Chung Wah Magazine Issue #58 - AUTUMN 2024

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中华学校 Chinese Education

社区长者服务 Community and Aged Care

文化团体 Chinese Cultural Events and Activities


Call our membership and enquiry hotline 入会及询问热线 (��) ���� ���� or download a membership application from our webiste 网上下载入会申请表 and email us 申请电子回传 or post it to us at 或者邮寄回传 PO Box ��, Northbridge WA ����

叶落知秋 金风玉露

时光飞逝;感觉就像昨天我们在珀斯中 华新年文化节的庆祝活动上,而现在,夏天 郁郁葱葱的绿色已经变成了秋天灿烂的落 叶。虽然文化节活动结束后,生活变得稍微 较平静,但中华会馆幕后的活动筹办和预 备工作还是一样热闹非凡。

我们为中华本特利区中心举办的筹款 活动正在如火如荼地进行中。会馆理事会 成员正在积极寻求各种途径来筹集必要 的建筑资金,从举办筹款晚宴到发起“添 砖加瓦”的募款活动,凡捐款100澳元者、 可以在捐款墙的砖上刻上名字。会馆还发 起了“Containers for Change”回收活动, 透过大家的集体合作、将日常累计下来的 瓶瓶罐罐转化为本特利社区中心的建筑基 金。

本期精彩呈现2024年珀斯中华新年文 化节期间的热闹盛况,并带来中华会馆及 更广泛华人社区的最新资讯。我们的特辑 故事赞颂了丰富多彩的文化底蕴,这加强 了我们社群凝聚力的稳固联系。此外,我 们的资深专栏作家继续传授他们的智慧, 提供的深刻见解既丰富了我们对文化的理 解,也提升了我们的生活品质。

感谢您一直以来的支持和热情。随着 天气转凉,我们祝您身体健康,幸福快乐。

Autumn is Here

We celebrated the Chinese New Year Fair and now, Summer’s lush greenery has transformed into Autumn’s brilliant foliage. Although it seems to be quieter since the Fair ended, there has been plenty going on behind the scenes. Our fundraising campaign for the Chung Wah Bentley Community Centre is in full swing. The Executive Committee is fervently pursuing every avenue to raise the necessary funds, from hosting fundraising dinners to launching a “Buy a Brick” campaign where donations of $100 per brick can be made. We’ve also initiated a ‘Containers for Change’ recycling drive, turning everyday activities into opportunities for support. This edition shines a spotlight on the dynamic Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2024, along with the latest updates from the Chung Wah Association and the broader Chinese community. Our featured stories celebrate the rich cultural tapestry and the robust connections that bind our community together. Additionally, our esteemed columnists continue to impart their wisdom, offering insights that enrich our cultural understanding and enhance our daily lives.



Founded in 1909, the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organisation in Western Australia. We are recognised by the Federal, State, and Local Governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in Western Australia.

The many achievements of the Association incude:

• Community and aged care for the aged and senior members, and migrant services.

• Chinese schools promoting Chinese education and upholding cultural awareness.

• Cultural and social groups incorporating Lion and Dragon dance, Chinese Cultural Dance, Chinese orchestra, Chinese opera and Women’s Subcommittee.

• Hosting the largest Chinese New Year community event in Western Australia.

BECOME A MEMBER: To review the full range of membership options and benefits, go to

BECOME A VOLUNTEER / PARTNER: Call 93288657 or email us at


Thank you for your continuous support and enthusiasm. As we move into cooler weather, we wish you health and happiness.

Thank you.

中华会馆是西澳最大、历史最悠久的华人社团。备 受联邦政府、州政府和地方政府认可为西澳华人社 区的代言组织。

超过一百年以来,中华会馆所建立的成果包括: · 给长者和移民提供社区服务及护理服务 · 办中文学校传承华人传统文化和发扬中文教育 · 综合舞狮、华乐、京剧、粤剧、舞蹈和妇女组等的 文化及社交小组 · 承办西澳最大型的农历新年社区活动 想成为会员: 请浏览网页 查知会员详情及会员优惠 想成为志愿者/合作伙伴: 致电 ���� ���� 或 发邮件到

A Minister with Diverse Talents

Dear Members,

As I reflect on the first quarter of the year, I am filled with immense gratitude towards the Executive Committee and all our valued members for their unwavering support since the elections late last year. We have embarked on a journey with high aspirations, and our focus remains steadfast on the completion of the Chung Wah Community Centre at Bentley. This project is a testament to our collective commitment to serving and enhancing our community.

Our ambitions for the Community Centre are significant and achieving them requires substantial resources. I am profoundly thankful for the enthusiastic participation in our recent fundraising initiatives, including the highly successful dinner event. Your generosity has greatly bolstered the Chung Wah construction fund, reflecting a community united in purpose and spirit. I am also appreciative of the Executive Committee’s tireless efforts to mobilise support and resources that bring us closer to our goal.

The 2024 Perth Chinese New Year Fair was a spectacular event that elevated our community’s spirit. I extend my heartfelt thanks to every staff member, volunteer, participant, and sponsor who played a part in crafting such a memorable celebration. With your help, we aim to make the 2025 event even more impressive, showcasing the vibrant culture and tradition of our community.

Looking ahead, we face significant projects that will require the energy and dedication of our community. I urge new members and volunteers to join us as we strengthen our Association and tackle future challenges, including the essential upgrades to Chung Wah Hall at James Street and the Chung Wah Cultural Centre at Balcatta. The Autumn Centre project, too, needs your committed involvement to move forward successfully.

Lastly, I cannot express enough gratitude towards our executive members and staff, particularly our Honorary Secretary Jen Nie CHONG, for her exceptional leadership, and our Senior Vice President Andy YUAN, whose support has been invaluable in sharing the leadership duties. Their dedication ensures the smooth operation of our Association, allowing us to aim for higher achievements and better service to our community.

Thank you once again for your commitment and support. Together, we will continue to build a legacy that future generations will be proud of.

Warm regards,


在回顾今年第一季度的工作时,我感到非常感激。 自去年底的选举以来,中华会馆理事会成员以及会员们 坚定不移的支持使,我们能以满怀壮志开启新的征程。 我们的重点项目——本特利中华社区中心,正逐步走 向完成,这个项目是我们服务社区和改善社区环境共同 承诺的体现。

对于社区中心的建设,我们的目标宏大而远大,要 实现这些目标,我们需要大量的资源。我非常感谢大家 在最近的筹款活动中,特别是在成功的筹款晚宴中,所 表现出的热情和慷慨。您的大力支持极大地推动了我 们的建设基金,展现了一个团结一致、共同目标的社区 风貌。我也要感谢理事会尘缘会为争取更多支持和资 源所做出的不懈努力。

2024年珀斯中华新年文化节的规模盛大,为我们 社区带来了前所未有的活力。我衷心感谢所有中华职 员、志愿者、参与者和赞助商,他们的共同努力让这次 活动异常难忘。在大家的帮助下,我们期待在2025年将 这一活动推向更高水平,展示我们社区的生机与文化传 统。

展望未来,我们有许多重大项目等待着社区的力量 和奉献。我诚邀更多新会员和志愿者加入我们,共同强 化中华会馆,面对未来挑战,这包括对詹姆斯街中华堂 和巴尔卡塔中华文化中心的升级改造。中华秋园的项目 同样需要大家的积极参与和支持。

最后,我要对我们的理事会成员和办公室职员表示 特别的感谢,尤其是名誉秘书张娟妮女士的杰出领导 能力,以及高级副会长袁浩博先生在共享领导责任方面 的巨大支持。他们的辛勤工作保证了我们会馆的运作顺 畅,使我们能够不断追求更高的成就,为社区提供更好 的服务。

再次感谢各位的承诺与支持,让我们携手共创一个 令后代自豪的辉煌未来。


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Voice of Chung Wah




主编寄语 Editorial

会长感言 President’s Message


Chung Wah News


Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe Competition Win Boyare小学和谐日庆祝活动

Boyare Primary School Harmony Day Celebration

中文教师协会组织学校访问活动 School Visit organised by Chinese Language Teachers Association Canning跨文化舞蹈音乐会

City of Canning Intercultural Dance Concert


Chung Wah Focus

08 中华会馆本特利社区中心


Chung Wah Fundraising Dinner for Chung Wah Community Centre, Bentley

18 龙腾西澳迎新年,福至人间泽万家

Welcoming the Year of the Dragon at the 2024 Perth Chinese New Year Fair

24 喜迎龙年 西澳华人新年舞会

Roaring In The Year Of The Dragon

人物专访 Profile interview


多才多艺的部长 A Minister with Diverse Talents

家爱 Family

32 盈盈小筑 A Taste of Memories


Alkaline Dumplings with Adzuki Bean Paste


多才多艺的部长 多才多艺的部长 A Minister with Diverse Talents

18 西澳大利亚州2024年农历新年 西澳大利亚州2024年农历新年 Chinese New Year 2024 in Western Australia

36 校园天地

The School Yard


Mother’s Day Morning Tea


Storytelling Competition


Sports Day at Chung Wah Chinese School Morley

38 医疗资讯 Medical Information

免费流感疫苗接种 Free influenza vaccination

谈谈经络穴位养生对 老年保健的重要性

Exploring the Vitality of Meridian Acupressure in Elderly Wellness

08 中华会馆本特利社区中心 中华会馆本特利社区中心 筹款倡议晚宴 Chung Wah Fundraising Dinner for Chung Wah Community Centre, Bentley 西澳历史最悠久的民族团体

24 喜迎龙年 喜迎龙年 西澳华人新年舞会 Roaring In The Year Of The Dragon

松柏长青 Community Care


照顾者夏令营:编制心灵的纽带 Heartfelt Connections at the Carer Camp in Perth Peel region

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive

40 长期活动 Regular Activities

42 中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme


发行 Published by

中华会馆 Chung Wah Association

Editorial and Advertising Enquiries

编辑室 Editorial team

主编 Chief Editor

查绍翰 Jeffrey CHA

执行编辑 Executive Editor

卡尔 汪 Carl ONG

视觉设计 Visual Designer

卡尔 汪 Carl ONG

编辑 Editor

张娟妮 Jen Nie CHONG

叶文仪 Charlotte YEAP

行政支持 Administration

王 丽 Sophie WANG

翻译人员 Translators

项海颖 Haiying XIANG

供稿者 Columnist

张娟妮 Jen Nie CHONG

林心仁 SinJin LIM


Chung Wah Hall and Administration Office

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 (08) 9328 8657

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865


Chung Wah Community Care Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003

电话 Telephone 传真 Facsimile (08) 9328 3988 (08) 9228 3990


Chung Wah Cultural Centre

18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021


Willetton Centre

58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton WA 6155


Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming

Aulberry Parade, Leeming 6149

联系人 Contact Details

周如真女士 Luisa CHOU 0401 738 778


Chung Wah Chinese School Morley

Bramwell Road, Noranda 6062

联系人 Contact Details

陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0411 249 463


Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Keith Road, Rossmoyne 6148

联系人 Contact Details

马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898


Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

联系人 Contact Details

李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306


Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell 201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164

联系人 Contact Details

李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306


Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-West 134 George Road, Beresford WA 6530

联系人 Contact Details

詹乔安 Joanne CHAN

中华妇女部 CW Womens Subcommittee

中华龙狮团 CW Lion Dance Troupe

中华舞蹈团 CW Cultural Dance Troupe

中华华乐团 CW Chinese Orchestra

中华粤剧社 CW Cantonese Opera

中华太极组 CW Taichi Group

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

版权所有,未经允许 不得转载本刊文字及图片

All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association.

声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自中华会馆。因为 题材来源多样,会刊基于对其真实性和准确性的理解而予以登 载。对题材中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.


中华龙狮团近期在泰国那拉提瓦府举办的双溪 古洛高杆与传统比赛中展现了卓越的技艺,并荣获 传统风格类别的冠军。这次活动不仅提供了一个结 识新朋友和加深友谊的绝佳机会,也让我们期待在 未来的活动中再次与大家相聚。同时,我们衷心感谢 所有家人和朋友的坚定支持和鼓励。在这次成功的 激励下,我们将更加努力地磨练我们的技艺,力求达 到新的高度。

Boyare Primary School

Harmony Day Celebration

The Chung Wah dancers were grateful for the invitation from Boyare Primary School to participate in their Harmony Day celebration! Our dance group were delighted to share cultural dances with the wonderful students, whose energy and kindness truly inspired them. The event beautifully embodied the theme “Everyone smiles in the same language,” highlighting the unity and joy among all participants. We appreciate the opportunity to contribute to this special day and celebrate cultural diversity together.


