
Chung Wah Historical Group 历史组

通过推⼴中华⽂化,发出华⼈声⾳,以及关注⺠⽣问题, 来服务和维护华⼈社会的利益和福利
Chung Wah Historical Group 历史组
通过推⼴中华⽂化,发出华⼈声⾳,以及关注⺠⽣问题, 来服务和维护华⼈社会的利益和福利
2023/2024 Chung Wah Executive Committee Members
From (L/R) HanPingKHEW (Elder),GraceCHOW (Elder),MichaelLEE (VicePresident),JamesCHONG (Elder,Trustee), TingCHEN (President),Andy YUAN (SeniorVicePresident),TrinhQUACH (Elder),BillTEH (Elder)
Back (L/R)
Freddy FOO, Eugene LOW, Jen Nie CHONG (Hon Secretary), Herbert HE, Yang HE (Hon Treasurer), Chang LIU, Kemei SHAO
Swee Guan PEH, Jeffrey CHA, Xiaoming BAO
Executive Committee Members 理事会成员
Chung Wah Executive Committee Members as at 30 June 2024:
President Ting CHEN
Senior Vice President Andy Hao Bo YUAN
Vice President Michael LEE
Honorary Secretary Jen Nie CHONG
会⻓ 陈挺
⾸席副会⻓ 袁浩博
副会⻓ 李统邦
秘书⻓ 张娟妮
Assistant Secretary Eugene LOW 副秘书⻓ 刘发斌
Honorary Treasurer Yang HE
Assistant Treasurer Kemei SHAO
Committee Members Jeffrey CHA
Swee Guan PEH
Freddy FOO
Chang LIU
Herbert HE
Xiaoming BAO
Council of Elders 元⽼会
Chair Person Dr Bob TAN
Secretary Han Ping KHEW
Trustees James CHONG
Leonard KHO
Members Grace CHOW
Bill TEH
Dr Yit Seng YOW
Esther CHANG
财⻓ 贺洋
副财政 邵克美
理事成员 查绍翰 彭瑞源 符史荣 刘畅 何晓 包晓明
主席 陈振发
秘书 邱漢賓
信托⼈ 张仕煌 許歷仔
成员 林亞蘭 洪淑贞 郑乾坤 饶逸⽣ 陈志 郑婉婉
Cultural Development and Activities
Chinese Cultural Dance
Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe ⻰狮团
Chinese Orchestra 华乐团
Line Dancing 排排舞
New Vogue 新时尚
Cantonese Opera 粤曲社
Choir 合唱团
Table Tennis 乒乓组
Womens Subcommitte
Chairperson 中华学校管委会主席
Committee Members 中华学校管委会委员
Freddy Su Yung FOO
Teresa TAN
Doreen CHIN
Leonard Kho
陈清灵 許歷仔
Annie WONG ⻩淑君
Trinh QUACH 洪淑贞
Maya FANG ⽅ 芸
Jiping ZHOU 邹纪平
History Group 历史组
Luisa CHOU 妇⼥组 周如贞
Emily TAN-EMERY 陈⽔⽟
Luisa CHOU 周如真
Dr. Xuanli MA ⻢烜历
Dr. Hua LI 李 华
Joanne Chan 詹乔安
Kaylene POON 邝彩玲
Principal CWCS Leeming
Principal CWCS Morley 摩利校区校⻓
Principal CWCS Leeming 黎明校区校⻓
Principal CWCS Rossmoyne 乐思校区校⻓
Principal CWCS Perth and Atwell 珀斯和爱德校区校⻓
Principal CWCS MidWest 杰尔校区校⻓
Address: 128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003
Phone: 08 9328 8657
Northbridge Hub
Postal: PO Box 73, Northbridge WA 6865
Email: chungwah@chungwah org au enquiry@chungwahcc org au (08) 9328 3988
1/98 Lake Street, Northbridge WA 6003 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta WA 6021 58 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton WA 6155
Dear Members,
It’s always tempting to focus on the mountain of tasks ahead, but it’s just as important to pause, reflect, and celebrate all we’ve achieved together.
Each success this year is a testament to the spirit, dedication, and love our members and volunteers bring to the community
We’ve reach another milestone for the project on Chung Wah Community Centre in Bentley With the land cleared, we ’ re ready to begin construction in late 2024, and our fundraising efforts this year have been instrumental Thanks to the generous contributions at our May 25 fundraising dinner, we raised an additional $50,000 on top of the $6.75 million we received from the government However, with rising material and labour costs, our work continues I humbly ask anyone who can support this project to reach out to our office or visit our website to see how we can help Every bit counts
On February 19, we’ll hosted the Chung Wah Chinese New Year Ball at Crown Burswood, in collaboration with the Western Australia Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Australia’s China Friendship Society WA Branch, an occasion we ’ re are honoured to share with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and State Premier Roger Cook, along with so many others who have made this a grand event of the social arena in Perth
On 18 June 2024, Chung Wah Association was on privilege to lead the WA Chinese Community to hold the lunch for the Chinese Community in Australia warmly welcome PRC Premier Qiang LI’s visit to Australia Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Premier Roger Cook along with other Federal and State Ministers to join the welcome luncheon
In Terms of our archivement for the year, we kicked off with the Chung Wah Volunteer Team Building on May 20 at Northbridge, where we came together to build the foundation of a vibrant, unified team Seeing the energy and willingness to support each other made me grateful to be part of such a wonderful community. On July 15, we then celebrated our heritage and family connections at the Chung Wah Children’s Dragon Boat Festival at the Balcatta Cultural Centre Watching children and families enjoy the traditions of this special event was deeply moving and a reminder of why we work so hard to pass our culture along
On September 16, we had the pleasure of hosting the Chung Wah Mid-Autumn Concert, which was organized by the dedicated team at Chung Wah Chinese School It was a beautiful evening, with students and parents working together to create a performance that truly embodied our culture and values This was followed by the WA Chinese Guzheng Festival from October 8 to October 15, held at MLC Hadley Hall in St James Mitchell Park Teresa’s tireless efforts brought this event to life, and
