CWA 2019-2020 Annual Report

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The Chung Wah Association Inc. Annual Report 2019 -2020

A Home of The Chinese Community

Contents 目录

Organisation Structure 组织结构


·Honorary Secretary’s Report 秘书长报告


·President’s Message 会长致辞


·Subcommittee and Group Reports 分部报告


• Chung Wah Community and Aged Care 中华社区与长者服务中心


• Chung Wah Chinese School 中华中文学校管委会


• Historical Group 历史组


• Chung Wah CAC Radio Program 中华社区及长者广播节目

• Chung Wah Cultural Development and Activities 文化与活动发展部 • Chung Wah Women’s Subcommittee 妇女部


·Independent Auditor’s Report 独立审计报告

Through promoting harmony, preserving our heritage, and practicing humanity, we serve as the bridge between the Chinese community and mainstream society. 凝聚融合 • 文化传承 • 人道关怀

| The 4 The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report2018 2019-2020 Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report -2019



Financial Summary 财务总结

Our Vision 我们的理念



Our Mission 我们的使命

To service, and uphold the interests and welfare of, the Chinese community in Western Australia by promoting our culture, speaking up on our views, and dealing with social issues affecting our community. 通过推广中华文化,发出华人声音, 和关注民生问 题,来服务和维护 华人社会的利益和福利。

Organisation Structure 组织结构

Executive Committee Members 理事会成员

2019/2020 Chung Wah Executive Committee Members Front (L/R) Back (L/R)

Kemei SHAO (Hon Treasurer), Han Pin KHEW (Trustee), Jiping ZOU (Vice President), James CHONG (Trustee), Ting CHEN (President), Yudy KODRATJAYA (Senior Vice President), Jen Nie CHONG (Honorary Secretary), Jeffrey CHA Ai Lin LING (Assistant Treasurer), Ben LIM, Lingli LI (Assistant Secretary), Lifang WU, Yang HE, Cong MA.

Chung Wah Executive Committee Members as at 30 June 2020 were as follows: President




Vice President

Jiping ZOU



Senior Vice President Honorary Secretary Assistant Secretary

Honorary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer

Committee Members


Liangli LI (Michael) Kemei SHAO

Ai Lin LING (Aileen) Beng LIM (Ben) Ma CONG

高级副会长 秘书长

副秘书长 财长



Jeffrey CHA

张娟妮 李良励

邵克美 林爱琳

林民耀 马聪


Lifang WU (Michael )


Yang HE (Co-opted on 21.05.2020)

Council of Elders 元老会


贺洋 (2020年5月21日成为理事)


Dr Bob TAN







Secretary Members

Esther CHANG

Han Pin KHEW Bill TEH

Dr Yit Seng YOW Grace LIM

Leek Kia Leonard KHO Trinh QUACH Zhi CHEN

秘书 成员

郑婉婉 邱漢賓

郑乾坤 饶逸生 林亞蘭


洪淑贞 陈志

中华会馆 中华会馆19/20 ��/��年度报告 年度报告 | 5 1

A Home of The Chinese Community

Chung Wah Association Administration Team 中华会馆办公室行政人员 Project Co-ordinator and Administration

Lesley WONG



Honorary Administrator

Doreen CHIN



Senior Finance and Administration Officer Finance and Administration Officer IT Support

Chief Editor

Executive Editor

Communications Officer

Abbie CHEN Tracy LIM

Beng LIM (Ben) Jeffrey CHA Elvie YAP

Carl ONG

高级财务兼行政人员 财务行政人员 IT技术支援 主编

执行编辑 传讯官





叶俐廷 汪德泉

Chung Wah Community and Aged Care 中华社区与长者服务中心

Independent Board of Management 独立委员会 Chairperson

Esther CHANG




Thomas GOH




Board Members







Liangli LI (Michael)


Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Administration Team 中华社区与长者服务中心行政人员 Chief Executive Officer

Theresa KWOK JP


郭郑素雯 太平绅士

Manager – IT/Systems/Scheduling

Chong-Yee ONG



Manager – Financial/HR & Administration


Operation Manager – Home Help/Process Control Nunu CHEN Operation Manager – Hub/Community

Elvin GOH

财务/人事/行政经理 业务经理-家居服务 业务经理-社区中心

Sub-Committee and Groups 中华会馆附属委员会和活动组 Cultural Development and Activities Chinese Cultural Dance Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe Chinese Orchestra

文化与活动发展组 中华舞 龙狮团 华乐团

42 | The Chung Wah Association Association Inc. Inc. -- Annual Annual Report Report 2019-2020 2019-2020

Jen Nie CHONG Jen Nie CHONG Ben LIM Teresa TAN

John FOLAN 陈奴奴 吴伟业

张娟妮 张娟妮 林民耀 王慧兰

Line Dancing New Vogue Cantonese Opera Beijing Opera Choir Dragon Boating Table Tennis Women’s Subcommittee Historical Group

排排舞 新时尚 粤剧社 京剧社 合唱团 龙舟队 乒乓球 妇女部 历史组

Doreen CHIN Leonard KHO Annie WONG Baohe LIU Trinh QUACH Feng SHEN Maya FANG Jiping ZOU Kaylene POON

Chung Wah Chinese School 中华中文学校

School Council 学校管委会 Chairperson Treasurer

Chung Wah 中华会馆 Ting CHEN



Ai Lin LING (Aileen)


Yudy KODRATJAYA 许俊豪 Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮 Ai Lin LING 林爱琳

Principal 校长

SMC Chairperson 校务管委会

Leeming 黎明校区


Dr Hua LI


Luisa CHOU 周汝真




Dr Hua Li

Contact Details 联系方式

陈清灵 許歷仔 黄淑君 刘宝河 洪淑贞 沈峰 方芸 邹纪平 邝彩玲

Morley 摩利校区

Regina LAM

Doreen CHIN Suat GAN


林翠妤 陈清灵 颜秋雪


Rossmoyne 乐思校区 June LIU

Jimmy LEE

Perth 珀斯校区


Dr Xuanli MA 马煊 历 Meili CHEN

Dr Xuanli MA 马烜历 VACANT




Chung Wah Association Head Office 中华会馆办公室 Address: 128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 Phone: 08 9328 8657

Postal: PO Box 73, Northbridge WA 6865 Email:

Chung Wah Community & Aged Care Services Hub 中华社区与长者服务中心 Northbridge Hub 北桥办公室

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心

08 9328 3988

08 9440 0265

08 9328 3988

1/98 Lake Street, Northbridge WA 6003 Email:

18 Radalj Place, Balcatta WA 6021

Chung Wah Chinese School 中华中文学校

58 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton WA 6155

Leeming 黎明校区

Morley 摩利校区

Rossmoyne 乐思校区

Perth 珀斯校区

0401 686 306

0411 249 463

0403 003 898

0466 310 260

Aulberry Parade Leeming WA 6149

Principal : Dr Hua LI 校长: 李华 博士 principal.leeming

Bramwell Road Noranda WA 6062 Principal : Emily TAN-EMERY 校长:陈水玉 principal.morley

Keith Road Rossmoyne WA 6148

Principal : Dr Xuanli MA 校长:马烜历 博士 principal.rossmoyne

90 Roberts Road Subiaco WA 6008 Principal: Jun LIU 校长:刘隽 principal.rossmoyne

中华会馆 中华会馆19/20 ��/��年度报告 年度报告 | 5 3

A Home of The Chinese Community

President’s Message Dear Members


020 was destined to be an extraordinary year! This year is the 110th anniversary of Chung Wah Association’s incorporation. This year is also one in which our historic association made significant contributions. Facing fierce bushfires in Australia, Chung Wah did its best to give back to this multicultural society we call home on behalf of Western Australia’s Chinese community. We collaborated with the Australian Red Cross and fund-raised to help those who were hit hard by the bushfires.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused an increasing trend of racial discrimination against Chinese or Asians, and impacted many Chinese business and restaurants. We condemn discrimination, and maintain close communications with Western Australia Police Force, Western Australia Office of Multicultural Interests, Commonwealth Department of Home Affairs, and the Australian Human Rights Commission to reduce misunderstandings and represent the Western Australian Chinese community. Premier Mr. Mark McGowan made time from his busy schedule, along with the Minster for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, Mr Paul Papalia, Minister for Asian Engagement, Mr Peter Tinley, Government Whip in the Legislative Council, Mr Pierre Yang, to show support to the Chinese community through a dinner in Chinatown with the Chinese Consul-General, Madam Zhihua Dong, Dr. Edward Zhang from the Australian Chinese Times, President of Hubei Association Mr Yang He, and myself. The Premier also denounced racial discrimination as unAustralian behaviour on multiple occasions.

Facing the global coronavirus pandemic and a state of emergency being declared in Western Australia, Chung Wah once again got to work. Supported by the Western Australian Chinese community, in less than a month, we collected 36,000 masks which were from China kindly donated by twelve organisations and community groups, and distributed them among the more vulnerable demographics and communities, playing our part in helping control the pandemic. This spirit of taking care of each other and sense of social responsibility has also received public recognition by both the State and Commonwealth Governments. Chung Wah Community and Aged Care has been distributing regular updates in Chinese, English and Vietnamese during the pandemic, providing timely health information to senior citizens. This caring spirit is particularly important to seniors during the pandemic.

While our Chinese schools were physically closed, the classes didn’t stop. “Online learning” became a new way of learning the Chinese language. Behind the engaging online classes are the blood, sweat and tears from the four principals, the Chinese School Management

Dr Ting CHEN President 4 | The Chung Wah Association Association Inc. Inc. -- Annual Annual Report Report 2019-2020 2019-2020

committee and every one of our teachers. Add to that the co-operation from our parents, and we get a winning formula which guarantees both the quality and the continued progress of our Chinese education.

