Chung Wah Magazine Issue #57 - SUMMER 2024

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Chinese New Year 2024 in Western Australia



Like Father like Daughter



A historic gathering to thank our volunteers

The City of Perth wishes you a Happy Lunar Year

The City of Perth is proud to sponsor Perth Chinese New Year Fair.

Cover 封面人物

Hon. Hannah Mary Beazley MLA 尊敬的汉娜·玛丽·比兹利立法会议员


珀斯新年文化节从2012年启办 至今、已经走过了12年的岁月,就 连疫情也侥幸避过。今年的龙腾西 澳的不仅体现了中华儿女奋勇前行 的意志、更是体现西澳华人华裔对 于民族图腾的不离不弃。

本期杂志我们专访了尊敬的 汉娜·比兹里立法会议员、她也是 西澳前总督金·比兹里的女儿。您 可以透过杂志的专访、了解关于 汉娜的点点滴滴。

关心你的流年运程吗?本期杂 志的甲辰龙年生肖运程将能为您 指点迷津、但不可迷信哦!命运还 是掌握在自己手里的。本期也有来 自林欣仁的年糕制作教学、让你今 年过的甜甜蜜蜜。本会荣誉秘书 长张娟妮给大家介绍2024珀斯中 华新年文化节的盛况、即在北桥 詹姆士街道、以及珀斯亚甘广场 同时进行。大家所期待的舞龙舞 狮、以及在各大商场的文化活动的 时间表都会在本期杂志里给您一 一呈上。

祝您在新的一年里身心自在、 平安喜乐。

Blessed by the Boorloo Dragon

It has been 12 years since the inaugural Perth Chinese New Year Fair in 2012. We have never been absent from the celebration, even during the COVID years. The Boorloo Dragon sculpture this year has reflected the resilience of the Chung Wah team to move forward, it also shows the unity of the Perth Chinese who have been a great support throughout.

In this issue, we report on the interview with the Honorable Hannah Beazley MLA, who is also the daughter of the Honorable Kim Beazley AC. You can learn more about Minister Beazley from the article in our magazine.

Are you curious about your fortune in 2024? We have prepared the Chinese Horoscope for your reference, however, you’re the master of your fortune. Sticky Rice Cake for the Lunar New Year is a must to have, you can learn to make it through our regular recipe section. Our Honorary Secretary, Jen Nie CHONG brings us an insight into the 2024 Chung Wah Chinese New Year events including the Perth Chinese New Year Fair at James Street, Northbridge and Yagan Square. The must-find details of the Dragon and Lion Dance performances, together with cultural activities at the shopping centres are available in this issue for your reference.

Hereby, I would like to extend my sincere wishes for you to be well and happy throughout the coming year!

Thank you.


Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰 Chief Editor 主编


Founded in 1909, the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organisation in Western Australia. We are recognised by the Federal, State, and Local Governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in Western Australia.

The many achievements of the Association incude:

• Community and aged care for the aged and senior members, and migrant services.

• Chinese schools promoting Chinese education and upholding cultural awareness.

• Cultural and social groups incorporating Lion and Dragon dance, Chinese Cultural Dance, Chinese orchestra, Chinese opera and Women’s Subcommittee.

• Hosting the largest Chinese New Year community event in Western Australia.

BECOME A MEMBER: To review the full range of membership options and benefits, go to

BECOME A VOLUNTEER / PARTNER: Call 93288657 or email us at


中华会馆是西澳最大、历史最悠久的华人社团。备 受联邦政府、州政府和地方政府认可为西澳华人社 区的代言组织。


· 给长者和移民提供社区服务及护理服务

· 办中文学校传承华人传统文化和发扬中文教育

· 综合舞狮、华乐、京剧、粤剧、舞蹈和妇女组等的 文化及社交小组

· 承办西澳最大型的农历新年社区活动 想成为会员:

请浏览网页 查知会员详情及会员优惠

想成为志愿者/合作伙伴: 致电 ���� ���� 或 发邮件到

主编寄语 EDITOR ’ S MESSAGE 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 1

Dear Members,

2024 is the Year of the Dragon. The Chinese Lunar calendar is represented annually by the twelve animal signs and twelve matching terrestrial branches, in a circular sequence of rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Each person’s birth year corresponds to a zodiac, which is said to reflect a person’s personality and fate.

The 2024 Year of the Dragon starts on 10 February 2024. The dragon is a significant zodiac in Chinese culture, as Chinese people believe they are the descendants of the dragon. The 2024 Chinese New Year celebrations begin 15 days prior to 10th February and finish with the Spring Lantern Festival on 24th February. In Chinese culture, dragons are considered to be the luckiest of all the animals in the zodiac. Dragons in Chinese mythology are wise, ambitious, and intelligent, but also benevolent and able to control winds, rains, floods, and other natural events through their willpower. Dragons are charismatic and very self-confident, making good leaders. They symbolise power, nobility, honour, luck and success. In traditional Chinese society, the dragon was a symbol of the emperor, who was the only single person believed to be worthy of this honour.

Chinese New Year Day on 10 February 2024, saw the unveiling of the seven-metre long Boorloo Chinese dragon sculpture in the Northbridge Piazza.

The Perth Chinese New Year Fair began in 2012, Year of Dragon, and this year will be the start of the second zodiac period, held on Sunday 11 February starting from 12.00pm. Visitors can attend two locations to experience the Chinese New Year celebrations in James Street and the Northbridge Piazza, and Yagan Square. On behalf of the Chung Wah Association and the Chinese community, may I invite everyone to come along and join in the festivities. There will be lion and dragon dances, cultural performances, food stalls and activities for all the family. The evening’s multicultural concert at the Northbridge Piazza will complete the day’s program.

Together with Perth’s Chinese community the Chung Wah Association hopes Western Australia will continue to strengthen her ties with all their neighbours and trading partners. I wish everyone a year filled with happiness, good health and prosperity.

新年快乐,Happy New Year.


二零二四年是龙年。华人农历每年由十二个动物标 志代表,与十二地支相互对应,即鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、 蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪的环形次序排列。每个人的出 生年份都对应着一个黄道十二宫,据说这反映了一个人 的性格和命运。

二零二四年龙年将于二月十日开始。龙是中华文化 中一个重要的生肖,因为华人认为我们是龙的后裔。二 零二四年农历新年庆祝活动在二月十日的正月初一日开 始,在二月廿四日的正月十五元宵完结。在中华文化中, 龙被认为是十二生肖中最幸运的动物。华人神话传说中 的龙聪明、雄心勃勃、聪明,但也很仁慈,能够通过意志 力控制风、雨、洪水和其他自然事件。华人被认为是龙 的后裔。龙很有魅力,非常自信,是优秀的 领导者。它们象征着权力、贵族、荣 誉、运气和成功。在中华传统社 会中,龙是皇帝的象征,皇帝 是唯一被认为配得上这一 荣誉的人。

农历正月初一 日,7米长的Boorloo Dragon【龙腾西澳】雕 塑将于二月十日上午十 一时在北桥广场揭幕。

珀斯中华新年文化节 始于二零一二龙年,今年将是 第二次十二年生肖轮回期的开始, 于二月十一日星期日正午十二时整开始 举行。游客可以参加詹姆斯街和北桥广场、以及亚甘广 场的两个会场,亲身体验农历新年庆祝活动的盛况。我 谨代表中华会馆、以及华人社区全体同仁,邀请各界协 同参与新年庆祝活动。届时不仅有舞狮舞龙和文化表演 等、更有小吃摊贩摆卖、以及各种适合全家老少一起同 乐的活动。当晚在广场也将会有丰富多彩的多元文化晚 会来作为农历年活动的完美句点。

中华会馆希望西澳州与珀斯的华人社区一起,继续 加强与所有邻国和贸易伙伴的联系。我祝愿大家度过一 个充满幸福、健康和繁荣的一年。

新年快乐 。

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 会长感言 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 2

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中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊春季版 CRICOS Provider Code: 00125J TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12163 (Australian University) CASETASK0043195



Voice of Chung Wah

1 主编寄语


2 会长感言 President’s Message

12 新年贺词

Chinese New Year Greeting

西澳大利亚州州长 Premier of WA 反对党领袖 Leader of the Opposition


Minister of Citizenship and Multicultural Interests

珀斯市长 Lord Mayor, City of Perth 中国驻珀斯总领事

Consul-General of China in Perth

06 中华消息

Chung Wah News

珀斯至浦东 - 上海东方航空首航

PER to PVG - China Eastern Airline Launch


Many years of hard work for one 10 mins competition



Perth Mint: Dancers celebrate Year of the Dragon coin collection 中华华乐团 - 欢乐忙年

Chung Wah Chinese Orchestragetting busy for new year


Year of the Dragon

14 甲辰龙年生肖流年

Chinese Horoscope

16 西澳大利亚州2024年农历新年

Chinese New Year 2024 in Western Australia

20 2024珀斯中华新年文化节节目单

Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2024 Event Schedule

22 中华会馆龙狮团时间表

Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe Schedule

23 珀斯各地农历年庆祝活动列表

Lunar New Year Activities

24 虎父无犬女 Like Father Like Daugther

人物专访 Profile interview

24 虎父无犬女

Like Father Like Daughter 家爱 Family

28 盈盈小筑 A Taste of Memories


Traditional Chinese New Year Cake Nián Gāo

34 校园天地

The School Yard


Chung Wah Chinese School Teacher’s Professional Development 中华乐思中文学校活动集锦

Chung Wah Chinese School - Midwest

36 寻医问药


38 医疗资讯 Medical Information

手术后的中医调理 Post-operation Conditioning via Chinese Medicine

16 西澳大利亚州2024年农历新年 Chinese New Year 2024 in Western Australia

32 感谢义工日:CWCC的历史性聚会 A historic g gathering to thank our volunteers

松柏长青 Community Care

32 感谢义工日:CWCC的历史性聚会 A historic g gathering to thank our volunteers

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive

36 长期活动 Regular Activities

38 中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme


The oldest ethnic organisation in Western Australia

4 CONTENTS 目录 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue
the GP


发行 Published by

中华会馆 Chung Wah Association

Editorial and Advertising Enquiries

编辑室 Editorial team

主编 Chief Editor

查绍翰 Jeffrey CHA

执行编辑 Executive Editor

卡尔 汪 Carl Ong

视觉设计 Visual Designer

卡尔 汪 Carl OnG

编辑 Editor

张娟妮 Jen Nie CHONG

叶文仪 Charlotte YEAP

行政支持 Administration

王 丽 Sophie WANG

翻译人员 Translators

项海颖 Haiying XIANG

供稿者 Columnist

张娟妮 Jen Nie CHONG

中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall and Administration Office

林心仁 SinJin LIM

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 (08) 9328 8657

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865


Chung Wah Community Care

Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003

电话 Telephone 传真 Facsimile (08) 9328 3988 (08) 9228 3990


Chung Wah Cultural Centre

18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021


Willetton Centre

58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton WA 6155


Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming Aulberry Parade, Leeming 6149

联系人 Contact Details

周如真女士 Luisa CHOU 0401 738 778


Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Bramwell Road, Noranda 6062

联系人 Contact Details

陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0411 249 463


Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Keith Road, Rossmoyne 6148

联系人 Contact Details

马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898


Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

联系人 Contact Details

李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306


Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell 201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164

联系人 Contact Details

李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306


Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-West 134 George Road, Beresford WA 6530

联系人 Contact Details

詹乔安 Joanne CHAN

中华妇女部 CW Womens Subcommittee

中华龙狮团 CW Lion Dance Troupe

中华舞蹈团 CW Cultural Dance Troupe

中华华乐团 CW Chinese Orchestra

中华粤剧社 CW Cantonese Opera

中华太极组 CW Taichi Group

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

版权所有,未经允许 不得转载本刊文字及图片

All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association.

