Pylon May 2019

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PYLON MAY 16, 2019

Editor’s Letter As the school year comes to a close, it has been humbling to look back on everything the senior class has helped us accomplish this year. We survived the internet invasion, together. And, we danced the night away during the golden hour prom festivities. Other unforgettable memories include the football team winning its first football game in three years and winning throughout the season, troupe 639 preforming a nostalgic “High School Musical,” boys basketball making it to state for a fourth consecutive time, and the Pylon earning a Pacemaker award. Our goal for this Pylon was to create something that would hold meaning for every graduating senior. We hope that you’ll hold onto this publication and as the years pass, be able to look back on fond, high school memories. Thank you to the seniors for setting

the example of leadership and school spirit here at Central. No matter how far away you may feel, you’ll always have a home in Mustang Country.

Madeline Paradis Editor-in-chief

Class of 2019 Senior Panoramic


PYLON MAY 16, 2019 Vocal Concert @7:00

Senior Breakfast

Boys V Golf Regionals Mar. 11-15




V Baseball Regionals 14


Main Gym @7:00


Girl V State Swimming

Girls V Regionals Soccer

Senior Finals



Graduation Practice

V Track Regionals

Tony’s Pizza Event Center @8:00

17 May

16 May

16 May

Boys V State Golf May. 15-16

2018-2019 Pylon Staff Editor-in Chief

Madeline Paradis

News Editor 17 May

Finals for all Students


Tony’s Pizza Event Center @ 5:00

16 May


19 May

Last day for all students

20 May

Memorial Day

Isabella Rubino

Managing Editor Holly Sanderson

Sports Editors

Malcolm Berkley

22-23 May V Track State @ Wichita

23 May

In-Depth Editors

Concha Campa Marlie Coleman

Last day for teachers

Copy Editor 24 May

24 May

Social Media Twitter: @chspylon Instagram: @mustangsofcentral Snapchat: chspylon Web: The Pylon is the official student newspaper of Salina High School Central. Volume 95 of the Pylon was created by 13 staff members using Creative Cloud CC. Newspaper staff meets every other day as a class. Our fonts this year include GoBold, Have Heart one and Gravity.

27 May We want to hear your opinion The Pylon serves as an open forum for students to express their opinions on topics that affect the school or community. Students are protected under the Kansas State Bill 62 as well as the first amendment. Editorials do not represent the opinion of our entire school, staff or administration. If you have a letter that you want published, e-mail your submissions to Submissions must contain a full name for inclusion, and we will contact you to confirm you are the author of the letter. Letters may be edited for clarity.