中华舞蹈团感谢Boyare小学的邀请,参加他们 的和谐日庆祝活动!我们的舞蹈团很高兴能与这些 可爱的学生分享文化舞蹈,他们的活力和善良深深 启发了我们。活动完美体现了“微笑是共通的语言” 这一主题,突出了所有参与者之间的团结和快乐。我 们感激能有机会为这个特殊的日子做出贡献,并共 同庆祝文化多样性。

Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe Competition Win

The Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe recently showcased their skills at the Sungai Kolok High Pole and Traditional Competition in Narathiwat, Thailand, where they triumphed in the Traditional Style category. The team came second in the traditional competition and fifth out of fourteen teams in the high pole competition. The event provided an excellent opportunity to meet new friends and strengthen bonds. We look forward to reconnecting with everyone at future events. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to all our family and friends for their unwavering support. Inspired by this success, we are more committed than ever to continue honing our craft.

Text ◎ Chung Wah Dance | Image ◎ Dan Chui

Text/Image ◎ Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra

City of Canning Intercultural Dance Concert

The Intercultural Dance Concert, organised by Canning Cultural Ambassadors 2023/24 and led by Cynthi Yapa, was held on June 2, 2024, at the Hillview Intercultural Community Centre, WA. The Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra was thrilled to participate, sharing the joy of Chinese orchestral music with the community. The event highlighted cultural unity and provided a vibrant platform for diverse artistic expressions.


由Canning 2023/24文化大使Cynthi Yapa组 织的跨文化舞蹈音乐会于2024年6月2日在西澳 Hillview跨文化社区中心成功举办。中华华乐团 非常高兴能够参与其中,与社区居民分享中国乐 团音乐的喜悦。此次活动突显了文化的团结,并 为多样的艺术表达提供了一个充满活力的平台。

Students’ Excursion organised by Chinese Language Teachers Association

Organised by the Chinese Language Teachers Association, students from eight high schools visited Chung Wah Hall to gain a deeper understanding of the history of Chinese immigrants in Western Australia and the rich tradition of lion dancing. During their visit, they explored various exhibits, participated in interactive sessions, and learned about the cultural significance and techniques of lion dance. This educational trip aimed to foster cultural appreciation and broaden the students’ knowledge of Chinese heritage in their local community.


此次由中文教师协会组织的学校访问活动中,来自八所高中的学生参观了中华 会馆,以深入了解华人在西澳的历史和舞狮的悠久传统。在参观过程中,他们浏览了 各种展品,参与了互动环节,并学习了舞狮表演的文化意义和技巧。这次教育之旅旨 在促进文化欣赏,拓宽学生对本地社区中华人遗产的认识。

Text/Image ◎ Chung Wah Association

Chung Wah Fundraising Dinner for Chung Wah Community Centre, Bentley

planning process of the Community Centre and thanked the Federal and State governments for their support to

The Chung Wah Community Centre Fundraising Committee led by Chung Wah Vice-President Andy Yuan, organised a fundraising dinner for the construction of the new community centre to be built in Bentley. The dinner, attended by 310 guests, was held on 25th May at Pinn’s Palace Chinese Restaurant in Cannington.

Mr. Sam LIM MP, emphasised in his speech the importance of the Chinese community coming together for the construction of this new community centre. Kate Doust, Member for South Metro and a good friend to the community, encouraged everyone at the dinner to give their support towards the good cause. Dr. Bob TAN, Chairperson of the Chung Wah Council of Elders, called for more new members to join Chung Wah Association.

Chung Wah has received some generous donations, including $10,000 from a donor who doesn’t wish to be named. Another major donor was Mr. XIE. When he heard through social media that Chung Wah was fundraising for the construction of the Community Centre, he took the initiative to travel 60km to donate. He enthusiastically acclaimed that he wanted to contribute to building a home of the Chinese Community. Besides the cash donation, he has also kindly donated four construction carts to be used during the project.

The upcoming Community Centre will serve multiple purposes including community functions, aged and community care respite services, and as a hub for cultural activities. It aims to be a welcoming space for the Chinese community south of the river and will also be available for use by other communities.

Before the dinner started, Dr. Ting CHEN, President of Chung Wah Association gave his welcoming speech. He shared his experience in the

Senior Vice

President Andy YUAN thanked all the Chinese associations and community leaders; all services, cultural and activity groups of the Chung Wah Association; all sponsors and owners of Pinn’s Palace Restaurant, Jason and Wern to specially upgraded the audio-visual systems for the event.

Superforex was the major supporter for the fundraising dinner, donating $5,000 for the VVIP table. The company is the leading global financial company specialising in currency exchange, money transfer and international remittances. They have offices throughout Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. All the wines for the night were donated by Warriors Wine.

Andy YUAN | Edit◎Jennie CHONG | Translate◎Carl | Photography◎Dan ZHOU (Perth Post)

We would like to express our gratitude to the below organisations for supporting the fund-raising appeal:

• Western Australia Chinese Table Tennis Association Inc

• Western Australia Chinese Engineers Association

• Australia Jiangsu United Association

• Tianshan Association (WA)

• Sam Lim MP

• Beijing People’s Association of WA Inc

• Quyen Lu

• Australia Hunan Culture and Commerce Association

• Alpha Solar Technologies Pty Ltd

• Su & Co

• WA Fujian Association Inc.

• Hubei Association of Western Australia Inc

• Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce

• Australian Chinese Women’s Federation Inc

• Australian Mulan Culture and Arts Association

• Chinese Mums Association WA

• Zhou You

• Black Diamond Drilling Services

• D & Y Flexible Duct

• Hainanese Association of Western Australia Inc

• Western Australia Chinese Scientists Association (WACSA)

• Australian Chinese Building Association (Perth)

• Cockburn Chinese Community Association

The construction of the Chung Wah Community Centre at Bentley also received overwhelming support internally from all cultural and service groups of the Chung Wah Family.

• Chung Wah Community Care

• Chung Wah Chinese School –Rossmoyne

• Chung Wah Orchestra

• Chung Wah Choir

• Chung Wah Chinese Dance

• Chung Wah Line Dance Group

• Chung Wah Lion Dance Group

The West Australian Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Association Inc. and Western Australian Guangxi Association Incorporated could not attend on the night but kindly donated their dinner tickets to Chung Wah Association. We sincerely thank them for their support.

The Chung Wah Association has launched a brick fundraising campaign to collect community donations. All donors will have their names engraved on bricks to commemorate their noble act.

The construction, managed by Encon Project Management, is set to commence in October 2024 and is expected to be completed in 2025. The total cost for Stage 1 of the building is projected at about $10 million, with $6.75 million in funding provided by the WA State and Federal Government, whose support we deeply appreciate.

Our fundraising goal for Stage 1 is $1 million by December 2024. We invite you to join us in making this community landmark a reality. Your support can make a significant difference.

由中华社区中心首席副会长袁浩博领 导的筹款委员会,为即将在Bentley兴建的 新社区中心举办筹款晚宴。晚宴于5月25 日在Cannington的品味中餐厅举行,共有 310位宾客参加。

即将兴建的社区中心将服务于多种用 途,包括社区功能、老年人和社区护理暂托 服务,以及作为文化活动的中心。它旨在成

为Swan河南部华人社区的活动空间,同时 也会开放让其他社区使用。

晚宴开始前,中华会会长陈挺博士致 欢迎辞。他分享了自己在社区中心规划过 程中的经验,并感谢联邦和州政府对华人 社区的支持。

联邦议员林文庆先生在致辞中强调, 华人社区齐心协力建设这个新社区中心的 重要性。South Metro的议员 Kate Doust 女士,作为华人社区的好朋友,她鼓励晚宴 上的每个人为这项公益事业提供支 持。中华长老会主席陈振发 医生呼吁更多新成员加 入中华会。

首席副会长袁浩 博感谢所有华人组 织和社区领袖,着 包括中华会馆旗下 所有服务、文化及 活动团体、品味餐 厅 东主Jason 和 Wern作为场地赞助 方,更是为了这次活动


中华会馆收到了需要善心人士的慷慨 解囊的捐款,其中包括一位不愿透露姓名 的捐赠者的10,000澳元。另一位主要捐助 者是谢先生。当他透过社交媒体听说中华 会馆正在为社区中心建设筹款时,他主动 驱车60公里来给中华献上他的心意。他热 情洋溢地表示,他想为建设华人社区的家 园做出贡献。除了现金捐赠外,他还捐赠了 四辆建筑推车,供项目期间使用。

汇通金融是筹款晚宴的主要 支持者,为 VVIP 桌捐赠了 5,000 澳元。该公司是全 球领先的金融公司, 专门从事货币兑换、 汇款和国际汇款。

他们在悉尼、墨尔 本、布里斯班和珀 斯设有办事处。 当晚的所有葡萄 酒都是由Warriors Wine捐赠的。

中华会馆对于以下社区组织和团体所 提供的捐助表示崇高的谢意:

• 西澳大利亚华人乒乓球协会

• 西澳大利亚华人工程师协会

• 澳大利亚江苏联合会

• 西澳大利亚新疆联谊会

• 林清文联邦议员

• 北京西澳联谊会

• 西澳大利亚湖南同乡会暨总商会

• 宋廷光 Alpha Solar Technologies Pty Ltd

• 徐天送 Su & Co

• 西澳大利亚福建同乡会

• 西澳大利亚湖北同乡会

• 西澳大利亚中华总商会

• 西澳大利亚华人华侨妇女联合会

• 澳大利亚木兰文化艺术协会

• 西澳大利亚中国妈妈俱乐部

• Black Diamond Drilling Services

• 丁少平 D&Y Flexible Duct

• 西澳大利亚海南同乡会

• 西澳大利亚华人科学家协会

• 澳大利亚华人房产协会西澳分会

• 酷本华人社团

中华本特利社区中心当然少不了中华 会馆旗下社区服务、文化以及康乐团体的 鼎力支持,体现中华一家的团结精神。

• 中华社区服务

• 中华乐思中文学校

• 中华华乐团

• 中华合唱团

• 中华舞

• 中华排排舞

• 中华龙狮团

西澳大利亚浙江总商会、西澳大利亚 广西同乡会暨总商会给予这次的募款倡议 提供了捐款、但不克出席晚宴。我们由衷感 谢他们的慷慨解囊、鼎力相助为西澳大利 的华人社区中心做出贡献。

中华会馆也发起了一人一砖筹款 活动,以收集社区捐款。所有捐款人 的芳名将会镌刻在砖块上、以砌成 一面丰碑、以此铭记这些为社区中 心捐助的人

中华社区中心的建筑工程由 Encon项目管理公司管理,将于 2024年10月开始,预计将于2025年 完工。该建筑第一阶段的总成本预计约 为1000万澳元,其中675万澳元的资金由 西澳州和联邦政府提供,我们非常感谢他 们的支持。

我们第一阶段的筹款目标是在2024年 12月之前筹集100万澳元。我们邀请您加入 我们,使这个社区地标成为现实。您的支持 可以产生重大影响。

A Minister with Diverse Talents

Hon. David Robert Michael MLA

David Michael, Member for Balcatta, reflects on his upbringing and family's journey, rooted in Lawley Street, Tuart Hill. His Finnish mother's migration to Australia and his Australian father's lineage shaped his values, rooted in Labor principles.

Despite family struggles, David’s parents provided unwavering support, fostering his education and political engagement. Joining the Labor Party in 1998, influenced by social issues and mentorship from local MPs, he embarked on a career driven by advocacy and community service.

Political career at a glance

David has been an active member of WA Labor since 1998, holding various roles within the party across multiple branches, including the University, Dianella/Yokine, Craigie, and Balcatta branches. He has also served on the Curtin Electoral Council and Stirling Electoral Council.

Currently, David holds the position of Assistant State Returning Officer within the State Executive. Elected to the Legislative Assembly of Balcatta on March 11, 2017, during the Fortieth Parliament, he succeeded Christopher David Hatton. Re-elected in 2021, David previously contested the state election as a Labor candidate for Churchlands in 2001.

Throughout his tenure, David has held several significant positions, including Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, Treasurer, and Minister for Public Sector Management and Federal-State Relations since March 19, 2021. He also

served as Parliamentary Secretary of the Cabinet until June 8, 2023.

Subsequently, he assumed the roles of Minister for Ports, Local Government, and Road Safety, along with being the Minister assisting the Minister for Transport from June 8 to December 8, 2023. David also held the portfolio of Minister for Mines and Petroleum, Ports, and Road Safety, while also serving as the Minister Assisting the Minister for Transport. Additionally, he served as the Government Whip from March 15, 2017, to March 17, 2021.