声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自中华会馆。因为 题材来源多样,会刊基于对其真实性和准确性的理解而予以登 载。对题材中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.

5 目录 CONTENTS 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版

Chinese New Year Message from the Premier of WA



同仁,当然还有西澳大利 亚华人社区,他们在我们广阔 的州做出了如此宝贵的贡献。

去年,我有幸作为西澳大利亚 州州长首次正式访问中国。此出访 我们有幸游历了四川省会成都市、 以及直辖市上海。

今年我们庆祝龙年,这对我 来说特别重要,因为我出生在蛇 年——在华人传统文化的说法忠被 称为小龙。

为庆祝农历新年,西澳大利亚 州政府与中国东方航空公司合作, 开通了飞往上海的季节性直飞航 班。

以“龙年”为主题,特别是“木 龙”,这些航班将促进西澳大利亚 州和中国之间的进一步发展,并加 强我们丰富的关系,为未来奠定坚 实的基础。

我谨代表每一位西澳大利亚 人,祝愿我们的华人社区农历新年 快乐、健康、繁荣,这是一个充满 活力、创新和进步的一年。

6 CHINESE NEW YEAR GREETING 新年贺词 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue
Hon Roger Cook MLA


的亲人致以最美好的祝 愿,并很开心与你们一起庆祝 龙年。

龙年象征着积极的开端以及力 量和好运的承诺,我期待着两国在 2024年及以后继续繁荣昌盛。

在过去的一年里,中澳两国取 得了许多值得关注的成就。我们在 2023年庆祝了澳大利亚驻北京大使 馆成立50周年,这与中华人民共和 国建交的1972年仅距离一年。

西澳大利亚州是一个蓬勃发展 的华人社区的所在地,华裔为我们 的州属和国家做出了重大贡献。

澳中双边关系建立在强大的经 贸互补性以及长期的社区和文化联 系之上。

中国仍然是西澳大利亚州最大 的贸易伙伴,特别是在我们的矿产 资源和农业食品行业。

作为回报,澳大利亚为在国外 寻求教育的中国学生提供了特殊的 地位,为我们国家带来了经济和文 化利益。

我衷心感谢中华会馆邀我发表 新年贺辞,致以各位新春最美好的 祝愿。

愿龙年为您和您的亲人带来繁 荣、健康和欢乐。

Chinese New Year Message from the Leader of the Opposition 反对党领袖新年贺辞

7 新年贺词 CHINESE NEW YEAR GREETING 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版
Hon Shane Love MLA

Chinese New Year Message from the Minister of Citizenship and Multicultural Interests


恭喜发财、向大家祝贺庆祝 华人农历新龙年。

当我们告别兔年并迎接龙年 时,现在是时候停下来反思我们希 望在未来十二个月实现的目标了。

龙代表着力量和无尽的能量, 预计来年会带来好运、行动和扩 张。我相信今年的龙年会给大家带 来激动人心的机会。

作为我们最受欢迎的节日之 一,西澳大利亚人将与世界各地数 以亿计的人一起庆祝中国农历新年 这一欢乐的家庭庆祝活动。

北桥的街道将再次充满活力, 这要归功于中华会馆的工作和奉献 精神。

我感谢华人社区将农历新年引 入西澳大利亚州,并感谢他们为该 州更广泛的文化、社会和经济成功 做出的宝贵贡献。

我谨代表库克工党政府,祝愿 所有中华人协会会员和西澳华裔华 人龙年快乐、健康、万事如意。

8 CHINESE NEW YEAR GREETING 新年贺词 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue
Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA

珀斯市祝大家农历新年快 乐,万事如意。

您可以见的数百个红灯笼的 装饰穿越过北桥和市区各大购物 中心,尤其是当舞狮者在下面穿梭 时,总是感觉如此特别,让人无比 着迷。

本市社区有机会在珀斯体验这 些精彩庆祝活动的文化、美食和华 人传统,真是太荣幸了。

我要感谢中华会馆主办珀斯农 历新年集市庆祝活动,以及您对我 们社区的持续贡献。

我谨代表珀斯市,祝愿您和您 的家人度过一个平安、快乐和繁荣 的龙年!

扫码看视频 | Scan for video

Chinese New Year Message from the Lord Mayor


9 新年贺词 CHINESE NEW YEAR GREETING 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版
Basil Zempilas

Chinese New Year Message from the Consul-General of China in Perth


Consul-General of China in Perth Long Dingbin’s greetings for the Chinese New Year

As the passing of time is witnessed by the sun and the moon, a new year is upon us. On the arrival of the Year of the Dragon, on behalf of the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth, I would like to extend my New Year’s greetings to the vast number of overseas Chinese, personnel of Organisations backed by Chinese capital and international students!

In 2023, China’s economy as a whole rebound and make solid progress in high-quality development. GDP reached 126 trillion yuan, a yearon-year increase of 5.2%. China has successfully hosted a series of major events such as the Chengdu Universiade, the Hangzhou Asian Games, the 3rd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, the 6th CIIE, and the first Chain Expo, which have yielded fruitful results in the past 10 years of joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, and injected more Chinese impetus into the world economic recovery. The Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference has made comprehensive arrangements for the current and future external work, and has taken the building of a community with a shared future for mankind as the high aspiration pursued by majorcountry diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics will enter a new stage in which it can make more achievements.

In 2023, the relationship between China and Australia began to improve. Sino-Australian relations stand at a new historical starting point of inheriting the past and forging ahead into the future, especially the main theme of comprehensive exchanges and interactions between China and Western Australia, and the exchanges between the two sides in the political, economic and trade, people-to-people and other fields have shown vigorous activity and vitality. This year, the Consulate General in Perth adhered to the purpose of diplomacy for the people continuously optimised the consular document process and provided enthusiastic service and dedication.

Overseas Chinese and friends,

The year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and the friendly relations between China and Australia will open a new chapter, and the practical cooperation and friendly exchanges between China and Western Australia will reach a new level. Guided by the spirit of the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference, the Consulate General in Perth will continue to strengthen and improve the way we engage with overseas Chinese, implement various measures to benefit overseas Chinese, and let overseas Chinese in Western Australia feel more warmth and care of the motherland. Warmly welcome overseas Chinese friends to go home often, listen to the hometown accent, find memories, meet up with family and friends, find more development opportunities, and share the dividends of China’s development together.

Finally, on the occasion of the arrival of the Chinese New Year in the Year of the Dragon, I once again sincerely wish our “descendants of the dragon” in Western Australia the dragon leap in developments, the energy of the dragon and the horse, and best of luck in the year of the dragon!

10 CHINESE NEW YEAR GREETING 新年贺词 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

PER to PVG - China Eastern Airline Launch

The Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance troupe was proud to be involved in the Celebration of China Eastern Airlines’ new four-week seasonal service. The Honorable Roger Cook MLA, Premier of Western Australia, and Honorable Rita Saffioti MLA, Deputy Premier of Western Australia were present to celebrate the launch. The trial service offers great potential for both tourism and business in Western Australia and WA looks forward to building a strong partnership with China Eastern Airlines. Departing at 12.30 pm every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday, the Perth to Shanghai non-stop service will operate on an A330-200 until 18 February 2024.

珀斯至浦东 - 上海东方航空首航

中华会馆龙狮团很荣幸能参与中国东方航空公司为期四周 的季节性新服务推展礼。西澳大利亚州州长Roger Cook MLA阁 下和西澳大利亚州副州长Rita Saffioti MLA阁下也是该推展礼的 座上宾。这项试行服务为西澳的旅游和商业提供了巨大的潜力, 西澳期待与中国东方航空公司建立牢固的合作伙伴关系。珀斯至 上海的直飞航班于每周一、周四和周六中午12:30起飞,由A330200执飞至2024年2月18日。

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Many years of hard work for one 10 mins competition

Thank you to all organisers, masters, teams and volunteers from Malaysia and Singapore for giving us the opportunity to compete against well respected Malaysian and Singaporean teams. Thanks to the team’s effort, hard work and preparation, we achieved the goal to stay in the top then. The result is a big achievement. This proves what the lion world says “Many years of hard work for one ten minute competition”.


感谢来自马来西亚和新加坡的所有组织者、大师、团队和志 愿者,让我们有机会与备受尊敬的马来西亚/新加坡团队竞争。 由于团队的努力、努力和准备,我们实现了保持在前10名的目 标。结果是一个巨大的成就。这证明了舞狮界所说的“台上一分 钟,台下十年功”。

12 CHUNG WAH NEWS 中华消息 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue
Text/Image ◎ Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe

Perth Mint: Dancers celebrate Year of the Dragon coin collection

It wasn’t just gold at the Perth Mint earlier this month. The heritage-listed building in East Perth was awash with bright colours as part of a dazzling dragon dance from the Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe on November 5. The display of bright red and pink dragons lit up the forecourt.

The dancers were there to celebrate the

Year of the Dragon coin collection as part of the Australian Lunar Coin series. Chinese Consul General Long Dingbin, Chung Wah Association President Dr Ting Chen WA State Office of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade deputy director Vincent Matassa were among guests. The 2024-dated coins are available in gold, silver and platinum in a variety of sizes.

The Perth Mint’s General Manager of minted products, Neil Vance said there had been huge demand for the last Year of the Dragon coins in 2012 and was expecting the same for next year’s release.

Chung Wah Chinese Orchestragetting busy for new year

It has been a busy few months for the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra, busy preparing for a few big-ticket items. The crew was involved in the Australia Day Celebration organised by the Adelaide Dance Academy, at the Chung Wah Balcatta Hall. Without any further delay, it was again time to get ready for the 2024 Perth Chinese New Year Fair at Northbridge Piazza and Yagan Amphitheatre. The team will also be involved in sharing the culture of Chinese music through their appointed performances in various street locations. Nonetheless, preparing for the upcoming 2024 Australian International Youth Arts Festival, which runs from 15 – 23 February. Although it has been tiring, but it is definitely worth the stress to promote Chinese Traditional Music though action.


