Chung Wah Magazine Issue #40 - WINTER 2019

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冬 季 刊

2019年 第40期 AUGUST ISSUE 40


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival



Happy New Year Year Happy Chinese Chinese New

We invite you to join the Chung Wah Family 炎黄子 孙 共同的大家庭 To join you can

中华会馆2018年春节晚宴舞会 中华会馆2018年春节晚宴舞会 Annual Membership rates 年会费

Category 类别 Family 家庭

Individual 个人

$40 $30

Concession 优惠

$25 $15

Dinner Dinner & & Dance Dance (08) 9328 8657

or download a m embership appl ication from our webiste 网上 下载入会申请表


and email us 申



or post it to us at

或者 邮 寄 回 传

PO Box 73, Nor thbridge WA 68 65

e ar

or fax it to us on 或 Balcatta Chung Centre Chung Wah Cultural Cultural Centre 者Balcatta 传真回传 (08) 9227 5694 18Radalj Radalj Place, Balcatta 18 BalcattaWA WA6021 6021 unity and m m Co Ag rd March ed 2018 务 Date: Saturday, Date: Saturday, 3 2018 服 C 者 Time: 6.30pm till till 11.30pm Time: 6.30pm Tickets: $50pp for for Chung Wah Tickets: $50pp Wah members members $55pp for for non-Chung non-Chung Wah $55pp Wahmembers members 体 文化团 Chinese Dinner: 9course course meal meal (BYO) Cu Dinner: 9 (BYO) lt t a i c o n du E e Dress Code:Smart Smart Casual Casual es Code: Dress hin

社区 长

Venue: Venue:

Standard 普通


Call our membe rship and enquiry hotline 入会及询问热 线

学 中华

Line Line Dancing Dancing

Social Social Dancing Dancing 2|

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

s and Activitie ent s Ev al ur


New New Vogue Vogue

Proceeds go to Chung Wah Cultural Centre Proceeds go to Chung Wah Cultural Centre




Breakthrough progress for Chung Wah Association in 2019

中华的突破 之声

All about Chinese New Year

农历 新 年 须 知,尽在《中华 之声》



冬 季 刊

2019年 第40期 AUGUST ISSUE 40




夏 季 刊

2018年 第34期 FEBRUARY ISSUE #34


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Autumn Centre project, hasyou been forthe some 2018. Inwhich addition, willstagnant also find out list



Ivan CHEN 陈浩文


Eva CHEN 陈韵伊 Happy Chinese New Year Cover photography Xiaodong MA 马小东



2019年不仅是中华会馆在推广 2019 is not only a year in which Chung Wah Association 中华文化上取得突破的一年,也是第 has made breakthroughs in promoting the Chinese 一个华人周满来到西澳的190年历史 culture; it also marks the 190-year history of the arrival of 见证。文化上,中华会馆得到西澳州 Chinese NewAustralia. Year is about family reunion, 农历新年的意义离不开家庭团聚、 尊 to the first Chinese Western In terms of cultural 政府的青睐和信任,注资举办首届珀 promotion, Chungrespect Wah Association was proud have the for the elders, goodto luck and 敬长辈、福星高照、健康长寿…… 斯中华文化节;中华龙舟队在队长沈 trust and acknowledgement longevity… from the Western Australia 峰的带领下,经过4个月的艰苦训练, Government, 这期《中华之声》春节版, 内容包括 who strongly funded the Association to 取得了冠军;中华龙狮团也在海外的 In Perth this Chinese Year edition Festival. of the Chung host the 还有 inaugural ChungNew Wah Cultural In 农历新年的故事、 节日习俗和禁忌, 赛场取得 不 错的成 绩 。社区 服 务方 Wah Magazine, we bring you the stories and addition, our Lion Dance Troupe also achieved good results 十二生肖的2018年运程。此外,读者还可 面,很高兴看到停滞一段日子的中华 do’s and don’ts of the festival, andservices, the twelve in overseas competitions. As for community it 秋园,在多方的努力之下, 有了一个明 以在此找到农历新年期间, 珀斯的相关 Chinese zodiacprogress fortune forecast for the Wah year is a pleasure to see positive in the Chung 确的方向和发展。 活动,方便安排与家人一起去观赏舞狮表

演等。 春天气息越来越 time. With the efforts 九月份的珀斯, of many theinCentre now has of Chinese Newparties, Year events Perth within the 浓的当儿,中华会馆及旗下的四所中 a clearer directionfirst andfifteen development. days of the festival. It will enable 2月18日,万众期待的珀斯中华新年文 文学校 也正积极筹办一年一度的中 plan when and where to see lion dance Spring is around you thetocorner In Perth this September. At 秋晚会。这不一样的中秋晚会, 是中 化节在西澳举行,这场被誉为年度最瞩目 performance and others. this moment, the Association and its four Chinese schools 华孩子们自己的平台, 从幼儿班到高 的活动之一, 每年都吸引了来自不同社区 are actively preparing for the annual Mid-Autumn Festival 中的学生将和所有家长及宾客分享他 On 18 February 2018, the annual Chung Wah 的上万民众的参与。 events. It is a great opportunity for our Chinese schools’ 们的学习成果,以各种形式咏诵中秋 Perth Chinese New Year Fair will be held. This students of different levels to share their learnings with 月,感受中秋情,演绎 他们自己心目 alwaysguests, one ofadmire Westernthe Australia’s most 孝敬父母是我们的社区极为重视的 their parents andis other mid-autumn 中的中秋节。 popular events, drawing a huge crowd from all 价值观,这一点在农历新年更为显见。 大 the moon and enjoy Mid-Autumn Festival.

我们必须对过去有认同感,才可 年初一,家中小辈要先向最年长的长辈敬 communities. 以对现在有一定的理解,继而才能对 It is important to recognise our past before we can have a 茶拜年, 接着由长辈给孩子派红包。 Respect forpresent, the elders greatly valued in 未来有愿景。 中华孩子是这社区未来 good understanding of the andisthen we can have 的栋梁,教育我们下一代西澳的华人 our community and which usuallypillars seen a vision for the future. Our children are theisfuture 2月22日,中华社区及长者服务将会 历史,有助于给他们对自己身份的肯 of this community, hence educating our nextNew generation of prominently during Chinese Year. The 举办一年一度的长寿宴,给社区人士提供 定。西澳华人历史协会在中华会馆的 the Chinese history in Western could elderly is greetedAustralia and served firsthelp with them a cup 支持下成立, 并在珀斯中华文化节举 一个非常有意义的活动来表现孝亲敬老 to affirm their identity. The Western Australian of tea in the morning of the first day ofChinese Chinese 办了一场华人历史展。 Historical Society was established with the support 的一面。 10月19日是中华会馆的2019年度会 千万别错过。 员大会,希望所有会员可以积极出席。 在此,提前祝愿各位“中秋节快乐”。

Ting CHEN陈挺 Ting Chen 陈挺 Chief Editor 主编 Chief Editor 主编

New Year, and then the children are given of Chung Wah Association held a Chinese history “Red Packets”and by the elderly. exhibition at the Perth Chung Wah Culture Festival. On 22 February 2018, the Chung Wah The 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Association will be Community & Aged Care Longevity Luncheon will held on 19 October 2019 and I hope that you, as a member, be held,inwhere community have can actively participate it. Here, I wish members you all awill ‘Happy an opportunity to demonstrate their appreciation Mid-Autumn Festival’ in advance. towards the seniors in the community. Don’t miss out!

Thank you Lotterywest 2018 感谢Lotterywest Membership Renewal Reminder

To renew you can either 续新会籍您可以


Wah Association would like to acknowledge 2018 续新会籍提示Chung Lotterywest for the Community Space as 支票 well as By Cheque


IT and Web Grants approved in December 2018. The Chung Wah Association membershipthe subscription Post to PO BOX 73, Northbridge WA 6865 会馆北桥礼堂老旧的电话、 网络线路和安装电 was due for renewal by 31 December 2017. renewed TheA grants provided significant financial support for 视监控系统、路灯等设施,大大提高了会馆的安 By Credit Card 信用卡 the air-cooler ducting and lighting systems for the new membership ensured you to be able to receive a copy 全性,以及$34,125澳元用于中华文化中心的灯 ceiling at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta. Call (08) 9328 8657 of this magazine posted to your nominated address. 光及空调等项目的修缮,进一步提升了中华文化

It also enabled Chung Wah to install a security system By Cash 现金 中华会馆会籍的更新截止日期乃2017年12月31日。 中心会员活动场所的多功能性。 在此,非常感谢 with sensor lights and CCTV inside and outside the 续新会籍确保您可以继续享有会员福利, Lotterywest ( 西澳彩票管理局)对会馆资金赞 In and person at 128 James Street, Chung Wah building in Northbridge also replaced 包括定期收到给您邮寄的《中华之声》 会刊。 助和支持! the outdated computer server and network. Northbridge WA 6003

Annual Membership rates 年会费

Category 类别 Family 家庭

Individual 个人

Standard 普通

$35 $25

Concession 优惠

$20 $10

Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)电子转账 BSB Number: 086-006 Account Number: 50-820-9227 <insert Your Name & Chung Wah Membership Number> 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊冬季版 1|



亲爱的会员们: 中华会馆自1909年以来已经走过了一 百一十年的历程。今天,我们的百年会馆越 来越被各界所重视,作为西澳规模最大、实 力最强的华人组织,正以新的姿态迎接著时 代的机遇与挑战!它在社区服务、会员福利、 中文教育及文化交流等各个领域都发挥了 重要的作用,并积极搭建中澳文化交流和沟 通的平台,融入主流社会,以丰富的活动内 容从多维度向民众充分展示中华文化魅力, 使中华文化成为澳洲多元文化社会不可缺 少的重要组成部分。 自2015年8月29日当选为中华会馆会长 以来,转眼已过去四年的时间。四年来,两届 的中华会馆理事会恪守中华会馆章程,一如 既往地秉承创会宗旨,充分利用会馆资源, 尽可能的为所有会员提供更广泛的活动平 台,并在维护会员权益、弘扬中华文化、促进 中澳文化交流等各个方面做了很多卓越成 效的工作:

在发展会馆会务工作方面:文化及活动 小组已由原来的5个增加至11个。中华舞蹈 团、民乐团、龙狮团、龙舟队、合唱团、粤剧 社、京剧社、排排舞、新时尚交际舞、乒乓球 队等各分支部门及小组在各组负责人的精 心组织和通力合作下积极有效地运行,参与 活动的会员数量不断增加。中华妇女部团结 了妇女会员,积极参与和负责会馆的一些文 化活动项目。中华秋园经过三年里理事会与 秋园董事会的共同努力,其开发计划获得批 准,正在紧锣密鼓地准备详细的工程绘制、 着手开发进程,有望于今年内开始 动工建设。此外,中华文化中心前 面2/3的空置土地目前正在进行

砍竹除草等清理和平整土地的施工工作,该 工程预计于十月底完成,届时中华文化中心 主体建筑将与Grindleford Road 相通。 令人 高兴的还有我们成功的申请到Lotterywest 的专项基金,其中$24,864澳元用于更换铺 设会馆北桥礼堂老旧的电话、网络线路和安 装电视监控系统、路灯等设施,以提高会馆 的安全性,以及$34,125澳元用于中华文化 中心的灯光及空调等项目的修缮。中华文化 中心的天花板工程也已更换完毕,进一步提 升了文化中心活动场所的多功能性。

在提升社区服务方面,中华社区与长者 服务中心在首席执行官郭郑素雯女士的带 领下,一如既往的为来自语言文化多样性背 景的移民和亚裔人士及社区提供专业的支 持和关爱服务。中华会馆理事会将继续协助 中华长者服务中心的各项活动,使其各项服 务有序推进,提供优质的长者服务。各种社 区服务如中华日间暂息中心、日间看护中 心、英文学习班、太极班等也一直在积极运 行中,服务范围将会进一步扩大,以提供更 加贴心周到的服务。这些针对不同需求的社 区服务及护理服务非英语背景的移民和长 者们感受到温暖与包容。由于中心的服务品 质不断提升,中心的服务客户由四年前的 500多名增加至近千名。

在中文教育方面,中华中文学校管委会 为中文学校制定了统一的政策和发展方向, 进一步走向规范化,确保四个校区由管委会 根据其职权范围统一管理。中文学校校区也 由三所增加至四所,各校区之间相互协作,保 障学校有序、高效、稳定的运行,共同为一千 多名学生提供高质量的中文及中华文化的教 育。各类课外兴趣班的开展,如书法班、武术 班、象棋班、民族舞蹈班、中华乐器班等,进一 步加强中文教育的多样性,提高学生的学习 兴趣和热情,得到家长的充分肯定。

在丰富社区活动方面:中华会馆坚持 为会员福祉而努力,先后承办、协办了 各项大、中、小型活动和座谈会等, 为会员间交流、联谊、互通有无


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

提供良好的平台,提升了中华会馆的活力及 华人社区活动力。比如:珀斯中华新年文化 节、中华会馆新年舞会、珀斯中华文化节、中 华中文学校中秋活动、庆祝国际妇女节联欢 活动以及各类知识讲座等。值得一提的是, 为期7日的首届“珀斯中华文化节”于2019年 5月12日至5月18日在Burswood半岛盛大 举行,这个结合“赛龙舟、民间艺术、文化展 示、历史展览、中华美食、舞龙舞狮、文艺表 演、商贸论坛、建筑论坛”等多个模块的系列 活动在西澳州政府和Burswood公园董事局 的资金支持下,让参与者与中华文化零距离 接触,并全方位为市民和游客展示中华民俗 与传统文化的非凡魅力。这些成绩也离不开 会馆与华社各兄弟社团的支持和协作,共同 为中华文化传承以及促进西澳多元文化发 展而不断努力。 在加强当地政府联系和团结华人社区方 面:保持与州政府、当地政府的协调与积极 地双向沟通,增进理解,加深交流,继续发挥 中华会馆作为百年社团在华人社区与政府 之间的桥梁作用。与此同时,我们与各个侨 团开展座谈会和咨询会,例如2019年1月西 澳州就业、贸易、科技和创新,亚洲事务部部 长Peter Tinley与西澳侨社的见面交流会,5 月中国侨联代表团与会馆的工作座谈会以 及与澳博思小学的文化交流会。

中华会馆作为“华人之家” ,像一座桥梁, 承接著过去、现在与未来;薪火相传,生生不 息。在此,由衷感谢中华会馆全体理事会成 员的工作及努力,让我们的会务工作卓有成 效;由衷感谢由陈振发太平绅士领导下的元 老会成员们一如既往地对我们的工作提供 了宝贵的支持和指导;由衷感谢华社各社团 的相互协作与支持,使得中华会馆不断的发 展壮大,为广大珀斯侨民的幸福进步,为澳 洲多元文化社区的繁荣贡献自己的一份力 量!

祝大家身体健康,阖家幸福,事业发达! 谢谢大家!

丁少平 会长 中华会馆



Dear members, Chung Wah Association has gone through 110 years since it was established in 1909. We are proud that the reputation of this remarkable Association has continued to grow and we are being highly valued by all members of the society, including individuals, organisations and government. As the largest and most established Association in Western Australia, we take every opportunity and challenge in a positive way. The Association plays a vital role in community services, members’ welfare, Chinese language education and the cultural exchange between China and Australia, as well as helping our community integrate into the mainstream society. I was elected as the President of Chung Wah Association on 29 August 2015. Throughout these four years, we have tried our best to adhere to the Constitution of the Association, uphold its founding objectives, maximise the use of the hall for the benefit of members, safeguard the rights and interests of our members, as well as promote Chinese culture. During my term of office, I am glad to share with you that our cultural and activity groups have increased from 5 to 11. They are the Traditional Chinese Dance, Folk Music Group, Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe, Dragon Boat Team, the Choir, Cantonese Opera, Beijing Opera, Line Dance, the new Vogue Ballroom Dance and the Table Tennis Team, etc. The Women’s Committee group is revived and began to actively organise some significant activities and events. After three years of the joint efforts of the Executive Committees and the Autumn Centre Committees, the concept plan of the Autumn Centre was approved by the authorities, and we are likely to see the construction work taking place in the coming year. In addition, two thirds of the vacant land in front of the Balcatta Centre is now undergoing massive development for a new look and soon the Centre’s main building could connect to Grindleford Road. 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

What’s more, thanks to the special funds from Lotterywest, we used a total of $24,864 to replace the old telecommunication system and safety equipment at the main hall in Northbridge. There were also other funds of $34,125 for the massive indoor refurbishment of the Balcatta Centre.

dragon boat racing, folk art, cultural exhibition and historical exhibition. The activities included Chinese cuisine, dragon and lion dance, cultural performances, trade forum and architectural forum. Great thanks to the major sponsors: the Western Australia Government and the Burswood Park Board.

In terms of community services, the Chung Wah Community and Aged Care continues to provide professional support and care services for ethnic communities, under the leadership of the CEO, Mrs Theresa Kwok. Many of its care services and community activities are continuously expanding. Due to its quality service, the number of service recipients has increased from 500 to nearly 1,000 in the last four years.

Chung Wah Association also works hard to strengthen the contacts with the Australian Government as well as unite the local Chinese community. We see ourselves as a bridge between the Chinese community and the governments, facilitating the communication and improving mutual understanding of these two parties. In January this year, we hosted a meeting between the Asian Engagement Minister, Peter Tinley, and the local WA Chinese community organisations; in May, we met the delegates from the Chinese Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese for a discussion of the issues faced by overseas Chinese. In the same month, we also organised a Chinese Cultural Arts Demonstration at the Oberthur Primary School.