Maria Gutierrez

Design Editor Makelti Hastings

Business Manager Jerzee Mullins


Anlyn Arb Layna Kinnaird Sydney Raman Rashada Smith Avi Taylor


J.D. Garber

Pop Culture


PYLON | May 16, 2019

pop culture


The things that defined our senior year

PYLON | MAY 16, 2019

Senior Bangers





college map

Kansas College Map


kansas state university

PYLON | MAY 16, 2019

emporia state university

Allison Wentzel

Kameron DeMars

Annie Ewing

Kamryn Arnold

Annie Taggart

Kyah Arcayan

Blake Olmsted

Raiden Gonzales

Ashley Eck

Lauren Cullins

Daniel Torres

Sari Haggard Kiggans

Audrey Burgoon

Levi Johnson

James Richardson

Benjamin Driver

Madison Montre

David Grammer

Madison Stack

washburn university

Harper Williams

Meghan Sankey

Hector Martinez

Rebecca Hough

Holly Sanderson

Riley Counts

Jeremy Vaupel

Sadie Kossow

Jordan Hill

Sam Hieger

Joshua Daily

Tyler Mayorga

Justin Bartholomew

university of kansas

Adrian Ruvalcaba

Gregory Gibson

Emmalie Corn

Taylon Peters

bethany college Danielle Burton

Kaitlynn Lawrence

Gavin Sutton

Lillian Cobbs

Genesis Resto Torres

River Weaverling

Indigo Guise

Thy Nguyen

Abigail Russell

Jeb Allen

kansas wesleyan university

Ashley Morton

Lauren Tubal

Bradyn Houltberg

Delaney Nash

Brett Norris

Mark Grammer

Cauy Rickley

Grace Hopkins

Brooke Shirley

Miraj Bhakta

Chloe Pettijohn

Phoebe Helton

Gage Burmaster

William Phachanla

Gavin Wolfmule

fort hays state university Addison Harvey

Jackson Scott

Andrew Goltl

Jere Thomas

Avery Loucks

Jonathan French

Gavin Prester

Manuel Dominguez

Grace Holgerson

Trey Montoy

technical college

Selah Merkle

wichita state university Alora Nesting

Jenea Jones

Madison Kaumans

Estefania Granado

Kimberly Nevarez

Monica McNelly

community college Brigeed Dow - Johnson County Drew Burgoon - Barton County

Joshua Morrow - Butler Madison Crowder - Colby

kansas city art institute Aviair Taylor

Britney Ball - Salina Area

university of missouri kansas city

Caitlyn Forsberg - Salina Area

Jorgian Ensz

Dylon Rageth - Kansas State University Polytechnic London Means - Salina Area Macie Perez - Kansas State University Polytechnic Mercedes Morgan - Salina Area Montana Linden McCullum - Salina Area Nova Green - Salina Area Sawyer Eland - Manhattan Area Sierra Sheets - Salina Area

baker university Maria Gutierrez

tabor college Lanaisha Johnson

mcpherson college Jerrelle Burnett Sada Mills

southwestern college Carly Redding

newman university

baker university

Nicole Gochanour

Maria Gutierrez

College Map

PYLON | MAY 16, 2019


college map


Aaleyah Cortez

Cody Wakefield

Garic Metro

Madison Davis

Sadie Marvin

Aaliyah Humphries

DVonte Johnson

Gerardo Jaramillo

Malakai McLaughlin

Sadie Simpson

Abraham Alonso

Dakota Barnes

Isaaq Davison

Matias Pascual

Samantha Mattingly

Adam Gonzalez

Dakota Hitchcock

James Wallace

Matthew Rosado

Samuel Baeza

Adrian Deleon

Dalila Jimenez

Jaran Clark

Micaela Castro Lux

Sherae Williams Skylar

Alexis Braaksma

Daniel Haller

Jaya Simmons

Michael Plumb


Alexis Tatum

Dayton Geist

Jordanne Hoover

Michael Russell

Stacy Gawith

Alexisse Pack

Denzel Ruiz

Josephine Carter

Miranda Kromer

Tanner Loeffler

Amoni McSwain

Destinee Loader

Kaden Gimeson

Mitchell Maldaner

Tate Wands

Ana Moran Meraz

Destiny Jackson

Kaden Mattison

Nicholas Breneman

Terry Stiffler

Angel Rodriguez

Devlin Jay

Kaleb Vieyra

Nicholas Hall

Thomas Schooler

Ashley Akin

Devon Griffith

Khayleigh Huntyr Sparks

Nicolette Murray

Timothy Chrisp

Avery Miller

Douglass Chance

Kyle Kresin

Noah Barton

Trenton Hammett

Belen Tostado

Dylan Dominguez

Lacy Myers

Parker Armstrong

Ty Streit

Benjamin Ireton

Elizabeth Quezada

Lane Johnson

Raven Kadlecek

Victoria Ruiz

Caleb Glen

Emilio Saenz

Logan Roush

Raymond Madera

William Carley

Carlos Jaramillo

Emily Heart

Mackenzie Eberle

Richard Ball

Zachary Falk

Charles Frederick

Evelin Ruiz

Mackenzie Hall

Riley Karlin

Clayton Sherrill

Gage Middleton

Mackenzie Vogan

Riley Sheppard

workforce Austin Christmann Bacari Camese Kyle Grace Noah Countryman Steven Nava Thaddeus Illingworth

u.s. army Ashley Stovall

nebraska Bellevue University in Nebraska Jesslyn Stuart

Doane University Morgan Queen

oklahoma Oklahoma state university Callahan Figgs

colorado Colorado Christian University Hannah Pipp


new mexico


New Mexico State University

University of Miami

Angela Perales

Aaron Hawley

Matthew Goldammer

Chinara Shabaka

Mahidol University in Thailand



PYLON | MAY 16, 2019

senior survey 86% of seniors

37% of seniors have had a crush on a teacher

have cheated

33% of seniors


on campus

on a test or

have juuled

52% of seniors have skipped school

info graphic

PYLON | MAY 16, 2019

57% of seniors have been sexually active

89% of seniors plan to attend college

35% of seniors have stayed up till 2 a.m. or later doing homework

75% of seniors have attended a party

11 10 9 8





2 3 4




Friday at

Jake’s 8pm

66% of seniors practice christianity 107 seniors surveyed throughout April and May*

influential seniors

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Influential Seniors

guilty pleasure

Walking around Target and looking at all the things I wish I was buying.

