Chung Wah Magazine Issue #45 - SUMMER 2020

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����年 DECEMBER ISSUE #�� 第��期

Important initiative and changes highlighted at the meeting with the WA Engagement Team from the Department of Home Affairs

Chung Wah

Media channels designed for your needs

为您度身定制的中华媒体频道 The outlook for overseas students and the education sector in WA during Covid

探索西澳的海外学生 和高等教育的前景



澳大利亚內政部驻西澳社区小组 在中华会馆谈及的重要措施和改革

The inter-dependence of Governments and not-for-profit organisations in serving migrant communities



Chinese New Year Drawing Competition


2021 Perth Chinese New Year Fair

We invite you to join the


炎黄子孙 CHUNG WAH 共同的大家庭 FAMILY TO JOIN YOU CAN EITHER: Call our membership and enquiry hotline 入会及询问热线

中华学校 Chinese Education

(��) ���� ����

or download a membership application from our webiste 网上下载入会申请表

文化团体 Chinese Cultural Events and Activities

and email us 申请电子回传 or post it to us at 或者邮寄回传

PO Box ��, Northbridge WA ����

社区长者服务 Community and Aged Care


Standard 普通

Concession 优惠

Individual 个人



Family 家庭



今 年 的 十 一月份 是 中 华 编 辑 组 ,极 其 忙 碌 的 时 刻 。原 因 在 于 2020是中华会馆建馆110周年,在 过 去 两 个月忙于 收 集 资 料 、撰 写 文稿、翻译 、设 计工作,刚完 成一 本即将出炉的110周年纪念刊。此 外,中华会馆这几年来出版的高质 量《中华之声》杂志得到了澳大利 亚传讯媒体管理局的青睐,换来一 笔拨款扩展中华会馆的媒体工作, 着重报道大众新闻的信息。

Cover Photography 封面摄影 Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

虽然《中华之声》自今年六月 份开始就不再有印刷版,然而却没 有影响我们对报道新闻的热诚。在 政府拨款的支持下, 《中华之声》从 今年九月份至明年的五月份变成双 月刊,每两个月出版一次。不但 如 此,刊内有关于大众新闻的报道也 会在珀斯的主要中文媒体的《中华 之声》专栏中出现。这样一来,可以 确保社区里的非网络用户,也可以 通过纸媒得到社区的重要信息。 西澳华人社区有很大一部分的 群体,不懂中文,只明白英文内容。 由于这个原因,《中华之 声》杂志 一向都是中英双语。此外,在这社 交媒体的时代,网络视频成了大部 分现代人偏爱的信息渠道之一。因 此,中华编辑组特别召集了各方专 才,打造了西澳首个中英双语网络 视频时事报道,给当地多元文化和 主流社区,一个不同角度的报道。 这期的《中华之声》内容精彩 依旧,增加了大众新闻报道的同时, 保留了受读者欢迎的“亲子乐”、 “ 寻医问药”专栏。此外,我们也增加 了与读者有更多互动的环节。如果 您对《中华杂志》有任何想法,欢 迎电邮到 au, 期待您的反馈。

Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰 Chief Editor 主编

2021 Membership 会续 Renewal Reminder 籍新 Your Chung Wah Association membership 2020 subscription will expire on 31 December 2020. Renew your membership now to continue to enjoy discounts and receive Chung Wah Magazine.

您 的 中华 会 馆 2 0 2 0 年 会 籍 将 于 2 0 2 0 年1 2 月31日 到 期 。续 新 会 籍 确 保 您 继 续享有会员优惠,并定 期收 到《中华之声》会刊。

2021 Annual Membership Fees 年会费

Category 类别 Family 家庭

Individual 个人

Standard 普通

$�0 $30

Concession 优惠

$25 $15

Our Success is Because of You November this year was an extremely busy period for the media team of Chung Wah Association. The reason being the year 2020 is the 110th anniversary of the foundation of Chung Wah Association, and our team has been in the process of completing the anniversary publication within the last two months. The tasks included gathering historical information and images, interviewing, writing articles, translating and designing. In addition, the news quality covered in our Chung Wah Magazine was recognised by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), and in return, we were selected by ACMA in a grant application, with our commitment to producing more news stories of public interest. Despite the Chung Wah Magazine no longer having a print version since June this year, we continue to endeavour to produce relevant news stories to our community. With the support of government grants, our magazine is now published bi-monthly instead of quarterly, from October 2020 to May 2021. Furthermore, our public interest news content will also be published in selected local Chinese community newspapers and magazines under the Chung Wah Voice column. Having to do this enables the important information to reach out to noninternet users within the community.

There is a huge population within the Chinese community in Western Australia (WA), who does not understand the Chinese language and only knows English. Due to this reason, the Chung Wah Magazine has always been a bilingual publication, written in both English and Chinese. Also, in this social media era, online video has become one of the most popular channels for people to access information. Hence, the media team of Chung Wah Association has gathered talents with relevant skills to produce the first bilingual online video current affairs show in WA, in order to provide a different news perspective to the local and ethnic communities.

We continue to provide you with fascinating content in this issue of the Chung Wah Magazine. You can still find the interesting columns, such as ‘Parenting’ and ‘Ask the GP’, what’s more, we also bring you additional public interest stories. Besides, there are more interactive contents contributed by our readers. Please email us at au if you have any feedback. We look forward to hearing from you.