As for the development in our Chinese education, the School Management Committees have formulated a unified policy and development direction for all the Chung Wah Chinese school campuses. Since the beginning of this year, we have increased our Chinese school campuses to four instead of three. These campuses work collaboratively to ensure the thousand of students receive high-quality Chinese language and Chinese culture education in a fun and effective way. Every year, Chung Wah Association host and co-organise various large, medium and smallscale events and community activities in order to create a platform for cultural exchange, networking and intercommunication among members, and also to promote the Chinese culture. Amongst these events are the Perth Chinese New Year Cultural Festival, Chinese New Year Ball, Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival at the Chinese schools and celebration of the International Women’s Day, etc. It is worth mentioning that the inaugural Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival was held between 12 and 18 May 2019 at the Burswood Park. The event integrated

Being the “Home of All Chinese”, Chung Wah Association is like a bridge, encompassing the past, present and future; it is to be passed on from generation to generation. Here, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the members of the Executive Committee for their efforts, as well as the support and guidance of the Council of Elders under the leadership of Dr Bob Tan. Also, great thanks to the support and cooperation spirit from all the other Chinese community organisations. All these joint efforts have enabled Chung Wah Association to continue to grow and develop, become a stronger entity and greatly contribute to making Western Australia a better multicultural society. Wishing you all good health, happiness and prosperity! Thank you.

Shao Ping DING President The Chung Wah Association Inc

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊冬季版 |



中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah 1 2 6

10 16 17

编者寄语 Editorial

会长感言 President’s Message 中华消息 Chung Wah News 秋园 Autumn Centre

2019 珀斯中华文化节 Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival

移民心声 Migrant’s Voice

华人之光 Edward Zhang OAM

家爱 Family 18

秘制食谱 Secret Recipe

冰皮月饼 Snowy Moon Cake


罗汉果冬瓜糖水 Luo Han Guo Dessert 亲子乐 Parenting



How to support our children to deal with success and failure?

校园天地 The School Yard

家有一老 Elderly 30



养生之道 Good Health


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue


过敏性湿疹 Allergic Eczema


中医治疗 Traditional Chinese Medicine


西医治疗 Western Medicine

松柏长青 Community and Aged Care

中华CAC避免长者孤立系列活动 Chung Wah CAC’s ‘Avoiding Social Isolation’ Activities

珀斯历史最 悠久的民族团体 The Oldest Ethnic Organisation In Perth

活动参与 Events and Activities

Congratulations. Chung Wah Magazine quiz winner, Devi Onggo picking up her prize. Thank you Morish Nuts for your generosity. 恭喜有奖问答得奖者王樱 琴获得了Morish Nuts 盛 情赞助的礼品


长期活动 Regular Activities

中秋节活动 Mid-Autumn Festival Feature

封面人物 Cover Page Story 图片集锦 Photo Gallery

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive



中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme 有奖问答 Quiz



中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall & Administration Office

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003

电话 Telephone (08) 9328 8657

电子邮箱 Email

传真 Facsimile

(08) 9227 5694

网址 Website

通信地址 Mailing Address

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865

(08) 9228 3990

18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street)




Published by

58 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton WA 6155


Editorial team




Elvie YAP


Abbie CHEN


Visual Designer


执行编辑 编辑


威乐顿中心 Willetton Centre

中华社区广播电台 Chung Wah Chinese Radio

广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3 Every Saturday 10 am to 11 am 每周六上午10点至11点

Chief Editor

普通话节目 Mandarin Program FM 90.5

Executive Editor




Every Sunday 10 am to 11 am

中华妇女部 CW Women Subcommittee 中华龙舟队 CW Dragon Boating

中华龙狮团 CW Lion Dance Troupe

中华舞蹈团 CW Cultural Dance Troupe 中华华乐团 CW Chinese Orchestra

卡尔 汪

Carl ONG

中华粤剧社 CW Cantonese Opera


Xiaodong MA

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club

封面摄影 行政支持 黄小娟

Cover Photo

Administration Lesley WONG

联系人 Contact Details

李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306


Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Bramwell Road, NORANDA 6062

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne

传真 Facsimile

Balcatta WA 6021


电子邮箱 E-mail Address

电话 Telephone

中华会馆文化中心 Chung Wah Cultural Centre

Editorial and Advertising Enquiry

Aulberry Parade, LEEMING 6149

中华社区与长者 服务中心 Chung Wah Community and Aged Care

(08) 9328 3988

Chung Wah Association

Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming

Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003



中华京剧社 CW Beijing Opera 电子邮箱 E-mail Address

联系人 Contact Details

陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0406 492 944


Keith Road, ROSSMOYNE 6148

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

联系人 Contact Details

马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898


Chung Wah Chinese School Perth

90 Roberts Road, SUBIACO WA 6008

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

联系人 Contact Details

刘隽校长 Juan LIU 0466 310 260



版权所有, 未经允许, 不得转载本刊文字及图片。

All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association.

声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出 自中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于 对其真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。 对题材中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊冬季版 |



After almost 30 years, the Autumn Centre project is moving forward !

中华秋园项目终于在30年后的今天有进展 !

文◎Doreen CHIN 陈清灵 | 译◎Lingkun FANG 方凌坤


s reported by Doreen Chin, the Chairperson of Chung Wah Autumn Centre, 2018/2019 was a very busy year for Chung Wah Autumn Centre.

Since August 2016, the Board of Management had been in consultation and working with Buildcor Projects Pty Ltd on how to move the Autumn Centre project forward, such as in the preparation and submission for Development Approval to build short term respite care for members and those in need of such services. The Chung Wah Executive Committee and Council of Elders were briefed and shown the final concept plan last year. On

31st August 2018, Development Approval was submitted to City of Stirling.

As required by City of Stirling, advertising for public comment was carried out around December 2018, and the official Development Approval was received on 24th April 2019. The Chairperson, Doreen, would like to acknowledge Rocco of Buildcor Projects Pty Ltd, who got together a team of wellknown and experienced consultants to assist and liaise with City of Stirling. His

Lease Agreement and Changes of Constitution of the Autumn Centre As per Chung Wah Association’s EGM of Saturday, 29th June 2013, approval was given by its members for the Association to enter into a lease agreement with Chung Wah Autumn Centre Inc., permitting it to construct and operate accommodation for the aged, frail or disabled persons on the Balcatta Property. Raymond Tan from Tan and Tan Lawyers had kindly volunteered his professional services to prepare the Lease Agreement between Chung Wah Association Inc. and Chung Wah Autumn Centre Inc.

Updating and amending Chung Wah Autumn Centre Inc.’s Constitution was not an easy task. Its Constitution was first


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

lodged in the Office of the Commissioner for Corporate Affairs on 9th June 1983 and was last amended on 8th June 1992. Chan Galic law firm was engaged to help with the updating of the Constitution in accordance with the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (WA).

To be in line with the new Associations Incorporation Act 2015, many changes were made. As a charitable organisation, more stringent conditions and practices were introduced, such as in accounting procedures and the code of practice for members of the Board of Management.

team consisted of a well-known Architect John Silbert, and Peter Webb, Consultants in Town Planning & Urban Design. Grateful thanks also to President Shao Ping, Florence Ong, Honorary Technical Advisor, and past and present Boards of Management for their contributions towards this project.

The Board of Management is now preparing to apply for a Building Permit, a requirement before commencement of any construction work. At the AGM held on Saturday, 25th May 2019, the following 2019/2020 Board members were elected: 2019年5月25日星期六举行的年度会 员大会后,以下乃2019/2020管委会当 选的成员:







Leonard KHO


Lesley WONG 黄小娟



据中华 秋 园 管 委 会主 席 陈 清 灵的 报告,2018/19 财年是中华秋园忙碌 的一年。

中华华乐团团长王慧兰参与香港国际中乐指挥大师班 Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra Music Director attended International Master Classes on Chinese Music Conducting 文/译◎中华华乐团 Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra

自2016年8月起,管委会与 Buildcor Projects Pty Ltd就 如何推 进中华 秋园项目进 行磋 商和合作,包括准备和提交发展 计划书,以申请建造给会员和有 需要人士的暂息护理 服 务的住 宿。 去年,管委会已向中华执行 理事会和元老理事会阐述这项 计划,并展示概念计划的最终版 本。2018年8月31日,发展计划 书已提交给Stirling市政府。 根据Stirling市政府的要求, 公众意见回馈于2018年12月左 右开展,并于2019年4月24日收 到官方发展批准。

主陈 清灵 要 感谢 B uild co r Projects Pty Ltd的Rocco,他们 聚集了一支由知名和经验丰富的 顾问团队,协助并与Stirling市政 府接洽。他的团队由知名建筑师 John Silbert和城市规划与城市 设计顾问Peter Webb组成。 还要感谢丁少平会长,技术 顾问Florence Ong以及过去和 现任管委会所有成员对 该 项目 的贡献。 管委会现正准备在任何建筑 工程展开前申请建筑许可证。

中华秋园的租赁协议 和章程改动

根 据 中 华 会 馆 于2 0 1 3 年 6月29日(星期六 )举行的会员

特 别 大 会,其 成 员已 批 准 会 馆 与中华 秋季中心公司订立租赁 协议,准许其在Balcat ta的产 业上,为年迈、体弱或残疾人士 建造住宿。来自Tan & Tan Lawyers 的Raymond Tan乐意提供他的专 业 服 务,帮助 中 华 会 馆 和 中 华 秋园拟定之间的租赁协议。

更新和修改中华秋园的章程 并非易事。其宪法于1983年6月 9日首次提交给公司事务专员办 公室,并于1992年6月8日进行了 最后一次修订。Chan Galic律师 事务所根据2015年协会法(WA) 协助更新章程。 为了达 到 201 5 年新 的 社 团 无限公司法的标准,我们做出了 许多改变。作为一个慈善组织, 引入了更严格的条件和做法,例 如:会计程序和管委会成员的业 务守则。


here is always something new to learn. The music director of Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra, Teresa Tan, has been a well-known Guzheng practitioner for years. Teresa was delighted to attend the 11th International Master Classes on Chinese Music Conducting 2019, held on 29 March – 3 April 2019. The classes were organised by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts. The content of this course included conducting technique, music analysis and special lectures. The lecturers for the conducting technique classes were Professor Hui Chang Yan (Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra) and Mr Hee Chiat Chew (Resident Conductor of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra). Eleven formally-registered students had the opportunity to practise with a 100-musician orchestra.

海 无 涯,中 华 会 馆 华 乐 团 团 长 王 慧兰老师,多年来乃珀斯知名古筝 家 。为了可以 提 升华乐团 的中乐 发 挥, 王老师,飞往香港参加于三月二十九日至 四 月三日举 的 2 01 9第十 一 届 国 际 中乐 指挥大师班,此 进修班由香港中乐团及 香 港 演 艺 学 院 合办 。今次,虽 然 纯 属 旁 听身份,但是也获益良多。

There were about one hundred people who came from different countries and cities, including Canada, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and other cities of China, to attend this course. Each attendee has their own experience in conducting and orchestra management. Each of them carries the responsibility of the development of their orchestras in their respective places. Teresa hopes to participate in master classes in the future in order to bring better Chinese music and more orchestra ideas to Western Australia.

指 挥课 程 包 括 指 挥 技 巧 和实 用课,乐 曲 分

析 和 专 题 讲 座 。指 挥 课 的 导 师 是 阎 惠 昌 教 授 (香 港中乐团艺 术总 监 兼首席 指 挥)和周熙 杰先生(香港中乐团常任指挥)。11位正式学

员都 可以实训实战,与中乐团 团员和演艺学 院学生组成的百人大乐队合作。



位学员都 有不同 的 指 挥 和乐团 经验,背负着各

地乐团发 展的重任。王老师希望有机会可以再次

参加,把更 好的中国音乐和更多乐团理 念带到西 澳,发扬中华文化。

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊冬季版 |



International Exploration for our Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe

中华龙 狮团飞跃 亚洲舞台 文◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷 | 译◎ LingKun FANG 方凌坤


he Chung Wah Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe participated in the 2019 International Lion Dance Festival in Thailand, which took place on 24 and 25 April 2019. Two days before the competition in Thailand, the troupe also attended the Kelantan International Lion Dance Festival in Malaysia for the inaugural Chinese cultural exchange event supported by the Kelantan State Government. The Chung Wah Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe and a troupe from China were the only two troupes coming from outside Malaysia. Congratulations to the Chung Wah Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe for its biggest achievement on an international level at the competition in Thailand. A total of 19 teams from Australia, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos competed for a top 10 spot in the traditional competition. The Chung Wah Troupe scored 8.66 out of 10, finished 6th on the ladder and received 10,000 Thai Baht in prize money, a trophy and 10 medals. Our 11 troupe members, aged between 7 and 18, took part in this competition. This was an excellent opportunity for the team to enhance its knowledge and skills, learning from other lion dance troupes. It also provided an environment for the troupe to practise speaking Chinese languages and making friends from other countries and learning their culture. After the trip, troupe members are now back in training and aiming for bigger improvements. They will also start preparing for more competitions next year.


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

华龙狮团参加了于2019年4月24日和25日在泰国举行的国际舞狮节。在泰国比赛的 两天前,该团还参加了马来西亚吉兰丹州的国际舞狮节,由吉兰丹州政府支持的首届 中华文化交流活动。中华龙狮团以及来自中国的另外一支龙狮团是来自马来西亚境外的两 支海外团队。 祝贺中华龙狮团在泰国举办的国际赛事中 取得的最大成就。来自澳大利亚、中国、新加 坡、马来西亚、泰国、越南和寮国的19支队伍 在传统比赛中争夺前10名。中华龙狮团在10 分中获得8.66分,在阶梯演出比赛中获得第6 名并获得1万泰铢的奖金,奖杯和10枚奖牌。 我们的11名成员,年龄介于7到18岁之间,参 加了本次比赛。

对于团队来说,这是一个很好的机会,可 以 提 升自己的知识和技能,向其他舞狮队学 习。它还为该团提供了练习说汉语,与其他国 家交朋友,学习文化的环境。旅程结束后,团 队成员们重新开始训练,并寻求更大的改进。 他们还在为明年参加更多的比赛做准备。



Consul General Dong Zhihua’s Visit to Chung Wah Association

新任中国驻珀斯总领事 董志华到访中华会馆 文◎Chen TING 陈挺 | 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

任的中国驻珀斯总领事董志华在6月 22日于金千副总领事及何一帆领事陪 同下拜访中华会馆,并与中华会馆理事会、 元老会及学校校长座谈交流。

丁少平会长首先介绍了会馆历史沿革、组织 结构及开展活动情况。会馆下设老人活动中心及 四所中文学校,多年来为弘扬中华文化、推广中 文教育及服务华人社区做出了积极贡献。

董总领事首先感谢中华会馆多年来对总领 馆工作的支持,表示甫一到任即参加中华会馆主 办的第一届珀斯中华文化节,文化节取得巨大成 功,展现了西澳华侨华人良好风貌,也体现了中 华会馆高效的组织动员能力。许多老华侨几十年 如一日为侨社无私奉献,他们的事迹和精神令人 感动。长期以来,中华会馆在历任会长领导下,为 弘扬中华文化、维护西澳华侨华人合法权益、推 动华社融入主流社会做出积极贡献。作为百年会 馆及世纪社团,希望中华会馆在保持优良传统、 秉承创会宗旨的同时,以与时俱进的精神、开放 包容的胸襟,继续促进华社和谐发展,融入主流, 为推动中西澳各领域交流合作做出新贡献。 董总领事还就提升总领馆服务质量听取大 家意见建议,表示将继续本着“以人为本,外交为 民”宗旨,不断改进创新领事窗口服务,为广大侨 胞提供更加热情、周到服务。


n 22 June 2019, Ms Dong Zhihua, the newly appointed Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth, vistied Chung Wah Association, accompanied by her deputy, Jin Qian and Consul He Yifan. Consul General Dong had a pleasant conversation with the Executive Committees, the Council of Elders of the Association and the Principals of Chung Wah Chinese schools.

During the meeting, the President, Ding Shaoping, first introduced the history, organisational structure and activities of the Association. Its aged care centres and services, as well as the four Chinese schools, have made a significant contribution to Chinese cultural promotion, Chinese language education and community services for the local Chinese community. On behalf of the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth, Consul General Dong thanked the Association for its support of the work of the Consulate General over many years. She was very impressed with the successful achievements of the inaugural Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival when she first arrived. She believed that the success of the event very much reflects the highly

efficient coordination skills of the Association. She also paid high respect to many dedicated Chinese migrants for their unconditional contribution to the development of the community. Consul General Dong also praised the positive contribution of Chung Wah Association, under the leadership of past and present Presidents, in promoting Chinese culture, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese in Western Australia and integrating the local Chinese community into mainstream society. As an Association with over one hundred years of history, Consul General Dong hopes to see Chung Wah Association continue to keep its traditions and adhere to its founding objectives, and at the same time, be more open and facilitate more cooperation between the east and the west in various sectors. Consul General Dong also gave an opportunity to the guests in attendance to voice out their suggestions and opinion on improving the service quality of the Consulate General. She indicated that she would continue to improve the consular service in an innovative way and realise the objectives of “People-centred, Diplomacy for the People”.