future plans I’m going to K-State and majoring in communication sciences and disorders. Then I’ll get my master’s to become a speech pathologist.




I’m currently STUCO VP, theatre VP and yearbook copy editor. I’m also in Link Leaders, NHS and a Kansas Honors Scholar.

most impactful teacher I’d say Mrs. Abker and Mrs. Paradis are tied in my heart. They both helped me improve as a writer and their love for their students is apparent. I always felt comfortable in their classes and i know they’d help me with anything, even in the future. I never had Mrs. Jett but she also has a special place in my heart.

what will you miss most I will miss the friends I don’t see much outside of school and yelling in the student section.

most embarrassing memory I was announcing the homecoming candidates sophomore year and instead of pressing the intercom button, I set off the intruder alarm.

favorite hobby

Rippin’ lips and catching hogs

guilty pleasure

Eating a lot of Ramen noodles.

pet peeve Having messed up bed sheets.

future plans Attending Kansas State University and studying Life Sciences. I will also be playing football at K-state.

involvement I’m involved in football, basketball and baseball. I’m also a member of NHS and Big Brothers Big Sisters.

most impactful teacher My most impactful teacher throughout high school is Mrs. Jett. She has not only prepared me for college but she has also prepared me for life after college by providing me with important life lessons along the way.

what will you miss most The thing I will miss the most about high school is seeing my bros every day and competing with them whether it’s on the court or on the field.

most embarrassing memory My most embarrassing moment from high school would have to be when it was my birthday at homecoming and a certain song come on and everyone circled around me and Sadie.



PYLON | may 16, 2019

PYLON | may 16, 2019

Influential Seniors



influential seniors

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guilty pleasure Drinking coffee at 10 p.m. and country music.

future plans Next year I plan to attend Kansas State University and major in theatre education. Eventually, I would like to get my master’s in drama therapy.

involvement I’m involved in The Ark Chuch, I’m Troupe 639 President, student body president, the KS State Thespian Officer Chair and an International Thespian Officer.

most impactful teacher My most impactful teacher was Mr. Nulik. He showed me what I wanted to do in life and how I wanted to do it. The connections he makes with his students goes far beyond the typical curriculum and makes a difference in the lives of each of them.

what will you miss most I will miss the people and the staff. They were the people who made the good times great. We all helped each other grow up and it will be different not seeing them every day.

most embarrassing memory My most embarrassing moment was more unfortunate and awkward. My old counselor confused me with a girl in my grade who was pregnant and called me into her office to talk about it. I just played along and emailed her later.

favorite tv shows “The Flash”

favorite Hobby Playing basketball

favorite food Polla Bandido

guilty pleasure Yoga

pet peeve When people correct my grammar.

involvement I’m involved in Basketball, National Honor Society, the math team and Relay Life.

future plans My future plans are to major in chemistry at K-State, then go to medical school.

most impactful teacher



My most impactful teacher is Doug Finch because he was always someone who believed in me and someone I could always go to for advice.

what will you miss most The thing I will miss most is getting to see my best friends every day and playing basketball.

influential seniors

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Influential Seniors favorite food

Anything La Casita

guilty pleasure

A frozen Milky Way from Mokas and holiday themed Reese’s.

pet peeve Slow walkers in the hallway.

future plans



I am attending K-State next year to major in pre-nursing and to become a nurse practitioner.

involvement Tennis, Choraliers, Free Spirit, student council, school musical, Link Leaders, spirit ambassadors and FCA.

most impactful teacher It’s impossible for me to choose between Mrs. Paradis and Mrs. Jett. They both have impacted me as a student and as a person. I admire their passion for teaching and genuine love for their students.

what will you miss most The car rides coming home from tennis meets.