早些时候,珀斯铸币厂可以见得的不仅仅是金黄色。11月5日, 这座位于东珀斯的遗产建筑在中华会馆龙狮团的精彩舞龙表演中 让铸币厂得前院充满了鲜艳的色彩。鲜红色和粉红色的龙的展示为 前院划上明亮得颜色。

龙狮团的舞者在那里庆祝龙年硬币系列的推出,作为澳大利 亚农历硬币系列的一部分。中国驻珀斯总领事龙定斌、中华会馆 会长陈婷博士、西澳外交贸易部副主任文森特·马塔萨等嘉宾也出 席了推战力。本年度发行的硬币有各种尺寸、材质包括黄金、白银 和铂金。珀斯铸币厂铸造产品总经Neil Vance表示,2012年龙年硬 币的需求量很大,预计明年的发行量也会如此。

中国驻华总领事龙定斌先生、中华总会会长陈挺博士、西澳州外交和贸易部办公室 副主任Vincent Matassa先生等特邀嘉宾出席了庆祝活动。

中华华乐团 - 欢喜忙年

着几个月对于中华华乐团来说是最非常 忙碌的时刻,因为疲于准备几项大型演出。

华乐团参与了由Adelaide Dance Academy 在中华会馆巴卡达文化中心所举办的澳大利 亚日庆祝活动。紧锣密鼓的排练后、又继续得 再为于北桥广场和亚甘露天剧场为2024年珀斯 中华新年文化节所呈现的大型乐器演奏。中华华乐 团还将通过他们在各个商场的指定表演来分享华族音乐文 化。尽管如此,仍在为即将到来的2024年澳大利亚国际青年艺术 节做准备,该艺术节将于2月15日至23日举行。中华华乐团在着农 历年间精彩不断,固然劳累、音乐精神长存。

13 中华消息 CHUNG WAH NEWS 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 Text/Image ◎ Peter Devlin | PerthNow – Centra
launch of the Special guests including Chinese Consul General Mr Long Dingbin, Chung Wah Association President Dr Ting Chen, and Deputy Director of the WA State Office of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr Vincent Matassa were there for the festivities.

According to Chinese Astrology, 2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon. This year, Chinese New Year 2024 will commence on 10 February 2024. There are twelve Chinese zodiac signs with the Dragon being fifth on the list.

根据中国农历的天干地支排比,2024年是甲辰龙年、属 木。2024年农历新年将于2024年2月10日正月初一开始。十 二生肖中,龙排在第五位。

Dragon Years 龙年 Element Date 日期

2024 Wood 木 10 Feb 2024 – 9 Feb 2025

2012 Water 水 23 Jan 2012 – 22 Jan 2013

2000 Wood 木 5 Feb 2000 – 4 Feb 2001

1988 Earth 土 17 Feb 1988 – 16 Feb 1989

1976 Fire 火 31 Jan 1976 – 30 Jan 1977

1964 Wood 木 13 Feb 1964 – 12 Feb 1965

1952 Water 水 27 Jan 1952 – 26 Jan 1953

1940 Earth 土 8 Feb 1940 – 7 Feb 1941

龙 Dragon

1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

2024属龙人的运势开始好起来、但也是要注意作息规律, 不要让自己过于劳累。在财运方面,属龙人的正财偏财都是非 常好的,但是一定不要忽略另外一半的感情。

In 2024, the fortunes of those who were born in the year of the dragon will begin to improve but need to be reminded about work-life balance, and not to be overworked. Both positive and alternative income of those born in the year of dragons are good, but they must not be neglecting the feelings of their significant half.

蛇 Snake

1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

2024属蛇人的运势开始缓慢上升、财运和事业都有明显 的好转。但是属蛇的人需要注意自己健康方面的问题,在感情 中也要懂得控制自己的情绪。

In 2024, the fortune of those who were born in the year of Snake began to rise slowly, and their financial fortune and career fortune will significantly improve. However, they need to pay more attention to their bodily health and control their emotions to manage their temper.

马 Horse

1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 进入2024之后,属马的人运势还是向好的一面发展。事业 方面成绩显著、感情方面与另外一般的关系更加亲密。但是需 要注意的就是意外伤害和钱财的损失。

In 2024, the fortunes of those who were born in the year of horse would continue to be on the positive side. They would have significant improvement in their career and progress in intimacy with their significant half. However, they are reminded to be more attentive to injury caused by accidents, and possible loss of wealth.

羊 Sheep

1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 属羊人在2024年整体运势非常好、每件事都会成功。因 此不管是事业运、财运还是健康运、都是非常有利的。需要注 意的是在理财投资方面的事情、并且需要对时间做好准确的 规划。

In 2024, the overall fortune for those born in the year of sheep will be excellent and successful in every aspect. Therefore, whether it is about career, finances, or health, they’re at luck on everything. However, it is reminded to be attentive in areas of financial investment and make accurate planning of the time.

猴 Monkey

1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 属猴人在2024年会面对一些机遇、但他们的聪明和灵活 性将会帮助他们克服困难。在事业上、他们更需要专注与自己 的目标、并且要保持耐心和决心、同时、他们需要注意自己的 健康和心里状态。以便更好地面对生活的挑战。

People who are born in the year of the monkey will face some opportunities in 2024, but their intelligence and flexibility will help them to overcome those challenges. Career-wise, they need to be more focused on their goal and maintain patience and determination. Meanwhile, they are also required to care for their physical and mental health, to better face the challenges of life.

YEAR OF THE DRAGON 龙年大吉 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 14

鸡 Rooster

1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

属鸡人在2024年将会面临一些变化,但他们的勇气和决 心将会让他们克服困难。在事业上、他们需要更加专注于自己 的目标、并且要保持灵活性和适应性。同时,他们需要注意自 己的健康和精神状态,以便更好地面对生活的压力。

Those who are bor n in the year of the rooster will face some changes in 2024, but their courage and determination will enable them to overcome such difficulties. For their career, they need to be more focused on their goals and maintain flexibility and adaptability. At the same time, they need to pay attention to their physical and mental health to better cope with the pressure in life.

狗 Dog

1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

属狗的人在2024年的整体运势比较好,不仅工作方面的问 题都能够顺利解决,而且和同事的关系也有所缓和。健康运方 面还算是不错的,需要注意的就是自己感情方面的问题,不要 迫切的去谈恋爱。

The overall fortune of those who were born in the year of the dog is relatively good. Not only they can resolve issues at work but also improve their relationship with other colleagues. They need to be more attentive to their relationship issues, do not be too eager to fall in love.

猪 Pig

1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

属猪人在2024年的事业上、他们需要更加专注于自己的目 标、并且保持耐心和决心。同时、他们需要注意自己的健康和 精神状态、以便更好的面对生活。

People who are bor n in the year of the pig will need to focus more on their goals and maintain their patience and determination in their careers in 2024. At the same time, they are required to be more attentive to their physical and mental health, to better understand life.

鼠 Rat

1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984

属鼠人在2024的整体运势还算可以。不仅工作能力得到 了很大的提升、而且工作中的烦恼也得到了解决。需要注意的 就是感情方面的问题,属鼠人切勿因为有人喜欢而变得有持无 恐。正向面对感情、就能够收获美好的爱情。

Those who were born in the year of rat have quite a good fortune in 2024. They not only improved greatly on their working capability, but also have their trouble at work being resolved. They need to be attentive toward their relationship. They should not be arrogant because they have got someone. Facing head-on with their relationship issues, they could harvest good love.

牛 Ox

1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

属牛人在2024年会经历一些挑战、但是他们的 勤 奋和耐力 将会帮助他们克服困难。在事业上他们更加需要专注自己的目 标、并且要善于与其他人合作、以便获得更好的机会和成功。 People born in the year of Ox will experience some challenges in 2024, but their diligence and endurance will help them overcome difficulties. In their career, they need to focus more on their goals and be good at collaborating with others, to obtain better opportunities and success.

虎 Tiger

1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

属虎人在2024年的事业上,他们需要更加精神规划自己 的行动,以便获取跟好的成果。同时他们需要更加注意自己的 建康和心里状态。

Those who were born in the year of Tinger need to plan their action more carefully in their career, to achieve better results. At the same time, they need to be more attentive to their physical and mental health.

兔 Rabbit

1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

属兔人在2024年会有一些好运气,尤其是在事业和财富 方面。然而,他们更需要更加注意自己的人际关系、尤其是和 家人的关系。家庭的支持可以让他们更加坚定自己的信念和 目标。

Those who were born in the year of rabbit are blessed with good luck in 2024, especially in their career and wealth. However, they need to be more attentive towards interpersonal relationships, especially with their family. Family support could assist them in strengthening their beliefs and goals.

龙年大吉 YEAR OF THE DRAGON 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 15

Chinese New Year 2024 in Western Australia

Starting on February 10th 2024 and continuing for fifteen days, Lunar New Year is a time of celebration, marking the beginning of the Year of the Dragon. According to Chinese zodiac, the Dragon is the most powerful and auspicious animal, representing strength, wisdom, luck and prosperity.

This year is the year of the Wood Dragon, which comes around every 60 years. Dragon years are usually very popular to have children. People born in the Year of the Dragon are thought to be charismatic, intelligent, confident, powerful and they are naturally good leaders. On the flip side they are short-tempered and may have an inability to take criticism. They have little patience for incompetence which can make them seem aggressive and irritable. Famous dragons include Martin Luther King, Vladimir Putin, Bruce Lee and John Lennon.

Did you know that not all dragons are the same? Unlike the Western dragon, which is a malevolent fire-breathing beast with wings, the Chinese Dragon is associated with water and is mostly friendly to humans. The Western dragon is depicted as living in an underground lair with hordes of treasure, whereas the Chinese dragon is a divine animal descending from the heavens.

Text ◎ Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮
YEAR OF THE DRAGON 龙年大吉 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 16

There are blue, green, red, black, white and yellow dragons. Each has different abilities, but the yellow dragon is the leader of dragons and is most often associated with Emperors. During the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368 – 1912), the five-clawed dragon was strictly reserved for use by the Emperor. The Chinese imperial flag of the Qing dynasty even had a dragon on it.

Dragons are everywhere in Chinese Culture. People perform dragon dancing to welcome good fortune and health and scare away evil spirits. The Dragon Boat Festival is another important event in the Chinese calendar, where people compete in dragon boat races. The dragon shaped boats skim across the water’s surface to the beat of a drum.