the festival is fast becoming a highlight for Chinese music in Perth Then, on December 23, we’ll gather for the Chung Wah Annual General Meeting, and as I prepare to lead our team for another term, I feel immensely grateful for the trust and support each of you has shown
We close the year with our traditional New Year’s Eve Celebration Dinner and Dance on December 31 at the Balcatta Cultural Centre This event, organized by the Chung Wah Line Dance Group and New Vogue, raises funds for the Chung Wah Autumn Centre and always proves to be a fantastic night of laughter, dancing, and heartfelt connection
We always look forward to the Perth Chinese New Year Fair which was held on February 11 in 2024 This is one of the highlights of the Perth calendar, and it never ceases to amaze me how much joy and pride it brings Seeing James Street and Yagan Square come alive with over 45,000 attendees makes all the hard work worth it
My heartfelt thanks go to the Executive Committee members, especially Senior Vice President Andy Yuan and Honorary Secretary Jennie Chung, for their dedication and hard work I’m also grateful for their guidance and wisdom front the Council of Elders, who have been helping us stay on the right path I’d like to extend my appreciation to our sponsors Murdoch University, SBS Australia, and Auswealth for their ongoing support The trust you place in the Chung Wah Association as the peak body for the Chinese community in Western Australia is a responsibility we carry with pride. Together, we honour the legacy of our founders and work to fulfil their vision for a strong, united community
Thank you for being part of this journey
Dr Ting CHEN President
专注于前⽅的堆积如⼭的任务总是很诱⼈的,但 稍微停下脚步、来反思和庆祝我们共同取得的所 有成就同样重要。
今年的每 次成功都证明了我们的成员和志愿者为社 区带来的精神、奉献精神和爱。
Bentley中华社区中心项目已经到了 个里程碑的阶 段。土地平整后,我们准备在2024年底开始施工,我 们今年的筹款工作发挥了重要作用。感谢我们在5月 25日筹款晚宴上的慷慨捐款,除了从政府收到的总额 675万澳元之外,我们还额外筹集了5万澳元。然而, 随着材料和劳动力成本的上涨,我们的募款工作仍在 继续。我谦虚地请求任何可以支持这个项目的人联系 我们的办公室或访问我们的网站,参考如何给我们提 供帮助。每 点善款都很重要。
2月19日,我们将与西澳大利亚中华总商会,连同澳 中友谊协会西澳分会合作,假珀斯Burswood皇冠酒店 宴会厅盛大举办中华新年舞会,我们很荣幸能与澳大 利亚总理Anthony Albanese和州长Roger Cook以及许 多其他贵宾们分享这难得的机会,他们的大驾光临使 这次活动成为珀斯社交圈的年度盛事。
2024年6月18日,中华会馆荣幸地带领西澳华人社区 为澳大利亚华人社区举办午餐会,热烈欢迎中国国务 院总理李强访问澳大利亚。澳大利亚总理Anthony Albanese和总理Roger Cook以及其他联邦和州部长参 加了欢迎午餐会。
就我们这 年的成就而言,我们于 5 月 20 日在北桥 启动了中华义工团队建设,在那里我们齐聚 堂,为 充满活力、团结的团队奠定了基础。看到彼此的活力 和相互支持的意愿,我很感激能成为这美好社区的 员。7月15日,我们在 Balcatta 文化中心举行的庆端 午亲子龙舟赛活动上为我们的文化传承庆贺、与家人 紧密联系在 起。看着孩子和大人们 起享受这特殊 的传统活动,令人深感感动。这时刻提醒我们要努力 地把根留住、将我们的文化传承下去。
9月16日,我们有幸举办了中华中文学校中秋节庆祝 活动,该活动会由中华中文学校的专业团队组织。这 是 个美好的夜晚,学生和家长共同努力,创造了 场真正体现我们文化和价值观的表演。随后是10月8 日至10月15日在Sir James Mitchell Park公园的 MLC Hadley Hall 举行的西澳中国古筝节。团长王惠兰的不 懈努力使这 活动栩栩如生,该音乐节正迅速成为珀 斯华乐的亮点。然后,在12月23日,我们将齐聚 堂 参加中华年度会员大会,在我准备带领我们的团队连 任之际,我非常感谢你们每个人对于敝人团队的信任 和支持。
我们于12月31日在 Balcatta文化中心以传统的岁末倒 数庆祝元旦的晚宴暨舞会来作为这 年的结点。这项 活动由中华排排舞和新时尚舞团联合组织,也为中华 秋园筹集资金,并始终是 个充满欢笑、舞蹈、将心 与心联系在 起的美妙之夜。
我们 直期待着 2024 年 2 月 11 日举行的珀斯中华新 年文化节。这是珀斯活动日历的亮点之 ,它带来的 快乐和自豪让我感到无比惊讶。看到James Street和 Yagan广场活跃起来,据悉当天的客流量有超过4万5 千名,这让我们觉得所有的努力都是值得的。
我衷心感谢中华会馆理事会所有成员,特别是首席副 会长袁浩博以、及名誉秘书长张娟妮,感谢他们的奉 献和辛勤工作。我也感谢他们在长老会前辈们谆谆善 诱的指导和智慧,他们的协助 直在我们走在正确的 道路上。我要感谢我们的赞助商 默多克大学、SBS 澳大利亚和 Auswealth 他们 直以来的支持。中华 会馆是西澳大利亚华人社区的最高机构,您对我们的 信任,是我们引以为豪的社会责任。我们共同尊重中 华会馆创办先辈的初衷,并努力实现他们的愿景,即 建立 个强大、团结的社区。
The past year has been one of the busiest for the Association. As well as the Chung Wah Community Centre Bentley Building Project, we were the recipient of a Capital Works Grant for the Chung Wah Hall in Northbridge and the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta The Cultural Centre car park will also be renovated, as well as building a new patio and set down area. Chung Wah also received a Heritage Grant for much need repairs to the 113-year-old heritage listed building The front façade is expected to be under scaffolding until the end of January 2025, at the latest
Our team consists of four part time staff, Tracy LIM, Sophie WANG, Annie LI and Gaik TAN, also supported by Carl ONG, Executive Editor of our quarterly Chung Wah magazine and e-bulletin. Carl also does graphics and production of all the flyers and posters for the Association. At short notice, Carl took over the organising and running of the 2024 Perth Chinese New Year Fair I am extremely grateful for the Chung Wah Office team’s enduring support and hard work in keeping the Association running.
As at 30 June 2024, Chung Wah had 2,286 financial members, a large increase from the previous year's figure of 1,893 members This figure is inclusive of Ordinary, Provisional, Life, Associate Members and their spouses Our membership base is increasingly
The Chung Wah Association continued to organise our signature events, as well as a number of other cultural and social events. All grant money received must be spent on the project.