Our wide variety of cultural and sporting groups is the engine room of Chung Wah culture’s healthy development: Chung Wah Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe officially signed on to join the internationally acclaimed Kun Seng Keng Alliance, and became the alliance’s Australian headquarters. Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team has been training hard, and within three years of establishment has already won races among all the Western Australian dragon boating teams. Chung Wah Dance and Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra are frequently invited to perform at many multicultural events, actively promoting traditional Chinese culture. Line dancing, New Vogue dancing, Women’s group, Table Tennis group, choir, and our Cantonese and Beijing opera groups frequently contribute to fund raising efforts and also enrich our members’ leisure activities. Recently, Chung Wah’s Historical Group have been working with Chung Wah staff on the bilingual information for the silk banner donated to the Western Australian Museum in 1999, which will be exhibited when the new museum opens.

We can live freely and safely in WA, thanks to the State Government’s decisive and effective management of the pandemic. When we move into Stage five of restrictions easing, Chung Wah’s historical, culture and sports groups, Community and Aged Care centres and our Chinese schools will resume full operations. We are also working hard on the 110th Anniversary Celebration activities, the Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2021 and our newly reestablished Youth Group.

Thank you to all of Chung Wah’s members, the Executive Committee, Council of Elders, office staff, and various activity groups for your support and assistance over the past year. We will continue to act in accordance with Chung Wah’s principles, protect the rights of our members, and promote a more tolerant and harmonious community. We will also serve our members and contribute to a better multicultural Western Australia. I also would hope that our association can establish a charitable organisation that integrates resources to serve more community members in Western Australia in need. In the new year, we continue to wish our members all the best in health and prosperity!

会长的话 亲爱的会员们


020年注定是不平凡的一年!这一年,是中华会馆 正式注册成立110周年。这一年,也是我们这个百 年会馆发光发热的一年。

面对澳洲肆虐的山火,中华会馆致力代表西澳华 社回馈澳洲这个多元文化大家庭,与红十字会合作, 筹款赈灾,以帮助水深火热的灾民。

严峻的新冠病毒导致了针对中国人或亚裔的种 族歧视现象呈上升趋势,华人餐馆受到影响。我们旗 帜鲜明地反对歧视,并及时与警察局、西澳多元文化 办公室、联邦内政部、澳洲人权委员会保持着密切联 系,积极沟通,减少误解,谴责种族歧视行为,为华人 发声,坚决维护西澳华人的利益。西澳州长Mark McGowan先生在百忙之中带领多元文化部长Paul Papalia先生、亚洲事务部长Peter Tinley先生和工党党鞭杨 帅上议员先生邀请中国驻西澳总领事董志华女士、澳 大利亚时报的张野博士、湖北同乡会会长贺洋和我前 往华人餐馆用餐商家以实际行动支持华社。州长在不 同的场合谴责种族歧视的行为,认为这不是澳大利亚 的价值观。 中华会馆面对席卷全球的新冠疫情,西澳紧急进 入抗疫状态。中华会馆又一次行动起来,在西澳华人 社区的多方支持下,不到一个月的时间内,收集到3万6 千只来自12个机构、侨团无偿捐赠的来自中国支援的 口罩以用于免费分发给西澳社区里易受感染的老弱病 残等弱势群体和社区,以行动助力疫情防控。这种互 助互爱,肩负社会责任的精神也得到了州政府、联邦 政府的公开表扬与肯定。 我们的社区与长者服务部在疫情期间发布中文、 英文、越南文的三语信息服务,及时向老年人提供健 康方面的咨讯。这种无微不至的暖心关怀对疫情期间 的老年人显得至关重要。

我们的中文学校停学不停课, “线上教育”也由于 突如其来的疫情衍生成海外华文教育的新方式。生动 的网课背后凝结着四位校长、中文学校管委会以及我 校每位教师的心血,也离不开学校家长们的大力配合, 从而使得中文教学的进度和质量得到相对的保障。

我们的各文化体育活动小组百花齐放,推动着中 华文化繁荣健康的发展:中华龙狮团与久负盛名的国 际关圣宫同盟总会签下协议,成为其在澳大利亚的总 部。中华龙舟队刻苦训练,短短三年里已在西澳龙舟 队中赢得一席之地。中华舞蹈团、民乐团应邀参加各 大多元文化盛宴,积极承载着弘扬中华民族传统文化 的使命。排排舞、新时尚舞、妇女部、乒乓组、合唱团、 粤剧团、京剧团等活动,不仅常常为赈灾筹款活动添 砖加瓦,也丰富了会员们的业余生活。中华历史组近期 与会馆工作人员一起协助西澳博物馆对中华于1999年 捐献的丝绸横幅做中英文的文字说明。相关的横幅将 在新的博物馆展出,敬请期待。 在西澳州政府果断有效的抗疫措施下,身处西澳 的我们自由安全的生活着。随着第五阶段疫情限制的 放宽,会馆的历史、文化、体育活动小组、社区与长者 服务中心及中文学校也随之重新全面运作起来。重新 组建的青年部、110周年纪念庆典系列活动、2021年 珀斯中华新年文化节也正在紧锣密鼓的筹备之中。

感谢中华会馆广大会员、理事会、元老会、办公 室、各个活动组在过去一年里对会馆工作的支持与帮 助,我们将继续秉承会馆的宗旨,维护会员权益、增强 社会包容、团结和服务广大会员,继续帮助会员融入 主流社会,为西澳多元文化社区的繁荣贡献力量!我 也希望会馆能够建立一个慈善机构,整合资源,服务 更多的需要帮助的西澳社区的人。 祝广大会员幸福安康!

陈挺博士 会长

中华会馆 中华会馆19/20 ��/��年度报告 年度报告 | 5

A Home of The Chinese Community

Honorary Secretary's Report


hung Wah administration and operations has been running extremely well over the past year. Throughout the COVID-19 lockdown, the Chung Wah office remained accessible, and the quieter time was utilised to update Policies and Procedures, Risk Management Plan, Business Continuity/Disaster Recover Plan and Executive Committee Handover Documents as well as COVID Safety Plans. Membership

As at 30 June 2020, Chung Wah has 937 financial memberships, inclusive of Ordinary, Provisional, Life and Associate Members. With the assistance of Chung Wah Executive Committee member, Michael Wu, the membership database has been upgraded, with a data tidy-up and gathering of member information such as email addresses. This meant that the Chung Wah Magazine can be emailed out and it is easier to keep in touch with our members. Chung Wah Media

The Chung Wah Magazine is now being published in a digital format, resulting in cost savings from postage. Plus added benefit in protecting our environment. Facilities


We have moved the Chung Wah NAB Internet Banking system to the NAB Connect platform. One of the significant advantages of this is that we are able to better manage our own authorisers for the accounts, which has always been poorly maintained due to the transient nature of the Chung Wah committee members.

Chung Wah Office continues to be responsible for maintaining Chung Wah properties, which includes the Hall in Northbridge and the Cultural Centre in Balcatta. The Cultural Centre has been a popular venue, which is frequently hired by other community organisations. Hopefully in the future, we can upgrade these facilities to better serve our members and the community.

The processes involved in the annual audit of the accounts has been improved, with Sharon Leong, our auditor commenting that it has been the smoothest year yet, since she has audited our accounts.

The Chung Wah Constitution has been translated into Mandarin, which will assist our Chinese speaking members. Chung Wah Constitution

The Chung Wah Constitution has been translated into Mandarin, which will assist our Chinese speaking members. 46 | The Chung Wah Association Association Inc. Inc. -- Annual Annual Report Report 2019-2020 2019-2020

Chung Wah Autumn Centre

The Chung Wah Autumn Centre Board of Management, led by Ms. Doreen Chin has been hard at work over the past year. The Building Permit for the short-term respite case accomodation was granted on 22 January 2020. The focus now is on fundraising for the project.


Although the Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival was cancelled due to COVID-19, there were still other events organised during the year, the main events included: Date

Festival Delivered



“From China with Love, Dream in Unity” Art and Cultural Show

Regal Theatre, Subiaco

21/09/2019 12/10/2019 19/10/2019



02/02/2020 08/02/2020

Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-Autumn Festival 70th China National Day Celebration

Cultural Centre, Balcatta

190 year of Chinese in Western Australia and Chung Wah

Cultural Centre, Balcatta

Annual General Meeting and Executive Committee Election

Cultural Centre, Balcatta

Chinese New Year Ball

Pan Pacific

110 Anniversary Historical Photo Exhibition and Reception th

End of year dinner with Chung Wah Chinese School Perth Chinese New Year Fair Chap Go Meh – Yuen Xiao Jie Dinner and Dance

Han Palace

James Street and Perth Cultural Centre

Cultural Centre, Balcatta

The following grants totalling $124,821.00 were delivered during the previous financial year. Date

Funding Received


Lotterywest Event Grant – Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2020

02/08/2019 13/12/2019 24/06/2020

City of Perth Sponsorship – Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2020 OMI Community Celebration Fund – Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2020

Lotterywest COVID-19 Relief – Sector Support for Resilient Organisations Grant

Thank you to Lesley Wong, Abbie Chen, Tracy Lim and Honorary Administrator, Doreen Chin for their assistance, dedication and unwavering efforts throughout the year. Thank you also to all our volunteers for giving up your time to join in the Chung Wah family. We look forward to more exciting projects for Chung Wah !