Donation to Telethon Community from the proceeds of the Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival


文◎Abbie CHEN 陈薇 | 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

2019年6月28日,中华会馆将2019年珀斯中华文化节活动中所筹集、义卖所得的全部 款项共计$5000澳元捐赠给Telethon Community儿童慈善基金会。这些款项包括风筝、 吹糖人、捏泥人、灯笼、剪纸等义卖所得$4869.60以及会馆凑足至$5000。丁少平会长在会 馆礼堂代表会馆向该儿童慈善基金会代表Ken Gibbons先生捐赠了支票。双方将都期待在 明年中华文化节继续精诚合作,为社区贡献力量。 On 28th June, the Chung Wah Association presented a cheque with total amount of $5000 to the representative, Mr. Ken Gibbons of the Telethon Community, a charity foundation for children. The donation was the proceeds raised during the 2019 Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival. The $4,869.60 of the total amount was made up from the collected fees of

cultural activities including kite making, sugar art, figurine art, lantern making, red paper cutting etc, Chung Wah Association topped up the balance rounded it to $5,000. Both parties are looking forward to the continued cooperation for the festival in the coming year, in order to benefits the community as a whole. 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊冬季版 |



Inaugural Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival in Western Australia 2019! Text◎Sheila REJEK 蘇翠妹

The inaugural Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival brought together arts, sports, films, forums and activities for the kids in a family-friendly festival that showcased the very best of Chinese culture. The event was a showcase of Western Australian Chinese culture and tradition beginning with a spectacular dragon boat race on the Swan River. The Burswood Park peninsula was transformed into a thriving market with activities, performances and food stalls. Visiting children participated and learned traditional skills including kite and lantern making. Proudly supported by the Government of Western Australia and Burswood Park Board, the festival was presented by Chung Wah from 12 to 18 May 2019 at the Burswood Park with the Swan River

and the Perth city providing a spectacular backdrop to a week of cultural and business activities for the whole family.

Opening with dragon boat drums thundering across the Swan River in a gala celebration, the event presented some of Western Australia and interstate’s top dragon boat competitors in action in one of the world’s fastest growing sports.

Kicking off on Mother Day, themes such as face paintings, umbrella paintings and giveaways drew festival crowds to the Burswood Park peninsula. Burswood Park was transformed into a dazzling marketplace with performances, cultural demonstrations and kids’ activities


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue



including kite flying, lantern making and lion dancing, ensuring that there was something on offer for everyone. Starting with a spectacular dragon boat race, the festival finale concluded with a lit lotus flower ceremony on the Swan, a finale cultural concert performance and fireworks, the seven-day festival was a tremendous way for everyone to experience ancient Chinese culture in Western Australia.

The event incorporated overseas and local celebrities, professional artists, multicultural stage performances, food stalls, lion dances, giant kite show, twelve giant zodiac animal lanterns, Tai Chi, Chinese storytelling, figurine doll making, lantern and kite making, craft

demonstrations and much more!

Chinese art and Australian Chinese History was on display under a marquee on site.

This festival included the popular Golden Koala Film Festival which featured a range of contemporary Chinese outdoor cinema films at the Telethon Community Cinemas in Burswood with talks by international film directors on the first night. China/Australia business forum and an architects and construction forum intended to build on close industry links between WA and China were part of the festival conducted at Crown Perth, a major event sponsor.

The initiative to implement this event was in line with the promotion and generation of tourism numbers in Western Australia with the following identified objectives: • Celebrate the Western Australian Chinese community’s cultural and sporting heritage. • Showcase Western Australia as an exciting and desirable tourism destination.

• Increase national and international visitor numbers to Western Australia, supporting local businesses, jobs and economy. • Activate and promote the Burswood Park Peninsula.

Open Division 公开组

冠军 1st Chung Wah Dragon Boat Club

亚军 2nd The Lakers Dragon Boat Club

季军 3rd Forza Dragon Boat Club (Bunbury) Women’s Division女子组

冠军 1st Fremantle Swan Dragon Boat Club 亚军 2nd Albany Dragon Boat Club

季军 3rd Perth Pirates Dragon Boat Club Mixed Division 混合组

冠军 1st Fremantle Swan Dragon Boat Club 亚军 2nd Cockburn Dragon Boat Club 季军 3rd Mandurah Dragon Boat Club

For more information about the Per th Chung Wah Cultural Festival in 2020 please refer to:

Special thanks to our major sponsors

有关更多2020年中华珀斯文化节的最新 消息, 可以浏览以下网站和社 交网

Website: Facebook: ‘Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival’

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊冬季版 |



万人 共 享 中 华 文 化 盛 宴 文◎Abbie CHEN 陈薇


届珀斯中华文化节(2019 Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival)在 2019年5月12日上午九点于美丽天鹅 河畔的Burswood公园盛大开幕。本次中华文化节活动是一个为期七天的旨在加强西澳亚裔社区文化与体 育交流,展示Burswood半岛的优美景色及珀斯的生动活力,提升西澳知名度,促进西澳国际、洲际旅游业及周 边小生意发展的大型系列活动。西澳公民兼多元文化部部长、旅游部长Paul Papalia阁下,西澳州反对党领袖代 表、影子多元文化部部长Tony Krsticevic 先生,中国驻珀斯总领事董志华女士,西澳体育部长、老年护理部部长 Mick Murray阁下,西澳州议员Pierre Yang(杨帅), 澳大利亚龙舟联合会主席Kristin Priest女士,以及来自悉 尼、墨尔本、马来西亚、中国香港、中国台湾、中国澳门等地区的龙舟协会观摩团,西澳州政府、当地政府、商界、 媒体、社区等近三百名嘉宾应邀出席了开幕仪式并与当地民众共同观看了龙舟比赛。 首届“珀斯中华文化节”在西澳州政府和 B u r s w o o d 公园董事局的资金支持下,由 中华会馆主办,西澳龙舟协会、西澳中华总 商会、西澳福建同乡会、珀斯华星艺术团、 澳中传统文化发展促进会、西澳华人历史协 会、澳大利亚华人房产建筑协会、华语电影 协会、Telethon社区电影共同协办。


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

活动 伊始,开幕仪式在土著领袖 代 表 Barry McGuire主持的原住民传统欢迎仪 式Welcome to Countr y中开始,熊熊篝 火及舞蹈意味着欢迎大家来到澳洲这个多 元文化的大家庭 。西澳 州长 代 表、公民 兼 多元文化部部长、旅游部长Paul Papalia 先生,西澳 州反对党领袖 代 表、影子多元

文化部部长Tony Kr s ticevic先生,中国驻 珀 斯总领 馆 董 志 华 总领 事 等 嘉 宾 先 后 在 开幕式上发表了热情洋溢的致辞。他们纷 纷 在 致 辞 中 对 首届 珀 斯 中 华 文化节 的 举 办 表 示 热 烈 的 祝 贺,对 中 华 会 馆 传 承 中 华文化的努力表示肯定和赞扬。中华会馆 会长、珀斯中华文化节筹委会主 席丁少平



先 生 在 欢 迎 辞 中 感 谢 对 西 澳 州 政 府多 元

文化 部 和 B u r s w o o d 公 园 董 事 局 给 中 华 会馆提供机会主办这次活动,整场活动贯穿

着中国龙的元素,从水、陆、空全面展示给 游客。他希望本次文化节能够成为展示中华



澳风情的双向桥梁,为以多元文化著称的西 澳文化社区注入新的活力。



谊赛正式拉开帷幕。遵循古礼,由会馆请来 的高僧进行庄重的龙舟洒水祈福仪式,祈


们在祈福仪式后为龙舟进行点睛,点睛后 的龙舟栩栩如生、十分传神。在中华龙狮团



动,是一项民间传统体育运动。龙舟作为中 华文明的一种载体,承载着厚重的历史、人 文。龙舟不仅仅传承了中国传统文化,还蕴 含着团结、拼搏、进取的体育精神和理念。 通过龙舟竞渡的形式宣介中华文化有助于 增进两国民间友好,必将使双方人民对彼此 再增一层了解、再添一份友谊。来自中华会 馆龙舟队、Amazons Per th龙舟俱乐部、 Fremantle Swan龙舟俱乐部、The Lakers 龙 舟 俱 乐 部 、M a n d u r a h 龙 舟 俱 乐 部 、 Denmar k /Pir ates龙 舟 俱乐部 、Fur y 龙 舟俱乐部、Forze龙舟俱乐部、Cockburn 龙 舟 俱 乐 部 等 多支 队伍 受 邀 参 加 比 赛 。 随 号 令 一 响 ,在 队长 沈 峰 的 带 领 下 身 着 由 袁 氏 集 团 赞 助 的 紫 色中 华 龙 舟 队 服 的 队 员 们 在 铿 锵 有 力 的 鼓 声 指 挥 下,浆 手 起 浆 、划 桨 、收 浆 步 调 一 致 舵 手 掌 舵 、 奋力拼搏、同舟共济,在三轮龙舟友谊赛中 获得了第一名的好成绩。


珀斯中华文化节的活动内容丰富,全面 立体的展现中华文化,其亮点包括龙舟竞 渡、饮食文化摊位、旅美京剧艺术家京剧演 唱、中国画展、澳大利亚华人历史展、风筝 展、彩扎花灯与莲花灯晚会、烟花秀等。相 信参与者通过这个活动来亲身体验到悠久 而丰富的中华文化 。萌娃们也在活动中近 距离接触到中华传统艺术,感受到传统手 艺的制作乐趣,比如风筝互动彩绘制作、灯 笼、舞龙舞狮表演、手工纸伞、中国故事。 此外,中国画展以及澳大利亚华人历史展览 在活动期间悉数展出。一年一度的深受大 家喜爱的金考拉电影节也在文化节期间在 Buswood户外影院每天放映获奖华文电影, 所有收益将作为慈善捐赠给Telethon社区。

本 次文化节展示的很多传统文化 项目 在西澳大利亚尚属首次:例如河南开封清 明上河园李的吹糖人师傅“马大吹”,用面

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捏小人的 “马大捏”,全长70米,由56节组 成的中国龙风筝、“非物质文化遗 产”彩扎 花灯等。Burswood公园屹立着专为本次 文化节订制 的十二 生肖巨型 充气 灯笼,惟 妙 惟肖,栩 栩如生 。公园四周高挂的大 红 灯笼,喜庆的 红 灯笼阵,人群中穿 梭的舞 龙舞狮队伍,令人惊艳的传 统京剧演唱, 以及舞台上精彩纷呈的中国武术和舞蹈表 演,无不洋溢着浓 烈的 传 统 文化气氛 。相 信这将会成为珀斯另一个标志性的多元文 化庆典活动!


2019年5月18日晚,为期一周的首届“珀 斯中华文化节”活动在位于珀斯天鹅湖畔的 Burswood 公园圆满落幕。最后一天的活动


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

从上午九点一直持续到下午五点。上午九点 起,多个文艺团体已经如火如荼的开始在舞 台为群众们进行文化展示。文化展示及互动 内容包括风筝制作、面部彩绘、中国书法、 现场作画、福建民间传统艺术“妆糕人”技艺 展示、“非遗”传承人彩扎花灯、舞龙舞狮表 演、中国传统美食、民俗摊位、民乐、太极、 粤剧、歌舞表演等项目,通过舞台演出、技 艺展示等形式,积极展示了中国文化和饮食 的魅力,深得当地民众喜爱。当天,前来参 加文化节的游人络绎不绝。喜庆的锣鼓声打 出来浓浓的中华文化气氛,色彩斑斓的多姿 多彩的歌舞展示了中华民族文化的精彩!

下午六点整,闭幕典礼在西澳多元文化 部部长代表、州议员杨帅先生的讲话中开始 正式开始。

西 澳 多 元 文 化 部 部 长 代 表 、州 议 员 杨 帅 先 生 ,中 国 驻 珀 斯 总领 馆 董 志 华 总领 事,B u r s w o o d 公 园 董 事 局 主 席 B a r r y S a r g e a n t 先 生 、西 澳 多 元 文 化 部 部 长 高级政策顾问Said Padshah先生,西澳州 政府多元文化办公室代主任Kim Ellwood女 士、州政府体育兼文化部主任Duncan Ord先 生、中华会馆会长丁少平先生、中华会馆元 老会会长陈振发先生等八位嘉宾共同将美 丽的莲花灯放入天鹅湖中,以此来祈福人 们四季平安。夜色中的点点游动的莲花灯与 湖畔对岸的Optus体育场相映成趣,充分展 示珀斯独具特色的自然、人文旅游资源。晚 六点四十五分,演出现场红梅点点,一派浓 浓的演出气氛。



这场由珀斯华星艺术团张晓佳老师组 织,本次筹委会活文化表演总负责人张娟 妮精心策划的文艺演出。演出在中华会馆 会长、珀斯中华文化节筹委会主席丁少平先 生上台致闭幕辞中拉开了帷幕。本次文艺 演出以龙狮表演、歌舞、京剧、乐器、旗袍 秀、功夫、变脸、合唱等多元形式展现在观 众面前。由中华龙狮团、中华舞蹈团、中华 民乐团、澳大利亚木兰文化艺术协会、常志 丹舞蹈学院、周馆仁义堂以及周永军老师、 张晓佳老师、常志丹老师、刘瑞雪老师、张 军老师、何畅涵、倪一鸣、孜孜、王惠兰、美 国休斯敦华星艺术团副团长、京剧名角虞 晓梅老师等带来的一个又一个精心编排的

节目,让所有观众深深感受到中华 传统的魅力。最后,音乐会在来自中 华合唱团、艺声合唱团等多名团员带来 的“茉莉花”中落下帷幕。观众们在活动中 品小吃,赏民俗,观演出,享快乐,传祝福。 晚八点半,伴随着烟花的盛放,这场持续一 周的文化盛宴在观众们的欢呼声中圆满落 下帷幕。

感谢西澳州政府和Burswood公园董事局对本次活动的资金支持,感谢多元文化部(Office of Multicultural Interests)、 中国驻珀斯总领馆、Telethon社区、Crown集团的支持,感谢所有参与本次活动的社团和文艺演出团体,感谢主流媒体Channel 9 、West TV、FM94.5、FM92.9、The West Australian、新华网及华社媒体澳大利亚时报、东方邮报、环球商报、最西澳等的媒体支 持,感谢摄影摄像师的辛苦拍摄,感谢全体理事及办公室的组织协调以及义工、全体参与者对活动的贡献。 感谢摄影师马晓东、齐明、黎智威、谈铁璋提供照片

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Is it a happy journey being a parent?

有孩子快乐吗? Elvie YAP 叶俐廷 - Executive Editor 执行编辑

国一名著名行为科学教授Paul Dolan今年发布 的新书《Happy Ever After》中,依据他多年来 的研究发表了自己的看法:不婚且不生的女人是最快 乐的。 这个论点,无疑给许多单身贵族一个强而有力 的论据,同时也让不少已为人妻人母的女人感慨万 分。从小到大身边的女长辈都会灌输我们结婚生子是 女人必经之路。经历这一切的我,或许更希望自己的 两个女儿不用受这传统程式所束缚。

澳大利亚是一个讲究工作与生活取得平衡的国 家。一旦有了孩子,一对夫妻要平衡的不只是工作和 生活,还有家务和养育孩子的时间。美国一项由饮料 公司Welch所调查的报告显示,一个妈妈每周的平均 工作量高达98小时,相等于两份半的全职工作。

根据澳大利亚统计局的预测,丁克(没有孩子) 家庭类型将会成为澳大利亚最普遍的家庭类型,预 估2023年,澳大利亚无孩家庭数量会超越有孩子的 家庭。随着更多的女性崇尚生活自由,难怪澳大利亚 的出生率不断下滑。

结婚与否,生子与否,是个人和夫妻的选择。幸 运的是,生活在澳大利亚这个自由国度,无孩家庭固 然活得轻松自在,有孩子的家庭也有各种的政府福 利、社会服务来辅助。


well-known UK Behavioural Scientist, Professor Paul Dolan, indicated in his newly-released book, ‘Happy Ever After’, that unmarried women with no children are the happiest population subgroup. His point has presented a strong argument for many bachelorette to remain single. At the same time, it also leaves many mothers or wives with a tinge of emotion. Since young, we were told by many female elders that getting married and giving birth is part of the life journey of every woman. Having gone through this experience, perhaps I would love to see my two daughters not getting tied up by this so-called traditional life process. Australia is a country that strongly emphasises a work-life balance. However, for a family with young children, it is not only work and life, but also huge chores, time and responsibilities to raise children. A new American study from the beverage company, Welch, has found that the average mom works an astonishing 98 hours per week, the equivalent of 2.5 full-time jobs. The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates that a family with no children is becoming the most common family model, and most likely by 2023, there will be more people in a relationship living without children than families with kids. With the increasing number of women preferring more freedom in their lives, it is not surprising to see the decline in the birth rate. There is no doubt that we all have a choice of being an individual or a couple, being single or married, and having children or not. Fortunately, living in Australia gives its people the freedom and the right to make these choices. You can choose to be free and easy with no children in a household. There are also many government welfare and community services to support families that choose to have as many children as they wish.

Home is where I find peace in my heart! 主营 Core Business 商业投资移民教育留学等各类签证业务。 Business & investment visas, student visa and other types of visas. 我们的优势 What's Special • 商业投资移民受政策影响小,成功率高。 • 丰富的188和132签证申请,132签证1010表审核, 188转888签证经验。 • 与本地知名开发商和企业主长期合作。 • Business visas have high success rate and are least impacted by policy changes. • Experienced in 132 and 188-visa application, 132 Form 1010 Survey and 188 to 888 visa transition. • Have a long-term relationship with reputable local developers and business owners.


