Chung Wah Association 110th Anniversary Publication © Rights reserved

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A Legendary Chinese Western Australian

SIMON LEE AO 西澳的华裔传奇人物

李瑞喜博士 AO

“ Throughout my life I have believed it is important for the Chinese Community to be generous and contribute to society.” “ 我这一生的一个想法, 很重要的事就是要 体现出华人社区是慷慨 的和愿意给社会 做贡献的。”


Contents 目录 President’s Word.........................................................................2 会长致辞 Message from the Chief Editor.....................................................3 主编的话 Message from the Prime Minister................................................ 4 总理贺函 Message from the Governor of Western Australia...........................5 总督贺函 Message from the Premier.......................................................... 6 西澳州长贺函 Message from the Leader of the Opposition...................................7 西澳反对党领袖贺函 Message from the Citizenship and Multicultural Interests............. 8 多元文化部长贺函 Message from the Lord Mayor of City of Perth.............................. 9 珀斯市长贺函 Message from Acting Consul-General of the P.R.China in Perth ..... 10 中国驻珀斯代总领事贺函 Message from the Immediate Past President................................ 11 前会长献词 Chung Wah Silk Banner.............................................................. 12 中华会馆锦缎横幅 A Sheltering Tree for the West Australian Chinese Community...... 14 中华会馆 - 西澳华人社区的避风港 Challenges for All of Us.............................................................. 16 我们的共同挑战 A Decade’s Milestones................................................................ 18 中华十载 Historical Matters......................................................................26 历史事务 Chung Wah Council of Elders......................................................30 中华元老会 Chung Wah Life Members...........................................................32 中华永久会员 Founders’ Stories.......................................................................34 中华先贤故事 Chung Wah Community and Aged Care........................................40 中华社区及长者服务部 Chung Wah Past Executive Committees........................................41 中华会馆历届理事会 Chung Wah Chinese School.........................................................42 中华中文学校 Chung Wah Cultural Group..........................................................46 中华文化组 Chung Wah Women’s Subcommittee............................................50 中华妇女部 Chung Wah Autumn Centre......................................................... 51 中华秋园 Chung Wah Chinese New Year Fair...............................................52 中华新年文化节 Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival..............................................56 珀斯中华文化节

Special acknowledgement to all translators for making this publication bilingual 至诚感谢所有协助翻译的人员

Yves FANG 方凌坤, Karen HUANG 黄郁婷, Claire LIU 刘芳, Lyi Cjin PEH 白俐勤, YAN Shuling 闫淑玲, Victoria YANG 杨卓, Lily WANG 王金媛, Lesley WONG 黄小娟, ZHOU Lin 周琳, ZOU Jiping 邹纪平

Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed by contributors and editors are their own, and do not necessarily express The Chung Wah Association’s viewpoints or position. The Chung Wah Association does not accept responsibility for views expressed in articles or other contributions that appear in its pages. 作者言论不代表中华会馆立场,会馆无需承担作者言论导致的法律责任。



President’s Word 会长致辞

陈挺博士 Dr CHEN Ting President 中华会馆会长

As the saying goes: it takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred years to nurture people; the trees planted by our predecessors provide shade for generations to come. This ancient saying attests to the backbreaking work put in by our predecessors who established the Chung Wah Association, and in doing so benefitted Chinese Western Australians for a hundred years. The Chung Wah Association was established in 1909, and officially registered in the Supreme Court of WA on 12 July 1910. As the 31st President of the Chung Wah Association, I am filled with respect and admiration for the early Chinese who united together to establish the Association amidst arduous times. This provided social, cultural and political support for the Chinese who left their homes at that time for a far away country. Without their heroic spirit at the beginning, there would be no Chung Wah Association today. As such, I would like to sincerely thank the past Presidents for their dedication in serving the Chung Wah Association as well as the entire Chinese community. They led our members in promoting Chinese education and multiculturalism. They organised major cultural events, initiated charitable activities, created community and elderly care services, and enriched Chinese social activities. I empathise with the hardships they endured; a situation oblivious to others in the wider community. 2020 is a year that will be forever etched in our memories and is also one of the most significant years of the Association. I am honoured to carry on the hopes and dreams of our predecessors and continue to gather many others with the desire to benefit the Chinese community. As we journey through 110 years of history at the Chung Wah Association, we have gained indescribable respect and trust from the federal, state, and local governments. In the next ten years, our Executive Committee will continue to uphold the mission of the Association; to safeguard the rights of the Chinese people, strengthen social tolerance, and provide members with even better platforms of communication. We will also expand the Association’s scope of services, enhance charity work, encourage Chinese people to actively participate in community activities, and contribute to the social cohesion of Australia’s multicultural society.

President Chung Wah Association

俗语说:十年树木,百年树人;前人种 树,后人乘凉。这句古话,正好印证了百年 前含辛茹苦创办中华会馆的先辈们,造福 了百年后生活在西澳的华人。 中华会馆于1909年正式成立,1910 年7月12日正式向法院注册。作为中华会馆 第三十一届的会长,我非常钦佩早期华人 前贤在艰苦日子中仍毅然团结一致成立中 华会馆,提供了当时离乡背井的西澳华人在 社交、文化与政治上的依靠。没有当初这 班前辈的无私奉献,就不会有今天的中华

会馆。 在此,我也衷心感谢历届会长和理事 为中华会馆和整个华人社区的奉献精神, 他们带领我们的会员,推广中文教育、宣扬 多元文化、举办大型文化活动、开展慈善 捐赠、社区和养老服务、丰富华人社交活 动等等。我深深地体会到这一路走来没有 局外人想象中的容易。 2020年是历史上令人难忘的一年,也 是会馆重要的一年。我有幸延续先辈的寄

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望,继续聚集更多有志之士,造福西澳华人 社区。走过百年历史的中华会馆,联邦政 府、州政府和市政府对我们有一份难以形 容的尊重和信任。 在未来的十年里,理事会将继续秉承 会馆的宗旨,在维护华人权益、增强社会 包容,并为会员们提供更好的交流平台。扩 大会馆的服务范围、增加慈善工作、鼓励 华人积极参与社区活动,为澳州多元文化 社会凝聚贡献一份力量。

Message from the Chief Editor 主编的话


ne hundred and ten years have flown by since the Chung Wah Association (CWA) was established. Under the great leadership of our pioneers, the CWA has gone through a tough but glorious era. During the time when we are celebrating the 110th anniversary of the Association, we, the descendants of Chung Wah heritage, should be grateful to our predecessors for paving the way for us, and cherish as well as protect all tangible and intangible assets of the Association.

Moon CHOW was recorded as the first Chinese person who arrived at the Swan River Colony, Western Australia (WA), on the ship Emily Taylor in 1829. In a few years, we will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Chinese immigrants arriving in Western Australia. That would indeed be a memorable and remarkable event. Gold was discovered in WA in 1886 and not long after that an increasing number of Chinese came to settle in WA to meet the needs of the development of the economy. Later in 1910, the Chung Wah Association was officially registered by our ancestors. Today, members of the Association come from all over the world. As the constitution stipulates, all members’ spouses are eligible to become ordinary members if they are of non-Chinese background. Currently, there are several thousand members, and the Association is the largest Chinese association with the longest history in Western Australia. The Association focuses on promoting Chinese culture and education, with over 1,000 students in four campuses of the Chung Wah Chinese school. There are various cultural activity groups such as Choir, Chinese Orchestra, Chinese Cultural Dance Troupe, Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe, and Dragon Boat group. These groups are well structured and vigorous. They are indeed the pride of the Chinese community.

been a member of this Association for over 30 years, and half of the time I have been a member of the Executive Committee. So I am able to share a lot of fantastic stories with everyone. I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to the Chung Wah President and everyone in the Publication Committee, as they have contributed plenty of time and

energy to work for this publication. Without this






publication could not be completed and presented to our readers. Thank you to all the Committee members!

Jeffrey CHA Chung Wah 110th Anniversary Publication Committee Chief Editor

一百一十年是一段不算短的日子,中華會館在先賢先驅們的帶領 下,走過了艱難又光輝的時代。今天我們在此時庆祝中華会館正式成立一 百一十年,更应该感谢前輩們為我們舖平的道路,珍惜及守護中華会館所有 的有形及無形的資產。1829年是有記錄的第一位華人周满乘坐Emily Taylor號 大船抵達西澳洲的天鵝殖民區。所以再過幾年就是華人在西澳洲兩百年的紀 念,真是一個值得紀念的事情。至1886年西澳洲發現金礦,由於工業的發展 及經濟的需要,越来越多的華人定居在西澳,1910年先輩們正式註册成立中 華会館。 到今日,中華會館的會員來自世界各國五湖四海,章程明訂家庭会員只要 夫婦任何一方為華人,就能成為基本會員,現在會員數仟人,為西澳洲歷史最 悠久的民族團體之一。中華会館注重於中華文化及華文教育,四所中文學校學 生超過千人,有歌詠團、中樂團、舞蹈團、舞獅隊、舞龍隊、龍舟隊及各類的健康 及球類團隊,朝氣蓬勃組織健全,的确是華人的驕傲。 是我的榮幸擔任這份一百一十週年紀念刊物的主編,我加入中華會館會員 超過三十年,其中大約有一半的時間参于執行委員会的工作,所以有很多這十 年来的故事可以分享給大家。我更要感谢會長及出版委員会的每一位成員,為 了本刊的順利出刊貢獻了很多的私人時間和精力,有了他們,這份紀念刊才得 已完整地呈現在讀者的面前。謝謝你們!

查紹翰 中華会館一百一十週年 特刊編委会主編

It has been my honour to be the Chief Editor of the 110th anniversary publication committee. I have Back row from left: Abbie CHEN, Lesley WONG, Jeffery CHA, Michael LI, CHEN Ting, Gloria ZHANG, Elvie YAP Front row from left: Carl ONG, Jen Nie CHONG, Kaylene POON, ZOU Jiping



Message from the Prime Minister 总理贺函





Congratulations to all who are celebrating tonight at the Chung Wah Association’s 110th anniversary gala ball. Your history as a cultural group is one of making a contribution – supporting your members and engaging with the wider Australian community in a spirit of goodwill. So many have benefited from your work throughout the last century and, no doubt, will continue to do so. This year has been one of challenge and change. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented us with a twin economic and health crisis. In response, we draw on our reserves of resilience and adaptability. The work of the Chung Wah Association serves as a reminder of just how deep and dependable those reserves are. In April, your volunteers were hard at work delivering masks to the most vulnerable members of the WA community. Then, in July, you again dug deep and donated 50,000 masks to the people of Melbourne, as they faced a heartbreaking second wave of infections. You did this while encouraging, informing and entertaining your clients and membership throughout the difficult days of physical isolation. I want to assure you we can have great confidence as our nation emerges from this crisis. Your work gives me hope in the future and certainty that, on the other side, we will be stronger and more united than before.

The Hon Scott Morrison MP Prime Minister of Australia October 2020

(首先)向出席今晚中华会馆110周年 庆祝晚会的各位道贺! 作为一个文化团体,你们的历史就是做 贡献——本着友好亲善原则,支持会馆会 员,并投入到更为广泛的澳大利亚主流社 区。在过去的一个世纪以来,已经有无数 人从贵馆的贡献中受益,并且毫无疑问的 是,社区人们将会继续受益。 今年是充满挑战和变数的一年。新冠

肺炎疫情给我们带来了经济和健康的双重 危机。为应对其影响,我们激发了坚韧不拔 的精神和适应能力。而中华会馆的成就也 显示出这种精神和蓄能在我们社会中是多 么深厚和可靠。


今年四月,贵馆的义工勤奋工作,为西 澳大利亚社区老弱人群发放口罩。然后在 七月,当墨尔本深陷于令人忧心的第二波 疫情之时,你们再次深入伸出援手,向墨尔

我谨在此向你们保证,我们对于国家 摆脱这次危机充满信心。你们的努力给予 了我对于未来的希望,让我更为确定我们 将比以往更为强大和团结一致。

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在疫情中实施社区隔离的艰难时期, 你们对所服务的人群和会员施以鼓励,传 达信息,并给社区人士带来欢乐。

Message from the Governors of Western Australia 总督贺函

Message from

Kim Beazley Governor

The Honourable Kim Beazley, AC Governor of Western Australia


for Chung Wah Association WA – 110th Anniversary Celebrations On behalf of the people of Western Australia, I offer my sincere congratulations to the Chung Wah Association on the occasion of its 110th anniversary. The Chung Wah Association has withstood the test of time by accomplishing the first decade of its second century. It has evolved into an impressive community-based organisation for people of Chinese descent from around the world, and is the peak body representing the Chinese community in Western Australia. It symbolises the accomplishments and varied contributions since 1829 that the Chinese community have made to the development of the State. The Chung Wah Association is an important presence within Western Australia’s diverse community. The unique contribution of the Association to the cultural, social and economic development of the State is recognised and valued. It serves as the main link for professional and social networking between the Chinese community with all levels of Government, community organisations, business and industry groups and the wider Western Australian community. Over many years, Association Committee members have served on a variety of Government and community boards. The Association continues to provide services in aged care, new migrant settlement programs, community language education and cultural learning experiences. It organises various community events such as the annual Perth Chinese New Year Fair. Chung Wah continues to demonstrate the highest levels of leadership and commitment to community service and is an outstanding example of civic contribution. During this challenging year, I have been pleased to hear that the Association has supported the local Chinese community and other organisations with the distribution of masks and hand sanitiser donated by generous donors. Best wishes to the Chung Wah Association for its 110th Anniversary Gala Ball and its special Commemorative publication.


在中华会馆成立110周年之际,我谨代 表西澳大利亚人民向中华会馆献上衷心的 祝贺! 中华会馆历经岁月锤炼,走过了它第二 个世纪的头十年。它已经成为一个由来自 世界各地华人后裔组成的卓越社区组织, 成为西澳大利亚华人社区的最高团体。它 是自1829年以来华人社区为国家发展所 作出的各种贡献和成就的具体象征。 中华会馆是西澳大利亚多元化社区的

重要组成部分。它对本州文化、社会和经 济发展的独特贡献赢得了社会的认可和珍 视。它是华人社区与各级政府、社区组织、 商业和工业团体、以及更广泛的西澳大利 亚社区之间的行业和社会关系的主要纽 带。多年来,会馆理事会成员曾在不同政府 部门和社区委员会服务。

珀斯中华新年文化节。中华会馆不断展现 其高超的社区领导水平,努力践行服务社 区的承诺,正是澳洲公民对社会所作贡献 的杰出典范。在今年这充满挑战的一年中, 听闻中华会馆向本地华人社区及其他机 构分发由慷慨捐助人士捐助的口罩和洗手 液,我感到非常欣慰。

会 馆将继续提供长 者服务、移民安 置、社区语言教育和文化学习经验等服务, 举办各种大型社区活动,例如,一年一度的

我向中华会馆成功举办110周年庆祝 晚会并成功发行110周年特别纪念刊致以 最佳祝愿。



Message from the Premier of Western Australia 州长贺函

Mark McGowan MLA Premier 西澳州长

籍此机会,我很欣然地祝愿中华会馆 110周年及西澳华人传承的纪念日快乐。 西澳大利亚州一直以来都以多元文化 共存为豪。中华会馆长久的生命力,验证了 其对华人移民的积极影响力。如今, 中华会 馆通过提供长者护理和长者居家援助、太 极班、中文学校,以及包含龙舟、舞龙舞狮 在内的各种社区活动,在支持西澳的华裔

及其他亚裔方面扮演着至关重要的角色。 中华会馆经常为其他机构提供支援并 与其他机构合作,为更广大社区民众提供 更为优质的服务,为社会福祉作出宝贵贡 献。 一个多世纪以来,中华会馆一直致力 于弘扬维护文化传统,并以其丰富多彩的

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文化活动而闻名。其中,最为著名的就是每 年在珀斯举行的中国新年文化节。这些活 动吸引了来自各行各业的西澳人民共同庆 贺文化多样性,而这正是我们州最大的优 势之一。 衷心祝贺中华会馆迎来这一具有里程 碑意义的周年纪念,并预祝会馆在未来支 持社区的事业一帆风顺。

Message from the Leader of the Opposition 反对党领袖贺函

Zak Kirkup MLA Leader of the Opposition 反对党领袖

中华会馆这110年来在我们不断变化 的西澳社区中扮演着一个重大的角色。在这 个重要的里程碑,我谨向中华会馆全体同 仁表示祝贺。 中华会馆在西澳社区有着举足轻重且 备受尊重的地位,同时,在促进多元文化的

重要工作上也是一个出色的榜样。 中华中文学校校园遍及珀斯各地区, 反映了中华会馆多方面的领导能力,比如: 社区讨论会、文化舞蹈、粤剧、赛龙舟、合 唱团,还有乒乓球比赛等。

您们对主流社会架构的贡献源远流 长,西澳洲社区因此更丰富多彩,为此我代 表西澳自由党感谢您们。 中华会馆在西澳110周年是一个令人 印象深刻的里程碑,再次祝贺您们。



Message from the Citizenship and Multicultural Interest Minister 公民与多元文化部长贺函

Paul Papalia MLA Minister of Citizenship and Multicultural Interests 西澳公民 与多元文化部长

籍中华会馆成立110周年之际,我衷心 地向中华会馆全体会员以及西澳州华人社 区表示祝贺。 中华会馆自1909年成立以来,为很多 来自世界各地在西澳大利亚定居的华裔移 民们,提供了支持和援助,并将继续努力贡 献。 中华会馆一直以来秉持自己的初衷和 理想,甘愿担当华人社区与主流社会之间 的桥梁,组织并举办了许多重大活动及社

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区活动,使西澳社会更加多彩多姿。 文化多样性是西澳大利亚最大的优势 之一,西澳华人社区为西澳大利亚州的社 会和谐、经济发展和文化繁荣做出了巨大 贡献。 我祝贺中华会馆迎来其颇具有里程碑 纪念意义的第110周年!并送上最美好的 祝愿,期待中华会馆在未来的年代里不断 取得更大成就!

Lord Mayor’s Message 市长贺函

Basil Zempilas Lord Mayor 珀斯市长

我谨代表珀斯市和全体市议员,向中 华会馆在庆祝正式成立110周年之际表示 衷心的祝贺。 位于北桥James Street的中华会馆大 楼于1910年10月12日奠基, 1911年正月落 成。它是珀斯市最古老的社区建筑物之一, 被公认为一个重要地标并被列入文化遗产 名录。 百十年来,中华会馆是西澳洲来自世 界各地的中华移民和华裔的家园。作为华

社的代表 ,它继续领导并为社区提供福 利、文化、教育和其他社区服务。2020年 初,中华会馆领头为维多利亚洲山火赈灾 筹款;在新冠病毒流感期间连同许多华社 团体为本地和维多利亚洲社区老弱捐赠口 罩。这些义举反映中华会馆的领头角色和 对社区老弱的关怀。 一年一度在北桥举行的中华新年文化 节是由中华会馆在2012年发起的,当时获 得珀斯市,西澳彩票局,多元文化部与西

澳发展部(简称MRA)支持和赞助成功举 行。这个具有丰富文化色彩和娱乐性的农 历新年庆祝活动吸引了大约20,000名参与 者和访客。它已成为珀斯市重要的年度盛 会。 珀斯市政府非常重视中华会馆对珀斯 市的经济、生活和多元文化的贡献。我在 这里对中华会馆过去和现在的所有会员和 志愿者在这110年来的成就表示敬意。祝 您们在这个美好的里程碑一切顺利。



Message from Perth Acting Consul-General of the P.R.China 中国代总领事贺函

代总领事 金千 Acting Consul-General JIN Qian

It is with great pleasure that we congratulate the Chung Wah Association (CWA) on reaching its 110th anniversary. Since CWA was established, it has connected the West Australian Chinese people by providing services to them, protecting their interests, promoting Chinese culture, participating in charitable

initiatives and contributing to the broader community. CWA also tirelessly contributes to fostering multiculturalism in WA and the friendship between China and WA. We hope to see CWA continue to achieve the founding objectives, sustaining cultural traditions and

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promoting the spirit of unity. In addition, contributing towards building better collaboration between Chinese community organisations, as well as establishing interaction and exchange between China and Western Australia in the area of humanity and other sectors.

Message from the Immediate Past President 前会长献词

Chung Wah Association’s relevance in the 21st Century


丁少平 DING Shao Ping


n 29th August, 2015, my team and I had the honour to be elected as the new managment of the Chung Wah Association. In the four years I served as President, supported by the Executive Committee, Council of Elders, Administration staff and sub-committees, I have gained a deeper understanding of the culture and history of this 110-year-old organisation, and the great purpose it serves for the Chinese community in Western Australia and its multicultural society. During the past four years, the Association has achieved substantial development in many areas: the number of cultural and activity groups have increased from 5 to 20; Chung Wah Chinese School added a fourth campus in Perth Modern School, and student numbers increased yet again; the number of people utilising community and elderly services increased from about 500 to more than 900 people. The “Chung Wah Autumn Centre” project continues and during my time received a building permit. The Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta was upgraded with a new ceiling with new ducted air cooler and a new lighting system. The CWA continues to consolidate its influence amongst West Australian Chinese communities and local mainstream society whilst preserving the traits of Chinese traditions. In order to enhance community activities, the CWA launched and organised the Perth Chinese New Year Fair; CWA Dragon Boat Festival; a week-long Perth CW Cultural Festival, “Cultures of China: Spring


015年8月29日,我和我的团队有幸得到 广大会员的支持,当选为中华会馆新一届 理事会团队。在作为两届中华会馆会长的 四年任期里,我进一步深刻体会到了这个 百十年会馆富有深远意义的历史文化,及 其在西澳华人社区和当地多元文化社会中 所发挥的重大作用。在两届理事会、办公室 工作人员和会馆各部门同仁的共同努力下, 在会馆元老会的关心和支持下,中华会馆彰 显了更强的生机与活力。

of the Four Seas”. Together with other West Australian Chinese communities, large-scale cultural activities such as Chung Wah Chinese New Year Ball were held, along with multiple community, charity, and disaster-relief activities. In addition, the CWA’s cultural groups carried out a variety of weekly activities. As the representative association of Chinese communities in Western Australia, the CWA has continued to maintain close contact and communication with the West Australian Government and received their significant support and attention. It has become an important window of interaction between Chinese people and the broader community. The CWA also maintains close contact with other ethnic communities, constantly learning and interacting with others. The CWA is an comprehensive organisation with 110 years of history. Its growth has seen the continuous efforts of generations of Chinese. On this 110th anniversary of Chung Wah Association, I sincerely hope its spirit will be passed on to future generations, its duties taken to the next level, to strengthen the bridge in serving Chinese people; as well as promoting Chinese culture, improving Australian-Chinese communications, remaining a voice for the Chinese community and its communications with the others, and continuing to be an important cornerstone of Western Australia’s multicultural society.

四年来,会馆在多方面取得实质性的发 展:文化及活动小组从原有的五个增加到十 二个;中华中文学校在Perth Modern School 增设了第四个分校区,学生人数再次增加; 社区与长者服务中心的服务对象从原有的 五百多人增加到现有的九百多人。会馆创立 的“中华秋园”重新得到启动和建设。位于 巴卡达的中华文化中心完成了重新装修,其 所在的土地也得到了新的发展规划。在保留 中华传统文化特色的同时,会馆在西澳华社 和当地主流社会的影响力也不断增强。 为了提升社区活动力,会馆组织并开展 了:珀斯中华新年文化节、中华龙舟赛、为期 一周的“珀斯中华文化节”、 “文化中国·四 海同春”大型慰侨演出和恢复办了“中华会 馆新年舞会”等各项大型文化活动,并联合 西澳华社各兄弟社团,组织了许多社区事 务、文化、慈善赈灾等活动。此外,会馆各 个文化小组每周也开展了丰富多彩的文化、 体育活动。 作为西澳当地华社的代表协会,中华会 馆始终保持着与州政府的密切联系和沟 通,并得到了当地政府的大力支持和重视, 成为华人与主流社会对话的一个重要窗 口。会馆与其他族裔社区也保持密切的联 系,不断的相互学习和交流。 中华会馆是有着110年的悠久历史的综 合性社团,它的成长经历了几代华人的不断 努力。值此中华会馆成立110周年之际,我真 诚地希望会馆的精神世代相传,会馆的会 务更上一层楼,以侨架桥,使之在服务华人、 传播中华文化、促进中澳沟通以及为华人发 声等方面发挥双向沟通的积极作用,争取成 为澳洲多元文化社会的一个重要组成部分!


