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Table of contents Introduction


랜덤 어법문제


Day 01


Day 02


Day 03


Day 04


Day 05


Day 06


Day 07


Day 08


Day 09


Day 10


Day 11


Day 12


Day 13


Day 14


Day 15


Day 16


Day 17


Day 18


Day 19


Day 20

62 2/106

Day 21


Day 22


Day 23


Day 24


주제별 어법문제


#1 문장구조: 접속사 vs. 전치사, 동사 vs. 준동사, 병렬구조, 수일치, 도치/어순


#2 부정사 & 동명사


#3 태, 분사, 분수구문


#4 시제, 조동사, 대명사, 관계사


#5 비교, 가정법


기출 실전 어법*어휘 모의고사























 이 책은 랜덤어법과 주제별 어법 그리고 기출 어법/어휘 문제로 구성되어 있습니다. 랜덤어법은 20개 문제이며, 각각 20개의 다른 문법들로 채워져 있습니다. 이를 24개의 셋트로 구성하였습니다. 1셋트를 풀 면서 어렵거나 틀린 문제는 클래스유의 동영상 강의 혹은 선생님의 현장 강의를 듣습니다. 랜덤어법을 5셋트 진행 후에 주 제별 어법을 풀어 보세요. 그래서 총 10셋트 완료 시에, 기출 어법/어휘 문제로 넘어가세요! 완료시 주제별 어법의 기출 문제 가 추가로 제공됩니다. (별책으로 제공)

이 책은 또한 클래스오엠알에 최적화되어 있습니다. 즉, 책 없이도 스마트폰만으로도 강의를 보고, 문제를 풀 수 있도록 되어 있습니다. 이 또한 통계로 저장되어 학생들의 취약점을 분석해 드립니다. 자세한 사용방법은 선생님께 문의하세요!


랜덤 어법문제 Day 01 1.The Olympic Games [take / are taking] place every four years.

2.Remember [to wake / waking] me up at seven tomorrow morning.

3.If I [were / had been] in your position, I would not have accepted such an offer.

4.My brother [married / married to] his friend’s sister last year.

5.The spectators grew more and more [exciting / excited].

6.You’d better not keep pets [if / unless] you can take care of them.


7.More and more people are cutting their hair [short / shortly] these days.

8.I remember [praising/being praised] for the first time by my father.

9.A small parcel containing fruits [was / were] delivered last night.

10.He [must / cannot] have been sick yesterday. I saw him at the ball park.

11.I don’t do just any work. I will choose jobs [that / what] interest me.

12.There are two reasons for it, and you know one of them. Now I’ll tell you [another / the other].

13.I’ll give you my address when I [find / will find] somewhere to live.

14.I have a friend [whom / whose] father is a famous newscaster.


15.I’m surprised to hear that she has [risen / raised] as many as 7 kids.

16.Bill fell down some steps but fortunately he didn’t hurt [him / himself] badly.

17.This is a very boring place to live. There’s [little / a little] to do.

18.Ted seemed [frightening / frightened] to hear that he failed in the exam.

19.My shoes want [to mend / mending]. I should have had them mended.

20.I took it for granted [if / that] she would agree with me.


Day 02 21.She doesn’t have much time and [so/ neither] do I.

22.A large number of cars [was / were] parked outside the stadium.

23.The officer told us that every bit of litter was to [pick / be picked] up.

24.No one really believes there are [alive / living] creatures on Mars.

25.The girl wanted a room of her own, [however / whatever] small it was.

26.The climate of Alaska is much colder than [Florida / that of Florida].

27.You’ve been traveling all day. You [must/ cannot] be tired.

28.He was found in his own room where he [lay / laid] fast asleep.


29.Don’t forget to [post / posting] this letter on your way to school.

30.Parents are always pleased to hear their children [praising / praised].

31.The reason she was absent was [that / what] she had a severe headache.

32.The rich do not know [what it is like / what like is it] to be poor.

33.The injured player was [carrying / being carried] off the field.

34.The only excuse that he gave for his actions [was / were] that he was tired.

35.[Looking / Looked] back at the Earth, the astronauts felt a deep homesickness.

36.I don’t like this scarf. Would you please show me [another / the other]?


37.Once he makes up his mind, nothing can make him [change / to change] it.

38.I can’t understand why he [is / is being] selfish. He isn’t usually like that.

39.Mr. Anderson, our English teacher, [coming / comes] form Canada.

40.If I [knew / had known] the news, I could have told you.


Day 03 41.People say that he closely [resembles / resembles] with his father.

42.We are all looking forward to [hear / hearing] the news of his success.

43.[If / Unless] you stop fighting, I’ll call in the police.

44.[Being / It being] a fine day, we went out to play baseball.

45.The bad news made all the people [disappointing / disappointed].

46.My grandmother is said to [be / have been] still alive in North Korea.

47.I [told / was told] to come home before dinner by my mother.

48.The rumor [that / which] she was getting married went around.


49.Will you look for a sunny house [facing / faced] south?

50.Can you let me know as soon as you [decide / will decide]?

51.[Seeing / Seen] from the plane, the islands were very pretty.

52.He tore up her photograph, [that / which] made her very angry.

53.Jane walked past me without speaking. She [may / should] not have seen me.

54.You must [attend / attend to] the meeting, even if you don’t want to.

55.What I did was very wrong. I am ashamed of [me / myself].

56.I don’t know who will win but [it / there] is sure to be a good match.


57.I remember [to see / seeing] her when she was a little girl.

58.That book, [writing / written] in simple English, is easy for you to read.

59.Some foreigners don’t like Japanese tea, and [neither I do / neither do I].

60.People who are interested in the book [seem / seems] to be lawyers.


Day 04 61.In addition to [be / being] interesting, this book is very instructive.

62.Take a walk for a while, [or / and] your appetite will increase.

63.Alaska is [larger / the largest] state in the United States.

64.She makes it a rule to keep her room [clean / cleanly].

65.Nobody can get her [do / to do] what she doesn’t want to.

66.His speech was so [boring / bored] that most audience fell asleep.

67.In my company, all employees have [its / their] own locker.

68.[Most / Almost] of people take their holidays in the summer.


69.The music was very loud and could [hear / be heard] from far away.

70.I think it difficult [of / for] Koreans to speak good English.

71.He went on talking [since / though] nobody was listening to him.

72.It was a surprise that he won the match. [Few / A few] people expected him to win.

73.She could have bought the jacket, if she [had / had had] enough money.

74.Because of the traffic violation, he had his license [take / taken] away.

75.George says he’s 44 years old but nobody [believes / is believing] him.

76.I often hear it [say / said] that time and tide wait for no man.


77.The restaurant [must / cannot] be very good. It’s always full of people.

78.Would you [explain / explain to] me how to operate this machine?

79.Remember [to put / putting] out the light before you go to bed.

80.He dug out the treasure [burying / buried] deep under the ground.


Day 05 81.Put the milk in the refrigerator [lest / so] that it won’t spoil.

82.The United Nations [established / was established] after World War â…Ą.

83.Do you know the method by [which / what] he mastered English?

84.She likes not only to discuss things with me but also [asking / to ask] for my advice.

85.She gave me a letter in [that / which] she said she loved me.

86.This tape recorder wants [to repair / repairing].

87.Under no circumstances [visitors are / are visitors] allowed to take pictures.

88.That company requested that I [write / wrote] a reply as soon as possible.


89.Julia had a great holiday. She enjoyed [her / herself].

90.They stood there [surprising / surprised] at the wonderful sight.

91.He didn’t tell the truth [lest / though] she should get angry.

92.The teacher did not know [how / what] hard she worked on her essay.

93.We were to get married in May [or / but] we had to postpone the marriage.

94.The news from the Middle East [seem / seems] very encouraging.

95.[Fall / Falling] in love with someone is a beautiful experience.

96.The telephone line was so bad that I could [hard / hardly] hear his words.


97.I’ll come straight back home after I [do / will do] the shopping.

98.[Comparing / Compared] with life in Seoul, life here is inconvenient in many ways.

99.We’ve got plenty of time. We [need not / don’t need] leave yet.

100.Unfortunately, he didn’t hear his name [calling / called] because of the noise.


Day 06 101.[Since / Though] winters in Britain are cold, there is little snow.

102.If you forget your pencil, you can borrow one of [me / mine].

103.The poor baby stopped crying and soon fell [asleep / sleeping].

104.The number of traďŹƒc accidents [is / are] on the increase recently.

105.He is too old to look after himself, so he always has to [feed / be fed].

106.The reason [why / which] he gave us for his absence sounded a lie.

107.[It / There] seems to be something wrong with this machine.

108.She has improved her English by reading novels and [listening / listened] to news.


109.Ann doesn’t [seem / isn’t seeming] very happy at the moment.

110.If she had worked harder, she could [get / have gotten] better marks.

111.She felt her body [touching / touched] in the crowded subway.

112.[If / There] is a pity that Sandra can’t come to the party.

113.Would you tell me how [I can / can I] get to the Seoul library?

114.My dictionary, with two text books, [was / were] stolen yesterday.

115.I have [mistaken / been mistaken] for my twin sister many times.

116.Aesop seems to [be / have been] for my twin sister many times.


117.Not until yesterday [he changed / did he change] his mind.

118.It won’t be diďŹƒcult to get the book. It’s [wide / widely] available.

119.He expressed his regret [that / which] he had never learned English.

120.You are late again! Have you forgotten [to promise / promising] me you would never be late again?


Day 07 121.The topic [which / in which] he is most interested is politics.

122.He regrets [being / to be] so idle in his youth.

