Chung Wah Magazine Issue #50 - SUMMER 2021

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����年 DECEMBER ISSUE #�� 第��期

Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2022 Event listing

珀斯中华新年文化节 Story of “Nian”

年兽的故事 Traditional Chinese New Year Customs




Chung Wah Association 2021 Annual General Meeting


Unveiling of the East Perth Cemeteries Memorial Gardens



We invite you to join the


炎黄子孙 CHUNG WAH 共同的大家庭 FAMILY TO JOIN YOU CAN EITHER: Call our membership and enquiry hotline 入会及询问热线

中文学校 Chinese School

(��) ���� ����

or download a membership application from our webiste 网上下载入会申请表

文化团体 Cultural Events and Activities

and email us 申请电子回传 or post it to us at 或者邮寄回传

PO Box ��, Northbridge WA ����

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Family 家庭



中华 会 馆的活 动团队 正忙于筹备壬 的寅虎年2022珀斯中华新年文化节大型 庆祝活动。过去十年,社区对这一标志性 文化活动的接受度很高。中华会馆非常感 谢州政府和地方政府送上的新春问候, 以及中国驻珀斯总领事馆的祝福。 我们很高兴能与广大 读 者们在本 期 分享 华人 庆 祝 农 历 新年 的喜悦 。本 期内 容中包括有关华人庆祝农历年的传说、以 及传统习俗的介绍,其中更包括了今年珀 斯中华新年文化节的活动清单。

Cover Photography 封面摄影 Xiaodong MA 马晓东

澳大利亚是一个多元文化的社会,透 过特邀专栏作家黄郁婷的镜头和文字,我 们可以了解更多关于西澳的哥萨 克庆祝 端午节的活动,以及更加了解维多利亚州 疏芬山这个迷人的金矿镇。

Save the date ! The Chung Wah event team is busy preparing for the Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2022. For the past decade, this iconic cultural event is a highlight of the Perth calendar. Chung Wah greatly appreciates the chinese new year greetings from the state and local government and well wishes from the Consulate General of the PRC in Perth. In this issue, we are delighted to share the joy of the Lunar New Year Celebrations. There are some exciting myths and customs and an event listing of the Perth Chinese New Year Fair. Our guest columnist, Karen HUANG gives an insight into the inaugural Dragon boat festival in Cossack, Western Australia and the gold mining town of Sovereign Hill in Victoria.

我们的常驻专栏作家,药剂师李荣参 先生与我们分享,在夏季天气中该如何保 持健康。作为健康的预防措施,在我们刚 刚度过的一系列假期之后,傅琼绪医师从 中医的角度提供了有关预防“过节病”的建 议。

Staying healthy and not over-indulging is important during the festive season. We have an article from Yongsim LEE on Stress Resilience. Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor, Julia FU talks about how to avoid becoming sick over the holidays.

我们的历史 顾问邝彩玲女 士 也报 道 了在卡拉卡塔 公墓新建的东 珀斯 纪念花 园所举 行 的揭幕 典 礼 。文 章中叙 述了典 礼前后一些有趣的点滴,相信我们资深的 中华会员们会很感兴趣。

Our Chung Wah Honorary Historical Advisor, Kaylene POON reports on the unveiling of the East Perth Memorial Garden at Karrakatta. There are some stories that would interest our senior members.

最 后必 须 在 此 嘱 咐 各 位,夏 天 炎 热 的天 气 里不 要忘记补充 水分和 防 晒 。我 们期待在已经安排好的各类夏季活动中 见到您。

Last but not least, don’t forget to stay hydrated and be sun smart, as we are looking forward to seeing you in our upcoming Summer events.


Wishing you a Happy Lunar New Year. Gong Xi Fa Cai !


Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰 Chief Editor 主编



The many achievements of the Association incude:


Founded in 1909, the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organisation in Western Australia. We are recognised by the Federal, State, and Local Governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in Western Australia. • Community and aged care for the aged and senior members, and migrant services. • Chinese schools promoting Chinese education and upholding cultural awareness. • Cultural and social groups incorporating Lion and Dragon dance, Chinese Cultural Dance, Chinese orchestra, Chinese opera and Womenʼs Subcommittee. • Hosting the largest Chinese New Year community event in Western Australia. BECOME A MEMBER: To review the full range of membership options and benefits, go to BECOME A VOLUNTEER / PARTNER: Call 93288657 or email us at



中华会馆是西澳最大、历史最悠久的华人社团。备 受联邦政府、州政府和地方政府认可为西澳华人社 区的代言组织。 · 给长者和移民提供社区服务及护理服务

· 办中文学校传承华人传统文化和发扬中文教育

· 综合舞狮、华乐、京剧、粤剧、舞蹈和妇女组等的 文化及社交小组 · 承办西澳最大型的农历新年社区活动

想成为会员: 请浏览网页 查知会员详情及会员优惠 想成为志愿者/合作伙伴: 致电 9328 8�5� 或 发邮件到





Dear Members,


Finishing the bowl of glutinous rice balls to mark the winter solstice celebration, we are not far off welcoming the new year. This coming year of the Tiger marks the new challenge of opening up after the start of the pandemic and inevitably connecting to the rest of the world.

吃完冬至的汤圆,我们即将迎接新的一年。来 年的虎年,标志着我们在疫情大流行后、即将开放 国门的新挑战。无可避免的,我们需要开启跟世界 的联系。

Under the leadership of Teresa Tan, the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra successfully organised the 2021 Guzheng Festival, with a series of three events. The Grand Guzheng Ensemble finale was again the landmark event of the festival. Set amongst the historic architecture of the University of Western Australia, Claremont Campus, it was a stunning scene to see over one hundred guzheng strings resonating with music. We sincerely appreciate the support from all participants and their families and volunteers, as well as the sponsors who contributed so much to the success of the event.

由王惠兰带领的中华华乐团,也在2021年成功 地举办了第二届古筝节。这次共举办了3场系列活 动。百人古筝大汇演的压轴演出,是连续第二年成 为具有里程碑意义的盛会。以西澳大学克莱蒙特校 区的历史建筑为舞台背景,百人齐奏,琴弦共鸣,令 人叹为观止。我们衷心感谢所有参与者及其家人、 工作人员和志愿者的支持,以及为活动的成功做出 贡献的媒体和赞助商。

The Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance troupe have again made the Chung Wah family proud, winning silver at the International KSK Lion Dance Music Competition in October 2021. As the peak group to represent Australia, their deafening drum beats and clashes of cymbals won the heart of the judges virtually.

The Chung Wah Youth sub-committee has been working closely with the Western Australia Chinese Chamber of Commerce, jointly organising the end-of-the-year event at the Northbridge Hotel in November 2021. It has been a great year of collaboration between the two organisations, joining forces to benefit Chinese youth to enrich their knowledge and experience. It provides networking opportunities to learn from one another, through social settings. We would like to express our gratitude towards the series of speakers who have generously shared their knowledge and experience. Dr Hua Li, principal of Chung Wah Chinese School, Perth and Atwell campuses, won the “Best Principals Award’ from the Modern Languages Teachers’ Association (MLTAWA) in October 2021. Chung Wah Chinese School has overcome the challenge of COVID-19 in the last two years, while still managing to maintain the highest standards of education for their students. We encourage you to contact our chinese schools for 2022 student enrolments.

For over thirty years, Mrs. Theresa Kwok has been leading Chung Wah Community and Aged Care and is well-recognised as an advocate in raising awareness for the unique challenges new migrants and seniors face from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds. At the annual WA Seniors Awards ceremony, held at ANZAC House on 25 November 2021, Theresa was presented with a medal and certificate in recognition as the WA Seniors Advocate of the Year. The event was held in conjunction with the Western Australian State Government and the Council on the Ageing WA (COTA). Theresa is the first winner in this new Seniors Award category. We are very grateful for her service and proud of her achievement. Under her leadership, the Chung Wah Community Care team has made a difference to our CaLD community, especially to our Chinese Seniors. The Chung Wah Hall and Cultural Centre in Balcatta have also gone through some improvements. The toilets at Chung Wah Hall have been refurbished to better facilitate the usability of the venue. The high windows at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre have been tinted to reduce the light and heat, and there are also solar panels installed to facilitate green energy usage. This would not have happened without the support of the Office of Multicultural Interests’ (OMI) Community Capital Works Fund.

Last but not least, on behalf of the Chung Wah Executive Committee, I would like to express our deepest gratitude for our Member’s support, entrusting us for another term in the leadership of Chung Wah Association. We will strive to serve our members better, and maintain Chung Wah Association as the peak body for the Chinese Community in Western Australia. Wishing you all the best of health, and a peaceful year ahead. Thank you.

Dr Ting CHEN 陈挺博士 President, The Chung Wah Association 中华会馆会长 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

中华 狮龙 舞团再次为中华 这个大 家庭 带来 荣 耀,在2021年10月的关圣宫国际舞狮音乐比赛中夺 得 银 牌。作为代 表澳大利亚的巅峰 组合争 夺 这 荣 耀,他们震耳欲聋的鼓乐赢得了评委的青睐。

中华会馆青年部一直与西澳华人总商会紧密合 作,并于2021年11月在北桥酒店成功举办年末联谊 活动。两组织合作联手,让华裔青年在丰富他们的 知识和经验之余,更提供了通过社交环境相互学习 的交流机会。我们对慷慨地分享知识和经验的系列 演讲者表示衷心的谢意。 2021年10月,李华博士获得了MALTWA颁发的“ 最佳校长奖”,肯定了她所付出了巨大的努力。中华 中文学校在过去两年中不仅克服了COVID-19的挑 战,更是保持了为学生提供最高标准的教育。我们 鼓励家长与学校联系安排2022年入学事宜。 卅多年来,郭郑素雯女士一直领导着中华社区 服务部,并被公认为引领大众关心来自不同文化和 语言背景的新移民和老年者、所面临的特殊挑战的 倡导者。2021年11月25日,在澳新军团之家举行的 年度西澳长者颁奖典礼上,郭太荣获奖章和证书, 以表 彰 年度 西澳长者代言人。西澳 老 龄化 委员会 (COTA)。郭郑素雯女士是这个新类别的第一位获奖 者。我们非常感谢她的服务,并为她的成就感到自 豪。在她的领导下,中华社区服务部的团队为我们 的文化和语言多元社区带来了改变,尤其是针对华 裔长者。 中华会馆和巴尔卡塔中心也进行了一些翻新工 程:中华会馆现在有了崭新的厕所,让使用者更方 便了;中华文化中心的高窗贴了深色隔热膜以抵挡 烈日曝晒,并安装了太阳能板促进绿能使用。如果 没有社区资本补助金的支持,这些翻新工作就无法 施行,它让社区直接受益于最先进的设施。 最后,我偕同中华会馆理事团队们,会对会员 们的支持表示最深切的感谢,在你们的委托让我们 得以继续连任。我们将会更努力、更好地为会员服 务,并维护中华会馆作为西澳华人社区最高团体的 荣耀。 祝大家身体健康,岁岁平安。 感谢你。




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中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah


编者寄语 Editorial


新年贺词 Chinese New Year Greetings


会长感言 President’s Message

多元文化部长 Minister for Multicultural Interests Dr Tony Buti MLA 珀斯市长 City of Perth Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas



中国驻珀斯总领事 Chinese Consul General of Perth Dingbin LONG


中华消息 Chung Wah News

珀斯中华新年文化节活动列表 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2022 Event listing

2021中华会馆年度会员大会 Chung Wah Association 2021 Annual General Meeting

西澳中国古筝节百人合奏大汇演会 Guzheng Day 2021 Grand Emsemble

国际关圣宫网络击鼓大赛 KSK International Online Drumming Competition


校园天地 The School Yard

中华爱德中文学校全校汇报演出 及表彰早会 Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell Campus End of Year Assembly and Award Ceremony

中华龙狮团布鲁姆之行 Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe at Broom

中华乐思中文学校年终结业典礼 及中学部大汇演 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne End-of-Year Assembly cum Senior High Performance

家爱 Family

中华会馆成员代表贺年 Chinese New Year Greeting from Chung Wah Association

2021年度西澳杰出长者倡导者 WA Seniors Advocate of the Year

中华排排舞万圣节舞会 Chung Wah Line Dance Halloween Dance Party



Chung Wah Association 2021 Annual General Meeting

谨贺新年 Happpy New Year 年兽的故事以及除夕夜习俗的由来 Story of “Nian” 传统过年习俗 Traditional Chinese New Year Customs 十二生肖运程 Chinese Zodiac

我们的社区 Community



社区消息 Community Interest

首届哥萨克端午节龙舟竞赛 The Inaugural Cossack Dragon Boat Festival 镜头之后的金矿镇 The Gold Mining Town Behind the Lens

中华青年 Chung Wah Youth

活动快报 Event and activity updates



Unveiling of the East Perth Cemeteries Memorial Gardens

家有一老 Aged Care


松柏长青 Community and Aged Care


寻根问祖 Chung Wah Ancestory

「红木镇」之旅 Beautiful Day Out in Jarrahdale

东珀斯公墓纪念花园揭幕仪式 Unveiling of the East Perth Cemeteries Memorial Gardens 参观中华会馆首任会长 雷华先生墓地 Visit first Chung Wah President’s gravesit 参观华人先贤墓地 Visit the Chung Wah benefactor’s gravesite

活动参与 Events and Activities


长期活动 Regular Activities

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive


中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme


The oldest ethnic organisation in Western Australia Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 (08) 9328 8657

24 首届哥萨克端午节龙舟竞赛

The Inaugural Cossack Dragon Boat Festival

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865

Chung Wah Community Care

Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003 电话 Telephone

版 权 发行


(08) 9328 3988 镜头之后的金矿镇

The Gold Mining Town Behind the Lens

COPYRIGHT Published by

Chung Wah Association

Editorial and Advertising Enquiries



Editorial team

Chief Editor


Jeffrey CHA

卡尔 汪

Carl ONG

执行编辑 视觉设计

Executive Editor Visual Designer

传真 Facsimile (08) 9228 3990


Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021


Willetton Centre

Chung Wah Chinese Radio

广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3 Every Saturday 10 am to 11 am 每周六上午10点至11点

Rachel NG

中华龙狮团 CW Lion Dance Troupe




Lingkun FANG




Haiying XIANG



中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne

CW Womens Subcommittee

中华龙舟队 CW Dragon Boating

中华舞蹈团 CW Cultural Dance Troupe 中华华乐团 CW Chinese Orchestra 中华粤剧社 CW Cantonese Opera 中华京剧社 CW Beijing Opera

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club

电子邮箱 E-mail Address


Keith Road, Rossmoyne 6148

联系人 Contact Details 马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898 中华珀斯中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306


Administration Lesley WONG

Bramwell Road, Noranda 6062



行政支持 黄小娟

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley

中华爱德中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell



联系人 Contact Details 周如真女士 Luisa CHOU 0401 738 778

58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton WA 6155



Aulberry Parade, Leeming 6149

联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0411 249 463



中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming


中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall and Administration Office

201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164





All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association. 声明: 《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自 中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对其 真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。对题材中 的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.



