekend. He is giving you every detail from the time he woke up on Saturday morning to the time he walked into work on Monday. Your boss if expecting the budget report within the hour, what do you do? I would simple tell him I have a report that I have to get done and that I will talk to him later. As you are working at your desk, you hear two of your co-workers gossiping. The topic is YOU. The new person was hired two days ago and you, being a team player, asked him/her to join you for lunch. Your coworkers saw you and have started gossiping about the friendly lunch you and the new co-worker had together. What do you do in this situation? I would turn around and tell them I do not appreciate them talking about me and the lunch was just to be friendly. Your coworker, Billy, is always complaining about the amount of work he has to do. His moral is bringing the entire department down. How can you encourage Billy to be more positive about his work? Tell him that if he simply does the task it will be over. Dominique is a close friend of yours, as well as a coworker. She has recently started dating someone new

and is frequently coming into work late and leaving early. Naturally, her work is starting to get behind. As a friend, you have helped her with a couple of deadlines, but it is becoming a routine. How can you resolve this ongoing situation with your friend, Dominique? Tell her that I have a lot of work to do and I can help her some but I simply can't do all of mine and hers. You love to work as a team! Your department consists of five coworkers including yourself and has always worked well together. When the boss compliments the team for a job well done, Dillon is always the first to take credit for the work. You, as well as the other members of the team are getting frustrated. How can you resolve this problem and still be able to work together as a team?

Nicely tell Dillon that we all helped and he did not do it be himself and that we all need to get credit as a team.

Student Sample 3

Intro. to Human Resources Unit Mrs. Carter — Room 4108

Student's Name:

Jacqueline Bautista

Comp. #:


If you were in this situation at work what would you do? In the middle of working on a budget report for your boss, a co-worker sits down next to your desk and starts telling you about his past weekend. He is giving you every detail from the time he woke up on Saturday morning to the time he walked into work on Monday. Your boss if expecting the budget report within the hour, what do you do? I would tell him that I have a lot of work, but later when I'm free we can talk about it. As you are working at your desk, you hear two of your co-workers gossiping. The topic is YOU. The new

person was hired two days ago and you, being a team player, asked him/her to join you for lunch. Your coworkers saw you and have started gossiping about the friendly lunch you and the new co-worker had together. What do you do in this situation? I would tell them that we just had lunch and that was it and that they need to stop spreading rumors. Your coworker, Billy, is always complaining about the amount of work he has to do. His moral is bringing the entire department down. How can you encourage Billy to be more positive about his work? I would tell him that if he actually worked on it, he would finish it and not have to complain about it.

Dominique is a close friend of yours, as well as a coworker. She has recently started dating someone new and is frequently coming into work late and leaving early. Naturally, her work is starting to get behind. As a friend, you have helped her with a couple of deadlines, but it is becoming a routine. How can you resolve this ongoing situation with your friend, Dominique? I would tell her that she must do her work because I will not continue to do it for her. You love to work as a team! Your department consists of five coworkers including yourself and has always worked well together. When the boss compliments the team for a job well done, Dillon is always the first to take credit for the work. You, as well as the other members of the team are getting frustrated. How can -N

you resolve this problem and still beable_t.o

wo_rk together as a team?)

I would tell him that we all did work and maybe instead of working as a team he should start working by himself.

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Student Sample 4

Intro. to Human Resources Unit Mrs. Carter — Room 4108

What Would You Do Student's Name:

Anna Daughtrey



Comp. #:


If you were in this situation at work what would you do? In the middle of working on a budget report for your boss, a co-worker sits down next to your desk and starts telling you about his past weekend. He is giving you every detail from the time he woke up on Saturday morning to the time he walked into work on Monday. Your boss if expecting the budget report within the hour, what do you do? I would ask him if he could finish the story when I finish the report. As you are working at your desk, you hear two of your co-workers gossiping. The topic is YOU. The new person was hired two days ago and you, being a team player, asked him/her to join you for lunch. Your coworkers saw you and have started gossiping about the friendly lunch you and the new co-worker had together. What do you do in this situation? I would either ignore it, or politley tell them I was just being nice to the new co-worker. Your coworker, Billy, is always complaining about the amount of work he has to do. His moral is bringing the entire department down. How can you encourage Billy to be more positive about his work? I would tell him that he is given so much work because the boss knows he is able to do it. Dominique is a close friend of yours, as well as a coworker. She has recently started dating someone new and is frequently coming into work late and leaving early. Naturally, her work is starting to get behind. As a friend, you have helped her with a couple of deadlines, but it is becoming a routine. How can you resolve this ongoing situation with your friend, Dominique? Tell her that you can't keep up with yours and her work so you can't help anymore. You love to work as a team! Your department consists of five coworkers including yourself and has always worked well together. When the boss compliments the team for a job well done, Dillon is always the first to take credit for the work. You, as well as the other members of the team are getting frustrated. How can you resolve this problem and still be able to work together as a team? Nicely ask him to stop taking all the credit because it was a group effort.