Jen Nie Chong Honorary Secretary

中华会馆 中华会馆19/20 ��/��年度报告 年度报告 | 5 7

A Home of The Chinese Community


过去的一年里,中华会馆的行政和运作非常顺利。在COVID-19封锁期间,中华办公室仍 然办公,并利用这段不繁忙的时间更新政策和程序、做风险管理计划、业务连续性/灾难 恢复计划、理事会交接文件以及COVID安全计划。 会员

截至2020年6月30日,中华会馆有937名付费会 员,包括普通会员、临时会员、终身会员及准会员。 在中华会馆理事吴立方先生的协助下,中华会馆的 会员数据库进行了升级,对会员资料进行了整理,收 集了会员的电子邮件地址等信息。这意味着《中华之 声》杂志可以通过电子邮件发送,更容易与会员保持 联系。


《中华之声》杂志现在以全数码形式出版,可通过 电邮和网络下载,这样既节省了印刷及邮费,且为环 保做出贡献。 中华物业


中华会馆的办公室依旧负责维护中华的物业,包 括北桥总部和Balcatta的文化中心。中华文化中心一 直是一个颇受欢迎的活动场所,经常被其他社区组织 租用。我们希望日后能改善这些设施,为市民和会员 提供更佳的服务。

我 们已 将 银 行 N A B 网 上银 行系 统 转 移 到 N A B Connect平台。这样做的一个重要好处是,我们能够 更好地管理我们的账目,方便授权人追踪。此前由于 理事会的流动,因此账目授权及追踪一直耗时耗力。 新的平台可以提高效率。 我们的审计师 Sharon Leong 表示,自从她审计我 们的账目以来,今年是最顺利的一年。 中华会馆章程

中华会馆章程已被翻译成中文,以便我们会员们 下载及阅读。


在陈清灵女士辛苦努力下,中华秋园委员会在过 去的一年里一直在努力推进项目进程。中华秋园暂息 中心的建筑许可证于2020年6月23日获得批准。

48 | The Chung Wah Association Association Inc. Inc. -- Annual Annual Report Report 2019-2020 2019-2020

虽然珀斯中华文化节因COVID-19而取消,但年内仍有其他活动举办,主要活动包括: 日期





Regal Theatre, Subiaco

21/09/2019 12/10/2019 19/10/2019



02/02/2020 08/02/2020


华人立足澳洲190周年及中华会馆110年历史照片展览 中华会馆会员年度大会

2019年末中华中文学校晚宴 中华新年舞会

珀斯中华新年文化节 元宵节晚宴及舞会

中华文化中心, 巴卡达 中华文化中心, 巴卡达 中华文化中心, 巴卡达 汉宫酒家


詹姆斯街与珀斯文化中心 中华文化中心, 巴卡达

在上一个财政年度中华共获得以下项目资金,共计124,821.00澳币: 日期



Lotterywest – 赞助2020中华新年文化节

02/08/2019 13/12/2019 24/06/2020


OMI 社区资金– 赞助2020中华新年文化节

Lotterywest COVID-19 辅助金 – 针对重点组织和活动损失的辅助

感谢黄小娟、陈薇、林菊儿和名誉行政长官陈清灵一年来的协助、奉献和不懈努力。衷心感谢奉献时间 来参与我们中华大家庭的志愿者们。我们期待着中华会有更多精彩的活动带给广大会员和同胞。

张娟妮 秘书长

中华会馆 中华会馆19/20 ��/��年度报告 年度报告 | 5 9

A Home of The Chinese Community

Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Services


ithout a doubt, due to the COVID-19 global Pandemic, all of us are facing one of the most unprecedented moment in history. Chung Wah Community & Aged Care (CAC) are very proud to say that since the beginning of this public health crisis, we have closely monitored the evolving recommendations from the government to provide our consumer with the latest and most trusted information. CAC Care Line Support

In order to provide practical and emotional support to our clients, CAC set up this new support program. Our staff members have been conducting regular phone calls to all our clients to keep them in touch and reduce their risk of social isolation. Until 30 June 2020, in total, 2367 phone calls had been conducted.

COVID-19 Response Team

The team was established to develop policies, new service and initiatives, other than addressing any question and concerns from clients, staff, support workers and volunteers in relation to COVID-19.

COVID-19 Correspondence

Trilingual COVID-19 Updates, which provide the latest news and development regarding the pandemic, are distributed twice or once weekly on a regular email, Facebook, WeChat and our Website

COVID-19 Training

All our active staff and support workers have completed departmental trainings on how to deliver care and support services during COVID-19 pandemic.

On top of that , the past year has been the 37th anniversary for

Chung Wah CAC providing support for people from culturally and linguistically diverse background to live independently in their community. In the past year, we have delivered a series of government funded community care programs to more than 758 consumers in the Perth metro areas. Most of our customers are from Chinese, Vietnamese and other Asian communities, and over 95% of them do not speak English. However, CAC has experienced growth in the provision of services to customers from the wider community. Our customers are mainly ongoing and new care recipients or primary carers assisted under Home Care Packages (HCP), Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), WA Home and Community Care program (HACC) and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

The Aged and Community Care industry has experienced tremendous change in the last years which have greatly impact on us as a service provider and a recipient of government funding. In order to get ready for this new environment, in the past year, under the direction of our Board of Management, a

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series of measures have been adopted including strategies, business plans, work structures and staff training with the objective of adapting to the new requirement and changes with a view for long term sustainability of our services. Underpin all the changes is the upholding of consumer rights and the delivering of a person-centred approach service. Training is an essential tool to not only equip our employees but also our volunteers with updated community and aged care knowledge and skills. Staff, support workers and volunteers are continuously encouraged to attend in-house and external work-related training to ensure they can deliver quality work at the front line of working with individual customer.

Our efforts in promoting “A Better Community for All” and delivering customer-centred care have also been acknowledged by the continuous growth in volunteer development. To date, CAC has a total of 271 registered volunteers, who are actively involving and helping in various CAC activities. CAC would also like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the support of the Chung Wah Executive Committee, President Ting CHEN and our Board of Management, our staff, volunteers and all our consumers throughout the past year. If not for your belief to build “A Better Community for All” together, we would not be able to achieve such an excellent result.

Service Data 服务数据 Number of Consumers 顾客人数

Service Hours and Travel Milages 服务小时数及里程

Theresa KWOK JP Chief Executive Officer 中华会馆 中华会馆19/20 ��/��年度报告 年度报告 | 5 11

A Home of The Chinese Community


无疑问,新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)让所有 的人都面临前所未有的不确定情形。中华社 区及长者服务自豪得宣布,疫情伊始,我们就一直 密切关注政府得各项建议,向我们的顾客提供最 新最可信的各种信息。

CAC 关爱热线

众所周知,人与人之间的互动是保持我们身心健 康的重要因素。因此,我们设立了这项新的中华关爱 热线。我们的员工定期与顾客保持电话联系,以减少 他们社交孤立的风险。截至到2020年6月30日,我们 的员工共完成了2367通电话。

COVID-19 应对团队

该团队负责制定相关政策,设计新服务项目并回 答来自顾客、员工及义工的有关疫情的问题及担忧。

COVID-19 通讯

三种语言的COVID-19通讯通过电邮,每周一次或 者两次,为社区提供最新疫情相关资料信息。这些信 息同时在脸书、微信及机构的网站同时更新。

COVID-19 培训

我们所有在职员工都完成了由卫生部提供的关于 疫情期间如果提供服务的各项培训。

郭郑素雯 太平绅士 行政总裁 124 | The Chung Wah Association Association Inc. Inc. -- Annual Annual Report Report 2019-2020 2019-2020

今年是中华社区及长者服务社区的第37年,我们 继续为非英文背景人士独立生活在社区提供支持。

在过去一年中, 我们持续地为超过758 位来自多 元文化背景的客户提供一系列由政府资助的社区服务 项目,范围覆盖珀斯整个都市区。我们绝大多数的客 户来自华人、越南及其他亚洲社区,超过95%来自非 英语背景。与此同时,我们也一直为来自其他社区的 客户提供服务。

这其中,大部分的客户及其主要照顾人使用的是 熊猫亚裔长者服务项目(Home Care Package),联邦 政府居家支持计划(Commonwealth Home Support Programme),西澳家庭及社区服务项目(WA HACC) 以及国家残障保险计划(National Disability Insurance Scheme)

长者及社区服务行业在过去的一年发生了的巨大 的变化,我们作为社区及长者服务的提供机构及 政府 资助的接受者也不可避免的受到了影响。为了适应新 环境,在独立管理委员会(IBM)的领导下,我们制定 了一系列的措施,包括策略、计划、结构重组及员工培 训等,以适应公司长期发展的需求。所有的改变都是 以强调顾客权并提供顾客为中心的服务模式为目标。 培训不仅可以让我们的员工获得有关的知识和技 巧,这同样也适用于义工。所以,我们一直鼓励员工 和义工参加内部和外部的工作相关培训,以保证他们 可以在前线为顾客提供好的服务。 在发展义工的过程中, 我们一直推广“为大家打 造更美好的社区”愿景及提供以人为本的服务。目前 为止,我们一共有注册义工271位,他们积极活跃在我 们的各项活动中。

籍此机会,CAC向中华理事会,陈挺会长,我们的 管理委员会,全体员工、义工及所有顾客表示真诚的 感谢,感谢大家在过去一年里的支持。如果没有大家 对“为大家打造更美好社区”愿景的认同,我们不可 能取得这样的好成绩

Giving back to the community 予人玫瑰 手有余香 Donation for Bushfire Relief: $38,765 Masks donated locally: 36,000 Masks donated to Melbourne: 50,000

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Chung Wah CAC Radio Program

Providing Radio Program is our means to reach out and engage with non-English speaking people in WA. Last year, our Cantonese radio continued to be available at 10.00am every Saturday through 6EBA FM 95.3,providing community information, sharing stories, enhancing health and wellbeing. Most importantly, our non-English speaking people feel connected with the Australian community through listening to our radio. Meanwhile, we welcome feedback and continue to work collaboratively with audiences to understand their needs.

