Chung Wah Association
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17/04/11 11:17 PM
To fight global climate change we’re creating a research lab that stretches halfway around the world. Curtin is joining forces with China’s Huazhong University of Science and Technology to form a world-class Joint Research Laboratory, designed to find creative solutions for reducing emissions. eighth highest-ranking university in China;
two institutions and another example of
energy and reducing harmful emissions is
a merger that will utilise the impressive
Curtin’s ever growing partnerships with
now more important than ever. As we head
capabilities of both teams, paving the way
world-renowned Chinese institutions.
into a more environmentally conscious
for real, practical innovation.
Developing new ways of harnessing
Significant partnerships like this demonstrate Curtin’s commitment to
era, we rely on inspiration and advice from
The joint venture will be led by
leading innovative thinkers to help us find
Professor Chun-Zhu Li from Curtin and
creating solutions for the challenges of our
smarter, greener and more efficient energy
Professor Minghou Xu from Huazhong
future. We believe by showing innovative
sources for our future.
University of Science and Technology.
leadership in four key areas of research
Professor Li, Director of the Curtin
focus - Health, Sustainability, Minerals and
Science and Engineering is at the forefront
Centre for Advanced Energy Science
Energy and Information Communication
of important energy research and by
and Engineering, believes the joint
Technology, we can have a positive impact
partnering with Huazhong University of
effort will give the team a vital edge
on our community and the world at large
Science and Technology we are creating
in developing advanced clean coal
to make tomorrow better.
an exciting platform that promises to
and biomass technologies. The Joint
make genuine advances in low-emission
Research Laboratory is a five-year
energy technologies.
enterprise that includes regular staff and
The Curtin Centre for Advanced Energy
This Australian/Chinese Joint Research Laboratory combines the largest university in Western Australia with the
student exchanges. This project is just one aspect of a larger, ongoing relationship between the
CRICOS Provider Code 00301J CU-UM-0143/BRAND CUCC0582 Curtin University is a trademark of Curtin University of Technology
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Congratulatory Messages
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Chung Wah Milestone
Chung Wah History
English Version
Chinese Version
Chung Wah Management
Special Acknowledgement
Chung Wah Council Of Elders
Chung Wah Welfare
Chung Wah School
Chung Wah Culture
Chung Wah Youth
Chung Wah Radio
Chung Wah Activities
Centenary Ambassadors
Chung Wah Centenary Celebration
60th China National Day Celebration
Chinese Education in WA
Chinese Art in WA
Politics And The WA Chinese Community
Chinese Medical Association
Chung Wah Galaxy
Glavanising Our Collective Intelligence
Early Visitation
Religious Affiliation
Chinese Charity Work
17/04/11 8:41 PM
President Message
I am both privileged and honored to lead the Association in its historic centenary year.
captures Chung Wah’s structure, some of its history and its achievements.
A hundred years ago on 12 July 1910, the Association was formed under desperate circumstances to promote Chinese education, culture and to provide welfare to its members. Chinese migrants from impoverished imperial China generally had to face indifferent and often hostile reception in Western Australia.
In March the Association was presented with the 2011 WA Multicultural Community Services Award by the Western Australian Government. The Award recognizes Chung Wah for outstanding work in advancing multicultural inclusiveness in Western Australia’s culturally diverse society. The Association received the Award on behalf of all the members and supporters who served on the many committees within Chung Wah. On behalf of Chung Wah, I salute and thank each and every one of them for their hard work, contributions and sacrifices provided to the Association. They have made the Chung Wah the success story it is today.
The Association through the years has been managed by many dedicated volunteers who have given generously their time, talent, effort and money to ensure that the Chinese community has a voice in Western Australian community that is our home. The practice continues to the present. Chung Wah is grateful to all of them. Today the Western Australia Chinese community is well accepted and respected in the local business fraternities, professional fields and the cultural arena. Chung Wah continues to be a relevant and an active association. This is a testimony of the selfless work and dedication of its past and present leaders, and the strong support it received and continues to receive from our community.
I am grateful and thank the Centenary Publication Committee for putting together this souvenir book. I thank the authors and contributors who wrote and have supplied materials to the publication.
The achievements of the Association and of its members are many. Chung Wah acknowledges that these achievements have been possible with the continuing support from the State and Federal Governments through the years. This publication
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中华会馆会长 徐天送先生 贺词 在中华会馆跨越一百周年的历史性时刻,作 为会长我既深感荣幸和强烈的使命感。 一百年前,中华民族正处在内忧外患的危难 境地。来自封建中国的移民们在海外也饱受冷眼 和歧视。因此,为弘扬中华文化、发展中文教育 并维护华人权益与福祉,1910年7月12日,西澳 中华会馆正式成立了。
谨代表中华会馆向全体工作人员以及百年特刊出 版委员会的成员致以最深的敬意和感谢。他们成 就了今日中华的辉煌。 中华会馆会长 徐天送
多年以来,作为社区性组织,会馆的管理工 作都是通过致力于华裔社区发展的志愿者们实现 的。他们无私地贡献了自己的时间、精力、智慧 以及金钱,使华裔社区在西澳大利亚能够拥有自 己的声音,真正成为西澳社会的一部分。一百年 来,他们的努力从未间断,会馆在此对他们表示 由衷的感谢。 如今,无论是在西澳商界还是在专业及文化 领域,华裔已经被广泛接受和认可。中华会馆仍 然积极筹备和参与各项相关活动。会馆今天的成 绩见证了现任和历届领导者及支持者们无私的努 力与奉献。我们相信,大家对华裔社区的支持与 付出会一直延续下去。 中华会馆和各位会员取得的诸多成就也离不 开多年来联邦和州政府的持续支持。中华会馆百 年纪念特刊将向大家介绍会馆的重要历史、组织 结构及会馆成就。 2011年3月会馆荣获了本年度西澳多元文化 社区服务贡献奖。该奖项对会馆在西澳多元文化 发展方面做出的杰出贡献给予肯定。会馆代表全 体会员、各下属委员会和朋友们领奖。在此,我
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Editor’s Message
This Souvenir Centenary publication celebrates 100 years of the development and growth of the Chung Wah Association of Western Australia. The publication is of immense heritage value to the Association, and the editorial team hopes it will take its place in Western Australian history, serving as a testament to the myriad contributions of ethnic Chinese people in Western Australia over the last century. This thought-provoking collection of experiences allows us to feel for the plight and anguish as well as strength and success of the early Chinese settlers in Western Australia. It records their reasons for forming the Chung Wah Association and follows the historic path to the present day, looking at the association’s structure and the roles of its various groups. The editorial team hopes you will enjoy the interesting, thought-provoking and poignant articles that illustrate the indelible Chinese flavour that our people have brought to Western Australia and Australia in general.
who generously volunteered their services to make this possible. The generosity of individuals, groups and businesses in sponsoring this publication has allowed a dream to become a reality. Their kindness has now become part of Chung Wah history. All the work has been voluntary and the money collected has been used for the production and distribution of this publication High praise must go to the members of the publication committee, who sacrificed their time at weekends and after work. Special thanks must go to Gloria Zhang for her extreme dedication in seeing through this project from beginning to end. The exemplary leadership and gentle guidance of our President, Su Tien Shang, has inspired us to be more than we otherwise might have been. We offer him our unreserved respect and gratitude. Chung Wah Publication Committee Ching-Howe Chan
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all contributors to this publication. The bilingual format of the publication has been a challenging pleasure and reflects two important points: that first we are an ethnic Chinese Association and, second we are proud Australians who welcome a wider readership. Special gratitude is offered to the many translators
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我们谨以此百年特刊献给西澳中华会馆世纪 华诞,记录一个世纪以来会馆的成长与成就。这将 是会馆珍贵的历史遗产,编者们希望本刊能够成 为华裔社区在过去一百年中为西澳发展做出巨大 贡献的历史见证。 纪念册汇集了会馆历史上的重要事件,带领 读者感受西澳早期移民者的艰辛困苦以及他们的 坚强与成功。本刊还记录了会馆成立的背景及历 史发展,介绍了会馆的组织结构和其下属的各个 分支委员会。
在此我们也要对出版委员会的全体成员表达 最诚挚的敬意,他们为纪念册顺利出版牺牲个人 周末和休息的时间。特别要感谢张迪女士自始至 终为该项目兢兢业业无私奉献。 徐天送会长的躬亲示范和卓越的领导也更大 程度地激励了我们的工作。我们向他致以最高的 敬意和感谢。
中华会馆百年特刊编委会 曾精豪
编者们期待您能喜欢这些精心收集的生动有 趣却发人深省的文章,顺着文章的线索找寻出华 裔前辈们在西澳以及全澳洲留下的不可磨灭的印 记。 我们还希望借此机会对所有在本书出版过程 中给予支持和帮助的朋友们表示衷心的感谢。出 版中英双语刊物既令人憧憬又充满挑战;中文代 表了我们是华裔,英文代表了我们作为澳洲人欢 迎更广泛的读者阅读我们的特刊。我们对参与翻 译工作的志愿者们致以特别的谢意,他们的辛劳 付出使双语出版成为可能。 另外来自个人、团体和企业的慷慨支持让我 们的梦想成为现实。他们的爱心将被中华会馆的 历史铭记。他们所有的工作都是义务的,他们资 助都将用于纪念册的出版发行。
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The Hon. Julia Gillard MP Prime Minister of Australia
It gives me great pleasure to send my very best wishes to the Chung Wah Association as it celebrates its 100th anniversary in Western Australia. Australia’s deep friendship with China is based on historical ties and our dynamic people-to-people links. The Chinese Australian community makes an important contribution to ties between our two countries and to Australia’s cultural diversity, and the efforts of the Chung Wah Association in upholding and promoting these important ideals are much valued. Australia is a modern and diverse country in which all people have the freedom to express and share their cultural values. The genuine commitment of all Australians to a nation united by tolerance, mutual respect and care for others, enriched by our linguistic and cultural differences, continues to support and strengthen this country.
backgrounds, the network of community based Chinese schools and the provision of cultural activities has been considerable and is greatly appreciated. I honour all the members of the Chung Wah Association, past and present, for their achievements over the past century, and I wish you all my warmest congratulations on this wonderful milestone.
The Honourable Julia Gillard MP Prime Minister of Australia
The contribution of the Chung Wah Association’s work in the areas of aged and home care programs for senior members from non English speaking
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澳大利亚现任总理 朱莉亚•吉拉德女士 贺词 本人十分荣幸能为庆祝西澳中华会馆成立一 百周年致以最诚挚的祝愿。 建立在人民积极交往基础上的澳中两国友谊 源远流长, 华裔澳人团体更为两国往来和丰富澳大 利亚的社会多元化作出了巨大的贡献。中华会馆 在此过程中一直起到积极的表率作用。 澳大利亚是一个现代化的国家,人民虽文化 背景多样,但可以自由地表达与分享各自的文化 价值观。这个国家之所以不断壮大,是与所有国 民能够团结起来、相互包容、尊重、关怀并接受 不同文化和语言熏陶分不开的。
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中华会馆为非英语背景老年公民提供的照 料和养老服务、开办社区华文学校、以及举办文 化艺术活动等,都为社会贡献良多,值得我们赞 赏。 本人对一百年来、过去和现在中华会馆所有 会员们的贡献和成就表示敬意。值此意义重大里 程碑时刻,本人向大家致以真诚和热烈的祝贺。
澳大利亚总理 朱莉亚•吉拉德
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The Hon Kevin Rudd MP Minister For Foreign Affairs
I am delighted to contribute this special message for the Chung Wah Association’s Centenary Celebration Publication.
total trade in goods and services valued at $85.2 billion. Western Australia’s contribution to this is exceptionally large.
Australian society has changed dramatically over the past 100 years. People from various nations arriving in Australia brought with them skills and professions which helped build the Australia we know today. I recognise in particular the contributions of people of Chinese descent.
Organisations such as the Chung Wah Association have ensured that people in the Australian Chinese community continue close social and cultural links to their heritage. Through welfare, education and cultural activities, the Chung Wah Association has deepened our understanding of the role of people of Chinese descent in the development of our great nation.
Chinese Australians have long been a part of Australian institutions including universities, scientific academies, cultural and sporting groups, professional associations and non-government organisations. I am aware that several Chinese Western Australians have been awarded Australia Day honours for their achievements in their respective fields. Today, Australia is home to more than half a million people of Chinese descent. Chinese dialects are among the most commonly spoken languages in Australia after English. Such links are a vital part of our bilateral relationship with China, which is now our largest two-way trading partner, with a
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I commend the Chung Wah Association’s achievements over the past 100 years and I wish the association’s centenary celebrations great success.
Yours sincerely Kevin Rudd
17/04/11 8:41 PM
澳大利亚现任外交部长 陆克文先生 贺词 十分荣幸为中华会馆百庆典特刊撰写此文。 过去一百年来澳大利亚社会经历了巨大变 化。人们从世界各地移居至此,带来了他们的各 自的技能与专长,为澳大利亚建设成为今天的美 好国家添砖加瓦。本人尤其对华裔澳人做出的贡 献表示认同。华裔澳人很早便就职于澳大利亚各 机构组织,例如大学、科学研究院所、文化部门 和体育界、专业团体和非政府机构等。本人就深 谙几位西澳华裔澳人因其工作成就获得于澳大利 亚国庆日颁发的荣誉勋章。
类似中华会馆的机构致力于维护澳大利亚华 人社区民众固有的文化和社会传统。中华会馆通 过其福利、教育和文化等活动,使我们进一步了 解到华裔民众为共同建设这个伟大国家发挥的重 要作用。 本人祝贺中华会馆过去一百年来取得的丰功 伟绩,并祝愿贵会百年大庆活动圆满成功。
澳大利亚外交部长 陆克文
今天澳大利亚居住着50多万华裔人士。华裔 语言是除英语以外使用最多的语言之一, 它在我 们处理双方关系问题上起着至关重要的作用。目 前中国是澳大利亚最大的双边贸易伙伴国,其商 品和服务贸易总额达到852澳元;西澳在此占有 很大的份额。
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The Hon Chris Bowen MP Minister for Immigration and Citizenship
I am pleased to extend my best wishes to the Chung Wah Association in Western Australia for this special souvenir publication celebrating your centennial anniversary. Over the past 100 years, Chung Wah has developed into an impressive community based organisation for people of Chinese descent from all parts of the world. Chung Wah, as the representative body for the Chinese community in Western Australia, has maintained a leading role in developing cultural, welfare, educational and other support services for the Chinese community and other Asian communities. The Chung Wah Association Hall, built in 1909, was a cornerstone of the Chinese community and is recognised as a key Northbridge landmark that has been given heritage registration. Chinese migrants to Australia have come from many countries and have made, and continue to make, a significant cultural, social and economic contribution to the communities in which they live and Australian society. The WA Chinese community’s strong commitment to the Australian community is clearly demonstrated by your significant support for fundraising appeals and community events. Records show that in 1829, Moon Chow was the first Chinese person to settle in Western Australia. Many
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have followed in his footsteps. According to 2006 Census figures, there is a large and fast growing Asian community in Western Australia with close to 55,000 people claiming Chinese ancestry. Western Australia also attracts around 13,600 visitors and 5,000 students from China each year. Today, Chung Wah continues to provide many important services to the growing Chinese community in Western Australia. I welcome the association’s commitment to the Chinese community through its assistance of the elderly, as well as its many other social and cultural activities. The Chung Wah Association continues to promote your Chinese heritage, culture and traditions with the aim of enriching Australia’s multicultural society, and embracing the Australian values of social cohesion and harmony. I congratulate the Chung Wah Association on its achievements over the past 100 years and wish you joy, happiness and success in the future. Yours sincerely,
Chris Bowen MP Minister for Immigration and Citizenship
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澳大利亚 移民与公民部部长 克瑞斯•博文先生 贺词 本人非常荣幸为西澳中华会馆庆祝成立一百 周年致以诚挚的祝愿。 一百年来,中华会馆已经发展成卓越完善的 族裔社团,为世界各地来西澳定居的华人提供服 务。作为西澳华人的主要代表, 贵会在为华裔澳人和其他亚裔澳人在文化、 福利、教育和其他支援服务方面起着带头作用。 建立于1909年的中华会馆礼堂是华人社区的柱 石,是现在北桥区著名的地标,并被列为国家文 物遗产之一。
今天中华会馆继续为越来越多的西澳华人提 供许多重要的服务。本人特别赞赏协会举办的长 者关爱和其他社交、文化的社区服务。中华会馆 弘扬中华传统、文化和习俗,在丰富澳洲多元文 化社会和维护澳洲社会团结和谐的价值观方面功 不可没。 本人祝贺中华会馆过去一百年来对澳大利亚 及西澳和谐多元文化的贡献。 澳大利亚联邦政府移民与公民部部长 克瑞斯•博文
移居澳洲的华人来自世界各地,长期以来为 当地及澳洲社会在文化、社交和经济方面做出巨 大的贡献。西澳华人积极参与社区活动和筹募捐 款,同澳洲广大群众融为一体,同舟共济,精神 可嘉。 据记载,1829年,周满是第一位定居西 澳的华人,此后许多人跟随他的足迹来到西 澳。2006年人口普查显示西澳亚裔人士增长迅 速,仅华人就有五万五千名左右,每年从中国来 旅游的人士约一万三千六百名,另有五千名中国 学生来西澳读书。
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The Hon Stephen Smith MP Minister for Defence
I congratulate the Chung Wah Association in Western Australia on its centenary. Australian society has changed significantly in the pass 100 years. The contribution that is made to our country by people from many places around the world is now recognised and celebrated. Multiculturalism is a mainstay of modern Australia. Today, Australia is home to 600,000 people of Chinese descent. Chinese dialects are the second most commonly spoken language in Australia after English. Chinese Australians have made a central contribution to Australian society. Many have risen to high and distinguished office in their respective fields an have made significant contributions to Australia’s development.
I applaud Chung Wah’s work making Western Australia and Australia more tolerant and diverse as a consequence.
Yours sincerely Stephen Smith
People-to-people links are an integral part of any bilateral relationship. The links between Australia and China are flourishing, thanks to the contribution, strength and vitality of people to people links. The Chung Wah Association is an important part of our vibrant multicultural society. It provides valuable services to members of the community. The strength of the organisation after 100 years shows the importance of such groups in helping to maintain cultural traditions and support members of the community.
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澳大利亚现任国防部长 史提芬•斯密斯 贺词 恭贺西澳中华会馆百年诞辰。 澳大利亚社会一百年来发生了诸多改变,取 得的发展有目共睹,这要感谢来自世界各地移居 为我国发展贡献力量的人们。多元文化现已成为 现代澳大利亚的主要标志。 至今,澳大利亚是六十万华裔人士的家乡, 华语是澳大利亚除英语以外的第二大语言。华裔 澳人为澳大利亚社会做出了巨大的贡献,他们之 中许多在各自专长领域里担任着重要职位,致力 于澳大利亚的发展功不可没。
中华会馆是我们活跃的多元文化社会中的重 要组成部分,为华人社区提供极具价值的服务。 一百年来持续发展的会馆为维护文化传统和服务 社区民众发挥着举足轻重的作用。 本人对中华会馆为使西澳和整个澳大利亚社 会更加包容和谐、多元文化更加丰富多彩而做出 的不懈努力深表认同。
澳大利亚国防部长 史提芬•斯密斯
民众交往是双边关系不可分割的一部分。人 们之间通过努力和积极的交往使得澳大利亚和中 国的关系日益巩固。
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Senator The Hon. Penny Wong Minister For Finance And Deregulation
澳大利亚现任财政部长 黄英贤 贺词 My congratulations to the Chung Wah Association of Western Australia as you celebrate your centenary.
西澳中华会馆庆祝成立一百周年,本人谨致 祝贺。
For 100 years the Chung Wah Association has supported the West Australian Chinese community, acting as a representative for Chinese people from all over the world. The Association plays a key role in promoting Chinese culture in WA, while also supporting local Chinese through aged care services and community programs. The benefits that flow from these services are testament to the hard work and compassionate nature of the Association’s members and volunteers.
一百年来中华会馆一直为西澳华人谋福利, 并担任来自世界各地定居西澳华人的代表。贵会 在西澳传播中华文化方面起到重要作用,同时也 通过长者关爱及社区项目为当地华人服务。贵会 会员和义工们在这方面所做出诸多努力和善行, 功绩斐然。
I wish all members and volunteers of the Chung Wah Association prosperity and happiness, and once again congratulate you on your 100th anniversary.
澳大利亚财政部长 黄英贤
值此贵会一百周年诞辰,本人祝愿贵会会员 和义工们幸福快乐。并重申祝贺以致庆祝。
Senator the Hon. Penny Wong Minister of Finance and Deregulation Labor Senator Of South Australia
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Zhang Jun Sai Former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Commonwealth of Australia
中国驻澳大利亚前任大使章均赛 贺词
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I offer my sincere congratulations to the Chung Wah Association on its 100th anniversary.
值此西澳洲中华会馆成立100周年之际,谨 致以热烈祝贺!
The Association has worked tirelessly and earned a well-deserved reputation for its commitment to promote Chinese culture, and build a stronger relationship between the Chinese and Australian communities. Currently, China and Australia have entered a new stage in their relationship. So we look forward to the Association’s continued contribution towards cultural and economic cooperation within the Chinese community and the wider West Australian community.
贵会成立以来,立足华社,融入主流,团结 奋斗,开拓进取,为弘扬中华文化,增进中澳两 国人民相互了解和友谊发挥了积极作用。当前, 中澳关系进入了新的快速发展时期,愿贵会百尺 竿头,更进一步,为促进中澳文化和经济的交流 与合作作出更大贡献。
Zhang Jun Sai Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Commonwealth of Australia
驻澳大利亚特命全权大使 二O 一O年三月十六日于堪培拉
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Dr Ken Michael AC Governor of Western Australia
As Patron of the Chung Wah Association’s Centenary Year, and on behalf of all Western Australians, I offer my sincere congratulations to the Chung Wah Association on its very special 100th anniversary. This is a significant milestone that gives us the opportunity to reflect on the accomplishments and enormous contributions that the Chinese community have made to the development of Western Australia. It is also a joyous occasion that celebrates the sense of community, support and friendship that typifies the Chinese community in our State. The Chinese community can be very proud that for the past 10 decades the Association has assisted in building strong and resilient relationships between the Chinese and Australian communities. In this regard, the Association is the oldest existing ethnic organisation in Western Australia. It has earned a well deserved reputation for being a valuable and important organisation that has helped to forge strong business and cultural links while enriching our society with a culture that spans thousands of years.
difficulties, the Chinese people who came here began new lives that helped shape our society today. For the past 100 years, the Chinese community has been a great strength in the growth of our nation, with members contributing in myriad ways to Australia’s cultural, social and economic development. The Association’s work in providing services, facilities and activities for the Chinese community provides great benefits to its members and to the broader community. My wife, Julie, joins me in wishing members of the Chinese community of Western Australia happiness, success and good health. We look forward to the Association’s continuing outstanding contribution and commitment to the cultural, economic and social development of our State.
DR KEN MICHAEL, AC Governor of Western Australia
The Chinese community can be traced back to 1829 when Western Australia was first proclaimed a colony. From those early days, and in spite of some
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西澳州总督先生 肯•迈克博士 贺词 本人以中华会馆百年庆支持者的身份,并代 表所有西澳人民,真诚的祝贺中华会馆极具殊荣 的百年诞辰。
一百年来,华人是我们国家成长的中坚力 量,在澳洲文化、社会和经济发展方面,做出了 巨大的贡献。
这是一个意义重大的里程碑,我们可以借 此回顾华人社会为西澳发展做出的巨大成就和贡 献。这也是一个令人兴奋的时刻,为西澳华人团 结互助的精神、友爱的传统祝贺。
贵会提供的服务,设施和举办的各种活动 使华人和其他族裔受益良多。本人的夫人茱莉连 同本人一起祝贺西澳所有华人事业成功,健康快 乐。相信贵会特为本州的繁荣继续努力。
过去一百年来,贵会馆努力推进建立华人 和澳洲社会之间巩固活跃的友好关系,整个华人 民众引以为荣。在这方面,会馆是西澳最古老并 不断发展的族裔社团,其价值和重要性是不可以 忽视的。贵会致力于促进商业、文化的交流,以 及沿袭数千年宝贵文化传统来丰富我们的当地生 活,为此声名远扬,备受尊重。
西澳总督 肯•迈克
从1829年宣布为殖民地开始,西澳就有了 华人的踪迹,尽管他们早期遇到重重困难,依然 同我们心手相连,共同兴建了我们现在的美好家 园。
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Hon Colin Barnett MLA The Premier Of Western Australia
On behalf of the Government of Western Australia I extend my very best wishes to the Chung Wah Association on the occasion of the Centennial Dinner to celebrate 100 years in Western Australia.
I commend the Chung Wah Association for demonstrating the highest levels of leadership and commitment to community service and being an outstanding example of civic contribution.
Chinese traders were visiting the north coast of Australia from the 1750s, probably earlier. Since that time the Chinese community has played an important and ongoing role in the development of Australia, with people of Chinese background forming an integral part of Australian society today.
Congratulations to the Chung Wah Association on its 100th Anniversary and for the Centennial Dinner.
All West Australians can be confident that the significant economic and cultural relationships that already exist between Western Australia and China will continue to be cultivated and contribute to our mutual prosperity.
Colin Barnett MLA PREMIER
The State Government recognises and values the unique contribution of the Chung Wah Association to the cultural, political and economic development of Western Australia. Chung Wah is a vital link connecting China, the local Chinese community and the wider Western Australian population.
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西澳州长 科林•巴耐特先生 贺词 中华会馆庆祝百年诞辰之际,本人十分荣幸 致以热烈祝贺。
本人深信中华会馆与西澳洲政府会继续携手 合作,促进彼此尊重,巩固社民的关系。在此本 人对百年大庆致以衷心祝愿。
中华会馆向西澳社区民众推广教育、文化、 护老、福利等服务并取得了丰硕的成果。 过去一百年来,贵会为民众与政府之间交流 起到了桥梁作用,并为华人与西澳各类人士的联 系提供活跃的交流平台。
西澳州长 科林•巴耐特
华人在西澳发展方面扮演着重要的角色,为 我们国家的文化、政治和经济的发展做出了诸多 贡献。 中国是西澳最大的贸易伙伴,澳洲与亚太地 区人民的频繁交往对我们的未来发展至关重要, 其经济与文化的交流继续扩大,有助于彼此关系 的繁荣和安全。中华会馆在这方面发挥了举足轻 重的作用。
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Eric Ripper MLA Leader of the Opposition
Western Australia’s economic links with China are stronger than they have ever been before China became Western Australia’s largest trading partner in 2009.
The founding of the Chung Wah Association in response to the White Australia policy on 12th July 1910 demonstrated a Chinese-Australian community with great strength of character.
China’s rapidly growing economy has seen great demand for Western Australia’s mineral wealth and the two countries continue to enjoy a mutually beneficial economic relationship.
Now in its 100th year, the Association has continued to be a vital link between Chinese-Australians in Western Australia.
I am extremely glad that our two countries have worked so well together. Another great mining boom, the discovery of gold in Australia in the mid-19th Century, saw the first great migration of Chinese people to Australia. It is deeply sad that a very different Australia reacted to the arrival of many migrants from across the globe during this time, including from China, with the Immigration Restriction Act 1901 and what became known as the White Australia policy.
The vibrant culture of Chinese migrants has been passed from generation to generation and forms an integral part of our State’s rich multicultural population. I am glad we now live in a time where the contribution of Chinese people to Western Australia’s past and present are recognised. I congratulate Chung Wah on 100 years of support, advocacy and maintaining connections for Chinese people in Western Australia.
I am proud that much of the work to end this policy was done by a Labor Government in the 1970s. Yours sincerely Eric Ripper MLA
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西澳州反对党领袖 艾瑞克•瑞普先生 贺词 西澳州与中国的贸易关系日益强盛,2009 年中国成为西澳最大的贸易伙伴。 中国经济的突飞猛进造成对西澳矿产的大量 需求,两国在经济关系上持续相互获利。 本人十分高兴见到两国的这种合作成果。十 九世纪中叶,澳洲发现金矿。这个首次的矿业大 兴旺,使我们看到大批华人开始移民澳洲。 不幸的是,当时澳洲对世界各地来此的人 民,包括华人,采取的不同的对待,导致1901年 的移民限制法,即后来所谓的白澳政策。
移民华人的生动文化,在此代代承传,已是 我们西澳社会姿彩丰富多元文化不可分割的一部 分。 如今,我们生活在推崇分享华人过去和现在 功劳的时期,值得高兴。 本人为中华会馆一百年来为西澳华人提供 的支援服务、正义伸张和友情联系致以最好的祝 愿。 西澳州反对党领袖 艾瑞克•瑞普
1970年代,澳州工党政府,经过许多 努力取消了这个政策。本人为此引以为荣。 为了应付白澳政策,1910年7月12日中华会 馆成立,充分表现了华裔澳人坚强不屈的精神。 一百年了,中华会馆仍是西澳华人与当地澳 人之间的重要链环。
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Lisa Scaffidi Lord Mayor of the City Of Perth
When a significant milestone, such as a centenary, is reached it is customary to look back upon the early years of an organisation’s life. In the case of the Chung Wah Association, a comparison between the early part of the 20th century and today provides such an interesting contrast. Chung Wah was registered as an association in 1910 when people of Chinese descent were generally not so warmly accepted in society in the way that people of British and European origins were. Discriminatory immigration laws remained in place until the White Australia Policy was consigned to history in the early 1970s. In those early days, Chinese were mainly involved in market gardening and businesses such as laundries. The Depression years were particularly tough times for these Chinese businesses and numbers went into sharp decline. Chung Wah was formed to provide a place where ‘gentlemen of the Chinese nationality’ could gather for the purpose of ‘providing and encouraging literature and education’. It played an important role by fulfilling the social, cultural and political needs of the local Chinese community. One hundred years on, and how wonderful it is to see that the Chung Wah Association has grown into a representative group for Chinese people with origins all over the world. The association draws its members from a broad range of businesses and professions.
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Chung Wah has been influential in ensuring Chinese customs and culture stay alive and, indeed, are represented increasingly in the rich ethnic and cultural mix that we have in Perth. It is our oldest ethnic association and one of the most prominent. The distinctive and heritage-listed Chung Wah Hall in Northbridge stands as a lasting reminder. As well as playing an important part in promoting Chinese culture, Chung Wah continues to play an important community role through its aged care and welfare services. As an organisation, Chung Wah is now old and highly revered and remains very active! How very different are our perceptions of China today, compared with a century ago! Our State’s economic fortunes are now so closely tied to China and the relationship between the two countries is so important. We are indeed fortunate to have an organisation such as Chung Wah to promote better understanding and greater cultural awareness. The City of Perth truly values the contribution that Chung Wah has made to life in the city and looks forward to a continuing long-term, constructive relationship. The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi
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珀斯市长 莉莎•史考菲迪女士 贺词 在百年诞辰这具有重大历史意义的时刻,一 个组织通常会回顾它走过的岁月。而将中华会馆 在二十世纪初的情形与现在做对比,我们会发现 令人惊叹的变化。 中华会馆于1910年注册成为社团,当时华 人移民不是像英欧移民一样受到欢迎。具有歧视 的移民法笼罩着澳大利亚,直到1970年代初白澳 政策结束为止。早期,华人主要从事种菜和洗衣 等职业。经济大萧条时期,他们遭受巨大影响, 人数急剧下降。中华会馆的成立是为了“华人社 区”和“联络群情,共谋公益”。它为本地华裔 满足社会、文化和政治需要方面发挥重要作用。 一百年来,中华会馆己经茁壮成长为本地华 人具代表性的团体,会员来自世界各地,人才济 济。
除了维护中华文化的使命以外,中华会馆还 扮演着为服务社民的重要角色,照顾老人,提供 福利。以会馆地位来说,它是备受尊崇、精力充 沛的长者。一百年来,我们对中国的认识也有了 巨大的变化。 目前,本州的经济发展与中国密不可分,两 国的关系发展也越来越重要。很幸运能有中华会 馆这样的社团来协助我们加深人际了解和提高的 文化认识。 珀斯市重视中华会馆为我们的市民生活做出 的贡献,并希望继续保持我们长期互惠的关系。
珀斯市长 莉莎•史考菲迪女士
中华会馆致力于传承中华文化。在丰富的多 元文化生活中,中华文化的地位越来越重要。中 华会馆是我们最古老的族裔社团,也是最出色的 社团之一。坐落于北桥区古朴大气的会馆礼堂己 被列为文化遗产,是缅怀历史的纪念物。
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Wang Yin Er Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth
中国驻珀斯现任总领事 汪银儿女士 贺词
It gives me great pleasure to offer my sincere congratulation to the Chung Wah Association on its 100th anniversary. Since it was formed in July 1910, the Association has experienced many tough times and yet it has grown from the earliest unknown Chinese community organisation into the largest Chinese association in Western Australia that has enriched the multicultural environment in Australia. The Association has made an outstanding contribution by promoting Chinese culture, the Chinese language, providing and advancing the welfare and interests of the Chinese community in Western Australia, and enhancing the relationship between the Chinese and Australian communities. As it celebrates its 100th anniversary, I look forward to further contributions of the Association to the harmonious development of Chinese community in Western Australia, and encourage it to continue to enhance Chinese culture and promote ongoing friendship between the Chinese and Australian peoples.
值此西澳洲中华会馆成立100周年之际,谨 致以最诚挚的祝贺。 中华会馆自1910年7月成立以来,从小到 大,从弱到强,历尽沧桑,不断发展壮大,已经 成为西澳洲最大的华人社团和澳大利亚多元文化 的一支重要力量。中华会馆致力于传播中华文 化,传授汉语教育,积极为西澳华人社区提供服 务,谋福祉,为维护华人的权益以及促进中国与 澳大利亚民问往来做出了不懈努力。百年社团、 世纪会馆,希望中华会馆为西澳华人社区的和谐 发展,为弘扬中华文化和促进中澳人民的友谊做 出新的贡献。
中华人民共和国驻珀斯总领事 汪银儿
Wang Yier Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth
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The Hon John Castrilli MLA Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests
西澳遗产公民和多元文化利益部长 约翰•卡斯特里利先生 贺词 As one of Australia’s oldest, largest and most respected ethnic organisations, the Chung Wah Association can proudly reflect on an outstanding 100 years of achievement. In the century since it first opened its doors in James Street, Northbridge, the Chung Wah Association has worked tirelessly to meet the social, cultural and welfare needs of the now significant WA community from Chinese origins. In doing so, it has greatly added to the rich cultural diversity of our State. The Chung Wah Association is a vital personal link between China and Western Australia. The benefits of such links are extensive. Enhancements to the State’s business, social and cultural development can be seen across all spheres of society, from the strong leaders and role models in the professions, business, sport and religion; to the Chinese traditions and celebrations, such as Chinese New Year. In terms of our bilateral relationship, China has become Western Australia’s largest trading partner and has made - and continues to make - a significant contribution to the economic development of this State. I extend my congratulations to the Chung Wah Association on achieving such a significant milestone and I wish you well during your centenary year. G M (John) Castrilli MLA Minister For Local Government Citizenship And Multicultural Interests
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作为澳大利亚历史最悠久、规模最大、最受 尊重的族裔组织之一,中华会馆可以自豪地回顾 它一百年来取得的辉煌成就。 自从一百年前中华会馆在北桥区詹姆士街选 址落户以来,会馆致力于满足西澳华裔社区人们 社会、文化和福利方面的需求,同时也极大地丰 富了西澳大利亚的多元文化社会。 中华会馆是联系中国和西澳人民的重要纽 带,这样的联系给人们带来了诸多利益。我们可 以看到会馆的长期努力对西澳商务、社会和文化 等各个领域发展的巨大贡献,从塑造很多高水平 的领导人、优秀的商业、体育和宗教人才到庆祝 中国的传统节日——农历新年。 随着双边关系的发展,中国已成为西澳大利 亚最大的贸易伙伴,并将持续地为本州经济发展 做出重要贡献。 最后,在此具有里程碑意义的时刻,我谨 向中华会馆致以最诚挚的祝贺,并表达良好的祝 愿。
西澳遗产公民和多元文化利益部长 约翰•卡斯特里利
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Overseas Chinese Affairs Office Of State Council Of P. R. China
国务院侨务办公室 贺词
We are very pleased to hear that the Chung Wah Association is celebrating its 100th anniversary, and we extend our best wishes on this special occasion Over the past 100 years, the Association has been committed to a philosophy that provides services, and safeguards the rights and interests of the Chinese community. The Association also promotes Chinese culture and participates in a wide range of events for both the Chinese community and the general public. It has truly assisted in the development of a harmonious Chinese community, the promotion of cooperation between the Chinese and Australian people and it has supported the peaceful reunification of China. The centenary anniversary is a significant milestone for the Chung Wah Association. Indeed, we wish the Association a bright future and encourage it to continue to make further contributions for the Chinese community in Western Australia.
欣悉贵会将于2010年7月1 7日举行成立100 周年庆典,谨致热烈祝贺。 贵会馆成立一百年来,秉承创会宗旨,积极 团结服务广大会员,努力维护侨胞合法权益,大 力弘扬中华文化,热心参与侨社事务和社会公益 事业,为构建和谐侨社,促进中澳两国人民的交 流与合作,推动中国和平统一大业做出了积极贡 献。 希望贵会以百年庆典为新的起点,继续带 领西澳侨社和广大会员,共创侨社更加美好的明 天。 祝贵会百年庆典圆满成功!
中华人民共和国 国务院侨务办公室
Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of State Council of P. R. China. 29 April 2010
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Tan Kim Thai Chung Wah Association Trustee
中华会馆信托人 陈金泰 贺词
I congratulate our Association’s centenary in passing many different historical time zones to remain a strong, viable institution in providing Chinese services, culture, and support to its members, the community, and beyond.
值此中华会成立一百周年之际,我谨作为会 馆信托人之最诚挚的祝贺。中华会馆成立至今历 尽沧桑,不断壮大成为向其成员、华裔社区及广 大公众提供中文教育和多方面的支持,传播中华 文化的重要组织。
Over the years I have been involved, I am proud to see Chung Wah flourish into a mature and organized association advancing the welfare and interests of all Chinese people in Western Australia.
多年以来,在下参与会馆的发展并非常自豪 地见证其成长壮大,成为在西澳为全体华裔谋求 福祉与利益的重要力量。
In reaching 100 years old, the future of Chung Wah continues to be strong and bright. This is testimony to the strength and support of our members and contribution from the wider Chinese-Australian community. Our Association is proud to thank everyone past and present who has helped Chung Wah reach its centenary year and the valued standing it has today.
百年诞辰之际,在所有会员和华裔社区人们 的支持下,中华会馆的明天必将更加美好。会馆 在此对以往和现在给予过我们帮助的每一个人表 示最衷心的感谢,正是有你们的支持和关注,会 馆才取得了今天的荣耀与成就。
Tan Kim Thai as Chung Wah Association Trustee
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Chung Wah Milestones 1910 The Chung Wah Association (CWA), established in response to the increasing Government legislation discriminating against the Chinese, was formally registered on the 12 July. On 12 October, the foundation stone laying ceremony for the Chung Wah Hall in James Street was carried out by the Lieutenant-Governor Sir Edward Albert Stone. 1912 The CWA purchased a banner, crockery and other sundries to celebrate Confucius’ birthday. A beautiful Red Silk Banner was crafted and this was classified by the National Trust in 1994. 1913 The CWA meeting on 27 March resolved to change the name of the Association to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The name however was not used in later years. 1917 The CWA used the Red Silk Banner in a street parade to support Trench Comforts Day. The aim was for the Association to raise 2,000 pounds as a show of support for the War effort. There was no record of the amount raised by the Association. 1922 The Chung Wah Hall was leased to the Perth Branch of the Kuomintang as the Association was having problems with the mortgage payments for the building. The Kuomintang appears to have continued operating in the Hall into the 1940’s. 1933 The effects of the discriminatory legislation resulted in a decrease in the Chinese population to only 705 during this period, with 363 living in the Perth metropolitan area. That the Chinese presence remains is a reflection of the Association’s effectiveness as an organisation in assisting with the needs and concerns of the Chinese community.
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1942 The Chung Wah Hall was used as a refugee centre for several Chinese evacuated from Broome after the Japanese bombing on 3 March. During the War years, the Hall was a venue for fund raising dances and concerts with the money sent to Australian and Chinese forces. 1951 A new Constitution for the CWA was drafted and re-registered on 10 July. The Chinese community consisted only of a small number of families. Sometime during the 1950’s, the Chung Wah Hall balcony was removed from the front facade to comply with Perth City Council regulations. The iron roof was also replaced at a cost of approximately 500 pounds. 1969 With an increase in the number of Chinese arrivals as a result of the Colombo Plan and relaxing of immigration restrictions, the CWA was reactivated by a group of Australian born Chinese and Chinese Australian residents. During the year, the Chung Wah Hall was substantially renovated. The two shops on the ground floor were converted into one when Mr Kim Ng opened the Golden Eagle Chinese Restaurant which heralded a new era in the Chinese restaurant scene. 1974 A Chinese school for children was established with an initial enrolment of 12 at the Chung Wah Hall. The school has since been relocated to various places, including Leederville, and currently operates from the Morley High School.
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中华会馆里程碑 1910 7月12日,为应对政府日益增长的对 中国人的歧视性法案,中华会馆成立并正式注 册。10月12日会馆奠基仪式在詹姆士大街举行, 仪式由总督副官爱德华·斯顿爵士主持。 1912 中华会馆决定购买横幅、陶器和其他 杂货庆祝孔子诞辰。精美的红色丝制横幅由手工 制作,澳洲国民托管委员会1994年将其列为保护 文物。 1913 3月27日中华会馆会议决定将中华会 馆更名为中华商会。该名后来未被继续使用。 1917 会馆在游行上使用红色丝质横幅庆祝 Trench Comfort 日。会馆计划在游行活动上筹款 2,000英镑以支持战争需要。会馆没有最终的筹 款金额记录。 1922 为缓解还贷方面的财政问题,会馆决 定将中华礼堂出租给国民党作办公之用。国民党 一直租用会馆至40年代。 1933 受白澳政策的影响,1933年居住在 珀斯市的华裔下降到363人,整个西澳的华裔也 不过705人。当时帮助现存的中国人反应出了会 馆作为华人组织团结关怀华裔社区的宗旨。 1942 在3月3日日本袭击普隆(Broom) 地区后,中华礼堂曾被用作收容中国难民的救济 中心。战争期间,中华礼堂是募捐场所,人们通 过舞蹈表演和举办音乐会为澳大利亚和中国军队 筹集资金。 1951 7月10日新的会馆起草完成并注册备 案。当时整个华裔社区不过只有几户人家。 大约在50年代,根据珀斯市议会的规定,会 馆临街的阳台被拆除,另外会馆耗资约500英镑 将铁皮屋顶更换。
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1969 由于科伦坡计划和移民政策的放松, 澳洲华裔的数量日益增加。中华会馆进入了复苏 阶段,当时的会员主要是在澳洲出生的华裔和澳 籍华人。 同年,会馆也被翻新。一层的两个商铺合并一 家,Kim Ng 先生将此建为金鹰中餐馆,由此珀斯 中餐领域进入了的新的发展阶段。 1 9 74会 会 馆 儿 童 中 文 学 校 在 中 华 礼 堂 成 立,第一届招收了12名学生。该学校后来迁至 Leederville,几经周转,现落户于摩利高中校内。
1981 为扩大社区服务规模,会馆成立了土 地征购委员会,陈振发先生任委主席。 1984 8月8日,会馆从 Stirling 市购得巴 卡达 Sicilia Place 第63号和阿尔伯特街第57号两 块土地,价值95,500澳元。购买条件是土地将被 用来建立文化中心,并必须在10年内完工。会馆 积极筹款并在1985年6月30日付清了购地费用。 1985 为满足华裔社区民众日益增长的需 求,会馆第二所中文学校在Lynwood 成立。随后 学校迁至巴克务小学,这就是大家熟悉的巴克务 中文学校。随着2010年底租约到期,学校最终在 2011年定址罗斯莫因高中校内。 1986 余其勇会长修订了1951年版的会馆章 程,新章程扩大了会馆的服务对象,以适应新的 华裔人口结构。 1987 2月16日,会馆成立了新的自治团体 西澳中华总商会。它是由1985年成立的商务与专 业人士协会发展而来。会馆资深会员参与了商会 的建立,他们包括会长陈继志、副会长李瑞喜、 马涤华先生、前会长余其勇和吴伯子医生。商会 首任主席是拿督谢乘美于3月15日就职。
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1981 Recognising the need for land to expand services to the Chinese community, the CWA set up a Land Acquisition Committee chaired by Dr Bob Tan. 1984 On 8 August, the CWA purchased Lot 63 Sicilia Place and Lot 57 Albert Street in Balcatta from the City of Stirling at a cost of $95,500. A condition of the purchase was that the proposed Cultural Centre must be completed in 10 years time. The CWA actively fund raised the cost of the purchase which was paid off on 30 June 1985. 1985 A second Chinese school opened in Lynwood in response to increased demand by the Chinese community. It was moved to Parkwood Primary School where it was widely known as the Chung Wah Parkwood Chinese School. With the expiry of its lease in late 2010, the school was subsequently relocated to Rosmoyne Senior High School in 2011. 1986 The CWA under President Yee Kee Yong revamped the 1951 Constitution, with the objects becoming more wide ranging to cope with the vastly different Chinese population demographics. 1987 On 16 February, the CWA established a separate entity, the Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce Inc. This has evolved from the Association’s Business and Professional Group that was formed in 1985. Senior members involved in the formation include President Dr Eric Tan, Vice President Simon Lee, Mr Mah Teck Wah and Past Presidents Yee Kee Yong andDr Pek Goh. . The Chamber’s inaugural President was Datuk Cheah Sin Bee who took office on 15 March. The Association participated in a national conference held in Sydney involving 33 Chinese organisations from around the country to discuss establishing a national body with a nationwide network of Chinese organisations to advance the interests of Australian
Chinese. The WA delegation was led by President Dr Eric Tan. A follow-up conference was held in December 1990. 1990 The first Oz Concert was held on 26 January as part of the Association’s Chinese New Year celebrations. The Oz Concert was an initiative of CWA under President Dr Eric Tan. It is now held annually on Australia Day and has become a truly multicultural event, which CWA no longer coordinates, but is managed by a committee representing an assortment of interests. 1992 Under President Dr Pek Cher Goh, extensive renovations were undertaken to the Chung Wah Hall during the year. The renovations were funded with donations from CWA members and friends. Of note is Mr Simon Lee’s generous donation of $100,000. 1993 Under President Dr Michael Kwek, a Balcatta Property Development Committee was set up to plan and design the Chung Wah Cultural Centre. Around June, the CWA held a soil turning ceremony which was attended by 100 members and friends of the Association. Funds were collected and donations were pledged for the project. 1994 The CWA Executive Committee (EXCO) approved Stages 1 and 2 of the Balcatta Chinese Cultural Centre at the January meeting. 1995 On 19 August, the CWA entered into a building contract with Dom’s Building Company to build the Chung Wah Cultural Centre. Past President and Trustee of the CWA, Albert Hwee, was entrusted to supervise the building of the Centre. He was assisted by a team of professionals including architects Mrs Florence Ong and Mr Ken Wong, and structural engineer Mr Francis Wee. They were all members of the CWA and provided their services voluntarily.