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Chung Wah Silk Banner 邝彩玲 Kaylene POON


n the 1980s the Historical Group catalogued the Association’s artefacts after a clean-up in the late 1960s. Besides the early minute books, Chinese Nationalist Party (CNP), also known as Kuomingtang (KMT) membership forms and several old framed photos, there are several pale green glazed rice bowls, seven carved wooden chairs and a large red silk banner. Originally purchased in the 1910s along with the bowls and chairs, the banner was in a very fragile condition due to wear and tear and poor storage. However even in this state the banner measuring 7.6 by 1.5 metres was breathtaking to see, with its elaborate gold thread embroidery, mirrors and fine fringing. The major decorations include the figure of Lu, the God of Fortune, on each end facing four Chinese words “Model Teacher of all Ages”, a reference to Confucius. In the background is an assortment of detailed Chinese art and cultural motifs, including a dragon, lion and Chinese unicorn. Neither the reason for the creation of the banner nor the cost is documented. However we believe the banner was specially commissioned and the motifs and words were a blessing of good fortune, combined with the wisdom of Confucius, for the Association’s future and longevity. Old photographs show the banner being displayed during the First and Second World Wars at community parades to bolster community spirit during these difficult times. Another photo taken in the 1930s partially shows the original top

which was replaced in later years, losing details relating to the maker, YU Thoong Woh. After its re-discovery the banner became the second artefact of cultural significance classified by the National Trust Western Australia. A major fundraising effort combined with a LotteryWest grant saw the banner conserved and in 1999 it was donated to the Western Australia Museum. It is fitting to see that the banner is on show at the new Perth Museum. Chung Wah has worked closely with the Museum staff to enable detailed Chinese and English descriptions which will be accessible for all visitors. Due to its size, the beauty of the banner will be display in portions over a

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period of time.. Digital technology will allow visitors to see all of the banner as well as its reverse side which displays an elaborate folk-style painting depicting the Annals of the Three Kingdoms. An artwork in its own right. The phoenix, another symbol as shown on the cover of this magazine, aptly reflects the banner’s history. It started life as an object of beauty and over time survived mishandling and damage. Facing an uncertain future, the banner survived the flames of life to re-emerge in all its glory once more. We encourage everyone to visit the Museum to see the banner in all its glory.

Chung Wah History


中英文详解,方便所有参观者观赏。由于 面积原因,一次仅能展示横幅的一部分, 但会定期循环更换,逐步展示其瑰丽全 景。此外,数字技术的应用可以让参观者 欣赏到横幅的全貌,及其背面精美绝伦, 具有民间艺术风采的三国志年鉴——单 其背面本身就是一幅艺术珍品。

上世纪八十年代,历史组对会馆的历 史文物进行了编目。经历过六十年代末的 一次清理之后,早期的文物所剩不多。除 了早期若干会议纪要本、一些国民党的 会员表,和几张旧的有框相片之外,还有 几只东青釉碗、七把雕花木椅,和一面巨 大的红色横幅。 这面横幅最初是在1910年代与碗和 椅子一起购买的。由于磨损和贮存不良, 其材料十分易碎。然而即便这样,这幅长 7.6米,宽1.5米的横幅以其巧工的金线 刺绣、镜面以及精致镶边,仍是令人叹为 观止。旗面的主要装饰包括:端绣有文财 神,即代表幸运的“禄”的形象,面朝正中 四个大字:萬世師表,即指孔子。背景则是 一系列精致的,代表中国传统文化艺术的 图案,如龙,狮和麒麟等。 第一届委员会购买这面横幅的原因和 花费已经无从得知,但是我们深信它是被 委以特殊意义的,其图案和文字结合孔子 的智慧,旨在为会馆的未来和永续发展 祈福求慧。 通过旧照我们可以看到,这面横幅 曾在一战和二战期间的社区游行中悬挂 展示,用以振奋困难时期社区人民的士

气。另有一幅摄于三十年代的照片部分 地展示了最初横幅顶部的样子,但后来这 部分被替换了,以至于失去了制作者YU Thoong Woh的相关信息。在被重新找 出之 后,这 面 横 幅 成 为第 二 件 被西澳国家信托 局归类为具有文 化价值的手工艺 品。为了横幅能 得以保存,曾举 行一场由西澳乐 透 彩票局参 与 的大型筹款活 动,并于1999 年赠予了西澳 历史博物馆。 让 人 欣慰的 是,横幅会在 即于将2020 年 底 开 放的 新西澳博 物 馆内展出。 中华会馆与 博物馆工作 人员正在密 切合作,帮助完善

杂志封面的火凤凰象征着横幅的过 往经历,表达横幅从诞生之初的美丽, 到历经不当保存和损害后得以保留的历 史过往。面对不可预测的未来,它耐住了 生命烈火的考验重现当年之风采。我们 诚挚地希望每一个人都到博物馆去欣赏 这幅夺目璀璨的艺术珍品。


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Chung Wah Association A Sheltering Tree for the West Australian Chinese Community


n its 110th anniversary, it is timely to take a look at the Chung Wah Association (CWA) and ask the question: “What should Chung Wah Association mean to the Western Australia Chinese community?” It reflects the struggle of a migrant community in a strange and hostile land, dating back to the 1830s. CWA had a gloomy but resolute beginning in 1909, infused with the real need to survive and to serve its constituents. In the early days, people came to CWA to seek moral and judicial support, to deal with their living obligations, and most importantly, to send mail and money home. Perhaps they had a chance to meet with kinsmen who spoke their dialect, shared their beliefs and celebrated their festivals. When the Chung Wah Hall opened in January 1911, it was the grandest hall of any Chinese organisation in all of Australia. In its long history, the CWA has had to deal with many community crises. On each occasion it was able to harness enough support to overcome these difficulties, mostly by being resilient and waiting for the ill winds to blow over. I have experienced a couple of such episodes. Learning from such crises can enhance current and future generations of the

Dr Eric TAN AO Cit WA 陈继志医生 Chinese community with useful insights, wisdom and an approach to help us navigate the future. I hope I can persuade you to look at this old Association with new eyes and come to appreciate the community spirit and cohesion that emanate from its long-standing existence through good times and bad. In 1961 when I first came to Western Australia to study, the CWA was already 50 years old. On Saturday mornings I used to go to Hop Hing & Co grocery shop next door, to buy Chinese steamed meat buns, as there were no Dim Sum shops. This was the week’s highlight for me. I never ventured into the Hall’s entrance even though I walked past it. It looked a fine but rather alien building. It hinted at a rather obscure and selfeffacing society only because I did not realise the tremendous living history that was behind its doors. It was many years later that former President Kee Yong YEE came to see me and ask if I could help the Association in its work. I was impressed with his devotion and his persistence and all that seemed to be good in voluntary community work. I said yes and my life took a great turn. I started by attending the Executive Committee meetings and learnt of the needs and aspirations of an older section of the Chinese community.

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Looking after one’s elders is a hallmark of Chinese tradition. As a newcomer, I was tasked with supporting the three Saturday morning Chinese Schools. These were busy, vibrant entities and it was such a joy to be involved. It was great to see the parents and the teachers working together to get their desired results. I saw a group of very proud and satisfied members. I then found out other aspects of CWA’s activities and plans and their aspirations. There was talk of building a new facility in Balcatta, an Autumn Centre, expanding welfare activities, the Business and Professional Group, festival celebrations including Chinese New Year and the Mid-Autumn Festival, and increasing number of visiting dignitaries. The late Edie HOY POY OAM Cit WA was the Grand Matriarch and was most days in the Chung Wah Hall providing advice, counsel and guidance. She was supported by the remnant of a generation who played such a great part in the progress of our community. But the Association had been trying to remain inconspicuous, because it did not wish to attract unwanted attention to the Chinese community and to the Association. Hopefully trouble makers will pass us by. It will be safer if we keep in the shadows. I became President when the Association was about 75 years old. There were many young people of Chinese background becoming more noticeable in schools and university societies. There were more business migrants and many brought their families here for education. Migrants found it difficult to succeed, as they had been in their former environments. It was obvious that there had to be a change in the Chinese community mindset so that education, employment and business opportunities were available for the

Chung Wah History

young and new arrivals. Consequently, the CWA celebrated its 75th anniversary as a way of “coming out” into the public with myriad activities. The Association invited everybody to participate in these activities in every way possible. We gave the people of Western Australia a chance to learn and experience the Chinese elements in our society and a reason for the Chinese community to promote themselves. Three concurrent exhibitions were held at the Art Gallery of WA, the Western Australia Museum and the State Library of WA. Dragon boat racing, public lectures and a film festival were held. Of course there was a celebration dinner and even a horse race for the Chung Wah Cup. A commemorative magazine was published with new research on the history of the Chinese community in WA. There was a feeling of liberation and so when the Federal Government wanted to promote a policy of engagement with Asia, the newly established Western Australia Chinese Chamber of Commerce, which included CWA, was able to respond and contribute in a meaningful way. We were respected for this effort and the community was more settled and confident. The Chinese could move forward positively and in the open and not in inconspicuous shadows. Behind all these developments and indeed since its formation the CWA is been like a sheltering tree. In stormy times as especially in the earlier days, the Chinese community took shelter under this strong tree seeking security in numbers and hoping for better times when they could help each other to go forward into the open. The community has relied on the CWA to provide support and comfort and to seek common solutions. It would be different without the CWA. Maybe it is not always perfect in its policies and actions but the CWA has withstood the test of time. The Chinese community should treasure this organisation. Without it we would have been all the poorer. So, let us stay close together with this great organisation, and under its sheltering protection and work towards encouraging tomorrow’s leaders. Ultimately we must acknowledge the foresight, wisdom and hard work of the pioneer founders and the succeeding custodians to reach this milestone.

中华会馆 西澳华人社区的避风港

中华会馆成立110周年之际,我们应 该籍此时刻思考一下这个问题, “中 华会馆对华人社区应该意味着什么?”时间 追溯至十九世纪三十年代,中华会馆见证了 移民社区在这片曾充满敌意且陌生的土地 上经历过的苦难。1909年,中华会馆打开了 一个黯淡但却坚定的开端,那个时期会馆 主要任务是生存和服务会馆成员。建立初 期,人们加入会馆是为寻求道德和司法支 持,处理他们的必须日常事务,最重要的是 寄邮件和钱回家。也许他们能有机会见到 和他们一样说着自己的方言、信仰相同、能 一起庆祝共同节日的乡亲。当中华会馆大楼 于1911年1月开放时,其规模在所有澳大利 亚的华人组织中是最宏伟壮观的。 在其漫长的历史进程中,中华会馆不得 不面对许多社会危机。每一次它都能获取 鼎力支持走出困境,但更多的是靠华人坚韧 不拔的品质,静观其变,静候罡风散去。我 曾亲身经历过几次这样的情况。 从那些危急中吸取经验教训,将会帮助 当今和未来的华人增长真知、灼見、和智 慧,从而帮助我们把握未来。我希望我能说 服你们以新的眼光来看待这个老协会,从而 能赞赏她不论顺境还是逆境,都坚持长期生 存下来所表现出来的社团精神和凝聚力。 1961年我第一次来西澳留学,那时中华会 馆已成立50载。周六早上我通常去会馆隔壁 的合兴杂货铺买中国肉包,因为这里没有点心 店铺。这曾是我每周开心的时刻。虽然我经常 路过会馆大楼,但从没想过要走进去。会馆 是一幢看起来精致却有外乡情调的建筑。它 让人感觉那里面是一个相当隐晦和谦卑的社 团,当时只是因为我没有意识到在它的门后有 着强大的生命力和惊人的生存历史。 多年后,前会长余其勇先生前来找我,问 我可否协助本会馆工作。他的甘愿奉献和坚 持不懈让我印象深刻,我觉得参与任何社区 志愿工作都是好事,于是我答应了。从此我的 生活发生了巨大的变化。我开始参加理事会 的会议,了解社区里老一辈华人的需求和愿 望。照顾长者是中国传统文化的标志。 作为一个新人,我的工作是协助三个在 周六上午上课的中文学校。这些学校的工作 都很忙碌,充满活力,我能参与其中非常开 心,我也很高兴看到家长和老师们通过一起 努力,取得了他们想要的结果。我看到一群有 自豪感和从工作中获得满足感的会馆成员。 我后来又了解到会馆的其它活动、计划以及 他们的愿景。他们讨论在巴卡达建立一个新 的活动中心,建立长者的秋园,扩大福利活 动,建立商业和专业团体;增加节日庆典包

括:华人新年和中秋节,以及增加到访的贵 宾。已故的阮丽茹OAM夫人曾是会馆的大家长, 她大部分时间都在中华会馆提供建议、咨询 和指导。她得到了曾为我们社区发展做出巨 大贡献的那一代人的支持。但是在公众面 前,会馆一直都努力保持低调,不希望华人 社区和中华会馆引起不必要的关注,希望不 引来那些制造麻烦的人的注意,我们保持低 调。我们躲在暗处会更安全。 在会馆成立75周年时我成为会长。那时 华人背景的年轻人在学校和大学里越来越 多。更多的商业移民也来到这里,许多人把 他们的家人带来接受教育。新移民发现他们 很难获得成功,因为他们还像生活在以前的 环境中一样。很明显,华人社区的观念必须 改变;在这样的情况下,为年轻人和新移民 提供教育、就业和商业机会就应运而生。 中华会馆因此决定以“走出来”走到公众 当中去的方式,来庆祝其75周年纪念日,并举 办了数不胜数的特色活动。会馆还邀请每个 人以不同形式参与到活动中来。我们也给西 澳人民提供了一个学习和体验华人社区中国 元素的机会,同时也启发华人社区提升自我。 当时在西澳艺术馆、西澳博物馆和西澳 国家图书馆同时举办了三场展览,有龙舟 赛、公开讲座和电影节活动,当然还有庆祝 晚宴,甚至还有中华杯赛马,并出版了一本 纪念刊物,登载了有关西澳华人社区历史的 新研究。当时的华社有一种释放的感觉,所 以当联邦政府想要推行一项与亚洲交往的 政策时,包括中华会馆在内的新成立的西澳 中华总商会,能够以一种积极参与的方式做 出响应和贡献。我们的努力得到了尊重,社 区亦更加安定、自信。华人开始在主流社会 中积极发展,而不再是一昧的保持低调。 华社所有这些发展的背后都离不开会馆 的庇护,中华会馆自成立以来,对于华人来 说就像是一棵可以遮风避雨的大树,特别是 在艰难的早期。华人置身在这棵可以庇护 他们的大树下寻求安全,希望当情况好转时 他们可以再相互携手走出去。人们依靠中华 会馆提供支援与慰籍,并寻求共同解决的办 法。如果没有会馆的存在情形会势必不同。 会馆的政策和举措方面或许并不总是完美, 但它经历了时间的考验。华人社区应该珍惜 这个组织。如果没有它,我们可能都还很穷 困。因此,让我们与这个伟大的组织紧密团 结在一起,在它的羽翼支撑下,一起努力并支 持未来的领导者。 最后,我们必须赞扬先驱创始人和后来的 继任者们为中华会馆实现这一新的里程碑, 所付出的远见卓识、聪明才智和辛勤工作。 中华会馆110周年纪念特刊

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Challenges for All of Us Dr YOW Yit Seng 饶逸生博士


he Chung Wah Association (CWA) was formed in 1910 under desperate circumstances, described by the saying “Cry out to the heaven, the heaven does not respond; plead to the earth, but the earth is ineffective” 叫天天不应,叫地地 不灵. As the effects of the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 (the White Australia Policy) were increasingly felt, local ethnic Chinese accepted the harsh reality that their numbers would be decreasing over the years. Our founders such as the inaugural president Louis Wah LOUEY 雷华 and Secretary TAM Ying Man 谭英 文 were from China. Settlers who came to Western Australia were recruited from Singapore, bringing in a blend of people from the coastal provinces of China as well as South East Asia. According to official records published by Anne Atkinson, “Asian Immigrants to Western Australia 1829 to 1901”, out of 3,291 arrivals, 1,724 were from Guangdong province, the rest were from Fujian, Hainan, Hong Kong and Singapore. In terms of dialects there were also Teochew and Hakka speakers. It was not surprising that Cantonese became the lingua franca amongst the Chinese settlers. In those days there was no national language in China, resulting in limited oral communication between people of different provinces, or even within regions of the same province. Even though the dialects were different the written language and culture were the same, true to the “civilisation state” theory. By 1933 there were only 363 Chinese living in Perth, out of a total of 705 in the whole state. For a long period the association was run by Australian Born Chinese (ABC). While Australia continued with its White Australia Policy, Chinese settlers continued to arrive in large numbers in South East Asia, in particular Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia / Singapore. The learning

of Chinese language was banned in Indonesia and Thailand. In Malaysia and Singapore it was possible to be educated in Mandarin from primary to tertiary levels, through Nanyang University in Singapore, or universities in Taiwan. This created a wide spectrum of Chinese cultural appreciation amongst the ethnic Chinese communities. They range from those whose understanding of Chinese language and culture are comparable to China, to those who through no fault of their own, are deprived of these opportunities. In the 1960s, while we still practised the White Australia Policy, some Asians were allowed to come to WA as “Colombo Plan” students, giving a much needed boost to our association. This was a fresh mixture of English speaking professionals with little or no knowledge of Mandarin. After the end of the White Australia Policy, Asians began to come in substantial numbers, mainly from South East Asia, in particular Malaysia, Singapore, former British colonies, not just as students. CWA finally came out of this induced hibernation. Though the association was then run by English speaking migrants, records indicated that there were substantial nonEnglish-speaking residents including restaurant operators, other business owners and people who express much better in Chinese (or a dialect), rather than English. Due to differences in language, education levels, outlook, mindset and psyche, the stage was set for a minor “clash of civilisation” within the Chinese community. From a historical perspective, YOW Chu San 饒楚生 (1940 – 2018), an accountant trained in Perth, the first Asian JP in Western Australia, bilingual Vice President of CWA, broke away from the Association and formed the Chinese Community Council (CCC) in 1979. The South East Asian dominance continued until recent times.

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Meanwhile Asian migration into Australia has changed substantially. For a few years China was the biggest source of migrants for Australia, overtaking the United Kingdom or New Zealand, our traditional number one source. At the end of June 2018, 650,700 China-born people were living in Australia, more than twice the number at 30 June 2008. After the United Kingdom, people from China make up the second largest migrant community in Australia, equivalent to 8.9 per cent of Australia's overseasborn population and 2.6 per cent of Australia's total population. Understandably, a cleavage exists between some of the mainly Mandarin speakers from China and non-Chinese speaking members of the diaspora. Dr. SUN Yat Sen 孙中山, “father of the Chinese nation” 国父, lamented that ”four hundred million Chinese, is nothing more than a plate of loose sand” 四万万中国人,一盘散沙 而已, as he tried to unite the Chinese people. Or ARE WE?? Maybe we should look at the bigger picture for the sake of our children/ grandchildren and generations to come. As long as CWA leadership remains all-inclusive and consultative, over a period of time the tension and unease amongst members will eventually evaporate. Let us not forget that most of us are first generation migrants, with perspectives and viewpoints shaped by our education. The situation would be minimised in decades to come, when all our children receive the same education, and learn to share the same values and history through our education system. Over time our children would be more and more “Australian”, and less and less “ethnic Chinese”. Indeed the ethnic Chinese community in Western Australia comprises two groups of “ABC”. The first group, the Australian Born Chinese acquire their nationality through the choice

Chung Wah History

of their parents. The second group, Australian By Choice, come to Australia through their own freedom of choice, whether they live here through professional credentials, family reunion or refugee, work and student visas. Today the Chinese diaspora is faced with a unique situation, not seen since the beginning of the White Australia Policy, with a tinge of xenophobia in the air. Fundamentally we have no argument with Australia. The United States, feeling increasingly insecure in its dream to remain the only dominant country in the World, has waged a trade, technology and ideological war with China, dragging its allies such as Australia into this protracted, multi-faceted war game. Those who regurgitate the U.S. viewpoint in Aussie land only expose their myopic viewpoints and naivety of Australian diplomacy, in particular our engagement with Asia in general, and China in particular. We are economically dependent on the Middle Kingdom. With about 39% of exports going to China, we in WA do the heavy lifting. In 201819, our universities earned $37.6 billion in revenue from foreign students, and almost 32% came from Chinese students. Tourists from China spent $12.4 billion down here in 2019, one-third of the total foreign tourists’ spending. The increasing pressure from the U.S., is a crisis 危机; in our mindset danger 危 is always associated with opportunity 机. This is an opportune time for the Chung Wah Association to galvanise the collective intelligence and aspirations from all ethnic Chinese, irrespective of their country of origin, whether they are English or Mandarin speakers. Life goes on, there are immense challenges ahead of us. Without any doubt there are quite a few things that the Chinese would like to learn from the Australians, and plenty of stuff that the Aussies can learn from the Chinese. Our Association should proactively interact with the mainstream communities directly with imagination, and make the Land of Oz a better place for all of us. Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed by contributors and editors are their own, and do not necessarily express The Chung Wah Association's viewpoints or position. The Chung Wah Association does not accept responsibility for views expressed in articles or other contributions that appear in its pages. 作者言论不代表中华会馆立场,会馆无需承担作者 言论导致的法律责任。

我们的共同挑战 中

华会馆是1910年在一种枯苗望雨的 大环境下成立的。用一句老话来说,就 是: “叫天天不应,叫地地不灵。”由于1901 年《移民限制法案》(白澳政策)的影响日益凸 显,当地华人接受了其族裔人数会逐年减少 的残酷现实。 会馆创始人之一,首任主席Louis Louey Wah(雷华)和秘书长谭英文都来自于中国。 很多来西澳的侨民是从新加坡招募来的, 也引进了来自中国沿海省份和东南亚的多 元文化移民。根据Anne Atkinson发表的 《1829年至1901年西澳大利亚的亚洲 移民》(Asian Immigrants to Western Australia 1829 - 1901)的官方记录,在三 千二百九十一名侨居者中,有一千七百二十 四人来自广东省,其余来自福建、海南、香港 和新加坡。就方言来讲,还有潮州话和客家 话。这就不难理解为什么广东话能成为华人 侨民的通用语了。那时,中国还没有统一的 官方语言,以至于不同省份之间,甚至同一省 份的地区之间的口语交流有限。尽管方言 不同,但书面语言和文化是一致的,符合“文 明国家”理论。到1933年,整个州共有七百 零五名中国人,其中只有三百六十三名在珀 斯。在很长一段时间里,会馆都是由澳大利 亚出生的华人(ABC)管理的。 在澳大利亚持续推行其白澳政策期间,中 国移民继续大量抵达东南亚,特别是印度尼 西亚、泰国和马来西亚或新加坡。印尼和泰 国是禁止学习中文的。在马来西亚和新加坡, 通过新加坡的南洋大学或台湾的大学,人们可 以接受从小学到高等教育的普通话教 育。这为华人族裔社区创造了广泛 的中华文化理解。因此这些移民 有的对中国语言和文化有深刻 的理解,也有的迫于无奈被剥 夺了学习中国文化的机会。 在20世纪60年代,当白 澳 政 策 还 在实 行时,一些亚 洲人被 允许以“科伦坡计划” (Colombo Plan) 学生的身份来到 西澳,这对我们会馆的发展起到了关键 推动作用。这是一股新鲜血液,他们是说英 语为主的专业人士,且懂少量或者完全不懂 普通话。 白澳政策结束后,亚洲人开始大量涌入 澳洲。他们主要来自东南亚,特别是马来西 亚,新加坡这样的前英属殖民地,且不仅仅 是学生。中华会馆终于从这场人为的冬眠中 苏醒过来了。尽管会馆当时是由说英语的移 民运营的,但记录显示,也有大量不讲英语 的居民,包括餐馆经营者、其他企业主,以 及用汉语(或方言)比英语表达得更好的人。 由于语言、教育水平、观念、心态和心理等方 面的差异,华人社区内部出现了一场轻微的“ 文化冲突”。历史上,饶楚生(1940-2018), 一名受训于珀斯的会计师,西澳第一位亚裔 太平绅士,中华会馆双语副主席,于1979年 脱离会馆并成立华人社区理事会。 东南亚华人族裔的主导地位延续至今。 与此同时,进入澳大利亚的亚洲移民情况发 生了巨大变化。几年来,中国超过了英国或

新西兰成为了澳大利亚最大的移民来源国, 而后者原本是传统意义上的第一大移民来 源国。截至2018年六月底,澳大利亚共有 六十五万七百名中国出生人口,是2008年 六月三十日统计数据的两倍多。中国移民是 澳大利亚仅次于英国的第二大移民群体,占 澳大利亚海外出生人口的8.9%,占澳大利 亚总人口的2.6%。 主要语言为普通话的华人与不讲汉语的 华侨存在差异,这是可以理解的。 “国父”孙 中山博士曾遗憾道: “四万万中国人,一盘散 沙而已”,因此他奋力促使全体中国人团结起 来。但我们真的只是散沙吗??难道我们不能 为了孩子和子孙后代而看得更长远一些吗? 只要中华会馆领导大家做到相互包容、 共同协商,那么成员间摩擦或矛盾终会随着 时间而烟消云散。请谨记,我们中的大多数 人都是第一代移民,我们的视角和观点都 是由所受的教育塑造而成。当我们的孩子都 通过教育系统接受着相同的教育,学习共享 同一种价值观及历史的时候, 中华教育的影 响可能会在未来数十年中逐渐弱化。久而久 之,我们的孩子可能会变得越来越“澳大利 亚化”,而更少“中国化”。 确实,西澳的华人社区由两种不同成长模 式的华人组成。第一种是在澳洲出生的中国 人,他们通过父母获得了澳洲国籍;第二种是 出于自我选择成为澳洲人,不管是通过职业 资格授权、家庭团聚、避难,还是工作或学 生签证,他们都通过自由选择来到澳洲。 现今,移居华人正面临着自“白澳 政策”颁布后不同的境遇,带有些 许“仇外”的氛围。根本上,我 们对澳大利亚无争议。而美国 正沉浸于维持其自身世界唯 一强国梦的焦虑之中,发起针 对中国的贸易、科技、意识形 态战,牵引着如澳洲这样的盟 友加入到这种冗长的、多方面的 战争游戏中。 在我们与整个亚洲,特别与中国的 接触中,那些在当地机械式的重复着美国观 点的人,仅仅因为他们对于澳洲外交缺少一 些长远的眼光和策略。我们在经济上依靠 中国。大约39%的出口产品流入中国,西澳 从中有着非常大的贡献。在2018-19年,大 学的海外学生收入达三百七十六亿澳元, 大约有32%的学生来自中国。来澳的华人游 客在2019年消费了一百二十四亿澳元,达 到整体海外游客收入的三分之一。 来自于美国不断增加的压力正在制造一 种“危机”;在我们的思维方式中, “危”一直 与“机”紧密相连。对中华会馆来说这是一 个有利时机,藉此机会,激励所有华人的集 体智慧和远大抱负,无论他们来自何方,讲 汉语还是英语。生活的步履不停,在我们面 前还横亘着诸多挑战。毋庸置疑的是,华人 有很多需向澳洲人学习的地方,并且澳洲人 也应向华人学习。我们的会馆要积极主动 地与主流社区直接互动,充分发挥想象力, 使澳洲成为适合所有人居住的美好国度。 中华会馆110周年纪念特刊

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Chung Wah Association, 2011 – 2020 Milestones 叶俐廷 Elvie YAP

中华会馆 2011-2020里程碑事件

2011 January


Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) Parkwood campus relocated to Rossmoyne Senior High School, to cater for its rapid growth, and the campus name was changed to CWCS Rossmoyne.