123.Paul, my old friend from school, [appeared / appearing] on TV last night.

124.Nothing is more important [as / than] peace.

125.I wonder why they’re so late. They [must / should] have been here an hour ago.

126.We have never heard English [speaking / spoken] so fast.

127.Don’t worry about Tom and me. We can look after [us / ourselves].

128.He plays the guitar [remarkable / remarkably] well for his age.


129.The house showed no sign of having [broken / been broken] into.

130.He ran as fast as possible. Otherwise, he would [be / have been] late for class.

131.The daily process of peeling and [to grow / growing] occurs on the skin of foot.

132.I know she is reliable [since / though] we have worked together for ten years.

133.This is the restaurant [which / where] we first met two years ago.

134.Let’s go home before it [starts / will start] raining.

135.If I [had / had had] enough free time, I would fly to Vietnam.

136.We heard that music [playing / played] by a famous musician.


137.[Shocking / Shocked] to hear the news, she turned pale.

138.Saying sorry to someone for your mistakes [is / are] not easy.

139.She opened the mail that had [delivered / been delivered] that morning.

140.He stopped [to talk / talking] for a while to listen to the news.


Day 08 141.Milk [considers / is considered] valuable protein for its high nutritional content.

142.We did nothing all day. [How / What] a waste of time!

143.I haven’t got a nice bookshelf. I’m going to have [it / one] made.

144.He stepped back and looked [pleasant / pleasantly] at the newly-painted door.

145.That supermarket stopped [selling / to sell] goods at a discount.

146.Mary is the person [who keeps / she keeps] a pig in her garden.

147.Anna not only cleaned the house but also [washing / washed] the dishes.

148.Can you smell something [burn / to burn] in the kitchen?


149.Most of the town is modern. There are [few / a few] old buildings.

150.The program made us laugh, but it was not really [exciting / excited].

151.If you want to write clearly, your pencil needs [to sharpen / sharpening].

152.[Being / There being] no seat in the bus, we kept standing.

153.There is a [special / specially] program on television this evening.

154.Shopping in the downtown [is / it is] much improved in recent years.

155.I did the laundry until afternoon, [when / which] a friend dropped in on me.

156.Reading weekly magazines [help / helps] add to your stock of information.


157.Write down her address, [or / and] you will forget it.

158.The story [sounded / was sounded] rather silly to me.

159.Only after we ďŹ nished dinner [our father came / did our father come] home.

160.She [must / should] not have been listening to our conversation, for it was private.


Day 09 161.Have you ever seen a picture [seeing / seen] so beautifully?

162.The new designs are much better than the old [ones / them].

163.Ted got [stinging / stung] by a bee while he was sitting in the garden.

164.She [chose / was chosen] the lead part because she sings so well.

165.The interview by the reporters [was / were] carried live by the station.

166.Not only the students but also the teacher [need / needs] a vacation.

167.Tuesday was the day [when / which] Jim went to London to see Mary.

168.The test of a good book is [that / whether] we want to read it only or more than once.


169.This is the only thing [that / what] I want to tell you.

170.[Since / Though] they live in the sea, dolphins are not ďŹ sh but mammals.

171.Where are you going to stay when you [are / will be] in London?

172.I was told that the bus [has left / had left] ďŹ ve minutes earlier.

173.I gave them a key so that they could let [them / themselves] in anytime.

174.After the lecture, [it / there] will be an opportunity to ask questions.

175.[Who do you think / Do you think who] is the better of the two teachers?

176.His principle, [live / living] honestly, made him respected by everyone.


177.Never [being / having been] there before, I had diďŹƒculty ďŹ nding my way.

178.A suggestion was made [that / what] school lunch should be improved.

179.You can imagine how beautiful [she was / she was] beautiful when young.

180.Jim [unexpected / unexpectedly] confessed the crime over a year later.


Day 10 181.If I were you, I [would save / would have saved] for a rainy day.

182.Peggy hoped nobody could ďŹ nd her, [for / though] she wanted to be alone.

183.How stupid it is [of / for] you to look to him for help!

184.I want to lose weight, so this week I [don’t eat / am not eating] lunch.

185.You missed a great party last night. You [cannot / ought to] have come.

186.She would be angry if you [knew / had known] her secret.

187.I hope my parents will let me [go / to go] out tonight.

188.[Bored / Boring] with the country life, she was thinking of moving to Seoul.


189.She is the one [whom / whose] I consider to be an ideal leader.

190.We are always spoken [to / to by] foreigners on the street.

191.She would like neither to see a movie nor [to go / going] bowling.

192.Though [surprising / surprised], he acted as though nothing had happened.

193.He wasn’t aware of [that / what] she wanted to say to him.

194.I had my sister [correct / corrected] my composition.

195.This book, [reading / read] carelessly, will do you harm.

196.I don’t like cheese for breakfast, and [so / neither] do my children.


197.My brother [visited / has visited] Seoul, Korea, three times last year.

198.The report was [high / highly] critical of the Minister’s conduct.

199.It [believes / is believed] that he has gone to America.

200.Walking home, [a noise frightened her / she was frightened by a noise].


Day 11 201.Not only [the police arrived / did the police arrive], but the firemen came too.

202.The history of invention is as old as [mankind / that of mankind].

203.That some birds fly south in the winter [is / are] well known.

204.This autumn’s fashions are quite different from [these / those] of last autumn.

205.I met a man [who / whose] ambition is to climb Mt. Everest.

206.There are three times as many girls [as / than] boys in our chorus.

207.Yesterday we got my coach [treat / to treat] us to dinner.

208.We began to walk again [as soon as / as long as] she was recovered.


209.Of the two toys, her child chose [less / the less] expensive one.

210.I wonder what [do you call / you call] this tree in your language.

211.The term paper he wrote was rather short but very [impressive / impressively].

212.The mother was [pleasant / pleasantly] surprised when her daughter came.

213.You should buy something [that / what] is the cheapest and most durable.

214.[Finding / Found] in all parts of the country, pines are the commonest trees.

215.Jim and Sue [have known / have been knowing] each other since 1985.

216.No sooner [she had been / had she been] back at home than she realized her mistake.


217.It’s essential that you [would / should] be here on time.

218.John isn’t lazy. He [works / is working] very hard most of the time.

219.Have you ever seen that famous boxer [knocking / knocked] down?

220.Take some money with [you / yourself] in case you need it.


Day 12 221.Neither the money [or / nor] all the jewelry was missing.

222.The teacher told us that honesty [is / was] the best policy.

223.How the dinosaurs became extinct [is / are] not known.

224.He is so proud that he doesn’t like [criticizing / being criticized] by others.

225.I’ve lost my ticket. Perhaps I [may / should] have left them at the school.

226.This [asleep / sleeping] baby reminds me of my childhood.

227.What a busy day! I [didn’t have / haven’t had] anything to eat since this morning.

228.“You seem to [have / have had] that car for years.” “Yes, it still runs.”


229.I would apply for the job if I [were / had been] younger.

230.She went to a concert, [which / in which] she fell asleep.

231.Would you like a cup of tea before you [leave / will leave]?

232.Grandma let us [eat / to eat] as much ice cream as we pleased.

233.I like this place but [it / there] would be nicer to live by the sea.

234.[So / Such] was her eloquence that everybody was moved to tears.

235.He preferred going out in the evenings [to / than] staying at home.

236.Jim is still using my computer. I wonder when he [returns / will return] it.


237.Don’t [discourage / be discouraged] if you should fall in the ďŹ rst attempt.

238.She was angry not at what you said but [your manner / at your manner].

239.I think it a waste of time and money [travel / traveling] around the world.

240.The bread my mother makes is much better than [one / that] you can buy at a store.


Day 13 241.Jim always seems such a [responsible / responsibly] boy.

242.It will not be long before I [see / will see] you.

243.It is necessary [of / for] us to look into the matter more carefully.

244.If you had taken some medicine, you would [be / have been] ďŹ ne now.

245.We got the manager [bring / to bring] another glass of water.

246.I enjoy my life here. I have [few / a few] friends and we meet quite often.

247.He was sitting on a bench [surrounding / surrounded] by pigeons.

248.Tell me [why you were / why were you] late for school today.


249.This practice should [do / be done] exams, for I’m a student.

250.I’ll give the present to anyone [whom / whomever] you recommend to me.

251.If I were the chairman, I [would stop / would have stopped] these absurd questions.

252.He is no longer the lazy man [who / what] he used to be.

253.No sooner had we started lunch [than / when] someone knocked on the door.

254.Most people [learn / are learning] to swim when they are children.

255.She had her brother [help / helped] her with baggage.

256.My wife went to the bedroom, [leaving / left] me with the dishes to do.


257.I can speak German A little but not [as well / so better] as you do.

258.It’s nice if a child can have [a his own room / a room of his own].

259.Let all superďŹ cial ceremony [do / be done] away with.

260.I have a feeling that I [saw / have seen] her somewhere before.


Day 14 261.It is not how you speak but what you say [that / what] counts.

262.He wanted the roof repaired and [to paint the fence / the fence painted].

263.I was about to accept her offer [if / when] he told me that she was a liar.

264.It was because of heavy snow [that / what] the train was delayed.

265.I proposed that the matter [be / has been] voted at once.

266.I will get my boyfriend [to fix / fixed] this computer.

267.He will return your book when he [has read / will have read] it.

268.“Do you know who sent the letter?” “No, I wish I [knew / had known].”


269.How long [did it pass / has it passed] since you quit that company?

270.Mary was sitting in a chair, [looking / looked] the happiest.

271.The report you are looking for could be in the file or [the desk / on the desk].