Student Sample 5

What Would You Do

Intro. to Human Resources Unit Mrs. Carter – Room 4108

Student’s Name: Kendall Durr

Comp. #:


If you were in this situation at work what would you do? In the middle of working on a budget report for your boss, a co-worker sits down next to your desk and starts telling you about his past weekend. He is giving you every detail from the time he woke up on Saturday morning to the time he walked into work on Monday. Your boss if expecting the budget report within the hour, what do you do? I would tell him that I have a lot of work to do and I will talk to him later.

As you are working at your desk, you hear two of your co-workers gossiping. The topic is YOU. The new person was hired two days ago and you, being a team player, asked him/her to join you for lunch. Your coworkers saw you and have started gossiping about the friendly lunch you and the new co-worker had together. What do you do in this situation? I would just ignore it because they do not know what happened

Your coworker, Billy, is always complaining about the amount of work he has to do. His moral is bringing the entire department down. How can you encourage Billy to be more positive about his work? I would tell Billy that it will be alright and he needs to do so much everyday until he is caught up

Dominique is a close friend of yours, as well as a coworker. She has recently started dating someone new and is frequently coming into work late and leaving early. Naturally, her work is starting to get behind. As a friend, you have helped her with a couple of deadlines, but it is becoming a routine. How can you resolve this ongoing situation with your friend, Dominique? I would tell Dominique that I will help her but it will not be everyday that I will help her

You love to work as a team! Your department consists of five coworkers including yourself and has always worked well together. When the boss compliments the team for a job well done, Dillon is always the first to take credit for the work. You, as well as the other members of the team are getting frustrated. How can you resolve this problem and still be able to work together as a team? I would let the boss know that not only Dillon work hard but the whole group did a great job

Student Sample 1

The Ideal Employee Student's Name:

Intro. to Human Resources Unit Mrs. Carter — Room 4108


Jacqueline Bautista

Comp. #: 02

DIRECTIONS: We have talked about the 7 Work Ethic Characteristics (The 7 A's). For each characteristic listed below, describe how you can show an employer that you have each skill. In other words how do you show each characteristic in a job setting? Also list an acceptable consequence one should receive if they exhibited the opposite characteristic.


The "A"

Show It On The Job

Being friendly to everyone Positivity


Acceptable Consequence for OPPOSITE Behavior (Example: Opposite of Positivity is Negativity) Boss would talk to employee about attidtude

Smiling Be there when needed Reliable


Make you go to work on an extra day to finish any work

Be on time Dress appropriately Professional


Force there to be a dress code

Look Professional Do not slack Initiative


Give you chance you prove you have initiative

Do what is expected and more Respect your boss Respect


Send you home for the rest of the day

Respect coworkers Be thankful Gratitude

Boss would talk to employee

Appreciation Do what you are expected to do Be there when needed


Accountability Be avaliable

Boss would talk to employee

Student Sample 2

Intro. to Human Resources Unit Mrs. Carter — Room 4108

The Ideal Employee Student's Name:

Anna Daughtrey



Comp. #:


DIRECTIONS: We have talked about the 7 Work Ethic CharacIerrstiCs (The 7 A's). For each characteristic listed below, describe how you can show an employer that you have each skill. In other words how do you show each characteristic in a job setting? Also list an acceptable consequence one should receive if they exhibited the opposite characteristic.



