สูจิบัตรออนไลน์ คอนเสิร์ตค่ายขับร้องประสานเสียงเยาวชนไทยครั้งที่ 6 วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 กรกฎาคม 2566

Page 4

Message from Camp Director

Every year our team at Office of Art and Culture, Chulalongkorn University, and I look forward to Thailand Youth Choral Camp in a different way than other choral activities we do. Organizing and running this camp take a special kind ofcommitment as it involves spending 24/7 with eighty or more students from university choirs in Thailand, sometimes from abroad, for one week. Watching them shaping up as a choir through rehearsing and coming together as one big community aresomeofthemostrewardingthingsinmycareer.

This year, for the first time, we have secondary school students from Assumption Convent, Sarasas Suksawad, and Horwang Schools joining with university students from Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Srinakarinwirot University, and ChulalongkornUniversity. Thetotalnumberis80campers. Ithas beenajoyworkingwiththem.

I cannot go without saying how proud I am of our teaching assistants who are my students and ThYCC graduates from previousyearswhoarenowpromising youngconductorsinThai choralscene. SupitchaKansirisin,YotsawanMeethongkhum,and Pathorn Swasdisuk run sectional rehearsals, warm-up sessions, andarealsothreeofsixcampconductingworkshopstudentswho areconductingintonight’sconcert.

Thailand Youth Choral Camp cannot be what it is without our stapledguest conductor, Dr. T.J. Harper from Loyola Marymount University,USA,whohasbeenwithuseverysummercamp since the start in 2016. He has his special way to connect with the campers,throughwhichhebuildsthemup,notonlyasabeautiful choir, but also a beautiful community of young singers I hope theircamaraderieestablishedinthecampwillcontinueforalong time.

I can never thank my dear friend, TJ, enough for his for his tremendouscontributiontothiscamp.

I also need to publicly thank Sirowut Srinitedwatin, Paradee Ongksirimemongkol, all the campers and everyone involved, for their unwavering support and hard work for the success of the campand culminatingconcert.Thankyou!



At the Round Earth’s Imagined Corners

WilliamettaSpencer (b.1927)

“Set Me As a Seal”


“Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen”


YotsawanMeethongkum Student Conductor

I Should be Glad

SupitchaKansirisin Student Conductor

RenéClausen (b.1953)

JohannesBrahms (1833-1897)

SusanLabarr (b.1981)

Daemon Irrepit Callidus GyörgyOrbán (b.1947)

PathornSwasdisuk Student Conductor

Alleluia FredrikSixten (b.1962)

“Quel Augellin”


Ave Maria

O Love

ClaudioMonteverdi (1567-1643)

JavierBusto (b.1949)

ElaineHagenberg (b.1979)

Non Nobis, Domine RosephanyePowell (b.1962)

ThanunyaJaturanont Rehearsal Piano

KajkongSasisajja Piano

T.J.Harper Guest Conductor

PawasutPiriyapongrat Choral Camp Director

ChoochartPitaksakorn Music Director

Sârba pe scaun AlexandruPascanu (1920-1989)

Yotsawan Meethongkum Student Conductor

Yotsawan Meethongkum received early choral training from Sathit Sukchongchaipruk. He, later, sang with Chulalongkorn University Concert Choir under Dr. Pawasut Piriyapongrat with whom he studied conducting. Yotsawan received a bachelor’s degree in vocal performance from Frost School of Music, University of Miami. While at the UniversityofMiami,hestudiedconducting with Dr. Corin Overland and sang with Dr. Karen Kennedy. In 2022 Yotsawan received a master’s degree in choral music from ThorntonSchoolofMusic,UniversityofSouthernCalifornia,with honorsconvocationfromtheUSCThorntonChamberSingers. His conducting teachers include Dr. Tram Sparks, Dr. Nick Strimple, Dr. Cristian Grases, and Dr. Jo-Michael Scheibe. He was also conducting student in masterclasses with Dr. Rodney Eichenberger,GrantGershon,andDr.T.J.Harper.