To renew you can either

您可以透过以下方式续新会籍 By Cheque 支票

Post to PO BOX ��, Northbridge WA ����

By Credit Card 信用卡 Call (��) ���� ����

By Cash


In person at ��� James Street, Northbridge WA ����

Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)电子转账 BSB Number: ���-���

Account Number: ��-���-����

<insert Your Name & Chung Wah Membership Number>






Dear Members, 2020 is coming to an end in the blink of an eye, and the world is maturing in the midst of the new pandemic. Australia has performed excellently in its war against the pandemic. In this process, Chung Wah Association has played an integral role as a powerful voice in the Western Australian Chinese community, conveying official information and giving positive energy to the multicultural community. I was invited by the Federal Government’s Department of Home Affairs – Multicultural Interests, to represent multiculturalism in Western Australia in video conferences regarding social cohesion. At a conference on 23 October 2020, Prime Minister Scott Morrison reaffirmed the Chinese people’s contributions to the fight against the pandemic, in the presence of other representatives of ethnic minority communities. In this half of the year, that has been filled with uncertainty, Chung Wah Association has worked with other Chinese organisations in Western Australia to actively serve the community, including combating incidents of racial discrimination, providing a large number of free masks to vulnerable groups in Western Australia and Victoria, conveying official information through various Chinese communication platforms and arranging meeting opportunities for the community and government, etc.


These acts of “true intentions in the face of adversity” do not go unnoticed by the Federal and State Governments. The Western Australia Minister of Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, the Honourable Paul Papalia, has repeatedly praised the contributions made by the Western Australian Chinese on several platforms in the fight against the pandemic. In September and October 2020, Acting Minister of Immigration, Alan Tudge, also expressed gratitude to the Western Australian Chinese for their donation of masks to Victoria, in online conferences with representatives of the Chinese community in Western Australia, as well as Chung Wah Association. This affirmed the achievements of the Chinese people in the fight against the pandemic. On 16 October 2020, in a meeting with Chung Wah Association and other Chinese organisations, representatives of the Western Australia Community Engagement team from the Department of Home Affairs mentioned about using social media to convey information to the community through community peak organisations, such as Chung Wah Association. This was the most effective method of communicating with a large number of people.

In the past three months, Chung Wah Association has received two grants from the Federal Government. This is in addition to funding from the Federal Government for services for the elderly. One grant will be used to expand Chung Wah Association’s media platforms and produce news, especially with regards to public interest. Special thanks should be extended to our executive editor, Elvie Yap, for taking the initiative to apply for this funding on behalf of Chung Wah Association. The other community language grant will be used to develop Chinese education in the community. Special thanks are extended to Principal Li Hua and Principal Ma Xuan Li for their efforts in obtaining this funding. On behalf of Chung Wah Association, we greatly thank the support of the Federal Government. At the same time, our Association is also grateful to the State Government for the funding granted to Chung Wah Association over many years. We have just applied for funding for the maintenance of the premises of Chung Wah Association. We have represented the Chinese community in striving for more rights and interests in recent years. Even though 2020 has been an unpredictable year, there were still many events worth celebrating, including the 110th anniversary of Chung Wah Hall, and the festivities to come in the 2021 Chinese New Year Cultural Festival. Looking forward to seeing you all. Have a happy and safe holiday season!

Dr Ting CHEN 陈挺博士 President, The Chung Wah Association 中华会馆会长 Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue


转眼间2020年接近尾声,全球均在新冠疫 情阴霾下成长的一年。澳大利亚在抗疫战争中 表现出色 。在这 过程中,中华会馆在西澳华人 社区里,扮 演着号召力量、传达官方信息给社 区,以及给多元文化社区传送正能量的角色。 我获联邦政府多元文化部邀请,代表西澳多元 文化社区参加几个有关社区凝 聚力的(social cohension)视频会议。在10月23日由总理参加 的会议上,Scott Morrison总理在少数民族社 区代表的面前,再次肯定华人在抗击疫情所做的 贡献。 在这充满不确定性的大半年时间里,中华 会馆联合其他西澳华人机构,积极服务社区,包 括打击种族歧视事件、给西澳和维多利亚州弱 势群体免费提供大量口罩,通过各种中文平台 传达官方防疫信息,安排社区与政府之间交流的 机会等等。

这种“患 难 见真情 ”的举动,联 邦 政 府 和 州政府都看在眼里。西澳多元文化部长多次在 不同平台表扬了西澳华人抗疫期间所做出的贡 献。联邦政府移民暂代部长Alan Tudge也在十 月份与西澳华人社区代表以及中华会馆的网络 会面中对西澳华人给维多利亚州捐赠口罩,表 示感谢,并肯定华人在抗疫方面的成绩。十月十 六日,联邦内政部的西澳州社区服务组的代表, 在中华会馆与华人侨领会晤中,也重点提及通 过社区代表机构如中华会馆,利用社交媒体向 社区传达信息,是最有效传达给大量群众的途 径。 最近三个月,中华会馆接连获得了联邦政府 的两项拨款,除了中华长者服务以外,这是中华 会馆近十几年所获得的两笔由联邦政府资出的 拨款。其一,用来拓展中华会馆的媒体平台,制 作关注社会的大众新闻,特别感谢执行编辑叶 俐廷主动为会馆积极申请此拨款;另一项社区 学校拨款,则可用来发展社区中文教育,感谢李 华校长,马煊历校长为此拨款付出的努力。我谨 代表中华会馆感谢联邦政府对我们服务社区工 作上的大力支持。同时我们也特别感谢州政府 对中华华馆多年来的资助,我们刚刚递交了社区 中心维修的资金申请,近年来我们积极代表华 社为华人争取更多的权益。 纵使2020年是个不详之年,然而还是有很 多值得我们去庆祝的事件,其中包括了中华会馆 设馆110周年庆,还有接下来充满喜庆的2021中 华新年文化节。期待见到您们。