272.The new highway will have [completed / been completed] by next year.

273.They haven’t lived here for very long. They [can’t / must] know many people.

274.Lower you voice, [or / and] our private talk will be heard.

275.If I had entered the college last year, I would [be / have been] a sophomore by now.

276.This river is [terrible / terribly] polluted. How can we clean it?


277.I’m going shopping. If you [want / will want] anything. I’ll get it for you.

278.She managed to make herself [understand / understood] in French.

279.Let’s paint the house [us / ourselves]. It will be much cheaper.

280.It’s good for the health [of / for] us to keep early hours.


Day 15 281.The guests will be eating soon. We had better [set / to set] the table.

282.All you have to do is to [post / be posted] this letter.

283.[That / What] the world was at used to be an established fact.

284.She became a nurse [short / shortly] after I left my college.

285.See that all the doors [locked / are locked] before you go to bed.

286.Man does not appreciate [that / what] he had until he loses it.

287.He reached for the ower with his left hand, his right hand [grasping / grasped] the rock.

288.I recognized him at once, for I [have / had] often met him before.


289.He will [take / have taken] the examination three times if he tries again.

290.Mt parents were [delighted / delighting] at my promotion.

291.I wish you [did not make / hadn’t made] the fact known to the public then.

292.We will have to have the air conditioner [repair / repaired].

293.Why was she so unfriendly? [It / There] must have been a reason.

294.I am very pleased to [meet / have met] you at that party yesterday.

295.[How / However] hard he might try, he couldn’t get the door open.

296.All the people know what it is [like / alike] to be without friends.


297.It [appears / is appeared] that she is a little young considering her age.

298.The clothes they left suggest that they [escape / have escaped] from a prison.

299.A person [who / whose] work is to amuse people is an entertainer.

300.He [asked / was asked] further questions after that explanation.


Day 16 301.I’m going to get a tooth [to pull / pulled] tomorrow.

302.Too many people in too small a space [cause / causes] noise.

303.I happened to see a boy [cheating / cheated] during the exam.

304.[It / There] is about ten kilometers to the nearest gas station.

305.It [says / is said] that this is the hottest summer in ten years.

306.She is on a diet now, [since / though] nobody thinks she is overweight.

307.Tom, [horrifying / horriďŹ ed] at what he had done, could say nothing.

308.Careful [as / when he was], he made unexpected mistakes.


309.Once [learned / learning], a language cannot easily be forgotten.

310.The Koreans are said to [be / have been] an industrious people.

311.The place [where / which] we spent our holidays was really beautiful.

312.[Despite / Though] the danger, they decided to climb the mountain.

313.[Were he / had he been] alive, I would inform him of my success.

314.Can you make yourself [hear / heard] in such a big hall?

315.Two years [passed / have passed] since we came to live here.

316.He is lying on the sofa comfortable, [read / reading] a newspaper.


317.He has been playing basketball [since / when] he was a small boy.

318.She is the only woman [who / whose] saw the accident happen.

319.Some people today are none [wiser / the wiser] for their education.

320.I can’t eat this. I’ve just tried it and it tasted [awful / awfully].


Day 17 321.Jim wasn’t at work last week. He [cannot / must] have been ill.

322.Swimming is considered to be healthier than [to take / taking] a walk.

323.She tried to enter the room without [noticing / being noticed] by anyone.

324.I think it will be better when they [finish / will finish] the new road.

325.He has his bag [steal / stolen] in the locker room.

326.Be careful! That pan is very hot. Don’t burn [you / yourself].

327.There was [little / a little] traffic, so the journey didn’t take very long.

328.A bad habit, once [forming / formed], cannot easily be get rid of.


329.My father hates [me / for me] reading a newspaper at breakfast.

330.I need to mail a letter, [so / or] I’ll stop by the post office.

331.Tom has collected as [many twice / twice] as many stamps as I have.

332.The workers are [building / being built] our new hospital on the place.

333.Seen from above, the river [looked / was looked] like a snake.

334.[That / what] all the students in the bus survived the accident is a miracle.

335.Food you eat [what / which] you don’t like will not digest well.

336.I don’t like the way [how / that] treats us.


337.[Were it not / Had it not been] for your help, he would have failed in his business.

338.He could make his students [understand / understood] the new theory.

339.Please explain [me / to me] how to join your club.

340.You should bring your ID card and [sign / to sign] the paper.


Day 18 341.[Using / Used] economically, this box will last at least for three months.

342.The boy is proud of his father [being / having been] a champion last year.

343.You can take [either / neither] road; they both lead to the shopping center.

344.[Who do you think / Do you think who] will be elected the next President.

345.To [choose / be chosen] to represent your country is a great honor.

346.Being attacked by wild dogs [was / were] a terrible experience for him.

347.“How long have you been in this town?” “[When / Since] I was young.”

348.Don’t put the dictionary away. I [use / am using] it now.


349.It was impossible to make her [believe / believed] our offer.

350.I’m thinking of getting my house [to paint / painted] white.

351.The cities in my country have [its / their] own culture and tradition.

352.Can you walk in a straight line with your eyes [closing / closed]?

353.Kate hates her straight hair, [and / which] she can do nothing with.

354.The job of a driver is not so easy [as / than] it looks.

355.Ann seemed [angry / angrily] this morning. Do you know what was wrong?

356.Carol knows a lot about films. She [can’t / must] be going to the cinema a lot.


357.[Become / Becoming] a doctor before the age of 30 is not easy.

358.This city is unique in [that / what] there is always an abundance of water.

359.The value of won declines as the rate of ination [rises / raises].

360.I always feel inferior [to / than] hem.


Day 19 361.Please let me [know / to know] your decision by tomorrow.

362.I make it a rule [give / to give] my east to the elderly.

363.There were three deaths and 14 [injured / injuries] in that accident.

364.This melon smells good. It is high time we [ate / eat] it.

365.I found myself very [feverish / feverishly] and went to bed.

366.A patient means a person [receiving / received] medical treatment from a doctor.

367.Applicants can borrow a pencil if they needs [it / one].

368.Please forgive me for not [writing / having written] sooner.


369.When I was in college, I [belonged / was belonging] to the tennis club.

370.The house [which / whose] roof you see over there is my mother’s.

371.Jim studied hard in school, [while / since] at home he helped is mother with her work.

372.My teacher required that the report [be / was] given in by tomorrow.

373.We may sometimes feel [depressed / depressing] or weary.

374.The windows are very dirty. I think it’s times we [clean / cleaned] them.

375.I had my picture [take / taken] with the TV star.

376.I can’t say exactly what I mean. I wish I [can / could] express myself better.


377.The role of a father is quite dierent from [this / that] of a mother.

378.He asked us not to [mention / mention about] his failure.

379.Follow this road, [or / and] you will get to the station.

380.She [lay / laid] in bed all night thinking about what he said.


Day 20 381.[Bringing / Brought] up in England, she speaks English very well.

382.One of his three brothers is dead, but [others / the others] are still alive.

383.She knew everything about our plans. She [must / should] have listened to our conversation.

384.When I [phone / will phone] Kate this evening, I’ll invite her to the party.

385.Mark doesn’t like his face [unless / because] his nose is too big.

386.I glanced at the man [seating / seated] next to me.

387.I demanded that he [pay / paid] the bill immediately.

388.Kicking your bad habits [help / helps] you solve your health problems.


389.With many students [chatted / chatting], it was diďŹƒcult to hear his words.

390.We looked everywhere but the thief was nowhere to [see / be seen].

391.You had better leave for home before it gets [dark / darkly].

392.I hear that Sue met a perfect guy and [getting / will get] married this fall.

393.This is [more / the most] terrible experience I have ever had.

394.People know that water [consists / is consisted] of hydrogen and oxygen.

395.His speech was that of a gentleman, but his manners are [these / those] of a brute.

396.My mother doesn’t like me to look [untidy / untidily].


397.I was surprised and [exciting / excited] to know that you finally got a job.

398.[Did I meet / Had I met] her, I would have given her your letter.

399.The farmer [rises / raises] orchids in his greenhouse.

400.“Would you like milk in your coffee?” “Yes, please. [Little / A little].


Day 21 401.She was surprised to find herself [electing / elected] president.

402.The doctor advised him to stop [to work / working] too much.

403.You can’t make people [learn / to learn] if they don’t want to.

404.[Though / Once] you pay the membership fee, it will never be paid back.

405.There [was / were] a large number of people in the park during the weekend.

406.Korea is now very different from [that / what] she was twenty years ago.

407.I have two friends: one is Tom, and [another / the other] is Jim

408.I have gotten my finger [caught / to catch] in the door.


409.The lyrics and melody of this song [go / goes] together well.

410.I enjoyed the book and [so / neither] did my wife.

411.His wife [has been / had been] ill in bed for eight years before she died.

412.He got upset and [rose / raised] his voice.

413.Last winter [it / there] was very cold and [it / there] was a lot of snow.

414.Tom got upset to see that the town got [flooded / flooding] overnight.

415.She was [serious / seriously] injured in the traffic accident.

416.417. He is a great leader [looking / looked] up to by many people.


417.[However / Whatever] happened, the gentle smile remained on her face.

418.She was ashamed of having [blamed / been blamed] in public by her teacher.

419.420. Why did you wash the shirt? It wasn’t dirty. You [can’t / needn’t] have washed it.

420.We played tennis until noon, [when / which] we had lunch.


Day 22 421.The difference between café latte and café au lait [is / are] hard to tell.

422.We’re going to [lie / lay] a new carpet in the bedroom.

423.Last night we enjoyed [to talk / talking] over our high school days.