Chinese New Year Message from the Premier of WA


Mark McGowan MLA

恭 6

喜发财!很高兴向《中华 之声》杂志特别版的读者 们送上新年祝福。

在西澳,文化多样性是我们的优 势,西澳华人社区是我们多元文化社 会的重要,且充满活力的一部分。 华人农历新年是所有西澳人庆 祝和接触中华文化的绝佳机会,而 珀斯中华新年文化节始终是一年中 的一大亮点。 2022年是虎年,老虎象征着力 量和勇气。 这也是西澳人在过去两年中在充 满挑战的时期,一再表现出的特征。 新的一年给了我们新的契机来评 估和考虑我们想要的未来。我希望所 有西澳人都能保持安全和健康。 我 代 表 州 政 府,祝 大 家 新 春 快乐。 愿虎年带给您欢乐和昌盛, 健康和幸福。

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

Dr Tony Buti MLA


Chinese New Year Message from the Minister of Citizenship and Multicultural Interests


很高兴地祝愿西澳华人社 区、中华会馆,以及所有 庆祝农历虎年的各界人士,在 今年庆祝活动中一切顺利。

在过去两年大家经历了的种 种挑战之后,由中华会馆筹办的的 2022年珀斯中华新年文化节,以及 和全州其他的新年庆祝活动,为我 们迎来了新的希望和机遇。

7 Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA Minister for Finance; Aboriginal Affairs; Racing and Gaming; Citizenship & Multicultural Interests

我鼓励大家热烈庆祝水虎新 年,让我们深切体验美妙的西澳大 利亚华人文化、其开放包容、集各 家所长的艺术和传统食品。 麦高文政府一直坚信西澳大利 亚州的文化多样性是我们最大的优 势之一,我们重视华人社区所做的 许多贡献。 祝您新年快乐,水虎年万事如 意,身体健康。 恭喜发财

It is with pleasure that I wish the Western Australian Chinese communities, Chung Wah Association and everyone celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Tiger all the best for the festivities and celebrations. After the challenges faced by everyone over the past two years, the 2022 Perth Chinese New Year Fair, organised by Chung Wah Association, and the many other celebrations across the State, are a chance to welcome in new hopes and new opportunities. I encourage everyone celebrating the New Year of the Water Tiger to enjoy our wonderful Western Australian Chinese culture, generosity, arts and traditional foods. The McGowan Government recognises Western Australia’s cultural diversity as one of our greatest strengths and values the many contributions made by our Chinese communities. I wish you all a very Happy New Year and good fortune and good health for the Year of the Water Tiger. Gong Xi Fa Cai!


Level 5, Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, West Perth, Western Australia 6005 Telephone: +61 8 6552 6400 Facsimile: +61 8 6552 6501 Email:



Chinese New Year Message from the Lord Mayor


Basil Zempilas

我 8

谨代表珀斯市府向所有庆 祝农历新年的各界,说声 新年快乐!

我们很荣幸有机会在珀斯体验 这项集文化、美食和传统于一体的 农历新年庆祝活动。 感谢中华会馆承办今年的庆祝 活动,并感谢您对我们社区的持续 贡献。 珀斯市府是珀斯新年文化节庆 祝大会的长期合作伙伴,此项年度 文化活动备受欢迎,为这座城市增 添了无限的色彩和活力。 珀斯市府与中国的关系跨足了 社会、文化和经济领域,构成了本 市与中国的宝贵纽带。我们特别幸 运的是,珀斯与南京(自一九九八 年)和成都(自二零一二年)建立 了牢固的姐妹城市关系。 今年,我们与四川省省会成都 一起庆祝我们成为姐妹市十周年。 成都,是座以火辣美食而闻名的城 市,也是大熊猫的故乡。我们很荣 幸即将在整个二零二二年透过各种 活动来纪念这时刻,并欢迎社区大 众与我们一同为珀斯与成都双城关 系尽一份心力。 最后,我要感谢珀斯华人社区 对社会做出的贡献,让珀斯成为世 界上最宜居的城市之一。 我谨代表珀斯市府祝您和您的 家人虎年大吉,平安喜乐,万事如 意。

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

Dingbin LONG 龙定斌


Chinese New Year Message from the Chinese Consul-General



n the occasion of the 2022 New Year and the Lunar Year of the Tiger, on behalf of the Chinese Consulate General in Perth, I would like to extend holiday greetings and best wishes to the Chinese community in Western Australia!


新年贺辞 值此 2022 新年及农历虎年到来之际,我谨代表中国驻珀斯

2021 was a remarkable year. We ushered in the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China. China has achieved its first centennial goal of building a moderately prosperous society. 2021 was also the first year of the “14th Five-Year Plan”. At the recently held Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, it was emphasised that China will strive towards a shared future that is prosperous, clean and beautiful, a world of lasting peace, openness and tolerance.


I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude and deepest respect to the Chinese community in Western Australia and those people from all walks of life who support the friendly exchange between China and Western Australia. In the new year, the Chinese Consulate General in Perth will continue to provide attentive service to everyone based on the ideal of “diplomacy for the people”.


I wish you all good health, peace and happiness for your family!

Translate ◎ Toby Jones 张道 Lynn XIANG 项海颖

2021 年是不平凡的一年,我们迎来了中国共产党百年华诞, 中国实现了全面建成小康社会的第一个百年奋斗目标,历史上首 次解决了绝对贫困问题。2021 年也是“十四五”规划开局之年, 中国人民在中国共产党带领下开启新征程,向第二个百年奋斗目 标奋勇前进。前不久召开的中国共产党十九届六中全会强调,中 国坚定不移扩大改革开放,推动构建人类命运共同体,致力于建 设持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界。 长期以来,西澳华侨华人心系祖(籍)国,辛勤耕耘,开拓 极贡献。希望侨胞们继续关注、支持祖(籍)国发展建设,推动 中西澳各领域务实合作,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦贡献 力量。 在此,我谨向西澳华侨华人及支持中西澳友好交流的各界人 士致以衷心感谢和崇高敬意。新的一年,中国驻珀斯总领馆将继 续本着“外交为民”宗旨,为大家提供热忱周到服务。 祝愿广大侨胞健康平安,阖家幸福!

龙定斌 中国驻珀斯总领事



Lunar New Year Activities at Shopping Malls | 珀斯各地农历年庆祝活动列表 Day / Date 日期

Times 时间

Activity 活动

Location 地点

Saturday 5 February

1) 9 am – 12 pm 2) 9 am – 12 pm

1) God of Fortune 2) Lantern Making

Stockland Riverton High Rd &, Willeri Dr, Riverton WA 6148

Saturday 5 February

1) 11am – 2pm 2) 11am – 2pm

1) Lantern Making 2) Kungfu Panda

Stockland Harrisdale Corner Nicholson Rd &, Yellowwood Ave, Harrisdale WA 6112

Saturday 5 February

1) 11am – 2pm 2) 11am – 2pm

1) Kids Craft – Calligraphy 2) Red Packet Roaming Character

Stockland Bull Creek South Street &, Benningfield Rd, Bull Creek WA 6149

Sunday 6 February

1) 2.30 pm– 2.45pm 2) 11.00am – 2pm 3) 2pm – 2.30pm

1) Chung Wah Lion Dance 2) Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra 3) Chung Wah Cultural Dance

Stockland Riverton High Rd &, Willeri Dr, Riverton WA 6148

Saturday 12 February

1) 3.30 pm- 3.45pm 2) 12 pm - 3pm 3) 12 pm - 3pm 2) 4.45pm – 7.45pm 3) 4.30 pm– 7.30pm

1) Chung Wah Lion Dance 2) Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra 3) God of Fortune 2) Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra 3) God of Fortune

Stockland Bull Creek South Street &, Benningfield Rd, Bull Creek WA 6149

Saturday,12 February

1) 10 am to 1 pm 2) 11 am to 1 pm 3) 11 am to 1 pm 4) 11.30 am to 12.30 pm

1) Face painting 2) Red packet craft 3) Chinese calligraphy 4) Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra

Victoria Park Central 366 Albany Hwy, Victoria Park WA 6100

1) 12 pm – 12.30pm 2) 12.45pm – 1.15pm 3) 12 pm –2.30pm 4) 12 pm – 2.30pm 5) 12 pm – 2.30pm 6) 12 pm - 2.30pm

1) Chung Wah Cultural Dance 2) Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra 3) Chinese Face Painters 4) Red Packet Crafts 5) Chinese Calligrapher 6) God of Fortune

Livingston Marketplace Shopping Centre Corner of Ranford Road and Nicholson Road in Canning Vale

10 Sunday,13 February

Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe 中华会馆龙狮团- Chinese New Year Performances 新年表演列表 Monday, 31 January (EVE) Malaysian Dining Delights - 6pm 78 Vellgrove Avenue, Parkwood

🐅 Crown Perth - 7pm

Great Eastern Highway, Burswood Aquarium Seafood Chinese Restaurant - 7.30 pm 202 Great Eastern Highway, Ascot

Tuesday, 1 February (CNY) Fortescue Metals Group - 9am 87 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth Waddington Primary School - 10 am 15 Henniker Way, Koondoola Mount Lawley Temple - 11.30 am Cnr Harold Street & Wright Street, Mt Lawley

🐅 Crown Perth - 6:30 pm

Great Eastern Highway, Burswood Penang Hawker - 7.30 pm 1018 Albany Highway, Victoria Park Aquarium Seafood Chinese Restaurant - 7.30 pm 202 Great Eastern Highway, Ascot

Wednesday, 2 February New Generation Early Learning 8.30 am 157 Willmott Drive, Waikiki Lynwood Senior Highschool - 10:45 am 436 Metcalfe Road, Parkwood The Partisan - 12pm 22/60 Royal Street, Perth Sup So Good - 12.30 pm 3/297 William Street, Northbridge Oberthur Primary School - 1:45 pm Cnr Oberthur & Nicholls Crescent, Bull Creek Burns Beach Twilight Markets - 6.45 pm ACBC Gala Ball - 8.30 pm Crown Resorts

Thursday, 3 February Lepak Kopitiam - 9am 1/22 Perry Avenue, Bateman RealMark Urban - 10:15 am 658 Newcastle Street, Leederville Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

Parcel Property - 11.30 am 1/301 Vincent Street, Leederville

Sunday, 6 February

Warwick Senior Highschool - 1pm 355 Erindale Road, Warwick

Bullcreek Leeming Scouts Group 8.30 am 10 Benningfield Road, Bullcreek

Town of Victoria Park - 6pm 786 Albany Highway, Victoria Park

Perth Chinese New Year Fair - 12pm Perth Cultural Centre, Northbridge

Lakelands Chinese Restaurant - 7pm Unit 9/31 Moorhen Drive, Yangebup

🐅 Karrinyup Shoping Centre - 12pm

Friday, 4 February

Stockland Riverton - 2.30 pm High Road & Willeri Drive, Riverton

Shelley Primary School - 11.15 am 30 Monota Avenue, Shelley Juicebox - 3pm 260 Railway Parade, West Leederville

🐅 Crown Perth - 7pm

Great Eastern Highway, Burswood Singapore West Australian Network - 7:15 pm Hans Palace 73-75 Bennett street, Perth Aquarium Seafood Chinese Restaurant - 8.00 pm 202 Great Eastern Highway, Ascot Gloucester Park - 10:15 pm 3 Nelson Crescent, East Perth

Saturday, 5 February

🐅 Lakeside Joondalup - 10 am 420 Joondalup Drive, Joondalup

Geometric Hairdressing - 11:45 am Southland Boulevard 45 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton Geometric Hairdressing - 12.30 pm Stockland Harrisdale Shopping Centre 120 Yellowwood Avenue, Harrisdale

🐅 Crown Perth - 1.30 pm

Great Eastern Highway, Burswood Success Library - 4pm 11 Wentworth Parade, Success

200 Karrinyup Road, Kerrinyap

Perth Chinese New Year Fair - 5 pm Perth Cultural Centre, Northbridge

🐅 Crown Perth - 7pm

🐅 Karrinyup Shopping Centre - 6.30 pm 200 Karrinyup Road, Karrinyup

Friday, 11 February City of Perth - 12pm Perth CBD Mall Stockland Harrisdale - 4.30 pm Cnr Nicholson & Yellowwood Avenue, Harrisdale Northam Chamber of Commerce - 6pm 160 Fitzgerald Street E, Northam

🐅 Crown Perth - 7pm

Great Eastern Highway, Burswood Buddhist Society of WA - 9pm 18 Nanson Way, Nollamara

Great Eastern Highway, Burswood

Saturday, 12 February

Monday, 7 February

Chung Wah Chiense School Morley - 9.30 pm 19 Bramwell Road, Noranda

City of Perth - 12pm Perth CBD Mall

Tuesday, 8 February Marangaroo Primary School - 10 am 88 Giralt Road, Marangaroo Fintech Services - 11.30 am 109 Saint Georges Terrace, Perth

Wednesday, 9 February Hampton Heart Primary School - 9am 1 Paine Road, Morley Fremantle Christian College - 11am 110 Rockingham Road, Hamilton Hill City of Perth - 12.30 pm Perth CBD Mall

🐅 Southlands Boulevard - 11am 45 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton 🐅 Crown Perth - 7pm Great Eastern Highway, Burswood

Stockland Bullcreek - 3.30 pm South Street and Benningfield Road, Bullcreek Chung Wah Chinese New Year Ball - 5 pm Pan Pacific 207 Adelaide Terrace, Perth

🐅 Crown Perth - 6.30 pm

Great Eastern Highway, Burswood Malaysia Association - 8pm 78 Vellgrove Avenue, Parkwood

Sunday, 13 February

Melbourne Hotel - 6.30 pm 33 Milligan Street, Perth

Saint Thomas More Bateman Parish Catholic Church - 12pm 100 Dean Road, Bateman

Thursday, 10 February

Malaysia Dining Delight - 1.30 pm 78 Vellgrove Avenue, Parkwood

Peter Carnley Highschool - 10.30 am 386 Wellard Road, Wellard

🐅 Crown Perth - 6.30 pm

Great Eastern Highway, Burswood

Peter Carnley Primary School - 11am Cnr Gilmore Avenue & Summerton Road, Calista

Penang Hawker - 7.30 pm 1018 Albany Highway, Victoria Park

Town of Victoria Park - 5 pm 786 Albany Highway, Victoria Park

Barchetta - 5.30 pm 149 Marine Parade, Cottesloe

🐅 Crown Perth - 7pm

Great Eastern Highway, Burswood


文◎Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮 | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Chung Wah Association 2021 Annual General Meeting

2021中华会馆 年度会员大会 中华会馆周年大会(AGM)于2021年10月23日在巴尔 卡塔中华文化中心举行。由于法定人数不足,会议于上周休 会。 中华会馆会陈挺会长对大家的出席表示欢迎。他感谢 全体议员、理事会成员、长老会、办公室人员和所有附属团 体为中华大家庭的辛勤工作和努力。他表示,中华会馆将 在未来几年为争取会员利益和广大华人社区而继续努力。 2020年度会员大会会议记录、年度报告和2020/21年 度经审计的财务报告均已在此次会员大会上得到确认并通 过。


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Chung Wah Association was held at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta on 23 October 2021. The meeting was adjourned from the previous week, due to insufficient quorum.