Just like all CAC programs and services, volunteers play an important role in our radio program too. They are the pillars of the program. Up until now, we have built a team of nearly 20 bilingual volunteers who actively participate in the running of our radio program, such as, news collecting, editing, script writing and broadcasting and so on. We are working hard to make sure every session is aired on time. In the past year, every program session was on time.

You can listen to our radio programs at the following channels: • Cantonese program: FM95.3 (every Saturday, 10.00am) • Mandarin program: FM 95.3 (to be confirmed)

Theresa KWOK JP Chief Executive Officer

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中华社区及长者广播节目 提供广播节目是我们与西澳大利亚州非英语人士 接触和互动的手段。去年,每周六的上午十点钟,我们 的粤语广播都通过6EBA FM 95.3 频道播出,来提供 社区信息,分享故事,增强健康和福祉。最重要的是, 通过收听我们的电台节目,广大非英语背景人士感觉 到与澳大利亚社区建立联系。 同时,我们聆听听众的反馈并继续与受众合作, 以了解他们的需求。

就像所有CAC其他服务一样,义工也在我们的广 播节目中发挥着重要作用。他们是该计划的支柱。到 目前为止,我们已经建立了一支由近20名双语志愿者 组成的团队,他们积极参与我们广播的运行,如新闻 采集,编辑,剧本编写和广播等。

我们正在努力确保每次会议都按时播出。在过去 一年中,每个项目会议都准时进行。 您可以在以下的频道和时间段收听我们的节目: 广东话:FM95.3 (每周六上午10点钟) 普通话:FM95.3 (待定)

郭郑素雯 太平绅士


Chung Wah Chinese School The Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) has four campuses located in Leeming, Morley, Rossmoyne and Perth which offer Chinese language teaching/learning from playgroup, pre-kindy, kindy, pre-primary, Year 1 to 12, HSK, WACE program and adult classes. As at term three, the total student number enrolments of year 2020 was 921 among the four campuses. Besides Chinese language

learning, CWCS also offers extra-curricular activities in arts and crafts, Chinese cultural dance, Chinese musical instruments, Chinese singing, Chinese chess, diablo, drama, calligraphy, painting and drawing, sketching, abacus, performance arts, table tennis, badminton and martial arts to supplement language learning and promote culture and sports.

Actions taken in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

CWCS council upholds students, staffs, families and community’s safety as the first priority. Hence, all four CWCS campuses implemented the following: • Postponed school opening The school council took into consideration the return from overseas of some students and teachers. Hence, the first school day was postponed to 15 February 2020 instead of 8 February 2020.

• Online and remote Chinese classes CWCS Rossmoyne and CWCS Leeming started online classes on 21 March while CWCS Morley and CWCS Perth started online classes from 28th March. The teachers have derived a few options to suit the students and parents; such as Seesaw, OneNote, Education Perfect as well as email to set homework and tasks. At the same time, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, WhatsApp, and WeChat were used for ‘Check-in’ time for online lessons. • Back to face-to-face classes CWCS Morley and CWCS Perth resumed classes at the school sites on 20 June while CWCS Leeming and CWCS Rossmoyne had their first day back to

school site on 25 July. All campuses have been practising good hygiene and social distancing regulations. To maintain good hygiene, frequent hand sanitising has been introduced, especially before entering the school compound and classrooms. Regular cleaning on frequently touched surfaces is carried out by teachers and volunteers and only pre-packed snacks are sold in the canteen. In terms of social distancing, no parents (except volunteers) are allowed on the school grounds. There is staggered break time for different levels to avoid mass gathering.

• Regular meetings in response to WA government’s rules CWCS Council, School Management Committee (SMC) and Chung Wah Executive Committee have been holding regular meetings to respond to the government’s rules and to come up with solutions for challenges caused by the pandemic.

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Office of Multicultural Interest (OMI) Per Capita Grant

Cultural Festivals

All students who enrolled before March 2020 are entitled for OMI’s Community Languages Program (CLP) per capita grant of $120 per student, which was well received by all four campuses. CWCS Rossmoyne’s Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) students received a further subsidy of $120 per capita bonus grant, to compensate for the additional classroom hours and curriculum.

Playgroups, adults and Hanyu Shuiping Kaohsiung (HSK) students did not qualify for the per capita grant which led to higher tuition fees for these students.

Professional Development Program

Principals and teachers continued to participate in development programs during internal staff training meetings and external workshops/seminars.

Teachers attended compulsory Professional Learning Program organised by OMI. Principals and teachers participated in online Professional Development Programs by WA Chinese Teachers Association (CLTAWA) to enhance their skills in online teaching.

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All CWCS campuses individually celebrated Chinese New Year. The Dragon Boat Festival Celebration was cancelled as classes were held online during Term Two. The Mid-Autumn Festival Cultural Night which is a large scale event open to the public was cancelled due to the pandemic. Hence, CWCS campuses individually celebrated MidAutumn Festival in their own special way involving students and teachers.

In Term three, students continued to be exposed to practical opportunities in speaking and writing competitions. CWCS Morley had its assembly for award presentations and to provide an opportunity for students to showcase their talents on stage.

Issues and Challenges

CWCS operations have been greatly impacted by the pandemic. While all four campuses were preparing to switch from face-to-face classes to online/remote lessons at the end of Term One, CWCS Rossmoyne was given very short notice that they were not allowed to go to the school site due to social distancing rules. Principals and office staff continued to provide technical and communicational support to teachers, parents and students, to ensure the online lessons were carried out smoothly.

CWCS has had an increased number of students' withdrawals due to the pandemic. In order to maintain sufficient enrolment and ensure CWCS’sustainability, CWCS Council encouraged parents and students to keep the tuition fee as credit for next years enrolment. High operational costs such as rentals, salaries, insurances, advertising, audits, MYOB and other subscriptions are a continuous challenge for CWCS.

Back to face-to-face classes after easing of the social distancing restriction (Phase 4) is another challenge. Workload has increased in order to practise good hygiene and safeguard students, whilst having limited manpower due to social distancing restrictions.

Teacher of the Year Awards

The The Teacher of the Year award award was launched in 2016 to encourage and reward productivity, and quality of Chinese language teaching. All winners display excellence in their roles to support CWCS and Chinese language teaching. 2019 CWCS Teacher of the Year Winners

Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming

Alicia LI

Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne

Lingyu XU

Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Chung Wah Chinese School Perth


Grace YU

CWCS Council

CWCS Council has started to be carried out in different form since early this year. Each school (School Management Commitee and Principals) takes turn to chair and lead the council every year. CWCS Morley is the chair of CWCS Council for 2020 whilst the other three campuses work closely with Morley campus in supporting CWCS operations including recruiting, succession planning and welcoming new parents/students which is the key to the sustainability of CWCS. Emily Tan Emery Chairperson CWCS Council

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A Home of The Chinese Community

中华摩利中文学校管理委员会 学生注册以及课外兴趣班

中华中文学校一共有四所分校:黎明学校、摩利 学校、乐思学校以及珀斯学校。四所学校为我们的社 区提供了不同级别的中文课程: 亲子班、幼儿班、学 前班、一年级至十二年级、汉语水平考试班、高考班 以及成人班。在第三学期,我们2020年总学生人数为

921人。除了中文课程,我们也提供了不同的课后兴 趣班,让学生们更了解中华文化。课后兴趣班包括: 美 术、中华民族舞蹈、中华民族乐器、中文歌唱、中国象 棋、扯铃、话剧、书法、手工、心算、表演艺术、乒乓、 羽球、武术等。


中华中文学校管理委员会非常重视学生、教职员、其家庭成员以及社区成员的安全。在应对新冠状肺炎方 面,我们采取了以下措施: • 延迟学校开课: 学校管理委员会考虑到部分学生 和老师从海外回国。因此,原定2月8号开学日,延 迟至2月15号开学。

• 疫情期间开设网课: 乐思学校和黎明学校于3月 21日开始实行网课 。摩 利学 校和珀斯学 校 则在 3月28日开始网课。各校老师为了方便学生和家 长,采用了不同的网络平台教授网课。其中包括 使用 Seesaw、OneNote、Education Perfect、 电子 邮件 等 布置作 业 。同 时也 利 用 M i c r o s o f t Teams、Zoom、WhatsApp和微信在线上课,与 学生们互动。

距离方面,家长(少数志工家长除外)不得进入校 园。学生休息时间也分段进行以避免多人同时聚 集。

• 应变会议: 中华学校管理委员会、各校家长委员会 以及中华会馆执行委员会召开多次应变会议以应 对政府的条规及疫情带来的挑战。

• 重返校园: 在社交距离条规放宽后,摩利学校及 珀斯学校于6月20日重返校园上课。黎明学校以及 乐思学校则在7月25日回校上课。四所学校全体人 员一直保持良好卫生习惯及遵守社交距离条规。 在保持卫生方面,我们勤用消毒洗手液搓手,特别 是在进入校园和进入教室前后使用。此外,老师们 和志工家长也帮忙清洁桌面和常碰触物件等。学 校小卖部也只出售预先包装零食。至于保持社交


校长和老师们参加了各种校内培训和校外工作 坊/讲座。其中包括了由多元化办公室举办的专业发展 培训和西澳中文教室协会举办的网上培训等。老师们 在培训中也学习到教授网课的技巧。


