Chung Wah Magazine Issue #42 - AUTUMN 2020

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����年 MARCH ISSUE #�� 第��期

A man of Action 言行一致的西澳部长

Hon Paul Papalia CSC MLA A Legendary Chinese West Australian

Simon Lee AO





2020 Chung Wah

2020中华 110周年庆预告

110th anniversary preview

Western Australians Chinese do their best for Australian wildfire and COVID-19 outbreak

西澳华人为澳洲山火 和新冠病毒疫情倾尽全力

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����年 MARCH ISSUE #�� 第��期

umn Festival

A Man of Action 言行一致的西澳部长

Hon Paul Papalia CSC MLA

2020 Chung Wah

2020中华 110周年庆预告

110th anniversary preview

A Legendary Chinese West Australian

Simon Lee AO





Western Australians Chinese do their best for Australian wildfire and COVID-19 outbreak

西澳华人为澳洲山火 和新冠病毒疫情倾尽全力

Cover photography 封面摄影

Shuren YUAN 袁树仁

Styling design 造型设计 Elvie YAP 叶俐廷



2020年意味着新年代的开端, 也是中华会馆踏入建馆110周年的 一年。自去年底至今年三月,国内国 际新闻的报道离不开环境气候变 化,还有近期的新冠状病毒疫情。对 于这类的全球问题,虽然我们能做 的微不足道,但是作为一个西澳华 人社区的代表机构,我们绝不可以 袖手旁观。

过去几个月,中华会馆积极进 行一系列的筹募行动,为澳大利亚 东部山火灾民筹款,帮助他们重建 家园。同时也在各个社区活动,用歌 声赞颂在新冠状病毒疫情一线的医 生护士们。接下来,为了出一份力减 低碳排放,中华会馆首当其冲的行 动之一,就是从第43期《中华之声》 会刊开始,改为纯电子版。 在这智能手机时代,印刷宣传 品渐渐成为一个可有可无的市场策 略。我们80%的会员都可以轻而易 举用手机打开中华会馆网站阅读《 中华之声》电子版。中华会馆是属于 西澳整个华人社区的,我们特别要 感谢会员多年来的支持,如果会员 想要一份打印版的《中华之声》,欢 迎跟我们的办公室联系,联系电话 9328 8657。 2020年首期《中华之声》 ,我们 继续给大家带来精彩内容。独家采 访西澳旅游、小型企业、多元文化部 长 Paul Papalia 和已经退休多年的 西澳矿业著名华商李瑞喜博士。如 果您错过了中华会馆今年的大型新 年文化节和多个文化组的演出,可 以翻阅这季刊中的报道。此外,我们 的养生、亲子乐、商业专题报导,也 有着您不可错失的有用信息。

Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰 Chief Editor 主编

Announcement 公告 从第43期起, 《中华之声》 会刊将改成纯电子版。我们


持,如果会员想要一份打印 版 的《中华之 声》,欢 迎 跟

我们的办公室联系,联系电话 ���� ����。

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Doing our part for the environment 2020 marks the beginning of a new decade. It is also the 110th anniversary of the founding of Chung Wah Association. Since the end of last year, we have been repeatedly fed with news relating to the environment and climate change, as well as the recent outbreak of the new coronavirus disease. For global issues like these, there is very little that we can do, however as the peak body of the Chinese community in Western Australia, it is our responsibility to respond and act as best as we can. Over the past few months, Chung Wah Association has actively carried out a series of fundraising activities and events, to raise funds for victims of the catastrophic bushfires in the eastern states of Australia. In addition, we also expressed our highest respect to the doctors and nurses battling at the frontline of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, through various community events. Next, we will take action to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. Starting from Issue 43, we will no longer publish the Chung Wah Magazine in print, instead we will use the digital platform.

Today, in the age of the smartphone, printing promotional materials have gradually become an unnecessary marketing strategy. 80% of our members can easily access Chung Wah Association’s website to read the digital version of the Chung Wah Magazine. We do recognise that Chung Wah Association belongs to the entire Chinese community in Western Australia. In particular, we greatly appreciate the support of our members over the years. If any member wants a copy of a manually-printed Chung Wah Magazine, feel free to contact our office at 9328 8657 for further arrangements. We have continued to produce interesting stories for our readers in this first issue of the Chung Wah Magazine in 2020. It includes exclusive interviews with the WA Minister for Tourism, Small Business and Multicultural Interests, Paul Papalia, as well as a well-known retired Chinese entrepreneur in the WA mining sector, Dr Simon Lee. You can also go through the fascinating photos and reports of the recent large-scale Perth Chinese New Year Fair and the performances of our cultural groups, in case you missed out on the events themselves. In addition, our health, parenting and business topics also contain useful information that you should not miss.

Chung Wah Association Starting from Issue 43, we will no longer publish the Chung Wah Magazine in print, instead we will use the digital platform only.

We greatly appreciate the support of our members over the years. If any member wants a copy of a manually-printed Chung Wah Magazine, feel free to contact our office at ���� ���� for further arrangements.

2020 is off to a grim start. For the last three months, the Executive Committees (EXCO) and staff of the Association have been working on the planned projects, as well as handling multiple unexpected issues due to natural disasters and global issues. I hope that our friends in the Western Australia Chinese community can continue to support our work and join our services to help vulnerable groups and strengthen community development. On 2 February 2020, we successfully hosted the Perth Chinese New Year Fair for the ninth straight year. Due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus, the crowd numbers dropped significantly compared to previous years. However, it did not affect the selfless dedication and team spirit of the staff and volunteers, who made this event a truly remarkable Chinese New Year celebration in Perth. As a tradition of Chung Wah Association, we also organised a Chinese New Year Ball and ‘Chap Goh Meh’ (Lantern Festival) dinner for our members and friends. Thank you to the volunteers who have contributed to Chung Wah Association for years. Without you, these events would not be able to continue. Chung Wah Association is not merely promoting Chinese culture. We are also committed to representing the Chinese community in WA and contributing to the Australian society. In the past few months, under the guidance of Red Cross, we have started community fundraising to help victims of the catastrophic bushfires, and we raised a total of $35,360, as at 5 March 2020. In addition, we also say ‘No’ to racial discrimination on behalf of the Chinese community in WA at large. As the first cases of the coronavirus were reported in China, some people with a Chinese heritage in Perth have encountered discrimination incidents since early February. Chung Wah Association strongly condemns this improper and unacceptable behaviour from certain members of the local community. We have expressed our strong views against this behaviour to the WA Government, as well as through the local mainstream media and the Chinese media, and we have also communicated with the Commissioner of the Australian Human Rights Commission.

On a positive side, we are delighted to see the increasing number of people being passionate about our traditional culture, and helping our cultural groups to continue to grow stronger. Our Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe reached out to the international market, and we are honoured and privileged to be part of the International Kun Seng Keng Lion and Dragon Dance Alliance. The troupe is now officially the headquarters of the Alliance in Australia.

During the last three years, our Dragon Boat Team has a very strong presence and achievement within the dragon boat racing society. Being the only dragon boat team with a team of members with a Chinese heritage in Western Australia, the team effort paid off with excellent achievements in most races in the last four months. They won 22 out of 28 races. Our traditional Chinese Dance Troupe and Chinese Orchestra group are also highly recognised in the local and multicultural society. These cultural groups are constantly invited to perform at numerous significant multicultural events throughout the year. In addition, we also thank our Table Tennis Club and Choir group for their hard work in running fundraising events for the bushfires appeals. It is good to see the growing number of participants in these cultural groups. We look forward to a better second half of the year 2020. We are anticipating the celebration of the 110th anniversary of the founding of Chung Wah Association. Hope to see you step forward to support and contribute to this significant event and join the family of Chung Wah Association. 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

尊敬的中华会馆 会员朋友们:

2020年的开始是严峻的。过去的 三个月,中华会馆的理事会、全体员工 都在马不停蹄地实践预期的计划,以 及应对突如其来的天灾人祸。希望西 澳的华人朋友,可以继续支持我们的 工作之余,加入社区服务来帮助弱势 群体和加强社会发展。


Dear Members,

作 为珀 斯庆 祝农 历 新 年 的 重 要 活动,2020年珀斯中华新年文化节已 经成功走过了第九个年头。由于新冠 状病毒的疫情,今年出席这活动的人 数也大减。然而却丝毫没有影响我们 台前幕后人员无私的付出和团队的力 量,呈现一个好评如潮的华人传统文 化的盛事。此外,我们也延续了中华 会馆的新春庆祝传统在春节期间,举 办了新年舞会和元宵晚会。感谢多年 来为中华会馆出钱出力的志愿者们, 没有您们,这些活动都无法办得有声 有色。

中华会馆的角色不仅是在弘扬中 华文化,我们也致力代表西澳华人社 区贡献于澳大利亚的当地社会。在过 去几个月,在红十字会的指引下,中华 会馆展开社区筹款,以帮助陷于水深 火热的灾民,截止3月5日,我们已筹 得$35360的善款。此外,在维护西澳 华人利益上,中华会馆就是大家的声 音,向种族歧视说“不”。由于新冠状 病毒肺炎始于中国武汉,自二月初开 始社区频频出现华人朋友被歧视的事 件。中华会馆对此向西澳政府反映, 也通过与当地主流和华人媒体、与澳 大利亚人权委员会的专员交流中,强 烈谴责种族歧视的不当。 另外,值得欣慰的事是西澳华人 社区也因为有着热衷于华人传统文化 的朋友们,使得中华会馆的各个文化 小组百花齐放,大放异彩。近年来,积 极走向国际的中华龙狮团,得到在享 誉东南亚龙狮界的关圣宫同盟总会签 下协议,成为其在澳大利亚的总部。 短短三年时间中华龙舟队在西澳洲龙 舟界已占一席位,过去几个月的28场 比赛的22场中称霸,载誉无数。中华 舞蹈团和华乐团也常被邀请在西澳的 多元文化艺术界的各大盛会,展示中 华文化艺术的美妙。中华乒乓组和合 唱团的成员也日渐增加,并为赈灾筹 款活动带来无比贡献。

希望2020年不如意的事尽快 结 束,我们正积极筹备着今年年底的中 华会馆建馆110周年庆,期盼着您为 这一项盛事出一份力,一起参与到中 华会馆这个大家庭。

Ting CHEN 陈挺

President, The Chung Wah Association Inc 会长, 中华会馆 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版




珀斯民众聚北桥 纳福迎祥庆鼠年 暨2020年“珀斯中华新年文化节”圆满落幕 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2020 heralds a prosperous Year of the Rat

中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah


编者寄语 Editorial


中华消息 CW News


14 4





会长感言 President’s Message

中华人物专访 - 李瑞喜博士 Profile Interview SIMON LEE AO 移民心声 Migrant’s Voice


独家专访 Exclusive Interview

言行一致的君子 A man of Action Hon Paul Papalia CSC MLA

言行一致的君子 A man of Action Hon Paul Papalia CSA MLA


如何教孩子应对气候危机 并为可持续生活做出贡献 How to teach children to respond to climate crisis and contribute to sustainable living?

家爱 Family



亲子乐 Parenting 如何教孩子应对气候危机 并为可持续生活做出贡献 How to teach children to respond to climate crisis and contribute to sustainable living?


养生之道 Good Health


西医治疗 Western Medicine


骨骼健康 Bone Health

校园天地 The School Yard

活动参与 Events and Activities

家有一老 Elderly



骨骼健康 Bone Health

中医治疗 Traditional Chinese Medicine 松柏长青 Community and Aged Care

30 42

珀斯民众聚北桥 纳福迎祥庆鼠年 暨2020年“珀斯中华新年文 化节”圆满落幕 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2020 heralds a prosperous Year of the Rat 长期活动 Regular Activities

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive


中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme

图片集锦 Photo Gallery


The oldest ethnic organisation in Perth Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 电话 Telephone

(08) 9328 8657

电子邮箱 Email

传真 Facsimile

(08) 9227 5694

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865

Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003

传真 Facsimile (08) 9228 3990


Chung Wah Cultural Centre

版权 发行


COPYRIGHT Published by

Chung Wah Association

Editorial and Advertising Enquiry E-mail:


Editorial team


Chief Editor


Executive Editor



Jeffrey CHA Elvie YAP






Abbie CHEN


Visual Designer


Cover Photo



卡尔 汪 袁树仁


Carl ONG

Shuren YUAN

Lesley WONG

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

通信地址 Mailing Address

(08) 9328 3988

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

Bramwell Road, NORANDA 6062

电话 Telephone

Aulberry Parade, LEEMING 6149

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley

网址 Website


中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming

18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021


Willetton Centre

58 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton WA 6155

联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0406 492 944

中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Keith Road, ROSSMOYNE 6148 电子邮箱 E-mail Address

联系人 Contact Details 马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898

中华珀斯中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 90 Roberts Road, SUBIACO WA 6008

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

联系人 Contact Details 刘隽校长 Jun LIU 0466 310 260


Chung Wah Chinese Radio

广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3

Every Saturday 10 am to 11 am 每周六上午10点至11点 中华妇女部

CW Womens Subcommittee


CW Lion Dance Troupe


中华舞蹈团 中华华乐团



CW Dragon Boating

CW Cultural Dance Troupe CW Chinese Orchestra CW Cantonese Opera CW Beijing Opera

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club 电子邮箱 E-mail Address



中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall & Administration Office

中华人物专访 - 李瑞喜博士 Profile Interview - SIMON LEE AO



版权所有,未经允许, 不得转载本刊文字及图片。

All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association. 声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自 中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对其 真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。对题材 中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.



CHUNG WAH CNY FAIR 2020 珀斯中华新年文化节


Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2020 heralds a prosperous Year of the Rat

he Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2020 was held on Sunday 2 February to celebrate the Year of the Gold Rat. Organised by the Chung Wah Association since its inception in 2012, the event is in its ninth year. The Perth Chinese New Year Fair is the largest Chinese cultural community event in Western Australia, attracting more than 17,000 people (based on numbers collected by Culture Counts) from around the state.


In the lead up to the Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2020, William and James Streets were decorated with strings of red lanterns, creating a Chinatown atmosphere full of festive excitement. This artistic vision was a collaboration between the City of Perth, City of Vincent, Northbridge Common and the Chung Wah Association.

food and market stalls, carnival rides and games. Visitors were treated to hourly street performances of lion and dragon dances, martial arts as well as

The Fair began at 12 noon with the lighting of firecrackers by Dr Ting Chen, President of the Chung Wah Association and a blessing by the Chung Wah Dragon. James Street, Lake Street and the Perth Cultural Centre came alive with the traditional sound of Chinese gongs and drums as the Dragon paraded along James Street to the Perth Cultural Centre. There were multicultural

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

the WA Police Pipe Band. Community engagement programmes were concentrated in Northbridge Piazza during the day. Two popular stalls were

珀斯中华新年文化节 CHUNG WAH CNY FAIR 2020

the St John Ambulance and WA Police with an ambulance and a police car on display. Young children were especially excited and enthusiastic to check out the vehicles and engage with the friendly paramedics and constables.

For the first time, the fair extended into the Perth Cultural Centre which was the location for the Murdoch University Cultural Activity Zone. The activity zone was filled with entertaining programs that showcased the traditional cultural heritage. An array of cultural activities and performances were presented by the Chung Wah Women’s Subcommittee and the teachers and students from the four campuses of the Chung Wah Chinese School. The highlight was the acrobatic performance of the Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe on the poles. In the evening, the Perth Cultural Centre stage featured a youth programme with a special show by Chinese Live DJ and RAP by SHAH-ONE. Simultaneously, Northbridge Piazza hosted the official celebrations starting with a Welcome to Country Ceremony by James Webb and the Wadumbah Aboriginal Dance Group, followed by VIP speeches and the traditional ribbon cutting. The concert commenced with a grand lion dance performance by the Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe, and vibrant multicultural performances.

The crowd was entertained by the music, dances and song from different countries such as Japan, Indonesia, Ukraine, India and regional Chinese communities, showcasing the cultural diversity of the Western Australian community. Heartfelt concern was shared by most of the speakers on the night about Australia being ravaged by devastating bushfires and many people in China and around the world battling the novel coronavirus that began in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Five well-know Chinese singers in Perth sang a cover version of a song by singer Liao Chang Yong, dedicated to extraordinary heroes. A very special group of people, who bravely put themselves in harm’s way to confront and fight against danger to save lives. They are firefighters, doctors, nurses and health professionals everywhere.

The profile of this event has clearly gone up by leaps and bounds, judging by the number of the multicultural performing groups and the amount of media interest in and coverage of the events, as well as the acknowledgement of government bodies and political figures. In attendance were representatives from the Western Australian Government, the Premier, the Honorable Mark McGowan, the Deputy Leader of Opposition,

the Honorable Bill Marmion, the Minister for Multicultural Interests, the Honorable Paul Papalia, the Minister for Education and Training, the Honorable Sue Ellery, the Minister for Police and Road Safety, the Honorable Michelle Roberts, the WA Police Commissioner, Chris Dawson, the Shadow Minister for Asian Engagement, Dr Mike Nahan, the Shadow Treasurer, Mr Dean Nalder, the Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth, Ms Zhihua Dong, and consular officials from the Perth-based consulates of other Asian countries, as well as guests from political, business, media, community and educational institutions. Thank you for the support and contributions of our sponsors, performers and volunteers, making this event a success and enabling it to continue to draw everyone closer together.