据荣誉财张邵克美报告,截至 2021 年 6 月 30 日止, 会馆收入盈余 785,460 元,是 2020 年盈余 363,056 元 的两倍。中华会馆三项业务均有改善。此次财务的良好表 现,首先得益于2021年西澳对COVID-19的更好控制,其 次,得益于中华会馆全体会员和各业务部门管理团队的努 力。

The Chairperson, CHEN Ting, President of the Chung Wah Association welcomed everyone to the meeting. He thanked all the Members, Executive Committee members, Council of Elders, office staff and all subsidiary groups for their hard work and efforts for the Chung Wah Family. He said that the Association will continue to strive for member benefits and the wider Chinese community in the years to come. The minutes of the 2020 AGM, Annual Report and Audited Financial Report 2020/21 were confirmed at the AGM. ​​ reported by the Honorary Treasurer, As Ke Mei SHAO, for the year ending 30 June 2021, there was a surplus from operating income of $785,460 which was twice the 2020 surplus of $363,056. All three business segments of the Chung Wah Association have improved. The good performance of the Chung Wah Association is firstly due to the better control of COVID-19 in Western Australia in 2021, and secondly, thanks to the efforts of all members and the management team of all business departments of the Chung Wah Association. Mrs. Kaylene Poon, Honorary Historical Advisor of the Association, was the returning officer for the election, she announced that there was only one nomination received for each Chung Wah Executive Committee position and announced the newly elected Officer Bearers: President


Senior Vice President:


Vice President:

Jiping ZOU

Honorary Secretary:


Assistant Secretary:

Liangli (Michael) LI

Honorary Treasurer:


Assistant Treasurer:

Yang HE

Sharon LEONG from Beyond Audit, who has been the Association's Auditor since 2015, was re-appointed. as the Chung Wah Association auditor for 2022.

Members can access the full Chung Wah Annual Report for 2020/2021 on the Chung Wah website

中华会馆会员可以到网站 下载全版的2020/2021中华会馆年度报告

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

邝彩玲女士是本次选委会主任,她也是本会荣誉历史 顾问。她宣布这次选举没有其他角逐者,每个理事会职位 只有单一提名,暨此宣布提名者全员当选新任理事。 会长:














来自 Beyond Audit 的 Sharon LEONG 自 2015 年起 一直担任该协会的审计师,她再次获委任。 担任中华会馆 2022 年核数师。

Scan QRcode for Chung Wah 2020/2021 Annual Report


文◎Michael LI 李良励 | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Chung Wah Youth Event Updates It’s the end of another eventful year. The Chung Wah Association Youth Subcommittee has accomplished a few small steps this year, despite the pandemic which seems to still linger around to haunt us. Since the Youth Subcommittee relaunch in 2020, we have organised a movie night, museum visit, social BBQ and regular badminton sessions to cover the needs of our youth. Chung Wah Social Badminton, the most popular activity, has now concluded for 2021 but will return in February 2022. Chung Wah Association and WACCC’s networking events have been well received since the start in June 2021. We will continue to have monthly activities in 2022. The first event of the year will be at DoubleTree by Hilton at 5.30pm Thursday 20 January 2022, with the next event on Thursday 17 February 2022. More details can be found on Chung Wah’s Facebook page and Instagram. Despite good-old Facebook, Chung Wah Association is now on Instagram, a platform that is widely used amongst young people. If you have not already, please follow us on Instagram @chungwah. We will continue to engage you with more exciting events in 2022 to come.

中华会馆青年部活动报告 今天已经快接近了尾声,尽管新冠疫情大流行似乎仍然困扰着我们, 但中华会馆青年部今年还算是迈进了一小步。 中华会馆青年部自2020年重新启动以来,我们迎合了青年朋友的需 求,组织了电影之夜、博物馆参观、社交烧烤和定期羽毛球联谊活动。广 受欢迎的羽毛球联谊活动现已于结束,但将于二零二二年二月月回归。


中华会馆与中华总商会的联谊活动自二零二一年六月启动以来,广 受好评。在2022年,我们将继续努力安排每月至少一场的活动。今年的 第一场活动将于一月二十日星期四,从下午五点半开始在希尔顿逸林酒店 举行。如果您错过了第一场活动,第二场活动将于二月十七日星期四举 行。有关这两项社交活动的更多详情,请访问中华文化的面子书页面或 Instagram。 中 华 会 馆 除 了 在 Fa c e b o o k 页 面 有 较 多 的 发 帖 , 现 在 我 们 也 在 Instagram上占有一席之地了!这是比较受年轻人欢迎的平台。如果您还行 动的话,请在Instagram透过添加域名来关注我们。我 们期待在 2022 年继续为您带来更多激动人心的活动。

CHUNG WAH 中華會館晚宴舞會 Chinese banquet with Yusheng Date : Saturday 12th February 2022 Time : 6:00 pm for 6:30 pm Venue : Pan Pacific Hotel - Golden Ballroom 207 Adelaide Tce, East Perth Dress Code : Black Tie 备有捞生的中式宴会 日期 : 二零二二年二月十二日,星期六 时间 : 下午六时入席,六点三十分宴席开始 地点 : 泛太平洋酒店 - 黄金宴会厅 207 Adelaide Tce, East Perth. 服装要求 : 礼服

Ticket Cost 票价


* Includes 1 free raffle ticket valued at $10 for a chance to win a Grand Prize of a 18K Yellow Gold Argyle 0.5ct CA Champagne Diamond Necklace *

包括一张价值十澳元的免费抽奖券,有 机会赢取18K黄金Argyle0.5克拉CA香槟 钻石项链大奖


9475 0244

9328 8657



文◎Perth Post 珀斯邮报 | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Guzheng Day 2021 Grand Ensemble

西澳中国古筝节百人合奏大汇演 On 17 October, the final installment of the Guzheng Festival - the Grand Ensemble was held on the front lawn of the University of Western Australia, Claremont Campus. One hundred and twelve Guzheng performers dressed in Han costumes performed together. Over 500 people attended, including Dr. Ting Chen, President of the Chung Wah Association, Ms. Catherine Driver, from the Confucius Institute of Western Australia, Brendan Pearn of Methodist Ladies College, and Teresa Tan from the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra. Some of the well-known songs which were played were: “Fighting Typhoon”, “Me and You”, “Flowers in the Moonlight”, “I still call Australia Home” and “Fishing Boat Evening Song”. The Festival concluded with the melody “Oriental Charm”. We look forward to seeing you next year.


十月十七日的晴朗下午,古筝节收官之作 - 百 人合奏大汇演在西澳大学的大草坪上隆重登场。由 超过112名为身着汉服的古筝表演者登场表演,其中 不乏来自不同地区、国家和背景的乐手们、皆因古 筝而相聚。当天与会者超过五百人,其中包括中华 会馆会长陈挺博士、孔子学院代表Cathering Driver 女士、Medthodist Ladies大学的Brendaon Pearn, 以及中华会馆华乐团团长王惠兰女士。乐手们 在老 师的带领下合奏了《战台风》, 《我和你》, 《春江花 月夜》, 《澳大利亚我的家》, 《渔舟晚唱》等多首著 名歌曲。最后大家在荡气回肠的《东方神韵》的旋 律中为2021年的古筝节画上了圆满的句号。“琴音不 改、人依旧、高山流水觅知音”,期待明年再见。

文◎Aaron LOONG | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

KSK International Online Drumming Competition Another great achievement for the Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe was winning the online drumming competition held on 23 October 2021. Going up against strong teams around the world, including Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore, our team was able to achieve third place! It was a wonderful experience and a pleasure to be amidst some of the experts in the world of lion dance.

国际关圣宫 网络击鼓大赛 中华龙狮团最近在由国际关圣宫所主办的 2021网络击鼓大赛中获胜。与马来西亚、日本、 台湾、越南、香港、澳门、新加坡等世界强队强强 交手,我们的队伍获得了第三名的殊荣。能有幸 与舞狮界的高手们一起较劲、的确是特殊的体 验和无比乐趣。 文/译◎Andrew LI

WA Seniors Advocate of the Year

2021年度西澳杰出长者倡导者 In recognition as the WA Seniors Advocate of the Year, Mrs Theresa Kwok, CEO of Chung Wah Community and Aged Care (Chung Wah CAC), was presented with a medal and certificate by the Honorable Kyle McGinn MLC. Theresa is the first winner in this new Seniors Award category. 中华社区与长者服务总干事郭郑素雯女士荣获「2021年年度西澳杰出长者 – 倡导者奖项。 上议院议员 凯尔 · 麦金 颁赠奖章和奖状于郭太。郭太是获得倡导者类别奖项的首位人士。

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

Chung Wah Line Dance Halloween Dance Party The Chung Wah Line Dance hosted a Halloween themed dance party at Chung Wah Cultural Centre on the 30 October, from 10am to 3pm. This was a pot-luck lunch where each participant brought a dish to share. The talented members had a great time at the dance floor, dancing to familiar

music. As well as good exercise, dancing is great for socialising and meeting with like-minded people who share the same passion. We encourage you to join our regular dance classes, please contact Chung Wah Office for further details.


文/译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

中 华 排 排 舞 万圣 节 舞 会 配合万圣节,中华排排舞于10月30日上午10时至下午3时在中华文化中心举办万圣 节舞会。每个参与者都会带一道菜来分享的聚餐活动,但最重要的是让大家尽情透过欢 舞。才华横溢的成员在舞池里度过了愉快的时光,在他们熟悉的音乐中自在挥洒舞姿。 这不仅是有益身心的运动,更是一个欢愉的社交活动,可以结识志同道合、对社交舞蹈 有着相同的热情的人。我们欢迎您来参与我们的定期舞蹈社交活动,活动详情可向中华 会馆办公室查询。


文◎Aaron LOONG | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe in Broome culture of lion dance to the local residents. The troupe arrived in Broome on Friday 12 November 2021, starting with a performance for the Shire of Broome and at night they finished off at Sunset Bar Cable Beach Resort. On Saturday 13 November they went to the Broome Chinese Association to bless the association and ended with a meeting with some of the association’s members. Afterwards they went off to perform at various locations within Chinatown warding away evil spirits and bringing good luck and positive energy to

the community. During the evening they were invited to perform at the Broome Sport Awards as a special guest. At the end of the night they were invited to the local Tong Chinese Restaurant. On Sunday 13 November the team started their first lion dance workshop in Broome, where they shared their knowledge, art and culture of lion dance to the locals. As cultural ambassadors, it was a great experience, which was well received by the local community, who were amazed by the rich and wonderful performances.

Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe were invited to Broome to spread the art and

中华龙狮团布鲁姆之行 中华龙狮团应邀来到布鲁姆,向当地居民传播 舞狮艺术和文化。 该团于二零二一年十一月十二日星期五抵达布 鲁姆,第一场演出从布鲁姆郡的一场演出开始,晚上 在日落酒吧凯布尔海滩度假村结束。十一月十三日 星期六,他们前往布鲁姆华人协会进行舞狮祝福,并 与一些与该协会的人士进行会面。之后他们到唐人 街的各个地方演出,驱邪避邪,为社会带来好运和 正能量。当晚,他们被邀请作为特邀嘉宾在布鲁姆

体育奖上表演。他们在被邀请到当地的Tong中餐厅 当晚就结束了。十一月十三日星期日,团队在布鲁姆 开始了他们的第一个舞狮工作坊,在那里他们向当 地人分享了他们关于舞狮的知识、艺术和文化。 这确实是一种别有风味的体验、除了收到当地社区的热烈欢迎之外,更身 为文化传播大使的之态,让更多人被丰富精彩的舞狮文化所打动。

Video 视频 1:

Video 视频 2:

Video 视频 4:

ABC’s Video 视频:

Video 视频 3:



Story of “Nian” A long long time ago in ancient China, there was a mythical creature called ‘Nian’. It is believed that Nian rampaged amongst the villages on the last day of the year, preying on people and livestock. The suffering villagers tried to find ways to fight against the beast.


They found out that the creature feared the colour red, bright lights and loud noises. Hence, on Chinese new years eve, everyone started to secure their front door with red coloured wooden planks made of peach wood and lit bonfires along the paths. They also made loud noises with sticks and pots, and lit fire-crackers to repel the beast. All the families in the village huddled together and stayed up late with the house lights on to guard their property and livestock. The strategy seemed to ward off Nian.. Thereafter it became a custom, that on the last day of the lunar new year, people hung up red couplets, red lanterns and lit firecrackers. They had a family reunion dinner, kept the lights on and stayed up late to keep safe from Nian. This eventually spread to almost every other village, and thus developed into an important tradition for Chinese people to celebrate Lunar New Year’s eve.