most embarrassing memory In P.E. we were doing a running exercise. I tried to be funny and turn around but I tripped over air... I fell on my face in front of everyone and still have scars on my knee to prove it.

guilty pleasure

Night mode on Twitter.

future plans I am going to Washburn next year and majoring in exercise science. I plan to be a physical therapist.

involvement One of the captains of the football team, part of FCA and dabbled in theatre in “High School Musical” as a chorus member.

most impactful teacher The most impactful teacher for me would have to be Coach Hall. He was one of the first teachers I encountered when I got to high school as he was the football coach. He taught me so much in regards to being a role model and leader in football, but more importantly in life.

what will you miss most The thing I will miss the most about high school is the friendships I have made with a multitude of people. I have made some great friendships in high school that won’t be the same when I graduate and I’m blessed to have been a part of the Mustang culture.

most embarrassing memory The most embarrassing memory from high school would be when I got hella rimmed stuff at Brogen’s one night and hit my head on the ground and everyone surrounded me and was making sure I was okay



PYLON | may 16, 2019

PYLON | may 16, 2019

Influential Seniors



influential seniors

| 13

future plans

I want to go to college and get a degree in biomedical engineering with an emphasis in pre-med and a minor in culinary. Then I want to go to medical school and become an ER doctor.

involvement I’m involved in soccer, National Honor Society, scholar’s bowl, theatre, mathletes and multi-ethnic society.

most impactful teacher My most impactful teacher is Mrs. Paradis. This is because I never really liked English until her class. She made a difficult subject fun and I learned a lot. She also worked with me for several hours during the summer on ACT prep. She goes out of her way to help her students and I don’t know how I could ever thank her enough.

what will you miss most I will miss the school dances and sports the most. I won’t be playing soccer in college. Some of my best friends were made on the soccer team and through soccer.

most embarrassing memory My most embarrassing memory was sophomore year of high school. My soccer team and I were on our way to our away game. I was sleeping at the front of the bus. I woke up and I was the only person on the bus with the bus driver. They had left me on the bus and the game was like five minutes away from starting.

favorite tv shows Parks and Rec

favorite hobby Making Videos

guilty pleasure The song “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera.

pet peeve Lack of effort

involvement For school I am involved in choir, band, Mustang Media and swimming. I also participated in Math Relays and Lifesmarts.

most impactful teacher My most impactful teacher was probably Mr. Holmquist. We have the ability to disagree and have healthy debates without getting angry and he taught me the why’s of music, not just the how’s.

what will you miss most



I am going to miss being involved in everything and my friends. Also not having too many responsibilities is nice.

most embarrassing memory Probably when I completely forgot to research a current event in AP Lang so I had to present one of the news bits I found on Twitter. I did terrible, of course.

PYLON | may 16, 2019

Influential Seniors

guilty pleasure

Watching “The Joy of Painting” with Bob Ross.

pet peeve People who crack their knuckles or bones constantly.

future plans I will be attending Fort Hays State to play tennis and major in secondary education with an emphasis on English.



involvement I am currently involved in tennis, Relay for Life, National Honor Society, Kansas Honors Scholars, art, French, photography club and book club.

most impactful teacher My most impactful teachers would have to be all my English teachers (Mrs. Rohleder, Mr. Jones and Mrs. Abker), who have taught me to think deeply, become a better writer and appreciate literature. Also my French teacher, Mrs. Denning, who has sparked my love for language and French culture. And lastly, my gifted teacher, Mrs. Fritz, who has always been there for me and pushed me to take risks.

what will you miss most I will miss the friendly staff members and students that always say hello to me in the halls and make Central a positive, welcoming place.

guilty pleasure

Really, really bad movies. Like super low quality. The worse the better. They’re comedy gold.

pet peeve Blatant hypocrisy

future plans I plan on going to college and going to medical school to become a doctor. Currently I am thinking oncology.

involvement I’ve been involved in a lot throughout high school. My senior year, swimming, NHS, forensics and gifted are the main things I’m doing.

most impactful teacher Mr. Owen. Forensics has done a lot for my confidence level, also making me better at speaking and a more critical thinker. He’s pushed me a lot and the success I’ve had in the program is due to his coaching.

what will you miss most I think the thing I’m going to miss most is home cooked meals when I get to college, but hindsight is 20/20.

most embarrassing memory I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t really get embarrassed anymore mostly cause I have self-depricating humor. The most embarrassing thing I can think of is when I got completely wiped out on the starts at the start of this year.



influential seniors


senior confessions

PYLON | may 16, 2019

| 15


One day on my way into school I put bare butt cheeks on my girlfriend’s car. I have a certain time I go pee in every class.

