CWA 2020-2021 Annual Report

Page 18

A Home of The Chinese Community

Chung Wah Cultural Activities Jen Nie CHONG


lthough the Chung Wah Cultural groups have been a little quieter in terms of cultural performance (due to the pandemic and lockdowns), a big celebration was the Chung Wah 110th Anniversary. The Lion Dance team, Chinese Cultural Dance group and Chinese Orchestra all performed at the Chung Wah 110th Anniversary Gala Ball and Mid-Autumn Festival event.

As always, one of the main Chinese New Year performances was the Perth Chinese New Year Fair. Our Lion Dance team, Chinese Cultural Dance group, Chinese Orchestra, Choir and Cantonese Opera group all gave stunning performances at the Fair. I would like to thank all the Chung Wah Cultural group leaders and members for all their tireless efforts over the past year in preserving and presenting Chinese culture to the community.

Dragon and Lion Dance Ben LIM The past year was another challenging and successful year for the Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe. The troupe has introduced a high pole performance to the West Australian community. The feedback from the public was well received as evidenced in the news article.

Our performance schedule started a week before the 2021 Lunar Chinese New Year and continued to June, including a trip to Kalgoorlie. We had a break after the Kalgoorlie trip and are now slowly picking up performances. From February this year, we have started receiving performance bookings for 2022. Thanks to the WA community for their ongoing support. And of course, a big thanks to our troupe leaders, seniors and members for their ongoing commitment. Overall, the team has continued to train hard to prepare for performances. Our aim is to compete overseas once travelling is allowed. We hope the pandemic will be over soon and wish for everyone to stay safe and healthy.

16 | The Chung Wah Association Inc. - Annual Report 2020-2021

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