If you are an older person, who is being harmed by the actions of someone else, such as a family member, friend, neighbour or carer, you may be experiencing elder abuse. Elder abuse is wrong. In some cases, it may be a criminal offence. If you are an older person and this is happening, you may be the victim of elder abuse. Elder abuse is not just about physical violence. It can include forms of financial, emotional, social and psychological abuse. Some examples of behaviour that could be elder abuse include:

• Financial – using an older person's money or property without their permission, taking control of bank accounts, selling property and keeping the proceeds, repeatedly asking for 'loans' or access to an expected inheritance, pressure to sign legal documents or Powers of Attorney without proper explanation. • Emotional or psychological - verbal or physical threats, threats of abandonment and intimidation, threats to harm others or pets, withdrawal of love and support. • Social - restricting someone's social freedom, cutting off phone services, hiding mail, and isolating the older person from family and friends. • Physical - any deliberate act resulting in physical pain or injury, including being hit, kicked, pushed, spat on or restrained. • Sexual - sexually abusive or exploitative behaviour, including sexual assault, making obscene phone calls, or watching obscene DVDs in the presence of an older person who does not want to see this. • Neglect - not providing life's necessities, such as adequate food, shelter, medical care and emotional support.

If you or someone you know are encountering elder abuse, you may find out more information from the followsing contacts: • Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre - Older Peoples Rights Service - provides legal advice, information, referral and crisis counselling for older people who are experiencing elder abuse or are at risk of being abused. Call Mirrabooka - (08) 9440 1663 or Joondalup - (08) 9301 4413.

• Advocare - Help with elder abuse – call (08) 9479 7566 or freecall 1800 655 566 (for country callers) - information on the free advocacy service it provides for older adults experiencing elder abuse.

Advocare also run the Elder Abuse Hotline - 1300 724 679.

• Aged Care Complaints Commissioner provides a free service for anyone to raise their concerns about the quality of care or services being delivered to people receiving aged care services subsidised by the Australian Government. You can phone the Aged Care Complaints Commissioner on 1800 550 552 (9am–5pm, Monday to Friday) or you can lodge a complaint online.

什么是虐待老人? 受害者如何寻求帮助?

如果你是一名老年人且正在受到别人(比如家庭成员、朋友、 邻居或者护工)的行为伤害,那么你可能正在遭受虐待。虐待 老人是错误的行为。在某些情况下,虐待也是一种刑事犯罪。


虐待老人不仅仅是指身体暴力。它可以包括各种形式的,包括 经济、情感、社会和心理虐待。


What is elder abuse? How to seek help?


• 经济上——未经老年人许可使用其金钱或财产,控制银行账 户,出售财产并保留收益,反复要求 "贷款 "或获得预期的遗 产,在没有适当解释的情况下施压签署法律文件或授权书。 • 情感或心理方面——口头或身体威胁,威胁遗弃和恐吓,威 胁伤害他人或宠物,不提供关爱和支持。 • 社交——限制某人的社交自由,切断电话服务,藏匿邮件,将 老年人与家人和朋友隔离。

• 身体——任何故意造成身体疼痛或伤害的行为,包括被打、 被踢、被推、被吐口水或被限制。

• 性行为——性虐待或性剥削行为,包括性攻击、拨打淫秽电 话,或在老年人不愿意看到的情况下观看淫秽DVD。 • 忽视——不提供生活必需品,如足够的食物、住所、医疗护 理和情感支持。

如果您或您认识的人遇到虐待老人的情况, 您可以从以下的 服务中获得帮助:

• 北郊社区法律中心 - 老年人权利服务处

为遭受虐待或有可能遭受虐待的老年人提供法律咨询、信 息、转介和危机咨询。 请致电Mirrabooka - (08) 9440 1663或Joondalup (08) 9301 4413。

• Advocare——帮助解决虐待老人问题——请拨打(08) 9479 7566或免费电话1800 655 566(国家电话)。 关于它为遭受虐待的老年人提供的免费宣传服务的信息。 Advocare还开通了虐待老人热线——1300 724 679。

• 老年护理投诉专员提供免费服务,任何人都可以就接受澳大 利亚政府补贴的老年护理服务的人员所获得的护理或服务 质量提出关切。 您可以拨打老年护理投诉专员的电话1800 550 552(周一至 周五上午9点至下午5点),也可以在网上进行投诉。

Sam Lim 林文清警官

Senior Constable | Community Engagement Officer Diversity and Engagement Unit 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊夏季版