424.The boy was [seating / seated] on his mother’s knee.

425.The wind was not so [strong / strongly] as to prevent us from sky-diving.

426.They seem to [have / have had] a good time when they were in Rome.

427.You can see the mountains [surrounding / surrounded] the town.

428.The important thing is [this / that]: you must do it yourself.


429.He is said to [deliver / be delivered] a speech here this Saturday.

430.All patients have to follow [his / their] doctor’s advice.

431.Happy is one who expects nothing, [for / though] he will never be disappointed.

432.When I knew the truth, I wished I [knew / had known] it beforehand.

433.Are you hungry? [Do you want / Are you wanting] something to eat?

434.Jane stood silently with tears [run / running] down her cheeks.

435.You can speak [free / freely] in front of the boss.

436.There is [little / a little] time for argument, I’m afraid.


437.[Many / More] guests have come than the gall can hold.

438.Five of ten competitors won prizes; [others / the others] got nothing.

439.I went to my teacher to ask what courses [I should take / should I take].

440.How can you carry the bag out of the house without anybody [knew / knowing] it?


Day 23 441.We [used to / was used to] swim every summer when we were children.

442.It was [so / such] nice weather that we decided to climb a mountain.

443.I’m sorry I didn’t take your advice. I [must / should] have done what you said.

444.My house is so small that I have [little / a little] furniture in it.

445.This computer translator will [go / have gone] out of date by 2010.

446.I have insomnia, so I [lie / lay] awake in bed night after night.

447.How about having your father [take / taken] our picture?

448.There are times when everyone feels a little [sad / sadly].


449.The event happened in the [later / latter] half of the 19th century.

450.He dropped his camera, but picked [it up / up it] at once.

451.He was so obstinate that he [should / would] not listen to my suggestions.

452.John lives in London, and so [do / are] their parents.

453.Not only [I heard / did I hear] about it, but also I saw it.

454.They look so [likely / alike] that I can’t tell which is which.

455.He wants to say something about the way [how / that] she spends money.

456.This ďŹ sh smells [bad / badly].


457.Jill wouldn’t be a good teacher, for she’s got [little / a little] patience.

458.“Where’s my suitcase?” “Oh, I forgot [to bring / bringing] it in.”

459.I love her all [more / the more] because of her obedience.

460.You [need / must] not go in, for the notice says “Keep off.”


Day 24 461.I will have him [get / to get] in touch with you tomorrow.

462.I went to buy the reference book you [have recommended / had recommended].

463.He [cannot / must] have arrived there yet because he left here just now.

464.I am delighted [to see / seeing] you, Mrs. Robinson.

465.Americans are materialistic, but not as [so / more] so than other people.

466.I work every [two / second] day: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

467.Many accidents [resulted / were resulted] from the icy conditions of the road.

468.Jamie cannot understand anything [writing / written] in English.


469.This is the second time that he [played / has played] Hamlet.

470.It was proposed that we [start / would start] at once.

471.You can have a party [while / since] we go on vacation.

472.They live in a busy road. [It / There] must be a lot of noise.

473.If you have any questions or [complaining / complaints], please let us know.

474.Have you ďŹ nished [reading / to read] such a thick book already?

475.Give it a try and see [if / that] you can do it alone.

476.That rock [resembles / resembles with] a man’s face in shape and size.


477.“Can you do the dishes for me?” “I don’t have time to do [it / them].”

478.I want you to explain [me / to me] why you couldn’t come yesterday.

479.Hardly [she had stopped / had she stopped] the diet when she began to put on weight.


주제별 어법문제 #1 문장구조: 접속사 vs. 전치사, 동사 vs. 준동사, 병렬구조, 수일치, 도치/어순 01~ 06 다음 네모에서 어법상 맞는 표현을 고르시오. 1.

[During / For] the past 25 years you have been a valued and respected employee of this company.


At some point [while / during] your job search you will question the source of all this negativity.


You can guess someone’s hobby is traveling by looking at his travel photos or [assuming / assume] that someone with a lot of CDs likes music.


Researchers conducted two tests where participants watched and evaluated either continuous or [interrupt / interrupted] versions of programs.


The walls on either side of the front window [is / are] lined with pictures from her father’s job.

6. Not only [we wasted / did we waste] precious time, but we really didn’t develop professionally, either.

07~12 다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 7. 8.

In the distance down the beach, she sees her son, Matt, slowly _________ towards the house. ① to come ② coming ③ comes The researchers are encouraging anybody who jogs, cycles, or power walks to limit the amount of water they drink _________ exercising.


① while ② during ③ for In the beginning of telephone conversations, voice as well as _________ plays important roles in identifying callers.

① verbalize ② verbal clues ③ verbally spoken

10. The second stage requires you to accept the other person’s apology for wrongdoing and _________to offer your trust and friendship again.

① determines ② determining ③ determine

11. The heat releases an aroma that attracts certain insects, which _________ into the flower to feed on nectar and pollen.

① flies ② flying ③ fly


12. The most common mistake made by amateur photographers _________ that they are not physically close enough to their subjects.

① is ② are ③ were

13~19 다음 네모에서 어법상 맞는 표현을 고르시오. 13. [Though / In spite of] we cannot dismiss Mr. Smith’s opinion completely, his argument is not persuasive. 14. You might also need to give up watching TV or [play / playing] computer games. 15. However, not all behavior depends on reward, such as determination to succeed or [desire / desired] to achieve. 16. However, some of the land in these parks [are / is] accessible only by foot. 17. What we perceive as color [are / is] not made up of color. 18. Thus special words [was / did become] useful substitutes for notches. 19. The firefly, or lightning bug, is not a fly, [nor it is / nor is it] a bug.

20~26 다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 20. Rain dances were ceremonial dances performed by native Americans _________ dry summer days and times of drought.

① while ② for ③ during

21. Not only does the ‘leaf fish’ look like a leaf, but _________ the movement of a drifting leaf underwater.

① it also imitates ② also its imitation ③ imitated

22. The vast majority of pay toilets _________ operated by city governments.

① have ② were ③ was

23. It is a thin, runny glue with special molecules which _________ anything it touches.

① harden ② hardens ③ hardening

24. Seth was in hysterics, and _________ the class.

① so was ② so did ③ was so

25. At present there _________ only a handful of street parking spaces near the library, but you would be lucky to find one free.

① are ② is ③ does

26. Only later in the century _________ crushed stones, clay, and gravel to build roads.

① workers used ② did workers use ③ were workers used


#2 부정사 & 동명사 01~06 다음 네모에서 어법상 맞는 표현을 고르시오. 1.

But isolation feels like [to be / being] in a room with no way out.


It is often difficult for girls [to receive / receiving] an education in poor countries.


The class sent 471 shoes [to be cut / to cut] into tiny rubber chips. The rubber chips covered new playgrounds.


They declined [to try / trying] the harder puzzles, choosing the one that guaranteed them good scores.


One afternoon, after she and I had finished [to shop / shopping] at a bookstore, I handed her toys, but she would not go out of the bookstore!


Developed nations have attempted [to reduce / reducing] poverty in developing countries by donating large sums of money to their governments.

07~12 다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 7. 8. 9.

We know now, more than ever, that trying __________ ourselves from every germ isn’t possible. ① protecting ② to protect ③ protect It became a habit of mine never to leave the house without __________ sure I had a pencil in my pocket. ① making ② make ③ to make The horse had stopped __________ since then, and finally died. The merchant dried the horse’s skin in the yard.

① eat ② to eat ③ eating

10. He slips and slips, falls down, has trouble __________ up, gets his skis crossed, tumbles again, and generally looks and feels like a fool.

① get ② to get ③ getting

11. Since we seem to enjoy __________ up excuses, I have a great idea.

① make ② making ③ to make

12. The French government was reluctant __________ the financial burden of developing national networks for television broadcasting.

① shoulder ② to shoulder ③ shouldering


13~18 다음 네모에서 어법상 맞는 표현을 고르시오. 13. Please allow me [offering / to offer] my best wishes for your future literary efforts. 14. Favorite dogs, used [to walk / walking] around the village at night, were now called indoors before sunset. 15. Sometimes the serving size on a package will be a lot less than you are used to [eat / eating] . 16. Roman doll-makers continued to [use / using] technology developed by the Egyptians and Greeks. 17. But many environmentalists say that [do / doing] their part for the environment doesn’t come with a price tag. 18. Schools have a duty [secures / to secure] their students’ safety, but they should not violate their privacy in the process.

19~25 다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 19. One is that you don’t mind __________ all the cleaning yourself.

① do ② to do ③ doing

20. It’s not that I had any particular plans for that pencil, but I didn’t want __________.

① being unprepared ② to be unprepared ③ unprepared

21. Nowadays, many young people seem to prefer __________ the Internet to reading books.

① surf ② surfing ③ to surf

22. Just as saying sorry matters, so does remembering __________ those who help you move forward.

① thank ② thanking ③ to thank

23. My friend Martin used to __________ about the city of Los Angeles, where he lived for three years studying in a college.

① complain ② complaining ③ complained

24. Several months passed before Larky was strong enough __________ exercising her wings.

① to begin ② beginning ③ began

25. The police report that the museum’s celebration of graffiti as art makes it difficult for them __________ people for street vandalism.

① arrests ② arresting ③ to arrest


#3 태, 분사, 분수구문 01~07 다음 네모에서 어법상 맞는 표현을 고르시오. 1.

He [was allowed / allowed] to stay up long enough to finish the book.


The vast majority of women made most articles [needed / needing] for the family.


Watching Uncle Fred [rowed / rowing] the boat so strongly and so easily along, Mike began to feel more and more jealous of him.