年兽 by 刘 冠宇 (

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

年兽的故事以及除夕夜习俗的由来 很久很久以前,在中国古代有一种神话生物,叫做“年”。相信在一年的最后一天,“年”会 在村子里肆虐,捕食人畜。村庄饱受年兽施虐之苦,并试图找到对抗它的方法。 通过仔细观察,他们发现年兽害怕红色、刺眼的灯光和巨大的噪音。于是除夕夜,大家 开始用红色的桃木板固定大门前,并沿年兽行径点起篝火。他们还用棍棒和锅子敲打大声喧 哗,点燃鞭炮发出响声以阻止它的到来。全庄各户都把家人都聚集一起守夜,并确保灯火通 明,留守着在家里保护他们的财产和牲畜。这个战略似乎奏效了,年兽果然不敢出现施虐了。 从此就成了一种习俗,在一年的最后一天,人们贴红对联、挂红灯笼、燃放鞭炮、团圆吃 饭、通宵守夜,以祈求平安。这最终传播到几乎所有其他村庄,从而发展成为华人庆祝农历除 夕的传统习俗。


he Spring Festival is the largest festival in China. It starts on the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar and continues until the fifteenth of the first month of the lunar calendar. It is also known as “Guo Nian” (Celebrating the New Year). During the Spring Festival, the main traditions are to remove the old and welcome the new, pay respects to the ancestors, repel evil spirits, and pray for a good harvest. There are also celebrations for the gods of the heavens and earth and blessings for the new year. There are many traditional customs, such as putting up red couplets, staying up on new years eve, family reunion dinner and visiting friends and relatives. However, chinese people from different areas have their own particular customs. For example, in Guangdong, there is a saying, “on the twenty-eighth of December, wash off all the dirt”, which means that on the 28th day of the lunar calendar, the whole family should stay at home to clean up, remove old and unwanted items and put up new couplets/sayings to welcome the new year. On the first day of the new year, many villages and towns begin to welcome the blessings of the Spring Festival at dawn. They worship Tai Sui and the gods and there will be fireworks to send out the old year and usher in the new year. The second day of the Lunar New Year marks the true beginning of the year (“Kai Nian”) as usual chores commences. People make fish dishes to worship the gods and ancestors. Starting from the second day of the Lunar New Year, is the time for visiting relatives and friends for New Year’s greetings, and of course, bringing gifts from the heart is indispensable. The use of red elements within the gifts that represent prosperity, the big mandarin and red packet which symbolises good luck and good intentions is also a must have. On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year sacrifices are offered to the God

of Wealth. On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, shops and restaurants officially resume business, and firecrackers are set off. The seventh day is ‘People’s day’, and people generally do not go out. The eighth day of the new year is the start of the workday, employers usually distribute hong bao (red envelopes) with lucky money to their employees, which symbolises prosperity and luck for the business in the coming year. Visiting relatives and friends is usually concluded before the eighth day of the new year. From the eighth day of the new year (some places start on the second day of the new year), large celebrations and prayers are held, accompanied by cultural performances. The etiquette ritual is primary of welcoming the gods, parading the statues of deities and making offerings, showing appreciation towards the blessing from the ancestors, as well as deities of heaven and earth. These rituals are meant to exorcise evil spirits in protection of the locality, praying for good weather, prosperity and peace in the year to come. The formation of these rituals of the Spring Festival is an accumulation and cohesion of folk beliefs through the generations of the Chinese. This is an important cultural legacy that denotes the Chinese identity. The formation of these rituals of the Spring Festival is an accumulation and cohesion of folk beliefs through the generations of the Chinese. This is an important cultural legacy that denotes the Chinese identity. Adapted and translated from: Baidu Baike


节,狭义上是指农历正月初一,广义上是指 农历正月初一至正月十五。春节又称过年, 在历史发展中,杂糅了多地多种民俗为一体,形成 了一些较为固定的风俗习惯。春节期间均以除旧 布新、拜神祭祖、驱邪攘灾、祈求丰年为主要贺岁 内容,形式丰富多彩,带有浓郁的各地域特色。


Chinese New Year Traditions

春节是敦亲祀祖、祭祝祈年的日子,祭祀活动依循 祖上规矩,进贡上香,叩拜行礼,庄重肃穆,一丝不苟。 拜神祭祖习俗盛行于南方沿海一带,承袭古时习俗,春 节期间多地有举行隆重盛大的报祭天地神恩、迎禧祈福 等祭祝祈年活动,内容丰富多彩,热闹喜庆,年味浓郁。 春节习俗活动甚多,贴年红、守岁、吃团年饭、拜 年等各地都有之,但因风土人情的不同,细微处又各 有其特色。就广东而言,可分为粤中(珠三角)、粤西、 粤北、粤东(潮汕、客家)几大地域,各具人情风韵。广 东有一句俗语“年廿八,洗邋遢”,意思是说在农历十二 月二十八日这一天全家人要留在家里打扫卫生,除旧 布新,贴年红(挥春),迎接新年。年末的除夕,祭祖、 吃年饭、守岁和逛花市是老广辞旧迎新的几件大事。 新年初一,不少乡镇农村从凌晨就开始迎春接福、 拜祭太岁以众神,鞭炮齐响,辞旧岁、迎新年等各种庆 贺新春活动达于高潮。大年初二是开年日,做鱼肉碗菜 祭奉神灵祖先,然后吃开年饭;年初二这天也是出嫁女 儿回娘家的日子,要夫婿同行,所以俗称“迎婿日”。从年 初二开始走亲访友拜年,拜年当然少不了代表着心意 的礼包,礼包除了要有代表红红火火的红色元素以外, 寓意大吉大利的大桔和利利是是好意头。


大年初四是祭财神的日子。大年初六,商店酒楼才 正式开张营业,而且要大放鞭炮,不亚于除夕的境况。 初七是人日,一般不外出拜年。年初八是开工日,派发 开工利是,是广东老板过年后第一天上班首要做的事; 利是利是,寓意着一年都能利利是是,大红大紫。 年初八前走亲访友拜年基本完毕,从年初八起( 有的地方从年初二开始)便陆续举行隆重的群体大型 祭祝祈年活动,期间伴以各种民俗文化表演节目,礼俗 内容主要是迎神、游神、祭礼,主旨是酬谢天地神祖恩 德,净土驱邪、保境平安,祈祷风调雨顺、百业兴旺、国 泰民安,节庆活动一直持续到正月十五或十九才结束。 (潮汕称“游神赛会”、“营老爷”,粤西称“游老爷”、“游 菩萨”、“年例”,福州称“迎神”) 春节民俗的形成与定型,是中华民族历史文化长 期积淀凝聚的过程,在传承发展中承载了丰厚的历史 文化底蕴。 截自:百度百科 - 春节习俗

新年快乐啊 by violalala (



2022 Chinese Zodiac Predictions


1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023. It is a mixed year in which things seem to be brighter than they are, and they must be cautious and exceptionally realistic when they make promises and guarantees for others. 这是一个喜忧参半的年份,事情似乎比实际情 况要好得多,他们在为他人做出承诺和保证时必须 谨慎且格外现实。

1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024. 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022. People born in the Year of the Tiger can expect an uneventful year, but may receive some unexpected rewards.


A breakthrough in your career or money is predicted in the middle of Spring. This will raise great expectations for the Tiger, which is why many other things will get pushed to the sideline. After mid 2022, there are two major changes predicted. Not only will certain people defy your new priorities, Tigers can also expect a significant change in the family or social circle that will further encourage them to rethink what is essential. Tigers can no longer take the middle ground this time because it simply won’t be possible. Some stormy periods also await them in the field of love. If you are a single Tiger, you will later feel sorry for someone you let go of in 2022. 属虎者将迎来平静的一年,通过一些投 机和意外收益可能会出现收益。 毫无疑问,属虎者将会记住2022年,因 为他们的生活将会迎来两次的转折。预计你 的事业或金钱会在春季中期取得突破。这件 事会让属虎者寄予厚望,这就是为什么许多其 他事情会被搁置一旁的原因。预计第二次转 折将在2022年年中之后不久。 不仅某些人会违抗你的新优先事项,而 且猛虎们也可以期待家庭或社交圈的重大变 化,这将进一步鼓励他们重新思考什么是必 不可少的。属虎者这次不能再采取一些中间 立场,因为这几乎根本不可能。他们可能已经 猜到在爱情的领域中,会有一些风雨飘摇的 时期在等着他们。如果你是单身属虎者,那么 你以后会为你在2022年放手的人感到难过。

It is a good year in which Dragons will partially recover lost earnings. 对于属龙者,2022是一个好年头,他们将会有 机会收复部分损失的收入。

1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 It will be a challenging year for Snakes, in which their plans advance with difficulty, due to the failing of others to keep the promises they made. 这是属蛇者充满挑战的一年,他们的计划,因 为他人的不信守诺言,而艰难推进。

It is a happy and great year for the Rooster. Things will go smoothly, and promotions and recognition are likely to appear. 这 将 是 对于属 鸡 者 快 乐 人快 乐 而 伟大 的 一 年。事情会很顺利,并会出现升职机会以及获得认 可。

1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018. It will be a lucky year for all Dog’s business activities. In 2022, Dogs will recover their power, status and popularity. 属狗者今年在商业活动上来说,今年似乎是 幸运的一年。2022年,属狗的你将恢复力量、地位 和人气。

1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019. In 2022, Pigs will work hard, but receive rewards and gratitude for all their efforts. 2022 is the year when Pig will receive many blessings. 2022年,猪们会努力工作,但必须知道并不是所有 的努力都会得到回报和感激。2022年是猪会收到很 多祝福的一年。

1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014. A safe year for Horses, in which issues and troubles of any kind are reduced or even nonexistent.

1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

今年将会是属马者的安全年,任何类型的问 题和麻烦都会减少甚至不存在。

A good year for Rats, when things return to normal, and luck shines through the dark clouds that overwhelmed them during the reign of the Ox.

1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015. This year, Goats will successfully pass any tests put to them. They won’t have any health issues or financial setbacks. 今年属羊者可能会成功通过一些考验,但他们 不会有任何健康或财务的问题。

1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016. It is not an extraordinary year for Monkeys. Back luck might follow them everywhere, but it is most likely not able to influence or change the course of things bothering them. 对于属猴者来说今年并不是值得期待的一年, 霉运将紧随、而且却无法进行干扰或者改变恼人的 状况。

团圆 CNY 2021( Personal Project)by Yixin ZENG (

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.

今年对老鼠来说是个好年头,因为一切开始恢 复正常。在牛年期间压垮他们的乌云终将结束,并 出现好运的曙光。

1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021. Their lives will get more stable in 2022, and some gains and progress will likely occur. 2022年,属牛者的生活会更加稳定,可能会有 一些收获和进步。

节录自 Refernce: https://www.thechinesezodiac. org/chinese-horoscope-2022/

Scan to visit the event site for more details 请扫码参照活动专页以获得更多信息

Chung Wah Association | 9328 8657 |

Major Sponsor

Please follow the COVID Event Plan | Please do not attend if you are unwell You are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID19 to visit the Event There will be spot check for your vaccination certificates

请遵守新冠流感安全计划 | 如果身体不适,请不要参加 您必须接受了最少两剂新冠疫苗才允许参加或出席珀斯中华新年文化节 注意会突击检查注射疫苗证明


PERTH CHINESE NEW YEAR FAIR 2022 Sunday 6 February | 12 noon

Perth Cultural Centre Amphitheatre 珀斯文化中心露天剧场 12.00 pm 12.15 pm

Event Opening Ceremony 开幕典礼

12.15 pm 1.00 pm

Lion dance by Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe, Chinese Community Centre, Choy Lee Fut, Yarn Yee Tong and Kong Hing Koon 中华会馆、华人公会、蔡李佛、仁义堂及江兴馆醒狮团联合表演

2.00 pm 2.45 pm

Lion Dance and Martial Arts by Yarn Yee Tong and Choy Lee Fut 仁义堂和蔡李佛 - 舞狮及武术表演

3.00 pm 3.30 pm

K-Pop Random Play Dance 韩流行乐随机群舞

3.30 pm 4.00 pm

Lion Dance, Dragon Dance, Jin Goo (battle drums) and Aerial Pole by Yaolin Kung Fu Association 白眉武馆友联龙狮团 - 舞龙及舞狮表演,擂金鼓(战鼓)和架空杆表演

04.15 pm 04.45 pm

K-Pop Random Play Dance 韩流行乐随机群舞

05.00 pm 05.30 pm

Lion Dance by Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe 中华龙狮团表演

06.00 pm 06.30 pm

Lions Dance group performance by Chung Wah Association, Chinese Community Centre, Choy Lee Fut, Yarn Yee Tong and Kong Hing Koon 中华会馆、华人公会、蔡李佛、仁义堂及江兴馆醒狮团联合表演


Welcome to Country Lighting of Firecrackers and Lion Dancing 原住民欢迎仪式 | 舞狮和施放爆竹

Francis Street

WA Museum

City Room Stage

State Library of WA State Library

Murdoch University Activity Zone

of WA

Murdoch University Activity Zone Amphithetre Performance Area

Art Stal

Museum Plaza

Amphitheatre Performance Area James Street Mall

Blue Room Theatre

Perth Institude of Contemporary Arts

Beaufort Street

Art & Cultural Stalls Services and Amenities

State Theatre Centre Urban Orchard

Entrance Arch

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

To Murray Street Mall

Art Gallery of WA Art Gallery of WA

Roe Street

Beaufort Street


Am Per

PCC Central Square

William Street

Event Map

Mu Uni Zon

Serv Am



珀斯中华 新年文化节节目表 二零二二壬寅年正月初六 | 正午十二时

Murdoch University Cultural Activity Zone 莫道克大学文化活动区 City Room at Museum Plaza Entrance 12.00 pm 6.00 pm

Cultural Demonstrations and Activities | 文化展示和活动 Paper Cutting, Lantern Making, Chinese Painting, Calligraphy, Mahjong, Storytelling, Robot Show. 剪纸、制作灯笼、国画、书法、四川麻将、说故事、少年机械人展示


Museum Plaza 博物院广场 | PCC Central Square 珀斯文化中心广场 12.00 pm 9.00 pm

12.00 pm 06.00 pm

Multicultural food and beverage stalls 饮食摊位

Cultural arts and craft, demonstrations 手工美术、剪纸、文化展示

Community Information Stalls 社区信息摊位

Taichi demonstrations Carnival Rides and Games

WA Police Community Engagement Programme 西澳警察顿亲睦邻活动

Police Vehicle display 警车装备展示、警察招募信息

St John of God Youth Community Engagement Programme 圣约翰少年社区服务信息

太极健身操示范 游乐场

St John Ambulance Display 圣约翰救伤车展示

WA Museum 西澳博物馆有盖大厅 City Room Stage 12.30 pm 1.30 pm

Cultural Performance and Activities by Chung Wah Chinese School 文艺表演 - 中华中文学校呈现

Chinese Cultural Dancing, Singing, Chinese Yoyo, Poem Recital 中华民族舞蹈、歌唱、乐器演奏、 扯铃表演、诗歌朗诵

2.00 pm 4.00 pm

Day Performance and Activities by Chinese Community Organisations 文艺表演 - 华社文化组织呈现

Chinese Cultural Dancing, Chinese Opera, Singing, Taichi, Games and Competitions 中华民族舞蹈、歌唱、乐器演奏、 太极、游戏和竞赛

6.30 pm 7.00 pm

Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐团表演

7.00 pm 9.00 pm

Official Ceremony and Multicultural Concert 多元文化文艺晚会仪式和演出

Multicultural Performances including Lion Dancing, Chinese Orchestra, Chinese Cultural Dances 多元文化文艺晚会,表演包括舞龙舞狮、 华乐演奏、多元文化民族舞蹈、独唱、大合唱等