The "A"

Show It On The Job


Being friendly to everyone

Acceptable Consequence for OPPOSITE Behavior (Example: Opposite of Positivity is Negativity) Boss would talk to employee about attitude

Smiling Be on time Reliable


Boss could put you on probation or fire you

Be there everyday you can Dress professional Professional


The boss could make a dress code

Dress appropriatley Do your best Initiative


Givew you a second chance or lower your position

Do all of your work Show respect to your boss Respect

Acceptance Show respect to your boss Be glad you have the job


The boss could talk to you about your respect and how to fix it The boss could talk to you

Appreciation Do your best Always be honest


Accountability Help others

Boss could fire you for lying

Student Sample 3

Intro. to Human Resources Unit

The Ideal Employee

Mrs. Carter — Room 4108


Student's Name: Caitlin Kelley

Comp. #:


DIRECTIONS: We have talked about the 7 Work Ethic Cha feristics (The 7 A's). For each characteristic listed below, describe how you can show an employer that you have each skill. In other words how do you show each characteristic in a job setting? Also list an acceptable consequence one should receive if they exhibited the opposite characteristic.






The "A"





Show It On The Job

Be friendly and smile

Be on time and get work done by due date.

The boss should warn them about how important it is to turn things in on time.

Dress neat and professional and follow dress code if they have one.

The boss should give them a warning the first time then if they continue they should be fired later on.

Get work done and on time and help others.



Be kind to fellow coworkers and the boss and help people.



Say thank you to coworkers when they help you and be appreciative.



Acceptable Consequence for OPPOSITE Behavior (Example: Opposite of Positivity is Negativity) The boss talks to the employee about attitude.

Be on time and reliable and trustworthy.

The boss should warn them if they aren't getting their jobs done and they should not get a promotion. The boss should give them a stern warning the first time and the second they should be fired because that should not be tolerated. The boss should give them a few warnings then fire them because that isn't a good employee if they are rude and un thankful. The boss should just warn the employees.

Student Sample 4

Intro. to Human Resources Unit Mrs. Carter — Room 4108

The Ideal Employee


Student's Name: Kasmira Smith

Comp. #:


DIRECTIONS: We have talked about the 7 Work Ethic Char cteritics (The 7 A's). For each characteristic listed below, describe how you can show an employer that you have each skill. In other words how do you show each characteristic in a job setting? Also list an acceptable consequence one should receive if they exhibited the opposite characteristic.


The "A"

Show It On The Job

Being friendly to everyone Positivity


Acceptable Consequence for OPPOSITE Behavior (Example: Opposite of Positivity is Negativity) Boss would talk to employee about attitude


Stay on time Reliable

Attendance Clock in and out on time and come in everyday






You should be dressed professional

Boss would start docking your pay Boss would talk to employee about appearance

Make sure that everything that needs to be covered is covered

Give you a warning if it keeps occurring the boss would start docking pay

Make sure that the workplace is clean

Boss would ask you to help out and clean up

Staying a little longer than your shift to help out anyone who needs help such as boss or co-workers.

Boss should talk to employee

Give respect to everyone

Boss would talk to the employee about acceptance Boss would confront the employee about how to talk to others

Acceptance Making sure that you do not say anything that would offend anyone Give thanks when it is due


Boss should ask you about what's been going on in your day. Boss would talk to employee about attendance

Appreciation Do something nice for someone

Boss you talk to you about appreciation Boss would give a warning

The Ideal Employee

Intro. to Human Resources Unit Mrs. Carter — Room 4108

Give credit when it is due Integrity

Accountability Make sure everyone had an equal share of credit

Boss would talk to employee about accountability Boss would give a warning

Student Sample 5

Intro. to Human Resources Unit Mrs. Carter — Room 4108

Student's Name:

Ashton Welch

Comp. #:


DIRECTIONS: We have talked about the 7 Work Ethic Characteristics (The 7 A's). For each characteristic listed below, describe how you can show an employer that you have each skill. In other words how do you show each characteristic in a job setting? Also list an acceptable consequence one should receive if they exhibited the opposite characteristic.


The "A"















Show It On The Job

Be kind Smile

Be there on time Turn things in when they need to Dress nice or in uniform Go according to dress code Strive to do things that you don't have to Help your co-workers when they need it Respect your co-workers and your bosses Know your place in the work room When someone helps you say thank you Be thankful for your job

Help when people need it Let people know they can count on you

Acceptable Consequence for OPPOSITE Behavior (Example: Opposite of Positivity is Negativity) The boss should ask the employee if they are okay and then warn them that they need to have a better attitude while at work. The boss should warn them that they need to come to work on time and if they aren't they should have a reasonable reason. They should be warned and sent home to change if the outfit is too severe. The boss should warn them that they are not going to get a promotion if they don't thrive to be better. The boss should warn them that they are being rude and no one likes to work with rude people. The boss should tell them that they are unappreciative and no one will want to help them if they are unappreciative. Let them know that they never do what they say they will and no one can count on them.