Mines and Petroleum

Minister Michael was elected in 2017 and then ascended to become a minister replacing Mark McGowan in the cabinet after his resignation. He highlighted that he was sworn in at the same time as Roger Cook was sworn in to become the State Premier.

Subsequently in December 2023, he was very privileged to assume the portfolio of Mines and Petroleum, considering it is a very senior and large portfolio for a state like Western Australia. He expresses his enthusiasm during the interview that there is lots to learn even after five months, however he has started to get a good understanding of the mining and petroleum sector.

“As I have learned in everything in my life, there’s lots more to learn’, David said humbly, ‘Even when you think you known it all, there’s always something else to learn.”

“I’m just reading as much as I can, and meeting as many people as I can to understand the sector, and how the government can help,” he said.

David stresses the massive impact the resources sector has on the country. Things like critical minerals that WA has underground that would help the world to de-carbonise in the coming decades.

Western Australia (WA) has a significant deposits of critical minerals, such as lithium, nickel, and rare earths, which are essential for renewable energy technologies like batteries and wind turbines.

Applications like batteries for cars or at-grid batteries, and transmission equipment, as well as production

equipment and plant for processing, will all required the input of raw materials. David is proud the State Government supports the exploration and extraction of these minerals through grants programs and collaboration with mining companies. Exploration, surveying and mapping also provides information for a central database that mining companies can use to help find the next major mineral discoveries.

When Minister Michael was asked about sustainable planning for mining, he highlighted that mining has been going on in WA for over a century since the European settlement almost 200 years ago. He mentioned that mining history in Kalgoorlie can be dated back to the 1800’s.

geologists will utilise the supplied information to further investigate.

Minister Michael shared his knowledge with us that there has been mapping done for all known materials under the ground, and there is continued efforts to make that publicly available to everyone. Any company big or small, explore will be required to submit detailed scientific reports to the government as part of the exploration approval. Scientists and

Minister Michael also further elaborated that WA being a large state, we have tried our best to plot of all known critical minerals on the map, which could be as complex as the constellation in the night sky. However, a large part in the middle of the WA desert appears to be unknown to date. Critical minerals would not stop at where we currently can detect them, so the State will continue rolling out exploration including the latest mapping and surveying techonlogy to learn more about the unknown.

When asked about striking the balance between impact to the environment and sustainable mining, Minister Michael said that WA is fortunate to have miners which are at the forefront of old-mine rehabilitation. WA has a rigorous approvals program applied to all mining practice, in comparison with some countries in the world that are just starting in mining.

‘Our environmental approvals in Australia actually means something’, said Minister Michael, ‘We think that in future, when people buy an EV or a

battery, they would want to know where the product comes from and whether that country looks after the traditional owners and has good labour laws.”

Minister Michael says in Australia, especially WA, we are well placed to have good environmental and social credentials for those minerals that get used for all sorts of products. He also stressed the importance of stable mining regulations and the involvement of foreign investors in the mining industry. He again highlighted the need for sustainable mining practices and the government’s focus on environmental protection and rehabilitation of mines.

Port Infrastructure

Minister Michael also holds the portfolio of Ports. He speaks enthusiastically abouts the Westport project, which is a collaborative effort amongst 10 State Government agencies, to chart the course for Perth’s future container port.

After rigorous evaluation, in 2020, during Phase 2, Kwinana emerged as the preferred location. Now advancing to Phase 3, Westport meticulously evaluates design alternatives and strategises the extension of the port at Kwinana, alongside the associated road and rail network.

In November 2023, the Government released a preferred design for WA’s future container supply chain, integrating a new port in Kwinana.

Recommendations for the port and supply chain design, along with development timelines, will be presented to Government in mid-2024. With most goods traversing through containers, the efficiency of our container supply chain is pivotal for our lifestyle and economic prosperity. Kwinana, with its established industrial infrastructure and ample land availability, has

long been earmarked as the prime location for WA’s major port.

The envisaged port and trade network will elevate Kwinana’s status as a global economic and industrial powerhouse, presenting promising opportunities for Fremantle as well. The Future of Fremantle initiative aligns with the State Government’s proposal to relocate port activities, offering a rare opportunity to explore the potential for revitalizing the Fremantle | Walyalup Inner Harbour precinct.

Road Safety

Another interesting portfolio that is held by Minister Michael is Road Safety. The Road Safety Commission of WA operates as a division within the WA Police, under his guidance.

The commission was established in July 2015 and was integrated into WA Police on July 1, 2017, as part of the State Government’s structural reforms aimed at optimising service delivery. With a primary objective of reducing road trauma on WA roads, the Commission aligns its efforts with the State Government’s Driving Change – Road Safety Strategy for Western Australia 2020-2030. Embracing a holistic Safe System approach to road safety, it focuses on promoting Safe Road Use, enhancing Road and Roadside safety, advocating for Safe Speeds, and ensuring the safety of Vehicles.

Furthermore, the Commission actively collaborates with diverse stakeholders, including government agencies, private organisations, and community groups, to cultivate a culture of road safety. Through extensive community education campaigns, engagement initiatives, and grants, it endeavours to elevate road safety standards and mitigate the prevalence of road trauma across Western Australia.

The Road Trauma Trust Account

During the interview, Minister Michael clarified the public misconception that speed cameras are a revenue generator for the Governments.

“The fines that are received from speed cameras goes into a fund called the Road Trauma Trust Account (RTTA), which spends 100 percent of its funds on road safety initiatives” he detailed to us during the interview.The primary objective of the Road Trauma Trust Account is to finance strategic

road safety projects aligned with the objectives set forth in the State Government’s Driving Change – Road Safety Strategy for Western Australia 2020-2030, which aims for a significant reduction in road fatalities and serious injuries by 2030. Governed by the Road Safety Council Act 2002, the Road Safety Council assumes the role of advising the Minister for Road Safety, with the Commission providing administrative support for the RTTA.

RTTA funding is allocated annually, with provisions outlined in the forward estimates to sustain ongoing road safety initiatives, albeit within the constraints of the overall State Government budget. Submissions for RTTA funding undergo rigorous assessment by the Commission before being presented to the Council for thorough evaluation and subsequent recommendations to the Minister for Road Safety.

The RTTA finances a diverse array of road safety initiatives meticulously selected for their potential to advance the objectives outlined in the Driving Change Strategy. While the Commission spearheads coordination efforts, the implementation of these projects often entails collaboration with various State Government agencies and external entities.

Editorial Impression

As a longstanding friend of the Chung Wah Association, Minister Michael proved to be exceedingly approachable during the interview. He exhibited a remarkable depth of knowledge on the interview topic, often surprising us with insights not commonly known to the public. Furthermore, his unwavering support for the Chung Wah Association, particularly in advocating for the redevelopment of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta, situated within his electorate, is truly commendable. The Chung Wah Association feels fortunate and proud to collaborate with a local member who is not only supportive but also remarkably down-to-earth in his approach to his work.

Reference | 参考:

• Mr David Robert Michael parliament/library/mphistoricaldata.nsf/ LinkMembersDbNames/Michael,%20Mr%20 David?OpenDocument

• A new port in Kwinana - Planning for the next century of trade growth in WA

• Road Safety Commission

多才多艺的部长 尊敬的David Michael MLA


的成员 David Michael扎根于 Tuart Hill 的 Lawley Street。他的母亲是来自芬兰的 澳大利亚移民,父亲的澳大利亚血统塑造了他的价值观,并植根于工党建党理念。

尽管家庭生活艰苦,但David的父母对 他的支持是坚定不移的,这促使了他投身教 育界、随后踏上政治仕途。他于九八年年加 入工党,受到社会问题和当地国会议员指 导的影响,他开始了以宣传和社区服务为动 力的职业生涯。


自 1998 年以来,David 一直是西澳工党 的活跃成员,在党内的多个分支中担任各种 职务,包括大学、Dianella/Yokine、Craigie 和Balcatta分支。他还曾在Curtin选举委员 会和Stirling选举委员会任职。

目前,David在州行政部门担任助理 州选举官一职。他于2017年3月11日当选为 Balcatta立法议会议员,在第四十届议会期 间接替Christopher David Hatton。Daivd 于2021年再次当选,此前曾于2001年作为 Churchlands的工党候选人参加州选举。

自2021年3月19日起,David担任过多个 重要职位,包括总理政务秘书、财政部长以 及公共部门管理和联邦州关系部长。他还曾 担任内阁政务秘书,直至2023年6月8日。

随后,他于2023年6月8日至12月8日担 任港口、地方政府和道路安全部长,并担任 协助交通部长的部长。David还担任过矿业 和石油、港口和道路安全部长,同时还担任 交通部长助理部长。此外,他还于2017年3



David Michael部长在2017年当选,随 后接替卸任的Mark McGowan成为内阁部 长。他在采访中提及,他很荣幸能与Roger Cook宣誓就任州总理的同时宣誓就 职。Daivd随后在2023年12月, 非常荣幸地承担了采矿和 石油业的事务,这被认 为是重要的政务之一, 尤其是像西澳大利 亚这样的仰赖矿产 和石化开采的州属。 这不仅是一州的事 务,更是是整个国家 所依赖的。他在采访 中表达了自己的热情, 即便担纲了这个职位五 个月,还是有很多新鲜的事 物要学习,但至此他已经开始对 采矿和石油行业有了更进一步的了解。

“正如我在生活中学到的一切一样,还 有太多需要学习的空间”,David谦虚地称 赞道,“即使你认为你已经知道了一切,也 总有别的东西要学”。

他说:“我只是尽可能多地阅读,并尽可 能多地与人会面,以了解这个行业,以及政 府如何提供帮助。

David强调了工业对国家的巨大影响。 比如我们国家在西澳地下拥有的关键矿产, 这将有助于世界在未来几十年内脱碳。

西澳州拥有大量关键矿物,例如锂、镍 和稀土,这些矿物对于电池和风力涡轮机 等可再生能源技术至关重要。家里车库中 会见到的汽车电池、或者联网的 家用蓄电池、以及它所配到 的传输设备;或者加工 开采铁矿和生产设备 及其工厂的建设,都 需要各种的矿产原 材料。David感到自 豪的是,州政府通 过赠款计划和与矿 业公司的合作来支持 这些矿物的勘探和开 采。通过勘探以及科学 技术的进步,已经建立了良 好的数据和测绘,包括系统性 的规划在矿产未来的提取。

当Michael部长被问及采矿的可持续规 划时,他强调,自近200年前欧洲人定居以 来,西澳的采矿业已经进行了一个多世纪。 他提到,Kalgoorlie的采矿历史可以追溯到 1800年代。


即已经对地下所有已知矿产已经进行了测 绘,并且正在继续努力向所有各方分享信 息。而且任何打算进行勘探的公司,无论大 小,都将被要求向政府提交详细的科学报 告,以此作为批准勘探请求的重要条件。

所获得的消息将被科学家和地质学家们进 行进更进一步的勘察参考。

Michael部长还进一步阐述说,西澳是 一个大州,虽然我们们已经尽了最大努力 把所有已知的关键矿物标示在地图,但这 些矿物的产区点就像是夜空中的星宿一样 复杂。然而,西澳的中部沙漠还有很大一部 分还是未知的。迄今为止,金或铁矿石等钙 质矿物的分布不仅仅局限在我们目前可以 探测到的地方,西澳将在未来继续推出应 用新科学和方法的进行勘探,以更多地了解 未知。

当被问及如何平衡对环境的影响和可持 续采矿时,Michael部长说,西澳是一个很 幸运的州属,采矿公司对于旧矿山修复始终 还是行业的最前沿。与世界上一些刚刚开始 采矿的国家相比,西澳有一个严格的批准 计划,并适用于所有采矿实践。

“我们在澳大利亚的环境批准实际上 意味着什么,”Michael部长说,“我们认 为,随着岁月的递进,当人们购买电动汽车 或电池或任何这些产品时,他们会想知道 产品原料的来源地,以及它是否照顾在该 土地的传统所有者,并有完善公的劳基法。

Michael部长说,在澳大利亚,特别是西 澳,我们完全有能力为那些用于各种产品的 矿物提供良好的环境和社会信誉。他还强 调了稳定的采矿法规和外国投资者参与采 矿业的重要性。他再次强调了可持续采矿实 践的必要性,以及政府对环境保护和矿山 恢复的关注。