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会馆参加了在悉尼举行的全国华裔组织会 议,会议同有33个华裔组织出席。该会议主题是 建立全国性的华裔社团组织和发展华裔社区关系 网络,从而促进和巩固华裔民众的利益。西澳代 表团由会长陈继志率领。第二次会议于1990年 12月召开。 1990 作为会馆迎春活动的一部分,1月26 日首届澳大利亚音乐会举行。音乐会最初是由时 任会长的陈继志医生提议发起的,如今已是每年 澳大利亚国庆日的节目,并有众多族裔社区踊跃 参加,成为了真正的多元文化舞台。现在会馆已 不在担任音乐会的组织者,而是交给热衷于多元 文化交流的各领域的人们管理。 1992 在会长吴伯子医生的倡议下,会馆礼 堂进行了进一步的翻新和装修。 翻修费用由会馆 成员和朋友们捐助。据记录李瑞喜先生慷慨捐赠 了10万澳元。 1993 以会长 Michael Kwek 医生为首的巴 卡达地产发展委员会成立,以设计和规划中华文 化中心。6月前后,100名会员和朋友参加了动土 仪式。会员们积极筹措基金以保证项目建设。 1994 在1月份的会议上,中华执行委员会 通过了文化中心第一、第二阶段发展方案。 1995 8月19日中华会馆同Dom建设公司签 署合同建设文化中心。会馆前任会长和信托人许 南发被委任监督工程进展。另外有一支专业团队 协助许先生进行管理,其中包括建筑师 Florence Ong 女士和Ken Wong 先生以及结构工程师 Francis Wee 先生。他们均是会馆成员并提供了 义务服务。 截至10月22日,文化中心的地基和钢框架 搭建已完成。张仕偟会长和西澳中华总商会主席 李瑞喜出席了揭牌仪式。 1996 “一国党” 领袖Pauline Hanson 女士 在其联邦议会首次发言中说道,“我深信我们正陷 在被亚洲人吞没的沼泽中”. 这番话引起了西澳华
裔社会的关注。中华会馆致信联邦总理要求对此 进行解释。 中华会馆历史小组在Fremantle历史博物馆 举办了为期三个月主题为“从漂泊到定居”的展 览,介绍了早期华人从来到西澳到定居于此的历 史。展览从8月到10月共吸引了近7000名参观 者。 会馆意识到文化中心主楼建设出现资金短缺 的情况。11月在经过会馆成员多次争论商讨后, 会馆决定出售其位于巴卡达阿尔伯特街标号57的 土地来保证中心第一、二阶段的建设。然而当时 该土地没有被成功售出。 1997 由于执行委员致信三所中文学校,希 望能够征用其后被基金用于文化中心建设,众多 会员出席了当年的年度大会。执行委员会和中华 中文学校的代表们对此展开了激烈的讨论,中华 黎明学校主席Chua Chew Kian 带头反对将学校后 备基金用于巴卡达项目。最终执行委员会没有继 续该提议。 徐天送副会长被委托出售阿尔伯特街标号57 的土地,土地最终以20万澳元售出。所得款项被 用于中心第一、二阶段和停车场建设。 11月2日会馆特别大会决定将其在巴卡达的 部份土地租赁给中华秋园。租期十年,租金为每 年一澳元。中华秋园是独立的法人机构,其租赁 的土地将为老年人提供廉价住房。 1998 3月22日,张仕偟会长和会馆信托人 兼项目协调人许南发先生为巴卡达文化中心正式 运行揭牌。中国国务院侨务办特赠送一对大理石 狮置于中心大门口。 4月年度大会一致通过徐天送先生当选会 长。 6月26日,会馆在巴卡达文化中心举行晚宴 欢送中国驻珀斯总领事蔡传,蔡先生任职期间给 予会馆诸多支持和帮助。当天众多会员和各界同 仁出席了欢送晚宴。
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By 22 October, the concrete foundation and steel frame of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre was completed. The occasion was marked with the unveiling of the foundation plaque by President James Chong and the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce President Simon Lee.
Vice President Tien Shang Su was entrusted to sell Lot 57 Albert, which was eventually sold for $200,000. Part of the proceeds from the sale was used to complete Stage 1 and 2 of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, and the Centre’s present car parking area.
1996 The leader of the One Nation Party, Ms Pauline Hanson, in her maiden speech in the Federal Parliament said “I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians”. This remark caused some concerns among the WA Chinese community. The CWA wrote to the Prime Minister urging for a swift response to her speech.
The EGM held on 2 November approved the CWA to grant a lease on portion of its land in Balcatta to the Chung Wah Autumn Centre. The lease was for 10 years at a peppercorn rent of $1 per annum. The Chung Wah Autumn Centre is a separate legal entity on its own and the grant of the lease was intended for the Centre to build accommodation for aged persons.
The CWA Historical Group presented a threemonth exhibition entitled “Sojourners to Settler” depicting the early history of Chinese who came to and settled in Western Australia. The exhibition held in Fremantle History Museum from August to October attracted almost 7000 visitors. The CWA realised that it has insufficient funds to complete the main building of Chung Wah Cultural Centre. In November, after much debate and disagreement among members, the motion was passed by the Association to sell Lot 57 Albert Street, Balcatta to finance the completion of Stages 1 and 2 of the Centre. However, attempts to sell the 57 Albert Street property were unsuccessful. 1997 The AGM was packed with members as the EXCO had previously written to the three CWA Chinese Schools of its intention to use the three Schools’ reserve funds to help with the construction of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre. There were robust exchanges between the EXCO and representatives of the CWA Chinese schools. Mr Chua Chew Kian, Chair of the CWA Leeming Chinese School, led the opposition to use the Chinese schools’ reserve funds for the Balcatta project. The proposal was not pursued by the EXCO.
1998 The official opening ceremony of the Cultural Centre at Balcatta on 22 March was carried out by President James Chong and Past President, Trustee and Balcatta project coordinator Albert Hwee. The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office in China donated a pair of large white marble lions for the Centre’s main entrance. In April 1998 Mr Su was unanimously elected President of the Association. On 26 June, the CWA held a farewell concert in Balcatta Cultural Hall for thepopular Chinese Consul-General Mr Cai Chuan who had been very supportive and helpful to the Association. The Balcatta Cultural Hall was packed full with members supporters and friends to send off Mr Cai . CWA President Tien Shang Su was invited together with five other leaders of the Chinese communities in Australia to visit China by the Government of the People’s Republic of China in October. The Association continued to explore the possibility of setting up a full time day school at Balcatta Cultural Centre. It was estimated that the construction cost would be around $400,000. The idea floated since 1996 was abandoned in 2000.
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中华会馆徐天送会长及另外5位澳洲华裔社 区领导人应中国政府之邀于10月访问中国。 会馆继续寻求在巴卡达文化中心建立一所全 日制学校的可能性。建设费用预计为40万澳元。 该设想始于1996年,最终于2000年化为泡影。 1999 新一届执行委员会会议上,会馆执行 委员会和长老会的力量角逐首次显现。会议讨论 了执行委员会和长老会各自的职能。执行委员会 发出类似警告的说明:会馆的执行主体是执行委 员会,长老会担任的是顾问角色并且不能干预会 馆今后的管理工作中。后续执行委员会也都认可 这样的观点。 中华人民共和国主席江泽民于9月7日对澳大 利亚做出历史性访问。徐天送会长应澳总理John Howard先生的邀请赴堪培拉欢迎江主席到访。 这次邀请被认为是总理办公室授予中华会馆的巨 大荣耀。 会馆主席徐天送先生和中华历史委员会主席 邝彩玲女士将精美的红色丝质横幅递交西澳博物 馆妥善保管。 巴卡达文化中心停车场修建完毕并投入使 用。 2000 5月25日熊猫长者关爱服务中心在中 华会馆礼堂成立。借助联邦政府的资助。会馆开 始为越南裔老人提供关爱服务,包括住房、护 老、家访、英语课程以及其他一系列社会、医疗 等服务。 另外,在家庭和健康服务部的推荐下,中华 会馆11月申请并获批15项由联邦政府提供的长者 关爱基金。这标志着会馆在长者关爱服务方面获 得政府补贴的重大飞跃。截至2009年,会馆从政 府获得的长者关爱基金已达56项,总金额达两百 六十万澳元。 2001 5月6日举行的2001/2002会馆年度 会议标志着执行委员会和长老会的权力斗争正式 开始。长老会对会议没能确定其六位成员(含两
位信托人)表示不满。同时长老会还对以匿名投 票的方式确定长老会成员提名的做法提出批评, 认为这不符合惯例,以前也从未使用过。 2002 尽管会馆极力反对,西澳遗产文化委 员会仍鉴于其重大的文化价值于11月将位于詹姆 士街128号的会馆馆址列入遗址名录。2003年 3月2日举行的特别大会上会馆继续寻求成员支 持,反对将馆址例如遗址名录,然而会馆的反对 并没有改变西澳遗产文化委员会的决定。 中华会馆文化小组举办了两场重要活动:7 月13日承蒙Kenwood Industry的赞助,中华文化 中心得以承办50位中国青年艺术家的演出活动。 当晚有大约500名观众观看了表演;10月6日, 大约600名观众出席了在 Methodist 女子学校举 行的名为“春”的音乐会。 2004 珀斯发生了三起针对中餐馆的燃烧弹 投掷事件。中华会馆积极组织协调了中餐馆、 受害者和政府与警察之间进行沟通。警察迅速逮 捕了袭击者并将他们送上法庭。西澳州长Geoff Gallop 和中华会馆主席3月21日出席了遭受损失 最严重的Lakeland餐厅重新开张的庆祝活动。 在陈和水会长和执行委员会的领导下,经过 章程审阅委员会历时一年多的努力,中华会馆修 改了章程和馆规。所有修改的章程在4月18日举 行的特别会议上由会馆成员表决通过。会馆之前 沿用的章程是1965年制定的。修改后的章程赋予 长老会更多权力,并将长老会成员资格改为终身 制,直到他们不能再为会馆效力为止。新章程还 规定了一类新的会馆成员,即“临时成员”。临 时成员不具有选举权,此举的目的是防止竞选中 的舞弊行为。其他的修改包括以合同形式披露权 益和会馆内部分歧解决方案。会馆服务对象也扩 展到西澳其它亚裔社区。另外会议还决定为会馆 成员的子女提供幼托便利,以及把巴卡达的会馆 发展成多功能的社区服务中心。 中华人民共和国驻澳大利亚大使傅莹对西 澳进行正式访问。4月21日中华会馆成员以及其 他领域的杰出代表在金世纪饭店对其表示热烈欢 迎。
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1999 The first sign of what would become a major confrontation between the EXCO and the Council of Elders (COE) surfaced at the first meeting of the new EXCO. At the meeting, the respective roles of the EXCO and COE were discussed. The EXCO sounded a warning that it is the Executive and management body of the Association, with the COE acting only as an advisory body, and that the latter should not interfere with the management of the CWA. This view was shared by each of the successive Presidents. President Jiang Zemin of People’s Republic of China made a historic visit of Australia on 7 September. CWA President Su Tien Shang was invited by the Prime Minister, Mr. John Howard, to Canberra to attend the reception in honour of President Jiang Zemin. The invitation was considered as a great honour for the Association to be recognised by the Prime Minister’s Office. President Tien Shang Su and the Chair of the CWA Historical Sub-committee, Ms Kaylene Poon, handed the Red Silk Banner to the WA Museum for safekeeping and conservation. The car park to the Balcatta Cultual Centre was completed . 2000 The Panda Community Aged Care Services were launched on 25 May at the Chung Wah Hall. With the aged care packages from the Commonwealth Government, the CWA started to offer aged care services to the seniors from the Vietnamese community. Community settlement services, aged care services, home visits, English lessons and other social, health and other activities were organised. Also in November, at the invitation of the Department of Family and Health Services, the CWA applied and secured 15 Community Aged Care Packages offered by the Commonwealth Government. The
grant expanded the CWA community aged care services in leaps and bounds. By the end of 2009, grants from government had reached $2.6 million with 56 age-care packages. 2001 The AGM held on 6 May 2001 unanimously reelected President Thomas Goh. The AGM spelled the beginning of a power struggle between the EXCO and COE. The COE did not like the way that six of their members, including two Trustees of the CWA were not confirmed at the AGM. The COE was also critical of the secret ballot method, which had never been used before to confirm the nomination of elders. 2002 In spite of the CWA’s objection, Heritage Council of Western Australia announced in November the classification of the Chung Wah Hall at 128, James Street, Northbridge, as a heritage listed building because of its cultural significance. An EGM was held on 2 March 2003 to seek member support to object to the heritage listing. The objection however did not change the view of the Heritage Council. The CWA Cultural Group presented two major events during the year. On 13 July, by courtesy of Kenwood Industry, it was able to secure the performance of 50 young stars from China to perform at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre. The Centre was packed with an audience estimated at about 500. The other major concert was held in Methodist Ladies College auditorium on 6 October where about 600 people attended a show named “Spring Time”. 2004 There were three fire-bombings of Chinese restaurants early in the year. The Association took the initiative in organising a dialogue session between the restaurant owners, including the victims, and the Government and Police. The police acted swiftly and the offenders were arrested and subsequently charged. The CWA President and the
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2008 5月11日会馆举行特别会议商讨由陈 和水会长和执行委员会提出的章程修订案。此次 议题的中心是执行委员会寻求以信托董事会取代 现有的长老会。与长老会终身制成员不同的是信 托董事会成员将由中华会馆资深成员选举产生, 任期四年。提案遭到了长老会主席的强烈反对, 他认为这样的改变不会影响中华会馆的管理运 转,执行委员会可以不必为他们的行为承担太多 责任。 2009 中华会馆年度大会上徐天送先生再度 当选会长。新的执行委员会讨论了长老会的权力 和职能。执行委员会和部分长老表示会馆在今后 几年内逐步调整, 执行委员会将不在作为执行机 构,会长希望制定新的章程以满足如今的发展需 要,并明确责任划分和提高管理透明度。执行委 员会同意成立一个法律委员会来处理此事。 西澳健康部审计了中华社区和长者关爱中 心对政府拨款的使用状况。一方面社区中心合理 使用了政府拨款;另一方面还存在需要改进的地 方。这主要指会馆缺少监管和明确的责任划分。 因此,会馆聘请独立顾问并参与协助健康部加强 监管。 10月中华会馆与另外29家机构成功举办 了中华人民共和国成立60周年庆祝活动。庆祝 活动为时两天。600多人出席了10月1日的晚 宴;2,300名观众观看了3日晚在Burswood举行 的文化表演。这次庆典活动使各华裔团体第一次 团结起来贡献各自的力量。时任中国驻珀斯总领 事李树刚先生对中华会馆在此次庆典中的组织工 作给予高度评价。另外公民与多元文化利益部长 也对会馆的组织工作表示赞扬并感谢其为西澳构 建团结的多元文化社会做出的贡献。
会馆在本年度还举行了一系列的庆祝活 动,活动分别由中华长者与社区服务部、三所中 文学校管理委员会和文化中心委员会主办。其中 包括在巴卡达文化中心种植50棵象征繁荣的李子 树。 2011 2月在巴克务中文学校管理委员会主席 叶俊凡的努力下, 学校成功迁至罗斯莫因高中。 3月汪银儿女士设宴欢迎新任中国驻澳大利 亚大使陈育明先生。徐天送会长代表西澳华裔团 体在晚宴上致欢迎辞。
3月14日,中华会馆被西澳遗产、公民和多 元文化利益部长 John Castrilli 授予2011 年度西 澳多元文化社区服务奖。该奖项肯定了会馆在西 澳多元文化发展方面做出的杰出贡献。 3月日本东部发生大地震。执行委员会成员 曾精豪医生和会馆会员Bill Green先生出席了在日 本驻珀斯总领馆举行的对死难者的悼念活动,并 转交了会馆的悼念函。总领事助理对会馆对日本 的支持表示欢迎和感谢。 4月徐会长与西澳政治和商界领袖一同出席 了西澳州长Colin Barnett为欢迎来访的中国政协 主席贾庆林而举行的午宴。
巴卡达文化中心后院修建完成,工程耗资 65,000澳元。所用资金由中华长者与社区服务和 文化中心委员会筹集。 2010 7月17日会馆在Burswood举行盛大百 年庆典活动。庆典费用约25万澳元,其中大部分 由个人和公司赞助。活动取得了历史性的巨大成 功。
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Premier Dr. Geoff Gallop attended the reopening of the worst hit restaurant, Lakeland Chinese Restaurant, on 21 March.
proposed changes would affect the running of the CWA and that the EXCO (present and future) would have much lesser accountability for what they do.
The CWA Constitution and Rules were amended substantially after more than a year’s work by the Constitution Review Sub-committee. President Richard Tan and the EXCO proposed the Constituitional amendments. All proposed amendments were passed by members at the EGM held on 18 April. The amendments gave the COE extensive powers and enshrined their positions for life unless they become disqualified. The amendments also created a new class of membership, the provisional members, with no voting rights to prevent vote stacking. Other amendments include disclosure of interest in a contract, and resolution of internal disputes. The objects of the Constitution relating to looking after the welfare and interest were also expanded to cover other Asian communities in Western Australia. Other expansion of the objects include a provision of childcare facilities for the children of members and the development of the Balcatta site as a multipurpose community complex.
2009 At the AGM members saw the return of Mr. Tien Shang Su as President of the Association. The subject of the powers of the COE was discussed by the new EXCO. The EXCO and some of the Elders were of the view that, with the various amendments over the years, the role of the EXCO is no longer the Executive body that it intends to be. The President wanted a new Constitution to cater for modern situations and to uphold accountability and transparency. EXCO agreed to establish a Legal Sub-committee to address the issue.
The Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to Australia, Madam Fu Ying made an official visit to Western Australia. CWA members and other prominent members of the Chinese community gave her a warm reception at Golden Century Restaurant on 21 April. 2008 An EGM was held on 11 May to consider further amendments to the Constitution and Rules of the Association put forward by the President Richard Tan and the EXCO. The key area that the EXCO sought to reform was to replace the COE with a Board of Trustees. Unlike the Elders who are not elected by the members and hold office for life until disqualified, the proposed Trustees will be elected by the senior CWA members for a term of four years. The proposal was strongly opposed by the Chairman of the COE who argued that the
The State Department of Health’s audit on the Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Group structure and operations found that while the government grants have been acquitted properly, there were a number of areas where the CWA needs to improve on, the main ones being the lack of governance and accountability. The CWA enlisted the help of the Department of Health and appointed an external consultant to assist the CWA to map a strategy in making improvements on governance. The China 60th National Day celebrations, led by the CWA, were successfully carried out with 29 other Chinese organizations in 1st October 2009. The 60th National Day Celebrations was carried out over two days. The formal dinner on the 1st October 2009 attended by 600 people and the Cultural Show on the 3rd October 2009 at Burswood Theatre attended by 2,300 people. For the first time all the chinese organisations worked together for an event proving that the Chinese organisations can work together. The Consulate General Mr. Li Shugang, who had since returned to China, wrote a highly praise-worthy letter to congratulate the CWA’s organisation and arrangement. There was also a letter from the Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests expressing his appreciation
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for the CWA’s leadership and efforts towards building a cohesive, multicultural society. The back covered verandah of the Balcattta Cultural Hall was completed at the cost of about $65,000. The funds were raised by the Community Aged Care and by the Balcatta Cultural subcommittee.
Multicultural Interests the Hon. John Castrilli MLA. The Award “recognises the Association for outstanding work in advancing multicultural inclusiveness and participation in our diverse backgrounds”.
2010 On 17th July 2010 the Association held its historic Centenary Celebration at the Burswood Entertainment Complex. The event cost about $250,000 and most of the funds were raised from corporate and individual sponsors. The Centenary was widely herald by the West Australian Community as an unprecedented success.
In March 2011, on the tragedy of the Great Japanese Earthquake, President Su together with Executive Committee Member Dr Chan Ching Howe and associate member Mr Bill Green attended the Consulate General of Japan in Perth and handed over a letter of condolence and support to the victims and people of Japan. The Deputy of Mission Mr Kazuhiko Anzai warmly accepted the expression of support by the Chung Wah Association..
The Association carried out a series of Celebrations through the year, These celebrations were organized by the Chung Wah Community Aged Care committee, the three Chung Wah Schools Management Committees and the , the Cultural Sub Committee. One of the highlights was the planting of 50 flowering plum tree at the Balcatta Cultural Centre to commemorate the Centenary year.
In April 2011, President Su was invited, together with government and business leaders of Western Australia, by the Premier of Western Australia the Hon Colin Barnett MLA to a welcome lunch reception in honor of His Excellency Mr Jia Qinglin Chairman of the National People’s Consultative Committee of China who made a state visit to Western Australia.
2011 In February, under the Chair of the Parkwood School Management Committee, Mr Sammy Yap, the Parkwood Chinese School was successfully relocated to Rossmoyne Senior High School at Rossmoyne. In March, President Su gave a welcome address on behalf of all the Western Australia Chinese community at a welcome dinner reception for the new China Ambassador to Australia His Excellency Chen Yuming and his wife. The reception was hosted by the new Consul General of China in Perth Madam Wang Yiner. In March, the Chung Wah Association was presented with the 2011 Western Australian Multicultural Community Service Award by the Minister for Local Government; Heritage; Citizenship and
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Culture and Events
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History Of Chung Wah Association The First 100 Years 1909-1984 The Chung Wah Association was officially established in 1909 to meet the social, cultural and political needs of Chinese immigrants in Western Australia. As the first ethnic association formed in Perth, it not only provided a substitute family for the community (which consisted almost entirely of single men who were forced to leave their families in China), but was also a means through which individual Chinese immigrants could find communal protection and voice their protest against laws aimed at restricting the lives of Chinese in Western Australia. When the Chung Wah Association was formed there were approximately 840 Chinese living in Perth. Before the Association was established the community had already proved that it was a close knit and well organised one. Newspapers reported that as early as 1889 Chinese collectively celebrated Chinese New Year. In 1898 Chinese immigrants formed a Friendly Society, the stated aims of which were to provide welfare services to its members. A few years later a branch of the Emperor Reform Society was formed. Apart from these activities, informal groups of Chinese worked together to voice their opinion on a number of issues. For example, in 1901 they protested against the harshness of immigration laws and the following year initiated moves to have a Chinese Consul-General appointed to Australia to protect Chinese interests. By 1909, however, the need for an official organisation to represent Chinese living in Western Australia was recognised. No doubt there were several informal meetings held prior to the first recorded official meeting at which the aims of the Association were discussed and a committee
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elected. Held on the top floor of Wing Sang’s business premises at 404 Murray Street in March 1909, Louis Wah Louey was elected president and Tam Ying Man elected secretary and treasurer combined. Two months later, members were elected to represent market gardeners in several districts of the Perth metropolitan area - Osborne Park, Guildford, Bayswater and Fremantle – and a member to represent laundry workers. It is assumed that these representatives were responsible for reporting meetings and relaying opinions of members unable to attend meetings. Meetings generally attracted 60odd members and were held in the evenings. On 12 July 1910, the constitution of the Association was officially registered in the Supreme Court of Western Australia. The main objective of the Association was: To provide a suitable place of resort for Gentlemen of the Chinese nationality residing in Western Australia for the purpose of providing and encouraging literature and education amongst the members of the Association.� The address of the Association was given as 407 Murray Street, Perth and Louis Wah Louey, James Lee Wood, Kie Hang, Tam Ying Man, Lee Sho Ten, Paul Soon Quong, Ah Chew and Quan A. Sam its first trustees. Members were to pay a subscription fee of 7s 6d and any member leaving the State was required to contribute 1 pound. Meetings were held at 8.00 p.m. on the first Saturday of each month. A month after registration, the Chung Wah Association made preparations to acquire land in James Street and build a two-storey building which could accommodate meetings and social functions on the upper storey, whilst the two shops planned for the ground floor could be rented out to provide revenue for the Association.
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On 12 October 1910, the foundation stone of the building was laid by Sir Edward Stone. The building was officially declared open by Louis Wah Louey at 11.00 p.m. on Chinese New Year in 1911 followed by a banquet for 260 members in the new hall. The two shops on the ground floor were rented out – that on the east side for 1 pound 10 shillings a week and that on the west side for 1 pound a week.
members of the Chung Wah Association celebrated with a boat trip on the Swan River and dinner at a restaurant in Perth.
In its first year the hall was the venue for a number of social functions. To help cater for these the first major purchases of the Association were tables, crockery and banners. As well as social functions the Association was kept busy with fund raising, not only to pay back the mortgage on the land and building, but also to raise money for the Association’s welfare work as well as contributing funds to charities in Western Australia and China.
In 1922, the Association was finding it difficult to meet repayments of the mortgage. It was decided to let the hall on condition that the tenant agreed to hire back the hall to the Association whenever it wanted it for use by its members. It was further decided that the hall would only be let out either to the KMT or the Chinese Christian Society. The KMT eventually obtained the lease and paid rent of 1 pound 8 shillings per week. Presumably, the KMT was operating from the Chung Wah Hall into the 1940s.
Aged and ill Chinese people were given financial assistance, 4 pounds, to return home to China. Funds were remitted to China to help the victims of floods in Anhui Province and later in Guangdong Province. Donations were also made to local charities like Royal Perth Hospital, the Red Cross Society, European War Fighting Fund, Children’s Hospital and orphanage. Apart from social functions and welfare services, the Chung Wah Association also started a library for the benefit of its members. Books from China and newspapers from Hong Kong were ordered through Kwong Hong Shing’s and Kie Hang’s businesses. As well as a centre for literature and education, the Chung Wah Association also showed a great deal of concern over political events in China. In 1911, the Association was very active in organising members to collect money for the Revolutionary Army in China. In September 1911, 500 pounds was raised with a further 700 pounds collected in October 1911. When news of the success of Sun Yat Sen and the 1911 Revolution reached Western Australia,
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Interest in Chinese politics was continued in branches of the Kuomintang (KMT). On 12 June 1921, the Perth branch held its opening in the Chung Wah Hall for a hire fee of one pound.
The effectiveness of the Chung Wah Association to continue as an organisation, for fulfilling the social and cultural needs of the Chinese community in Western Australia was reduced by the rapid depletion of the Chinese population in the late 1920s and early 1930s. During this period not only had the Great Depression made it almost impossible for many of the small Chinese businesses to continue, but also most Chinese, who had arrived in the 1890s, were of retirement age and wished to return to China for their remaining years. By 1933 there were 363 Chinese living in Perth with a total of 705 recorded throughout the whole of Western Australia. The 1947 census recorded a further drop in numbers to 385 Chinese living in the whole State. The Chinese community at this time was kept alive by a small number of families and it was members of these families who, in 1951, revived the Chung Wah Association. A new constitution, drafted on similar lines to the first, was written and the Association reregistered on 10 July 1951. The objectives were: “To
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provide a suitable place for persons substantially of Chinese descent residing in Western Australia to congregate for the purpose of encouraging literature and education, and conducting social activities.”
1985-1995 At dawn, on the first day of November 1985, four Elders of the Association marched towards the James Street end of the entrance to the Perth Cultural Centre. They hung a big red banner between two lamp posts across James Street announcing to the general public that the Chung Wah Association was 75 years old and inviting them to join the Association in celebrating the occasion. The activities of the 75th Anniversary Celebration lasted five months. They included exhibitions, public lectures, a Chinese film festival, dragon boat racing, a Chinese chess competition, cultural concert, banquet, gala ball and special luncheon honouring our senior citizens. The commemorative ceremony at the Alexander Library was opened by Mr Ron Davies, the Minister for Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs, on 8 November 1985. These celebrations had a profound impact on the direction the Association would take in the following years. The prior years’ effort in rejuvenating, rebuilding and consolidating had finally pushed the Association to its plateau. From then on, the Association was more concerned with the image it projected to the Chinese community as it recognised its potential economic power and influence. In 1984 the debate on Australia’s immigration policy, particularly Asian migration, was fuelled by Professor Blainey. While this debate was rampant, the Australian National Movement (ANM), an anti-Asian organisation was formed in 1985. The Association called a special Executive Committee meeting to discuss the ANM. A
subsequent representation was made to the Minister for Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs expressing its concern over racist posters. At the 1985-86 Annual General Meeting, members saw fit to create a Council of Elders. This was to ensure that the services of past presidents, trustees and long standing Executive Committee members were retained and their efforts recognised appropriately. More importantly, they could act as the caretaker management team in the event of an emergency, should it ever arise. The concept of forming a national organisation of Chinese associations in Australia was raised in August 1985. More than a year later a national conference on the issue took place in Sydney. This historical event involved 33 organisations from every state and territory in Australia with nearly 200 delegates in attendance. The Association sent the biggest interstate contingent. At the conclusion of the conference, all delegates agreed that they had a common desire to establish a national Chinese Australian organisation at an appropriate time. The second conference was held in Melbourne in December 1990. In 1986, members witnessed for the first time, a State Governor gracing their Chinese New Year Ball in the then Merlin Hotel. In the same year the Association successfully obtained its second grant from the Federal Government to employ a full time social worker. The importance of this grant and the successive grants must be seen in perspective. Without the grant it would be difficult for the Association to provide its welfare services to the community; which was one of the most important objectives of the Association when it was first established. This helped to attract the senior members, particularly new corners, to the Chung Wah Hall everyday, to learn conversational English, get fit, eat “yum cha”, read Chinese newspapers and magazines or meet other new arrivals. This created
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liveliness in the Hall which is considered essential to its meaningful existence. Also in 1986, the Association, in conjunction with the WA Museum and WA Multicultural Education Advisory Committee, successfully completed a series of Community Workshops in the Chung Wah Hall and Fremantle Museum. These workshops involved Chung Wah members in group discussions with teachers from both private and state schools. The aim was to develop an increased understanding and awareness of Chinese culture. The workshops were particularly important during those days, bearing in mind that there was a frightful and unceasing attack on Asian migration and multiculturalism. The introduction of the Business Migration Programme introduced by the Australian Government in the early 1980s saw an influx of business migrants from South East Asia, particularly Malaysia, many of whom became members of the Association. In August 1985, the Association formed a Business and Professional Group in response to the needs and interest of these members. There was, however, some disquiet among members who considered that the Association had created an elite group. On 16 February 1987, the Association established an autonomous body called the Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce Inc. The Association handed over control of the Chamber to its inaugural President Datuk Cheah Sin Bee on 15 March 1987. The fact that the Chamber was founded by the Association was enshrined in the Chamber’s constitution. Chung Wah Autumn Centre was formed in 1987 with the laudable objective of providing low cost accommodation and a respite centre for elderly members.
In 1987, the Historical Group suggested that an intricately woven, gold-threaded banner, which was made in the early 1910s, was worthy of conservation. Efforts made to raise funds for this project, together with National Trust classification, should see work commence very soon. The increasing number of business migrants and their families to Perth, the most popular city in Australia for Malaysians and Singaporeans in the mid-80s, meant the demand for places in the Association’s Chinese Schools grew out of control. The second Chinese School was opened in Lynwood in 1985 and is currently located at Parkwood Primary School. In 1991, the third Chinese School was established in Leeming. The total number of students enrolled in the three Chinese schools is well in excess of 1,100 with a long waiting list From a humble beginning of 12 students in 1974 the growth has been a phenomenal achievement for the Association. It would be amiss if the Association fails to seize the potential of this development and quicken its pace in building its own Chinese school on the Balcatta land. Many members share this vision. When one considers the importance of the Chinese language, especially when APEC comes to full force in 2020, that vision may not be a pipe dream after all. The strength of Chung Wah youths in supporting and preserving Chinese culture slowly emerged from the mid-80s. In 1986, the Cultural Dancing Group performed its first public concert in the Octagon Theatre at University of Western Australia. The Lion Dance Troupe started teaching lion dance in the Chinese Schools. The Dragon Boat Club staged a spectacular international dragon boat race in 1988 adjacent to the Burswood Resort foreshore. Dragon boat racing in Western Australia has now spread to Bunbury in the south and as far north as Broome.
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The success of the Dragon Boat Club has also thrown some light on the reality of multiculturalism. A motion was put forward by a senior member of the Club to the Executive Committee to accept an amendment to the Association constitution removing the restriction on ordinary membership to persons of non-Chinese descent. This was rejected by a majority of 9:6 votes. In order to enrich the talent of our dancers in the Cultural Group, Professor Li from the Beijing Dance Academy was invited to Perth in August 1987 to run dance workshops. The latest performance by the Group in the first ever dance theatre production, The Butterfly Lovers, at the Playhouse Theatre in October 1995, was a shining example of the skill of the senior dancers. The debate on Australia’s immigration policy reared its ugly head again in 1988 with Mr John Howard, Member of Parliament, suggesting that the rate of Asian migration into Australia should be slowed down “... in the interest of social cohesion...”. However in 1995, Mr Howard, as Federal Opposition Leader, did admit while in Perth, that those suggestions were wrong and that he “... believed and felt strongly, on reflection, that those remarks were wrong and clumsy, they gave an incorrect impression... “. Mr Howard went on to say, “I was, personally, very hurt by the suggestion made that in some ways I held racist views. I don’t. I never have and I never will.” The shocking news on 18 February 1988 of the death of a Chinese taxi driver, Mr Peter Tan, who was viciously beaten, sent shivers down the spines of many of Chung Wah members. Anti-Asian feeling was probably at its worst. In June 1989, the Association wrote to the Attorney General stating the Association’s stand, and concern with the case, at the same time raising $12,500 for Mrs Tan and family.
After a frightful period, Association members and the Chinese community rejoiced in September 1989 when they received news concerning the arrests of the ANM leaders. These leaders were later convicted and jailed for terms ranging from three to 18 years. The Australia Day Award in January 1988 saw the most popular and respected member in the postWar history of the Association, Mrs Edie Hoy Poy, become a member of the Order of Australia for her meritorious contribution and voluntary services to the Perth Chinese community. Mrs Hoy Poy was personally vested the Medal by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Government House Ballroom in April 1988. This was an honour richly deserved and proudly felt by all members and the Chinese community. The South West branch of the Chung Wah Association was endorsed by the Executive Committee in June 1989. The then President and Vice President went to Bunbury to meet with a group who had expressed a desire to join the Association, and the South West Chung Wah was established soon after. The Tiananmen Square incident prompted the Association to pass a motion supporting public condemnation of the Chinese Government for the killing of many Chinese students at the Square. Numerous letters from churches and other nonChinese organisations expressing their deepest sympathy and concern for families, friends and relatives of those who lost their lives during the protest were received by the Association. The birth of the Oz Concert on 26 January 1990 was a huge success with the Australian community. Since its inception the Oz Concert has grown with participants from various ethnic communities each Australia Day, and is a truly multicultural showpiece. The success of the Oz Concert can be attributed largely to the vision and untiring effort of its inaugural Chairman, Dr Eric Tan AM.
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In April 1990, the Association saw the departure of its most articulate President, Dr Eric Tan AM. His push for projecting the image of the Chinese community and reinforcing good relationships with other ethnic communities and the formation of the National Chinese Organisation not only put the Association at the forefront but also earned for himself a Life Membership of the Association on his departure. Earlier in 1995 he became the second member of the Association to become a Member of the Order of Australia. In August 1990, the Metropolitan Cemetery Board advised the Association that the Chinese section at Karrakatta was running out of space. In order to. alleviate the situation, the Board relocated a number of expired headstones after due advertisement in The West Australian newspaper and the Chung Wah News. The Association contributed its share of relocation costs. In 1995 the Board offered a new section in Karrakatta to the Chinese community for future use. The Association Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe performed beyond expectation in the international tournament in Malaysia at the end of 1990. They finished seventh out of 23 teams from 11 countries. The same troupe also competed in Hong Kong in 1994 and made it to the finals. Their dare-devil performance at the 1994 Chinese Chamber of Commerce Ball commanded a highly praiseworthy letter from the former Premier of Western Australia, Sir Charles Court. In January 1991, the Ladies Group made a donation of $1000 to UNICEF. This was not the first time this social support arm of the Association has made such a donation. Nor will it be the last. The formation of the Youth Group in 1990 by the then President Dr Pek Goh was another recent initiative. Previously, the younger members of the Association were loosely linked together through
the Dragon Boat Club, the Cultural Group and the Lion Dance Troupe. Any young member who was not interested in these activities was left out. As a result, the Association suffered a lack of young members. By 1992, the Youth Group had come into its own. They had broadened their aims and activities to cultivate a better appreciation of Chinese culture and share the responsibility of maintaining the Association whilst retaining the essence of youth. A young member’s tour of China in 1990 proved to be popular. It gave the participating youths and opportunity to meet their counterparts from other Australian states. More importantly, the tour exposed them to some knowledge of their Chinese heritage and culture. Similar tours were organised in 1992 and 1994. As part of the overall plan to push new policies to the foreground, a forum was held in 1992 amongst the members of the Executive Committee and members of the various sub-committees and groups. It was reported to be a great success as many ideas were put forward. Sadly though it has been the only meeting of that type to be held. Another important Association role has been to welcome, host and entertain overseas Chinese visitors, mostly from the People’s Republic of China and South East Asia, whenever the Association was advised of their visits. These have included trade delegations, government officials, sporting groups and even Shanghai puppeteers. The Association has at all times maintained a non-political stand. During the years 1985-1995 the Association has invited and welcomed politicians from both sides of the Australian political arena to many functions. The Association, in conjunction with Edith Cowan University, erected a marble monument to commemorate the early pioneers who died in Western Australia. The Governor of WA, Major General Michael Jeffery AO MC, together with
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Trustee Edie Hoy Poy OAM unveiled the monument in September 1994. Chinese radio broadcasting is another important community service provided by the Association. The programmes include news, weather, music, interviews, dissemination of important Government and local news and even a talk back segment. Before the commencement of the Executive Committee meeting on 5 May 1994, the whole Committee stood for a minute’s silence in honour of the late James Lee Wood. He was a former President and one of the Trustees who signed the Affidavit of the new constitution for the Association submitted to the Supreme Court for registration in July 1951. In May 1994, the Association decided to set up a special task force to carry out an overall review of its constitution and it was hoped that the amendments would qualify the Association as a charitable organisation. After months of discussion, review and amendments, the revamped constitution was finally presented to members at an Extraordinary General Meeting in April 1995. The amendments were unanimously accepted for adoption. The first term of the Property Development Committee expired in August 1987. At the end of its first term it left an accumulated fund of $273,100 for the Association. It conducted a survey of members as to how best to use the Balcatta land and the James Street property and implemented a decision to invite different architects to submit concept plans based on the specifications drawn up from the results. The eventual winner of the six architectural plans was chosen in early 1988. It was estimated that the winning design would cost $4.5 million. With that kind of cost it was considered too ambitious to make an attempt to build and the project was eventually abandoned in 1990.
The need to provide a better facility for members to meet was still very much at the heart of the Executive Committee. An alternative plan to renovate the James Street Hall was in progress by mid-1990 and was completed by mid-1992. The total cost, including furnishing, amounted to nearly $254,000. Part of the funds left by the Property Development Committee was used, together with a generous donation of $100,000 from Mr Simon Lee AO, to complete the renovation. The Association bought the Balcatta land in 1984 from the City of Stirling with the condition that the Association develop the land within ten years. In 1992 some concerned members of the original Property Development Committee made a representation to the Executive Committee about the apparent lack of action on the Balcatta land. They reminded the Association about the development condition in the contract which must complied with by 1995. This resulted in the formation of 1993 Balcatta Proper Development Committee in February 1993. In January 1994, the Executive Committee gave approval to the Property Development Committee to proceed with the development of stages 1 and 2 of the approved plans, subject to the availability of funds. By October 1995 the concrete foundation and steel frame for the school assembly hall was completed. The occasion was celebrated by erecting a plaque which was unveiled by the President James Chong and the President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Simon Lee AO. For many years of dedicated service to the Association, Elder Albert Hwee was accepted as a Life Member at the Annual General Meeting in May 1995. Throughout the history of the Association, all members in the Executive Committee, subcommittees and groups carried out their duties
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and responsibilities on a voluntary basis. It is not by accident that the Chung Wah Association is the strength and soul of the Chinese community in Perth. Every member should feel proud of its achievements. It reflects the unity of the ordinary people in the Chinese community who share the common desire to protect their interests and well being and to foster and preserve their culture and heritage. With the increasing number of young people involved in the activities of the Association which can only be increased further with the opening of the new Chinese School and Cultural Centre – the future of the Association is confidently assured to run for more than its present record of 85 years.
1996-2000 Apart from a few Australian born Chinese, most of the Association members were born in Malaysia, Singapore, mainland China, Hong Kong, Brunei, Vietnam, Burma, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand and other parts of the world and had been in Australia since the late 1960s. The one common thread binding Chung Wah members was being Chinese. The building of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta began in October 1995, thirteen years after the purchase of the land. The foundation plaque was unveiled by President Chong and WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce President Simon Lee on 22 October 1995. Mr Chong was made a life member of the Association at the Annual General Meeting on 26 May 1996. In August 1996, the Association decided to sell the block of land known as Lot 57, Albert Street in Balcatta to finance the completion of the first stage of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre. There were members who argued against the sale but it was approved on 3 November 1996.
The Dragon Boat Club held a successful dragon boat race at Burswood foreshore for clubs including Ativ, Firefighters, Qantas, Swan Brewery and Mining & Energy to celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Horse. Though dragon boat racing is now an official competition event in the Asian Games, the 1996 event was the last dragon boat race held by the Association. The Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe won high accolades under the leadership of Mr Peter Lee. In addition to performances during the Chinese New Year festive period, the troupe participated in the International Dragon Boat Festival in Bunbury in March 1996. The troupe continued to improve its performances, and was accepted for the Oz Concert – a multicultural event created by the Association in 1990 as part of the Chinese New Year celebrations. The Oz Concert has been running every year since. It is one contribution to the community at large of which the Association should be very proud. During this period, the Association’s welfare services were in their infant stage with an annual grant of about $46,000. The Welfare Group under the chairmanship of Mr Ian Wee continued to strive for better services for the Chinese community. In November 1999, at the invitation of the Department of Family and Health Services, the Association applied and, after several attempts, secured the community aged care packages offered by the Commonwealth Government. The grant gave the Welfare Group a much needed shot in the arm and helped to grow and expand the (what is now) Community and Aged Care Services. The Historical Group of the Association presented a three-month exhibition entitled “Sojourners to Settler”, depicting the early history of the Chinese who settled in Western Australia. The exhibition was held in the Fremantle History Museum from August to October 1996 and attracted almost 7000 visitors.
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The Chung Wah Youth continued to grow under the leaderships of Mr Brian Tang and Mr Marcus Tan. The University of Western Australia was the main source of new members and the Group was extremely active, organising numerous events to bring people together. It reached its peak in 1996, with membership estimated at 300. On 10 September 1996, Pauline Hanson, in her maiden speech in the Federal Parliament said, “I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians”. Ms Hanson’s speech caused some concerns within the Chinese as well as the larger community. The Association wrote to the Prime Minister urging a swift response to her speech. The 1997 Annual General Meeting was packed and rowdy as a result of a letter addressed to the School Management Committees explaining the Association’s need for funds to complete the Cultural Centre at Balcatta to a functional stage, and of the Management Committee’s decision to use the schools’ reserve funds to complete the Cultural Centre project. This angered Mr Chua Chew Kian, who was closely connected to the Leeming Chung Wah Chinese School. Mr Chua took the Executive Committee to task for not consulting the schools. He issued pamphlets claiming the Association had lost the vision, direction and objectives of its founders, and that the Executive Committee had been reactive and not proactive. Tempers flared and harsh words were exchanged but it was an admirable exercise in democracy. For the first time since World War II, the Association openly supported and participated in the China National Day celebration dinner held at the Golden Swan Restaurant in James Street on 1 October 1997. .
The other big event of 1997 was the return of Hong Kong by Britain to China on 1 July 1997. Owing to the uncertainty of its future, there was an influx of migrants from Hong Kong to Australia. Most of them settled in Sydney and Melbourne but there were a few who came to Perth. The cultural dance troupe produced a play called “The Fair Maiden of Xia Men” during the year. The play was well supported and earned the troupe an invitation to participate in the Perth Festival of Arts. This was a big achievement for the troupe. After many meetings and negotiations, the terms of reference for the Chung Wah Chinese schools’ operating procedures was approved by the Executive Committee and the School Management Committees of the three schools. In August 1997, the combined Chinese schools held a successful Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival at Wesley College, South Perth. Former President Ken Wong Sue died on 19 October 1997. He was a member of the Council of Elders. Mr Sue is the brother of Mr Jack Wong Sue who was a well known figure in Australian history and has been described as a quiet hero and brave for his heroic acts during World War II. It was a tremendous effort for the Ladies Committee to raise almost $22,500 during the year. Over half of the money raised went toward furnishing the Chung Wah Cultural Centre including the kitchen and the stage. The Chung Wah Radio Group was still struggling to gain an audience despite its inception in 1976. The Committee worked hard to produce programs in Mandarin and Cantonese for broadcasting each Wednesday evening (Mandarin) and Saturday morning (Cantonese).