Project 3 Class

Introduction to Business & Technology Teacher Lori Carter Project Title Leadership Ice Breaker Semester Fall 2015

Employability Skills Project 3 Introduction to Business & Technology

Carter Fall Semester

Description of Assignment 1. Leadership Ice Breaker – Teacher will discuss Functions of Management with class. After this introduction, students will work as a group with a group manager. The members will select an icebreaker and break the game up into tasks that will be completed by the class. After gathering needed materials and creating an instructional PowerPoint to explain the game, teams will conduct class and have the students participate in their activity.

Project Instructions Icebreaker Activity


Information Technology Solutions

Leadership & Management Unit

Mrs. Carter – Room 4108




#: #: #: #:

DIRECTIONS: As a group, you must first decide a project manager. As project manager, you will help guide the team to reach its final goal of implementing the chosen icebreaker in the class. Follow the steps below in planning a project: Step 1: Break the project down into tasks that should be completed (research, create PowerPoint, assemble materials, and present icebreaker to class). What needs to be done to achieve the tasks? Step 2: Gather needed equipment and/or materials. Step 3: Who should perform the tasks? Complete research, create PowerPoint, and gather materials. Monitor progress. Step 4: Present icebreaker to class. Requirements Project Manager played a clear role in helping organize the group PowerPoint was created to help guide audience in requirements of the icebreaker  Objective is clear  Flow is logical  Free from errors  Pleasing to the eye Icebreaker was implemented in class with minimal confusion from audience Needed materials were provided to audience Group members each participated equally in the project Points Received/ Total Points

Possible Points Points Deducted





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Student Sample 1 Icebreaker Activity


COMP. #: COMP. #: COMP. #: COMP. #:

STUDENT'S NAME: r..j. tViarOil

DIRECTIONS: As a group, you must first decide a project manager. As project manager, you will help guide the team to reach its final goal of implementing the chosen icebreaker in the class. Follow the steps below in planning a project:

Step 1:

Break the project down into tasks that should be completed (research, create PowerPoint, assemble materials, and present icebreaker to class). What needs to be done to achieve the tasks?

Step 2:

Gather needed equipment and/or materials.

Step 3:

Who should perform the tasks? Complete research, create PowerPoint, and gather materials. Monitor progress.

Step 4:

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Present icebreaker to class. Requirements

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Objective is clear

Flow is logical

Free from errors


Points Deducted

Possible Points

101 29

Project Manager played a clear role in helping organize the group PowerPoint was created to help guide audience in requirements of the icebreaker

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Points Received/ Total Points

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Group members each participated equally in the project




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OBJECTIVE • The Objective of the game ism put a balloon in the chair and try to pop it as fast as you can.




• Get two chairs and set them beside each other

• Break up the class into foie teams

• Blow up as many balloons needed

• Assign someone


keep score and to put the balloons in the chair

• Set up a finish line

Relbon. Root, Iumall L.Kasmea S.jatla W.KON

STEP 3: • The first person on the team will run to the chair and sit on the balloon trying to pop it as fast as they can.

CHALLENGE ROUND • The two winners wit compete in the challenge round. • They will race to the wall.

• After they have popped the balloon they will go back to the team and tag the next person.

• They will hold a balloon on their booty and try to pop it against the wall.

• Whoever pops the balloons the fastest out of the four teams will compete in a challenge that

• Whoever wins the challenge is the winner of the whole game.

will determine the winner.



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Student Sample 2


COMP. #: COMP. #: COMP. #: COMP. #:

2_0 5 2J l2_.