CHUNG WAH CNY FAIR 2020 珀斯中华新年文化节


珀斯民众聚北桥 纳福迎祥庆鼠年 - 暨 2 0 2 0 年“珀斯中华新年文化节”圆满落幕

文◎Abbie Chen 陈薇

译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

斯市一年一度的“中华新年文化节”在2020年2月2日中午12时于北桥唐人街James Street盛大举行。 西澳 州长Mark McGowan先生、西澳州反对党领袖代表、反对党副领袖Bill Marmion先生、中国驻珀斯总领馆董 志华总领事、西澳多元文化部部长Paul Papalia先生、西澳教育与培训部部长Sue Ellery女士、警察与道路交通安 全部长Michelle Roberts、警察总监道森、影阁亚洲事务部长Mike Nahan博士、影阁财政部长Dean Nalder先生、 亚洲各国驻珀斯总领事以及来自西澳州政府、政界、商界、媒体、社区以及教育机构等嘉宾出席了新春招待会并与 当地民众一起观看了多元文化演出。 “珀斯中华新年文化节”由西澳中华 会馆组织,是西澳州规模最大、内容最丰 富、影响最大的中华文化品牌暨华人春节 庆典活动。文化节从2012年首次举办,至 今已是第九个年头。文化节活动从中午12

点一直持续到晚上9点,除了传统的舞龙舞 狮表演,还有富有特色的民乐、京剧、粤剧、 中国传统歌舞表演等中国文化民俗表演、 各国传统美食和民俗展位、儿童嘉年华以 及多元文化文艺演出等精彩项目,积极展

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

示了中国文化和饮食的魅力,深得当地民 众喜爱。

文化节当日,珀斯北桥中国城里,处 处挂满了由珀斯市政府和Vincent市政府 共同为庚子鼠年新春活动所准备的大红灯 笼,加上各个展位种类丰富的年货,一派 喜庆洋洋的景象。活动伊始,现场总指挥、 中华会馆会长陈挺博士与现场协调负 责人黄小娟(Lesley Wong)、 秘书长兼文化活动委员会 主任张娟妮 (Jen Nie Chong)、中华会馆理 事李良励 (Michael Li)、林爱琳 (Aileen Ling) 亲力亲为地 带领着志愿者们 组织、协调新年庙 会的各项准备工 作。 中午12点整,中

珀斯中华新年文化节 CHUNG WAH CNY FAIR 2020


华会馆会长陈挺先生点燃鞭炮,在中华会 馆龙狮团喧闹的锣鼓声中,活灵活现的舞 龙一路开道,为大家送去新年祝福,揭开了 本次新年文化节的序幕;街道两旁摆设着 近百个以中国和世界各地民俗和美食为主 体的多国文化美食摊位,参与活动的游客 除了华人外,更多的是当地市民穿着节日 盛装,携家带口,边走边逛,边吃边玩,沐浴 在祥和幸福、欢乐喜庆的气氛中。 本次文化 节设有特色银行、中文学校、社区与长者服 务, 社区服务等多元服务性摊位,为华人提 供便民中文服务。 北桥广场的 St John救 护车及西澳警车展示、西澳警察乐队悠扬 的苏格兰风笛声以及每隔一小时的龙狮表 演等社区同乐活动也吸引了许多市民驻足 观看。

与此同时,由中华会馆妇女部副部长 付绪琼医生以及四所中华中文学校的文化 演出精心策划的歌舞表演也如火如荼地在 首次在珀斯文化中心设立的莫道克大学文 化活动区徐徐展开,歌舞、粤剧、功夫表演、

太极、书法、手工、面部彩绘、现场DJ 说唱 等节目以及幸运红包、财神分糖果等现场 互动环节,引来观众的阵阵掌声,向主流社 会充分展示中国丰富悠久的历史文化和华 人的今日风采。

晚六点整,中华会馆在北桥礼堂举行 新春嘉宾招待会。 会上,就中国人民众志成 城抗击新冠病毒疫情的特殊时期,西澳州 长Mark McGowan以及反对党领袖代表 Bill Marmion分别发言,对广大中国人民 群众以及抗击疫情中的中国人民表达了深 切的关注与支持。 晚七点整,文化节主会场红梅点点,一 派喜气洋洋的过年气氛。这场由中华会馆 秘书长兼文化活动委员会主任张娟妮(Jen Nie Chong)女士策划并担任舞台总监,多 元文化文艺演出在土著领袖代表吹奏的 Welcome to Country中开始,乐声意味着 欢迎大家来到澳洲这个多元文化的大家 庭。中华会馆会长陈挺博士首先上台致欢 迎辞,接着,西澳州长Mark McGowan上台

致辞,他向华社祝贺新年,对中华会馆等华 社为西澳州经济社会及多元文化发展做出 积极贡献表示肯定,他表示,在当前中国人 民全力抗击疫情的艰难时刻,他代表西澳 州人民对中国人民表示同情,对中国政府 所做的防控疫情努力致以敬意。 接着,西澳 反对党副领袖Bill Marmion先生、中国驻 珀斯总领馆董世华总领事、西澳多元文化 部部长Paul Papalia先生、警察与道路交 通安全部长Michelle Roberts应邀上台致 辞剪彩并向大家恭贺新年。中国驻珀斯总 领馆董志华总领事在致辞中向大家致以新 春祝福,并表示,当前防控新型冠状病毒感 染肺炎疫情是中国政府和人民头等大事, 中国政府始终把人民健康和生命安全放 在首位,有信心也有能力打赢这 场 防 控 疫 情 阻 击 战 。她 感 谢西澳州政府和人 民对中国人民的 同情和支持,愿 与州政府和社 会各界共同努


CHUNG WAH CNY FAIR 2020 珀斯中华新年文化节


力,维护双方合作势头,相信中西澳友谊纽 带将经受住考验,并更加紧密牢固。 本次文 艺演出以歌舞,乐器演奏,独唱,合唱等多 元形式展现在观众面前,由中华龙狮团、中 华舞蹈团、中华妇女部、中华民乐团、中华 合唱团、澳大利亚木兰文化艺术协会、澳亚 新艺学院、周永军、张军、张晓佳、朱俐、纪 彦伶、林佩莹、William Luo以及西澳其他 社区艺术团(Roztiazhka Cossack俄罗斯 舞蹈团、Subi Japanese Dance and Taiko On日本舞蹈团、Selendang Sutra印尼舞 蹈团、Masti Bollywood舞蹈团)带来的一 个又一个精心编排的节目,让所有观众深 深感受到中华传统文化与其他社区文化有 机结合的魅力。 令人感动的是,在这个中国 上下抗击疫情不胜不休的特殊时 期,由珀斯华星艺术团的5 位华人歌唱家在晚会上 用深情的歌声演唱为 奋战在防控疫情第 一线的医务工作者 新 创 作 的 歌 曲《非

凡英勇》,表达敬意与支持。最后, 演出在来自中华合唱团、艺声 合唱团等多名团员带来大合 唱“澳大利亚我的家”中落 下帷幕。

本次2020年珀斯中 华新年文化节的成功,都 汇聚着大家无私的付出 和智慧。感谢中华会馆的 大 团 队,感 谢 筹 委 会 各 部 门、参与文化演出的各个团 体及义工们辛勤无私的付出, 感 谢 珀 斯 市 政 府,西 澳 多 元 文 化 部,LotteryWest对“珀斯中华新年文化 节” 一贯的支持和赞助,感谢Vincent市政

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

府与本次活动的首次密切合作,感谢赞助 商Murdoch University对本次文化节的资 助以及Stage and Studio, Brady St Music, 林 佩 莹 、M M 个 性 化 庆 典 布 置 和 郑 秀 丽 (Shirley Teh)对本次活动的赞助,感谢主 持人冯凯莹和安邦的精彩主持,感谢中华 会馆办公室的精心组织和所有义工的无私 奉献;同时感谢中国驻珀斯总领馆的支持, 以及参与和支持、协办本次活动的各侨团 侨领、新闻媒体《The West Australian》(西 澳人报)、ABC电台、 SBS民族电视台等主 流媒体和电台,各大华人报纸及微信媒体、 摄影摄像师们,有了你们的信任和支持,才 有机会为珀斯人民带来如此精彩的多元文 化盛宴!


Sponsors 赞助商:

City of Perth 珀斯市政府 WA Office of Multicultural Interests 西澳多元文化部 Lotterywest 西澳彩票局 Murdoch University 默多克大学

Brady Street Music Stage and Studio Michelle Mok Creates 个性化庆典布置

Chinese Community Centre, WA 西澳华人公会舞狮队

AusAsia Creative Art Academy 澳亚新艺学院

Performers 演出单位:

Yarn Yee Tong and Choy Lee Fut Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe 仁义堂龙狮队 Kong Hing Koon Perth 珀斯 江兴国术体育分馆舞狮队

Jimmy Tsui’s Kung Fu School 崔永成武术馆舞狮队

Pak Mei Yaolin Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe 白眉友联龙狮队

WA Police Pipe Band 西澳警察风笛乐队

Australian Mulan Cultural and Arts Association 澳大利亚木兰文化艺术团 Selendang Sutra Indonesia Dance Troupe 印尼舞蹈团队

James Webb and Wadumbah Aboriginal Dance Group Subi Japanese Dance and Taiko On 日本舞蹈团和太鼓音 Roztiazhka Cossack Dancers 俄罗斯舞蹈团 Masti Bollywood 印度舞蹈团

Photographers 摄影师: Jiasizhe Zheng Alan Li

珀斯中华新年文化节 CHUNG WAH CNY FAIR 2020

Special thanks:

New Voice Choir 艺声合唱团

Perth Huaxing Arts Group 华星艺术团

WA Chinese Arts Association 西澳中国文化艺术家协会 Yongjun Zhou 周永军 Jun Zhang Yann Kee




Xiaojia Zhang 张晓佳 Julie Yeh


William Luo


Jessica Lim Ryan Chin

Jamie Chin

Jacelyn Loo

林佩莹 陈颖韻 陈谦霓 吕恩宁

Chung Wah Choir 中华合唱团 Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe 中华龙狮团 Chung Wah Dance 中华舞蹈团 Chung Wah Women Sub-committee 中华妇女部 Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra 中华民乐团

Yixin Su 苏奕心 Ivan Leung

Organising Committee 2020 组委会成员:

Dr. Ting Chen, Jen Nie Chong, Michael Li, Cong Ma, Lesley Wong, Abbie Chen and Tracy Lim.




用歌声向疫情战士致敬 Dedicating our respects to the Warriors of the Coronavirus through song 文/译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

In the afternoon of 1 March 2020, the Chung Wah Choir, Zhou Yongjun Music Studio, and the WA Huaxing Art Troupe, worked together to conduct a group singing session at Forrest Place in the Perth city centre. This initiative was to pay the highest respects to the doctors and nurses battling at the frontline of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. A series of meaningful songs were sung by these groups, cheering for Wuhan, China and all the people in the world fighting the epidemic.

3月1日下午,中华会馆合唱团、周永军 音乐工作室、西澳华星艺术团发起,在珀斯市 中心的Forrest Place广场上,通过合唱的方 式,用歌声向抗疫一线的白衣卫士们致敬。大 家一连演唱《让世界充满爱》、 《Together在路 上》、 《天使的身影》、 《We still call Australia home》、 《非凡英勇》多首歌曲,为武汉加油, 为中国加油,为世界上所有在和疫情搏斗的 人们加油!



The Signing Ceremony between Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe and International Kun Seng Keng Lion and Dragon Alliance Text◎Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe 中华龙狮团 文◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe is honoured and privileged to be part of the International Kun Seng Keng Lion and Dragon Alliance. The ceremony signing took place on 29 February 2020 at the Chung Wah Balcatta Cultural Centre. Thank you to President Chen Ting and the Executive Committee members, the Council of Elders, families and friends, along with the Malaysia Muar Kun Seng Keng Chairperson, Secretary, Executive and Head Coach, who came and witness the signing ceremony. The funds raised on the event day were donated to the Bushfires Appeal. Thank you to Chung Wah Orchestra, Chung Wah Chinese dance and Australia Kong Hing Koon Kung Fu group for their spectacular performances. Most of all, thank you to our troupe members for putting their enormous time and effort in the event preparation, especially as the troupe was coming off the busiest 2020 Chinese New Year performances. The troupe is now officially the headquarters of the Kun Seng Keng Alliance group in Australia.

Proud of our Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team 文/译 ◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

从去年11月开始,西澳洲龙舟锦标赛鸣 响了第一枪,中华龙舟队的健儿踏上了漫长 的征程。无论是40度高温的烈日酷暑下,还是 狂风暴雨的瑟瑟寒风中,每周三次,他们一直 坚持不懈! 西澳唯一的一支华人龙舟队---中 华会馆龙舟队,在长达四个月的赛季中,全体 队员团结一致,努力拼搏:参加28场比赛、获 得了22场第一、6场第二的傲人战绩,向本地 的队伍和观众们展现了中华传统文化的力 量! 3月22日,星期天,是西澳龙舟界的重要节 日,这一天将举行一年一度的西澳洲龙舟冠 军赛,中华龙舟队取得了骄人的成绩。

Starting from November 2019, the Western Australia Dragon Boat Championships has begun its series of dragon boat tournaments, and the Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team’s athletes have embarked on a long journey for this commitment. Regardless of scorching 40-degree heat, or a stormy day, they persistently practise three times a week. Being the only dragon boat team with a team of members from a Chinese heritage in Western Australia, the team efforts paid off with excellent achievements in most races in the last four months. They won 22 out of 28 races, and became first runner-up in the other six races. Sunday 22 March 2020 was an important day in the dragon boat circle of Western Australia as it was the annual Grabd Final of the Western Autralia Dragon Boat Championships. Great to see the Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team achieving remarkable results.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

2月29日晚,中华龙狮团正式签下协议, 成为关圣宫同盟总会的盟友。同时,也意味着 中华龙狮团是关圣宫同盟总会在澳大利亚的 总部,来弘扬舞狮舞龙这中华传统文化艺术。 中华龙狮团感谢莅临的支持者和亲朋好友一 同来见证这重要时刻。当晚,中华龙狮团还结 合了中华民族舞蹈团和华乐团,来一场多元 素的综合性演出,以示隆重。

会见澳大利亚人权委员会, 种族歧视专员Chin TAN先生 文/译◎Michael Li 李良励

On Wednesday, 26 February 2020, President Dr Ting CHEN hosted a meeting with Mr Chin TAN, the Race Discrimination Commissioner for the Australia Human Rights Commission.

Superintendent Dom Wood, a representative of the WA Police, James Jegasothy of the Office of Multicultural Interests, members of the Chung Wah Executive Committee and several members of the Chinese community attended the meeting. Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), discrimination against the Chinese community has been observed. Incidents such as verbal abuse, rejection of employment, and refusal to see doctors and/or nurses who are of a Chinese descent. This meeting was an opportunity to discuss racial discrimination in Australia and other topics of mutual interest.

2月26日 星期三,陈挺会长在中华会 馆荣幸的会见了澳洲人权委员会的种族歧 视专员Chin Tan先生。 当天下午出席会议的 包括西澳警察代表Dom Wood局长、多元文 化部代表James Jegasothy、中华会馆理事 会成员以及多名华社成员出席了这给会议。 自从新冠病毒爆发开始,出现了对社区华人 的歧视事件。例如:恶言攻击的;拒绝就业、 拒绝看华裔医生或护士等事件。 这次的会 议提供了一个讨论澳达利亚种族歧视和其 他共同关心的课题的机会。

中华会馆凝聚西澳华人的力量为灾民出一份力 文/译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

Chung Wah Association, on behalf of the WA Chinese community, is fundraising for the Bushfires Appeal through Red Cross, to ensure that we can be there for people when the worst happens. Dealing with an emergency can be stressful and exhausting, and recovering from a disaster is a complex process that may take months, even years to overcome. Chung Wah Association supports Red Cross and especially the people going through their recovery, by being there to provide practical and emotional support and information. Besides using the Red Cross online platform for fundraising, Chung Wah Association also co-hosted a variety of events to raise funds for the victims of the catastrophic bushfires which happened

in Australia in the last few months. These events ranged from musical concerts and a table tennis tournament, as well as collecting Bushfires Appeal donations from the public at the 2020 Perth Chinese New Year Fair. Members of cultural groups, such as the Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe, and the Dragon Boat Team, also actively raised funds for this purpose. The event that raised most money for this purpose, in the amount of $16520, was the “Great Love Without Boundaries, Disaster Relief Concert”, held in the evening of 27 January 2020, at the Chung Wah Balcatta Centre. The purpose of this concert was to raise money for people in need, who have lost their family members and their homes in the unprecedented bushfires disaster in Australia in the past five months, helping them to rebuild their homes. The spiritual and financial support from the local Chinese community to the land they call ‘home’ was truly reflected at this event. At the concert, five local well known singers with a Chinese heritage, Julie Yeh, Jun Zhang, Xiaojia Zhang, Yongjun Zhou and Yann Kee, passionately performed to an audience of over 200, under the leadership of Xiangpei Lin, a veteran Chinese culture pioneer in WA. The concert ended with the group singing ‘My Motherland’ and ‘I still call Australia home’.