中华 会 馆华文学校 P a r k w o o d 校区迁 址 至 Rossmoyne中学,以满足学生数量激增的需求。为了 体现其新校址,校区改名为“中华乐思中文学校”。



8 March: The Western Australian Women’s Hall of Fame was established to celebrate the Centenary of International Women’s Day. Kaylene POON, a long-time volunteer at CWA was among the first 100 inductees and the only Chinese recognised.

April CWA member WONG Quan Lee passed away on September 2, 2010. CWA as a beneficiary to his estate gratefully received a donation of $105,072.42. 30 April: Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre (CWCC) Balcatta. President Sammy YAP was elected.

June 21 June: “Chung Wah Mother” Edie HOY POY OAM Cit WA passed away aged 84 years. On 5th July she was farewelled at Karrakatta Cemetery by 300 mourners. In 1977, Edie was honoured as the first Life Member of the CWA. Edie dedicated over 70 years doing volunteer work with migrants, seniors, the young and the disadvantaged in the Chinese community. Her legacy continues through the Royce and Edie Foundation which was set up to benefit Chinese seniors in Western Australia.

July 29 July: The Consul-General of the Peoples Republic of China in Perth gathered the Chinese community representatives to mark the official opening of the Year of Chinese Culture in Western Australia. The CWA took a leading role organising the 2012 Chinese New Year (CNY) celebrations and two Mid-Autumn Festival events with support from other Chinese community organisations.

October CWCS Leeming Campus was named one of the 46 overseas “Exemplary Chinese Schools” at the Second World Chinese Education Conference organised by the Chinese Government. The Leeming campus was the only Chinese school in Western Australia to receive this honour.

为庆祝国际妇女节设立一百周年,西澳州成立了女 子名人堂。中华会馆的邝彩玲是首批一百名入选者之 一,也是唯一一位获得认可的华人代表。


中华会馆收到已故会员黄坤利(译名)先生的遗 产共105,072.42澳元。黄先生于2010年9月2日逝世 前,立遗嘱将遗产捐给中华会馆。 2011年度会员大会中华文化中心举行。前秘书长 叶俊帆当选为会长。


“中华妈妈”阮丽茹 OAM Cit WA 与世长辞,享年84 岁。七月五日,三百名哀悼者在Karrakatta公墓与 其 进 行 最 后 的 告 别 。1 9 7 7年,阮 丽 茹 首 位 被 中华会馆授予“终身会员”。她与华人社区的新移民、 老年人、青壮年以及弱势群体一起工作作为志愿者超 过七十年。她的遗志通过“阮雷和阮丽茹基金会”得 以延续,通过该基金会帮助在西澳州的华裔老年人。


中华人民共和国驻珀斯总领事馆与来自华人社区 的代表们欢聚一堂,共同庆祝西澳州“中国文化年”正 式开幕。中华会馆在其他华人社区组织的支持下,主导 负责举办2012中国新年庆典以及两项中秋节活动。


在中国政府组织的第二届“世界汉语教育会议” 上, 中华黎明中文学校被评为海外四十六所“模范中文 学校”之一。黎明校区也是西澳州唯一一家获此殊荣 的中文学校。

2012 January 28 January: As part of the Year of the Dragon Chinese New Year activities, the CWA hosted a celebration at the Southlands Boulevard Shopping Centre in Willetton. The event was part of the Year of Chinese Culture in Australia, a joint initiative of the Australian and Chinese governments. 29 January: The first Perth Chinese New Year Fair was held in James Street and at the Northbridge Piazza starting at noon. Festivities included dragon and lion dances, street activities, food stalls, cultural performances and demonstrations. The finale at 6pm was a multicultural concert with fire crackers. 18 | Chung Wah Association 110 th Anniversary Commemorative Edition

一月 作为中国龙年新年活动的一部分,中华会 馆在 威乐顿区Southlands



庆 典 。该 庆 典 由 澳 大 利 亚 和 中国两国 政 府 共 同 发 起 ,也 是 澳 大 利 亚“ 中 国 文 化 年 ”的 一 部 分。首届“珀斯中华新年文化节”在James街和北桥广场 举行。从中午十二点到晚上九点展开的活动包括舞龙 舞狮、游行、游戏竞赛等。最后是傍晚六点的多元文化文 艺表演。

A Decade’s Milestones

June CWA Elder Ms. Trinh QUACH was honoured with an Overseas Chinese Education Life Time Award, based on her outstanding contribution to Chinese education in Western Australia for more than 30 years. The award was jointly organised by the Overseas Affairs Office and the Overseas Exchange Association of the People’s Republic of China.

September 30 September: 2,000 visitors attended the Mid-Autumn Festival held at the CWCC Balcatta. The event was supported by Healthway and the City of Stirling. West Australian Premier, Colin Barnett MLA paid his first visit.

October Prime Minister, Julia Gillard MP commissioned the Australia in the Asian Century White Paper. The CWA received a mention on page 100. “The contributions of Australia’s Asian communities to Australian life have been diverse, with Australians with Asian heritage being active participants in Australian communities to Australian life and civic life. There are many longstanding community organisations and associations; for example, the Chinese community’s Chung Wah Association of Western Australia dates back to 1909.”


中华会馆的元老,洪素贞女士,因其三十多 年来对西澳州汉语教育的杰出贡献,荣获“海外 汉语教育终身成就奖”。该奖项由中华人民共和 国海外事务处及海外交流协会合办。


在中华巴卡达文化中心举办的中秋美食文化 节,吸引了近两千名访客。该活动由Healthways 和Stirling市赞助。西澳州州长Colin Barnett阁下 也首次参与了活动。


澳洲总理Julia Gillard阁下,委托撰写了《亚 洲世纪中的澳大利亚》白皮书,在第100页中提 及中华会馆。 “亚裔社区对于澳大利亚生活贡献诸多,有 亚洲血统的澳大利亚人积极参与到澳大利亚社区 及公民生活,涌现出许多历史悠久的组织和协 会,例如:创建日期可追溯到1909年的华人社 区——西澳大利亚州的中华会馆。”

2013 February


10 February: The second Perth Chinese New Year Fair in Northbridge was hugely successful with strong funding support by the West Australian State Government and the City of Perth. It attracted an estimated crowd of more than 50,000, a 60% increase from 2012.

在和珀斯市政府的的大力赞助与支持下,第二届“ 珀斯中华新年文化节”在北桥区成功举办。该活动预 计吸引超过五万游客,比2012年增长了60%。

April Conservation works on the Western-side wall of the Chung Wah Hall was completed in April 2013, thanks to the Lotterywest funding of $74,125. This work prevented water seepage damaging the walls. 27 April: In accordance with the CWA Constitution, a new Board of Management was appointed at a meeting of the CWA Executive Committee. Since 2003 the Previous Board of Management had been inactive. This new board was tasked to commence the process of building accommodation for the aged and needy on CWA Balcatta land, using Autumn Centre funds, combined with legacies left by former late clients of CWCAC. The total available funds then stood at $480,000.

June Received approval from Lotterywest for a grant of $54,829 for restoration works to the roof and ceiling of the CWA Hall.


由于西澳博彩局七万四千一百二十五澳元的赞 助,中华会馆会堂西墙的施工于2013年四月完成。 该工程阻隔了水的渗透,防止墙壁损坏。 依据“中华秋园”的章程,中华会馆理事会举行会 议,委任新一届管理委员会。自2003年以来,管理委 员会都处于暂停状态。该届委员会的任务是,使用“ 秋园中心”的资金,结合中华社区长者服务中心前已故 客户的遗产,在中华会馆巴卡达区的土地上,为老年 人及贫困人士建造居所。可用资金总额达到约四十八 万澳元。


获得西澳博彩局资助五万四千八百二十九澳元, 用以修复中华会馆会堂的屋顶及天花板。

29 June: An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) was held to vote for four special resolutions that required at least 75% of members’ support for ratification. These resolutions were: subdivide the Balcatta land and sell off a portion to fund the purchase of land south of river; incorporate CWCAC as a separate entity; amend the constitution to vary the role of the Council of Elders; lease part of the Balcatta land to CW Autumn Centre. Only the last special resolution for the lease to CW Autumn Centre was passed.

举行特别大会,就四项特殊决议进行投票表决, 需获得至少75%会员的批准和支持。四项决议内容 为:将巴卡达区的土地进行划分,出售一部分以购买 珀斯南岸土地;合并中华社区长者服务中心,使其成 为独立实体;修改《会馆章程》中元老会的职能;将 部分巴卡达区土地租给“中华秋园中心”。仅最后一 项特殊决议,即出租土地给“中华秋园中心”被大会 通过。



The CEO of CWCAC, Theresa KWOK accepted a Multicultural Community Service Award. 24 November: West Australian Premier, Colin Barnett hosted a media event in Chinatown to launch Phase 1 of the Chinatown Revitalisation Project, and announced the $50,000 funding to the CWA to expand the Perth Chinese New Year Fair into Chinatown in 2014.

中华社区长者服务中心首席执行官,郭郑素雯, 被授予“多元文化社区服务奖”。 西澳州州长Colin Barnett,在唐人街主持了一 场媒体发布会,开展“唐人街复兴计划”的第一阶段, 并宣布向中华会馆拨款五万澳元,用以扩大2014“ 中华新年文化节” 规模到唐人街。 中华会馆110周年纪念特刊

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2014 June June: A lease agreement with the City of Canning was signed for the exclusive use of a portion of the former Willetton Sports Centre, by the CWCAC to provide services to seniors. The 10 year lease included an option for a further 10 years, at the peppercorn rent of $1 per year, starting October 2014. The 316.44 sq metre area included an activity area, a waiting area, two offices and a reception counter. CWCAC received $137,963 from Lotterywest to cover fit-out costs for air-conditioning, floor covering, new reception counter, furniture and office equipment for the Willetton Office. 28 June: The revamped library of CWCS Leeming campus was opened by Dr Mike Nahan MLA, Treasurer, Minister for Energy, and Citizenship and Multicutural Interests. A Lotterywest grant of over $14,000 was used in 2013 to purchase new book stocks and over 5 DVDs of classic and modern cartoons as well as professional grade library shelving and innovative storage for the collection.

November 21 November: The opening of the new CW Willetton Centre, was the final activity of the 30th Anniversary celebration of the CWCAC. With the establishment of this centre, CWCAC will provide services and support to CWA members and the Chinese community living south of the river. 2013-14: CWA developed working partnerships with prominent government and private sector organisations such as Basketball Australia, Carousel Shopping Centre, Commonwealth Bank, Department of Immigration and Border Protection, HBF, Netball WA, WA Football Commission, and WA Symphony Orchestra. These partnerships will help to raise CWA’s profile even further, and enable us to become a significant contributor to the mainstream society.


与Ca nning市政 府签署租赁协议,获得部分 Wiletton体育中心的独家使用权。该十年租约协议包 含一个选项,即从2014年十月一日开始,每年收取象 征性租金一澳元,再续租十年。可使用面积达316.44 平方米,包括活动区、等候室、两间办公室和接待柜 台。 中华社区及长者服务中心获批西澳博彩局资助 的装修费,数额高达十三万七千九百六十三澳元,用 于威乐顿新办公室的空调、地板、接待处、家具和办 公室设备。 整修后的中华黎明中文学校图书馆于2014年6月 28日由能源、公民和多元文化利益部部长及财长,麦克 纳罕博士正式揭幕。我们于2012年成功争取到西澳乐 透资助的1.4万澳币,2013年得以购置新书和50多张现 代和经典的卡通影碟,并为图书馆新增的收藏购买了专 用书架和设计新颖的储物柜。

十一月 会馆新威乐顿中心的启用,同时也是社区长者服 务中心三十周年庆典的最后一项活动。该中心的创 建,使其具备为会馆成员和居住在珀斯南边的华人 社区提供服务及更好的支援。 在2013至2014年期间, 中华会馆与很多知名的 政府和私人机构建立了工作伙伴关系,例如澳大利亚 篮球总会, 卡罗塞尔购物中心,澳洲联邦银行,移民和 边境安全部,HBF保险公司,西澳蓝网球协会,西澳澳 式足球委员会,以及西澳交响乐团等。这些合作关系将 极大地提升我们的形象。帮助我们为士流社会的发展 做出更大的贡献。

2015 CWA successfully lobbied the WA Government for a 54% increase in funding to support Chinese language taught in community schools in 2015. About 3,600 children learn a foreign language through community organisations in Western Australia. One third of this number is the 1,200 students spread across the three CWCS campuses.

2015年,中华会馆成功说服西澳州政府,增加 54%的费用以支持社区学校的汉语教学工作。西澳州 大约有三千六百名儿童通过社区组织学习外语。会馆 创办的三所校区拥有一千两百名学生,达到以上人 数的三分之一。



26 January: President Sammy YAP received ‘Citizen of the Year’ honours on Australia Day, on the forecourt of Council House, Perth.

在澳大利亚国庆日,会馆主席叶俊帆于珀斯议会大 厦前院,被授予“年度公民奖”

27 January 2015: The passing of CWA Elder and Life Member, Albert HWEE, aged 82 years. He was elected to the Executive Committee in 1982 and became a member of the Balcatta Land Acquisition committee. Albert was President during the 75th Anniversary of CWA in 1985-86. He was confirmed as a Life Member in 1995.

中华会馆长老会及终身会员,许南发先生与世长 辞,享年八十二岁。许老先生曾于1982年被选为会馆 理事会成员,并成为巴卡达土地征用委员会成员。他 在1985-86年的会馆七十五周年庆典中担任主席,于 1995年被认证为终身会员。

February 26 February: A group of performers from the Chengdu City of Dujiangyan performed in the series of CWA Chinese New Year celebrations including the Perth Chinese New Year Fair and first Chinese New Year Markets held in conjunction with CWA and Westfield Carousel in Cannington.

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一组来自中国成都市都江堰的表演者在会馆的春 节庆祝活动中献上表演,包括“珀斯中华新年文化节” 以及首个由中华会馆与位于Cannington的Westfield Carousel购物中心联合举办的“中国年集市”。

A Decade’s Milestones

August 26 August: The AGM election of President, DING Shao Ping and his team heralded a shift in leadership in the history of CWA. The third change occurred in the 1970s, when ethnic Chinese from South East Asia assumed leadership from the Australia Born Chinese of the 1960s. This change to a Chinese-born President means the CWA has gone full circle back to the early Presidents of the Association.


年度会员大会中,丁少平会长及其团队的当选, 预示着会馆历史上领导权的转变。这是第三次变革 发生,在二十世纪七十年代,来自东南亚的华裔从六 十年代出生在澳大利亚的华裔手中接过了领导权。由 一位出生在中国的会长执掌领导权,这一转变又使 会馆回到了最初由中国出生华人领导统领的状态。



The member of the Chung Wah Council of Elders, Mrs. Anita CHONG, was conferred the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM), as part of the 2015 Queen’s Birthday Honours.

作为2015年女王生日庆典的一部分,中华会馆 元老会成员张林少莲女士,被授予“澳大利亚勋章” 。

November 20 November: Elaine WONG a long-time volunteer at the CWCS Leeming, was awarded the prestigious City of Melville Mayor’s Valued Citizen Awards.

December 12 December: An EGM was held to vote on three special resolutions raised by the Executive Committee. The three special resolutions passed in the EGM were: Increase Executive Committee members to 19 (previously only 7 elected Executive Committee members, including the President); Approve the new membership fee schedule; and appoint CPL Corporate to be the auditor for the fiscal year of 2015-2016.

十一月 中华 黎 明中文 学 校 的 长 期 志 愿 者 Elaine WONG,被授予享有盛誉的“Melville市市长宝 贵市民奖”。

十二月 理事会发起特别大会,就三项特殊决议进行投 票。特别大会通过的三项决议为:增加理事会成员至 十九人(此前仅可选举包括主席在内的七位成员); 通过新的会员费用计划;以及指定CPL公司为20152016财年的审计师。

2016 January


17 January: Elder Anita CHONG OAM passed away, aged 67 years. She was a pioneer of CWCS and later inducted into the Council of Elders for her commitment to the Association. Anita was a founder of the Chinese Language Teachers’ Association of Western Australia in 1984.

澳大利亚勋章获得者、元老会成员张林少莲女 士与世长辞,享年六十七岁。她是中华会馆中文学校 的开创者,后因其对会馆的鞠躬尽瘁而被选入元老 会。1984,林少莲创办西澳汉语教师协会。

Elder Trinh QUACH was awarded a Western Australian Volunteer Service Award, for her contribution to Western Australia’s successful multicultural society through her 36 years of volunteer service to the CWA.

元老洪素贞女士,被授予“西澳州志愿者服务奖” ,以感谢她三十六年来通过中华会馆的志愿服务,为 西澳州多元文化社会的成功做出的贡献。

Besides the annual Perth Chinese New Year Fair; a large scale “Cultures of China, Festival of Spring” show, co-organised by CWA, Fujian Association and assorted Chinese community organisations, was held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.

除了每年的“珀斯中华新年文化节”,中华会馆 和福建同乡会联合在珀斯会展中心组办了“文化中 国,四海同春”大型文艺表演。这个活动获得许多华 社的支持和协办。

March 14 March: Theresa KWOK, CEO of the CWCAC received a Community Organisation Award for Outstanding Contribution to Multiculturalism.

June 12 June: The inaugural Chung Wah Cup Dragon Boat Festival, held at Champion Lake Regatta Centre, Armadale, successfully attracted thousands of spectators. The event was co-organised with Dragon Boating WA Inc and Australian Shanghai Federation.

October Hosted a reception together with the Western Australia Department of Local Government and Communities, to welcome the first batch of delegates under the Hong Kong and Western International Youth Exchange Project. Co-organised the first Chung Wah Golden Dragon Cup Basketball Match together with the Western Australian Chinese Basketball Association in Perth. The competition was held at The Rise Community Centre in Maylands.

三月 中华社区长者服务中心首席执行官,郭郑素雯, 由于其对多元文化的杰出贡献,获得“社区组织奖”。

六月 在Armadale区的Champion Lake帆船中心举办 首届“中华杯”龙舟节,成功吸引上千观 众。该活动 由西澳大利亚龙舟协会和澳大利亚上海联盟会联合 举办。

十月 联合西澳州政府和社区部举办招待会,欢迎香 港和西方国际青年交换项目的首批代表。 与西澳中华篮球协会联合,在珀斯Maylands区 的T he R ise社区活动中心举办首届“中华金龙杯” 篮球赛。 中华会馆110周年纪念特刊

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2017 April


The 50-metre long dragon housed at Chung Wah Cultural Centre Balcatta was taken down and donated to the Western Australian Museum.

安置于巴卡达中华文化中心的五十米长龙被卸下, 捐赠给西澳大利亚博物馆。

May 11 May: Paul Papalia MLA, the new Minister for Multicultural Interests visited Chung Wah Association and met with leaders of the Chinese Associations for intercultural communication and understanding.

June CWA and its subsidiary, CWCS Leeming campus, applied for two special grants of $25,000 and $20,000 respectively from the state government’s “Local Projects Local Jobs” initiative. The grants were made possible thanks to the generous support of Mr. David Michael, State Representative from Balcatta and Mr. Yaz Mubarakai MLA, State Representative from Jandakot.

July 2 July: Chung Wah Association hosted the celebration of the 45th Anniversary of Establishment of Diplomatic Relation between P. R. China and Australia and the Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of Hong Kong Returning to China with Perth Huaxing Arts Group Inc. and Hong Kong Australia Business Association. 31 July: Julie Bishop MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs, accompanied by Mr Ben Morton MP, Federal Member for Tangney paid a special visit to CW Community and Aged Care and met members at the Willetton Sports and Community Centre.


2017年5月11日新任的西澳多元文化部长Paul Papalia先生拜访中华会馆,了解中华会馆和华人社区 的情况,并和华人社团的侨领进行了交流。


2017年6月,中华会馆及会馆旗下的中华黎明中 文学校分别申请到了$25,000和$20,000州政府的 “Local Projects Local Jobs” 特别拨款。此两项 拨款感谢于Balcatta选区的州议员David Michael先 生 和Jandakot选区的州议员Yaz Mubarakai先生的 大力支持。


2017年7月2日和珀斯华星艺术团及西澳香港商 会联合主办了中澳建交45周年暨香港回归20周年纪 念活动。 2 017年7月31日,澳大利亚 外交部长 J u l i e Bishop女士在西澳Tangney区自由党联邦议员Ben Morton的陪同下拜访中华会馆位于Willetton的中 华社区与长者服务中心,并与前来参加见面会的会馆 会员进行了交流。

2018 January Dr Bob TAN, Chairperson of the CW Council of Elders, was conferred the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the Australia Day Honours.



中华会馆元老会主席陈振发医生,荣获2018年 澳大利亚日 “荣誉勋章”。


Spent $27,000 to upgrade stage facilities at the CWCC Balcatta to install professional stage curtains with projection functions. CW line-dancing group contributed $14,000 together with $3,000 from the Office of Multicultural Interests Local Project Grant and $5,000 from CWCAC.

耗资两万七千澳元将巴卡达中华文化中心的舞台 幕布升级为具有投影功能的专业舞台幕布。会馆的排 舞小组在此次更新中贡献了一万四千澳元。其他的赞 助基金种,有三千澳元来自于当地西澳政府多元文化部 办公室的项目资助,五千澳元来自中华社区及长者服务 中心。



3 August: The Dragon Boat Hua Long 1 was acquired through Dragon Boating WA and raced in the 2018 Chung Wah Cup Dragon Boat Festival. 18 August: The 20th anniversary celebratory dinner at CWACC Balcatta was held to mark its anniversary. Proceeds from this soldout event exceeded $20,000 and was channelled towards the ceiling installation project initiated by President DING.

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通过Dragon Boating WA 购得“华龙一号”龙 舟,并于2018年“中华杯”龙舟节中参与竞赛。 在巴卡达中华文化中心举办文化中心落成二十周 年庆祝晚宴。该活动门票售罄,实收款项超过两万澳 元,被用于由丁少平会长提出的天花板装修项目。

A Decade’s Milestones

2019 January


Hosted a meeting for WA Minister for Asian Engagement, Peter Tinley to meet West Australian Chinese community leaders.

主持西澳亚洲事务部Peter Tinley部长,与西澳 州华人社区侨领的会面。



After its submission in August 2018, the Development Approval application of the final concept plan of CW Autumn Centre was approved by the City of Stirling. CWA Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe participated in the 2019 International Lion Dance Festival Competition in Thailand and won 6th place.

May 12-18 May: Presented the inaugural Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival that brought together arts, sports, films, forums and children’s activities in a family friendly festival that showcased the very best of Chinese culture. The event was proudly supported by the Government of Western Australia and the Burswood Park Board, at Burswood Park with the Swan River and the city in the background.

June Presented a cheque for $5,000 to Telethon, a charity foundation for children. The donation was the proceeds raised during the 2019 Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival.

October In conjunction with the West Australian Chinese community a series of events were organised celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. These events included ‘From China with Love, Dream in Unity’ theatre show, Choral concert, photographic exhibition and friendly Table Tennis matches.

在2018年八月递交申请后,Stirling市政府通过 了中华会馆“秋园”最终概念计划的发展审批。 中华会馆龙狮舞团参加在泰国举行的“2019国 际舞狮节”国际大赛荣获第六名。


举办“珀斯中华文化节”,集艺术、运动、电影、 论坛和儿童活动于一体,以家庭友好的方式,展示中 华文化的精粹。该活动由西澳州政府和Burswood 公园董事会荣誉赞助,以天鹅湖和珀斯市为背景,在 Burswood 公园举办。


为儿童公益基金会Telethon捐赠五千澳元。该 款项来自于2019年“珀斯中华文化节”期间的收益。


联合西澳州中华社区举办一系列活动,庆祝中 华人民共和国成立七十周年华诞。活动包括“情系中 华·同心筑梦”剧场、合唱团音乐会、摄影展及乒乓 球友谊赛。 中华会馆在巴卡达中华文化中心主办历史故事及 摄影展,庆祝华人在澳一百九十周年(1829-2019) ,以及中华会馆成立110周年。

12 October: Chung Wah hosted a Historical Stories and Photographic Exhibition at CWCC Balcatta to commemorate 190 Years (1829 – 2019) of the Chinese in Western Australia as well as the 110th Anniversary of the founding of the Chung Wah Association.