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The Extraordinary General Meeting on 2 November 1997 gave the Executive Committee the green light to grant a 10 year lease at a peppercorn rent of $1 a year on a portion of its land in Balcatta to the Chung Wah Autumn Centre. The Chung Wah Autumn Centre founded on 8 June 1988 was to operate as a separate legal entity. The grant of the lease was intended for the Autumn Centre to build accommodation for the aged. Sadly, in 2010, this had yet to happen.
At the suggestion of President Su, Ms Zou Ji Ping was appointed a member of the Executive Committee on 4 November 1998. She was the first migrant from China to have been appointed since World War II. Ms Zou initiated the Mandarin Speaking Group during in 1999 to promote Mandarin as a medium of communication. Ms Zou was highly commended for her skill in translating English speeches to Mandarin at many of the Association’s gatherings.
After nearly two and a half years of construction, the Chung Wah Cultural Centre was officially opened on 22 March 1998. The total cost of the Centre was reported to be $534,298. The Centre was graced by the two large marble lions weighing more than 3.7 tonnes each. These marble lions were gifted by the Overseas Foreign Affairs Department of the People’s Republic of China through the good offices of Chinese Consul-General Cai Chuan.
On 28 May 1998 Ms Kaylene Poon conducted her first school visit to introduce the Chinese culture to interested young students. It was an excellent way of spreading one of the objectives of the Association - fostering the Chinese language, culture, customs, values and way of life and enriching Australian cultural life. Ms Poon and her Historical Group had visited hundreds of schools and met hundreds of students since.
The year 1989 saw the establishment of the South West Chung Wah Association Branch. The Branch’s aim was to spread goodwill and friendship and the Chinese culture to the community at large in the south west of Western Australia. It held Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese New Year celebrations which brought the Chinese culture to the larger community in the South West. The Branch also held more than seven successful yearly International Dragon Boat Festivals. It was rewarded for its efforts in 1997 when it received the Community of the Year Award. Mr Alex Hew was endorsed and Dr Pek Goh and Mr James Chong re-endorsed as members of the Council of Elders in April 1998.
Mr Sadie Hoy Poy, aged 80 and a long time member of the Association, passed away on 16 July 1998.
In April 1998 Mr Tien Shang Su was elected unanimously as the President of the Association. He was the youngest President of the Association. Dr Pek Cher Goh was made a life member on 24 May 1998.
The Committee, due to lack of interest by members, gave two of the Association’s dragon boats to the South West Chung Wah Branch and sold the remaining three boats to the WA Dragon Boats Association. It was the beginning of the end of a proud period of the history of dragon boat activities in Western Australia. The West Australian Dragon Boat Association still exists and is a reminder of another Association’s Chinese culture contribution to mainstream society. Nearly two years after members had approved the sale of Lot 57 of the Balcatta land, the Association through the effort of President Su sold it in June 1999 for $200,000. The Cultural Troupe attended and performed at the Women Against Racism Rally and also participated at the Peace and Harmony Concert held on 26
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September 1998. The troupe had also participated in the 1998 Christmas pageant and Oz Concert. President Tien Shang Su was invited together with five other leaders of the Chinese communities in Australia to visit China by the Government of the People’s Republic of China in October 1998. $5,628 collected for the China Flood Relief Appeal was handed to the Chinese Consulate General in a tea ceremony held at the Chung Wah Hall in October 1998. It is interesting to note that in the belief of good Feng Shui, the two marble lions, sitting at the foot of the stairs in the Chung Wah Hall were repositioned on 16 November 1998. In 2010, after another consultation with a Feng Shui master, the Executive Committee relocated the two lion statues to the Cultural Centre “so the lions are not trapped inside 128 James Street”. The Association obtained 15 aged care packages from the Commonwealth Government in November 1999. The number of aged care packages increased to 56 in 2009. The Australian Taxation Office confirmed the tax status of the Association as a tax exempt organisation established for providing community services. This was due to the efforts of Treasurer Ian Oon and Secretary Sammy YAP who made various submissions to the ATO.
could be interpreted to mean the Association was forever a worthwhile example for studying the morality of society. It could also refer to the greatest Chinese philosopher and thinker Confucius and be interpreted as “a teacher for all ages”. The conservation work costed $27,000. Lottery West provided a grant of $15,000 and the Association raised the balance. Once again, Mr Simon Lee gave a generous donation. In a ceremony on 27 February 1999, President T S SU donated the banner to the Museum. The Chairperson of Council of Elders and Ms Kaylene Poon attended the ceremony. . The banner is housed at the Orrong Road facility in Kewdale under the care of the History Department. In March 1998, Ms Kaylene Poon was appointed as the Secretary of the Oral History Association of Australia (WA). Ms Poon was responsible for putting up many images of the history of the Chinese community, including that of the Association, under the Northbridge History Project. The Association participated in the 50th National Day of the People’s Republic of China as part of the celebrations, photographs supplied by the Chinese Consulate-General depicting the progress of the PRC were displayed in the Chung Wah Hall. The Perth Chinese Consulate loaned a beautiful 15m long dragon to the Association as part of the celebrations. The dragon is now a permanent feature on the wall of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta.
Under the conduct of Mr Richard Tan, the Morley Adult Choir became extremely popular and helped to raise $2,000 for the Balcatta property development. It also raised funds for the Cancer Foundation.
At the Annual General Meeting on 23 May 1999, the financial year of the Association was changed from 1 April to 30 March to 1 January to 31 December. The nomination of Mr Tan Kim Thai and Mrs Anita Chong as members of the Council of Elders was also confirmed.
The conservation work on the historic, culturally significant, colourful, delicately embroidered silk banner, bearing four Chinese characters 万世师表 (Wanshi Shibiao) had been completed. The characters
The first sign of a confrontation between the Executive Committee and the Council of Elders surfaced at the first meeting of the new management committee for 1999-2000. In a discussion of the role
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of the Council of Elders, the Executive Committee pointed out that it is the executive and management body of the Association and the Council of Elders the advisory body. It was felt by the executive committee that the Council of Elders unduly interfered with the management of the Association. The Executive Committee, under President T S SU, sounded a warning that the Council of Elders should not interfere with the management of the Association. This view was shared by each of the successive Presidents. The Executive Committee adopted the motto “We Call Australia Home” at its 7 July 1999 meeting. The Association decided to streamline and review all aspects of the operations of the three Chung Wah Chinese schools in Morley, Leeming and Parkwood. During 1999-2000, an education committee was set up to look into setting new standards for the schools and to seek official recognition and accreditation for the subjects taught. In September 1999, Dr Chan Ching Howe, a member and a councillor of the City of Melville, wrote to point out to the Association that its constitution was discriminatory because it did not allow ordinary membership (with voting right) for non-Chinese people. The Executive Committee disagreed unanimously and this view had remained unchanged. President Jiang Zemin of the People’s Republic of China made a historic visit to Australia on 7 September 1999. President Tien Shang Su was invited by the then Prime Minister John Howard to Canberra to attend the reception in honour of President Jiang. The invitation was considered a great honour for the Association. The Association assisted with the organisation of the Ngee Ann Secondary School Chinese Orchestral Concert from Singapore. The concert, held at the
Majesty’s Theatre on 29 November 1999, was well supported and attended by nearly 900 people. In December 1999, six members, namely Mr & Mrs Tan Kim Thai, Mr and Mrs Bill Teh; Madam Noni Yong and Madam Grace Chow donated $9,000 toward the acquisition of an 18m long dragon. The Lion Dance Troupe used the newly acquired dragon to perform at the Christmas Pageant and the Chinese New Year Ball in February 2000. Like most other years, the 2000 Chinese New Year period proved to be the busiest for most of the committee and group members. Celebrations of the Year of the Golden Dragon were shared with the public at Forrest Place in the city. The successful event prompted the Lord Mayor of Perth to invite the entire Chung Wah Executive Committee to a City of Perth council meeting. In two years under President T S Su, the membership of the Association has doubled, and the Association is back to a positive financial situation. The present car park in Balcatta Cultural Hall was built during this time. Mr Thomas Goh, who was the Vice President, became the new Chung Wah President in 2000. He was elected unanimously. The newly elected Executive Committee, under his direction, set out to reform the Association. The Panda Community Aged Care Services was launched on 25 May 2000, at the Chung Wah Hall. With the aged care packages from the Commonwealth Government, the Association started to offer aged care services to the seniors of the Vietnamese community. Community settlement services, home visits, English lessons and other social and health activities were organised. A charity golf tournament was held at the Vines Resort on 26 November 2000. The tournament made a profit of about $4,000 of which $1,500 was donated to the St. Vincent De Paul’s Christmas Appeal.
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The Cultural Group was invited to join other ethnic groups to celebrate “Christmas around the World� at Murray Street Mall. It was an excellent way to share the Chinese culture with the community.
2001-2005 The 2001 Chinese New Year Ball, attended by nearly 500 guests, at Burswood, was a great success and helped to raise more than $26,000. The Association made a donation of $1,500 to Lady Lawley Cottage and $10,000 was allocated toward completing the Cultural Centre.
The revamped Chung Wah Radio Group flourished during 2000-2001. There were five Cantonese and seven Mandarin broadcasters. The Group ran a regular Cantonese program on each Saturday from 10am to 11am and a regular Mandarin program on each Wednesday from 6pm to 7pm. In 2010, the Chung Wah Radio programs are still being broadcasted on those days and times. On 15 March 2001, the Executive Committee decided to purchase the lease at 270 William Street to proceed with the Chairlift Project using government grants. As the decision was taken without the approval of Chung Wah members, the Council of Elders directed the trustees not to execute the agreement to acquire the lease. This action further strained the relationship between the Executive Committee and the Council.
The new Chinese Consulate offices and residential complex in Brown Street, East Perth opened officially on 21 August 2001. The Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe performed at the opening ceremony. Many members of the Association attended the opening. Mr Zhang Lianyun, the new Consul-General of the PRC, attended the MidAutumn Festival in that year for the first time. The Association held the celebration of the National Day of China on 1 October 2001 at Grand Palace Restaurant. Due to the ongoing dispute between the Executive Committee and the Council of Elders, a motion of no confidence was moved against the President at the Extraordinary General Meeting on 13 September 2001. The motion however failed to carry. The Executive Committee nominated Ms Kaylene Poon for the Perth Volunteer of the Year award on 18 October 2001. She was also named Chairperson of the first meeting of the Chinese Australian Cultural Heritage Project under the guidelines of the Australian Heritage Commission. The grand final of the Miss Chinatown WA 2002 was held at the 2002 Chinese New Year Ball, attended by the Governor of Western Australia LtGen. John Sanderson, Premier Geoff Gallop and other dignitaries. Dr Gallop and the then Opposition Leader Colin Barnett also attended the annual Chinese New Year Open House Day at the Chung Wah building on 24 February 2002.
After having been established for nearly 13 years, members of the South West Chung Wah Branch decided to wind up on 31 March 2001.
On 5 March 2002, the Executive Committee at its meeting nominated Mrs Edie Hoy Poy for the Adult Ambassador Award and Ms Wong Siew Ling for the Youth Ambassador Award established by the Government under multicultural Interests.
The 6 May 2001 Annual General Meeting spelt the beginning of the power struggle between the Executive Committee and the Council of Elders. There were disputes between them as to how the Association should be managed.
At a meeting of the Council of Elders on 10 May 2002, Mr James Chong and Mr Tan Kim Thai were appointed as trustees to replace Mrs Edie Hoy Poy
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and Mr Albert Hwee who have held the positions for many years. After more than 10 years as Chairman of the Council of Elders, Dr Pek Goh stepped aside and endorsed Mr Bob Tan JP as his successor. His endorsement was unanimously accepted by the Council of Elders. President Thomas Goh was re-elected President on 7 April 2002. It was also the first time in the recent history of the Association that there were two teams of members contesting every position on the Executive Committee. It was a good sign but it also threatened to split the Association. The Association received its biggest single grant of $165,000 during 2001-2002 from the Commonwealth Government to provide services to support and assist frail or young disabled who require support services to continue to live in the community and without which they would have to move prematurely into a hostel or similar institutions. The Cultural Group presented two major events during the year. On 13 July 2002, courtesy of Kenwood Industry, the Association was able to secure the performance of 50 young stars from China who were on their way for an international dance competition to perform at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre. The Centre was packed with an audience estimated at about 500. The other major concert was held in Methodist Ladies College auditorium on 6 October 2002. It was estimated about 600 people attended a show named “Spring Time.” The Association through its fund-raising effort headed by Ms Shirley Teh raised more than $12,300 during the 2002-2003 year, of which $2,500 was donated to St Vincent de Paul’s Young Vinnies Program. The Association also made a donation of $2,500 to the Australian Red Cross’s Lady Lawley Cottage’s Sandcastle Appeal.
In November 2002, and in spite of the Association’s objection, the Heritage Council of Western Australia announced the classification of the Chung Wah building at 128 James Street, Northbridge as a heritage listed building because of its cultural significance. The Association held an Extraordinary General Meeting on 2 March 2003 to discuss their concerns. Members agreed to object to the listing but that did not change the view of the Heritage Council. The Golden Eagle restaurant that leased the ground floor of the Chung Wah building since 1970 closed its doors at the end of 2001. After the demise of the Golden Eagle, the Association experienced difficulties with its subsequent lessees. Rental collection was invariably months behind. After the Golden Eagle it was the Spaghetti Bar, whose lease was eventually terminated. The Youth Group disappeared from the Chung Wah scene in 2004 but was re-formed in Chung Wah’s centenary year 2010 under the youth leadership of Justin Kwok. In 2003, Ms Theresa Kwok, in recognition of her contributions to the community outside her duties as Chung Wah welfare officer, was awarded the Multicultural Community Service Award. Ms Helene Fung, in recognition of her long and dedicated services as a volunteer radio broadcaster became one three finalists for the Ethnic Communities Youth Service Award. The Association held a dinner in honour of Dr Eric Tan on his appointment as the Chancellor of Curtin University on 24 April 2003. Dr Tan was President of the Association from 1987 to 1990. He was also well remembered for his effort in putting new life into the Chung Wah New Year Concert by making it the truly multicultural Oz Concert.
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In the 2003 – 2004, the Annual General Meeting Mr Richard Tan was elected unanimously as President of the Association. Senior Vice President Wayne Tang, a retired businessman from Sabah, was appointed to head the Cultural Centre extension project. A gala dinner function started off his fundraising campaign. It raised $81,457, including $30,000 from Mr Phil Tan, $10,000 from Trustee Tan Kim Thai and $10,000 from Mr Tang himself. In April 2004, quotes were called for the extension work. Mr Tang was able to negotiate with the lowest bidder to further reduce the price to $215,000. Mrs Edie Hoy Poy OAM won the Citizen of Western Australia 2003 Award. This was the second time she had won a significant award for her services to the Chinese community and community at large. Many members have been curious about her background throughout the years. According to a book written by her fourth sister Roma Wood, she was born in a family of eight. Her father was known as Charley Souey (Lui Chin Shui), born in Chungshan, China, and came to Australia in 1895. Her Aboriginal mother was born during the infamous period of the stolen generation and was known as Kevin Alice Wilson. Her maternal grandfather came from Surabaya, Dutch Java. At the invitation of the Chinese government, President Richard Tan went to China to attend a convention for overseas Chinese community leaders from around the world. The Association lost one of its most respected and loved members, Mr Roy Hoy Poy, husband of Edie, on December 29, 2003. Mr Hoy Poy was President from 1970 to 1973 and a life member. The constitution and rules of the Association were amended substantially under President Richard Tan, after more than a year’s work by the
Constitution Review Sub-committee and passed at the Extraordinary General Meeting on 18 April 2004. The amendments gave the Council of Elders extensive power and enshrined their positions for life unless they were disqualified. The amendments also created a new class of membership, the provisional member with no voting right. This was intended to prevent vote stacking. Other main amendments included disclosure of interest in a contract and resolution of internal disputes. The Association’s welfare arm reached out to other Asian communities in Western Australia. Childcare facilities for the children of members and the development of the Balcatta site as a multi-purpose community complex were proposed. During 2003-2004, there were three fire bombings of Chinese restaurants. The Association took the initiative in organising a dialogue session between Asian restaurant owners, including the victims, the Government and police. The police acted swiftly and diligently. The offenders were arrested and charged. The President and the Dr Gallop attended the reopening of the worst hit restaurant, Lakeland Chinese Restaurant, on 21 March 2004. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to Australia, Ms Fu Ying, (傅莹) made an official visit to Western Australia. Members of the Association and prominent members of the Chinese community gave her a very warm reception. She was a delightful speaker both in English and Mandarin and left a deep impression on all those who were at the reception. Ms Fu Ying is now the Vice Foreign Minister of the PRC. The Association was informed that the President had been appointed as an overseas adviser by Overseas Chinese Collaboration Association on 29 July 2004. Nearly 400 people attended the National Day of China dinner and concert held on 1 October 2004.
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The Association co-hosted the function with the Australia China Friendship Society, Brunei Club, WA Chinese Scientists Association, China Medicine Association of Australia, Australia Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association, Chinese Students and Scholars Associations of the University of Western Australia, Murdoch University, Edith Cowan University and Curtin University.
10 more (from 25 to 35), community and aged care packages for Chung Wah.
Mrs Ruby Leewood passed away on 15 November 2004 at the age of 100. She was first member known to reach the century mark. Mrs Leewood was the wife of the late Mr James Leewood, a former life member of the Association.
The Executive Committee nominated Ms Kaylene Poon for the 2006 Multicultural Community Services Award on 7 January 2006.
The 2005 Chinese New Year Ball held jointly with the Christmas Islanders and Friends Association had a record crowd of about 1,200 people. It was believed to be the biggest ball held in Western Australia. During the Chinese New Year festive season, the Welfare and Community Services collected over $18,000 for the victims of the Boxing Day 2004 tsunami, which occurred in the Indian Ocean killing more than 230,000 people in 14 countries. The 2005-2006 election was contested by two teams of equally dedicated members. One team was led by incumbent President Richard Tan and the other by former Secretary Ms Doreen Chin. Mr Tan’s team won the election. The Welfare and Community Services of the Association continued to expand. The total grants received approached $1m for 2004-2005 year. The Shandong Association held a forum on 18 August 2005 at the Chung Wah Hall to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the victory over the Japanese in the World War II. The Minister for Ageing Julie Bishop visited the Association on 14 December 2005, and announced
2006-2010 After nearly two years of hard work, the extension of the Cultural Centre was finally opened by President Richard Tan.
On 8 February 2006, the Member for Stirling Mr Michael Keenan presented to the Association with a cheque of $188,000 for respite care. The Welfare and Community Services started its modest daycare services at the Cultural Centre on 21 February 2006. The Association farewelled the outgoing ConsulGeneral Zhong Zi Qi on 29 April 2006, and warmly welcomed new Consul-General Li Shu Gang on 25 May 2006. Mr Li was known to the members as he had served preciously in the Perth Chinese Consulate as a Counsel. In September 2006 Mr Yee Kee Yong, founder of the Council of Elders and Secretary for 18 years, and Mrs Edie Hoy Poy, a Trustee for 15 years, resigned as Elders in September 2006. The resignations conveyed the strong message of disquiet within the Council of Elders and of its relationship with the Executive Committee A concert was organised on 29 June 2007 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to China. On 15 October 2007, the Executive Committee approved the Welfare and Community Services Management Committee to undertake the
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development of the day long respite centre at the Cultural Centre. The Association expressed sympathy and condolences to Ms Jia Dan’s family. Ms Jia Dan, a student from China, was brutally assaulted, raped and left for dead by a heroin addict on 8 October 2007. The murderer was jailed for a minimum of 18 years on 1 July 2009. Mr Claude Yiu’s entry in the 100th year celebration logo competition was named the winner on 15 October 2007. He won a prize of $500 donated by Mr Tan Kim Thai and Mr Wayne Tang. As part the Chinese New Year celebrations, the Association in conjunction with Burswood, organised the Hawkers Bazaar at Burswood Entertainment complex on 9 and10 February 2008. The Miss China pageant and multicultural show attracted larger than expected crowds. The Association joined a march to show the Perth Chinese community’s support for the Olympics Torch Relay in Canberra on 24 April 2008, as a prelude to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. In response to the Sichuan earthquake on 12 May 2008, recorded at 7.9 on the Richter scale and killed more than 70,000 people with more than 20,000 missing, the Association initiated the China earthquake dinner and auction on 24 May 2008. That function raised more than $90,000. “Concert at CWA” on 4 October 2008 was a big success. Held at the Cultural Centre, it was a super acrobatic show presented by a troupe from Dezhou, Shandong. More than 600 people attended the show. The troupe was invited by the WA Royal Agricultural Society to perform at Royal Agricultural Show in Claremont Show Ground.
Towards the end of 2008, a Notice of no confidence was issued by some members against President Richard Tan and the Executive Committee. An Extraordinary General was called on 20 December 2008 to determine the issue. At the Extraordinary General Meeting, past president Mr Tien Shang Su was requested to chair the meeting. Both the President and Executive Committee were removed by majority decision Under the Constitution, a caretaker Executive Committee under the chairperson of the Council of Elders, Dr Bob Tan JP, was formed to temporary manage the Association. The main task of the Caretaker Executive Committee was to call a general meeting to elect a new Executive Committee. The 2009 Annual General Meeting saw the return of past president Mr Tien Shang Su as the President of the Association. He was elected unanimously as President again. With his experience and network, his return, after a disaster year of unrest, was welcomed. The first meeting of the new Executive Committee emphasised two major events for the year, the Chung Wah 100 year’s celebrations and China’s 60th anniversary National Day celebrations. Unlike the previous Executive Committee, President Su favoured a big Executive Committee. Apart from the six members elected unopposed by the members, he quickly co-opted nine other members onto the Committee. Five of these members were new migrants from China, namely Dr Edward Zhang JP; Mrs Ye Xiao Jun, Mr Hong Quan Long, Dr Chen Ting and Mr Zhou Yong Jun. The powers of the Council of Elders again came under scrutiny President Su expressed the view that it is not satisfactory for the Council of Elders to hold paramount powers under the amended Constitution since they are not elected by members
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and at the same time hold office for life A legal Subcommittee was set up to redraft the constitution and rules.
It was a loss to the Association that Mrs Edie Hoy Poy, one of the founders of Chung Wah welfare services, retired after 25 years of services.
On 4 July 2009, the first Chinese citation competition in WA was held at the Chung Wah Hall. Six Chinese schools participated. It was well attended and very successful. It was expected that the event would be repeated in the following year.
The China National Day celebrations, led by the Chung Wah Association, were successfully carried out with 29 other Chinese organisations in Western Australia on 1 to 3 October 2009. President Su told the Executive Committee that the Association should be very proud of its achievements in playing a lead role in the celebrations, providing critical resources and infrastructure support to ensure the success.
The Association was successful in securing a Government grant of $12,000 for the New Gold Mountain project. The State Department of Health carried out an audit, through the services of Bird Cameron, on the Association’s organisational structure and its operations. The audit concluded that whilst the government grants had been acquitted properly, there were a number of areas where the Association needed to improve on, the main ones being the lack of governance and accountability. The Association appointed an external consultant to map a strategy in making improvements on its governance. The Cultural Group and the Lion Dance Troupe continued to give sterling performances, notably at Northbridge Festival in November 2009. As part of the centenary celebrations, a Chicken Feet Eating Contest was held which attracted considerable publicity. The Association planted 50 flowering plum trees at the Balcatta Cultural grounds to commemorate the event. The Lion Dance Troupe also performed in the Perth Festival at the invitation of the Lord Mayor of Perth. As in other years, the Cultural and the Lion Dance Troupe were particularly busy over the festive season of the Chinese New Year around mid February 2010. The Community and Aged Care Services continued to stride forward, being the growing section of the Association. Its offices moved from 278 William Street to Brisbane Street in October 2009.
Consul-General Li Shugang, who had since returned to China, wrote a highly praiseworthy letter to congratulate the President and his Sub-committee’s organisation and arrangement. He pointed out that it was the first time all Chinese organisations (29 in all) had united to celebrate the National Day. He also mentioned that the success was because the President had worked tirelessly. There was also a congratulatory letter from the Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, which said, “One of the reasons that the Chinese community has prospered in WA is because of the support offered by the Chung Wah Association and I would like to express appreciation for your leadership and efforts towards building a cohesive, multicultural society”. President Su was invited to Beijing to attend the 60th China National Day parade at Tiananmen Square. Vice President Meng attended the event on his behalf. He reported more than 2000 overseas Chinese were invited. On 17th July 2010 the Association held its historic Centenary Celebration at the Burswood Entertainment Complex. The event was known as the BMW Chung Wah Gala Ball. An organizing committee called the Centenary Celebration Committee was set up for the event. The Committee was chaired by President Su. Members of the
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Committee included, Dr Bob Tan JP as the Honorary Advisor, Vice President Meng Wong; CEO Sheila Rejek; Cultural Programme Coordinator Wen Yue Xiu and Event and Protocol Advisor Gloria Di Zhang. The BMW Chung Wah Centenary Gala Ball was widely herald as an unprecedented success. BMW the motor vehicle company gave $25,000 for the naming right to the event. His Excellency Governor of Western Australia Ken Michael AO was the patron of the event. Six prominent West Australian of Chinese descents gave their support. They were made the Centenary Event Ambassadors. They were Mr Peter YU, Dr Neale FONG, Dr Pek Goh, Ms Alison FAN and Mr Les Fong. Over 1000 guests and performers attended on the day. Among the distinguished guests were the Governor of Western Australia, WA Premier the Hon Colin Barnett MLA, Federal Minister of Immigration, the Hon Senator Chris Evans, the Leader of the Opposition, Eric Ripper MLA, the Consul General of the Peoples Republic of China in Perth, Mr Li Shu Gang, the Right Hon Lord Mayor, Lisa Scaffidi, members of the Legislative Assembly and Council, judges, prominent members of the community and leaders from various organisations.
The past 15 years were a period of expansion, reaching out to the community at large and consolidation. It will be remembered as a period of unprecedented turbulence and disruptions, and a period of power struggle between the democratically elected Executive Committee and the unelected but constitution-enshrined Council of Elders. The pleasing side of the history is that the Association is gaining its status as a true representative of the Chinese community. The Association has not only been recognised by the Governments at local, State and Federal levels but, just as important, by the country that we have identified our roots, China.
