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Honorary Secretary’s Report 秘书长报告

Chung Wah administration and operations continues to support the Chung Wah Executive Committee, Council of Elders, Chung Wah members and the Chinese community. Administration processes have been streamlined and policies and procedures are continuously updated.

We have one full time staff and two part-time staff at the Chung Wah Office, also supported by Ms. Doreen CHIN, Honorary Administrator, Michael Wu, Membership Systems Support and Ben LIM, IT Support. We welcome volunteers with a community heart who have time to assist Chung Wah. Membership

As at 30 June 2020, Chung Wah currently has 1,909 financial memberships, inclusive of Ordinary, Provisional, Life and Associate Members.


Chung Wah Office continues to be responsible for maintaining Chung Wah properties, which includes the Hall in Northbridge and the Cultural Centre in Balcatta as well as the rentals downstairs of Chung Wah Hall. These properties were recently revalued for financial reporting purposes. The Community Capital works fund provided by the West Australian government has provided a much-needed upgrade to the Chung Wah buildings, which can be enjoyed by the whole community. The renovations include:

Chung Wah Hall, Northbridge • Toilet renovations • Wooden stairs and front door restoration • Evaporative air-conditioning replacement/ maintenance • Roof repair, roof and gutter replacement for back storerooms • Outside brick wall repair Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta • Window tinting • Male toilet renovation • Installation of Solar panels • New entrance canopy Chung Wah Magazine and Media

Elvie YAP has resigned from the role of Editor of the Chung Wah Magazine. We thank her for her efforts in enhancing the media portfolio of the Association, which included an online bilingual current affairs video production, a digital media platform, partnerships with other print media, as well as a media workshop and community development and education program. Between April and May 2021, she organised the production of a reality show series for the migrant community of Chinese heritage, which was very well received by the community. Carl ONG, who has been the graphic designer for the Chung Wah Magazine is the new editor of the magazine. He is also responsible for maintaining the Chung Wah website and social media. The Chung Wah Magazine continues to be published quarterly in a digital format, with some printed copies still available. There is also an e-bulletin that is sent to Chung Wah members. The Chung Wah magazine is also published on the ISSUU digital publishing platform. Chung Wah Autumn Centre

Chung Wah Autumn Centre had been busy preparing a business plan for the Short-Term Respite Care and working on the strategies of fundraising to get the construction of the Autumn Centre started. The Development Approval and Building Permit had been successfully extended for another two years, with the condition that the construction must be extensively completed by then. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, building costs and materials have risen considerably and more effort must be put in to raise funds for this meaningful charity project to provide services to our members and those who need them. The Autumn Centre is in the process of applying to be endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient from the Australian Taxation Office.


Despite the COVID-19 restrictions, the Chung Wah major cultural events were still able to go ahead, with COVID safety precautions. The Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-Autumn Festival was cancelled. Instead a small Mid-Autumn Festival was organised by Chung Wah as part of the Chung Wah 110th Anniversary series of events. The Perth Chinese New Year Fair was at a new venue this year, at the Perth Cultural Centre and WA Museum, which proved successful.

The main events held in the last financial year include:

20/09/2020 WA Guzheng Festival by Chung Wah Orchestra 31/10/2020 Chung Wah Annual General Meeting (adjourned from 24 October) 14/2/2020 Perth Chinese New Year Fair Chung Wah Cultural Centre Balcatta Chung Wah Cultural Centre Balcatta

Perth Cultural Centre & WA Museum

17-18/2/2021 Chung Wah Community and Aged Care 9th Year Longevity Luncheon 20/02/2021 Chung Wah Association 110th Anniversary Gala Ball Chung Wah Cultural Centre Balcatta

Crown Ballroom 27/02/2021 Chung Wah Chinese New Year Dinner and Dance Country Club, Joondalup 16/04/2021 Chung Wah Open House (Perth Heritage Weekend) Chung Wah Hall

The following grants totaling $607,074.94 was received during the financial year.

30/07/2020 City of Perth Sponsorship – Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2021 19/09/2020 Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) 02/10/2020 Department of Home Affairs - Chung Wah Chinese Schools 10/11/2020 OMI Community Celebration Fund – Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2021 18/12/2020 Lotterywest Event Grant – Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2021 23/03/2021 Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors (ASeTTS) Project Make a Difference - Reality Show videos 13/04/2021 City of Perth - Chung Wah Heritage Week 14/05/2021 City of Canning - Chung Wah Youth Badminton Program 15/06/2020 OMI Community Capital Works Funds 15/06/2021 Chung Wah Chinese School IT upgrade 21/06/2021 Chung Wah Chinese School Community Language

Chung Wah also received a Volunteer Restart Scholarship to the value of $3,000. It is designed to support Volunteer Involving Organisations who are ready to re-engage with new and existing volunteers during COVID-19 restrictions and into the future. Thank you to all our dedicated volunteers, our hardworking office administration and accounts staff. We look forward to the coming year!