2019年度大会在中华文化中心举办,选举中的两 名会长候选人,他们在过去的理事会团队中曾担任重 要角色。最终,新一届的理事会团队选举获胜。该团队 由陈挺博士领导。

The 2019 AGM held at CWACC had two candidates for the President’s position who held important roles in the immediate past Executive Committee (EXCO) team. The new Excutive Committee team led by Dr. CHEN Ting won the election.



在由澳中友谊协会西澳分会主办的活动中,中华会馆 被授予“2019年度友谊协会奖” 来自中华黎明中文学校的黄宝玉,获得由西澳多元 文化利益办公室颁发的“2019杰出社区语言教师奖”

Chung Wah was awarded the Association Award at the Annual Friendship Award 2019 hosted by the Australia China Friendship Society Western Australia (ACFSWA) branch. Grace NG from the CWCS Leeming was awarded the 2019 Outstanding Community Language Teachers Award presented by the West Australian Office of Multicultural Interests.


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2020 February


CWA led the Western Australia Chinese community fundraising for the Bushfire Appeal through the Red Cross, including co-hosting a Bushfire Appeal musical concert, table tennis tournament, and collected donations during the 2020 Perth Chinese New Year Fair. “The Great Love Without Boundaries”, disaster relief concert raised a total amount of $16,520. The total amount raised as at 5 March was $35,360.

中华会馆领导西澳华人社区,通过红十字协会, 包括联合主办山火火灾基金会音乐会、乒乓球锦标 赛,以及在2020“珀斯中华新年”期间募款,为澳洲 山火基金会捐款。 “大爱无疆·众志成城”音乐会募 集款额为一万六千五百二十澳元。至三月五日,募集 总额高达三万五千三百六十澳元。



CWA, together with several community leaders, collected and distributed more than 30,000 donated face masks to vulnerable individuals and organisations servicing the disadvantaged in the ethnic and local communities.

中华会馆联合一些社区领导组织,收集并捐赠 了三万个口罩。这些口罩被分发给为弱势群体和当地 社区提供服务的高危组织及个人。

The CWA actively communicated racial discrimination issues with the WA Office of Multicultural Interests, Senators of the Federal Government, the Western Australian Police and the Race Discrimination Commissioner for the Australian Human Rights Commission.

July Amidst the second wave of the COVID-19 outbreak in Victoria, CWA together with other WA Chinese community organisations sourced and donated 50,000 face masks, including 1,000 children’s face masks, to the most vulnerable people in Victoria.

August Chinese community representatives gathered at CWA Hall to discuss fundraising for the conservation project of a recently unearthed artefact, a 19th century man’s jacket from the Chinese section of the East Perth Cemetery, the first cemetery in Perth. Discussions also covered the re-interment of all Chinese remains to the Karrakatta Cemetery and requested the burials to be in the Chinese section. A total amount of $10,000 was raised by the Chinese community, and in September presented to the National Trust of Western Australia at the CWA Hall. The cost of the conservation project is estimated at $14,000. The developers of the former cemetery site promised to match the amount raised by the Chinese community.

September 20 September: The first Western Australian Chinese Guzheng Day was held at the CWCC Balcatta. In conjunction with CWA’s 110th anniversary, the CW Chinese Orchestra organised a performance with co-organisers; of 68 performers wearing red Chinese costumes, playing guzheng together.

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中华会馆积极与西澳多元文化利益办公室、联 邦政府参议员、西澳警局和澳洲人权委员会种族歧 视专员,沟通种族歧视相关问题。

七月 在维多利亚州新型冠状病毒的第二波爆发期间, 中华会馆与其他西澳华人社区组织募集并捐赠了五万 个口罩给维州的高危人群,其中包含一千个儿童口罩。

八月 来自华人社区的三十位代表聚集在中华会馆的会 堂,讨论文物保护筹款的项目。该文物是一件最近出土 的十九世纪男子夹克,它来自珀斯的首个公墓,East Perth公墓华人区。讨论也包括:所有华人遗体需要被 重新埋葬到Karrakatta公墓,并要求葬在墓园的华人 区。 华人社区筹集款总额为一万澳元,并于九月在中 华会馆转角支票给国家信托局西澳代表。保护项目的 花费预计为一万四千澳元。墓地旧址的开发商承诺,提 供与华人社区筹集金额相匹配的资金。

九月 首届西澳中国古筝日于2020年九月二十日星期日 在中华巴卡达文化中心举行。适逢中华会馆110周年 庆,华乐团与几个协办单位组织此次表演,高度推广 中国乐器 – 古筝的美妙弦音。当天有六十八位穿着红 色汉服的乐手一起弹奏,场面壮观。

A Decade’s Milestones

Premier Mark McGowan Announces $5 million Funding to Chung Wah Association to Construct a Southern Suburbs Community Centre


n 13 December 2020, Western Australian Premier, the Hon. Mark McGowan MLA joined the Labor candidate for Riverton Dr. Jagadish Krishnan, to announce a $5 million commitment towards the construction of a new Chung Wah Community Centre in Perth’s southern suburbs. The announcement was made in the presence of the President of the Chung Wah Association, Dr Chen Ting together with other community leaders and hundreds of community members at the Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Willetton Centre. th

The Chung Wah Association is extremely grateful to the State Government for their immense support and understanding for the needs of the Perth Chinese community. President Chen Ting expressed his gratitude saying, “As the 31st President of the Chung Wah Association, my happiness in receiving this $5 million funding from the Western Australian Government is enormous. This is the greatest gift for the Chung Wah Association during this 110th Anniversary year. It is also one of the biggest remarkable milestones for the Chinese community in the last 190 years.” Since humble beginnings, Chung Wah has tirelessly promoted multiculturalism, Chinese education and organised major cultural events, as well as initiating charitable activities, providing community and elderly care services and enriching social activities. The Premier, the Hon. Mark McGowan MLA said, “The Chung Wah Association and the Chinese

community have had a marvellous contribution over so long, so it’s very important that there be a home that allows for that sort of activities. Obviously this area here Willetton, Riverton, Rossmoyne, there is a great many people of Chinese heritage right here in these areas. Today I am very pleased to announce to you all, that in next years budget we will have $5 million dollars, that allows for the purchase of land and construction of a new building.” The Labor candidate for Riverton, Dr. Jags said, “We hope the community centre will benefit to grow the already provided services, provide the language classes to the kids. We hope the community can benefit from every activity taking place at the centre. Thank you all for giving us the opportunity to be able to do something for the Chinese community.” Besides the support from the State Government, on 10th December 2020, the Leader of the Opposition the Hon. Zak Kirkup, joined the Liberal candidate for Riverton Anthony Spagnolo, to make an announcement for his commitment of $5 million to construct a new Chung Wah Southern Suburbs Community Centre in either City of Canning, Gosnells or Melville. The Chung Wah Association is greatly moved by the overwhelming bipartisan support. Since 1909, the Chung Wah Association has shouldered the great mission to build a better tomorrow for every generation of Chinese in Western Australia, and will continue to do so into the future.

州长Mark McGowan宣 布给中华会馆五百万拨款 在南部地区建造社区中心 西澳州长Mark McGowan在二零二零年 年十二月十三日联同工党Riverton选区候选 人Jagadish Krishnan医生,在中华社区及 长者服务Willetton中心,向中华会长陈挺 博士、出席的社区侨领和上百名社区人士, 宣布将会在2021的州财政预算拨款五百万 澳币给中华会馆,建造首个中华会馆名下的 珀斯南边社区活动中心,给南边地区的华裔 移民打造一个活动场所,造福人群。 中华会馆对于州政府体恤华人社区的需 要,表示非常感激。会长陈挺说: “作为中华 会馆第三十一届的会长,我对西澳政府今天 给予中华会馆这笔五百万拨款的承诺,感激 不尽,这对中华会馆来说,是我们百十周年 庆最好的礼物,这也是华人社区来西澳190 年以来最具代表性的里程碑之一。 “ 作为西澳历史最悠久的少数民族团体和 最大的华人非营利机构,中华会馆致力于推 广中文教育、宣扬多元文化、举办大型文化 活动、开展慈善捐赠、社区和养老服务、丰 富华人社交活动等等。 州长Mark McGowan在发言中表示, 中华 会 馆多年 来 给 社区 人士 的 贡献良 多,缺的就 是 在南边的一个家,尤其是 Willetton、Riverton、Rossmoyne这些华 人移民比较多的地区,他宣布的这笔五百万 拨款的承诺,可以给中华会馆用作买土地和 建中心的经费。 工党Riverton选区候选人Dr Jags说: “这 个未来的社区中心,可以让中华会馆延续和 继续发展目前提供给社区的服务,也可以提 供中文语言培训给下一代,让大家可以好好 利用这个社区中心。谢谢大家让我们有机会 给华人社区付出。” 除了执政党工党的支持,反对党自由党 领袖Zak Kirkup携同Riverton选区候选人 Anthony Spagnolo和也在十二月十日对外公 开承诺会拨款五百万在Canning, Gosnells 或Melville市区内,帮助中华会馆建造社区中 心。中华会馆非常感恩两党对会馆的厚爱。

自1909年以来,中华会馆肩负着任道重 远的任务,给西澳华人这一代和未来的一 代更美好的明天。


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Historical Matters 历史事务 邝彩玲 Kaylene POON

中 T

he Chung Wah Association (CWA)

the Honorary Historical Adviser for

Historical group formed in 1986, a

the Association. In this time I curated

year after the CWA’s 75th anniversary

two photographic exhibitions at the

celebration. The group, consisting of descendants of the founders with myself as coordinator, established a presence within the heritage network and was involved in a variety of projects and events. Later, other people interested in the early history of the Chinese in Western Australia joined the group. However, it disbanded in 2010 and Dr YOW Yit Seng took over historical matters within the Association. During his time he made contact with a local descendant of Moon CHOW, the first documented Chinese in the state who landed in 1829. He also presented Chinese history and culture talks. Employed within the historical/heritage field I was often contacted for advice or to present talks on the Chinese in WA. In 2018 I was invited to become

Maritime Museum, the second will open in 2021, post Covid. In 2019 I sourced several speakers for the 190TH Anniversary of the first Chinese in WA, held at the CWCC Balcatta. Talks were also presented to a variety of local groups ranging from the Jewish Ladies Group and Rotary Dalkeith to the 2019 Annual WA Historical Societies Conference in South Perth. This is on top of the steady stream of enquiries from the public seeking information on a personal or research level. Recently the CEO of the National Trust of WA contacted me to seek financial support from the community for the conservation of a Chinese Man’s jacket found during the exhumation of several graves from the East Perth Pioneer Cemetery. The CWA together with John HSU rallied the Chinese community and were able to donate $10,000 towards the project. The remains will be re-interred in the Karrakatta Cemetery in the near future. CWA purchased a professional scanner in late 2019 and for several months I was ably assisted by two post-graduate students. However, the Historical group needs reactivation so if you have an interest in history or have strong computer skills, please contact the CWA Office as there is plenty of work to pique the interest of all.

26 | Chung Wah Association 110 th Anniversary Commemorative Edition

华会馆在1986年庆祝七十五周年的 活动后,成立了中华会馆历史组。该小 组成员是由创馆先辈们的后代子孙所组成, 并由我担任协调人;中华会馆历史组在历 史遗产网络中奠定了其地位,并参与各种项 目和活动。随后,对西澳州早期华人历史感 兴趣的其他人也加入了这个团队。 然而,历史组却在2010年解散并由饶 逸生博士接管会馆的历史事务。在饶博士 负责的期间里,他与第一位周满的后代取 得了联系,并主持了中华历史和文化讲座。 周满于1829年登陆澳大利亚,是西澳大利 亚州第一个有文献记载的华人。 我在历史 /遗产领域工作,因此经常 有人与我联系以寻求建议,或为西澳的华 人举办讲座。2018年,我受邀成为中华 会馆的荣誉历史顾问。这段期间,我在海 事博物馆策划了两场摄影展,第二场将于 2021年新冠肺炎疫情之后开放。2019年 巴卡达文化中心举办的西澳首位华人一百 九十周年庆典上,我邀请了几位讲者进行 演讲。这些讲座也在当地各团体中举行, 从犹太妇女团体和Dalkeith扶轮社,到在 南珀斯举行的2019西澳历史学会年度会 议。这是经过不断的咨询之后,来自于公 众寻求在个人或研究层面上的信息。 最近,西澳国家信托基金的首席执行 官在East Perth先驱者公墓挖掘数个墓地 时发现的一名中国男子的夹克进行文物保 护,联系我寻求社区财务援助。中华会馆与 许锡忠先生召集华人社区并向该项目捐献 了一万澳元。这些遗骸将在近期重新埋葬 于Karrakatta公墓。 2019年底中华会馆购入了一台专业扫 描仪,并在在这几个月以来得到了两名研 究生的大力协助。然而,历史组需要协助 以重新运作,所以如果您对历史感兴趣或 者您希望重拾电脑技能,请联系中华会馆 办公室,因为这里有许多可以激起所有人 的兴趣的工作。

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陈 和陈律 师事务所

Public Notary and Migration Agent The Westralian, Unit 6/78 Terrace Rd, East Perth WA 6004. 陈和陈律师事务所恭祝中华会馆在过去 110年来持续为本地民众以及亚裔社区所带 来的贡献与服务。 我们相信中华会馆的老年护理服务是全 西澳洲中首屈一指的。身为珀斯历史最悠久 的律师事务所之一,我们的业务与中华会馆 对老年人的服务与敬重息息相关。 陈和陈律师事务所已为亚裔社区提供了 30余年的服务。我们会继续向中华会馆长期 致力与服务亚裔社区的成绩见贤思齐。陈和 陈律师事务所自从2010年每年都会被西澳法 律协会授予‘律师事务所质量标准‘(QPS) 的认证,展现出我们对客户以及亚裔社区的 承诺。 陈和陈律师事务所的陈炜復律师是西澳 第一位国际法律公证员。 陈律师为了介绍自己身为一位居住在西 澳的亚裔律师所 经 历的法 律原则,他 撰写 了一本名为《The Law in Black and White and the Yellow in Between》的法律书 籍。 他希望亚裔读者 能从阅读他的作品中 获得有益的法律常识 与观点。

Tan and Tan Lawyers congratulate the Chung Wah Association Inc. for their continued service to the Asian and Australian community for 110 years. We believe that Chung Wah’s aged care services are second to none. As one of the oldest Asian Law Firms in Perth, our interests are intertwined with Chung Wah Association Inc’s service and respect for our seniors.

Tan and Tan Lawyers have serviced the Asian community for over 30 years and will continue to embody the Chung Wah Association Inc’s longevity and the principles that the association stands for. We have proudly been awarded the Quality Practice Standard Seal every year since 2010, showcasing our commitment to our clients and the community. Raymond Tan, the principal of Tan and Tan Lawyers, was the first Asian Public Notary in Western Australia.

To introduce the principles of law that Raymond has experienced as an Asian in a Western Community, he has written the book “The Law in Black and White and the Yellow in Between”. He hopes to provide readers with the understanding of Australian law especially from an Asian perspective.

Visit us online or call to make an appointment. 如果您需要咨询律师服务,欢迎拨电与我们联系 或游本事务所网站。 28

(08) 9221 2888

With Compliments

CONGRATULATES The Chung Wah Association on their 110th Anniversary We have been proud members and supporters of the Association since 1981 and have seen the Association grow and flourish with the best interest and welfare of the Chinese Community and general public. We wish the Association a bright future and continue toproviding as ittocontinues provide a positive contribution to our community in Western Australia.

Bill Teh 郑乾坤

James Teh 郑元万

Immediate Past Chairman Council of Elders, Chung Wah Association Principal, Universal Realty Mobile: 0412 951 909 Email:

General Manager, Universal Realty Mobile: 0421 999 889 Email:

PO Box 1813, Applecross WA 6953 Tel: 9356 3388


元老会 Council of Elders

Photo caption 照片说明: Front row left to right: Han Pin KHEW (Trustee), Esther CHANG (Secretary), Dr Chin Huat (Bob) TAN OAM JP (Chairman), James CHONG (Trustee) Back row left to right: Thuc Trinh QUACH, Grace CHOW (nee Ah Lan LIM), Dr Yit Seng YOW, Zhi CHEN, Bill TEH (Immediate Past Chairman), Leonard KHO 前排从左至右依次为: 邱汉彬 (受托人), Esther Chang (秘书长), (Bob) 陈振发 医生 澳洲勋章获得者 太平绅士 (会长), 张仕煌(受托人) 后排从左至右依次为: 洪淑珍, 林雅兰, 饶逸生博士, 陈志, 郑乾坤 (前任主席), 许历仔

Council of Elders 元老会

元老会会长陈振发医生 OAM 太平绅士 Dr Chin Huat (Bob) TAN OAM JP, Chairman of Council of Elders


he Chung Wah Association (CWA) is recognised for its role in providing community service and presenting Chinese culture. In harmony with these objectives, the Council of Elders was created in 1986 to recognise individuals with the greatest of vigour and highest of fortitude, who have made outstanding contributions to the CWA.

Committee to successfully attain any of its goals that ultimately lead to the betterment of the Association.

The role of the Council of Elders is both advisory and supervisory, in aggregate overseeing the proper administration of the Association. Though an advisory and supervisory capacity may seem to be closely aligned, and, even overlapping, an important difference exists between each role.

On the other hand, the supervisory role of the Council of Elders mandates that the Council plays a role in assisting the Executive Committee. This comes about by the Council being involved in the processes of major plans the Committee has documented. In this regard the Elders work closely which greatly benefits the Executive Committee, facilitating it to reach success for any given project. This is no better reflected than in the most recent working relationship with the immediate past President Shao Ping DING.

In its advisory capacity the Council of Elders collectively represents decades of life experiences. As a group of people who come together from diverse backgrounds they pool their experiences, talents, knowledge and wisdom to bring to the Executive Committee any amount of advice that it requires. The Council of Elders may also give the Executive Committee advice of its own volition. This is enacted in the spirit of assisting the Executive

In conclusion, it may be said that the sublime relationship between the Council of Elders and the Executive Committee, and by extrapolation to the CWA itself, is a synergistic one. That is, the accomplishments of the CWA are greater than just a simple summation of its bodies and members. This is apparent as the Council of Elders innately contributes to the positive evolution of the Association.

30 | Chung Wah Association 110 th Anniversary Commemorative Edition

华会馆一直以来提供社会服务,宏扬 中华文化,因此获得社会认可。为了实 现这些目标,我们于1986年成立了元老会, 用来表彰那些对中华会馆作出杰出贡献的 最富激情且坚忍不拔的个人。 元老会具有顾问和监督的双重角色,从 全局角度监督会馆的合理化管理。尽管顾 问和监督职责似乎紧密关联,甚至有所重 叠,但在这两重角色之间是存在着重要差 异的。 从咨询职责上讲,元老会是代表了他们 数十年的人生经验的集结。作为具备各种 背景的一群人,他们整合了自身的经验、 才华、知识和智慧随时为中华会馆提供其 所需求的咨询意见。此外,元老会还会自 行向理事会提出建议。该职责的本质是以 协助成功达成其制定的任何最终能够引领 会馆不断完善自身的目标而实施的。 另外,元老会的监督职责则是受托协助 理事会的工作。这是由于元老会参与了委 员会有记载的主要计划的进程。藉此,与元 老会的紧密合作能极大地帮助理事会的工 作,使理事会能顺利完成任何计划。这一 点在我近年来与前任会长丁少平的工作关 系中得到了很好的体现。 综上所述,元老会和理事会之间的良 好关系,以及扩展到中华会馆本身,应是有 协同作用的。意即,中华会馆的成就不仅仅 是其机构和成员的简单整合— —这是显 而易见的,因为元老会自成立之初就对会 馆的发展起着积极作用。

Congratulatory Message 贺词

Congratulatory Message from TAN Kim Thai



t is my great pleasure to congratulate the Chung Wah Association on reaching its 110 year anniversary. This milestone reflects the shared achievement throughout the past 110th years of all involved, including each member, volunteer, staff member, elder and committee member who has contributed in their own way to establishing what the Chung Wah Association is today. Throughout my involvement with the Chung Wah Association, I have seen a common theme of strength, determination and commitment to addressing and overcoming the challenges and social issues, which face the Chinese community in Western Australia. I believe these characteristics have been a source of success throughout Chung Wah’s history and will continue to guide the way in the future. I wish the Association a bright journey ahead and every possible success as it continues its mission to support the needs and interests of all Chinese people in Western Australia.

我很欣慰能为中华会馆成 立110周年庆请送上祝贺。 这个里程碑反映了过去110年来所 有参与者的共同成就,包括每一 位会员、志愿者、职员、元老和理 事会成员以不同的方法,为中华会 馆的建设作出贡献。 过去多年来参与中华会馆的 过程中,我见证了所有成员的一个 共识,就是以坚毅、决心和承诺来 应对和克服西澳华人社区所面对 的种种社会问题和挑战。我相信 这些努力是促使中华会馆在过去 的岁月中取得成功的关键,并且引 导会馆走向美好未来。 我衷心祝愿中华会馆前程似 锦,在继续为西澳华人服务的过 程中顺顺利利。

TAN Kim Thai

Congratulatory Message From Grace CHOW

林雅兰前辈致贺词 I

wholeheartedly congratulate the Chung Wah Association on reaching its 110th anniversary. It fills me with great pride and joy to see the Association flourish into the strong organisation it is today. Over the years, the Chung Wah Association has solidified its position as a cornerstone of the Western Australian community. Its tireless work in promoting Chinese culture, education and society is hugely appreciated by the community at large. Through this, the Association acts as the key link between the Chinese-Australian community and mainstream society. Reaching this significant milestone is a true testament to all involved in the Association and the unwavering support, strength, and commitment of the Chinese community. I look forward to many more years of a thriving and prosperous Chung Wah Association.

衷心地祝贺中华会馆成立110 周年。看到会馆发展壮大至今 天这样的规模,我感到非常的骄傲与 高兴。 多年来,中华会馆不断巩固其作 为西澳华社的基石地位。会馆努力不 懈促进中国文化、中文教育和社会发 展方面的不懈努力赢得了整个社会的 高度肯定。它也因此成为联系澳洲华 人团体与主流社会的重要纽带。 中华会馆成立110周年是一个重 要的里程碑意义,这是来自中华会馆 所有会员以及各华人社团给与会馆坚 定不移的支持、力量和奉献的有力见 证。我期待中华会馆在未来蓬勃发 展、繁荣兴旺。


Grace CHOW (nee LIM Ah Lan)


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Life Members

叶俐廷 Elvie Yap


hung Wah Life Membership is conferred to long-standing members who have given outstanding service to the Association consistently and unreservedly. It is the highest honour that the Association can bestow. Between 2017 and 2020, the Chung Wah Magazine conducted an interview series to feature Chung Wah’s Life Members, sharing their community spirit to our members. Unfortunately, five life members who pass away were not mentioned. There were Edie HOY POY, James LEE WOOD, William GOOEY, Roy HOY POY and Albert HWEE.

Edie HOY POY OAM Cit WA Edie was known as the 'Mother of Chung Wah'. She served in various capacities on the Executive Committee, and the Council of Elders, and was a Trustee of the Association for about 20 years. Edie's achievements in community leadership have greatly helped to enhance the reputation and raise the profile of the Chung Wah Association. In 1984, she founded the welfare group of the Association that expanded exponentially to the Aged Care Services today.

James LEE WOOD James LEE WOOD was a Chung Wah President and also one of the trustees of the Association until 1980. Mr LEE WOOD Senior was one of the founders of the Association.

William GOOEY In the 1970s and 1980s, William GOOEY was a Vice President and strong supporter of the Association. Mr Gooey's father, Gooey LEW (John) Louey Wah, was also one of the founders of the Association.

Roy HOY POY Roy HOY POY was the Chung Wah President for 1971-1972 and a former Trustee of the Association. Together with his wife, Edie, he helped to revitalise the Association after a dormant period following the Second World War. He was actively involved in the Association. His father, Yuen HOY POY, was also one of the founders of the Association.

Kee Yong YEE


YEE Kee Yong’s involvement and contribution extend right across the formation stage of almost all areas of the Association. Being one of the oldest current life members of Chung Wah, Kee Yong has the most extensive historical knowledge of the Association. He wrote a comprehensive coverage of the History of the Chung Wah Association (1909 -1995), published in both the Chung Wah's 75th and 85th Anniversary Magazines.

In the 1990s, when the Executive Committee elections of the Chung Wah Association were still being held on an annual basis, James CHONG was a rare candidate who had won the presidency for five consecutive years. James completed the Chung Wah Balcatta Hall project within the four years of his tenure of office as a President.

" It is important for community leaders to be humble and keep in touch with grassroots members. The Association is a good training place for future leaders, and I urge the young generation to step forward and speak their minds to help to improve the community."

Eric TAN


Dr. Eric Tan (Chairman of the 75th Anniversary Celebration Committee) and his team arranged a festival of exhibitions, performances, lectures, films and competitions, designed to inform and involve the general public. The festival was a rewarding undertaking, and it provided a new sense of confidence and dignity to the many Chinese residents living in Western Australia.

"When speaking as a Chinese, we must be on guard, do not rush by responding without thinking. This often attracts controversy unnecessarily. At all times, try to be a good citizen as it gives us a strong base to argue every case."