For years now, we have been troubled by air pollution [caused / causing] by uncontrolled industry.


Its modern use began in 1878 when it [was first blown / first blew down] by a referee during a sporting event.


Concentrating, [filling / filled] with expectation, he sped eagerly toward the goal.


[Expecting / Expected] the reflected images along the river that I remembered from my childhood, I was thrilled as I boarded the boat.

08~13 다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 8.

Yet this allows a person __________ inside to see out, providing some privacy even when windows and doors are open.


① sat ② seated ③ seats __________ in an office or studio, these people cut the film down to about two hours.

① Worked ② To work ③Working

10. In America a numerical system __________ a scale of 1 to 70 has been introduced, in which 1 is the lowest grade possible and 70 is perfect.

① based on ② base on ③ basing on

11. __________ what was causing the odd behavior, the father asked his daughter if she knew anything about it.

① Wonder ② Wondered ③ Wondering

12. The total number of cows in the country and the city combined was the largest, __________ by cats and horses.

① follows ② followed ③ following

13. __________ among the beautiful hills of the Deccan, Pune lies some 457 meters above sea level.

① Locate ② Locating ③ Located


14~19 다음 네모에서 어법상 맞는 표현을 고르시오. 14. But their income [limited / was limited] since they can start the showings only at 15. twilight. 16. It has evolved from pipes [using / used] in ancient Greece and Rome to keep the 17. stroke of galley slaves. 18. One doll, [finding / found] near Prati in Rome, was made of ivory and lay beside her 19. owner who had died at the age of eighteen. 20. At the age of twenty, Julio Iglesias had a car accident which left him [disabling / disabled] from the waist down. 21. When [drawing / drawn] human figures, children often make the head too large for the rest of the body. 22. [Inviting / Invited] to a dinner party, we feel under pressure to invite our hosts to one of ours.

20~25 다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 23. __________ August 1st, 2005, you will closely follow the activities of the International Monetary Fund(IMF).

① Start ② Starting ③ Started

24. Klein is famous for a series of public performances __________ “Living Brush”.

① named ② names ③ naming

25. He only saw his dad once, across the crowded cafeteria, __________ on a push broom by the main doorway.

① leans ② leaning ③ leaned

26. This vast and beautiful European mountain chain __________ by the very tourists it attracts.

① destroyed ② is destroying ③ is being destroyed

27. As people age, the body starts to reabsorb calcium from the bones, __________ to loss of bone mass.

① leads ② leading ③ led

28. Roger Bacon’s date and place of birth are unknown but he is thought __________ from a relatively wealthy family.

① to come ② to be come ③ to have come


#4 시제, 조동사, 대명사, 관계사 01~06 다음 네모에서 어법상 맞는 표현을 고르시오. 1.

The tree must live on the water for months until its roots [touch / will touch] ground water.


While I [have sat / was sitting] on the horse, it started running.


For example, a study recommends that babies [are / be] moved into their own room by three months of age.


If you want to be a mathematician, you [had better / used to] expose your new ideas to the criticism of others.


No one knows how many had the same warning and ignored it, going to a death they [should have avoided / could have avoided].


“Foolish man!”, he said. “You [should trust / should have trusted] your feet and have tried the shoes on in the store!”

07~12 다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 7. 8. 9.

Two million years ago the expansion of the human brain _____________ energy-rich food. ① require ② required ③ has required At around 10:30 p.m. last night, a fire _____________ in a house at 413 Wilshire Boulevard. ① broke out ② breaks out ③ have broken out A song helped the colonists win their freedom from the British. Armies _____________ music for thousands of years.

① are using ② have been using ③ were used

10. The doctor suggested that the amount of fat I eat _____________ no larger than the tip of my thumb.

① is ② was ③ be

11. This is due to the large amount of convenience foods that _____________ be found in supermarkets.

① have to ② can ③ must

12. “Many students don’t realize that I am the same man who _____________ sweep the floors in this school,” he said.

① should ② could ③ used to


13~19 다음 네모에서 어법상 맞는 표현을 고르시오. 13. What if you cannot afford a home computer and your only choice is to use [it / one] at the library? 14. The book provided information about dental problems for [another / other] dentists to use. 15. The operating margin of 2007 was not as high as [those / that] of 1999. 16. But the part-time jobs can give teens the chance to learn [that / what] they like and don’t like about certain types of jobs. 17. In the mini-pool, no matter [what / how] hard one swims, the person goes nowhere. 18. After dinner my father leaned back and belched loudly, [that / which] astonished our guests. 19. If cars have mapping systems, which also use microprocessors, the systems show [which / where] they are going and the best way to get to a place.

20~25 다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 20. _____________ of the former agencies had its own board, a separate staff, and long-standing regional ties.

① Some ② Every ③ Each

21. They select the words that are gaining popularity and make definitions for _____________.

① it ② themselves ③ them

22. The percentage growth of Q2-2005 is twice as much as _____________ Q4-2004.

① that of ② them ③ those of

23. In order to generate enough electricity from solar electric panels on the tops of _____________ wings, the craft will need a wingspan of 80 meters.

① it ② their ③ its

24. He found that the people who are less happy are those with desires that are much higher than _____________ they already had.

① how ② what ③ that

25. When light waves enter the eye of an observer, they set off a chain of neurochemical events, the end product of _____________ is an internal mental image that we call color.

① which ② them ③ that


#5 비교, 가정법 01~06 다음 네모에서 어법상 맞는 표현을 고르시오. 1.

The video art may not be as [worse / bad] as you think.


Today, people worldwide have greater access [as / than] ever before to a huge variety of products.


Once this is done, you are given a bandage to stop [farther / further] blood flow and are normally allowed to leave.


The more contact a group has with another group, the [most likely / more likely] it is that objects or ideas will be exchanged.


There was a peculiar floating sensation coming over him, as though he [was / were] floating up in the air like a balloon.


Also, without the pollination done by insects, fruits [will become / would become] rare and expensive, so you could taste them only on birthdays.

다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 7. 8. 9.

If you do extreme sports often, you will have _______ stress and more confidence about yourself. ① more ② little ③ less In 1980 the consumption of Oil is far more than twice _______ that of Natural Gas. ① as more as ② as much as ③ more much _______ you know an opera, the more you will be challenged by the ideas of new singers, conductors, directors, and designers.

① The better ② The most ③ The best

10. If more money _______ spent on teachers, we would see improvements in the quality of education.

① were ② is ③ was

11. But I wish I _______ it because now we have too much to do.

① accepted ② hadn’t accepted ③ haven’t accepted

12. Without it, the dramatic growth of the artistic, cultural and other creative industries _______ impossible.

① would have been ② had been ③ wasn’t


13~19 다음 네모에서 어법상 맞는 표현을 고르시오. 13. One keyboard contained 150 times more bacteria [to / than] health official says is safe. 14. Families that avoid conflict by ignoring unpleasant subjects or situations are weaker, not [strong / stronger], for it. 15. Not surprisingly, kings ensured that they presented themselves as [impressive / impressively] as possible, with all the glory of their dignity and power. 16. You [were / would be] treating your body with more consideration if you had several small meals instead of a single big one. 17. But if I [told / had told] you that, you might have panicked and none of us would have made it. 18. If the products didn’t work, surely the company [would go / would have gone] out of business long ago. 19. We might even say that, without confrontation with negative events, they [are not / would not be] where they are today.

20~25 다음 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 20. A few minutes _______ I was racing towards Union Station in a cab. ① later ② late ③ latest 21. The better educated you are, the _______ the likelihood you’ll maintain high cognitive functioning. ① great ② greater ③ greatest 22. By the age of one and a half, Matilda knew as_______ words as most grown-ups. ① more ② much ③ many 23. If this journey_______ place a week earlier, all this would have pleased my eyes. ① takes ② took ③ had taken 24. When he saw his face reflected in the polished glass, he scarcely recognized it; it seemed to him as though he _______ himself. ① hasn’t seen ② had never seen ③ doesn’t see 25. If the road hadn’t been so narrow, she_______ back. ① turned ② might turn ③ might have turned


기출 실전 어법*어휘 모의고사 1회 01 2012/수능(홀) 20 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] On January 10, 1992, a ship (A) [traveled / traveling] through rough seas lost 12 cargo containers, one of which held 28,800 floating bath toys. Brightly colored ducks, frogs, and turtles were set adrift in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. After seven months, the first toys made landfall on beaches near Sitka, Alaska, 3,540 kilometers from (B) [what / where] they were lost. Other toys floated north and west along the Alaskan coast and across the Bering Sea. Some toy animals stayed at sea (C) [even / very] longer. They floated completely along the North Pacific currents, ending up back in Sitka. (A) (B) (C) ① traveled …… what …… even ② traveled …… what …… very ③ traveling …… what …… even ④ traveling …… where …… even ⑤ traveling …… where …… very

02 고2 2014(11월)/교육청 27 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] An ambiguous term is one which has more than a single meaning and ① whose context does not clearly indicate which meaning is intended. For instance, a sign posted at a fork in a trail which ② reads “Bear To The Right” can be understood in two ways. The more probable meaning is that it is instructing hikers to take the right trail, not the left. But let us ③ say that the ranger who painted the sign meant to say just the opposite. He was trying to warn hikers against taking the right trail because there is a bear in the area through which it passes. The ranger’s language was therefore careless, and open to misinterpretation ④ what could have serious consequences. The only way to avoid ambiguity is to spell things out as ⑤ explicitly as possible: “Keep left. Do not use trail to the right. Bears in the area.”