DIRECTIONS: As a group, you must first decide a project manager. As project manager, you will help guide the team to reach its final goal of implementing the chosen icebreaker in the class. Follow the steps below in planning a project: Step 1: Break the project down into tasks that should be completed (research, create

PowerPoint, assemble materials, and present icebreaker to class). What needs to be done to achieve the tasks? Step 2: Gather needed equipment and/or materials. Step 3: Who should perform the tasks? Complete research, create PowerPoint, and gather

materials. Monitor progress. Step 4: Present icebreaker to class. Requirements

q IN

Project Manager played a clear role in helping organize the group PowerPoint was created to help guide audience in requirements of the icebreaker

Objective is clear

Flow is logical

Free from errors I

Possible Points

Points Deducted



Pleasing to the eye -I-eo larler Icebreaker was implemented in class with minimal confusion from audience



Needed materials were provided to audience Group members each participated equally in the project Points Received/ Total Points


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How the 6ame Will Work

o The players are blindfolded and are assigned an animal It is a challenge to use animal noises in order to meet up animals of the same species

h other

It's loud, fun, chaotic, and then gradually organized hrnothy, Kendall, Shoe, and Ashton

Things needed to play

Blind folds 0 Everyone needs to get into a circle

A lot of people Space to Play

Step 3

0 Everyone gets a blindfold and helps each other put on a blindfold


There will be a hat passed

around with animal names and you will draw a name and that is your animal



Step 4

O Once everyone knows their animal Kendall will say "Go" to start the game

0 After the game starts only animal sounds can be made, NO TALKING

Step 6

Step 7

If you hear another person making the some sound you are get into a group with them

O Whoever gets all of their same kind of animal together I , will be the WINNER!


Student Sample 3



COMP. #: COMP. #: COMP. #: COMP. #:

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DIRECTIONS: As a group, you must first decide a project manager. As project manager, you will help guide the team to reach its final goal of implementing the chosen icebreaker in the class. Follow the steps below in planning a project: Step 1: Break the project down into tasks that should be completed (research, create

PowerPoint, assemble materials, and present icebreaker to class). What needs to be done to achieve the tasks? Step 2: Gather needed equipment and/or materials. Step 3: Who should perform the tasks? Complete research, create PowerPoint, and gather

materials. Monitor progress. Step 4: Present icebreaker to class.




Possible Points


Project Manager played a clear role in helping organize the group

Points Deducted



PowerPoint was created to help guide audience in requirements of the icebreaker

Objective is clear

Flow is logical

• •

Free from errors ) Pleasing to the eye



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Icebreaker was implemented in class with minimal confusion from audience Needed materials were provided to audience






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Group members each participated equally in the project

Points Received/ Total Points

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How to Play > There will be teams of two - One person will blow up a balloon and lie it. Then the first person will run the balloon to their teammate - The teammate will sit on the balloon to pop it Then the gist person will run back and blow up another:balloon and run It bock until they are out of balloons

aitlin. Armoni. Taliyha. Afaq

Rules > You have to stand by the person popping the balloon until it popped > No cheating! > Have fun!

Student Sample 4



COMP. #: 03

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COMP. #: COMP. #: 02

As a group, you must first decide a project manager. As project manager, you

will help guide the team to reach its final goal of implementing the chosen icebreaker in the class. Follow the steps below in planning a project:

Step 1: Break the project down into tasks that should be completed (research, create PowerPoint, assemble materials, and present icebreaker to class). What needs to be done to achieve the tasks?

Step 2:

Gather needed equipment and/or materials.

Step 3: Who should perform the tasks? Complete research, create PowerPoint, and gather materials. Monitor progress.

Step 4: Present icebreaker to class. Requirements

3/ ; 7,C1?

Possible Points

Project Manager played a clear role in helping organize the group PowerPoint was created to help guide audience in requirements of the icebreaker •

Objective is clear

Flow is logical

Free from errors

Needed materials were provided to audience Group members each participated equally in the project Points Received/ Total Points

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Pleasing to the eye • Icebreaker was implemented in class with minimal confusion from audience



Points Deducted

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Rules • You have two teams and each team takes turn throwing a ping pang ball into the otherteams cups • Once the ball lands in the cup the other team has to drink the drink • The team that successfully hits all the opponents cups wins the

J-dawg, b-breezy, z -money, Anna

Apple Pong

Who goes first?

Refilling the cups

• The first shot is decided by eyes, this is when a player from each team shoots the ball while maintaining eye contact with their opponent throughout their shot • If bath players miss or make it, their partners now shoot.

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game • The winner of the game typically stays on the table and awaits next challenger

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Rules of the losers

• Once 6 cups of apple juice have been drunk restack the remaining 4 into a diamond. • This will make shooting easier for everyone. • Once 8 cups have been drunk arrange the last 2 into a line .