Michael部长还负责港口基础设施的投资 组合。他向我们介绍了西港的倡议,这是2017 年成立的十个州政府机构之间的合作努力, 旨在为珀斯未来的集装箱港口制定路线。

经过严格的评估,在2020年的第二阶 段,Kwinana成为首选地点。现在进入第三

阶段,Westport仔细评估了设计方案,并制 定了Kwinana港口的扩展以及相关的公路 和铁路网络的战略。2023年11月,确定了西 澳未来集装箱供应链的首选设计,即整合 Kwinana的新港口。

有关港口和供应链设计的建议以及发 展时间表将于 2024 年年中提交给政府。由 于大多数货物都通过集装箱运输,因此集 装箱供应链的效率对于我们的生活方式和 经济繁荣至关重要。Kwinana拥有成熟的工 业基础设施和充足的土地资源,长期以来 一直被指定为西澳主要港口的黄金地段。

设想中的港口和贸易网络将提升 Kwinana作为全球经济和工业强国的地 位,也为Fremantle提供了充满希望的机 会。Fremantle的未来计划与州政府搬迁港 动的提议相一致,为探索振兴Fremantle的潜 力提供了一个难得的机会Walyalup内港区。


Michael部长持有的另一个有趣的政务 是道路安全。在他的领导下,西澳道路安全 委员会成为西澳警署的一个运作部门。

该委员会成立于2015年7月,并于2017 年7月1日并入西澳警署,作为州政府旨在优 化服务提供的结构改革的一部分。该委员 会的主要目标是减少西澳道路上的道路憾 事,将其努力与州政府的《2020-2030年西 澳大利亚州道路安全战略》保持一致。它采 用整体安全系统方法来实现道路安全,专注 于促进道路安全使用、加强道路和路边安 全、倡导安全速度和确保车辆安全。


者合作,包括政府机构、私人组织和社区团 体,以培养道路安全文化。通过广泛的社区 教育活动、参与倡议和赠款,它努力提高道 路安全标准并减轻西澳大利亚州道路创伤 的普遍性。


在采访中,Michael部长澄清了公众对测 速摄像头是交通部门收入来源的误解。

他在采访中向我们详细介绍了“从测速 摄像头收到的罚款实际上进入了一个名为 道路安全信托账户(RTTA)的基金,其中 100%的资金用于道路安全目的。

Michael部长指的是由道路安全委员 会管理和监督的RTTA。其主要目标是为符 合州政府《2020-2030年西澳大利亚州驾 驶变革-道路安全战略》中设定的目标的战 略性道路安全项目提供资金,该战略旨在 到2030年大幅减少道路死亡和重伤。根据 2002年《道路安全理事会法》,道路安全理 事会的作用是向道路安全部长提供咨询意 见,而道路安全理事会则为RTTA提供行政 支持。

RTTA资金每年分配一次,在远期概算 中概述了维持正在进行的道路安全举措的 准备金,尽管在州政府总体预算的限制范围 内。提交的RTTA资金经过委员会的严格评 估,然后提交给理事会进行彻底评估,随后 向道路安全部长提出建议。

RTTA为各种道路安全举措提供资金, 这些举措是精心挑选的,因为它们有可能推 进《推动变革战略》中概述的目标。虽然委 员会牵头协调工作,但这些项目的实施往往 需要与各州政府机构和外部实体合作。


作为中华会馆的老朋友,Michael部长 在采访中表现得非常平易近人。他在采访主 题上表现出非凡的深度知识,经常以公众不 为人知的见解让我们感到惊讶。此外,他坚 定不移地支持中华会馆,特别是倡导重建位 于其选民的Balcatta的中华文化中心,这确 实值得称赞。中华会馆很幸运能与当地议 员合作,他不仅提供支持,而且在执行力度 上也非常脚踏实地为社区谋福。

Welcoming the Year of the Dragon at the 2024 Perth Chinese New Year Fair

At noon on February 11, 2024, Perth’s annual prestigious event, the Perth Chinese New Year Fair, was organised by the Chung Wah Association. The opening ceremony took place at the Northbridge Piazza, located at the corner of James and Lake Street. This marks the 12th consecutive year that the Chung Wah Association has orchestrated the Chinese New Year celebrations, aligning once again with the Year of the Dragon. Festivities were held simultaneously in Northbridge and Yagan Square in the heart of Perth.

Following the Welcome to Country Ceremony by Neil Coyne and the Midn Marr Dreaming dance group, Dr. Ting CHEN, President of the Chung Wah Association, was joined by several distinguished guests to deliver speeches. These included Roger Cook, Premier of Western Australia; Tjorn Sibma, Western Australia Opposition Leader; Basil Zempilas, Mayor of the City of Perth; and Dingbin LONG, Chinese Consul General in Perth. Mayor Basil Zempilas officially opened the event with the traditional lighting of the firecrackers. The ceremony was attended by various Western Australian MPs, councillors, sponsors, and leaders from the Chinese community.

Amidst the vibrant sounds of gongs and drums, the dragon and lion dance performers from the Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe

Along James Street, over 40 multicultural food stalls offered a variety of local and international culinary delights.

and the WA Chinese Community Centre led the way, bestowing New Year’s blessings upon all in attendance. They kicked off the New Year’s cultural festival parade, with ten groups of performers starting from Northbridge Piazza, proceeding along James Street and William Street, and culminating at Yagan Square.

Vendors also sold clothing, New Year’s decorations, games, and scented soaps. Additional stalls provided community services and information on education and business opportunities. At Northbridge Piazza, the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra and Cantonese Opera group delivered a captivating three-hour performance. The WA Police Pipe Band added a unique touch with the loud yet melodious sounds of Scottish bagpipes. Every hour, lion dance performances energised the streets, drawing large crowds of enthusiastic spectators.

The Murdoch University Cultural Zone at Northbridge Piazza featured various activities, including paper cutting and folding, lantern making, Chinese painting, calligraphy, Sichuan mahjong,

Text/Translate ◎ Chung Wah Association | Photo ◎ Charlotte, Thien Khiem NGUYEN, Alan LI
Scan QRcode to view the event video.

and storytelling.

Additionally, the Perth Mint hosted a children’s gold panning experience that drew many children and parents.

Media stalls from SBS TV, Most Western Australia, and Perth Today also garnered significant attention from attendees.

Simultaneously, there were choir and dance performance curated by Dr. Julia Fu, deputy leader of the Women’s Subcommittee, along with five Chung Wah Chinese schools and other performance groups, captivated many spectators at the Piazza Stage. Their performances showcased the rich cultural heritage of the Chinese community whilst also

highlighting contemporary elements. In addition to event patrons, many attendees dressed in festive attire strolled through the fair with their families, relaxing, sampling food, and fully immersing themselves in the peaceful, joyful, and vibrant atmosphere of the festival.

The performances at the Yagan Square amphitheatre, meticulously organised by Teresa TAN, leader of the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra, featured a captivating lineup including dragon dances, lion dances, and drumming, all crowd favourites. Unique activities such as face painting, paper cutting, calligraphy, children’s crafts, and a “Luck Lane” further enhanced the festive atmosphere. Cultural performances from the Chung Wah Chinese schools, alongside Korean pop dances, delighted the audience. The ACE Young Pianist Studio’s exceptional piano recitals and violin

performances added an artistic touch to the cultural festival.

The Chung Wah Association hosted a guest reception for the Perth Chinese New Year Fair at the Hilton DoubleTree Hotel in Northbridge.

By 6:40pm, a large crowd had gathered at the Northbridge Piazza stage, which was beautifully adorned with Chinese decorations and flowers, eagerly anticipating the start of the multicultural concert evening featuring music from the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra. The concert began with a spectacular lion dance performance by the Lion Troupe. Dr. Ting CHEN, President of the Chung Wah Association, welcomed the audience with an opening speech. This was followed by a speech from

Tony Buti, Minister of Multicultural Interests of Western Australia, who spoke on behalf of Premier Roger Cook. Minister Buti extended New Year greetings to the Chinese community and highlighted its significant contributions to the economic, social, and multicultural development of Western Australia. Tjorn Sibma, representing the Leader of the Opposition; Dr. Victor Ko, Councillor of the City of Perth; and Fengzhong Wang, Vice Consul of the PRC in Perth and representative of the Mayor of Perth, also extended their New Year wishes to everyone.

The evening featured a rich array of performances, including singing, dancing, instrumental pieces, solo vocals, and choral singing. Participants included the Chung Wah Association’s Dragon and Lion Troupe, Chinese Dance Group, Chinese Orchestra, and Choir. Guest performers and organisations such as the Mulan Culture and Arts Association, Australasia Academy of Arts, and local cultural icons Wylie CHAN, Zita WONG, Xicong HUANG, Teresa TAN, Yongjun ZHOU, and Xiong Fei also graced the event. Additionally, the Jhankaar Indian Dance Company, Pevnev Ballet Academy of Western Australia, TidaOkinawan Dance Company, Diversity Dancers, and the Maple Leaf Choir contributed to the festive ambience. The diverse program allowed all attendees to immerse

themselves in the rich Chinese cultural experience of the Chinese alongside other ethnic traditions.

The 2024 Perth Chinese New Year Fair concluded with the Chung Wah Choir singing “I Still Call Australia Home,” leaving attendees with lasting memories of a vibrant celebration.

The success of the 2024 Perth Chinese New Year Cultural Festival is a testament to the selfless dedication and ingenuity of all involved. I extend heartfelt thanks to the Chung Wah Association office staff for their stellar organisation and the tireless efforts of all volunteers, as well as the Organising Committee and the myriads of organisations and volunteers who contributed to the cultural performances. Special recognition is due to Jen Nie CHONG, Honorary Secretary of the Chung Wah Association and Director of the Cultural Activities Committee, who expertly planned and served as the festival director.

We are profoundly grateful to the WA Government, the City of Perth, the Office of Multicultural Interests of WA, and Lotterywest for their support and sponsorship, in making the festival possible. Thanks also to our sponsoring partners Murdoch University, SBS, Double Tree Hilton, Northbridge, Perth Mint, Aus Wealth, Development WA, and Yagan Square. Our appreciation extends to all the contractors for their exceptional work, and to Chilli Panda Restaurant for providing meals to our volunteers and performers.

A special thanks to our program hosts Wei Ling TEH, Helene FUNG, and Yao for their splendid presentations, and to all the ministers, federal and state legislators, mayors, and city councillors who attended despite their busy schedules. We are also grateful for the participation of the Vice Consul General of the Consulate General of the PRC in Perth, the Consul General of Malaysia and Indonesia, and representatives from various overseas Chinese consulates, as well as Community Leaders, members of the Chung Wah Council of Elders and past Chung Wah presidents.

We also would like to express our sincere thanks to the media for their coverage and support, including The West Australian, SBS, Channel 7, Channel 9, ABC Radio, major Chinese newspapers, WeChat media, and photographers. It’s thanks to your collective efforts that the 2024 Perth Chinese New Year Fair has become a well-received multicultural highlight event in Perth!