032014(7월)/교육청(B) 28 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [2점] The decline in manufacturing will inevitably bring about a new protectionism. The first reaction to a period of turbulence is to try to build a wall that ① shields one’s own garden from the cold winds outside. But such walls no longer protect businesses that do not meet world standards. It will only make them more ② prosperous. The best example is Mexico, which had a deliberate policy of building its domestic economy ③ independent of the outside world. It did this not only by building high walls of protectionism to keep foreign competition out, but by practically forbidding its own companies to export. This attempt to create a purely Mexican economy ④ failed. Mexico actually became increasingly dependent on imports from other countries. It was finally ⑤ obliged to open itself to the outside world.

04 2011(4월)/교육청 40 (A)~(C)에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말을 바르게 짝지은 것은? [2점] Many contagious diseases spread through carriers such as birds and mosquitoes. These carriers move with heat and rainfall. With this in mind, researchers have begun to use satellite data to (A) [observe / preserve] the environmental conditions that lead to disease. “We could predict conditions that would result in the (B) [appearance / disappearance] of cholera, malaria, and even avian flu,” says an expert. The domestic duck, a common bird of Southeast Asia, is one of the main carriers of the H5N1 avian influenza. Scientists use satellite images to map agricultural patterns in the region. These maps show where the number of the ducks is most likely to (C) [decrease / increase] and thus where the avian influenza is most likely to spread. (A) (B) (C) ① observe …… appearance …… decrease ② observe …… disappearance …… increase ③ observe …… appearance …… increase ④ preserve …… disappearance …… decrease ⑤ preserve …… appearance …… increase


2회 01 고2 2010(3월)/교육청 21 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] Aging is a result of the gradual failure of the body’s cells and organs to replace and repair (A) [them/ themselves]. This is because there is a limit to the number of times that each cell can divide. As the body’s cells begin to near this limit, the rate at which they divide slows down. Sometimes the new cells that are produced have defects or do not carry out their usual task (B) [effective/effectively]. Organs can then begin to fail, tissues change in structure, and the chemical reactions that power the body (C) [become/becoming] less efficient. Sometimes the blood supply to the brain is not effective. The brain cells become short of oxygen and nutrients, leading to forgetfulness. (A) (B)


① them… effective… become ② themselves… effectively… become ③ them… effectively… become ④ themselves… effectively… becoming ⑤ themselves… effective… becoming

02 2012(9월)/평가원 21 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은? [2점] Fieldwork is the hallmark of cultural anthropology. It is the way we explore and learn about the vast ① detailed intricacy of human culture and individual behavior. And it is, importantly, the way ② in which most cultural anthropologists earn and maintain their professional standing. Some of the early personal accounts of anthropologists in the field make fieldwork ③ sound exciting, adventuresome, certainly exotic, sometimes easy. Malinowski, the classic anthropological fieldworker, describes the early stages of fieldwork as ‘strange, sometimes unpleasant, sometimes intensely interesting adventure which soon ④ adopts quite a natural course.’ He goes on to describe his daily routine of strolling through the village ⑤ observed the intimate details of family life, and as he tells it, such observations seem possible and accessible.


03 2014(9월)/평가원(B) 28 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [2점] Occasionally, there are children who have trouble understanding that their clothing choice is inappropriate or even unhealthy. Some children ① follow the suggestion that sandals may not be the best option for a snowy day. For those kids, ② experience may be the best teacher. For example, when Lydia was eight years old, she insisted on wearing her favorite sandals to school despite ③ warnings that the sidewalks were covered in snow and slush. Her mom ④ worried that she would arrive at school with cold, wet feet, but Lydia would not change her mind. Of course, her mother was right. While Lydia did have some very uncomfortable toes because they became soaked and frozen on her way to and from school, she learned that sometimes fashion isn’t ⑤ worth the price of serious discomfort.

04 2011(10월)/교육청 31 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? (2점) The food receiving area should be kept extremely clean, since you do not want to contaminate incoming food. A clean receiving area makes it easier to (A) [detect / present] this type of problem. The area should be well lit and properly ventilated. Excessive heat in the receiving area can quickly damage delivered goods, especially if they are either refrigerated or frozen products. Too little light may cause product defects to go (B) [noticed / unnoticed]; therefore, the receiving area should be well lit. In colder climates, it is important that the receiving area be warm enough to allow the receiving clerk to carefully inspect products. The outside dock area in winter, if the temperature is below freezing, is no place for an employee to conduct a (C) [superficial / thorough] inspection of incoming products!

(A) (B) (C) ① detect― noticed― superficial ② detect― unnoticed― thorough ③ detect― unnoticed― superficial ④ present― unnoticed― thorough ⑤ present― noticed― superficial


3회 01 2012(6월)/평가원 20 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? When induced to give spoken or written witness to something they doubt, people will often feel bad about their deceit. Nevertheless, they begin to believe (A) [what / that] they are saying. When there is no compelling external explanation for one’s words, saying becomes believing. Tory Higgins and his colleagues had university students read a personality description of someone and then (B) [summarize / summarized] it for someone else who was believed either to like or to dislike this person. The students wrote a more positive description when the recipient liked the person. Having said positive things, they also then liked the person more themselves. (C) [Asked / Asking] to recall what they had read, they remembered the description as being more positive than it was. In short, it seems that we are prone to adjust our messages to our listeners, and, having done so, to believe the altered message. (A) (B) (C) ① what …… summarize …… Asked ② what …… summarize …… Asking ③ what …… summarized …… Asked ④ that …… summarized …… Asking ⑤ that …… summarized …… Asked

02 고2 2012(11월)/교육청 20 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] While we don’t all have the same amount of money, we do have access to the same twenty four hours in every day. Though some people have ①much less free time than others, nearly everyone has some opportunity to give. The gift of time can sometimes be more ②satisfied and more valuable than money. You can see this by watching those who have volunteered at homeless shelters or ③brought meals on wheels to seniors. If you are willing to volunteer, there are many organizations and projects ④that will be glad to welcome you. ⑤Whatever you do, it will almost certainly be educational, enjoyable, and rewarding.


03 2011/수능(홀) 32 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? (2점) Many people take numerous photos while traveling or on vacation or during significant life celebrations to ① preserve the experience for the future. But the role of photographer may actually detract from their ② delight in the present moment. I know a father who devoted himself earnestly to photographing the birth of his first and only child. The photos were beautiful but, he ③ lamented afterward he felt that he had missed out on the most important first moment of his son’s life. Looking through the camera lens made him ④ detached from the scene. He was just an observer, not an experiencer. Teach yourself to use your camera in a way that ⑤ neglects your ongoing experiences, by truly looking at things and noticing what is beautiful and meaningful.

04 2010(6월)/평가원 28 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] A blind spot is not the same as a simple lack of knowledge. A blind spot emerges from a (A) ___________ to learning in a particular area. At the root of many of our blind spots are a number of emotions or attitudes ― fear being the most obvious, but also pride, self-satisfaction, and anxiety. A manager, for example, might have unsurpassed knowledge in the financial field, but her understanding of people management might be (B) ___________. Her people find her cold and aloof and want her to become more consultative and involved with the team. She, however, is not willing to accept feedback about her management style and refuses to even consider the (C) __________ of changing her management style. *aloof: 냉담한 (A) (B) (C) ① resistance- limited- prospect ② resistance- flooded- retrospect ③ resistance- limited- retrospect ④ connection- flooded - prospect ⑤ connection- limited- retrospect


4회 01 고2 2013(3월)/교육청 25 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것 은? [3점] (A) [Although / Despite] various state-law bans and nationwide campaigns to prevent texting from behind the wheel, the number of people texting while driving is actually on the rise, a new study suggests. According to the Traffic Safety Administration(TSA), the percentage of drivers who send texts and use mobile devices while on the road (B) [have / has] jumped from 0.6% in 2009 to 0.9% in 2010. The news comes as automakers and lawmakers try to bring more awareness to the dangers of distracted driving. In fact, the Safety Board is working to make cellphone use from talking hands-free to texting (C) [illegal / illegally] in all states. The TSA said that drivers using mobile devices in any situation are four times more likely to have an accident and injure themselves or others. (A) (B) (C) ① Although —have —illegally ② Although —has —illegal ③ Despite —have —illegal ④ Despite —has —illegally ⑤ Despite —has —illegal

02 2015(10월)/교육청 25 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] In most wilderness, the majority of groups ① visiting the area are small ― usually between two and four people. But large groups do visit wilderness, and their potential to disturb campsites differs from ② that of small groups. Although the effect of party size on campsites has never been formally studied, it makes sense that a large group can cause impacts on an undisturbed site more ③ rapidly than a small group. For example, along the New River in West Virginia, the area of vegetation loss on sites used by large commercial rafting companies ④ were more than four times larger than the area on sites used by small groups of fishermen. At well-established campsites, however, a big group need not be a problem, as long as activities are ⑤ confined within the boundaries of the existing site.


03 2013(3월)/교육청 32 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? (2점) Girls usually agreed that wearing a uniform to school every day ①reduced their daily stresses. Not having to worry about what to wear meant one less decision to make every morning. Many of them also felt that the uniform ②enhanced school spirit and solidarity. They could feel like they belong to a community. Moreover, the uniforms ③eliminated their individuality. If you want to know a thousand and one ways to ④modify a school uniform, just ask the girls who wear it: ties can be worn loosely or tight, and skirts can be raised or lowered in any of a half-dozen ways. Then there are accessories—a gray region in the dress code, but an entire subcontinent in the world of women’s apparel. There are a million ⑤options in the domain of hairpins, watches, and bags alone.