Bounce shot

• The team who has no cups loses.

• The bounce shot is played in a sudden death round

• The opposing team gets a last turn called a rebuttal. • They keep shooting until they miss.

• If you go into sudden death you are allowed to bounce the ball once on the table into the cup

• If they make all the balls into the cups, they go into a 3 cup overtime.

• If they bounce it twice and make it the player that bounced it is automatically disqualified.

• Now the teams compete in sudden death to find the winner.



Student Sample 5


COMP. #: COMP. #: COMP. #: COMP. #:

G 1

DIRECTIONS: As a group, you must first decide a project manager. As project manager, you will help guide the team to reach its final goal of implementing the chosen icebreaker in the class. Follow the steps below in planning a project:

Step 1: Break the project down into tasks that should be completed (research, create PowerPoint, assemble materials, and present icebreaker to class). What needs to be done to achieve the tasks? Step 2: Gather needed equipment and/or materials.


3: Who should perform the tasks? Complete research, create PowerPoint, and gather

materials. Monitor progress.

Step 4: Present icebreaker to class. Possible Points


Project Manager played a clear role in helping organize the group PowerPoint was created to help guide audience in requirements of the icebreaker •

Objective is clear

Flow is logical

Free from errors


Points Deducted



Pleasing to the eye • Icebreaker was implemented in class with minimal confusion from audience materials were provided to audience Needed materials Group members each participated equally in the project Points Received/ Total Points

✓ 20

20 10






The Surprisingly Family-F riendly Game



• The Murderer kills people by winking at them when in eye contact.

• When the Sheriff is winked at by the Murderer, he 'kills' the Murderer

• The Murderer's role is to kill all of the Citizens without being killed by the Sheriff. • If the Murderer finds out who the Sheriff is, it would be smart for them to actively avoid winking at them.

• Their role is to find out who the Murderer is, and then attempt to get winked at. • They are not allowed to communicate any person's role.

• Not allowed to communicate any person's role.



• The citizen is like a poker chip. They do nothing except are used as "winning tokens".

• No players can keep their eyes closed during the game.

• If you are winked at by the Murderer, you are 'dead' and must sit/lay down. • You are not allowed to tell anyone (verbally or non-verbally) who it is.

• No communicating who you think is the Murderer, Sheriff, or a Citizen. (Verbally or non verbally) • No moving around. • No asking another person's role. • NO WINKING UNLESS YOU ARE THE MURDERER! • If you are caught cheating, you have to act like a chicken for the rest of the game,

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Project 4 Class

Introduction to Business & Technology Teacher Lori Carter Project Title Email in the Workplace Semester Fall 2015

Employability Skills Project 4 Introduction to Business & Technology

Carter Fall Semester

Description of Assignment 1. Email in the Workplace – After discussing email etiquette with the teacher, students will create two professional emails using the scenarios given.

Project Instructions

Professional Email Directions: Complete the steps below. 1. Correct the email message below by retyping it with correctly spelled words and professional wording as you would in a job setting situation. 2. Send the corrected email to with an appropriate subject.

Hey you all, I must adress an issue here at work. Poeple need to stop eatting the food round here. Im tired of loosing money that could go in to my pocket. I have to pay for my knew car. Stop being thiving idiots and keep your hand to yourself when it comes to the taco bell food. Or you can buy it yourselve after work and then enjoy. Problems? Come to me.

Information Technology Solutions Communication Unit


Mrs. Carter – Room 4108

PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION USING EMAIL STEP 1: You are the manager for Wendy’s in Adel, at store #11035. Recently, there has been an ongoing issue with employees not clocking out for their breaks; therefore, they are getting paid to take breaks. You need to tell all employees in your section to make sure that they are clocking out when they take a break and clock back in when they return from their break. Create an email message to your employees that is 3-7 sentences long that will get your point across! Remember that this is their first warning and you should not threaten the employees or be rude, but be firm and say what you mean.

STEP 2: At the end of your email, type: Your first and last name - Manager Wendy’s #11035 100 Florida Road Adel, GA 31620

STEP 3: Be sure to create an appropriate and effective subject line that will catch your employees’ attention based on what you will be discussing in your email.