所有在2020年3月之前注册报名的学生有资格获 得多元办公室所拨出的社区语言人均拨款(每人$120 )。四所学校已经收到了辅助款项。其中乐思学校的 高考班每位学生更获得了额外$120拨款以补助额外 租借教室和课程等费用。亲子班、成人班和汉语水平 考试班不获补助,因此学费较高。

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中华中文学校深受疫情影响。虽然我们已在第一 学期尾声开始为网课做准备,但是乐思学校被临时通 知不能到校上课,因此而在翌日上网课。校长们和其 他办公室职员也不敢怠慢,一直为老师、家长和学生 们提供技术沟通上援助,以确保网课能顺利进行。


四所中文学校各自在校庆祝了农历新年。端午节 庆典因第二学期转变上网课的关系而被取消。中秋节 大型活动也因疫情关系而被迫取消。四所学校师生在 各自学校以不同的方式庆祝了中秋节。 在第三学期,学生也踊跃的参加了中文演讲和写 作比赛.摩利学校也在第三学期时举行了小型集会颁 奖表扬在比赛中表现出色的学生以及让学生在舞台上 展现他们的才华。

随着社交距离条规放宽,重返校园也是另一个挑 战。因需要保持良好卫生习惯(如:打扫学校)及保护 学生,我们需要更多人力支援我们。但也因为社交距 离条规的约束,我们只能让少数志工家长协助我们。 因疫情关系,中华中文学校今天退学人数也比以 往增加。为了留住学生好让学校可以继续开课,学校 管理委员会鼓励家长和学生们保留名额和学费至明年 使用。 居高不下的营运成本(例:租金、工资、保险、广 告费、审计费用、会计软件及其他月费等)一直是中文 学校的隐忧。








中华摩利中文学校 中华珀斯中文学校




中华中文学校管理委员会从今年开始以不同的形式运作。每所学校(家长委员会及校长们)每年轮流担任学 校管理委员会主导。摩利学校是今年的委员会主导。其他三所学校也全力配合,一起支持学校管理委员会运作。 在聘请教职员、计划课程及欢迎新生和新家庭方面共同努力,好让中文学校继续成功的办下去。 陈水玉 中华中文学校管理委员主席

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Chung Wah Cultural Activities Jen Nie Chong


he Chung Wah Cultural groups play a pivotal role in the Association, promoting chinese traditions and culture to the West Australian community. Although a quieter year in terms of performances, after a short break, the groups have been practising hard and finding new ways of connecting with each other and audiences. Besides the Perth Chinese New Year Fair, the Lion Dance, Chinese Cultural Dance and the Women's Sub-Committee also performed at the Town of Claremont Lunar New Year. We also organised the God of Fortune to

hand out red packets, chinese calligraphy demonstration and face painting.

Dragon and Lion Dance

Chinese Cultural Dance

Ben Lim

The Chung Wah Dragon and Lion dance troupe has achieved the team goals set two years ago. Our goals are to work hard and attend international lion dance competitions, become an official member of Kung Seng Keng (KSK) International Lion Dance Alliance Group - Australian Head Quarters, become an International Dragon, Southern and Northern Lion Dance judge and to restore the name of Perth Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance after the troupe was disbanded five years ago. These achievements would not have happened without the strong support from troupe leaders, students, parents and the Chung Wah Executive Committee.

Due to COVID-19, the troupe has had to postpone another international competition in April 2020. However, this hasn't stopped us from reaching our 2020/2021 team goals. We are now back in training and are looking forward to introducing a new set of dragon and lion dance performances that has never been witnessed live in Perth before. 204 | The Chung Wah Association Association Inc. Inc. -- Annual Annual Report Report 2019-2020 2019-2020

I would like to thank all the Chung Wah Cultural group leaders and members for all their hard work over the past year.

Jen Nie Chong

The Chinese Cultural Dance group 'Chung Wah Dance' continues under the leadership of Jen Nie Chong, with Min Zhu as the dance teacher/ choreographer. There are about ten dancers who train every Saturday afternoon. During the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown period of April to May 2020, the dancers still attended online chinese dance classes using 'Zoom'. Performances during the year included: Perth Chinese New Year Fair, Town of Claremont Lunar New Year, Asian Night at Riverton Leisureplex and the Town of Victoria Park Music by Lantern Light Concert.

Chinese Orchestra Teresa Tan

Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra successfully held their second annual concert at Chung Wah Hall on 13 October 2019. This year we showcased a new instrument called Zen and we invited popular yangqin player, Stella Huang, to be our special guest artist at the concert. At the moment, the orchestra has about fifteen members. The orchestra had twelve performances during the year, which included performances at Curtin University Mid-Autumn Festival, Perth Chinese New Year Fair, Crown Perth,

Melbourne Hotel, Carillon Arcade, Gloucester Park and Association of Malaysians in Western Australia. There are more small group than full orchestra performances.

interested to learn have started lessons. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all the orchestra’s activities were interrupted and unfortunately most of the new students have chosen to not continue their lessons. This year we have had one Dizi workshop for our members with Dizi instructor, Ji. Orchestra practice was put on hold from 15 March to 31 May 2020 due to the pandemic lock down. Although practice has now started, a third of the members are still staying at home for social distancing.

Dance on 8 February 2020 at Chung Wah Cultural Centre with about 330 guests.

from the New Vogue Dance Group have been contributed to Chung Wah for the maintenance of the Balcatta Cultural Centre. Everyone is welcome to participate in this healthy activity.

We advertised for new students in the Chung Wah Magazine and the results were exceptional. More than ten people who were

New Vogue Group Leonard Kho

The Chung Wah New Vogue activity has been running for more than ten years. It is held every Sunday afternoon from 1.30 to 3.30pm Most of the participants are seniors from different cultural backgrounds who enjoy dancing together. During this financial year the group organised a Christmas in July Dance and a Fathers’ Day Dance. The New Vogue group also organised this year’s Chinese New Year Dinner and

Volunteers Dong, Jessica, Evelyn Chiew and myself, run this activity. The collections

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Line Dancing Doreen Chin

Starting in 2004, Line Dancing is a very popular dance activity, enjoyed not only by our members but others as well from the general community who are warmly welcomed to join us. Every Saturday and Sunday, the sound of dancing music could be heard at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta. The line dancers enjoying themselves and chatting with each other during break time. This activity is not only about dancing but also a form of exercise and a place to meet and make friends. For the past four and a half years, Chung Wah Line Dancing was very fortunate to have Ms Lay Choo Wong,

as a dance teacher. Also to Ms Phoung Quach, another volunteer, who assisted her. My sincere and grateful thanks to Ms Lai Kuan Chang, a Chung Wah member and volunteer of many years. My appreciation and thanks to the line dancers (including their husbands) who were ever ready to lend a helping hand when we have a party or jamming sessions. To Ms. Lucy Lewis, a special thanks for organising volunteers to help with the resumption of line dancing in September

Cantonese Opera - Annie Wong

Annie Wong organises the Cantonese Opera group. They practise every Wednesday at Chung Wah Hall. This year, the Cantonese Opera Group performed at the Perth Chinese New Year Fair. This year, due to the pandemic, they had a break and resumed their activites on 16 September 2020.

2020 which stopped due to the COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020.

Together, we raised funds for the 2019 Bushfire Appeal in March 2020. As well, the activity was able to contribute towards new stage curtains and an audio system for the Balcatta Cultural Centre, Chung Wah Lion Dance uniforms and participation in Thailand lion dance competition and supporting Chung Wah Dragon Boating activities.

Choir - Trinh Quach

The current leader, Ms Trinh Quach and other singing lovers founded Chung Wah choir around 30 years ago. They currently have 35 choir members practising in Salvation Army’s venue every week.

Music has no boundaries. No matter what language, genre, rhythm, it can always find a way to everyone’s heart. Last year, the choir participated in various community performances in order to provide a healthy and happy place for our choir members. It also helps them connect with the broader community via their beautiful voices.

Beijing Opera - Baohe Liu

The Beijing Opera group continues to practise every Sunday at Chung Wah Hall with Baohe Liu as the leader. After the pandemic lockdown, they resumed their activities on 26 July 2020. 224 | The Chung Wah Association Association Inc. Inc. -- Annual Annual Report Report 2019-2020 2019-2020

Dragon Boating Shen Feng

The Chung Wah Dragon Boating Team was re-established in 2016 in preparation for the Chinese Dragon Boating Festival celebration, hosted by Chung Wah Association. The trainings were only for a short period of time between 2017 and 2018.

2019 was the turning point for the Chung Wah Dragon Boating Team, with many new, young members joining the team. They put their enthusiasm into the intensive training. Neither the hot summer sun, or the cold winter water could stop them from training three times a week, for two to three hours each time. Soon after, the team was fully prepared, as we had also completed the training for our own helmsman.

the 2019-20 DBWA Grand Prix Regatta, our Chung Wah team competed from November 2019 through to February 2020. Just before the pandemic in March, DBWA decided to cancel the final matches. Despite this, the Chung Wah Dragon Boating Team has made remarkable achievements, participated in 28 matches, won 22 first places and 6 second places, winning the 2019-20 DBWA Grand Prix Regatta Championship. Captain: Shen Feng

Coach: Lin Shengjia

Secretary: Zhou Jing, He Le Helmsman: Hu Xueyou

In July 2019, the Chung Wah Dragon Boating Team officially joined Dragon Boating Western Australian (DBWA) and the Maylands Sports Centre (the training base of the Dragon Boating Team). At

Table Tennis Maya Fang

With the unanimous support from the Chung Wah President and the Executive Committee, the Chung Wah Table Tennis Group was formed in June 2019 with the objective of enriching Chung Wah members' leisure time and promoting a healthy lifestyle. The establishment of this activity group provides a social networking platform for the many table tennis enthusiasts. It also plays a positive role in promoting physical fitness and reflects the diversity of Chinese culture. The Chung Wah Table Tennis Group schedules two activity

sessions every week for the members and table tennis enthusiasts. Professional players are usually invited to provide training and coaching. This activity has attracted many new members. At the end of September 2019, the Chung Wah Table Tennis Group hosted a China National Day Table Tennis Friendly Match. A total of 16 clubs signed up to participate in the match.