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

商业投资移民(132和188)好消息 现有少量适合132签证投资人的地产开发投资机会,以 及188转888签证的中小生意机会。欢迎咨询洽谈。 Opportunities for 132 and 188 Visa Holders: We are referring a few property development business opportunities to 132 visa holders, and small & medium business opportunities to 188 visa holders for 888-visa transition.



女王寿辰 张野博士太平绅士荣获OAM勋位勋章

Dr Edward Zhang JP Becames a Member of the Order of Australia on This Year’s Queen’s Birthday 文◎Yuan ZHANG 张园 | 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

一年的澳大利亚国庆日和女王生 日,澳大利亚政府都会为国家或 人类做出卓越贡献和突出服务的澳大 利亚公民或人士授勋,并颁发”澳大利 亚勋章”。今年是澳大利亚总督Peter Cosgrove爵士在卸任总督前最后一次 宣布授勋名单,1214名澳洲人获颁勋 章,其中13名为华人 。

西澳的华网传媒(ACT Media)董事长、 大华联会永久名誉会员、2009-2011年中华 会馆理事张野博士太平绅士荣获勋位勋章 (OAM勋衔)。

张野博士于1994年到西澳攻读博士学 位,毕业后留校任教,致力于中澳两国文化 教育领域的交流,帮助华人新移民在澳洲 安家落户,融入澳洲主流社会。张野博士于 1998年创办了《澳大利亚时报》。 多年来, 张野博士为帮助华人新移民落户和融入澳 大利亚做了大 量工作,从帮助新移民找 工 作、住房和学校,亲自上门提供认证和翻译 服务,到帮助遇到困难和问题的新移民和留 学生,不辞辛苦。张野博士还与华社一起组 织各种大型文化、体育和经济交流活动,为 促进澳中两国人民之间的文化交流、促进华 人社区的文化建设贡献了力量。 张野博士曾被澳大利亚联邦影子多元 文化与公民部长委任为“澳大利亚保护公民 权益大使”。目前张野博士受邀担任西澳州 政府多元文化顾问委员会委员并兼任西澳 州多元文化政策框架起草委员会委员,积极 投身澳洲特别是西澳多元文化社会的建设, 让华社的声音在政府政策中得到体现。

此次获颁OAM勋衔,张野博士表示,他 本人感到十分荣幸,这份荣誉是属于西澳所 有华人和新移民的,是澳大利亚政府对华人 为澳大利亚多元文化社会做出的积极贡献 的肯定。张野博士表示,虽然已近“从心所 欲不逾矩”的年龄,但会继续尽其所能为华 人社区和澳大利亚社会服务。


ach year during the Australia Day in January and the Queen’s Birthday in June, the Australian Government awards Australian citizens or individuals, who have made outstanding contributions and outstanding service to the country or nation, and confers the Member of the Order of Australia Medal. The Governor-General of Australia, Sir Peter Cosgrove, announced the honours list this year for the last time before leaving his role as the Governor-General. This year, a total of 1214 Australians were awarded OAM medals and 13 of them were Chinese. Dr Edward Ye ZHANG JP becames a member of the Order of Australia (OAM) for his meritorious contributions and voluntary service to the Chinese community of Western Australia. He is the Chairman of ACT Media of Western Australia, Lifetime Honorary Member of the Association of Australian Chinese Mainlanders and Friends Inc., and a member of the Executive Committee of Chung Wah Association in 2009 - 2011.

In 1994, Dr Zhang came to Western Australia to pursue his studies for a PhD degree. He worked as a lecturer after graduation. He has been actively facilitating cultural and educational exchanges between China and Australia. In 1988, Dr Zhang founded one of the earliest Chinese print media, the Australian Chinese Times. Over the years, Dr Zhang has done what he can to help new Chinese immigrants settling in and integrating into the Australian society, from helping new immigrants to seek jobs, housing and schools, to providing JP verification and translation services in person to their homes and helping to resolve the difficulties and issues faced by new immigrants and international students. In order to improve the mutual understanding between the mainstream society and the Chinese community, Dr Zhang has been working with the local Chinese community organisations for many years to organise various largescale cultural, sporting and economic exchange events. Dr Zhang was appointed as the ‘Ambassador for the Protection of Australian Citizen’s Interests’ by the Federal Shadow Minister of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship. He was invited to serve as a Member of the Ministerial Advisory Group of the Department of Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, as well as a member of the Multicultural Policy Framework Sub-Committee. He is actively involved in building

the multicultural society in Australia, especially in Western Australia, and making sure that the voices of the Chinese community is being heard by the Australian Governments.

Dr Zhang is honoured to be awarded the title of OAM. He indicates that this honour belongs to the Chinese Community and the new immigrants as a whole. It is a recognition of the efforts and contributions of the Chinese migrants towards the Australian multicultural society. Dr Zhang says that he is now at the advanced age, however it does not stop him from continuing to do his best to serve the Australian society and the Chinese community in Australia.

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家园 Home and Garden

Experienced volunteer cook for multiple non-profit organisations including Chung Wah.


多家非营利机构包括中华会馆 的义务厨师,烹饪经验丰富。

文/译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

冰皮月饼 Snowy Moon Cake Ingredients 材料 •

200gm icing sugar糖粉

250gm cold boiled water 凉开水

150gm glutinous-fried rice flour 加工糕粉 40gm olive oil 橄榄油

Fillings 馅料 •

400gm lotus paste 莲蓉

Method 做法

1. Roll the lotus paste tightly into a ball of 40gm each. Chill it in the fridge for 30 minutes. 2. Mix and sieve together icing sugar with glutinous-fried rice flour.

3. Add in water and oil, mix well. 4. Divide the dough into 70gm each.

5. Lightly dust hands with the glutinous-fried rice flour. Flatten the dough. Place the filling into the center of the dough. Wrap it up tightly.

1. 将莲蓉分成每个40克,捏成小球 状。放进冰箱冻30分钟 2. 混合糖粉和加工糕粉

3. 加入水和橄榄油,搅匀

4. 将糕粉团分成每个70克

5. 手抹些糕粉把每块70克的糕粉团 碾平,将冻过的球状莲蓉放倒粉 团中间,将其包裹起来搓圆 6. 接着压紧入月饼模型内定形,轻 轻敲出后直接食用或放进冰箱

6. Put in a floured moon cake mold. Tap and remove it to serve or chill it in the fridge. 1






*Food or natural colouring is optional 可以自由选择添加食物或天然颜料


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue



罗汉果冬瓜糖水 Luo Han Guo Dessert Ingredients 材料 A •

2kg shredded winter melon 冬瓜刨成幼丝

2 Luo Han Guo 罗汉果

150g dried longan 干龙眼 5 Litre water 水

Ingredients 材料B •

Method 做法

1. Place all ingredients A into a pot to boil for 40 minutes to 1 hour on low heat. 2. Add ingredients B and continue to cook for 20 minutes.

1. 将所有材料A 倒入锅煮沸,盖 上以慢火煮40分钟至一小时

2. 加入材料 B继续煮20分钟 3. 可当热饮或冻饮

3. Serve hot or cold.

1kg rock sugar 冰糖

300g brown sugar黄糖

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊冬季版 |




得年少时,父母曾用“胜不骄,败不馁” 和 “胜败乃兵家常事” 这两个中文谚语,来 激励当时对学业要求很高的我。我犹记当时面对失败时有多挫败(纵然现在偶尔还 是有难度!)。随着年龄的增长和经验的积累,我学会了有勇气坦然面对失败。若是我当时 轻易放弃努力,又或者爸妈为不想看到我掉泪,而人为地自我降低失败的可能,我可能就 学不了“失败是成功之母”的道理。 回顾个人阅历,借鉴儿童发展研究和“成长 思维”,我想与大家分享七个可能有助于帮助孩 子学会面对生活中不可避免的成功和失败的方 法和技能。

颜 宝 玉,教 育与精神发 展 心 理医师,2007年西澳大学心 理科硕士毕业,育有两位分别 两至五岁的孩子,有经验处理 儿 童、青少年 和成 人 所 面对 压力、抑郁、焦虑、担忧和愤 怒的问题 。热 衷于 帮助特 殊 儿童(如:自闭症、过度活跃 症和读写障碍)和其家人。

Poh is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist. She completed her master’s degree in psychology at UWA in 2007. Poh is a mother of two children aged two and five. She is experienced in working with children, teenagers and adults with stress, depression, anxiety, worries and anger. She is passionate about supporting children with special needs (e.g. autism, ADHD and dyslexia) and their families. 文/译◎Poh GAN 颜宝玉


(一)无 条 件地 爱。无 论 他们带回什么样的成 绩 单,又 或 者 他 们 是 否 是 充 满 热 情 地 运 动 健 将,都要充分地关注和给予时间与孩子建立联 系。让孩子知道成就不是吸引父母注意力和关 爱的方式。

(二)接受父母无法让孩子不流泪和感到心痛。 当您的孩子因未通过考试或未能通过体育评分 而感到懊恼时,作为父母的我们可能会觉得想 要擦去他们的眼泪,并让他们认知感觉更好(例 如,与老师交谈和/或解决他们的问题)。认可自 己想要解决或排除孩子不安的问题,但要避免让 这种想法掌控自己。退一步,深呼吸,细听孩子 的心声。让孩子去感受自己的诸多情绪。如果父 母觉得孩子感到心痛是不妥的,这样间接会给 孩子带来一个信息-----失败是不好的而且会使 人消极。 (三)将失 败 /错 误 /挫 折视 为学习的机会。孩 子们潜移默化地学习着我们的心态改变。如果我 们以欢庆成功的方式来面对错误和挫折,我们的 孩子会发现错误是被允许的,这也是一个持续学 习过程中的一部分。如果没有这些挫折或错误, 我们将无法更正我们的策略并反思如何改进自 己。如果您的孩子因为挫折而感到不安时,那就 把它当成加强他“成长思维”的机会。再接受并 反映他/她的感受之后,问: “你从这个错误/挫折 中学到了什么?” (四)专 注于 赞 扬 孩子的努力。改进和克服学 习障碍的能力。不要仅仅因为成功而赞扬孩子。 这可能使他们认为成功是唯一需要努力的事情 而其他事情是不可接受的。赞美他们愿意尝试。

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

表扬他们的勇气。告诉孩子父母爱看到孩子如 何自己解决问题,并可以从错误中吸取教训。告 诉他们关键不在胜负,而是享受当中的乐趣和学 习。 (五)不 要 将您的孩子与他 人 进 行比 较,并鼓 励您的孩子专注于自己的进步和个人的最佳状 态。我们的人类思维容易被困在与他人的比较当 中。结果,如果我们比别人差,我们会对自己感 到沮丧;如果我们相较别人好些,我们会变得骄 傲。我们的孩子没必要进行此类不健康的比较。 鼓励他们追求个人最佳表现,并与他们昨天的自 我比较。如果他们不能掌握某技能,他们是“尚 未能”掌握某技能。

(六)谈论大脑发育, “成长”与“固定思维”, 您自己的挫折和失败,以及您如何从失败中越战 越勇。正如脑神经学科研证明的那样,我们的大 脑依赖于经验。我们越努力练习某些技能,我们 就会变得越好。我们的能力并不是固定或与生俱 来的。与您的孩子一起上网搜索这些概念,并一 起学习将它们付诸实践。举例,我的孩子正在学 习篮球。他很容易感到沮丧并想放弃。我们用谷 歌搜索并观看了迈克尔乔丹的Youtube视频,看 看他是如何看待成功和失败的。分享您的个人经 历也有助于正常化生活中的得与失。孩子们喜欢 听我们的故事!

(七)示范并支 持自我 慈 悲和自我 照 顾 。如果 我们真正发挥“败不馁”的精神,我们还需要在 行动中展示我们如何以自我慈悲和勇气再次站 起 来 。帮助孩子识 别消极的自我 对 话,并问孩 子, “如果你的好朋友测验不及格,您会说出类 似的话吗?”也许不会。身体力行的教导您的孩 子,您可以善待自己,在碰到挫折时能照顾自己。 以积极的肯定支持您的孩子。据我们所知,父母 的声音将成为孩子内心的自我对话!



How to support our children to deal with success and failure?


hen I was young, I remember my parents telling me the Chinese idioms, “No arrogance in victory, no despair in defeat” and “Victory or defeat is common in military operations”, in the spirit of supporting me, who was a high achiever academically. I remember how hard it was back then (and still is at times) to deal with failure. With time and the experience of growing up, I learnt to have the courage to deal with failure and understood that it is okay to fail. I would not have known that if I were to give up trying, or if my parents had decided to cushion my future for me to avoid seeing my tears. Reflecting on personal experience and drawing on the research in childhood development and the ‘growth mindset’, I would like to share with you seven tips that may help to support your child to learn to deal with success and failure, that are unavoidable in life.

1. Love unconditionally. Give plenty of attention and time for connection with your child, no matter what test results they bring home, or whether or not they are an elite and passionate sports player. Let your child know that achievement is NOT the way to secure your attention or affection to them. 2. Accept that you can’t protect your child from tears and heartache. When

your child is upset from failing a test or failing the grading in sports, we as parents may feel like we want to take away their tears and make them feel better straight away (e.g. by talking to the teacher and/or problem solve for them). Acknowledge your need to problem solve or push away their discomfort, but do not let it take over. Take a step back, breathe and listen to your child. Allow them to feel whatever emotions they may have. If you do not feel comfortable with their heartache, it sends a message to them that failure is bad and debilitating.

3. View failure/mistake/setback as an opportunity to learn. Children learn

consciously and unconsciously from our mindset. If we celebrate mistakes and

setbacks the same way as we celebrate success, our children would see that mistakes are okay and this is all part of an ongoing process of learning. Without these setbacks or mistakes, we would not be able to revise our strategies and reflect on how we can improve ourselves. When your child is upset because he or she has a setback, take that as a time to strengthen his or her growth mindset. After acknowledging and reflecting his or her feelings, ask, “What did you learn from this mistake/setback?”.

4. Focus on praising your child’s effort, improvement and overcoming a hurdle in learning. Do not praise your child for achievement only. This may set them up to think that achievement is the only thing to strive for and that other things are unacceptable. Praise them for their willingness to give it a go. Praise them for courage. Tell them how you love that they are problem solving and learning from mistakes. Tell them that it is not about winning and losing. It is about having fun and learning.

5. Stop comparing your child with others

and encourage your child to focus on his/ her own progress and personal best. Our human mind gets easily trapped into making comparisons with others. As a result, we can get frustrated with ourselves if we are worse off and get arrogant if we are better off. These are unhealthy and unnecessary comparisons that our children do not need. Encourage them to strive

for personal best and compare to their yesterday selves. If they cannot master the skills, they cannot master the skills ‘YET’.

6. Talk about brain development and growth vs fixed mindset, your own

setback and failure, and how you return stronger from failure. As neurological research has demonstrated, our brain is experience-dependent. The more we try and practise certain skills, the better we will become at them. Our abilities are not fixed. Google these concepts together with your child and learn to put them into practice together. For example, my child is learning basketball. He gets frustrated easily and wants to give up. We googled and watched YouTube videos of Michael Jordan together to see how he viewed success and failure. Sharing your personal experience is also very important to normalise the gain and loss in life. Children love to hear our story!

7. Model and support self-compassion and self-care. If we truly embrace the spirit of “no despair in defeat”, we also need to show how to stand back up again with self-compassion and courage in our action. Help your child to identify the negative self-talk and ask your child, “Would you say things like that if your best friend failed the test?”. Maybe not. Teach and show your child that you can be kind to yourself and look after yourself in times of setbacks. Support your child with positive affirmations. For what we know, our voices are going to be the voices in their head.

Reference 参考资料

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊冬季版 |



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Chung Wah Members Discount Scheme 中华会员优惠计划

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向中华会馆会员拓展您的商务,只须提供特别优惠给我们的会员 比如介于5% 至25%的商品或服务折扣,或其他类似优惠。

For further enquiries, please contact Chung Wah Association | 若想进一步咨询,可联系中华会馆

Ph 座机 9328 8657 | Mb 手机 0450 160 128 | Em 电邮

Name of Business

Retail Outlets

Special Offer

Unit 9 / 26 River Road, Bayswater WA 6053

Juice Station

Shop 48, London Court, 647 - 651 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000

10% Off

Zambrero Northbridge

128A James Street, Northbridge

10% Off Food and Beverage

Arirang Australia

Happy Union Restaurant Bunga Raya Satay Chinese BBQ Noodle House Han Palace Chinese Restaurant Old Shanghai Hongkong Dim Sum Honey In the Garden

Shop 1 Somerville Shopping Centre, Cr Le Souef and McMahon Way, Kardinya

Food truck trade at various Market Places Inside Old Shanghai Food Court, 123 James Street, Northbridge

73 - 75 Bennett Street, East Perth Shop 7, Old Shangai Food Court, 123 James Street, Northbridge

Shop online: Reference Code: MAF

Free cold pressed juice worth $6.90 + Free Orange Juice Worth $5.00 with all purchase over $30.00

12% Off

$1 Discount for transaction of above $10.00 20% Off 5% Off 5% Off 20% Discount for purchases over $100.00

Red Rooster, Northbridge

130 James Street, Northbridge

10% Off

Northbridge Chinese Restaurant

26 Roe Street, Northbridge

Free tea at Dim Sum Lunch and Dinner

Miss Maud

97 Murray Street, Perth

Good Fortune Roast Duck House 德兴烧鸭店 Hong Lin Chinese Restaurant and Take Away Food 康年饭店

354 William Street, Perth 884 Albany Hwy East, Victoria Park

Unit 3 / 337 Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill WA 6163 Tel: 93377270 | Open 7 Days Lunch: Wed - Fri 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM Dinner: Mon - Sun 4:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Shop online: PROMO code: CHUNGWAH

Morish Nuts

Swan Valley: 640 Great Northern Highway, Herne Hill Watertown Perth: 33A / 840 Wellington Street, West Perth Fremantle Market: Stall #99, Henderson Street, Fremantle

Aus World Travel

109 James Street, Northbridge 113 Collins Road, Willetton 15 Hulme Court, Myaree

Lex Legal Barristers & Solicitors, Notary Public

Level 3, 231 Adelaide Terrace, Perth

Stanbond Security Anubis Dermal Clinic

Isabel CHAN Family Photo Specialist Imperial Finance, Linda LAI

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50 Forest Crescent, Thornlie

Mob: 0449 839 020 Email: Mob: 0421 888 689 Email:

10% on food (Restaurant, Pastry Shop and Hotel, does not include catering) 5% Discount on Dine in only 20% Off Online - Spend over $50 (including postage) to get $5 Off

In Store - Spend over $35 to get $5 Off

The above offers on full price Morish Nuts products only and it’s not to be used with the conjunction with any other offers.