Grants totaling $1,341,120 were received during the last financial year and were used to deliver the following projects:
03/10/2023 Dept. of Local Government, Sport & Culture Chung Wah Community Centre Project
10/11/2023 Lotterywest Event Grant
25/01/2024 OMI Community Celebration Fund
07/03/2024 City of Perth Sponsorship
Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2024
Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2024
Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2024
07/5/2024 Dept. of Local Government, Sport & Culture OMI Community Support Fund 2024
14/05/2024 Dept. of Local Government, Sport & Culture Capital Works Northbridge
20/05/2024 Dept. of Social Services
14/6/2024 Dept of Home Affairs
Volunteering Grant
Community Language School Grant
24/6/2024 Dept of Local Government, Sport & Culture ChungWahChineseSchoolCommunityLanguage2024
The focus for the coming years would be for all the Chung Wah groups and sub-committees to come together as one Chung Wah Family. Thank you for your support.
Jen Nie Chong
Honorary Secretary
Community & Cultural Activities organised
Unique communications published via ChungWah Media platforms
Community and sector events attended
Responses to requests for cultural and historical support
Direct responses to assist Chinese community members
Referrals made to public queries
Unique mentions of Association in mainstream media
Letters of support or referral letters issued for Chinese Community Association or volunteers
我们的团队由四名兼职员⼯组成,分别是 Tracy LIM、Sophie WANG、Annie LI 和 Gaik TAN,此外还有 Carl ONG(我们的季刊《中华》杂志和电⼦通讯的执⾏ 编辑)的⽀持。Carl 还负责协会所有传单和海报的图形和制作。在短时间内, Carl 接⼿了 2024 年珀斯中国新年博览会的组织和运营⼯作。
截⾄ 2024 年 6 ⽉ 30 ⽇,中华会馆拥有 2,286 名财务会员,较上 年的 1,893 名会员⼤幅增加。该数字包括普 通会员、临时会员、终⾝会员、准会员及其配偶。我们的会员基础⽇益 过去的 年是协会最忙碌的 年。除了中华社区中⼼本特利⼤楼项⽬外,我们还 获得了北桥中华礼堂和巴尔卡塔中华⽂化中⼼的建设⼯程补助⾦。⽂化中⼼停⻋ 场也将进⾏翻新,并建造新的露台和休息区。中华还获得了遗产补助⾦,⽤于对 这座拥有 113 年历史的⽂化遗产建筑进⾏急需修缮。预计最迟到 2025 年 1 ⽉ 底,前⽴⾯将搭起脚⼿架。
中华会馆继续举办我们的标志性活动,以及其他 些⽂化和社交活动。所有收到的资助⾦必须⽤于该项⽬。
2023 年 5 ⽉ 20 ⽇ 中华义⼯队建设 北桥中华堂
2023 年 7 ⽉ 15 ⽇ 中华⼉童⻰⾈节 巴尔卡塔中华⽂化中⼼
2023 年 9 ⽉ 16 ⽇ 中华中秋⾳乐会 巴尔卡塔中华⽂化中⼼
2023 年 10 ⽉ 8 ⽇和 15 ⽇ 西澳中国古筝节 MLC 哈德利⼤厅,圣詹姆斯⽶切尔公园
2024 年 12 ⽉ 23 ⽇ 中华股东⼤会 巴尔卡塔中华⽂化中⼼
2023 年 12 ⽉ 31 ⽇ 除⼣庆祝晚宴和舞会
2024 年 11 ⽉ 2 ⽇ 珀斯中国新年博览会
2024 年 2 ⽉ 19 ⽇ 中华新春舞会 皇冠,波斯伍德
上 财政年度共收到 1,341,120 澳元的赠款,⽤于实施以下项⽬:
2023 年 3 ⽉ 10 ⽇ 地⽅政府、体育和⽂化部 中华社区中⼼项⽬
2023 年 10 ⽉ 11 ⽇ Lotterywest 活动补助⾦ 2024 年珀斯中国新年博览会
2024 年 1 ⽉ 25 ⽇ OMI 社区庆祝基⾦ 2024 年珀斯中国新年博览会
2024 年 7 ⽉ 3 ⽇ 珀斯市赞助 2024 年珀斯中国新年博览会
2024 年 7 ⽉ 5 ⽇ 地⽅政府、体育和⽂化部 OMI 社区⽀持基⾦ 2024
2024 年 5 ⽉ 14 ⽇ 地⽅政府、体育和⽂化部 北桥基本⼯程
2024 年 5 ⽉ 20 ⽇ 社会服务部 志愿服务补助⾦
2024 年 6 ⽉ 14 ⽇ ⺠政部 社区语⾔学校补助⾦
2024 年 6 ⽉ 24 ⽇ 地⽅政府、体育和⽂化部 中华中⽂学校社区语⾔ 2024
未来⼏年的重点是让所有中华团体和⼩组委员会团结起来,成为 个中华⼤家庭。我⾮常感谢中华办公室团队 的持久⽀持和⾟勤⼯作,使协会得以正常运转。感谢您的⽀持。
举办社区及 ⽂化活动
通过中华媒体平台 发布的独特通讯
参加社区和 ⾏业活动
25 28
对⽂化和历史⽀持 请求的回应
直接回应协助 华⼈社区成员
主流媒体特别 提及中华会馆
为华⼈社区协会 或志愿者发出的 ⽀持信或推荐信
CWCC is actively involved in several initiatives to enhance the well-being of migrants and promote community integration:
Care Finder through Primary Health Networks (PHNs): Funded by the WA Primary Health Alliance, this program helps older adults, especially those from vulnerable groups, navigate the aged care system It is particularly valuable for culturally and linguistically diverse individuals facing barriers such as language and social isolation
Dementia Australia Partnership: Since 2023, CWCC has been collaborating with Dementia Australia to increase awareness about dementia within CALD communities We focus on prevention, early detection, and providing culturally appropriate support and services for individuals and families affected by dementia
Carer Gateway: CWCC supports culturally diverse family carers through the Carer Gateway, an Australian government initiative offering resources and services tailored to the needs of unpaid carers managing disabilities, chronic illnesses, and mental health conditions
ELDAC (End of Life Directions for Aged Care): This program enhances the quality of palliative care and advance care planning for older Australians ELDAC supports aged care services and healthcare providers in delivering high-quality end-of-life care.