** Programme is subject to change 活动将按实际情况调整

Major Sponsor

Other Sponsor






Ting CHEN 陈挺


Ke Mei SHAO 邵克美

Michael WU 吴立方

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

Michael LI 李良励

Doreen CHIN 陈清灵



Jiping ZOU 邹纪平

Jeffery CHA 查绍翰

Theresa KWOK JP 郭郑素雯

Ben LIM 林民耀


Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮

Cong MA 马聪



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Chung Wah Members Discount Scheme

中华会员 优惠计划

Expand your business by offering a special discount ranging from �% to 2�% or any other privileged offer to Chung Wah members. 向中华会馆会员拓展您的商务,只须提供特别优惠给我们的会员。 比如介于�% 至2�% 的商品或服务折扣,或其他类似优惠。

Free to Join 免费加盟 No ongoing 无须缴付任何 costs or fees 会费或成本费

For further enquiries, please contact Chung Wah Association | 若想进一步咨询,可联系中华会馆

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Arirang Australia Unit 9 / 26 River Road, Bayswater WA 6�53



Azurra Migration

Off ���2 639 635

BUPA work cover insurance

Bunga Raya Satay

$1 Discount

Food truck trade at various Market Places

for transaction of above $1�.��

Old Shanghai Hongkong Dim Sum


Shop �, Old Shangai Food Court, 123 James Street, Northbridge


Red Rooster, Northbridge

13� James Street, Northbridge



By European Hotel

9� Murray Street, Perth

Unit 3 / 33� Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill

Lunch: Wed - Fri 11:3� AM - 2:3� PM | Dinner: Mon - Sun �:3� PM - 9:3� PM

Barristers & Solicitors, Notary Public T: �8) 9221 6366 W: Level 3, 231 Adelaide Terrace, Perth

Juice Station Shop �8, London Court, 6�� - 651 Hay Street, Perth WA 6���

Happy Union Restaurant

Shop 1, Somerville Shopping Centre, Cr Le Souef and McMahon Way, Kardinya

Han Palace Chinese Restaurant �3 - �5 Bennett Street, East Perth

Honey In the Garden Shop online:

Reference Code: MAF


Northbridge Chinese Restaurant


Good Fortune


Discount on food

Chinese Restaurant and Take Away Food

Lex Legal


(when you dine in at our restaurant)

Hong Lin 康年饭店 Tel: 933��2�� | Open � Days |


20% Off

Free 3� minutes initial legal consultation

Discount for all property and business settlement

26 Roe Street, Northbridge

Roast Duck House 德兴烧鸭店

35� William Street, Perth. 88� Albany Hwy East, Victoria Park

Aus World Travel 1�9 James Street, Northbridge 113 Collins Road, Willetton 15 Hulme Court, Myaree

Stanbond Security Unit 2 / 5 Iron Street, Malaga WA 6�9�

Mob: ��3� �8� 531 Email:


cold pressed juice

worth $6.9�

+ FREE Orange Juice Worth $5.��

with all purchase over $3�.��

12% Off

10% Off



for purchases over $1��.��

Free tea

at Dim Sum Lunch and Dinner



on dine-in only



Perth Local Coach Tours


Chung Wah Members


Perth Local Coach Tours


Chung Wah Staff s


all quotes

Isabel CHAN Family Photo Specialist Mob: ���9 839 �2� Email:

CKG legal Barrister & Solicitor

AALA Inaugural Young Lawyer of the Year T: (�8) 6262 3959 | M:��31 5�� ��8 F: (�8) 6323 335� | W:

Perth Badminton Arena 2/3�9 Great Eastern Hwy, Redcliffe WA 61��

Call ��11 52� �1� for booking

ASSURE ALLIANCE Certified Practising Accountants 8/35 Biscayne Way, Jandakot WA 616�

Fusion Klean

Professional Cleaning Service in Perth

��3� �35 ��� Suite 18/8 Haster Road, Osborne Park 6�1�

Chung Hwa Cuisine 龙江宴 1295 Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 61��

10% �



for all legal fee $2 discount

on restring services

$� discount

for off peak hour court hire

$2 discount

for peak hour court hire

�% discount

for merchandise above $5� (except shuttle cock)

Free 3� minutes

complimentary consultation

Book online at with promo code: CHAI2�


Off all quotes

for windows and floor cleaning services


Mom Dumpling House


T: (�8) 9��� 2�88 W:

Linkar City Cellar

T: (�8) 9228 22�� W: A: G�2/256 Adelaide Terrace, Perth

Seoul Delish

�8/3� Walanna Drive Waterford, Karawara


Freddie Strudels

193 Brisbane Street, Perth Tel: (�8) 6111 �181


(Not for discounted packages, T&C applies)


% Off

for cash payment only

10% Off

for cash payment $5� and above

10% *not to be use with other offer


Spend over $1��

10% *not to be use with other offer


to Chung Wah Members

我们殷切的期待您的加入 Waiting for your participation

Imperial Finance, Linda LAI

Mob: ��21 888 689 Email:

Little China Girl 一盅两件

68 Roe St, Northbridge WA 6��3

Reservation: ��1� 69� 121 |

Ingot Hotel Perth 285 Great Eastern Highway Belmont WA 61��

Reservation: +61 (8) 9259 3888

Excel Podiatry Clinic

��81 ��3 522 1/�3 Apsley Rd, Willetton WA 6155


Call 13 21 �� and quote promo code “CHUNG WAH”

or visit

HONG KONG BBQ House Chinese Restaurant 顺德海鲜烧腊酒家

�6 Francis Street, Northbridge

Dragon Palace Northbridge

66 Francis Street, Northbridge, Perth

BMS LAW Lawyers

T: (�8) 6389 �2�� E: W:


E: W:

Morish Nuts Shop online: PROMO code: CHUNGWAH

Swan Valley: 6�� Great Northern Highway, Herne Hill Watertown Perth: 33A / 8�� Wellington Street, West Perth

Fremantle Market: Stall #99, Henderson Street, Fremantle

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文/ 译 ◎Karen HUANG 黄郁婷 | 编◎Rachel NG

The Inaugural Cossack Dragon Boat Festival



Dragon boat racing 龍舟競賽 (by CITIC Pacific Mining)


n October 2nd and 3rd, 2021, the inaugural Dragon Boat Festival was held in the Cossack Historic Town of the Pilbara Region. Thousands of people from Karratha, Port Hedland, and nearby towns gathered to celebrate the two-day festival.

“At the peak of the pearling era in Cossack, many Europeans, Asians, and Aboriginals settled in town; this part of the history faded in the last few centuries since cyclones destroyed the town,” said Bruce Jorgensen, CEO of the Ngarluma Yindjibarndi Foundation Ltd (NYFL). He believes that this iconic Dragon Boat Festival would revive the multicultural society of the past, restore the town to its former glory, and spread the story of Northwest Australia to more people. The Dragon Boat Festival is generally held in the fifth month of the lunar calendar. However, due to the local tides this year, NYFL decided to hold the dragon boat race in October. Many

vital guests and corporate representatives attended the opening ceremony, which included a lion dance performance by the Yaolin Association and the “Dragon Boat Eye Dotting Ceremony”. During the Eye Dotting Ceremony, the dragon boats’ eyes were dotted with the cinnabar pen at a selected auspicious time. It is widely believed that this ceremony is to consecrate the dragon boat by summoning the dragon’s spirit to the boat, blessing it for a peaceful and safe journey. Mr. Chen Wei Ng, Managing Director of Tutt Bryant Group, made an inspiring opening ceremony speech that recounted

Dragon Boat RacingPaddlers Induction 龍舟競賽前選手集合

Dragon boats at night 夜間的龍舟

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

Cossack Dragon Boat Festival decor 嘉賓晚宴會場

社区消息 COMMUNITY INTERESTS Dancing lions and the director KEVIN GUINESS, Ngarlima Yindjibarndi Foundation Ltd 協會主席與舞獅合影(by Yaolin)


021年10月2、3日的周末,首届端午龙舟活动于西北澳的 哥萨克历史小镇上举办,吸引了上千名来自卡拉萨、黑德 兰港及附近城镇的民众,参与这场为期两天的庆典。


本次活动主要由当地的原住民协会Ngarluma Yindjibarndi Foundation Ltd (NYFL)主 办,协会执行长Bruce Jorgensen 表示,哥萨克小镇当年在珍珠业鼎盛时期,聚集了欧洲 人、亚洲人及澳洲原住民在此发展事业且定居,而这段历史却在小镇被颱风摧毁后的几世纪 来,逐渐被人们淡忘。他相信,这项极具代表性的华人庆典,不仅能重现当年的多元文化社 会,更能让这个历史小镇恢复光彩,并藉此让更多人知道西北澳的故事。

NYFL organisers and Chinese representatives 協會主辦方及華人代表(by Ngaardia Media)

the history of the Cossack Harbour (known as Tien Tsin Harbour back then) and the tradition of the Eye Dotting Ceremony. The highlight of the festival was the dragon boat race, held on the 3rd of October. Teams from mining corporations, local community groups, and a team representing the Town of Port Hedland assembled for the race. Some of the competitors were expert paddlers living in the northwest of Australia, who had previously participated in international dragon boat races. However, for many residents of Northwest Australia, this was their first time experiencing a dragon boat race. It was a valuable opportunity for them to learn about Chinese culture and traditions. The Yaolin Association opened the championship competition with another Lion Dance performance. After the event, it was announced that a Cossack Dragon Boat Club will be formed to keep the passion for dragon boat racing alight. We expect that the Cossack Dragon Boat team will represent the Pilbara region in many competitions to come. Australian multiculturalism is present and transcends all locations, regardless of how remote or isolated they are. To survive in the regional area, multiculturalism should be allowed to grow and thrive. We must trust and rely on one another to support all diverse cultures. We at Chung Wah would like to thank the NYFL Aboriginal Association for their support in hosting the 2021 Cossack Dragon Boat Festival. We are also grateful to the Traditional Owners of this land, who have accepted us and shared their resources with great generosity.

端午节活动普遍于农曆五月举行,然而考量到当地潮汐的日期和时 间,NYFL决定在今年的10月举办这场龙舟竞赛。许多重要嘉宾及企业代 表出席了10月2日星期六的开幕晚宴,当晚安排了 “龙舟点睛开光仪 式” 、舞狮表演,及一系列的现场演出。龙舟点睛仪式是选定一 个良辰吉时,用朱砂笔为龙舟画上眼睛,据说这项仪式是为了 让龙神附身到龙舟船身上,为龙舟祈求平安,保佑出船能够 一切顺利。当晚的开幕仪式有幸邀请到Tutt Bryant集团董 事总经理Chen Wei Ng 出席致辞,为嘉宾们讲述哥萨克 港口的历史 (当年称之为 “天津港 (Tien Tsin)” ,并为今年 的所有龙舟点睛开光。 10月3日星期日当天的活动则是这次龙舟节庆的重 头戏 –龙舟竞赛。当日报名参赛的队伍不仅有当地矿业 公司、当地社区团体的代表队,还有黑德兰港地方政府 组成的代表队前来参与龙舟竞赛。对于许多西北澳的居 民而言,这一天是他们首次亲眼目睹龙舟竞赛,也藉此 瞭解到华人的传统文化习俗。除了精彩刺激的龙舟竞赛 之外,友联舞狮团也带来了另一场演出。这次的端午节活 动,聚集了居住于西北澳的龙舟好手们,当天比赛过后,由 于大家对于龙舟运动的热情,当天还正式成立了哥萨克龙舟 队,期望在未来能代表皮尔巴拉区参与各种国内外的竞赛。

Dragon Boat in Cossack 第一艘抵達哥薩克 歷史小鎮的龍舟-龍 母溫氏號

从这两天的活动中,我们看见了澳洲对于多元文化的热情及兴趣, 这些热情并没有因为我们身处偏远地区而减少;相反地,为了在这个地区生存下去,我 们必须比以往更加相互信任和依赖,支持所有不同的文化。我们对于NYFL原住民协会今年主 办端午节龙舟竞赛这个活动感到万分荣幸。感谢原住民对移民族群的包容,接纳我们来到这 片土地上居住,并与我们分享著这片土地的资源。

Chinese Dragon Boat paddlers 華人舵手合影

Multicultural families attended the event 當地華人居民與原住民家庭合影 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版


Chinese village華人聚落

28 文/ 译 ◎Karen HUANG 黄郁婷 | 编◎Rachel NG

The Gold Mining Town Behind the Lens 镜头之后的金矿镇


overeign Hill is one of the most popular tourist hotspots in Australia. Located in Ballarat, Victoria, this heritage site is well maintained and preserved to give visitors an authentic insight into the lives of miners in the past.

Experience rushing the gold 淘金體驗

Empire Bowling Saloon 保齡球館

A Chinese Village once stood in the town of Ballarat. It had no proper buildings - just simple tents for gold diggers and a few wooden units for a grocery store and a pharmacy. Each tent housed a single bed, a hoe to dig the gold, a few pieces of cutlery for one person, and some ancestral tablets. The Chinese Regulation Act, announcements about License Fees, and some advertisements from the grocery store and pharmacy were pinned on a notice board for everyone to see. These Chinese ancestors did not have much, but were still brave enough to leave their hometowns, come alone to an unknown land, and build a new life for themselves. They faced huge language barriers and unfair treatments, but they stood strong and left a great legacy for future generations to look back on. In mid-October 2021, SBS aired the first season of New Gold Mountain - a miniseries filmed in Ballarat, Victoria, that reimagines life in a gold-mining town among Chinese, Europeans and Indigenous people. Although there are only four episodes in the first season, the series clearly depicts the unfair treatment of ethnic groups and gender during that era. The series revolves around the murder of European woman living in Ballarat, who was wearing Chinese clothing. As European officials suspected that the Indigenous people were behind the crime, the Indigenous representative, Hatti, asked Wei-Shing Leung, a Chinese manager to help prove their innocence. However, Leung replied, “white people aren’t going to listen to me anymore than you.” Leung’s short response shows the distinct hierarchy among the Europeans, Aborigines and Chinese, in which the Aborigines and Chinese are seen as inferior. In addition to racial inequality, the dialogue between Lei Zhang and Mrs. Roberts also shows the family and social pressures that women used to suffer in that era. These two women are both very capable and independent, but Zhang’s father keeps pressuring her to return home immediately to marry and carry on her ‘woman’s responsibility’. Ms. Roberts, a journalist, was ridiculed by many of the men in town for her profession and enthusiasm at her career. “Back home, we may have disagreements, but this is a new land, a fresh beginning.” This sentence explains for many migrants those who traveled such long journey to Australia. It also expresses the feelings for the migrants nowadays; we left our hometown for different reasons and chose to live in Australia. For us, this is a new opportunity and a new life, but we also face new problems.