20% Discount for travel insurance airline and travel agents gifts item per membership in conjunction with international airfare purchase Free 30 minutes initial legal consultation. Discount for all property and business settlement. 10% Off all quotes

20% Off any treatment 10% Off

(Not for discounted packages, T&C applies)

Free 15-30 minutes consultation


Remembering the Past, Building the Future

铭记过去,建设未来 文◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷 | 译◎Lingkun FANG 方凌坤

“When World War One was declared in 1914, Australia rallied behind the Allied efforts. More than 330,000 mobilised personnel were called to action, of which, a small proportion were Australians of Chinese descent. Billy Sing, Caleb Shang and Hunter Poon are some of the wellknown Chinese-Australians who served in the frontline. Other stories remain untold.” ---- Chinese Museum in Melbourne.

At the inaugural Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival held between 12 to 18 May this year, a remarkable Chinese ANZAC Exhibition was opened for public viewing. With the support of the Western Australian Government and Chung Wah Association, this exhibition was organised by the newly established Western Australia Chinese Historical Society Inc., founded by Dr Eric Tan, a life member of Chung Wah Association. The objectives of the Historical Society are to collect and study the stories and objects of the Chinese community from a historical and heritage perspective; to communicate the lessons thus learned to the younger generation and to the community at large; to contribute to the historical studies regarding the migrant communities in Australia so that there is better mutual understanding among the people; to pay respect to those who came before us; and to recognise their contribution to this land. The exhibition materials included dozens of displayed boards of stories and information collected by the Chinese Museum in Melbourne, having also researched the untold stories of Chinese-Australian war contributions both at home and abroad. Both Chung Wah Association and the Western Australia Chinese Historical Society Inc. were very pleased to take this opportunity to host the exhibition for thousands of local residents and overseas tourists, as well as media representatives. Reference 资料来源:

They joined us for a commemoration to acknowledge and thank the contributions of our Chinese ANZACs in WW1 and unfold the dust-laden stories of the many heroic diggers who served in the frontline. Under Australia’s 1909 Defence Act, “those who are not substantially of European origin or descent” were blocked from active service. The Chinese ANZACs who fought for Australia in WW1 had to fight racism first. While the recruitment policies at the time were racially discriminatory, the Chinese-Australians were able to serve and won the acceptance and respect of their fellow soldiers. Chinese ANZACs bring to light the stories of these young men who were willing to sacrifice their lives for the freedom and privileges they enjoyed as Australians. One of the outstanding Chinese ANZACs, Billy Sing, earned the nicknames “The Murderer” and “The Assassin” as a deadly Australian sniper who shot more than 200 Ottoman troops during the Gallipoli campaign in WW1.


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

Sing was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal, an honour second only to the Victoria Cross, in 1916. Unfortunately, he lived alone and died in relative poverty and obscurity. Of the 416,809 Australians who enlisted, more than 1,000 were Aborigines while about 400 were estimated to be of Chinese descent. The Australian War Memorial has identified about 50 indigenous people who served on the Gallipoli battlefield. Chung Wah Association and Western Australia Chinese Historical Society will continue to bring you projects that highlight the importance of remembrance and show how the fragility of memory preserves the past and brings with it the hope of a better future.




力下团结起来。超过330,000名国民被要求采取行动,其 中一小部分是中国血统的澳大利亚人。Billy Sing,Caleb Shang和Hunter Poon是几位在前线服务的著名的澳大利 亚华裔。他们中的其他故事仍然不为人知。”

年5月12日至18日举行的首届珀 斯中华文化节,一场精彩的华裔 ANZAC展览开幕供公众观赏。在西澳 大利亚州政府和中华会馆的支持下,本 次展览由新成立的西澳华人历史协会 组织,由中华会馆终身会员陈继志医生 创办。

华人 历史协会的宗旨是从历史和遗产 的角度收集和研究华人社区的故事和对象; 将所学的课程传达给年轻一代和整个社区; 为澳大利亚移民社区的历史研究做出贡献, 使人民之间有更好的相互了解; 尊重那些 先于我们来此的人;并承认他们对这片土地 的贡献。 展览材料包括由墨尔本中国博物馆收 集的数十个故事和信息板,还研究了澳大利 亚华裔在国内外战争中所贡献的不为人知 的故事。


中华会馆和西澳华人历史学会都非常 高兴借此机会为数千名当地居民和海外游 客以及媒体代表举办展览。加入我们的纪 念,以表彰和感谢我们华裔军人在第一次世 界大战中的贡献,并展示了在前线服役的许 多英雄挖掘者的尘封故事。 根据澳 大利亚1909年的“ 国防法”, “那些基本上不属于欧洲血统或血统的人” 被 禁止参加现役。在第一次世界大战中为 澳大利亚而战的华裔们不得不先解决种族 问题。

虽然当时的招聘政策具有种族歧视性, 但华裔澳大利亚人能够服务并赢得同胞士 兵的接受和尊重。 华裔在澳新军团的事迹揭示了这些年 轻人的故事,他们愿意为了他们作为澳大利 亚人享有的自由和特权而牺牲自己的生命。

其中一位杰出的华裔澳新军团军 人,Billy Sing,赢得了绰号“凶手”和“刺 客 ”作为一名致 命的 澳 大 利亚狙击手,在 第一次世界大战期间在加里波利战役期间 射杀了200多名奥斯曼军队。 Sing于1916 年被授予杰出行为奖章,仅次于维多利亚 十字勋 章 。不幸的是,他 独自生 活并 在 相 对贫困和默默无闻中死去。 在入伍的416,809名澳大利亚人中,有 1000多人是原住民,而估计约有400人有华 裔血统。澳大利亚战争纪念馆只确认了大约 50名在加里波利战场上服役的土著人。

中华会馆和西澳中国历史协会将继续 为您提供特殊纪念的重要性的活动,并展示 记忆的脆弱性和如何铭记过去,展望美好充 满希望的未来。



一个妳可以自豪的家 A place to call home

Concorde’s multicultural staff and resident population provide a supportive and familiar environment for our Chinese residents. • Residential aged care • Respite care • Dementia support • 24-hour nursing care • Large community of Asian residents • Bilingual carers

• Cultural activity program • Daily Asian meals • No accommodation bond • Centrally located in South Perth

We welcome you to contact us on 9367 6 7559 for further information or to arrange a tour. Concorde Aged Care Home 25 Anstey Street South Perth WA 6151 Email: Web:

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊冬季版 |



Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动 Activities 活动

Time 时间

Location 地点

Fee 收费

Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Sunday 周日

2:00pm - 5:00pm

$10 for members 会员

Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐

Sunday 周日

11:00am - 2:00pm

Per term每学期 $50

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Wednesday 周三

12:00pm - 3:00pm

Beijing Opera 京剧社

Sunday 周日

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Free (members only) 免费,仅限会员

Women’s Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Thursday 周四

1:00pm - 3:00pm

$1 for members 会员

Chung Wah Choir 中华合唱团

Sunday 周日

2:15pm - 4:15pm

Line Dancing 排排舞

Saturday 周六

11:30am -3:30pm

Chung Wah New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞

Sunday 周日

Dragon and Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Table Tennis Club 中华乒乓球俱乐部


Day 日期

Saturday 周六

Sunday 周日

Wednesday 周三 Sunday 周日

Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 128 James Street, Northbridge

9:00am - 2:00pm

Salvation Army 救世军总部 333 William Street, Northbridge

(Beginner 11:30am - 12:30pm)

10:00am -12:00pm

Chung Wah 1:30pm - 3:30pm Cultural Centre 巴卡达中心 6:00pm -9:00pm 4:00pm -8:00pm

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Each class 每堂课 $10 for members 会员 $16 for non-members 非会员

Free (members only) 免费,仅限会员

Please contact the Coordinator for more information. Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Contact 联系人

Jen Nie CHONG 08 9328 8657

Ben LIM 0424 153 838

Teresa TAN 08 9328 8657 Annie WONG 08 9328 8657 Baohe LIU 08 9328 8657 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572

Trinh QUACH 0423 587 653 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572 Doreen CHIN


Leonard KHO 0411 745 285 Dong NHAN 0403 509 052

$5 for members 会员 $7 for non-members 非会员

May KE 0434 148 590 Maya 0435 425 898



Chung Wah Services 中华服务 Activities 活动

Day Long Respite Care 中华日间暂息中心

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Day 日期

Monday to Friday 周一至周五

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

Time 时间

9:00am - 6:00pm 9:00am - 2:00pm

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划 Migrant English Class 英文学习班 Tai Chi Class 太极班

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms) 周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Wednesday (Northbridge) Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

10:30am - 12:00pm

10:00am - 11:30am

11:00am - 12:00pm

周四、五 (威乐顿)

Monthly 每月一次

Contact 联系人

Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care staff for more details

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,98 Lake Street, Northbridge Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit 2,98 Lake Street, Northbridge Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Monthly 每月一次

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Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming 中华黎明中文学校 【亲爱的自己】

你好!我是你七年级的自己。 你要好好努力地准 备考ATAR。 我想感谢你给自己机会考ATAR。 我明白有时候你会生气,无助还有紧张。 可是我 想鼓励 你,你可以 做到的 。我明白 你的感 受, 因为我 考试的时候也是会紧张,觉得压力很大的。 不要忘记你的理想是上大学,读你喜欢的课程。 不要放 弃,好好读 书,你就一 定可以 做到的! 我相信 你会成为一个成功的人。 谢谢你,我是七年级的你。


HSK班 叶俐恩


七年级 佘思贤

十年级 许嘉宁

今天是我在中文学校的第一天。 个角 妈妈,弟弟和我一起走进了新的中文学校。学校里人山人海。在学校的一 白纸上写着同学们的名字, 落,我看到有些家长围绕着一些贴在墙壁上的布告白纸。 声音在叫我的 告诉他们应该去哪间教室。我想要走近一看,突然听到了一个熟悉的 的中文学校,友 名字。我转身一看,原来是我的好朋友凯菱。我和凯菱一起上了四年 。凯菱比我早 情也是从那时候开始的。我们去年决定一起换校,换到这间中文学校 这里也 平日里, 级的课室。 到我们九年 我们一起走 个班。 们是在哪一 到,已经查出我 就是她的学校,所以她会比我熟悉这里的环境。 教室给我 走进课室的时候,凯菱对她的朋友打了招呼就和她一起坐在第一排。 旁边。桌子看 一种不舒服的感觉。课室全是我不熟悉的脸。我走了进去,坐在凯菱的 上一直转着,让 起来像我学校的桌子,下面都粘满了口香糖,好恶心啊。电扇在我头 课文时,我 我感到有点冷。开始上课文前,老师和学生们一起约法三章。我们开始学 外面传出许多 到了, 十一点半 了。 这样过去 着堂课就 。 经学过了 东西我已 发现很多 我们是不是要 小孩子的声音。下课了,我和凯菱一边走一边说“这班好像太容易了, 的想 跟妈妈说要换班呢?”从远处,我们看到了自己的妈妈,连忙对她们说出了我们 法。 情况。 之后,我们到了 学校的办 公室。在那儿两 位妈妈和 副校长谈 了我们的 我在Ross等妈妈时,我看到了金老师。我心想“他怎么到这里来教书呢?”金老师是 年不会 moyne一直以来的中文老师,直到去年 。去年年底,他告诉所有的同学他今 。这位新 在Rossmoyne教书了。他还跟我们说,一位比他年轻的台湾老师会代替他 虽然 老师叫王老师。她不只会中文和英文,还会日本语,真的好了不起。这位王老师 平。 严了点,有时候还会有点可怕,但是她能把连最差的学生提高到一个不错的水 公室通 后来副校长说,下个礼拜来学校时,如果想要换到十年级的班就先到办 妈妈,弟弟和我一起走回 然后,我和凯菱就分开了。 知一声,再把我们带到新的课室。 这就是我在中文学校的第一天。 到停车场。 我 生字。 今年,我希望能进一步提高我的中文水平,扩展我的知识,认识多一些 希望今年能够多读一些小说。

节日,人们非常重视。 春节是一个中国传统的热闹 ,也 ”,因为它是在农历的正月初一 “过年 叫做 节日 这个 民间也把 ”,因为它在冬末春初。 “春节 它叫 也把 人们 。 一天 就是农历新年的第 ,买年货, 各样的传统习俗:打扫门户 春节的时候,中国人有各种 贴窗花,挂年画和写春联。 多的 带来好运 。人们蒸年糕还做很 有人在门上贴上“福”字,希望 食品。 围坐在 人团聚的时刻 。守夜是一家人 “除夕”是春节的前夜,是家 来。 的到 新年 等待 饭, 年夜 顿丰富的 一起,直到天亮的时候,吃一 说一些 ,看朋友。他们互相拜年,大家 从初一开始,人们走访亲戚 ”,象征可以压住邪 岁钱 们“压 孩子 人给 有大 。 祝愿幸福,健康的吉祥话 崇,因为“岁”和“祟”谐音。 和舞狮据说可以驱妖除魔。 春节活动比如放爆竹,舞龙 要的节日, 人重 是华 永远 对我来说,春节 是庆祝团聚和欢乐的时间。


十年级 郑凯菱 我来到中华中文学校的第一天是今 年开学的第一个星期六 【二月九日】。 我不 感到 陌生,因为 我有 些很 好的 朋友 也是 跟我 一样 从别 的中文学校转到这里来的。 我本身也是在Leeming这间学校上学 的,所以我清楚知道这间学校的教室。 来到 学校 的时 候,我和 我妹 妹还 有我 妈妈 就去 办公 室外 面 的布告板上找我们的教室。然后我们 就等嘉宁来。等了一会儿我 就看到我学校的朋友。刚好我们也是 在同一班,我们就一起等嘉 宁。嘉宁到的时候我们就一起来到了 我们的课室。我们找了位子 一起坐。坐下后我就把嘉宁介绍了给 我朋友“慧敏”,他们因为了 一篇漫画变成了朋友。 在课 堂上 我们 做了 许多 活动,像读 课文,写生 字等 。可是 我 觉得八和九年级的课很容易,嘉宁 也是觉得很容易。所以下课的 时候,我们都要求了我们的妈妈给 我们上十年级的课 。这就是我 在中文学校的第一天,这也是我们怎 么来到了十年级。 我来 到中 文学 校的 目的 是想 提高 我的 中文 水平,认识 多一 点生字,读多一点书,看得懂多一些 新闻,听得懂多一些歌。认识 多一点字就能加强我们的知识,加强我 们的中文能力让我们表达 的能力及吸收能力同步提高。

Chung Wah Chinese School Morley



| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue



Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校

Chung Wah Chinese School Perth


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文◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷 译◎Lingkun FANG 方凌坤

Allergic Eczema 过敏性湿疹


lmost 20 percent of Australians suffer from an allergy and that number is on the rise. Eczema is a common allergic skin disease. Weighing in at around 4kg and measuring about 2m2, our skin is our largest organ.

乎20%的澳大利亚人患有过敏症,这个数字正在上升, 湿疹是一种常见的过敏性皮肤病。我们的皮肤重约四 公斤,约两平方米,是我们最大的器官。

Allergic eczema is an itchy skin rash that develops when you come into contact with an allergen. The condition often occurs hours after you have been exposed to the substance that triggered the allergic reaction. Dermatologists say Australia has one of the highest incidences of eczema in the world. They put this down to a number of factors, including climate, lifestyle, hygiene and genetics.

“In Australia, up to one in four children develop eczema before the age of two. The corresponding figure 50 years ago was less than 10 per cent”, said paediatric dermatologist, Dr John Su. A study from the Murdoch Children Research Institute has found that those with a family history of eczema are twice as likely to have eczema as those without and children born to Asian parents have the highest odds of developing eczema in Australia. The researchers also found that 80% of male infants, with parents born in East Asia who also had a history of allergic disease, developed eczema by age one. 30

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

Types of Eczema


Atopic Dermatitis

Eczema can be well controlled at home in most children by identifying and avoiding triggers. Some strategies shared by the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne are as follows:

This is the most common form and the one most people are referring to when they are talking about eczema. It commonly develops in childhood, runs in families and often occurs in those who also suffer from asthma and hayfever. With this type, dry, scaly, red and itchy patchers can appear on the face, scalp, hands and feet, in the crooks of the elbows and behind the knees.

