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Chung Wah Cultural Development and Activities 文化与活动发展部

Chung Wah Cultural Activities


Although the Chung Wah Cultural groups have been a little quieter in terms of cultural performance (due to the pandemic and lockdowns), a big celebration was the Chung Wah 110th Anniversary. The Lion Dance team, Chinese Cultural Dance group and Chinese Orchestra all performed at the Chung Wah 110th Anniversary Gala Ball and Mid-Autumn Festival event. As always, one of the main Chinese New Year performances was the Perth Chinese New Year Fair. Our Lion Dance team, Chinese Cultural Dance group, Chinese Orchestra, Choir and Cantonese Opera group all gave stunning performances at the Fair.

I would like to thank all the Chung Wah Cultural group leaders and members for all their tireless efforts over the past year in preserving and presenting Chinese culture to the community. Dragon and Lion Dance Ben LIM

The past year was another challenging and successful year for the Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe. The troupe has introduced a high pole performance to the West Australian community. The feedback from the public was well received as evidenced in the perthnow.com news article. Our performance schedule started a week before the 2021 Lunar Chinese New Year and continued to June, including a trip to Kalgoorlie. We had a break after the Kalgoorlie trip and are now slowly picking up performances. From February this year, we have started receiving performance bookings for 2022. Thanks to the WA community for their ongoing support. And of course, a big thanks to our troupe leaders, seniors and members for their ongoing commitment. Overall, the team has continued to train hard to prepare for performances. Our aim is to compete overseas once travelling is allowed. We hope the pandemic will be over soon and wish for everyone to stay safe and healthy.

Chinese Cultural Dance Jen Nie CHONG

The Chinese Cultural Dance group ‘Chung Wah Dance’ meets every Saturday afternoon at the Chung Wah Hall, Northbridge, with Min Zhu as the dance teacher/choreographer. The group has 14 dancers.

Performances during the year included: Chung Wah 110th Anniversary Mid-Autumn Festival, Perth Chinese New Year Fair, Chung Wah 110th Anniversary Gala Ball, Chung Wah Chinese New Year Dinner and Dance at Joondalup Resort, MidWeek Eats at Riverton Leisureplex, Chinese New Year celebration at RAAF in Bull Creek, Harmony in Diversity and Food Bazaar at Riverton Leisureplex. We also assisted by dancing in a video promotion for City of Perth with the City of Perth Lord Mayor, Basil Zempilas. Thank you to Min and all the dancers ! Chinese Orchestra Teresa TAN

This year, the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra has about twenty members with three more guzheng players, one more zhongruan player, one more cello player and one more erhu player. Instrument classes have extended to six classes including guzheng, pipa, yangqin, zhongruan, dizi and erhu, total of twelve students and six instructors. The orchestra has purchased a few percussion instruments and spare instrument accessories for members to purchase as required. On 20 September 2020, the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra, as the main organiser, successfully held the inaugural Western Australian Chinese Guzheng Festival with co-organisers, Confucius Institute of University of Western Australia, Methodist Ladies’ College, HuaXing Art Groups, Zing Music Studio and Western Australian Guzheng Ensemble. Due to the bad weather, it was held at Chung Wah Cultural Centre (instead of the original location at the UWA Claremont campus). Sixty-eight musicians played popular guzheng music together. This was a significant event for the orchestra since it was the first such event organised in Australia and also it was the orchestra’s first collaboration with other professional institutions and organisations in WA. In 2021, the orchestra has performed at the Chinese New Year Fair at the Perth Cultural Centre and the Chung Wah Association 110th Anniversary Gala Ball at Crown ballroom.

The orchestra is preparing for the Western Australian Chinese Guzheng Festival 2021 which has been extended to a three-day event, including a seminar, a folk music concert and a grand ensemble.

New Vogue Group Leonard KHO

Chung Wah New Vogue consists of two groups of volunteers. The coordinators are Leonard KHO and Dong with the help of Evelyn Chiew and Jessica. The activity is held every Sunday from 1:30pm to 3:30pm. New Vogue dancing is a sequence dance with a partner and everyone is welcome to join the activity for fun and healthy exercise for seniors. We collect $6 per person as an entrance fee to join this activity. All collections are used to support the maintenance of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta. During this financial year we organised a New Year Eve social party sit-down dinner. We had 130 people who enjoyed the eight course Chinese banquet with New Vogue, Social and Line dancing until midnight. We welcomed the new year 2021 with a big cheer and disco dancing. Line Dancing Doreen CHIN

The Line Dancing Group continue their activities every Saturday and Sunday at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta. After the COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020, Line Dancing resumed in September 2020. Cantonese Opera

The Chung Wah Cantonese Opera Group is organised by Ms Annie WONG. There are currently eight members in the group, practising every Wednesday at the Chung Wah Hall, Northbridge. The group performed at the Perth Chinese New Year Fair in 2021 and they plan to hold a small performance next year.

