A Home of The Chinese Community
Honorary Secretary’s Report
hung Wah administration and operations continues to support the Chung Wah Executive Committee, Council of Elders, Chung Wah members and the Chinese community. Administration processes have been streamlined and policies and procedures are continuously updated. We have one full time staff and two part-time staff at the Chung Wah Office, also supported by Ms. Doreen CHIN, Honorary Administrator, Michael Wu, Membership Systems Support and Ben LIM, IT Support. We welcome volunteers with a community heart who have time to assist Chung Wah.
Membership As at 30 June 2020, Chung Wah currently has 1,909 financial memberships, inclusive of Ordinary, Provisional, Life and Associate Members.
Facilities Chung Wah Office continues to be responsible for maintaining Chung Wah properties, which includes the Hall in Northbridge and the Cultural Centre in Balcatta as well as the rentals downstairs of Chung Wah Hall. These properties were recently revalued for financial reporting purposes. The Community Capital works fund provided by the West Australian government has provided a much-needed upgrade to the Chung Wah buildings, which can be enjoyed by the whole community. The renovations include:
Chung Wah Magazine and Media Elvie YAP has resigned from the role of Editor of the Chung Wah Magazine. We thank her for her efforts in enhancing the media portfolio of the Association, which included an online bilingual current affairs video production, a digital media platform, partnerships with other print media, as well as a media workshop and community development and education program. Between April and May 2021, she organised the production of a reality show series for the migrant community of Chinese heritage, which was very well received by the community. Carl ONG, who has been the graphic designer for the Chung Wah Magazine is the new editor of the magazine. He is also responsible for maintaining the Chung Wah website and social media. The Chung Wah Magazine continues to be published quarterly in a digital format, with some printed copies still available. There is also an e-bulletin that is sent to Chung Wah members. The Chung Wah magazine is also published on the ISSUU digital publishing platform.
Chung Wah Autumn Centre Chung Wah Autumn Centre had been busy preparing a business plan for the Short-Term Respite Care and working on the strategies of fundraising to get the construction of the Autumn Centre started.
Chung Wah Hall, Northbridge • Toilet renovations • Wooden stairs and front door restoration • Evaporative air-conditioning replacement/ maintenance • Roof repair, roof and gutter replacement for back storerooms • Outside brick wall repair
The Development Approval and Building Permit had been successfully extended for another two years, with the condition that the construction must be extensively completed by then. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, building costs and materials have risen considerably and more effort must be put in to raise funds for this meaningful charity project to provide services to our members and those who need them.
Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta • Window tinting • Male toilet renovation • Installation of Solar panels • New entrance canopy
The Autumn Centre is in the process of applying to be endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient from the Australian Taxation Office.
6 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021