文/译◎中华会馆 Chung Wah Association 龙腾西澳迎新年,福至人间泽万家


2024年2月11日中午12时,由西澳中 华会馆举办的珀斯市一年一度,久负盛 名的珀斯中华新年文化节在 北桥 “唐人街”(James Street、Lake Street、 北桥大广场隆重开 幕。这也是中华会

馆连续举办12届之 后,12生肖农历新 年庆典活动再次 轮回到龙年。庆祝

活动在北桥和珀斯 市中心的Yagan广场 同时举行。

一路行进并表演,观众们欣赏之外,还纷 纷合影留念。

在原住民欢迎仪式之后,中 华会馆会长陈挺博士,西澳州州长Roger Cook、西澳洲反对党领袖Tjorn Sibma, 珀 斯市长Basil Zempilas和中国驻珀斯总领 事龙定斌在中午12点隆重的开幕典礼上致 辞。接着是由珀斯市长Basil Zempilas宣布 文化节开幕并为活动点燃了庆典鞭炮。出 席开幕典礼的嘉宾包括多位西澳洲议员, 珀斯市议员,各赞助机构的代表以及华社 领袖。

在中华会馆龙狮团和西澳华人公会醒 狮团喧闹的锣鼓声中,活灵活现的龙狮一 路开道,为大家送去新年祝福,展开了本 次新年文化节的大游行,10支各具特色的 节庆庆典游行队伍从北桥广场出发,经过 James街, William街,最后到达雅甘广场,

在James街的两边设有40多 个各地民俗和美食为主体的 多国文化美食摊位,还有 服装、新年装饰品、游 戏机、香氛香皂的零售 商。其他的摊位提供社 区便民服务、教育和商 业信息。中华华乐团及 粤剧组在北桥有盖商 场里呈现一场为时三个 小时的音乐会。西澳警察 风管乐队的表演,洪亮但悠 扬的苏格兰风笛声别具特色。

每隔一个小时就有·舞龙舞狮在街头 表演,吸引大量的人群围观。

Lake Street和北桥大广场设有10多个 文化活动区也非常热闹。莫道克大学内容 丰富多彩的文化工作坊提供剪纸褶纸、制 作灯笼、中国画、书法,四川麻将,说故事 等,珀斯造币厂提供的儿童淘金体验活动, 吸引许多小朋友和家长踊跃参与,乐在其 中,SBS电视台,最西澳,今日珀斯等媒体 的摊位也吸引了不少人驻足。 与此同时,由 中华会馆妇女部副部长傅绪琼医生以及五 所中华中文学校以及其他多个文艺表演团 体的文化演出,精心策划的歌舞表演吸引 了许多人欣赏,充分展示中国丰富悠久的 历史文化和华人的今日风采。参与活动的 除了游客外,更多的是本地市民穿着节日 或夏日便装,携家带口,边走边逛,边吃边 玩,沐浴在祥和幸福、欢乐喜庆的气氛中。


王慧兰团长精心策划组织,舞龙表演,醒 狮和击鼓表演受到了观众的热捧,独具特 色的脸绘,剪纸,书法,儿童手 工活动,幸运巷,中华中 文学校的文化文娱表 演,韩国流行舞等让 观众乐此不彼,特 别值得一提的是 王牌少年钢琴乐 团的钢琴,小提琴 演奏给文化节增添 了不一样的艺术感 觉。

晚上5点30分,中华 会馆在北桥希尔顿Double Tree酒店举行新年文化节嘉宾招待会,嘉 宾们欢聚一堂共庆佳节。

六点四十分,繁花朵朵,灯光璀璨,颇 具华人特色的喜气洋洋的文化节主会场舞 台前已经汇聚了众多观 众在中华华乐团的 音乐声中等待着

多元文化文艺晚会的开始。中华会馆龙狮 团精彩的群狮表演拉开了晚会的序幕,之 后中华会馆会长陈挺博士首先上台致欢迎 辞,接着,西澳多元文化部长Tony Buti代表州长Roger Cook上台 致辞,他向华社祝贺新年,对

中华会馆等华社为西澳州经 济社会及多元文化发展做 出积极贡献表示肯定。


Tjorn Sibma, 和珀斯市 市长的代 表,市议员Dr

Victor Ko和中国 驻珀斯副领事王凤忠 应邀上台致辞并向大 家恭贺新年,所有的嘉 宾也纷纷走上舞台一起 给台下的群众拜年。

多元文化文艺演出舞蹈团 的音乐和舞蹈中正式开始,乐声意味

着欢迎大家来到澳洲这个多元文化的大家 庭。本次文艺晚会演出以歌舞,乐器演奏, 独唱,合唱等多元形式展现在观众面前。 参与演出的组织有中华会馆的龙狮团、舞 蹈团、华乐团及合唱团。受邀演出的社团 和嘉宾包括澳大利亚木兰文化艺术协会、 澳亚新艺学院、陈蔚莉,榕意, 黄希琮, 王 慧兰, 周永军, 熊菲以及西澳其他文化社 区艺术团。这包括Jhankaar 印度 舞团,西澳Pevnev芭蕾学 院、Tida-Okinawan舞 蹈团,Diversity舞蹈 团,Maple Leaf 合 唱团带来的精心编 排,令人耳目一新 的节目,让所有观 众深深感受到中华 传统文化与其他族 裔文化有机结合的 魅力。最后2024 年度 珀斯中华新年文化节在 大合唱 《澳大利亚我的家》 的歌声中完美落下帷幕。

2024年珀斯中华新年文化节的成功, 凝聚着所有参与者无私的付出和智慧。感 谢中华会馆办公室的高效组织和所有义工 的无私奉献,感谢筹委会各部门、参与文 化演出的各个团体及义工们辛勤无私的付 出,特别是中华会馆秘书长兼文化活动委 员会主任张娟妮策划并担任舞台总监。感 谢西澳州政府一贯的支持,感谢珀斯市政 府,西澳多元文化部,西澳彩票局对珀斯中 华新年文化节 的大力支持和赞助,感谢赞 助合作伙伴莫道克大学,SBS电台, 北桥希 尔顿Double Tree 大酒店, 珀斯造币厂,西 澳发展局和雅甘广场,Auswealth公司 的 密切合作。感谢所有项目合约单位的工作, 感谢七里香餐馆赞助午餐和晚餐给所有的 义工和表演者,感谢节目主持人郑暐誾、冯 恺盈和MC耀的精彩主持,感谢所有百忙中

抽空出席的部长、联邦与州议员、市长和市议员, 中国驻珀斯总领 馆副领事,马来西亚,印度尼西亚总领事、各侨团侨领,中华会馆 元老会主席和成员以及往届会长。感谢新闻媒体的支持,包括The West Australian、SBS电视台,7号电视台,9号电视台,ABC电台; 各大华人报纸及微信媒体、摄影摄像师们。因为有你们,珀斯中华 新年文化节才能成为珀斯一道亮丽的多元文化风景线!

特别鸣谢以下 出席活动的贵宾:

Premier Hon. Roger Cook

Hon. Dr Tony Buti MLA

Hon. Tjorn Sibma MLC

Lord Mayor Basil Zempilis

Consul General Mr Dingbin Long 龙定斌

Consul General Ms. Heliana Jasni

Hon. Suzanne Ellery MLC

Hon. David Michael MLA

Hon. Bill Johnston MLA

Hon. Pierre Yang MLC

Ms Meredith Jane Hammat MLA

Dr Jagadish (Jags) Krishnan MLA

Mr Yaz Mubarakai MLA

Hon. Catherine (Kate) Esther Doust MLC

Mr Geoffrey Baker MLA

Hon. Sandra Anne Carr MLC

Mr James Jegasothy

Mr Said Padshah

Balli Singh

Ally Paolino

Holly Chien

Deputy Lord Mayor Clyde Bevan

CEO Michelle Reynolds

Mayor Logan K. Howlett, JP

Councillor Le Chun Zhang

Mayor Filomena Piffaretti

Deputy Mayor Adrian Hill

Mayor Terresa Lynes

Deputy Mayor Adam Hort

Mr Don E-Smith

Deputy Consul General

Mr Fengzhong WANG 王凤忠

Consul Mr Zhufeng WANG 王主峰

Consul General Ms. Heliana Jasni

Tiffani Makharti (Perth Mint)

Rajish Aryal (SBS)

Deborah Andersson (SBS)

Dr Sandy Chong

Dr Bob Tan

Roaring In The Year Of The Dragon

On 19th February 2024, the 2024 WA Chinese New Year Ball was held at the Crown Grand Ballroom. This year’s event was co-hosted by the Chung Wah Association, Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce (WACCC) and Australia China Friendship Society of Western Australia and also supported by numerous other notable, long-standing community associations. Chung Wah Association is thrilled to have so much support from the Chinese Community within Australia for such a large event with over 900 attendees.

The evening began with the sounds of drums and the prosperity toss! Tosses were high as everyone hoped to achieve their aspirations for The Year of the Wood Dragon!

Some Very Special Guests

After a lovely performance by the Wuhan Orchestra performing ‘Celebrating Together’ and ‘The Beauty of Harmony’, conducted by Associate Professor Bo Wu, we welcomed our special guests,

the Honourable Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister of Australia, Honourable Roger Cook MLA, Premier of Western Australia and His Excellency Xiao Qian, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Australia. Other VIPs who attended the event included Basil Zempilas , Lord Mayor, City of Perth and Sam Lim MP. The Chung Wah Association is so honoured to have such amazing guests at an event like this, promoting unity and togetherness for the Chinese Diaspora.

“(The visit) signified another important step in the patient, calibrated and deliberate approach that my government has taken to stabilise the relationship between Australia and China. You can see the contribution that Western Australian resources have made to China’s extraordinary economic transformation, a transformation that in recent decades has seen more people lifted out of poverty than has occurred in any country in human history over that period of time, an enormous achievement. Here in WA, you can see how much the Chinese Australian community has done to drive the growth and success of this remarkable state.”

The Prime Minister, the Honourable Anthony Albanese, the Premier, Honourable Roger Cook, and His Excellency Xiao Qian joined in some Chinese New Year festivities by trying Lacquer fan painting, a traditional Chinese art form, contributing to the cultural richness of the evening.

Mimi Wong, Co-Founder and Chairperson of Golden Group and the major sponsor

Text ◎ WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce | Photos ◎Peter Phang & Matt Jelonek
Honourable Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said:

for the 2024 WA Chinese New Year Ball announced Golden Group’s donation to the Victor Chang Foundation, dedicated to finding a cure for heart disease. With a remarkable 28-year legacy of being WA-owned and operated, Golden Group stands as a highly distinguished and prosperous property developer in Australia. Their support for the 2024 WA Chinese New Year Ball is truly invaluable. We also want to extend our gratitude to all other companies and organisations who sponsored and supported this event.

success. Former Parliamentary Officials and members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps, as well as representatives from Local Government and various Associations further strengthened the event’s core.

We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to the numerous Commonwealth Ministers who joined in the celebrations, including The Honorable Patrick Gorman MP, The Honourable Matt Keogh MP, Senator the Honorable Don Farrell, the Honorable Andrew Giles MP and he Honorable Madeleine King MP, amongst others.

Members of the House of Representatives and Senators for Western Australia also graced the occasion. WA State Ministers in attendance were: the Honorable Dr Tony Buti, MLA; the Honorable AmberJade Sanderson, MLA; The Honorable David Michael, MLA; the Honorable Hannah Beazley, MLA; Dr Jagadish Krishnan, MLA; Mr Yaz Mubarakai, MLA; the Honorable Pierre Yang, MLC; and Mr David Scaife, MLA.

Members of the Legislative Council and Members of the Legislative Assembly who attended also added to the evening’s

A Thank You To Our Platinum Sponsors

We also want to extend our gratitude to our Platinum Sponsors: Australian Hunan Culture and Commerce Association, Arcadia Group, Asia Link Capital, Australian Shanghai Federation, AusWealth Investment Pty Ltd, Autoleague, Bright Element, Crown Perth, Emerald Resources, Fortescue, Ignite Search, MACA, Miniso Australia, Murdoch University, Hunan New Diamond Construction Machinery Co. Ltd, Oriental Mining, PRL Group, Property Blue, SIMCO Group, Simon Lee Foundation, Squire Patton Boggs, Sterling

Property, Tajuria Holdings, Thiess Pty Ltd and WA Guangdong Cultural & Business Association.

Thank you for your support

We would also like to thank the following community associations: Australia Malaysia Business Chamber WA, Australia Chinese Women’s Federation, Beijing Peoples Association of WA, Hong Kong Australia Business Association, Australian International Youth Arts Festival, SBS, WA Chongqing & Sichuan Association, Association of Australian Chinese Mainlanders and Friends and WA Fujian Association; and valued supporters: Connect Source, Cutting Edges, NRW Holdings, Top Skill Pty Ltd, CCIC Australia Pty Ltd, Sinopec Equipment, CR Powered by Epiroc, Geniusto International Ltd, Laudis Development, LINIC Property Group, Zodaone Pty Ltd, Access Hire Australia, Universal Realty, Ideal Legal Services, Coverforce Insurance Brokers and Doublebell Resource Wealth Pty Ltd.

Chinese New Year Festivities

The evening continued with a grand feast, where guests were treated to an array of exquisite dishes. As the night went on, the room was filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a shared sense of excitement for the year ahead.

Soon after the sounds of drums filled the air with guests holding their red packets in the sky, it was time for the Lion dance by the Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe! The vibrant colours and lively music accompanying the dance captivated the audience, creating an unforgettable spectacle. This performance was truly one of the highlights of the evening, adding a unique charm to the 2024 WA Chinese New Year Ball.