To maintain high standards, CWCC prioritises ongoing training for our staff and volunteers We conduct quarterly Support Workers’ Meetings to provide updates, address concerns, and offer targeted training Our training programs, available both in-house and online, ensure staff remain well-informed and skilled in their roles This commitment helps us deliver the highest quality care and stay aligned with industry best practices
We extend our heartfelt thanks to our Executive Committee, President Ting CHEN, the Board of Management, staff, volunteers, and consumers Your unwavering support has been instrumental in our success this year. Looking ahead, we remain committed to excellence in service and community building With continued collaboration, we are excited about the future and confident in our ability to make a meaningful impact Here’s to a future of shared success and a more connected community.
感谢与未来展望 培训和⽀持 积极参与多项倡议,以提升移⺠的福祉并促进社区融 合:
Care Finder:由WA卫⽣部资助,该项⽬帮助⻓ 者,特别是来⾃弱势群体的⼈⼠,导航养⽼护理 系统。协助⾯临语⾔和社会孤⽴等障碍的个⼈。
与Dementia Australia的合作:⾃2023年以来, CWCC与Dementia Australia合作,提⾼CALD社 区对失智症的认知。我们专注于预防、早期检测 以及为受失智症影响的个⼈和家庭提供⽂化适宜 的⽀持和服务。
Carer Gateway (照护者⻔⼾):通过照护者⻔⼾⽀ 持⽂化多样的家庭照护者,这是澳⼤利亚政府发 起项⽬,提供针对管理残疾、慢性病和⼼理健康 状况的⽆偿照护者的资源和服务。
ELDAC (⻓者服务临终关怀):该项⽬提升了对⽼ 年澳⼤利亚⼈的暂息护理和预⽴护理计划的质 量。ELDAC⽀持养⽼服务和医疗保健提供者提供 ⾼质量的临终关怀护理。
为了保持⾼标准,优先考虑对员⼯和志愿者的持 续培训。在季会上,我们为员⼯提供最新⾏业信息及 提供有针对性的培训。我们的培训项⽬包括内部和在 线培训,确保员⼯保持良好的信息和技能。这 承诺 帮助我们提供最⾼质量的护理,并保持与⾏业最佳实 践的 致性。
我们衷⼼感谢中华执⾏委员会、陈挺会⻓、董事 会、员⼯、志愿者和消费者。你们的坚定⽀持是我们 今年成功的重要因素。展望未来,我们将继续致⼒于 服务卓越和社区建设。随着合作的持续,我们对未来 充满期待,并对我们能够产⽣有意义的影响充满信 ⼼。愿我们共同迎接成功的未来,建⽴ 个更加紧密 的社区。
CWCS always encourages our students to take part in external competitions. The 7th Global Chinese Speech Contest in WA by the Chinese Language Culture Education Foundation of China was successfully presented on the 11 of May 2024 at CWCS Perth campus th
中华中⽂学校在西澳⼤利亚州共有六个校区: 爱德、黎明、摩利、珀斯、乐思以及杰尔校区。所 有校区均提供汉语教学;杰尔校区提供⼩班制学⽣教 学;其他五个校区提供幼⼉班、学前班、1⾄12年 级、HSK、WACE课程和成⼈课程。在 第三学期 末,统计六个校区的学⽣注册总数为1,015。除了汉 语学习外,中华中⽂学校还提供课外活动,包括⼯艺 美术、中国⽂化舞蹈、中国乐器、国韵演唱、中国象 棋、暗⿊、戏剧、书法、绘画、素描、珠算、表演艺 术、乒乓球、⽻⽑球、武术补充语⾔学习,弘扬⽂ 化体育。
各校校区的校⻓和教师们参加内部教员师资培 训的专业发展计划。今年第 学期开学前(2024 年 1 ⽉ 27 ⽇),在黎明校区举办了 次⾮常有意义的中 华中⽂学校教师培训;另外,校⻓们和⽼师们还参 加了由西澳中⽂教师协会主办的研讨会以提⾼教师们 的教学技能。
中华中⽂学校各校区分别的庆祝农历新年和端午 节。其中我们最期待的中秋晚会即将在 2024 年 9 ⽉ 14 ⽇第三学期结束于中华会馆的⽂化中⼼举⾏。
中华中⽂学校⿎励我们的学⽣参加校外⽐赛参加 中国汉语⽂化教育基⾦会主办的第七届西澳全球汉语 演讲⽐赛,于2024年5⽉11⽇在珀斯校区成功举办。
教师奖设⽴于2016年,以奖励及推动优质中⽂ 教学。得奖者充分的发挥他们卓越的教学表现
2023 中华学校年度教师奖得主
Jen Nie Chong
Through promoting Harmony, preserving our Heritage and practising Humanity, we serve as the bridge between the Chinese community and the broader society.
Our cultural roots hold the key to our heritage The many Chung Wah Cultural groups practise at least once a week at Chung Wah Hall or the Cultural Centre in Balcatta Their aim is to pass on the cultural knowledge and also to promote Chinese Culture to the broader society
Chinese New Year performances and Children’s arts and craft activities were organised by the Chung Wah Association for the Marina Mindarie, Stockland
Freddy FOO
This year, our troupe reached important milestones, showcasing our dedication and growth in lion dance through participation in several high-profile competitions From September 22 to 25, 2023, we competed in the 12th Penang International Lion Dance High Pole Competition, finishing 21st out of 32 teams This experience provided valuable international exposure and reinforced our skills. On November 25, 2023, we took part in the International High Pole Lion Dance Invitational Competition – Hong Xiguan Lion King Cup, placing 13th out of 16 teams, a performance that highlighted our steady progress with high pole techniques. We were honoured with a special invitation to the Malaysia-Singapore International High Pole Lion Dance Competition on December 9, 2023, where we placed 9th out of 20 teams, reflecting our growing regional recognition. Most recently, on April 28-29, 2024, we achieved a dual success in Thailand, securing 2nd place in the Traditional category and 5th in High Pole at the 2024 Traditional and High Pole Lion Dance Competition These achievements speak to our team’s hard work and commitment to excellence
Harrisdale and Westfield Carousel Shopping Centres. Chung Wah held the second Children’s Dragon Boat Festival at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta Participants were treated to a rice dumpling cooking demonstration and tasting.