Albert HWEE Albert Hwee was the Chung Wah President for 1986-1987. He was actively involved in Chung Wah in the 1980s and strongly contributed to the Balcatta Land Acquisition and Development. He was also a committee member of the Council of Elders and a former Trustee of the Chung Wah Association.

32 | Chung Wah Association 110 th Anniversary Commemorative Edition

" The members, who have served on every Executive Committee, sub-committee or group, have all performed their duties and responsibilities voluntarily. These people have often had the unseen and unsung support of their families and other members of the Chinese community."

Pek GOH Pek GOH was the elected President of the Chung Wah Association for 1990/1991. During his term, he raised funds for, and started, the renovations of Chung Wah Hall in James Street. He also initiated the Chung Wah Youth group, and a merchant discount scheme as a Chung Wah membership benefit.

"The youth participation is essential for Chung Wah to be vibrant and remain relevant. The Chung Wah Chinese schools are a great way to involve young people in the Chung Wah family.

Esther CHANG Esther CHANG has been contributing to the Association for more than 35 years, and she has had significant involvement with the growth of the Community and Aged Care (CAC) Group of Chung Wah. She has been the Chairperson of the Independent Board of Management of CAC since 2011. Later in 2015, she was invited to join the Chung Wah Council of Elders.

“ We need to look beyond ourselves with a care and concern for the better good of the country and the society. There are many opportunities to serve as volunteers in charities and not-forprofit organisations.”

Chung Wah Life Member

Simon LEE


Simon LEE was the Vice President of the CWA in 198788. He has been a generous supporter of CWA, including a significant donation of $100,000 for the extensive renovation of the Chung Wah Hall in the 1990s. He also managed to attract many established businesses to contribute financially to the CWA during his tenure in office.

“ A ssociations like Chung Wah have a major responsibility to project that people of the Chinese race living in Australia, in general, do contribute to the society and our diligence is for Australia, the place we adopted.”

Tien Shang SU Tien Shang SU started his involvement as an editor for the Chung Wah News from 1994 to 1998, and editor for Chung Wah's 85th Anniversary Magazine in 1995. His capabilities have been recognised over the years and he was elected as the Chung Wah Association's Vice President in 1996. After serving two years in that capacity, he was elected as the Association's youngest ever President for a the term from 1998-2000 and 2009-2011.

" I would like to see Chung Wah Association strive to be an open and transparent association, be mindful of its Constitution, and to continue to attract quality and capable civicminded people into the Association."



Bob TAN organised the firstever Chinese New Year Ball for the Association and kept organising this for many years after that. In addition, he successfully applied for the first-ever Government-funded Social Worker for the Welfare group of Chung Wah.

“ I would love to see Chung Wah Association continue to expand Chinese education in Western Australia by introducing Chinese language curriculum to the vast majority of the mainstream day schools.”

TAN Kim Thai TAN Kim Thai began to be actively involved with the Chung Wah Association during his first year in Perth, around 1980s. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, Kim Thai continued to be an active supporter of the various Chung Wah events.

" I feel that, living in Australia; there is an even greater importance to support events which celebrate our Chinese identity and heritage. The Chinese community should continue to be encouraged to showcase its many skills and talents."


华会馆终身会员资格是授予长期、无保留地为会馆提供卓越服务的会员,这是会馆可以 授予的最高荣誉。在2017年至2020年之间,中华会馆《中华之声》杂志进行了一系列采访, 以中华会馆的终身会员为蓝本,向我们的会员们分享了终身会员们的理念。遗憾的是,其中五名终 身会员已逝世,未能及时采访。这五位前辈包括阮丽茹 OAM Cit WA , 李占士,雷威廉,阮雷以及许南发。

阮丽茹 OAM Cit WA 阮丽茹被誉为“中华妈妈”,她曾在理事会和长 者服务理事会中担任过各种职务,并担任会馆 之信托人约二十年。阮丽茹在社区领导领域的 成就,极大地提高了中华会馆的声誉并拓展了其 知名度。1984年,她成立了会馆的福利组织,该 组织如今已茁壮发展成专业的老年护理机构。

李占士 李占士曾任中华会馆会长至1980年,他也曾 是会馆的信托人之一。

雷威廉 雷威廉在十九世纪七十年代至八十年代,雷 威廉是会馆的副会长和大力支持者。威廉的 父亲Gooey Lew(John)Louey Wah也是 会馆的创始人之一。

阮雷 阮雷在1971年至1972年间担任中华会馆会 长,曾担任会馆的信托人。在第二次世界大 战后,他与妻子阮丽茹一起帮助振兴了会馆。 他积极参与会馆的活动。他的父亲阮蔼培也 是会馆的创始人之一。

余其勇 余其勇的贡献几乎遍及会馆所有领域的复 兴阶段。余其勇是中华会馆目前资历最深的 成员之一,对会馆的历史发展了若指掌。他 撰写了《中华会馆的历史》 (1909年至1995 年)的详尽报道,并刊登在中华会馆七十五 周年和八十五周年纪念特刊上。

“对于社区领袖而言,保持谦虚的态度并与 基层会员保持联系非常重要。会馆是未来 领袖的培育基地,我敦促年轻一代向前迈 进,发表自己的想法,以帮助改善社区。”

陈继志 AM Cit WA 陈继志AM(中华会馆七十五周年庆典委员会 主席)及其团队策划了一个涉及展览、表演、 演讲、电影和竞赛的庆典活动,旨在让公众了 解并参与各项活动。庆典活动是一项有意义 的工作,它为居住在西澳大利亚州的许多华 裔人士增添了自信和尊严感。

“作为华裔发言时,我们必须保持警惕,不能 着急或不加思索地做出回应,这经常会引起 不必要的争议。在任何时候,都应努力成 为好公民,因为这为我们提供了立足于每个 有争议案例需要辩论时的坚实基础。”

许南发 许南发在1986年至1987年间担任中华会馆 会长。他在1980年代积极参与中华会馆,并 为巴卡达土地和开发做出了重要贡献。他还 是元老会成员,曾担任中华会馆的信托人。

张仕煌 张仕煌是1990年代中华会馆会长一年任期 制度下,赢得了罕见的五年连任。张仕煌在担 任会长的四年内完成了中华会馆巴卡达中华

文化中心建筑项目。 “在每个理事会,小组委员会或小组中任职 的成员,都是自愿履行职责的。他们的家 人和华人社区其他成员往往默默支持着, 让他们可以为中华会馆服务。”

吴伯子 吴伯子是中华会馆1990-1991年间的会长。 任期间,他为James Street的中华会馆会所筹 集了资金,并推动了翻新工程。他还了中华会 馆青年团,并发起了商户折扣计划,为会员提 供福利。 “年轻一代的参与对于激发中华会馆的活力 和长久性至关重要。中华中文学校是让年轻 人参与中华会馆这个大家庭的极佳途径。”

郑婉婉 郑婉婉为中华会馆做出了超过35年的贡献, 并参与了中华社区和长者服务部的发展。自 2011年以来,她一直担任CAC独立管理委员 会主席。2015年底,她受邀加入元老会。

“我们要跨越自身的眼界,并怀着关爱的心,让 这个国家和社更美好。在慈善机构和非营利 组织中有很多可以提供志愿者服务的机会。”

李瑞喜 AO 李瑞喜在1987-88年担任中华会馆副会长。 他一直是会馆的慷慨支持者,其中包括一笔 十万澳元的捐款,用于1990年代的会馆馆 址的大规模翻新。在他任职期间,他还成功 招募了众多知名企业给会馆捐款。 “像中华会馆这样的组织,对于居住在澳大利 亚的华裔负有重大责任。而华裔也为澳大利 亚社会做出了不可磨灭的贡献。”

徐天送 徐天送于1994年至1998年是《中华新闻》的编 辑,同时也是1995年会馆八十五周年特刊的主 编。多年来,他的能力得到了认可,于1996年当 选为中华会馆副会长。两年后,他当选为中华会 馆有史以来最年轻的会长,任期任期1998- 2000年,以及2009-2011年。

“我希望中华会馆努力保持公开透明的组 织,铭记其章程,并继续吸引具有素质和 能力的人群加入会馆。”

陈振发 OAM 陈振发为会馆主办了有史以来第一次农历新 年舞会,此后多年坚持主办该活动。他还是 成功地为中华会馆福利小组申请到政府资助 的第一位社区工作者。 “我期盼看到中华会馆进一步扩展西澳中文 教育,向绝大多数主流学校介绍中文课。”

陈金泰 陈金泰于1980年代定居珀斯便积极参与中华会 馆的工作。在1990年至2000年,他非常活跃、积 极支持参加中华会馆的各项活动。

“我觉得,生活在澳大利亚,支持认同我们华裔 身份和传统的活动显得尤为重要。华社应该大 力表现其能力和才华。” 中华会馆110周年纪念特刊

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雷华家族史 Doug FONG

们家族与澳大利亚的缘分是从十九世纪 五十年代,我的曾曾外祖父LEE Hanggong抵达Victoria金矿区开始的。我的曾祖 父雷华搭乘Douglas号轮船从香港出发,于 1867年7月抵达维多利亚并在金矿区定居。他 的兄弟Henry也于几年后来到此处。 这两个家族并没有从事探矿工作,而是在 Ballarat, Bendigo 和Creswick等城镇开设 了店铺。十九世纪八十年代中期,LEE Hanggong 和他的妻子 Sarah(nee Bowman)以 及 家 人一直 居 住 在 北 领 地 ,并 定 居 在 Palmerston。1886年,他申请了零售业主经 营执照。1894年,他去世,经营的生意就解散 了。雷氏家族则随着雷华茶叶生意的成功迁居 墨尔本。根据1881年的入籍确认书,雷华其年 三十六岁,居住在墨尔本中国城核心的Little Bourke街。 雷华不仅在华人社区,在更为广泛的澳大 利亚社区中都是一位具有影响力的人物。在人 们普遍对“黄祸”会蔓延到澳大利亚白人社会 而感到极度恐慌的时候,他被任命为墨尔本 医院的终身院长。 彼时中国先民的最高信条是“努力工作,低 头做人,保持低调,不惹麻烦,忍辱负重、如遇 冒犯、退避三舍。不要引起不必要的注意!” 19世纪90年代中期,雷华、妻子Jane和 儿子 George (中文名 LOUEY Ling Tack) 搬 到西澳 ,在 珀 斯唐人 街区的J a m e s 街 和St i rl i ng街拐角处建立了一家名为简雷 (J LOUEY)的公司。 自此,雷华开始参与当地华人社区的生 活。受十九世纪八十年代欧洲基督传教士的 影响,他改信了基督教并担任长老会的非神职 牧师和主日学校教师。这些传教士航行到亚 洲和各殖民地,目的是教化不信教以及未受 教育的当地人信奉基督教。 在这个时期的澳大利亚,中国人被视为廉 价劳动力的来源,通常被雇来做厨师、园丁或 者菜农、家政人员和劳工等。作为园丁和菜农, 他们维持了这个国家的健康。 由于为居住在珀斯的华人支离破碎的生

PH00174 LOUEY Wah (R) with associates c1913.

活状态感到担忧,雷华牵头将这些华人聚集成 一个社会群体并成立了中华会馆。该协会在 珀斯的James街128号组建了一个聚会场所, 并于1910年10月12日完成奠基。

由于生意非常火爆,一条铁路支线被接转 到他们的仓库里以便补给能直接装到货车厢 里!1919年初,这家合伙企业解散,Sydney FONG保留了企业的唯一所有权。

雷华于1909-1912年和1914-1915年担 任两届协会主席,于1915年11月去世,享年 70岁,妻子Jane在一年后去世,两人都安葬 在Karrakatta公墓的圣公会区。他的兄弟 Henry在1921- 1922间年担任主席。

1907年,George的儿子Arthur(也就是 我的父亲)在广州出生,他童年的大部分时光 都在广州和香港九龙度过。他的父母曾回去短 暂待过一段时间。

Kevin Wong Hoy的书《Cheon of the Never Never》讲述了20世纪初期,Cheon与 我母亲那边的亲属 LEE Hang-gong 一家,以 及许多在北领地和Kimberley地区做厨师、园 丁和劳工的中国工人的友谊。

我的祖父George于1917-18年之间来到 Broome,并在靠近Roebuck Bay酒店停车场 南侧的Carnarvon街上做起了珍珠生意。

Cheon 是 Aenas 和 Jeannie Gunn 的 Elsey牧场的厨师和园丁,她们的故事在电影 《We of the Never Never》中永远留驻。 1913年,雷华的儿子,也就是我的祖父 George,和 Andrew Bean FONG (前西珀 斯足 球 运动员L e s 和前西澳州卫生部门主 任Ne a le的祖父),会同其他一些人一起与 Sydney FONG 共同成立了 Sydney FONG 合营企业(Sydney FONG & Co),在位于 Geraldton 的 Marine Terrace 展开经营,向 城镇居民和偏远的农牧区提供食品、蔬菜、家 庭用品和酒等。 1920s - Arthur TACK, Father LOUEY Ling Tack and Mother Ethel - Geraldton

后来,他搬到了与Roebuck Bay酒店相 邻的丹皮尔公寓(Dampier Terrace)。他 最后一家店铺楼房就是在Bob鞋店这个位 置。1938年8月,我就是在这幢楼房里出生 的。 公司是我祖父用自己的本名(LOUEY Ling Tack)注册的。由于澳洲官员不了解中 国人的名字是先说姓,再说名,因此公司就 被登记为L.L. Tack。 (因此)多年来,很多人都认为我们是 TACK家族。加上我们本身就在用的FONG LOUEY 这个姓,所以也不难理解为什么我 们有时候会被搞混了! 04/04/1970: (L to R) Douglas & Margaret Fong, Tony & Joy Hannigan (bride), Arthur & Pearl Fong Tack (parents) and Fay and Victor Fong.

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LOUEY Wah and Family story

1920年,13岁的Arthur在Sydney FONG 的女儿Irene的陪伴下来到珀斯。Irene嫁给 了Wan上校,Wan以前是海军上校,后来成 为了知名餐厅的老板。Arthur就读于Victoria Avenue的CBC和Stott’s商学院。 后来,George和Andrew Bean FONG接 管了永兴有限公司,这家公司位于珀 斯William街和James 街 的拐角处 ,做 蔬菜 水果批发生意。20世 纪30年代初,George 离 开了西 澳 ,公 司由 Andrew接管。 少年时期的Arthur 在那儿 工作,他白天清 理废料,晚上就在店铺 的后面休息。在他自立 门户,学会了很多傍身技 艺前,他曾为家 族 在 珀 斯、Geraldton和Broome 等地的企业工作过。 父亲(Arthur)和母亲 (Pearl)在二十世纪三十 年代初接管了家族企业, 当时我的祖父母George和 Ethel离开了西澳,移居香 港。我的父亲使出浑身解 数:经营杂货店,运营两艘采珠船,当珠宝商, 开出租车,拍摄并制作护照照片,同时他还为 许多在Broome的中国人做发言人。 1942年日本轰炸Broome后,我们撤离至 珀斯。我们离开的日子,白蚁猖獗,造成了巨大 的损失,因此原建筑物在1947至1948年间被 拆除。爸爸拥有的两艘采珠船也在战争期间遭 到了澳军的破坏。由于船只没有保险,我们也 就没有获得赔偿。 Broome华人社区公司是Broome地区唯 一有正式组织的民族团体,拥有会所和注册 章程。其他团体则是更加随意的社会团体,像 是二十世纪五、六十年代,当我父亲还是组织 者,兼任秘书和财务主管时的华人团体。 我和我的妻子Margaret在珀斯结束教师 生涯退休后,一起搬回了Broome照顾我的母 亲,直到今年四月母亲去世。去世前,母亲本 将庆祝一百零三岁的生日。不用照顾孙子孙女 时,我整日都在唐人街里做向导,还参加了珍 珠祭。Margaret现在在Broome为无家可归 的人做饭。我们有四个孩子:Melissa是一名 课程顾问,还在Greenmount的天主教教育 学院任教。MIchael在Broome技术与深造教 育学院担任运输模拟器的技术顾问。Kirilee 是Broome的土著媒体组织“ Goolarri Media”的营运经理。她还是Kimberley发展 委员会的成员,还在2020年1月获得OAM勋 衔。我们的小女儿Jacynta是一名海洋生物学 家、直升机飞行员,她还是昆士兰州Cairn市 的一名科学老师。 自先祖开始,这家人就躬耕于社区服务 领域,到了这一代,这一传统仍在延续。回望 维多利亚淘金时代已逾150年,走过漫漫长 路,我们始终前进着,发展着。

PH00172 c.1912 - J Louey & Co, cnr James & Stirling Street, Perth.

LOUEY Wah and Family story Life Governor of Melbourne Hospital Certificate awarded to LOUEY Wah in September 1887


ur Australian connections began in the 1850s when LEE Hanggong, my maternal great, great grandfather arrived in the Victorian goldfields. LOUEY Wah, my paternal great grandfather boarded the vessel Douglas in Hong Kong and landed in Victoria in July 1867, and settled in the goldfields. His brother Henry arrived several years later. Rather than work as prospectors, both family groups, set up as storekeepers working in the towns of Ballarat, Bendigo and Creswick. By the mid1880s LEE Hang-gong, wife Sarah (nee BOWMAN) and his family were living in the Northern Territory and had settled in Palmerston. He applied for a storekeeper’s licence in 1886 and the partnership was dissolved with his passing in 1894. The LOUEY families moved to Melbourne with LOUEY Wah becoming a successful tea merchant. In his 1881 confirmation letter of naturalisation LOUEY Wah is listed as being 36 years old and living in Little Bourke Street, the heart of Chinatown in Melbourne. LOUEY Wah was an influential person within the Chinese community as well as the wider Australian community. At a time when there was considerable hysteria and fear that the “yellow peril” would overrun White Australian society, he was made a Life Governor of the Melbourne Hospital in 1887.


The overriding attitude of the pioneering Chinese was ‘work hard, keep your head down, maintain a low profile, stay out of trouble and if facing aggression, turn the other cheek. Don’t draw unnecessary attention to yourselves!’ In the mid-1890s, LOUEY Wah, wife Jane and son George (Chinese name LOUEY Ling Tack) moved to Western Australia and established a business, J LOUEY in Perth’s Chinatown, on the corner of James and Stirling Streets. LOUEY Wah became involved in the local Chinese community life. He was a Presbyterian lay preacher and Sunday School teacher; having been converted as a result of the momentum generated in Europe during the 1880s by Christian missionaries, who sailed into Asia and the various colonies, with the purpose of converting “Heathens and uneducated natives”. At this time in Australian history, the Chinese were considered to be a source of cheap labour. They were employed as cooks, gardeners, domestic help, and labourers and so on. As market gardeners, they kept the nation healthy. LOUEY Wah was concerned about the fragmented nature of the life of the Chinese in Perth. He was instrumental in gathering these people into a social group and formed the Chung Wah Association, which constructed a meeting place at 128 James Street, 中华会馆110周年纪念特刊

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霭培家族史 Perth. The foundation stone was laid on 12 October 1910. LOUEY Wah served two terms as President, 1909-1912 and 1914-1915, and passed away in November 1915, aged 70 years; one year after wife Jane passed. They are both interred in the Anglican section of Karrakatta Cemetery. His brother Henry served as President from 1921 to 1922. Kevin Wong Hoy’s book “Cheon of the Never Never”, tells of Cheon’s friendship with my maternal family side, the LEE Hang-gong family and that a number of Chinese worked as cooks, gardeners and labourers in the Northern Territory and the Kimberley in the early part of the 1900s. Cheon was the cook and gardener on Elsey Station, managed by Aenas and Jeannie Gunn, whose story was immortalised in the film “We of the Never Never”. In 1913 LOUEY Wah’s son, my Grandfather George, together with Andrew Bean FONG (Grandfather of Les, former West Perth footballer and Neale, former Director of the WA Health Department) and others went into partnership with Sydney FONG. The business Sydney Fong & Co, operated in Marine Terrace, Geraldton. It provided groceries, fruit and vegetables, household goods and liquor to the townspeople as well as to the outlying farming areas. They were so busy that a branch railway line was diverted into their goods shed so that supplies could be loaded directly on to a goods van! The partnership dissolved in early 1919, with Sydney FONG retaining sole ownership of the business. George’s son Arthur (my Father) was born in Canton (Guangzhou) in 1907

and spent much of his childhood there and in Kowloon. His parents had returned there for a short time. Grandfather George came to Broome in 1917-18 and set up as a pearl dealer in Carnarvon Street approximately on the southern side of the Roebuck Bay Hotel carpark. He later relocated to Dampier Terrace, which is now in the middle of the mural adjacent to the Roebuck Bay Hotel. His last shop was a building on the same site as Bob’s Shoe Store. I was a home birth in this building in August 1938. He registered the business using his Chinese name LOUEY Ling Tack. It was listed as L.L. Tack, because of officialdom’s lack of understanding of the Chinese placing the family name first. For many years, we were known as the TACK family. As we already had the names FONG LOUEY in usage, no wonder we were sometimes confused! Arthur came to Perth in 1920 aged 13 years, accompanied by Sydney FONG’s daughter Irene. She married Captain WAN, a former sea captain and later a well-known restauranteur. Arthur’s schooling was at CBC, Victoria Avenue, Perth, and at Stott’s Business College. Later George and Andrew Bean FONG took over Wing Hing Co Ltd, a wholesale greengrocery business on the corner of William and James Streets, Perth. Andrew took over the business in the early 1930s when George left WA. As a young teenager, Arthur worked there cleaning up the scraps and sleeping at the back of the premises. He worked for the family business in Perth, Geraldton and Broome, before striking out on his own and learning to become multi-skilled.

11/08/1996 - John, Pearl and Doug FONG at Sojourners exhibition - Fremantle History Museum

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Dad (Arthur) and Mother (Pearl) took over the family businesses in the early 1930s when my grandparents George and Ethel left WA to live in Hong Kong. He used his many skills to keep a general store, operate two pearling luggers, was a pearl dealer, operated a taxi, took and developed passport photos and was a spokesperson for many of the Chinese in Broome. After the Japanese bombing of Broome in 1942 we evacuated to Perth. In our absence white ants caused considerable damage, so the original building was demolished in 1947-48. Also the two luggers owned by Dad were amongst those which were destroyed by the Australian forces during the War. The vessels were not insured and there was no compensation. Broome Chinese Community Inc. is the only formally organised ethnic group in Broome, with a clubhouse and registered constitution. The other groups were more casual, social groups much like the Chinese were in the 1950s and 60s, when my Father was organiser, secretary and treasurer. With my wife Margaret we returned to live in Broome after both of us retired from teaching in Perth and cared for my Mother until her passing in April this year, just shy of her 103rd birthday. When we are not looking after the grandchildren, I fill my days conducting tours of Chinatown and am involved with the Shinju Matsuri Festival. Margaret now cooks for the homeless in Broome. Our children are: Melissa, a Curriculum Consultant and also teaching at Catholic Education in Greenmount; Michael, a Technical Consultant with the shipping simulator at Broome TAFE; and Kirilee, the Operations Manager and second in charge at Goolarri Media, an indigenous media organisation in Broome. She is also a member of the Kimberley Development Commission and was awarded on OAM last January 2020. Our youngest Jacynta is a Marine Biologist, helicopter pilot and a science teacher in Cairns, Queensland. This generation is continuing in the field of community service started by their ancestors. We have certainly come a long way since the days on the Victorian goldfields, over 150 years ago.

YUEN Hoy Poy and Family story

缅怀父亲和 我的哥姐们 阮瑜珍 YUEN Yuchin


890年,周姓同乡携带我父亲到澳洲谋 生。初从做木匠学徒开始,经十年艰苦 奋斗,创出了一片天地。 从1901年起,澳洲政府实行移民法, 限制移民夫妻团聚 。与远 在中国的发妻 相聚 无望之下,父亲与在 澳白人 M a r y BR EW E R组织新家庭,继而成立自己的 家具厂和公司。1910年,以争取华人权益 的中华会馆创办,父亲极力支持,并积极动 员乡亲入会。他捐资捐物,贡献良多,是中 华会馆创办人之一。百年之後,我到会馆, 看到他所捐赠的楼梯、桌椅等保持完好。 我父亲虽身在异乡,他始终关心著祖国 的命运。他十分认同孙中山的革命主张。 他在西澳加入了孙中山领导的国民党,并 被选为西澳普扶支部委员。中华会馆为支 持孙中山革命而筹款,共筹得资金1200英 磅,我父亲功不可没。后来孙中山逝世後, 国民党违背了孙中山的革命主张,日渐腐 败,我父亲於1933年脱离国民党。 1932年,父亲的工厂遭火灾,他无力 重建,只好带著妻儿到香港再起步。後因 Mary不适应香港水土,他又陪妻子回到澳 洲,直到1936年才回香港。六个子女中有 的留在澳洲陪伴母亲,有的在香港工作,父 亲教子女们不要数典忘祖。 1939年二战爆发,面对法西斯的残 暴,夫妇俩鼓励和支持子女们投身到反法 斯侵略的战鬥中去。长子阮佳在澳洲参加 国际抗日联军,曾荣获四枚勳章;香港沦 陷前,次子布仕和三女莲懿已在香港参加 了义勇队。1941年,布仕在香港参加了坚

欣闻澳洲柏斯中华会馆110周年会庆,我谨表示热烈的祝贺! 此时,我不禁又忆起父亲阮霭培和我的哥姐们。 持18天的香港保卫战,多番辗转,後来转 到昆明美国空军基地担任机械维修师。抗 战胜利後,布仕经Calcutta回到澳洲。澳 洲政 府先後发给他四枚勳章。为回内地 参加抗战,长女沙蒂、三女莲懿化妆成难 民,逃离香港到达桂林。莲懿在美国空军 总部新闻处工作,负责战地通讯。1944年 转战昆明,在美国驻华第十四空军司令部 任秘书,获得美国颁授空军徽章,1947年 她重返澳洲,积极为土著社区效劳,并义 务支持会馆的工作。新中国成立後,她积 极为澳中友好而努力奔走,後为西澳澳中 友好协会的秘书长。长女沙蒂随英国运输 车团到中国昆明,後在印度经过九个月的 艰苦路程才回到澳洲继续参加抗战,担任 防空指挥。留在澳洲最小儿子阮雷,抗战 时十九岁,也加入了军队的信号部。在澳洲 华裔军人英雄榜上,刻有阮佳、阮莲懿和 阮布仕的名字。次女爱慧,为加拿大外交 部服务了三十八年。 中华会馆有一段较长的时间都处於半 停顿甚至停顿的状态。1951年,为振兴会 馆,会馆重新向政府註册。1970年,从小 对中华会馆有著深厚感情的阮雷和妻子 阮丽茹决心重振会务。在1970年至1973


e started as a carpentry apprentice, and after ten years of backbreaking work, he made a name for himself.


n 1890, a fellow villager named ZHOU brought my Father Yuen Hoy Poy to Australia to make a living.