Dragon Boating

The Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team resigned in April 2021 due to having difficulty recruiting new members and also to take a break. Since the activity was reactivated about five years ago, Chung Wah has supported this very expensive activity by helping to raise funds and promoting it by organising Dragon Boat festivals from 2016 to 2018 at Champion Lakes and the Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival at Burswood Park in 2019. It was not easy to support and maintain at least 22 paddlers, paying their memberships to join WA Dragon Boating, as well as Maylands Sports and Recreation Club where the Chung Wah Dragon Boat was stored and for the paddlers to practice. All in all, Chung Wah spent about $16,000 these past few years to keep the activity going, on various membership fees, purchasing the necessary equipment and uniforms, fees for training and entering various competitions. The Chung Wah Dragon Boat, attachments and accessories will be transferred to the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta for safe keeping, until such time as the activity can be reactivated again.

Choir - Trinh QUACH The Chung Wah Choir was founded three years ago. Despite four Covid-19 lockdowns in Perth, the Choir has developed and grown stronger under the leadership of Mrs. Thuc Trinh Quach and the guidance of teacher Yong Jun Zhou. The Choir members have increased from about ten members three years ago to over forty and the numbers are still growing. The Choir performed four times this year, becoming more meaningful and exciting every time. 28 September 2020: Chung Wah 110th Anniversary: Mid-Autumn Festival Community Gathering, Chung Wah Cultural Centre.

14 February 2021: Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2021.

14 March 2021: First Session of Children’s New Year Art Gala, Newman College.

Table Tennis - Maya FANG

The Chung Wah Table Tennis Group suspended their regular table tennis sessions during the COVID-19 lockdown. Players gradually returned once activities resumed in June. In order to attract more table tennis players, a beginner’s training corner has been set up and conducted by Rick, a young and caring coach training the beginners for one and a half hours. Rick patiently explains the table tennis techniques in detail and corrects the beginners’ movement and posture.

The response has been very good, with always a long queue in the beginner’s training corner. We hope that the government of Western Australia continues with the good pandemic measures and the Chung Wah Table Tennis Group players will become more energetic!

中华文化团体活动 - 张娟妮

虽然中华文化团体在这段期间略显安静(由 于COVID-19大流行和封城阻断措施),但 中华会馆百十周年庆典这个重要活动上他们并没 有缺席。中华龙狮团、中华舞蹈团和中华华乐团 均在中华110周年庆晚宴及中秋节活动中演出。

与往常一样,珀斯中华新年文化节也是所有表演 团体每年的首要活动。我们的中华龙狮团、中华舞蹈 团、中华华乐团、中华合唱团和粤剧团都在珀斯中华 新年文化节上带来了精彩的表演。 我要感谢所有中华文化表演团体的领导和成员 在过去一年中为保存和向社会展示华人文化而做出 的不懈努力。

中华龙狮团 - 林民耀

过去的一年对中华龙狮团来说又是充满挑战和 成功的一年。该剧团向西澳大利亚社区介绍了高杆 表演。正如 perthnow.com 新闻文章所证明的那样, 公众的反馈很受欢迎。 我们的演出日程从2021年农历新年前一周开始, 一直持续到 6 月,包括去卡尔古利的旅行。我们在卡 尔古利之旅后稍事休息,现在正在慢慢开始进行演 出。从今年2月开始,我们开始接收2022年的演出预 订。感谢西澳社区一直以来的支持。当然,非常感谢 我们的团长、前辈和成员们的信守承诺与支持。

龙狮团队伍无间断努力训练,继续为表演做好准 备。我们的目标是在允许旅行后进行参与海外比赛。 希望疫情早日过去,也希望大家都能平安健康。

中华舞蹈团 - 张娟妮

中华舞蹈团每周六下午在北桥中华音乐厅举行, 由朱敏担任舞蹈老师/编舞。该团体有14名舞者。 年内的演出包括:中华110周年中秋节庆典、 珀斯中华新年文化节、中华会馆110周年庆典 舞会、Joondalup度假村的中华新年晚宴和舞 会、Riverton Leisureplex的周中美食、在 Bull Creek 的 RAAF的华人新年庆祝活动、Riverton Leisureplex 的 Harmony in Diversity 和 Food Bazaar 庆祝新 年。我们还与珀斯市市长 Basil Zempilas 一起在珀斯 市的视频宣传中跳舞。谢谢敏和所有的舞者!