At Centenary Celebration the Association awarded life membership to President Tien Shang Su, Trustee and Elder Mr Tan Kim Thai, former vice president Mr Simon Lee AO, Chairman of Council of Elders, Dr Bob Tan JP, and Mrs Esther Chang for outstanding and long contribution to Chung Wah. In March 2011 Chung Wah was presented with the 2011 Western Australian Multicultural Community Service Award by the Western Australian Government. President Su said the Association was honored to receive the Award. The Award is recognition for all the generous contributions made by Chung Wah members, supports and friends throughout the years.
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中华会馆百年历史 1909至1984年 中华会馆于1909年正式成立,目的是为西 澳华人提供社交、文化与政治方面的参与机会。 中华会馆是柏斯的第一个族裔社团,是远离家乡 单身华人的聚集场所,为他们谋取团体保障,抗 议不利华人法律的一个组织。 会馆成立时,柏斯大约只有840名华人。正 式成立前,华人同胞已有明显的密切联络和组 织,据报章记载,华人已于1898年共同举办农历 新年庆祝会,1898年华人设立了一个提供会员 福利的联谊会。数年后,还设立了帝君改良会分 会。除此之外,华人也集体于1901年抗议移民规 则过分严厉。次年,华人更发提议,要求中国指 派领事来澳保护华人利益。 1909年,华人已认明以合法社团来代表西 澳华人的需要。首次有记录的成立中华会馆的提 议,是于1909年三月早柏斯麻瑞街404号永生 店楼上举行的,会议上除了商讨会馆宗旨之外, 还公选雷华先生为会长,谭英文先生任秘书兼司 库。两个月后,柏斯各区域之华籍菜园工人和洗 衣工人都选出他们的代表参加会议,这些代表们 的责任是向无法出席会议的会员们报告会务并代 表发言。会议通常在傍晚召开,有六十位代表出 席。 1910年7月12日,会馆正式向高等法院注 册。当时会馆的主要宗旨是“为居住在西澳的华 人提供一个适宜的聚会场所,一个可以鼓励会员 追求文艺和教育的中心”。 会馆的注册地址是柏斯麻瑞街407号,首期 信托人为雷华、李活、钟启、谭英文、李寿田、 宋广、赵仲周和关森。会费定为七先令六便士, 任何潜力西澳之会员须捐一镑。集会定于每月第 一个星期六晚上八时举行。
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注册一个月后,中华会馆开始筹备在占姆士 街买地建造一座两层楼之会馆,楼上作为会议及 社交活动之用,楼下两间店铺出租,租金作为会 馆之经费。 1910年10月12日,爱德华·斯顿爵士为会 馆奠下基石。1911年农历新年晚上十一时,雷华 先生正式宣布会馆落成,260位会员参加在新礼 堂内举办的庆宴。楼下两间店铺也已出租,每星 期租金为一镑十先令和一镑。 会馆成立后一年内,在会所举办过多次社交 活动。此外,会馆也忙于筹款付还地皮及建筑会 馆的抵押贷款,筹备福利基金和捐款给西澳和中 国的慈善机构。 会馆在经济上拨款四镑支助老年和患病华人 返回祖国的路费,并汇款回国救济安徽省和广东 省的水灾灾民。会馆也捐款给本地的柏斯皇家医 院、红十字会、欧洲战争救济金、儿童医院和孤 儿院等慈善机构。 除了主办社交活动及提供福利外,会馆也为 会馆开办了图书馆。中国书籍及香港报刊则有广 行兴与钟启珩之商行代办。 中华会馆不但注重文艺与教育,也很关注中 国的政治情况。1911年会馆筹款500镑为中国革 命军捐款。1911年,在获知孙中山先生革命成功 的消息时,会员又筹款700磅并以乘船游天鹅河 及宴会方式庆祝。 华人对中国政治状况的继续关注,由国民党 普扶(柏斯)支部的成立可以看出。1921年6月 13日, 国民党普扶支部租用中华会馆礼堂聚会成 立典礼,租金一镑。 1922年,中华会馆因付还欠款方面的困 难,决定将礼堂出租。出租条件有二:一为租者
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同意在会馆需要时,租回给会馆,另一是礼堂只 能租给国民党和华人教会,结果礼堂租给了国民 党,租金为每星期一镑八先令。大约到1940年 代,国民党一直在中华会馆礼堂办公。 1920年代末期及1930年代初期西澳华人人 口急速减少,会馆会务大受影响。这期间,全球 经济大萧条,许多华人几乎无法继续他们的小本 生意,也有许多在1890年代来到西澳的华人已 达退休年龄,渴望返回中国以度晚年。1933年 柏斯华人只剩363位,而全西澳华人也只有705 名。1947年人口普查记录,全西澳华人人数仅存 385名。 在这时期,柏斯华人社会里,仅有几个华裔 家庭存在。1951年,他们重新振兴中华会馆,7 月10日,再次向政府注册,拟定新会章。新会章 与原来会章大同小异,其宗旨为:“为居住在西 澳的华裔人士提供一个适于鼓励会员追求文艺和 教育、举办社交活动的会馆”。 1985至1995年 1985年11月1日天刚亮,中华会馆的四位 长老会员便来到詹姆斯街通往柏斯文化中心的一 侧,在跨街的两根柱子上挂起一个大横幅,向公 众宣布中华会馆已经七十五岁,并邀请他们一道 参加庆祝活动。 七十五周年庆祝活动持续了五个月,包括展 览会,系列演讲,中国电影节,龙舟竞赛,中国 象棋比赛,文化游艺会,宴会,纪念舞会以及向 高龄人士致意的专门午餐。1985年11月8日,由 移民暨少数民族事务部长伦·戴维斯在亚历山大 图书馆拉开纪念仪式的序幕。 这些庆祝活动深刻影响了中华会馆几年来 的方向。中华会馆前几年致力于恢复活力,重建 和巩固,终于使会馆进入稳定发展时期。从那时 起,中华会馆认识到自己的经济潜力和影响,更 加注意自己在华人社区的形象。
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1984年,布莱尼教授引起了一场关于澳大 利亚移民政策的辩论。1985年,当辩论还在如火 如荼进行的时候,一个反亚洲人组织——澳大利 亚民族运动成立。中华会馆召集了一次特别常务 委员会会议,讨论关于澳大利亚民族运动问题。 会议提交给移民及少数民族事务部长一份正式抗 议,表达我们对具有种族歧视内容的标语的关 注。 在1985年、1986年年度会员大会上,会员 们认为应该成立一个自身会员委员会,以保证过 去历届会长,信托人和常委能够继续服务,他们 的努力得到应有的承认。更重要的是,一旦有紧 急情况,他们可以作为临时管理小组。 关于成立全国华人社团联盟组织的想法是在 1985年提出的。三年后,在雪梨召开一次全国会 议讨论这个问题。来自澳大利亚各州和领地的三 十三个社团的二百多名代表出席了大会。中华会 馆派出了最庞大的代表团。会议结束时,全体代 表一致认为,他们都希望在适当的时候成立全澳 华人社团联明组织。第二次会议于1990年在墨尔 本召开。 1986年,会员们第一次看到州总督出席了 在当时的墨林大酒店举行的新春舞会。同一年, 会关成功从联邦政府得到一笔辅助金,来雇用一 名全职社工。这个辅助金的重要性对以后的辅助 金有密切的关系,没有这些辅助金,会关就难于 向社区的基层民众提供福利服务——而这正是会 馆成立之时的最重要的目标之一。这样就吸引了 高龄会员,特别是新来者,每天到中华会馆学习 英语会话,做保健操,饮茶,与读中文报刊杂志 或人是新来的人。这使中华会馆形成了活跃的气 氛,对于中华会馆的存在有这至关重要的意义。 还是在1986年,中华会馆与西澳博物馆和 多元文化教育顾问委员会一道在馆内和弗里曼特 博物馆成功地举办了一列社区专题讨论会。讨论 会组织会员于来自私立和公立学校的教师进行小 组讨论,旨在增进对中国文化的了解和意义。因 为当时对亚洲移民和多元文化的不断攻击,因此 这样的专题讨论会在那些日子里是特别重要的。
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1987年2月16日会馆成立了一个自治团体叫 做西澳中华总商会。1987年3月15日,会馆将管 理权交给会关第一任会长拿督谢乘美。商会是由 会馆创立的这间实事已经写入商会章程。 中华会馆的秋园成立于1987年,它值得称 赞的目的是为社区中需要这些设施的高龄人士提 供低价住宿和休憩的场所。 1987年,历史小组提出,一面本世纪第一 个十年制成的,绣有金线、做工精美的横幡值得 妥善保存。经与国家文物局保护委员会合作对该 项目集资,这项工作可望很快展开。 在八十年代中期, 柏斯是最受马来西亚和新 加坡人欢迎的城市,由于柏斯的商业阴民和家眷 人数不断增加,中文学校的名额已经远远满足不 了需要。1985年在林伍德成立第二间中文学校, 现在的地址是巴克务小学。1991年在黎明成立第 三间中文学校。三校注册学生总数已超过一千一 百人,而且还有大批学生等待入学。1974年开办 伊始,仅有寥寥可数的十二个学生,发展到现在 的规模,使中华会馆取得的令人瞩目的成就。如 果中华会馆不抓住这个发展的契机加速在巴卡达 (Balcatta)的自己的中文学校的建设,那就错 了。很多会员都有这样的看法。想想中文的重要 性,特别是在2020年亚太经济圈全部形成之后中 文的重要性,就可以看书这种想法并非幻想。
为了提高传统舞蹈小组舞蹈演员的水 平,1987年我们邀请了北京舞蹈学院的李教授来 柏斯开办舞蹈讲座。舞蹈组1995年5月在普雷豪 斯剧场演出的舞剧“梁祝”,典型地表现了舞蹈 演员的技巧。 在1989年澳洲移民政策的辩论中,丑陋 的一面又有所抬头。国会议员约翰·阿德华建 议:“…为了社会凝聚力…”应该放缓亚洲向澳 洲的移民。不过在1995年,当他在柏斯逗留期 间,作为联邦反对党领袖的阿德华先生承认,那 些说法是错误的,并说,“通过自省,我认为并 深深感到那些话是错误而蹩脚的,它们给人以错 误的印象…”阿德华先生接着说,“由于人们以 为我有些种族歧视没所以我本人也受到了很大的 伤害。我没有种族歧视。从来没有,将来也永远 不会有。” 1988年2月18日传来华人出租车司机陈彼得 被毒打后不幸死去的噩耗,这使我们的许多会员 感到震惊。那时反亚洲人的情绪大概到了登峰造 极的程度。 1989年6月, 会馆致函司法部长, 陈述会馆的立场和对这一案件的关注,同时为陈 彼得先生的太太和家人筹款12,500元。 经过一个可怖的阶段之后,1989年9月传来 澳大利亚民族运动头目被捕的消息,会员和华人 社区欢欣鼓舞。这些头目后来被判处三至十八年 监禁。
从八十年代中期开始,年轻人在保持和发展 中国文化方面的力量逐渐显露出来。1986年, 在西澳大学剧场,文化舞蹈组举行了第一场公演 音乐会。舞狮团开始在中文学校教授舞狮。1988 年,龙舟组博思活(博思活(Burswood))附近 举行了一次别开生面的国际龙舟竞赛。在西澳, 龙舟竞赛向南已经传到班伯里,向北已经传到普 隆埠。
1988年1月,澳大利亚国庆日奖授予会馆战 后最受欢迎最受尊敬的社员阮丽茹女士,她由于 对柏斯华人社区的杰出贡献和无偿服务而获得澳 大利亚勋章。阮丽茹女士还曾与1988年4月在总 督府亲手接过女皇伊丽莎白二世授予的奖章。对 此荣誉,阮丽茹女士受之无愧,全体会员和整个 华人社区为此感到自豪。
龙舟组的成功也为多元文化增加了光彩。龙 舟组的一位资深会员向常务委员会提出动议,要 其修改会馆章程,去掉限制非华裔人士成为普通 会员的条款。这次提议被九比六的多数票否决。
1989年6月,执行委员会批准成立中华会馆 西南区分馆。当时的会长和副会长赶到班伯里会 见了一些希望加入会馆的人,不久中华会馆西南 区分馆即告成立。
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天安门广场事件发生后,会馆立刻通过一项 动议,支持公众谴责中国政府屠杀那么多学生。 会馆受到来自教会和其他非华人组织寄来的无数 封信件,表达他们对在北京抗议活动中死去的学 生的家人和亲友表示最深切的同情和关切。 1990年发起的“国庆”音乐会是澳大利亚 社会的巨大成功。从他创办到现在,每个澳大利 亚国庆日都有来自不同民族的演员参加,是真正 的多元文化演出。“国庆”音乐会的成功在很大 程度上要归功于它的第一任主席陈继志医生。 1990年4月,中华会馆最善于表达意见的主 席陈继志医生离任。他积极推动树立华人社区形 象,加强与其他民族的关系和成立全国性的华人 组织,这不仅使会馆站到了突出位置而且也使他 在离任时成为永久会员。1995年初,他成为会馆 第二个获得澳大利亚勋章的会员。 1990年8月,城市公墓管理委员会通知会 馆,卡拉卡塔目的的华人墓区已经没有空位。为 了缓解这种情况,在“西澳人报”和“中华会馆 新闻”上刊登广告之后,目的管理委员会把一些 已经过期的墓碑重新安排了位置,会馆除了部分 费用。1995年,目的管理委员会在卡拉卡塔又新 划了一块地给华人留待后用。
立,它们扩大了目标和活动范围,欣赏和宣扬中 国文化,承担起应该承担的维护会馆的责任,同 时保持了年轻人的特点。 “一九九〇青年会员中国游”大受欢迎, 使参加者有机会与其他州的同行见面。更重要 的是,中国游使他们增加了中国历史和文化知 识。1992和1994两年又组织了类似的旅游。 作为推动新政策出台的全面计划的一部 分,1992年在常委会委员和各分委会小组成员之 间举行了一次座谈会。据报道,这是一次巨大的 成功,大家提出许多宝贵意见。可惜这是仅有的 一次这样的会议。 会馆的另一个重要作用是欢迎和迎接来访的 华人,主要是来自中华人民共和国和东南亚的客 人,只要他们通知我们,我们就会接待。这些来 访包括贸易代表团,政府官员,体育代表团及上 海木偶戏团。会馆一直保持不涉及政治的立场。 在1985年至1995年间,会馆欢迎和邀请了澳大 利亚两党政治家出席许多活动。 会馆和伊迪斯·考文大学合作竖起一座大理 石纪念碑,纪念在西澳逝世的早期拓荒者。1994 年9月,西奥总督麦克·杰弗里少将与信托人阮 丽茹一起为纪念碑揭幕。
1990年会馆醒狮组在马来西亚国际锦标赛 的表现令人喜出望外。在来自十一个国家的二十 三个团队中,会馆醒狮组名列第七。1994年醒狮 组再赴香港比赛并进入决赛。他们在1994年中华 总商会舞会上的大胆表演,受到西澳前州长查尔 斯·科特爵士来函高度赞扬。
1994年5月5日,在执行委员会会议开始 前,全体委员为纪念已故前主席和信托人李占树 默哀一分钟。是他在1951年7月签署了提交最高 法院注册的会馆新章程的宣言书。
1991年1月,妇女组向联合国儿童基金会捐 款一千澳元,这不是会馆社会支持部门第一次也 不是最后一次捐款。
1994年5月,会馆决定成立一个特别工作小 组,全面检讨章程,希望修改后能使会馆有资格 成为一个慈善机构。经过几个月的讨论,检讨和 修改,新章程于1995年4月提交给参加特别大会 的会员,获得一致通过。
1990年由当时的会长吴伯子成立的青年组 是会馆的又一个创举。以前,会馆的年轻会员由 龙舟组,传统舞蹈组和醒狮组松散地联系着。那 些对这些活动不感兴趣的年轻人被遗忘了。结 果,会馆缺少年轻会员。1992年,青少年组成
1987年8月,第一届产业开发小组任满,卸 任前为会馆留下一笔273,100澳元的资金。该小 组在会员中展开调查,探讨如何使用巴卡达的土 地和在詹姆斯街的房产并决定邀请不同的建筑师 提交根据调查说明绘制的构思概念图。
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1988年初从六份图中挑选出优胜者。据估 计,按照该设计需要耗资450万元。考虑到耗资 过大,因此没有试图开始兴建,1990终于放弃了 该项目。 常务委员会一直都没有忘记为会员提供一个 更好的活动场所的想法。1990年中开始拟定扩建 詹姆斯街馆所的方案并于1992年中完成。全部费 用,包括添置家具,约为254,000澳元。产业开 发小组留下的资金的一部分加上李瑞喜会长捐献 的10万澳元被用来完成会馆扩建。 会馆于1984年从购得巴卡达一块土地,条 件是会馆在十年内开发。1992年,原产业开发 小组的有关成员向执行委员会提交了一份陈述 书,谈到对巴卡达土地没有具体行动,提醒执行 委员会到1995年必须履行合同的开发条件。因 此,1993年2月成立了“1993年巴卡达产业开 发小组”。
1996至2000年 除了一部分在澳洲出生的华裔,会馆大部分 会员是在马来西亚、新加坡、中国大陆、香港、 文莱、越南、台湾、印尼、泰国及世界其它一些 地区出生的,上世纪60年代后期移民至澳大利 亚。联系这些会员的纽带便是大家都是中华民族 的后裔。 巴卡达文化中心始建于1995年10月,此时 距购得该地已有13年之久。1995年10月22日, 会长张仕偟和西澳中华总商会主席李瑞喜为中心 奠基揭牌。 1996年5月22日,会馆年度大会上, 张仕偟先生被选为终身会员。 为筹措资金完成文化中心第一阶段的建设, 会馆提议出售其位于巴卡达阿尔伯特街标号57的 土地,1996年11月3日提议获得批准。大约两年 后,1999年6月会馆以20万澳元将此地卖出。
1994年1月,常委会批准产业开发小组开始 根据批准的计划在有足够资金时进行第一期和第 二期开发。到1995年10月,学校会堂的混凝土 基和钢架完工,竖立一块匾以示庆祝,由张仕煌 会长和中华总商会会长李瑞喜揭幕。
1996年龙舟俱乐部在博思活(Burswood) 河上成功举行了马年春节龙舟竞赛,多支队伍参 加了比赛。尽管如今龙舟比赛已经是亚运会正式 的比赛项目,当年最后一届龙舟竞赛是由会馆组 织的。
由于多年来全心全意为会馆服务,许南发于 1995年5月在年度大会上被接纳为永久会员。
在李国强先生的领导下,中华舞狮舞龙团的 声誉逐步提高。舞狮团不仅在春节期间演出而且 参加了1996年3月2日至3日在班布瑞举办的国际 龙舟节。随着演出水平的提高,舞狮团获准在每 年的澳大利亚音乐会上演出,该音乐节始于1990 年,是由中华会馆组织发起的多元文化发展项 目。
纵观中华会馆的历史,常务委员会、各分委 会以及各个小组的全体成员都自愿承担责任, 克 尽义务。中华会馆能够成为柏斯华人社区的力量 和灵魂,绝不是偶然的。每一位会员都为她的成 就感到自豪。这反映了华人社区由共同愿望的人 们的团结,这个共同愿望就是:保护他们的利益 和福利,保持和发扬他们的文化和传统。 随着与起来越多的年轻人参与会馆活动(新 的中文学校和文化中心启用后活动会越来越多) ,我们满怀信心地认为会馆的将来一定会超过过 去的八十五年。
同年,当时福利委员会(即今中华社区及长 者关爱委员会)获得了大约46,000澳元的年度 津贴。时任福利委员会主席的Ian Wee决定将其 用于改善华裔社区服务以提高华裔成员价值并帮 助他们融入更广泛的澳洲社会中去。1999年11 月,在州家庭和健康服务部的推荐下,会馆申请 并获批有联邦政府提供的社区长者关爱津贴。这 笔补助解决了福利部的当务之急,使得中华长者 关爱事业得到迅速发展
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中华会馆历史小组举办了为期三个月主题 为“从漂泊到定居”的展览,介绍了早期华人从 来到西澳到定居于此的历史。展览从1996年8月 到10月共吸引了近7000 名参观者。 在陈华利和陈良荣的组织领导下,中华青 年组逐步发展壮大,其成员主要是西澳大学的学 生。成员们积极组织了多项聚会活动。顶峰时期 小组人数曾达到约300人。 1996年9月10日,“一国党” 领袖Pauline Hanson 女士在其联邦议会首次发言中说道,“我 深信我们正陷在被亚洲人吞没的沼泽中”。这番 话引起了会馆高层人士的关注并呼吁会馆行动以 对抗其言论。中华会馆对此致信联邦总理,要求 进行解释。 众多会员出席了1997年的年度大会。执行 委员致信三所中文学校校董会,解释并希望能够 征用其后备基金用于巴卡达文化中心建设,并指 出管理委员会决定征用该后备金。中华黎明学校 主席Chua Chew Kian 带头反对将学校后备基金 用于巴卡达项目。Chua先生批评执行委员会在做 决定前没有征求学校方面的意见,并认为这样的 举动是没有远见、没有方向、偏离会馆建立目标 的。尽管用词激烈,但这依然可以被看作是会馆 民主进程的重要部分。 1997年10月1日在詹姆士街的Gloden Swan 饭店,会馆在二战后第一次举办晚宴公开庆祝中 国国庆节。 1997年发生的另一件大事是7月1日香港回 归。由于对香港未来的不确定,大批香港居民移 民至悉尼和墨尔本,也有部分到达珀斯。 1997年中华文化舞蹈团演出了舞蹈“厦门 渔女”,演出得到了广泛好评并为舞蹈团争取到 了在珀斯文化节上演出的机会。这是该团发展的 巨大进步。 经过多次会议和协商,执行委员会、校董 会和三所中文学校终于对学校管理和经营模式达
成一致。1997年8月,三所学校联合在南珀斯的 Wesley高中成功举行了中秋灯笼节。 Ken Wong Sue于1997年10月19日逝世。Sue 先生生前是中华长老会成员。Sue先生的弟弟是 澳大利亚历史上非常著名的人物,他因其在二战 中的英勇行为被称为“安静的英雄和勇士”。 中华妇女委员会1997年一年中集资近 22,500澳元,其中一多半被用于置办文化中心办 公家具以及厨房和舞台装修。 与1976年成立之初的情形相比,中华广播 曾经历了一段需要寻找听众的艰难时期。广播委 员会努力制作了一系列普通话和粤语节目,在每 周三傍晚(普通话)和周六上午(粤语)播出。 1997年11月2日中华特别大会批准了将位于 巴卡达会馆的一块土地租赁给秋园决定,租期10 年,象征性收取每年1澳元的租金。该土地被计 划用于建造老年人住房。中华秋园在1998年6月 8日作为独立的机构成立,租金是用于修建老年 人福利住房。遗憾的是,秋园的发展工作至今仍 被搁置。 在近2年半的建设后,中华巴卡达文化中心 终于在1998年3月22日被正式启用,建设使用资 金总共为534,298澳元。中心门前安放一对大理 石狮单只重量就超过3.7吨。石狮是中国侨务办委 托驻珀斯总领蔡传赠予文化中心的。 中华西南分会成立于1998年,目的是在西 澳广阔的西南地区进一步弘扬中澳友谊,传播 中华文化。分会曾一度举办中秋节和农历新年 庆祝活动,增进了西南地区的民众对中华文化 的了解。西南分馆还举办过至少七次年度龙舟竞 赛。1997年分馆获得了年度社区奖。1998年4 月丘玉金被确认为长老会成员,吴伯子和张仕偟 被再次确认为长老会成员。 1998年 4月徐天送当选中华会馆会长,他是 会馆历史上最年轻的会长。吴伯子医生1998年5 月24日成为会馆终身会员。
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1998年11月4日,在徐会长的建议下,邹纪 平女士被任命为执行委员会成员。她是二战后首 位来自中国的委员会成员。1999年为推广普通 话,邹女士创立了普通话小组。邹女士精湛的翻 译水平一直受到大家的肯定,她多次在会馆活动 上做英译汉的翻译。 1998年5月28号,邝彩玲女士首次来到学校 开始了向对中国感兴趣的学生传宣中华文化的历 程。对于中华会馆来说,发展中文教育、弘扬中 华文化,推广中华民族的价值观、介绍中国人的 生活方式并丰富澳洲多元文化社会是一项重要的 任务,而邝女士的做法也是达到此目标的重要手 段。此后邝女士和她带领的历史小组拜访了上百 所学校,向上百名学生宣传了中华文化。 长期服务于会馆的 Sadie Hoy Poy先生于 1998年6月16日逝世,享年80周岁。 由于成员缺少足够的兴趣,执行委员会将会 馆的两艘龙舟赠送给会馆西南分馆,将另三艘出 售给西澳龙舟俱乐部。至此开始了西澳龙舟活动 辉煌历史的终结。如今西澳龙舟协会虽然依然存 在, 但它只不过提醒大家会馆为向澳洲主流社会 传播中华文化做出的贡献。 大约在决议两年后,1999年6月在徐天送会 长的努力下会馆以20万澳元将巴卡达第57号土地 卖出。 1998年9月26日,舞蹈团在女性反种族主义 集会上进行表演。同年,他们还参加了和平和谐 音乐会、圣诞游行和澳洲国庆音乐会的演出。 会长徐天送先生及另外5位澳洲华裔社区领 导人应中国政府之邀于10月访问中国。 1998年.会馆为在中华礼堂举行茶话会将 为中国洪水募集赈的捐款5,628澳元送交至中国 驻珀斯总领事。 有趣的是,出于风水上的考虑,1998年11 月6日会馆将两只大理石狮置于中华大厅的台阶
前。2010年在征求了风水先生的建议后,两只狮 子被移至巴卡达文化中心,这样中华文化就如同 这对狮子一样不再被困于詹姆士街128号。 1999年11月会馆获得的15项联邦政府长者 关爱补助。2009年次项补助津贴已增长到了的 56项。 由于会馆是向民众提供社区服务的组 织,1999年澳大利亚税务办公室确认中华会馆为 免税机构。这要归功于会馆财务总监温恩回和会 馆秘书长叶俊凡多次向税务办公室的建议。 在陈和水先生的领导下,摩利成人唱诗班的 影响得以扩大,为文化中心发展筹款2000澳元。 此后他们还为癌症基金积极筹款。 秋园另一项具有历史和重大文化意义的举 动是将一副精美刺绣的多彩横幅装裱完成,横幅 上写有“万世师表”四个汉字。它被理解为会馆 是在沿袭社会道德传统方面是值得大家学期的榜 样。令一方面,它也可以被解读“克己复礼,万 世师表”,指的是伟大的思想家孔子“命世之大 圣,亿载之师表者也”,即孔子是千秋万代人们的 表率。横幅的装裱工作耗资27,000澳元,其中 LotteryWest 赞助15,000澳元,其余的由会馆自 行筹集。李瑞喜先生再一次慷慨解囊,给予了莫 大帮助。1999年2月27日徐天送会长将横幅捐赠 给西澳博物馆,长老会主席和邝彩玲女士出席了 捐赠仪式。横幅现存放在Kewdale的Orrong路, 由西澳历史部门保管。 1998年3月邝彩玲女士被任命为澳洲(西 澳)口述历史协会秘书,她还负责整理华裔社区 的历史图片,包括会馆图片和北桥历史项目图 片。 1999年参加了 中华人民共和国建国50周年 的庆祝活动,作为庆祝活动的一部分,会馆在中 华礼堂举行照片展,供会员回顾新中国的成长之 路,展出照片由中国驻珀斯总领馆提供。中国驻 珀斯总领馆还将一条长15米的龙借给会馆舞龙团 使用,这条龙的形象被印在了巴卡达文化中心的 墙壁上。
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1999年5月23日的年度会议上,会馆将其财 政年度由4月1日至3月31日改为1月1日至12月 31日。另外会议确定了对陈金泰先生和林少莲女 士为长老会成员的提名。 新一届执行委员会会议上,会馆执行委员会 和长老会的力量角逐首次显现。会议讨论了执行 委员会和长老会各自的职能。执行委员会感到自 己的管理工作被长老会过度干预。在徐天送的领 导下,执行委员会发出类似警告的说明:会馆的 执行主体是执行委员会,长老会担任的是顾问角 色并且不能干预会馆今后的管理工作中。后续执 行委员会也对这样的关点表示认同。 执行委员会采纳了将“澳大利亚,我们的家 园”作为会馆座右铭的提议。 会馆决议重新审查在摩利、黎明和巴克务三 所中文学校各方面的运行情况,使学校管理简明 并合理化。1999-2000年间,教育委员会成立, 设立新的学校标准并寻求教学内容取得官方认 可。 大约在1999年9月,会馆成员、Melville市 议员曾精豪致信会馆提到会馆的章程存在歧视, 因为其不允许非华裔民众成为普通会员(具有选 举权)。由于执行委员会对该提议一致反对,章 程没有做任何修改。
多年来,农历春节期间都是各委员会和会 馆成员最忙碌的时段。2000年的龙年春节时在2 月5号,部分庆祝活动是在珀斯市中心的Forrest Place举行的。春节欢庆活动的成功举行促使珀斯 市长邀请执行委员会参加了市议会的一次会议。 在徐天送会长在任的两年中,会馆成员数量 翻倍,财政方面也有了盈余。另外巴卡达文化中 心的停车场也是在这期间建成的。2000年曾任 副会长的吴立政先生全票当选中华会馆会长。在 他的领导下新一届执行委员会提交了会馆改革议 案。 2000年5月25日熊猫社区长者服务项目在中 华礼堂启动。会馆利用从联邦政府获得的津贴, 开始向越南裔社区的老年人提供关爱服务。其中 包括了安居服务、家庭拜访、英语课程和其他一 些社会和健康活动。 2000年11月6日,慈善高尔夫球赛在Vines 度假村举行,球赛获利约4,000澳元。会馆将 1500澳元捐给St. Vincent De Paul’s 圣诞募捐 活动。 2000/2001年,在玛瑞商业街,中华舞蹈团 应邀参加与其他族裔社区一起的“世界圣诞”表 演。这是同世界人们分享中华文化的绝好机会。 2001至2005年
中华人民共和国主席江泽民于9月7日对澳大 利亚做出历史性访问。会长徐天送先生应澳总理 John Howard先生的邀请赴堪培拉欢迎江主席到 访。这次邀请被认为是总理办公室授予中华会馆 的巨大荣耀。 1999年11月29号,会馆协助新加坡义安 中学组织在澳交响乐演出。近900观众出席了在 Hay Street Majesty’s 大剧院举行的音乐会。 1999年12月,6名会馆会员:陈金泰夫妇、 郑乾坤夫妇、Noni Yong女士和周仪态女士,捐 赠9000澳元购买一条18米长的新龙。在当年的 圣诞游行和次年2月的春节晚会上,舞龙团用新 龙进行了表演。
2001年春节,有大约500人出席了中华会 馆在博思活(Burswood)举行的春节晚宴。此 次盛会帮助会馆筹集到26,000澳元,会馆将其中 1500元捐赠给了Lady Lawley Cottage,另外1万 澳元用于铺设文化中的地板。 改版后的中华广播在2000-2001年进入了新 的繁荣阶段。广播组有5名粤语和6名普通话播音 员,他们周六上午10点至11点向公众进行粤语广 播,每周三晚上6点至7点播报普通话节目。今天 您依然在这个时间段收听到他们的节目。
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2001年3月15日,执行委员会决定购买威廉 姆街270号的租约以继续利用政府补助进行慈善 项目。由于提议没有被会馆成员通过, 长老会令 信托人不允许获取该租约。本次事件是执行委员 会和长老会的关系更加紧张。 在成立近13年后,2001年3月31日分馆成 员决定关闭中华会馆西南分馆。 2001年5月6日举行的2001/2002会馆年度 会议标志着执行委员会和长老会的权力斗争正式 开始。双方针对会馆管理方式展开争论。 2001年8月21日,位于东珀斯Brown街的 中国驻珀斯新的总领馆正式开馆。中华舞狮团参 与了开馆演出,不少会员出席了当天的活动。同 年,新任驻珀斯总领事张连云先生第一次出席了 中秋节晚会。2001年10月1日会馆在帝苑餐厅举 办了中国国庆庆祝活动。 由于长老会与执行委员会的持续分歧,在 2001年的会馆特别大会上,出现了历史上第一次 对当任会长的不信任提议。该提议最终没有被执 行。 2001年10月18日,执行委员同意提名邝 彩玲女士为珀斯年度志愿者。她也澳洲遗产委 员主办的中澳文化遗产项目第一次会议的负责 人。2006年1月7日,执行委员提名邝女士为 2006年度多元文化社区服务奖候选人。 2002年度西澳中华小姐决赛也在此举行, 州总督John Sanderson、州长Geoff Gallop以及多 位贵宾出席了晚宴。Gallop州长还出席了2月24 日的会馆春节开放日活动,当天出席活动的还有 时任反对党主席Colin Barnett先生。 2002年5月5日,执行委员会召开会议提名 阮丽茹女士为政府多元文化利益成年文化大使候 选人,Wong Siew Ling 女士为青年文化大使候选 人。
2002年5月10日的长老会议上,张仕偟和 陈金泰被选为会馆信托人,接任多年来阮丽茹女 士和许南发先生的工作。在任长老会主席十余年 后,吴伯子医生将主席一职交给继任者陈振发先 生。2002年5月10日长老会全体成员通过了他的 提议。 2002年4月7日,会长吴立政先生再次当选 会长。这也是历史上第一次所有委员职位都有两 方人来竞争。这是一方面会馆繁荣的好现象,但 也是会馆分裂的威胁。 2001/2002年度会馆从联邦政府获得了数 额为16万5千澳元的最大单笔津贴,该津贴是用 于支持和帮助那些需要照顾的体弱多病或残疾的 年轻人,以使他们可以继续在社区生活,换句话 说,若没有这样的照顾,将迫使他们永久地搬入 旅馆或类似的地方。 2002年文化团举办了两场重要活动。7月 13日承蒙Kenwood Industry的赞助,中华文化 中心得以承办50位中国青年艺术家的演出活动。 当晚有大约500名观众观看了表演。这些青年艺 术家们来澳是为参加一项国际性的舞蹈赛事。 令一项活动是10月6日,大约600名观众出席了 在 Methodist 女子学校举行的名为“春”的音乐 会。 2002/2003年在郑秀丽的努力下会馆筹款 12,300澳元,其中2,500澳元被捐给St Vincent de Paul’s 青年Vinnies项目。另外会馆还向澳大 利亚红十字会Lady Lawley Cottage’s Sandcastle 募捐活动捐款2500元。 尽管会馆极力反对,西澳遗产文化委员会 仍鉴于其重大的文化价值于11月将位于詹姆士 街128号的会馆馆址列入遗址名录。中华会馆的 观点是担心中华大厅列入遗址名录后,会馆不得 不“尽对其维护的义务以满足遗址要求”,“限 制了会馆现有服务的扩展,…放弃了对中华大厅 的控制权,…影响华裔社区成员的团结”。2003 年3月2日举行的特别大会上会馆继续寻求成员支 持,反对将馆址例如遗址名录,然而会馆的反对 并没有改变西澳遗产文化委员会的决定。
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自1970年来就租用会馆一楼经营的金鹰饭 店在2001年底停业。饭店停业后,新的租户总是 延迟数月才缴纳租金,会馆一度遇到困难。 金鹰 饭店后,一家意大利面馆租用了会馆一楼,然而 最终合同被终止。 2004年青年组解散,但是2010年会馆百年 庆典之际,郭沚维开始重组中华青年组。 2003年中华福利部负责人郭郑素雯女士因 其在职责外对中华会馆做出的贡献,被授予多元 文化社区服务奖。冯恺盈女士因为其在多年兢兢 业业为电台做义务播音员成为族裔社区青年服务 奖最终的三名候选人之一。 2003年4月24日中华会馆举行晚宴庆祝陈继 志医师出任科廷大学(Curtin University)荣誉 校长。陈 医生1987至1990年间担任会长。他将 会馆农历新年音乐会成功打造成为真正多元文化 的澳大利亚音乐会的英明举动将被大家铭记。 2003 – 2004年年度大会上陈和水先生当选 会馆新任领导人。 会馆资深副会长邓荣耀先生退休前是一名来 自马来西亚沙巴州的商人。在文化中心扩展项目 中他被任命为项目负责人。2003年他通过组织庆 祝晚宴集资81,457澳元, 其中Phil Tan先生捐赠 3万澳元,会馆信托人陈金泰先生捐赠1万澳元, 邓荣耀先生自己出资1万澳元 。2004年4月,扩 展工作得到对方报价,邓先生经过谈判将费用减 少到215,000澳元。 大约在2003年6月,阮丽茹女士获得2003 年西澳公民奖。鉴于其对华裔以及广大社区作出 的重要贡献,她第二次获得此重要奖项。很多年 来,会馆许多人对她的身世都感到好奇。阮女士 的姐妹Roma Wood 所著的书中提到,她父母有 八个小孩。父亲是Charley Souey (Lui Chin Shui), 出生于中国中山,1895年来到澳大利亚。母亲是 Kevin Alice Wilson是澳洲历史上“被偷走的”那 一代原住民。外祖父来自当时荷兰占领的爪洼岛 的苏腊亚门。
应中国政府邀请,陈和水会长赴中国出席世 界华裔领导人大会。 2003年12月29日,会馆失去了最终尊敬和 爱戴的成员—阮女士的丈夫,阮雷先生。阮先生 曾在1970 至1973年间任会长一职,并且是会馆 的终身会员。 在陈和水会长的领导下,经过会馆章程审阅 委员会历时一年多的努力,中华会馆修改了章程 和馆规。 所有修改的章程在4月18日举行的特别 会议上由会馆成员表决通过。会馆之前沿用的章 程是1965年制定的。修改后的章程赋予长老会更 多权力,并将长老会成员资格改为终身制,直到 他们不能再为会馆效力为止。新章程还规定了一 类新的会馆成员,即“临时成员”。临时成员不 具有选举权,此举的目的是防止竞选中的舞弊行 为。其他的修改包括以合同形式披露权益和会馆 内部分歧解决方案。会馆服务对象也扩展到西澳 其它亚裔社区。另外会议还决定为会馆成员的子 女提供幼托便利,以及把巴卡达的会馆发展成多 功能的社区服务中心。 2003至2004年间,珀斯发生了三起针对中 餐馆的燃烧弹投掷事件。中华会馆积极组织协调 了中餐馆、受害者和政府与警察之间进行沟通。 警察迅速逮捕了袭击者并将他们送上法庭。西澳 州长Geoff Gallop 和会长3月21日出席了遭受损 失最严重的Lakeland餐厅重新开张的庆祝活动。 2004年,中华人民共和国驻澳大利亚大使 傅莹对西澳进行正式访问。中华会馆成员以及其 他领域的杰出代表在金世纪饭店对其表示热烈欢 迎。傅大使使用中英双语同大家进行亲切的交 流,给在场各位留下了深刻印象。傅莹女士现任 中国外交部副部长。 2004年7月29日,中华会馆会长陈和水先生 成为中华人民共和国侨联顾问。 2004年10月1日,近400人参加了中国国庆 晚宴。中华会馆与澳中友好协会、文莱联谊会、 西澳华裔科学家联合会、澳华医学会、澳洲中医
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药针灸研究会和西澳中国学生学者联合会(会员 来自西澳大学、默多克大学、科廷大学和ECU) 共同组织了庆祝活动。这是一场欢庆盛事,很多 来自中国的新移民和留学生参加了当天的活动。 Ruby Leewood女士于2004年11月15日逝世, 享年100岁。她是会馆首位100岁高寿的成员。 其先生James Leewood也使会馆的终身会员。 2004年中华春节晚会是会馆和圣诞岛居民 及朋友协会共同主办的,该晚宴创下了1200人出 席的记录。它曾是西澳历史上出席人数最多的晚 宴。晚宴上,会馆为2004年印尼海啸死难者筹集 了逾18,000元捐款,2004年的海啸造成了来自 14个国家的超过23万人死亡。 2005/2006年的选举异常激烈,竞选双方都 付出了巨大的心血。他们分别是在任的会长陈和 水带领的团队和前任秘书 陈清灵的一班人马。最 终陈和水先生的团队赢得了选举。 会 馆 的 福 利 与 社 区 服 务 持 续 发 展,2004/2005年获得的补助达到100万澳元。 2005年8月18日,山东同乡会在中华礼堂举 行讨论会,庆祝二战日本投降60周年。 2005年12月14日,人口老龄化部长Julie Bishop访问会馆,并将会馆的社区与长者关爱津 贴项目从25个扩充到了35个。 2006至2010年 经过两年的努力,中华文化中心的后期建设 终于完成,陈和水会长主持了启动仪式。
始了日间老人看护计划。随后,服务部觉得将在 文化中心建立全日托看护项目。 2006年4月29日,会馆欢送钟子祺总领事离 任;5月26日,会馆设宴热烈欢迎新任总领事李 树钢。会馆许多会馆都认识李先生,出任总领事 前他是珀斯总领馆的参赞。 2006年9月任长老会秘书一职长达18年的余 其勇先生和任会馆信托人15年之久的阮丽茹女士 向执行委员会辞去长老的职务。此举明显地传达 了长老会与执行委员会之间关系紧张的信息。 2007年6月29日,会馆为庆祝香港回归中国 10周年特举办了音乐会。 2007年10月15日,执行委员会同意社区福 利部(今中华社区长者关爱)管理委员会在文化 中心实施白天看护项目。 2007年10月8日,中国留学生焦丹被一名瘾 君子残忍地强奸并杀害。中华会馆对焦丹的家人 表示同情和慰问。凶手在2009年7月1日被判至 少18年监禁。 2007年10月15日Claude Yiu 先生为会馆设 计的百年庆典标志被采纳,并赢得了由陈金泰和 邓荣耀先生提供的500澳元奖金。 2008年春节期间,会馆在2月9-10日同博思 活(Burswood)娱乐中心联合举行了为其两天 的排档集市。此外,会馆还举行了西澳中华小姐 大赛,该活动吸引了众多观众,现场气氛非常热 烈。
2006年1月7日,执行委员提名邝彩玲女士 为06年度多元文化社区服务奖候选人。
2008年4月24日,会馆参加在在珀斯举行的 华裔社区支持北京奥运会圣火传递至堪培拉的游 行活动。
Stirling市议员Michael Keenan 于2006年2 月8号访问了会馆。Keenan先生带来了用于临时 看护计划的188,000澳元的津贴。从2006年2月 21日起,社区与长者关爱服务部便在文化中心开
2008年5月12日发生在汶川的里氏7.9级大 地震造成了至少7万人死亡,2万人失踪。会馆于 5月24日举行赈灾积善晚宴,募集捐款逾9万澳 元。
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2008年10月4日在文化中心举行的“中华音 乐会”是会馆历史上的重大成功,来自山东德州 的杂技团为观众为献上了精彩的表演。逾600名 观众观看了演出。德州杂技团是受西澳皇家农业 协会的邀请赴澳在皇家农业节上演出的。 2008年底,部分会员提出对陈和水会长和 执行委员会的不信任案。12月20日会馆召开特别 大会讨论此事。前会长徐天送先生被要求主持会 议。会上会长和任执行委员会均被多数票罢免。 根据会馆章程,长老会主席陈振发先生临 时接管执行委员会,作为会馆的领导机构。该机 构的目的是组织召开会员大会选举新任执行委员 会。 2009年会馆年度会议上,徐天送先生再次 当选会长。鉴于他丰富的管理经验和广泛的社交 网络,特别是会馆经历了一段时期的动荡后,大 家对他的就任表示换欢迎。 新一届执行委员会会上还确定了本年度会馆 的两大任务:中华会馆百年庆典和中华人民共和 国成立60周年庆祝活动。 与先前的执行委员会不同的是,徐先生鼓 励扩充委员会阵容。除6名选举产生的执行委员 外,会长很快增选了另外9名委员加入执行委员 会。其中五位是从中国大陆移民澳洲的认识,包 括瞻张野博士、叶晓君、洪全龙、陈挺博士和周 永军。 随着徐先生表达了他推动会馆进入新的历史 纪元的意愿,以及继续明确责任划分和提高管理 透明度的决心,长老会的权利再度回到可控制的 范围内。会馆成立法律委员会来进行会馆章程和 制度的修订。 首届西澳中文竞赛于2009年7月4日在中华 礼堂举行,6所学校参加了竞赛。活动取得了圆 满成功并有望成为以后会馆的年度节目。会馆新 金山项目成功获得政府1万2千澳元补助。
西澳健康部审计了中华社区和长者关爱中 心对政府拨款的使用状况。一方面社区中心合理 使用了政府拨款;另一方面还存在需要改进的地 方。这主要指会馆缺少监管和明确的责任划分。 因此,会馆聘请独立顾问并参与协助健康部加强 监管。 中华文化小组和舞龙舞狮团的演出水平也日 益提高,特别值得一提是2009年在北桥文化节 的精采表现。作为会馆百年庆典活动的一部分, 吃凤爪比赛吸引了大批公众。会馆还在巴卡达文 化中心种植了50棵李子树以纪念会馆百年诞辰。 舞龙舞狮团还应珀斯市长的邀请在珀斯文化节上 演出。2010年2月中旬,随着文化节和春节的到 来,舞狮团的演出任务便特别多。 中华福利部在其发展的路上继续阔步前进, 并于2009年10月从威廉姆街248号迁至布里斯 班街。 阮丽茹女士退休时会馆的莫大损失,她退休 前为会馆服务长达25年。 2009年10月1日至3日,中华会馆联合29家 华裔社团举办了中华人民共和国建国60周年庆祝 活动。徐会长对活动的成功给予了高度肯定,同 时对执行委员会成员说,我们作为活动的领导者 提供了保证活动成功的关键设施和资源,我们应 该对此次成功感到自豪和骄傲。 中国驻珀斯前总领事李树纲先生国庆回国后 致信高度赞扬了徐会长及各委员会的组织和安排 工作。他写道这是29个华裔组织首次共同庆祝中 国国庆日,还提到活动的成功离不开会长先生的 不懈努力。公民与多元文化利益部长也发来贺信 说道:“华裔社区在西澳繁荣的原因之一便是中 华会馆的支持,在此我谨对会馆的领导力和为西 澳构建具有凝聚力的多元社会做出的贡献表示赞 扬和感谢。” 徐天送会长接到到北京参加在天安门广场举 行的60年国庆大阅兵的邀请, 副会长汪锦明代他 参加。汪先生说中国政府邀请了2000多名海外华 人。
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经过了百年庆典委员会为时一年的精 心准备,2010年7月17日会馆在博思活 (Burswood)宴会厅举办了百年庆典晚宴。庆 典委员会由会长徐天送任主席、 陈振发医生任荣 誉顾问、汪锦明任副主席、Shelia Rejeck任执行 官、文越秀任文化协调员,张迪任活动兼国际礼 仪顾问。 由宝马中华百年庆典晚宴收到了广泛的好评 并取得了空前的成功。宝马集团出资25,000澳元 获得晚会冠名权。西澳总督Ken Michael是晚会的 官方赞助人。西澳6位具有华裔血统的杰出人士 也给予晚宴大力支持,被授予百年庆典大使的称 号。他们是:Peter Yu先生、Neale Fong先生、 吴伯子先生、Aalison Fan女士和Les Fong先生。 当晚超过1000名嘉宾出席该活动,来宾包括,西 澳总督Ken Michael、州长 Colin Barnett、联邦 移民部长、参议院Chris Evan、反对党主席 Eric Ripper、中国驻珀斯总领事李树纲、以及珀斯市 长Lisa Scaffidi、议院和市政厅成员、法官和各界 的领导人。 会馆还利用这次机会授予会长徐天送、协 会信托人见长老会成员陈金泰、前任副会长李瑞 喜、长老会主席陈振发和Esther Chang女士终身 会员资格,以表彰他们长期以来对会馆做出的杰出 贡献。 2011年3月4日,中华会馆被西澳政府授予 社区服务奖。会长徐天送陈述获得此奖是中华会 馆的荣幸。徐会长说道:获得多元文化社区服务 奖是会馆的荣耀。它是对会馆成员、会馆支持者 和朋友们长久以来的慷慨付出和辛劳努力的肯 定。 过去的15年是中华会馆深入发展的时期,组 织从规模上得以拓展,结构上得以巩固。然而, 前事不忘,后事之师,我们需要铭记会馆历史上 前所未有的分裂和动荡时期以及选举产生的执行 委员会和会馆章程规定的不经选举产生的长老会 之间的权力斗争。历史令人鼓舞的一面是会馆已 经渐渐取得了其华裔社区的代表性地位。会馆不 及得到了当地、州级和联邦政府的认可,更重要 的是它得到了中华文化发源地 — 中国的肯定。
Calligraphy from Former Chinese Consul General Cai Chuan 中华人民共和国驻珀斯 前总领事蔡传赠与字画
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The publishing Committee has used its best efforts in
preparing the articles in this Centenary Publication,
and the information provided herein is provided
“as is.” Although the Committee has made every
reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy
of the content in this publication, it assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Furthermore, the information included and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the Chung Wah Association but remain solely those of the authors.
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Chung Wah President
中华会馆历任会长 1909 – 1912
LOUEY Wah 雷华
1912 – 1914
LOUEY Seng Chee
1914 – 1915
1915 – 1918
Paul Soon Quong
1918 – 1921
CHEN King Ngee
1921 – 1922
Henry LOUEY 雷同
1922 – 1923
Alex SHEM 关嗣澄
1923 – 1924
TAM Ying Man 谭英文
1924 – 1926
CHUNG Chee Chan
Alex SHEM 1940s 关嗣澄
Harold SHEM 关嗣浣
1969 – 1970
1970 – 1973
1973 – 1976
1976 – 1979
YEE Kee Yong
1979 – 1980
Alert YUEN 阮慧麟
1980 – 1982
Dr GOH Bean San
1982 – 1985
YEE Kee Yong
1985 – 1986
Albert HWEE 许南发
1986 – 1990
Dr Eric TAN
1990 – 1991
Dr GOH Pek Cher
1991 – 1993
Dr Michael KWEK
1993 – 1998
James CHONG 张仕偟
1998 – 2000
Tien Shang SU
2000 – 2003
Thomas GOH 吴立政
2003 – 2008
Richard TAN 陈和水
Jan 2009 – Apr 2009
Dr Bob TAN JP (Care-taker)
Apr 2009 –
Tien Shang SU
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Chung Wah Past Executive Committees 中华会馆历届执行委员会
James Chong
Doreen TAN
张仕煌 丘玉金 徐天送 陈清灵
Doreen CHIN
张仕煌 丘玉金 何大伟 陈清灵
Martha HANG
Martha HANG-Maynard
Kaylene POON
徐天送 何大伟 李国强 吴月桂 叶俊帆 邝彩玲
Peter LEE
李国强 潘永生
Peter LEE
李国强 潘永生
许南发 吴绵海 叶爱美 陆庭伟 周仪态 李统胤 陈有源 查绍翰 詹瑞华 刘添顺 谢承美 何大伟 陈观凤 陈华利 黄麒麟
Grace CHOW
周仪态 查绍翰 詹瑞华 岑国鸿 陈淑静 许南发 叶爱美 陈宝山 邝彩玲 郑秀丽 李统胤 陈有源 陈良荣
Mike CHEAM Grace CHOW Doreen TAN THUM Teng Kok WO Chew Pak Dr. YOW Yit Seng YAP Ai-Mei Shirley TEH Steve KUM Marcus TAN Lawrance CHIA Pei Ling TAN Theng Wei LOKE LIANG Fen Michael LEE Ken CHONG Albert HWEE Dr. K C WAN Doreen TAN Nancy Yek Li WOON Jiping ZOU Tim LAU
詹瑞华 周仪态 陈请灵 谭定国 胡潮柏 饶逸生 叶爱美 郑秀丽 甘尚君 陈良荣 谢金发 陈佩玲 陆庭伟 梁芬 李统邦 张永强 许南发 尹家镇 陈清灵 吴宝娇 梁漂文 邹纪平
James CHONG Alex HEW Tien Shang SU
Alex HEW David HO
Tien Shang SU David HO Peter LEE Lally GOH Sammy YAP
Eng-Seng PHUA Albert HWEE Bean-Hai GOH Ai-Mei YAP Loke Theng WEI Grace CHOW Peter T LEE F. TAN Yau guan Jeffrey CHA Mike CHEAM Tim LAU Datuk SB CHEAH David HO Patricia CHIN Brain TANG Paul NG Puano LEE Marcus TAN
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Eng-Seng PHUA
Jeffrey CHA Mike CHEAM James SUM Catherine TAN Albert HWEE YAP Ai-Mei Paul TAN Kayleen POON Shirley TEH Peter T LEE Francis TAN Yau Guan Marcus TAN
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Chung Wah Past Executive Committees 中华会馆历届执行委员会
Tien Shang SU Peter Kok Keong LEE Thomas GOH Sammy YAP
徐天送 李国强 吴立政 叶俊帆
Thomas GOH
Jessica YIN
Peter Kok Keong LEE Dr. K C WAN John YEK
吴立政 李国强 尹家镇 叶潮熙
Thomas GOH
John YEK
尹家镇 叶潮熙
殷秀娟 黄晓玲 刁火明 邹丽君 许历仔 查绍翰 周仪态 邝彩玲 陈和水 吴宝娇 郭谢仁美 刘添顺 林永山 郑秀丽 叶俊帆 殷贻範 邹纪平 陈清灵
Siew Ling WONG
刁火明 许历仔
Peter Kok Keong LEE 李国强 Dr. K C WAN
Bruce CHAN Caryn LAI
Siew Ling WONG Ian OON
Vinn TEOW Grace TSEU
Grace TSEU
Leonard KHO Kaylene POON Grace CHOW John Koon Siong LIM Dr. Kar Chan WAN Richard W C TAN Stephen KUM Li WOON Shirley TEH Jiping ZOU THUM Teng Kok Chew Pak WO Ken YIN Nancy YEK Tim LAU
邝彩玲 周仪态 林根祥 尹家镇 陈和水 甘尚君 梁漂文 郑秀丽 邹纪平 谭定国 胡潮柏 殷贻範 吴宝娇 刘添顺
Jeffrey CHA Grace CHOW Kaylene POON Richard W C TAN Nancy YEK Amy KOK Tim LAU Eng Sun LIM Shirley TEH Sammy YAP Ken YIN Jiping ZOU Doreen TAN
Leonard KHO Jeffrey CHA Grace CHOW Kaylene POON Richard W C TAN Nancy YEK Amy KOK Eng Sun LIM Shirley TEH Sammy YAP Jiping ZOU Doreen TAN
查绍翰 周仪态 邝彩玲 陈和水 吴宝娇 郭谢仁美 林永山 郑秀丽 叶俊帆 邹纪平 陈清灵
Lawrence CHIA Amy KOK
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Chung Wah Past Executive Committees 中华会馆历届执行委员会
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Richard W C TAN
Doreen TAN
陈和水 邓荣耀 郑秀丽 陈清灵
John YEK
陈和水 邓荣耀 吴宝娇 叶潮熙
John YEK
TEH Siau Mee
江莉莉 许历仔
Lily YIT
江莉莉 许历仔
Leonard KHO
许历仔 邹丽英
查绍翰 周仪态 邝彩玲 邹纪平 邓袁锦玲 林永山 吴福源 冼爱凌 张安妮 吴宝娇 郑小咪
Kaylene POON
Richard W C TAN
吴立政 陈和水 郑秀丽 尹家镇
Donald TANG Lily YIT
Thomas GOH Richard W C TAN Shirley TEH
Leonard KHO
查绍翰 周仪态 Kaylene POON 邝彩玲 Kelvin TANG 邓家驹 Nancy YEK 吴宝娇 Jeffrey TEE 郑君明 Eng Sun LIM 林永山 Sammy YAP 叶俊帆 Jiping ZOU 邹纪平 Doreen TAN 陈清灵 Soetresno HARTANTO 陈瑞山 Linda TANG 邓袁锦玲 Christina WAN 尹黄樱
WayneTANG Shirley TEH
Leonard KHO
Jeffrey CHA
Jeffrey CHA
Grace CHOW
Grace CHOW Kaylene POON Jiping ZOU Linda TANG Eng Sun LIM Goh Fook YUAN Eileen SIN Ann Nie CHONG Nancy YEK TEH Siau Mee
WayneTANG Nancy YEK
Karen TSEU
Jiping ZOU Eileen SIN Linda TANG
邝彩玲 邹纪平 冼爱凌 邓袁锦玲
Lawrance HEAH
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Chung Wah Past and Current Executive Committees 中华会馆历届和现任执行委员会
Richard W C TAN 陈和水
Richard W C TAN 陈和水 Linda TANG
John YEK
郑小咪 吴宝娇 叶潮熙
Natalia KOK
TEH Siau Mee
Alan YU
余钲昌 冼爱凌
John YEK
叶潮熙 冼爱凌
TEH Siau Mee Nancy YEK
邓袁锦玲 Jiping ZOU 邹纪平 Kaylene POON 邝彩玲
Eileen SIN
Eileen SIN
Sammy YAP
Dr. Pek Cher GOH
Albert HWEE
Dominic YAM Lily YIT Justin KWOK Ian OON Leonard KHO
徐天送 陈清灵 汪锦明 叶俊帆 任国雄 江莉莉 郭沚维 温恩回 许历仔
Trinch QUACH
Kaylene POON Jiping ZOU Linda TANG Ian YEN ZHAO Zhuzhu
邝彩玲 邹纪平 邓袁锦玲 袁霄郎 赵珠珠
吴宝娇 Ian YEN 袁霄郎 Kok Foo CHANG 郑国扶 Swee Guan PEH 彭瑞源 Grace CHOW 周仪态 Nancy YEK
Chris THEN
Alex HEW
Stanley ANG
洪頌南 Bill TEH
Edward ZHANG Jeffrey CHA John HONG WO Chew Pak YE Xiaojun ZHOU Yongjun LynetteWEN
陈挺 邓培献 张野 查绍翰 洪泉龙 胡潮柏 叶晓君 周永军 文越秀
Jennifer LEE Jen Nie CHONG
Dr. Ching-Howe CHAN
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List of Donors 捐赠人
Ms Lesley Wong 黄小娟
Mr Tan Kim Thai $5000 陈金泰 先生
Ms Agnes Tseu 曾梅兰
Mr John Chan $5000 曾源国 先生
Translation 翻译
Mr Li Yuang Dong & Ms Cai cai Mei $3000
Mr Edward Chin 靳云长
Mr Grace Chow $1000 周仪态 先生 Mr & Mrs Low Chan Tian $400 Mr Dominic Minniti $200 Mr John Lai $200 Grand Palace Restaurant $150
Publication Committee members 出版委员会
Ms Gloria Zhang 张迪 Ms Heqing Wang 王河清 Mr Ting Chen 陈挺 Ms Jean Ramsdale 刘敬坤 Mu-chen Sun 孙慕辰
Mr Tien Shang Su - Committee Chair 徐天送 - 委员会主席
Production, Artwork and Printing 编辑出版公司
Mr Meng Wong - Budget and Marketing 汪锦明 - 预算和市场
Intlang Corporate Consulting Pty Ltd 意朗企业咨询有限公司
Dr Ching Howe Chan - English Editor 曾精豪 - 英文编辑
Fada Print & Signs 飞达印务(澳大利亚)
Mr Jeffrey Cha - Chinese Editor 查绍翰 - 中文编辑 Ms Gloria Zhang - Project Management 张迪 - 项目管理 Mr Jin Lim - Sales 林仁 - 销售 Dr Yit Seng Yow 饶逸生 Ms Elvie Yap 叶丽婷 Mr Yuan Gao 高原
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Council of Elders It was only befitting that the Chung Wah Association as the oldest ethnic association in Western Australia kept with Chinese tradition to give recognition to members who have made outstanding contributions to the progress of the association. Hence in 1986 the association had the wisdom to form this unique and worthy group naming it the Council of Elders. Past President Yee Kee Yong played a large part in its formation. Besides recognition to outstanding contributions to the association, it also represents an enormous reservoir of experience, which the Association can use. Its members included past presidents and trustees and such notable members as Roy Hoy Poy, Edie Hoy Poy, Yee Kee Yong, Eric Tan, Ken Wong Sue and John Fong. Its long-time chairman and secretary were Pek Goh and Yee Kee Yong. The chairman from 2002 has been Bob Tan. The Council of Elders also elects among its members the two trustees of the association. The present trustees are Tan Kim Thai and James Chong. The council, under the Constitution, acts in both an advisory and supervisory capacity. Initially the members were elected for a term of six years but this was subsequently changed to life membership in 2004.
The council held functions at the Balcatta Cultural Centre, a place of special importance and affinity to its members, many of whom had helped to buy the land and build the cultural centre which was opened in October 1998. The present members of the council are: Stanley Ang, James Chong, Anita Chong, Pek Goh, Albert Hwee, Alex Hew, Tan Kim Thai, Bob Tan, Bill Teh and Trinh Quach. Among them the life members are: James Chong, Pek Goh, Albert Hwee, Bob Tan and Tan Kim Thai. The Association is in its Centenary year and as it grows it will inevitably go through a period of evolution and change. This can only be for the better. The Council of Elders wishes the Association well in its centenary.
Dr. Pek Cher Goh JP Council Elder Centenary Ambassador
In December 2008 the Association’s executive committee was voted out of office by a vote of no confidence at an EGM. Fortunately, under the Constitution, the Council of Elders was able to step in and run the Association till fresh elections were held. New President T S Su headed a new executive committee, heralding a new period of stability and progress.
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中华长老会 作为西澳历史悠久的族裔组织,中华会馆保 持了中华文化的传统——尊重和肯定为会馆事业 发展做出贡献的前辈。因此,1986年,在前会长 余其勇先生的努力下,会馆具有远见卓识地建立 了一个由杰出人士组成的特别小组,并命名为中 华长老会。 长老会的成立不仅是为了肯定前辈对会馆做 出的杰出贡献,也汇集了可供会馆借鉴的许多宝 贵经验。长老会由会馆前主席、信托人和重要成 员组成,如: 阮雷、阮丽茹、余其勇、陈继志黄光 如和邝宝赞。吴伯子和余其勇长期以来分别任长 老会主席和秘书长。2002年至今,陈振发继任主 席。
中华会馆正值百年大庆,它未来必将经历 革命性的发展。可以预见会馆今后事业会蒸蒸日 上。 长老会全体成员恭祝会馆百年诞辰。 吴伯子 中华长老
中华会馆的两位信托人也是从长老会中选 出。会馆现任信托人是陈金泰和张仕煌。长老会 根据会馆章程行使顾问和监督职能。起初,长老 会成员每六年选举一次,2004年成员改为终身 制。 2008年12月会馆执行委员会在特别会议上 因为不信任票被罢免。幸运的是根据会馆章程, 长老会可以接管会馆事务至新一任委员会产生。 新一届执行委员会由新任会长徐天送先生领导, 标志着会馆进入了新的稳定发展阶段。 长老会多次在巴卡达文化中心举行活动,该 文化中心与长老会有着密切的联系,并对长老会 有重要的意义。在文化中心购地和建设过程中许 多成员都为此出力,使该中心在1998年成功开 放。 长老会现任成员为:陈振发、张仕煌、吴伯 子、洪淑贞、林少莲、许南发、丘玉金、陈金泰 洪颂南和 郑乾坤。其中终身制会员有:陈振发、 张仕煌、吴伯子和陈金泰。
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Chung Wah Community & Aged Care Chung Wah CAC celebrated its 25th anniversary in the centenary year of the Chung Wah Association. The CAC began in 1984 as the welfare committee to look after the settlement needs of new nonEnglish speaking migrants from Asia. The current fund is over $2 million and delivers a series of both Commonwealth and State funded community care programs. CAC provides aged-care services for over 500 frail people or people with disabilities from Asian backgrounds in the Perth metropolitan areas. The workforce is close to 100 people. Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Burmese and other Asian communities are supported and the programs we offer are diverse. We offer home and transport services as well as centre-based day and respite care. We are proud to say that our specialised care programs are well-respected and recognised by the mainstream service providers, as an expert provider of culturally appropriate care for people of Asian backgrounds. Our bilingual staffs enable us to cater for the special care needs of people, 95 % of whom do not speak English.
a group under the management of an independent board of management. Assisting the board is an advisory group, whose members come from health, aged care, training and community. Chung Wah CAC is now well positioned to move forward to serve our communities better in terms of accountability, efficiency, transparency and service delivery. In the coming years, Chung Wah CAC is looking to fulfill the mission of improving the quality of life of people from a culturally and linguistically diverse background, who are in need of care and to provide culturally appropriate accommodation for the ageing population. Theresa Kwok JP Chief Executive Officer Chung Wah CAC
Professionalism continues to play a key role in consolidating and improving our service quality. We organise and run in-house training for our care providers and staff. In addition, we provide external training opportunities for our staff to acquire aged care accreditation to advance their career prospects. At this stage, over 50 staffs have got their community or aged care certificates or diplomas through the sponsorship of Chung Wah CAC. With funding growth, came the need for improved governance and operating structure to meet stringent funding requirements. After months of deliberation and consideration, a new Chung Wah CAC was formed. Still within the umbrella of Chung Wah Association, Chung Wah CAC is now
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中华社区及长者服务部 在中华会馆庆祝百年华诞之际,中华社区及 长者服务部也迎来了自己的25周岁生日。中华 社区及长者服务部成立于1984年,作为福利性 机构其得到了联邦政府的资助,用于帮助来自亚 洲的非英语背景移民开始新的生活。目前社区得 到的资助超过两百万澳元,实施了一系列的联邦 和州政府资助的社区护理计划。中华社区及长者 服务部的工作人员近一百人,他们在珀斯地区向 500 多个亚裔背景的体弱或残疾的老人提供照顾 服务。
在未来的几年中,中华社区及长者服务部将 以努力提高不同文化和语言背景的老人的生活质 量为使命并为这些需要照顾的人提供文化上的归 属感。 郭郑素雯太平绅士 中华社区及长者服务部主任
华人、越南人、柬埔寨人、缅甸人和其他 亚裔社区都从中华社区及长者服务部得到支持。 我们所提供的服务项目多样,包括家庭和交通服 务,托老和临时护理。我们自豪地说我们专业的 护理项目受到主流服务提供者的尊敬和认可,作 为专业人员为亚洲背景的人在文化上提供了相应 的照顾。我们双语的工作人员使得我们能够为需 要特别照顾的老人服务,因为接受服务的老人中 95%都不会说英文。 专业精神在巩固和提高我们的服务质量上发 挥着关键的作用。我们为护工和工作人员组织内 部培训。另外,我们也向护工提供了外部培训的 机会,使其获得老年护理资格证,拓展他们的职 业前景。50 多位工作人员获得了通过中华社区及 长者服务部 赞助的社区或老年护理证书或文凭。 随着资金的增长我们需要改善管理和经营模 式以满足严格资本运营要求。经过几个月的协商 和讨论, 全新的中华社区及长者服务部成立了。 新的服务部仍隶属中华会馆,但由独立的管理委 员会直接负责。另外还设有一个咨询小组来协助 管理委员会,其成员来自健康、 老年护理、 培训 和社区部门。 现在中华社区及长者服务部的目标是在问责 制度、效率、透明度和服务方面不断提高,更好 地为我们的社区服务。
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Chung Wah Chinese School - School Council In the early years, the Chung Wah Executive ( EXCO) played a direct role in guiding and monitoring the progress and establishment of the first Chung Wah School. However, this changed in 1984 when the first School Council was formed. Although serving as an independent body, the School Council is governed by the terms of reference set down by the EXCO.