In 1901, the Australian government implemented immigration laws preventing the reunion of immigrant couples. With no hope of meeting his wife far away in China, my Father started a new family with an Australian woman named Mary BREWER and set up his own furniture factory and company. In 1909, the Chung Wah Association (CWA) was founded to fight for the rights of

年阮雷任会长期间,会务走上了正轨,定 期出版中英文会刊,卸任后会馆也陆续设 立儿童中文班、每周一次中文广播,1977 年阮茹丽以中华会馆的名义组织华人过中 国年,1999年扩大成“华人春节联欢庆祝 会”。此后还成立了歌舞组、国乐组、龙舟 组、文艺组、中国象棋组,吸引了更多人参 加。後来会馆还扩办了中文学校、社区长 者服务、扩建了会馆,设立华人墓园。全 面修改了章程,使其成为一个多功能非营 利团体。阮丽茹在推行多元文化中成绩突 出。她义务为老人服务事迹广为传颂,被 称为“中华妈妈”。她获得了澳大利亚国家 OAM勋章。 2 0 0 7年2 月2 5日,珀 斯 一 条 街 道 被命名为“霭培街”,这是西澳政府首次以 华人名字命名的街道,以表彰阮丽茹及霭 培家族对西澳做出的重大贡献。这是家族 的荣耀,也是中华会馆的荣耀,更是华人的 荣耀。 我是阮霭培最小的女儿,於香港工作, 在维系霭培家族方面做了一些工作。有道 说, “日久他乡即故乡”。我祝愿在异国他乡 的乡亲们生活幸福,安康!并祝中华会馆会 务兴旺,业绩辉煌!

Chinese people. My father, as one of the founders of the CWA spared no effort in supporting and recruiting fellowmen to the Association. He generously donated money and materials. A hundred years later, I visited the Association and saw the stairs, tables, and chairs he donated still kept in good condition Even whilst living in a foreign land, my Father never stopped caring about the fate of his homeland. He wholeheartedly agreed with SUN Yat Sen’s revolutionary ideology. In Western Australia, he joined the Chinese Nationalist Party (CNP) led by SUN Yat Sen, and was chosen to be a member of Western Australia’s General Support Branch. CWA raised £1200 to support SUN Yat Sen’s revolution, and my Father contributed 中华会馆110周年纪念特刊

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霭培家族史 return to China to participate in the resistance, the eldest daughter Sadie and third daughter Renie disguised themselves as refugees and escaped from Hong Kong into Guilin. Renie worked for the U.S. Air Force Headquarters in their Information Office and was responsible for communications on the battlefield. In 1944, she moved to Kunming where she served as a secretary for the 14th command of the US Air Force in China. The U.S awarded her the Air Force badge. In 1947, Renie returned to Australia and worked for the Aboriginal community, as well as volunteering at the Association. After the new China Edie HOY POY receiving her OAM from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, at Government House, Perth. April 1988”. Photo was founded, she actively worked courtesy of Sunday Times Newspaper. to build friendly relations between Australians and Chinese, and later significantly to this amount. After become the secretary-general of the SUN Yat Sen’s death, the CNP betrayed Australia Chinese Friendship Society. SUN Yat Sen’s revolutionary ideology The eldest daughter, Sadie, followed and became increasingly corrupt. In the British Transport Regiment to 1933, my Father left the CNP. Kunming, China, and then spent In 1932, my Father’s factory caught nine arduous months in India before fire, and he was unable to rebuild. He returning to Australia to participate had no choice but to bring his wife and in the resistance as an air defense children to start over in Hong Kong. commander. Royce, However, as Mary was the youngest son who “In remembrance unable to adapt to life remained in Australia, in Hong Kong, YUEN Recognition of was 19 years old at the Hoy Poy returned to my Father, my time of the resistance Australia with his and joined the signals brothers, and my family until 1936, department of the sisters.” when he returned to army. The names Hong Kong. Of his six Clyde, Renie, and ---YUEN Yuchin children, some stayed Bruce are carved into in Australia to keep the list of Chinese Australian soldiers. their mother company, some worked Elvie, the second daughter, served the in Hong Kong, but my Father always Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs taught us never to forget our ancestry. for 38 years. When World War II broke out in 1939, The CWA was in a state of standstill for the parents encouraged their children a long time. In July 1951, to join the fight against fascism in the the CWA constitution was face of its cruelty. Clyde, the eldest son, revised and re-registered enlisted in 2/28 Australian Infantry with the government in Battalion and was awarded four order to revitalise itself. medals. Before Hong Kong fell, the In 1970, Royce and his second son Bruce and third daughter wife Edie HOY POY, who Renie joined the voluntary forces in were deeply attached to Hong Kong. In 1941, Bruce was part the CWA since childhood, of the 18-day defense of Hong Kong were determined to revive as part of the defense forces. After its affairs and activities. several rotations, he was transferred During Royce’s tenure to the United States Kunming as the chairperson from Air Force Base as a mechanical 1970 to 1972, its affairs maintenance engineer. After victory went back on track, in the Anti-Japanese War, Bruce laying the foundations returned to Australia via Calcutta, for services such as where the Australian government regularly publishing awarded him four medals. In order to 38 | Chung Wah Association 110 th Anniversary Commemorative Edition

bilingual newsletters. Services created after Royce’s term included setting up Chinese classes for children, and weekly broadcasts in Chinese. In 1977, Edie organised a celebration for Chinese New Year in the name of the CWA. In 1999, it expanded into the “Chinese New Year Celebration”. Other groups set up included a Choir, traditional dance group, Chinese music orchestra, dragon, literature, and a Chinese chess group attracting even more members. The Association further expanded and established the Chinese school, community and elderly services, expanded the Association hall, and revitalised the Chinese section at Karrakatta cemetery. The Association’s constitution was revised again to make it a multifunctional, non-profit organisation. Edie achieved exceptional progress in promoting multiculturalism. Her voluntary services for the elderly were widely praised, and she was known as the “Chung Wah Mother”. She received the Order of Australia Medal in 1988. On February 25, 2007, a street in Perth was named “Hoy Poy Street”. This was the first time the West Australian government named a Northbridge street after a Chinese person, in recognition of Edie and the HOY POY family’s great contributions to Western Australia. This is the family’s glory, CWA’s glory, and even more so – the glory of all Chinese people. I am the youngest daughter of YUEN Hoy Poy, currently working in Hong Kong, and I have done some work in preserving the HOY POY family story. As the saying goes: “With time, the foreign land becomes the homeland.” I wish my fellowmen in foreign countries a happy, healthy life; be well! I also wish the CWA prosperity in its business, and brilliance in its performance!

PH00021 First Chinese School 1923

YUEN Hoy Poy and Family story

Congratulatory Message From YUEN YuChin


巍峨会馆耀中州 漫射光芒过百秋 犹念前人功卓著 继承传统展鸿猷 The Association is a dominant force within the State Illuminating it for more than a hundred years. We commemorate the outstanding achievements of our predecessors, We uphold traditions and strive for glory.



Mary与阮霭培婚后夫妻恩爱 YUEN Hoy Poy and Mary 阮霭培离开澳洲后,Mar y独立支撑家庭,抗战胜利后,子女们 陆续回到她的身边。 After YUEN Hoy Poy left Australia, Mary supported the family on her own. After World War II, her children went back to Australia to join her.

1910年1月19日,阮霭陪与Mary在西澳注册结婚的证书 Certificate of marriage between YUEN Hoy Poy and Mary issued on January 19, 1910 in Western Australia

“ 我经历过移民的艰辛日子,70年代中期以前对所有 移民,不管他们来自何处,都存有歧视,这正是我 极力维护多元文化的原因”

- 阮丽茹

“ Immigrants to Australia used to have a hard time. Before the 1970s, any immigrant, no matter where he/she is from, suffers from discrimination to some extent. That is why I devoted to safeguarding multi-cultures.” - Edie HOY POY

玛丽(前左1)和她 的儿孙们合影 Mary (First from left, front) and her children and grand children


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Chung Wah Community and Aged Care 中华社区及长者服务部(CAC)


hung Wah Community & Aged Care is a group under the umbrella of the Chung Wah Association. Our goal is to deliver care and support to vulnerable individuals from different ethnic backgrounds in the Perth metropolitan areas via government funded programs.

Since the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Chung Wah in 2010, Chung Wah CAC has undergone significant changes, one of which is the expansion of our services to not only seniors and their families but young children and adults who have permanent disabilities under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Due to the increasingly high demand for community care services, we are now operating three community hubs, one in Northbridge, one in Balcatta and one in Willetton. While the Northbridge hub remains as our head office, our Balcatta and Willetton hubs welcome more than 200 seniors and NDIS participants every week from Monday to Friday. Including the home help and community program, CAC is now servicing more than 800 seniors and other community members on a regular basis. Moreover, our workforce has grown to more than 150 bilingual staff with relevant care qualifications. We also have 230 volunteers from our community who share our passion and dedication to assist the vulnerable members of our community. One cannot deny that the past 10 years consisted of multiple unprecedented moments and paradigm shifts. This rollercoaster of change has taught us the ability to adapt and implement

plans for our transformation. Our continuous improvement plans allows us to embrace challenges and move forward with fresh approaches. The CAC is now more determined to deliver better services to our communities with high levels of accountability and transparency. Whilst changes are inevitable, Chung Wah CAC has never lost sight of our coexistence, which is to cater for those who are in need of support to stay independently at home and connected with their communities. Our vision remains the same as how it has been, to build a better community for all. The Chung Wah CAC continues to provide culturally appropriate care services and programs to many Asian communities including Chinese, Vietnamese, Singaporean, Malaysian and many more. Chung Wah CAC is proud to say that we are on our way to fulfil the mission to improve everyone’s quality of life, especially those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Even though much still remains to be achieved, Chung Wah CAC will continue to connect our community closer and improve linving standards for all through our person-centred approach, our dedication to people and our ongoing pursuit of our vision and our values.

华社区及长者服务部是中华会馆属下 的一个非营利机构,我们得到了联邦政 府的资助,用予帮助来自不同文化背景非英 语背景的移民开始新的生活,并为社区长者 及其家庭成员提供护理及社区服务计划。 自从在2010年庆祝百年华诞后,中华社 区及长者服务部也展开了不同的转变,我们 的服务对象由长者及其家人扩展至正接受社 会心理残障、康复及国家残障保险计划的幼 童至成年人。 因为社区护理服务的需求急增,我们现 正营运三所社区中心,位于北桥、巴卡达、威 灵顿,我们的总办事处位于北桥中心,而巴卡 达、威灵顿中心平日招待超过两百位长者及 社会心理残障、康复及国家残障保险计划的 使用者。我们亦恒常提供服务予超过800位 长者、社区人士,包括家居服务、社区活动 等。我们拥有超过一百五十员工,持多种语言 及多项照顾者认可的资格,更有二百三十來自 社區的义工,与我们有共同理念去协助体弱 或残疾的社区人士。 无可否认过去十年,我们每一个人也面 对严峻的挑战及转变,如过山车一样的变化 教导我们如何应变及反思我们的专业发展。 中华社区及长者服务部选择勇敢接受每个挑 战,决心提供更有责任感及透明度的服务予 社区人士。 转变是无可避免的,但我们不会因此而 动摇我们的核心价值,让有需要人士可以在 家中独立生活及联系社区。我们的远景是「 为大家建立一个更好的社区」。目前我们为中 国、越南、新加坡、马来西亚和其他多元文化 社区的客户提供支援服务及活动。 我们会竭尽所能改善所有服务对象的生 活质素,特别一群受文化、语言差异影响下的 人士,我们致力推广以人为本的理念,改善 普罗大众的生活指数,贡献社区。

40 | Chung Wah Association 110 th Anniversary Commemorative Edition

Chung Wah Past Executive Committees 中华会馆历届理事会

2011-2013 President 会长:

Sammy YAP 叶俊凡

Honorary Secretary 荣誉秘书: Justin KWOK 郭沚维

Senior Vice President 副会长: Dr. Yit Seng YOW 饶逸生

Assistant Secretary 助理秘书: Mona FONG 房秋亮

Vice President 副会长:

Honorary Treasurer 荣誉财政: Sam SNG 孙益民

Dr. Ting CHEN 陈挺

Assistant Treasurer 助理财政: Kok Thye TEOH 张国泰 Committee Members


Esther CHANG 郑婉婉

Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮

Thavee LIM 林致德

Cuifen CHEN 陈翠芬

Qingbin LI 李庆斌

Kia Ching NGOO 吴启清

Sammy YAP 叶俊凡

Honorary Secretary 荣誉秘书: Justin KWOK 郭沚维

2013-2015 President 会长:

Senior Vice President 副会长: Dr. Yit Seng YOW 饶逸生

Assistant Secretary 助理秘书: Mona FONG 房秋亮

Vice President 副会长:

Honorary Treasurer 荣誉财政: Kok Thye TEOH 张国泰

Dr. Ting CHEN 陈挺

Assistant Treasurer 助理财政: Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮 Committee Members


Esther CHANG 郑婉婉


Gary PAN


Thavee LIM 林致德

Sam SNG 孙益民

Shao Ping DING 丁少平

Honorary Secretary 荣誉秘书: Dr. Ting CHEN 陈挺

2015-2017 President 会长:

Senior Vice President 副会长: Eddie HWANG 黄恩瑞

Assistant Secretary 助理秘书: Jiping ZOU 邹纪平

Vice President 副会长:

Honorary Treasurer 荣誉财政: Eddie KO 高耀泉

William CHI 齐金龙

Assistant Treasurer 助理财政: Qi LIU 刘琦 Committee Members


Sheila REJEK 苏翠妹

John HONG 洪泉龙

Andy YUAN 袁浩波

Mark SUN 孙为民

Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮

Eddie KWAH 柯雅柏

Shao Ping DING 丁少平

Honorary Secretary 荣誉秘书: Sheila REJEK 苏翠妹

2017-2019 President 会长:

Senior Vice President 副会长: Dr. Ting CHEN 陈挺 Vice President 副会长:


Assistant Secretary 助理秘书: Eric TAN 谭卓君

(Resigned on 13-12-2017)

Lambert LEONG 梁综恒 (Co-opted on 12-03-2018)

Honorary Treasurer 荣誉财政: Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮 Assistant Treasurer 助理财政: Kemei SHAO 邵克美 Committee Members


Jiping ZOU 邹纪平

Mark SUN 孙为民

Ben LIM 林民耀

John HONG 洪泉龙

Andy YUAN 袁浩波

Suardi SUMIATI 林温祥 (Co-opted on 19-05-2019)

2019-Present President 会长:

Ting CHEN 陈挺

Honorary Secretary 荣誉秘书: Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮

Senior Vice President 副会长: Yudy KODRATJAYA 许俊豪

Assistant Secretary 助理秘书: Michael LI 李良励

Vice President 副会长:

Honorary Treasurer 荣誉财政: Kemei SHAO 邵克美

Jiping ZOU 邹纪平

Assistant Treasurer 助理财政: Ai Ling LING 林爱琳 Committee Members


Cong MA 马聪

Lifang WU 吴立方

Ben Lim 林民耀

Jeffery CHA 查绍翰

Yang HE 贺洋

Dr. Defeng Huang 黄德丰

(Co-opted on 21-05-2020)

(Co-opted on 21-11-2020)


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陈水玉 Emily TAN

Chung Wah Chinese School


n 1980, the Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) relocated to West Leederville Primary School. It was the same year that CWCS received Commonwealth funding under the Ethnic School Grant Program. In 1984, Anita CHONG OAM was made Principal with the assistance of the deputy, Trinh QUACH. The school had 50 students and three teachers. This first CWCS relocated to Morley Senior High School in 1993, where it still operates. In the third term of 1985, the West Lynwood campus (now known as Parkwood Primary School) of CWCS was started in response to requests from parents. This branch relocated to Rossmoyne Senior High School in 2011. The third campus of the CWCS, the CWCS Leeming, started in 1991. In the 10 years since 2010, CWCS has been continuously developing in terms of teaching quality and

student numbers. CWCS Rossmoyne was originally the CWCS Parkwood. The school name changed in 2011 when the campus transferred to Rossmoyne Senior High School. In 2013, under former Principal ZHAO Xiaomei, the CWCS Rossmoyne established the Western Australian Curriculum Standards Board Certified Chinese College Entrance Examination Class (WACE CFL/ CBL), which was approved by the Department of Education. This allows high school students to participate in Chinese courses external to the mainstream classes. In October 2011, CWCS Leeming was the only Chinese School in Western Australia to receive the honour award “Chinese Education Model School” presented by the Chinese government at the 2nd Global Chinese Education Conference. During the first half of 2015 the CWCS Morley campus saw a drop in enrolments from 350 to 80

42 | Chung Wah Association 110 th Anniversary Commemorative Edition

students, due to management issues. The school gradually picked up with approximately 150 enrolments under a new School Management Committee (SMC), including Principal Ms Emily, teachers and the administration staff. The newest CWCS Perth campus has been in operation since 2019, with a total of 35 students enrolled.

Chung Wah Chinese School

CWCS has experienced and skilled teachers equipped to conduct classes for students with both Chinese and non-Chinese language backgrounds. Learning and celebrating cultural activities involving children at the grassroots levels increases knowledge and perpetuates heritage, language and traditions. Cultural extra-curricular activities (ECA) following classes provide opportunities for students to showcase their talents to large-scale

audiences especially during Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations. Choices of ECA offered include lion dance, martial arts, dancing, table tennis, abacus, diablo, calligraphy, drama, rhymes singing, drawing, painting, sketching and Chinese musical instruments such as the guzheng. In 2010, the School Supervisory Board superseded the Chinese School Council. However, in 2015/2016, the Chung Wah Chinese School Council (CWCSC) was re-established to coordinate the work of all CWCS campuses, and was chaired by Sheila REJEK until 2019. The CWCSC is composed of the principals and SMC of the Chinese School campuses under the Chung Wah Association (CWA), the Chairperson (parent representative) and a member of the Executive Committee of the Chinese Association (EXCO). The chairperson of the CWCSC is a role rotated annually with each school campus taking turns. CWCS Morley was nominated to lead for 2020. The CWCS operates autonomously under the guidance of the Executive

Committee of the CWA, supervises the operation of all school campuses, reviews and provides guidance on major development initiatives of the school. The CWCSC has been working closely with government and nongovernmental organisation such as the Western Australian Multicultural Office and the Australian Institute of Management. In 2019, CWCS passed the first review of the "Community School Improvement Program" (PIP), newly added by the Western Australian Government and is eligible to continue receiving government subsidies. Today, the Association runs four Chinese school campuses with an enrolment to date in excess of 1,200 students, making it the largest community Chinese school in Perth. The campuses provide the facilities and opportunities for students to learn, listen, speak, read and write Chinese (Mandarin), and to gain a greater appreciation of Chinese culture and traditions.

Translation 走向康庄大道的开始 St Stephen’s School’s leading academic Translation


program and unique care structure provide St Stephen’s School(圣斯蒂芬斯学校), a holistic education, shaping well-rounded, Translation Translation 引领先锋的学术项目和独特的关爱制度, 走向康庄大道的开始 创造出全方位教育,让毕业生面面俱全, world-ready graduates. 走向世界。 Students have access to a range of opportunities 走向康庄大道的开始 走向康庄大道的开始 to enrich and further their education within a St Stephen’s School(圣斯蒂芬斯学校), dynamic and welcoming School community. 引领先锋的学术项目和独特的关爱制度, 学生可以在这充满活力和温馨的大家庭

创造出全方位教育,让毕业生面面俱全, St Stephen’s School(圣斯蒂芬斯学校), St Stephen’s School(圣斯蒂芬斯学校), 里,有广泛的选择和机会去丰富和充实自 走向世界。 引领先锋的学术项目和独特的关爱制度, 引领先锋的学术项目和独特的关爱制度, 己的知识。 创造出全方位教育,让毕业生面面俱全, 创造出全方位教育,让毕业生面面俱全, 走向世界。 走向世界。 学生可以在这充满活力和温馨的大家庭 里,有广泛的选择和机会去丰富和充实自 己的知识。 学生可以在这充满活力和温馨的大家庭 学生可以在这充满活力和温馨的大家庭 让您孩子的教育,始于 St Stephen’s School。更多详情,请浏览 里,有广泛的选择和机会去丰富和充实自 里,有广泛的选择和机会去丰富和充实自 己的知识。 己的知识。 Start your child’s path at St Stephen’s School. Visit to find out more. St Stephen’s 让您孩子的教育,始于 School。更多详情,请浏览 CRICOS 注册代码 : 03719C 让您孩子的教育,始于 让您孩子的教育,始于 St Stephen’s St Stephen’s School。更多详情,请浏览 School。更多详情,请浏览


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1980年,中华中文学校迁至West Leederville小学。同年, 中华中文学 校在“少数民族学校补助计划”下获得了 联邦政府的资助。1984年,林少莲女士担 任校长,并由副校长洪淑贞女士辅助。学 校有五十名学生和三名老师。第一所中华 中文学校于1993年搬迁到摩利高中,至今 仍在运营。

并成为西澳唯一获此殊荣的华校。摩利学 校在2015年由于某些管理问题,学生人数 从三百五十人锐减至八十人。然而,新任校 长陈水玉和新的家长委员会通力合作,排 除万难,在老师和行政人员的共同努力下 保持了学校的运行,并且使学生人数逐渐 回升达一百五十人。珀斯校区自去年2019 年开始运营,大约有35名学生入学。

1985年第三学期,中华中文学校的 West Lynwood校园(现称为Parkwood 小学)应家长的要求而启动。该分校于 2011年迁至Rossmoyne高中。中华中文学 校的第三个校园,即中华黎明中文学校,于 1991年开始运营。

中华中文学校的老师们不仅拥有优秀 的教职师资,更拥有一颗热爱孩子和教育 孩子的耐心和用心,给中华中文学校带来 近十年来的荣誉。各学校不断创新为西澳 的华文教育服务,每年还有各种学习和庆 祝文化的活动,让孩子轻松增长知识,且 深一层了解中华文化传承、语言和传统。 课后的文化课外活动为学生提供了向广大 观众展示他们才华的机会,尤其是在农历 新年和中秋节庆祝活动期间。课外活动的 选择,包括舞狮、武术、舞蹈、乒乓球、算 盘、扯铃、书法、戏剧、押韵唱歌、画画、绘 画、素描和中国乐器,如古筝等。

2010年至今的十年间,中华中文学校 在教学质量和学生人数上都在不断发展。 乐思学校于2011年从Parkwood小学转场 到Rossmoyne中学。该校于2013年在赵 小梅校长的带领下创办了西澳课程标准委 员会认证的中文高考班,让高中学生可以 在校外参加教育部认可的中文课程。中华 黎明中文学校在2011年十月,由中国主办 的第二届世界华文教育大会上,公布的第 二批当选海外“华文教育示范学校“的46 所学校名单,中华黎明中文学校名列其中,

2010年,学校监管委员会取代了中文学 校理事会。然而在2015/2016,中华中文学 校理事会重新管理所有中华中文学校,由苏 翠妹女士为主席直至2019年。学校理事会

44 | Chung Wah Association 110 th Anniversary Commemorative Edition

由中华会馆属下中文学校各校校长及家长 委员会主席(家长代表)及一名中华会馆执 行委员会委员组成。理事会年度轮值主席 由各校轮流担任。2020年轮值主席由摩 利学校担任。学校理事会在中华会馆执行 委员会的指引下独立运行,监督所有中华中 文学校的运作,并对学校的重大发展举措 进行审议,提供指导。 中华中文学校理事会一直以来与西澳 多元文化办公室、澳大利亚管理学院等政 府及非政府机构密切合作。在2019年学 校已经通过西澳政府新增的“社区学校改 善计划”的第一步审核,获得继续取得政 府补贴的资格。 如今, 中华会馆旗下有四所中文学校, 目前报名学生逾1200人,称得上为珀斯 最大的社区中文学校。这四所中文学校为 学生提供学习、听、说、读、写汉语(普通 话)的设施和机会,并使他们对更懂得欣 赏中国的文化与传统。

Congratulatory 贺词

Congratulatory Message from James CHONG


am pleased and honored to extend my warmest congratulations to the IChung Wah Association (CWA) on the

In 1977 I first joined the Association, and together with my family have participated in many of the projects and achievements of the CWA. This includes the establishment of the Saturday Chinese School (four campuses), CWA Community & Aged Care and the completion of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta.