Following shortly after was a Chinese Cultural Dance Performance by the Chung

Wah Dance group who performed ‘Spring Breeze’. Blue and purple colours filled the air as the room was graced with beautiful dancing. The cultural dance performed by the Chung Wah dancers was a mesmerising display of tradition and artistry. The dancers, adorned in beautiful traditional costumes, moved in harmony, their movements echoing the rhythm of the music. The dance told a story, a narrative of culture and history that captivated everyone in the room. The colours, the music, and the grace of the dancers made this performance a memorable part of the evening.

the night away to the music of Switch! A magical start to usher in the Year of the Wood Dragon! We want to offer a special thanks to all who were involved in the 2024 WA Chinese New Year Ball! A special thank you to our major sponsor Golden Group, co-organiusers WACCC and the Australia China Friendship Society for making the 2024 WA Chinese New Year Ball such a spectacular evening!

Soon after, everyone danced

文/图◎西澳中华总商会 WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce | 摄影◎Peter Phang & Matt Jelonek



2024年2月19日,西澳华人新年舞会在皇冠大宴会厅隆重举行。本次盛会由 西澳中华总商会主办,中华会馆和西澳澳中友谊协会协办,同时也获得了西澳 华人组织的鼎力支持。感谢西澳华人社区的大力支持,使这场盛会汇聚了超过 900名来宾,成就一场规模宏大的新春盛宴。

晚会在舞龙舞狮的鼓声、以及捞生的 吆喝中拉开帷幕!大家都非常积极的在捞 生中大声说出祝福语,为自己在即将到来 的木龙年祈求愿望顺遂!


晚上七点,皇冠酒店宴会大厅按时开 席,老朋友们团聚,新朋友相识,商业网络 的交流也异常热络。超过900名嘉宾齐聚 一堂,共同庆贺农历新年,进一步加深了社 区的凝聚力。


武汉交响乐团在吴波副教授的指挥下 的精彩演出“共襄盛举,和谐之美”。弦乐 声充盈着整个空间,为晚宴增添了一份娱 乐与艺术的双重享受。随后,司仪为大家 宣布了特别嘉宾的莅临,澳大利亚总理阿 尔巴尼斯、西澳州长罗杰·库克以及中国驻 澳大利亚大使肖千齐聚2024年西澳华人 新年舞会!其他出席的贵宾还包括珀斯市 长巴希尔・赞皮拉斯 和国会议员林文清等 等。嘉宾的莅临让我们倍感荣幸,一同促

进华社和谐澳洲总理 阿尔巴尼斯 在当晚 的致辞中说道:

“这次访问标志着我国政府在稳定澳 大利亚与中国之间关系方面采取的耐心、 审慎和深思熟虑的举措迈出了重要一步。

“您可以看到西澳大利亚资源对中国 惊人的经济转型所做出的贡献。近几十年 来,这一转型使更多人摆脱了贫困,这一成 就在人类历史上是前所未有的。”

“在西澳,你 可以看到澳大利 亚华人社区为推 动这个非凡州的 发展和成功做了 多少工作。”


亚总理、西澳总 理和大使联袂参 与了农历新年庆




长和肖千大使亲自 动手制作中国非遗漆染 扇,这是一个千金难买的珍贵 景象,更丰富了当晚活动的文化内涵。

Golden Group 集团创始人兼董事长 黄软妹(Mimi Wong)女士作为总赞助, 在晚会上宣布宣布该集团将向Victor Chang基金会进行捐款。有着28年悠久历 史的西澳企业,Golden Group是本地首屈 一指的澳洲建筑开发商。他们对于新年晚

宴的支持让活动蓬荜生辉。届此我们致意 所有对于新年晚会提供所赞助和支持的商 家和团体表达由衷的感激。

我们也衷心感谢众多英联邦部长的出 席,包括澳大利亚贸易部长 Don Farrell ; 移民和多元文化部长 Andrew Giles;总理 顾问 Patrick Gorman、退伍军人事务部长 Matt Keogh和资源部长、澳大利亚北部事 务部长Madeleine King等。

西澳多位众议院和参议院议员也出 席了此次活动包括 Tony Buti 部长、 Amber-Jade Sanderson 部长、David Michael部长、Hannah Beazley 部长、Jagadish Krishnan部 长助理、Yaz Mubarakai 部长助理、杨帅部长 助理和David Scaife 部长助理。等等。

,出席的 嘉宾也包括珀 斯市市长Basil Zempilas,中国驻 珀斯总领事龙定斌


我们的主要赞助商: Golden Group

Golden Group 集团立足于西澳28年 的,是澳大利亚杰出的房地产开发商。他 们对2024西澳华人新年舞会的支持确实 无价,我们很高兴能与他们一起庆祝华人 新年。我们也要感谢所有赞助和支持此次 活动的公司和组织。


我们还要感谢我们的白 金赞助商包括:西澳大 利亚湖南同乡会暨 总商会、ACADIA 集团、AsiaLink Capital、澳大利 亚上海联合 会、AusWealth Investment Pty

Ltd、Autoleague、Bright Element、Crown Perth、Emerald Resources、Fortescue、Ignite Search、MACA、澳大利亚名创优品、 默多克大学、湖南新钻工程机械有限公 司、Oriental Mining、PRL集团、Property Blue、 SIMCO Catering Equipment,Simon Lee基金会,Squire Patton Boggs,Sterling Property,Tajuria Holdings,Thiess Pty Ltd 和西澳广东同乡会暨总商会。


我们还要感谢以下社区协会:中华社 区服务部、Australia Malaysia Business Chamber WA、澳大利亚华人妇女联合会、 北京西澳联谊会、Hong Kong Australia Business Association、2024澳大利亚国际 青年艺术节、SBS、西澳大利亚川渝同乡会、 澳大利亚大陆华人及朋友联合会和西澳 福建同乡会;以及重要支持者:Connect Source、Cutting Edges、NRW Holdings、 Top Skill Pty Ltd、CCIC Australia Pty Ltd、 SinopecEquipment、CRPoweredbyEpiroc、 Geniusto International Ltd、Laudis Development、LINIC Property Group、

Zodaone Pty Ltd、Access Hire Australia、 Universal Realty、Ideal Legal Services、 CoverforceInsuranceBrokers和Doublebell Resource Wealth Pty Ltd。


当晚的活动免不了来场美食盛宴,宾客 们享用了一系列精致的菜肴。房间里弥漫 着浓郁的风味和香气,反映了中国丰富的 传统烹饪法。随着夜渐深,宴会

厅里充满了欢声笑语、友情 和对来年的热烈期盼。

很快就到了中华 龙狮团所带来的醒 狮表演的时候了,

鼓声响彻整个宴 会厅,嘉宾们举 着“红包”,舞狮 鲜艳的色彩,活泼

的鼓点创造了一个 令人难忘的奇观。这 场表演确实是当晚的 亮点之一,为2024年西 澳华人新年舞会增光添色。

最后,来宾在Switch乐团 的带领下舞动了一整晚,迎接 龙年!我们要特别感谢所有参 与2024年西澳华人新年舞会 的来宾!特别感谢主要赞助 商Golden Group、中华会馆、澳 中友好协会和商会的成员们,让 2024年西澳华人新年舞会成为一个 如此壮观的夜晚!

紧随其后的是中华舞蹈团的舞蹈 表演《春风》。中华舞蹈团表演的文化舞 蹈结合了传统和艺术,舞者们身着美丽的 传统服装,动作和谐,他们的动作与音乐 的节奏相呼应。舞蹈为观众讲述了一个故 事、一个结合文化和历史的叙述,吸引了 宴会厅里的每个人。

The third WA Chinese Australia Day Celebrations

The third WA Chinese Australia Day Celebration Dance concert was held at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta on January 26, 2024. Prior to the festivities, guests indulged in a delectable lunch,

The concert commenced with an Aboriginal dance performance, masterfully showcasing the timeless artistry of Australian Aboriginal dance. Hosting the proceedings were Ms. Ruoyu and Mr. Peijian YAN. Ms. Amy LEI, the founder of the event and director of the Adelaide Chinese Dance Academy said ‘The Chinese Community have an indispensable role in shaping Australia’s multicultural tapestry. I urge continued engagement in Australia Day celebrations.’

Mr. Shaoping DING, head of the Perth Huaxing Art Troupe, and Ms. Le ZHENG, President of the Beijing Western Australia Friendship Association, gave inspiring speeches, highlighting the unwavering leadership within the Chinese community.

Organisations who supported the event

were the Chung Wah Association, Australia-China Friendship Society of WA and Perth Huaxing Arts Group Inc. Media coverage provided by Perth POST, Perth Hotline, and CHINANET (Australia) Pty Ltd, amplified the celebration’s reach, resonating far beyond the venue’s walls.

The Australian Chinese Yan Dance Team, Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra, and Qixing Tai Chi Association gave captivating performances. Australia Day commemorative gifts were presented to community leaders, members, and volunteers.



文/图◎ 澳大利亚中国舞蹈团 Adelaide Chinese Dance Academy

今年的澳大利亚日庆祝活动于2024年1月26 日下午1点在巴卡达的中华文化中心举行。众多 观众及表演者们从西澳的四面八方聚集在中 华会馆的文化中心。在享用了主办方 提供的简单午餐过后,庆祝活动 在溃大利亚国歌声中拉引序 沿。

我们有幸欣赏到了在地原 住民舞蹈团带来的澳大利亚传 统土著舞蹈表溃。主持人美丽 端庄的若妘女士和英俊潇洒的 严培坚先生把观众带进了一个 轻松愉快、喜庆祥和的氛围中。

雷洪敏女士是这次活动的发起 人,也是本次活动的主办单位,即溃大利 亚中国舞蹈团的创始人和团长。

平先生和北京西澳联谊会会长郑乐女士联袂出席活 动,并作为华人社团领导代表献词。

她提及澳大利亚多元文化社会的 发展离不开华人的贡献,澳大 利亚日的庆祝活动需要有我 们华人的参与。在澳大利亚 日这样一个特别的日子里 展现华人风采。弘扬民族 文化是本次活动的意义所 在。

珀斯德高望重的林祥培 老先生为活动献诗一首,表达 了他对活动的祝贺和对华人社区美 好愿景的祝福。珀斯华星艺术团团长丁少

此次活动得到了中华会馆、澳中友协、珀 斯华星艺术团、北京西澳联谊会、西澳 华人华侨妇女联合会、西澳大利亚 安徽联合会暨总商会、西澳大利 亚湖南同乡会暨总商会、西澳 大利亚深圳联谊会暨总商会、 西澳中华餐饮业协会、聚悠旅 行、乐菲雅艺术工作室以及袁 浩协先生的大力支持。珀斯邮 报、珀斯热线、西澳365 、澳大 利亚时报、最西澳、今日珀斯君、 今日澳洲和华网传媒等众多媒体 给予了宣传报道。

民族歌舞表演精彩纷呈、大放异彩。参加溃 出的单位有澳大利亚中国舞蹈团、时光组合、中华会 馆舞蹈队、中华华乐团、多姿妍蹈队、快乐小分队和 七星太极协会等。在活动即将结束的时候,主办单位 向华人社团领导代表、表演 者和志愿者们颁发了澳大利 亚日纪念礼品以示感谢。最 后所有演员上台合影留念。

这是我们西澳华人再一次以 民族歌舞的形式来庆祝澳大 利亚日、为澳大利亚日全国 的庆祝活动增添了一笔多元 文化的色彩。

Every year during the dragon boat festival (端午 节), Mum will make a lot of Nyonya and meat dumplings for us. But for prayer purpose, she would order some Kee Zhang/Alkaline Dumplings( 碱水粽)from some ladies in town. Kee Zhang is normally much smaller in size, only about 1/3 of the size of normal dumplings.

The dumplings have a unique flavor and texture after adding alkaline/lye water. The color of the rice changes and takes on a yellow hue, the alkaline water also makes the rice firmer. Finally the taste of Alkalinity, a very distinctive and pleasant feeling in the mouth, it is hard to explain, but a unique experience.

Since I had some sweet adzuki bean paste at home, I decided to make this Alkaline Dumplings with adzuki bean paste this year instead of the normal Kee Zhang.

I really love the texture and color of this dumpling!

Kee Zhang Alkaline Dumplings with Adzuki Bean Paste


• 15 bamboo leaves

• Cotton cooking twine

• 150 g of glutinous rice

• 1 tbsp of lye water/kan sui/Potassium Carbonate

• 1 tbsp of oil + 1 tbsp for cooking

For the Adzuki Bean Paste:

• 1 cup /200 g of adzuki beans

• 2-3 tbsp of lard/cooking oil

• 1/2 cup - 2/3 cup/ 8-12 tbsp of sugar


1. Soak 1 cup of adzuki beans overnight, the next day add 1.5 cups of water with the beans in a pressure cooker and cook for 10 minutes after the first whistle, turn the stove off and let the pressure cooker release the air naturally.