For a weekend school, this is very impressive. From the School Council point of view, this is very encouraging as it suggests that interest in the Chinese language has grown. This upward trend will continue in future years as China, which is an important business partner to Australia, makes its mark on the global economy and continues to expand.
The School Council is a governing and policy making body that oversees the operations and provides guidance and leadership to all three Chung Wah Chinese Schools. Its primary focus is in educational matters such as the uniform delivery of the syllabus, and to make the Chinese language not only appealing but relevant to our children who attend the schools.
Nonetheless, it also presents us with an interesting challenge for the future in how we continue to grow our schools and raise the educational standard by employing, and embracing new technology and teaching methodology to assist us in engaging our students in learning and making it relevant for them to encourage participation.
The School Council also worked with the Ethnic Schools Association of WA (ESAWA) to ensure that Ethnic Schools such as CWCS are allocated the equal share of funds from the government to remain in operation. ESAWA also assists in other areas such as seminars, workshops and training for our teaching staff. The elected members of the School Council consist of representatives from each school’s School Management Committee. Hence, all decisions agreed at the meeting must be adopted by all schools. Since its inception, the School Council has successfully standardised the administrative forms used by the schools as well as staff wages and pay reviews. From a cultural point of view, the School Council is also tasked with the co-ordination of cultural activities between the schools such as the Mid-Autumn Festival concert night.
Volunteers have played an integral part in CWCS success over the years. To volunteers past, present and future, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting the school and creating an environment where the Chinese language continues to thrive and its culture passed on through to our next generation. Thavee Limpanyalers Chairperson Chung Wah Chinese School Council
The enrolment numbers over the years have steadily increased with more than 1250 students enrolled.
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中华中文学校 - 校董会 中华中文学校成立初期是由中华会馆的执行 委员会进行管理。1984年校董会的形成改变了这 一状况。虽然作为独立的任职机构,校董仍需在 执行委员会规定的框架下行使自己的职能。 校董会是一个集管理和决策为一体的机构, 监督指导三所中华中文学校,主要负责教育方面 的工作:统一制定和实施教学大纲,使汉语不仅 对孩子产生吸引力还融入他们的生活。
不可否认的是中华中文学校成功的重要原因 是志愿者多年的参与。我想借此机会向过去,现 在和将来的志愿者们表示感谢,你们为学校工作 做出了有力支持并为在下一代传承宏扬中华语言 文化创造了良好的环境。
Thavee Limpanyalers 中华中文学校校董会主席
校董会还与西澳的民族学校协会(ESAWA) 合作使向中华中文学校这样的民族学校,从政府 获得相应的资金维持其发展。ESAWA还在开办研 讨会,讲习班和培训教学人员等方面支持我们。 校董会由来自各学校管理委员会的代表组 成。因此,会议作出的决定必须由所有学校采 纳。自成立以来,校董会已成功地统一了所有学 校的行政表格以及工作人员的工资和薪酬考核制 度。从文化的角度来看,校董会还负责协调各学 校之间的文化活动,如中秋节音乐会。 多年来,学校招生人数稳步增加超过在校生 超过1,250人。对一个周末学校来说,这是很了 不起的。从校董会的角度来看,这是也非常令人 鼓舞的,它表明社会对中文的兴趣不断增长。在 未来这种上升趋势将会持续,因为中国是澳大利 亚的重要商业合作伙伴,而中国会继续扩大还会 在全球经济中的影响力。 尽管如此,在未来我们还面临着诸多耐人寻 味的挑战;怎样持续地发展我们的学校,怎样利 用新科技和教学方法来提高教育水平并帮助我们 鼓励学生主动学习。
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Chung Wah Parkwood Chinese School The Parkwood Chinese School opened in 1985 to cater for children wanting to learn the Chinese language — a demand resulting from the growth of Chinese migrants in the southern suburbs of Perth. It started operations at the Parkwood Primary School with a principal, four teachers, and about 70 students.
In 2000, the school introduced pre-primary classes for the first time to encourage the learning of the Chinese language from an early age. This proved to be successful, expanding to three classes today, and still growing. It also led to the introduction of the kindergarten class in 2010, which was fully subscribed in no time with a long waiting list.
From this modest beginning, the school grew steadily, surpassing 200 students in 1989. This growth enabled the school to mirror the day school structure in providing classes from Year 1 to Year 12. The school provided a stable and conducive learning environment for its students in both the Chinese language and culture, thanks to the capable leadership of its five principals who have served the school to date, as well as the passion and effort of the numerous teachers who served the school.
In 2003, the school saw the need to support students privately sitting for the TEE examination in the Chinese language subject, and introduced a special class to cater for them. The success of this program has seen the number of students increasing each year, even attracting students from Rossmoyne Senior High School to join our program in 2010.
Countless parents have volunteered to serve on the school management committee (SMC) each year, sacrificing their own time to ensure the school runs smoothly and providing support to the principals and the teaching staff. Each year, the SMC had needed to raise funds to cover the gap between expenses and revenue. It is an unenviable job as SMC members often receive criticism when things do not go well, but little appreciation when the job is done well. In 1999, employment contracts were implemented at the school to professionalise its operations. Since then, many initiatives have been made to improve and expand its operations. In 2000, the school contributed significantly to revamp the School Council to become a policy body, where it achieved uniformity in school fees and teachers’ salaries for all three Chung Wah Chinese schools.
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In 2004, the adult class program was started to meet a demand from the community. Students came from a varied background, including those from Africa, Europe, Japan and South Korea. This program has also expanded to cover beginners and advanced classes. Over the years, cultural activities offered to the children have also expanded to 12 activities — Chinese traditional dance, lion dance, martial arts, table tennis, poetry recital, calligraphy, Chinese painting, abacus, Chinese chess, Chinese orchestra, diabolo, and arts and craft. These activities have also attracted the participation of the general community. The phenomenal growth of the school in the past 10 years has seen the school evolve from the smallest of the three Chung Wah Chinese schools to become
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中华会馆巴克务中文学校 随着珀斯南郊华 人新移民数量的日益增 长,为满足华人子女学 习中文的需求,中华会 馆巴克务中文学校于 1985年应运而生。学 校设在巴克务小学,开 办伊始有1位校长,4位 老师和大约70名学生。 从这普通的起点开 始,学校持续稳步地发展,到1989年学生人数 已超过200人。如此增幅使中文学校得以依照日 常走读学校的架构,提供从1至12年级的完整班 次。学校之所以能够为同学们提供一个稳定和有 助于学习的环境,促进他们在中文与中国文化双 方面的提高,要归功于历任五位校长卓有成效的 领导,以及全体教师们的热情和努力。 每年都有不计其数的家长自愿加入到学校 管理委员会,不惜牺牲他们个人的时间以保障学 校的顺畅运作,并辅助校长和老师们完成教学工 作。每年,学校管委会都需要募集资金以弥补学 校收支的不平衡。这并非一份让人羡慕的工作, 因为每当事情进展不顺利时,管委会成员通常会 受到指责,但是当工作完成时,却往往得不到赞 赏。 1999年,学校开始履行雇员合同,规范了 学校的专业化运营。从那以后,又相继实施了许 多举措,促进学校运营的持续改善和发展。2000 年,在学校的积极努力之下,中华会馆名下三所 中文学校共同组建的“学校理事会”职能得到加 强,从而促成了三校在学费与教师工资标准上的 共识。
模还将继续扩大。2010年又增开了幼儿班,立刻 赢得广泛好评——等待入学名单已经很长。 2003年,学校看到在高等教育入学预考 中,中文专业考生对私人辅导的需求,为此开 设了一个特别补习班。每年递增的学生人数印 证了这个举措的成功,2010年,甚至有来自 Rossmoyne中学的学生加入到我们的补习班。 2004年,基于社区中文学习的需求,学校 开设了成人班。其学生来自各种各样的文化背 景,包括非洲、欧洲、日本、韩国等。成人班现 已扩展成为初级成人班和高级成人班。 经过多年的发展,为满足学生不同需求而开 展的文化活动课程也已经扩展到12种之多,包 括中国传统舞蹈、舞狮、武术、乒乓球、诗歌朗 诵、书法、中国绘画、珠算、中国象棋、中国乐 器、扯铃和手工制作。这些活动课程也已吸引了 社区中众多本校学生之外的爱好者前来参加。 过去十年来的显著发展,证实了学校从成立 初期三所中华会馆中文学校中最小的一所,演变 成为2010年拥有460名注册学生的最大学校。 由于持续增长的需求,学校的发展速度已经超过 了当前校园的容量。在本地议员迈克·拉罕博士 的协助与支持下,我们已对不同的校址进行了考 察,正在物色一个有着更好设施和教室的更大空 间,以适应学校未来发展的需要。 此外,我们也在寻求与被称为西澳中文学 习中心的罗斯莫因(Rossmoyne)中学的进一步 紧密合作,因为在它和它的学校区域之内的六所 小学当中,罗斯莫因中学的中文教育居于主导地 位。我们视之为在更大社区内推广中文学习与分 享中华文化传统的一个良好契机。
2000年,学校第一次开设学前班,鼓励孩 子们从更小的年纪开始学习中文。实际证明这个 举措是成功的,如今已经扩充到三个班,而且规
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the largest in 2010 with some 460 students. The school has outgrown its current premises and, as such, we were looking at various options to relocate the school to provide better facilities and room for further expansion. Local Member of Parliament Mike Nahan MLA was assisting and supporting us in this matter. In addition, we are looking to work closely with the Chinese language hub of Western Australia, with Rossmoyne Senior High School being the lead school and six primary schools within its school zone. We see this opportunity to further promote the learning of the Chinese language as well as sharing the Chinese culture and heritage with the broader community. Tribute must be paid to all past and current members of the SMC and the teaching staff, who have toiled to make the school what it is today. There are too many to name. However, it would be remiss to not mention our current principal, Lee Poh Cheh. She joined the school as a teacher in 1989, was appointed as the deputy principal in 2001, and progressed to the principal’s position since 2004. With 21 years of service, her unrivalled dedication and passion, she has no doubt become an icon of the school.
赞誉必须献给所有过去与现在的学校管理委 员会成员以及教务人员,正是他们每个人竭尽所 有的绵薄之力,才有了学校的今天。这里有太多 的人以至于不能一一点名致谢,然而,如果不特 别提及我们的现任校长区宝珠女士,将会是一个 遗憾。区女士于1989年加入学校成为一名中文 老师,2001年升任副校长,2004年就任校长, 迄今为止她已经用无与伦比的热情兢兢业业地为 学校服务了21年,毫无疑义地成为全校师生的楷 模。 2011年学校乔迁新址,将会见证一个时代 的结束,同时也预示着新时代曙光的降临。这就 好比中华会馆迈向下一个崭新的世纪百年,迎来 一个更加振奋人心的未来。学校将继往开来地向 未来挺进,我们希望建设一所集高水准的管理、 责任与效率于一体的专业化学校,并使之成为西 澳中文教育的领军者。
中华会馆巴克务中文学校 管理委员会主席 叶俊帆
The relocation of the school to new premises, Rossmoyne High School in 2011 will see the dawn of a new era. This is similar to the Chung Wah Association moving forward into its next centenary where an exciting future awaits. The school, we hope, will evolve further into a professional outfit with a high level of governance, accountability, and effectiveness. We aim to be the leading provider of Chinese education in Western Australia. Sammy Yap Chairperson School Management Committee
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Our Future
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Chung Wah Leeming Chinese School The Leeming Chinese School has a humble background. The relentless effort of enthusiastic volunteers whose hearts were in upholding the preservation of the Chinese language and the perpetuation of the Chinese culture and tradition to the younger generations, made the birth of the latest addition to the Chung Wah Chinese School in the suburb of Leeming in WA possible. The Leeming Chinese School is privileged to have access to classrooms in the Leeming Senior High School to conduct its classes on Saturday mornings between the hours of 9:00 am and 11:30 am. Optional extra curriculum activities such as Chinese chess, Chinese instrument (Gu Zheng), drama, drawing/painting, calligraphy, dancing and martial arts follow from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. The Leeming Senior High School is tucked in an idyllic location surrounded by tall gum trees away from the hustle and bustle of the main streets of Leeming. It features a vast school compound in a relaxed country style and offers ample space and environment for learning. Leeming Chinese School is well established and is operated independently by a pool of professional teaching and administrative staff headed by the Principal. Its school activities are further supported by a team of dedicated and functional parents’ group whose committee of volunteers upholds a community service obligation of Chinese cultural language education. The newest campus of the Chung Wah Chinese School, started in 1991, the Leeming Chinese
School, is steeped in history and tradition. Our team of wholehearted parent volunteers, past and present, which have on-going faith, give so much meaning to the devotion and continuation of succession planning. Our members are obliged to promote and nurture the development of the school, and the sustainability of the Chinese heritage within the school. The spirit of volunteerism among the parents’ group that formed the School Management Committee (SMC) soars high in response to periods of high activity and plummets low in reaction to periods of low activity. Parental support has continued since the early days when the school was first established. The pattern of high and low concentration of resources required to support the school means committed volunteers can continue to fulfill a work-life balance while juggling a voluntary role. The Leeming Chinese School SMC of yesterday and today has been built upon a strong union of friendships and support for one another in unity and in understanding of its delivery of common goals and objectives. The school has a background of endurance and resilience to encourage learning and is to date reputed to be one of the best and largest community schools in WA. Presently in 2010, the Leeming team is planning to incorporate a new pilot playgroup curriculum for children aged from one to four years involving inhouse parental participation. The activities will be planned around interactive and experiential learning through play. In 2009, the Leeming School implemented an innovative method of Chinese language “cultural learning” to complement the
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能。2008年,黎 明中华中文学校 实施电脑输入的 中文写作课程向 学生提供机会, 提高他们的中文 写作技巧和对汉 语和文化的认识。 2008年初,黎明中文学校对长期服务的 Helena Lee-Yeung校长告别。Helena校长1995 年五月份加入学校,担任校长13年。在这期间 内,Helena校长和如下几任家长管理委员主席合 作:Suzanne Wee (1991-96), Teng Kok Thum (1997-98), Lawrence Chia (1999), Amy Kok (2000-01), Christine Doran (2002-04), Dorothy Dyall (2005), Henry Ho (2006) and Sheila Rejek (2007至今)。在有力领导下,加之志愿者持续的 支持,黎明中华中文学校日益发展。目前黎明中 华中文学校的校长是李华女士,她很长时间以来 一直在为学校服务。
们带来崭新的主意 和想法并分享经 验,共同提高学校 的声誉。这也会有 助于进一步促进学 校和中文教育的发 展和公众对中文语 言文化的了解。
黎明学校管理会主席 Sheila Rejek
如其他社区的家长一样,黎明中文学校家长 会的发展主要依靠同家长的良好关系、热心和彼 此的尊重。通过我们的联盟,大家会一起努力地 完成任务。我们为自己的付 出而感到开心和自豪。我们 欢迎SOR的家长和社区来加 入我们黎明中华中文学校的 家长会。我们相信,通过家 长的参与,学校会取得更大 的成就。我们的会员也热烈 欢迎新加入的会员,期望他
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Chung Wah Morley Chinese School Our Chung Wah Chinese School in Morley was the first of the three Chung Wah Chinese schools. The school began in 1974 in the main hall of the Chung Wah building in Northbridge. The school moved to Mercedes College in 1979 and then went across to West Leederville in 1980. Commonwealth funding was introduced in 1980 and was managed through the schools commission under the Ethnic Schools Program. In 1985, student numbers reached 200. During this period, Anita Chong, head teacher at the school since 1977 was appointed principal. As numbers continued to increase, the school was relocated to Mount Lawley Senior High in 1988, and then finally came across to Morley Senior High in 1993. Some 17 years later, the school is still in Morley with student numbers remaining steady between 320 and 350. We are thankful to the very progressive Morley Senior High School under the leadership of Principal Gay Fortune and her predecessor Graham Smith who have supported Chinese language education all these years. It was Mr Smith who worked with Chung Wah when our school first came to Morley and Mrs Fortune continued with the goodwill. All three Chung Wah Chinese schools have similar operating structures. We have numerous stories of many volunteers who have contributed a large part of their lives to Chung Wah schools and those in paid positions do a lot more than their fair share.Our principal, June Liu has been at this school for over 15 years. Nancy Yek, like many volunteers, has been associated with our school for over 20 years, and remained supportive long after her children have left. Patricia Ho, runs our canteen almost singled handedly, and has done so for many years. In an ideal world, we should have a principal and
a vice-principal, who doubles as an administrator. These two persons should be experienced in each other’s role to ensure smooth operations. An accountant manages our money flow and liaises with our head office to deliver quarterly and annual compliance accounts. Management should cover recruitment, training and succession planning of human resources, keeping abreast with product development, marketing and public relations. A parents’ body made up of volunteers, who are elected every year, should help manage the canteen, enrolment period and other major events like the Mid Autumn Festival and end of school assembly. We refer to this body as our School Management Committee (SMC) and at least one, preferably two of the senior members of this SMC should attend Chung Wah’s executive committee (EXCO) meetings to ensure communication channels between the head and school are transparent and matters arising can be dealt with effectively. These days unfortunately, we struggle to secure volunteers. The future may be such that our school’s entire operations are structured to be sustainable by employed personnel with the principal being accountable and answerable to the SMC, school council and Chung Wah EXCO. Looking to the future, China’s foreign policy and continued expansion will have a significant effect on the global economy. China’s citizens will be travelling widely. It is important that the next generation of Australians, be it of Chinese origin or non-Chinese origin, be at least able to communicate with this economic powerhouse. It is vital that the Morley Chinese School continues to play a role in the education of our community in the future. Meng Wong Chairperson School Management Committee
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中华摩利中文学校 在 中 华 会馆三个中文 学校当中,摩 利中华中文学 校是最早成立 的。1974年 学校在北桥的 中华会馆大厅 第一次公开授课。1979年,学校迁入Mercedes College,1980年又搬到West Leederville. 1980 年,学校得到联邦政府资助,所得资金由民族学 校计划下的学校委员会管理。 1985年,学校人数 到达200人。在这期间 内,教育主任林少莲被 任命为摩利中文学校的校 长。林少莲从1977年就在 摩利中文学校任教。随着 学生人数越来越多,学校在1988年搬入并最终于 1993年扎根在摩利高级中学。十七年后的今天学 校仍在那里,其学生人数稳步保持在320到350 之间。 我们非常感谢摩利高中校长Gay Fortune和前 校长Graham Smith对学校和中文教育的支持。从 学校学校落户摩利, Smith先生就为中华会馆贡献 力量,Fortune女士也给予了会馆诸多帮助。 三所中文学校都采用相似的管理模式。我们 有很多志愿者为学校奉献自己大量的宝贵时间。 而那些得到报酬的志愿者做出的贡献也远比他们 得到的多。我们的现任校长June Liu已经在这所 学校服务十五年了。像其他志愿者,Nancy Yek 已经伴随着我们的学校 二十年余年。她的孩子 已经离开了学校,但是 她还在继续支持摩利中 文学校。Patricia Ho独
自帮忙管理学校食堂 也有很多年。 在理想的情况 下,我们应该有校 长,副校长和校务主 任。他们应有丰富的 管理经验以保持学校顺畅运作。我们还应该有会 计师管理资金流动,与总部联络给他们提供规范 的季度和年度报表。管理部门应包括招聘、培 训、人力资源和继任规划、产品开发、市场营销 和公共关系。家长代 表由自愿者组成的, 每年选举选产生,协 助管理食堂和学生住 册登及其他主要活 动,比如中秋节和年 终学校会议。我们称 这样的组织为学校管理委员会(SMC)。我们要 求至少有两名高级会员参加中华会馆的执行委员 会的会议。这样可以确保会馆和学校的联系,产 生出的问题也可以被有效处理。 遗憾的是, 目前我们很难吸 引长期工作的志 愿者。也许以后 学校的管理者将 全部是雇员,他 们为学校效力并受学校管理委员会管理监督。 展望未来,中国的外交政策和持续的发展会 对全球经济产生重大的影响。重要的是下一代的 澳大利亚人,无论是华裔或非华裔,至少能够与 这个经济强国沟通。另一方面未来摩利中华中文 学校将会继续在给我们社区提供教育服务方面发 挥重要作用。 中华摩利中文学校主席 汪锦明
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Chung Wah Dance Chung Wah Dance consists of 15 active members, who are high school/university students and fulltime working people who share a love for dance. Junior members come mainly from the Chung Wah Chinese schools. During the past 15 years the group has been co-ordinated by Jen Nie Chong and Ai Mei Yap. The dance teacher is Chang Zhi Dan. Formed in 1980, as part of the Chung Wah Chinese language school in West Leederville to promote and preserve Chinese culture, the Chung Wah dancers are cultural ambassadors for the community. They have danced at many community events and special occasions, including the Australia Day Oz Concert, Chinese New Year festivals and various other multicultural festivals around Western Australia. Performances vary from the classical “Han” and minority dances to contemporary Chinese dances. The group has grown in professionalism and has had two major milestones in the past 15 years -- one was the first dance training trip to China in 2007 and the other, the dance production New Gold Mountain celebrating Chung Wah Association’s centenary. On December 14, 2007, nine members from Chung Wah Dance plus chaperone Anita Chong travelled to Shanghai for an intensive dance training camp at the Xin Zhong Middle School. The trip was aimed at expanding the dancers’ knowledge and technique of Chinese dances styles. The majority of the dancers were born or brought up in Australia. So it was an excellent opportunity to study Chinese dance in the place where it originated. Lessons were taught by talented choreographer Ji Su Hua (a graduate from Beijing Dance Academy), who was assisted by a dance teacher from the school. During the 10 days, three dances were learnt. Each dance had different styles, techniques and emotions that
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the dancers learned quickly considering the short time frame that they had to learn the dances. It was an incredible experience and we are already planning our next professional training trip. The training was facilitated by the Shanghai Overseas Chinese Office. A tremendous effort was put in by Siau Mee Teh, Anita Chong and the dance girls, with several years of fundraising efforts as well as a fundraising social night featuring a Bollywood dance performance to offset the cost. Members also paid for their own airfares. To celebrate Chung Wah’s 100th year, New Gold Mountain was performed at the Judith Cottier Theatre in Mount Lawley on the evenings of Friday August 13 and Saturday August 14, 2010. There was also a matinee on Saturday August 14. The immigration of the Chinese community to Western Australia as well as the history of the Chung Wah Association was captured in the original and compelling choreography by Chang Zhi Dan with an original score by renowned Chinese composer Chang BaYi. Our project began with a community personal histories day, where we invited members of the Chinese community to share with us their immigration experiences. Our knowledge and research were further enriched with the assistance of Anne Atkinson who presented a short historical recount of the Chinese in Western Australia from its very beginning. Through our research which included a collection of old photographs, historical articles, journals, personal recounts and experiences,
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中华会馆舞蹈团 中华会馆舞蹈团的十五名主要成员中有高中 生,大学生和全职工作者,他们聚在一起分享对 舞蹈的热爱。另外年龄小的成员主要来自中华会 馆的中文学校。过去的十五年里舞蹈团由张娟妮 和 Ai Mei Yap 管理,舞蹈设计师常志丹担任编 导,著名作曲家常八一为舞蹈作曲。 中华会馆舞蹈团成立于1980年,当时是 West Leederville中华中文学校的一部分。舞蹈团 作为社区的文化大使为保持和促进中华文化发展 做出了巨大贡献。他们在许多社区活动和公开场 合表演过,包括澳大利亚国庆日奥兹音乐会,春 节庆祝活动和在西澳的各种多元文化活动。表演 内容包括古典的“汉”舞、少数民族舞和当代中 国舞蹈。
助教担任本次培训的老师。在短短的十天之内, 舞蹈成员们学习掌握了三支舞蹈,而且每支风 格、技巧和表达的情感各不相同。这是一次非凡 的经历,我们已经在期待和准备下一次专业培训 旅行。此次培训得到了上海海外华侨办公室的支 持。郑小咪, 林少莲和全体舞蹈成员都为此投入了 巨大精力,包括几年的筹款活动,例如宝莱坞舞 筹款演出。舞蹈团的成员们还自己负担了机票。
在过去15年中,中华会馆舞的专业水平日益 提高。其中有两个里程碑事件:一是2007年的中 国舞蹈训练之旅;二是为庆祝中华会馆一百周年 的舞蹈创作新金山。 2007年12月14日,舞蹈团的九名舞蹈成 员在林少莲女士的陪同下赴中国上海新中中学进 行舞蹈训练。此行的目的是增长舞者知识和提高 中国风格舞蹈的表演技巧。由于大部分舞蹈演员 是在澳大利亚出生,因此能在舞蹈发源地进行学 习对他们而言是一次极好的机会。才华横溢的舞 蹈设计师季素华(北京舞蹈学院毕业生)和她的
为了庆祝中华会馆成立100周年,2010年 8月13和14日晚上,中华会馆舞蹈团在摩利的 Judith Cottier剧院表演了命名为“新金山”的舞 蹈。新金山讲述了华人移民到西澳的经历和中华 会馆发展历史。舞蹈由常志丹老师编舞, 常八一 作曲。 新金山舞蹈创作开始于一个社区历史日, 我们邀请了华人社区成员并和他们分享其移民经 验。在Anne Atkinson的帮助下我们对华人在西澳 的历史有了更深入的了解。舞蹈创作参考了老照 片,历史文章、学报和移民个人经历。舞蹈诠释 了华人社区初期移民最典型的生活:身在异乡, 与家人分离,完全不同的文化习俗以及歧视;讲述 了中华会馆在西澳建立的历史和中国文化在澳大 利亚生活方式下的融合发展。
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the dancers built the basis of our dance production, which explored some of the most distinct themes for the Chinese community, especially during the early years: the arrival on foreign land; separation of families and tradition; discrimination; the building of the Chung Wah Association in WA and the integration Chinese culture into the Australian way of life. This was a fantastic opportunity to bring together a few of Chung Wah’s groups including the Lion Dance and Community and Aged Care. A thank you to Lotterywest, our major sponsor, and Community Arts Network (WA) on behalf of the State of Western Australia through the Department of Culture and the Arts. The audience and participant feedback was overwhelming. A few other notable events over the past 15 years include: • In 2006, being filmed for a video dancing the peacock and ribbon dances for an audiovisual presentation at the launching of the Chamber of Minerals and Energy annual publication, entitled: Expanding Horizons: A Day in the life of the Resource Sector. • Performing our Kang Ding dance at Channel 7’s Telethon in 2009. • Dancing performances and workshops in Northam, Toodyay, Australind, Mandurah and Kalgoorlie. •At the end of 2009, Jen Nie Chong was invited to attend arts and culture training for 18 days in Shenzhen, China to study Chinese dance. Even though the group’s speciality is Chinese dance, opportunities to study other dance styles assist in the growth of the performers. As well as our regular choreographer, Chang Zhi Dan, Chung Wah Dance holds intensive workshops with visiting
guest teachers. As part of Dance Dialects 2008, Ausdance organised choreographic sessions with Shona Erskine and contemporary dance workshops with Danielle Micich. The dancers excelled in the improvisation classes, which revealed surprising talents. At the end of February 2009, Chil Han from South Korea taught Korean dance and ballet. Lena John has taught us Hip Hop and Bollywood dance. William Banks, from the WA Academy of Performing Arts, has taught ballet, jazz, and contemporary dance techniques. We are also actively teaching in the community. A few of our dancers have taught at the Chung Wah Chinese schools as well as primary schools that teach the Chinese language. I would like to thank all the dancers for their hard work and dedication in giving up their free time to attend the many rehearsals; their commitment has been reflected in the standard of our performances. Also, thank you to Mrs Anita Chong who continues to volunteer her invaluable services in creating all the wonderful costumes. Finally, we train every Saturday, at the Chung Wah hall in James Street, Northbridge, and once a month at the excellent facilities at the King St Arts Centre. As always, we look forward to welcoming anyone wanting to join our dance group. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what dance background you have, all you need is a willingness to learn and try new experiences! We are also available for performance bookings. If you are interested, please contact the Chung Wah office. Jen Nie Chong Leader, Chung Wah Dance
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中华会馆的其他小组,例如狮子舞团和长者 服务部借这次活动加深了彼此的联系。观众和参 与者反响也很强烈。活动的成功要感谢西澳文化 艺术部、Lotterywest和其它赞助商和Community Arts Network(WA)。 过去15年中华会馆舞蹈团值得纪念的事件包 括: 2006年,在矿产和能源商会录制了孔雀舞 和彩带舞。 2009年在澳洲电视七台康定舞表演。 在Northam, Toodyay, Australind, Mandurah 和 Kalgoorlie表演。 2009年年底,张娟妮受邀赴中国深圳学习 中国舞蹈。 尽管舞蹈团的专长是中国舞,我们还学习其 它风格的舞蹈以增长成员的见识。中华会馆舞蹈 团曾从师Shona Erskine和Danielle Micich学习现 代舞蹈,从师Chil Han学习芭蕾舞和韩国民族舞 蹈,向Lena John学习Hip Hop 和宝莱坞舞蹈, 还向William Banks学过芭蕾、爵士舞和现代舞。 同时我们也在社区里教舞蹈课。舞蹈团的一 些成员还在中华中文学校和小学教中文。我再次 感谢他们为了团队牺牲了个人和家庭时间来参加 排演;他们的奉献提高了演出的水准。我们同时 还要感谢为我们做精美的舞蹈服装的志愿者林少 莲。 我们每个星期六在中华会馆的大厅训练, 每 月一次在King Street Arts Centre训练。我们欢迎 任何想参加我们舞蹈团的人。不论年龄或经验, 只要对舞蹈感兴趣一概欢迎。我们也欢迎预定演 出,如果有兴趣,请与中华会馆办公室联系。 张娟妮 中华会馆舞蹈团团长
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Chung Wah Lion Dance The Chung Wah Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe has been part of the Chung Wah Association since 1984. The troupe however, can trace its origins from earlier times. Students from Christmas Island formed the W.A. Lion Dance Troupe in the late 1960’s and performed at restaurants, private functions and cultural shows all around the Perth region. The Chung Wah Association soon indicated its interest in including lion dance as one of its activities, and soon the two groups merged. Through the support and sponsorship of the Association, the troupe purchased new lions and equipment which were used throughout the Chinese New Year celebrations for subsequent years. After becoming part of the Association, the troupe has been based at Chung Wah Hall in Northbridge. Presently, the troupe trains every Sunday afternoon. Unlike other lion dancing groups around Perth, the troupe does not have a Si Fu nor do we practice kung-fu or wushu. All lion dancing skills are taught by senior members to the more junior members of the troupe. This ensures that all members have an equal say in all activities, and that everyone can have the chance to learn the art of lion and dragon dance regardless of their background. The troupe also runs a c h i l d r e n ’s lion dance troupe at the Parkwood Chinese
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School, run by the Association. This troupe made its debut at the 75th Anniversary Celebration of Chung Wah. Many former members and current seniors all started off in the Parkwood troupe, moving up to the main troupe in Northbridge once they were older. While troupe members are exclusively trained in lion dance, the troupe attempts to promote and develop other skills. Senior members are encouraged to take leadership roles within the troupe, teaching and guiding other members. The troupe has its own committee, organising everything from performance schedules to sponsorship deals. Every member is expected to contribute and help out where they can, regardless of age. By using this approach, members will be able to develop skills and habits that will be useful even outside lion dance. What does the future hold for the troupe? The troupe has ambitions to return to the Genting International Lion Dance competition. We also have plans to once again add dragon to our repertoire, and to perhaps to form a 24-season drum squad. Ronald Foo Lion Dance Troupe Captain
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中华舞狮舞龙团 从1984年开始,中华舞狮舞龙团加入中华 会馆成为其一员。1960年这个舞狮舞龙团在圣诞 岛成立,此后, 他们在珀斯的许多餐馆、私人活动 和文化展览中表演。不久中华会馆便有意吸收舞 狮舞龙团加入会馆。在中华会馆的大力支持和赞 助下,中华舞狮舞龙团购买了两只新的狮子和其 它必需装备用 来庆祝每年的 春节。 在加入会 馆之后,舞狮 舞龙团以北桥 区的中华大厅 为基地。至今,他们坚持在每个星期六下午安排 练习。这团队与众不同的地方是,他们没有师 傅,也不练功夫或武术。狮子舞的技术由高级会 员传授给初级会员。这将确保所有成员的平等, 无论背景如何每个人都有机会学习舞狮和舞龙的 技能。 他们也在巴克务中华中文学校教孩子们舞 狮。少儿舞狮团在庆祝中华会馆的七十五周年的 宴会中首演。大多数的前任、初级和高级会员都 是巴克务的舞狮团中成长起来的,随后升级加入 到北桥的舞狮舞龙团。
其它技能的发展。他们鼓励高级会员起带头人的 角色,教授并指导其它的成员。中华舞狮舞龙团 拥有自己的组委会,负责安排演出活动和寻找活 动赞助方。不管年龄每个成员都要付出贡献。因 此,成员们学到的技能和良好习惯也将在其它地 方派上用场。 展望中华舞狮舞龙团的未来,他们有志向重 返Genting国际舞狮比赛,还想在剧目里加一条龙 和形成个24赛季鼓队。
中华舞狮舞龙团团长 符传华
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Chung Wah Youth The Chung Wah Association has had a number of youth groups in the past; each one rising from humble inception to respectable sizes but each eventually dissipating with the passage of time as time imposed new priorities upon its leaders.
of Migrants. Importantly for the CYG, one of its members spoke at the seminar from the perspective of a child migrant growing up in Australia and of the conflicts and advantages of being both Chinese and Australian.
In the Association’s centenary year, a group of youth sought to break that cycle.
Journey of Migrants received praise from many in the audience and CYG’s youth speaker received coverage in the Guardian Express. Through events such as these, the CYG intends to continue building its profile and the profile of Chinese youth.
The latest Chung Wah Youth Group (CYG) effort was made on the night of Friday April 30, 2010, when Justin Kwok brought together a number of young Chinese professionals, business people and students from various backgrounds and bearing different skill sets to discuss the concept of a selfsustaining group for Chinese youth.
Now, the CYG team meet regularly to consider ideas, some which are being trialled and refined, and others still in conceptual stages. The latest project revolves around music and bands and is under construction. The team welcomes expressions of interest. If you’re keen to find out more or want to add your ideas to our mix, just contact the Chung Wah office.
Happy 100th Birthday, Chung Wah Association! Justin Kwok The Chung Wah Youth Group
The consensus that night was to establish a youth group under the banner of the Chung Wah Association to provide services relevant to the personal and professional development of Chinese youth in WA, and to ultimately help these youth to become leaders in the Australian community. Although CYG is still in its infant stages of development, it has had some measure of success by playing a key role in organising the well-received seminar on the Chinese migrant experience, Journey
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中华青年组 在中华会馆的历史上出现过一些青年人的组 织;它们经历了从小到大的发展过程,最终随着 时间的推移和领导们新的工作安排消失在历史的 舞台上。 会馆百年华诞之际,一群有志青年们在设法 改变曾经的宿命。2010年4月30日星期五的晚 上,郭沚维招集了不同背景和拥有不同技能的年 青华裔专业人士、商界人士和学生探讨了自我维 持的华裔青年组的想法,这是中华青年组最新的 努力成果。
现在,中华青年组定期举行会议,讨论各项 议题,有的想法已经进行试用,其他的仍处于讨 论阶段。最新的项目是有关音乐和乐队并且乐队 正在建设中。该小组欢迎大家表达兴趣和交流想 法。如果你希望了解更多的详情或希望给我们的 组合提出你的建议,请与中华会馆办公室联系。 祝中华会馆成立一百周年。 中华青年组 郭沚维
那个晚上大家形成了一个共识:中华会馆的 旗帜下建立青年组,为华裔青年提供个人和职业 发展的相关服务,并最终帮助这些青年成为澳大 利亚社区的领导者。
虽然中华青年组仍然处于萌芽状态,但是它 已经取得了一定成功。青年组在组织受大家欢迎 的“移民心路历程分享研讨会” 发挥了关键的作 用。对青年组来说更重要的是,一位成员在会上 讲述了一位年青移民在澳大利亚的成长以及作为 澳大利亚华裔儿童面对的矛盾与拥有的优势。 “移民心路历程分享讨论会”得到了在座听 众的好评,Guardian Express报纸也报道了中华 青年组的演讲者。中华青年组希望通过类似的活 动继续打造自身和华裔青年的形象。
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Chung Wah Radio The Chung Wah Association started bringing information and entertainment to the Chinese community in Perth, Western Australia, since the 1970s. Our program content offers variety, such as international and Australian news, finance news, current affairs, weather forecast, community news, Chung Wah activities, interviews, phone-in/ talkback segments, song dedications, travel special, tips for daily lives and sponsorship messages. The Mandarin program even started having a regular Australian tax feature three years ago. I joined Chung Wah’s Cantonese radio broadcast program during Chung Wah’s 85th anniversary, which was 15 years ago. Throughout these years, the volunteer experience on radio has helped me grow from a green high school student into an active university student; and by the time I became a young professional, public speaking and taking on Master of Ceremony tasks did not faze me. During these times, I have witnessed some big changes with the radio broadcast group. In 1994, when I joined radio broadcasting, the multicultural radio station 6EBA-FM (95.3 MHz), it was located in a non-descript, old little house in North Perth. The station was licensed to the Multicultural Radio and TV Association of WA, of which Chung Wah was a member. The Association had explicit requirements on the quality of its programs and competency of broadcasters. Now this was before the popularisation of the internet, so the news sources had to rely on the broadcasters making a special trip to Chinatown to buy Chinese newspapers flown in by plane (this was also before Perth had any locally published Chinese newspapers). The songs we played were limited to what was available in the private collection of the
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broadcasters’ CDs and cassette tapes. If we wanted to pre-record some segments for the program (for example, interviews), a reel of magnetic tape, which was larger than a dinner plate, was used. Nowadays the radio station operates from an office not far from its old site, and the program’s delivery has changed with the advent of modern technology. We can use the internet to source the latest up-to-date news for our listeners, and songs, with recording and editing done through computers and the digital mp3 format. The ways through which we can interact with our listeners are no longer limited to the telephone. We have email and facebook (social networking website). Since a few years ago, listeners everywhere can tune into our program at the same time as Perth listeners through online streaming at the station’s website <http://>. We were pleasantly surprised when some loyal listeners emailed us recently to tell us that they had continued to listen to our Cantonese program, even after they moved away from Perth! Another big change is that the Chinese time slots for Chung Wah were extended. The Cantonese program is one hour every Saturday from 10am to 11am, while the Mandarin program initially had only half an hour every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 7pm. But 10 years ago, the Mandarin program time slot was extended from 6pm to 7pm. The two dialect groups’ programs also used to operate independently of each other; but now that many of the program broadcasters from both groups know each other, we’ve been sharing knowledge a lot more.
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中华电台 中华会馆从七十年代起便通过电波为西澳珀 斯的华人社区带来资讯和娱乐节目。其内容方面 包罗万象,包括国际和澳洲新闻、财经消息、时 事动态、天气预测、社区讯息、会馆活动报告、 人物专访、听众来电互动、歌曲点唱、旅游特 辑、日常生活点滴分享和赞助商讯息等;华语节 目更是从三年前起便有定期的澳洲税务专题。 十五年前中华会馆庆祝八十五周年时,我 刚刚加入电台广播社的广东话节目不久。这些年 来,我在电台义务工作的经验帮助下,由青涩的 中学生长成了活跃的大学生;到开始社会工作 时,演讲、主持等的任务已难不到我。也在不经 不觉间,我见证了不少广播社的转变。现在跟大 家分享一下: 一九九四年我初加入广播组时,多元文化电 台6-EBA FM (95.3兆赫频道)的所在地是北珀斯一 间很不起眼的残旧小屋。电台属西澳多元文化广 播电台和电视协会管辖,中华会馆是其中成员之 一;协会对所有广播节目的素质和播音员的能力 均有明确的规定。 那时互联网还未普及化,节目里新闻消息的 来源就是我们特地驱车到唐人街买空运来的中文 报纸(当时珀斯仍未有本地出版的中文报纸);而 所播的歌也是来自各节目主持们的私人CD、卡式 带珍藏。要是想预先把节目的一些环节(如人物访 问)录音的话,所用的专业磁带一卷比西餐碟子还 要大! 现在电台的台址已搬往距旧址附近不远的一 间办公平房;节目运作也随着科技的日新月异有 了改变。我们会用互联网找新鲜热辣的新闻和听 众分享,播歌曲、录音和剪接也都用上了电脑和 数码化的mp3格式。而我们和听众沟通的途径除 了电话线外,现在增加了电邮和“面子书”(网上 交友网络)。几年前起,在世界各地的听众更可以 透过电台的网址<>,
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和珀斯的听众同步收听我们的节目;有忠实听众 最近电邮告诉我们,在搬离珀斯后现仍在网上收 听我们的广东话节目,实在令我们受宠若惊! 另一项的重大改变是中华会馆所负责的中文 时段扩充了!起初广东话节目有在星期六早上十 到十一时的一小时,而华语节目只有星期三晚上 六点半到七点的半小时;不过大约十年前开始, 华语节目的时段延长至六点到七点了。广东话及 华语的电台节目起初是完全独立运作的;现在两 组很多主持人们互相认识后,共同分享广泛资 讯。 现役的主持们分别是: 广东话节目: 冯恺盈 (1994年加入) 李灿薇 (1998年加入) 卢德文 (2002年加入) 李丽华 (2009年加入) 安德烈 (2009年加入) 华语节目: 叶丽婷 (2003年加入) 邓明玉 (2006年加入) 汪德泉 (2007年加入) 李昱莹 (2010年加入) 陈慧菱(2010年加入) 胡子宁(2010年加入)
我们随时欢迎各界人士加入电台节目义务主 持的行列,为珀斯的华人提供特设的资讯渠道。 这对英文水平有限或非主流传媒通常照顾不到的 社团具有尤其重要的意义!有兴趣的朋友请和中 华会馆办公室联络。 叶丽婷
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The announcers are: Cantonese: Helene Fung (joined in 1994) Beata Fung (joined in 1998) Jeffrey Lou (joined in 2002) Rita Li (joined in 2009) Andrew Hon (joined in 2009) Mandarin: Elvie Yap (joined in 2003) Vivienne Deng (joined in 2006) Carl Ong (joined in 2007) Chelsea Li (joined in 2010) HuiLin Tan (joined in 2010) Zining Hu (joined in 2010) We are always on the look out for more talent to join the ranks of our radio volunteers and provide information for Perthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chinese community. This is particularly meaningful for those whose command of English is limited, or communities usually not well looked after by mainstream media. If you are interested, please contact the Chung Wah Associationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office. Elvie Yap
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Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi and Councillors of the City of Perth congratulate the Chung Wah Association on its century of service to the city. We look forward to a continuing strong relationship.
Enhancing and celebrating our diverse community
Congratulates the Chung Wah Association on
The Town celebrates and embraces its cultural diversity and acknowledges the great contribution to our community that people with Chinese heritage have made to our much-envied cosmopolitan lifestyle.
We are delighted to have been involved with the Chung Wah Association for many years and greatly value our relationship. Our heartfelt congratulations on achieving this historic milestone – 100 years in Western Australia fostering positive relations between TOWN OF VINCENT the Chinese community, business and government. Sharing the values of the Chung Wah Association, Vincent has long been an ideal place to make a home or set up a business in and provides a vibrant, inclusive and progressive place to live, work and play. We look forward to continuing to strengthen our ties with the Chinese community in years to come.
their Centenary
Town of Vincent, Administration & Civic Centre, 244 Vincent Street, Leederville, Western Australia 6007 Tel: + 61 (08) 9273 6000 Fax: +61 (08) 9273 6099 TTY: +61 (08) 9273 6078 Web: email:
祝 賀 中 華 會 館 百 週 年 紀 念
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Chung Wah Charity Fund Raising (1993 to 2010)
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中华会馆慈善活动 (1993 - 2010)
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Peter Yu is a West Australian Aboriginal Leader. His father , Yau Hong Tai, was a Hakka from Kut O Island, China, who arrived in Australia after World War II. Peter’s mother, Margaret Dolby, is a descendant of the Yawuru Traditional Owner group for the Broome area. Most of Mr Yu’s career has been driven by human rights and social justice influences and he has worked predominantly as a representative and advocate for social, political and legal recognition of Australia’s original inhabitants. Peter has serve in various state
and national bodies dealing with aboriginal interests. He is the CEO of Nyamba Buru Yawuru Ltd.
Pek Cher Goh is a Life Member, Past President and Past Chairman of the Council of Elders of the Chung Wah Association. An active member since the early 80s, he has been Executive Committee Member, Secretary, Vice President and President (1990). Dr Goh is an Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon and Emeritus Consultant ENT Surgeon to Royal Perth Hospital . Dr Goh, who came from Singapore and is married with four children, was made a Justice of Peace in 1991, a Director of Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs (19881991) and Deputy Chair of the WA ABC Advisory
Council (1987-1989). He is an active member of the Rotary Club of Dalkeith and was a member of the Professor S T Leong Scholarship Committee of Murdoch University for more than 20 years.