STEP 4: Your email should be sent to

Student Sample 1

From: To: Date: Subject:

Kasmira Smith < > Lori Carter < > 10/19/2015 8:57 AM Stop Eating Taco Bell Merchandise

Dear Employees,

I must address an issue here at work. Employees need to stop eating the food here at work. We are lqrsing money that could go into our pockets. Please stop eating the Taco Bell merchandise. You can buy the food after your shift is done and enjoy. Any questions or concerns contact me.

From: To: Date: Subject:

Jacqueline Bautista < > Lori Carter < > 10/19/2015 9:17 AM Do you want to keep your job?

Attention all employees, I refuse to continue paying employees who do not clock out for their breaks. All employees must clock out whenever they go on breaks. This has been an issue that has been happening for a while and there needs to be a stop to it. Each employee should remind the other employees in their section to clock out for breaks. As manager I will make sure this issue doesn't continue and if it does I will terminate employees who continue to do this. All employees should contact me if there are any issues and we will discuss it. Jacqueline Bautista - Manager Wendy's #11035 100 Florida Road Adel, GA 31620

Student Sample 2

From: To: Date: Subject:

Anna Daughtrey < > Lori Carter < > 10/19/2015 9:03 AM Stop Eating the Food

Attention employees, I must address an issue here at work. Employees must stop eating the food without paying for it while they are supposed to be working. We cannot afford to lose anymore money. Any employee who continues to eat food without paying for it, while they are supposed to be working will be put on probation and monitored.if you have any further questions contact me.

From: To: Date: Subject:

Shae Mayne < > Lori Carter < > 10/19/2015 9:38 AM Break Times

Dear employees, Many employees have not been clocking out for their breaks. Therefore, they are getting paid to take a break. Please make sure to clock out and back in whenever you take a break. We understand that you need a break, and that is why we give you break times. Lets remember to clock in and out for our breaks and see you tomorrow! Shae Mayne - Manager Wendy's #11035 100 Florida Road Adel, GA 31620

Student Sample 3

From: To: Date: Subject:

Jacqueline Bautista < > Lori Carter < > 10/19/2015 9:03 AM Stop Eating the Food

Attention employees, There is an issue here at work that I must address. As my employees you must stop eating the merchandise. I am beginning to get tired of this because I am loing money. The Taco Bell merchandise is not for the employees unless paid for. Please stop stealing the merchandise for yourselves. If there are any issues contact me.

From: To: Date: Subject:

Armoni Williams < > <IcarterŠ > 10/19/2015 9:18 AM Please Clock Out!!

Attention employees,

Please clock out when you take a break and clock back in when you return from your break. This is becoming a big issue. You all are making more money then you are supposed to. Basically I'm paying you to take breaks which is not fair to the ones who take breaks and clock in and out when they leave and return. Therefore, please do what is asked of you and clock in and out when you take breaks. Everyone else and I will greatly appreciate it. Armoni Williams -Manager Wendy's #11035 100 Florida Road Adel, GA 31620

Student Sample 4

From: To: Date: Subject:

Shae Mayne < > Lori Carter < > 10/19/2015 9:05 AM Stop Eating the Food


Dear employees, I must address an issue here at work.Employees have been eating the food for free that we use to sell. This issue needs to stop. All the food that you're eating for free is taking money out of my pocket. Please stop eating the food if you haven't paid for it. You can buy the food on break or after work because you shouldn't be eating during your shift anyways. Lets all resolve this issue and have a great day at work.

From: To: Date: Subject:

Annah Lokey < > Lori Carter < > 10/20/2015 8:59 AM Employees clocking out

Wendy's employees,

I have recently noticed that when most of you take a break you do not clock out therefore you are getting paid to take a break. This is not okay because this business is losing money. Therefore, everyone needs to start clocking out when they take a break or they will be given a warning and they next punishment will be more severe.

Annah Lokey Wendy's #11035 100 Florida Road Adel, GA 31620

Student Sample 5

From: To: Date: Subject:

Kasmira Smith < > Lori Carter < > 10/19/2015 8:57 AM Stop Eating Taco Bell Merchandise

Dear Employees,

I must address an issue here at work. Employees need to stop eating the food here at work. We are lqrsing money that could go into our pockets. Please stop eating the Taco Bell merchandise. You can buy the food after your shift is done and enjoy. Any questions or concerns contact me.

From: To: Date: Subject:

Emily Hass <16509Š > Lori Carter < > 10/19/2015 9:16 AM Clocking in and out at work.