2. Place the cooked beans in a blender and blend until smooth. Add 2 tbsp of lard/oil in a cooking pan, add the blended bean paste into the cooking pan and cook until the water reduces, and the bean paste can hold together. Keep stirring between with a spatula.

3. Add the sugar and continue cooking until the sugar is dissolved. Let cool and store in an airtight container.

4. Soak the bamboo leaves in warm water for an hour, clean and rinse well. Use scissors to cut the stems. Drain and set aside.

5. Soak the glutinous rice for at least 3 hours, drain and add lye water/kan sui/Potassium Carbonate, mix well and let it rest for 15 minutes. Add 3 tbsp of oil and mix well.

6. Twist a bamboo leaf to form the shape of a cone. Place 1 tbsp of rice and lightly spread at the bottom of the leaf, add 1 tbsp of adzuki bean paste, top with another tbsp of rice and lightly press down.

7. Bring the tail leaf down with the other hand to cover the cone, lightly fold both the sides of the leaf that are covering the cone to form a pyramid shape, twist the remaining leaf sideways along the shape.

8. You should be able to hold the pyramid shape all in one hand now, loop the twine around the dumpling and tie with a live knot. Adjust the knot to make sure it is secure. Cut off the excess leaf and repeat the same steps for all the remaining ingredients.

9. Bring 1/2 pot of water to boil, add 1 tbsp of cooking oil. Place all the dumplings in, making sure you have enough water to submerge all the dumplings. Boil the dumplings on medium high for 30 minutes, turn the heat to medium low and simmer for 1.5 hours more. Switch the stove off and let the dumplings sit in the water for another 30 minutes.

10. Drain, serve at room temperature!

Echo’s Kitchen--a journal of an amateur chef, blogger SinJin LIM is a freelancer of Malaysian Chinese living in the United States. She tirelessly records the recipes of taste of hometown she missed, bilingually in her blog. She is a down-to-earth mum, a wife that works wonders in cultivating their only child.

盈盈小筑--素人厨师的柴米油盐,博主林心仁是一位从事自由职业的旅美马来 西亚华裔,透过博客以英中双语记录了异乡游子所思念的家乡味。脚踏实地、 着实苦干她以兼顾事业与家庭,并以培养宝贝独子为大。



粽和娘惹粽,但拜拜用的碱水粽却总是向 乡里的一些家庭主妇买的,碱水粽有股特别的碱 水味,家里的小孩都不爱吃,所以一般会沾了甜 味的香兰咖央,或焦糖咖央吃。

今年端午节我裹了好些肉粽和朋友们分享,冰箱里还有一大 盒我自己熬制的红豆沙,裹粽子还剩下一些糯米和粽叶,就随手 裹了两串的豆沙碱水粽,真是香甜美味,颜色也特别漂亮!


• 15 张 粽叶

• 一些棉绳

• 150 克糯米

• 1 大勺的碱水/雪碱水

• 1 大勺食油 另加 1 大勺煮粽子用

• 豆沙食谱:

• 1 杯 /200 克 红豆

• 2-3 大勺 猪油/食油

• 1/2 杯 - 2/3 杯/ 8-12 大勺 糖


1. 把红豆泡一晚上,第二天沥干水份把泡好的红豆和1.5杯 水入高压锅在汽笛第一响的时候再压10分钟后熄火让高 压锅自然出气。

2. 把煮好的豆子和水一起倒入破壁机里搅拌顺滑。锅里加 2大勺的猪油或食油把搅拌好的豆沙倒入锅里中小火煮 至豆沙可以成团, 间中要不断地用铲子炒制以防沾底。

3. 加入糖拌匀至糖溶化,冷却后装入玻璃盒子冷藏。

4. 粽叶用温水泡上一个小时,洗净滴干水后,把叶梗剪去。

5. 把糯米淘洗净泡水至少三个小时,沥干后加入碱水/雪碱 水。混匀静置15分钟后加入1 大勺的食油,拌匀。

6. 取一张粽叶,卷成雪糕筒状,盛入1大勺的糯米,放入1大 勺豆沙,再盛入1大勺糯米,轻轻压压。

7. 把上边的粽叶往下覆盖在雪糕筒口,用另一只手把覆盖 的叶子左右两边往下折,剩下的粽叶对折,顺着粽子的形 状围好,握紧。


这个时候粽子已经是金字塔形的了,取根面线把粽子卷 两圈,打个活结,在整整型。把过长多余的粽叶减去。

9. 取一口锅,煮滚半锅水,加入1大勺的食油,把粽子放到 锅里,水必须要没过粽子。大火煮30分钟后转中小火煮 1.5个小时。熄火后让粽子泡在水里半个小时再取出滴干 水份。

10. 取出滴干水份即可食用,室温的就很好吃噢!

Reference | 参考 : A taste of memories -- Echo's Kitchen: 【豆沙碱水粽】

Kee Zhang/Alkaline Dumplings with Adzuki Bean Paste (


Heartfelt Connections at the Carer Camp in Perth Peel region

tapestry of camaraderie was woven at our recent Carer Camp by the sun-drenched shores of Perth Peel. Thanks to Chung Wah Community Care (CWCC), funded by Carers WA, carers from diverse backgrounds gathered in a retreat that nurtured souls and forged lasting friendships.

Upon arrival, everyone enjoyed a light afternoon activity of making homemade dumplings and sharing some laughs during the fun candlemaking workshop the following day; each moment was an embrace of care and connection.

The four-day adventure also led the participants through the historic trails of Pinjarra and alongside the joyful splashes of Mandurah's dolphins. On the third day, the zen found in Zentangles and the joy of exploration remained in our hearts. This wasn't just a getaway but a celebration of resilience, the beauty of kinship, and the beginning of many more shared journeys.

To our dear carers: Your dedication shines brightly. You are the heart of those you care for and our community; we see and cherish each of you. For more support and to be part of experiences like this, reach out to us for Carer Gateway services. Together, let's continue to uplift each other.

This event was organised by Carers WA, hosted by CWCC, and sponsored by Carer Gateway.

The Carer Gateway programme is a free service initiated by the Australian government that offers emotional, social, and other substantial support to carers. CWCC is a member organisation of the Carer Gateway programme. It provides assessment services for carers from non-English speaking backgrounds, helping them access relevant information and support from the programme.

If you need more information about the Carer Gateway, please get in touch with us. Phone: 08 9328 3988 or email:

中华社区服务部(CWCC)是中华会 馆的一个重要构成团体。中华社区服 务部致力于改善西澳大利亚不同背景人 士的生活质量,尤其是非英语人士。中华 社区服务部为长者、与其家庭成员、以及 其他少数民族群体提供社区护理计划,并在过去一个世纪中帮助了成千上万的 人和他们的家庭。中华社区服务部秉承以人为本的理念、奉献精神、部会愿景和 价值观的不断追求,继续为所有人的社区和生活水平谋福祉。


• 家庭护理套餐 (HCP) • 国家残障保险计划 (NDIS)

• 联邦家庭支持计划 (CHSP)



阳光普照的珀斯皮尔 (Perth Peel) 地区海岸边,这里有一个避风港——照顾者夏令 营 (Carer Camp)。这项活动由中华社区服务 (CWCC) 承办,并由西澳照顾者协会 (Carers WA) 慷慨资助,让来自不同背景的照顾者齐聚一堂,进行一次滋养心灵、结下长 久友谊的静修之旅。

抵达当日,每位参与者都享受了一个轻松的 下午活动——包饺子,并在第二天的蜡烛制 作工作坊中分享笑声、关怀和联系。四天 的活动还带领参与者走过了平贾拉历史 步道(Pinjarra Heritage Trail),和曼杜拉 (Mandurah) 的海豚一起欢乐地嬉戏。在第 三天,我们的心中仍然保持着冥想涂鸦 ( Zentangle) 所带来的宁静和探索的喜悦。这 不仅仅是一个简单的远足,而是对韧性、亲情 之美以及更多共同旅程开始的庆祝。

亲爱的照顾者们:你们的奉献光芒闪耀。你们是 被照顾者和我们社区的心灵;我们珍视你们每一

个人。如果需要更多支持,并希望参与像这样的活动,请联 系我们获取照顾者门户(Carer Gateway)服务。让我们一起 继续相互鼓励。

此次活动由西澳照顾者协会 (Carers WA) 举办,中华社区服 务承办,照顾者门户计划(Carer Gateway)赞助。

Carer Gateway 是澳洲政府发起的一项免费服务,为照顾 者提供情感、社会和其他实质的支持。CWCC 是照顾者门户 计划的成员组织。它为来自非英语背景的照顾者提供评估 服务,帮助他们取得计划的相关资讯和支援。


电话:08 9328 3988 或电邮至

The Mother’s Day Morning Tea

Chung Wah Chinese School Management Committee organised a Mother’s Day Morning Tea and Raffle on 11th May. One of our lucky students, Jesse Wong won the grand prize and a small prize. On top of celebrating Mother’s Day, the activity also raised approximately $180 for the school. The morning tea ended with families sharing home-cooked food and waves of laughter.


中华摩利中文学校管委会于5月11日举行了母亲节茶会及抽奖活动。幸 运的黄嘉曦同学抽到了大奖以及一份安慰奖。这次活动不仅让学生和家人们 欢庆母亲节,同时也为学校筹得了接近$180的款项。此次茶会在大家分享各 自带来的美食下圆满结束。

Text/Image ◎ Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming

Storytelling Competition

On March 16, 2024, Liming Chinese School held a storytelling competition. From preschool to grade 12, outstanding contestants from each class were selected to participate in the storytelling competition. We were divided into toddler group, children group and youth group. Each participating student showed his or her own unique recitation style. Finally, the school recommended 12 outstanding award-winning contestants to represent Leeming Chinese School to participate in the finals of the 2024 7th Global Chinese Recitation Competition in Western Australia, Australia.


2024年3月16日中华黎明中文学校举行讲故事比赛,由学前班至十二年 级推派班级优秀参赛选手进行讲故事比赛,我们分为幼儿组,少儿组及少年 组。每位参赛学生都展现出自已独特的风格。最后学校推派获奖的优秀选手 共12位代表中华黎明中文学校参加2024年第七届全球华语朗诵大赛的西澳大 利亚赛区决赛。

Text/Image ◎ Chung Wah Chinese School Morley

Sports Day at Chung Wah Chinese School Morley

In Term 4 of 2023, Chung Wah Chinese School Morley held a Sports Day for students and families. After four different games, the Yellow Team came first, and the other three teams (Blue, Green, and Red) came second. Not only did students get to challenge their physical fitness, it also promoted team building.

Storytelling competition winners | 讲故事比赛获奖名单

Yr1 - Yr年级

1st Place 梁汶慧 Wenhui Leong (2A)

2nd Place 张珈铭 Jia Ming Chong (2B)

3rd Place 周筠芳 Sofie Jun Fang Chew (1A)

3rd Place 李嘉萱 Celine Jiaxuan Lee (1A)

Yr3 - Yr5年级

1st Place 张珈玮 Jia Wei (Carine) Chong (Yr4)

2nd Place 谭宇璇 Caris Tham (Yr3)

3rd Place 何芷菲 Zhifei Stacey He (Yr4)

3rd Place 周艳伶 Erin Yew Ling Chew (Yr5)

Yr6 - Yr12 年级

1st Place Amelia Zhai (Yr10/12)

2nd Place 朱梓琪 Zi Qi Zhu (Yr10/12)

3rd Place 朱丽娅 Julia Zhu (Yr6)

中华摩利中文学校 运动会

中华摩利中文学校于2023年第四学期末举 办了运动会。运动会当天,学生们经历 了四个回合不同的游戏。这些游 戏不仅考验学生们的体力和智 力、还促进了他们之间的合 作默契。团体冠军最终由 黄队夺下。其他三支队 伍:红队、蓝队和绿队并 列亚军。

Free influenza vaccination


Free flu vaccines will be available to all Western Australians over six months of age throughout June.

With influenza season looming, WA’s Chief Health Officer Andy Robertson has warned people not to underestimate the seriousness of the flu.

“Influenza is highly infectious and can make you very ill,” he said.

“The most vulnerable community members, including older adults, young children and pregnant women are most at risk of severe complications from the flu.

“Getting vaccinated during May and June will protect you over the peak flu transmission period in the State.”

Last year WA recorded more than 21,000 cases of influenza. Almost one in three Western Australians had a flu vaccination.