中华会馆代表西澳华人社区,在红十字 会的指引下,展开社区筹款,以帮助陷于水深 火热的灾民。应对十万火急的紧急事故,往往 让人感到压力重重,要走出灾难所带来的阴 影重新生活,是一个复杂的过程,可能需要数 月甚至数年才能克服。中华会馆全力支持红 十字会,尤其是给这些灾难中逃生出来的灾 民,提供生活和情感上的支援。

除了利用红十字会的在线筹款平台外, 中华会馆还举办了多项慈善募款活动,为过 去几个月在澳大利亚发生的灾难性森林大火 的受害者筹款。这些活动包括音乐会,乒乓球 赛,以及在2020年珀斯新年文化节向公众筹 款,中华的文化组包括龙狮团、龙舟队也为此 积极筹款。 为此目的,筹集了最多捐款的大型活动 是于1月27日晚在中华文化中心举行的“大 爱无疆”赈灾音乐会,共筹得$16520澳元。这 场音乐会的目的是为了筹集资金,帮助在森 林大火灾难中失去家人和房屋的灾民重建家 园。这次活动真正体现了当地华人社区对他 们称之为“家”的这片国土,付出的精神和经 济支持。

当晚的音乐会,西澳五位知名华人歌唱 家:朱琍、张军、张晓佳、周永军和纪彦伶倾情 献艺,在西澳华人资深艺术家林祥培的带领 下,让在场的200多名观众听出耳油。音乐会 的尾声,五位歌唱家合唱两首意义深远的歌 曲: 《我和我的祖国》、 《I still call Australia home》。

Helping people who have been affected by disasters is really important to Chung Wah Association and we would like to express our gratitude for your support too. 中华会馆十分重视给灾难提供援助的社会工作,在此我们也感谢您的支持。

截止3月5日所筹得的款项 Total amount raised as at 5 March


Thank you to our donors


Bushfires Appeal Concert $16520 WA Chinese Table Tennis Association $2520 Cong 西澳川渝同乡会 $2030 Australian Shanghai Federation 澳大利亚上海联合会 $1330 Chung Wah Dragon Boating中华龙舟队 $1030 Agnes Yung $1020 Tina Teng $1020 WA Senior Chinese Association 西澳中老年华人协会$737 Bill Teh $1000

Jianhong Ruan $515 Grace Chow $515 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2020 Bushfires Appeal $268 Liang LI & Qimeng WANG $230 Trinh Quach $208.80 Carol Wang $208.80 Jiping Zou $208.80 Western Australia Taichi Association $200 Catherine Liu $200 Kemei Shao $173.30 Vicky Sze $104.40 Michael Wu $ 104.40 Huaichang Qin $104.40 Han $104.40 Maggie Zhou $104.40 Simon Liu $104.40 Elvie Yap $104.40

Hualing Weng & Xiong Chen 翁华玲、陈雄 $104.40 Lesley Wong $104.40 Abbie Chen $100 Nancy Le $100

Kaihong Huang$100

Graham Hardouin $100 LiangLI LI $100

Bushfires Concert $60 Sishi Tang $52.20 Bixi Yu $52.20

Rodger Liu $52.20

川渝同乡会 $41.76 Hong Qiu $41.76 张汉初 $20.88

Yujing Shi $15.66

20 anonymous donors donated 二十名无名氏合共捐出 $2668.12 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版


Chung Wah facilitating the WA Chinese community to help people get back on their feet after a disaster




李瑞喜博士 文/译/摄影◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷



事就是要体现出华人社区是慷慨的 和愿意给社会做贡献的。”

中华会馆的永久会员当中,在商场上成就最出类拔萃 的人物李瑞喜博士 AO,在接受《中华之声》执行编辑 叶俐廷采访时,叙述了他的移民之路、商场上的奋斗 史,以及对社会发展的宏愿。

采访中,见识了这位古稀之年的Simon Lee李瑞喜先 生,他的自信、英明和能言善道的个人魅力。自1990 年代至今,他一直是西澳具有影响力的企业家和慈善 家。他是少数华人当中获颁澳大利亚官佐勋章(AO) ,称之为移民背景企业家的典范,当之无愧。他能成为 商场上的巨人,同时又受当地和华人社区所敬仰,想 必大家都想知道他的秘诀。 然而,他给出的答案十分简单,就是“命运”。 正处于半退休状态的李博士,谦虚地说 到: “我觉得自己特别幸运,我这辈子做 过的很多事情,不全靠我的能力,而是命 运的安排。天时地利造就了这一切。 “

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue


除了贡献给华人社区,李博士也致力为 澳大利亚的社区出一份力,其中包括: • 珀斯剧院信托基金主席 • 西澳博物院基金会主席 • 默多克大学校董

• 澳大利亚贸易投资商务处理事


“ 我 觉 得自己 特 别 幸 运,我 这辈子做 过的很 多事情,不全靠我的 能 力,而是命运的安排。天 时地利造就了这一切。”

• 澳大利亚中国商会理事

• Charles Gardiner医院基金会理事 • 国王公园理事会会员 Dr Lee visited Chung Wah Balcatta Centre in 2019 2019年李博士到访中华文化中心


1962年一月份,李博士入读珀斯技 术学院的会计科。当年,珀斯的廉价学费 和高质量的教育,让它成为热门的留学城 市。他记得当时的学费和生活费,分别只 须各六十澳币。然而,少年时期的李博士 没想到他花了三年打工才储存了一年的学 费,这才让他的大哥愿意赞助他到国外深 造,给了他这个改变人生的机会。 李博士在各种商业领域拥有丰富的 管理经验,曾在亚洲、英国、加拿大和澳 大利亚展开他的职业和经商生涯。获得会 计师资格后,他于1967年回到马来西亚的 一家跨国公司Lever Brothers工作。1969 年,他亲身经历了马来西亚的种族骚乱事 件,在朋友介绍下到新加坡工作,并在短 短几个月内被任命到英国伦敦一家时装公 司当财务总监,当时他才28岁。一年半以 后,其公司在加拿大的联营公司出现财务 问题,派遣他去调查。结果,他发现公司 主席做假账,盗用公司财产,他说服总公 司改变开除主席向警方报案的决定。为了 减低公司的利益名声损失,继续营业,李 博士选择了让违法主席 一一列出他所 做出的 假账,重新整顿全盘账 务。处 理了该公司的重 大危机,李博士被委任 为暂代主席一职,经过 几个月在没有比李博士 更合适的人选,他正式 成为主席。

觉得侥幸的是找到一批忠诚和思维一致, 且勤奋的团队,继而帮助他成功建立了一 个又一个上市的矿公司,如:Samantha, Equigold和 MOD Resources。此外,他 也投资在好几个资源公司,协助他们走上 康庄大道。至今,李博士已经是资源领域 中德高望重的代表人物。

概括而论,他误信了不可靠的人,继 而又找到了诚信的人。他相信,要不是有 前 期 的错 误 选 择,他 就不会踏入矿业生 意,又给他碰到可靠忠诚的团队,带给他 人生的种种胜利。这样看来,早期相信了 不该相信的人也是一种幸运,或许简单而 言,这就是命运。


这次的采访是在中华会馆楼上的礼 堂进行。在李博士的脑海里,这所古楼在 1980年末是一座非常显眼的大楼。中华会 馆前会长,陈继志医生,也是李博士的多 年好友,是他介绍李博士认识这历史最悠 久的少数民族协会。1987-88年间,李博 士也曾担任会馆的副会长一职。多年来, 他是中华会馆的一位慷 慨解囊的赞助者,包括 了1 9 9 0 年这 座 大 楼 的 大规模装修,李博士捐 献了十万澳 元 。他 也促 成了很多当地主流的商 家给中华会馆捐款。

人们的用语常提到 “我”为主,而不是 “我们”和“ 他们” 应该先想别人才想自己

潮州人善于经商, 李博士是一位知名企业 家,也是不折不扣的潮州后裔。2018年, 他被委任为西澳州中华总商会WACCC的 守护者,正如WACCC的三十周年纪念册 所 记 载,李 博士在香 港 创业以 及曾在香 港的多个大企业,如:Chuang Group, Madison Securities和HK Barge Ltd的丰 富管理经验,让他足以应对香港如此竞争 激烈的商场环境。


1981年,他已经可以提早退休,与家 眷回到家乡马来西亚,让孩子在这接受教 育。1983年,当他们一家到珀斯旅游时, 孩子却对这个城市流连忘返。他的企业家 精神又再次掀起投入商场的冲动。1984 年,他移居到珀斯,成为了Great Victoria Gold矿公司的总裁。 虽 然对矿业一窍不通,还 好 他有丰 富的商业和人力资源管理经验。此外,他

1987年2月16日, 中华会馆成立了一个独 立机 构,西澳中华总商 会,这商会的前身是会 馆1985年所成立的商业和专业人士小组。 陈继志前会长曾经形容李博士为一个天 生的社区领袖,许多人都很感恩有他的存 在。陈会长在西澳中华总商会的三十周年 纪念册中指出,当年商会的建立源自于李 博士积极想要通过有意义的方式,打造一 个具有影响力的中心来迎合新亚洲世纪的 崛起。同时,让西澳的华裔商家可以有个 平台进行讨论、申诉和寻求帮助。


李博士强调说: “我这一生的一个想 法,很重要的事就是要体现出华人社区是 慷慨的和愿意给社会做贡献的。”

当Kalgoorlie市的矿业名人堂要建 造华人纪念公园,李博士毛遂之荐捐出金 钱上支持。作为西澳采矿业繁荣发展的受 惠者之一,李博士以华人社区的名义,捐助 了这项耗资百万的华人公园项目的99%的

建造费用。他当时期盼这华人公园可以给 这沙漠似的Kalgoorlie市,有个让人较为 舒心的休闲旅游的场所。

1994年,李博士在澳大利亚设立了 以他 命 名的 慈 善 基金 会。他 总觉 得自己 很幸运,应该要回馈社会,这是很重要的 事。虽然现在他已经不参与其中,但也为 这基金会能持续帮助到别人而感到很欣 慰。不久前,Simon Lee 慈善基金会还捐 献五十万的巨款到张任谦心脏研究所,这 个以著名已故华裔医生命名的研究所。


曾经历过1969年马来西亚的种 族动荡期 和1980年末西澳的Jack van Tongeren种族歧视行动,李博士衷心希 望中华会馆有一个能言善道的领袖,可以 维护华人利益,且表达华人移民对澳大利 亚的真心诚意。 “作为一 个马来西亚华人,从小 我 在与其他种族朋友交谈时就很谨慎。我们 想要表达的,有时候可能别人有不同的理 解,很可能会造成连锁反应。”

“我们出生为华人,出生地是由父母 所选择的,但是我们居住或移居的地方则 是我们自己选择的。我们选定了澳大利亚 为我们的家,这才是我们想要的家” “像中华会馆这样的协会,肩负重任 要能反映出居住在澳大利亚的华人,普遍 上是愿意贡献社会,而且真心诚意地视澳 大利亚为一个我们选择的家。

我们没有权利选择出生在什么地方, 但是我们可以选择度过余生的地方,对我 而言,我的选择是珀斯。 “纵使李博士在 过去十年主要时间在新加坡,但他表示珀 斯仍然会是他的终点。


年近八十的李博士,这位受人爱戴的 社会人物,风采依旧、身心状态看起来极 佳。每一年有一半的时间都在云游四海。 问及他的养生之道,他相信关键在于生存 的价值,他强调:“必须要保持着一个目 标和热诚。”

他忠告年轻一代的移民, “无论是对 个人、同学、社会和你选择的国家,要做到 先为别人着想。人们的用语常提到 ”我“ 为主,而不是 ”我们“和”他们“,应该先 想别人才想自己。如果只靠自己,你是无 法实现大成就。以我的经验而言,只有团 队的力量才可以成就大事业。” 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版



A Legendary Chinese Western Australian


“All my life I’ve thought it was important to represent that the Chinese community in general is generous and does things to contribute to society.” Chung Wah Life Member with the greatest business achievements, Dr Simon Lee AO, chats to Elvie Yap about his migrant journey, business venture and community vision.


Confident, thoughtful, wise and ridiculously articulate – in his late 70s, Simon Lee is an influential business and community figure in Western Australia and has been since the 1990s. He was one of the few Chinese bestowed the Officer of the Order of Australia (AO). Suffice to say, he is a role model for many entrepreneurs with a migrant background in Perth. So how did he scale the ladder to become one of the most successful business giants and also well respected in the local and Chinese communities? It turns out to be pretty simple. The answer is ‘Destiny’.

“First and foremost, I would consider myself lucky, a lot of things I have done in my life, it’s not so much about capability, but it’s destiny. It has got to do with the right place and the right time,” the humble semi-retired Simon answered.

Childhood Influences

Growing up in a family of five boys in a multi-racial society in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Simon was a boy who listened to his most beloved late grandmother.

His family was quite poor. At 15, he was walking with his grandmother and she gave him 20 cents and told him to give it to a beggar. He looked at the beggar, and looked at the coin, and looked at the beggar again, then asked his grandmother if she had change because he wanted to give half to the beggar and keep the other half. She smiled at him and said don’t worry, give the coin to the beggar and she would give him another. She said to him that he was very wise to ask for change as you can’t look after other people without also looking after yourself. However, he also believes that ‘you don’t have to wait until you are rich before you do good things, it can be any time in your life’. Simon often tells people that one is not truly honest until he or she is severely tempted. This was partially a teaching from his grandmother. Simon sighed that it is sad to see the society becoming more materialistic in many ways, and people value a person based on his wealth but not his personality like cleverness and honesty, etc. This change in the society affects our second generation, and kids are only aware of the branded stuff but not the old values.

AUD60 per month for expenses. However, it took Simon three years of working to save the first year’s tuition fees before his brother agreed to sponsor him for this life changing opportunity to study abroad.

Simon has extensive management experience with a diverse range of business enterprises in a career that has brought him to Asia, England, Canada and Australia. After qualifying, he went back to Malaysia to work for Lever Brothers in 1967. Having gone through the racial riots in Malaysia in 1969, Simon was referred to work in Singapore and within a few months, he was appointed as a Finance Director of a fashion company in London when he was 28 years old. After a year and a half there, the associate company in Canada was having some problems and he was sent to investigate. He found out that the President was defrauding the company. The head office

said to fire the President and report him to the police. However, Simon advised them to go another way. You see, the President had been using fake accounts to commit his fraud. If he had been fired for fraud, then all the clients would have claimed that their accounts were fake and they did not owe the company any inventory stock. Instead, Simon went to the President and said he would not let anybody know of the fraud and he could go quietly but in return, the President had to inform Simon of every one of the fake accounts. In this way, the business was saved from a potentially disastrous fraud and instead, could minimise its damage and continue as a trading concern. Simon then asked for direction and the head office said that he should run the company whilst they find a replacement President. The next month, he rang them to report and asked if they had found a replacement and they said to hold down the fort and they’re still looking.

Life Changing Journey

In January 1962, Simon came to study Accountancy at the Perth Technical College. Perth was a popular destination back then for its quality but cheaper education cost. He remembered a total cost of approximately AUD60 for fees and

The foundation plaque of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre building was unveiled by James Chong and Dr Simon Lee on 22 October 1995 1995年10月22日,中华会馆前会长张仕煌和李瑞喜博士为中华文化中心奠基仪式揭幕

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Dr Simon Lee AO is a notable entrepreneur of Teochew descent. He was appointed as the Patron of the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce (WACCC) in 2018. As indicated in the 30th Anniversary Commemorative publication of the WACCC, the business experience of Simon, in his own business and with the Chuang Group, Madison Securities and HK Barge Ltd in Hong Kong, provided him with excellent grounding in the very competitive business world of Hong Kong.

His Achievements in the Perth Mining Industry

In 1981, he was able to enjoy his early retirement together with his family, back in Malaysia for his children’s education. During a family visit in Perth in 1983, his children fell in love with Perth. His entrepreneurial spirit prompted him to start his own business again and in 1984, he migrated to Perth. He found himself in mining as the Managing Director of Great Victoria Gold. He had no experience in mining but he was able to apply his extensive business and workforce management experience. Luckily, he managed to find a group of honest and like-minded, hardworking people and they became a highly successful and loyal team and they went on to build several listed mining companies together, such as Samantha and Equigold and MOD Resources. He has also served in many other resource companies and helped them to prosper. Simon is now a well-known and highly respected personality in the resources sector.

Apart from the Chinese community Dr Lee has also serve in various aspects of the broader Australian community such as

• Chairman of The Perth Theatre Trust • Chairman of The WA Museum Foundation

• Senate of Murdoch University • Board Member of Austrade

• Board Member of Australia China Council

• Board Member of Charles Gardiner Hospital Foundation • Member of The Kings Park Board

Dr Simon Lee AO and Gavernor Jeffrey after his award ceremony 李博士和澳大利亚总督菲利普·迈克尔·杰弗里在受封典礼后合影

financially to CWA during his tenure in office.

On 16 February 1987, CWA established a separate entity, the Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce Inc. This had evolved from the Association’s Business and Professional Group that was formed in 1985. Dr Eric Tan once described Simon as a natural leader of the community and people are grateful to have him around. He mentioned in the WACCC’s 30th Anniversary Commemorative book, saying that, the very idea of establishing this Chamber came from Simon’s desire to help build an influential centre which can then help to contribute to the new Asian Century in a meaningful way, and it also provides a platform for Chinese businesses in Western Australia to hold discussions, voice grievances and seek help.

People are always ‘me’ and ‘I’,rather than ‘us’ and ‘them’, think of others before yourselves.

As you can see, he was unlucky to invest with dishonest people and then lucky to find honest people. But perhaps if he hadn’t invested with the dishonest people, he wouldn’t have found the mining business and found honest people and thereby creating a fantastic team which went on to many successes. So perhaps he was lucky to invest with dishonest people. Or perhaps it is easier to call it simply, destiny.

Simon and the Chung Wah Association

This interview was conducted at the Chung Wah Association’s main hall. Ingrained in Simon’s memory, the heritage building was a prominent building back in the late 1980s. The former President of Chung Wah Association (CWA), Dr Eric Tan, also a good mate of Simon, introduced him to this ethnic association with the longest history. Simon was the Vice President of CWA in1987-88. He has been a generous supporter of CWA, including a significant donation of $100,000 for the extensive renovation of the Chung Wah Hall in the 1990s. He also managed to attract many mainstream businesses to contribute


The third month, he called to report in and asked if they had found the replacement. They told him you are the replacement President.