04 2011/수능(홀) 31 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? (2점) Contrary to what we usually believe, the best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times ― although such experiences can also be enjoyable, if we have worked hard to (A) [attain / avoid] them. The best moments usually occur when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile. (B) [Optimal / Minimal] experience is thus something that we make happen. For a child, it could be placing with trembling fingers the last block on a tower she has built, higher than any she has built so far; for a sprinter, it could be trying to beat his own record; for a violinist, mastering an (C) [uncomplicated / intricate] musical passage. For each person there are thousands of opportunities, challenges to expand ourselves.

(A) (B) (C) ① attain ― Minimal ― uncomplicated ② attain ― Optimal ― intricate ③ attain ― Optimal ― uncomplicated ④ avoid ― Optimal ― intricate ⑤ avoid ― Minimal ― uncomplicated


5회 01 2013(9월)/평가원 20 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? (2점) Remember what it was like to report on a daily deadline for the first time? Or to interview a city official for the first time? Or to begin to maneuver a desktop publishing program? We know that the journalism program at our college was a source of (A) [many / much] of these firsts for you. We’re still providing these important first experiences to budding young writers and editors. And we’re hoping you’ll be willing to help these students make it through the program. As you know, the costs of providing first-rate education just keep going up. We’ve done everything we can (B) [contain / to contain] costs without compromising quality. One of those things is to set up a scholarship fund for students with special financial needs. We hope you would consider contributing generously to our fund. You’ll get a great feeling (C) [known / knowing] you’re helping support the formation of future leaders in the profession.

(A) (B) (C) ① many …… contain …… known ② many …… contain …… knowing ③ many …… to contain …… knowing ④ much …… contain …… knowing ⑤ much …… to contain …… known

02 2014(10월)/교육청(A) 27 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] Don’t be afraid to move around and try different things, ① however old you are. The most important thing you want to find out is who you are and what capabilities you have. Give yourself a time limit to dig into yourself and find out ② what you need. In this period, there is no way around it, so you have to be a risk taker. If you don’t take any risks, you don’t get any sweetness out of life. And the truth of the matter is that the sweetness in life ③ comes with the risk. I’ve lived my life ④ taking risks and I wish I could tell you they were all successful, but they weren’t. But you want to know something? I learned more from my failures than I ⑤ was from my successes.


03 2012(6월)/평가원 33 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? (2점) According to Cambodian legends, lions once roamed the countryside attacking villagers and their precious buffalo, and long before the great Khmer Empire began in the 9th century, farmers developed a fierce martial art to defend themselves against the ① predator. These techniques became bokator. Meaning ‘to fight a lion,’ bokator is a martial art ② depicted on the walls of Angkor Wat. There are 10,000 moves to master, ③ mimicking animals such as monkeys, elephants and even ducks. King Jayavarman VII, the warrior king who united Cambodia in the 12th century, made his army train in bokator, turning it into a ④ fearsome fighting force. Despite its long tradition in Cambodia, bokator ⑤ flourished when the Khmer Rouge took power in 1975 and executed most of the discipline’ masters over the next four years.

04 2011(9월) / 평가원 31 (A), (B), (C)의 각 밑줄에 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] When it comes to food choices, young people are particularly (A) ________ to peer influences. A teenage girl may eat nothing but a lettuce salad for lunch, even though she will become hungry later, because that is what her friends are eating. A slim boy who hopes to make the wrestling team may routinely overload his plate with foods that are (B) ________ in carbohydrates and proteins to ‘bulk up’ like the wrestlers of his school. An overweight teen may eat (C) ________ while around his friends but then devour huge portions when alone. Few young people are completely free of food-related pressures from peers, whether or not these pressures are imposed intentionally. * carbohydrate: 탄수화물 (A) (B) (C) ① vulnerable …… dense …… greedily ② vulnerable …… dense …… moderately ③ vulnerable …… deficient …… greedily ④ immune …… deficient …… moderately ⑤ immune …… dense …… greedily


6회 01 고2 2011(6월)/교육청 21 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] We spend an excessive amount of time browsing the Web every day. As a company’s executive put it, “Many users probably spend more time on the Internet than they (A) [do / are] in their cars.” Yet many of us barely notice what browser we’re using. We tend to hold on to whatever comes loaded on our computer, as long as it allows us to check our email and do a little shopping. We live and work within a browser, and it doesn’t matter (B) [whichever / however] browser it may be. As long as it gets the job done, it will be right. But for the companies (C) [concerning / concerned] , things are different. They are trying every effort to come up with the best browser with security and stability. (A) (B) (C) ① do … however … concerning ② do … whichever … concerned ③ do … whichever … concerning ④ are … however … concerned ⑤ are … however … concerning

02 2014(3월)/교육청(B) 27 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] The ‘Merton Rule’ was devised in 2003 by Adrian Hewitt, a local planning officer in Merton, southwest London. The rule, which Hewitt created with a couple of colleagues and persuaded the borough council to pass, ① was that any development beyond a small scale would have to include the capacity to generate ten percent of that building’s energy requirements, or the developers would be denied permission ② to build. The rule sounded sensible and quickly caught on, with over a hundred other local councils ③ followed it within a few years. In London, the mayor at the time, Ken Livingstone, introduced ‘Merton Plus,’ which raised the bar to twenty percent. The national government then introduced the rule more ④ widely. Adrian Hewitt became a celebrity in the small world of local council planning, and Merton council started winning awards for ⑤ its environmental leadership. * raise the bar: 기준을 높이다


03 2013(6월)/평가원 32 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [2점] Organic food production is growing by leaps and bounds. Many consumers are willing to pay premium prices for organic foods, convinced that they are helping the earth and eating healthier. Some experts say, however, that organic farming has some ① drawbacks. One of the most frequent criticisms is that the crop yields of organic farms are much ② lower than those of traditional farms. That’s because organic fields suffer more from weeds and insects than ③ conventional fields. Another argument often offered by experts is that organic farming can supply food for niche markets of ④ wealthy consumers but cannot feed billions of hungry people around the globe. Only the careful use of chemical inputs, not the costly organic methods, can help ⑤ reduce food production significantly in the countries facing hunger. * niche market: 틈새시장

04 2011(7월) / 교육청 31 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] In a super-size oriented age, we believe everything we own should become bigger and bigger. But this (A) [impatience / obsession] with gigantism has dwarfed even our sense of self. With a rising tide of materialism, it’s no longer about what we have, but about how much we can stuff into ourselves. An inflationary ideology that (B) [pursues / compromises] quality for quantity can be traced back to Hollywood and celebrity. They promote a culture of excess, which the majority of star gazers flock to follow. Yet an undercurrent movement referred to as “small living” is creating waves against (C) [wasteful watchful] consumption. An increasing number of global citizens are realizing that bigger is not better, and that more shouldn’t necessarily be obtainable. (A) (B) (C) ① impatience … pursues… wasteful ② impatience … pursues … watchful ③ impatience … compromises … watchful ④ obsession… compromises … watchful ⑤ obsession … compromises … wasteful


7회 012014/수능(A) 27 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] I hope you remember our discussion last Monday about the servicing of the washing machine ① supplied to us three months ago. I regret to say the machine is no longer working. As we agreed during the meeting, please send a service engineer as soon as possible to repair it. The product warranty says ② that you provide spare parts and materials for free, but charge for the engineer’s labor. This sounds ③ unfair. I believe the machine’s failure is caused by a manufacturing defect. Initially, it made a lot of noise, and later, it stopped ④ to operate entirely. As it is wholly the company’s responsibility to correct the defect, I hope you will not make us ⑤ pay for the labor component of its repair.

02 2012(7월)/교육청 21 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점] Greg Marshall works as a marine biologist for National Geographic. In 1986, he invented the Crittercam which is a small video camera that is fitted onto a wild animal. The animal eventually gets accustomed to carrying around the camera. (A) [How/What] did he come up with the idea? Greg said he got the idea when he saw a remora fish hitching a ride on a shark. The remoras get a free ride through the water from the host animal. Greg Marshall said he thought it would be (B) [interesting/interestingly] to see the shark’s life through the eyes of the remora. In that moment he realized that he could attach a video camera to a shark or other animals. According to Greg, learning more about animals with Crittercams (C) [help/helps] people understand, and want to protect animals and their habitats. *remora 빨판상어 (A) (B) (C) ① how … interesting… helps ② how … interestingly … helps ③ how … interesting … help ④ what … interestingly… help ⑤ what … interesting … help 99/106

03 2012(3월)/교육청 32 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? (2점) We tend to think of the skin as a separate organ―just a ①wrapping of our more delicate inner parts. But the skin is connected to every system in the body―from your circular and digestive systems to your immune and nervous systems. All must work ②interactively for total body health. Both heart and skin, for example, rely on veins. This helps explain why, when you get angry, your heart beats faster and your face ③reddens. This interconnectedness between the skin and the internal body is largely forgotten by people who see skin as a ④connected entity. It’s a two-way street. When we damage the skin, we damage our insides. Similarly, what we experience inside our bodies could have ⑤indications on the outside.