中华华乐团 - 王慧兰

今年,中华华乐团有约20名成员,古筝多3人, 中阮多1人,大提琴多1人,二胡多1人。乐器班增至古 筝、琵琶、扬琴、中软、笛子、二胡六个班,共有十二 名学生和六名教师。乐团购买了部分打击乐器及备用 乐器配件,供会员按需购买。 2020年9月20日,中华华乐团作为主要主办单 位,连同西澳大学孔子学院、卫理公会女子学院、华 星艺术团、孜音坊工作室等单位协办,成功举办首届 西澳中国古筝节。但由于天气恶劣,它改在巴卡达中 华文化中心举行(而不是原来的西澳大学克莱蒙特 校区)。共有六十八位音乐家一起演奏了流行的古筝 序曲。这是中华华乐团的的一项重要活动,因为这是 澳大利亚首次举办此类活动,也是乐团与西澳其他 专业机构和组织的首次合作。2021年,乐团也在珀斯 文化中心的中华新年文化节和皇冠宴会厅的中华会 馆 110 周年庆典舞会上,为观众带来精彩的演出。

中华华乐团现正在为2021年西澳中国古筝节做 准备,该节已延长为为期三天的活动,包括研讨会、 民乐音乐会和古筝大汇演。 新时尚 - 許歷仔

中华新时尚由两组义工组成。在Evelyn Chiew和 Jessica的帮助下,协调员是Leonard KHO和Dong。 活动时间为每周日下午1:30-3:30。新时尚舞蹈组是 能让你与与伙伴一起翩翩起舞的运动,我们欢迎大 家一起来参与我们,尤其对于老年来说是集结趣趣 味和健康的锻炼。我们收取每人6澳币作为参加此活 动的入场费。所有收费都用于支援巴卡达中华文化 中心的维护。 在这个财政年度,我们组织了一个新年前夜社交 聚会。共有130人享受了八道菜的中式宴会,包括 新 时尚、社交舞和排排舞群一欢舞直至午夜。我们以热 烈的欢呼和迪斯科舞姿迎接了2021新年的到来。

排排舞 - 陈清灵

排排舞团每周六和周日在巴卡达中华文化中心 继续他们的活动。在 2020 年 3 月 COVID-19 封锁之 后,排排舞于 2020 年 9 月恢复。


中华粤剧团由黄淑君女士筹办。该团目前有八名 成员,每周三在北桥中华会馆大楼练习。乐队在2021 年珀斯中华新年文化节上演出,他们计划明年举办 一场小型演出。


中华龙舟队于2021年4月起暂停活动,因面对招 募困境且需要进行重整进入休会期。自从大约五年 前该活动重新启动以来,中华会馆理事会通过在 2016年至2018年在 Champion Lake 举办端午节和 在Buswood举办珀斯中华文化节等方式帮助筹集资 金,来支持这项耗费不菲的活动。中华会馆除了提供 22名桨手加入西澳龙舟组织的会员费之外,并需缴 付Maylands Sports and Recreation Club的龙舟存 放费用和场地费用供桨手练习,确是不容易。总结过 去几年中,中华会馆总花费了大约16,000澳元来维 持活动的进行,包括各种会员费,以及购买必要的设 备和制服、训练和参加各种比赛的费用。现阶段中华 龙舟、附件和配件将被转移到巴卡达中华文化中心 妥善保管,直至活动重新启动。

中华合唱团 - 洪淑贞

中华合唱团成立于三年前。尽管珀斯经历了四次 COVID-19封城阻断措施,合唱团在洪淑贞女士的领 导和周永军老师的指导下依然茁壮成长。合唱团成 员从三年前的十人左右增加到四十多人,而且人数还 在不断增加。今年合唱团共出演了四次,每一次都更 加有意义、更精彩。

• 2020 年 9 月 28 日: 中华 110 周年:中秋节社区聚会,中华文化中心。 • 2021 年 2 月 14 日: 珀斯 2021 年农历新年博览会。 • 2021 年 3 月 14 日: 纽曼学院第一届儿童新年艺术晚会。

乒乓球活动组 - 方芸

在COVID-19封城阻断措施,乒乓球活动组暂停 了常规的乒乓球比赛。6月活动恢复后,玩家逐渐回 归。为了吸引更多的乒乓球选手,特设了初学者训练 角,由年轻且富有爱心的教练Ricky主持,对所有初 学者进行一个半小时的训练。Ricky耐心地详细讲解 乒乓球技术,纠正初学者的动作和姿势。获得非常好 的反馈,这让初学者训练区总是反应踊跃。希望西澳 政府继续做好抗疫措施,让中华乒乓球队的队员们 更加有活力!

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