中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah


编者寄语 Editorial


中华消息 Chung Wah News




38 10



会长感言 President’s Message

感谢联邦政府和州政府 对中华中文学校的支持 Thanks to the supports from the Federal and State government in developing our Chinese schools


为您度身定制的中华媒体频道 First WA Chinese Guzheng Day promoting the Art of Chinese instrument

中华龙舟队, 冲!冲!冲! Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team Go, Go, Go! 为您度身定制的中华媒体频道 Chung Wah media channels designed for your needs 近年来在East Perth 早期墓园的发现 Recent find at the East Perth Pioneer Cemetery

社区评论 Community News

华人社区与澳大利亚內政部 驻珀斯社区参与小组会晤 Chinese community meeting with Perth-based Community Engagement team from the Australian Department of Home Affairs 探索西澳的海外学生 和高等教育的前景 The outlook for overseas students and the education sector in WA during COVID-19

拨款对移民社区的帮助 The inter-dependence of Governments and not-for-profit organisations in serving migrant communities

移民心声 Migrant’s Voice

读者来稿 Contribution from our Readers

12 和高等教育的前景


The outlook for overseas students and the education sector in WA during COVID-19


华人社区与澳大利亚內政部 驻珀斯社区参与小组会晤

Chinese community meeting with Perthbased Community Engagement team from the Australian Department of Home Affairs

家爱 Family

家有一老 Aged Care



亲子乐 Parenting


校园天地 The School Yard

五十年代末六十年代初 在澳洲的留学生活 Life as an Overseas Student in Australia in the 1950s and Early 1960s

西澳历史最悠久的民族团体 The oldest ethnic organisation in Western Australia Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

当孩子确诊为自闭症时, 父母应该如何适应及调整自己 Adjusting to your child’s autism diagnosis

中华会馆中华青少年俱乐部栏目 Chung Wah’s Youth Club

来自一位小小绘画家 父亲的真情表白 Words from the Father of a Talented Young Artist


寻医问药 Ask The GP

松柏长青 Community and Aged Care

活动参与 Events and Activities


长期活动 Regular Activities

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive


中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 电话 Telephone (08) 9328 8657

电子邮箱 Email


and not-for-profit organisations in serving migrant communities

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0411 249 463

通信地址 Mailing Address

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865

电话 Telephone

中华珀斯中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Perth

传真 Facsimile (08) 9228 3990

Published by


Chung Wah Association

Editorial and Advertising Enquiry E-mail:


Editorial team

Balcatta WA 6021

中华爱德中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell

18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street)

Willetton Centre

58 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton WA 6155


Chung Wah Chinese Radio

广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3

Every Saturday 10 am to 11 am 每周六上午10点至11点

Chief Editor


CW Womens Subcommittee


Executive Editor


CW Lion Dance Troupe





叶俐廷 陈薇

Jeffrey CHA Elvie YAP

Abbie CHEN


Visual Designer



卡尔 汪 黄小娟

Carl ONG

Lesley WONG

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306



90 Roberts Road, SUBIACO WA 6008

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 威乐顿中心


电子邮箱 E-mail Address

联系人 Contact Details 马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898



中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Keith Road, ROSSMOYNE 6148

Chung Wah Community and Aged Care (08) 9328 3988


联系人 Contact Details 周如真女士 Luisa Chou 0401 738 778

Bramwell Road, NORANDA 6062

Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003


电子邮箱 E-mail Address

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley


中华新年文化节预告 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2021

Aulberry Parade, LEEMING 6149 网址 Website

18The inter-dependence of Governments

中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming


中华舞蹈团 中华华乐团



CW Dragon Boating

CW Cultural Dance Troupe CW Chinese Orchestra CW Cantonese Opera CW Beijing Opera

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club 电子邮箱 E-mail Address


中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall and Administration Office

201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306



版权所有,未经允许, 不得转载本刊文字及图片。

All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association.

声明: 《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自中华 会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对其真实性 和准确性的理解而予以登载。对题材中的任何误 差,中华会馆不予负责。 Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.




感谢联邦政府 和州政府对中华中 文学校的支持

十 Thanks to the supports from the Federal and State government in developing our Chinese schools


n 21 November 2020, WA Senator Dean Smith attended the O year-end school assembly of Chung Wah Chinese School Morley, and announced that Chung Wah was receiving a total grant of $60,000, funded by the Multicultural Affairs Division of the Department of Home Affairs, under the Community Languages Multicultural Grants Program. About 3,600 children learn a foreign language through community organisations in Western Australia. 1,200 students, spread across the four Chung Wah Chinese school (CWCS) campuses, represent one third of this number. For years, the WA State Government has been providing funding to CWCS, making it an affordable community language learning weekend school. This is the first year that a Chung Wah school has received funding from the Federal Government for school development.

In 2015, Chung Wah successfully lobbied the WA State Government for a 54% increase in funding to support the Chinese language taught in community schools. The additional funding from the Federal Government would give the schools a stronger financial capability to develop resources or training to benefit our Chinese schools more broadly. In 2021, Chung Wah is developing its fifth campus, setting up in Atwell.