Dr Neale Fong was a director for 12 years and chairman for 9 years of the West Australian Football Commission. He has held positions as the Director-General of the Department of Health, and CEO of St John of God Hospital, Subiaco. He is director of the Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University, Executive Chairman of Chrysalis Resources Ltd, a non-executive director of Realm Resources Ltd and Chairman of Bethesda Hospital Inc. Dr Fong is founding chairman of Youth Vision WA. He cofounded the renowned Bali International Medical Centre in 1998.. He was awarded the Australian
Centenary Medal in 2000 and was a finalist for the 2010 WA Citizen of the Year Award in Community Service.
Peter Yu先生是西澳土著社区领导人。Yu 先生的父亲Yau Hong Tai是中国吉奥岛的客家 人, 二战后来到澳大利亚。Peter的母亲Margaret Dolby是Broom地区亚伍如(Yawuru)人的后 代。在职业道路上追求人权和社会公平一直是他 前进的动力。Peter曾代表澳洲原住民寻求和主张 对他们在社会、政治和法律方面的认可。Yu先生 曾特许被委以在七个州级和联邦社区组织中的处 理土著事务 。目前他是Nyamba Buru Yawuru 公 司的首席执行官 。
吴伯子医生是中华会馆终身会员,曾任会 馆会长和长老会主席。吴医生是耳鼻喉外科专 家,1975年至今任珀斯皇家医院耳鼻喉科荣誉退 休顾问。1991年他被授予太平绅士头衔,1989 至1991年间出任多元文化和民族事务部长, 1987至1989年任澳洲ABC广播公司顾问委员会 主席助理。吴医生一直是会馆的活跃成员,20多 年长期以来,吴先生一直是积极的扶轮社会员和S T Leong 教授奖学金委员会成员。
房 医生 (Neale Fong)曾任西澳澳式足球委员 会委员达12年,并任委员会主席达9年。房先生 曾任西澳卫生部部长、John of God 医院院长,现 任科廷大学健康创新研究所所长、Chrysalis资源 有限公司执行主席、Realm资源公司非执行董事 以及Bethesda医院院长。他建立了西澳青年视野 中心。1998 年他同合伙人共同建立了著名的巴 厘岛国际医疗中心。房医生 2000年他获得了澳 大利亚世纪勋章,并在2010年获得了表彰社区服 务的西澳年度公民奖。
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John Chan is the Executive Chairman of Finbar Group Ltd, the Trustee for the Western Australia Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the past Senate member of Murdoch University. Mr Chan came from Malaysia. He was the Deputy President of Anglo Chinese Old Boys Association and the Past President of Malaysian Volleyball Association. He was made a Justice of Peace by the Malaysian State of Selangor and awarded a Datoship by the ruler of Negri
Sembilan State. He has made generous donations to the Chung Wah Association and the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce. John is a keen golfer and considers himself a citizen of the world. 曾源国先生是Finbar集团执行主席 ,也是西澳 中华总商会的信托人以及默多克(Murdoch)大 学理事会前任成员。曾先生出生于马来西亚, 曾 任盎格鲁中文学校校友会荣誉主席和马来西亚排 球协会会长。同时他还是雪兰莪州的太平绅士, 并被森美兰州政府封为拿督。曾源国先生是中华 会馆和西澳中华总商会的主要赞助人。他酷爱高 尔夫球运动,也是联合国的世界公民。
Alison Fan MacLaurin, is a senior television journalist and was a well known news broadcaster with the Seven Network. Alison’s father, William Fan, migrated to Perth from Chefoo, China, in the 1920s, he introduced the rubber thong into WA in the early 1950s and was one of the early members of the Chung Wah Association. Alison’s mother, Edna Fan, was born in Perth to Chinese-Danish parents. Her maternal grandfather ran one of the earliest Chinese restaurants at the very spot where Chung Wah still stands today. The Fan family was one of only a
dozen or so Chinese families in Western Australia in the 1930s, 40s and 50s.
Les Fong is the Owner and Practice Principal of Credent Financial Services and has been operating this business for the past 24 years. He is a member of the Financial Planning Association and is well respected within the industry. Mr Fong is well known among the older WA community for his past feats of playing Australian Rules Football. He was inducted in 2006 into the WA Football League Hall of Fame, was selected as a member and vice captain of West Perth Football Club Team of the Century and holds the record as the WA Football League’s longest-serving Club Captain of 7 years.
He played 284 games for the West Perth Football Club from 1973 to 1987 and represented the State on 6 occasions with distinction.
范女士已婚是澳大利亚电视7台的资深记者 和新闻主持人。范女士的父亲范先生(William) 在上世纪20年代从中国芝罘(即今烟台市)移居 至珀斯,50年代早期,William Fan 先生将橡胶 人字拖鞋引入西澳市场,他是中华会馆早期会员 之一。范女士的母亲母范女士 ( Edna ) 出生在 珀斯的一个华裔丹麦家庭。其外祖父是珀斯最早 的中餐馆经营者之一,餐馆地址就是现在中华会 馆礼堂所在地。从上世纪30年代50年代范氏家族 是当时生活在西澳的为数不多的十几个华裔家庭 之一。
房先生(Les Fong )是西澳著名的澳式足 球运动员。2006年,房先生被列入西澳足球联 赛名人录。他还曾任西珀斯世纪足球俱乐部成员 和副队长并保持了西澳足球联赛中任7年队长的 记录。1973至1987年间他代表西珀斯球队参加 了284场比赛,并代表西澳参加了6场比赛成绩卓 著。现在房先生是成功的金融策划师,是Credent 金融服务公司的所有人和执行负责人。
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Gala Dinner At the Grand Ballroom Burswood Entertainment Complex – Saturday 17th July 2010 The Centenary Gala Dinner was organised to celebrate 100 years of the Western Australian Chung Wah Association, which is the oldest Chinese community organisation in Western Australia, representing about 150,000 Western Australians of Chinese descent. The Association was started by early Chinese settlers in Western Australia in 1909. The Association has organised a number of significant events since 2009 to show its past contributions by Australian Chinese to WA and the country, and to demonstrate Chung Wah’s current and future activities in the wider community. The Centenary Gala Dinner was endorsed by the Chung Wah Executive Committee and held at the Burswood Ballroom in Perth on Saturday July 17, 2010. Attended by around 1000 people made up of Chinese descent, Chinese emigrants, state government dignitaries, community leaders, and representatives from numerous Australian and overseas organisations including mainland China. The Gala Dinner function was organised by the Centenary Gala Dinner Committee that was chaired by the President of Chung Wah Association, Mr Tien Shang Su. The committee worked tirelessly
for 7-8 months to prepare the event to make it a success. The Patron of the Chung Wah A s s o c i a t i o n ’s Centenary Year, His Excellency Dr Ken Michael, AC, Governor of Western Australia described the Gala Dinner as “a significant milestone that gives us the opportunity to reflect on the accomplishments and enormous contributions that the Chinese community have made to the development of Western Australia.” The WA Premier, Mr Colin Barnett MLA, sent a congratulatory message in which he stated: “The event was indeed an enjoyable and memorable experience, and it was wonderful to see around 900 people gathered to celebrate this momentous occasion.” Ms Lisa Scaffidi, Perth’s Lord Mayor, expressed her appreciation when she said: “It was a fabulous event and we enjoyed ourselves immensely. The Association has become a very well respected Association in Western Australia and that was clearly apparent to all last Saturday.” Six Centenary Event Ambassadors supported the Gala Dinner preparations and they were extremely pleased with the evening. The Ambassadors included Mr Peter Yu JP, Dr Neale Fong, Dr Pek Goh JP, Mr John Chan, Mr Les Fong and Ms Alison Fan. Event Ambassador, Dr Pek Goh, said: “Belatedly, can I echo the sentiments already expressed and
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中华会馆百年诞辰庆典晚宴 2010年7月17日Burswood 娱乐中心宴会厅 庆典晚宴由中华会馆庆典晚宴委员会组织承 办。委员会组长为会馆主席,徐天送先生。委员 会用时七八个月为活动筹备工作不懈努力以确保 晚宴成功顺利地举行。 该委员会 的目标是成功 举办一场中华 会馆史上空前 的盛大庆祝活 动,使华裔社 区的每一位成 员为此感到骄傲和自豪。活动希望能够与广大华 裔和商界同仁一道共庆中华会馆百年华诞,并借 此机会增进彼此了解,同时加强会馆与各级政府 和商界的联系。 庆典晚宴于2010年7月17日在Burswood 宴 会厅隆重举行。来自西澳政府、议会、商界、华 裔和非华裔的贵宾近1000名出席了这次活动。来 宾包括:西澳总督Kenneth Michael、西澳州长 Colin Barnett、西澳反对党主席Eric Ripper、珀 斯市长Lisa Scaffidi以及中华人民共和国驻珀斯总 领馆领事李树钢。 庆典晚宴得到多家中方和澳方组织赞助。 西澳中华总商会、BMW、Finbar group、Perth
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Mint、ACBC、NAB等都给予了庆典活动大力的 支持。 Burswood的厨艺专家精心准备了美酒和中 式佳肴供来宾们享用。当晚,大家还欣赏了精彩 的表演,精湛的演出展示了华裔社区人们出众的 天赋与才华。 中华会馆百年庆典的贵宾,西澳总督 Kenneth Michael 阁下形容这次庆典活动为“具 有重大意义的里程碑,它给了我们一个机会来回 顾华裔社区取得的成就以及为西澳发展做出的巨 大贡献。”
西澳州长Colin Barnett 先生致中华百年大庆 的贺词中说到:“这次活动的确是一次愉快且让 人铭记的经历,非常有幸看到900多名来宾齐聚 一堂庆祝这一盛典。”
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offer my appreciation to the leadership and workers for the hard work done by all, congratulations for the great success of the evening and I’m sure future events will be of similar outcome.” The Centenary Gala Dinner was sponsored by both Chinese and Western Australian organisations and businesses. Some of these included: BMW, Finbar group, WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Perth Mint, ACBC, NAB and many others. Last but not the least, the Event Ambassador, Mr John Chan, summarized the occasion by saying that “I would like to congratulate you and the team for the success of the Centenary Gala Ball. You have pulled off a seemingly impossible task and made it a success which will go into the Chung Wah history. I will endeavor to help you grow and improve the Chung Wah facilities for the benefit of the members and the Chinese community.” In community service, like-minded people come to Chung Wah because there is no escape from our Chinese heritage; we are proud to be Australian, but also proud of our Chinese origin. Supporting the development of the Chung Wah Association and the Chinese community for the next 100 years is the true wish and goal of every Chinese person in Western Australia.
Gloria Zhang Centenary Gala Dinner Event and Protocol Advisor
CENTENNIAL EVENT PATRON His Excellency Dr Ken MICHAEL AC Governor of Western Australia CENTENNIAL EVENT AMBASSADORS Mr Peter YU JP Chairman Nyamba Buru Yawuru Ltd Dr Neale FONG MBBS DipCS MTS MBA FAICD ACHSE Chairman WA Football Commission Community & Business Leader Dr Pek Cher GOH JP MBBS FRACS Emeritus Consultant Royal Perth Hospital Mr John CHAN Chairman of Trustees WA Chinese Chamber Foundation Managing Director Finbar Group Ltd Mr Les FONG BEd DipEd DipFP CFP WA Football League Hall of Fame Ms Alison FAN Senior Journalist Channel Seven ORGANISING COMMITTEE
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CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS Tien Shang (TS) SU MLS LLB (London) Chairman Meng WONG Executive Vice Chairman Sheila REJEK CEO Dr Bob TAN JP Hon Advisor Gloria ZHANG Event & Protocol Advisor Arnold WONG Production Advisor Lynette WEN Cultural Coordinator Ken LEE Team Leader
珀斯市长 Lisa Scaffidi夫人这样表达了她对 本次活动的欣赏:“这是一个盛大和精彩的活 动,每个人都乐在其中。中华会馆是西澳社会德 高望重的组织,这一点在上周六的活动中得到了 充分体现。 六位百年大庆活动的特使对这次庆典晚宴 的准备活动也给予大力支持,他们对当晚活动 效果非常满意。六位特使是:太平绅士Peter Yu、Neale Fong医生、太平绅士吴伯子医生、曾 源国先生、Les Fong 先生和Alison Fan 女士。 吴伯子医生说:“最后,请容许我再次表达 喜悦之情以及对活动领导者和所有工作人员的感 谢,祝贺今晚活动取得了巨大成功,相信我们以 后的活动有更好的效果。“ 曾源国先生对本次活动总结道:“恭贺大家 百年庆典晚宴取得成功。大家完成了一个看似不 可能的重任,这次成功将载入中华会馆的史册。 我将同大家一道为中华会馆发展和华裔社区人们 的福祉继续努力。 活动结束时,来宾们结识了很多新的朋友也 拓展了社交关系。本次活动的组织者对活动达到 预期目标深感自豪。 百年庆典晚宴协调顾问 张迪
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Chung Wah Gala Poem Centenary Chung Wah Gary Zhang Hundred years are a flick of moment in the span of time, But it takes a few generations to come. It has never been easy for the Chung Wah to grow, Our lives are never always full of fun, Our persistent pursuit of life is always the consistent one. The happy noise of the gongs and drums is the warmest cheer to the life we want, The enthusiastic dancing is the affectionate recount to the life we have found, The sample of lions is our infinite yearning for better lives that will always be our demand. In retrospect we had tears and joys all the way that made us proud. You and me, me and you, and from all the lands on earth we came. Me and you, you and me, the dreams we shared in our hearts are the same. We learn everything new as a hungry man, To preserving our cultures, tradition and ancestor’s name, we always do the same. You and me, me and you, together we will find our heaven and earth in Australian theme We can also extend the essence of the traditions and cultures in our ancestor’s name. Lion, dragon, gong and drum to express ourselves, they are the number one; Piano and “Aussie talk” will also provide us a lot of fun. Piano and drum express the meaning of lives in ideal, Songs and music explain our past, present and future, They are our spiritual power for life in real. Far from here, our ancestor land is thousands of miles away, where our relatives still live, and there are also our childhood memories of happy play. We made our home right here, Maybe this line has to be reworked We have our families as well as the beauty of the daily groceries that fill up our dinner plate, and there are even our tireless efforts for life, career and ideal have been paid. The donation box set for the victims of the Victoria bush fire contained our wishes in a special way, In the path of Sydney Olympic Games’ Torch Relay, you will find our footprint traces of contributions we made to Australia every day, The Confucian culture enables us to make miracles in the Aussie way. No matter where we came from or where we are going to, we’ll always call Australia home. Hundred years of history made us so proud, The next hundred years to come will make us shout. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s sing, let’s dance, let’s yell, For another success of the hundred years to come, let’s sing it loud.
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中华诗歌 百年中华 张稼达 百年的岁月在宇宙的长河里只是弹指一挥间, 百年的历程在会馆的历史里却是几代人的路。 我们会馆的发展从来没有一帆风顺, 我们的生活也从并不始终充满阳光, 但我们对生活的执着追求却始终如一。 欢快的锣鼓是我们对生活的热烈追求, 奔放的舞蹈是我们对生活的深情诉说, 威武的雄狮则是我们对美好生活无限向往的顽强 执著。 回首往事,一路走来我们苦乐交集; 祖孙同喜,会馆历史让我们倍感自豪。 你和我,我和你 我们来自世界的各地; 我和你,你和我 追求美好的生活是我们共同的目的。 西方的经验、技术我们每天都在学习, 祖国的文化、传统我们时刻也不会忘记。 你和我、我和你,我们在一起, 定能在澳大利亚的碧海蓝天闯出一片更加广阔的 天地, 也定能让我们中华民族传统文化的精髓代代延 续。 醒狮腾龙是我们举办庆祝活动的主道具; 金鼓铜锣是替我们唱心中喜悦的主乐器; 弹钢琴、清口秀, 我们也把西方娱乐的方式纳入了庆典的主旋律。
锣鼓和钢琴分别以自己独特的方式表达了人生在 理想中的意义, 音乐和歌声则是我们对过去、现在、和将来最美 好的诠释, 它们也是中华历代奋斗不息的精神动力。 我们的祖国远在千里, 那里不仅有我们的故土、亲人, 还有我们童年的美好回忆; 我们的家近在咫尺, 这里有我们的父母、妻儿, 有我们油、盐、酱、醋、糖的精彩印记, 更有我们为生活、事业和理想付出的孜孜不倦的 努力。 为维省火灾受难者募捐的收款箱里有我们对自己 亲人的祝福, 在为悉尼奥运会传递火炬的路途上有我们为国家 效力的足迹。 我们以儒家传统文化为依托, 在澳大利亚的沃土创造出了落地、生根、开花、 结果的奇迹。 无论今后我们走到哪里, 我们的家永远在这里。 难忘今宵,百年的历史让我们倍感自豪, 展望未来,我们为下一个百年充满希望; 来把朋友们让我们唱起来、舞起来,为我们的下 一个百年再创辉煌。
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Working Group The Chung Wah Centenary Celebration Working Group, which was endorsed by the executive committee, was formed in August 2010. The aim was to provide additional activities for all Chung Wah (CW) members, as well as mainstream Australians, as part of our 100th birthday celebration. The working Group consisted of old and new CW members, young and seniors and a representative from the executive committee. The members came together, freely contributing their time, efforts and always with endless energy and enthusiasm. A series of events were organised with immense success. There were some hiccups along the way, but the feedback was positive from within our Association and from outside mainstream agencies and communities. Tree Planting Event — September 26, 2010 Fifty flowering plums were planted on the northern boundary of the Chung Wah Balcatta site. They were all sponsored by Chung Wah groups, committee or individual members, whose names were proudly displayed near the site. Over 150 members witnessed the planting. In years to come, all our future Chung Wah members will witness this legacy of our centenary year. ‘Journey of Migrants’ — October 31, 2010 This seminar at the Chung Wah Hall was opened by Ms Maria Osman, executive director of the Office of Multicultural Interests. In addition to having Mrs Diana Warnock as the keynote speaker, we had three others, Edie Hoy Poy OAM, Cit.of WA, Dr Stephen Ho and Justin Kwok, who shared their experiences as migrants. Emotional stories were told mapping their experiences, which included the hardship of
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leaving familiar surroundings, issues of isolation and sacrifice, and the searching for one’s identity in growing up between two cultures. A DVD on “Life Path”, which was produced by Chung Wah Community and Aged Care, was shown at the seminar. It spelt out the plight and helplessness faced by old migrants as a result of cultural and language barriers. About 100 people attended the seminar including other ethnic groups and their representatives. Cultural Exhibition on Celebration of Life — October 31, November 5, 2010 This event was also opened by Ms Maria Osman, executive director of Office of Multicultural Interests at the Chung Wah Hall in Northbridge on October 31, 2010. The exhibition traced the cultural beliefs and customs of ordinary Chinese from birth to death. The exhibition was open to the public once a week and attracted around 150 people. Centenary Closing Event — December 12, 2010 “Looking back, Thinking forward” was adopted as the theme for the closing event. Besides the songs and performances, the other highlights of the event included passing the baton which traced the past, present and future, and the release of balloons which sent all members’ good wishes for the future of our association.
Theresa Kwok JP Chair of Centenary Working Group
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中华会馆百年庆典工作组 中华会馆百年庆典工作组是经过中华会馆理 事会认可于2010年8月成立的,起成立的目的在 于作为百年庆典的一部分,向所有的会馆会员和 澳洲主流社会奉献额外的庆祝活动。工作组是由 新老会员、年轻和年老的会员以及部分理事会成 员组成的,他们通过无穷能量和热情一起奉献他 们的时间和精力。
华人传统文化展览 2010年10月31日 – 11月5日
百年庆典工作组主办了一系列的活动并取得 巨大的成功。虽然在活动的过程中遇到坎坷,但 从会馆内、外部的主流机构和社区中得到反馈是 积极的。
百年庆典谢幕式 – 2010年12月12日
植树活动 – 2010年9月26日 我们在中华会馆文化中心的北部边界上栽了 五十棵李子树。这些树都是中华的各个功能组、 理事会成员、个人会员赞助的,他们的名字堂皇 地刻在附近的纪念版上。超过150名会员见证了 此次植树活动。以后,我们所有未来的中华会馆 的会员将见证这一中华百年(庆典)的遗产。
2010年10月31日西澳多元文化部的执行总 裁 Maria Osman女士在中华会馆礼堂为华人传统 文化展览拉开了帷幕。展览追溯文化信仰和普通 华人从出生到死亡的风俗习惯。这次展览向公众 开放期限为一周,吸引了150多名参观者。
“承先启后,继往开来”是这次谢幕式的主 题。除了唱歌和表演外,其它精彩部分包括传递 象征着过去、现在和未来的接力棒和放飞象征着 所有会员对会馆的将来表达良好祝愿的气球。
郭郑素雯太平绅士 百年庆典工作组组长
移民心路历程分享研讨会 – 2010年10月31日 在中华会馆礼堂举行的研讨会是由西澳多 元文化部的执行总裁 Maria Osman女士宣布开 始的。此次研讨会的主讲人有Diana Warnock女 士,OAM阮丽茹女士, Stephen Ho医生和郭沚 维先生,他们同(大家)分享了他们移民心路历 程。这些情感故事是他们经历的叙述,包括离开 熟悉的环境、隔觉(家人)和牺牲的问题,寻找 (定居)身份的问题,以及在两种(不同)文化 之间的成长的故事。现场播放了一部由中华社区 及长者服务部制作的纪录片“人生路上”。它讲 述那些无奈的年老移民由于文化和语言的障碍所 面临的困境。大约100人出席了这次研讨会,包 括其他族裔群体和代表。
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New Gold Mountain To celebrate the centenary anniversary of the Chung Wah Association, the dance theatre ‘New Gold Mountain’ was organised by the Chung Wah Dance Group. The production was held at the Judith Cottier theatre in Mt. Lawley on the evenings of Friday 13 August and Saturday 14 August 2010, as well as a Saturday matinee on the 14 August 2010. The immigration of the Chinese community to Western Australia as well as the history of the Chung Wah Association were captured in the original and compelling choreography by Chang Zhi Dan with an original score by renowned Chinese composer Chang BaYi. Jen Nie Chong was the production manager. Two other productions have been created by Chung Wah Dance, the Butterfly Lovers in 1995 for the Chung Wah Association’s 85th anniversary and the Fair Maidens of Xia Men in 1997. Unlike the last two productions that were based on an old folk story and a love story respectively, New Gold Mountain was made more complex by the fact that there was no ‘story’ to begin with, the story was history itself.
history for Chinese Australians. Chinese first came to WA as contract labourers via Singapore to work on farms. Not permitted by legislation to dig for gold or dive for pearls, the Chinese provided support services such as market gardens, provision of laundry, carpentry and cooking. Until the Chinese community was brought together through the founding of Chung Wah Association in 1909, they were like ‘scattered sand’. ‘New Gold Mountain’ was an outstanding success with lots of great feedback on the professionalism and high standard of the show and requests for the show to be repeated. We thank the dancers who worked tirelessly on the show as well as all the backstage crew and support staff, majority of whom were volunteers. Thank you also to Lotterywest, our major sponsor. To all the attendees of the show, thank you for your support! Jen Nie Chong Leader, Chung Wah Dance
‘Xin Jin Shan’ meaning ‘New Gold Mountain’ was the name given to Australia by the first Chinese, as many Chinese travelled to Australia during the gold rush with a prospectors hope to discover gold. Western Australia holds a unique place in
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新金山 中华会馆舞蹈团特为庆祝西澳中华会馆成立 一百周年编导的大型舞剧『新金山』于2010年8 月13日和14日在摩利的JudithCottier剧院隆重上 演。该舞剧根据早期华人移民西澳的故事改编, 由舞蹈设计师常志丹编导,著名作曲家常八一作 曲,张娟妮制作。
中华舞蹈舞剧 Chung Wah Dance presents the dance theatre production
此前,中华舞蹈团已经 创作了两部作品,即1995 年为庆祝中华会馆成立85 周年庆典创作的『化蝶』和 1997年的『厦门美少女』 ,前者取材于一个古老的民 间传说,后者则是一个动人 的爱情故事。与以往的两 部作品不同,『新金山』的创作更为复杂,因为 我们没有现成的故事可以参考,故事本身就是历 史。 『新金山』是早期华人赐予澳洲的美称。 为了理想和寻求美好的生活,淘金时期许多华人 来到澳洲。华人在西澳历史上占有独特的位置。 早期华人作为合同劳工,经由新加坡来到西澳农 村开荒种地。由于当时法律不允许华人从事挖金 或采珠,他们只得以种菜,洗衣,木工或炊事为 业。直到1909年中华会馆成立,华人结束了一盘 散沙的局面,开始有了归宿 感。 『新金山』的演出取得 了圆满的成功,演员们专业的 表演和高水平的演出得到了广 泛好评,有观众要求舞蹈团再 次演出。
西澳华人移民故事 The story of Chinese migration in Western Australia 2010年8月13-14日 晚上 7点半
13 -14 August 2010 7.30pm The Judith Cottier Theatre
Perth College Lawley Crescent Mt Lawley 中华会馆百年大庆 Celebrating 100 years of the Chung Wah Association
我们感谢我们辛勤付出的舞蹈演员,后台的 工作人员,他们中的大多数人都是志愿者,同时 感谢Lotterywest和其它赞助商以及观众朋友们的 支持。 张娟妮 中华会馆舞蹈团团长
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China 60th National Day Celebrations The 60th China National Day Celebrations held in Perth, Western Australia, on the 1st and on the 3rd October 2009 are over. It was a huge success!! I have received many many congratulatory messages from our guests and members of the public who were fortunate to attend these two events. I am very proud of the team who put these two events together. Some of the comments I have received to date: The Formal Dinner Event on the 1st October “..Easily the best I have been to in my 30 years in Australia. Congratulations to you and the team that put it together. …” “The evening was a great success. I like it. ..” The Cultural Shows on the 3rd October “Wow what a show! I enjoy it very much!...” Congratulations for an excellent cultural concert. (I) thought it was fabulous. (I) don’t understand mandarin but (I) left show thinking I did. Well done!... “Never imagine I can see such a fine cultural show on China National Day here in Perth…” Indeed the China National day events in Perth far exceeded our expectations. When the idea of forming a united committee of Chinese based organizations to celebrate the 60th China National Day Anniversary was first proposed, some of us were a little bit hesitant and we had our concerns. But taking an example from the unprecedented economic and development success of new China, the Perth Chinese leaders agreed to come together.
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So with the full hearted support of the farsighted leaders of the Chinese organizations in Perth and encouraged by the Chinese Consul General Mr Li shugang, the 60th China National Day Celebration Committee [60th CNDCC] was formed. Initially started with 26, it soon grew to 29 organizations at the end. The 60th China National Day Standing Committee was a newly established and unproven committee, lacking in resources in organizing these events. But in working together, the committee members learnt to manage these limitations, recognized competing interests and priorities, and accepted different styles of leadership, management, and expectations. I congratulate and applaud all these leaders of these 29 organizations for their magnanimous gestures and actions in supporting these two events. I applaud their generosity and their understanding of the need to make these events a success. I applaud their putting aside personal and individual association’s interests to come together for this historic occasion. In standing united as one in one celebration, we have shown that unity among us can be achieved. This is a proud moment for the Chinese community in Western Australia. With a common objective and desire to make these events a success, the committee members have succeeded in overcoming all the obstacles. I believe this unique display of unity is only the starting point of collaboration and cooperation in our Perth Chinese community and I hope more. As for me, it’s been a privilege and great honor to meet and work with everyone from different backgrounds. The tasks for me and the Standing Committee members are challenging but our hearts are full and spirits’ high.
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珀斯华人华侨庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年 西澳珀斯华人华侨于10月1日及3日举办的 中华人民共和国60周年国庆庆祝活动圆满结束并 取得了巨大的成功。我们不断收到来自出席活动 的贵宾和广大公众的贺函贺信。对于本次活动的 组织团队, 我为他们的成就深感自豪。 就我本人收到的部分贺词而言,其赞美之字 句溢于言表 比如说,他们认为10月1日的晚宴是 “…生活在澳洲30年来,最好的一次活动。祝贺 您和您的团队成功举办这次活动…” “当晚的活动非常成功,我非常欣赏…” 对于10月3日的文艺表演,大家的评价包 括“精彩的演出!我太喜欢了!” “祝贺您们成功举办这场晚会,太引人入胜 了。尽管我不懂普通话,但看完演出之后我觉得 我懂了。太棒了!…” “从来没有想过能在珀斯看到这么精彩的国 庆晚会…” 我承认,这次国庆活动比预想的效果还要 好。 当时,联合当地华人社团共同组办60周年国 庆的设想被提出时,我们曾听到过疑问的声音, 担心这么做的可行性。然而,在中国经济迅速发 展的今天,华人侨领们开始接受这样的想法。在 他们积极筹备和中国驻珀斯总领事李树钢先生的 鼓励下, 中华人民共和国60周年国庆筹备组正式 成立了。开始参华人社团组织有26个,后来增加 到29个。 刚成立时,小组并没有组织大型活动的经 验,但是通过成员们的合作沟通,大家渐渐懂得 怎样了解形势、克服困难、解决问题并增进了 解、互相配合、达成一致。我衷心感谢29个团队
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的领导者们付出的巨大努力,他们的宽容和对事 物的洞悉了解和慷慨热情令我十分欣赏。我们大 公无私以群体利益为重的精神值得我们称颂和铭 记。正是有大家共同的努力,本次活动才取得了 圆满成功。大家手牵手,心连心表现出了我们是 团结的一家人。这是西澳全体华人引以为豪的时 刻。 大家同心合力,为共同的目标努力并做出 自己的贡献,我相信这是我们珀斯华人合作奋斗 的开始,我也希望以后我们能够用同样的精神主 办更多更大的活动。对我本人而言,能和不同背 景的社会各界人士结识合作是我莫大的荣幸。我 们用洋溢的热情和高昂的斗志迎接充满挑战的工 作。 感谢筹备小组的各位成员、所有赞助商、文 艺表演和组织人员—他们用了5个月的时间进行 筹划和排练、钢琴师、笛手、小提琴师、发言撰 稿人、协调人员、标志设计师、运输管理人员、 活动日志愿者、花篮提供者、 化妆美发师、服装 设计师、摄影师、媒体和作家、秘书处人员、节 目协调人员—他们经常讨论节目安排至深夜。特 别要感谢的是海南有人舞蹈团,他们的舞台经理 Xiao Jian和其助理Tommy Jiang特意从墨尔本飞 来他们花了整整一周时间装饰舞台、安排特效。 在未来的日子里,相信我们会听到很多来自 华裔各界的评价,例如谁的作用更重要、谁是这 个活动的翘楚功臣等等。事实上,每个人的作用 都不可低估,每个人也应当为参与这个历史性的 活动而感到骄傲。成功是所有人努力的结果。作 为珀斯华人华侨庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年 筹备小组的组长,我再次感谢你们每一个人。 中华人民共和国成立60周年国庆筹备小组组长 徐天送
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I acknowledge everyone in the 60th National Day Celebrations Standing Committee, the sponsors, each and every one of the performers, expert pianists, violinists, flutist, and participants, who spent 5 months preparing for the events. Speech writers, the research team, the logo designer, the support teams including partners, spouses and children, transport teams, volunteers on the days, the florist, make-up artists and hairdressers, tailors, photographers, media, writers, the secretarial support team, program coordinators who spent long hours arguing and debating over the final program. Special mention must be made to the enthusiastic dancing groups of our guests from Hainan Island, and the creative talent of cultural show stage manager Xiao Jian [who flew in from Melbourne with the support of Tommy Jiang] and spent one full week setting up the stage and special effects. I applaud them all. There will be long debates within the community as to who had a more important role in the two events or even who plays a more important role in the success of the celebrations. One thing is clear, every one of them is important and each and everyone should feel rightly proud of their part of this historic success. Success is the result of many and all parts coming together as one. On behalf of the 60th CNDCC I thank you all. TS Su Chairman 60th China National Day Celebration Standing Committee
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Chinese Language Education in Western Australia The maintenance of the Chinese language is paramount for Chinese living away from China. In the early days, the teaching of Chinese was the responsibility of Chinese organisations like the Chung Wah Association. With more Chinese migrants arriving since the mid sixties, the number of Chinese community schools has increased. In addition to the Taiwanese, Indo-Chinese and Chinese mainlanders, Christian churches and Buddhist temples also hold classes after school and at weekends. In addition to Chinese language, students learn about Chinese culture through classes like calligraphy, Chinese dancing and lion dancing. There are over 20 community schools in WA and most of their students are of Chinese descent. Except for a couple, all schools teach Mandarin and simplified characters. These schools receive Government assistance grants and are managed by volunteers. They are supported by the Overseas Chinese Office which provides teaching resources and professional learning in China. The Chinese program began in 1980 in two government high schools, Mount Lawley Senior High School and Rossmoyne Senior High School. Several other government schools and a couple of private schools started teaching Chinese after that. There are 11 High Schools and 15 primary schools with Chinese programs. With the emergence of China as an important economic power, the Australian Government stressed the necessity of learning Asian languages, including Chinese. Funding was allocated for scholarships for students and teachers for in-country experience and these measures saw more schools taking up Chinese.
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The NALSSP (National Asian Languages and Studies in Schools Program) established by Kevin Rudd’s government has seen substantial funding flow into schools, and a significant number of schools have started Chinese programs in the past two years. This year, two Chinese Hubs have resulted in six new Chinese primary programs. The establishment of the Confucius Institute in Perth in 2006 has also helped to raise the status of Chinese. No doubt, with the advent of the setting up of Confucius classrooms, Chinese will be the preferred language to be taught at schools. HANBAN, the Office of Chinese Language Council International has invested in publishing teaching resources more suited to students living in overseas countries. Universities offering Chinese include the University of Western Australia and Curtin University. Central TAFE offers a certificate course and several TAFE centres offer night classes. Until a few years ago, Chinese was taught at Murdoch University and Edith Cowan University. The future of Chinese education in WA is promising and the sign is that Chinese will become one of the more valued languages. Anita Chong President, Chinese Language Teachers’ Association of Western Australia Secretary, Chinese language Teachers’ Federation of Australia
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西澳的中文教育 保持发展中文能力对于那些身处异国的华人 来说至关重要。
言课程。中国汉办对海外中文教学资源方面做出 了大量投入。
以前,传播中文教育的责任由一些像中华会 馆这样的华人社团来承担。从二十世纪六十年代 中期起,越来越多的华人来到澳大利亚,华人社 区的中文学校也随之增加。除了台湾、 东南亚以 及大陆华人的中文学校以外,教会和佛教团体也 在课后或者周末开设中文班。除了学习中文,学 生们还学习了中华文化,比如书法、中国舞蹈和 舞狮等。
现在西澳大学、墨道克和科廷科技大学相继 开设了中文专业。TAFE中心设有中文文凭课程, 另一些TAFE学校也提供中文夜校。几年前,只有 墨道克大学和伊迪思考文大学设有中文专业。
目前在西澳有近二十所社区中文学校,大 部分学生都是华裔。除了两三所学校以外,大部 分的学校以普通话和简体字授课。这些学校由志 愿者来管理,其中的一些学校得到政府的拨款资 助。有些学校还得到中国侨务办公室的支持,侨 办提供教学资源并资助教师去中国培训。
林少莲 澳大利亚中文教师联会西澳分会会长 澳大利亚中文教师联会秘书
我们相信西澳的中文教育未来充满希望,这 也标志着中文将成为西澳重要的语言之一。
1980年摩利和罗斯莫因中学这两所公立中 学开设了中文课。在那以后,一些公立和私立学 校也相继开设中文课。目前11所中学和15所小学 设有中文课。 随着中国经济实力的日益强大,澳大利亚 政府强调了学习包括中文在内的亚洲语言的必要 性。政府投入资金给学生和教师提供奖学金,资 助他们去中国体验生活,这些措施促使更多的学 校开始设置中文课 陆克文政府设立的NALSSP(国家在校亚洲 语言和学习计划) 已有大量资金流入学校,众多 的学校在过去两年已经开始了中文课程。仅今年, 两个中文教学中心就新建了6个初级中文教学项 目。 2006年在珀斯孔子学院的成立对提高中文 的地位起到了推动的作用。毫无疑问,随着孔子 学院的设立,中文将在各学校成为首选的第二语
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Toiling in the fields of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy in Western Australia While existing between dream and reality, between pursuing art and earning bread and butter, a few painters that left China and chose to live here appeared on the streets of Perth. In 1987, these painters, as if by prior arrangement, with a drawing board in hand and two wooden boxes containing their equipment, started making a living by drawing portraits in their traditional Chinese styles. Thus began the humble introduction of Chinese painting to the Western Australian community. In 1988, Mr Chien, an art teacher originally from Hong Kong, who made his living by teaching children drawing, established “Perth Chinese Art Federation”. Unfortunately, the Federation did not last long and quietly disappeared, together with their enthusiasm. In 1989 a “List of Chinese Painters and Calligraphers in Australia” was published. It was compiled by Weng Zhenru JP, of Melbourne together with the Ministry of Multi-culture. Mr Danny Deng of Perth was on the list, and he was acknowledged as one of the most prominent painters. It was the beginning of an alliance among Chinese artists in WA with those in the rest of Australia. In the same year, “Australia Oriental Artists Association” and “Chinese Artists Association of Australia” were formed. These were followed by branch associations being formed in several States. In 1997, “Western Australia Oriental Artists Association” was formed and registered. However, the initial stage of the Association was not very well developed. In 2007, the then chief editor of the Oriental Post, Xu Yi, suggested that the name of the Association be changed. Instead of artists, culture and art were to be substituted, thus several painters, calligraphers and writers who are devoted
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to Chinese art and culture, Danny Deng, Chau Yau, Li Kechang, Edward Chin, Feizhi, Xiaoye, got together and formed an Association that reflects the culture and art of the ancient kingdom, that enables those who love and have interest in that particular culture and art to join, the Western Australia Oriental Culture and Art Association was born. The objectives of the Association are to disseminate Chinese culture, promote the exchange of East West culture, recommend famous artists, and cultivate new talents. Based on these objectives, the Association has been carrying out tremendous works in promoting Chinese culture and art, strengthening the exchange of Ease West culture, providing platforms in which interested people can change notes and exhibit their works; it also helps to enrich the cultural life of the Chinese communities and communities at large. The Association is a melting pot of talents in literature, painting, calligraphy, sculpture, traditional Chinese medicine, geomancy, and many specialist persons and people who are devotees of art. They consist of people from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia. In the recent decade or so, many of these influential Chinese artists have engaged various types of exhibitions and demonstrations of calligraphy and painting in galleries and at cultural activities. More recently, the WA Oriental Culture and Art Association has embarked on a special feature in the local Chinese newspaper—The Oriental Post, featuring articles on Chinese culture and art together with news photos on activities. Furthermore, its monthly bi-lingual talk and seminar has attracted many Chinese and Australian to share and enjoy many interesting topics about this ever popular culture and art.
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西澳中国书画艺术的辛勤耕耘者 艺术家生活在在梦想与现实、美术与生活之 间。从1987年起,走出国门的中国画家们不约 而同地出现在珀斯街头,一块画板,两个“牛奶 箱”,带着中国式素描绘画风格开始了画头像生 意,东方艺术从此也走进西澳的千家万户。 1988年香港移民的美术教师钱先生以教授儿 童绘画为业并倡导成立了“珀斯华人美术联合 会”,但没过多久,联合会就销声匿迹了,大家 的一番热情也付之而去。 1989年墨尔本画家翁真如太平绅士和澳洲多 元文化部发行了首本<<澳洲中国书画家录>>, 珀斯画家邓国祺入选,并被评为最有实力画家之 一。自此西澳书画家开始了和全国华人艺术家的 联络。同年悉尼成立了“澳洲东方艺术家协会” 和“澳洲中国美术家协会”,并于各州相继成立 分会。1997年“西澳东方艺术家协会”注册成 立,由于会员被限定为艺术家,所以一直很难 开展工作。2007年<<东方邮报>>主编徐义建议 在“东方艺术家”的名称上加上“文化”而去 掉“家”字,自此,由几个热爱中华文化艺术的 中国书画家、文人联合一起,注册成立了具有彰 显东方古国文化艺术,并能让更多文化艺术爱好 和兴趣者参与的组织。从而,“西澳东方文化艺 术协会”得以诞生 。
近十年来,西澳有影响力的华人书画家开始进 行各种展览并在评选中获奖,他们在西澳的文化 活动中还进行书法现场表演展,定期在当地华人 报纸,东方邮报,开辟艺术专栏,介绍中国书画 家及其作品,并同时向读者推介当地艺术新人。 文人雅聚,书画挥毫,谈古论今,饮酒作诗,每 次协会活动都给大家留下了深刻的印象。这些文 人画家雅聚,即兴吟诗作对,对艺术的爱好使大 家志同道合,逐渐地从业余走向专业。 更值得一提的是,上述只谈到西澳东方文化 艺术协会的成立和动态,这之前还有许多来自星 马、香港、台湾、澳门及其他地区的文化艺术人 才,他们是书画艺术走进西澳的辛勤拓荒者,如 Philemena Too 和 Meng Yee Weatherhead 等 等。如今这些人艺术家有的去了东部,有的已经 年老,但他们的丰功伟绩值得我们铭记和赞颂, 只可惜我们无法与他们取得联系,不知过去的历 史,不能报道,实是遗憾。我们愿意继承他们创 造的园地,继续耕耘。我们也希望他们看到这篇 报道,跟我们联系,指导我们,和我们一起拓展 这片在西澳的东方艺术殿堂。 靳云长
“西澳东方文化艺术协会”的宗旨是“弘扬中 华文化,促进中西文化交流,推介名家,造就新 人”。本着这个宗旨,协会成立之后,开展了大 量弘扬中华文化艺术的工作,促进了中西文化交 流,为广大兴趣爱好者提供沟通、展示艺术的平 台,也丰富了西澳华人社区的文化生活。会员年 龄从14岁至90岁,在文学、绘画、书法、雕塑、 医学、风水等领域都拥有专门人才及文化艺术爱 好者。他们来自中国大陆,香港、台湾、马来西 亚、越南、缅甸、柬埔寨等国家和地区。
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Worth mentioning is the fact that long before these recent development, there were many talented and famous artists that migrated from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and other places to Western Australia. They were pioneers in cultivating the oriental culture and art here, for example, Ms Philomena Too, Meng Yee Weatherhead, and some others. Unfortunately, we are unable to know much about the great works of promoting Chinese culture and art they did in those earlier days in Western Australia, some of them may have moved to Eastern States, and some of them may have retired from activities in the arena.
However, the newcomers would like to carry the baton forward and wish to help to cultivate the field that those pioneers started, to share our culture and art with the wider communities in the country that we choose to live. On this joyful occasion of celebrating its 100 years of Chung Wah Association, this article serves as a brief description about a small sector of the Chinese culture -- Chinese art â&#x20AC;&#x201C; is flourishing in Western Australia. Chinese culture has ancient origins and rich content, culinary, traditional Chinese medicine, folk songs and dances have gained roots here and are well accepted. They have enriched the culture and social life of all Australians, and serve as a good link in building friendly relationships among people. Edward Chin
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The Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce Inc. (WACCC) was established in 1987 to bring together business people interested in advancing trade links with Asia. The WACCC’s primary mission is to promote the activities of the WA Chinese business community in all matters relating to business, trade, commerce and industry. Today, the WACCC assists both Western Australian and Chinese companies in locating business partners and provides important governmental and business introductions for organisations of all sizes.
Activities include: • Seminars, Workshops & Conferences • Trade Missions • Executive and Diplomatic Briefings and • Guanxi (Networking) & Mandarin speaking functions WACCC members include organisations doing business in or with China, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Korea, Philippines, Thailand, and Brunei. As the voice of the Chinese business community, the WACCC is recognised as one of the most professional business networking organisations in Western Australia. We invite you to join us.
1304 Hay Street, West Perth WA 6005 • Tel: 61 8 9481 8228 • Fax: 61 8 9481 8288 • Email:
w w w. w a c c c . c o m . a u
Connecting the Bilateral Business Community 连接中澳商务
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Politics and the Western Australian Chinese Community “Wars, events of national importance, arenas of life and death, paths leading to existence or demise, matters that cannot be ignored.” 兵者,国之大事, 死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也 Sun Tsu “The Art of War”
The Federal elections for a new Parliament and government last year were very different from the elections 12 years ago, when One Nation threatened to polarise the nation along the racial divide. Last year, the boat people issue was the hot topic while racism did not rate a mention. In an atmosphere of harmony in a multi-cultural society, it is often forgotten that there is an inherent, rather protracted, sometimes undeclared, nonmilitary “war” between sectors of the community over the race issue. Indeed, the outcome of this “war” permeates all facets of Australian life. It dictates Australian dignity, moral authority and standing in the world. Its impact cannot be underestimated, and is certainly not easily quantified or qualified. On a more personal level, the outcome of this “war”, whenever it flares up, could be felt in communal relations, security at school for our children and workplace, as well as goodwill and understanding towards neighbours, friends, work-mates, clients and the general community. The community cannot forget that in 1988, John Howard, then leader of the Opposition, attacked the multicultural policy and called for slowing the rate of Asian immigration (The Age Newspaper, August 2 and September 9, 1988). Then Senate Leader John Stone and then National Party leader Ian Sinclair expressed similar views (Australian, August 12, 1988). Sixteen Chinese associations, under the umbrella of the Council of Chinese Organisations,
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sent a telegram to Mr Howard condemning his stance on multiculturalism (Courier Mail, August 4, 1988). Subsequently, Mr Howard had a meeting with three leaders of the Chinese community in Melbourne and explained that his comments were not meant to discriminate against any race. The community was far from convinced. Neither did we forget the formation of the anti-Asian organisation Australian Nationalist Movement in the 1980s in Western Australia. The community was alarmed and outraged when Asian restaurants were firebombed. The leader Jack Van Tongeren was jailed. He was eventually released from jail on the condition that he left Western Australia. In 1996 Pauline Hanson attacked multiculturalism in Australia in her maiden speech to the Australian Parliament. Though her remarks were interpreted as highly racist, the Pauline Hanson One Nation Party attracted 1 million votes nationwide, with impressive support from Western Australia. At the 2001 State elections, One Nation won 10% of the votes in both the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly, with three seats in the Legislative Council. It is remarkable that in 2005 their votes dropped to less than 2%. With this in mind, political participation takes on a different dimension. As politics is dedicated to the acquisition and use of power, it is obvious that these are “events of national importance, arenas of life and death, paths leading to existence or demise, matters that cannot be ignored”, true to the sayings of Sun Tsu. His insight into the intrigues of war reminds us that, knowingly or unknowingly, willingly or unwillingly, we are drawn into this polarised sociopolitical warfare.