On behalf of the Chinese Community

“All my life, I’ve thought it was important to represent that the Chinese community in general is generous and does things to contribute to society,” says Simon. When the Mining Hall of Fame in Kalgoorlie wanted to build a Chinese Garden of Remembrance, it was Simon who came forward with the necessary financial assistance. As one of the beneficiaries of the mining boom in Western Australia, Simon donated 99% of the million-dollar project of the Chinese Garden under the name of the Chinese community, hoping to soften the impact of the desert-like conditions of Kalgoorlie as a venue for tourism and recreation.

In 1994, Dr Simon Lee AO established the Simon Lee Foundation in Australia. He started it because he feels that it is important to give back to society when he has been so lucky. He is now no longer involved but is proud and happy that it continues to do good work. The Simon Lee Foundation recently committed to donate half a million dollars to the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Foundation, named after a reputable medical professional with Chinese heritage.

His Diligence for Western Australia

Having experienced the racial riots in Malaysia in 1969 and the Jack van Tongeren period in WA in the late 1980s, Simon strongly wishes that Chung Wah Association will have a leader who has the ability to articulate to Australia the diligence of the migrants with a Chinese heritage. “As a Chinese Malaysian, I was very conscious when talking to my peers of different races since young. What we try to express may be interpreted by others differently, which could create a ripple effect.”

“We are Chinese by birth, the place we were born was chosen by our parents, but the place we live and migrate to is our own choice, we have chosen Australia as our home and that is a conscious decision.” “Associations like Chung Wah have a major responsibility to project that people of the Chinese race living in Australia, in general, do contribute to the society and our diligence really is for Australia, the place we adopt to.” “We never have the choice as to where we were born, but we have the choice where we will die, for me, it will be Perth.” Although he has been spending most of his time in Singapore in the past decade, he indicated that Perth will be his final destination.

Words for the Younger Generation of Migrants

Approaching his 80s, the much-loved community figure shows a healthy and well-maintained appearance. He spent half of the year travelling to different countries. Sharing his wellness tips in longevity, he believes it is primarily a sense of purpose. “Must have an objective and passion,” he emphasised.

His advice to the younger generation of migrants, “always think of others first, whether personal, school friends, the society or the country you move to. People are always ‘me’ and ‘I’, rather than ‘us’ and ‘them’, think of others before yourselves. If you work alone, you will never achieve great success. In my experience, only teams achieve great success.”





Compassion begins with a simple life 慈悲从简单生活开始 Elvie YAP 叶俐廷 - Executive Editor 执行编辑

racing back the news reported by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) between the end of 2019 and February 2020, it reflected that 87 percent of glaciers along the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula have retreated in the last 50 years, with most of this showing an accelerated retreat in the last 12 years. If the entire immense ice sheet of the Antarctic melted, it would be enough to raise the sea level by around 60 metres.


As reported, the year 2019 was on track to be the second or third warmest year in history. Without effective urgent climate action, it is very likely the global average temperature will increase by more than 3°C by the end of the century. With these consequences of global warming, more losses of life are expected in the coming years as heatwaves and floods may occur more frequently.

I chatted recently with a friend who Is a practising Buddhist, pertaining to natural disaster and climate change issues. She asked me how I would define the Chinese phrase of ‘Compassion’. I was stunned for a moment. She explained that the combination of ‘ci’ (kindness) and ‘bei’ (sadness) literally means to give to those in need and provide help to eliminate someone’s suffering. We may all have sympathy to those who are suffering, however there aren’t many of us who could truly act compassionately.

The catastrophic bushfires in the eastern states caused millions of wildlife losses in the last two months; thousands of seals and polar bears losing their

habitats as the accelerated retreat of glaciers in Antarctic threatened their lives; and more than 400 bird and 150 mammal species – 45,000 of them elephants – are suffering from dry seasons in Africa. Millions of animals are facing life-threatening conditions due to the impact of global warming. As we witness a series of alarming signals given by Earth, all of a sudden, countries globally are being hit by the new coronavirus disease, COVID-19. This incident is making the world population to slow down, as some have to self-quarantine at home with family. Looks like it has given us an opportunity to think of what changes we should start making. In fact, we all can live a simple life.

There is no living being other than humans who could take the initiative to reduce the carbon dioxide emission, in order to reduce the speed of global warming. To be a ‘compassionate’ person, firstly start practising a ‘low-carbon’ lifestyle. It is also a way to be responsible for the future ‘you’, generations and millions of animals out there.

据世界气 象 组 织在 2019 年底 至 2020年二月之间的报道中,提及在 过去的50年中,南极半岛西海岸约有87 %的冰川已消融,其中大多数在最近12 年中都在加速融化,如果南极洲的冰原全 部融化,足以将世界的海平面升高60米左 右。2019年是全球平均温度是有史以来第 二或第三高的年份,如果没有重大的环境 保护措施,全球平均温度到了这世纪末, 很可能比目前的增加超过3摄氏度。这意 味着将会有更多生命因为热浪、洪水等的 频繁发生而岌岌可危。 同一位在努力修行学佛的朋友探讨, 近几个月的天灾人祸、环境变化问题,突 然被问及如何看待“慈悲”这两个字,我 被愣住了。她解释道,所谓的“慈”就是 给予有需要的人, “悲”就是消除别人的 痛苦。怜悯之心人人有之,然而能真正做 到“慈悲”的少之又少。

澳洲东部史无前例的山火灾难导致上 亿野生动物葬生火海;千千万万的海狮、 北极熊因严重的冰川消融没有栖息之地而 走上死亡;超过四百种鸟类和一百五十种 哺乳动物包括四万五千头的大象在非洲因 严重干旱而危及生命。这世界上无数的动 物在承受着地球暖化给他们带来的痛苦。 就在这地 球告急的讯号频频发生之 际,这突如其来的新型 冠状病毒全 球引 发。原本讲求效率和速度的地球人一切放 缓,仿佛给这个世界一个慢下来 思考的机会。原来生活可以很简 单 。要减 低 全 球 二 氧化碳 排 放量来减缓地球暖化,也 只有万物之灵的人类才可 以做到;要做个“慈悲” 的人,首先学会过“低 碳”生活,为未 来的自 己、下一代和千千万万 的生命负责。

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Honourable Paul Papalia CSC MLA 20

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peaking exclusively to Chung Wah Magazine, Minister Paul Papalia provided his interpretation of the performance of Tourism Western Australia (WA) since the Government took office, and revealed his confidence in Perth as the best place in the country to study, work, live or travel. Tourism Western Australia

After a committed effort of intensive marketing and promotion launched by Tourism WA, in the year ending September 2019, the international visitation to WA saw a significant growth, with 987,700 total visitors, amongst them were 521,800 holiday visitors. This is the largest number of international visitors WA has ever seen, for both holiday and total visitors.

In early February 2020, we interviewed the leader of Tourism WA, Paul Papalia, the Minister for Tourism, Racing and Gaming, Small Business, Defence Issues, Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, who was appointed in March 2017. Bringing such extraordinary achievements to the WA tourism industry has demonstrated that he is a man of action.

Trial Flight between Perth and Shanghai

A number of direct flights from key Asian markets were started, in 2019 included All Nippon Airways (ANA) direct flights between Tokyo and Perth, which started on September 1,2019; the first 185 passengers fly direct from Shanghai to Perth by the China Eastern Airlines arrived at Perth Airport in morning of January 14, 2020;

and the Philippine Airlines direct flights to Manila starting March 30, 2020. As the outbreak of the Novel Coronovirus originated from China, we asked about its impact to the continuity of the seasonal trial flights between Shanghai and Perth. “The first thing to understand is the direct flight trial from Shanghai to Perth by China Eastern was a success. The aim of the trial was to demonstrate a demand of the service and when we met the Executives of China Eastern Airline on 13 January, they had already sold 83% of all seats of all flights.”

Disregarding the “empty leg” condition where the return flight flies without passengers, “at the end of the trial, it was 94% occupancy. Very successful. We will continue discussions in trying to get a regular flight. All unchanged before the coronavirus, everywhere has been affected,” said Minister Papalia. He emphasised that the moment travel restrictions are lifted, Tourism WA will be back in Shanghai to talk to the Executives of China Eastern about regular flights.

The Tourism WA personality believes that there is more business travel between Perth and Shanghai than anywhere else in China. The first direct flight to a Chinese city is the Perth to Guangzhou route, brought by China Southern Airlines. It has increased

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

its frequency to Perth to four flights a week from 16 July 2015. There was over 90% occupancy on average all year round. “I would think because most of the mining companies do a lot of business in Shanghai, lots of export from WA, lots of business relationships are based in Shanghai.”

Chinese Tourists the Biggest Spender in the WA Tourism Market

China is WA’s number one market in terms of visitor spend, with 66,700 Chinese visitors spending $280 million during their stay in the State in 2018-19. Of these, 40,500 were visiting WA for a holiday, representing a significant increase of 97.5% from the previous year.

According to Perth Airport, if China Eastern Airlines commits to a regular service, it could mean an additional $40 million in visitor spend. Tourism WA’s existing work to attract visitors to our State - including the $12 million international marketing boost, which doubled the State Government spend in its 10 key tourist markets. China is one of these markets. Early this year, Minister Paul Papalia met with, establishing a good relationship and partnership with


them. is the biggest online travel agent in China and the second biggest in the world.

“Before the coronavirus, they were able to tell us WA has not been affected by the bushfires, and China travellers knew WA did not burn. We grew our Chinese visitor market by 100% in the leisure market and the holiday maker by group by 102%, this happened before the coronavirus,” he explained.

“The two-year action plan, very much focusing on growing our international holiday maker for our regional market, China was a central market for that, we were growing four times more than the national average before this happened. Firstly, we make Western Australia Perth as the western gateway to Australia,we are a separate market than the east coast.”

Rapid Tourist Growth in Rottnest Island

Rottnest Island has been a key plank in Tourism WA’s two-year action plan and the marketing blitz has been hard to ignore. The island’s annual visitor numbers hit a record high of 785,002 in the tourism report mid-2019. With visitor numbers continuing to rise, Rottnest Island is on target to reach its 2034 target of 800,000 annual visitors more than a decade ahead of time. “The Government spent $33 million in Rottnest, improving facilities and amenities. Since we took office, the number of visitors to Rottnest was up by 220,000 visitors a year, every month they set a new visitor record.”

“When we first got there, the number of visitors from interstate or overseas, from outside WA, was 15% of the overall tourism number, now it is 40%, the number has grown by 202%,” Minister Paul Papalia revealed.

What attract the Chinese tourists to WA?

We asked Minister Paul Papalia what type of Chinese travellers like to visit WA and he responded that WA gets a good number of Free Independent

Travellers. “They are people who are more mature travellers, more comfortable travelling, not their first overseas trip, they are not likely to go in a group, more likely to be small, a couple or individual, go to the region, do more adventurous things, spend more money, we have the best part of traveller coming from China already. “Increasingly, what people look for is a unique experience, experiential tourism, you get to experience it physically as well as seeing it, we offer access to the natural environment, pristine, beautiful nature in Perth, also Rockingham and Penguin Island, see the seal colony, swim with wild dolphins within the metropolitan area, take a ferry up the river for premier wine, gourmet food production region, go up a seaplane, go to Rottnest, that is the A-class reserve, beautiful pristine environment and also some friendly quokka in there.” “If you want to go out of the city, incredible things like coral coast, whales, sharks, and the Kimberley. If you only have a short period of time, you can experience and encounter an incredible and unique experience, best hotel in the country and most affordable.” The 204-room Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Perth at Elizabeth Quay, officially opened on 15 November 2019 and marks the return of the brand to Australia for the first time in 18 years, enabling guests

to enjoy Western Australia’s newest luxury hotel in the heart of the CBD.

Perth is Australia’s gateway to Asia and its only Capital City on the Indian Ocean Rim. “Another attractive point for Asian tourists, we are in the same time zone as China and most of Asia, only an hour behind Japan, and two and a half hours ahead of India. We are at the middle of everything, we are closest, timing really good, no jet lag!” he exclaimed.

“We are focused on trying to attract a greater share of the conferencing market. In the past, we don’t have hotel products to attract them, but now we do. We do partnerships with airlines, hotels, key distribution partners and inbound tour operators, to ensure attractive tour packages are being marketed to people.” Last year, Chung Wah Association hosted the Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival to showcase the cultures and traditions of the vibrant WA Chinese community, set in Burswood Park on the banks of the beautiful Swan River, for seven days.

“This year would be much bigger than that, expected in October, lots more funding, shorter in time, twoday cultural festival, big business conference will be funded, more lead time to build the dragon boat race all over Asia from China and our key markets, we get teams across Asian countries. Trying to get media from cities like Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, use that as the way to promote the destination back in their country, I have to get funding from the budget. We plan to make the Chung Wah Festival much bigger this year.” Western Australia also organised other cultural events, such as Fringe World and the Perth Festival, attractive to the community at large. Being an Australian city close to Asia, same time zone, doing business is easier too. “As Tourism Minister, I am pushing those event operators to market themselves more for Asia.”

“We are absolutely dedicated to the China market. We want to be ready to welcome people back, got to be there straight away once it is resolved.” 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版




Small Business Portfolio

Minister Paul Papalia is not only a productive Tourism Minister, he is also a proactive and optimistic Small Business WA State Minister.

In Western Australia, at least 80% of the jobs are created by the private sector, and small businesses account for 97% of all businesses. According to the Australia Bureau of Statistics Counts of Australian Businesses, as at June 2018, there were 2,259,098 small businesses nationwide, with 224,270 in WA. These small businesses fall into the following main industries: construction, retail trade, transport and warehousing, agriculture, and financial and insurance services. New business spending has been down in Western Australia for the past four years as the mining and construction booms have slowed.

“I think people should have optimism. I know it has been tough, particularly in retail. The WA economy is the best place in the country to grow this year. We are still a good place to rebound the best. Tourism is the big contributor, more people coming to Perth from outside WA than ever before, staying in hotels, bars and restaurants, small businesses also can benefit from that,” Minister Paul Papalia reassured small business operators in WA.

Besides focusing on the ‘Metronet’ project, the biggest investment in public transport that the State has ever seen, the McGowan Government is also on a mission to bring all COLLINS class submarine maintenance, the Full Cycle Docking, to Western Australia, which is expected to create more than 3000 local jobs and contribute more than $8 billion to the State’s economy.

developed for the booms are now underemployed, lots of the skill set can apply to this sort of work with a bit more training. We believe in the national interest, by 2024, we think it should come here.”

Business Support for the Migrant Community

The Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) is an independent statutory authority, established in 1984. Its primary role is to encourage, promote, facilitate and assist the establishment, growth and development of small business in Western Australia. When asked about how this organisation benefits the migrant community business members in WA:

“Most migrant communities, one of the first ways to access the economy is setting up a small business. SBDC is for everyone. A couple of years ago, I asked them to run forums for people looking to start a business. I asked them to create it for the migrant community and they did. Talked to Associations about the availability of these forums, things like mentoring, free mediation, resolve arguments, also legal advice through the Curtin University Law School. All of these services are also available for the migrant community, and the Office of Multicultural Interests helps with the language,” he said. On 11 June 2019, Minister Paul Papalia tabled changes to the Small Business Development Corporation Act 1983 to boost the authority of the Small

He confided that the Federal Government committed $200 billion towards creating the submarine defence industry over the next 10 years, and $90 billion towards ship building. “Our industry-based, industry sector worker in WA is twice the size of South Australia, because of the offshore oil and gas and mining, and lots of skilled workers who were trained and

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Business Commissioner. The reforms will underpin the establishment of a specialised Investigations and Inquiry Unit, aimed at improving corporate and government behaviour and removing unfair practices.

“This proposed bill and act to give more power to the Consumer Protection Commission to protect subcontractors. Create an investigative unit in the Small Business Commissioner’s Office, and they will be able to get notification from small business if someone is not treating them right, not paying them, unveil more investigative power to demand more information whether they pay people.”

The Importance of Multicultural Society

Speaking to State Minister for Multicultural Interests, we asked his view of a multicultural society like Western Australia, and how it benefits our next generation. “The ability to give us the knowledge of language and culture that connect with the institution of business and government in potential markets with potential partners, which we wouldn’t be able to access if we didn’t have that resources. Having the multicultural and CALD communities makes us a more powerful player in the region and the world. “We right now look toward CALD communities helping the State, grow opportunities, connect, grow business and create jobs.”