Mines 礦鎮一景 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

于维多利亚州巴拉瑞特(Ballarat) 的疏芬山(Sovereign Hill)淘金 镇,是相当受欢迎的观光胜地之一,这个 矿镇的历史遗迹都保存得相当完善。进入 该镇的第一眼,就能够感受到淘金工人当 年的生活环境。


View of the mine 金礦鎮一景

notice for Chinese 華人告示海報

镇上有一区华人聚落,没有华丽的建筑,矿工的住处 都是简陋的帐棚,帐篷内只有基本的家具,像是一张小床、 一把用来凿矿的锄头、一人用的碗筷餐具,或是自家的祖先 牌位。华人聚落裡的告示牌,张贴着华人规范法案、挖金矿 执照费用的通知书、药行及杂货店的宣传单。走在华人聚落 裡,探访每一个不同的帐篷、药行及商店时,我不禁想着当 年这些飘洋过海的华人祖先,是如此的勇敢及坚强,一个人 离乡背井前往澳大利亚,在充满着语言隔阂的环境下生活 着。即便是面对不公平的法令,也依然坚毅地在这块土地上 生存,并为后代留下了这些无价的历史遗产。 2021年10月中旬,SBS电视台上映了《新金山》(New Gold Mountain) 系列第一季,这部迷你剧就是在维多利亚 州的巴拉瑞特拍摄,重新呈现了当年华人、欧洲人及原住民 之间的淘金镇生活。虽然只有四集,但是故事内容却透露了 当时各族群及性别上所受到的不公平待遇。故事围绕在一个 身穿华人服飾的欧洲女性凶杀案,在寻找犯人的过程中,由 于线索曾一度指向原住民,原住民代表哈蒂希望华人矿工管 理者梁伟成能够协助他们证明原住民的清白,然而在剧中, 梁伟成回答她:“白人不会更听我的話。”短短的几句对话, 表明了当年欧洲人、原住民及华人之间的地位,也演出了身 为原住民及华人的无力感。除了种族上的不平等之外,剧中 张蕾与罗伯兹夫人的对话也呈现了早期女性遭受到的家庭及 社会压力,剧中这两位女性都相当有能力且非常独立自主, 然而张蕾的父亲不断地施加压力,逼迫她即刻返乡成亲、传 宗接代;而身为记者的罗伯兹夫人,则一直受到矿镇上许多 男性对她的职业及工作热忱的嘲讽。 “在我们的家乡,也许存在了许多异议和不认同。但澳 大利亚,是新的土地,一个崭新的开始。” 剧中这一句话, 写出了当年离乡背井来到澳大利亚淘金的礦工心声。也写 出不少现代移民的心声,我们因为不同原因,离开了 自己的家乡,选择来到澳大利亚生活,对我们而 言,这裡是新的机会和新的生活,但也面临新 的难题。


Typesetting press 排版印刷機 排版 印刷機

Chinese Regulation Act 華人限制法案

Chinese accommodation 華人住處.

Abacus 算盤 Chinese Grocery 華人雜貨店 Chinese herb and medicine sotre(Pharmacy) 草藥店內一景 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版


Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中华摩利中文学校

We had our 2021 End of Year Assembly on Saturday, 27 November 2021. Thumbs up for all the wonderful performance. And congratulations to all of the award winners.

二零二一年十月廿七日星期六,中华 摩利中文学校的的结业典礼圆满结束啦。 谢谢所有参与表演的同学和老师们。也恭 喜所有获得奖项的同学们。


Before the term 2 school holiday, we had a professional development session on producing quality worksheet and homework. It's also the birthday celebration of our Year 9-12 teacher, Shirley Sun! 在学校假期之前,我们副校长为全体老师们提供了 专业培训,以提高大家布置作业的素质。培训当天也是 我们9-12年级,孙老师的小小庆生会。谢谢孙老师美味的 蛋糕。

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue


Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming 中华黎明中文学校


文◎Yi CHEN 陈宜| 译◎Lyn XIANG 项海颖

Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell Campus 中华爱德中文学校

concluded with the song ‘Listen to Me, Thank You’.

The end of year assembly was held on the 4 December 2021. Guests included Chung Wah Honorary Treasurer Kemei SHAO, Chung Wah Assistant Treasurer HE Yang, President of Chinese Teachers Association LIU Li, President of Cockburn Chinese Association ZHANG Lechiun, and Senior Educator of Chinese Schools in Western Australia, Dr WANG Yi. In their speeches, the guests applauded the efforts of the Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell staff over the past year. They have also witnessed the growth of the students and hoped that they can further develop in their future studies. The children from kindergarten to year three presented nursery rhymes, poetry recitations, drama shows, drumming, tongue twisters and songs.Student awards were also presented to the most outstanding students in each class, including the best speakers award, best writing award, most improved award, as well as activity awards. All the students were delighted to receive their award. The assembly

Principal LI Hua of Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell Campus said in her closing speech, “This year the children have learned and developed happily and successfully. We have \seen it with the children’s performances and class work. This is the space where the children learn and acquire Chinese language and culture happily. I look forward to their continuing development here next year!” She wished the children a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and looked forward to meeting all of them again in Term 1 2022!

2021年12月4日早上的中华爱德中文学校非 常热闹,孩子们一年一度的全校汇报演出及 表彰活动在早上10时拉开了序幕。参与早会 的嘉宾有来自中华会馆副财长邵克美以及理 事贺洋、中华中文教师协会刘丽、酷本华人社 团会长张春乐、以及西澳中文学校资深教育 家王毅博士。 嘉宾们在献词中对充分肯定爱德中文学校这一 年来的努力,且见证了孩子们的成长。嘉宾们 也期望孩子们在未来的学习中有更多的收获。 带着满满的祝福,孩子们开启了汇报演出。

从幼儿班一直到三年级孩子们所呈现的节目 丰富多彩,其中包括了儿歌表演、有诗歌朗 诵、舞台剧、架子鼓、快板绕口令及大合唱 多种形式。台下的嘉宾和孩子们的家长掌 声不断,兴奋的为孩子们点赞。

穿插在节目的表演过程中,大会也为每 个班级的优秀学生颁发了奖项,其中包 括最佳口才奖、最佳写作奖、最进步奖, 以 及 这一年孩子们参与各种活动获得的 奖。每个孩子拿到奖状的那一刻都显得特 别的开心,真心祝福所有获奖的学生,也期 待他们未来表现得更加出色! 中华爱 德 中文 学 校 的早会 在《听 我 说谢 谢 你》大合唱中圆满的落下帷幕。孩子们的歌 声不仅感动了自己,致意父母的养育之恩以 及老师的栽培。 中华爱德中文学校的李 华 校 长在 结语中说 道:“这一年我们看见了孩子们在中华爱德中 文学校里快乐的成长,同时我们也见证了孩 子的收获满满;今天不仅仅看见了孩子们的 演出,更亲眼见到孩子们在课堂上的作品。 这里就是孩子们快乐学习中文的地方。期待 孩子们明年继续在这里快乐的茁壮成长!” 李华校长预祝孩子们耶诞暨新年快乐,期待 2022年新学年的相聚!




文◎Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校 | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校

Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne held their end of year assembly on 4 December. More than 400 students and their parents attended the assembly in celebration of the conclusion of the school year. Dr Ting CHEN, President of the Chung Wah Association, and Ms Jiping ZOU, Vice President, were among the guests. Western Australia Assembly Member Dr Jagadish (Jags) Krishnan MLA and Senior Constable Sam LIM were invited to attend the meeting as guests of honor. Principal MA Xuanli, President Ting CHEN, and Dr Jags delivered speeches at the event. In her address, Principal MA shared the school’s and students’ achievements over the past year. She thanked the teachers for their hard work and the Chung Wah Association’s support for the Chinese school, and especially thanked the parents for their understanding and trust in the school during the pandemic. President Ting CHEN encouraged the students to study hard and continue to pass on the Chinese culture.

In his speech, Dr Jags emphasised the importance of Chinese schools in community connection and cultural heritage. President Ting CHEN, Vice President ZOU, Councilor Jags, Constable LIN and Principal MA presented the student excellence and progress awards and certificates and prizes to those who performed well in the “Han-ZhiQiang” (Chinese Character Wall) activity. Student performances included singing, modern dance, traditional dance, instrumental performances, drama, poetry recital and performances from the Chinese Studies Enlightenment Class.

中华乐思中文学校于12月4日在学校礼堂举 行了2021年年终结业典礼。四百多名学生及家 长们参与了这项年度盛会。 中华会馆会长陈挺博士,副会长邹纪平 女士出席了大会,西澳州议员 Dr Jagadish (Jags) Krishnan MLA和高级警官林文清先生作 为嘉宾应邀出席了大会。马烜历校长、陈挺会 长和Jags议员分别在大会上致辞,马校长在致 辞中分享了学校一年来的工作及同学们取得的 成绩,感谢老师们的辛勤工作及中华会馆对中 文学校的支持,并特别感谢家长们在疫情期间 对学校工作的理解和信任。陈挺会长代表会馆 感谢老师们的辛勤奉献,并鼓励同学们努力学 习,传承中华文化。Jags议员在讲话中重点阐 述了中文学校在社区联系及文化传承方面的重 要性。 陈挺会长、邹副会长、Jags议员、林警官 和马校长分别为获得校级优秀奖和进步奖的同 学及在“汉字墙”活动中表现优秀的同学颁发了 奖状和奖品。唱游、现代舞、传统舞及国学启 蒙班的同学在全校大会上表演了精心准备的节 目。同学们精彩的表演赢得了台下观众一阵阵 热烈的掌声。 颁奖典礼结束后, 中学部以班级为单位为同 学和家长们表演了精彩的 节目。他们的节目形式多 彩,内容丰富。既有有合 唱、器乐、舞蹈等艺术 流、也有话剧、朗诵等语 言范;时而炫舞煌煌,时 而古诗洋洋,会场上充满 了青春活力。

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue


2022 年度 招 生 启事 招生详情请向相关学校进行咨询


Chung Wah Chinese School – Rossmoyne Rossmoyne Senior High School,

1 Keith Road, Rossmoyne WA 6148

校长:马烜历博士(Dr Ma Xuanli) 电话:0403 003 898


班至12年级中文班、成人中文班及多 种课外兴趣班。 学校也开设低幼班,招 收2-3岁的学童,以亲子共读的形式让 幼童在快乐中学习中文。

学校同时专设11/12年级中文WACE 课程:CBL(中文背景语言/Chinese:

Background Language)和CFL(中文

第一语言:Chinese: First Language)



认可,12年级考核成绩计入ATAR总 分。参加中文WACE课程考试的考生

可得到语言课程加分。详情请参照西 澳学校课程及标准管理局(School

Curriculum and Standard Authority) 有关信息。WACE12年级学生如果在

我校注册考试必须在第一学段结束前 报名上课。


报名 进行中

中华会员 学费优惠

Discounted Tuition Fee for Chung Wah Members


Chung Wah Chinese School – Morley

Chung Wah Chinese School – Leeming

Morley Senior High School, Bramwell Road, Noranda WA 6062

Leeming Senior High School, Aulberry Parade, Leeming WA 6149

副校长 校长 林翠妤女士 陈水玉 女士 Emily Tan-Emery Regina Lam

校长 周如真女士 Luisa Chou



0411 249 463

0406 402 944

班至12年级中文班和成人中文班以 外,还开设1-3岁儿童游戏小组。我们 的老师以轻松的教学方式重点教授口 语,听力和对话技巧。学校开设武术, 民族舞,绘画,象棋兴趣班。欢迎大家 踊跃报名。


Chung Wah Chinese School – Atwell Atwell College, 201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164

0401 738 778

副校长 李华博士 Dr Li Hua

0401 686 306

至12年级中文班和四个程度的成人 中文班,还开设1-3岁儿童中文游戏 小组,家长与孩子进行快乐的亲子互 动。兴趣和电化教学是黎明的重点与 特色。学校开设书法、唱歌与话剧、绘 画、扯铃、武术、古筝兴趣班。


Chung Wah Chinese School – Perth Perth Modern School, 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

校长: 李华博士 Dr Li Hua

校长: 李华博士 Dr Li Hua



电话: 0401 686 306

五间中文学校,成立于2021年。除了 开设幼儿学前班,一年级到四年级以 外,还在课外时间开设小主持人班和 绘画班。

电话: 0401 686 306

至8年级中文班。学校开设书法和舞 蹈兴趣班。

欢 迎 前来学习中文

中华会馆下属五个学区2022学年度已经开学啦!各校均开办幼儿班、学前班、一年级至十二年 级中文班。 四岁以上学童均可报名。 有的学校还开办成人班、WACE/ATAR中文高考辅导班 中文课时间: 每星期六上午9点至11点半 (黎明、摩利、乐思、爱德) 每星期六下午1点半至4点 (珀斯)

课外兴趣活动时间: 每周六11点半至12点半

由专业教练、导师辅导学生开展中国传统文化兴趣活动,内容包括民族舞蹈、书法、珠 算、唱歌、故事演讲、绘画、中国象棋、乒乓球、扯铃、武术、话剧、民族器乐演奏,学生可 以选择自己喜爱的项目报名参加。

2022 年全年上课时间


05/02/2022 – 02/04/2022

Week 01 to Week 09


23/07/2022 – 17/09/2022

Week 19 to Week 27

第二学期 第四学期

30/04/2022 – 25/06/2022 15/10/2022 – 10/12/2022

Week 10 to Week 18 Week 28 to Week 36


Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动 Activities 活动


Day 日期

Time 时间

Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

2:00pm 4:00pm

Dragon and Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Sunday 周日

Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐

Sunday 周日

2:30pm 5:00pm

$10 for members 会员

Ben LIM 0424 153 838

11:00am 2:00pm

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Teresa TAN 08 9328 8657

12:00pm 2:00pm

Women’s Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Saturday 周六

11:00am 1:30pm

Tai Chi class 中华太极班

Not available at the moment 暂时没有

Line Dancing 排排舞

Saturday 周六 Sunday 周日

Contact 联系人

Jen Nie CHONG 08 9328 8657

Wednesday 周三

Sunday 周日

Fee 收费

Each class 每堂课

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Choir 中华合唱团

Location 地点

$10 for members 会员 $15 for non-members 非会员

Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 128 James Street, Northbridge

Each class 每堂课

$1 for members 会员 $2 for non-members 非会员

New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞

Sunday 周日

1:30pm 3:30pm

Table Tennis 中华乒乓球俱乐部

Sunday 周日

3.30pm -7:00pm

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

Annie WONG 08 9328 8657

Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572 Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Salvation Army 救世军总部 333 William Street, Northbridge

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Robert He (Cantonese/ Mandarin) 0412 218 165 Michael WU (English/ Mandarin) 0403 201 182 Trinh QUACH 0423 587 653 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

11:00am -1:00pm 10:00am -12:00pm (advance)

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

2:30pm 4:30pm

Doreen CHIN

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place,

Please contact the Coordinator for more information. 请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

Leonard KHO 0411 745 285 Dong NHAN 0403 509 052

Balcatta $5 for members 会员 $7 for non-members 非会员

May KE 0434 148 590 Maya 0425 425 898

Activities 活动

Day Long Respite Care 中华日间暂息中心

Day 日期

Monday to Friday 周一至周五

Time 时间

9:00am 6:00pm

Location 地点

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

9:00am 2:00pm

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务 National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划 Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Various 商议待定

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

10:30am 12:00pm

Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care staff for more details


此类服务都须经由政 府部门评估,请联系 中华社区与长者服务 部以了解更多详情

请向中华社区与长者服务部 了解更多详情。


Wednesday (Northbridge)

10:00am 11:30am

Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

11:00am 12:00pm

周四、五 (威乐顿) Monthly 每月一次

Community Care Coordinator for more information.