Thanks to all the Chung Wah Cultural group leaders and members for all their hard work over the past year
In a significant development, we have established the Australian Dragon and Lion Dance Sports Association under the Chung Wah Association ABN This new entity is dedicated to promoting the art of dragon and lion dance across Australia
Our mission is to learn and share cultural knowledge, skills, respect, and the many facets of dragon and lion dance We strive to blend traditional and modern teaching methods, ensuring that the cultural heritage is honoured at every step
- Jen Nie CHONG
The Chung Wah Dance group practises every Saturday afternoon at the Chung Wah Hall, Northbridge, with Min Zhu as the dance teacher/choreographer. The group currently has 20 dancers
Performances during the year included: Perth Chinese New Year Fair, WA Chinese New Ball at Crown, Mid-Week Eats at Riverton Leisureplex, Trinity Residential College where we also taught a ribbon dance, Bateman Primary School, NAARI 2024 - ISWA Celebrating International Women's Day, Holi Day and Boyare Primary School Harmony Week Celebrations.
The highlight of the year was ‘Intertwine’ an original dance theater based on the story of the local Chinese dance community in Perth, WA, exploring what it means to be Chinese and in Australia The Chung Wah dancers in the dance theatre come from different regions and backgrounds, including French Reunion, Mauritius, Malaysia, Hong Kong and South Africa
- Teresa TAN
Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra Under the leadership of Teresa Tan and Lynn Lim, the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra has made steady progress. In October 2023, the WA Festival of Chinese Music - WA Chinese Guzheng Festival was successfully held at Sir James Mitchell Park, South Perth, and Methodist Ladies' College (MLC). The theme of the festival was Zheng, Hu, Gu 《筝,胡,⿎》, featuring special guests such as popular percussionist Jet Chong, Music Café director Jon Cope, and Guqin player Gang Liu A highlight of the festival was the Grand Ensemble, which saw 128 guzheng players come together. In February 2024, the orchestra participated in the International Youth Art Festival, collaborating with the Wuhan University Orchestra under the leadership of Professor Wu. This rare opportunity allowed the
Directed and choreographed by Dr. Zhu Min, practice researcher at the WA Academy of Performing Arts, "Intertwine" was performed at the Blue Room Theatre from the 6 – 10 February 2024
Anyone who has a love for dancing, is welcome to join our class, no previous dance experience is required
orchestra to perform pieces such as My Motherland 我的祖国 and Travel around China with Music 乐游中 华. The addition of dizi player Gabriel McMahon, a master's student at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) studying ethnomusicology, created the opportunity for the orchestra to perform at his graduation recital in June. At this concert, the orchestra was honored to be part of the WA premiere of Secret of the Golden Flower, composed by Nicholas Ng Additionally, a sheng player has recently joined the orchestra, further enriching its sound. Looking ahead, the Fifth WA Festival of Chinese Music and WA Chinese Guzheng Festival is scheduled to take place on October 19th and 20 , 2024, at Murdoch University th
The Cantonese opera enthusiasts gather at Chung Hua Hall every Wednesday from 12pm to 2pm for practice. They are deeply committed to perfecting their dance routines, and I have participated in the Paris Chinese New Year fair each year. The group shows great dedication in preserving this art form, and they are eager to share their experiences and knowledge of opera with the younger generation
The table tennis team is open to all Chinese Association members and table tennis enthusiasts every Sunday afternoon, compared to the COVID period, the number of participants has increased, we often hold some small competitions to further improve people's enthusiasm. Our table tennis coach Ricky represents Western Australia in the Australian table tennis competition this month, and the table tennis team is also actively involved in the local community activities.
This year’s highlight was the launch in August of the digital portal for ‘Two Centuries of Chinese Heritage in WA’. Held at the Chung Wah Hall many descendants of Perth’s early Chinese pioneers attended. This initiative from UWA with partial funding from the National Federation of Australian Chines Relations uses the extensive research undertaken by Dr Anne Atkinson in the 1970s and 1980s The portal will be maintained by UWA, and will be open for inclusive of other related materials to the database It has been another year busy fielding personal inquiries and conducting presentations for various groups and events:
On 4th April I conducted a small Qing Ming ceremony at the East Perth Pioneers Cemetery to start the City of Perth’s Heritage month A dozen people joined staff of the National Trust and me presenting short talks on the history of the Cemetery and Chinese burials respectively Attendees helped to clean & sweep the Chinese monument and the nearby headstone for William & Margaret Ah Mong and paid our respects to the early Chinese pioneers with traditional offerings and flowers. Feedback was it was an interactive experience like no other An unexpected outcome was the discovery of another Chinese headstone in the main cemetery, which The National Trust believed was Japanese Further research to verify the correct name is ongoing WesleyChurchwasthenextpresentationinAprilwiththe1907 WesleyChineseMissionChurchbanneronloanfromWAMuseum forHeritagemonth Ico-presentedwithRevHollisWilsonfromthe UnitingChurchtogiveattendeesabriefhistoryoftheChurch.One oftheattendeeswastheCEOoftheCityofPerth
The Womens Subcommittee conducts social activities every Saturday from 11 00am to 1.30pm. Since March 2021, we have engaged a wonderful teacher, Ms Min Zhu to teach several beautiful dances. Now this group’s focus and purpose is to improve the group’s dancing skills and produce quality dances for community events and celebrations. After more than a year’s training by a professional dancing teacher, our quality of dances has earnt this team a good reputation and has attracted more women to join in
This year the Chung Wah Women Subcommittees have participated in these community and cultural events:
Several schools teach Chinese in mainstream classes. School visits have been growing in popularity as well as one incursion to Rehoboth College in Kenwick. We are seeking to add more cultural activities for the students to experience If you have skills such as Taiji, Qi Gong, Chinese Chess, Chinese Opera face painting, Chinese tea making ceremony or other attributes we would love to hear from you.
Please contact the CWA Office if you are interested in any research, interviewing or presenting school activities for further information
Updates from last year’s report are as follows:
The work to translate the old grave markers/ headstones at Karrakatta Cemetery: All the markers have been photographed and we are seeking people who can translate the names into Cantonese, to match existing Cemetery records from the early 1900s.
1. The Darwin Temple ‘urn’ repatriation project is ongoing More research to determine if conservation work is required This work must be done prior to return and Darwin Chinese will seek funding as required 2
Seeking more volunteers to document the Chinese restaurants in WA We also require Cantonese speakers to conduct interviews with some former restaurant owners. 3.
Kaylene Poon Honorary Historical Advisor
1. Australia Day Multicultural Dance performance jointly organised by Chung Wah and Chinese Dance Australia.
Chung Wah Chinese New Year Fair: we participated in the afternoon cultural show and some of our members also joined the Chung Wah Dance Group to perform in the evening multicultural concert.