言行一致的君子 Honourable Paul Papalia CSC MLA


《中华之声》独家采访Paul Papalia部长,对西澳旅游业发展的观点,他表现 的信心满满地认为珀斯是全澳大利亚里最适合学习、工作、居住和旅游的地方 。

经过了西澳旅游部紧凑有效的市场拓展和宣传攻势,截止去年九月份的过 去一年的数据,西澳在国际旅游上取得突破成绩,纪录显示共有987,700名的访 客,其中521,800名是来西澳旅游的。无论是访客总数或旅游者人数,这是西澳 前所未有的纪录。

2020年二月初,我们采访了西澳旅游的最高领导,旅游部长Paul Papalia。 他自2017年三月,一直都兼任着博彩业、小型企业事务、国防事务及多元文化部 长。西澳旅游的辉煌成绩,足以反映Papalia部长,是一位付诸行动的政治人物。


多项从数个主要亚洲市场直航到珀 斯的航班已经执行了,这包括2019年9月 1日,日本全日空航空公司的东京-珀斯直 航;2020年1月14日中国东方航空上海直 飞珀斯试航,首度载送了185乘客抵达珀 斯;2020年3月30日,菲律宾航空的马尼 拉直航珀斯也继而开启。 由于新冠状病毒源自中国造 成人心 惶惶,我们向部长了解此病疫对这珀斯和 上海试飞直航的负面影响。 “大家首先要清楚这次东航首次的 上海和珀斯试航是成功的,目的在于证实 有这航班的需求。我们在1月13日接见中 国东航的高层,获知所有试航航班已经有 高达83%的售票率。 “

如果考虑到航空业上常出现的回程 空载一趟的情况,部长说:“试航的结果是 达到94%的售票率,非常成功。我们将会 继续和航空公司商讨争取将此航 班长期 运行。然而现在每个地方都受新冠状病毒 事件所影响。 “ 他强调一旦旅游禁令解除后,西澳旅 游部会马上到上海与东航的高层洽谈长期 航班的事宜。

这位西澳旅游的发言人相信,相比中 国任何一个城市,珀斯和上海之间的商务

来往最紧密。广州是珀斯首个直航到达的 中国城市,由南方航空推出的珀斯和广州 之间的航班。自2015年7月16日,南航把 这个航线增加到每周四班,全年的售票率 高达90%以上。

“我认 为由于大多数的矿业公司在 上海都有业务来往,加上有大量的出口到 上海的纪录,还有很多的商业关系主要源 自上海。”

中国游客是西澳旅游业 的最大消费者

2018 -201 9 年之间,依 据游 客消费 量最高的统计数字,中国排名第一,总计 66,700的中国访客在境内消费了2.8亿。 其中的40,500人是来西澳旅游的,这个数 字相比以往,大幅度增加了97.5%。根据 珀斯机场的预测,如果东航愿意长期提供 珀斯-上海航班,可能会给西澳带来额外的 四千万游客消费收入。 西澳旅游目前的工作就是要吸引更多 游客前来西澳,其中包括了1200万的国际 拓展业务的经费,比往年多双倍,志在锁 定十个主要市场的宣传工作,中国是其中 一个主要市场。

今年初,Paul Papalia 部长会晤了中 国最大的旅游网,全球第二的 的代表,建立友好关系。

部长解释道:“ 在发生新冠状病毒事 件之前,他 们 也 知道 西澳 并 未 受山火 影 响,中国游客也知道。我们成功把休闲旅 游的中国游客市场增加了100%,旅游团 则增加了102%。这都是发生在新冠状病 毒事件之前。

西澳旅游部的一份两年的行动计划, 重点放在吸引更多国外游 客到偏远地区 观光,这个数字在不断增长中 。中国是这 计划的主要市场。在病毒事件越演越烈之 前,我们的游客增长是全国其他州省的增 长平均数的四倍以上。首先,我们把西澳 珀斯打造成澳大利亚西边的出入口。”


西澳旅游的两年行动计划中,罗特尼 斯岛成为重中之重的景点,州政府针对此 岛的大肆宣传工作不容忽视。2019年中的 旅游报告显示,此岛的全年游客人数高达 785,002人。州政府原计划在2034年,到 访罗特尼斯岛的游客可以达到80万人的目 标,以现在的走势看来这个宏愿可以提早 超过十年实现。 Paul Papalia部长道: “政府耗资三 千三百万来建设罗特尼斯岛。自我们的政 府上任以来,此岛每年的游 客增长 2 2万 人,每个月都刷新纪录。记得当初到此岛 时,无论是来自其他州省、海外,就是来自 西澳以外的游客人士,只是旅游统计数字



来推行龙舟赛,邀请各个 我们的主要市场的亚洲 国家包括中国的龙舟队 来参赛。尝试让来自广 州、北 京、上海 等城 市 的媒体来 采访,以 宣传 这个 活 动 所在 地 。我 须 要从 财政 预 算中申请拨 款,希望可以把这中华文化 节做得更大规模。

西澳 也有 举 办 各 类 的 文化 活 动,比如:Fringe World国际艺术文化节、 珀斯文化节,适合不同社区的人参加。作 为一个澳大利亚接近亚洲区域的城市,无 时差,让商务来往更便捷。

的15%,至今的比率是40%,人数增长率 达202%。”



当问及一般哪类的中国游客会选择 来西澳旅游,他指出西澳特别受自由而独 立的旅行者青睐。 “这些游客是较为成熟的旅游人士, 熟悉旅游,不会是他们首次出国,他们一 般不会一 团人出游,通常只会是 一 个小 组、一对情侣或个人。他们会选择偏远地 区、尝试较为冒险的事物,比较肯花钱。 我们已经有中国游客中最好的市场了。 “越来越多人偏爱能够有独特体验、 亲身经历形式的旅游,可以触摸和亲眼看 到的。珀斯可以带给他们有原始和美丽的 大自然环境,到罗金汉市和企鹅岛,去看 海狮的园地;体验与海豚共游;坐上邮船 驶去顶级红酒和美味佳肴的区域;尝试坐 水上飞机;到罗特尼斯岛,这可是A级受保 护区景点,有漂亮且原始的景色和亲和力 十足的短尾矮袋鼠。

如果你想走出市中心范围,还有许多 稀有的事物等待你发掘,比如:珊瑚礁、 鲸鱼、鲨鱼,还有金伯力区域。然而没有 足够时间的话,你也可以一样在都市范围 享有各种独特的体验,这里还有全国最好 的酒店,价格也合理。 “ 位于珀斯伊丽莎白码头,共计204间 套房的Ritz-Carlton酒店,于2019年11月 15日正式开幕,象征了这家国际品牌的酒 店18年后重返澳大利亚市场的历史性一 刻,让西澳的宾客可以享受在市中心入住 西澳最崭新豪华的酒店。

珀斯是亚洲飞往澳大利亚的出入口, 也是环印度洋区域的唯一主要城市。部长 也说道: “另一个吸引亚洲游客的卖点是 无时差,我们的时间和中国还有大部分亚 洲国家相同,比日本晚一个小时和比印度 早两个半小时。我们恰好在很多事情的中 间,而且距离最近、时间也最好,不用面 对时差问题。

“作为旅游部长,我一直在推动这些 活动组织者向亚洲推广这些活动。”我们 绝对重视中国市场,我们要做好准备再次 欢迎您们的归来,当事情解决了,一定马 上到中国磋商。 “


Paul Papalia部长不仅是个效率高的 旅游部长,他也是一位积极和乐观的西澳 州小型企业部长。

在西澳,至少80%的工作是由私营公 司创造的,而小型生意占所有企业的97% 。根据澳大利亚统计局针对澳洲企业的统 计,截至2018年六月,全国有2,259,098个 小型企业,其中西澳有224,270家。这些 小型企业涵盖的主要领域包括建筑、零售 贸易、运输和仓储、农业以及金融和保险 服务。过去四年来,随着采矿和建筑业的 放缓,西澳的新业务支出一直在下降。 “我觉得人们应该保持乐观。我知道 这段日子很多商户都不容易,尤其是零售 业。西澳的经济相比其他州省在今年是最 有上升的潜质。旅游业贡献很大,有更多 来自西澳以外的人来到珀斯,入住酒店, 酒吧、餐馆和各小型生意都会受惠。”

除了西澳目前的’Metronet’工程, 这有史以来州政府最大的公共交通发展 投资,麦高文政府也肩负重任,要将所有 COLLINS 级潜水艇全循环入坞系统保修 项目移师到西澳。这个项目估计可以带来 三千个当地工作机会,也可以给西澳的经 济注入超过80亿的收益。 “海上石油和天然气及采矿业是西 澳 主 要 行业 之一,我们 这领域的蓝领比 南澳 多双倍。许多曾接受培 训 的熟 练 技 工 现在 就 业机会不多,他们 所拥 有的技 能只须要一些针对性的培训就可以运用 在其他相关工作。我们相信,出于国家利 益,到2024 年,我们认 为这 项目应该来 到西澳。 “

我们专注于尝试吸引更多商务会议 的市场,在过去,我们没有足够的酒店来 吸引他 们,现在 我 们 有。我 们 跟 航 空 公 司、酒店、主要合作伙伴、本地团合作,以 确保可以有具吸引力的旅游配套来推出市 场。”

去 年 ,中 华 会 馆 主 办了 为 期 七 天 的珀 斯中华文化 节,在 美丽天 鹅河 旁的 Burswood公园展示了西澳华人社区的传 统文化。 部长说道: “今年估计会把这活动做 得更大规模,预估在十月份,更多拨款, 但会缩短活动天数,大概两天的文化节, 一场大型的商务会议活动,更多凑备时间

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue


小型企业发展机构(SBDC)是成立 于1984年的独立法定官方机构。其主要 作用是鼓励、促进、协调和协助西澳大利 亚州小型企业的建立、成长和发展。

当被问及该组织如何使西澳的移民 社区的成员受益时,部长回答道:“对于 大多数移民社区而言,进驻 经济 市场的 最前期的方法之一就是创办一家小型企 业。SBDC适合所有人。几年前,我建议他 们为想要创业的人举办讲座,也促请他们 给移民社区提供这服务,他们做到了。向 各个协会推广这些 讨论 会的存 在,服 务 包括指导,免费调解、解决纠纷,以及通 过科廷大学法学院的法律咨询之类的事 情。所有这些服务也欢迎移民社区使用, 而多元文化部办公室则为该服务提供语 言帮助。

2019年6月11日,Paul Papalia部长 提出了修订1983年《小企业发展公司法》 (Small Business Development Corporation Act 1983),以增强小企最高专员的职权。 这些改革将为建立专门调查小组和咨询 单位 提 供 基 础,以改善私营企业以 及 政 府部门的不当行为,并剔除一些不公平的 做法。 “这项拟议法例旨在赋予消费者保 护委员会更多权力,以保护合约商。在小 型企业专员办公室中创建一个调查部门, 如果 有人 没有获 得正确 的对 待,收不到 钱,他们可以向这部门举报,这小组被赋 予更多的调查权力,要求接受调查的公司 提供更多信息,以确保他们有付账。”


与多元文化部州长对话,我们提问了 有关他本人对西澳般多元文化社会的看 法,及其对下一代的正面影响。

他说道: “多元文化的本能让我们有 足够的语言和文化知识,可以在有潜力的 市场和合作关系上与政府和商家接轨。如 果没有这方面的资源,我们就无法做到。 西澳的多元文化社区,让我们在各地域或 全球上更有力量。” “我们希望多元文化社区可以帮助 到西澳州,创造机会、关系,拓展商务和 制造就业机会。”

“感谢中华会馆和西澳的华人朋友 的支持,让很多事都顺利进行,大家都很 用心。”



文 ◎ Yvonne Yeo 杨佩芬, CEO, AIWT 总裁 译 ◎ Yves 若水

he Government of Western Australia is very supportive of training and developing the workforce. Recently, Premier Mark McGowan and Education Minister Sue Ellery announced the initiative to halve vocational training fees to stimulate training in job growth areas and support important sectors of the State’s economy. This initiative is driven through the WA Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD), and AIWT is one of the few Registered Training Organisations selected to deliver these funded programs. AIWT has had a long and successful history with DTWD and delivering traineeships.

Traineeships are an excellent way to combine training with work, enabling trainees to have a job, on-the-job training and formal study towards a nationally recognised qualification. Traineeship also provides hands on skills and work experience and can improve employment prospects and range of career choices. Anyone can do a traineeship, whether you are a school-leaver, re-entering the workforce or as an adult or matureaged person wishing to change careers. Traineeships can even start while the trainee is still at school. Benefits to the trainee:

• Earn a wage while you train • Learn on the job skills combined with off the job training • Receive a nationally recognised qualification which is also highly regarded overseas • Start a valuable step towards a rewarding career • Benefits of traineeships are not just limited to the trainees only. The employers also benefit from committing to a traineeship.

Benefits to the employer:

• Gain an employee who will learn the business your way • Increase employee productivity and skill levels • Gain motivated staff, increase employee satisfaction and retention • Gain a reputation for being a good employer

• Access potential federal and state incentive funding that exceeds the cost of training. • Access potential lower trainee wages during traineeship

Traineeships and other funded programs can be a definite bonus to companies that value good employees. At AIWT, we work closely with employers to customise training to suit the business and we can deliver training at the workplace, as we know how busy businesses can be. At AIWT, we offer Traineeships and Priority Industry Training (PIT) in:

• School of Business • Certificate II in Business (School Based Traineeship) • Certificate III in Business • Certificate IV in Business • Diploma of Leadership and Management

• School of Work Health and Safety • Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety • School of Language • Diploma of Interpreting (Mandarin-English)

• School of Education and Community Services • Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care • Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care • Certificate IV in School Age Education and Care • Diploma of School Age Education and Care • Diploma of Community Services • School of Real Estate • Certificate IV Real Estate Practice (coming soon)

Please contact AIWT to find out more about Traineeships or about any of our courses. 请与AIWT联系, 以了解有关培训 或我们任何课程的


在职培训 商业解决方案 –



澳大利亚州政府非常支持培训 和发展劳动力。最近州长 Mark McGowan和教育部长Sue Ellery宣 布了一 项 计 划,将 职 业 培 训 费 用 减 半,以刺激就业增长领域的培训并支 持该州经济的重要领域。


Business Solutions

该计划由西澳州培训和劳动力发 展部 (DTWD)推动,而AIWT是其中一家少数的 注册培训机构获得DTWD的认可,提供这项 政府资助的计划。AIWT在与DTWD合作和提 供在职培训方面有着丰富的成功经验。 在职培训是将培训与工作相结合的绝佳 方法,使实习生能够获得工作,在职培训和获 得国家认可资格的正规学习。在职培训让不 仅让受训者获得实际工作经验和技能,同时 也扩大就业前景和职业选择。

任何人都可以接受培训,无论您是学校 的学习者,还是重新进入劳动力市场,或者 是希望改变职业的成年人或成年人士。在职 培训安排,即使受训者仍在学习相关课程中, 也可以开始安排在职培训。 给学员的好处: • • • • •

培训时赚取工资 在职场中学习,还有非工作时间接受培训 获得国家认可的资格,在海外也受到高度评价 迈向有前景职业的重要一步 在职培训的好处不仅限于实习生。雇主也 将从中受惠。


• 获得一名将以您的方式学习业务的员工 • 提高员工的生产力和技能水平 • 获得积极进取的员工,提高员工满意度和 忠诚度 • 获得良好雇主的声誉 • 获得超出培训成本的潜在联邦和州激励资金 • 在较低的工资聘请接受在职培训的实习生

对于重视好员工的公司来说,培训和其他资 助计划可以是绝对的奖金。在AIWT,我们与 雇主紧密合作以定制适合企业的培训,并且 我们可以在工作场所提供培训,因为我们知 道企业会多么繁忙。 在AIWT,我们提供以下方面的培训和优先行 业培训(PIT): • 商学院 • 商业二等证书(校内培训) • 商业三级证书 • 商业四级证书 • 领导和管理文凭 • 工作健康与安全学院 • 工作健康与安全四级证书

• 语言学院 • 口译文凭(普通话-英语)

• 教育与社区服务学院 • 幼儿教育和护理三级证书 • 幼儿教育与照护文凭 • 学龄教育和照护四级证书 • 学龄教育和照护文凭 • 社区服务文凭

• 房地产学院 • 四级证书房地产实践(即将推出)




Poh is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist. She completed her master’s degree in psychology at UWA in 2007. Poh is a mother of two children aged four and six. She is experienced in working with children, teenagers and adults with stress, depression, anxiety, worries and anger. She is passionate about supporting children with special needs (e.g. autism, ADHD and dyslexia) and their families. 颜宝玉,教育与精神发展心理医师,2007年西澳大学心理科硕士毕业,育有两位分别四至六岁的孩子,有经验处 理儿童、青少年和成人所面对压力、抑郁、焦虑、担忧和愤怒的问题。热衷于帮助特殊儿童(如:自闭症、过度活 跃症和读写障碍)和其家人。

文◎Poh GAN 颜宝玉


译◎Yves 若水



inety five percent of young Australians believe that climate change is a serious problem. Four in five young people are anxious about climate change (APS, 2019). As a parent, can you imagine what our children’s lives will be like in about 20 years from now, if climate change continues to be a threat to humankind? As we experience more significant natural disasters, such as bushfires, extreme weather and drought due to higher levels of greenhouse gases, have we ever paused and pondered the fact that this earth will be the place where our children will be raising their children, our grandchildren? What can we do about this? This is an uncomfortable yet hugely relevant topic for the survival of our offspring.

The more informed we are, the better we are able at making good choices and instilling these concepts and values in our children. More importantly, if we model the proactive strategies to conserve our environment ourselves, they will pick up and learn from us. Climate change issues are no longer just a topic of discussion among politicians. It is something that everyone of us is responsible for. In doing that, we can provide our future generation with a safe and sustainable environment. Here are some strategies to teach and engage children to contribute to sustainable living and be environmental-friendly:

Discuss and inform – most children have some exposure at school about climate issues. If they raise concerns, do not be afraid to take it as a good opportunity to teach and discuss ways that you can do to make a difference as a family. Use simple and honest language to inform children, e.g. “We have bushfire because the climate is changing;” “The earth is getting hotter because we have used too much petrol, gas and plastic.” Acknowledge, reflect and guide –

the thoughts about global warming and its impacts on human suffering, increase in disasters and flora and fauna extinction, can be depressing. Acknowledge, reflect their feelings and help them to cope by taking action.

Research together – read books with them about climate change, e.g. ‘Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming’ by Laurie David, ‘The Magic School Bus and the Climate Challenge’ by Joanna Cole, and ‘The Lorex’ by Dr Zeuss. Go online to learn ways to support sustainable living in everyday life (see The United Nations 10 steps at home). E.g. choose to take public transport, when possible, to reduce carbon footprint. Use our own bag when shopping. Reduce use of plastic. Shop at the local grocery store. Have a vegetable garden. Recycle and reuse waste properly. Reduce intake of beef and lamb. Reduce the use of heating during winter.