Dyshidrotic Eczema

A) Avoid things that irritate the skin Some common things that can irritate the skin include dummies, dribbling or food around the mouth, detergents, soaps, bubble baths, antiseptic washes, and environmental allergens such as pollen and dust mites.

This type sees itchy, fluid-filled blisters develop under the skin and usually strikes the sides of the fingers, palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Patches of flake, red skin form and become thick and cracked over time.

B) Keep the skin moisturised

Nummular Eczema

Heat is the most common trigger for eczema. You can keep your child cool by dressing them in one or two thin layers of cotton clothing. Keep your house below 20°C during the day and keep your child’s room at or below 15°C overnight. The water temperature to bathe your child should not be hotter than 30°C.

Also known as nummular dermatitis or discoid eczema, this type is marked by round or oval areas of inflamed skin that may appear red, pink or brown, may or may not be itchy, and can be dry and scaly or wet and open. It can look a bit like ringworm and usually occurs on the arms and legs. This type of eczema is more common among older men, people with dry skin and those with poor circulation. It can be triggered by certain medications, such as topical antibiotics, and new patches can form where there have been skin injuries, such as insect bites.

A thick, plain moisturiser with no fragrance should be used as often as necessary on your child.

C) Keep your child cool



过 敏性湿 疹 是 一 种皮 肤发 痒的皮 疹,当您接 触 过 敏 原 后 会出现 这种皮 疹。这种情况通常发生在您接触引发过 敏反应的物质几小时后.

皮肤科医生表示,澳大利亚是世界 上湿疹发病率最高的国家之一。他们把 这归结为许多因素,包括气候、生活方 式、卫生和遗传性等原因。

“在澳大利亚,四分之一的儿童中在两岁前患上湿疹。50年 前的相应数字不到10%,”儿科皮肤科医生John SU阐述道。 默多克儿童研究机构的一项研究发现,有湿疹家族史的人患湿疹的可能性是没有湿疹 的人的两倍,亚裔父母所生的孩子在澳大利亚患湿疹的可能性最高。研究人员还发现,父 母有过敏性病史且出生在东亚国家的话,他们的男性婴儿80%会在一岁前就患有湿疹。

湿疹的类型 异位性湿疹

这是最常见的湿疹,也是大多数人在谈 论湿疹时所指的类型。它通常在儿童时期发 展,常见在家庭中发生,并且一般患有哮喘 和花粉症的人也是此症的受害者。对于这种 类型,患者的皮肤会出现干燥、鳞片、发红 和发痒的片状,尤其是在脸部、头皮、手和 脚,肘部的弯曲处和膝盖背面。


D) Control your child’s itching Scratching makes the eczema worse and can cause infection. You may try some of these methods: • Apply a soft, cool, wet towel to the itchy area for immediate relief, and leave on for 5–10 minutes. Remove the towel and apply a thick layer of moisturiser. • Use a mineral salt spray (available at pharmacies) for immediate relief of itch. • Distract your child when they are scratching. • Keep your child’s fingernails short and clean.

E) Eczema and Diet Most children with eczema do not have any reactions to food. It is important not to restrict your child’s diet unless you have been advised to do so by a doctor, allergist or dietitian. An allergist may choose to test your child to confirm any food allergies. According to a national non-profit organisation, the Eczema Association of Australasia Inc., eczema affects all ages, but it usually appears in early childhood (in babies between two-to-six months of age) and disappears around six years of age. Most children grow out of the condition, but a small percentage may experience severe eczema into adulthood. This year, the organisation will be having the Eczema Awareness Day on Monday, 2nd September 2019.

这种类型常见于发痒,长出水疱的皮肤 出现恶化的状况,并且首当其冲的是手指、 手掌和脚掌的两侧。皮肤上发痒发红的片 状逐渐变扩散变厚继而破裂。


也称为钱币状皮炎或盘状湿疹。这种类 型的特征是发炎皮肤,出现圆形或椭圆形 区域,可能呈现红色、粉红色或棕色,或痒 或不痒,并且可以是干燥和鳞片状或湿润和 开放的。它看起来有点像癣,通常发生在手 臂和腿上。这种类型的湿疹在老年男性,皮 肤干燥和血液循环不良的人群中更为常见。 它可以通过某些药物(例如局部抗生素)触 发,并且可能会在损伤上的皮肤形成新的斑 块,例如昆虫叮咬。

预防措施 通过识别和避免触发,大多数儿童可以 在家中很好地控制湿疹。墨尔本皇家儿童医 院共享的一些策略如下:

一. 避免刺激皮肤的东西

一些可以刺激皮肤的常见事物包括玩 偶、运球或嘴周围的食物,洗涤剂、肥皂、 泡泡浴、防腐剂、洗涤剂、环境过敏原,如: 花粉、尘螨。

二. 保持皮肤湿润

如果您的孩子需要,应该经常使用相对 较厚的普通保湿霜,不含香料。

三. 让孩子保持凉爽

热是湿疹最常见的诱因。您可以帮孩子 穿上一件或两件薄薄的棉质衣服,让您的孩 子保持凉爽。在白天将您的房子保持在温度 20°C以下,让您的孩子的房间维持在15°C 或以下。给孩子洗澡的水温不应高于30°C。

四. 控制孩子的瘙痒

划伤会使湿疹恶化并导致感染。您可以 尝试其中一些方法

• 将柔软、凉爽、湿润的毛巾敷在发痒的部 位,立即缓解,并保持5-10分钟。取下毛 巾,涂一层厚厚的保湿霜。 • 使用矿物盐雾(药剂店有供)立即缓解瘙 痒。 • 在孩子刮擦时分散注意力。 • 保持孩子的指甲短而干净。

五. 湿疹和饮食

大多数患有湿疹的儿童对食物没有任 何反应。除非医生、过敏症专科医生或营养 师建议您这样做,否则不要限制孩子的饮 食。过敏症专科医生可能会选择测试您的孩 子以确认任何食物过敏。 根据一个全国性的非营利组织澳大利 亚湿疹协会指出,湿疹影响所有年龄段,但 它通常出现在儿童早期(两至六个月大的婴 儿),并在六岁左右消失。大多数儿童都会 长出这种状况,但 是一小部分儿童可能会 在成年期经历严重的湿疹。今年该组织将 2019年9月2日星期一订为湿疹意识日。

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What is eczema?

疹是一种慢性(持 续或复 发 )皮 肤 炎 症 。患有湿 疹 的人 皮 肤 过 敏 和干 燥 。瘙 痒 和 刮 擦也可能导致 皮 肤的 损伤和 炎 症 。虽 然 没 有治 愈 湿 疹 的 方 法,但有一些治疗方法可以减轻 症状并防止发作。

什么是湿疹? Joey Fung - A registered pharmacist with seven years working experience 冯玮琪 - 拥有七年工作经验的注册药剂师


czema is a type of chronic (ongoing or recurrent) skin inflammation. People with eczema have irritable and dry skin. Itching and scratching may also contribute to the damage and inflammation of the skin. While there is no cure for eczema, there are some treatments that can reduce symptoms and prevent flare-ups.

Treatment of eczema 1. Protect your skin by applying moisturiser every day It is one of the easiest and most important measures in protecting your skin barrier, preventing itching and scratching, as well as reducing eczema flare-ups. Frequent use of moisturiser throughout the day will keep the skin soft and supple. For very dry skin, moisturise at least twice a day all over the skin and avoid moisturisers that contain preservatives and perfumes which can irritate the skin. Apply moisturiser within 3 minutes after bath and shower to lock in the moisture.

2. Treat flare-ups by using creams or ointments prescribed by your doctor. Creams or ointments containing corticosteroid are the most commonly used treatments for exacerbations (flareups) of eczema. Steroid preparations are very effective and safe when used correctly, it helps to relieve itching by reducing inflammation in your skin. Corticosteroids should be applied to the entire area of skin that is inflamed during an eczema flare-up. Short term use of steroids to treat inflamed eczema is generally safe. Apply steroids by using the ‘fingertip’ unit guide (from the end of the finger to the first crease), this is enough to cover an area the size of two adult hands laid flat with fingers together. REFERENCE 资料来源:

1. 2. 3. 4.


3. Control itching by using a cold compress for the affected area and antihistamines. Cold compresses, coal/pine tar preparations and oatmeal bath additives may help to relieve itchy skin. Sedating antihistamines are occasionally recommended to relieve itching that is disrupting sleep and they should be taken at night.

4. Soap substitutes for people with eczema. Normal soap can further dry out your skin and it should be avoided. Emollient soap substitutes are recommended as they do not foam but are just as effective at cleaning the skin as soap. Soap substitutes can either be applied before showering or washing, bathing or while in the water. Having long, hot showers can cause eczema to flare up. Hence, having shorter or less frequent baths/showers can help treat dry skin.

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue


治疗湿疹 1)保护皮肤:

每天使用润肤霜; 它是保护皮肤 的屏障,防止瘙痒和刮伤,以及减少 湿疹发作的最简单和最重要的措施 之一。经常使 用润肤霜可以确保全 天保持皮肤柔软。对于非常干燥的 皮肤,每天至少在皮肤上涂搽两次, 并避免使用含有防腐剂和香精的润 肤剂,沐浴或淋浴后3分钟内涂抹不 含防腐剂和香精的润肤霜,以锁住 水分。 2)治疗突发状况:

使用医生开出的乳膏或药膏。含 有皮质类固醇的乳膏或软膏是最常 用于治疗湿疹恶化(突然发作)的药 物。如果使用正确,类固醇制剂非常 有效和安全,它有助于通 过减少皮 肤炎症来缓解瘙痒。皮质类固醇应 用于湿疹发作期间发炎的整个皮肤 区域。然而,短期使用类固醇来治疗 发炎的湿疹通常是安全的。使用’指 尖’分量指南(从手指末端到第一个 折痕)涂抹类固醇,这足以覆盖两个 成人手的大小,手 指平放在一起的 区域。 3)控制瘙痒:

通过对受影响区域使用冷敷和 抗组胺药。冷敷、煤/松焦油制剂和 燕麦浴添加剂可能有助于缓解皮肤 瘙痒。偶尔建议镇静抗组胺药以缓 解干扰睡眠的瘙痒,并且应该在晚 上服用。 4)湿疹患者的肥皂替代品:

普通肥皂可以进一步使皮肤干 燥,应该避免使用。建议使用润肤皂 替代品,因为它们不会起泡,但在清 洁皮肤方面与肥皂一样有效。肥皂 替代品可以在淋浴或洗涤,沐浴或在 水中使 用。长时间的热水淋浴会导 致湿疹严重发作。因此,较短或较不 频繁的浴/淋浴可以帮助治疗干燥的 皮肤。

译◎Lingkun FANG 方凌坤



浅谈中医如何治疗皮肤病 How Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Practitioners treat Skin Diseases?

Dr Julia Fu is a practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. She graduated from the Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China in 1983, and has 36 years of experience. 傅绪琼中医师 - 1983年毕业于5年制中国安徽中医药大学, 从事中医临床已有36年工作经验。


kin diseases are a common and frequently-occurring condition in Australia. From the perspective of TCM, all skin symptoms, such as erythema, papules, skin lesions, blisters and itching, are in the category of skin diseases. From my personal clinical experience in treating skin diseases over many years, I believe that the main point of Chinese medicine treatment of skin diseases is to clearly define the dialectical classification and to understand its causes, in order to get a good therapeutic effect on symptomatic medication. I usually categorise skin diseases into five types, and I will share them as follows.

1. Dry and Cooling Blood type. Some specific characteristics of this type is the thin and dry body appearance, dry skin, severe itching, long term skin conditions and eczema diagnosed soon after birth. Have a preference of eating fast food and deep fried food. The principle of treatment for this type is mainly to nourish the blood and moisten the body condition, and remove inner wind from the body. Some of the typical Chinese medicines to treat this type include Liangxue Xiaofeng powder or Xuedu pills for skin disease.

2. Wet, Heat and Stagnation type. Patients who fall under this type are mostly facing obesity issues in terms of body shape, like to eat oily and sweet foods, dark papules appearing on the skin, and sometimes blisters. The tongue usually appears to be in yellow and greasy, and some patients have bad breath. The principle of treatment for this type is to clear away body heat and dampness, and to promote blood circulation and collaterals. Some of the typical Chinese medicines to treat this type include Longdan Xiegan soup base and Taohong Siwu soup base.

3. Liver Clot and “Yin” deficiency type. Some specifics of this type are the patients feeling emotionally depressed and irritable, mostly facing long term insomnia, red rashes appearing on the skin, rough skin and scarring, and some may be accompanied by menstrual disorders or haemorrhoids. The principle of treatment is to relieve liver blockage and body stagnation by nourishing the “yin” energy and the blood. Some of the typical Chinese medicines to treat this type are Jiawei Xiaoyao pills and Siwu soup base.

4. Spleen and Kidney “Yang” deficiency type. Some specific characteristics of this type are weak body condition, skin rashes appearing in patches and in light red colour. During cold and windy weather conditions, the rashes may become more frequent and may also become severe during night time. The rashes may disappear after taking antiallergic medicines, but they flare up again when one stops taking the medicine. This situation may take years to improve and is similar to the chronic Urticaria diagnosed by Western medicine. The principle of treatment for this type is to nourish the spleen and kidney in a warm way. The typical treatment prescription includes Jinqi Shenqi pills or Liudi Dihuang pills plus a small amount of Cordyceps Sinensis.

5. Mixed type. This type of condition is more complicated as the symptoms are more serious, the medical history is usually long and it is difficult to treat. It varies from person to person and requires long term conditioning. A special reminder for our readers is that, no matter which kind of skin disease, we need to keep a healthy lifestyle, such as not staying up late, not eating junk food and so on. 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

肤 病在澳 洲是 一种常见 的多发 病 。从中医诊 断学 的 角 度 ,凡 皮 肤 出 现 红 斑 ,丘 疹,皮 损 ,水 疱 和 搔 痒 等 症 状 和 体 症 的,都 属于皮 肤 病 的 范 畴 。根 据 我 个人 几十 年 治 疗 皮 肤 病 的 临 床 经 验,我 认 为中 医 治疗皮 肤 病 的要点 还 是要明 确 辩证分类,搞清楚它的病因,才 能 对 症 用药得到良 好的治疗 效 果 。我 通 常 将皮 肤 病 分 为五 种 类 型,给 大 家 具体 分享 如 下。

一. 血燥生风型。

其表现特点为体形干瘦,皮肤干燥, 搔 痒严重,病 程 长,甚至在出生 后 不久就患有皮肤病。喜爱吃快餐和 煎炸的食品。治疗原则以养血润燥 祛风为主。经典的治疗药方包括凉 血消风散或 皮 肤 病血毒丸 加减 。 二.湿热瘀阻型。

其 表 现 特 点 为 体 形 肥 胖 ,喜 食 肥 甘,丘 疹 暗 黑 ,有 时 挟 有 水 泡 。 舌 苔 黄 腻 ,有 些 人 有 口 臭 。治 疗 原 则 以 清 热 祛 湿 ,活 血 通 络 为 主 。经 典 的 治 疗 药 方 包 括 龙 胆泻肝汤和桃红四物汤加减。 三. 肝郁阴虚型。

其 表 现 特点 为 情 绪 抑 郁 或 暴 躁, 长 期 失 眠 ,皮 疹 鲜 红 ,皮 肤 粗 糙 结 痂 ,有 些 会 伴 有 月 经 失 调 或 痤 疮 。治 疗 原 则 以 疏 肝 解 郁 ,滋 阴 养 血 为 主 。经 典 的 治 疗 药 方 包 括 有加味逍遥丸和四物汤加减。 四. 脾肾阳虚型。

其 表 现 特 点 为 体 质 虚 弱 ,皮 疹 呈 大 片状,色淡 红,遇 风 遇 冷 时皮 疹 会 更 多,晚 间 会 加 重 。服 用 抗 过 敏 药 后 皮 疹 易 消 失 ,但 药 一 停 即 复发,多年反复发作 不愈,类 似于 西 医 诊 断 的 慢 性 荨 麻 疹 一 类 。治 疗 原 则 以 温 补 脾 肾 为 主 ,经 典 的 治 疗 药 方 包 括 有金 匮 肾 气 丸 或 六 位地黄 丸 加少量冬虫夏草加减 。 五. 混合型。

这一 类 型 的 病 情 较 为复杂, 症 状较 严重,病 史长,属于疑 难 杂 症 ,因 人 而 异 ,需 要 长 期 调 理 。

特别提醒,无论是哪一种皮肤病, 都需要改变生活方式,比如不熬夜, 不吃垃圾食品等等。

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊冬季版 |



Chung Wah CAC’s activities that are under the theme of “Avoiding Social Isolation”


eniors who are from diverse cultural backgrounds can easily be socially isolated in Australia, which may have a negative impact on their daily lives. Chung Wah Community and Aged Care (CAC) is concerned about the seniors’ quality of life. CAC would like to make a contribution to help to deal with this issue. They have set up the theme of “Avoiding Social Isolation” for this quarter. CAC has designed several culturally appropriate activities based on the theme. It provides a golden opportunity for seniors who are from diverse cultural and language backgrounds to enhance their social interaction. The activities have a positive impact on the seniors and the community. One of the most attractive events in the past quarter was the Dragon Boat Festival Event held at Chung Wah Balcatta Cultural Centre on 6 June 2019. CAC invited more than 150 visitors and seniors to gather together to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. There were five activities and games that were designed by CAC, which are suitable for seniors to participate in, such as sandbag tossing, mini golf and Chinese calligraphy, etc. CAC paid much attention to respecting clients’ choices in the event. The clients could choose the games they would like to play, as well as their favourite prizes based on 10 different types of items. The seniors had an opportunity to interact with each other when participating in the activities, which helped to avoid their social isolation. The event also provided an opportunity

to the seniors to enhance their selfindependence. The visitors spoke highly of the event.

