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1. Mindmap of deriving cards from Maslow’s law of hierarchy of needs

Figure 22: Maslow’s pyramid of needs. Reference section: 11.


2. Iterative method to customer discovery (the Lean Startup methodology)

Source: Reference section: 9.

3. Initial project proposal

(Working) Title of Graduation Project Experimentation of the techniques of mindfulness on consumption behavior of customers to test whether it leads to reducing their waste.

Context 91% of plastic waste is not recycled. Most of the retail packaging is single-use plastic. The current customer behavior towards consumption has a major opportunity to make conscious decisions. If customers demand eco-friendly lifestyle the brands would act accordingly to suffice the mindful demands. Individuals who have a passion to live eco-friendly low waste lifestyle also get frustrated due to lack of knowledge about easier ways are often expensive and not easily available. When such customers seek for guidance in taking small initial steps to practice such lifestyle they find it difficult. Due to following reasons: 1) Overwhelming and preachy advice on the web and social media. 2) Lack of social support and motivation to be consistent in this journey. 3) Improper habits and out of comfort extra effort in mindful segregation of waste.

Objective My project would be an attempt to encourage customers to consume mindfully to reduce the wastage (mostly created due to impulse purchases and single-use plastic).

Outcome A platform (physical /digital/ phygital) to practice mindful consumption which would lead to the desired objective.

Probable benefits of outcome: 1) Save money by reducing impulse buying by enhancing mindfulness in making conscious buying decisions. 2) Know simple tricks and tips to live a low waste lifestyle. 3) Ease the job of waste management by knowing and practicing ‘art of wasting’. 4) Begin appreciating your own belongings and possessions to carry and experience these things gracefully. 5) Stay motivated to live low waste, sustainable and environmentally cool lifestyle.

Methodology Step 1. Validation of the problem: Conducting a quantitative research to know the magnitude of the problem in the reachable area. Step 2. Understanding the customers: Observing the potential customers to understand a day in their life + Creating the persona of evangelist customers who are more willing to solve the problem. Step 3. Creating Low fidelity prototype: Creating the minimum viable product of highly potential solution idea Step 4. Validating solution: Conducting qualitative research to understand the effect of a solution and its underlying problems faced by the users. Step 5. Iterating /pivoting the solution: As per the results of the first test of solution hypothesis, iterating the features of the solution to match the responder’s needs aligning with the desired impact.

Time-frame Aug. 2018: Validation of the problem and understanding the customer Sept. 2018: Creating the first MVP and validating the solution Oct. 2018: Iterating and pivoting as per the feedback from the first test of the solution Nov. 2018: Creating high fidelity MVP and documenting

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