Cultivate a love for nature – take kids out into nature and help them to appreciate the beauty of nature. Let them enjoy free and unstructured time in nature, e.g. picnic, camping, bird watching and bush play. This is actually

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

also good for their mental health!

Take action together – it is empowering and hope-inspiring for children to know that they too can make a difference. Share with them stories about Greta Thunberg. Join a family-friendly rally for the environment. Join community activities to take climate actions. Write to politicians and lobby climate change actions together with your children.

Build hope – sustainable living and taking action to help with climate change is a long journey. While our actions may not equate immediate outcomes in solving problems, it is important to help our children to see the purpose and value of protecting our future generation’s planet.


如何教孩子应对气候危机 并为可持续生活做出贡献?


的澳大利亚年轻人认为气候变化是一个严重的问题。每五 个年轻人中有四个对气候变化感到焦虑(APS,2019)。如 果气候变化继续对人类构成威胁,那作为父母, 您能想象现在起大约20 年后,我们孩子的生活会怎样?正当我们经历着极为严重的自然灾害, 例如丛林大火,极端温室气体导致的极端天气和干旱,您是否停下来思 考过,这个地球将会是我们孩子继续抚养下一代的地方吗?我们该怎么 办?对于我们的后代来说,这是一个令人担忧但极其关键于我们下一代 能否生存的话题。 我们了解得越多,我们就越有能力做 出正确的选择,并将这些观念和价值观灌 输给我们的孩子。更重要的是,如果我们 示范主动性策略进行干预以保护我们自己 的环境,那么孩子或许会向我们学习。气 候变化问题不再只是政界人士讨论的话 题。这是我们每个人都应负责的事情。这 样,我们可以为我们的后代提供一个安全 和可持续的环境。 以下是一些策略,可以教孩子们参与 其中,为他们的可持续生活和环境友好做 出贡献:

讨论和告知 –- 大多数孩子在学校里 都能学习一些有关气候问题的知识。如果 他们提出了担忧,不要害怕将其作为教导 和讨论一家人如何来作出改变的好机会。 使 用简单 和诚实的 语言来 告 知孩 子,例 如“因为气候在变化,我们有丛林大火” ; “地球变得越来越热,因为我们使用了


认同,反映和引导 –- 关于全球变暖 及 其 对人 类苦难,灾害增加 和动 植物灭 绝的影响的想法可能令孩子感到沮丧。认 同,反映他们的感受并通过采取行动帮助 他们应对。

共同研究 –- 与他们一起阅读有关气 候变化的书籍,例如Laurie David的《温 室效应的朴实引导》,Joanna Cole的《 魔术校车与气候挑战》和Zeuss博士的《 洛雷克斯》。上网学习如何在日常生活中 支持可持续生活的方法(请参阅联合国在 家中的十个步骤)。例如: 尽可能选择乘坐 公共交通工具以减少碳耗用量;购物时自 带环保袋;减少使用塑料;在附近的杂货 店购物;在家开辟菜园;妥善的做废物回 收和重用;减少牛肉和羊肉的摄取量;减 少在冬季时使用暖气。


培养对大自然的热爱– - 让孩子们进 入大自然,并帮助他们欣赏大自然的美。 让他们在大自然中享受自由时间,例如野 餐,露营,观鸟和丛林娱乐。这实际上对 他们的心理健康也有好处! 共 同 采 取 行 动 – - 这使 孩 子 们 知 道 他 们 也可以有所 作 为,这 对 他 们 来说 是 一种赋权和启发。与他们分享有关Greta Thunberg的故事。加入家庭友好的环保 聚会和游行。参加社区活动以采取气候行 动。写信给政客,并与您的孩子一起向政 府请愿一些气候变化行动。

建立希望–可持续的生活并采取行动 帮助应对气候变化是漫长的旅程。尽管我 们的行动可能无法等同于解决问题的立竿 见影,但重要的是要帮助我们的孩子了解 为下一代保护地球的重要意义和价值。 References 参考

• Psychology-topics/Climate-change-psychology/Talkingwith-children-about-the-environment • • Australian Youth Climate Coalition https://www.aycc.

• Youth for climate justice https://climatejusticealliance. org/workgroup/youth/

• Act now – United Nations 10 steps at home https://www.

• Environmental Footprint calculator https://footprint.wwf.

Concerned about your child’s wellbeing and/or learning? Contact your local bilingual psychologist for more assistance

Poh Gan 颜宝玉

Bsc (Hon), MPsych (Applied Developmental), GradDip (Education), MAPS FCEDP

Educational and Developmental Psychologist G4/58 Grose Avenue Cannington WA 6107 Suite 13, 1st Floor, 73 Calley Drive Leeming WA 6149

08 9356 5663


Invitation 盛情邀请 携手同行 Partner with us

Chung Wah Members Discount Scheme 中华会员优惠计划

Expand your business by offering a special discount ranging from 5% to 25% or any other privileged offer to Chung Wah members.

向中华会馆会员拓展您的商务,只须提供特别 优惠给我们的会员。比如介于5% 至25% 的商 品或服务折扣,或其他类似优惠。

Free to Join 免费加盟 No ongoing 无须缴付任何 costs or fees 会费或成本费

For further enquiries, please contact Chung Wah Association | 若想进一步咨询,可联系中华会馆

Ph 座机 9328 8657 | Mb 手机 0450 160 128 | Em 电邮 Arirang Australia Unit 9 / 26 River Road, Bayswater WA 6053

Azurra Migration 0402 639 635

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109 James Street, Northbridge 113 Collins Road, Willetton

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15 Hulme Court, Myaree


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Mob: 0434 087 531 Email:

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Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动 Activities 活动


Day 日期

Time 时间

Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Dragon and Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Sunday 周日

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐

Sunday 周日

11:00am - 2:00pm

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Wednesday 周三

12:00pm - 3:00pm

Beijing Opera 京剧社

Sunday 周日

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Women’s Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Thursday 周四

1:00pm - 3:00pm

Chung Wah Choir 中华合唱团

Sunday 周日

2:15pm - 4:15pm

Saturday 周六

Saturday 周六

Chung Wah New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞

Sunday 周日

1:30pm - 3:30pm

Wednesday 周三

6:00pm -9:00pm

Table Tennis 中华乒乓球俱乐部

Sunday 周日

11:00am -2:00pm

Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 128 James Street, Northbridge

4:00pm -8:00pm

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Jen Nie CHONG 08 9328 8657

Per term 每学期 $50

Teresa TAN 08 9328 8657

Free (members only) 免费,仅限会员

$1 for members 会员

Salvation Army 救世军总部 333 William Street, Northbridge

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 巴卡达中心

18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Contact 联系人

Each class 每堂课 $10 for members 会员 $16 for nonmembers 非会员

Free (members only) 免费,仅限会员

(Beginner 11:30am - 12:30pm)

10:00am -12:00pm

Fee 收费

$10 for members 会员

9:00am - 2:00pm

Line Dancing 排排舞

Sunday 周日

Location 地点

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Ben LIM 0424 153 838

Annie WONG 08 9328 8657

Baohe LIU 08 9328 8657 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572

Trinh QUACH 0423 587 653 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572 Doreen CHIN

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

Leonard KHO 0411 745 285 Dong NHAN 0403 509 052

$5 for members 会员 $7 for nonmembers 非会员

May KE 0434 148 590 Maya 0435 425 898

Activities 活动

Day Long Respite Care 中华日间暂息中心

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Day 日期

Monday to Friday 周一至周五

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划

Time 时间

9:00am 6:00pm 9:00am 2:00pm

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Various 商议待定

Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

10:30am 12:00pm

Tai Chi Class 太极班

Wednesday (Northbridge)

10:00am 11:30am

周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

11:00am 12:00pm

周三 (北桥) Community Talks 社区讲座

Location 地点

周四、五 (威乐顿) Monthly 每月一次

Monthly 每月一次

Fee 收费

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,98 Lake Street, Northbridge Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,98 Lake Street, Northbridge

Contact 联系人

Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care staff for more details


此类服务都须经由政 府部门评估,请联系 中华社区与长者服务 部以了解更多详情

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,98 Lake Street, Northbridge

Gold Coin donation 金币捐献

Please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Coordinator for more information. 请向中华社区与长者服务部 了解更多详情。 Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

Free 免费

Email 电子邮箱 : enquiry@chungwahcac.

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Community Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务


Chung Wah Services 中华服务

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Appointment Required 提早预约




Bone Health 骨骼健康 文:Elvie Yap/ Rongsen Lee 叶俐廷 / 李荣参 译:Yves 若水

‘ It is estimated that one in three women and one in five men over 50 will suffer from a bone fracture due to osteoporosis’

“ 五十岁之后, 三分之一的女性 和 五分之一的男 性,预测会因为骨 骼疏松问题导致 发生骨折”

• 您有好好照顾骨骼健康吗? • 您是否饮食营养均衡?

• 您是否每天至少要在户外 让身体的一部分暴露在 阳光下10分钟,或者您 是否服用维生素D补充剂? • 您每天至少进行30分钟 的负重运动吗?

• 您每天食用乳制品还是 任何一种钙的补剂品吗? • 您每天喝少于两杯 酒精饮料吗? • 你避免吸烟吗?

在这种情况下,“是”的答案越多越好。 保持健康的体重,饮食营养均衡的饮 食,定期运动和晒日光,避免饮酒和抽 烟,都是我们可以做的所有事情,可以 使骨骼保持尽可能强壮。 大多数人一生都需要摄入大量良好的 钙,以确保骨骼健康,尤其是对于50岁 以上的青少年和成年人(参见框1)。

Bones and joints make up the skeletal system, an inner frame that supports the body. Babies are born with over 300 ‘soft’ bones, but as we get older, many fuse together. By the time one reaches the age of 25, the body will have 206 fully formed bones. Bones are strong and flexible enough to cope with a lot of pressure, but they sometimes break. Fortunately, they are always growing and repairing themselves. The broken bones are most commonly in the fingers, wrists and ankles.

Bones account for one sixth of our body’s weight and are five times stronger than a steel bar of the same weight. However, without proper care, it can lead to a brittle bone disease, osteoporosis.

骨骼和关节组成骨骼系统,是支撑身体的 内部框架。婴儿出生时具有300多个“软” 骨头,但是随着年龄的增长,许多骨头会融 合在一起。到25岁时,人体将拥有206个完 全形成的骨骼。 骨骼足够坚固和灵活,足以应付很大的挤 压,但有时会断裂。幸运的是,它们始终在 成长并自我修复。骨折的骨头最常见于手 指、手腕和脚踝。

骨骼占我们体重的六分之一,比同等重量 的钢强五倍。但是,如果没有适当的护理, 则可能导致脆性骨病,骨质疏松症。 骨密度通常在30到35岁左右达到顶峰,然 后才开始缓慢下降,但骨质疏松是骨骼密 度显着降低,从而使骨骼变薄,变弱并且更 容易骨折的情况。骨折之前通常没有任何 症状。 那么,您每天可以做什么来照顾您的 骨骼健康?

Bone density tends to peak around the age of 30 to 35, before starting to decline slowly, but osteoporosis is a condition where the density of your bones is significantly reduced, causing them to be thinner, weaker and more likely to fracture. There aren’t usually any symptoms until a bone breaks. So, what can you do each day to look after your bone health?

• Are you looking after your bone health? • Do you eat a nutritious, balanced diet?

• Do you go outdoors for at least 10 minutes each day with part of your body exposed to sunlight, or do you take vitamin D supplements? • Do you get at least 30 minutes of weight bearing exercise each day?

• Do you consume dairy each day or another form of supplementation for calcium? • Do you drink less than 2 standard drinks per day? • Do you avoid smoking?

In this instance, the more ‘yes’ answers you have, the better. Staying at a healthy weight, eating a nutritious, balanced diet, getting regular exercise and sunshine, and avoiding alcohol and cigarettes are all things that we can do to keep our bones as strong as possible. Most people need to eat plenty of good sources of calcium for healthy bones throughout life, especially for adolescents and adults over the age of 50 (see box 1).

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

正常的骨基质 Normal Bone Matrix

疏松的骨基质 Osteoporosis

Age and life stage 年龄和生活阶段

Recommended dietary intake of calcium (mg/day) 建议饮食中钙的摄入量(毫克/天)

Babies 0–6 months – breastfed 0-6个月的婴儿–母乳喂养

approx. 210 mg

Babies 0–6 months – formula fed 0-6个月的婴儿–配方奶

approx. 350 mg

Babies 7–12 months 婴儿7–12个月

270 mg

Children 1–3 years 1-3岁儿童

500 mg

Children 4–8 years 4-8岁儿童

700 mg

Children 9–11 years 9-11岁儿童

1,000 mg

Women 19–50 (including pregnant and breastfeeding women) 19-50岁妇女(包括孕妇和哺乳期妇女)

1,000 mg

Adolescents 12–18 years (including pregnant and breastfeeding young women) 12至18岁的青少年(包括孕妇和哺乳期的年轻妇女)

Women 51–70岁的女性

Adults over 70超过70岁的女性

Box 2: Good dietary sources of calcium include 钙的良好饮食来源包括: Examples 例子

Milk and milk products 牛奶和奶制品

Milk, yoghurt, cheese and buttermilk 酸奶,奶酪和酪乳

Leafy green vegetables 绿叶蔬菜

Broccoli, collards (cabbage family), bok choy, Chinese cabbage and spinach 西兰花,羽衣甘蓝(白菜科) ,白菜,大白菜和菠菜

Soy and tofu 大豆和豆腐

Fish 鱼 Nuts and seeds 坚果和谷物类

Calciumfortified foods 钙强化食品

Tofu (depending on type) or tempeh and calciumfortified soy drinks 豆腐(取决于类型)或 豆和钙强化大豆饮料

Sardines and canned salmon (bones included) 沙丁鱼和鲑鱼罐头 (包括骨头)

Brazil nuts, almonds and sesame seed paste (tahini) 巴西坚果,杏仁和芝麻糊 (芝麻酱) Breakfast cereals, fruit juices, bread, some plant-based milks 早餐谷物,果汁,面包和 一些植物性牛奶

1,300 mg 1,300 mg 1,000 mg

Men 19–70岁的女性

Food type 食品类型


Box 1: The recommended dietary intake of calcium is different for people of different ages and life stages. 对于不同年龄和生命阶段的人,饮食中建议的钙摄入量是不同的.

1,300 mg

Calcium per serve (mg) 每份钙(毫克)

One cup of milk, a 200 g tub of yoghurt or 200 ml of calcium-fortified soymilk provides around 300 mg calcium. Calciumfortified milks can provide larger amounts of calcium in a smaller volume of milk – ranging from 280 mg to 400 mg per 200 ml milk. 一杯牛奶,200克酸奶或200毫升钙强化豆浆可提供约300毫克钙。 强化牛奶可以在更少量的牛奶中提供更多的钙,范围为每200毫升 牛奶相等于280毫克至400毫克钙。

One cup of cooked spinach contains 100 mg, although only five per cent of this may be absorbed. This is due to the high concentration of oxalate, a compound found in spinach that reduces calcium absorption. By contrast, one cup of cooked broccoli contains about 45 mg of calcium, but the absorption from broccoli is much higher at around 50–60 per cent. 一杯煮熟的菠菜含有100毫克,尽管其中只有5%可以被吸收。 这是由于草酸盐含量高,草酸盐是菠菜中发现的一种降低钙吸收的化合 物。 相比之下,一杯煮熟的西兰花中含有约45毫克的钙,但西兰花中的吸收量要高得多,约为50-60%。 One cup or 260 g of tofu contains around 832 mg of calcium. One cup of tempeh contains around 868 g of calcium. 250 ml of calcium-fortified soymilk provides around 300 mg of calcium. 一杯或260克豆腐含约832毫克钙。 一杯豆含约868克钙。250毫升钙强化豆浆可 提供约300毫克钙 Half a cup of canned salmon contains 402 mg of calcium. 半杯鲑鱼罐头含402毫克钙 Fifteen almonds contain about 40 mg of calcium. 15颗杏仁含有约40毫克的钙。

One cup of calcium-fortified breakfast cereal (40 g) contains up to 200 mg of calcium. Half a cup of calcium-fortified orange juice (100 ml) contains up to 80 mg of calcium, and two slices of bread (30 g) provide 200 mg of calcium. Plant-based milks (oat, almond, rice, etc) may or may not be calcium-fortified, so it is important to check the label of these products if you intend to use them in place of regular dairy milk to boost your calcium intake. 一杯钙强化早餐谷物(40 g)含钙最多200毫克。 半杯含钙的橙汁(100毫升)最多 含80毫克钙,两片面包(30克)可提供200毫克钙。植物性牛奶(燕麦,杏仁,大米 等)可能会或可能不会加钙,因此,如果您打算使用它们代替常规乳汁以增加钙 的摄入量,则必须检查这些产品的标签,这一点很重要。

In addition to meeting the dietary requirements for healthy bone, weight-bearing exercise is one of the best ways to protect bones. It can also help to maintain bone density in people who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia. Any activity where your bones and muscles work against the force of gravity while standing is considered a weight-bearing exercise. Mix and match activities like walking, jogging, tennis, dancing and bush walking. To be on the safe side, if you are concerned, speak to your GP about a bone scan to prevent osteoporosis developing.