In January and February this year we performed cultural dances for the City of Canning for Chinese New Year celebrations and Seniors Week and for the Amherst Village community centre, organised by the Multicultural Community Council of WA
In April this year, we performed some dances at Mr. Sam Lim’s election campaign.
The Chung Wah Womens Subcommittee will continue to take part in and support all community events and functions organised by the Chung Wah Association, local government and other community organisations
Jiping ZOU
我们的⽂化根基是我们传承的关键。许多中华⽂化团 体每周⾄少在中华会堂或巴尔卡塔⽂化中⼼进⾏ 次 排练。他们的⽬标是传递⽂化知识,并向更⼴泛的社 会推⼴中华⽂化。
中华会馆为斯托克兰滨海明达⾥组织了农历新年表演 和⼉童艺术和⼿⼯活动
Harrisdale 和 Westfield Carousel 购物中⼼。中华医 院在巴尔卡塔中华⽂化中⼼举办了第⼆届⼉童⻰⾈ 节。参加者观看了粽⼦烹饪演⽰和品尝。
感谢全体中华⽂化团领导及团员 年来的⾟勤努⼒。
中华舞蹈团每周六下午在北桥中华堂排练,朱敏担任 舞蹈⽼师兼编舞。该团⽬前有 20 名舞者。
今年的表演包括:珀斯中国新年博览会、西澳皇冠中 国新舞会、Riverton Leisureplex 的周中美⻝节、三 寄宿学院(我们也在那⾥教授了丝带舞)、⻉特曼 ⼩学、NAARI 2024 - ISWA 庆祝国际妇⼥节、洒红 节和博亚雷⼩学和谐周庆祝活动。
今年的亮点是“Intertwine”,这是 部原创舞蹈剧,
以西澳⼤利亚珀斯当地中国舞蹈社区的故事为基础, 探索⾝为华⼈和澳⼤利亚⼈的意义。舞蹈剧场中的中 华舞者来⾃不同的地区和背景,包括法属留尼汪、⽑ ⾥求斯、⻢来西亚、⾹港和南⾮。
《交织》由西澳表演艺术学院实践研究员朱敏博⼠执 导并编舞,于 2024 年 2 ⽉ 6 ⽇⾄ 10 ⽇在蓝厅剧院 上演 任何热爱舞蹈的⼈都可以加⼊我们的课程
今年,我们舞团通过参加⼏项备受瞩⽬的⽐赛,达到 了重要的⾥程碑,展⽰了我们在舞狮⽅⾯的奉献精神 和成⻓。2023 年 9 ⽉ 22 ⽇⾄ 25 ⽇,我们参加了第 12 届槟城国际舞狮⾼杆赛,在 32 ⽀队伍中排名第 21 位。这次经历为我们提供了宝贵的国际曝光机 会,并增强了我们的技能。2023 年 11 ⽉ 25 ⽇,我 们参加了国际⾼杆舞狮邀请赛 洪熙官狮王杯,在 16 ⽀队伍中排名第 13 位,这 表现凸显了我们在⾼ 杆技术⽅⾯的稳步进步。我们很荣幸地被特别邀请参 加 2023 年 12 ⽉ 9 ⽇举⾏的⻢来西亚-新加坡国际⾼ 杆舞狮⽐赛,在 20 ⽀队伍中排名第 9,反映了我们 在地区知名度的不断提⾼。最近,2024 年 4 ⽉ 28 ⽇⾄ 29 ⽇,我们在泰国取得了双重成功,在 2024 年传统和⾼杆舞狮⽐赛中获得了传统类别第⼆名和⾼ 杆舞类别第五名。这些成就证明了我们团队的⾟勤⼯ 作和对卓越的追求。
项重⼤进展是,我们在中华 会馆 ABN 下成⽴了澳⼤利亚 ⻰狮舞体育协会。这个新机构 致⼒于在澳⼤利亚推⼴⻰狮舞 艺术。
我们的使命是学习和分享⽂化 知识、技能、尊重以及舞⻰舞 狮的⽅⽅⾯⾯。我们努⼒融合 传统和现代教学⽅法,确保⽂ 化遗产在每 个步骤中都得到 尊重。
中华华乐团在王惠兰和林晨晨的带领下,中华华乐团 稳步发展。2023年10⽉,西澳华乐节 西澳华⼈古 筝节在南珀斯的詹姆斯·⽶切尔爵⼠公园和卫理公会⼥ ⼦学院(MLC)成功举办。⾳乐节的主题是筝,胡, ⿎,邀请了流⾏打击乐⼿张杰、⾳乐咖啡馆总监乔恩· 科普和古琴演奏家刘刚等特别嘉宾。⾳乐节的 ⼤亮 点是⼤合奏,128名古筝演奏者⻬聚 堂。2024年2 ⽉,乐团参加了国际⻘年艺术节,与吴教授领导的武 汉⼤学管弦乐团合作。这次难得的机会让乐团 乐团将演奏《我的祖国》和《乐游中华》等作品。 西澳⼤利亚表演艺术学院 (WAAPA) ⺠族⾳乐学硕⼠ ⽣笛⼦演奏家加布⾥埃尔·⻨克⻢洪的加⼊为乐团创 造了在 6 ⽉的毕业演奏会上演出的机会。在这场⾳乐 会上,乐团很荣幸成为尼古拉斯·吴作曲的《⾦花的 秘密》西澳⾸演的 部分。此外,最近有 名笙演奏 家加⼊了乐团,进 步丰富了乐团的⾳⾊。展望未 来,第五届西澳中国⾳乐节和西澳中国古筝节计划于 2024 年 10 ⽉ 19 ⽇⾄ 20 ⽇在默多克⼤学举⾏