To mark the auspicious occasion of the Year of the Dragon, Chung Wah has commissioned a special Dragon Sculpture, designed by local artist Ken Allen in collaboration with Professor Sun Zeng Tian. The seven-metre-long golden dragon will be crafted from recycled plastic materials, incorporating both Chinese traditional and Western elements. The dragon will be named the ‘Boorloo Dragon’, meaning ‘Perth’ in Noongar language.

“It has been a real honour to be asked to work with the Chinese community in Perth to create the ‘Boorloo Dragon’ for this Lunar New Year. I have really enjoyed learning about the significance of the Chinese Dragon - and the fact that it is a very benevolent entity - unlike the

traditional European Dragon - but more like our own local serpent - the Wagyl! I truly believe that creative collaborations are a potent pathway to achieving more peace and understanding in the world. Something we are in great need of right now." Ken said.

The Boorloo Dragon will be displayed at the Northbridge Piazza (corner of Lake and James Street) starting from Saturday 10 February 2024 at 11.00am.

Additionally, the Chung Wah Dance group is presenting an original dance theatre production, called ‘Intertwine’. In Perth a group of performers originating from the Reunion Island, Mauritius, Malaysia, Hong Kong and South Africa explore what it means to be Chinese and in Australia.

Expressed through a variety of dance forms and theatre acting, they share their stories to confront all the challenges and charms of being Chinese in today’s globalised world.

Choreographer Min Zhu said, “When I migrated to Australia in 2013, I met Chinese people who came from all over the world. Their stories on growing up or moving to Australia and how they maintained their connections to Chinese culture piqued my interest and is the motivation for Intertwine.”

Intertwine is showing at the Blue Room Theatre, Northbridge from 6 – 10 February 2024.

As the State’s longest running ethnic community association, in 2024 Chung Wah will celebrate the 115th anniversary of the formation of the Association. The Perth Chinese New Year Fair is a free family event not to be missed. Sunday 11th February 2023 from 12pm until 9pm will see James Street in Northbridge and Yagan Square in Perth filled with the sounds of beating drums and firecrackers accompanied by energetic Dragon and Lion dancers. A feast for the eyes will be traditional cultural performances and displays. Food trucks will line James Street with their delicious cuisine.

Save the date, mark your calendars, and join us as we usher in the Year of the Dragon in style with the Chung Wah Association. Hope to see you there!

龙年大吉 YEAR OF THE DRAGON 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 17

西澳大利亚州2024年农历新年 农历新年从

2024 年 2 月 10 日开始,持续 15 天,是一个庆祝的时刻,标志着龙年的开始。根据 十二生肖,龙是最强大、最吉祥的动物,代表着力量、智慧、运气和繁荣。

今年是木龙年,每60年出现一次。龙 年是备受瞩目怀孕的一年。龙年出生的人 被认为是有魅力的、聪明的、自信的、强 大的,他们天生就是好的领导者。另一方 面,他们脾气暴躁,可能无法接受批评。

他们对无能几乎没有耐心,这会使他们看 起来咄咄逼人和易怒。著名的龙包括马丁· 路德·金、弗拉基米尔·普京、李小龙和约 翰·列侬。

你知道不是所有的龙都是一样的吗? 与西方龙不同,西方龙是一种长着翅膀的 恶毒喷火野兽,东方龙与水有关,对人类 大多友好。西方龙被描绘成生活在一个满 载宝藏的地下巢穴中,而东方龙则是一种 从天而降的神圣动物。

有蓝、绿、红、黑、白、黄龙。每个人都 有不同的能力,但黄龙是龙的领袖,最常 与皇帝联系在一起。在明清时期(1368 –1912),五爪龙被严格保留给皇帝使用。 清朝的中国国旗上甚至有一条龙。

龙在华族文化中无处不在。人们表演 舞龙以迎接好运和健康,并吓跑邪灵。端 午节是华族历法中的另一个主要节日,人 们划着龙舟进行竞赛。龙形的船在鼓声中 掠过水面。

为庆祝龙年的吉祥日子,中华会馆委 约本地艺术家Ken Allen与孙增田教授合 作设计了一件特别的龙雕塑。这条七米长 的金龙将采用再生塑料材料制成,融合了

华族传统和西方元素。这条龙将被命名 为“Boorloo Dragon”,在Noongar语中意 即‘珀斯’的意思

“很荣幸被邀请与珀斯的华人社区 合作,为这个农历新年创造'Boorloo Dragon'。我真的很喜欢了解东方龙的意 义 - 以及它是一个非常仁慈的实体 - 与 传统的欧洲龙不同 - 但更像是我们自己 当地的蛇 - Wagyl!我真的相信,创造 性的合作是实现世界更多和平与理解的 有效途径。 我们现在非常需要一些东 西。“Ken说。

Boorloo Dragon 将于 2024 年 2 月 10 日星期六上午 11:00 开始在北桥广场 (Lake 和 James Street 的拐角处)展出。

此外,中华舞蹈团将呈献原创舞剧作 品《Intertwine》。在珀斯,一群来自留尼 汪岛、毛里求斯、马来西亚、香港和南非 的表演者探索了身为华人和澳大利亚人 的意义。他们通过各种舞蹈形式和戏剧 表演,分享他们的故事,以面对当今全 球化世界中作为华人的所有挑战和魅 力。

编舞朱敏说:“2013年我移民澳 大利亚时,遇到了来自世界各地的 华人。他们成长或移居澳大利亚的 故事,以及他们如何保持与华族文 化的联系,激起了我的兴趣,也是 Intertwine的动力。

Intertwine 将于 2024 年 2 月 6 日 至 10 日在北桥的Blue Room 剧场上演。 作为全州历史最悠久的民族社区协 会,中华将于2024年庆祝会馆成立115周 年。珀斯中华新年文化节是一个不容错 过的免费的亲子活动。2023 年 2 月 11 日 星期日中午 12 点至晚上 9 点,北桥的詹 姆斯街和珀斯的亚甘广场将充满鼓声和 鞭炮声,伴随着充满活力的舞龙舞和舞 狮。这将是一场传统文化表演和展示的 视觉盛宴。各式摊贩将在詹姆斯街上排 列成集市,贩售各类美食。

记下活动日期、或安排在您的行事历 里、加入我们、与中华会馆一起以时尚的 方式迎接龙年。希望在活动上见到你哦!

YEAR OF THE DRAGON 龙年大吉 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 18

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YEAR OF THE DRAGON 龙年大吉 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 20
龙年大吉 YEAR OF THE DRAGON 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 21
Performance Dates and Time | 表演时间和地点 CHUNGWAH DRAGON AN LION DANCE TROUPE|中华会馆龙狮团 YEAR OF THE DRAGON 龙年大吉 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 22

Lunar New Year Activities


The Marina, Mindarie

33 Ocean Falls Boulevard, Mindarie WA 6030

Saturday 17 February 2024 | 4pm to 7pm

Childrens Activities: Face painting

Childrens Activities: Red Packet Lantern Making Face Painting (Chinese Designs)

Stockdale Harrisade

Corner Nicholson Rd &, Yellowwood Ave, Harrisdale WA 6112

Saturday 17 February 2024 | From 10am

10am Face Changer

10am Lion Dance Performance - special bench set performance

10.10am – 1.10pm Face Painting (Chinese Designs)

10.10am – 1.10pm Roaming Chinese Character handing out fortune candy

10.10am – 1.10pm Children’s Games Workshop

龙年大吉 YEAR OF THE DRAGON 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 23

Like Father like Daughter

The Honorable Hannah Mary MLA was born on 8 July 1970, the second daughter of Kim Beazley and Mary Ciccarelli. She is also the granddaughter of Kim Beazley Sr. and Shane Paltridge, all of whom were senior figures in Australian federal politics.

Following Dad’s Footsteps

Minister Beazley first contested in the 2013 state election in the electorate of Riverton where she was a business owner but was unsuccessful. She then ran in the 2019 federal election in her father’s former seat of Swan. She achieved a minor swing but ultimately lost to the incumbent Steve Irons.

In March 2020, following Treasurer Ben Wyatt’s announcement that he would retire from parliament at the next election, Beazley was preselected for his seat of Victoria Park. However, later that month, Wyatt reversed his decision to quit and announced he would stay on to assist the McGowan government in the state’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. Beazley then stood aside from the seat and was subsequently selected to contest in the Southwest region of the Western Australian Legislative Council. In November 2020, Wyatt announced his intention to retire for the second time, and Beazley was again selected to be the Victoria Park candidate. She was elected with an increased margin in the 2021 state election. In her election campaigns, Beazley received support through EMILY’s List Australia.

‘When I was going around door knocking for Victoria Park, some of residents claim that didn’t we just vote for you like a year ago?’, she found that interesting because she has been campaigning in these areas for a long time, trying to break-into the political scene.

In December 2022, she became parliamentary secretary to Stephen Dawson, the Minister for emergency services, innovation and the digital economy, medical research, and volunteering.

In December 2023, following Bill Johnston’s announcement that he would retire from the Ministry and not contest the next election, Beazley was elevated to the vacancy cabinet position and given the positions of Minister for Local Government, Minister for Youth and Minister Assisting the Minister for Training and Workforce Development.

A little bit about Hannah

Hannah was born and brought up in Victoria Park, so she has always been a local. Before getting into politics, she worked in education for around ten years, from early education right through the university sector.

Her most recent project that she’s proud of before entering the political arena was the ‘Container for Change’ scheme. She was part of the executive team that developed and launched the project over several years of work. Her passion for sustainability and being in line with the priorities of the local community have made this flourish well.

‘It is a practical and professional achievement to help our local environment, and it has now saved billions of containers from landfill and put millions of dollars into not-forprofits around WA.’

She related that to Chung Wah being one of the beneficiaries, we are proud to be fully supporting the scheme.

Hannah has been involved in the labor party and the labor movement for her whole life. The idea of public service as a member of parliament has been instilled in her mind since a very young age. She feels honored and privileged to be in the position that she is in today, being able to contribute back to the community she cherishes so much.

Recent Appointment

Hannah is currently the Minister for

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Local Government, Minister for Youth and Minister Assisting the Minister Minister for Training and Workforce Development. She confirmed that they are distinctly different areas but there’s some overlap, which is nice to capitalise on.

Local Government had been an interesting one to Hannah, as it had gone through the first lot of reform over the last couple of years, which was the first local government reform in 25 years. Her priority in that space is the second tranche of that reform, which is integral for better governance at the local government level. It will introduce a level of inspection and monitoring to help both investigate if something is going wrong but also support it before that happens. Local government is greatly stretched in the resources they have and their size, and their ability to recruit right now in the hot job market, with most people demanding to work remotely from home.

This reform might seem dry for the readers, but it’s essential to help push along with everything else. This includes planning reform, in dealing with our housing crisis, which are all interrelated.

To have improved respect for others, it is essential to have strong governance around you and that is what these reforms are about as well. It helps with the local governments that might need help. We have lots of fantastic local governments, and we must make sure that they are able to do what they do for the community.