In January 2020, saddened and impacted by the loss of lives and properties in the disastrous bushfire in the Eastern States of Australia, the Chung Wah Table Tennis Group held a Western Australia International Table Tennis Tournament and an

Australian bushfire Relief Fundraiser. The amount of funds raised at the event was $2,505. It was donated to the Australian Red Cross Bushfire Appeal via Chung Wah Association. As per our objectives, promoting friendship and a healthy lifestyle, the Chung Wah Table Tennis Group invites you and other table tennis enthusiasts to join us in the big family of the Chung Wah Association.

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A Home of The Chinese Community

中华文化团体活动 - 张娟妮

华会馆的各个文化团体在协会中扮演着重要的角色,向西澳社区推广中华传统及文化。 虽然今年的活动及演出比较以往少,但经过短暂的休整,各团体都在努力训练,并寻找新 的方式来加强合作。 中华龙狮团、中华舞蹈团和妇女分会除了在珀斯中华新年文化节上表演,也在Claremont 区的农历新年上进行了表演。我们还组织了财神爷派红包、书法示范和脸谱表演。 在此,我要感谢中华文化团体所有队长和成员在过去一年的努力。

中华龙狮团 - 林民耀

中华龙狮团今年实现了两年前所制定的团队 目标,也就努力培训,参加国际舞狮比赛,成为关 圣宫国际舞狮联盟-澳洲总部的正式成员,成为 国际舞龙、及南狮北狮的裁判,在五年前舞团解 散后,重创珀斯中华龙狮团以往的辉煌。这些成 绩的取得,离不开龙狮团领袖、学生们、家长们和 中华执行委员会的大力支持。

由于COVID-19的影响,舞团不得不推迟2020 年4月的另一场国际比赛。然而,这并没有阻止我 们实现2020/2021年的团队目标。我们现在已经 恢复了训练,并紧张培训着一套新的,在珀斯从 未出场过的舞龙舞狮表演。

中华舞蹈团 - 张娟妮

中华舞蹈团的“中华舞”在张娟妮的带领下 持续训练着。由朱敏担任舞蹈老师/编导。团队约 有十名舞者,每周六下午训练。在2020年4月至5 月的COVID-19疫情封锁期间,舞者们仍然使用 “Zoom”通过视频完成训练。

这一年的演出包括:珀斯中华新年文化节、Claremont区的农历新年庆祝、Riverton区的亚 洲之夜,和维多利亚区的灯笼音乐会。 244 | The Chung Wah Association Association Inc. Inc. -- Annual Annual Report Report 2019-2020 2019-2020

中华华乐团 - 王慧兰

中华华乐团于2019年10月 1 3日在中华 会 馆 成 功 举 办了 第二届年度音乐会。今年我们 展示了一种新的乐器“禅”,并 邀请了人气扬琴演奏家Stella Huang作为音乐会的特邀艺术 家。乐团目前有15名左右的成 员。乐团在这一年中(2019年7 月1日-2020年6月30日)有12场 演出,包括在科廷大学中秋节、 珀斯中华新年文化节、珀斯皇

冠酒店、墨尔本酒店、卡里昂商 场、格洛斯特公园和西澳马来 西亚协会等地演出。小团体的 演出比全乐团的演出多。

我 们 在《中 华之 声 》杂 志 上刊登广告,招募新的乐器学 习者,反响 非常 好。目前已有 十多位有兴趣学习的人开始上 课。但由于COVID-19疫情的影 响,乐团的所有活动不得不中 断一段时间,因此一部分新学

排排舞 - 陈清灵

新时尚 - 許歷仔

新 时 尚 已 经 开 展 了十 几 年,每周日下午1点半到3点半 举行。活动时间为每周日下午 1:30至3:30,参加者多为来自不 同文化背景的长者,喜欢一起 跳舞。在本财政年度,舞蹈队 举办了七月圣诞舞會和父亲节 舞會。此外,新时尚舞蹈队还于 2020年2月8日在中华文化中心 举办了今年的新春舞会,约有 330名嘉宾参加。 志愿者Dong、Jes sica、 Evelyn和我,共同负责舞蹈队 运营。新澳步舞蹈队的收入均 捐献给中华文化中心,用于中 心日常维护的花费。我们欢迎 大家参与这项健康的活动。

从2004年开始,排排舞成 为 一项非 常 受 欢 迎 的 舞 蹈 形 式。不仅是我们的会员,也有其 他社区的成员一起加入我们。 每逢星期六和星期天,在中华 文化中心都能听到舞曲声。在 休息时间,看着排舞者们自得 其乐,互相聊天,真是一种享 受。这项活动不仅 是跳舞,也 是一种锻炼,更是一个交友的 场所。

在过去的四年半里,中华排 排舞很幸运地请到了黄女士作 为舞蹈老师。她是一位多年的 优秀排舞者,我非常感谢她的志 愿服务,也感谢另一位协助她的 志愿者Phoung Quach女士。

员选择了不继续上课。今年我 们为学员们开展了一次“笛子” 学习,由“笛子”导师季老师主 讲。由于疫情原因,乐团练习从 2020年3月15日至5月31日停止 培训。虽然现在已经开始练习, 但仍有三分之一的成员留在家 里,减少外出。

想说,衷心的感谢大家的参与 于支持。我们舞者各位成员(包 括他们的丈夫),当我们有聚会 或即兴表演时,他们随时伸出援 助之手。对Lucy Lewis女士,想 特别感谢她组织志愿者帮助我 们在2020年9月恢复原本3月被 疫情终止的排排舞活动。

在2020年3月,我们还一起 为2019年的东部丛林大火呼吁 筹集募捐。此外,还为文化中 心的新舞台幕布和音响系统、 中华舞狮制服和参加泰国舞狮 比赛,以及支持中华龙舟队给 予了力所能及的赞助。

我衷心感谢中华会员、多年 的义工Lai Kuan Chang女士。 如果没有她的帮助和协助,我 不可能将这个活动持续举办这 么久。 对 我们排 排 舞的成员们我

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A Home of The Chinese Community

粤剧社 - 黄淑君

黄女士组织的粤剧社,每周三在中华总部练 习。今年,粤剧社在珀斯中华新年文化节上表演。 之后在疫情的影响下,团队休息了一段时间,于 2020年9月16日恢复活动。

中华合唱团 - 洪淑贞 京剧社 - 刘宝河

京剧社每周日继续在中华总部练习,由刘先 生担任社长。疫情封锁令解除后,于2020年7月 26日恢复活动。

中华合唱团于1980年由现任团长洪淑贞老师 和一些歌唱爱好者组织创建的,至今已近30年。 音乐无国界,是传递爱和友谊的最好形式。合唱 团成员目前已达到35人,过去一年里通过参加各 种大小演出,为大家提供一个健康的活动平台, 丰富精神生活,用美丽的歌声融入主流社会。

中华龙舟队 - 沈峰

中华龙舟队为了参加中华会馆主办的端午节 庆祝活动于2016年重新成立,2017和2018年只 是短暂的训练。

2019年是华龙号的一个转折点,注入了很多 新鲜的血液,年轻的生命,热血的情怀大家投入 到了紧张的训练中,炎炎烈日,冰凉冬日的训练日 年年不忘,一周三次,一次2-3 小时的训练。同时 完善了组织机构,培训了舵手。

2019年7月中华龙舟队正式加入加入了西澳 龙舟协会,以及Maylands 体育中心(龙舟队的训 练基地)。2019-2020年的西澳龙舟联赛,我们一 直从11月份比拼到了2020年的2月。就在3月疫情 爆发, 龙舟协会取消了3月的决赛。截止到此,中 华西澳龙舟队参加了28场比赛,拿下了22个第一 和6个第二的好成绩,最后获得2019-2020西澳龙 舟联赛公开组 冠军。 队长:沈峰


秘书:周静,何砳 舵手:胡学友

乒乓球活动组 - 方芸

为丰富当地华人的业余生活,增強体质,中华 会馆在会长和全体理事的共同努力下,于2019年 6月份成立了中华会馆乒乓球活动组。 活动组的成立,为广大的乒乓球爱好者搭建 一個广阔的交流平台,对增强体质起到了积极的 作用,更体现中华文化的多元性。 乒乓球活动组为中华会馆会员和广大的乒乓 球爱好者提供每周两次的乒乓球活动,并请专业 人员负责训练和陪练,发展了许多新会员。 2019年9月底中华会馆乒乓球组还举办了中 国国庆乒乓友谊赛,共有16个社团报名参加比 赛,友谊赛对增加社团之间的交流与合作起到了 积极的作用。

在2020年1月份,因澳洲东部大火,损失惨重, 为此,中华会馆乒乓球组又举行了一场西澳国际乒 乓球队联谊赛和澳洲山火赈灾募捐活动,所得捐 款$2505元由中华会馆转交给西澳红十字会。 “以球会友,健康西澳”,欢迎更多的乒乓球爱 好者加入到中华会馆大家庭中来。 264 | The Chung Wah Association Association Inc. Inc. -- Annual Annual Report Report 2019-2020 2019-2020

Chung Wah Association Historical Group 中华会馆历史组 - Kaylene Poon 邝彩玲 Initially formed in 1986 post 75th anniversary, members of the group were mainly descendants of the Association’s founders. It went into hiatus around 2009 and was revitalised when Kaylene Poon returned in late 2018 as the Honorary Historical Advisor. This past year a professional scanner was purchased to start digitising the backlog of photographs and documents in the collection. Two post-graduate students came and started to sort material for this project. In early 2019 a small photographic exhibition was held at the Maritime Museum and another was planned for 2020 but has been postponed until March 2021. To commemorate the 190th anniversary of the arrival of CHOW Moon, the first documented Chinese to arrive in the state, a reception was held on 12 October 2019 with five guest speakers including descendants of Chow Moon, and Louey Wah the Association’s first president in 1909. A photographic exhibition was also displayed much to the interest of all who attended. There has also been a steady stream of inquiries relating to people seeking their Chinese ancestors or wanting a talk about the Chinese in Western Australia.