Northbridge Hub 北 桥中心 Unit 2,98 Lake Street,

周三 (北桥)

Community Talks 社区讲座

Contact 联系人

Please contact Chung Wah

周一,二,四 (开学期间) Tai Chi Class 太极班

Fee 收费

Monthly 每月一次

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,98 Lake Street, Northbridge

Gold Coin donation

Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988


Email 电子邮箱 :

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,98 Lake Street, Northbridge

Free 免费

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务


Chung Wah Services 中华服务

Appointment Required 提早预约



文◎Yongsim LEE 李荣参 译◎ 方凌坤 Lingkun FANG

Stress resilience for this silly season 提升节庆期间的抗压能力

Yong Sim Lee is a pharmacist with 12 years of experience. He believes that the best medication is education. As a father of two children, he also has further advanced his study in paediatric medicine. He is blessed to own two pharmacies. Sim is currently pursuing postgrad in Nutritional Medicine


李荣参从事了12年的药剂师工作。他相信教育是最好的良药。作为两个孩子的爸爸, 他完成了儿科药物学课程。他感到侥幸可以经营自己的两家药房。荣参正进修着营 养药物学。

t’s been said that the gut is the body’s second brain. After venturing hundreds of millions of dollars in research such as the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) and Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal Tract (MetaHIT), it is exciting to see that science has finally recognised the connection between the digestive system, mood, health and even the way we think. Under the paradigm of ‘all diseases start in the gut, we are going to discuss 3 tips on how to support our gut health to build resilience and cope with stress in the upcoming silly season. 1. Detox the gut Wrong foods can feed harmful organisms and trigger inflammatory responses. Toxins such as pesticides, heavy metals and chemicals can interfere with normal body processes, mimicking hormones or neurotransmitters and blocking the gut responses. The key goal of detoxifying is to reduce our toxin burden while enhancing the waste elimination process. It also means to identify and remove the offending foods. Specific herbs and nutrients such as spirulina, milk thistle, green tea, specific amino acids (e.g., cysteine, glycine and glutamine) and soluble dietary fibre are suitable as regular ‘spring clean’ detox for those who have overindulged on food or drink (especially alcohol, refined and processed foods containing additives, preservatives, artificial sweeteners and flavours) during or after the Chinese New Year period.


Furthermore, simple measures to reduce dietary and environmental toxins such as avoiding dirty dozen foods (12 fruits and vegetables that have an alarming amount of pesticides) can help to relieve the toxic burden (1).

2. Rebalance gut bacteria with strainspecific probiotics The gut and brain communicate through the microbiota-gut-brain axis that involves the vagus nerve (2), which connects our digestive system and organs to the brain. When the gut bacteria are disrupted through diet, antibiotics, and lifestyle, they send the wrong signals to the brain through the vagus nerve. In one of the revolutionizing research discoveries, Zheng et al demonstrated that imbalanced gut bacteria can cause stress and depression (3)(4)(5). In order to improve the mechanism of resiliency, three strain-specific probiotics have been shown to restore and support gut microbiota composition and function.

Further Reading 衍生阅读: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

They are • Lactobacillus rhamnosus (LGG®) • Saccharomyces cerevisiae (boulardii) • Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis (BB-12®)

Whereas, Lactobacillus paracasei Lpc-37 and Lactobacillus plantarum 299v have been shown to support the neuroendocrine system by lowering cortisol (stress hormone) during times of stress.

3. Power of food on mood Whilst supplementing probiotics to modulate gut-brain connection, we also need prebiotic (foods for good gut bacteria) to encourage the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the gut. These dietary fibres (diagram 1) improve the gut bacteria diversity (6)(7). Eating real food may help reduce stress responses. For example, the Modified Mediterranean Diet (diagram 2), which is rich in vegetables, fruit, fish, eggs and olive oil has been shown to reduce stress and depressive symptoms in adults. On the other hand, fried food, fast-food, processed meats and sugary drinks can cause anxiety (8). Microbiome Enhancing Foods FOS & Inulin

Resitant Starch



Other Prebiotic Foods

Chicory root Garlic Jerusalem artichoke Leek Onion Dandelion greens Asparagus Banana Barley Wheat Sugar beet Honey Tomato Rye

Potato, roasted, cooled Bananas, green Cashew nuts Banana, ripe Rolled oats, uncooked Potato, steamed and cooled White beans Lentils, cooked

Flaxseeds Vegetables Fruit Wholegrains

Blueberries Strawberries Peaches Plums Grapeseed extract Cranberry extract Resveratrol Tea Cocoa Chocolate

Kiwi fruit Beetroot Fennel bulb Green peas Snow peas Sweet corn Savoy cabbage Chickpeas Red kidney beans Soybeans Cashews, pistachio nuts Peaches Watermelon Grapefruit Pomogranate Dried fruits (eg dates, figs)

In conclusion, during the Chinese New Year period, we may have various social gatherings, family and friends reunions. It may mean late nights and overindulgence in feasts. We need to be mindful of how our gut health may impact our mood and resilience. Cutting down processed food, fast food and fried food, supplementing with probiotics and eating real food may help to regulate our mood in the Chinese New Year period.

人说肠道是人体的第二大脑。在进行 了人类微生物组计划(HMP)和人类肠 道宏基因组学 (MetaHIT) 等数亿美元的研 究后,令人兴奋的是,科学终于认识到消化 系统、情绪、健康甚至身体之间的联系。我 们思考的方式。在“所有疾病都始于肠道” 的范式下,我们将讨论如何支持我们的肠道 健康以在即将到来的愚蠢季节中建立弹性 和应对压力的 3 个技巧。 1. 排毒肠道 - 错误的食物会滋生有害生物并引 发炎症反应。杀虫剂、重金属和化学物质等 毒素会干扰正常的身体过程,模仿激素或神 经递质并阻止肠道反应。排毒的主要目标是 减少我们的毒素负担,同时加强废物消除过 程。它还意味着识别和去除有问题的食物。 螺旋藻、奶蓟草、绿茶、特定氨基酸(如半 胱氨酸、甘氨酸和谷氨酰胺)和可溶性膳食 纤维等特定草药和营养素适合作为经常“春 季清洁”的排毒剂,适合那些过度沉迷于食 物或饮料的人(尤其是农历新年期间或之后 的酒精、含有添加剂、防腐剂、人造甜味剂 和香料的精制和加工食品。 此外,减少饮食和环境毒素的简单措施,例 如避免使用十几种肮脏的食物(12 种水果 和蔬菜的杀虫剂含量惊人),有助于减轻毒 性负担 (1)。

1. 用菌株特异性益生菌重新平衡肠道细菌 肠道和大脑通过微生物群-肠道-大脑轴进 行交流,该轴涉及迷走神经(2),迷走神经将 我们的消化系统和器官连接到大脑。当肠 道细菌因饮食、抗生素和生活方式而受到破 坏时,它们会通过迷走神经向大脑发送错误 信号。在一项革命性的研究发现中,Zheng 等人证明了肠道细菌失衡会导致压力和抑 郁(3)(4)(5)。为了改善弹性机制,三种菌株特 异性益生菌已被证明可以恢复和支持肠道 微生物群的组成和功能。他们是 • 鼠李糖乳杆菌 (LGG®) • 酿酒酵母 (boulardii) • 双歧杆菌 (BB-12®)

而副干酪乳杆菌 Lpc-37 和植物乳杆菌 299v 已被证明通过在压力时期降低皮质醇(应 激激素)来支持神经内分泌系统。

1. 食物对情绪的影响 - 在补充益生菌来调节肠 脑连接的同时,我们还需要益生元(有益肠 道细菌的食物)来促进肠道中有益微生物的 生长。这些膳食纤维(图 1)改善了肠道细菌 的多样性 (6)(7)。吃真正的食物可能有助于 减轻压力反应。例如,富含蔬菜、水果、鱼、 鸡蛋和橄榄油的改良地中海饮食(图 2)已 被证明可以减轻成年人的压力和抑郁症状。 另一方面,油炸食品、快餐、加工肉类和含 糖饮料会引起焦虑 (8)。

<3 serves Up to 6 2 - 3 serves

Extras Eggs Poultry

At least (2 serves) Weekly Daily



No more than 2 standar drinks

Lean Red Meat (3 - 4 serves) Nuts (1 serve) Olive Oil (60ml) Dairy (2 - 3 serves) Fruit (3 serves)

Vegetables (6 serves)

Whole Grains (5 - 8 serves) Daily exercise and enjoy meals with others

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 5X.2017.1312841

Drink plenty of water

总之,在农历新年期间,我们可能会有各种 社交聚会,家人和朋友团聚。这可能意味着 深夜和对节日的过度放纵。我们需要注意 我们的肠道健康如何影响我们的情绪和弹 性。减少加工食品、快餐和油炸食品,补充 益生菌和吃真正的食物可能有助于在农历 新年期间调节我们的情绪。


文◎ 傅绪琼 Julia FU 译◎Toby JONES 张道

How to avoid over indulgence during the holiday season 春节将临 - 如何预防“过节病” ?

Dr Julia FU is a practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. She graduated from the Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China in 1983, and has 36 years of experience.


傅绪琼中医师 - 1983年毕业于5年制中国安徽中医药大学,从事中医临床已有36年 工作经验。

he annual Spring Festival is almost upon us! This is the largest festival that the Chinese diaspora look forward to all year. Over the past two years, the pandemic-induced lockdowns have made us miss our relatives more than ever, especially during the festive season. The Spring Festival is an opportunity for us to forget the stress and hard work of the past year, to feast on good food and to celebrate to our heart’s content. On the other hand, we might not realise that our health is under threat from several “holiday illnesses” that quietly set in at this time.

Let us find out what are typical “holiday illnesses”:

Ailments caused by the disruption of the body clock

Staying up late to see in the New Year is one of the Spring Festival traditions. Many people also watch the Spring Festival Gala on the television, play cards and chat. These all disrupt the operation of our body’s biological clock. Staying up late is very harmful to our health and disturbs the cyclic waxing and waning of the yin and the yang in traditional Chinese medicine. This can cause endocrine disorders whose symptoms include physical fatigue and malaise. It is therefore best to plan to have New Year’s dinner earlier in the evening, avoid long periods of socialising during the Spring Festival, and to avoid staying up late over consecutive nights.

Gastrointestinal injury from excessive eating and drinking

There are many gatherings during the Spring Festival so we end up eating and drinking non-stop. Each meal is large and tends to be a decadent mix of chicken, duck and fish. This can easily lead to diarrhea, bloating and vomiting and other gastrointestinal diseases, and even loss of appetite for a few days.

Overexcitement and depression

Overexcitement and depression can induce various diseases. In the words of the poet Wang Wei, “on festive occasions more than ever we think of our dear ones far away”. Over the last two years, the political and economic turmoil in the world, the rampant spread of Covid-19, and the separation caused by lockdowns is certain to make us miss our relatives even more than usual this Spring Festival. Apart from the feelings of depression created by these circumstances, we are also excited to meet with old friends. Such polarised emotions can induce certain cardiovascular diseases, particularly in the elderly. Traditional Chinese medicine is above all concerned with maintaining good health through the seven emotions. Excessive excitement or depression can cause the imbalance of yin and yang in the body resulting in disease. Therefore, during the Spring Festival period we should take good care of family members, show concern for vulnerable groups and bring a bit more love and warmth to others.

Western Australia will open its border after this year’s Spring Festival. Once the borders are open, it will be difficult to maintain the current situation of no community transmission we have been enjoying. Make sure to look after your health during the Spring Festival and avoid disrupting your biological clock. In addition, look after your mental health, maintain a healthy diet and get sufficient sleep so that your body can exercise its maximum level of immunity and protect your health.