Outside of May and June, free flu vaccines are also available through the National Immunisation Program (NIP) or State-funded program for people considered most at risk of severe illness including:

1. pregnant women (at any stage of pregnancy)

2. people over 65

3. children from 6 months to Year 6

4. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over 6 months

5. people who are immunocompromised or have serious medical conditions.

This year’s flu campaign is running alongside Australia’s first immunisation program to protect babies from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

RSV is a highly infectious respiratory virus that infects more up to two-thirds of all babies in their first year of life and, every year, hospitalises more than 1,000 infants in WA.

Babies born on or after 1 October 2023 can now receive the Therapeutic Goods Association-approved antibody ‘nirsevimab’ at GP practices, Community Health Clinics and Aboriginal Medical Services that provide childhood immunisations.

Children with certain medical conditions that increase their risk of hospitalisation, and Aboriginal children born from 1 October 2022, are also eligible.

From May to September RSV immunisations will also be available at birthing hospitals across WA – providing protection to newborns before they leave hospital.

The State’s $11 million RSV immunisation roll-out is expected to prevent more than 700 RSV-related infant hospitalisations, around 3,000 emergency department presentations and 4,000 GP consultations this year.

Note: The vaccine is free, however patients may be charged a consultation fee. Check costs when making an appointment.

免费接种流感疫苗活动将于5月和6月在西 澳大利亚进行

在整个5月和6月,所有六个月龄以上的西澳 大利亚居民均可免费接种流感疫苗。

随着流感季节的到来,西澳首席卫生官安 迪·罗伯逊(Andy Robertson)提醒大家不可轻 视流感的潜在严重性。“流感极易传播,并且可能 导致重症,”

他表示。“特别是老人、幼儿和孕妇这些社 区中最脆弱的群体,更容易遭受流感严重的并发 症。”

他补充说:“在5月和6月接种疫苗能有效防 护您在流感高发期间避免感染。”

去年,西澳大利亚州记录了超过21,000例流 感病例,约有三分之一的居民接种了流感疫苗。

在5月和6月之外,以下群体也可以通过国家 免疫计划(NIP)或其他国家资助的计划免费获得 流感疫苗:

1. 全阶段的孕妇

2. 65岁及以上的老年人

3. 6个月至6年级的儿童

4. 超过6个月的原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民

5. 免疫系统功能低下或患有严重疾病的人 今年的流感疫苗接种活动与澳大利亚首个旨 在保护婴儿免受呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)侵害的 免疫计划同步进行。呼吸道合胞病毒是一种高度 传染性的呼吸道病毒,可能在婴儿出生后的第一 年内感染多达三分之二的婴儿。去年,在西 澳有超过1,000名婴儿因此住院治疗。

Reference: Free influenza vaccination in May and June (

从2023年10月1日后出生的 婴儿现在可以在全科医生诊所、 社区卫生中心和原住民医疗服 务机构接受治疗用品协会批准 的“nirsevimab”抗体治疗。此外, 患有特定疾病从而增加住院风险 的儿童以及2022年10月1日后出生 的原住民儿童也符合资格。

从5月到9月,西澳的各地育儿医院还将 为新生儿提供RSV疫苗接种,以在他们出院 前提供保护。

该州的RSV免疫接种计划预算为1100万澳 元,预计将在今年防止700多名婴儿因RSV入院治 疗,并减少约3,000次急诊室就诊及4,000次全科

备注:虽然疫苗本身免费,但接种时患者可能需要 支付一定的咨询费。建议预约时确认相关费用。

Exploring the Vitality of Meridian Acupressure in Elderly Wellness


Dr Julia FU is a practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine.

She graduated from the Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China in 1983, and has 36 years of experience.

傅绪琼中医师 - 1983年毕业于5年制中国安徽中医药大学,从事中医临床 已有36年工作经验。

When it comes to traditional Chinese medicine and health maintenance, many think immediately of taking tonics and herbal therapies. Yet, fewer recognise that techniques such as acupressure, guiding exercises, and applying heat are excellent for maintaining health, particularly for the elderly. These methods are not only straightforward and convenient but also safe and effective. As an expert in this field, I can vouch for their benefits. As we age, our spleen and stomach functions weaken, reducing our nutrient absorption. Prolonged use of tonics can strain the digestive system, hinder absorption in the gut, and even trigger side effects from warming tonics.

Here are several meridian health practices I often recommend to my patients, and have personally found valuable:

(1) Dedicate 20-40 minutes daily to meridian health exercises.

I particularly endorse the “66-Section Rejuvenation Medical Health Exercise,” available on YouTube. My mother has been practicing these exercises for over 20 years. Now in her nineties, she remains diligent, enjoying flexible ligaments without any back pain. I began these exercises a few years ago and have noticed they leave me feeling relaxed and comfortable, with improved joint flexibility and better sleep quality.

(2) Slapping or massaging the sides of the Governor Vessel

Each night before bed, spend about 10-15 minutes massaging the sides of the Governor Vessel along your back. This can be a mutual activity between partners or facilitated by a massage tool, helping to activate the meridians and strengthen kidney yang.

(3) Hand and foot movements

While walking, raise and lower your hands, swinging them. This helps circulate energy and blood through all twelve meridians and improves blood flow to the five organs and six bowels.

(4) Soak your feet in water boiled with mugwort leaves.

Soak your feet in water boiled with mugwort leaves. The soles are rich in acupoints connected to the body’s meridians. Mugwort’s warming properties stimulate blood flow, alleviating fatigue and enhancing sleep quality.

(5) Sunbathe your back

As winter draws near, take advantage of sunny days by finding a wind-sheltered spot to sunbathe your back for an hour, much like receiving a massage.

These meridian health techniques are just a few of the accessible options you can try. Regular practice is bound to yield significant health benefits. Wishing all our older friends robust health!

讲到中医保健养生,很多人就会想到吃补 药、煮药材食疗。很少人想到通过对于经络穴位 的按压拍打、导引和热敷等方式,也是非常好的 养生保健方法,尤其对老年人是一个简单方便、 既安全又有效的绝好的养生方法。因为人进入老 年后,脾胃变得虚弱,吸收也较差了,长期服用补 药易增加肠胃的负担,妨碍胃肠的吸收,同时也 易产生温补药的副作用。下面就介绍几种我通常 推荐给我的病人并且我自己也亲身做过的一些经 络养生法。


特别推荐简单实用的《66节回春医疗保健 操》(在YouTube上可以找到教学视频)。我的妈妈 做这个操20多年,她现在已90多岁,每天还在坚 持做。她现在韧带柔软,没有腰酸背痛的症状。 我这两年也开始做这套保健操,做完后感觉浑身 轻松舒畅,关节活动稳定柔和,晚上睡眠质量也 提高了。


每晚睡前拍打或按揉背部督脉两侧约10 - 15 分钟,也可夫妻互相按揉,或使用按摩捶拍打,这 有助于活络舒筋,补益肾阳。


双手举起放下、上下摆动,边走路边做,可畅 通全身十二经脉,帮助气血运输畅达全身五脏六 腑,改善血液循环。


脚底的穴位丰富,连通身体的各个经络。艾 叶温通活血,可以帮助改善全身的血液循环,缓 解疲劳,提高睡眠质量。


冬季来临,在天气好时,选择避风处在阳光 下晒背部1小时,相当于做了背部按摩。

经络穴位养生保健的方法很多,这里仅列出 几个简单易行的方法供大家选择尝试,只要坚持 做,一定受益良多。最后祝愿各位老年朋友们身 体健康!

Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动


Chinese Cultural Dance

中华舞蹈 Saturday 周六 2:00pm4:00pm

Dragon and Lion Dance

中华龙狮团 Sunday 周日 2:30pm4:30pm

Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐团 Sunday 周日 11:00am2:00pm

Cantonese Opera

粤剧社 Wednesday 周三 12:00pm3:00pm

Women’s Subcommittee

中华妇女联谊活动 Saturday 周六 11:00am1:30pm

Tai Chi class

中华太极班 Saturday 周六 9:30am10:30am


中华合唱团 Sunday 周日 2:30pm4:30pm

Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 128 James Street, Northbridge

Each class 每堂课

$15 for members 会员

$18 for non-members 非会员

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

Each class


$1 for members 会员

$2 for non-members


Salvation Army

救世军总部 333 William Street, Northbridge

Line Dancing

排排舞 Saturday 周六 11:00am -1:00pm

New Vogue Dance

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

Jen Nie CHONG 08 9328 8657

Aaron LOONG 0434 665 170

Teresa TAN 0413 568 682

Annie WONG 0401 042 013

Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572

Trinh QUACH 0423 587 653 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572

Doreen CHIN Sunday 周日 10:00am -12:00pm (advance)

中华新时尚交际舞 Sunday 周日 1:30pm3:30pm

Table Tennis

中华乒乓球俱乐部 Sunday 周日 3.30pm -7:00pm

Chung Wah Cultural Centre

巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

$5 for members


$7 for non-members


Leonard KHO 0411 745 285 Dong NHAN 0403 509 052

Kemei SHAO 0434 148 590

Maya 0425 425 898


Day Long Respite Care


Centre Based Hub Activities

Chung Wah Services 中华服务


Monday to Friday 周一至周五

中华日间中心活动 Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

Home Help Services


National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)


Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Tai Chi Class

太极班 Wednesday (Balcatta)

Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

周三 (巴卡达)

周四、五 (威乐顿)

Community Talks 社区讲座 Monthly 每月一次



Balcatta Hub

巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Willetton Hub

威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Various 商议待定

Phone 电话:08 9328 3988

Various 商议待定

Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

Various 商议待定

Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

Balcatta Hub

巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Willetton Hub

威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community Care staff for more details

此类服务都须经由政 府部门评估,请联系 中华社区与长者服务 部以了解更多详情

Please contact Chung Wah Community Care Coordinator for more information.

请向中华社区服务部 了解更多详情。

Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

Email 电子邮箱 :

Monthly 每月 一次 Free 免费 Enquiry Service

社区咨询服务 Appointment Required 提早预约

Free to Join No ongoing costs or fees



Expand your business by offering a special discount ranging from �% to ��% or any other privileged offer to Chung Wah members. 向中华会馆会员拓展您的商务,只须提供特别优惠给我们的会员。比如介于�% 至��% 的商品或服务折扣,或其他类似优惠。

Aus World Travel

1�9 James Street, Northbridge 113 Collins Road, Willetton 15 Hulme Court, Myaree

Stanbond Security

Unit � / 5 Iron Street, Malaga WA 6�9�

Mob: ��3� �8� 531


Mob: ���1 888 689

Barristers & Solicitors, Notary Public T: �8) 9��1

Isabel CHAN Family Photo Specialist

Mob: ���9 839 ��� Email:


CKG legal

& Solicitor

AALA Inaugural Young Lawyer of

Certified Practising Accountants

8/35 Biscayne Way, Jandakot WA 616�

Professional Cleaning Service in Perth

��3� �35 ���

Suite 18/8 Haster Road, Osborne Park 6�1�

Mom Dumpling House


T: (�8) 9��� ��88


City Cellar

T: (�8) 9��8 ����


��81 ��3 5�� 1/�3 Apsley Rd, Willetton WA 6155


�6 Francis Street, Northbridge


T: (�8) 6389 ����



A: G��/�56 Adelaide Terrace, Perth

Seoul Delish




�8/3� Walanna Drive Waterford, Karawara

Expert Hearing Care

A: Westfield Innaloo, Ellen Sitrling Blvd

T: (�8) 9��� �685



Fb: @experthearingcare

Holy mackerel

fish and chips

Shop 1�,51 Farrington Road Leeming Forum,Leeming 61�9


1/��6 Main St, Osborne Park

A: �1� Hay Street, Perth WA 6���

T: (�8) 93�� 69�1

Ear Wax Removal (Worth $1��) for all pensioners

Off every order to Chung Wah Members

Northbridge Store

San Churro Chocolateria

13� James Street, Northbridge Karrinyap Store

��� Karrinyup Rd, Shop FC��19, Karrinyup



Fb: @amcalpharmacity

Pro Shakes

Your Churros to Chung Wah Members

Innaloo Megacentre, Shop 18A/3� Ellen Stirling Blvd, Innaloo

Morish Nuts

Shop online:


Swan Valley: 6�� Great Northern Highway, Herne Hill

Fremantle Market: Stall #99, Henderson Street, Fremantle

• 居住型养老

• 短期托护

• 老年痴呆关怀

• 24 小时护理

• 大量亚裔居民

• 双语照护人员

欢迎致电 9367 7559 垂询, 了解更多信息或安排参观。


Concorde Aged Care Home

25 Anstey Street

South Perth WA 6151



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