Puppy farming has been a heartfelt issue in the community of Western Australia. Hannah is working closely to ensure these are shut down properly and that there is nothing untoward going on that risks the animal’s welfare.

Hannah expressed excitement about the Youth portfolio she holds, which is seen to be fun and interesting. There has always been a tendency in the wider community and wider media to talk about the negativity

around youth, whether it be the crime rate or antisocial behavior. Hannah understands that at the end of the day, it is still the minority. As a local member, Hannah feels that the productivity, creativity and commitment that our youth have in their community is huge. They have got so much to offer.

Good stories about our youth just do not tend to be broadcast. Hannah really wants to concentrate on how we better promote our youth positively, because they do deliver amazing work and contribute so much to our community and economy. Hannah is seeking ways to get these more positive stories out there and find ways to include youth in decision making.

The youth portfolio looks after people aged 10 to 25 years. There’s a lot of talk about including youth in decisionmaking, but it tends to be only included at the end of the process not the beginning. It is important to get their voice around the table at the beginning when making policy decisions and discussing other issues that affect them. There are different ways to do that, such as the Ministerial Youth Advisory Councils. Hannah expresses her need for some pragmatic ideas of how to better include young people, and for them to tell her how to reach young people. Many strategies and policies come to Hannah at the end, asking her how to engage

young people for feedback.

In training and workforce development, there is a different dynamic to working with another Minister, as it’s helpful. Hannah has done a lot for the defense industry workforce, particularly with AUKUS (Australia, United Kingdom, and United States partnership) coming on board, and the maintenance of the submarine with the amount of training and skill sets needed locally for decades to come.

Operational oversight of the TAFEs which are doing amazing work, particularly the recovery of TAFEs. The introduction of free TAFE is remarkable, and it is going a long way in providing the skills we need to.

President Ting reminded Hannah, that her father was the defense minister. Hannah agreed that was one of his favorite jobs. He would be proud of what his daughter has now achieved, working alongside a related portfolio.

Collaboration and Interaction with Other Departments

When Hannah was asked about the workflow in collaboration with other departments, it is always at the very last stage for her to talk to young people.

Hannah said that she’s still in the early days of the portfolio. She is currently working on a Youth Action Plan, with the consultation finishing in a couple of weeks, and a plan will be developed for the next five years based on the consultation. The new Youth Action Plan for Western Australia will have some pragmatic outcomes from it with relation to engaging the youth, how you do that and how do you reach them.

‘Reaching a 10 year-old is very different from reaching a 19 year-old, how do you do that?’

Hannah said there is a focus on her department and how they will get those consultations and work with different stakeholders reaching different target audiences in the youth space. They

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have seen that and that is what we need to do in the development of a whole heap of other policies as well. Hannah acknowledges that there are lessons to be learned from this too, as most consultations are done at school, the 18 – 20 year-old’s are not at school, and not at the community center.

‘We did a consultation at Curtin University tavern for instance. Surely, we must actively go to where the youth are!’, said Hannah.

The ministry also goes to forums youth use and makes feedback easy. It’s easy to do that online, may it be written, a photo or a video to be sent through. Making it accessible and easy is the key to engaging, having better responses from the target audience, and for them to tell the ministry what they would like.

‘We keep an eye outside our channel!’, Hannah exclaimed.

However, the ministry encourages to put it through the system. The agency that works with the ministry does take an alert approach towards any ‘hashtag’, and Minister agreed that they’re doing a great job on that.

having people coming up to me to have a chat’, says Hannah. They learn from people about anything new that happens in the area: the school, roadworks that frustrate them, the timeframe for projects or legislation that they’ve just heard about. Hannah was very impressed with how informative the people of the community are, and they are, and she’d like to consider herself very approachable. She finds it helpful to be able to talk to people. And her two boys who play at the local parks trigger regular parents’ conversation that is revealing of what’s going on in the community.

Feedback from family.

‘I have got a 12 yearold and an 8 year-old, and my 8 year-old is very resentful that he’s not part of my portfolio’, Hannah had a giggle when I asked if her boys provided any good feedback on the ‘Youth Action Plan’.

The kids are all very proud of their Mum, and she told her son about some feedback on the plan. He has a million ideas which are fantastic, however, he’s

The ‘Youth Action Plan’ when it comes to the end of it, would be an inter-agency and cross-government approach in how to deliver what comes from it.

Community Engagement

Minister Beazley has an office in Victoria Park and has two team members in daily contact. She is at the office every week. Hannah lives within walking distance from the popular stretch of Victoria Park which works to her advantage in community engagement.

‘I can’t walk down the street without

encouraged to feedback through the correct channel (not just telling Mum).

‘I am your Minister,’ as Hannah would jokingly relate to his mischievous boys at times! We all had a good laugh when Minister shared with us such cute stories from her family.

Youth Empowerment and Participant

When Minister was asked about the sentiment of adults when we always question the youth ‘What more do you want?’, and potentially being the trigger that youth resist to communicate with, she felt that it was rather the opposite.

‘From the survey we had the other day, attitudes among adults towards children and young people have grown towards positivity over the last ten years’, says Hannah. She feels positive for such a shift in mentality.

‘If you ask them what more do you want, you end up actually thinking it’s not more but it is just different!’

From the feedback that the ministry has received, it’s a sign of the times that many young people themselves who are living at home, even though they may be too young to be working, one of their biggest stresses is the cost of living, because they see that stress on their parents too. They are taking on these adults’ ideas and wondering what they can do to help.

A lot of the feedback that the Ministry has received in the youth/training area, is that a lot of young adults find that they do not have the skills in home financial management, that most adults have taken for granted.

‘I grew up helping Mum balance the cheque book, and you know how to do that. That doesn’t happen so much anymore!’, says Hannah. She spoke to a lot of other adults and found that we’ve underestimated how well developed their concerns are. And of course, climate change is up there as well. It’s completely understandable

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because they have got to be living longer on this earth as it heats up, longer than the rest of us.

Minister says it’s not good for adults to assume what the youth wants but let them voice their concerns and needs.

Workplace Diversity and Inclusion

Minister has stressed how amazing TAFE is for the workplace, and being fee-free or reduced fee will help new migrants or children of migrants because this helps to understand the Australian Standards and equip them with skills. There is also a program underway, under Minister Simone McGurk MLA, which is helping smaller to medium enterprises to get international skilled workers through visas. Normally such visas only apply to big businesses, and we have a lot of small and medium enterprises, of infrastructure and construction with more people, but they don’t necessarily have human resources departments. The ministry now has a program that supports those SMEs to access international skilled workers and provides subsidy visas for them. Through this process, because they engaged with training and workforce development, that’s also all a part of ensuring that those people who come over, once they’re here, they do understand those standards and processes. And a lot of the time, those small and medium enterprises are multicultural businesses. It’s a nice circle of support that they are also bringing the culture here.

The small and medium enterprise make up most of the business in Australia. One of the major feedback items is that the OSH standard of overseas workers can be quite different then the Australian standard.

Minister Beazley’s vision on the portfolio

Apart from the ‘Youth Action Plan’ that is about to come out in a few weeks, there are also a couple of things that Minister cannot reveal yet. She encourages people to check the news and will keep the public informed. She now has a year until the next election, and there is a lot of things that she wants to achieve, which will be quite a challenge. Minister would love all things under her portfolio to be activated, acknowledged and respected. For youth, she hopes that the cohort that the ministry has been engaged with to be recognised as a productive and positive part of our community. In terms of local government, she would like to see the streamlining of processes that would help every resident in the city, help with planning and development, and ease housing, and cost of living, that the local government has the support to be the best that they can be at service

delivery. And in Training and Workplace development, just making sure that we’re filling any skill shortages and creating every opportunity where we can. Capitalising on projects that are in front of us, like AUKUS, ensuring that we have the best trained and capable workforce in Australia. We are a highly skilled group of people here in Western Australia, that is something that should be capitalised on and bringing other people onto the journey with us.

AUKUS is in a very early stage, and it’s exciting that we’re able to shape something that would last for generations.

It was short notice to seek permission for an interview with Minister, but to our surprise, she accepted that gladly and it was locked in within the week. The interview was filled with a peals of laughter ew.between serious topics in discussion. As a mothering figure, Minister is very passionate about Youth development.

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Mary Beazley)出生于1970年7月8日,是金·比兹利(Kim Beazley)和玛丽·西卡雷 利(Mary Ciccarelli)的第二个女儿。她也是Kim Beazley Sr.和Shane Paltridge的孙女,他们都是澳大利亚联 邦资深的政治人物。


汉娜首次参加2013年Riverton选区的州 选举,她是那里的企业主,但没有成功。然后, 她参加了2019年的联邦大选,在她父亲的前 Swan席位上。她获得了少数领先的摇摆票,但 最终输给了现任Steve Irons 。

2020年3月,在财政部长 Ben Wyatt 宣 布他将在下一次选举中从议会退休后,汉娜被 预选为 Victoria Park 的席位。然而,当月晚 些时候,怀亚特推翻了他辞职的决定,并宣布 他将继续协助麦高恩政府从 COVID-19危机 中恢复经济。汉娜随后站在议席之外,随后被 选为西澳大利亚州立法委员会西南地区的竞 选者。2020年11月,Ben Wyatt 第二次宣布打 算退役,汉娜再次被选为 Victoria Park候选 人。她在2021年州选举中以更大的优势当选。 在她的竞选活动中,汉娜通过 EMILY’s List Australia 获得了支持。

“当我在为Victoria Park选区进行拜票时, 一些居民声称我们不是一年前就已经投票给 你了吗?”她觉得有点啼笑皆非,因为她已经为 这些地区竞选了很长时间,不得不顺势进入 政治舞台。

2022年12月,她成为紧急服务、创新和数 字经济、医学研究和志愿服务部长Stephen Dawson的议会秘书。

2023年12月,在Bill Johnston顿宣布他将 从该部退休并且不参加下一次选举后,汉娜被 提升为空缺内阁职位,并被任命为地方政府部 长、青年部长和协助培训和劳动力发展部长。


汉娜在Victoria Park出生和长大,所以她 一直是在地人。在进入政界之前,她在教育领 域工作了大约10年,从早期教育到大学部。

在进入政治舞台之前,她引以为豪的最新 项目是“ Container for Change”计划。她是执 行团队的一员,该团队在几年的工作中开发和 启动了它。她对可持续发展的热情和与当地 社区优先事项的一致性使它蓬勃发展。

“这是一项实用和专业的成就,可以帮助 我们当地的环境,现在它从垃圾填埋场中节省 了数十亿个集装箱,并将数百万美元投入到西 澳各地的非营利组织中”