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政治与西澳华裔社区 兵者, 国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不 可不察也 —— 孙子 《孙子兵法》 2010年,随着澳洲民众选出了新一届的联 邦议会和政府,政治权利又一次回到了民众的手 中。 这里值得我们注意的是,相比之下在12年 前,当一国党威胁要以区分种族分化选举的时 候,这样的种族歧视是不值一提的,因为那时解 决偷渡难民问题才是当务之急。 在一个多元文化社会的和谐气氛中,人们往 往会遗忘不同的社区间在种族问题上存在着一种 固有的、尽管有时不公开的非军事的“战争”。 事实上,这种战争的结果会渗透在澳洲生活的方 方面面,主宰了澳大利亚在世界上的尊严、道德 权威和地位。因此这种结果的影响不能被低估, 也肯定不能被简单地定性或者量化。从更个人的 层面说,当“战争”爆发的时候,我们的公共关 系、孩子们在学校和我们工作场所的安全,以及 对邻里、朋友、同事、客户和公众的友善程度和 彼此的理解都会受到影响。
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当时的华裔社区对亚洲餐馆遭炸弹袭击事件表现 出了极大的惊恐和愤慨。该组织的首脑Jack Van Tongren最终入狱,而他出狱的条件是他必须离 开西澳。 有过之而无不及的是,1996年Pauline Hanson在澳大利亚议会发表第一次演讲时对澳洲 多元文化进行攻击。尽管她的言论被认为是高度 的种族主义,她领导的“一国党”在全国范围内 却得到了一百万张选票,而支持者多数是来自西 澳!在2001年的州竞选中,一国党在上议院和下 议院一共得到了10% 的选票,并在上议院占据了 3个席位。但是2005年他们的支持率已经降到了 2% 以下。 记得这些,我们对政治活动的参与就有着不 同的意义。政治是致力于获得权利并使用它们, 那么借用孙子兵法的开篇名句,它显然是“国之 大事,死生之地,存亡之道”。孙子对战争策略 的深刻见解提醒我们,不论我们知道或不知道, 愿意或不愿意,我们已经卷入了社会政治的斗争 中。这尤其适用于来自马来西亚和印度尼西亚等 国的华裔,在那些国家种族歧视在合法并公开地 发生着。
人们不会忘记,1988年时任反对党领袖 John Howard 攻击多元文化政策并提议减缓亚裔 移民的增长速度(《时代》 1988年8月2号 )。 参议院院长Stone和国家党主席lan Sinclair 先生 也曾表达过类似的观点(《澳大利亚人》1988年 8月12号 )。 16个华裔组织在华裔组织委员会的 支持保护下,发电报给 John Howard 谴责他在多 元文化问题上的立场(《通讯邮报》1988年8月 4号),尽管John Howard 在与三位华裔社区领 袖在墨尔本的会谈中解释说他的言论没有歧视任 何种族的意思,但华裔社区远远没有被其说服。
在政治领域,西澳华裔取得了缓慢却长足 的进步。自从1996年曾精豪医生当选为Melville 第一位华裔地方议员以来,在珀斯和Nedlands 相继有华裔议员当选。2008年Helen Hong Hui Bullock被选为上议院成员,他是西澳议会的首位 华裔议员。
我们也不会忘记在上世纪八十年代在西澳 成立的反对亚裔的组织“澳大利亚国家运动”。
然而,其他的联邦州和领地已经开创了这样 的先例。早在1965年,Harry Chen当选为北领
我们还没有见证过第一位华裔市长、第一位 华裔众议院议员、第一位前排席位的华裔议员或 者第一位华裔州长的诞生。我们也还没有联邦级 别的华裔代表。
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These observations are particularly poignant for ethnic Chinese from countries such as Malaysia or Indonesia, where racial discrimination is legally and openly practised in various forms. In this respect, the community has made slow but steady progress. Since Ching Howe Chan became the first ethnic Chinese to be elected as a local councillor to the city of Melville in 1996, others have been elected in the cities of Perth and Nedlands. At the State level in 2008 Helen Hong Hui Bullock was elected as a Member of the Legislative Council, the first ethnic Chinese to sit in the Parliament of Western Australia. We are yet to witness the first mayor, the first member of the Legislative Assembly, the first member of the front bench, or the first State minister from the community. We are so far not represented at the Federal level. Nevertheless precedence has been set in other States and territories. As early as 1965, Harry Chen emerged as the first elected President of the Legislative Council of the Northern Territory; in 2000. Richard Lim, the Deputy Leader of the Country Liberal Party, became the first Cabinet minister in the Northern Territory, the first Cabinet minister in any State or territory in Australia. In local government, Henry Tsang was elected to serve as the Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney from 1991 to 1999. A year later Alfred Huang became the first ethnic Chinese Lord Mayor of an Australian capital city (Adelaide), with a resounding 58% of primary vote. John So served as the Lord Mayor of Melbourne from 2001 to 2008. At the Federal level Bill O’Chee represented Queensland (1990 to 1999) and Tsebin Chen represented Victoria (1999 to 2005) in the Senate. Penny Wong became the first Federal minister of ethnic Chinese origin in 2007.
The under representation of the community in Western Australia could be attributed to several factors. In Australia, politicians are elected usually through one of the political parties. The Australian democracy is such that political parties seek members and candidates for elections. To be preselected they need to demonstrate considerable people skills, likeable personality, the ability to withstand criticism within and without, determination to serve, proven or perceived track record, as well as a huge range of undefinable factors such as luck, timing, local circumstances and internal party politics. Last but not least the person needs to have plenty of time, and be prepared that his personal life drifts towards a public domain. From a historical perspective, the Chinese population rapidly declined as a result of the White Australia policy. By 1933 there were only 363 Chinese living in Perth, out of 705 in the whole State. The 1947 census showed the State’s Chinese population had dropped to 385. The bulk of Chinese migrants came to Western Australia only after 1980. New migrants need time to acclimatise to their new home, firmly establish a career, secure finances as well as cater for family needs. For many it would be a “luxury” to dabble in politics. To succeed in the political arena, more time is required to build a network of friends and supporters, go through the political mills and be accepted, preselected and eventually elected. This is probably the single biggest factor. In addition there is the question of “critical mass”. To date ethnic Chinese in Western Australia constitute less than 5% of the total population. Though the demographic distribution is not concentrated in any constituency, indications are that as a block ethnic Chinese are significant voters in marginal electorates such as Riverton where they constitute 20% or more.
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地的上议院主席;2000年时任地方自由党副主席 的Richard Lim 博士成为了北领地的首位华裔内 阁大臣,这也是全澳大利亚范围内第一位州内阁 大臣。
裔人口只占总人口的比重不到5%。尽管没有专门 针对于选民族裔分布的人口统计数据,但是在华 裔人口超过20%的地区,例如 Riverton,他们会 成为边际席位重要的投票人。
在地方议会,Henry Tsang在1991到1999 年任悉尼副市长。2000年 Alfred Huang 以高达 58%的得票率当选为首位澳洲首府城市阿德莱德 的华裔市长。John So在2001-2008年间任墨尔 本市长。
另一个重要的因素是缺少一种严重的危机, 不论这种威胁是真实存在的还是被感觉到的。当 一个社区的人民处在危难境地的时候,他们参政 或支持某一政治派系的行为就会增多。
联邦层面1990至1999年,Bill O’Chee代 表昆士兰州、Tsebin Chen代表维多利亚州(1999 至2005)出任澳大利亚参议院议员。黄英贤在 2007年成为第一位华裔联邦部长。 西澳华裔参政程度不高可以归结于以下几个 原因。 在澳大利亚政治体制中,政治家经全体选 民选举产生,他们通常都是代表一个政党。澳洲 民主机制就是不同的政党通过吸收成员和寻找竞 选者来参加竞选。竞选者需要展示不凡的社交能 力、受欢迎的个性、承受党内外批评的能力、服 务人民的决心和前期被肯定的成就。另外还要考 虑一系列不确定因素,例如:运气、机遇、当地 环境和党内政治环境。最后竞选人还需要充足的 时间并且做好个人生活被公众关注的准备。 由于历史原因,华裔人口曾受白澳政策的影 响急剧下降。1933年居住在珀斯的华裔只有363 人,整个西澳的华裔也不过705人。1947年的人 口普查数据显示全西澳的华裔已经减少到了385 人。1980年以后华裔移民才开始大批来到西澳。 新移民需要时间来适应新环境、成家立业、在经 济上独立养家糊口。所以,事实上对很多人来说 参政是一件很奢侈的事情。在政治领域的成功需 要大量时间来建立朋友圈和寻找支持者,经受政 治磨炼,从而被认可和在预选中胜出并最终当 选。这大概是影响亚裔参政的最大因素! 另外,作为一个族裔也只有在数量在形成一 定规模才能显现出政治影响力。现今,西澳的华
还有一些其它的因素,比如人们整体上对职 业或经商的兴趣多于对政治,不信任现有的任政 治体制以及不喜欢私生活被不必要的关注等。 总之,对目前华裔在地方、州及联邦层面参 政 较少的情况,我们自己要付主要责任。 改变华裔社区缺少政治决策参与的状况并非 一日之功。或许各政党应考虑在不同族裔里建立 起正式或非正式的社区团体,并委托他们以明确 的责任和权威的可行性和意义。 长期来看,亚裔社区对议会、内阁、政治和 政府活动的参与将加强人们对澳大利亚是亚太大 家庭一员这一事实的认同。 智慧、务实并有着极强适应力的华裔同胞完 全有能力参与到各个层面的政治活动中来。我们 当然需要在立法、司法和行政领域发挥更加积极 的作用。华裔社区人们必将和新一届政府一道, 为实现澳大利亚愿景和理想,在亚太地区建立和 谐、公正和多元文化的澳洲而奋斗。 在未来的几年内,来自职业和商业圈的人士 参与政治将不足为奇。他们良好的经济基础以及 社会关系网络都是其成功的要素。 然而从长远来看,我们年轻一代必将在机遇 中崛起。因为在澳洲教育体系中成长,他们在对 澳洲历史和社会的研究中处于更有利的位置。他 们有着充分的理由来期望和要求与他人一样的公 民或居民权利。他们坚定的“是华裔,更是澳洲 人”的理念将在时间的检验中升华,同时他们与
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Another significant factor is the lack of significant threat, real or perceived. When the community is under siege, participation or support for political choice invariably increases. In 2001 Roger Kwok, then president of WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, openly supported Hendy Cowan’s bid for the Senate seat, because of his strong stand against One Nation. Other contributing factors include general lack of interest in politics in favour of professional or business pursuits, distrust of the political system, distaste for unnecessary scrutiny over personal issues. In the final analysis the Chinese community is largely responsible for its lack of involvement in politics at the local, State and Federal levels. Lack of participation in the political decision is unlikely to be resolved in the short term. Perhaps the political parties should look into the viability and implications of setting up formal or informal committees with ethnic groups, entrusting them with well-defined authority and responsibility.
In the years to come, it would not be surprising that individuals from the professional or business circles would run for politics. Improved financial resources and networking among the communities would contribute to their success. In the long run, however, it is our youth who would rise to the occasion. Going through the same education system, they are well grounded in the history and social studies of Australia. They have every right to expect and demand their rights as citizens or residents as any others. Their resolute value of “Australian first, Chinese second” would be crystallised in the passage of time, while their unique connectivity with the Asia region would continue to be highly valued. The transformation from the rather parochial to wider political perspective would be part of natural progression. The next generations of ABCs (Australian Born Chinese) would undoubtedly outperform their parents, the first or second generation “Australians by Choice” in the political arena. Dr. Yit Seng Yow
In the long run, the credibility of Australia as a member of the Asian Pacific community could only be enhanced with visible participation of the community in Parliament, Cabinet, and government. The Western Australian Chinese community is resourceful, resilient and pragmatic. There is sufficient talent in the community to participate in activities at all levels. There is certainly a need to play more active roles in the legislative, judicial and administrative levels. The community would certainly work with the new Government in the interest of Australian vision and ideals, in the pursuit of a harmonious, just, multicultural Australia within the Asia Pacific.
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亚洲独特联系也会得到更多的重视。华裔视野必 然会从相对狭隘拓宽到更加广阔的政治领域。 可以相信,“出生在澳洲“的下一代华裔们 将毫无疑问比他们“选择做澳洲人“的父辈们在 政治领域里表现得更加出色。
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The Australian Chinese Medical Association of Western Australia - Let us inspire and mold the next generation of your doctors ACMA WA has worked with the Chung Wah Association for many years and in recent times, President TS Su and our past presidents Dr Wendy Cheng and Dr Seng Law have strengthened these ties. As Chung Wah marks its centenary celebrations, ACMA WA is honoured to be a part of this great achievement. Healthcare is one of those areas where you always think that not enough is being done – and yet, on the whole, Australia’s medical “system” provides a great level of healthcare to all. ACMA is committed to providing medical/healthcare assistance to our own communities, especially via the Chung Wah Association. We think we can best contribute by augmenting the “system” with our ethnic orientation and pursuing avenues of constructive non-political action. Asian migrants are dedicated to improving the lives of themselves and their families and Australia provides opportunities to do so. What better way to support the health of our community than to have a multitude of Asian healthcare workers at various levels of influence. Many of our second and third generation have had the opportunity to pursue careers in nursing, physiotherapy, pharmacy, and medicine. Many others have careers in the biological sciences as accomplished researchers.
ACMA WA aims to encourage and foster the growth of our doctors. We accomplish this through medical education programs given by eminent specialist practitioners for our doctors and medical students, and through mentoring our medical students and post-graduate trainees. We have hosted successful national ACCMA conferences in Perth in 2003 and 2009, fostering a sense of community, fellowship, and ethnic awareness in the practice of medicine to help our community. We have established an elective scholarship for our medical students to gain an overseas perspective to medical practice, and are setting up an adjunct teaching series for our medical students to help them transition to junior doctors. ACMA has helped many medical practitioners to make their own contributions to the healthcare of the community. We are committed to working with the Chung Wah Association to help our children, and grandchildren aspire to the well-respected and compassionate practice of medicine, and to the flow on of good health!
Dr. Kevin Tan President of the Australian Chinese Medical Association of Western Australia
ACMA WA is a relatively young association, founded in 1992 under the leadership of Dr. Seng Law. Since 1993, the WA, Victoria, NSW, South Australia, Queensland, and New Zealand branches have come together every year under the rubric of the Australasian Council of Chinese Medical Associations (ACCMA) to further the AustralianChinese Medical community.
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西澳澳华医学会 - 培养新一代医生的摇篮 多年以来,西澳澳华医学会(医学会)一直 保持着与中华会馆的合作关系。日前,在中华会 馆会长徐天送和医学会前会长Wendy Cheng 和 Seng Law 的推动下,双方的关系又向前迈进了一 步。值中华会馆百年华诞之际,西澳澳华医学会 有幸受邀共庆这一盛典。 尽管医疗保健领域总是存在着有待改进的空 间,但总体上说,澳洲的医疗体系为人们提供了 高水准的健康保障。西澳澳华医学会致力于华裔 社区人们的健康事业,特别是以中华会馆为媒介 提供医疗服务。通过加强定位于对华裔社区的服 务和遵循建设性的非政治活动,我们相信医学会 将会最大程度地为澳洲医疗体系作出贡献。
我们还为医学专业的学生设立了奖学金项 目,以便拓展他们在医学实践领域的国际视野。 同时我们还提一系列的供辅助课程以帮助医学专 业的学生实现向初级医师的转变。 西澳澳华医学会帮助了大批医学领域的从业 人员为华裔社区的医疗事业奉献了自己的力量。 我们还将会同中华会馆一道致力于培养后代们对 崇高的医学事业的追求和对长久健康的向往。
Dr. Kevin Tan 西澳澳华医学会会长
亚裔移民为个人和家庭的福祉不懈奋斗着, 澳洲这片土地也给他们提供了这样的机会。有什 么能比拥有大量在各层面有影响力的亚裔医护人 员更让我们的社区有健康保障呢?事实上众多第 二、三代移民已有机会在护理、理疗、药剂学和 医学领域实现了他们对事业的追求。也有很多人 成为了生物科学领域卓有成就的学者。 1992年在 Seng Law 博士领导下创立的西澳 澳华医学会是一个相对年轻的团体。自1993年以 来,依据大洋洲中华医学会理事会的章程,来自 西澳、维多利亚、新南威尔士、南澳、昆士兰和 新西兰的分会每年都相聚一堂共商澳洲华裔医学 事业的发展大计。 西澳澳华医学会的目标是鼓励和促进华裔医 生的成长。医学会通过由知名专业从业人员培训 医生和医学专业学生,以及通过指导医学专业学 生和实习阶段的研究生来实现这一目标。医学会 还于2003年和2009年在珀斯成功承办了全国性 的澳华医学会年会,加深了华裔社区的认同感, 增强了华裔医学界的凝聚力,为服务华裔社区做 出了贡献。
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The Chung Wah Galaxy Just like stars and planets in the universe, a plethora of ethnic Chinese societies, associations and other related entities have been formed in Western Australia, particularly in the past 10 to 15 years. These independent bodies revolve around the Chung Wah orbit to various degrees, serving their own niche markets, complementing the work of our association. In times of need they converge and organise functions and stage events collectively. A case in point was the cultural night commemorating the 60th National Day of the Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Republic of China, when most of these associations joined to put up an excellent performance. From a historical perspective, two associations originated from Chung Wah itself. The Chinese Community Centre was formed in 1979 as a breakaway faction, while the Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce was established in 1987 by prominent leaders. The Australia China Friendship Society was established in 1970 and is one of the earliest societies, to promote friendship and understanding between the peoples of Australia and China through lectures, tours, and aid to educational projects in China. While Chung Wah remains a broad-based association for the ethnic Chinese wherever they are from, others cater for specific geographic sectors. They include the Western Australian Indo-China Chinese Benevolent Association (formed in 1984), Brunei Club (1993), the Taiwanese Association of Western Australia, the Christmas Islanders and Friends Association (1998), the Shandong Association of WA (2005), the Association of
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Australian Chinese Mainlanders and Friends (2006), the Australian Central China Association (2007), the West Australian Fujian Association (2008), Hakka Association (2009) and the Western Australia Zhejiang Business and Culture Promotion Association (2009). Among all the associations the Taiwanese Association of Western Australia runs its own schools, teaching the traditional Chinese characters (compared to simplified characters in Chung Wah schools) In business, other than the Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the Hong Kong Australia Business Association (1987), the Australian China Business Council (1997) and the Australia-China Business Club (2004) provide services dedicated to their respective areas. In professional services, the Australian Chinese Medical Association Western Australia caters for doctors of ethnic Chinese origin trained in Western medicine. The Federation of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society (1989) and the Australian Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Association (1996) represent members who promote and develop traditional Chinese medicine. On the cultural front, the Australian Mulan Culture & Arts Association (2002) was incorporated to promote Chinese culture and arts through events. The Cultural Club (2004) is a private club promoting Chinese culture and social activities such as choir singing and new vogue dancing. The Confucius Institute at the University of Western Australia (2005) is dedicated to strengthening links between China and Western Australia, especially in Chinese language training and cross-cultural awareness. The Western Australia Oriental Culture and Art Association (2007) is dedicated to the
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中华群星会 正如闪耀的繁星组成了浩瀚的宇宙,众多的 华裔社团和其他相关组织成就了西澳华裔社区的 繁荣。特别是在过去的十到十五年间,这些独立 的机构围绕在中华会馆周围,服务于他们各自的 领域,与会馆的工作相辅相成。 必要的时候这些机构会聚集在一起共同组织 活动。最典型的例子是庆祝中华人民共和国60周 年华诞的文化之夜,大部分团体都积极参与并有 出色的表现。 从历史角度看,两个机构是从中华会馆中产 生的。1979年成立的华裔社区中心是从会馆分离 出来的一个机构;西澳中华总商会是1987年由会 馆杰出的领导者们发起建立的。 澳中友谊协会成立于1970年,是华裔社区 最早的促进澳中友好的组织之一, 它通过举办讲 座和旅行团来增进澳中人民相互了解;同时该协 会还支助中国的教育项目。 中华会馆作为一个广泛吸纳华裔人士的组 织,其成员来自世界各地。另外还有一些自治的 定位于特定地域的组织,例如:西澳越棉寮华联 谊会(1984)、文莱联谊会(1993)、西澳台湾 同乡会、圣诞岛居民与朋友协会(1998)、西澳山 东同乡会(1995)、大华联合会(2006)、西澳 福建同乡会(2008)、客家同乡会(2009)、西 澳浙江商贸文教促进协会(2009)。在这些组织 中,台湾同乡会经营自己的学校,教授繁体汉字 (中华会馆所属学校教授简体中文)。 商业领域,除西澳中华总商会外,还有西澳 香港商会(1987),澳大利亚中国工商业委员会 (1997)、澳中商业协会(2004)。这些机构 都为相关领域提供服务。 在专业领域,澳中医学会注重培养西医领域 华裔医生。澳洲中医药协会(1989)和澳洲中
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医药针灸研究会代表了传播和发扬中医事业的人 士。 在文化层面,木兰艺术协会(2002)通过 各项活动弘扬中华艺术文化。文化社(2004)是 传播中华文化私人会所,它参与多项社会活动, 如唱诗班和现代舞等。西澳大学孔子学院旨在加 强中澳往来,特别是在中文和跨文化交流培训方 面。西澳东方文化艺术协会致力于书法和绘画方 面的研究。 体育方面,西澳精武团(1987)展现了中 华传统武术的魅力。 传媒领域,澳大利亚时报是每周出版的中 文报纸,创刊于1998年;东方邮报(2001)双 语发行(中文、英文);澳洲移民报是唯一一份 专门提供移民信息和服务的报纸;澳洲环球商报 (2008)是另外一份双语报纸。澳大利亚时报 还发行华语商业指南。另外除了西澳本地的报纸 外,大纪元也发行其全球报纸的珀斯版。 1990年西澳第一家多元文化广播电台95.3 FM 成立了。该电台隶属于西澳多元文化广播和 电视协会。中华会馆是其成员之一。2007年珀 斯中文电台 104.9 FM开始普通话和话语广播, 它是唯一一个免费的24小时提供华语节目的电 台。 其他的组织还包括西澳中国学生学者联谊 会。它致力于帮助在西澳地区的中国学生和学 者。另外还有澳洲华裔妇女联合会,它关注女性 利益。另外还有西澳科学家协会。 随着时间的推移,也许有的团体会出现合并 或被接管,有的会淡出历史舞台,而有的会继续 沿着中华会馆的轨迹开展各项工作。尽管中华会 馆是西澳的华裔组织,会馆凭借其悠久的历史, 持续吸收来自与全球各地的会员们,保持了它的
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production, study and preservation of paintings and calligraphy.In sports the Chin Woo Association (1987) showcases martial arts to the community. In the world of media, the Australian Chinese Times, a Chinese language weekly newspaper, was established in 1998, the Oriental Post (2001) is a bilingual (Chinese, English) newspaper, the Australian Migration Times (2006) is the only newspaper dedicated to migration into Australia and the Australian Asia Business Weekly (2008) is the other bilingual (Chinese, English) newspaper. The Australian Chinese Times is credited with the publication of a Chinese-English Business Directory. In addition to the Western Australiabased papers listed, the Epoch Times released a Perth version of its global newspaper. In 1990, Western Australia’s first multicultural radio station, 95.3FM operated by Multicultural Radio and TV Association of WA, of which Chung Wah was a member, was launched. In 2007 the Perth Chinese Radio 104.9FM began broadcasting in Mandarin and Chinese, the only free to air, 24hour commercial Chinese language radio station. Other special interests groups include the Western Australian Chinese Students and Scholars Association (2006), which supports Chinese students and scholars in Western Australia, and the Australian Chinese Women’s Federation (2009) catering for the special interests of women, as well as the WA Scientists Association. With the passage of time, some of these entities might be subject to takeovers, mergers or acquisitions, while some might implode or become inactive. Some of these orbit around Chung Wah activities. In spite of the proliferation of ethnic Chinese-based associations in Western Australia, the Chung Wah Association remains the major entity because of its long-established history, broad-based membership, credibility and connectivity. As such it will continue
to be the “soul” of the community, and the crucial link between the diverse ethnic Chinese groups. It would serve as the irreplaceable interphase between the community, government and other entities. While stars and planets are likely to proliferate, the centre of the galaxy is unlikely to change.
Here are some of the associations. Association of Australian Chinese Mainlanders and Friends Australian Asia Business Weekly Australian Central China Association Australian China Business Club Australian China Business Council Australia China Friendship Society Australia - China business federation Australian Chinese Medical Association Western Australia Australian Chinese Times Australian Chinese Women’s Federation Australian Migration Times Australian Mulan Culture & Arts Association Australian Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Association Brunei Club Chin Woo Association Cultural Club Chinese Community Centre Chung Wah Association Christmas Islanders and Friends Association: Confucius Institute at the University of Western Australia Federation of Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society Hakka Association Hong Kong Australia Business Association: Oriental Post Perth Chinese Radio 104.9FM Shandong Association of WA Taiwan Association of Western Australia West Australian Fujian Association Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce Western Australian Chinese Scientist Association Western Australian Indo-China Chinese Benevolent Association Western Australia Oriental Culture and Art Association Western Australia Zhejiang Business and Culture Promotion Association
The Editorial Committee
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实体性。中华会馆将作为华裔社区“良知”与“ 灵魂”的传承者以及联系不同背景华裔人群的纽 带,在社区、政府和其他组织中发挥不可替代的 作用。虽然繁星会变化,银河系的中心是恒定 的。 以下是部分社团组织名单: 大华联合会 澳洲环球商报 澳大利亚河南(中原)联谊会 澳中商业协会 澳大利亚中国工商业委员会 澳中友好协会 澳中商贸促进会 澳大利亚时报 西澳妇女联合会 澳洲移民报 澳大利亚木兰文化艺术协会 澳洲中医药针灸研究会 文莱联谊会 精武团 西澳文化社 华裔社区中心 中华会馆 圣诞岛居民与朋友协会 西澳大学孔子学院 澳洲中医药协会 客家同乡会 西澳香港商会 东方邮报 104.9FM华语广播 西澳山东同乡会 西澳福建同乡会 西澳中华总商会 西澳州越棉寮华联谊会 西澳东方文化艺术协会 西澳浙江商贸文教促进协会
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Galvanising our collective intelligence for the future One of the defining phenomena in the early 21st century in Western Australia is our increasingly intertwined relationship with China. The Gorgon project, from which we would export $50, billion worth of gas to China, is a case in point. In this respect it is evident that our employment opportunities, job security, our standard of living and our economic well being are increasingly dependent on our trade with China. China is WA’s biggest export market accounting for 34 per cent of the State’s exports. The fortunes of our companies as well as prices of products are increasingly influenced by boardrooms in Beijing and Shanghai, rather than those in New York or London. The biggest market for a whole spectrum of products worldwide, including motor vehicles, has now shifted to China, rather than the US, Europe or Japan. Companies, big and small, including some of our biggest resource companies as well as the Stock Exchange itself, are subject to mergers and takeovers from our Asian neighbours. In the past two or three decades there has been a technology surge in China, much of it unknown to West Australians. A few decades ago, super computers were one of the items restricted for sales to China; today Tianhe-1A, manufactured in China, is the fastest supercomputer on earth. Within a decade or two, we would see a new phase of Chinese technology and economic vigour, as more and more products are manufactured from research and development by Chinese corporations, institutions and universities. These products would be designed, developed and manufactured in China, free from any restrictions or constraints . The battery-powered vehicle, solar technology, as well as aspects of telecommunications are early examples of this trend.
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Economics aside, the peaceful rise of China is inevitable, which dramatically realigns the geopolitical map of the world, especially the Asia Pacific region. Intelligent management of this reality would be crucial to our own survival as a state. This development should be dealt with in a prudent and considered way, without irrational, impulsive or emotional manner. West Australians generally are more knowledgeable about Europe and the United States, rather than Asia. Given the differences in value judgment, political systems, cultural as well as historical perspectives between China and Australia, differences in opinion and outlook invariably exist. This is particularly so when the social interphase between ethnic Chinese and the wider Australian population has a relatively short history; the White Australian policy was removed by the Labor government only in 1973 and significant numbers of ethnic Chinese only arrived in the 80s. Sun Wu孙武 (544 – 470 BC), stated in his Art of War 孙子兵法, the earliest text on military warfare, that: “He who knows both the enemy and himself will not be in danger in a hundred battles. He who does not know the enemy but only knows himself would win sometimes, whereas he who does not know the enemy and himself would loose in every battle” 知己知彼,百战不贻;不知彼而知己,一胜 一负;不知彼不知己,每战必败
That everlasting truth is best illustrated by Kevin Rudd, our former prime minister, and the only Mandarin speaking Western leader in the world, with a good grasp of the Chinese culture, mindset and psyche. It is notable that even the United States acknowledges our better understanding of China;
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凝聚华裔智慧 创造明日辉煌 西澳大利亚(西澳)在21世纪初出现的标志 性现象之一便是与中国的联系日益紧密。在高庚 (Gorgon)地区总金额达500亿澳元的对华天然 气出口项目便是很好的例证。从这个意义上说, 西澳的就业机会、工作保障、人们的生活水平以 及经济福利正越来越多地依赖于与中国的贸易。 中国已成为西澳出口贸易最大的市场,对华出口 占全州出口总量的34%。 因此,与以往不同的是,来自北京和上海的 因素比来自纽约和伦敦的因素在更大程度上影响 着西澳公司的前景以及产品的价格。在世界范围 内,中国已经成为了一系列产品的最大市场, 就 连全球最大的汽车市场也已经从欧美和日本转移 到了中国。从澳洲最大的能源公司到证券交易 所,在各种规模的公司中都能看到我们亚洲邻居 参与兼并和收购的身影。 在过去的二三十年中,中国的技术领域经历 了不为西澳人所熟知的巨大变革。几十年前超级 计算机还是被限制出口到中国的产品之一;如今 中国已生产出了世界上运算速度最快的超级计算 机-天河一号。在未来的十到二十年中,我们会 看到中国在技术和经济领域新一轮的飞跃。中国 将生产出越来越多的由本国企业、研究机构和大 学所研发设计的产品,这些产品将在中国不受其 他条件约束和限制地被设计、开发和生产。太阳 能技术和通讯代表了这一趋势早期的例子。 除经济领域外,中国的和平崛起已成为必 然。这对世界尤其是亚太地区的政治格局产生深 远的影响。认识并英明地把握这一现实对西澳的 生存和发展至关重要。在这个过程中,我们要做 出明智而谨慎的选择,并避免非理性及冲动的态 度。 西澳对欧美的了解和认识往往比对亚洲多。 中澳有着不同的价值观,政治体系以及文化和历 史背景,因而双方对事物的认识和看法存在差
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异。加上华裔融入澳洲社会的历史较短,使得这 个问题显得更加突出;直到工党政府1973年废除 白澳政策,华裔在80年代才开始大批移居澳洲。 孙武(公元前544-470 年)在他所著的世界 上最早的兵书《孙子兵法》中说到: “知己知彼,百战不贻;不知彼而知己,一 胜一负;不知彼不知己,每战必败。” 澳大利亚前总理陆克文对这一亘古不变的真 理做出了极好的诠释。作为西方世界第一位讲中 文的领袖,陆克文深谙中国人的文化、思维及心 理。值得指出的是甚至美国也认可澳洲对中国有 着更深入了解;克林顿夫人曾公开赞扬陆克文先 生为促进中美友好关系做出的帮助。 在庆幸陆先生为国家制定了针对中国的外交 政策的同时,我们也注意到了在西澳全州范围内 更深入了解中国思想文化,并要凝聚华裔社区的 集体智慧为西澳发展贡献力量的紧迫性。 上世纪60年代,当日本经济成为推动澳洲贸 易的主导动力时,西澳州政府在大中小学推广了 日语学习计划。 这项具有前瞻性的决定使日语成为在西澳学 校学习人数最多的亚洲语言,目前有超过三万人 在学习日语。此外,西澳大学经济学院的日语教 学项目,为外交贸部培养了大批能够说日语的工 作人员。 如今,随着“亚洲世纪的来临”,中国、印 度及一些东南亚联盟国家的成员(特别是印尼) ,正成为国际和地区事务中不可忽视的力量。因 此,西澳需要全新的外交政策,以便其从新的全 球政治格局中全面受益。
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While we are lucky to have Mr Rudd at the national level to shape our foreign policy, at our State level, there is an urgent need to better understand the Chinese mindset and psyche as well as to galvanise the collective intelligence of the ethnic Chinese community in the best interests of the State. In the 1960s, when the Japanese economy was the dominant force behind Australia’s trade, the State Government of Western Australia promoted the study of Japanese languages in schools and universities. This visionary decision led to the study of Japanese as the major Asian language in WA schools, culminating in more than 30,000 students in our State studying Japanese today. In addition, the creation of a Japanese study stream in the school of economics at the University of Western Australia helped train most of the Japanese speakers at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Today, the “Dawning of the Asian Century”, China, India as well as some of the members of ASEAN (notably Indonesia) are emerging as regional or global powers. This necessarily requires a new policy , so that WA would be in a position to fully benefit from the new geo-political reality. Few people in Western Australia realise that Mandarin is the most commonly spoken language in the world, with more than 850 million native speakers, compared to 350 million for English. In reality Chinese is not only the official language in China but is also one of the dominant languages in business in much of South-East Asia. The Government is beginning to realise that the study of the Chinese language as well as teaching of Chinese culture is in the long-term interest of Western Australia. The reality is that only six public and three private high schools offer Chinese, with fewer than 100 students studying Mandarin at year
12; altogether there are fewer than 2000 students studying Mandarin in Western Australian schools. It would be our challenge in the coming years to introduce Mandarin in schools, just as we introduced Japanese in the 1960s. In this respect the development of Rossmoyne as well as Mount Lawley Senior High Schools into centres of excellence for the teaching of Mandarin is a step in the right direction. The challenge is not insurmountable, as it would be similar to the teaching of Japanese. Chung Wah Association started its first language class in 1923 at Wesley Church. With close to 90 years of teaching experience, our programs have matured from one of teaching basic language to the younger generation to one of providing an alternative pathway to Tertiary Entrance Examinations. With more than a thousand students in three schools and an inexhaustible pool of bilingual native Mandarin speakers, we certainly have the resolve, resources and manpower to contribute to any program that the State Government may introduce. While the teaching of Mandarin requires much planning, resources and finance, the teaching of Chinese culture could be done in English, built into one of the existing subjects. The Confucius Institute 孔子学院, established in 2005 as a joint venture between the University of Western Australia and Zhejiang University, provides a range of programs for the general public, ranging from teaching of language to Chinese calligraphy. From a historical perspective the Chinese community has been contributing to the economic development of Western Australia, though its roles have been somewhat excluded from social and historical records. While it is generally known that Perth was founded by Captain James Stirling as the political centre of the free-settler Swan River Colony on June 12, 1829, not much is known about
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在西澳几乎没有人知道中文是世界上使用 人口最多的语言。超过八亿五千万人的母语是普 通话,而英语是母语的人只有三亿五千万。事实 上,中文不仅是中国的官方语言,也是东南亚商 务中被使用的主要语言之一。
作为一名木匠,在Fremantle建造了很多房屋商店 和仓库。周满代表了华裔移民先驱的精神。在此 之后,第一批为数51人的华裔工人于1847-1848 年到达了西澳,1898年200名华裔劳工登上了圣 诞岛。
西澳州政府开始意识到,学习中文及中国 文化符合西澳发展的长远利益。而现实却是在西 澳只有六所公立中学和三所私立中学提供中文课 程,能考高中的十二年级学生不超过100人;在 整个西澳地区学习中文的人数也不超过2000。所 以在未来的几年中,将中文引入学校教学将是我 们面临的具有挑战性的任务,正如我们60年代人 们引入日语时的情形。
然而1901年针对对华裔移民的移民限制法 案的通过标志了白澳政策的开始。造成这一状况 的主要原因是当时中国社会君权至上的思想以及 中国政府的软弱。当时的世界是以欧洲为中心, 英法的意志为主导的。加之中国被西方及日本占 领,割让香港,中国人被冠以东亚病夫的称号。
因此,把罗斯莫因(Rossmoyne)和摩利 (Mount Lawley)的高中建立成高质量的中文教 学中心,是我们向着正确方向迈进的坚实一步。 借鉴日语教学的历史,我们会发现推广中 文的任务虽艰巨却非不可完成。从1923年在 Wesley 教堂开设第一节中文课至今,中华会馆已 拥有近90年的教学经验。其教学项目由单一地对 年轻一代提供基础的中文教育发展为通向高中考 试的一个途径。中华会馆拥有三个学校的1000多 名学生以及大量的以中文为母语的双语人才。我 们有决心也有能力承接西澳政府可能引进的任何 中文语言项目。 虽然教授中文需要详细的计划和配套的师资 力量,教授中国文化却可以针对现有课题用英语 完成。成立于2005年的孔子学院是西澳大学和浙 江大学合作的成果。它向公众提供从语言到中国 书法一系列的教学项目。 从历史上看,华裔社区一直在为西澳的经济 发展贡献自己的力量,尽管其中一部分并没有被 载入史册。广为人知的历史是,James Stirling船 长于1829年6月12建立了天鹅河自由殖民地的政 治中心 – 珀斯; 然而,四个月后,第一位华裔移 民周满乘坐Emily Taylor 号于1829年10月12日 到达西澳的故事就不为很多人所知了。即使在华 裔社区知道这个故事的人也不多,更不用说他曾
中华会馆成立于1910年华裔孤立无援的危 难之际,当时的状况可谓叫天天不应,叫地地不 灵。而1901年移民限制法案的影响也日益彰显; 西澳华裔居民不得不接受他们的人口将会日益减 少的残酷现实。 1911年10月10日发生的武昌起义是中国具 有重大历史意义的事件,它最终导致了辛亥革命 的爆发。辛亥革命不仅推翻了清朝的统治,也意 味着中国近5000年封建帝制的终结。这次革命的 领导人孙中山先生无论在大陆还是台湾都被尊称 为“国父”。中华会馆的大厅里也陈列一幅孙中 山先生的画像。 辛亥革命的成功使中国走向了自立自强,摆 脱列强统治的道路。中华会馆事实上也是成立于 革命其间。 作为一个“受难”的族群,中华会馆的成立 为大家提供了互相帮助的平台,鼓励大家自强自 立,使人们在这个团体中找到归属感并感受到华 裔社区的精神。 在西澳华裔人口的减少使中华会馆经历了一 段冬眠期。受白澳政策的影响,到1933年居住在 珀斯的华裔只有363人,整个西澳的华裔也不过 705人。1947年的人口普查数据显示全西澳的华 裔已经减少到了385人。
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the arrival of Moon CHOW 周满 on the ship Emily Taylor -- the first ethnic Chinese to land in Western Australia on October 12, 1829, four months after the Swan River colony was proclaimed. This is little known, even to the Chinese community. Much less is known of his role as a carpenter, building houses, shops and warehouses in Fremantle, a symbol of the pioneering spirit of Chinese settlers. The first batch of 51 workers from China arrived in Western Australia between 1847 and 1848. The first contingent of 200 Chinese labourers was brought to Christmas Island in 1898. However, the passing of the Immigration Restriction Act in 1901 marked the start of the White Australia Policy targeting Chinese immigrants. The sense of “Imperial Supremacy” and weakness of the Chinese government were crucial factors. The world was Eurocentric and the wills of London and Paris prevailed. At the same time China was described as the “Sick Man of Asia” 东亚病夫by foreigners, subject to subjugation, occupation of her territory by the West and Japan, as well as ceding of Hong Kong. The Chung Wah Association was formed in 1910 under desperate circumstances, best described by the Chinese saying “Cry out to the heaven, the heaven does not respond; Plead to the earth, but the earth is ineffective” 叫天天不应,叫地地不灵. The effects of the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 were increasingly felt; local ethnic Chinese residents accepted the harsh reality that their numbers could be decreasing over the years. A defining moment in Chinese history occurred on October 10, 1911, best remembered for the Wuchang Uprising 武昌起义, leading to the 1911 Revolution. The 1911 Revolution, well known in Chinese as the Xinhai revolution 辛亥革命, ended not only the Qing dynasty, but four to five thousand years of rule by Chinese emperors. It was led by Dr. Sun Yat Sen, acknowledged both in mainland China
and Taiwan as the “Father of China”; whose portrait is displayed in the Chung Wah Hall. Indeed the Chung Wah Association was formed in the midst of the Xinhai revolution, the success of which became the first step towards self-reliance, the end of subjugation by foreign powers, occupation of her territory by the West and Japan. As a “community under siege”, the formation of the Chung Wah Association provided a “Mutual Support Network”, a spirit of “Self-Reliance”, “a sense of belonging” as well as “Community Spirit”. In Western Australia, rapidly declining numbers put the association in a state of “hibernation”. As a result of the White Australia policy the Chinese population rapidly declined; by 1933 there were only 363 Chinese living in Perth, out of 705 in the whole State. The 1947 census showed that the Chinese population in WA had dropped to 385. Between 1949 and 1957, thousands of Asian students studied in Australia under the Colombo plan, in spite of the White Australia Policy. This was the first contact of Australians with the Asian community in Australia, and it also provided opportunities for some of our future leaders to be trained in Australia. In March 1966, prime minister Harold Holt introduced significant modifications to the White Australia Policy, reducing the requirement for nonEuropean entry; reflecting his determination to bring Australia closer to Asia. In 1973 the White Australia policy was removed by the Labor government. The lifting of the White Australia Policy in the 1970s resulted in a significant increase in ethnic Chinese coming into Western Australia. They included people from China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Singapore. They also came from countries where they are minorities, such as Cambodia, Indonesia,
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1949年至1957年,尽管白澳政策还未被废 除,上千名亚洲学生通过科伦坡计划(Colombo plan) 来澳洲学习。这是澳大利亚人首次在澳洲 接触到亚裔社区,它也为培养社区未来领导人创 造了条件。 1966年3月哈罗德·霍尔特(Harold Holt) 总理放宽了白澳政策,解除了一些对非欧洲移民 的限制。这也反映出他加强澳大利亚和亚洲国家 联系的决心。工党政府与1973年最终取消了白澳 政策。 七十年代白澳政策的取消使移居西澳的华 裔数量迅速增长。这些华裔主要来自中国大陆、 香港、澳门、台湾和新加坡。也有少数来自柬埔 寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、太平 洋诸岛、菲律宾、泰国和越南。 中华会馆迎也来了新的领导者们,这其中 包括那些曾通过科伦坡计划在澳洲学习的人。在 过去的一个世纪,历届会长和他们的团队都为会 馆、华裔社区以及西澳的发展呕心沥血,鞠躬尽 瘁。 1976年4月第一艘运载越南移民的船到达了 澳洲。到1987年通过有秩序的移民计划和亲人团 聚,超过十万来自越南、老挝和柬埔寨的移民来 到澳洲安家。截至1990年,在澳洲本土出生的越 南裔人口数量已经超过了直接从越南来澳的移民 人数。 1989年发生在北京的天安门事件极大地震 撼了Bob Hawke总理。Hawke政府因此宣布给在 1989年6月20日前到达澳洲的大约20000中国学 生发放有效期为四年的签证。1993年 Keating政 府兑现了前总理Bob Hawke的承诺,没有任何一 个中国学生将被强制返回中国。因此大约23000 名中国学生取得了澳洲永久居住权。目前为止, 这是澳大利亚因为某单一事件从单个国家吸收移 民最多的一次,使得来自中国大陆的华裔人口成 指数级增长。目前澳洲全部华裔有15万人,来自 大陆的华裔大约占20%。
随着华裔在西澳社会扮演的角色日益重要, 华裔社区人们的面孔也越来越多样化。短时间 内,他们在学术、商业和其他专业领域形成了规 模虽小却受人尊重的团体。他们越来越多地被政 府、商业和社区的领导人认可,成为在同亚洲国 家贸易、文化和政治交流中的积极推广者。随 着“亚洲世纪的来临”,这些有着商业才能、很 强适应性和高技能的人们利用他们巨大的华裔社 交网络将发挥越来越重要的作用。 如今,周满的先驱精神依然在华裔社区里清 晰可见,华裔人群在各项专业和社会活动中赢得 了肯定和尊重。更重要的是当建立了自己逐渐庞 大的社会关系网络后,他们已经成为事实上代表 华裔社区的政策制定者和管理者。那么华裔澳洲 人是什么样的呢?答案是,他们是如此多样,他 们可能来自不同的国家,讲不同的语言,持不同 的政见,有些人甚至都没有中文名字! 在政治领域,自从1996年陈精豪医师当选 为Melville第一位华裔地方议员以来,在珀斯和 Nedlands相继有华裔议员当选。2008年Helen Hong Hui Bullock 被选为西澳议会首位华裔立法 院成员。 在教育领域,自从1999年Kit Po WONG 教 授被西澳大学授予教授头衔,并被任命为人工智 能和电力系统研究中心的负责人以来,一大批华 裔在不同大学被授予教授头衔。中华会馆前会 长、西澳华裔社区一直以来的领导人陈继志 医师 在2003年被聘为科廷大学荣誉校长。 在医学和口腔学领域,也涌现出许多优秀的 专业人员。Neale Fong 博士成为了西澳卫生部的 部长。 Fong博士还是西澳足球委员会的主席和委 员。他的弟弟Les Fong为 West Perth队踢过284 场比赛,造就了西澳澳式足球联赛的传奇。 自1975年饶楚生先生成为西澳第一位亚裔 的太平绅士之后,有越来越多的亚裔获得了此项 荣誉称号。而在整个联邦,也有众多出色的亚裔
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Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pacific islands, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
the Chinese Diaspora would play an increasingly significant role.