节就要来临了,身在海外的华人,无 不期盼享受这一年中最大的传统节 日。这两年因疫情引起的锁国封城,更使 我们每逢佳节倍思亲。新春佳节也给我们 有机会暂忘一年的辛苦操劳,好好享受一 下口福,尽情欢乐庆祝,却不知那些 “过 节病”就悄悄向我们的健康袭来。 让我们了解一下有哪些常见的“过节病”。



春节传统有守岁的习俗,许多人也有看春 晚的习惯,或打牌,聊天等活动,这些都会打 乱我们人体生物钟的运转,熬夜是对健康的 危害很大,违背了中医阴阳消长的规律,会给 人带来体力疲倦,精神萎靡不振等内分泌紊 乱的症状。所以要安排好晚上早一点儿吃年 饭,春节期间不要长时间的娱乐,不要连续 的熬夜。 暴饮暴食,肠胃受伤

春节期间聚 餐较多,吃饭不停,饮 酒不 断,而且顿顿都是丰富的鸡鸭鱼肉的大餐。这 很容易引发腹泻,胃胀,呕吐等消化道疾病, 甚至几天都会食欲不振。 情绪上过度兴奋或低落

情绪上的过度兴奋或低落,都可能会诱 发各种疾病。“每逢佳节倍思亲”。这两年的世 界政治经济动荡,covid-19病毒肆虐,锁国封 城造成的分离,在春节过节的时候更加引起 人们对家人的思念,由此产生的抑郁心情,或 与老朋友们相逢相聚时的兴奋与激动,这两 极分化的情绪都会诱发一些心血管疾病,尤 其是对老年人。中医最注重“七情养生”,过度 亢奋或过度抑郁,都可能会造成体内的阴阳 失衡,诱发疾病。所以春节期间应多多关爱家 人,关心孤寡弱势群体,在享受新春佳节的同 时,也多给其他人一些爱的温暖。

今年春节后西澳就要开放边境了,开放 后可能就很难保持现在这样没有社区感染的 好日子了。所以大家一定要在春节期间注意 养生,不要打乱生物钟。养好精神,吃得健 康,睡得充足,就能够发挥我们自身体内最 佳的免疫力,保护我们身体的健康。




文/译◎Andrew LI

Beautiful Day Out in Jarrahdale


memorable excursion to express our heartfelt gratitude to our hardworking volunteers for their continuous contribution to Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC). Mrs Theresa Kwok, CEO of Chung Wah CC, recently arranged two outings to the small historic town of Jarrahdale. This was an opportunity to strengthen the connections between the volunteers and our team, learn more about our goals for community services whilst enjoying the local Western Australian history and culture. The itinerary included several fascinating spots in Perth and the Southeast region. First, the group checked in at Applecross’ Canning Bridge, where Mrs. Kwok (our official tour guide) told the story of its reconstruction over the many years and the significance of the Jarrah, the enduring hardwood timber foundation. Our next stop took us to a humble local tavern amidst the beautiful Jarrah forest. Named

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

after the nearby Jarrah forests, Jarrahdale was established by timber merchants in 1872. The tavern’s location is the original mill owner’s residence and later the mill managers lived there. Several strong jarrah pillars at the entrance were from the demolition of the old Fremantle wharf, returning to its place of origin. Our last stop was the gorgeous Stirling

Cottage located in Harvey. This 1850’s replica cottage was home to Sir James Stirling, the first Governor of Western Australia. The group enjoyed an exquisite afternoon tea, immersed in nature, overlooking the tranquil Harvey River. It was a delightful day, and our volunteers were fascinated by the many local attractions and enjoyed each other’s company. Everyone appreciated taking part in the fantastic outing and expressed their thanks to Mrs. Kwok and her team for the meticulous planning of the perfect day out.



斯特林的农庄建造的。坐在茶室的阳台上, 挑望着宁静的哈维河,人与大自然和谐地相 处,众人深深地融入乡村悠然的生活节奏。

华社区服务(中华CC)总干事郭太最近安排了两次出游活动。举办活动的 目的,一则是感谢义工们对中华CC的大力支持和无私奉献,二则是增进 他们对CC服务的认识和团队精神,三则是提升他们对澳洲历史文化的认知, 让他们更容易地融入澳洲社区。 坎宁桥是行程的第一站,它是珀斯、吉 尔福德和费利曼图来往的交通枢纽。郭太为 大家叙述坎宁桥的前世今生,原来这桥已经 历了整整三次的重建。第四条桥在 1939 年 完工。80 多年后的今天,坎宁桥依然屹立不 倒。这有赖于有效的维修和改造工程,但最 重要的还是坚如磐石的红柳桉木(Jarrah, 简 称红木)木桩。


义 工们对这次出游 的三个 景 点 赞不 绝 口,他们更感谢郭太的邀请和她精心策划的 行程。

行 程的最 后一站是哈 维(Har vey) 。在 游 客中心 旁 的斯持 林 小屋(Stirling Cot tage)中,大家开始 惬 意地 享用下午 茶。美丽的茶室是仿照西澳总督詹姆斯·

第二站是Jarrahdale Tavern(红木镇 酒馆)。Jarrahdale这历史小镇因附近的红 木树林而命 名。木材商人在 获得开 采 生 产 许 可后在 1872年 建 城 。加 工 后 的 木 材,从 Jarrahdale的铁路运往罗金汉(Rockingham) 的深水港,然后出口到世界各地。酒馆的原 址是锯木厂主管的住宅,门外竖立了数根壮 硕的Jarrah木柱。这木柱是从费利曼图的码 头拆迁回原产地的。其中三根已被盗去,不 知去向。

Do not hesitate to contact us at 9328 3988 or email us today at Let’s start this wonderful journey to make the world a better place!

如果你愿意一起共创这个美好的社区,迎致电9328 3988查询或电邮联络 如果您想了解更多关于中华社区服 务部的活动和服务,欢迎您扫描二维码关 注CAC 微信公众号,或关注我们 Facebook 账号: Chung Wah Community Care,您也 可以拨打我们的咨询电话 9328 3988 了解 更多资讯。

If you would like to know more about Chung Wah Community Care, please scan the QR code to subscribe to our WeChat account. You can also follow our Facebook page Chung Wah Community Care. Furthermore, you can dial our number 93283988 to seek more information.

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文◎Kaylene Poon 邝彩玲 | 译◎卡尔 Carl ONG

Unveiling of the East Perth Cemeteries Memorial Gardens


few years ago, developers contacted me to source information about the Chinese burials at the East Perth Pioneer Cemetery. They had purchased the former Perth Girls School on Wellington Street and the block of land behind on Bronte Street. Before development could commence, they needed to exhume over 450 bodies, mainly comprised of Presbyterian with 36 Chinese burials. Records at hand are sparse as many records have been lost over time. Four other Chinese were exhumed and returned to


China in the late 1890s. As the custodian of the Pioneer Cemetery, the National Trust was working with Notre Dame University archaeology students, who had the opportunity to examine uncovered remains and artifacts. It then led to an unexpected project for the Chinese community, which will be covered in another article. Suffice to say; much excitement has been generated from the excavation finds. Karrakatta Cemetery is where the remains have been re-interred. The newly created Memorial Garden has a planting of kangaroo paws and other native flora. Once the native trees have been established, the garden will be a place for quiet contemplation. An interpretative panel designed by Creative Spaces explains the significance of the garden as

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

all the remains are under 33 numbered plinths. The official unveiling of the Memorial Garden was attended by The Hon John Carey, Minister for Housing and Local Government, the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board and staff, The National Trust Board and staff, and other guests, including 30 members of the Chinese community on 29 October 2021. The Minister spoke eloquently about the injustice to the Chinese as they were initially being excluded from the main Cemetery ground. However, later, the laying of a bituminised car-park over some of the remains, including the Chinese, slowed down the decaying process, revealing more information than expected. Today, however, those

Chinese, in particular, have been given recognition and buried in the cemetery proper. Ms Brenda Robbins, Chair of Metropolitan Cemeteries Board, addressed the gathering and spoke about the Chinese being among the earliest settlers in the colony. She acknowledged the willingness of today’s Chinese community to be involved in this project which ensured the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board was able to involve them in the unveiling ceremony. Chung Wah President Dr CHEN Ting spoke about filial duty and traditional family expectations. The Chinese remembered today would not have been reunited with their loved ones. He thanked all those responsible for enabling this process to be rectified. He then introduced Mr John HSU, who organised the traditional burial ceremony with the burning of incense, and offerings of flowers, wine, Chinese tea, assorted meats and foods to the deceased, with the assistance of 3 other members of the Chinese Community Centre. The dignitaries were invited to participate in the short proceedings. Mr Hsu also invited all the guests to attend next year’s annual Ching Ming ceremony held every Good Friday at the Chinese section of the cemetery. The Chinese burials are under four plinths, numbered 8, 18, 28 and 33, with Chinese numbers on these plaques. Whilst the garden is set apart from the Chinese section of the cemetery, it is very close to the headstone of the first Chung Wah president Louis LOUEY Wah, and on the opposite side is close to the YUEN Hoy Poy Family plot.


东珀斯公墓纪念 花园揭幕仪式

年前,开发商与我联系以获取有关东 珀斯先贤公墓中国墓葬的信息。他们 购买了惠灵顿街的前珀斯女子学校以及勃 朗特街后面的那块土地。在开始开发之前, 他们需要挖掘超过四百五十具遺骸,其中主 要由基督教长老会以及三十六座座中国墓 葬组成。現有手头的记录很少,而且随着时 间的推移,许多记录已经丢失。据悉1890年 代后期,有四名华裔先贤的遗骸被发掘出 来,并运返中国。


的解说面板叙述了花园的重要性,后方即是埋 葬遗骸的三十三个基座。 十月廿九日,住房和地方政府部长住房和 地方政府部长约翰·凯里、珀斯大都会墓地委员 会和工作人员、国民信托委员会和工作人员以 及包括约三十名华人社区成员在内的其他嘉宾 出席了纪念花园的揭幕仪式。

作为先贤公墓保管人的国 民托管组织正在与费曼图的圣母 大学考古系学生合作,他们有机 会检查发现的遗骸和陪葬品。这次 的发掘工作为华人社区带来了一个 意想不到骚动,这将在另一篇文章中介 绍。可以说,这项墓葬挖掘的发现的确引起了 许多人的关注。 卡拉卡塔公墓是重新安葬遗骸的地方。新 建的纪念花园栽种了袋鼠爪和其他本土灌木。 当这些绿植丛开始成熟茁壮起来,这花园将成 为一个安谧的地方。由Creative Spaces所设计

部长义正辞严地阐述到了当时华人所 受到的不公待遇,尤其是他们最初被 排除在主要墓地之外。然而,后来 在包括华人在内的一些墓葬上铺 设沥青停车场,这反而大大减缓 了对于墓葬的毁损,完整保留 了比预期更多的考古资料。今 日,这些华人先贤终于得到正 名并被正式归葬在公墓里。

中华总会会长陈挺博士谈及中华传统孝道 和家庭对于后辈的期望。他感谢所有参与纠正 这历史遗憾的人,让我们今天所祭祀的华人先 贤得获得正名对待。他随后也介绍了许锡坤先 生,并在许先生与其他三名华人社区中心成员 的协助下,筹备了华人传统祭祀典礼,为先人 烧香,并为先人献上鲜花、酒、茶、三牲五果 等各类供品。贵宾都参与了这个简短的祭祀仪 式。 许先生更是邀请来宾们参加明年在耶稣受 难日于华人墓地举行的年度的清明祭祀仪式。 华人墓葬安座在四个基座之下;编号为 八、十八、二十八和三十三,这些牌匾上皆以 中文标识。纪念花园虽然与华人墓地距离分隔 甚远,但却很靠近中华首任会长雷华的墓,对 面则靠近阮霭培的家族墓地。

大都会公 墓委员会主席布伦 达·罗宾斯女士在集会 上发表讲话,并谈到华人 是殖民地最早的定居者之一。 她非常乐见本地华人社区代表 能拨冗来参与这个典礼,大都 会公墓委员会更是备感荣幸邀 请到华人先贤的后辈们前来参 与揭幕仪式。



文◎Kaylene Poon 邝彩玲 | 译◎卡尔 Carl ONG

Visit first Chung Wah President’s gravesite


fter the unveiling of the East Perth Memorial Gardens at Karrakatta Cemetery on 29 October, the Chung Wah President Dr CHEN Ting, together with other Chinese guests visited the grave of Mr LOUEY Wah, the first Chung Wah President.

A previous attempt to locate it by Kaylene Poon was unsuccessful. However, the Metropolitan Cemetery Board staff assisted all present were delighted to realise the close proximity of his gravesite to the new Memorial Gardens. Wife Jane Louey & Louey Wah passed away in 1914 and 1915 respectively. Their combined gravesite in the Presbyterian section of Karrakatta was very unusual at that time. This was probably due to their tireless work as active members of the Church in Perth. Louey Wah was a lay preacher and Jane taught English to the Chinese community.


It was possibly the first visit in a long time, that a current serving Chung Wah President has paid their respects to the Association’s Founding Father.

参观中华会馆首任会长 雷华先生墓地 拉卡塔公墓东珀斯纪念花园在十月廿九日揭幕后,中华会馆会长陈挺博 士偕同其他华社领袖们拜访了中华会馆首任会长雷华先生的坟墓。

之前邝彩玲女士试图寻找首任会长的墓却一 直无功而返。然而,透过珀斯大都会墓地委员会 的现场人员协助,邝女士终于很高兴地意识到, 首任会长雷华的墓地距离新落成的东珀斯纪念花 园非常近。 雷华先生与妻子娟 · 雷分别于一九一五年 和一九一四年先后相继离世。他们合葬在在卡拉

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

卡塔长老会墓地区中,在当时的确属于非常不寻 常的事情。但这可能是由于他们作为珀斯教会活 跃成员的不懈努力。雷华先生是一名平信徒传教 士,其夫人娟则向华人社区教授英语。 现任中华会馆会长拜会创会之父,这可能是 许久以来的第一次。

Visit the Chung Wah benefactor’s gravesite


fter the unveiling of the East Perth Memorial Gardens at Karrakatta Cemetery on 29 October, the Chung Wah President Dr CHEN Ting, together with Chinese Community Centre chair, Mr John HSU and other guests visited the grave of Mr WONG Quan Lee, a former Chung Wah member, who bequeathed over $100,000 to the Association in 2011.


文◎Kaylene Poon 邝彩玲 | 译◎卡尔 Carl ONG

The Association is very grateful to Mr Wong for this generous gift, which reflects the community’s appreciation for the work of the Association. The group’s visit to the Chinese section of the cemetery was to acknowledge this kind gesture and honour his memory. The funds will be utilised by the Chung Wah Autumn Centre.



卡拉卡塔公墓东珀斯纪念花园 在揭幕的活动后,中华会馆会 长陈挺博士与华人社区中心主席许 锡忠先生率领一行人起到已故黄坤 利先生的坟前祭奠。黄先生生前为 中华会馆会员,殁后于2011年透过 其遗产信托,向中华会馆捐赠了十万 澳元。

中华会馆非常感念黄先生的慷慨馈赠,这 体现了社会各界对中华会馆工作的认可。会长 陈挺率众到华人墓园拜祭黄泉利先生以慰其老 人家对于会馆的仁风善举。该笔捐款将作为中 华秋园建筑经费。


The President and the Executive Committee would like to extend their deepest sympathy and condolences to Mr. Liyong Wang and his family for the recent passing of his wife, Dr Shaofang Wang on 13 December 2021. Dr Shaofang Wang was an academic and Past President of the Australian Chinese Women’s Federation. She was a valuable and respected member of the Chung Wah Association and the Chinese Community who involved in many community services. In this time of grievance and sadness, our thoughts and prayers are with you.


Dear Greg and Fran On behalf of the Chung Wah Association I wish you both congratulations and warm wishes on reaching your 50th wedding anniversary. It is pleasing to see the long-standing family connection to the Chung Wah Association is alive and well. As an association we are indebted to the early pioneers, such as Fran’s grandfather YUEN Hoy Poy, for having the foresight to establish the Chung Wah Association in 1909.

Congratulations on your Wedding Anniversary

Today’s Chinese community would have a much poorer standing without their perseverance. May the 18th December be a milestone to add to your family’s history, but also a time when you can reflect on not just your journey, but those of past family members as well.



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