她表示,中华会馆是受惠者之一,我们非 常乐意全力支持该计划。

汉娜一生都参与工党和劳工运动。从很小 的时候起,她就一直怀念着作为国会议员为公 共服务的想法。她对现在的职位感到荣幸和 荣幸,能够回馈她非常珍惜的社区。


汉娜目前担任地方政府部长、青年部长和 协助培训和劳动力发展部长的职务。她确实证

实,这是一个非常不同的区域,虽然在某些部 分中有些重叠,但这对反而她有利。

对汉娜来说,地方政府是其工作中特别 特一项。因为它在过去几年中经历了第一次改 革。这是25年来的首次地方政府改革。她在这 一领域的优先事项是推动第二波的改革,这 对于在地方政府一级更好地治理将是不可或 缺的。它将引入一定程度的检查和监控,以帮 助调查是否出现问题,并在问题发生之前提 供支持。当地政府拥有的资源和规模以及他 们现在在热门就业市场招聘的能力方面都捉 襟见肘,大多数人要求在家远程工作。

这项改革的细节对于读者来说可能略显 枯燥,但帮助推动其他一切是必不可少的。这 包括规划改革,以应对我们的住房危机。它们 都是相互关联的。

为了提高对他人的尊重,必须在你周围进 行强有力的治理,这也是这些改革的意义所 在。它有助于可能需要帮助的地方政府。我们 有很多出色的地方政府,以确保他们能够为社 区做他们应该做的事情

幼犬养殖业一直是西澳大利亚社区悬而 未决的课题。汉娜正加紧密切合作,以确保这 些不符合人道主义的养殖场被合法关闭。这 些活动属于高风险且违反人道、但鲜为人知。

汉娜对她属下兼管青年部表示兴奋,这似 乎很有趣。在广泛的社区和媒体中,一直有一 种趋势来谈论围绕年轻人的消极情绪,无论 是犯罪率还是反社会行为。汉娜明白,归根结 底,它仍然是少数。作为地方议员,汉娜认为 年轻人在社区中的生产力、创造力和承诺是巨 大的。他们有很多东西可以提供。

那些关于我们青年的好故事往往不被重 视。汉娜真的想专注于我们如何更好地积极 地激励我们的年轻人,因为他们确实提供了惊 人的努力,并为我们的社区和经济做出了巨大 贡献。汉娜正在寻找方法让那些更好、更积极 的故事出现,以及如何让年轻人参与决策。

青年部照顾 10 至 25 岁的人。有很多关于 让青年参与决策的讨论,但它往往只包括在 过程的末尾,而不是在开始。在就政策和其他 影响他们的事情做出决定时,让他们在一开始 就发表意见是很重要的。有不同的方法可以 做到这一点,因为汉娜有部长级青年咨询委员 会。汉娜表示,她需要一些关于如何更好地包 容年轻人的务实想法,并让他们告诉她如何 接触年轻人。汉娜最后提出了许多策略和政 策,询问她如何让年轻人获得反馈。

在培训和劳动力发展方面,与另一位部 长合作是截然不同的工作概念,因为有满满 的助力。汉娜为国防工业的劳动力做了很多工 作,特别是随着AUKUS的加入,以及潜艇的维 护,未来几十年当地所需的培训和技能。

对TAFE的运营监督,这些TAFE正在做着 惊人的工作,特别是TAFE的恢复。免费TAFE 的引入非常了不起,它在提供我们需要的技能 方面大有帮助。

陈挺会长提起汉娜,说她的父亲当年可是 国防部长。汉娜同意这是他最喜欢的工作之 一。希望他会为女儿在处理与他当年相关的 工作上的成就感到自豪。


当汉娜被问及与其他部门合作的工作流 程时,她总是在最后阶段与年轻人交流。汉娜 声称她仍处于计划的早期阶段。她目前正在 制定一项青年行动计划,磋商将在几周内完 成,并将根据结果在未来五年的基础制定计 划。新的西澳大利亚青年行动计划,并将从中 取得一些务实的成果。有很多关于吸引年轻 人的讨论,其中包括如何做到这一点以及如 何接触他们。

“接触一个10岁的孩子和接触一个19岁的 孩子是截然不同的,你是怎么做到的?” 汉娜声称,现在她正在关注她的部门,以 PROFILE INTERVIEW 人物专访 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

及如何进行这些咨询,并与不同的利益相关 者合作,以接触青年领域的不同目标受众。他

们已经看到了这一点,这也是我们在制定其他 一系列政策时需要做的。汉娜承认,我们也从 中吸取了教训,因为大多数咨询都是在学校完 成的,18至20岁的人已经离开学校,也不在社 区中心活动。

“我们在科廷大学的酒吧进行了咨 询。当然,我们会积极地去人们 所在的地方!“,汉娜说。

该部还去年轻人使 用的论坛,使反馈变得 容易。无论如何,在 网上完成这项工作 很容易,他们选择 可以照片或视频来 发送。让它易于访 问和简单是吸引的 关键,从目标受众 那里获得更好的回 应,并让他们告诉事 工他们想要什么。

“我们积极关注我们 可控渠道之外的信息来源!” 汉娜称赞道。但是,该部鼓励将 其通过系统。与该部合作的机构确实对 任何#Tag都采取了谨慎的态度,汉娜部长同 意他们在这方面做得很好。

们总是问年轻人“你还想要什么”,以及潜在的 触发因素是年轻人拒绝沟通的触发因素时, 她觉得情况恰恰相反。

“从我们前几天的调查来看,在过去十年 中,成年人对儿童和年轻人的态度已经朝着积 极的方向发展,”汉娜说。她对这种心态的转 变感到积极。

“如果你问他们你还想要什么, 你最终会认为它不是更多,而 是不同!”

从该部收到的反馈 来看,这是一个时代 的迹象。有多少年轻 人即使没有离家生 活;即使他们可能 太年轻而无法工作, 但他们最大的压力 之一是生活成本,因 为他们看到了父母 所受的压力。他们正 在接受这些成年人的 想法,并想知道他们能 做些什么来提供帮助。

该部在青年这重要领域得 到的很多反馈是,许多年轻人发现 他们没有家庭财务管理的技能,而大多数成 年人认为这是理所当然的。

行中,该计划由部长Simone Frances McGurk MLA领导,该计划正在帮助中小型企业通过签 证获得国际技术工人。通常这种签证只适用 于大企业,我们有很多中小企业,基础设施和 建筑业的人更多,但他们不一定有人力资源部 门。该部现在有计划支持这些中小企业获得国 际技术工人,并为他们提供补贴签证。通过这 个过程,因为他们参与了培训和劳动力发展, 这也是确保那些准备过来的人这里上班的仁, 可以马上开始了解这些标准和流程。很多时 候,这些中小企业都是属于多元文化的社区的 一员。这是一个很好相互支援的循环,因为他 们也把文化带到了这里。

中小型企业占澳大利亚业务的大部分。其 中一个主要的反馈项目是海外工人的职业安全 与健康标准可能与澳大利亚标准有很大不同。


“青年行动计划”在末期时,将是透过一种 机构间和跨政府的协作,以提供其结果。


汉娜部长在Victoria Park设有办公室,并 有两名团队成员每天联系。她每周都会在办 公室。汉娜住在Victoria Park的热门地带,步 行即可到达,这对她在社区参与方面的优势 很有好处。

“我没有一次走在街上不被居民拦下聊 天,”汉娜说。他们从人们那里了解该地区发 生的任何新事物:有关于学校、或让他们感到 沮丧的道路工程、项目的时间表或他们刚听闻 的立法。汉娜对社区人民的信息量印象深刻, 他们确实如此,她认为自己非常平易近人。她

发现能够与人交谈很有帮助。她的两个儿子在 当地公园玩耍,让父母间的聊天更加频繁,这 可能让她更能够掌握社区中发生的事情。


“我有个12岁和8岁的孩子,我8岁的孩 子对他不属于我的青年计划感到非常不满” ,当我问她的儿子们是否对“青年行动计划” 提供了任何好的反馈时,汉娜咯咯地笑了起 来。

孩子们都为他们的妈妈感到非常自豪, 她一直在对儿子说些关于该计划的反馈。他 有一百万个想法,这些想法太棒了,但是,我 们鼓励他通过正确的渠道进行反馈(而不仅 仅是告诉妈妈)。

“我是你们的部长,”汉娜有时会开玩笑地 与他淘气的孩子们说!当汉娜部长与我们分 享她家人的可爱故事时,我们都笑得很开心。



“我从小就帮助妈妈处理家庭财务,你知 道该怎么做。但现在这种情况不再经常发生!“ ,汉娜说。她与许多其他成年人交谈时,发现 我们低估了他们的担忧。当然这也包括了气候 变化的忧虑。这是完全可以理解的、因为他们 必须在这个地球上继续存活、而变暖问题将 困扰他们更久。

汉娜部长说,让成年人预设青年所要的是 不好的,应让他们亲自表达自身的担忧和需求。

工作场所的 多样性和包容性

汉娜部长强调了TAFE教育对加强工作岗 位培训的巨大效用,免费或减费将有助于新 移民或移民子女,因为这有助于了解澳大利亚 标准并为他们提供技能。还有一个项目正在进

除了几周后即将出台的“青年行动计划” 外,还有几件事汉娜部长还不能透露。她鼓励 人们查看新闻,并让公众了解情况。她现在距 离下次选举还有一年的时间,今年她想实现 很多事情,这将是个相当大的挑战。汉娜部长 希望她属下各部门下的所有事物都能得到激 活、承认和尊重。对于青年,她希望该部所参 与的群体能够被认可为我们社区中富有成效 和积极的部分。在地方政府方面,她希望看到 简化流程,以帮助该镇的每个居民,帮助规划 和发展,并缓解住房和生活成本,因为地方政 府能够提供支持,以尽其所能提供服务。在培 训和工作场所发展中,只要确保我们填补任何 技能漏洞,并尽可能创造每个机会。利用摆在 我们面前的项目,比如AUKUS。确保我们在澳 大利亚拥有训练有素、能力最强的劳动力。在 西澳州,我们是群高技能的人,我们应该利用 这点,并让其他人与我们一起踏上征途。

AUKUS还处于非常早期的阶段,令人兴奋的 是,我们能够塑造出可以持续几代人的东西。

我们再很短的时间内促成了这次的采访, 但令我们惊讶的是,她欣然接受了,并在一周 内锁定了。采访过程中,虽然讨论的都是严肃 话题,但间中还是充满了轻松的笑声。可以看 出,作为一名母亲,汉娜部长对于她的工作, 尤其是青年未来的发展充满热情。

人物专访 PROFILE INTERVIEW 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 29

My childhood was spent mostly in a small town in southern part of Peninsular Malaysia. The "festive" atmosphere in small towns during and before Chinese New Year are so much stronger in comparison to cities.