Honorary Secretary


中华会馆的的行政和运作继续支持中华会馆理事会、元老会、中华会馆会员大众、以及西 澳华人社区。我们尽量确保管理流程得到简化、配套政策和程序与时俱进。

中华会馆办公室有一名全职员工和两名兼职员 工,并有荣誉行政主任陈清灵女、IT技术支援林民耀 先生和会员库存系统吴立方先生的无偿支持。我们欢 迎有关心社区的热心义工、来参与我们、为中华会馆 行政事务提供支援。


截至2021年6月30日,中华会馆拥有1,909名正式 会员,这其中包括普通会员、临时会员、终身会员和准 会员。


中华会馆办公室继续负责维护中华物业,包括北 桥的中华会馆大楼和巴卡达的中华文化中心,其中包 括中华会馆大楼底下的物业出租。为了更新财务报 告,这些物业最近被重新估值。 西澳政府提供的社区资本工程基金为中华会馆的 物业提供了急需的维护,这确保惠及整个社区。翻新 工程包括:

北桥中华会馆大楼 • 卫生间的修缮维护 • 楼梯和前门修复 • 空调更换/保养

巴卡达中华文化中心 • 高窗遮阳贴膜 • 男卫生间改造 • 储藏室的屋顶覆盖物 和排水沟更换 • 外墙修复

• 安装太阳能电池板 • 新的入口雨棚


叶俐廷已卸下《中华之声》杂志执行主编一职。我 们感谢她为加强协会的媒体组合所做的努力,其中包 括在线双语时事视频制作、数字媒体平台、与其他印 刷媒体的合作伙伴关系以及媒体研讨会和社区发展 和教育计划。2021 年 4 月至 5 月期间,她为华裔移民 社区组织了一系列真人秀节目,受到社区的好评。 曾任中华杂志平面设计师的卡尔汪将接手执行编 辑的工作。他还负责维护中华会馆网站以及社交媒体 管理方面的事务。 《中华之声》杂志会继续以数码形式定期每季出 版,仍有限量印刷本可提供。间中本会也会透过电子 公告的方式为会员提供最新会馆动态。《中华之声》 杂志也可以在ISSUU数字出版平台上找到。


中华秋园管委会一直为短期暂托护理准备业务计 划而忙碌,以制定筹款策略以启动中华秋园的建设。 开发批文和建筑许可证已成功再延期两年,条件 是届时必须全面完成建设。 由于以及大流行,以及建 筑成本和材料大幅上涨,管委会必须付出更多努力来 为这个有意义的慈善项目筹集资金,以 便能继续能为我们的会员和有 需要的人提供服务。 中华秋园管委会现 阶段在向澳大利亚税 务局申请成为可扣税 的捐款接收者。


尽管受到新冠疫情的限制,但在采取COVID-19安全预 防措施的情况下,中华文化中心的的大型主要文化活 动仍能继续进行。中华中文学校的年度中秋晚会被迫 取消。但取而代之的是,中华会馆组织了一个小型的 中秋节庆祝会,并作为中华会馆百十周年周年系列活 动的一部分。珀斯中华新年文化节今年在珀斯文化中 心和西澳博物馆的新场地成功举办。


20/09/2020 中华华乐团主办《西澳中国古筝日》 31/10/2020 中华会馆年度会员大会 14/2/2020 《珀斯中华新年文化节》 17-18/2/2021 中华社区及长者服务部 第九届 《长寿午宴》 20/02/2021 《中华会馆百十周年庆典舞会》 27/02/2021 《中华新年晚宴舞会》 16/04/2021 珀斯市历史周 -《中华会馆开放日》 中华文化中心, 巴卡达 中华文化中心, 巴卡达 珀斯文化中心和西澳博物馆 中华文化中心, 巴卡达 皇冠宴会厅 乡村俱乐部,君达乐 中华会馆大楼

本财政年度收到的以下赠款总额为 607,074.94 澳元。

30/07/2020 珀斯市政府赞助 – 2021珀斯中华新年文化节 19/09/2020 澳大利亚通信和媒体管理局 (ACMA) 02/10/2020 民政事务总署 - 中华中文学校 10/11/2020 多元文化办公室 - 社区庆典基金 – 2021珀斯中华新年文化节 18/12/2020 Lotterywest Event Grant – 2021珀斯中华新年文化节 23/03/2021 暴力伤害幸存者服务协会 (ASeTTS) - Project Make a Difference - 真人秀视频 13/04/2021 珀斯市 - 中华文化周 14/05/2021 康宁市 - 中华青少年羽毛球计划 15/06/2020 多元文化部办公室 - 社区基本建设工程基金 15/06/2021 中华中文学校资讯科技升级 21/06/2021 中华中文学校社区语文

中华会馆还获得了价值三千澳元的志愿者重启奖学金。它旨在支持志愿者参与组织,他们准备在新冠疫情限 制期间和未来与新的和现有的志愿者重新接触。 感谢我们辛勤工作的办公室行政和会计人员,以及 热诚的志愿者。期待中华会馆未来有更多精彩项目!

张娟妮, 秘书长

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