Working with the Chung Wah Office, Kaylene has been assisting the WA Museum prepare the Chinese banner exhibit for the New Museum, and we were also involved in a Museum app and audio pack for visitors. However, there is a need for more volunteers to continue research work and scanning and cataloguing photos for the collection.

中华会馆历史组是在会馆成立75周年之后, 成立于1986年。其成员主要是会馆的创办人的后 代。小组在2009年左右停滞不前。2018年后期, 邝彩玲被委 任为历史组顾问,协力将历史组复 苏。 会馆去年购买了一部专业扫描机,开始进行 数字化收藏的历史图片和文档。两名研究生自 愿来帮助整理该项目的材料。2019年初,历史组 在海事博物馆举办了一个小型的图片展。原定在 2020年举办的图片展,因新冠疫情的禁令被推迟 到2021年3月举行。

2019年10月12日,为纪念第一位华人周满抵 达西澳洲190周年纪念以及展开中华会馆成立 110周年的庆祝活动,我们在中华文化中心举行 了一个历史图片展和招待会。会上受邀演讲的嘉 宾包括第一位华人周满的后裔和1909首届会长 雷华的后裔。展出的历史图片吸引了众人评赏, 并引起一股寻找中国祖先和谈论西澳华人移民的 热潮。 邝彩玲与中华会馆办公室合力协助西澳博物 院准备将在翻新的博物院展出的中华会馆横幅 的展出,还分别参与为博文院访客录制的视频和 解说。但是,历史组需要更多的志愿者来继续研 究工作,进行照片和文档的分类,扫描和存档。

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Women’s Subcommittee In late 2019 to 2020, the Women’s Subcommittee has continued to develop and grow. We have attracted Chinese women in the community to come to Chung Wah every Thursday afternoon and Sat rday morning to noon for cultural dance and Tai Chi; for this group of women to show their talents, share life experiences and make friends. This year Chung Wah Women Subcommittee have participated in these community and cultural events:

1. Chung Wah Chinese New Year Fair: organised 14 other Chinese community organisations to participate the afternoon cultural show in Northbridge Cultural Centre; we also performed cultural dances with the Chung Wah Choir in the evening multicultural concert. 2. Bunbury Chinese New Year Festival: performed cultural dances for the Bunbury community to introduce and celebrate Chinese New Year. 3. Coventry Village CNY Festival: performed cultural dances to the public at this festival in Morley. Due to COVID-19, we stopped any activities since 10 March 2020 until July.

The Chung Wah Women Subcommittee will continue to take an active role in all comunity events and functions, and draw more and more Chinese women to join Chung Wah. Jiping ZOU Chair, Chung Wah Women

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从2019年至今年,中华妇女部一直寻求发展。我 们不断吸引社区的华人妇女来参与我们每周四和周六 的两次活动,组织她们健美舞蹈和太极练习。为她们 提供一个展示才华、分享经验和结识朋友的平台。 今年中华妇女部参加了下列社区文化活动:

1. 中华新年文化节:我们组织十四个社区的华人组 织来参与文化节下午在北 桥 文化中心的文艺表 演;晚上我们为中华合唱团在多元文化音乐会上 的演唱伴舞。 2. Bunbury中国新年庆祝活动:今年我们再次受邀 参加了该地区隆重的新年庆祝活动,给该社区人 民表演三个中国舞蹈并介绍中国新年的文化。

3. 我们还受邀前往摩利区的Coventry村商场的中国 新年庆祝活动,为公众表演中国文化舞蹈,获得观 众的好评和热烈掌声。 今年3月至7月,受新冠病毒疫情影响,我们听从 政府和会馆的指示,中止了一切活动。

中华妇女部将再接再厉,继续积极参与社区文化 活动,并吸引了越来越多的华人妇女加入中华会馆。 邹纪平 中华妇女部主任

Financial Summary – Honorary Treasurer’s Report


Income Surplus

Cash and Cash Equivalent Net Assets

Year 2015 $’000s

Year 2016 $’000s

Year 2017 $’000s

Year 2018 $’000s

Year 2019 $’000s

Year 2020 $’000s









4,552 2,120


5,167 3,702






10,110 6,963





Segment Information Year 2020 Revenue

Income Surplus

Cash & Cash Equivalent Net Assets

Association Services

Aged Care









The principal activities of the Chung Wah Association during the year were to provide welfare services, education, cultural and social activities to their members and the community.

For the year ending 30 June 2020, Chung Wah Association had a surplus from operating activities of $363,056, about $83k lower than the the surplus of $445,711 in 2019. Other than the impact of COVID-19, this was due to a change of accounting policy and the introduction of AASB 16.



Chinese Schools









9,997 8,013


Revenue from operations activities was $9.997m, a slight decrease of $113k compared to $10.11m the previous year, The decrease was mainly from less cultural event income, reduced grants, decreased membership income and increased cost of services due to COVID-19. There was a steady growth of Cash and Cash Equivalent and Net Assets in the year 2020.

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Analysis on Statement of Profit or Loss Statement Revenue Revenue from operating activities for the Chung Wah Association and its business units was $9.997m, $8.747m was attributed to Community and Aged Care (CAC), which made up 88% of the total revenue.

CAC’s revenue increased 10% in the financial year. However, due to COVID-19 this was lower that it would otherwise be, as activity was reduced significantly during the months of April to June 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Association revenue decreased more than 50% this year. This

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was mainly due to less Cultural Event income (as the Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival was cancelled), tightened grants and decreased membership income. Restriction on social activities and difficulty in rent income collection were also factors towards the reduction. Chinese Schools contributed $632k in revenue this year, about a $49k decrease as compared to the previous year. The decrease in revenue was due to a combination of factors, a decrease in student numbers, which transferred to a decrease in the per capita grant subsidy.

Income Surplus

For the year ending of 30 June 2020, Chung Wah Association had a surplus from operating activities of $363,056, about $83k lower than the surplus of $445,711 in the 2019 financial year.

Lake Street, Northbridge which also made the surplus margin lower.

In addition, the increase in depreciation and amortisation charges were due to the changes in accounting policy and the introduction of AASB 16, with a charge of $114,278 for the Asset Right of Use, in respect of Units 1 and 2 at 98

Chinese School income was $65k in surplus this year. Even though the pandemic caused a reduction in student numbers and classes, government funding was guaranteed.

Due to COVID-19, the expenses of Client Outsourced Services e.g. Allied Health increased dramatically in CAC, Employee Expenses also increased by approximately 7.1%, mainly as a result of the increase in revenue and service delivery.

The Chung Wah head office was $35K in deficit after consolidation, it would be a $45k in surplus if adding in the rental income from CAC. Despite the increase in rental income, this year due to restrictions on social activities and a reduction in grants, the deficit has increased by $7K compared to last year.

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A Home of The Chinese Community

Analysis on Statement of Financial Position

Cash and Cash Equivalents

Chung Wah Community and Aged Care accounts for 88% ($7.083m) of the total cash and cash equivalents amounting to $8.012m, of which $1.753 is held in cash and cash equivalents belonging to the Home and Community Care Programme as of 30 June 2020.

Net Assets

Property, plant and equipment

The Chung Wah head office main assets are land and buildings in Northbridge and Balcatta. The Chinese Schools’ main assets are computers, office equipment and storage. The CAC assets are motor vehicles used for transporting clients, office equipment, fixtures and fittings. Besides the accounting policy changes for lease for the right of use assets, as required under AASB 16, there were no major investments in large assets this year.

I would like to thank John Folan, CAC Finance/HR and Administration Manager, Abbie Chen, Senior Administration and Accounts officer and Tracy Lim,Administration and Accounts Officer for their hard work and assistance throughout the year.