The elderly in families will start making types of New Year cakes/Kuehs weeks before Chinese New Year. This Nian Gao/ Sticky rice cake is one of them.

My grandma was the one that makes this cake for everyone in the family, she will stay up all night to watch the fire. Every step of making this cake is manual and rigorous.

Nian Gao is normally used for prayers in Chinese New Year, a well steamed Nian Gao can be stored for months without being refrigerated.

Even though there are many short cut recipes of Nian Gao circulating around the net nowadays, I still find it imperative to preserve the traditional way of making it.

Though I can’t stone grind my glutinous rice and steam cook using firewoods, I do manage to replicate the process as closely to the origin as I can with the aid of a blender and a slow cooker.

I have to say that I cannot be more pleased with the result! Here I am, together with my family heritage -- Nian Gao.

Traditional Chinese New Year Cake Nián Gāo

Ingredients :(Make two 5-6 inch diameter cake)

• 2 large pieces of fresh or frozen banana leaves

• 300 gm of glutinous rice

• 300 gm of sugar

• 1/3 cup of water

• Two 6-inch diameter bowls


1. Wash and soak the glutinous rice for at least 4 hours. Grind the rice together with sugar with 1/3 cup of water (no more than that).

Note: If your mixer is not so powerful, you can mix the rice and sugar before grinding, the sugar will liquify during the grinding process, which will aid in grinding.

2. Soften the fresh banana leaves by soaking/blanching them briefly in boiling water (if frozen ones are used, no need to blanch). Remove hard stems and wipe clean. Cut the banana leaves into 4-5 inches in width.

3. Line banana leaves around steaming bowls by overlapping the pieces and place a round shape of banana leaves at the bottom to further secure the leaves.

4. Use a rubber band or cotton rope to secure the leave around the bowls to avoid deformation/shrunken of the leaves during the steaming process, which could then result in out of shape cakes.

5. Heat the slow cooker / steamer, pour the rice mixture into steaming bowls lined with banana leaves. Leave around 1 inch of space for the cake to expand during steaming.

6. Place a bigger bowl upside down in the slow cooker to raise the height so that more water can be added for long hours of steaming. Place the steaming bowl on top and add boiling water to the crockpot up to about 80% full.

7. Lightly place a clean towel or kitchen towel over the cooker before putting the lid on to prevent water dripping on the cake.

8. Steam the cake on high in a crockpot and medium low in a steamer for 13-16 hours (I steam mine for 15 hours) until the cakes become amber in color (saramelised) and the surface become smooth.

9. Remove the cakes from the cooker and let cool for about 12 hours before removing from steaming bowls.

30 A TASTE OF MEMORIES 盈盈小筑 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn IssueSummer Issue

Echo’s Kitchen--a journal of an amateur chef, blogger SinJin LIM is a freelancer of Malaysian Chinese living in the United States. She tirelessly records the recipes of taste of hometown she missed, bilingually in her blog. She is a down-to-earth mum, a wife that works wonders in cultivating their only child.

盈盈小筑--素人厨师的柴米油盐,博主林心仁是一位从事自由职业的旅美马来 西亚华裔,透过博客以英中双语记录了异乡游子所思念的家乡味。脚踏实地、 着实苦干她以兼顾事业与家庭,并以培养宝贝独子为大。



年前好几周就提前制作好,制作的工序严谨繁琐,从铺垫 器具,泡糯米,磨米浆,脱水,拌糖到蒸制全都需要人工制作,处 理好入蒸笼之后还要在后院用大大的蒸笼蒸上12-16个小时,

蒸年糕的过程需要有人不断的添材火,加热水,所以每年蒸年 糕的时候,我阿嬤就会有两晚都没法睡觉,实在是一个爱意满满 的糕点哦!现在虽然有了很多简易的年糕方子,但我仍觉得,阿 嬤亲手做出来的糯米年糕才是最Q弹,最甜糯好吃的!

古法制作的年糕不容易变质,即使在没有冰箱的年代,年糕 在室温下都能收藏半年,甚至一年之久。一般都是年后才会把年 糕取来切块蒸软或裹上面糊炸了吃。

人在国外我没有条件石磨米浆和材火蒸煮,但在慢炖锅和电 动搅拌机的协助下,相当大程度地复制了阿嬤制作的年糕味道。

带着我家乡的传统年糕,向私房的姐姐妹妹们祝贺,希望大 家在新的一年里阖家安康,欢乐无限。

材料:(制作 2 只 直径 5-6寸的年糕)

• 2 大片的 新鲜或冷冻 芭蕉叶

• 300 克 长糯米

• 300 克 白糖

• 1/3 杯 水

• 两个 直径6 寸的深碗或烤模


1. 糯米洗净后泡水至少4个小时,沥干后加入1/3杯水(水不能 多),倒入搅拌机里和白糖一起磨成糊。如果搅拌机马力不是很 大的话,可以预先把糖和米粒拌匀再倒入搅拌,糖在搅拌的过程 会液化,会很容易搅拌顺滑。

2. 把新鲜的芭蕉叶用滚水烫软(如果用冷冻的就不需要这个 步骤),擦洗干净后剪去硬梗部分,撕成4-5寸宽,围着圆碗或烤 模交叠铺上,尽量紧密地交叠,底部再铺上一块圆形的芭蕉叶。 用个橡胶圈或棉绳把芭蕉叶圈起稳定。这样做可以避免芭蕉叶 在蒸煮的时候卷起变形进而造成年糕变形。

3. 把慢炖锅/蒸笼 开启后,把磨好的米浆 倒入铺有芭蕉叶的模 具里,7-8分满。

4. 在慢炖锅里倒扣 一个比较大的碗,再把 装有米浆的蒸碗摆在 上头,慢炖锅里加入滚 水,至7-8分满。在锅上 盖上一块干净的布或厨 房纸,加盖慢炖锅用高 火/蒸笼用中小火蒸煮 13-16个小时(我蒸了15 个小时)。直至年糕变 琥珀色(糖已焦化), 表 面平滑即可。

5. 取出蒸碗年糕 冷却定型(大约12个小 时)后才脱模。

古法制作的年糕, 浓浓的年味是不是马上 就出来啦?

31 盈盈小筑 A TASTE OF MEMORIES 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊Summer版 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版
Reference | 参考链接: traditional-chinese-new-year-cakenian.html

A historic gathering to thank our volunteers

Buzzing with excitement, 30 of our proud volunteers from Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC) gathered on the 9th of December at the Chung Wah HQ in Northbridge to celebrate International Volunteers Day (IVD), also known as "Thank A Volunteer Day" in Western Australia (WA). The venue is no ordinary place! It was the very spot where the first generation of Chung Wah volunteers had embarked on their journey of selfless service over a century ago.

The heritage building, proudly standing on James Street for more than 110 years, held the memories of countless volunteers who had dedicated their time to making a difference in the lives of others. It was the only heritage building in Perth that had remained steadfast, never changing hands from its inception.

Mrs Theresa Kwok, the CEO of Chung Wah CC, welcomed the volunteers with warmth and gratitude. In her opening address, she expressed deep appreciation for the selfless contributions of the volunteers, acknowledging their pivotal role in making Chung Wah CC a leading aged care provider in Perth's culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.

Against the backdrop of the historic setting, Theresa shared the rich history of Chung Wah. Established in 1909 to support Asian migrants in overcoming cultural and language barriers as they made Australia their new home, the organisation's focus shifted over the years. With migrants bringing older family members to Australia, the need for aged care became apparent. Chung Wah CC was born in 1984 to provide essential services to seniors from non-English-speaking

backgrounds. The growth from a small team to over 150 staff highlighted the organisation's commitment to its mission.

Theresa also emphasised the importance of flexibility and adaptability for all, especially the seniors, as the world continued to evolve. Volunteers were urged to become ambassadors of Chung Wah CC, sharing its success stories with their communities, attracting new volunteers, and preserving the organisation's rich heritage.

To top off an incredible event, each participant received a certificate of appreciation from WA's Department of Communities, recognising their selfless contributions to the community. The certificates were a token of gratitude for the dedication and hard work that these volunteers had invested over the years.

The festivities continued with a delicious dim sum lunch, bringing everyone together over shared meals and laughter. Following the hearty feast, the volunteers embarked on a tour of the Perth Mint, another historical landmark that added to the day's cultural experience.

As the day concluded, the volunteers left with a sense of fulfilment, proud of their roles in continuing the legacy of Chung Wah CC. The gathering not only celebrated International Volunteers Day but also served as a reminder of the enduring impact that volunteering can have on individuals and communities.

32 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue COMMUNITY CARE 松柏长青
文/译◎Chung Wah Community Care 中华社区服务


在12月9日的星期六,空气中充满了期待和兴奋,30名中华社区服务(CWCC)的义工齐聚在北桥的 詹姆斯街中华会馆总部。这一聚会是为了庆祝国际义工日(IVD),在西澳则被称为感谢义工日。


这座有着110多 年历史的传统建筑自豪地屹立在詹姆斯 街,承载着无数义工为他人贡献时间的回忆。这是珀斯唯一一 座在超过110年的岁月中未经易主的文化遗产建筑。


在她的致辞中,她对义工们无私奉献表示深深的感谢,并表扬 他们的贡献,促使CWCC成为珀斯CALD社区领先的长者护理 提供者。

在这座充满历史底蕴的场所,郭太分享了中华的丰富历 史。于 1909 年创建,中华旨于帮助亚洲移民克

服文化和语言障碍,在澳大利亚安居。 随着移民将年长的家庭成员带到澳 大利亚,长者护理的需求逐渐显 现。因此,CWCC于1984年成 立,旨在为非英语背景的长 者提供服务。从一个小团 队发展到拥有150多名员 工,这彰显了该组织对 使命的执着。

在演讲中,郭太强 调所有人,包括长者, 对应世界在不断变化 而灵活地作出适应的重 要性。她希望义工们成 为CWCC的大使,与他们 的社区分享CWCC的成功 故事,吸引新的义工,并传承 CWCC服务社区的文化。

整个活动的高潮是每位参与者 都收到了西澳社区部颁发的感谢证书,

以表彰他们多年来为社区无私奉献的贡献。这些证书是对这 些义工多年来投入的无私奉献和辛勤工作的实质性感谢。

庆祝活动在美味的点心午餐中继续,义工们在享用美食 和欢笑声中聚首一堂。在饱餐一顿之后,义工们参观了珀斯造 币厂,这是当天文化体验的又一个历史地标。随着一天的结束, 义工们带着一种满足感离开,为他们在传承CWCC文化中所扮 演的角色感到自豪。这次聚会不仅是对国际义工日的庆 祝,也是对义工服务对个人和社区的持续奉献 的一次回响。

中华社区服务部(CWCC)是中华会馆的一 个重要构成团体。中华社区服务部致力于 改善西澳大利亚不同背景人士的生活质 量,尤其是非英语人士。中华社区服务部 为长者、与其家庭成员、以及其他少数民 族群体提供社区护理计划,并在过去一个世纪中帮助了成千上万的人和他们的 家庭。中华社区服务部秉承以人为本的理念、奉献精神、部会愿景和价值观的不 断追求,继续为所有人的社区和生活水平谋福祉。


• 家庭护理套餐 (HCP) • 国家残障保险计划 (NDIS)

• 联邦家庭支持计划 (CHSP)


33 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 松柏长青 COMMUNITY CARE

Chung Wah Chinese School Teacher's Professional Development

It's our annual Chung Wah Chinese School Teacher's Professional Development again! We were delighted to have Joanne Chen, the Principal of Mid-West Campus (Geraldton) joining us online this year. We are all geared up and ready to embark on a journey of learning Chinese with our students and families in 2024!