乒乓球队每周⽇下午向所有华⼈协会会员和乒乓球 爱好者开放,相⽐疫情期间,参与⼈数有所增加, 我们经常举办 些⼩型⽐赛,进 步提⾼⼤家的积 极性。我们的乒乓球教练Ricky本⽉代表西澳参加了 澳⼤利亚乒乓球⽐赛,乒乓球队也积极参与当地的 社区活动。
中华新时尚舞会由两组义⼯负责统筹,分别是 Leonard Kho和Dong,Evelyn Chiew和Jessica分别担 任义⼯,活动时间为每周⽇下午1点30分⾄3点30分。
在 2023/2024 财政年度,参加这项 New Vogue 活 动的舞者⼈数急剧减少。跳舞可以帮助⽼年⼈预防痴 呆症,我们希望有更多的参与者加⼊这项健康的活 动。欢迎所有⼈参加活动。我们收取每⼈ 6 澳币的⼊ 场费以参加此活动。所有募捐都⽤于⽀持 Balcatta 中 华⽂化中⼼的维护。
在本财政年度,我们举办了除⼣晚宴和舞会,约有 100 ⼈参加了此次活动。New Vogue 集团举办了 7 ⽉圣诞舞会和圣诞舞会,并供应下午茶。我们还举办 了下午茶庆祝⽗亲节。
由洪淑贞⼥⼠领导、周永军先⽣担任教练的中华合唱 团今年已⾃豪地迈⼊第七个年头。
我们的使命是⿎励⼈们享受唱歌,我们的愿景是将中 华⽂化艺术以歌唱的形式推⼴到全世界。
2023 年新冠疫情结束后,世界再次开放,许多⼈借 此机会旅⾏和/或拜访家乡的家⼈和朋友。因此,⽬ 前我们合唱团每次练习都有⼤约 20-30 名常规成员 参加。我们每周⽇下午 2:30 ⾄ 4:30 在珀斯威廉街救 世军⼤楼练习。
2023 年 10 ⽉ 21 ⽇ 在 King’s Park 野餐
2024 年 7 ⽉ 1 ⽇
2024 年 11 ⽉ 2 ⽇
在北桥救世军⼤楼为救世军 ⻩牧师举⾏饯别会并演唱两 ⾸歌曲
北桥⼴场举⾏的珀斯新年⽂ 化节。合唱团参与了表演并 呈现了三⾸歌曲压轴
2024 年 3 ⽉ 31 ⽇ 受救世军邀请演唱两⾸歌曲 庆祝复活节
我们欢迎任何热爱唱歌的⼈,特别是男性,加⼊我 们。
粤剧爱好者每周三中午 12 点⾄ 下午 2 点聚集在中华会堂练习。
他们致⼒于完善⾃⼰的舞蹈动 作,我每年都会参加巴黎中国新 年博览会。这个团体对保存这种 艺术形式表现出极⼤的奉献精 神,他们渴望与年轻 代分享他 们的经验和对戏曲的了解。
今年的亮點是「西澳兩百年中華遺產」數位⼊⼝網站 於⼋⽉推出。這場在中華堂舉⾏的活動吸引了許多 珀斯早期華⼈先驅的後裔參加。這項由西澳⼤學發 起的倡議,由澳洲華⼈關係全國聯合會提供部分資 助,利⽤了 Anne Atkinson 博⼠在 1970 年代和 1980 年代進⾏的廣泛研究。該⼊⼝網站將由西澳⼤ 學維護,並將開放以納⼊資料庫的其他相關資料。 ⼜是 年忙碌地處理個⼈詢問並為各種團體和活動 進⾏演⽰:
4 ⽉ 4 ⽇,我在東珀斯先鋒公墓舉⾏了⼩型清明儀 式,啟動珀斯市遺產⽉。⼗幾個⼈與國⺠信託基⾦ 會的⼯作⼈員和我 起,分別就公墓和中國墓葬的歷 史進⾏了簡短的演講。與會者幫助清潔和清掃威廉 和瑪格麗特阿蒙的華⼈紀念碑和附近的墓碑,並⽤ 傳統的祭品和鮮花向早期的華⼈先驅者表⽰敬意。
回饋是這是 種與眾不同的互動體驗。 個意想不 到的結果是在主墓地發現了另 塊中國墓碑,國⺠信 託基⾦會認為這是⽇本⼈的墓碑。正在進⾏進 步研 究以驗證正確的名稱。
衛斯理堂是 4 ⽉的下 個展覽,展⽰的是 1907 年 衛斯理華⼈宣教堂的橫幅,是從西澳博物館借來的 ⽂化遺產⽉。我與聯合教會的霍利斯威爾遜牧師共 同演講,向與會者簡要介紹了教會的歷史。其中 位與會者是珀斯市的執⾏⻑。
有些學校在主流課程中教授中⽂。學校參觀越來越 受歡迎,肯威克⾥霍博斯學院 (Rehoboth College) 的 參觀活動也越來越受歡迎。我們正在尋求增加更多 的⽂化活動供學⽣體驗。如果您擁有太極、氣功、 中國象棋、中國戲曲臉譜、中國茶道或其他技能, 我們很樂意聽取您的意⾒。
如果您對任何研究、訪談或介紹學校活動感興趣, 請聯絡 CWA 辦公室以獲取更多資訊。
妇⼥部每周六11点⾄1点半在会馆开展⽂化社交活 动。我们继续聘请专业舞蹈⽼师朱敏来指导,为提⾼ 舞蹈组整体素质,并为社区的⽂化活动奉献⾼质量的 舞蹈。经过 年多的专业⽼师培训,我们的团队素质 有了⻜跃性的提⾼。团队的质量提⾼同时也吸引了更 多妇⼥来参与我们的活动。
中华新年⽂化节:我们参与了⽂化节下午在北桥 ⽂化中⼼的⽂艺表演,部分成员还参与了中华舞 蹈团晚上的多元⽂化晚会的表演。 1.
参与了由中华会馆和澳⼤利亚中国舞蹈团联合举 办的澳⼤利亚⽇多元⽂化舞蹈⼤汇演。
受邀参与不同的多元⽂化活动来弘扬中华⽂化: 去年12⽉参与了City of Canning组织的⻓者周活 动并组织⽼年舞蹈队表演了多个节⽬。还有该市 政厅今年⼆⽉组织的中华新年庆祝活动。1⽉26 号澳洲国庆⽇当天还参与了西澳多元⽂化社区委 员会组织的 个社区庆祝活动。
今年四⽉林⽂清警官竞选澳洲国会议员期间,我 们在他的竞选活动展⽰了两⽀舞蹈。 4.