Yotsawan is one of the co-founders of the Thailand Choral Directors Association. He currently teaches choral ensembles at College of Music, Mahidol University, and serve as a Choirmaster forThailandPhilharmonicOrchestrafortheirrecentconcerts.

Supitcha Kansirisin Student Conductor

Supitcha Kansirisin, originated inThailand,receivedaBachelor of Education degree in Music Education from Chulalongkorn University where she studied choral conducting under Dr. PawasutPiriyapongrat.In2018, she graduated with a Master of Music in Choral music from the University of Southern California.While pursuing her master’s degree, She was an associated conductor of USC University Chorus and participated in the USC Chamber Singers where they performed with outstanding artists such as Craig Hella Johnson, Maestro Carl St. Clair, and The Rolling Stone. Supitcha studied choral conducting and choral literature under Dr. Jo-Michael Scheibe, Dr. Nick Strimple, Dr. Tram Sparks, and Dr. Cristian Grases. She also participated in choral conducting masterclasses with Dr. Tim Sharp,Dr.RolloDilworthandDr.T.J.Harper.

Currently, Supitcha serves as a music teacher at KMIDS

International school and a choir director at Wattana Wittaya Academy in Bangkok. She is also an adjunct faculty at Kasetsart University, directing a KUCC choir. She is one of a foundercommittees of Thailand choral directors association (TCDA). In August 2023, Supitcha will pursue her Doctoral in Musical Arts degreeinchoralconductingattheUniversityofMiami.

Pathorn Swasdisuk Student Conductor

Pathorn received his Bachelor of Education in Music Education (first class honours, gold medal) in 2020 from Chulalongkorn University where he studied choral conducting with Dr. Pawasut Piriyapongrat and has participated in conducting workshops with Dr. T.J. Harper, Dr. Rollo Dilworth & Tim Brown. Pathorn is currently pursuinghisMaster’sdegree inKodályMusicPedagogyatZoltán Kodály Pedagogical Institute of Music, Liszt Academy of Music, Hungary, where he studies choral conducting and pedagogy with Dr.AnnaFűri.

PathornhassungandworkedwithvariousThaiandinternational ensembles such as, Bangkok Consort Singers, Chulalongkorn University Concert Choir, Thai Youth Choir, The Bangkok Voices, Bangkok Consort Singers, Asia Pacific Youth Choir and World YouthChoir.



the Department of Musicat Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California. During his previous tenure at Providence Collegehewashonoredtoreceive theJoseph R. Accinno Teacher of theYearAward.

Dr.HarpermaintainsanactivescheduleintheUSandabroadasa guestconductor,clinician,andjurymember.Recentengagements include headlining the China National Choral Conference and conducting the Beijing Harmonia Choir; Master classes for El Sistema and conducting the Venezuela National Choir. Additional engagements include residencies, guest conducting, lectures and master classes in Argentina, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Venezuela and honor choirs in California, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Hampshire,NewYork,andRhodeIsland.Hehasbeenengagedas a lecturer, presenter, and guest speaker at the 2015 Yale University International Choral Music Symposium; the 2015 European Choir Games in Magdeburg, Germany; Harvard University, Hofstra University, and the New England ACDA CollegiateChoralConference.

Dr. Harper received the Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.) degree from the University of Southern California where he graduated with honors. He received the Master of Arts (M.A.) in Choral Conducting from California State University, Northridge and the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree and Choral Conducting from California State University, Fresno. He taught middle school and high school in the California public school system for six years andwashonoredforexcellenceinteachinginWho’sWhoAmong America’s Teachers. As a member of the Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society, MENC, ACDA, Chorus America, NCCO and the International Federation of Choral Music (IFCM), Dr. Harper is an advocate for the promotion of undergraduate educationandchoralmusicinthepublicschoolsandinstitutions ofhighereducation.

Pawasut Piriyapongrat earned her bachelor’s degree in Music Education with honors from Chulalongkorn University; Master of Music in Church Music and Doctor of Musical Arts in Choral Music from the University of SouthernCalifornia,whereshestudied choral conducting with the late Dr. WilliamDehning.