又来到了我们中华中文学校一年一度的教师培训。今年,杰尔(Geraldton)分校的校长Joanne 也在网上加入了我们的培训。我们已经准备好和学生们一

34 SCHOOL YARD 校园天地 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue Text/Image ◎ Chung Wah Chinese School Morley

Chung Wah Chinese School - Midwest

What an amazing day to celebrate Lunar New Year with our local community members! Despite the scorching heat, we deeply appreciate your presence. Special thanks to The Chai Trio music group for their enchanting performance of traditional Chinese instruments and vocals, as well as to the Chinese Peony Flowers dance group for their captivating dance. We're grateful to the audience, including the children who sang along, and we hope you still remember some Chinese greetings. Regarding the Lion dance, we aim to have two lions next year to allow more participation. It was delightful to witness both children and adults dancing with the dragon, and we wish everyone prosperity and good health in the coming year If Dragon.

与当地社区成员一起庆祝农历新年真是太棒了!尽管天气炎热,我们仍非常感谢您的光临。特别感谢柴三重奏音乐团对中国传统乐器和人声的迷人表 演,以及中国牡丹花舞蹈团的迷人舞蹈。我们感谢观众,包括一起唱歌的孩子们,我们希望你们还记得一些中文问候。关于舞狮,我们的目标是明年有两只 狮子,让更多的人参与。很高兴看到儿童和成人与龙共舞,我们祝愿大家在来年繁荣昌盛,身体健康。

FB page 面子书专页:

35 校园天地 SCHOOL YARD 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 Text/Image ◎ Chung Wah Chinese School Midwest

Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动

Chinese Cultural Dance

Dragon and Lion Dance

Chinese Orchestra

Cantonese Opera

Women’s Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动


周三 12:00pm2:00pm

Saturday 周六 11:00am1:30pm

Chung Wah Hall

Please contact the Coordinator for more information. 请联系活动负责人

Each class 每堂课

$1 for members 会员

$2 for non-members 非会员



Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Teresa TAN 0413 568 682

Annie WONG 0401 042 013

Activities 活动 Day 日期 Time 时间 Location 地点 Fee 收费 Contact 联系人
中华舞蹈 Saturday 周六 2:00pm4:00pm
class 每堂课 $15
会员 $18
128 James Street, Northbridge Each
for members
for non-members
Nie CHONG 08 9328 8657
Sunday 周日
Aaron LOONG 0434 665 170
中华华乐团 Sunday 周日 11:00am
请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572
周六 9:30am
10:30am Choir 中华合唱团 Sunday 周日 2:30pm4:30pm Salvation Army 救世军总部 333 William Street, Northbridge Trinh QUACH 0423 587 653 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572
Chi class
排排舞 Saturday 周六 11:00am -1:00pm Chung Wah Cultural Centre 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Doreen CHIN Sunday 周日 10:00am -12:00pm (advance) New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞 Sunday 周日 1:30pm3:30pm Leonard KHO 0411 745 285 Dong NHAN 0403 509 052 Table Tennis 中华乒乓球俱乐部 Sunday 周日 3.30pm -7:00pm $5 for members 会员 $7 for non-members 非会员 Kemei SHAO 0434 148 590 Maya 0425 425 898 36 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

Chung Wah Services 中华服务



Day Long

Respite Care


Centre Based Hub Activities


Home Help Services


National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)


Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Tai Chi Class 太极班


Monday to Friday 周一至周五

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五



Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心

18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心

58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Various 商议待定

Phone 电话:08 9328 3988

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Wednesday (Balcatta)

Thursday & Friday (Willetton) 周三 (巴卡达) 周四、五 (威乐顿)

Various 商议待定

Phone 电话:

08 9328 3988

Various 商议待定

Phone 电话:

08 9328 3988

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心

18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心

58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community Care staff for more details 此类服务都须经由政 府部门评估,请联系 中华社区与长者服务 部以了解更多详情

Please contact Chung Wah Community Care Coordinator for more information.

请向中华社区服务部 了解更多详情。

Phone 电话:

08 9328 3988

Email 电子邮箱 :

Community Talks 社区讲座 Monthly 每月一次 Monthly 每月 一次 Free 免费

Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务 Appointment Required 提早预约

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37 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版

Expand your business by offering a special discount ranging from �% to ��% or any other privileged offer to Chung Wah members. 向中华会馆会员拓展您的商务,只须提供特别优惠给我们的会员。比如介于�% 至��% 的商品或服务折扣,或其他类似优惠。

Free to Join No ongoing costs or fees 免费加盟 无须缴付任何会费或成本费
Security Unit � / � Iron Street, Malaga WA ���� Mob: ���� ��� ��� Email: ��% Off all quotes Imperial Finance, Linda LAI Mob: ���� ��� ��� Email: Free ��-�� minutes consultation Isabel CHAN Family Photo Specialist Mob: ���� ��� ��� Email: ��% Off (Not for discounted packages, T&C applies) CKG legal Barrister & Solicitor AALA Inaugural Young Lawyer of the Year T: (��) ���� ���� | M:���� ��� ��� F: (��) ���� ���� | W: �% discount for all legal fee Aus World Travel ��� James Street, Northbridge ��� Collins Road, Willetton �� Hulme Court, Myaree discount Perth Local Coach Tours Chung Wah Members ��% discount Perth Local Coach Tours Chung Wah Staffs Lex Legal Barristers & Solicitors, Notary Public T: ��) ���� ���� W: Level �, ��� Adelaide Terrace, Perth initial legal consultation Discount for all property and business settlement By European Hotel �� Murray Street, Perth ��% Discount on food (when you dine in at our restaurant) Roast Duck House 德兴烧鸭店 ��� William Street, Perth. ��� Albany Hwy East, Victoria Park �% Discount on dine-in only Northbridge ��� James Street, Northbridge ��% Off Northbridge Chinese Restaurant �� Roe Street, Northbridge Free tea at Dim Sum Lunch and Dinner Hongkong Dim Sum Shop �, Old Shangai Food Court, ��� James Street, Northbridge �% Off Honey In the Garden Shop online: Reference Code: MAF ��% Discount for purchases over $���.�� Azurra Migration ���� ��� ��� �% Off BUPA work cover insurance Bunga Raya Satay Food truck trade at various Market Places $� Discount for transaction of above $��.�� $� discount on restring services $� discount for off peak hour court hire $� discount for peak hour court hire �% discount for merchandise above $�� (except shuttle cock) Perth Badminton Arena �/��� Great Eastern Hwy, Redcliffe WA ���� Call ���� ��� ��� for booking Ingot Hotel Perth ��� Great Eastern Highway Belmont WA ���� Reservation: +�� (�) ���� ���� ��% Off Food and drinks Best available room rate when booked directly with hotel Chung Wah Member Benefit Programme Benefit 中华会员优惠计划 Chung Wah Member Benefit Programme 中华会员优惠计划 Invitation 盛情邀请 携手同行 Partner with us
For further enquiries, please contact Chung Wah Association | 若想进一步咨询,可联系中华会馆 Ph 座机 ���� ���� | Mb 手机 ���� ��� ��� | Em 电邮 ��% Off to Chung Wah Members Seoul Delish ��/�� Walanna Drive Waterford, Karawara FREE Ear Wax Removal (Worth $���) for all pensioners Expert Hearing Care A: Westfield Innaloo, Ellen Sitrling Blvd T: (��) ���� ���� E: W: Fb: @experthearingcare �% Off every order to Chung Wah Members Holy mackerel fish and chips Shop ��,�� Farrington Road Leeming Forum,Leeming ���� ��% flat discount to Chung Wah Members Pro Shakes Innaloo Megacentre, Shop ��A/�� Ellen Stirling Blvd, Innaloo ��min FREE marketing strategy session AEOZO �/��� Main St, Osborne Park �x Your Churros to Chung Wah Members San Churro Chocolateria Northbridge Store ��� James Street, Northbridge Karrinyap Store ��� Karrinyup Rd, Shop FC����, Karrinyup Online Spend over $�� (exclude postage) to get $�Off Promo code: CHUNGWAH In Store Spend over $�� to get $�Off The above offers on full price Morish Nuts products only and it’s not to be used with the conjunction with any other offers Morish Nuts Shop online: PROMO code: CHUNGWAH Swan Valley: ��� Great Northern Highway, Herne Hill Fremantle Market: Stall #��, Henderson Street, Fremantle ��% Off Normal price Item A: ��� Hay Street, Perth WA ���� T: (��) ���� ���� E: W: Fb: @amcalpharmacity ��% Off store wide online Member Code: CWMD�� This discount code is valid storewide and can’t be combined with other discount code. COOEE AUSTRALIA ��% discount Spend over $��� *not to be use with other offer City Cellar T: (��) ���� ���� W: A: G��/��� Adelaide Terrace, Perth $� off massage with discount coupon Massagr E: W: Mom Dumpling House 真東北餃子莊 T: (��) ���� ���� W: ��% Off for cash payment $�� and above *not to be use with other offer Professional Cleaning Service in Perth ���� ��� ��� Suite ��/� Haster Road, Osborne Park ���� ��% Off all quotes for windows and floor cleaning services ASSURE ALLIANCE Certified Practising Accountants �/�� Biscayne Way, Jandakot WA ���� Free �� minutes complimentary consultation Book online at with promo code: CHAI�� Free Initial Consultation All Legal Disputes Litigation Lawyers T: (��) ���� ���� E: W: HONG KONG BBQ House Chinese Restaurant 顺德海鲜烧腊酒家 �� Francis Street, Northbridge ��% Off for cash payment only ��% Off total fee Excel Podiatry Clinic ���� ��� ��� �/�� Apsley Rd, Willetton WA ���� 我们殷切欢迎商家们踊跃加入中华会员优惠联盟 We welcome businesses to join our Member Benefit Programme




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Celebrate Lunar New Year with SBS

SBS is sharing the festivities of Lunar New Year through movies, food programs, recipes, documentaries and more to welcome the Year of the Dragon.

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