中华妇⼥部将继续积极参与并⽀持由会馆、政府和各 个社区团体组织的各种社区⽂化活动。
I am pleased to present the Treasurer’s Report for the financial year ending 30 June 2024 Financial Overview
For the year ending 30 June 2024, Chung Wah Association Inc recorded a total revenue of
$17,709,817, representing a 14% increase from $15,589,006 in the previous year The surplus from operations for the year stood at $1,544,118, up 12% from $1,381,401 in 2023
The Association's main sources of income include:
Fundraising and rendering of services:
$11,071,312 (up 19% from $9,344,993)
Income from schools: $646,077(up 19% from $544,456)
Grants and government funding: $5,032,330 (up 2% from $4,943,789)
Membership subscriptions: $34,038 (down 13% from $38,957)
Interest and rent income: $540,223 (up 29% from $304,726)
These revenue streams highlight the continued support from the community, government, and members, as well as the success of the Association’s programs and services
The Community Care segment’s performance demonstrates the Association’s dedication to meeting community needs, with $4,913,767 secured from government funding for these essential services
Total expenses for the year were $16,165,699, an increase of 14% from the previous year’s $14,207,605. Major expense categories include:
Employee benefits: $11,122,187 (up 12% from $9,966,747)
Administrative expenses: $899,301 (down 9% from $983,073)
Other operational expenses: $3,512,961 (up 35% from $2,610,707)
1. Association Services
The Association Services contributed $1,001,321 in revenue, reflecting a 20% increase from $835,945 in 2023. This growth is attributed to expanded community events, cultural programs, and improved membership engagement. The expenses for this segment were $1,093,133, resulting in a deficit, primarily due to increased administrative costs and the scale of events
2. Community Care
Community Care remains the largest revenue generator, contributing $15,902,183, a 13% increase from $14,086,608 in 2023 This growth is driven by the expansion of aged care and disability services, supported by government funding
Employee expenses for Community Care were $10,467,058, a 12% increase from 2023. Administrative expenses saw a 22% reduction, reflecting efforts to streamline operations and reduce overheads.
The Chung Wah Chinese Schools contributed $806,313 in revenue, up 21% from $666,453 in 2023 This growth is attributed to increased enrolment and higher demand for Chinese language and cultural education
Expenses for the schools totalled $495,975, a 2% increase from 2023 Despite this slight rise in costs, the schools recorded a surplus of $112,866, reflecting efficient management and steady growth in enrolment.
As of 30 June 2024, the Association’s total assets stood at $21,332,411, representing a 16% increase from $18,336,337 in 2023. Total liabilities amounted to $4,570,858, up 47% from $3,118,902 in the previous year. Net assets grew by 10%, from $15,217,435 to $16,761,553
The Association generated a positive cash flow from operating activities, with a net inflow of $2,020,048, up 463% from the previous year’s $358,946. This improvement is a result of government grants to Bentley community centre, increased revenue streams, effective cost management, and better liquidity
The Association's financial performance in 2024 demonstrates our continued commitment to serving the community while maintaining a strong financial base. With an overall surplus and growth in key segments such as Association Services, Community Care, and the Chinese Schools, the Association is wellpositioned for future investments in community services and infrastructure
I extend my gratitude to the Chung Wah Finance and Administration team, Executive Committee, and members for their ongoing support and dedication.
我很荣幸向⼤家呈报截⾄2024年6⽉30⽇的中华 会馆财务报告。
$17,709,817,较上 年的$15,589,006增⻓了14%。
本年度的营业盈余为 $1,544,118 ,⽐ 2023 年的 $1,381,401增⻓了12%。
会馆的主要收⼊来源包括: 筹款及服务提供:$11,071,312(⽐去年的
会员费:$34,038(⽐去年的$38,957减少了 13%)
这些收⼊来源表明了社区、政府和会员对会馆的持 续⽀持,以及会馆项⽬和服务的成功。
本年度总⽀出为 $16,165,699 ,较去年的 $14,207,605增加了14%。主要⽀出类别包括:
⾏政⽀出:$899,301(⽐去年的$983,073减少 了9%)
其他运营⽀出: $3,512,961 (⽐去年的 $2,610,707增加了35%)
1. 会馆服务
会馆服务的收⼊为$1,001,321,较去年的 $835,945增⻓了20%。这 增⻓归因于社区活动的扩 展、⽂化项⽬的增加以及会员参与度的提升。该部分 的⽀出为$1,093,133,由于⾏政成本增加以及活动规 模扩⼤,导致这 部分出现了⾚字。
2. 社区关怀
社区关怀仍然是最⼤的收⼊来源,贡献了 $15,902,183,较去年的$14,086,608增⻓了13%。这 增⻓主要归功于⽼年护理和残障服务的扩展,以及 政府资助的⽀持。
社区关怀的员⼯⽀出为$10,467,058,⽐2023年增 ⻓了12%。同时,⾏政⽀出减少了22%,这表明我们 在简化运营和降低成本⽅⾯取得了显著成效。
社区关怀板块的表现反映了会馆致⼒于满⾜社区 需求,其中$4,913,767来⾃政府对这些关键服务的资 助。
3. 中华中⽂学校 中华中⽂学校的 为$806,313,较去 $666,453增⻓了21 增⻓得益于⼊学 增加以及中⽂语⾔ 教育需求的上升。
学校的⽀出为$495,975 管⽀出略有上升,学校仍实现了$112,866的盈余,反 映出管理的⾼效以及⼊学⼈数的稳定增⻓。
截⾄ 2024 年 6 ⽉ 30 ⽇,会馆的总资产为 $21,332,411,⽐去年的$18,336,337增加了16%。总 负债为 $4,570,858 ,较去年的 $3,118,902 增加了 47%。净资产增⻓了10%,从去年的$15,217,435增⻓ ⾄$16,761,553。
会馆通过经营活动产⽣了$2,020,048的正现⾦ 流,较去年的$358,946增加了463%。这 改善得益 于对Bentley社区中⼼的政府资助、收⼊流的增加、成 本管理的有效性和更好的流动性。
2024年,会馆的财务表现表明我们在服务社区 的同时,继续保持了坚实的财务基础。随着会馆服 务、社区关怀和中⽂学校等关键领域的整体盈余和增 ⻓,会馆在未来投资社区服务和基础设施⽅⾯处于有 利位置。
我谨向财务和⾏政团队,中华会馆执⾏委员会及 全体会员表⽰诚挚的感谢,感谢他们的持续⽀持与奉 献。
荣誉财务⻓ 2024年10⽉7⽇
In the opinion of the Executive Committee of The Chung Wah Association Inc:
The accompanying financial statements give a true and fair view of its financial position as at 30 June 2024 and of its performance for the financial year ended on that date
The accompanying financial statements comply with Australian Accounting Standards (including the Australian Accounting Interpretations) and other mandatory professional requirements.
At the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that Chung Wah Association Inc will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.
Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Executive Committee:
President Dr Ting CHEN
Honorary Treasurer Yang HE
Date: 16 October 2024