我于1977年首次加入中华会馆,并 与家人一起参加了中华会馆的多项项 目和见证了中华会馆取得的成就,包括 周末中文学校(四个校区)、中华社区 及长者服务的成立,以及Balcatta中 华文化中心工程顺利完工。

Many hundreds of members have volunteered their talents and services to all levels of the CWA’s organisation. We should all feel proud that these efforts and achievements have cemented the CWA’s place in the wider community.

数百名会员无私奉献个别的才能 投入中华会馆各个层面的服务。我们 都应该感到骄傲可以为中华会馆出一 分力,巩固其在广大社区的地位。

occasion of its 110th anniversary.

Throughout its history, the CWA has supported the trials, tribulations and triumphs of Western Australia's Chinese community. Together let us celebrate our 110th anniversary achievements. Best wishes for the future

中华会馆成立一百一十周年之 际,我感到非常欣慰和荣幸在 此献上我的温馨祝贺。

回顾过去历史,中华会馆支持着西 澳华人社区走过种种的考验、磨难和 胜利。大家一起来庆祝我们成立110周 年的光辉成就吧! 祝愿更美好的未来。



Trustee Past President Life Member Member of Council of Elders

Congratulatory Message from

Dr CHAN Ching-Howe

曾精豪前辈致贺词 To the Chung Wah Association on it’s 110 Anniversary (1910- 2020)

t is with great pleasure and honour, to be asked to write this congratulatory Imessage to the Chung Wah Association and its many members.

I was very fortunate to have been the past-Editor of the Centenary Celebration Souvenir Publication (1910- 2010) for the Chung Wah Association. A decade has passed and Western Australia and the world have changed so much, most importantly in the ways we view new aspects of social reform. Changes that will make us better people, more tolerant, more caring, wiser and a more compassionate society. It is important for the Chung Wah Association and its members to be proud of their past and remember with immense pride the important contributions given by past members. From this we can learn and plan for a better future for our children. A future that will embrace the differences of individuals not based on colour or creed, but on their contribution as a whole to make our society and Australia the best country it can be. I congratulate the Chung Wah Association, its leaders, Council of Elders and members, past and present, for their considerable contribution towards this goal. With much joy, my family and I, congratulate the Chung Wah Association and its many members on the occasion of your 110 th Anniversary.

信托人 前会长 终身会员 元老会成员

感到无比荣幸受邀给中华会馆 及其会员,送上我真诚的祝贺。

我有幸曾担任中华会馆100周年 (1910-2010)纪念刊的主编。 十年过去了,西澳和全世界经历了 巨大变化,关键的是我们开拓了社会 变革的新视野。改变使我们变得更美 好、更包容、更关爱、更有智慧,打造 一个更加慈悲的社会。

重要的是中华会馆及其会员,对 我们的过去感到骄傲,还有铭记前辈 们所作出的伟大贡献。从中学习和给 我们的下一代创造更美好的未来。 一个重视包容的时代,是看重人的贡 献,且不分肤色或信仰,才能让我们的 社会和澳洲成为心目中理想的地方。 我衷心祝贺中华会馆及其领导、 元老和现在未来的会员们,感恩他们 在达到这个目标所做出的贡献。 我和家人在这110周年的日子里, 再次欢喜地恭喜中华会馆及其众多会 员们。


Dr CHAN Ching-Howe


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Chung Wah Cultural Activities Jen Nie CHONG, Chairperson Cultural Development and Activities Subcommittee


he Chung Wah Cultural groups play a pivotal role in the Chung Wah Association (CWA). They are dedicated CWA members who practise at least weekly and are the public face groups of the association, introducing Chinese culture and traditions to the West Australian community. The cultural activity groups in the Association consist of the Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe, Chinese Cultural Dance Group, Chinese Orchestra, Beijing Opera Group, Cantonese Opera Group, Line Dance Group, New Vogue Group and the Chung Wah Choir. In recent years, the Table Tennis group and Dragon Boat Team joined our Cultural Groups. In 2012, Jen Nie CHONG was appointed Cultural coordinator for the Association. She has organised all the cultural performances and evening multicultural show for the Perth Chinese New Year Fair since its inception. With the closure of Kulcha Multicultural Arts in Fremantle in 2014 and the last annual Oz Concert at Government House Gardens, the Perth Chinese New Year Fair multicultural concert provides the opportunity for multicultural artists to showcase their talents. In 2017, the Cultural group collaborated with the Office of Multicultural Interests to organise performances for Chinese New Year festivities at Elizabeth Quay. There are also many City and local Councils and companies which requested CWA to organise their Chinese new year festivities. This could involve the Dragon and Lion dance troupe, cultural dance group and the Chinese orchestra, as well as Chinese singers, Chinese band, calligraphy, paper cutting and martial arts performances. The Cultural group have also organised lantern and craft making, Chinese face painting and ladies wearing traditional qi pao dresses handing out oranges and fortune cookies. The inaugural Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival was held from the 12 to 18 May 2019 at Burswood Park. Jen Nie was the programming director for the festival. Our lion dance troupe held performances every day of the week-long festival with our Chinese Dance and Orchestra performing at the opening and closing ceremonies. At the ceremony for the Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe joining Kuan Seng Keng at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre (CWCC) in Balcatta, the Chung Wah Cultural groups collaborated to produce a special piece. The Chung Wah Dragon dancers and Chinese cultural dance group performed to music played by the Chung Wah Chinese orchestra. Although a quiet year in terms of performances due to the pandemic, the groups, after a short break, returned to practising hard and finding new ways of connecting with each other and audiences. I would like to thank all the Chung Wah Cultural group leaders and members for all their hard work over the past decade. Many hours are spent in rehearsal sessions and performances to promote Chinese culture

in Western Australia. Our Cultural Groups continue to uphold the CWA mission to service and uphold the interests and welfare of the Chinese community in Western Australia by promoting Chinese culture.

Dragon and Lion Dance Ben LIM

Lion dance is a cultural team sport. Just like other sports, it requires skill and technique. The Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance troupe is a well-established team and is well known across Australia.

Lion Alliance group, as the Australian headquarters. The Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe participated in the first virtual friendly Southern Lion music competition. The team was recognised by the Malaysian Dragon and Lion Dance Federation. Fifty-six international countries participated in the international Asiania virtual drumming competition. The Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe were ranked eight among the international teams. The team’s main goal is to build and spread the lion dance culture. Our leadership team includes parents of the team members. Team members age from 5 to over 40 years old and the leadership team includes parents of the team members. As an ethnic group we are proud to present Western Australia whenever we get the opportunity to compete.

Chinese Cultural Dance Over the past 10 years, the team has been through many changes in personnel. It reached the stage where the team was disbanded for two years. In 2015, DING Shao Ping was elected as the new CWA President, he began his duties by restoring the team. From there, past and new members slowly revived the team. Today, the team has achieved what many people think is an impossible task. The team took the risk and worked very hard to achieve their goals. Like the old saying “if you believe you can, you can”.


Formed in 1980 as an extra-curricular activity at the Chung Wah Chinese School in West Leederville, the Chinese Cultural Dance group 'Chung Wah Dance' continues under the leadership of Jen Nie CHONG, supported by all the dancers. Dances learnt range from the classical “Han” and minority dances to contemporary Chinese dances.

2010 – 2015, a young enthusiastic team continued to lead by example, performing with enthusiasm, power and vitality in every show. 2015 – 2017, past members came back to assist and rejuvenate the team. New baby lions were introduced and well received by the public. New member numbers slowly increased. 2017 – 2020, 19 countries participated in the 2019 Thailand traditional competition. The Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe was ranked 6th place in the top 10 international teams. The Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe were proud to join Kuan Seng Keng (KSK) International Dragon and

46 | Chung Wah Association 110 th Anniversary Commemorative Edition

In the past 10 years, the dance teachers were Cherry TSENG and Wenny LIU who have since returned to Taiwan. They brought a wealth of teaching techniques to the classes and choreographed an excellent repertoire of dances. The current Chinese dance teacher is Dr. Min ZHU of the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, Edith Cowan University.

Chung Wah Cultural Group

There are about 10 dancers who train every Saturday afternoon at the Chung Wah Hall. Previous classes were held once a month at the King Street Arts Centre, but since the purchase of two new and two, second-hand dance mirrors, this has not been necessary.

Chung Wah dancers perform at various community, corporate and private events around metropolitan and regional Western Australia. The busiest times of the year for the Chung Wah dance group are Chinese New Year and also Harmony Day. Dancers perform at the annual Perth Chinese New Year Fair and the inaugural Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival. The group also performs annually for Dance Live organised by Ausdance WA, Buddha's Birthday and the Swan Festival of Lights. In 2014 and again in 2016, the dance group was invited by the Pilbara Multicultural Association to perform for the Chinese New Year festivities in Karratha. Chung Wah also organised a martial arts group and our Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe to perform for the celebrations. Another notable performance in 2018 was at Coogee Live, organised by the City of Cockburn. The Chung Wah dance group was invited to collaborate with Tim KELLY and his Aboriginal dancers on a Harmony Dance, performed to live didgeridoo music. During the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown period of April to May 2020, the dancers still attended online Chinese dance classes using 'Zoom'. Chung Wah Dance welcomes everyone to join our dance group. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what dance background you have, all you need is a willingness to learn and try new experiences!

Chinese Orchestra Teresa TAN

Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra was founded and has been led by Zhi CHEN since 2003. In 2018, Teresa TAN became the director of the orchestra. In the past 10 years, Chung Wah Orchestra has developed into a community Chinese orchestra with around 20 members. There is regular full-orchestra practice from 11am to 1pm on Sundays and instrument lessons afterwards in erhu, dizi, yangqin, liuqin, pipa, zhongruan and guzheng. Workshops for pipa, dizi and yangqin were organised for current members so that they can learn more techniques from local professional players. There was a stage make-up workshop as well. In April 2019, Teresa went to Hong Kong to

attend the International Master Classes of Chinese Music Conducting organised by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. Every year the orchestra is invited to 10-20 community and commercial performances for Chinese New Year, MidAutumn Festival and Harmony week. The collaborations with Chung Wah Dance Group, WA Chung Wah Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe, professional sopranos and pop singers were also new experiences for the members. With the funds obtained from performances, the orchestra has purchased costumes, sound systems and percussion instruments. Annual concerts in 2018 and 2019 were successfully held at Chung Wah Hall in Northbridge, to showcase the talent and hard work of players. These concerts, which were open to the public, consisted of full orchestra, small group and solo performances. Special guest performers were invited to perform each year. The response from the audience was great. There were also internal solo concerts which gave all members a chance to perform their favourite pieces under no pressure.

Opera Groups Our other cultural groups are the Cantonese Opera and Beijing Opera groups. Annie WONG organises the Cantonese Opera group, who practise every Wednesday at Chung Wah Hall. This year, the Cantonese Opera Group performed at the Perth Chinese New Year Fair. The Beijing Opera group continues to practise every Sunday at Chung Wah Hall with Baohe LIU as the leader.

Social Dance Chung Wah has two social dance groups who meet every weekend at the CWCC in Balcatta.

An advertisement in the Chung Wah Magazine for beginner instrument classes received exceptional results. However, due to COVID-19 pandemic, all orchestra activities ceased for three months from March to May 2020. In September 2020, the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra, as the main organiser, successfully held the Inaugrual Western Australian Chinese Guzheng Day with 68 players performing together. Coorganisers were Confucius Institute of UWA, Methodist Ladies’ College, Huaxing Art Group, Zing Music Studio and WA Guzheng Ensemble. This was a significant event for the orchestra since it was the first Such event organised in Australia and also it was the orchestra’s first collaboration with other professional institutions and organisations in Western Australia.

Choir The Chung Wah Choir currently has 35 members practising at the Salvation Army every week. The current leader, Trinh QUACH and other singing lovers founded the Chung Wah choir around 30 years ago. Music has no boundaries. No matter what language, genre, rhythm, it can always find a way to everyone’s heart. Last year, the choir participated in various community performances in order to provide a healthy and happy place for our choir members.

The Chung Wah New Vogue activity has been running for more than 10 years. Most of the participants are seniors from different cultural backgrounds who enjoy dancing together. Leonard KHO with volunteers Dong, Jessica and Evelyn CHIEW run this activity. The funds raised from the New Vogue Dance Group have been contributed to Chung Wah for the maintenance of the CWCC.

Starting in 2004, Line Dancing has been a popular dance activity, enjoyed not only by our members but also the general community who are warmly welcomed to join. This activity is not only about dancing but a form of exercise and a chance to meet and make friends. Doreen CHIN organises the Line Dance group. For the past four and a half years, Chung Wah Line Dancing was very fortunate to have Lay Choo WONG, as a dance teacher. Together, we raised funds for the 2019 Bushfire Appeal in March 2020. As well, the activity was able to contribute towards new stage curtains and an audio system for the CWCC, the Chung Wah Lion Dance uniforms and participation in Thailand lion dance competition and supporting 中华会馆110周年纪念特刊

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中华文化团体 the Chung Wah Dragon Boating activities. Both the social dance groups often organise dinners and dances for all CWA members and non-members to enjoy.

Table Tennis The Chung Wah Table Tennis Group was formed in June 2019 with the objective of enriching Chung Wah members' leisure time and promoting a healthy lifestyle. There are two activity sessions every week for members and table tennis enthusiasts. Professional players are also invited to provide training and coaching. This activity has attracted many new members.

At the end of September 2019, the Chung Wah Table Tennis Group hosted a China National Day Table Tennis Friendly Match. A total of 16 clubs signed up to participate in the match. In January 2020, saddened by the loss of lives and properties in the disastrous bushfire in the Eastern States of Australia, the Chung Wah Table Tennis Group held a Western Australia International Table Tennis Tournament and an Australian Bushfire Relief Fundraiser. The amount of funds raised at the event was $2,505, which was donated to the Australian Red Cross Bushfire Appeal via the CWA.

Dragon Boating The Chung Wah Dragon Boating Team was re-established in 2016 in preparation for the Chinese Dragon Boating Festival celebration, hosted by the Chung Wah Association. The turning point for the Chung Wah Dragon Boating Team was in 2019, when many new members joined the team. Soon after, the team completed the helmsman training.

中华文化组 张娟妮 文化发展及活动组主席

华会馆的文化组在中华会馆 扮演着举足轻重的角色。文 化组充满热枕的成员,每周坚持排 练,代表着中华会馆面向大众,推 广中国文化和传统给广大的西澳 社区。中华会馆的文化组,包括龙 狮团、中国传统舞蹈、华乐团、京 剧、粤曲、排舞、新时尚交际舞、合 唱团。近年来,还有乒乓队和龙舟 队的加入。 2012年,张娟妮被委任负责文化组的统 筹工作。自中华新年文化节开启以来,每年的 新年文化节都由她组织所有文化演出和晚 间的多元文化秀。随着2014年Fremantle的 Kulcha多元文化艺术协会和在Oz多元文化演 唱会停办以来,中华新年文化节的晚间文化演 出成为了多元文化艺术家施展艺术天赋的绝 佳平台。 2017年,文化组联同多元文化部共同在 Elizabeth Quay 举办华人新年节庆活动。此 外,还有不少地方政府和机构纷纷要求中华 会馆协助举办华人新年活动,其中包括邀请 龙狮团、传统舞蹈团、华乐团参与,还有中文 歌手、乐队演出、书法、剪纸和武术也在内。文 化组也曾组织过灯笼和手工制作、中国绘脸艺 术、模特穿着旗袍派送橘子和幸运饼。 首届珀斯中华文化节于2019年五月十二至 十八日在Burswood公园举行。张娟妮是该节 庆活动的节目主任。龙狮团在这七天的活动中 每日演出,伴随着还有在开幕和闭幕日同场演 出的中国传统舞蹈团和华乐团。

在中华会馆巴卡达文化中心举办的龙狮团 加盟关圣宫同盟总会的签署仪式中, 中华文化 组还联袂演出:龙狮团、中国舞蹈团和华乐团 合演一曲。由于疫情的关系,今年的演出显得 格外鲜少。经过了短期的休息,中华的各个文 化团陆续恢复排练,尝试用全新的面貌再次与 观众见面。 我想借此感谢所有文化团的团长和成员 们在过去十年的辛勤付出。感谢您们为了给西 澳展现中国文化,花了特别多的时间彩排和演 出。我们的文化组将继续秉持中华会馆的宗 旨,坚持西澳华人社区的权益弘扬中国文化。

中华龙狮团 林民耀

Under the leadership of Captain SHEN Feng and Coach LIN Shengjia, the team undergoes intensive training, three times a week. In July 2019, the Chung Wah Dragon Boating Team officially joined Dragon Boating Western Australia (DBWA) and the Maylands Sports Centre (the training base of the Chung Wah Dragon Boating Team). The Chung Wah Dragon Boating Team has made remarkable achievements, participating in 28 matches, winning 22 first places and six second places. It won the 2019-20 DBWA Grand Prix Regatta Championship.

众欢迎。新成员人数也逐渐上升。 2017-2020,来自十九个国家的龙狮团参 加了2019年的泰国龙狮传统竞赛。中华龙狮 团获得了国际十大龙狮团的第六位。 中华龙狮团感到荣幸加入关圣宫国际龙狮 团同盟澳大利亚分会。 中华龙狮团参与了首个虚拟网络上的南狮 奏乐比赛,我们的团队获得马来西亚龙狮团总 会的认可。 全球五十六个国家参加了国际亚洲和太平 洋区的虚拟网络击鼓比赛,中华龙狮团在这国 际排名中获得了第八位。 中华龙狮团的宗旨就是要建立和弘扬舞狮 文化。我们的团队领队们,有的是其他成员的父 母。队员们的年龄介于五岁至四十岁之间。我们 是一组讲究道德纪律的团队,并且为可以争取 每个代表西澳参加比赛而感到骄傲。

中华传统舞蹈团 张娟妮 中华传统舞蹈团,最早始于1980年中华中 文学校West Leederville的其中一项课外活 动,继而在张娟妮的领导和团员们的支持,继 续发展下去。舞蹈的种类概括古典汉代舞蹈、 少数民族舞,以及现代中国舞都有。 舞狮是一种文化上的团队体育项目。正如 其他体育项目,讲求一定的技能。中华龙狮团 享誉全澳大利亚。在过去的十年,龙狮团的人 事变动相当大,甚至有两年时间完全休止。直 到2015年,丁少平当选中华会馆会长后,履行 他的任务重组龙狮团。继而,新旧成员陆续归 队。发展到今天,取得了许多人不敢相信的成 就。龙狮团不畏风险,严加训练征服每个挑 战,就像俗语说的“只要你相信可以做到,就 一定能做到”。 2010-2015,一组年轻、充满热忱的年 轻团队做好榜样,活力十足地表演好每个演 出。 2015-2017,前任成员们也纷纷归队协助 组织团队,新一代小舞狮队继而诞生,极受公

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在过去的十年,舞蹈老师Cherry曾老师和 Wendy刘老师是舞蹈团的导师,直到她们返 回台湾。她们给舞蹈团带来了宝贵的舞技指导 和编出的美妙舞蹈。现任的舞蹈团导师是ECU 大学西澳表演艺术学院的朱敏博士。每周六下 午大约有十名舞蹈员在中华会馆大楼进行排 练。在会馆购买了两片全新和另两片二手练舞 镜块之前,过去的舞蹈排练每月一次在King Street的艺术中心。 中华舞蹈员在西澳大都市范围内和偏远 地区的社区、商业或私人活动都有各种演出, 尤其是在华人新年和和谐日期间,特别忙碌。 舞蹈员在珀斯中华新年文化节和首届的珀斯 中华文化节皆有演出。我们的舞蹈团在西澳 AusDance组织的州际舞蹈节、浴佛节庆典和 The Swan 光明节都有演出。在2014年以及

Chung Wah Cultural Group

2016年,Pilbara多元文化协会 邀请中华舞蹈团到Karratha的 各大大小小的华人新年庆祝会演 出。中华会馆也安排了武术团和 龙狮团一同前往。另一个值得一 提的演出是Cockburn地方政府 举办的2018年Coogee Live。中 华舞蹈团受邀与Tim Kelly 和他 的的土著舞蹈员联手跳了一支象 征和谐的舞蹈,配有土著传统乐器的现场音乐。 在新冠病毒疫情2020年的四月至五月这段隔离期间,舞蹈员们依 然通过网络Zoom的应用程序来上舞蹈网课。 中华舞蹈团欢迎任何人加入我们的舞蹈组,无论你什么年龄或任何 舞蹈背景,你只须要愿意学习和尝试新体验。

中华华乐团 王慧兰 中华华乐团由陈志先生于2003年创立及领导,直至2018年,王慧 兰女士接任担任乐团总监。在过去十年中,中华华乐团已发展成为一个 拥有大约二十名成员的小型管弦中乐队。每个周日上午十一点至下午一 点是定期的乐队排练时间,下午一点后是乐器课,乐器课包括二胡、笛 子、扬琴、柳琴、琵琶、中阮和古筝。举办琵琶、笛子和扬琴工作坊,让成 员可以从本地专业音乐家的指导下学习更多技巧。此外还有一个学习舞 台化妆的工作坊。 2018年十一月建立了一个华乐团的面子书社交平台,大约有两百位 关注者。2019年四月王慧兰总监远赴香港参加了由香港中乐团举办的香 港国际中乐指挥大师班。 乐团每年应邀参加十多场农历新年、中秋节、和谐周的社区和商业 演出。与中华舞蹈团、中华龙狮团、专业女高音歌唱家和流行歌手的合 作对团员来说也是新的体验。乐队从演出的酬费中获得了资金购买团 服、音响器材和打击乐器。2018年和2019年的周年音乐会在中华会馆 大楼中成功举行,展示了团员的才华和努力。这个音乐会向公众开放,包 括大合奏、小组和独奏表演,每年也会邀请特别嘉宾参与演出,观众的 反应都很好。此外,还有乐团内部独奏音乐会,让所成员可以在没有压 力的情况下表演自己喜爱的作品。

同文化背景,喜欢跳舞的长者。许历仔及几位志愿者Dong,Jessica和 Evelyn周秀枝组织这个活动,这时尚交际舞团员的收费也用作建设中华 文化中心的保修工作。 自2014年起,排舞非常流行,不仅限于中华会馆会员,广大的社区 人士也欢迎参加。这活动不仅是一种运动,也是让大家认识新朋友的 地方。陈清灵组织了排舞团。在过去的四年半时间里,非常幸运有Lay Choo WONG 导师的加入。2019年山火灾难筹款活动,在2020年的三 月份排舞团一起筹款。排舞团的收入也捐献了用作更新巴卡达文化中心 舞台幕帘和音响系统,还包括中华舞狮团的制服和参与泰国舞狮比赛 的经费和赞助部分龙舟队的活动。两支舞蹈团队经常给中华会员和非会 员组织跳舞晚会,让大家享受美好的时光。

中华乒乓球队 中华乒乓球队在2019年六月份开始创立,旨在丰富会员的休闲时间 和提倡健康生活。每周有两天公开给乒乓球爱好者。专业乒乓球手也受 邀提供指导和培训。这活动吸引了不少新会员。2019年九月份,中华乒 乓球队举办了中国国庆乒乓球友谊赛,共有十六个乒乓球队参与。 2020年一月份,听闻成千上万的生命和产业在灾难性的山火中被烧 毁,中华乒乓球队举办了乒乓球赛和筹款活动,总共筹得$2505。通过 中华会馆,这笔钱捐献到红十字会的山火救济金。

中华龙舟队 为了中华会馆举办的中国端午节庆祝活动,中华龙舟队在2016年重 组。2019年是龙舟队关键的转折点,迎来了许多新成员的加入。继而, 整个队伍完成了重要的培训。 在队长沈峰 和教练林圣嘉的 领导下,团队每周进行三次的重量 级培训。在2019年七月份,中华龙 舟队正式加入西澳龙舟协会以及 Maylands 体育中心(中华龙舟队 培训基地)。中华龙舟队取得令人 叹为观止的成绩,在二十八场的比 赛中取得第一位,另外两场比赛皆 获第二位,在2019-20西澳龙舟协 会西澳联赛中脱颖而出。

我们在《中华之声》杂志上宣传乐器课的广告,反应热烈。但是由于 新冠病毒疫情,乐团的所有活动在2020年三月至五月期间停止了三个 月。在九月份,华乐团成功主办了首届西澳中国古筝日,共有六十八名演 奏者一起演出。此活动协办单位有西澳大学孔子学院、卫理公会女子 学院(MLC)、华星艺术团、孜音坊工作室和西澳筝艺团。西澳中国古筝日 对乐团而言意义重大,因为它是在澳大利亚首次举办的中国古筝日,也 是乐团与西澳其他专业机构和组织的首次合作。

中华合唱团 中华华乐团目前有三十五名成 员,每周在救世军活动室排练。合 唱团团长洪淑贞和其他热爱歌唱 的成员三十年前设立了中华合唱 团。音乐无边界,无论什么语言、 类型、节奏,总可以触动人心。去 年,合唱团参与了各个社区演出, 让合唱团成员们找到健康和欢乐 的泉源。

京剧和粤曲剧组 我们其他的文化组还有粤曲组和京剧组。Annie黄淑君女士负责粤 曲组,每周三在中华会馆排练,珀斯中华新年文化节活动中演出。京剧 组的排练则是每周日上午在中华会馆大楼,由刘宝河先生负责。

中华社交舞组 中华会馆有两组社交舞,每周末聚在巴卡达中华文化中心一起跳舞。 中华时尚交际舞已经进行了超过十年。大部分参与者都是来自不 中华会馆110周年纪念特刊

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Chung Wah Women’s Subcommittee


邹纪平 ZOU Jiping

he Ladies Subcommittee was started in 1979 by the late Edie Hoy Poy OAM. The subcommittee organised cooking demonstrations, food fairs, karaoke functions, festival celebrations such as Chinese New Year and August Moon dinner dances and visited Chinese in aged care homes.