Attention Wendy's employees, It has come to my attention that there is an ongoing issue with employees not clocking in and out at appropriate times. You need to clock out when taking a break and clock back when ending the break. Employees are getting pay to take breaks. this issue needs to be addressed and solved. if there is any question or concerns about this issue get in contact with me. Thank you. Emily Hass- Manager Wendy's #11035 100 Florida Road Adel, GA 31620

Project 5 Introduction to Business & Technology Lori Carter Teacher Project Title GABest Certification Fall 2015 Semester Class

Employability Skills Project 5 Introduction to Business & Technology

Carter Fall Semester

Description of Assignment

1. Students will be given numerous activities throughout the semester to perform and upload to a Livebinder in order to achieve the required 25 points for GABest Certification provided by the Department of Labor.

Project Instructions

GABest Certification Project Requirements Welcome  Student Information Sheet

GeorgiaBEST o Georgia BEST Information Sheet

Level 1 o Seeking GeorgiaBEST Level Sheet

Responsibility and Organization  Daily Assignment Planner

Attitude and Respect Strengths and Weaknesses Reflection o Attitude and Respect Reflection

Team Work and Work Habits Teamwork Leadership o Icebreaker developed and executed as group Self Management and Time Management  Survey Results

Oral and Written Business Communication Skills Email o Email regarding Taco Bell.

Resume o Resume.

Appearance and Professional Image Social Media Required Project  Career Project

Page 1

Step-by-Step in Creating Your GeorgiaBEST Portfolio


 Visit Cook High School homepage.  Click Student Email

 Enter your email:





o Example: 11111@cookhorn o Click Next  Password: lowercase Novell login o Click Sign in  Click I accept. Continue to my account.

At the top right corner of your mailbox screen, you can verify your entire email address.




Page 2


 Visit the LiveBinders website.  Click Sign Up.


Fill in the information shown in red.  Username: first two initials + last name + 4-digit birthday o Example: Lori Allison Carter Born November 22 (lacarter1122)  Email: Type the email you viewed earlier. NO TYPOS  Password: Use your lowercase Novell Login  Click Sign Up


Click New Binder.

lacarter1122 **********


Page 3


 Enter the following information shown in red.  Make sure the Category is Personal and set to Private.  Use your lowercase Novell Login as your access code.  Click Create New Binder


 Select Tab 1 text and type: o Welcome  Tab 2 and 3 text should read: o Responsibility and Organization o Attitude and Respect


 Click the +Tab button to add a new main level tab.  Create the following tabs to complete your portfolio: o Team Work and Work Habits o Self and Time Management o Oral and Written Business Communication Skills o Appearance and Professional Image o Social Media Ethics o Career Project

GeorgiaBEST Portfolio IBT project to earn GeorgiaBEST certification.


Page 4


 With your cursor in the Welcome Tab text, click the +Sub Tab button to add a tab under that main level.


 Create the following two sub tabs: o GeorgiaBEST o Level 1

 Click the Bolt Settings



icon to edit your Binder settings.  The Name and Access buttons should be completed; however, if you made a mistake earlier, you may change the information here.

 Click Colors.  You may edit your portfolio background, tab, sub tab, and base tab colors.

Page 5


 Click Layout.  Choose how you would like your portfolio to look. For example, I like to display my tabs as Side Tabs – Left as the picture shows.


 Click Cover.  You may Select Binder Cover image for your portfolio.


 Make sure your cursor is on the tab you want to update.  Click +Content to add your desired pdf file. We will add files LATER.

Page 6


 Click Upload.


 Click Browse.  Select the desired file and click Upload. o For example, on the Welcome page, you will add your pdf file containing your student information we do LATER.


 Click Save often.  You may view your portfolio by clicking View, Present.

Page 7


 To return to the edit menu, click the red drop-down arrow in the top right corner.


 Click the Eye icon and select Edit.


 When your portfolio is TOTALLY complete LATER in the semester, you will click Share, Email.


 Click OK to the Microsoft Outlook message.


 Send me an email using your School Email to  Copy and Paste the message with access key provided into the message.  Send the email to me.

Page 8


 To return to the main LiveBinders page, click My Binders.

Student Sample 1

To Access Site, Click:

Student Sample 2

To Access Site, Click:

Student Sample 3

To Access Site, Click:

Student Sample 4

To Access Site, Click:

Student Sample 5

To Access Site, Click:

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