A new generation of leaders came to the stage, including those who studied in Australia under the Colombo Plan. Over the century successive presidents and their teams worked tirelessly for the association, the community, and the State.
The pioneering spirit of Moon Chow is still evident amongst the Chinese community today as members earn their respect across a broad spectrum of professional and social activities. More importantly, they are the de facto face of the ethnic Chinese community for policy makers and administrators, when they build the increasingly complex personto-person network. What is the face of Chinese Australians? The answer is they could come from a variety of countries, they do not necessarily speak Mandarin or any dialect, they do not share a common religion or political doctrine and they might not even have a Chinese sounding name!
April 1976 saw the arrival of the first Vietnamese boat people in Australia. By 1987, as a result of an orderly departure scheme and family reunions, more than 100,000 people from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia had found new homes in Australia. By 1990 the number of Australian-born Vietnamese outnumbered the boat people. The 1989 Tiananmen incident in Beijing moved prime Minister Bob Hawke to tears. The Hawke government announced its decision to provide a four-year visa to about 20,000 Chinese students who were in Australia before June20, 1989. In 1993 the Keating government honoured a promise made by Bob Hawke, that none of the students would be forced to return to China; it allowed 23,000 students to stay permanently in Australia. This constituted the biggest intake of new residents from a single country as a result of a single event, increasing the number of ethnic Chinese from China exponentially. Today they constitute about 20 per cent of total ethnic Chinese population of 150,000. The face of the Chinese community is increasingly complex, as ethnic Chinese play a more and more important role in Western Australia. They are fast emerging as a small but respectable group in the academic, business, and professional communities. They are increasingly recognised by government, business and community leaders as useful promoters for trade, cultural and political endeavours with Asia. With the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dawning of the Asian centuryâ&#x20AC;? this pool of entrepreneurial, resilient, highly adaptable and skilled people with incredible network within
In politics, since Dr Ching-Howe CHAN became the first ethnic Chinese to be elected as a local councillor in the city of Melville in 1996, other ethnic Chinese have served in the cities of Perth and Nedlands. In 2008 Helen Hong Hui Bullock was elected as a Member of the Legislative Council, the first ethnic Chinese to sit in the Parliament of Western Australia. In education, since Professor Kit Po WONG was appointed a Professor and Head of Artificial Intelligence and Power Systems Research at the University of Western Australia in 1999, numerous others have served as professors in various universities. Former Chung Wah Association president and long-standing WA community leader Dr Eric Tan became the first ethnic Chinese to serve as Chancellor of Curtin University in 2003. In the medical and dental services, there are numerous outstanding professionals. Dr Neale Fong became the director-general of the Department of Health in Western Australia. Dr Fong is also the chairman and Commissioner of the West Australian Football Commission. His
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受到嘉奖。Cheng Han, 李瑞喜, 陈继志医生 和 B. J. Zhuang被授予了澳大利亚勋章; 李瑞喜, Jeffrey Boon Tan 和 Wilson Wu被授予了百年纪念奖 章;1988年阮丽茹女士因其为西澳华裔社区做出 的区大贡献受到了女王的亲自表彰。 在文化界,饶逸生博士出版了《多角度看华 裔 — 其根源、想法和心理》一书,用英语介绍了 华裔文化的各个方面及特点。该书由西澳前州长 Geoff Gallop作序,并于07年由多元文化利益部 长在议会大厦主持了该书的首次公开发行仪式。 在我们促进西澳对亚洲了解的同时,作为华 裔自身也要积极地去适应周围日渐复杂的环境。 从邓小平提出改革开放至今30年来,中国不干涉 别国内政及和平崛起的外交政策和民主进程取得 了举世瞩目的成就。
湾和新加坡;也有的来自柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、 老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、太平洋诸岛、菲律宾、 泰国和越南。 与其他仅在数量上增长的华裔组织不同,中 华会馆凭借其悠久的历史,持续吸收来自与全球 各地的会员们,保持了它的实体性。中华会馆将 作为华裔社区“良知”与“灵魂”的传承者以及 联系不同背景华裔人群的纽带,在社区、政府和 其他组织中发挥不可替代的作用。同时中华会馆 也会延续领导者们对“我们是华裔,我们更是澳 洲人”这个理念的承诺。 饶逸生
1987年,西澳大利亚州和浙江省建立了省 级伙伴关系。它为西澳政府在中国提升西澳形 象,促进中国了解西澳工业能力提供了绝佳机 会。此外,这也让西澳的大学和其他政府机构与 中方建立合作项目成为可能。 从1998年建立珀斯-南京友谊城市开始, 珀斯与一系列城市相继建立了友好关系。城市间 的交流为市级政府合作交流提供了平台;但在整 体上这些城市合作项目并没有强大的资金支持, 完全是依靠城市自身的能力。 1999年中央技术学院(Central TAFE)(现 改名为珀斯中央技术学院)与安徽省职业高中建 立合作办学。中央技校是第一所在中国参与合作 办学的澳洲职业学校。目前该校在中国若干省份 都提供课程。 在庆祝华裔在西澳定居100周年之际,我们 要凝聚华裔社区的集体智慧并为融入澳洲社会做 好准备,与他们分享我们的语言、认知、观点和 文化。 值得再次强调的是,中华会馆的成员不仅来 自华裔人口占主导的中国大陆、香港、澳门、台
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brother Les Fong is a WAFL legend, having played 284 games for West Perth. In 1975 Mr Chu San YOW became the first of many Asian Justice of Peace in Western Australia. At the Commonwealth level, several prominent members have been honoured. Those granted the “Order of Australia” include Cheng Han, Simon Lee, Dr. Eric Tan and B. J. Zhuang; the “Centenary Medal” recipients include Simon Lee, Jeffrey Boon Tan and Wilson Wu. In 1988 Ms Edie Hoy Poy was personally honoured by the Queen for the contribution to the Chinese community in Western Australia. On the cultural front, Dr. Y. S. Yow published The Chinese Dimensions – their roots, mindset and psyche, a book written in English featuring various aspects of Chinese culture. With a foreword from Dr Geoff Gallop, our former premier, the book was launched at Parliament House by the Minister for Multicultural Interests in 2007. While we should move towards a more Asianliterate” Western Australia, in the final analysis, it is the Chinese themselves who need to adjust to this increasingly complex scenario. Since the rise of Deng Xiaoping 30 years ago, the country has adopted an open-door policy, and is visibly vigorous in its diplomatic initiatives, based on their declared policy of non-interference and peaceful rise. The twinning of the State of Western Australia and the Province of Zhejiang in 1987 created an excellent opportunity for the Western Australian Government to promote Western Australia in China and to raise the profile of the State and its industry capabilities. In addition WA universities or other government institutions could establish joint projects with their Chinese counterparts.
These city-to-city exchanges provide platforms for government to government exchanges at the city level; on the whole the friendship city projects are somewhat less well resourced or funded, as they depend entirely on the cities themselves. The Anhui China Australia TAFE College in Anhui province was established in 1999 as a joint venture between Central TAFE (now renamed Central Institute of Technology, Perth) . Central TAFE was the first TAFE College in Australia to establish a joint college in China. The college is now offering courses in several provinces in China. As we celebrate our 100th anniversary, we should be galvanising the collective intelligence of our community to be ready, willing and able to share our language, perceptions, viewpoints and culture with the wider Australian community. It is notable that Chung Wah membership hails from places where Chinese dominates, such as China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Singapore; as well as countries where they are minorities, such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pacific islands, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, etc. In spite of the proliferation of other ethnic Chinese associations in Western Australia, the Chung Wah Association remains the major entity because of its long history, drawing its members from across the globe. As such it will be the torchbearer of the “conscience” as well as the “soul” of the community, and act as the crucial link between the diverse ethnic Chinese groups. It would serve as the irreplaceable interphase between the community, government and other entities and reinforce the leadership’s commitment to the “Australian first, ethnic Chinese second” philosophy.
Dr. Yit Seng Yow The establishment of Perth-Nanjing friendship cities in 1998 was followed by several others.
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凝聚华裔智慧 Congratulations Chung Wah Association on 100 precious years
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Early Chinese Contacts With Western Australia “Though located in different hemispheres and separated by high seas, the people of China and Australia enjoy a friendly exchange that dates back centuries. The Chinese people have all along cherished amicable feelings about the Australian people. Back in the 1420s, the expeditionary fleets of China’s Ming Dynasty reached Australian shores. For centuries, the Chinese sailed across vast seas and settled down in what they called Southern Land, or today’s Australia. They brought Chinese culture to this land and lived harmoniously with the local people, contributing their proud share to Australia’s economy, society and its thriving pluralistic culture.” —Address to a Joint Sitting of the Australian Parliament by the President of China, Hu Jintao October 24, 2003 Chinese may have arrived in Western Australia many centuries before the Europeans. Though Chinese presence in Australia is commonly thought to date back to 1856, private researchers in Perth believe they have uncovered spectacular new evidence of Chinese presence in Western Australia as early as the Thirteenth Century. Lynda Nutter and Gregg Boalch have recently revealed what they believe are the remains of an ancient observatory — or star watching platform — in the Perth Hills, along with an engraved stone which has Chinese characters and a message to “Look up at the Sky”. They believe the site may have been part of the “Nanhai 4 Seas Sun-ShadowLength Survey” conducted by Chinese astronomer Gou Shoujing, on the order of the Yuan emperor Kublai Khan. (West Australian Museum 1979)
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Figure 1 - Helena Valley Engraved Stone The Prime Meridian Survey When Kublai Khan occupied China, the prime meridian (or equivalent of Greenwich today), had been located at Yaang Chen near modern Denfeng. Kublai Khan decided to establish his new capital city at Dadu, now Beijing, at 116°24’ E in 1276. He ordered his astronomers “to fine tune the measurement of the skies” with regard to this new prime meridian and sent chief Chinese astronomer Gou Shoujing personally to “Nan Hai” — the “South sea” — to achieve this end. This was known as the “Nanhai 4 Seas Sun-Shadow-Length Survey”, in which the length of the sun’s shadow was to be measured at various locations. Gou Shoujing increased the size of the standard 8 chi gnomon or “sun measuring pole” five-fold to a new standard of 40chi to further improve the accuracy of the measurements taken. This was part of an international revolution in astronomy at this time when large-scale instruments were built in China, India, Iran and Egypt to obtain greater accuracy in measuring the heavens. Observatory Walls The story of the remarkable discovery of observatory walls began in 2002 when Lynda Nutter was researching local history for the Aboriginal community in Perth. She became aware of an unusual site of significance made up of over 64m of dry stone walls, built between large boulders on a steep hillside, not far from the Mundaring Weir. (West Australian Museum 1979)
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早期华人在西澳足迹 中国和澳大利亚虽然远隔重洋,但两国人民 的友好交往源远流长,中国人民始终对于澳大利 亚人民怀有友好感情。早在15世纪的20年代,中 国明朝的远洋船队就曾经到过澳大利亚的海岸, 在漫长的岁月中,许多中国人飘洋过海,陆续来 到澳大利亚这一片古老的南方大陆,他们把中华 文化带到这里,同当地人民和睦相处,为澳大利 亚经济社会和多元文化的发展做出了积极贡献。 —节选自胡锦涛2003年10月24日在澳洲联 邦议会的演讲
的天文观测活动。郭守敬亲自到达“南海”进行 观测,这就是著名的“四海测验”。四海测验验 通过测量不同地区太阳的阴影,得到数据从而修 订历法。为了得到更加精确的观测数据,郭守敬 将传统观测仪器圭表由8尺的改造为40尺(9.75 米),表高是原来的5倍。观星台其实就是改造 过的高表,那个时代在中国、印度、伊朗和埃及 这种大型设备的建造大大提高了天文观测的准确 性,从而引发了世界范围内天文学的巨大变革。 观星台围墙
中国人可能先于欧洲人几百年到达西澳大利 亚。尽管华人出现在澳大利亚一般认为是在1856 年,珀斯的私人学者研究发现有力证据表明,中 国人最早出现在西澳大利亚的时间可以追溯到十 三世纪。
有关观星台围墙的重大发现始于2002年, 当时Lynda Nutter 正在进行珀斯土著居民历史的 研究。她发现在Mundaring水坝附近陡峭山体的 大石之间有一面不同寻常由干石组成的长64米的 围墙。
Lynda Nutter 和Gregg Boalch 近日指出他们 相信在珀斯山中保留着古代的天文台,或者说是 观星台。他们在这个天文台中,还发现刻有汉字 以及观星信息的石头。他们相信该古代天文台是 当年元世祖忽必烈任用郭守敬进行“四海测验” 时建造的观星台之一。
图2 Helena 山谷中的围墙
图1 Helena 山谷中刻字的石头 子午线观测 忽必烈称帝期间, 阳城,今登封告成县, 被认为是世界的地理中 心(相当于现在的格林 威治) 。 1 2 7 6 年 忽 必 烈决定迁都大都,即今 北京(东经116°24’ )。为改进、修订历 法,忽必烈任用天文学 家郭守敬进行大规模
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由于既没有欧洲人也没有土著人在此建造围 墙的历史记载,2007年Lynda开始了对该遗址的 研究,专业的调查公司Midland Survey Company 也参与了这项调查。 研究数据显示,根据位置与 朝向该围墙很可能是被用作观星台,也就是郭守 敬在四海测验中临时建造的高塔。
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Figure 2 - Helena Valley Walls With no record of a European origin or purpose and no history of wall building among the local Aboriginal people, Lynda began an investigation of the site which included a professional survey, undertaken by the Midland Survey Company in 2007. The survey data showed that the location and orientation of these walls could support their use as an observatory — an improvised version of the towers designed by Gou Shoujing for the Nanhai 4 Seas Sun-Shadow-Length Survey. Xu Fengxian Figure 3 - Yaang Chen Observatory (1276) Tall gnomon at the top of the walls would create sun shadows in a similar manner to the Chinese Star Watching Platforms, but without having to build the large brick structure such as the observatory tower still standing in Yaang Chen in Dengfong pictured above. It appears that the natural slope of the hillside could have been utilised to achieve the same effect at the Helena Valley site. Figure 4 – Helena Valley Site Measurements It was on the day of the field survey that Gregg Boalch entered the story. Recognising the magnitude and implications of
this discovery, he has been working together with Lynda since that time to properly document the site, publish the preliminary findings and to progress archaeological investigation of the Helena Valley walls. Why would they come to the Helena Valley? During the 1270s there was a rare alignment of the sun and earth (when the Earth’s perihelion coincided with the winter solstice), allowing astronomers to obtain an unprecedented degree of accuracy in their measurements. Naturally they wanted to take advantage of this rare opportunity and find a location in the southern hemisphere, to further refine their measurements and eliminate any parallax error. The Chinese historical record gives some coordinates for a survey based around Nanjing and Beijing at that time. However, the “Nanjing” or Southern Capital, in this ancient record is said to be in the opposite hemisphere to Beijing. The Yuan co-ordinates given for the “Nanjing” location match the latitude of the Helena Valley Observatory site, being in the opposite hemisphere from Beijing and on the same prime meridian (longitude). The record further states that as early as Yuan they were seeking “a southern datum point” to fine tune the measurement of “half of the sky that is above earth”. Lynda and Gregg believe the Helena Valley Observatory site may be that “Southern Datum Point.” Support for their theory of Early Chinese Visitation is suggested by the work of Professor Zhiqiang Zhang, of Beijing University, who has studied the ancient Mao Kun sailing chart used by Zheng He during his seven epic voyages. Professor Zhiqiang has argued that the Mao Kun chart shows a passage to Western Australia. Nutter, in turn, has suggested that some characters on the final pages of the chart below — “Shi Cheng Shan” meaning “mountain or hill of stone walls”
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图3 阳城观星台 1276年
中国的历史文献记录了一些该测验在北京和 南京附近的观测点。但是在古代的记录中,南京 是被认为是在和北京相对的南半球的位置。 在元朝的观测点中,南京被假定是在和 Helena 山谷同一纬度并和北京在同一经度上的位 置。文献还记录道,早在元朝人们就开始为更精 确地进行天文测量寻找南方的观测点。
在围墙上的高表测量太阳阴影的方式与中国 古代的观星台类似,只是它不像中国古代的观星 台那样建在石塔上,例如至今还存在的阳城观星 台。阳城观星台建在山体自然的坡度上与观星台 遗址建在Helena山谷有相同的作用。
Lynda 和 Gregg认为Helena山谷就是那个“ 南方的观测点“。北京大学张治强教授对郑和七 下西洋绘制的茅坤图的研究也可以作为他们观点 的支持。张教授认为茅坤 图描绘了一条通往西澳 大利亚的航线。 随后,Nutter也认为茅坤图最后一页所标 记的汉字“石城山“和“南傅山“可能就是指 Helena山谷观星台附近,另外图中描绘的其他岛 屿位置也与珀斯附近的海岸线相吻合。
图 4 Helena 山谷遗址 图5 茅坤图局部
从实地考察的那天起,Gregg Boalch 也加入 了研究。由于认识到该发现的重要性和意义,他 便开始与Lynda一道整理记录遗址资料,发表初 步成果以及进行对观星台围墙的考古学研究。 那么中国人为什么会来到Helena山谷呢?在 13世纪70年代出现了罕见的天文现象:冬至日与 近日点重合。这给天文学家提供一个前所未有的 提高测量精度的机会。他们当然想利用这次机会 寻找一个南半球的位置改进他们的测量并消除视 差引起的错误。
Nutter还相信居住于西澳南部Nyungah人所 说的语言也是古代中国人曾到达澳洲的证据。在 Nyungah人的语言中有超过100个单词与日语或 某中国地区方言一样或相似。尽管这种相似形被 语言学家所忽视,曾经历土著文化之旅的日本游 客在Yanchep 公园认出了和日语相同的Nyungah 语言。
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and “Nan Fu Shan” the “south Master Hill” — may be referring to the observatory structure in the Helena Valley, and that other islands indicated on these ancient pages can be matched to the West Australian coast around Perth.
Figure 6 engraved ship in cave
Figure 5 - Section of Mau Kin Chart N u t t e r believes evidence of these visits may also be found in the language of the Nyungah people in the south of Western Australia. She has identified over 100 words in the local Nyungah language that are the same as, or similar to, Japanese or a similar and as yet unidentified Chinese dialect. This similarity seems to have gone unnoticed by linguists: however, Japanese tourists on the Aboriginal Cultural Tours at Yanchep Park have recognised the use of same words by Nyungah and Japanese. Boalch and Nutter believe that records of the 1270 Nanhai 4 Seas Survey indicate other survey locations used by the Chinese at this time: of particular interest is a stone arrangement at the Bay of Fires on the east coast of Tasmania, where archaeology by Professor Rhys Jones in the 1960s suggests people stopped there to arrange the stones between 650 and 850 years ago. Remarkably, at another location in a cave 100km south of Yalgoo, there is an engraving of an ancient Chinese junk, suggesting that Chinese visited Western Australia some several centuries ago and this impressed the local people enough to warrant their engraving this outstanding image on a cave wall far from the ocean.
Figure 7 chinese Vessel of this period
Boalch and Nutter are now working to establish a research foundation so they can further investigate the Helena Valley Observatory site and the growing list of other potentially ancient Chinese sites in Australia. They recently presented a paper of Lynda’s preliminary findings at the first International Zheng He Conference in Malacca Endnote Lynda Nutter is a musician, and local historian, and teaches singing at the WA Academy of Performing Arts-Indigenous Theatre Dept. Gregg Boalch FACS CP MACM has been involved in the ICT industry for more than 30 years in both business & research, with a strong interest in historical research. He is director of Falls Valley Consulting Group.
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Boalch和Nutter相信1270年的四海测验在 澳大利亚其他地方也可能也建有观测点。特别 有趣的是在塔斯马尼亚东海岸的火焰湾(Bay of Fires)石头的排列,上世纪60年代考古学家 Professor Rhys 教授认为是650到850 年前有人 登陆塔斯马尼亚并排列堆放了这些石头。 值得强调的是,在Yalgoo 以南100公里的山 洞中保留着刻有中国古代帆船的壁画,它意味着 中国人在几个世纪前曾经来到国西澳并且给当地 人们留下了非常深刻的印象,因而他们才山洞中 刻下了当时来自大洋彼岸的大船的样子。
址。他们最近在在马六甲举行的第一届郑和国际 学术会议上发表了Lynda的初步研究成果。 作者简介 Lynda Nutter是音乐家和当地历史学家,她 目前在西澳歌剧表演艺术学院任教。 Gregg Boalch曾在科廷大学商业研究信息与 通信技术领域工作并任教30余年。同时他对历 史研究也有着浓厚的兴趣。他还是咨询公司Falls Valley Consulting Group 的主管。
图6 山洞壁画中的船像
图7 同时期中国的船
Boalch 和Nutter 正在着手建立一个研究基 金会来拓展他们对Helena 山谷天文台遗址的研究 并且找出更多的古代中国人在澳大利亚建造的遗
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Chinese Christians in Western Australia While exact numbers are not available, it is evident from the numerous Chinese Christian churches in Western Australia that this group of Christians is well-established and expanding in membership and community activities. While relatively new to Western Australia, Chinese Christians can be proud of a long history going back more than 500 years that includes many struggles and setbacks. The growth of Christianity in China It was not until the late 1500s that Catholic Jesuit missionaries established a Christian presence in China. Fast forward to the nineteenth century and Christianity in China remained primarily a rural phenomenon. Yet, Protestant missionaries did have some success in establishing churches in the major Chinese ports. The hostility of the urban Chinese elites towards Christianity was clearly evident during the Boxer Rebellion of 1900 From the early twentieth century, the indigenous clergy in China played an increasingly important role according to the â&#x20AC;&#x153;three self principleâ&#x20AC;? whereby Chinese Christians would be responsible for selfmanagement, self-support and self-propagation of the Churches. Arrival into Australia Chinese people who immigrated to Australia at the end of the 19th century treasured their traditional spiritual beliefs and practices. Temples were built across the goldfields and in major cities. Cemeteries and burning towers to maintain relations with the spirits of those who died here were also established around the country. On the other hand a small but growing number chose to adopt the Christian faith and formed congregations that, by the Federation era, also had key roles in community organisation, business affairs and political activity.
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Chinese Christians in WA Christianity has remained the dominant religion in Western Australia. In 2006, more than half (59% or 1,163,000) of all Western Australian residents reported that they were Christian. The 2006 ABS Census of Population and Housing estimated that there were 53,390 people of Chinese ancestry in WA and that 40 per cent (about 21,000) were Christian. However, with the large influx of Chinese people and students to WA in the past five years, this figure could be much higher, even close to 50,000. The rise in the number WA Chinese Christians began slowly. In 1901, only around 20 per cent of West Australian Chinese accepted Christianity. New migrants, however, from the Chinese diaspora to Australia since the 1950s have continually reinvigorated and diversified Chinese spirituality in Australia. Today in WA, all the major Christian denominations support thriving Chinese Christian communities. Here are some examples: the Agape Chinese Baptist Church, the Chinese Methodist Church, the Chinese Presbyterian Church and the Perth Chinese Catholic community. While full members of their respective mainline churches, these WA Chinese Christian communities aim to enrich the spiritual and cultural lives of their members by providing church services in mandarin or Cantonese and some in English, and by offering varying degrees of community support to its members. Also, independent churches do exist such as the Independent Charismatic Faith Community Church which has one of the largest congregations with over 900 members. Others include the Perth Chinese Christian Church (350-450), the Perth Christian
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西澳华裔基督教 虽然没有确切的数字,但是从数量众多的 西澳大利亚华人基督教会来看,华人基督教会的 组织是很完善的,而且成员的数目和社区活动正 不断地增加。尽管西澳的华人基督教会的历史相 对比较短,但是引以为豪的是基督教在中国具有 500 多年的悠久历史,其发展经历了许多的挫折 和抗争。 基督教在中国的成长 天主教耶稣会直到17世纪才开始在中国传 教。到十九世纪,那时基督教仍主要集中在农 村,但在中国一些港口传教士们成功得宣扬了基 督教并建立了教堂。但1900年义和团起义期间, 中国的城市居民对基督教充满敌意。从二十世纪 初开始,中国基督教根据三自(自治、自养、自 传)原则发挥越来越重要的作用。 移民澳洲 在19世纪末移民到澳大利亚的中国人珍惜他 们的传统的精神信仰和习俗,在金矿区和主要城 市建了寺庙。此外在全国各地设立了华人坟园和 燃烧塔以纪念那些在他乡去世的人。另一方面在 澳大利亚联邦刚刚成立的时候,少数但呈增长趋 势的华人选择以基督教为信仰并且接受洗礼,他 们在社会组织、 商业和政治活动中扮演重要的角 色。
华人刚刚到达西澳时,基督徒的数目很少, 增长缓慢。1901年,只有20%的华人信仰基督 教。从二十世纪五十年代以来,来自非中国大陆 地区的海外华人新移民使澳大利亚的多元化和中 华精神得到振兴。 目前在西澳所有主要的基督教派都支持华人 基督教社区蓬勃发展。比如圣爱华语浸信会、华 人卫理公会、华人基督教长老会和珀斯华人天主 教会。这些基督教会的宗旨是通过普通话、粤语 及英语的教会服务提供不同程度的社会支持以丰 富信徒的精神和文化生活。 此外,在西澳也存在着一些独立教会。比 如最大团体之一,拥有900多名成员的独立圣公 会、还有珀斯华人基督教会 (350-450)、 珀斯基 督教生活中心 (200) 和全福音大会 (120)等。 教会成员的数量快速明显上升的原因包括: 一、许多华人移民特别是那些来自新加坡和印度 尼西亚的华人到西澳之前就已经在信仰基督教、 皈依天主;二、教会被视为友好,活泼和注重团 体精神的地方,提供有价值的文化联系;三、成 熟完善的教堂充满活力,积极吸引新的成员。 举个例子:珀斯的华人基督教长老会的目的 是使珀斯华人转信基督并且鼓励信徒参加教堂活 动。和其他教会一样,她集资募捐支持中国教育 并在中国乡村地区建立教堂。
西澳华人基督教会 在西澳大利亚基督教一直是大家广泛信仰 的宗教。2006年,超过一半的西澳大利亚居民 (59%,1,163,000)是基督徒。根据2006 年澳 大利亚统计局的人口和住房普查 ,西澳的华裔人 口是 53,390 人,其中40 %(约 21000) 是基督 教徒。尽管如此,在过去五年里大量的华人和中 国学生来到西澳,信仰基督教的华人的数目可能 会更高,甚至接近至五万。
西澳华人社区特别关注其成员的精神发展, 尤其是通过对圣经研究和对年轻人的传教让年轻 成员信仰基督教和接受基督教的价值观。规模较 大教堂都定期拜访和照顾老年和其他病人。 参考文献: A World history of Christianity, and Temples, Ghosts and Christians – A Brief History of Chinese Spiritual Practice in Australia. 伊迪思•考文大学新闻系主任 Trevor Cullen教授
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Chinese Christians in Western Australia Life Centre (200) and the Full Gospel Assembly (120). There are a number of reasons for the significant and impressive rise in church membership. First, many of the Chinese people who came to WA already had been baptised into the Christian faith, especially those from Singapore and Indonesia. Second, the churches are seen as friendly, lively and community focused, providing a valuable cultural link. Third, some of the well-established churches are energetic and determined to attract new members. For example, the Chinese Presbyterian Church in Perth aims to convert the Chinese of Perth to Christianity and prepare converts for membership into the church. Like several other churches, it raises funds to support teachers in China and build churches in Chinese villages. There is a special focus in most WA Chinese communities on the spiritual development of their members, and especially implanting Christian beliefs and values in younger members through bible study and youth groups. The larger churches have programs to visit and care for the sick and elderly. Sources: A World history of Christianity, and Temples, Ghosts and Christians â&#x20AC;&#x201C; A Brief History of Chinese Spiritual Practice in Australia. Professor Trevor Cullen Head of Journalism Edith Cowan University
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Buddhism in WA
Buddhism is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who came to be called the Buddha or “enlightened one” in 563 BC. Since then it has grown to become one of the oldest and largest world religions in human history.
公元前563年乔达摩·悉达多通过讲经创建 了佛教,悉达多也就是人们所熟悉的“佛”或者 说“菩萨”。从那时起,佛教逐渐发展成为世界 上历史最悠久、信仰人数最多的宗教之一。
It first surfaced in Australia in the late 1800s when Chinese, Sri Lankan and Japanese immigrants arrived to work as gold miners, pearl divers and sugar cane plantation workers. Although the religion had a slow start, it did expand and by 1952, the Buddhist Society of NSW was formed, and their Queensland and Victorian counterparts in 1953. The first Buddhist monastery was set up in 1971 in the Blue Mountains in NSW. Today there are roughly 400,000 Buddhists in Australia and nearly one-third are Vietnamese. There are 12 distinct Buddhist organizations in Western Australia and these include distinct ethnic groups such as the Sri Lankan, Cambodian and Tibetan Buddhist societies of WA. The Fo Kuang Shan Buddhist Temple on Guildford Road, which is a well-known Buddhist temple and centre in Perth, provides an interesting insight into Buddhist beliefs and practices in WA. 1. Australian Buddhist Bliss Culture Mission 2. Buddhist Society of Western Australia 3. Cambodian Buddhist Society of WA Inc 4. Dharmapala Buddhist Centre (Fremantle) 5. Dhamma Cedi Buddhist Society (Camillo) 6. Diamond Way Buddhist Association (Fremantle) 7. Hayagriva Buddhist Centre (Kensington) 8. Sagaramudra Buddhist Association (Carlilse) 9. Sri Lankan Buddhist Society (Kelmscott) 10. Tibetan Buddhist Society (Herne Hill) 11. Tisarana Buddhist Association (Forrestfield) 12. Zen Group of Western Australia (Fremantle)
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17世纪晚期来自中国、斯里兰卡和日本的移 民把佛教引入了澳大利亚。这些早期移民主要从 事采金、采珠和甘蔗种植。尽管早期佛教在西澳 发展比较缓慢,后期还是有相当的扩展;1952年 成立了新南威尔士的佛教协会,其在昆士兰和维 多利亚州的伙伴协会也于1953年成立。首座佛教 寺院于1971年在新州的蓝山(Blue Mountains) 建立。时至今日,全澳范围内大约有40万佛教 徒,其实约三分之一为越南裔。 西澳有12个不同的佛教组织。这些组织有的 是按族裔划分的,例如有斯里兰卡佛教、缅甸佛 教和藏传佛教。位于吉尔福德路上的佛光山寺庙 是珀斯最著名的佛教讲堂,也是广大佛教徒的聚 集地;并为大家介绍和讲解佛教信条以及开展佛 教活动。 1.澳大利亚佛教徒极乐文化布道团 (Willeton) 2. 西澳佛教协会 (Nollamara) 3. 西澳缅甸佛教协会 (Kelmscott) 4. 达马帕拉佛教中心 (Fremantle) 5. 泰人神圣佛教协会 (Camillo) 6. 金刚之路佛教协会 (Fremantle) 7. 马头明主佛教协会 (Kensington) 8. 海印佛教协会 (Carlilse) 9. 斯里兰卡佛教协会 (Kelmscott) 10. 藏传佛教协会 (Herne Hill) 11. 三皈依佛教协会 (Forrestfield) 12. 西澳禅宗佛教协会 (Fremantle)
Professor Trevor Cullen Head of Journalism Edith Cowan University
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Tzu Chi Perth Foundation Australia In 1966, Master Cheng Yen established Tzu Chi in Hualien, Taiwan with 6 disciples and 30 housewives, who would carry out the Tzu Chi charity work. They lived a life of frugality and simplicity, and worked diligently against all odds. In the beginning, the disciples would make baby shoes everyday to raise funds; and the 30 housewives would save two cents (AUD) from their grocery money each day by dropping it into their bamboo piggy banks. With these funds, Tzu Chi began helping the poor. Sister Julie Chen is the first seed of Tzu Chi in Perth. On 31 July 1997, under her leadership, a few of her friends began regular Sunday visits to Hamersley Nursing Home in Subiaco to comfort the elderly. It became the first volunteer service point developed by Tzu Chi Perth and has continued for over 13 years now. Apart from Hamersley Nursing Home, Perth Tzu Chi volunteers also visit the Freeman Nursing Home at Rossmoyne every Tuesday to comfort and assist in feeding the elderly. The number of volunteers participating has increased year by year. On 1 March 1998, after receiving a blessing letter from Dharma Master Cheng Yen, Tzu Chi Perth was established in the midst of cheering from Tzu Chi volunteers and members. Tzu Chi Perth volunteers all reside in Perth, and are from different countries. They contribute to the local community by being involved in Tzu Chi’s charitable work – live by the concept of “willing to do and happy to accept.” They always remember Master Cheng Yen’s advice: “When living in a foreign country, one must learn to be thankful and contribute to the local community.” Hence, Tzu Chi Perth members diligently cultivate this field of blessings and to be self-reliant by always raising funds locally, and use it to benefit the local
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community. The Charity mission is a very important aspect of Tzu Chi Perth. In February 2001, Tzu Chi Perth established a working relationship with the Western Australia Disability Service Commission (WADSC). Together, WADSC and Tzu Chi Perth are able to render their assistance to various societies and help many unfortunate families. Perth Tzu Chi volunteers contribute without request for anything in return and are always grateful for the opportunity to do charitable work. This philosophy was well-received by the Western Australia government. On 2 September 2003, Tzu Chi Perth was presented with the “Making a Difference” award for its service and contribution to the community. Alongside the Charity mission, Tzu Chi Perth also focuses on its Education mission. Perth Tzu Chi Academy was established on 10 February 2001. Apart from learning the common Chinese curriculum, the students are taught Master Cheng Yen’s “Still Thought” aphorisms. This will allow children to learn Mandarin and be exposed to Tzu Chi humanity and culture; so that they can inherit traditional Chinese virtues and culture. In addition, the Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Association of Perth began to grow in 2002, attracting many high school and university students. For many years they visit nursing homes, promote blood donation and conduct environmental protection activities. Tzu Chi Perth also organises numerous activities (such as a reading club, vegetarian cooking class, Chinese conversation sessions, and more) for its members and friends. Tzu Chi Perth hopes that through these events one can purify one’s mind and help harmonise the society.
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慈济基金会驻澳洲珀斯联络处 1966年证严上人于台湾花莲,以克己、克 勤、克俭、克难的精神创立慈济,初期由六位同 修弟子,每人每天做出一双婴儿鞋,三十位家庭 主妇每天省下五角钱,投入竹筒里,开始慈善济 贫的工作。 1997年7月31日,在珀斯第一颗慈济中子 陈张凤珠师姐积极带动下,她邀请二、三位好友 开始固定于每周日前往Hamersley老人院慰访老 人,这是珀斯联络处所开发出的第一各志工服务 点。慰访老人的关怀工作持续不断,至今已走 过十三个年头,参与志工之人数也逐年增加。 至今,除Hamersley老人院外,座落于南区的 Freeman 老人院,也是慈济志工多年來于每周二 所投入喂食和慰访老人的另一各志工服务定点。 1998年3月1日,珀斯联络处恭接证言上人 祝福函,在所有珀斯慈济人及慈济会众的欢欣期 盼声中成立。为回归当地社会,一群来自各不 同国度并旅居珀斯的华人侨民,保持「甘愿做, 欢喜受」的胸怀投入慈济这个大家庭,并时时谨 记,证言上人的教诲和叮咛:「头顶別人的天, 脚踏別人的地,要懂得回馈,做个得人疼的『外 国人』」。于是,珀斯慈济人取之当地,用于当 地,自立更生的勤耕福田,將慈善工作列为珀斯 联络处一项深入的重要课题。
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的传統美德和中华文化。除此之外,慈济大专青年 联谊会也于2002年在珀斯开始萌芽,吸引了不少 高中和大专生的参与。多年來积极地推动老人院关 怀,捐血,和环保等活动。慈济珀斯联络处常期举 办各种净化人心,祥和社會的活动來接引会众,这 包括了读书会,素食烹饪,成人华语会话班等等。 慈济人以「人伤我痛,人苦我悲」的人文情 怀,超越种族、国家、语言、肤色、宗教信仰的界 限,以出世的精神从事入世的志业,不仅使「大 爱」成为一种普世价值,更將中华文化底蕴中的人 文精神发挥到极致。 目前的志业包括:慈善、医疗、教育、人文四 項,統称为「四大志业」;另投入国际赈灾、骨髓 捐赠、社区志工、环境保护,此八项同时推动,称 之为「一步八法印」。 四十几年來,慈济的志业,由慈善而医疗、教 育、人文;从偏远的花莲一直开展至全球五大洲, 已有四十七各国家设有分支会或联络处,至今援助 过七十一个国家地区,慈济人以感恩心,付出无所 求,为每一位受难者真诚关怀与抚慰。
2001年2月,珀斯联络处与政府机构西澳残 障服务委员会接触及互动交流之后,慈济慈善脚 步从此阔步迈出,深入各社区协助关怀苦难的家 庭。珀斯慈济人以感恩心及付出无所求的精神理 念落实慈善志业,深受当地政府肯定,2003年 9月2日荣获西澳洲政府颁发「2003 Making A Difference」荣誉奖项。
慈济基金会于今年(2010年)7月19日正式成为 「联合国经济及社会理事会非政府组织的特殊咨询 委員」,这是联合国经济及社会理事会为肯定慈济 在全球超过70各国家在慈善与医疗方面的贡献,尤 其近年海地、智利、四川地震,以及南亞海啸等灾 难,慈济志工都是走在最前、做到最后。经济及社 会理事会的特殊咨询委员將可以參与联合国经济社 会理事会及其相关机构的各项重要事务、计划、预 算之推动,提供咨询与服务給联合国秘书长、各国 政府与其他非政府组织。
慈善脚步不息,百年树人的慈济教育志业也 随之落实,珀斯慈济人文学校成立于2001年2月 10日,除采用一般的华文教科书外,同时也融入 静思语教学,让旅居澳洲的华人子弟在学习中文 的同时,也学习慈济的人文,继承发扬华人固有
慈济是以「慈、悲、喜、舍」之心,起救苦 救难之行,予乐拔苦;秉持「城、正、信、实」之 精神,事理圆融之智慧,力邀天下善士,同耕一方 福田;勤植万蕊心莲,同致爱的社会。祈祷人心净 化、社会祥和、天下无灾无难。
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Transcending the boundaries of race, nationality, language and religion, Tzu Chi volunteers serve the world under the notion that “when others are hurting, we feel their pain; when others suffer, we feel their sorrow.” Tzu Chi hopes to inspire “Great Love” around the world and transform it into a universal value. Tzu Chi volunteers also exude the humanitarian spirit of Chinese culture to its fullest. Tzu Chi’s eight concurrent campaigns are the “Four Major Missions” and: Bone Marrow Donation, Environmental Protection, Community Volunteering, and International Relief. These are collectively known as “One step, Eight Dharma footprints”.
The shared goal of Tzu Chi volunteers is to cultivate sincerity, integrity, faith and honesty while exercising kindness, compassion, joy and selflessness to relieve the suffering in humanity. Life’s matters are dealt with Buddha’s spirit of wisdom and compassion. We invite all kind-hearted people to join us in cultivating a field of blessing; creating a society full of love and harmony; praying that people’s minds are purified; and making the world free of disaster.
For over 40 years, Tzu Chi’s “Four Major Missions” (Charity, Medicine, Education and Humanistic Culture) have spread from remote Hualien to the five continents of the world; and a Tzu Chi branch or liaison office established in 47 countries. To date, Tzu Chi has assisted over 71 countries and regions. Serving with compassion, Tzu Chi people sincerely provide care and comfort to those who have suffered. On July 19 2010 the U.N. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) granted Taiwan’s Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation special consultative status at a board of directors meeting in New York. The status is in recognition of the organisation’s charity and medical works performed in more than 70 countries, especially during the 2004 Southeast Asia Tsunami and the recent earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, and Sichuan. Tzu Chi volunteers have earned a reputation for always being the first to arrive at the scene and the last to leave. Tzu Chi can now take part in all ECOSOC activities, including meetings and budget planning. The foundation can also play an expanded role in providing information and other services to the U.N. Secretary General, government and non-governmental organizations.
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The Chung Wah Association has always spearheaded initiatives for the good of the Asian community. Their programme for aged care is among one of the best in the country.
Tan and Tan Lawyers have served the Asian Community in Australia for over 26 years. We will continue to emulate the longevity of the Chung Wah Association Inc in its record of service to Asians from all walks of life. Like the Association, we strive constantly to improve our services and upgrade our knowledge so that we may serve our clients better. Raymond Tan, the principal of Tan and Tan Lawyers, is the only Asian Public Notary in Perth. We are also proud to be the first Asian law firm to be awarded a Quality Practice Standard seal by the Western Australian Law Society of Western Australia. Our areas of expertise include: • Litigation and court representation • Family law advice • Contract advice • Property and Business settlements
陈和陈大律师楼已服务澳大利亚亚裔社区超过26年。我们 会继续向中华会馆长期致力于服务亚裔社区的成绩见贤 思齐。 如中华会馆,我们也长期力求不断提高我们的服务并提升 我们的知识以至于更好地为客户提供法律服务。 陈和陈大律师楼的陈炜复主任是Perth唯一的亚裔国际法律 公证员。 我们并自豪地成为Perth首家亚裔律师楼被西澳法律协会授 予“律师事务所质量标准”(QPS)的认证。 以下是本律师楼提供的相关服务及营业项目: * * * *
民事诉讼(Civil Litigation) 家庭法(Family Law) 商业法(Commercial Law) 财产及生意转让 (Property Settlements And Purchases Of Business)
本律师楼的职员能以普通话,广东语,福建话,客家话, 越南话或印尼话与您交谈,以保证您可以及时了解有关 事务。
We have Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka, Vietnamese and Indonesian speaking staff.
“Protecting your interest, saving you money”. FREE EMAIL LEGAL ADVICE: The Westralian, Unit 6/ 78 Terrace Road, Perth, Western Australia 6004.
9221 2888
Founding member oF global aFFiliation oF independent lawyers (“gail”) australia, algeria, bulgaria, China, ecuador, india, indonesia, Korea, middle east, nigeria, pakistan, philippines, romania, singapore, taiwan, thailand, tunisia, turkey, usa
T&T ChungWah A4 Ad.indd 1
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Careline_A4.pdf 1 2011/4/13 13:06:29
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Give yourself a round of applause By playing Lotterywest games youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had a hand in supporting this event.
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080411.indd 185
17/04/11 8:48 PM
Since 1991, Silverfern IT has proudly served the Business community in Australia with ISO9001 Certified solutions and support. We believe that only by delivering tangible value, can we forge long standing relationships with our valued customers. As a widely trusted Infrastructure partner, Silverfern enables rapid Return on Investment and we strive to help you maximise the business benefits from your ICT investment.
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Perth people rank local community newspapers No.1 ahead of other media for being: • Relevant • Honest • Trustworthy • Balanced • Friendly, caring • Down to earth • Sociable Community newspapers deliver trusted, original content that is respected more than any other medium. Greater interaction with the medium means people are more receptive to ad messages and more likely to respond to advertising2. Source: Engaging Communities Research. Conducted by The Leading Edge. Base Perth Media compared: State/national newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, cinema, internet 2 Advertising Research Foundation
Guardian Express Community
080411.indd 186
Branching out. With 56 specialists Business Banking Centres around the country, and seven of those in WA, it’s just one way we’re making banking more local and more accessible. Being local means we think local and know about the community we’re in and its roots; it lets us make quick decisions at our local centres. And, of course, our knowledge goes beyond banking – into international trade, cash flow experts, advise guides, workshops and much more.
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17/04/11 8:49 PM
Greetings from the Mayor, elected members and staff on Chung Wah Associationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Centennial year.
080411.indd 187
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Is your business at risk? At NAS Insurance Brokers we focus on understanding your business and providing you with professional advice. We recommend general insurance products to provide all the insurance you need, on very competitive terms.
While we are a national organization, our head office is in Perth. Our broking team in Perth is highly experienced and includes members fluent in both Cantonese and Mandarin. Our broad range of products includes business packs, corporate, landlord, marine, motor, personal accident, strata, rural and workers’ compensation. We can meet all the insurance needs of shops, restaurants, tradesmen, property managers and various other businesses.
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National Adviser Services Pty Ltd trading as NAS Insurance Brokers AFSL 233750 Unit 3, 45 Ord Street, WEST PERTH WA 6005 Contact: Andrew Khoo (08) 9480 8910 or Jennifer Pee (08) 9480 8911 Email:
Determined to service and support the Chinese community. Whether it’s day-to-day banking, home loans, business loans, financial planning, wealth protection or insurance, our team is dedicated to helping you. Please consider us as your first point of contact for all your financial needs.
Adam Yuan Head of Asian Banking Victoria and WA 0434 667 921 Important Information. Applications for finance are subject to approval. Commonwealth Financial Planners are representatives of Commonwealth Financial Planning Limited ABN 65 003 900 169, AFSL 231139, a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124. ADC4295 050908.
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Government of Western Australia
Department of Local Government Office of Multicultural Interests
Congratulations from the Department of loCal government The Office of Multicultural Interests, Department of Local Government congratulates the Chung Wah Association on one hundred years of dedicated service to the Chineseâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Australian and wider community. The Western Australian Government recognises cultural diversity as one of our greatest assets, bringing with it social, cultural and economic benefits. The Chung Wah Association has been exemplary in promoting these benefits.
level 2, 2 havelock street West perth Wa 6005
080411.indd 190
telephone: (08) 9217 1600 facsimile: (08) 9321 5205
email: Web:
17/04/11 8:49 PM
Life’s complicated, so we’re making banking simpler. At our Allendale Square and Murray Street branches we speak your language.
在我们的ANZ Allendale Square和Murray Street分行,我们提供中文服务。
To find out how we’re making banking simpler, drop into your local branch or call us today. 想知道我们如何让银行业务变得更加简单,请莅临当地的分行或今天就致电与我们联系。 our
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Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522. ANZ’s colour blue is a trade mark of ANZ. Item No. 75062 09.2010 W205377
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Chung Wah Community and Aged Care 社区及长者关爱
Chung Wah Chinese School 中华中文学校
Chung Wah Culture 中华文化
founded in 1909
128 James Street, Northbridge Western Australia 6003
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