Moreover, a cooking class that is arranged under Evergreen College is another interesting activity that attracts many seniors. CAC encourages clients who are passionate about cooking to share their special recipes in the class. The clients are also more than welcome to become the “Chef” in the class. Clients have been sharing their cooking experiences with each other during the class and this creates an opportunity for them to communicate and make friends with each other.

文/译◎Chung Wah Community & Aged Care 中华社区及长者服务

Aged Care Navigator Program On 25 June 2019, Chung Wah CAC Balcatta Centre held an interesting presentation to introduce the Aged Care System Navigator (ACSN) Program. More than 15 seniors attended the presentation. The presentation covered the way to access various types of aged care services through My Aged Care on the Government website. The seniors learned a lot about aged care services though the presentation, which was a meaningful experience for them. Some of the CAC volunteers have been actively involved in coordinating the Navigator Program. The program aims at providing guidance for the seniors from diverse cultural backgrounds to know more about aged care services. Chung Wah CAC will hold further presentations to the seniors and other community members about the ACSN Program within the next 12 months.

长者服务导航计 划 中华CAC Balcatta中心在6月25日举办了关于老 年服务导航计划的精彩演讲。超过15名老年人 参加了此次演讲。该演讲介绍了通过My Aged Care政府网站获取各种养老服务的方式。老年 人通过演讲得到了很多关于老年护理服务的知 识,这对他们来说是一次有意义的体 验。一些 CAC的志愿者也积极参与协调导航计划。该计划 旨在为来自不同文化背景的老年人提供指导,以 更多地了解养老服务。在未来的16个月里,中华 CAC 将向老年人和其他社区人士举办更多有关 老年服务导航计划的演讲。

If you are interested in the program, please do not hesitate to contact us: 如果您对该计划感兴趣,请随时与我们联系: 34

| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

Besides, there are various activities and classes under Evergreen College, such as English class, computer class, tai chi class and story telling, etc. CAC designed different classes based on the interests of various clients. Meanwhile,in order to let clients have a high quality experience when participating in the classes, CAC has allocated different staff or volunteers who have the relevant skills to be involved in the classes. Overall, Evergreen College has provided opportunities for seniors to enhance social interaction and develop their strengths and skills, which is beneficial for their physical and mental health.


T (08) 9328 3988 E



中华 CAC 避免长 者社会孤 立 系列活 动分享

于文化差异的原因,华裔长者非常容易在澳洲被社会孤立,这可能会对他们的日常生活产生许多负面的 影响。中华社区和长者服务中心(CAC)非常注老年人的生活质量。他们愿意为改善这个问题做出自己的 贡献。CAC在本季度设立了“避免社会孤立”的主题,并根据此主题设计了很多适合不同文化的长者参与的活 动。这些活动为来自不同文化和语言背景的老年人提供了很好的机会去社交。这些活动也在在长者和华裔文 化社区里产生了积极的影响 。 6月6日在中 华 B a l c a t t a 文化 中 心 举 行的端 午节活是 上季度 最 具吸 引 力 的 活 动 之一 。C A C 邀 请 了1 5 0 多 名 参 观 者 和 老 年人 聚 在 一 起 庆 祝 传 统 的 端 午 节 。在 当 天 的 活 动 中,C A C 设 计了5 种 适 合 老 年人参 与 的 活 动和游戏,如丢沙包、迷你高尔夫和中 国书法等。CAC非常注重尊重长者们在 活动中的选择。长者们不仅可以选择他 们想要加入的游戏,还可以根据10种不 同类型的商品选择他们喜欢的奖品。在 参与活动的同时,长者们还可以与不同

此外,常青学院还有各种活动和课 程,如英语课、计算机课、太极课和故事 讲述等。CAC根据不同长者的兴趣设计 了不同的课程。与此同时,为了让长者们 在参加课程时获得高质量的体验,CAC 已经分配了不同的相关专业人员或志愿 者参与课程。总体而言,长青学院为老年 人提供了加强社交互动和发展他们的优 势和技能的机会,这有利于他们的身心 健康。

的人聊天交友,这很好的避免的长者们 的社会孤立感。此次活动还为老年人提 供了增强自我独立性的机会。参观者对 此次活动给予了高度评价。

此外,在常青学院的烹饪课是另一 个被许多老年人吸引的活动。CAC鼓励 对烹饪充满热情的客户在课堂上分享他 们的特殊食谱。客户不仅欢迎成为班上 的“大厨”。长者们彼此分享了他们的烹 饪体验,这为他们提供了相互交流和结 交朋友的机会。

Getting involved in Chung Wah Community and Aged Care as a Volunteer!

• Would you like to contribute your time, skills and experience in helping seniors who are from diverse cultural backgrounds? • Would you like to get involved in various community activities as a volunteer? • Do you want to gain experience in the areas of aged care and community support services?

中华社区和养老服务中心 志愿者正在招募中! • 您愿意为帮助来自不同文化背景的老人贡献 一份力量吗? • 您愿意作为志愿者充分参与到社区活动吗?

• 您想要在养老和社区服务领域积累经验吗?

If your answer is yes to any one of the above questions, you are more than welcome to become a volunteer in Chung Wah CAC!

如果您在其中一个问题中的回答是肯定的,中 华社区和养老服务中心 (CAC) 非常欢迎您来成 为一名志愿者 !

You can become an entertainer, a performer, a teacher in Evergreen College, a facilitator in community events and/or group activities, a contributor in the media team, a helper in the kitchen and so on!

在中华CAC你可以成为一名舞台表演者、常青学 院的老师、社区活动或小组活动中的协助者、媒 体方面的贡献者、在厨房的帮手等等。

The opportunities in Chung Wah CAC:

在中华CAC 的机遇:

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in becoming a volunteer. 如果您有意向成为我们的志愿者, 欢迎您来联系我们。

Ling Lam

T (08) 9328 3988 E

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊冬季版 |



Chung Wah Chinese School

Chung WahMorley, Chinese School Leeming, Perth & Rossmoyne

Leeming, Morley, Perth & Rossmoyne

Mid-Autumn Festival Concert Program

Saturday 21st September 2019, 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm Mid-Autumn Festival Concert Program Chung Wah Cultural Centre, 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Saturday 21 September 2019 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm PROGRAM


Guests Seated 4:30 pm Guests Seated


4:30 pm

Opening Sequence MCs – HuiAn Lin Tan/Anderson An 5:00 pm Opening Sequence MCs – Hui5:00 Lin pm Tan/Anderson National Anthem

MCs – Hui Lin Tan/Anderson An

National Anthem

MCs – Hui Lin Tan/Anderson An

Opening Speech

Sheila Rejek – Hon Secretary

Opening Speech

Sheila Rejek – Hon Secretary

Welcoming Speech

Ding Shao Ping – President

Welcoming Speech Lion Ding DanceShao Ping – President CW Lion Dance Troupe Lion Dance- Fairy CW Lion Dance Troupe Opening Performance Dance Qi Dance Art Opening Performance - Fairy Dance Qi Dance Art Wushu CWCS Rossmoyne Children’s Dance – The Peacock Dance (I) Wushu CWCS Children’s Choir

Children’s Dance – The Peacock Dance (I)

Rossmoyne CWCS Morley

CWCS Morley

Children’s Choir – Loveable Mum & School kids

Children’s Choir

CWCS Rossmoyne

Lucky Draw (幸运抽奖) No 1

Children’s Choir – Loveable Mum & School kids Dance CWCS Children’s Dance – The Peacock (II) Perth

CWCS Rossmoyne

CWCS Perth

Hui Lin Tan/Anderson An CWCS Perth

LuckyChildren’s Draw (幸运抽奖) No 1 Successor Hui Lin Tan/AndersonCWCS An Leeming Duo: The Dragon’s

Wu Bu Quan (Five Form) Perth Children’s Dance – The Peacock Dance (II)Stance CWCS Children’s Dance

Children’s Duo: The Dragon’s Successor

Wu Bu Quan (Five Stance Form) Children's Dance

CWCS Leeming


CWCS Morley

Solo Song

CWCS Morley

CWCS Rossmoyne

CWCS Perth “Kong Koon Martial Arts Basic Skills”

Guest Singer

CWCS Rossmoyne CWCS Leeming, Morley, Perth & Rossmoyne Kungfu– Best awards CWCS Perth “Kong Koon Arts Basic Skills” Competition MCs –Martial Hui Lin Tan/Anderson An

Calligraphy, Drawing & Home-made Lanterns

Lucky Draw (幸运抽奖) No 2 Solo Song Guest


MCs – Hui Lin Tan/Anderson An

Guzheng Assemble CWCS Leeming Calligraphy, Drawing & Home-made Lanterns CWCS Leeming, Morley, Perth & Rossmoyne Children’s chorus – Clay Mud + Alpine Green

Competition – Best awards

CWCS Leeming

MCs – Hui Lin Tan/Anderson An

Costume Parade

Lucky Draw (幸运抽奖) No 2 Guzheng Assemble

Adults and children wearing traditional

MCs – Hui Lin Tan/Anderson An Chinese costumes are welcome to participate in the

CWCS Leeming

Teacher’s Chorus – Childhood

Children’s chorus – Clay Mud + Alpine Green

Costume Parade

CWCS Leeming


CWCS Leeming CWCS Leeming

Adults and children wearing traditional Chinese costumes are

Little Diabolo

Welcome Little Apple Dance Group - Red butterfly love

Teacher's Chorus Grand – Childhood Lucky Draw (幸运抽奖) Prize (特等奖)CWCS Final Kungfu

Costume Parade on stage!

Closing CWCS

CWCS Leeming

to participate in the Costume Parade on stage! CWCS Leeming


7:30 pm Leeming

MCs – Hui Lin Tan/Anderson An

MCs – Hui Lin Tan/Anderson An

Little Diabolo is subject CWCSto Leeming Program change without prior notice Little Apple Dance Group - Red butterfly love CWCS Leeming

Lucky Draw (幸运抽奖) Grand Prize (特等奖) Final

MCs – Hui Lin Tan/Anderson An

7:30 pm Closing

MCs – Hui Lin Tan/Anderson An

Supported by

Program is subject to change without prior notice


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue



中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊冬季版 |



Allow Your Child To Experience A Different Mid-Autumn Festival!


秋节到了,在澳洲出生海外长大的华裔孩子对 这个节日有着怎样的看法呢?

嗯…让我问问啊。 放假期间,出门找几个在 儿童乐园玩得开心的香蕉娃不 是难事。 “小 朋 友,你 知 道 中 秋节 吗?” 小 朋 友 甲:“ 中 w h a t?I don’t know.” 小 朋 友 乙:“ 知 道 知 道,Moon Festival! ” “真 棒!你 怎么 知道中秋 节是Moon Festival呢?” “中文学校老师讲的。” “ 说 起 中秋节,你 想 到 什 么呢?” 小朋友乙:“月饼啊!” 小朋友甲:“I know 月

饼,I know 月饼!it’s sweet! My mum likes it” “中秋节学校里有什么活 动吗?” 小朋友乙:“做月饼啊!” “中秋节妈妈会做什么特 别的事情吗?” 小朋友甲乙:“买月饼 啊!” “你知道什么好玩的中秋 节目吗?” 小 朋 友 甲 乙:“ 吃 月 饼 啊!” “还有别的么?” 小 朋 友乙:“ 妈 妈说中国 的蛋黄月饼比 珀斯的好吃,可 是不让带来…”

Is the Mid-Autumn Festival just solely about mooncakes? In truth, we really can’t blame the children. Even in China (the birthplace of the Mid-Autumn Festival), many children think that the Mid-Autumn Festival is simply a day to enjoy a box of mooncakes during the holidays. Apart from not needing to wake up early to go to Chung Wah Chinese School, what is the significance of this day compared to any other day? Too many years have we let the special Mid-Autumn nights with its’ beautiful moon quietly slip by along with the importance it has on our children’s Chinese cultural upbringing.

Chung Wah Chinese School children, this wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival, your campus and teachers have prepared something different to ensure that you do not miss out on this important festival. Come to the school’s Mid-Autumn Festival dinner! At the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner, apart from tasting the sweet mooncakes, you can also enjoy interesting


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue


id-Autumn Festival has arrived. What do Australian born Chinese children think about this festival?

Curious? Let’s ask them!

Child B: “Mooncakes!”

“Children, do you know about the MidAutumn Festival?”

“What activities are there in school to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival?”

During the holidays, it is not difficult to find these children having fun in the playground. Child A: “What’s that? I have no idea...”

Child B: “I know I know, it’s the Moon Festival!” “Awesome! How do you know that the MidAutumn Festival is also the Moon Festival?”

“My Chinese school teacher said so...” (Attending Chinese school is worthwhile! A great compliment to the Chinese schools and parents who put in the effort to send their children to learn Chinese every Saturday morning during school terms at Chung Wah Chinese School in Leeming, Morley, Perth and Rossmoyne!) “Speaking of the Mid-Autumn Festival, what else do you think of?”

performances with your teachers and classmates and understand the legend of the Mid-Autumn Festival. During the break, you can also bring out your glowing lanterns, search for Chang-Er on the Mid-Autumn moon and try to listen out for the sounds of the Jade Rabbit... The annual Mid-Autumn Festival dinner of the Chung Wah Chinese School is a great opportunity for Chinese children (from kindergarten to high school) to share their learnings with their parents and other guests, admire the Mid-Autumn moon and enjoy the Mid-Autumn Festival. The earlier compliment to the Chinese schools cannot be retracted and even more compliments are due to each of the hardworking teachers and students who will be performing at this wonderful MidAutumn Festival dinner. This will be a different Mid-Autumn Festival dinner and the children are ready! Grandparents, parents, uncles and aunts, do come along! Let’s celebrate this Mid-Autumn Festival with our children and share a most memorable festival that is enriched with our unique Chinese culture, tradition together with your praises and applause!

Child A: “I know mooncakes, I know moon cakes! It’s sweet! My mom likes it!” Child B: “Making mooncakes!”

“What special things will your mothers do for the Mid-Autumn Festival?” Child A and B: “Buying mooncakes!”

“Do you know any other fun Mid-Autumn Festival activities?” Child A and B: “Eating mooncakes!” “Is there anything else?”

Child B: “Mom said that China’s mooncakes with egg yolks are better than Perth mooncakes with egg yolks, but unfortunately we are not allowed to bring them into Australia...”


其实怨不得孩子们,不要说在海外,就是在中 秋传统的发源地中国,中秋节对于很多孩子,也不过 是一盒盒的月饼和一天假日而已。孩子的这一天,除 了可以不用早起上学,和平时又有什么区别呢? 然而,我们就真的这样年复一年让美好的中秋 之夜悄然溜走,让孩子们和如歌如诗的中秋之月擦 身而过? 中华中文学校的孩子们,这美好的中秋之月, 你的学校你的老师不会让你错过,他们已经为你准 备了一个不一样的中秋节。来参加学校中秋晚会吧! 在这里你不仅可以品尝甜美的月饼,还能和老师同学 们一起欣赏有趣的表演,了解中秋的传说,更能在中 场休息时提着灯笼跑进月夜,和同伴一起在中秋的 圆月里寻找嫦娥妙曼的舞姿,聆听玉兔清脆的砧声…

中华中文学校一年一度的中秋晚会,是中华孩 子们自己的平台,从幼儿班到高中的学生将和所有家 长及宾客分享他们的学习成果,以各种形式咏诵中秋 月,感受中秋情,演绎他们自己心目中的中秋节。 中秋之夜,孩子们准备好了!爷爷奶奶爸爸妈 妈叔叔阿姨们,一定要来哦!让孩子的中秋之月中不 缺少您的身影,让孩子的中秋记忆里永远留下您的赞 美和掌声!



富有50年教授中文的经验,中华摩利中文学校是中华会馆历史最悠久的中 文学校。上课时间是周六早上9点至11点半提供各个年级的中文班:亲子班、 幼儿学前班、一年级至十二年级,及成人班。课外兴趣班上课时间为11点半 至12点半。课程包括:舞蹈班、象棋班、武术班以及绘画班。我校中文班和 课外兴趣班全年开放招生,期待与新学生和家长见面! Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) Morley is the oldest Chung Wah Chinese School campus with nearly 50 years of rich history in teaching Chinese language. The Chinese classes is available for different ages (Playgroup, Kindy, Pre-primary, Year 1-12 and Adult class) on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Parents are welcomed to accompany especially young students in classrooms.

Cultural extra-curricular (ECA) activities such as Chinese cultural dance, Wu Shu, drawing, Chinese Chess and arts classes are offered from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm.



中华珀斯中文学校校园选在最令人想往和羡慕的Perth Modern School,我校 以学生们的生活,体验和兴趣为主导,编写出与学生们日常生活息息相关的情 景教学课程,激发和鼓励学生们自然地说出中文,学习中国文化。我们的目标 是培养学生们品学兼优的品质。独特的教学风格,将音乐、唱歌、舞蹈、诗歌、 故事贯穿其中美德美育为宗旨。采用汉语教材。鼓励和培养学生们听、说、读 、写四个方面的能力。

The Chung Wah Chinese School Perth is situated in Perth Modern School which is the top academically ranked school in Western Australia. Classes will be facilitated by a team of professional and experienced teachers to conduct syllabus in a classroom structure and cultural classes in a fun learning environment. Unique teaching strategies including music, singing, dancing, rhymes and stories will be incorporated in the junior levels. The ‘Han Yu’ curriculum is used as the primary learning material to foster student’s ability in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Parents are welcomed to learn alongside their children. Initial ECAs on offer to supplement language learning are Chinese cultural dance, calligraphy, painting, etc.– subject to demand.