They were given a tour of the site by the Chairperson of the Autumn Centre Board of Management, Doreen CHIN, and DING Shao Ping, Chairperson of the Autumn Centre Fundraising Subcommittee. Dr CHEN Ting, President

接近三千六百名孩童正在各个 社区机构承办的学校学习一种外语, 其中有一千两百名的学生在其中一 间中华中文学校中学习,这意味着有 三分之一在学习社区语言的学生集 中在中华中文学校。 多年来, 西澳政 府每年给中华中文学校提供拨款,让 学生可以以廉宜的学费到我们的周 末学校来学习中文。今年是中华中文 学校首次获得联邦政府的资助来发展 我们的学校。

2015年,中华会馆成功游说西澳 州政府提高多达百分之五十四的增长 率,来支持提供中文教育的社区学校。 目前,加上联邦政府的拨款,加强我们 的经济条件来增强资源和培训计划, 以让中文学校可以发展的更好。2021 年,中华会馆将会在Atwell 区开设新 校园。

中华秋园短期暂息服务住宿 接获$15000的捐款

$15,000 Donation To Chung Wah Autumn Centre Inc Short Term Respite Care George CHU, with members of the Sabah Club, showing the amount of $15,000.00 donated to Chung Wah Autumn Centre Inc. on Sunday, 6th December 2020 at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta.

一月二十一日,西澳参 议员Dean Smith 出席 了中华摩利中文学校的年末 早会,对与会人士宣布了中华 会馆获得了由联邦政府内政 部的多元文化司的六万澳币 社区语言发展拨款。

2 0 2 0 年 十 二 月 六 日 星 期 日 上 午, George Chu先生联同几位西澳沙巴协会的 会员,在中华Balcatta文化中心,捐赠一笔 $15000的善款给中华秋园。 of Chung Wah Association and Elder and Trustee, James Chong were also present. The Short-Term Respite Care, built on the vacant land behind the Cultural Centre, would have 14 rooms available for respite care, so enabling carers to take a short break or holiday.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

中华秋园管委会主席陈清灵,以及中 华秋园募款委员会主席丁少平,给与会的 沙巴协会会员们,参观了文化中心和将来 开建中华秋园的地段。中华会馆会长陈挺 和元老兼信托人张仕煌也出席了当天的 仪式。 这短期暂息服务住宿,将会建在文化 中心后方的空地,设计中包括十四间房间 用于暂息服务,让年迈长者或有身体缺陷 人士的照顾者可以放心把他们交给我们照 顾,自己放假休息。

Go, Go, Go!

一月八日,西澳龙舟锦标赛首场 在Champion Lake帆船中心举行。 基本上,几乎每年十一月至四月之间都 会举行四场龙舟赛。2019年七月,中华 龙舟队正式加入西澳龙舟协会,今年是 中华龙舟队第二年参加州级锦标赛。 在 中华龙舟队参加的七场比赛中,成绩抢 眼,在七场比赛中排名第一。


n 8 November 2020, the Dragon Boat Western Australia (DBWA) Grand Prix Regatta No. 1 took place at the Champion Lakes Regatta Centre. In total, there are four Grand Prix Regattas held between November and April almost every year. In July 2019, the Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team officially joined Dragon Boat Western Australia (DBWA). This was the second year that the Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team had participated in this most significant competition at the state level. In the seven games that the Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team had participated in, their results were impressive: first place in those seven games. It was a huge effort for the Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team to achieve this remarkable result. The team spend 2-3 hours training, three times a week, at the Maylands Sport Centre, regardless of the scorching sun or a freezing day. The team included fathers, mothers, children, workers and IT workers, etc. The youngest in the team is a 13-year-old school boy, John Lin.

One of the team members, Yang Huajian, said, “I really love our team, working collectively, there is coach, team leader, someone to set goals for us to work towards, helping each other like a family. Unlike those individual games, like badminton, table tennis or cycling, dragon boat racing is one of the few group sport activities that give us the warm feeling and positive energy.”

Dragon boat racing is a traditional Chinese sporting event. Good to see its increased popularity in the Australian sporting scene. It now has a national and a statewide tournament in Australia. The pride of overseas Chinese, the Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team, Go, Go, Go! We look forward to seeing more supporters showing up in the next three Dragon Boat Western Australia (DBWA) Grand Prix Regattas. • Sunday, 6 December 2020 BWA Grand Prix Regatta No. 2 • Sunday, 17 January 2021

中华龙舟队为此付出了巨大的努力,才能取 得如此出色的成绩。无论在烈日还是寒冷的天气 下,该队每周都要在Maylands体育中心每周三 次,每次二至三个小时的训练。该团队成员包括 父母亲、孩子、上班族,IT精英等。团队中最年轻 的是十三岁的男生John Lin。

其中一位团队成员杨华健说: “我真的很喜 欢我们的团队,集体训练,有教练和团队负责人, 有人为我们设定目标,像家人般互帮互助。与羽 毛球、乒乓球或骑自行车等个人运动不同,龙舟 赛是可以为我们带来温暖和积极能量的少数团 体运动之一。 赛龙舟是中国传统的体育赛事。 很高兴看到 它在澳大利亚运动竞技中越来越受欢迎。现在已 发展成全澳和州际间的赛事。代表全体海外华裔 的中华龙舟队,冲!冲!冲! 我们期待有更多的支持者出现在接下来的 三场西澳龙舟大赛及年度总冠军赛中。 • • • •

2020年12月6日周日 西澳龙舟赛第二场 2021年1月17日周日 西澳龙舟赛第三场 2021年2月14日周日 西澳龙舟赛第四场

2021年3月14日周日 西澳龙舟赛年度总冠军赛

• DBWA Grand Prix Regatta No. 3 • Sunday, 14 February 2021

• DBWA Grand Prix Regatta No. 4 • Sunday, 14 March 2021

• DBWA State Championships 2021



中华龙舟队, 冲!冲!冲!

Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team



文◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷 | 译◎Yves 若水

Chung Wah media channels designed for your needs


edia messages convey important influences. For many decades, Chung Wah Association has been trying to maximise their limited resources, using various means to ensure that essential information reaches out to our members and the community at large. In the 1980s or earlier, traditional media, such as radio, newsletters and words of mouth, were the major media tools for information to get across. Today, with the support of government and sponsors, Chung Wah has extended to a wide range of media scope, such as the Chung Wah Magazine, website, social media, and local newspapers, to reach our target audiences. There were some major changes for the Chung Wah media between 2011 and 2012, when Sammy Yap was elected as the President of Chung Wah Association. The Chung Wah newsletter was replaced with the Chung Wah Magazine, a 68page full-coloured printed bimonthly, bilingual community magazine. Another change, the operation and management of the Chung Wah radio programs, both Cantonese and Mandarin, broadcasting since the 1990s through World Radio 6EBA-95.3FM, was transferred from the Chung Wah head office to Chung Wah Community and Aged Care. Starting from June 2020, the Chung Wah Magazine has only been published electronically and is no longer available in print version. However, a new funding received has enabled us to publish selective content, particularly public journalism stories, in the local Chinese newspapers and magazines, as well as sharing our Chung Wah Magazine on a widely used online publishing platform.

Being the only Western Australia recipient for the Regional and Small Publishers Innovation Fund - Round 2020, funded by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), we now expect to reach a wider community in Western Australia through additional channels, such as the first bilingual current affairs online video in WA, Chung Wah Focus. In addition, we are working in partnership with a few popular local Chinese newspapers and magazines to convey public interest topics under the Chung Wah Voice column.

Western Australia is the most diverse state in Australia. The Census was used to update Western Australia’s estimated resident population, which, at 31 December 2016, had grown to 2,567,788 people, with 32% of the state’s population reporting that they were born overseas. The 2016 Census data showed

there were 27,076 people born in China (excluding SARs and Taiwan) living in WA; it was 16,692 people in 2011. Chinese ancestry people living in WA have risen to 103,677 people; it was 75,935 people in 2011.

Mandarin, Italian and Vietnamese were the most commonly reported languages, other than English, spoken in Western Australian homes. In WA, in total, 47,840 people speak Mandarin, which is 1.9% of the WA population. This figure was 28,032 in 2011. This was a significant increase, as high as 70% within the last five years. On the other hand, Cantonese is also one of the most commonly spoken languages for the Chinese; there were 18,006 people in 2011, which has increased to 19,339 in 2016. Living in Western Australia, we are all part of the multicultural society. It is widely known that the Chinese population in Western Australia is indeed a diverse group, with a huge spectrum of English proficiency and country of birth. As the ethnic association with the longest history in Perth, Chung Wah Association recognises the differences in culture, barriers and needs, etc, within the population with Chinese heritage. In recent years, the misrepresentation of the Chinese in mainstream media may have directly and indirectly created misunderstanding in Australia, predominantly between the Chinese community and the mainstream society. It is important to have some locally

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

produced media that could represent the community in a neutral way, that enables the Australian audience at large to access public interest stories from a different perspective and view.

While we continue to produce the informative English and Chinese Chung Wah Magazine, we are delighted to have the financial support from the Australian Government, to produce the ‘Chung Wah Focus’current affairs online news in English with Chinese subtitles. We strongly urge our readers to subscribe to the Chung Wah YouTube channels for our interesting topics.


为您度身定制的 中华媒体频道

体信息影响力广泛。多年来,中华会馆一直试图通过各种途径来全 面地利用有限的资源,以确保必要的信息能够有效地传播给我们的 会员们和整个社区。 在1980年代或更早的时期,广播、会 馆通讯和口口相传等传统媒介是传播信息 的主要载体。 如今,在政府和赞助商的支持 下,中华会馆已扩展到多方位的媒体平台, 例如《中华之声》杂志、网站、社交媒体、当 地社区报纸等,以覆盖我们的受众群体。

在2011年和2012年间,自叶俊帆会长 上任之后,媒体部有一些重大改革。《中华 通讯》被《中华之声》杂志取代, 《中华之声》 杂志是一本六十八页全彩色双月刊双语社 区杂志。自1990年代以来,通过6EBA世界 广播电台广播的FM95.3MHz粤语和普通话 广播组和节目的运行和管理,也从中华会 馆总部转移到中华社区及长者服务部全面 负责。 从2020年六月开始, 《中华之声》仅以 电子形式出版,不再提供印刷版本。 近期获 得的新政府拨款使我们能够在当地的中文 报纸、其他杂志上发布精选内容,重点在于 大众新闻报道,并在广泛使用的在线媒介 平台中共享《中华之声》。