I accidentally walked into the girls’ bathroom twice in the same day.

One time the stall was taken so I pooped in the urinal.

One time I forgot to study for a vocab quiz so the person sitting next to me did it for me and I ended up getting a 95% on it.

My friends dared me to chug honey mustard at IHOP once.

I’ve explored the “tunnels” under the school when I was a freshman. There was water down there and it kinda smelled.

d that I’m scare idea I have no doing what I’m e. with my lif

juuled I’ve never s but on campu on I do Novo campus.

I’m glad I got held back a year because I met the love of my life.

senior survey


PYLON MAY 16 , 2019

S enio r S upe rlat ives Most Likely to be President

Best Hair Grace Holgerson & Ben Ireton

Phoebe Helton & Jeb Allen

Most Likely to win the Hunger Games Selah Merkle & Taylon Peters

Best Smile Lauren Cullins & Ben Driver

Best Laugh Meghan Sankey & Noah Barton

Best Eyes Chloe Pettijohn & Brogen Richardson

Dream Date Sadie Kossow & Brett Norris

Most Country Madison Crowder & Brogen Richardson

senior survey

PYLON MAY 16, 2019

Most Likely to be on “The Bachelor”

Loudest Annie Taggart & Jere’ Thomas

Most Athletic

Avery Loucks & David Grammer

Callahan Figgs & Tanner Loeffler

Grace Holgerson & Raymond Madera

Destiney Jackson & Taylon Peters

Selah Merkle & Ben Driver

Class Clown

Most Artistic

Best Muscles


Quietest Kimberly Nevarez & Avi Taylor

Best Dressed Madison Montre & Blake Olmsted

senior survey


PYLON MAY 16, 2019

S enio r S upe rlat ives Biggest Klutz

Phone Addict Brooke Shirley & Gavin Prester

Delaney Nash & Trey Montoy

Brainiac Callahan Figgs & Gage Burmaster

Most Involved Audrey Burgoon & Matt Goldammer

Life of the Party Allie Wentzel & Sawyer Eland

Everyone’s Friend

Most Innocent

Hardest Worker

Rebecca Hough & Doug Chance

Hannah Pipp & Josh Daily

Maddie Stack & Matt Goldammer

senior survey

PYLON MAY 16, 2019

Should Have Been a Couple

Sadie Kossow & Riley Counts

Worst Driver Nicole Gochanour & Gavin Prester

Best Singer Bradyn Houltberg & Aaron Hawley

Best Dancer Allie Wentzel & Jere’ Thomas


Worst Case of Senioritis

Rebecca Hough & Trey Montoy

Teacher’s Pet

Kamryn Arnold & Gage Burmaster

Biggest Flirt Avery Loucks & Brett Norris

Best to Bring Home to Mom

Maddie Stack & Sam Hieger

senior sports

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PYLON | may 16, 2019

Senior athletes who decided to compete in college (before May) wear their shirts with pride. | PHOTO BY HOLLY SANDERSON

Selah Merkle KWU basketball Not pictured

“I am playing college basketball because I’ve been playing my whole life so why not play four more years. All through high school I was committed and gave 100% as much as I could. You build bonds with teammates and coaches on and off the court. I chose to play college basketball at Kansas Wes-

Taylon Peters Washburn football

“I’m looking forward to college football because the level of play is elevated. Football is something I enjoy is doing and there is nothing I love more than forming bonds with teammates and playing for each other. I also look forward to it because when you go to college you become more independent and I am excited to see myself grow as a person. Winning the Mayors Cup my senior year really made me realize how much I love football. Nothing will ever compare to high school football, but I am excited to see how it forms me into my future self.”