从晨曦中走过来的黎明经过二十多年多位校长,几百位老师和历代家长委员 会各位家长的共同努力,中华黎明学校已经从最初百名学生的规模发展到今 天拥有近五百名学生的西澳政府认可的规模最大,教学水平最好的一间社区 中文学校,是西澳唯一的“华文教育示范学校”。黎明学校的校训是“勤学习, 承文化。

With almost three decades of rich history, Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) Leeming has grown from an initial 100 students to become the largest community language school in Western Australia with nearly 500 students in 2019. The solid foundation of CWCS Leeming was built and managed by teams of ongoing dedicated School Management Committees (past and present) along with principals and teachers. Recognised as a role model campus by the Western Australian government, CWCS Leeming provides one of the highest qualities of teaching/learning Chinese language and culture. Its motto of ‘Preserving Cultural Heritage Through Diligent Learning’ will continue to uphold for generations to come!



乐思学校拥有400多名学生,设有从幼儿班到十二年级的中文课程。小学部 分设中文第二语言及背景语言班。本校专设11/12年级中文高考班。课程设 置和考试成绩与其他日校高考课程一样被课程和标准委员会(SCSA)承认计 分。参加中文WACE的考生可得到ATAR额外语言优惠分数。课外兴趣班包 括: 创意美术、书法、舞蹈、空竹、武术、珠心算等 。 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne has over 400 students, our Mandarin classes is available for kindy to Year 12 students. Primary level is divided into Mandarin as second language or background basis. Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne is the only community Chinese language campus that offers and conducts Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) in Western Australia. WACE Chinese courses and assessments are integrated with other WACE courses delivered by day schools in Western Australia and are recognised by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). ECA classes include: Art and Crafts, Chinese Calligraphy, Dancing, Diabolo, Martial Arts, Math with Abacus, etc.

Chung Wah Chinese School with four campuses located in Leeming, Morley, Rossmoyne and Perth

support and welcome Chinese language enrolments and cultural ECA throughout the year and look forward to meeting and greeting new parents/students at all times! CHUNG WAH ASSOCIATION

四所中华中文学校的中文班和课外兴趣班全年开放招生, 期待与新学生和家长见面! CWCS Morley 中华摩利中文学校

Principal Emily TAN 0411 249 463

CWCS Leeming 中华黎明中文学校 Principal Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306

Phone: 9328 8657 | Email:

CWCS Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校 Pricipal Dr Xuanli MA

CWCS Perth 中华珀斯中文学校 Principal Juan LIU

0403 003 898

0466 310 260


今期封面 C O V E R


摄影◎Xiaodong MA 马小东

Ivan and Eva CHEN are the cover story for the 2019 August edition of Chung Wah Magazine. The siblings are both students from the Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming. Ivan and Eva have been actively participating in a range of competitions organised by the Chung Wah Chinese schools. Their mother, Connie Lau, also volunteers in the Library Service of Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming. 陈浩文和陈韵伊是201�《中华之声》八 月冬季刊的封面人 物。这对兄妹倆都是中华黎明中文学校的学生。浩文和韵伊都是 中文学校各类文艺比赛的常客。 他倆的母亲刘诗意积极参加中华 黎明中文学校的图书馆管理服务。

Ivan CHEN 陈浩文

Eva CHEN 陈韵伊

What he likes about Chinese school? I like attending the Chinese school because I get to meet many friends from different countries and places.

What she likes about Chinese school? I like attending the Chinese school because I can learn more Chinese words and also get to know more friends.

年龄 Age: 10 years old 十岁

喜欢上中文学校的原因 : 我喜欢上中文学校因为可以认识很 多来自不同国家和地方的朋友。

Hobby 嗜好: Soccer 足球 | Ambition志愿: Scientist 科学家

How do our parents help us in Chinese language and cultural learning?

父母如何帮助我们学习中文和中华文化呢? Our parents try their best to send us to the Chinese class in Leeming every Saturday. They also encourage us to communicate in Mandarin and help us to take part in Chinese story telling competitions. During special Chinese festivals, my mom loves to make us traditional festive foods, such as cookies for Chinese New Year, rice dumplings for the Dragon Boat Festival, moon cake for the Moon Cake Festival and glutinous rice balls or tang yuan for winter solstice or the Dongzhi Festival. We always feel excited when mom makes these delicious foods. Our parents will also explain to us the reasons for making these foods and the interesting stories behind these festivals. 每周六,我的父母都会尽量带我们到黎明中文学 校去上课。他们会鼓励我们多用中文交谈,帮助我们参 加学校的讲故事比赛。每到华人传 统节日,我的妈妈就 会做一些传统节日美食,如:农历新年的年饼、端午节的 粽子、中秋节的月饼,还有冬至的汤圆。每次看到妈妈做 这些食物时,我们都感到很兴奋。爸妈还会给我们讲一 些节日的有趣故事,还有吃这些食物的原因。


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

年龄 Age: 8 years old 八岁

喜欢上中文学校的原因 : 我喜欢上中文学校因为可以多认识 一些中文字和更多朋友。

Hobby 嗜好: Drawing 画画 | Ambition志愿: Designer 设计师


珀斯中华文化节中国手工艺术家们到访澳博思小学展示中华传统文化 Chinese Culture Artists, led by Chung Wah Association, demonstrated their skills at Oberthur Primary School 文◎Abbie CHEN 陈薇 译◎Elvie YAP叶俐廷

澳博思小学的邀请,中华会馆高级副会长兼义务翻译陈 挺博士率前来参加首届珀斯中华文化节的中国的艺术 家为600多名师生展示了中华传统文化。

澳博思小学是西澳第一家从幼儿开始学习中文的学校,学生来 自各种族的背景,是西澳多元文化的代表性学校,吸引了很多来自周 边区域的学生。


t the invitation of Oberthur Primary School, the Senior Vice President of Chung Wah Association, Dr Ting Chen, led a group of Chinese cultural artists to demonstrate their skills to approximately 600 teachers and students of the school. These artists were specially invited to Perth for the inaugural Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival.

来自山东 、福建 、河南的艺术家们为孩子们精心展示了风筝表 演、书法艺术、传统书画、灯笼制作、古代和卡通泥人、吹糖工艺等。 艺术家用中文向学生介绍了制作的要点和过程,学生们对艺术家的 表演表示惊叹,并且个别学生参与了表演,用中文和艺术家进行简单 的交流和表达了感谢之情。 展示结束,校长Tim Bamber先生代表学校师生对中国艺术家表 示感谢,同时感谢中华会馆在短时间内安排了这次活动,以及感谢学 校家长委员会安排了接送和午餐。

Oberthur Primary School is the first primary school in Western Australia with a Chinese Immersion Program, which enables its students to start learning Mandarin from kindergarten. Oberthur Primary is a typical multicultural school with students from various cultural backgrounds.

The artists, from the Shandong, Fujian and Henan Provinces in China, attracted the attention of students with a kite show, calligraphy, Chinese drawing art, lantern making, figurines art and sugar mini-sculpture making, etc. They gave their demonstrations in Mandarin and introduced the essential points of the processes. The students were very impressed to see these performances. Some of them also took part in trying to make the cultural artworks. In addition, they expressed their gratitude to the artists in Mandarin for sharing their expertise. On behalf of the school, Principal Mr Tim Bamber officially thanked the artists as well as Chung Wah Association for making the arrangements with relatively short notice from the school.


Chinese Orchestra Presents



Annual Concert Chung Wah Hall

1st Floor, 128 James St Northbridge (stair access only)

10月13日 星期日 中午12点 13th October Sunday 12pm Bookings Essential

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊冬季版 |


PHOTO GALLERY 活动集锦 Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival


5月1 2日和18日黎 明中华中文学 校 老师们 和 SMC家长们在Burswood Park一同推广中文教育及 传统文化扯铃及剪纸给广大的珀斯民众认识。

On 12 and 18 May 2019, the teachers and parents from the School Management Committees (SMC) of Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming participated in the event, promoting Chinese education at the venue, Burswood Park. We introduced the Chinese cultural art: “Diabola” and red paper cutting to the general public who attended the event.

School Assembly – Dragon Boat Festival


6月1日, 黎明中文学校庆祝端午节早会,七年级两位学生开场主持早会,家长 会主席关佩珊女士致词介绍每年端午节的文化活动,以及中华会馆龙舟队提供的 龙舟给学生观赏。

On 1 June 2019, Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival at the school assembly. Our two Year 7 students hosted the event. The Chairperson of SMC Leeming School, Ms Pui Shan Kwan, briefly explained the cultural activities of the Dragon Boat Festival, while the Dragon Boat Team of Chung Wah Association brought in its dragon boat for students to explore. 文◎Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming 中华黎明中文学校 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

周韦恩先生颁发小学组-书写比 赛和中学组-作文比赛的得奖者

关佩珊女士颁发世界华人小学 作文比赛第三等奖

早会结束小小年级的学生们轮流坐在龙舟里体验划龙舟, 以及体验包粽子。

中华会馆龙舟队 代表致词,鼓励 热爱运动的家长 们欢迎加入中华 龙舟队。

2019 母亲节慈善抽奖活动及茶会 2019 Mother’s Day Lucky Draw & Morning Tea 文/ 译 ◎Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中华摩利中文学校

为了庆祝母亲节和为学校募款,我们学校管委会于5月11日举行了母亲节慈善 抽奖及茶会。此次抽奖一共送出了12份奖品,为学校筹得了接近$300的款项。除 此以外,委员家长们各自带了不同的茶点让大家在茶会上一起享用。校长也特别 感谢活动策划,Jimmy和Johnny,以及其他参与的家长。他们的付出,不仅为学校 募款,也让大家度过了一个愉快的早上。

In order to celebrate Mother’s Day and raise funds for school, the SMC organised Mother’s Day Lucky Draw and Morning Tea on 11th of May. 12 prizes had been given out to lucky families and we’ve raised about $300 for the school. Everyone enjoyed the morning tea after the lucky draw. Our Principal, Emily, thanked our organisers, Jimmy and Johnny, as well as other parents who contributed in the event.


2019 Dragon Boat Festival Celebration 为了让学生们了解端午节的由来和体验中华传统 节日,我校于6月1日举行了“裹粽子”活动。活动开始 由校长讲解端午节和粽子的由来粽子的由来。再来就 是介绍粽子的材料与示范裹粽子步骤。学生们亲身体 会裹粽子的乐趣并品尝自己裹的粽子。


| Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

In order to introduce the Dragon Boat Festival and enable students to experience the festival’s tradition, we had a ‘Zongzi’ (rice dumpling) wrapping activity on 1st of June. Our students had an opportunity of making their own rice dumpling under the guidance of our Principal, Emily, and tasted the self-made dumpling.



Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 中华珀斯中文学校简介 文/译◎Lei YU 余雷

Chung Wah Chinese School Perth was opened for Chinese language services in February 2019. It has become the present fourth campus of the Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS). The campus is located in Perth Modern School in Subiaco to cater for Chinese learning needs of families living in the CBD surrounding areas, Western suburbs and some Northern regions.

Classes including Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 3, Year 7 and an Adult class (from 9:00 am to 11:30 am) are now available in CWCS Perth campus. Also, there are two extra-curricular classes for children’s cultural dancing and martial arts conducted straight after Chinese lessons (11:30 am to 12:30 pm) each Saturday during school terms. Add-on lessons for ATAR CSL are also available in the CWCS Perth campus

facilitated by a TRBWA registered and qualified Teacher, Grace Yu.

With her many years of experience in early childhood education, Principal Juan Liu is leading her team of very experienced teachers to conduct lively and joyful teaching with singing, dancing and rhymes. Students learn the language while they act it out interactively, so as to attain better understanding and memorisation with better learning outcomes. Teachers are applying different pedagogy to different levels of students.

On behalf of CWCS Perth situated in Subiaco, we warmly welcome all community members and families to visit us. Enrolments can occur at any point throughout the year! Our team of teachers look forward to welcoming you to the Perth campus!

今年二月,位于Perth Modern School 的中华珀斯中文学校正式启动。该校兼顾了 市中心周边、西区和部分河北区家庭的学习 要求,使学生们能就近上学,获得便利而高 质量的中文教育资源。

目前,中华珀斯中文学校已按招生情况 开设了学前班、一年级、三年级、七年级和 成人班等不同级别的中文班和课后的舞蹈 班以及武术兴趣班,逢星期六上午上课。学 校还为备考ATAR中文的日校学生开设了课 外辅导班,由TRBWA注册老师提供辅导。 刘隽校长以其多年从事幼儿教育的经验, 带领各班级的老师们以生动活泼的形式开展 中文教学,根据学生学习程度的高低因材施 教,在教学中糅入唱歌、舞蹈、儿歌等形式, 肢体动作与中文语言表达同步,以加深学生对 词语和句子的理解和记忆,加强教学效果。 中华珀斯中文学校热诚欢迎社区民众光 临并参观指导,联系方式请参阅本刊目录版。

Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne - 2019 Primary Students’ Performance


文◎Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

中华乐思中文学校于6月22日在学校礼 堂举行了小学部全体大会及汇演。三百多名 学生及家长共400多人参加了大会。中华会 馆高级副会长陈挺博士,中华中文学校理事 会主席苏翠妹女士,中华会馆前会长徐天送 作为嘉宾出席大会并发表了讲话。苏翠妹女 士及中华乐思中文学校SMC副主席梁综恒 先生为在“汉字墙”活动中表现优秀的同学 及获得讲故事比赛一、二、三等奖的同学颁 发了奖状。

颁奖典礼结束后,从幼儿班到五年级的 所有班级及儿歌、舞蹈、空竹及武术班的同 学分别为全体师生和家长们表演了他们精心 准备的节目,在讲故事比赛中获奖的部分同 学也为大家重现了他们的获奖作品。今年新 成立的绘本故事俱乐部的同学也献上了自己 改编的故事剧《小马过河》。同学们精彩的 表演赢得了台下观众一阵阵热烈的掌声。

On 22 June 2019, the 2019 Primary Students’ Performance was held at the hall of Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne. Approximately 400 students and parents attended the event. The Vice President of Chung Wah Association, Dr Ting Chen, Secretary, Sheila Rejek, and former President Mr TS Su, were the guest speakers at the event. The Vice Chairperson of SMC Rossmoyne, Mr Lambert Leong, presented prizes to the winners of the story telling competition.

After the award presentation, students from kindy classes up to Year 5 performed a variety of shows, including singing,

dancing, diabola and martial arts, etc. Students from the newly-formed Picture Story Club also presented a revised version of a famous Chinese tale “The pony crossing the river”. It received an overwhelming response from the audience.

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊冬季版 |


We would like to find out how well our members know our Association.

作为中华会馆会员, 您对中华会馆有多了解呢? When is the 2019 Chung Wah Association’s Annual General Meeting, which will be held at the Balcatta Centre?

2019中华会馆的年度会员大会哪一天会在文化中心召开? A. 13 October 2019 C. 13 November 2019

B. 19 October 2019 D. 19 November 2019

Tell us in 30 words or less, what you like about Chung Wah. 请以30个字或以下写出你喜欢中华会馆哪方面呢? Enter Now 如何参加

To enter this exclusive prize winning quiz for members, tell us the answers to the above question and provide your full name, email address, address and membership number before 31st August 2019. Please send your answers and details to one of the following contacts: 想要参加这项进公开给会员的有奖问答,请回答以上问题,将答案联同参加者名 字、电子邮箱、地址和会员号,在2019年8月31日之前发到以下的联系方式 • • •

传真Fax: (08) 92275694 电邮Email: 邮寄Address: PO Box 73 Northbridge WA 6865

答对的一位参加者,可获由Morish Nuts所赞助的 一个价值$48的果仁礼袋庄以及免费获得一年的 中华会馆会员会费。 A sponsored gift of the award-winning Morish Nuts cabin carry bag valued at $48 and one year FREE Chung Wah Association membership fee will be rewarded to a selected participant who provided the correct answer.

中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊夏季版 |


The Chung Wah Association Inc

Chung Wah Association’s 2019 Annual General Meeting


Nominations for 2019-2021 Executive Committee 2019-2021 年度中华理事会选举提名

Nomination forms are available by contacting the Chung Wah Association on (08) 9328 8657 or chungwah@ from Friday, 9 August 2019 onwards. Duly completed and signed nomination forms must be addressed to the Returning Officer in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential” and delivered to Chung Wah Association, 128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 or posted to PO Box 73, Northbridge WA 6865 before and no later than 2:00 pm on Friday, 6 September 2019. 提名期由2019年8月9日(星期五)开始,请联系中华会办公室获取提名表。完成后的提名表必须注明交送给选举 主任,并于2019年9月6日(星期五)下午2点之前送交到中华会馆办公室,地址为128 James Street, Northbridge, WA 6003 或者邮寄至PO Box 73, Northbridge WA 6865。

Saturday, 19 October 2019 at 2:30pm 10月19日 星期六 下午 2点30分

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 巴卡达中华文化中心 18 Radalj Place, BALCATTA

Chung Wah Association belongs to all people of Chinese heritage and members of the Chinese community in Western Australia


凝聚融合 • 文化传承 • 人道关怀

Promoting Harmony, Preserving our Heritage and Practising Humanity

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