Through her extensive choral experiences, including conducting Thai Youth Choir (2007-2009) and Chulalongkorn University Concert Choir (2007-present), and many collaborative works of the latter with professional Thai and international orchestras, Pawasut has earned her recognition as Thailand’s leading choral conductor, clinician, adjudicator and choral educator with engagements locally and internationally. She dedicates much time and energy in bettering choral standards in Thailand throughherinvolvementwithThailandMinistryofEducationand initiatives with Chulalongkorn University that include various workshops, an annual choral festival, and choral camps for university choirs in Thailand. Some of her initiatives were in collaborationwithAmericanChoralDirectorsAssociation. Sheisafull-timefacultymemberofMusicEducationDepartment, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, and serves as PresidentofThailandChoralConductorsAssociation.

Choir จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าเจ้าคุณทหารลาดกระบัง มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล โรงเรียนหอวัง โรงเรียนอัสสัมชัญคอนแวนต์ โรงเรียนสารสาสน์สุขสวัสดิ์ Soprano กวินทิพย์ มีภูงา ปาลิตา ธรรมประโชติ กัญญาวีร์ ซอนาติ ปิยะวรรณ ภู่เสม กัสมาพร เพ่งเล็งดี พิชญ์ณภัทร เอกรัมย์ กานต์สินี วงศ์โสภา พิมพ์มาดา สังข์ลาใย ชัญญา โพธิ์ไพฑูรย์ เพนภ์นินช์ สามัคคียกุล ชัญญา มณีวรรณ ภัคจิรา คงคารักษ์ เฌอมินทร์ พิริยาวรวงศ์ ภิญญา เมธเศรษฐ ณัฐรดา จอมแสง ลัลนา หนูเรขา ธัญชนก สุบรรณโรจน์ วราภรณ์ ต่วนเครือ ธีริศรา ศรีเมือง ศรุดา ตราชู น้าพลอย กมลวิเศษกุล สิตาพร ยูปานนท์ บุญญาภา รัตนพิเศษ อคิราห์ อ่อนกล่าผล ปณิตา พึ่งเเย้ม อชิรญา บุญธรักษา ปพิชญา เอกยศสุพร อภิญญา สัตยานนท์ ปวริศา บัวเกิด อาศิรดา สวันตรัจฉ์ ปาณิสรา มโนประกิจ
Alto กันติชา กันตนิกข์ พรนัชชา บอกสันเทียะ ฉัทมน ปั้นประเสริฐ พิชรินทร์ สิงห์บุญ ชญาดา ศรีนพรัตนสกุล พิมชนก ปราโมช ณ อยุธยา ธนิตา ศุภธรรมพิทักษ์ พิมพ์ลภัส นีละเสวี นวพรรษ เลิศศิริ เพลงพิณ ธรรมทองเลิศ พจนารถ มณีกาญจน์ อานันพัฒน์ คาบุญ Tenor กรวิชญ์ สิงห์เพชร ปวริศ สุดคง กาญจน์ กี้ประเสริฐทรัพย์ พัฒนันท์ พรหมนิมิตร กิติภูมิ หงษาวดี ภัคร์ภูมิ เจนเจษฎา จิรายุ กานต์รัชตกุล ยุทธวีร์ สงวนเพชรจินดา ฐิติพงศ์ เหมือนแตง รัชชานนท์ เกียรติกิจกุล ณภัทร เธียรวงศกร ศุภฤกษ์ ศรีพิมล ณภัทร วัลลานนท์ ศุภวิชญ์ ภาชนะพรรณ ณัฐพล เดชรักษา สรวิชญ์ สายยนต์ เนธิพัศย์ อิ่มลอยนวล อัครวินท์ คงเสน Bass ชลสิทธิ์ นงค์พรหมมา ภัคพล ศิริบุตร ชัยรัชย์ กริชเพ็ชรัตน์ รัชพล แสงจันทร์ ณัฐนันท์ ยงพฤกษา วรพงศ์ แสงเพชรวัฒนกุล ดุลยุตม์ ตันติเฉลิม วรรณภพ วิบูลพัฒนะวงศ์

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