Grace Holgerson Fort Hays tennis

“The perfect way to wrap up my high school tennis experience would have to be winning my last match and the 100th win with my doubles partner. We have made so many memories, including road trips, and a lot of tennis strategies and jokes. I already miss it tremendously, and would give anything to be back on Central’s courts. I’m so thankful for the amazing role models, teammates, players, and coaches that have helped me grow as a person and athlete thus far. Next year I will continue playing tennis at Fort Hays State University, and I can not wait for what it brings.”

leyan University because it’s really close to home and I am not completely ready to leave my hometown yet. They offered me a very generous scholarship and I would’ve been stupid to turn it down. KWU is a great school with great academic and sport programs. I can’t wait.”

Drew Burgoon BCCC wrestling

“I’m looking forward to continuing my wrestling career in college and being able to compete. After reaching my goal of being a state champion this year I am looking to carry that success into the next step of my career even though I know it will be difficult. I’m glad to be able to have this experience of wresting with a new team so that I can meet new people and experience new things. I chose Barton because it seemed like the best fit for me and it is a good place to be introduced to college wrestling.”

senior sports

PYLON | may 16, 2019

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advanced athletes Ten seniors sign to continue their athletic and academic careers in college

Ben Driver KSU football

“I’ve grown up a Cats fan all my life and always dreamt of one day playing for them. I was given the opportunity of doing just that and there was no way I was turning that down. Having played three sports throughout high school, I knew I couldn’t just graduate and be done with competing so it was the perfect opportunity for me to continue to compete at the next level. However, I never thought it would be for football but this last year changed my mind quickly as we found success and my love for the sport grew into what it is today.”

Morgan Queen Doane softball

“I’m looking forward to playing softball at Doane next year because it is something I’ve always wanted to do. Throughout high school I worked so hard to get to where I am today. I’m so excited to live in Nebraska, travel to a bunch of different states for games, and to play softball with twenty other girls that share the same love for the game as I do. I am incredibly thankful for the coaches and teammates that have helped me get to where I am now. Go Tigers!

Delaney Nash KWU volleyball

“I am super excited to continue doing what I love at a collegiate level. The support system I’ve had through the whole process was amazing. Although Kansas Wesleyan has hired a new head coach, I am still beyond excited to get started and be on campus in August. KWU Volleyball has been a program I’ve been following and watching for years now and it is so surreal that I get the opportunity to be a apart of it. I’m ready to be in an environment where all of the girls have the same common goal as me and the same drive. Thanks for all of the support, Go Yotes!”

Fernando Rodriquez Brogen Richardson Josh Morrow McPherson football

“I’m looking forward to playing in Mcpherson because they have had a new head coach and I’ve talked with him and the players one on one and the players seem very excited to have him there. He’s a great coach with a lot of experience and the players feel he cares about them as an individual than the last head coach. I feel like that will help lead me to success these next couple of years. High school football has brought me a lot of memories, from grinding out practices in the summers to winning the Mayors Cup, it was all worth it because it helped me become the player I am today.”

Emporia baseball

BCCC football

“I committed to play at Emporia State University back in September. I signed my LOI in November and am officially enrolled. ESU Baseball has a rich history of many world series appearances and a winning season every year. This year we have a new head caoch, Seth Wheeler, who was an assistant to all time winningest coach in the nation, Bob Fornelli. Through my time here playing for Central, I’ve gotten the chance to play with great ball players. I appreciate everything the school and my coaches have done for me, but I am ready for the next chapter of my career.”

“In college there are many things I am looking forward to. I am looking forward to having the opportunity to play at the next level. I’m excited to see how much of a difference there will be in practices and time spent to the focus of football. Football has been a big part of my life the last several years. We all have put in so much work on and off the field, and all my hard work and dedication seems like it paid off and I can’t wait to start my new journey at Butler Community College.”

time line


. . T imeline

PYLON | MAY 16, 2019

a look into the last four years

Sophomore Migc Aiyanyor pulls a fire alarm as a peer pressured joke during second lunch in the cafeteria at 11:47 a.m.

2016 2015

On November 24 the ribbon is cut by school administrators and leaders to kick off construction on a new, updated Central.

home of the mustangs


The boys basketball team makes it past all rounds of state to play in the championship game on March 10.

time LINE

PYLON | MAY 16, 2019

| 23


SZN Football wins their first game since 2015 on August 31. A few weeks later, the Mustangs get a win over Salina South - finishing their season at 7-3.