除了满足健康骨骼的饮食要求外,负重运动也是保护骨骼 的最佳方法之一。 它还可以帮助已诊断出患有骨质疏松症 或骨质减少症的人保持骨密度。 站立时骨骼和肌肉抵抗重 力作用的任何活动都被视为负重运动。 混合和比赛类运 动,如散步,慢跑,网球,跳舞和丛林漫步。 为了安全起见,如果您担心的话,请向您的GP咨询有关骨 扫描以防止骨质疏松症发展的信息。



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Tel 9330 6344 Stephen Kum or 0428765248 甘先生 103 Norma Road, Myaree WA 6154




Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming 中华黎明中文学校 指导老师: 侯喆

我的世界-my world

姓名: 张家仪(四年级)

我的世界是一种你永远不会忘记的经历,它带来了我想象中的奇迹。我的世界充满 了我喜欢的艺术和许多歌曲。这就是谈论动物和唱歌花的事情。如果我能相信的话,一 切皆有可能。我每天都看到它甚至不存在,但我看到了我的信仰,这是我世界上最重要的 事情。这将带我进入另一个维度,我的想象力将在整个旅程中控制。我的世界是一个梦 想。 -张家仪 。 4A

指导老师: 黄宝玉


姓名: 郑贺文 He Wen Zheng Age 年龄: 12(七年级)

我的美丽家乡在澳洲,西澳,珀斯。 西澳是澳大利亚最大的州。 在澳大利亚的西部有很 多大自然和美丽的风景,澳洲海边的水是蓝色的,沙子是金黄色的,水里有的时候可以看 见水母漂浮在大海里而且还有很多海豚和鲨鱼。 澳大利亚的中部有著名的幸普森沙漠。 澳 大利亚的著名热带雨林 处在昆士兰。


珀斯的环境很干净,住宅区也很安静,而且也很现代化。 在市区有高楼大厦,在室内有 很多艺术和创意展览。 珀斯的闻名地标叫 Optus 珀斯体育场,可以在里面观看体育赛事, 文艺演出,还有很多很多其他的比赛。 西澳有一个有名的国家公园 Kings Park(国王公园) 。 国王公园是最大的世界级市区公园。 公园里铺满着鲜绿的草地,种着漂亮的植物,还有未 开垦的森林。 国王公园里还有国家战争纪念碑。 西澳的重要港口叫 Fremantle(弗里曼特 尔) ,是西澳最重要的港口之一,那里是历史上著名的城市,是珀斯著名观光地。 里面有古 老的监牢,可以去里面观看。 看完了监牢还可以到市场上买东西吃,因为在监牢博物馆的 旁边就是著名的小吃一条街,里面有澳洲特色 炸鱼薯条。 我住在 Success(胜利)。 我的小学叫 Success Primary School。 小学离住家很近,我 经常自己走路去上学。 上学的路上会经过小公园,大型喷泉,而且还可以看见很多鹦鹉!放 学后我经常跟我同学走路回家,经过小公园的时候会在里面玩耍。 如果开车的时候经常会 路过小商店,快餐店(肯德基,麦当劳,饥饿杰克,汉堡王)。 我最喜欢肯德基因为肯德基有 很多不同的汉堡可选。 澳洲的邻居很友好,他们经常跟我们打招呼。 在我的邻居中有 韩国 人,本地澳洲人,亚洲人,还有土族人。 夏天我们经常和朋友一起去海边烧烤,游泳,钓鱼。 我爱我的家乡,因为我的家乡带给我太多的快乐和美好的童年。 我为生在这里长在 这里而感到幸运和自豪。 长大后,无论我走到哪里我永远也不会忘记我的家乡,在我心里 家乡最好,最美!

指导老师: 黄宝玉

姓名: 官川耀 Felix Kuan 年龄: 15 (七年级)


我美丽的家乡位于珀斯。 珀斯是西澳的首府。 西澳是整个澳大利亚最大的州。 它以其 美丽的海滩,沙丘,雨林和沙漠而闻名。 这个州有最好的自然保护区。 这些地方包括著名的 科茨洛海滩,国王公园,植物园和游泳谷。 珀斯是一个非常安静和现代化的城市。 它有许多高楼大厦和美丽艺术的建筑物。 最 近,珀斯一直被列为居住的前八大城市之一。 这是由于其健康,清洁和安全的环境。 珀斯有 许多大大小小的公园,其中最为有名的就数国王公园,它位于珀斯的西部边缘,建于1890 年,同时占地高达4.06平方公里,是鸟瞰珀斯全景的最佳地点。 院内有绿地,植物园,未开 垦的森岭,各种鸟类和野花;另外,院内还设有国家战争纪念碑,皇家国王公园网球俱乐 部,以及一个蓄水池。 每年九月,公园还会举办澳大利亚 最大的野生花卉展览。 另一个非常出名的地方就是弗里曼特尔,位于珀斯市西南19公里处,建于1892年,是 天鹅湖的出海口。 这里是珀斯卫星城和重要港口,更是一座历史名城,目前是珀斯的著名 观光景点,人口3万。 港口有巨大船坞和机械化小麦装载设备;还有石油炼制,面粉,化肥, 汽车配置,制革等工业。 亦为重要渔场,海滨浴场著名。

我现在住在帕克伍德,在我住的地方有一个小学叫帕克伍德小学,当然也有个中学。 在我家附近有一个小超市我经常去那里买东西,我的邻居是韩国人。 每当夏天的时候,我 的家人就和他们一起烧烤,我和我的家人很喜欢烧烤,当然我的邻居们也是。 我喜欢我的家乡,因为它很美丽。

指导老师: 黄宝玉


姓名:谢秉恒 Cayden Bing Hng Chia 年龄: 12(七年级)

我美丽的家乡是珀斯。 珀斯在西澳,西澳在澳大利亚的西部。 珀斯有许多大自然的风 景,还有美丽的海边和热带的雨林。

珀斯是个现代化的城市,她的土地面积很大,人烟稀少,空气清新,环境清幽。 珀斯有 很多闻名地标。 譬如国王公园,弗里曼特尔和天鹅河 。 国王公园是珀斯最大的世界级市区 公园,她坐落在伊丽莎山。 那里有个著名的植物园,她目前拥有超过两千种植物。 每当春天 到了,我们一家人会到那里野餐和赏花,享受美好与幸福的家庭生活。 公园里有一条由钢铁建造的联邦走道,从那里望下去可以看到整个美丽的珀斯市 区。 国王公园里也有一座国家战争纪念碑,很多游客喜欢在那里拍照留念。

弗里曼特尔是珀斯的另一个著名的观光地。 那里有个历史悠久的古老监牢。 那里也有 一个弗里曼特尔市场,市场里卖很多新鲜的蔬菜水果和珀斯的特产。


指导老师: 黄宝玉


姓名: 陈佑菲 Kenneth Hendarman 年龄:十三 (七年级)

我的美丽家乡是珀斯在西澳,澳大利亚。 西澳是澳大利亚最大的州。 珀斯有很多大自 然,美丽的风景,很多海边,还有很多沙漠。

珀斯是个很安静,现代化的城市,有着许多高层建筑,是一个非常艺术和充满创意的 城市,四周干净整洁。 珀斯也有许多著名的地标。 它们包括Optus体育场,国王公园和弗里 曼特尔。 珀斯人在Optus体育场观看AFL,足球和足球等体育赛事。 弗里曼特尔是历史上著 名的城市,也是珀斯著名的观光景点。 弗里曼特尔是西澳大利亚的重要港口之一。 弗里曼 特尔拥有许多景点,包括弗里曼特尔监狱和弗里曼特尔市场。 国王公园是世界上最大的城 市公园,国王公园拥有许多绿地,许多植物园,许多未开垦的森林区和国家战争纪念馆。 我住的郊区是威灵顿。 我的小学是Burrendah小学。 我的小学离家很近。 快餐店遍布 整个郊区,包括肯德基,麦当劳和饥饿的杰克。 在夏天,我们喜欢去海滩建沙堡,在水中嬉 戏,享受空调,因为天气实在是太热了。 在春天,我们喜欢去海边野餐和烧烤,出去和朋友 一起玩。 在冬天,因为温度很冷,我们吃热的食物,希望它会温暖我们的身体。 在秋天,我们 做类似的事情,就像冬天一样。

我爱我的家乡,因为珀斯有许多我尚未发现的奇迹。 珀斯是一个生活和成长的好地方。

这就是我美丽的家乡珀斯。 欢迎你们来珀斯体验我美丽的家乡风情。 指导老师: 黄宝玉


姓名:陈鉴家 Jian Jia Chen 年龄:11 (七年级)

我的美丽的家乡在澳大利亚。 澳大利亚是一个充满自然和清新空气的大而美丽的国 家。 我住在西澳最美丽的城市,珀斯。 珀斯有很多的美丽风景。

珀斯也有很多的闻名地点,比如,国王公园,Optus stadium 珀斯体育场。 我喜欢国王 公园,因为它是一个美丽的地方,四处种满鲜花,是一个野餐的好地方。 我记得有一次我参 观了珀斯图书馆,那个时候我读到了恐龙和太空。 我对恐龙和太空很感兴趣。 我去了很多 很多的地方。 还有一次我和爸爸去钓鱼,我钓到了很多鱼,我非常开心。

星期六的下午,我和我的伙伴去国王公园玩儿,我们带了水,准备了食物。 我们在草地 上玩,也看到了很多野鸭子。 国王公园有很多树,我们经常玩捉迷藏。 累的时候就可以在草 地上歇一会儿。 我很喜欢国王公园的绿地。 那天我玩得很开心。 我住在一个叫Thornlie的郊区。因为我的小学离我家很近,我有时走路上学。在回家的路 上,我看到很多三叶草,但无论我尝试多少次,我找不到一个四叶的。我爱我的美丽的家乡。

Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中华摩利中文学校

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue


Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 中华珀斯中文学校


Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校



Five things for better bone health 文◎Yongsim LEE 李荣参

译◎Yves 若水

Yong Sim Lee is a pharmacist with 12 years of experience. He believes that the best medication is education. As a father of two children, he also has further advanced his study in paediatric medicine. He is blessed to own two pharmacies. Sim is currently pursuing postgrad in Nutritional Medicine 李荣参从事了12年的药剂师工作。他相信教育是最好的良药。作为两个 孩子的爸爸,他完成了儿科药物学课程。他感到侥幸可以经营自己的两 家药房。荣参正进修着营养药物学。


Bones are living tissues made of collagen fibres filled with water and mineral salts like calcium phosphate that gives them rigidity and strength. Even when they have reached adult shapes and sizes, they constantly renew and remodel by resorbing old bone and rebuilding it anew. However, after reaching 30 years of age, females lose 8% of bone mass every ten years. For better bone health, there are five things we need to know about.

1. Calcium

Calcium has a primary role in building and maintaining bones. In adults, the total body calcium content is about 1kg, 99% of which reside in the skeleton.

On average, about 35% of calcium is absorbed from diet. Patients who cannot achieve an adequate calcium intake through diet may need additional supplementation. In general, calcium supplements >500mg are poorly absorbed, so doses higher than this should be given as divided doses. Calcium is also better absorbed with meals. However, some foods reduce calcium absorption, such as phytates (present in cereals, bran and soybeans) and oxalates (present in spinach, walnuts and rhubarb). Calcium supplements are usually well tolerated. The most common side effects are gastrointestinal upset, constipation, bloating and flatulence.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D has an important role in maintaining bones by promoting the absorption of calcium. Although some vitamin D is found in the diet (e.g. fatty fish and fortified milk), the primary source is from exposure to sunlight because dietary sources commonly provide less than 100IU (international unit) daily and are insufficient to protect against vitamin D deficiency.

The current recommended daily intake of vitamin D for preventing deficiency is 200IU for people aged 0-50, 400IU for people aged 51-70 or people with dark skin, and 600IU for people aged over 70. For patients with, or at risk of, osteoporosis, the recommended daily intake is 800-1000IU.

3. Exercise

Regular exercise stimulates the production of new bone tissue. High-impact exercises, such as aerobics, jogging or racquet sports, are beneficial; while weight-bearing exercises, including gentle yoga or tai chi, help to strengthen areas where the bone is stressed.

Australian guidelines recommend weight-bearing, muscle-strengthening and low-impact exercises for patients with osteoporosis. Resistance training (3-5 times a week) or regular walking (90-280 minutes a week) has shown to increase bone mineral density (BMD).

4. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a ‘silent disease’. This condition remains without symptoms until a fracture occurs. In 2013, there was one osteoporotic fracture every 3.6 minutes in Australia and by 2022, there will be one osteoporotic fracture every 2.9 minutes.

It occurs due to deterioration of bone structure, loss of bone mass and changes in bone metabolism when we do not eat enough calciumrich foods or if we do not top up our vitamin D through diet or sunlight. It can also result from hormone changes in later life. It has become a major public health burden as it happens to one in every two women, and one in three men, over 60 who will have a fracture in their remaining lifetime.

5. Screening and lifestyle

At present, bone mineral density (BMD) measurement is the most convenient and accurate estimate of bone strength. Other than this, a healthy lifestyle minimises the risk of developing osteoporosis and prevents further bone loss and reduces the risk of secondary fractures.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

保持骨骼健康的五件事 骨骼是身体的活组织,由充斥着水和 矿物质盐(如磷酸钙)的胶原蛋白纤 维所合成,使骨骼具有刚性和强度。 即使长成成人的体形和大小,他们也 会通过吸收旧骨并重新构建来不断更 新和重塑。然而,女性到了30岁以后, 身体的骨质密度就会每十年流失8% 。为了更 好的骨骼健康,我们需要了 解五件事。


钙在骨骼的形成和维持中起主要作用。 在成年人中,体内总钙含量约为一公斤,其中 99%存积在骨架中。

平均而言,饮食中约吸收35%的钙。无 法 通 过饮 食 获 得足够 钙 摄 入 量 的患者可能 需 要 补充 额 外 的 钙元 素 。通常,钙 补充 剂 > 500mg意味着吸收差,因此应将高于此剂量 的剂量作为分剂量服用。膳食中的钙吸收也 更好。但是,某些食物会降低钙的吸收,例如 植酸盐(存在于谷物,小麦皮和大豆中)和草 酸盐(存在于菠菜,核桃和大黄中)。 钙补充剂通常耐受良好。最常见的副作 用是胃肠道不适,便秘,腹胀和肠胃气胀。


维生素D通过促进钙的吸收在维持骨骼 方面具有重要作用。尽管在饮食中发现了一 些维生素D(例如高脂肪的鱼类和强化牛奶) ,但主要来源是暴露在阳光下,因为饮食来源 通常每天提供的食物少于100IU(国际单位) ,不足以防止维生素D不足的问题。

当前 建 议 的 每日 维 生 素 D 预 防 摄 入 量 为0 -50岁20 0IU,51-70岁或深色皮 肤的人 400IU,70岁以上的人群600 IU。骨质疏松症 患者或高风险人士,建议每日摄入高达8001000IU。


定期运动会刺激新骨组织的产生。有氧 运动、慢跑或壁球运动等高影响力锻炼是有 益的;轻柔的瑜伽或太极拳等负重运动有助 于增强骨骼受压区域。 澳大利亚(健康)指南建议骨质疏松症患 者进行负重,肌肉增强和低冲击运动。阻力 训练(每周3-5次)或定期散步(每周90-280 分钟)已显示会增加骨矿物质密度。


骨质疏松症 是一种“ 隐 形 疾 病 ”。这种 情况可一直没有症状的保持着,直到发生骨 折。2013年,澳大利亚每3.6分钟发生一例骨 质疏松性骨折,到2022年,每2.9分钟将发生 一例骨质疏松性骨折。

当我们没有吃足够的富含钙的食物,或 者不通过饮食或日晒补充维生素D时,就会发 生这种情况,这是由于骨骼结构恶化,骨骼质 量下降和骨骼代谢变化所致。它也可能源于 晚年荷尔蒙的变化。它已经成为主要的公共 卫生负担,每两名女性中就有一名,而三名男 性中就有一名,超过60岁的人在其剩余寿命 中会骨折。


目前,骨矿物质密度测量是最方便,最准 确的骨强度的方法。除此之外,健康的生活方 式可将发生骨质疏松症的风险降到最低,并 防止进一步的骨质流失并降低继发性骨折的 风险。

文◎傅绪琼 Julia FU 译◎叶俐廷 Elvie YAP

Osteoporosis is a very common condition that occurs in the ageing population, and approximately a quarter of women suffer from osteoporosis after menopause. This is a chronic, progressive disease with no symptoms at an early stage. People may think that symptoms, such as backache, could be a problem of other health conditions. In some cases, patients do not discover they have severe osteoporosis until they encounter a bone fracture incident. The clinical manifestations of osteoporosis are summarised as follows: constantly having back pain during the early stage of osteoporosis, becoming shorter physically, hunchback, fractures, and decreasing selfindependence in performing daily routines. TCM believes that osteoporosis is caused by the weakness of the spleen and kidney, as well as having liver stagnation symptoms. The congenital condition of the kidney and the deterioration of the spleen as we age, may affect the absorption and transformation function of important nutrients, such as calcium, to our bones.

Dr Julia FU is a practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. She graduated from the Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China in 1983, and has 36 years of experience. 傅绪琼中医师 - 1983年毕业于5年制中国安徽中医药大学, 从事中医临床已有36年工作经验。


骨质疏松症是进入老年期非常普遍发生的病症,约1/4的妇女在停 经后患有骨质疏松症。这是一种慢性,渐进性的疾病,早期没有什 么症状,即使出现腰酸背痛等症状,也会被误认为是其它问题,甚至 有些人是在发生骨折之后才发现自己患有严重的骨质疏松症。

骨质疏松症的临床表现概括起来 有:早期常有腰酸背痛,身高变矮,驼 背,骨折,生活能力下降等。

中医认为骨质疏松症是由于脾肾 两虚为主因,兼有肝郁血阻所造成。 “ 肾为先天之本”, “脾为后天之本”。 先天不足,后天失养,均可影响骨骼 的钙物质的吸收和转化等功能。 中医如何防治骨质疏松症呢?