Ke Mei SHAO Honorary Treasurer

324 | The Chung Wah Association Association Inc. Inc. -- Annual Annual Report Report 2019-2020 2019-2020


中华会馆在2019-2020财年的主要活动为会员及社区提供社区与长者服务、中文教育、文化及社区活动。 截止至本年度2020年6月30日,营运收入盈余为$363,056澳元,比去年同期下降了$83,000澳元(2019财年同 期为:$445,711澳元)。除了新冠疫情带来的影响以外,盈余的下降也归因于AASB(澳大利亚会计准则委员会) 新会计准则的实施。 今年会馆的营运收入为$9.997m,比去年同期的$10.11m相比, 减少了$113,000澳元。该收入的下降主要是与 在新冠疫情影响下,社区文化活动、政府拨款、会费收入的减少以及服务成本的增加密切相关。 现金、现金等价物以及净资产在本财年有了稳健的增长。

综合损益表分析 收入

会馆及其各部门单位的营运收入为$9.997m。其中 8.747m来自于中华社区与长者服务中心,占总收入的 88%。 尽管本财年中华社区与长者服务中心的收入增长 了10%。但仍低于预期的增幅, 在疫情的冲击下,2020 年4月至6月期间中华社区与长者服务中心的营运活动 及收入大幅度的减少了。

受疫情影响, 会馆总部的主要收入大幅下降了50% 。文化活动收入的减少(珀斯中华文化节活动的取消) 、政府专项拨款的紧缩以及会费收入的减少是主要因 素。社交距离限制的施行也使得会馆房租收入的收取 变得更加困难。 中文学校的收入为$632,000澳元,比往年同期相比 下降了$49,000澳元。该下降主要来自于学生数量的减 少以及相应的州政府(Per Capita)津贴的减少。

资产负债和利润表分析 现金及现金等价物

截止至2020年6月30日,中华社区与长者服务部 拥有现金及现金等价物共计$7.083m,占现金总额 $8.012m的88%。其中$1.753m是中华家庭与社区服 务项目的客户信托资金。


盈余收入$363,056澳元, 比去年同期的$445,711 澳元减少了大约$83,000澳元。

在疫情状态下,社区与长者服务中心的收入以及长 者服务交付量的增长,相应的外包服务费用(例如专职 医疗费用)大幅上涨,雇员工资成本也上涨了7.1%。

此外,在AASB16新会计准则的要求下,由于折旧 率和摊销率的增加而对位于U1和U2,98 Lake Street 物业的资产使用权产生了$114,278澳元的费用,这也 进一步拉低了利润率。 会馆本年度的赤字为$35,000澳元。如果加回来自 于长者服务部的租金收入(该项收入在整体考虑所有 业务部门业绩时被抵消),会馆将会有$45,000澳元的 盈余。在这次特殊疫情的大环境下,社交活动的限制 以及政府拨款的减少是导致亏损的主要因素。 中文学校四个校区的总盈余为$65,000澳元。虽 然受疫情限制导致了招生数量及班级数量的减少,然 后州政府的拨款得到了相应的保证。



● 中华会馆的主要资产是位于北桥及 Balcatta 的土地 与房产。 ● 中华中文学校的主要资产是电脑、办公、存储设备。

● 中华社区与长者服务部的主要资产是用于服务客户 的交通工具、办公设备以及固定设施。

● 本财年,除了根据新会计准则AASB16的要求下变更 租赁资产使用权的会计政策外,会馆没有进行大型 资产投资。

在此,我要特别感谢中华社区与长者服务部财务、行政管理经理John Folan先生、中华会馆高级财务、行政人 员陈薇女士以及财务及行政人员林菊儿女士在本财年所付出努力和帮助。您们的辛勤工作使我们会馆的账目和资 产相关且可靠 。

邵克美 , 财长

中华会馆 中华会馆19/20 ��/��年度报告 年度报告 | 5 33

A Home of The Chinese Community

Statement of Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income For the year ended 30 June 2020


Employee benefits expenses

Note 4


2019 $










Income tax expenses



Surplus for the year



Total comprehensive income for the year



Depreciation and amortisation expenses Administrative expenses Rental expenses Other expenses

Surplus before income tax


2020 $

(308,430) (149,380)





The above Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

344 | The Chung Wah Association Association Inc. Inc. -- Annual Annual Report Report 2019-2020 2019-2020

Statement of Financial Position As at 30 June 2020


Current Assets


2020 $

2019 $

Cash and cash equivalents




Other assets




Trade and other receivables Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Right-of-Use assets

Property, plant and equipment Total Non-current Assets


8 9


Current Liabilities













Trade and other payables












Other liabilities Lease liabilities

Total Current Liabilities Non-current Liabilities Lease liabilities


Total Non-current Liabilities

11 8






Retained surplus TOTAL EQUITY





48,335 -














The above Statement of Financial Position is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.


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A Home of The Chinese Community

Statement of Changes of Equity Reserve

Retained Surplus








For the year ended 30 June 2020 Balance at 1 July 2018

Surplus for the year

Total comprehensive income for the year Balance at 30 June 2019

Balance at 1 July 2019

Surplus for the year

Total comprehensive income for the year Balance at 30 June 2020











Retained Surplus














The above Statement of Changes in Equity is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

Statement of Cash Flows




2020 $

2019 $



Receipts from various activities



Receipts from government funding for welfare services





For the year ended 30 June 2020

Cash flows from operating activities


Receipt from member subscriptions Receipt from rental


Receipts from government funding for schools and school fees


Interest income received

Payments to clients, suppliers and employees

Net cash flows (used in)/from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities



Proceeds from disposal of property, plant & equipment Purchase of property, plant & equipment


668,873 96,702







Net cash flows (used in)/from investing activities



Cash and cash equivalents at beginning year



Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at end year



The above Statement of Cash Flows is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

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Statement by the Executive Committee of the Association In the opinion of the Executive Committee of The Chung Wah Association Inc·

(a) The accompanying financial statements give a true and fair view of its financial position as at 30 June 2020 and of its performance for the financial year ended on that date

(b) The accompanying financial statements comply with Australian Accounting Standards (including the Australian Accounting Interpretations) and other mandatory professional requirements (c) At the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that Chung Wah Association Inc will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Executive Committee:

President Dr Ting CHEN

Honorary Treasurer Ms Ke Mei SHAO

Date: 10 October 2020

中华会馆 中华会馆19/20 ��/��年度报告 年度报告 | 5 37

A Home of The Chinese Community

Independent Auditor’s Declaration PO Box 952 Canning Bridge Applecross WA 6153

+61 437 319 423


To the Executive Committee of The Chung Wah Association Inc. In relation to the independent audit for the year ended 30 June 2020, to the best of my knowledge and belief there have been: (i) No contraventions of the auditor independence requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act 2015; and (ii) No contraventions of any applicable code of professional conduct.


C.P. LEONG DIRECTOR Perth WA Date: 10 October 2020

- 40 -



DIRECTOR | CPL Liability limited by aCORPORATE scheme approved under Professional Standard Legislation Registered Company Auditor No. 342131 | CPA | HKICPA

384 | The Chung Wah Association Association Inc. Inc. -- Annual Annual Report Report 2019-2020 2019-2020

Independent Auditor’s Report PO Box 952 Canning Bridge Applecross WA 6153

+61 437 319 423

INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CHUNG WAH ASSOCIATION INC. Opinion We have audited the accompanying financial report, being a general purpose financial report of The Chung Wah Association Inc. (the “Association”), which comprises the statement of financial position as at 30 June 2020, the statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies, and the Executive Committee’s declaration. In our opinion, the accompanying general purpose financial report of The Chung Wah Association Inc is in accordance with the Associations Incorporation Act 2015, including: (a) giving a true and fair view of the Association’s financial position as at 30 June 2020 and of its performance for the year then ended; and (b) complying with Australian Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional requirements in Australia. Inherent Uncertainty Regarding Recognition of Income It is not possible for The Chung Wah Association Inc. to establish accounting control over all sources of income prior to its receipts (fundraising and rendering of services, income from schools, Chinese New Year, membership fees and other income) and accordingly, it is not possible for our examination to include audit procedures to extend beyond the amounts of receipts for these types of income as recorded in the records of the Association. Our audit of the type of income referred to above, being income in the form of cash, and the accounting for and applications of such monies was limited to amounts recorded in the financial report. Basis for Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Report section of our report. We are independent of the Association in accordance with the auditor independence requirements of the Association Incorporation Act 2015 and the ethical requirements of the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board’s APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants “the Code” that are relevant to our audit of the financial report in Australia. We have also fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code.

- 41 -



DIRECTOR | CPL Liability limited by aCORPORATE scheme approved under Professional Standard Legislation Registered Company Auditor No. 342131 | CPA | HKICPA

中华会馆 中华会馆19/20 ��/��年度报告 年度报告 | 5 39

A Home of The Chinese Community

We confirm that the independence declaration required by the Associations Incorporation Act 2015, which has been given to the Executive Committee of the Association, would be in the same terms if given to the members as at the time of this auditor’s report. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Responsibilities of the Executive Committee for the Financial Report The Executive Committee of the Association are responsible for the preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 and for such internal control as the Executive Committee determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view and is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial report, the Executive Committee are responsible for assessing the Association’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters relating to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the Executive Committee either intend to liquidate the Association or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so. The Executive Committee are responsible for overseeing the Association’s financial reporting process. Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Report Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial report as a whole is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of this financial report. As part of an audit in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also: •

• •

Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Association’s internal control. Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the Executive Committee. - 42 -

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Conclude on the appropriateness of the Executive Committee’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Association’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial report or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Association to cease to continue as a going concern. Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial report, including the disclosures, and whether the financial report represents the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

We communicate with the Executive Committee regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.


C.P. LEONG DIRECTOR Perth WA Date: 10 October 2020

- 43 -

中华会馆 中华会馆19/20 ��/��年度报告 年度报告 | 5 41

Through promoting harmony, preserving our heritage, and practicing humanity, we serve as the bridge between the Chinese community and mainstream society.

42 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2019-2020

凝聚融合 文化传承 人道关怀

中华会馆 19/20 年度报告 | 43

Together, we stand to make Chung Wah truly

A Home of The Chinese Community ��� James Street Northbridge WA ���� | PO Box �� Northbridge WA ���� (��) ���� ���� |

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