2018 2019

Bill Snyder speaks at the graduation ceremony on May 19.


The Theater department performs “High School Musical� for the first time on stage on January 24.


Art Feature

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PYLON | May 16, 2019


Grace Holgerson represents a large amount of talented seniors from the visual departments. | PHOTO BY GAVIN SUTTON

The Art Open House was an appropriate ending for the high school art careers of many seniors. On April 18, around 200 patrons of art attended the Open House, observing a vast amount of student-created artwork. A tradition that has been in effect for numerous years now, it’s an opportunity for every art student to display their individual work

in front of a large audience. As the last of many art events throughout this year, the 2019 Art Open House concluded what has been a significant year for members of the department; for many, it was also the culmination of a substantial career. “The past year has been impactful for me because, as I have worked on the same concentration for the entire year, I’ve been

able to see the ways I’ve grown artistically,” says senior Grace Holgerson, a three year member of the art department. “Art has been a really rewarding experience for me.”were featured at a show at the public library fittingly called Art Factory 19. Along with the open house, the “experience” included a number of shows, exhibits and events focused on the

Art Feature

PYLON | May 16, 2019

| 25

This year, each senior art student had his or her own showcase for two weeks in the hallways. In addition, 19 seniors were featured at a show at the public library fittingly called Art Factory 19. However, Art teacher Larry Cullins acknowledges that it’s something else this graduating class has done that distinguishes them from prior classes. “This year’s seniors had a strong work ethic and the most AP Studio Art Portfolio participation we’ve ever had in my 20 years here,” said Cullins. “We have eight students with ten portfolios.” The obvious success of those graduating has

“THIS YEAR’S SENIORS HAD A STRONG WORK ETHIC HERE.” - ART TEACHER LARRY CULLINS been a major influence on the rest of the program. Not only were 13 students honored at the Salina Art Center’s Sunflower Biennial, but 18 earned awards at the Scholastic in Wichita. An annual show for regional and, if one qualifies, national competition, a surprising 11 Art 1 students. The majority of the art seniors will leave the program with a huge sense of accomplishment. Departing a program with brand new facilities, recent triumph and rising popularity within the

A beautful sculpture done by Senior Raymond Madera. | PHOTO BY GAVING SUTTON

For senior and four year member of art Raymond Madera, this rings particularly true. “Being a senior meant I had younger kids look up to me and being an artist in my senior class was impactful overall because most of the senior students are known for sports,” Madera said.


best memories

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PYLON | May 16, 2019

< < Best

Memories > >

the class of 2019’s most unforgettable moments throughout their high school years

That one time that i didn’t get betrayed by my friends

luke beatty trying to talk trash againist south... he’s not good at it

the time we hung jeb’s blanket with his and his dog’s face on it and people came to pet it

storming the field after winning the south-central football game

one time my friend and i left chemistry to go to the bathroom and watched this girl pour milk on another girl

ap lang memes in rohleder’s class junior year

Tripping up the stairs throwing a banger sophomore year

my sophomore year when Elijah Adams juked out a para and she fell face first into the lockers the time when i accidentally ate an edible in class because i didn’t know what it was

Gary goodwin’s class, having all of his daily quotes. “the top is kind of lonely, especially with my 100 lbs.”


PYLON | MAy 16, 2019

Horoscopes Aries You Probably feel uneasy about college and everything you have to get done, don’t worry you’re just hung over.


Libra You’ll have no motivation to study till you realize you have a midterm the next morning, but hey, take any motivation you can.


You’ll post one selfie You have a strong that gets so many likes urge to do some you’re left speechless, gym runs and get this good confidence that beach bod, but boost helps when you you’ll probably stop wear sweats every day. in two days.

Gemini Remember to bring something from home to keep you grounded as you’ll probably miss home a lot in college.



You won’t notice what is going on around you, because you’ll be to busy bringing in the dough at work and everyone will notice.


Money is gonna be You need to unwind tight for you most of and relax, but don’t the time, but you’ll party too hard less survive off Ramen and your hangover will Lean Cuisines. Inleave you bedridevitably though online den. shopping will strike again.


You’re gonna have a pretty bad streak of bad luck, but it’ll run out eventually right?


You are high on life. everything will start out great, but try not to flex to hard.