中医预防是“不治已病,治未病” 。骨质钙的储存是从青少年时期开始 的,成年以后,钙的储存逐渐减少。 所以在青少年发育阶段就要大量丰富 地储存体内的钙。要多运动,平衡饮 食,多吃富含钙的食物。在青少年期 就使体内钙的储存充足,这是第一重


How does Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) help in preventing osteoporosis?


健脾补肾是中医防治骨质疏松症 的原则。在中医师的指导下服用中药, 以弥补先天的肾不足和后天的脾运化 功能低下。但体质正常的青少年则无 需服中药,用食疗加运动即可。 进入老年或更年期后,在医生的 指导下,适当服用维生素D + 钙片,以 平衡钙的流失。 对于已确诊有骨质疏松症的人, 就需要看中医,辨证施治地用中药调 理一段时间,这在研究中和临床上都 证明了是有效果的。

在日常生活和保健方面,每天坚 持走路40分钟左右,每天接触阳光在 15 分钟以上。食谱要多而杂,少吃太 甜和太咸的食物,咖啡也要少喝。

How does TCM help in preventing osteoporosis? 1) Focus on prevention. In the TCM prevention theory, ‘we treat those who do not have the disease’. Our bones start to store calcium since adolescence, and as we grow, calcium storage gradually decreases. Therefore, in the adolescent development stage, a large amount of calcium should be stored in the body. Exercise more, eat a balanced diet and eat more calcium-rich foods. Adequate calcium storage in adolescence is the first important precaution. 2) Invigorating the spleen and the kidney is the principle of traditional Chinese medicine in preventing and treating osteoporosis. Take some traditional Chinese medicine under the guidance of a TCM practitioner, in order to improve the function and condition of the spleen and the kidney. Adolescents with normal body conditions do not need to take Chinese medicine. Eating the right diet and doing exercise will be sufficient. 3) Approaching old age or menopause, under the guidance of a doctor, do take vitamin D + calcium tablets appropriately to balance the loss of calcium.

4) For those who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, they can look for a TCM practitioner to apply the right Chinese medicine treatment plan for a period of time to improve the condition. This has proved effective in research and clinically.

5) It would be good to walk for about 40 minutes every day and get exposed to sunlight for at least 15 minutes a day. In terms of dietary changes, try to have a good variety in your daily recipes, reduce food that contains high sugar and salt, and cut down on coffee intake.




中华社区与长者服务中心在2020年中华新春活动 Chung Wah Community and Aged Care at the 2020 Chinese New Year Fair

华新春文化节在2020年2月2日于北桥街道顺利举办。今年在受到新型冠 状病毒的影响下,参与新春活动的人数有所减少。然而,中华社区与长者 服务中心(CAC)的摊位前门庭若市,这是因为中华CAC精心策划的“鼠你有钱” 游戏吸引了许多人的关注。在这次游戏中,大家可以从近80个红包中选择一个, 每个红包都代表着一个奖品,参与游戏的人们百分百中奖。中华CAC在此次游 戏中准备的鼠年纪念衫,鼠年玩偶,中华特色挥春等奖品都深受人们的喜爱。 此次活动在为大家带来了幸运和快乐的同时拉近了中华CAC与社会各界的关 系。让更多的人们开始逐渐了解中华CAC不同类型的服务。游戏的设置也与中 华CAC今年的服务主题“选择”有关,中华CAC通过游戏的形式鼓励来自不同文 化背景的社区人士主动地做出选择,做自己生活的掌控人。在活动现场,许多行 动不便的长者也参与到这场简单的游戏中做出了自己的选择,收获到属于自己 的幸运。与此同时,中华CAC在此次活动中,也为澳洲森林大火募捐,中华CAC 对当日参与募捐的人们表示由衷地感谢。还有许多想要了解中华CAC服务的人 们来到摊位前咨询,在中华CAC员工的耐心介绍中,对相关社区和长者服务有 了更全面的了解。许多参与活动的人们表示中华CAC的摊位活动是此次新春活 动中最吸引人的。中华CAC感谢各位对此次活动的赞誉,我们也会持续组织各 类活动以致力于增进与社会各界的联系,这也会促进我们实现“共创一个更美 好的社区”的愿景。欢迎您通过下方信息关注我们咨询更多讯息和服务。



he Perth Chinese New Year Fair was held on 2 February 2020 on James Street, Northbridge. The number of people at the fair was less than last year due to the impact of the coronavirus. Despite this, the stall of Chung Wah Community and Aged Care (CAC) had a jolly time. The game “Hope You Get Rich in the Year of the Rat” attracted hundreds of people. Participants could choose their favourite red packets from the 80 pinned on a board. People had a 100% chance of winning a prize from the red packets. Prizes, such as Year of the Rat T-shirt, New Year mouse plush toy and specially-designed Chung Wah auspicious banners and fans, were

very popular. The game strengthened the relationship between Chung Wah CAC and the community, whilst bringing luck and happiness to everyone. The game setting was related to the theme of “ Choice”. Through the game, Chung Wah CAC encouraged community members to make their decision proactively. Everyone has the right to take control of their lives. We saw that several senior citizens, who looked frail, also took part in this simple game, where they made their own decisions and “harvested” their luck. Meanwhile, Chung Wah CAC also raised funds for the bushfires in Australia. Chung Wah CAC is grateful to the community

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

members who kindly donated on the day. Furthermore, many community members had an opportunity to get more information about Chung Wah CAC through the event. They obtained a better understanding of the services we can offer by communicating with our friendly staff. Many people spoke highly of the event. They said that the stall of Chung Wah CAC had the best activities at the Chinese New Year Fair. Chung Wah CAC appreciates everyone’s appraisal of the activities and will continue to focus on organising various activities in future in order to build a supportive relationship with the community.

A Good Season for Outings

了丰富不同文化背 景 的 长 者 的日常 生 活,增进他们与社会各界 的联系,在过去的几个月 中,中华CAC 组织了数次 外出游玩的活动,深受长 者 们 的喜爱。长 者 们有机 会来到国王公园踏青采风, 感受大自然的魅力。也有 机会来到Carousel、 Coventry Village 等不 同购物中心,在琳琅满 目的商店中精心挑选 自己需要的食材和商 品。还在农历新年到 来之际于中华C AC 带领长者们来到宜 家 家 居店,帮助长 者 们为新年添置应节的


hung Wah Community and Aged Care (CAC) organised several outings in recent months to enrich the daily lives of the elderly who are from diverse cultural backgrounds and strengthen their connection with the society. Our consumers are fond of these outings. They had chances to walk and relax at King’s Park, enjoying the magic of nature. They also explored Carousel Shopping Centre, Coventry Village and other shopping centres to choose their favourite groceries and other items from a variety of stores. Shortly before Chinese New Year, Chung Wah CAC guided consumers to IKEA, helping

如果您想了解更多关于中华CAC的活动和 服务,欢迎您扫描二维码关注CAC 微信公 众号,或关注我们Facebook 账号: Chung Wah Community and Aged Care,您也可 以拨打我们的咨询电话 93283988 了解更 多资讯。 If you would like to know more about Chung Wah CAC, please scan the QR code to subscribe to our WeChat account. You can also follow our Facebook page Chung Wah Community and Aged Care. Furthermore, you can dial our number 93283988 to seek more information.




一些长者由于出行不 便,语言不通等原因很难 有机会外出。中华CAC的 活动提供 各种服务制造 这些长者们迈出家门的机 会。许多长者们表示这让他 们的日常生活更富有意义,也 有了更多接触社会的机会。为了 方便住在不同地区的长者都有机会参 与到外出的活动中来,中华CAC特别安排 到府接送的交通服务给各位长者,让他们 的外出活动更加便捷。中华CAC 鼓励长者 们参加不同的社交活动来丰富眼界,锻炼 社交能力,从而避免被社会孤立。长者们 在这些外出活动中与自己在中华CAC 结 识的好友一起谈天游玩,增近了彼此的友 谊。外出活动是中华CAC为了促进长者的 them to choose the necessary items for decorating their homes to welcome the Year of the Rat.

Some of the elderly hardly have a chance to go outside due to their limited physical condition or the language barrier. Chung Wah CAC provides suitable services which create opportunities for this group of consumers to go outside. Many consumers said it makes their life full of meaning and they have many chances to connect with the community as well. To make it more convenient for consumers who live in different locations to become involved in the outings, Chung Wah

电话 Tel:


身心健康,提升社交能力而开展 的一系列活动。近日安排的外 出活动收获到长者们的一致 好评,越来越多的长者们对 中华CAC 接下来的活动充 满期待。

CAC arranges door-to-door services for consumers. Chung Wah CAC encourages the elderly to participate in different social experiences to enrich their horizons and improve their socialising skills, which can help them to avoid social isolation. The elderly, who hang out with their friends from Chung Wah CAC in these outings, build a positive friendship with each other. Consumers have spoken highly of the recent outings, and increasingly, they have more expectations on the future activities that Chung Wah CAC is going to arrange.


电子邮件 Email: 地址 Address: 2/98 Lake Street. Northbridge.

主页 Facebook: Chung Wah Community and Aged Care

微信 WeChat: ChungWahCAC华人服务在珀斯

请扫描二维码以关注我们的微信公众号 Please scan the following QR code to follow our WeChat Subscription Account 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊秋季版


Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校

2020 New School Year Preparation Meeting and Teacher Training

2020新学年准备会及教师培训 文◎Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

Participation of Teaching staff in Perth Chinese New Year Fair 我校教师献艺 珀斯中国新年文化节


On the Saturday morning of February 1, the Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) Rossmoyne held a preparatory meeting for the new school year and the first annual teacher training.

The meeting was chaired by Principal Xuanli MA. Due to the coronavirus epidemic, the policy of this epidemic prevention was the top priority discussion topic presented to the Chung Wah Chinese School Council, and made specific arrangement for these schools. The issue of student safety and protection was another main topic. Further strengthening and implementation of student safety measures will be the focus of the schools this year. During the professional training session, the teachers discussed the introduction and application of the online education platform “Education Perfect” in the CWCS Rossmoyne. Principal Ma introduced the update of Chinese language resources on the platform over the last 12 months, and explained to newly recruited teachers about the application of this platform by the school. Then the attendees conducted further discussion and experienced teachers shared their experiences using the platform in teaching enthusiastically.

On Sunday 2 February, the 2020 Perth Chinese New Year Fair was held on James street, Northbridge. The CWCS Rossmoyne presented a fascinating cultural dance performed by the school-based Lily Dance Troupe, created and directed by a school teacher, Lili Chen. In preparation for this cultural festival, the teachers spent their school vacation practising for this performance, participating mothers and grandmothers from the community were also passionately involved in the rehearsals during the hot summer. In addition, the presentation from the Kung Fu group and other dancing presentation also received an overwhelming response from the crowd at the event. Teacher Yu Zhou from CWCS Rossmoyne, Regina Lam, the Deputy Principal from CWCS Morley, and Chuwen Jing from CWCS Leeming co-hosted the performance presented by the Chung Wah Chinese Schools.

在专业培训环节,老师们针对网络教育 平台“Education Perfect” 在中华乐思中文 学校的引进和应用进行了讨论。马校长介绍 了该平台一年来的汉语资源更新情况,并向 新入职的老师讲解了我校的参与方式。之后 老师们展开了热烈的讨论,在平台应用方面 经验丰富的老师也热心分享了自己的体验。

On February 15, the first day of the CWCS Rossmoyne this year, the children welcomed the long-awaited Chung Wah Lion Dance performance. Accompanied by the sound of festive gongs and drums, the three male lions ran and jumped along with the drums, and from time to time they leaned over to let the children touch their big furry ears. Many children surrounded the lion and stuffed the red envelope symbolising auspicious blessings into the lion’s big mouth. The glittering eyes of the children were full of joy, and the fear of the coronavirus was swept away by the cheerful sound of gongs and drums and the laughter of the children.

Chen Meili, He Ying, and Liu Qi and Principal Xuanli Ma also organised a variety of children’s art and craft activities at the cultural festival.

2020年2月2日星期六上午,中华乐思中 文学校举行了新学年开学前准备会和年度第 一次教师培训。 会议由马烜历校长主持,鉴于今年的新 冠疫情,马校长首先传达了中华中文学校理 事会的防疫方针,并针对本校情况作了具体 布置安排。这次会议还讨论了学生安全保护 问题。学生安全措施的进一步强化和实施将 是学校今年的工作的重点。

Lion Dance Troupe welcoming New Year at school campus 校园舞狮迎新年

2020年2月2日星期日,中国新年文化 节在北桥区James 街隆重举行,我校陈丽 丽老师创建并指导的百合舞蹈团代表中华 乐思中文学校表演了精彩的舞蹈。为准备 这次文化节活动,参加演出的老师们放弃 了休假,社区的妈妈奶奶们也一直在珀斯 炎热的夏季里坚持排练,陈丽丽老师更是 编舞、排练、采买服装道具忙了一整个假 期。功夫不负有心人,她们的演出获得了观 众们热烈的掌声。尤其是最后一支舞蹈《 春天的故事》,磅礴的音乐,华美的色彩, 波澜起伏的舞姿和造型,充分诠释了改革 开放浪潮给中国大地带来的蓬勃生机。

我校周昱老师和摩利中文学校副校 长Regina,以及黎明中文学校的景楚雯老 师共同主持了中华中文学校的演出。

我校陈美丽、何影和刘琦老师和马烜 历校长也在文化节上主持了少儿手工活动。

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

2月15日,中华乐思中文学校开学第 一天,孩子们就迎来了盼望已久的中华醒 狮!在喜庆喧天的锣鼓 声陪伴下,三头雄 狮随着鼓点跳跃奔跑,还不时俯身让孩子 们摸摸毛茸茸的大耳朵。不少孩子围着狮 子,把象征吉祥祝福的红包塞到狮子的大 嘴巴里,胆大的孩子还把小手伸进狮子的 大嘴巴里冒个险!孩子们亮晶晶的眼睛里 充满喜乐,新冠病毒带来的阴影也在这欢 快的锣鼓声和孩子们的笑声中一扫而光。

Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中华摩利中文学校

2020 Chinese New Year Celebrations

2020农历新年庆典 文/译◎Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中华摩利中文学校

为了庆祝农历新年,中华摩利学校邀 请了中华龙狮团为本校家长师生呈现了精 彩的舞狮表演採青。此外,我们也让学生 们尝试搓汤圆以庆祝元宵。大家不但体验 了过节的传统习俗,也品尝了自己亲手做 的汤圆,感受浓浓的佳节气氛。


As part of the Chinese New Year celebrations, Chung Wah Chinese School Morley organised some cultural activities throughout the Chinese New Year. We invited Chung Wah Association’s Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe to perform a lion dance on our first school day and organised a “Tangyuan” glutinous rice ball making session for students to experience Chinese New Year culture and traditions. Students were given a chance to make and eat glutinous rice balls on this special occasion.



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Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 中华珀斯中文学校

The enjoyment of children for the new school year

小朋友们的 快乐新学年 文◎中华珀斯中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Perth

2月15日,各班小朋友在家长的陪同 下来到位于Perth Modern School的中华 珀斯中文学校,开开心心地开始了一个新 学年的中文学习。今年珀斯学校除设有学 前班、一年级、二年级、高小班和成人班等 各级中文课程之外,继续开设了舞蹈班和 武术班。


在当天的中文课上,各班老师带领小 朋友一起唱新年主题的中文歌曲,载歌载 舞的活动让学校充满了春节的喜庆气氛。 各个班级还通过与鼠年有关的手工制作或 十二生肖常识介绍等活动,让小朋友们更 深入地了解中华文化。 刘隽校长还代表学校给每位小朋友 发放了新年红包,让小朋友们的新学年有 了一个快乐而中国化的开端。

刘校长 提 醒家长 们,我们每周六的 课程在上午九点准时开始,小朋友可提前 几分钟进入课室,把随身带来的书包文具 用品安置好,为上课做好准备。在10:00:10:20的课间休息时段,小朋友一起聚在 课室外,各自享用从家里带来的水果,再 在课间活动中彼此互动。预祝小朋友们学 业精进!

A Happy Start for the New School Year at Perth School Students started a new school year on 15 February 2020 at Chung Wah Chinese School (Perth), located at Perth Modern School. On top of the Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Upper Primary and adult classes, the school has again offered dancing and martial arts programs to students for extracurricular activities after the Chinese lessons each Saturday morning. On the first day, students sang together songs of a Chinese New Year theme, which brought a festive atmosphere to the school. Teachers also guided students to do handicraft, according to the Chinese zodiac, and introduced the cultural background for them to better understand Chinese traditions.

Ms Juan Liu, the Principal, celebrated the New Year with students by giving each of them a red packet and practised some useful Chinese phrases with them.

Ms Liu reminded parents that the Chinese lessons start at 9:00am on Saturday during the school term, and students can arrive a few minutes early to settle down and get ready for their learning. During the recess from 10:10am to 10:30am, students have their fruits or snacks before playing at the playground (under supervision). Parents should ensure that the students complete their homework, stationery and fruits/ snacks are prepared for the recess, and drink bottles are packed in the school bags. We wish all students a productive new school year!

Chung Wah Chinese School with four campuses located in Leeming, Morley, Rossmoyne and Perth support and welcome Chinese language enrolments and cultural extra-curricular activities throughout the year and look forward to meeting and greeting new parents and students at all times!

中华会馆旗下的四所中华中文学校的中文班和课外兴趣班 全年开放招生,期待与新学生和家长见面! CWCS Morley 中华摩利中文学校 Principal Emily TAN 0411 249 463

CWCS Leeming 中华黎明中文学校 Principal Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

中 华 会 馆


 9328 8657 

CWCS Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校 Pricipal Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898

CWCS Perth 中华珀斯中文学校 Principal Juan LIU 0466 310 260

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