04 2014/수능(A) 28 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점] As we all know, it is not always easy to get work done at the office. There is (A) [frequently / rarely] quiet time during regular business hours to sit and concentrate. Office workers are regularly interrupted by ringing phones, impromptu meetings, and chattering coworkers. This can be as frustrating for an employee as it is for the employer who is paying for this nonproductive work time. Working at home can free you from these (B) [attractions / distractions] , giving you long blocks of time to focus on your work. Although your home may present its own problems, too, there are ways to deal with them. Your productivity will certainly (C) [decrease / increase] , as will the quality of your work product. At the same time, you will get to enjoy the personal satisfaction of focusing on your work and getting it done. * impromptu: 즉석의 (A) (B) (C) ① frequently—distractions—decrease ② frequently—attractions—increase ③ rarely—distractions—increase ④ rarely—attractions—decrease ⑤ rarely—distractions—decrease


8회 01 고2 2013(9월)/교육청(B) 24 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] As globalization marches forward, the world gets smaller and smaller and collaboration technology gets better and better. Yet only a handful of these advancements like international conference calls, IP phones, and video chats ①allowing people to speak rather than to write. Now, more information is exchanged via text than ever before, making it ②extremely important that you can communicate effectively in writing. If you plan on participating in this knowledge economy, ③which grows more and more important with each passing day, you will need to learn how to write fairly well. You don’t have to be Shakespeare, but you do need to know how to express ④yourself properly in written form. This is because not only ⑤is writing an important academic skill, but it is also an important skill that translates into any career field.

02 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? (2점) In many countries, amongst younger people, the habit of reading newspapers has been on the decline and some of the dollars previously (A) [spent / were spent] on newspaper advertising have migrated to the Internet. Of course some of this decline in newspaper reading has been due to the fact that we are doing more of our newspaper reading online. We can read the news of the day, or the latest on business, entertainment or (B) [however / whatever] news on the websites of the New York Times, the Guardian or almost any other major newspaper in the world. Increasingly, we can access these stories wirelessly by mobile devices as well as our computers. Advertising dollars have simply been (C) [followed / following] the migration trail across to these new technologies.




① spent …… however …… followed ② spent …… whatever …… following ③ were spent …… however …… following ④ were spent …… whatever …… followed ⑤ were spent …… whatever …… following


03 2014(4월)/교육청(B) 28 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [2점] Pay is most carefully considered when a person is applying for a job and considering an offer. In general, people ① accept offers where the monetary compensation is near the amount that they were hoping for. Over time, employees often expect to receive raises and/or bonuses, but these factors are not just about ② money. Employees want to be compensated fairly for their work. If they are taking on a heavier workload with more difficult projects, it is likely they would expect ③ inadequate compensation for their efforts. Part of this compensation could be monetary, but often times ④ recognition is just as important. People love to hear they have done a good job. A ⑤ promotion that includes a title change can be just as meaningful, if not more meaningful than an increase in salary.

04 2015(10월)/교육청 28 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? In “The Frog Prince” story, a princess loses her favorite ball in a pond. However, a frog appears and promises to retrieve her ball if she lets him eat at her table, drink from her cup, and sleep in her bed. (A) [Desperate / Unwilling] to have her ball back, the princess agrees, but when the frog appears at her door the next day she is disgusted by the prospect of being truthful and fulfilling her promise. But her father, the king, gives her no choice and she is (B) [compelled / forbidden] to carry out her promise. When the promise has been fulfilled the frog disappears, its place being taken by a handsome prince with whom she falls in love. Grateful that she has been truthful and kept her promise, even if it was at her father’s (C) [indifference / insistence] , the prince marries the princess and they live happily ever after. (A) (B) (C) ① Desperate ― compelled ― indifference ② Desperate ― compelled ― insistence ③ Desperate ― forbidden ― indifference ④ Unwilling ― compelled ― indifference ⑤ Unwilling ― forbidden ― insistence


9회 01 2013(4월)/교육청 20 (A)~(C)에서 어법에 맞는 표현을 바르게 짝지은 것은? (2점) Double Dutch is a style of jumping rope in which there are two participants turning two ropes while either one or two participants jump through the ropes. Double Dutch is a dynamic form of jumping rope that kids really love. In addition to its (A) [is/being] a beneficial cardiovascular exercise, Double Dutch also improves coordination and quickness. Furthermore, because it requires three to four participants working closely together, it is also great for (B) [development/developing] cooperative skills among children. At the most advanced levels, Double Dutch is also being done as an extreme competition sport (C) [where/which] groups of kids are doing high-energy dancing routines that are truly amazing. *cardiovascular: 심장 혈관의 (A) (B)


① is ― development ― where ② is ― developing ― which ③ being ― development ― which ④ being ― developing ― which ⑤ being― developing ― where

02 2015(3월)/교육청 25 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] I remember one of the smartest I.T. executives ①for whom I ever worked strongly resisting the movement to measure programmer productivity that was popular at the time. He was fond of saying that the biggest problem with managing computer programmers is that you can never tell ②whether they are working by looking at them. Picture two programmers working side by side. One is leaning back in his chair with his eyes ③closed and his feet on the desk. The other is working hard, typing code into his computer. The one with his feet up could be thinking, and the other one may be too busy typing ④to give it enough thought. In the end, the busy typist could well produce ten times as many lines of code as the thinker, which contain twice as many new problems as the thinker’s. Unfortunately, most of the productivity measurement schemes I have encountered ⑤measuring effort or apparent activity. They would reward him and punish his thoughtful neighbor.


03 2015(7월)/교육청 25 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [3점] Whether an animal can feel anything resembling the loneliness humans feel is hard to say. However, highly social animals, such as certain types of parrot, seem to be ① adversely affected when kept alone. Some parrots will engage in bizarre behaviors and can severely harm themselves. Some large parrots will even seem to go insane if subjected to long periods of ② isolation. On the other hand, certain animals that are by nature ③ solitary hardly appear to be affected at all. Some fish, in particular some types of cichlids, will even ④ fight viciously with their own kind if more than one is kept in an aquarium. Guam rails, a kind of flightless bird, are ⑤ tolerant of their own kind, which has obviously made breeding them in captivity very difficult.

04 2012(3월)/교육청 31 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] It is the elderly who often suffer the most as temperatures drop. Physiologically, their blood vessels are more liable to (A) [contract/expand] and their blood pressure rises. Financially, they are less likely to turn up the heating and more likely to use public transport. Socially, they may have fewer people around them to (B) [identify/intensify] their problems. One of the effects of aging is that your body is less able to regulate its temperature, so you become less able to judge if you are warm or cold. Failing to keep adequately warm can (C) [adapt / expose] older people to the threat of cold-related illnesses, which contribute to thousands of excess winter deaths each year. (A) (B) (C) ① contract --- identify --- adapt ② contract --- intensify --- expose ③ contract --- identify --- expose ④ expand --- intensify --- adapt ⑤ expand --- identify --- adapt


10회 01 2010/수능(홀) 21 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은? (2점) While awaiting the birth of a new baby, North American parents typically furnish a room as the infant’'s sleeping quarters. For decades, child-rearing advice from experts has (A) [encouraged / been encouraged] the nighttime separation of baby from parent. For example, a study recommends that babies be moved into their own room by three months of age. “"By six months a child (B) [who / whom] regularly sleeps in her parents’' room is likely to become dependent on this arrangement,”" reports the study. Yet parent-infant ‘co-sleeping’ is the norm for approximately 90 percent of the world’'s population. Cultures as (C) [diverse / diversely] as the Japanese, the Guatemalan Maya, and the Inuit of Northwestern Canada practice it. (A) (B) (C) ① encouraged-who -diverse ② encouraged -whom -diversely ③ encouraged-who -diversely ④ been encouraged-who -diverse ⑤ been encouraged- whom -diverse

02 2015(6월)/평가원 27 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3점] In the twentieth century, advances in technology, from refrigeration to sophisticated ovens to air transportation ① that carries fresh ingredients around the world, contributed immeasurably to baking and pastry making. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the popularity of fine breads and pastries ② are growing even faster than new chefs can be trained. Interestingly enough, many of the technological advances in bread making have sparked a reaction among bakers and consumers ③ alike. They are looking to reclaim some of the flavors of old-fashioned breads that ④ were lost as baking became more industrialized and baked goods became more refined, standardized, and ― some would say ― flavorless. Bakers are researching methods for ⑤ producing the handmade sourdough breads of the past, and they are experimenting with specialty flours in their search for flavor.


03 2013(9월)/평가원 31 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [2점] Over the course of the past forty years, no country on earth has cut its alcohol consumption more than France. While consumption of beer and spirits has stayed basically steady in France, the per capita consumption of alcohol from wine ① fell from 20 liters in 1962 to about 8 in 2001. One reason for the dwindling wine consumption is the ② acceleration of the French meal. In 1978, the average French meal lasted 82 minutes. ③ Plenty of time for half a bottle, if not a whole bottle. Today, the average French meal has been slashed down to 38 minutes. Wine is a ④ victim of the disappearance of the leisurely meal. It is not the target of the change, but the decline in wine consumption is a ⑤ cause of the emergence of the faster, more modern, on-the-go lifestyle. * spirits: 독한 술

04 2012/수능(홀) 33 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2점] Even those of us who claim not to be materialistic can’t help but form attachments to certain clothes. Like fragments from old songs, clothes can (A) [evoke / erase] both cherished and painful memories. A worn-thin dress may hang in the back of a closet even though it hasn’t been worn in years because the faint scent of pine that lingers on it is all that remains of someone’s sixteenth summer. A(n) (B) [impractical / brand-new] white scarf might be pulled out of a donation bag at the last minute because of the promise of elegance it once held for its owner. And a ripped T-shirt might be (C) [rescued / forgotten] from the dust rag bin long after the name of the rock band once written across it has faded. Clothes document personal history for us the same way that fossils chart time for archaeologists. (A) (B) (C) ① evoke …… impractical …… rescued ② evoke …… impractical …… forgotten ③ evoke …… brand-new …… forgotten ④ erase …… impractical …… rescued ⑤ erase …… brand-new …… forgotten


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