New Platform for Women In 2015 when the new Executive Committee led by President DING Shao Ping was elected, ZOU Jiping undertook to form a new Women’s Subcommittee. With the help of a group of enthusiastic women, it was activated in November 2015. The subcommittee caters for a predominantly Chinese-speaking demographic; as some women have limited English language skill. These women settled in Perth because of family and were isolated due to the language barrier. The new objectives are to provide a platform for women to participate and contribute in the local Chinese community, to integrate into Australian society, to expand their personal sphere and to live healthier and happier lives. To attract these women, weekly activities commenced in 2016. Women come to Chung Wah Hall on Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings for cultural dance and Tai Chi. It is

an opportunity for the women to hone their interests and talents, share life experiences and make friends. Gradually we have increased our participation in many of the Chung Wah functions and activities, and extended our engagement with other Chinese community groups and mainstream community. The Chung Wah Women’s Subcommittee performed cultural dances and shows for International Women’s Day, local community groups and Lifestyle Nursing Home in Bayswater. Our major performances have been the annual Chinese New Year Fair

in Northbridge, Bunbury, and the Guangdong Association. Chung Wah Dragon Boat Festival and Cultural Week were other highlights. We have organised Chinese cultural and health seminars on topics such as I Ching, Tai Chi, Feng Shui, Qigong and Heart Care etc, and invited people from the community to participate. Interpreting was provided for non-Chinese speaking guests in the seminars. The Chung Wah Women’s Subcommittee will continue to actively participate in other community events and functions, encouraging more Chinese women to join the Chung Wah.

中华妇女部 妇女组于1979年由已故的阮丽茹女士开 创。妇女组通常组织烹饪演示,出售小吃,卡 拉OK, 节日庆典,并拜访老人院。 1979-86

Edie HOY POY 阮丽茹OAM创建


Li Lin OOI


Cecilia LOY




Yoke Cheng Yee


Jenny SIM


Suzanna WEE


Grace CHOW 周仪态

1997-2002 Shirley TEH 郑秀丽 2003-2005

Linda TANG 邓袁锦玲

2015年以丁少平为首的理事会上任之 初,曾在中华理事会任职十年的邹纪平女士 就承担了重组中华妇女的工作。在一群热心 的华人妇女支持下,中华妇女部于2015年11 月重组问世。 妇女部成立的目的是为华人妇女积极参

与华社活动并做贡献,融入澳洲社会,脱离 个人和家庭的小圈子,生活得更健康快乐。 有不少华人妇女不懂英文,她们因家庭团聚 来到珀斯,但是由于语言障碍,自然会感到 寂寞孤独。 妇女部重组以来,一直在发展壮大。以 往的妇女组一般一年只有在节日才有活动。 重组的妇女部开创了每周两次活动,每周四 下午和每周六上午到中午。我们创建了一个 中华女子健美平台,组织妇女们跳舞和练太 极。让大家在活动中展示才能、分享经验、 结识朋友。这些年来我们逐渐增加了在中华 会馆、华人社区乃至主流社会的参与度和横 向联系。 从2016年至2020年这五年来,中华妇 女部积极参与了下列的社区文化活动: Bunbury中国新年庆祝活动:我们连续两 年为Bunbury社区人们表演了中国舞蹈,介绍 中华文化,与他们一起欢庆春节; 中华新年文化节:我们每年组织华人社区 其他社团积极参与到开幕式的民族文化歌舞 游行,以及在中华巷和文化中心的文化表演; 我们在北桥Piazza街心舞台为游人表演中华 舞蹈和太极,并在现场与观赏者互动;我们参

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加了文化节晚上的多元文化歌舞表演。 Lifestyle Bayswater老人院:我们这几年为 老人院组织了文化节目表演,深获欢迎和好评; 广东同乡会:我们连续两年参与了该会的 新年庆祝活动并为广东乡亲们表演几个舞蹈; 三八国际妇女节:我们几年来联合西澳妇 女联合会、福建同乡会妇女委员组和其他几个 华人妇女艺术团队组织晚宴庆典,吸引了上两 百多人参与; 中华龙舟赛:我们连年参与了这个赛事的 组织,召集妇女部以及其他社团为赛事表演, 加强文化氛围。 在去年州政府牵头并赞助的珀斯中华文化 周,我们积极参与并表演了三个舞蹈。 Riverton 社区日:我们与中华舞蹈团一起 为该社区人民表演舞蹈; 我们还组织了各种主题的讲座,介绍易经、太 极、风水、气功和心脏健康专题,邀请社区人民 来参加讲座,还为参与的澳洲人提供同步翻译。 中华妇女部将再接再厉,继续积极参与 社区文化活动,并吸引了越来越多的华人妇 女加入中华会馆。

Chung Wah Autumn Centre Inc.


陈清灵 Doreen CHIN


with limited funds for a project with limited number of rooms.

charitable organisation.

As there was a lot of residential development around and right behind the current entrance to the Balcatta Cultural Centre, the short stay accommodation facility could be considered without a structure plan. Four years of hard work, with the help and advice of Buildcor Projects and ourTechnical Adviser, Florence ONG (Architect), Development Approval was received in 24 April 2019 and Building Permit on 23 January 2020.

n 1983, to fulfil its objectives to look after the welfare of the elderly and disadvantaged members of the association, Chung Wah Association Inc. set up Chung Wah Autumn Centre Inc. as a separate legal entity to manage and run the Autumn Centre project as a Chung Wah Autumn Centre has its own Constitution, updated as per the Association Incorporation Act of 2015. Elected and nominated members, including Chung Wah Executives Committee and Council of Elders representatives, comprise the Board of management. Over the years, attempts were made to complete the Autumn Centre project. For a number of years, the project remained dormant until 2013, when a new Board of Management was formed to reactivate the project. However, it was found that Chung Wah's property in Balcatta was part of the East Roslea Development (Structure Plan) Area and re-zoned "Development" since 2010. This meant that without a structure plan, the Autumn Centre could not proceed with its project. In 2016, the newly elected Board of Management Chairperson, Doreen CHIN and Chung Wah President at that time, DING Shao Ping, approached the City of Stirling with a concept plan to build Autumn Centre as a Short Term Respite Care accommodation instead of aged care accommodation. Since building aged care accommodation had more stringent conditions, cost more to build and a longer time required for approval, a Short Term Respite Care would be the best plan forward

Finally, after more than 30 years since the Autumn Centre project started, The Chung Wah Autumn Centre Short Stay Respite Care accommodation became a reality. The hardest task now is raising funds. A Fundraising Subcommittee chaired by DING Shao Ping is working really hard to raise A$2.7M for the construction of the sixteenroom Short Stay Respite Care accomodation. I would like to acknowledge and thank the Chung Wah Autumn Centre Board of Management, Chung Wah Association Past President DING Shao Ping, current President CHEN Ting and his Executive Committee for their support; Raymond TAN of Tan and Tan Lawyers for his kindness and generosity in helping to prepare the land lease agreement between Chung Wah Autumn Centre Inc. (Lessee) and Chung Wah Association Inc. (Landlord) and CHAN Seng Fai of Chan Galic in the preparation and updating of the Constitution. Doreen CHIN Chairperson, Chung Wah Autumn Centre Inc.


983年,为了实现其目标之一,照 顾中华会馆中的老年人和弱势群体, 中 华会馆成立了中华秋园,以独立法人的身份 管理、运营秋园,将其发展为一个慈善机构。 中华秋园有自己的章程,并根据《社团 成立法(2015)》不断更新;秋园设有一个 经选举产生的管理委员会,由其部分的成员 是由中华会馆和元老会提名的代表。 多年来,为了建成秋园这个项目,我们进 行了多种尝试。但一直以来,秋园项目始终 被搁浅。直到2013年,新的管理委员会成 立,该项目才得以重新启动。然而,我们发现 中华会 馆在巴卡达的土 地 位于东罗斯莱 开发(土地结构规划)区内,该区域自2010 年起重新划入了“开发”地段。这意味着,如果 没有土地结构规划,秋园项目将无法继续。 2016年,新当选的管理委员会主席陈清 灵和时任中华会馆会长的丁少平与斯特灵市 政厅沟通,提出了一个规划构想,将秋园发 展为一个短期临时看护所而不是养老院。由 于建造养老院的条件更为严格,建造成本更 高, 审批时间也更长,而且我们资金有限,只 能修建数量有限的房间。因此,拟建一个短 期临时看护所的计划实属上策。 由于巴卡达文化中心现有入口的周围和 后面都开发了大量住宅项目,所以我们无需结 构规划也能修建短期住宿设施。在Buildcor Projects和我们的技术顾问Florence ONG女 士(建筑师)的帮助和建议下,经过四年的辛勤 努力,2019年4月24日,我们终于拿到了开发 许可,并在2020年1月23日获得了施工执照。 自秋园项目启动以来,已经过去了30多 年。如今中华秋园短期临时看护所终于成为了 现实。当下最艰难的任务是筹措资金。我们已 经成立了一个筹款小组委员会,丁少平是该委 员会主席正在为秋园这个拥有16个房间的短 期看护所募集所需的270万澳元努力奔波。 我衷心地感谢中华秋园管理委员会、 中华 会馆前任会长丁少平、现任会长陈挺以及其 理事会给予我们的支持;感谢陈和陈律师事 务所Raymond TAN的善良和慷慨,帮助我 们准备了中华秋园(承租人)和中华会馆(房 东)之间的土地租赁协议,以及Chan Galic 律师事务所的陈鑫发帮助我们制定并更新了 秋园的章程。 陈清灵 中华秋园管委会主席


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Perth Chinese New Year Fair (2012 -2020) 叶俐廷 Elvie YAP


hinese New Year is the most important traditional festival on the Chinese calendar. It is not only the start of the lunar new year, but also represents the hope and good wishes for the coming year and a time for family reunions in sharing happiness. As the established Chinese Association with the most extended history in Western Australia, the Chung Wah Association since 2012 has been organising a sizeable annual Perth Chinese New Year Fair, not just for the Chinese community, but for all fellow local communities in Perth. The first Perth Chinese New Year Fair took place on Sunday 29 January 2012 on James Street and the Northbridge Piazza in Northbridge. The ninehours-long event was filled with street activities, performances, demonstrations, and competitions through this period, including lion dance, dragon dance and firecrackers. An official opening took place at the Northbridge Piazza at 6pm followed

by a multicultural concert. The event was a culmination of the joint effort and hard work of more than 30 Chinese organisations led by Chung Wah. It was initially an initiative to mark the official opening of the Year of Chinese Culture in Western Australia. Government funding, donations from organisations and individuals, were sought to raise the amount of $100,000 required to ensure the necessary expenses of the event.

Government awarded a $50,000 grant to the Chung Wah Association to expend Chinese New Year celebrations into Chinatown's laneways in 2014. This year was the first time Chinatown played a significant role in these celebrations. Multicultural performances were live on stage in the forecourt most of the day. Stalls were offered Chinese art, food and activities. Red lanterns and other decorations flooded Chinatown.

The 2013 Perth Chinese New Year Fair was bigger and better with 82 stalls, and a games and rides alley, as well as an increased variety of multicultural activities and programs. Approximately 50,000 people thronged the fair despite extremely hot weather of 41 deg C.

The highlight of the 2015 Perth Chinese New Year Fair had guest performers from the Chengdu City of Dujiangyan, China. The Chinese Mask Changing act was a jaw-dropping experience for most, and the Kungfu Panda wowed the crowd with his martial arts move. In addition to promoting Chinese culture, the Australian popular sport Football also played a part in this event. The WA Football Commission

As part of the Northbridge Chinatown revitalisation project, the State

52 | Chung Wah Association 110 th Anniversary Commemorative Edition

and the West Coast Eagles conducted footy drills with a chance for participants to win great prizes. Since 2016, Summertime in Northbridge was incredibly busy with significant art and culture events including both Perth Chinese New Year Fair and the Fringe World art festival held on different locations of James Street in the same day. People from the Fringe World event get to watch the Oriental culture and art performances, browsing exotic food stalls as they walked past James Street. Making this spectacular fair an event goes beyond traditional celebrations with family and friends sharing the festivities with the broader Western Australian public.

The nine-hour Perth Chinese New Year Fair in 2019 began with firecrackers lit by the Chung Wah President and followed by a multicultural parade made up of 14 community groups in Perth. A seven-foot-high Chinese New Year backdrop, was displayed for the public to enjoy and take photograph. Special guest Brendan Pang, a MasterChef Australia 2018 Contestant hosted a cooking demonstration at the event, showcasing a nationwide talent with Chinese heritage. Due to the escalated situation of Covid-19 overseas, the 2020 Perth Chinese New Year Fair lost a significant number of event visitors. In early 2020, Australia was being ravaged by devastating bushfires and the world battling the Covid-19. At the special event with remarkable timing, five well-known Chinese singers in Perth presented a cover version of

a song by singer LIAO Changyong, dedicated to extraordinary heroes. heroes, an incredible incredible group of people, who bravely put themselves at risk to confront and fight against danger to save lives. They are firefighters, doctors, nurses and health professionals all around the world. In another highlight for the 2020 Perth Chinese New Year Fair, for the first time, the fair extended into the Perth Cultural Centre which was the location for the Murdoch University Cultural Activity Zone. The growth of the event and the way that West Australians of all backgrounds are increasingly enjoying Chinese New Year celebrations, show the positives and strengths of our multicultural society. We hope to see you at the 2021 Perth Chinese New Year Fair.

Between 2017 and 2018, the Perth Chinese New Year Fair continued receive the funding support from the WA Government's Office of Multicultural Interests, Lotterywest and City of Perth. It has been widely known as one of Perth's most exciting cultural festivals and a top-quality event as described by many public figures who attended. It included lion and dragon dances, food stalls, cultural demonstrations and a spectacular cultural concert at the Northbridge Piazza. 中华会馆110周年纪念特刊

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珀斯中华新年文化节 (2012-2020)

历新年是我们华人最重大的传统节 日,它不仅象 征着新年初始,也是一 家人在欢乐团圆之际对新的一年给予最美 好的祝福和祝愿。作为西澳历史最悠久的 华人团体代表,中华会馆自2012年起便组 织了一年一度的珀斯中华新年文化节。这项 活动不但心系所有的西澳华人,也紧密联系 了来自不同社区及文化背景的广大朋友们! 2012年一月二十九日,首届珀斯中华文 化节于北桥区James街的北桥广场拉开帷 幕。长达九小时的活动向民众们展现了多彩 的街头文化,美轮美奂的表演,叹为观止的 才艺表演及令人激动的竞赛活动。当然还少 不了大家最喜爱的舞龙舞狮和喜庆的烟花 展。珀斯新年文化节的正式开场庆典于傍晚 六时在北桥广场隆重举行,随后献上的是一 场别开生面的多元文化文艺表演。创办文化 节的初心始于华人对农历新年的庆祝,随

后在中华会馆的领导下,三十多家企业齐心 协力,最终成就了如此盛宴。在此,也衷心 的感谢西澳政府的鼎力资助,企业与个人的 友情赞助,为本次文化节筹集到关键的一万 澳币活动经费。 2013年的文化节更为盛大!八十二个定 点展位,有趣刺激的游戏及机动游乐设施, 还有数不尽的多元文化项目和活动,使得到 来的五万多人在摄氏四十一度的炎炎夏日里 依旧熙熙攘攘,兴高采烈。 作为振兴北桥唐人街的项目之一,西澳 政府于2014年向中华会馆拨款五万来扩 大华人农历新年的庆祝,我们欢喜地看到 唐人街首次彰显其在庆典中的重要角色。庆 典当天歌舞升平,到处张灯结彩,集精彩活 动,美食美景于一身的唐人街,在大红灯笼 高高挂下的喜庆氛围里变得更为热闹!

54 | Chung Wah Association 110 th Anniversary Commemorative Edition

2015年的珀斯中华文化节诚邀了四川 成都都江堰市的艺术家们,他们为本次文化 节添上了浓墨重彩的一笔。令人看得目不转 睛的川剧变脸,民间杂技吞火表演,四川功 夫茶艺表演及功夫熊猫的武术表演,都激 起观众们的连连喝彩。令澳洲人最着迷的 运动项目之一莫过于足球了,西澳足球协会 与West Coast Eagles也带来了精彩的表演 和令人兴奋的奖品,与我们共庆佳节! 自2016年起的每年夏季,北桥都成为珀 斯最为繁忙的地方,James街道的不同地 段都安排了满满的文化艺术节目及活动。出 席Fringe World 文化节的游客也可以一饱 眼福中华文化节的精彩表演,更少不了一品 沿途的中华美食。珀斯中华新年文化节的巨 大成功将家庭的欢聚发展到了社区的集体 庆祝,更带到了西澳的大众文化里。

2017至2018年间,珀斯中华新年文化 节继续收到西澳多元文化部,西澳博彩局和 珀斯市政府的赞助资金。至此,珀斯中华新 年文化节已被广为流传于熟悉,名副其实的 成为珀斯最有名的文化庆典活动。众多媒 体也在亲自体验后高度赞扬文化节节目的丰 富多彩及高质量的筹备。舞龙舞狮,美食摊 位,弘扬传统文化及精彩的文艺表演,一切 尽在北桥广场! 2019年的珀斯中华新年文化节上,中华 会馆会长陈挺先生点燃了迎春爆竹并宣布 本年度文化节正式开始,随后上阵的是由十 四支来自各社区的团队代表精心准备的多元 文化游行。高达七尺多的中国风背景幕布满 足了众多热爱拍照留念的游客。作为特邀嘉 宾,2018年厨王争霸赛的参赛者Brendan Pang为大家献上现场烹饪,热情的弘扬中 华传统美食的精粹。 由于海外新冠病毒的严峻形势,2020 年的珀斯新年文化节错失了很多游客。而 早在2020年初,澳大利亚也经历了森林大 火的无情摧残。借此机会,五名知名歌唱 家为奋战在防控疫情第一线的勇士们深情 奉献上歌曲《非凡英勇》,以表达我们的敬 意与支持。这些勇士中有消防员,医生,护 士,普通百姓,还有来自世界各地的医疗专 家,正是这些英勇无畏的人,无私的奉献 自己,只为拯救更多的生命。本次文化节的

另一成就,是首次在珀斯文化中心设立的 Murdoch大学文化活动区与北桥Piazza同 时进行,向主流社会充分展示中华文化的 风采! 携手走过了九个年头,珀斯中华新年文 化节蓬勃地成长,西澳的民众愈发喜爱中华 农历新年多姿多彩的欢乐庆典。这些正能量 正是来源于我们这个多元文化相亲相爱的 美好社会。新的一年即将到来,珀斯中华新 年文化节与您相约2021!


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Inaugural Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival 叶俐廷 Elvie YAP


he Chung Wah Association (CWA) hosted a fun familyfriendly festival at Burswood Park, from Sunday 12 to Saturday 18 May 2019. It was a Minister for Tourism initiative. The week of activities showcased Western Australia and celebrated the local Chinese community’s cultural heritage and sporting prowess. The festival opened with a Dragon boat race, one of the world's fastest growing sports. The regatta of dragon boat racing saw some of the state’s top competitors in action. The festivities continued with performances from renowned overseas and local Chinese artists, dancers, musicians and lion dancers as well as a giant kite flying display. Burswood Park was transformed into a dazzling showground, with delicious Chinese cuisine, and a variety of cultural and art activities such as sugar figurine making, paper cutting, calligraphy, a giant Chinese mural painting created

on site, Tai Chi, kite painting, traditional Chinese costume dressups for visitors. A Chinese Australian history exhibition and Oriental Culture and Art exhibition, together with the Chinese Film Festival and a small business conference, topped the festival. Chinese ANZACs, a travelling exhibition curated by the Chinese Museum, Melbourne; was organised by the Western Australia Chinese Historical Society Inc. (established in 2019), with the support of the West Australian Government and the CWA. The exhibition of Chinese Australian who served this country, contained information, photos and dozens of personal stories. Each evening during the week, the Golden Koala Film Festival screened a

56 | Chung Wah Association 110 th Anniversary Commemorative Edition

range of contemporary Chinese movie at the Telethon Community Cinema, with talks by international film directors. All proceeds were donated to Telethon. The China/Australia Business Forum and an Architects and Construction Forum were included as part of the events conducted at Crown Perth; which focused on building closer industry links between Western Australia and China.

Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival

The festival finale started on Saturday 18 May after sunset with an illuminated lotus flower ceremony on the Swan River, followed by a cultural concert culminating with a 15-minute spectacular fireworks display. The seven-day festival was a tremendous way to experience ancient and contemporary Chinese culture in Western Australia. The major sponsors, the West Australian Government and the Burswood Park Board, provided the opportunity for participants and attendees to experience the charm of Chinese folklore and traditional culture. The success of this event was due to the support and collaboration of the various Chinese community organisations to promote Chinese culture and embrace multiculturalism in Western Australia.


华会馆在2019年5月12日(星期日)至 18日(星期六)于Burswood公园举办 了一个娱乐性的老少皆宜的文化节。此次活 动源于旅游部部长的一项提议;这个文化 节的活动长达一周,充分展现了西澳文化风 采,展示了当地华人社区在文化遗产方面取 得的成就以及社区人们在体育方面的精彩 技艺。 赛龙舟是世界上发展最快的运动项目之 一,此次文化节的序幕也随着一场龙舟赛拉 开。该州的一些顶尖龙舟运动员也参加了此 次龙舟赛。 随后,海外及本土的著名华人艺术家、 舞蹈家、音乐家、舞狮演员带来了精彩的演 出,还有大型风筝放飞表演。Burswood公 园变成了一个令人眼花缭乱的游乐场,有中 华美食和各种文化和艺术活动,如捏糖人、 剪纸、书法、现场创作的巨型中国壁画、太 极、风筝画、为游客准备的中国传统服装。 现场还有澳大利亚华人历史展、东方文化艺 术展、中国电影节和小型企业会议共同为本 届文化节画上了圆满的句号。 《澳新联军中的华裔军人》,是一场由墨 尔本澳华博物馆策划的巡回展览;它由西澳

华人历史协会(成立于2019年)组织,并得到 了西澳政府和西澳社区的支持。这群华裔军 人曾为澳大利亚效力,这场华裔军人展览包含 了当年的战争信息、照片和数十个人物故事。 文化周的每天晚上,金考拉电影节都会 在Telethon 社区慈善电影场放映一系列当 代中国的电影,还会邀请国际电影导演做演 讲。所得收益都捐给了Telethon。文化节活 动之一的中澳商业论坛和建筑师与建筑论 坛是在皇冠珀斯举行的;其重点在于拉近 西澳大利亚和中国之间的密切行业联系。 周六日落之后,节日的最后一场活动开 始了,日落之后点亮莲花灯并把莲花灯放进 天鹅河上漂浮。接下来是晚上的一场文化音 乐会,最后是15分钟壮观的烟花秀。这个为 期七天的文化节是在西澳州体验中国古典 和当代文化的一个绝佳方式。 主要赞助商西澳政府和Burswood公园 董事会为参与者和到场人士提供了体验中 国民俗和传统文化魅力的机会。此次活动 的成功举办离不开各华人社区组织给予的 支持与合作,他们与中华会馆合作在西澳积 极推广中国文化和接纳多元文化。


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热烈恭贺中华会馆成立百十周年纪念 预祝百十周年庆祝晚会成功举办

砥砺十年展新姿 中华腾飞写春秋 Green World Investments Pty Ltd Address: 2 Brush Ct. Canning Vale Phone: (08) 6261 1068 Email:

Congratulation to the Chung Wah Association Inc. on the celebration of 110th Anniversary A New Lithium Force in WA 58



敦 惠睦 泽情 广谊 备

热 烈 恭 贺 中 华 会 馆 成 立 百 一 十 年 志 庆 59

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Every Arcadia Waters community is much more than a village. It is a family, where each individual is cared for and supported. Residents are free to be themselves and encouraged to get the most out of life, surrounded by like-minded individuals who make the journey so much more rewarding. Today, our harmonious communities extend across Australia, from Perth and Geraldton to Hawthorn, Kew and Hidden Valley in Victoria. We welcome you to find out more at


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“I first thought of the idea of developing a new kind of retirement village back in 1999 when I was searching for quality retirement options for my own parents. Sadly, I found that the majority of retirement villages we looked at appeared to lack a sense of community or offer any real stimulation for their residents. That’s when I decided to build our first Arcadia Waters village.” Roger Kwok - Founder and Managing Director of Arcadia Group



Chung Wah Association Inc.

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