In the beginning it’ll feel like high school, because you’ll always be tired, but then you workload will lessen


You’ve been friends forever but, people close to you may start getting on your nerves just take time for yourself and confront them in the future about it.

KUDOS The following are situations in which our faculty, students and others deserve praise for a job well done or to be called out for dropping the ball. They are created by the editors with the help of the staff and students.




KUDOS - to the art students that won awards and did some amazing art. - to the people who don’t scream during lunch. - to the teachers that took the time to actually help me. - to everyone who makes this school better for no reason. - to the teachers who review before a test. - Thanks to my friend for always having my back. - to teachers who make sure the hallways clear. - Thanks Senora Egan for giv~ ing me a perk point.

CALLOUTS - Whoever stole my Bang energy drink at Relay for Life, you owe me. - Mrs. Eckstrom for making us have 25 minute segments of “quiet time.” - teachers who don’t put grades in on time. - People who scream at lunch. - To the person who stole my Airpods. - To the guy tha ruined “Endgame” for my English class. - The weekly math tests. - Spotty internet.

Staff farewells

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PYLON | May 16, 2019

senior farewells Holly Sanderson Maria Gutierrez Avi Taylor

Staff farewells

PYLON | may 16, 2019

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MEMBERS OF THE PYLON STAFF SHARE THEIR LAST GOODBYE From Room 171 to 2102, I have always been here. It’s hard to believe this is my very last issue for the Pylon and even harder to believe that I am the “OG” of the group, according to Maria. I remember my first week in Garb’s beginning journalism class as an awkward 14-year-old. Garb saw something in me and he encouraged me to join the Pylon staff that year. At first I was on edge about it, especially after my initiation. Four years later and all I can say is I was definitely wrong. Joining the staff was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I cannot tell you how many times

I have questioned why I was in here and I finally know why. Madeline, thanks for being my rock these last two years. Keep being a queen at editor-in-chief. Izzy, never ever change your laugh. Garb, thanks for taking me under your wing and showing me how to “Pylon.” You have been a great mentor for me whether it was school related or life related. I am going to miss all the “your mom” jokes and the countless times where you “squared up” on me which never works. For the rest of you, keep up the good work. Later, nerds of Room 2102.

Before joining the Pylon, I was a total nerd with no direction in life. But now that I’m finally leaving Garber’s sweat shop, I’m still a nerd. But now I’m a newspaper nerd. The two years I’ve spent trapped in this room with all of you have been filled with stress and anxiety, but I’ve loved every minute of it. The laughs we shared, the jokes we cracked, the deadlines we missed. It’s been one wild ride and no matter which staff I end up with at college next year, you’re all irreplaceable (especially you, Makelti). But I’d like to give a massive “thank you” to Garber for letting me join the staff in the first place and encouraging me to

grow a spine. I never realized how much I cared about the news before you roped me into this madhouse and you’ve helped me find a voice in a way I’ve never found it before. If it wasn’t for you, I’d still have no idea what I wanted to do going into college. And to all the staff members sticking around next year, you’re all crazy. But you’re all crazy talented. Keep up the good work and crush your competition at National’s next year. It’s been a pleasure reporting with all of you, even if your grammar sometimes made me scream.

This is my first year being on the Pylon staff and it’s been one heck of a ride. Sadly, it’s also my last year, since I’m a senior. I started off doing the senior caricatures last year and if you look to the left, you’ll see someone is already is on that. This year, I’ve been the cartoonist on staff and have done a few comic strips and editorials.

I love to contribute any way I can to the Pylon and I feel like I haven’t been able to do enough. But to hope I had another year to really get going is wishful thinking. I’ll be going to the Kansas City Art Institute to major in Animation. We’ve accomplished a lot this year at the Pylon and I wish it the best for years to come.

Promotions & advertisements

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PYLON | May 16, 2019

Awakenings Day Spa 620 S. Santa Fe

look for more coverage next year!

PYLON | May 16, 2019

Promotions & advertisements

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ANSWERS: 1.Blake Olmsted; 2. Kameron DeMars; 3. Lauren Cullins; 4. Taylon Peters; 5. William Phachanla; 6. Kamryn Arnold; 7. Sam Hieger; 8. Matthew Goldammer; 9. Madison Montre












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