作为唯一获得澳大利亚传播与媒体管 理局(ACMA)2020年度区域和小型出版商 创新基金拨款的西澳大利亚州机构,中华 会馆目前希望通过其他渠道,比如新开发 的首个双语在线版本《中华之声》网络视频 新闻报道,以便分享给西澳的更多观众群。 此外,我们还与珀斯的一些受欢迎的中文 报纸和杂志合作,在“中华之声”专栏下传 达公众关注的话题。 西澳大利亚州是澳大利亚最多元化的 州属之一。用于更新西澳大利亚州的预估 居住人口的人口普查,截止2016年十二月 三十一日西澳人口已增加至2,567,788人。 据该报告显示,西澳州有32%的人口,出生 在海外。 2016年的人口普查数据显示,居 住在西澳的出生于中国的人口(不包括港、 澳特区和台湾)为27,076人,2011年仅有 16,692人。居住在西澳具有华裔血统人口


在西澳大利亚,除英语以外,在家中普 遍使用的语言最多的几种,包括有普通话、 意大利语和越南语。在西澳,共有47,840人 说普通话,占西澳人口的1.9%。 2011年这 一数字为28,032。在过去五年中,这一数字 大幅增长,高达70%。另一方面,粤语也是 中文的常用语言之一,2011年的使用者为 18,006人,2016年已增加至19,339人。


无论什么样的背景,我们都是西澳州 多元文化社会的一部分。 众所周知,西澳的 华裔人群是一个多元化的群体,具有不同 程度的英语水平及来自不同的出生国家。 作为珀斯历史最悠久的少数民族社团,中 华会馆很早期就意识到在具有华裔血统的 群众中,存在着种种文化、障碍、需求等方 面的差异。 近年来,主流媒体针对华人事件的报 道出现了一些误导的情况,长期以来直接 或间接导致来自不同背景的华人之间会产 生隔膜 ,关键的还会让澳大利亚主流社群 对华人社区有更深的误解。为此尤为重要 的是,要有一些本地亚裔制作的媒体声音 能够以中立的方式代表华裔社区,使整个 澳大利亚的观众都能从不同的角度和视角 理解一些公众关注的报导。

在我们继续制作 中英双语内容丰富的《 中华之声》时,很欣慰 获 得 澳 大 利 亚政 府 的 财政支持,让我们可以 制 作 以 英 语 为播 出 语 言配以中文字幕同步的 《中华之声》网络视屏 新闻报导。我们积极欢 迎 我 们 的 读 者订 阅 中 华优管频道,分享丰富 多彩的资讯。

This project received grant funding from the Australian Government, through the Australian Communications and Media Authority, under the Regional and Small Publishers Innovation Fund. 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊夏季版


文◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷 | 译◎Karen HUANG 黄郁婷

Chinese community meeting with Perth-based Community Engagement team from the Australian Department of Home Affairs


n 16 October 2020, Chung Wah Association hosted a community round table meeting between the Community Engagement team from the Australian Department of Home Affairs in Western Australia and representatives from the Western Australian Chinese community at the Chung Wah Hall. provide unlimited hours of tuition and raise the AMEP eligibility threshold and exit point from functional English to vocational English. Time limits on enrolling, commencing and completing AMEP tuition (for those already in Australia as at 1 October 2020) will also be removed. These changes mean that more migrants will be able to access free English tuition for longer and until they reach a higher level of proficiency.


2020-2021 Migration Program

The Regional Director, Samantha Patuto, and two team members from WA Community Engagement, Tarryn Harmar and Ally Paulina, shared important up-todate information on the changes in partner visa, Australian citizenship test and the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP), to approximately 25 community leaders. They also revealed the new figures for the 2020-2021 Migration Program.

At the meeting, Samantha explained that the mission of the Department of Home Affairs is to prosper, secure and reunite Australia. This purpose underpins the program and the service delivery of the Department. The Community Engagement team functions as part of the Social Cohesion Division within the Department of Home Affairs. Each Australian state and territory has a Community Engagement team.

“Our role is to connect the multicultural community, we build relationships with community groups and other stakeholders, we listen to their concerns, we provide the opportunities for open dialogue between the community and government,” said Samantha. “We really value the strong working relationship with both Chung Wah Association and its members. The department really values the contributions, feedback and insight that have been so generously provided by the Chinese community here in Perth.” Samantha indicated that it was proven that the most effective way to reach a large audience was to communicate through a peak organisation, like Chung

Wah Association, in disseminating information through social media, such as WeChat and Facebook.

Important initiative and highlighted at the meeting


Partner visa changes

The new sponsorship framework will separate the sponsorship and visa processes into two separate application processes. This means that a sponsorship application will need to be approved before a visa application can be lodged. The changes will be introduced by the end of 2021 and will apply to new applications. It is important to note that these measures will not be backdated or retrospectively applied.

Partner visa language requirement

English language requirements for partner visa applicants and permanent resident sponsors will also be introduced by the end of 2021, as part of the new partner visa sponsorship framework. To meet the requirements, which will be part of the sponsorship assessment, permanent resident sponsors will need to demonstrate a level of English, expected to be based on ‘functional English’, or demonstrate that they have made a reasonable effort to learn English through attending the free AMEP.

Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) Reform

The Government has announced a package of reform, including legislative changes to remove the 510-cap to

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

The 2020-21 Migration Program is designed to respond and adapt to evolving economic, border and public health challenges in an uncertain environment. The Migration Program ceiling for 2020-21 will be retained at 160,000. There will be 79,600 places for the skills stream, with the Business Innovation and Investment Program, global talent and employer-sponsored programs being prioritised. Of note, the number of places for the Business Innovation and Investment Program visas will double, reflecting the importance of this program in driving investment in the Australian economy and creating jobs for Australians. There will be a significant increase to the number of places available in family visa categories, with 72,300 places for partner visas.

Australian citizenship test changes

From 15 November 2020, the Australian Government has strengthened the Australian citizenship test through the addition of new questions about Australian values. The Australian citizenship test resource booklet Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond, which will be available in 40 languages, including simplified and traditional Chinese, has recently been updated. The delivery of the test remains the same and will still include 20 multiple choice questions in basic English, with other topics including: • • •

Australia and its people Australia’s democratic beliefs, rights and liberties, and Government and the law in Australia

Despite COVID-19, 83,000 people around Australia have received Australian citizenship in the last six months through online ceremonies.


华人社区与 澳大利亚內政部 驻珀斯社区 参与小组会晤

华 会 馆于 十月十 六日在中华 会 馆 大 楼 内 举 办了一场 澳 大 利亚内政 部的西澳 社区 服 务小 组 (Community Engagement team from the Australian Department of Home Affairs in Western Australia) 与华人社区各代表间的 多方会谈。



新的担保框 架将会把担保 及签证 审理分为两个独立的申请程序,这意味 着,签证申请必须在担保批准后,才能 递交。该变动于2021年底实施,且只对 新申请产生影响。值得注意的是,该政 策将不会涉及之前已经递交的申请。


区域主管Samantha Patuto和她的 两位小组成员 Tarryn Harmar 和Ally Paulina向大约二十五位出席的社区领 袖分享重要的最新信息,这些信息包含 了伴侣签证、澳大利亚入籍考试、澳大 利亚成人移民英语课程(Adult Migrant English Program,AMEP)的修改,并披 露了“2020-2021移民项目” (Migration Program)的新数据。 在会议上,Samantha说明了内政 部的使命在于促进、保护并团结澳大利 亚,这个宗旨构成了移民项目和内政服 务的基 础 。参与小 组的功能 是 作为内 政部社会凝聚力分部(Social Cohesion Division)的一部分,各州和各领地都有 一个参与服务小组。

Samantha说 道:“ 我们的任 务是 要连结多元文化社区,我们与社区团体 及其他合作方建立关系,倾听他们的诉 求,并为社区与政府提供公开对话的机 会。” “我们非常重视与中华会馆和其会 员机构的紧密合作关系。内政部非常重 视珀斯华人社区大方地提供的反馈、见 解,以及贡献。 Samantha指出,事实证明,要把信 息传播给大众的最有效方式,是藉由像 中华会馆这样的最具代 表性的社区机 构,透过社交媒体如微信和面子书来传 播信息。

作为新的伴侣签证担保框架的一部 分,伴侣签证的申请人及永久居民担保人 的英语语言要求也将于2021年底实施。为 满足其要求,作为担保评估的一部分,永 久居民担保人需要证明其英语能力至少 达到‘实用英语’的水平,或透过参与免 费成人移民英语课程(AMEP),证明他们 在学习英语上已做出合理的努力。

成人移民英语课程 (AMEP)改革

政府宣布了一系列改革,包括立法取 消510个小时上限以提供不限时数的教 学,将AMEP的入学及毕业门槛,由实用 英语提高到职业英语。(对于那些在2020 年10月1日已经在澳大利亚境内的学生) AMEP的注册、开始和完成时间的限制也 将被取消。这些变化意味着,更多的移民 将能够享有更长的免费英语学习时间, 直到他们达到更高的熟练程度。

投资项目的签证名额将增加一倍,该项 目在推动投资进入澳大利亚经济并为 澳大利亚人创造就业机会方面。家庭签 证类别的名额也将大幅增加,伴侣签证 有七万两千三百个名额。


从今年十一月十五日起,澳大利亚 政府通过增加有关澳大利亚价值观的 新问题来加强澳大利亚公民入籍考试。 澳大利亚公民入籍考试资料手册《澳大 利亚公民:我们的共同纽带》(Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond)最近 已更新,该手册将有四十种语言版本, 包括简体和繁体中文。考试内容不变, 仍然包括二十道基 础英语的多项 选 择 题,其他题目涵盖: • 澳大利亚及其人民 • 澳大利亚的民主信仰、权利和自由 • 澳大利亚政府和法律

尽管受到新冠肺炎(COVID-19)的 影响,在过去六个月中,澳大利亚各地 仍有八万三千人通过在线仪式获得了澳 大利亚公民身份。


“2020-2021年移民项目”旨在应 对和适应不确定环境中不断变化的经 济、边境和公共卫生挑战。2020-21年 的 移民上限将 保 持 在十六 万人 。技术 移民途径(Skill stream)将会有七万 九 千 六 百 个 名 额 ,其 中 商 业 创 新 和 投资项目(Business Innovation and Investment Program)、全球高端技术 人才(Global Talent)和雇主担保计划 (Employer sponsored programs) 将优 先被考虑。值得注意的是,商业创新和 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊夏季版




The outlook for overseas students and the education sector in WA during COVID-19 探索西澳的海外学生 和高等教育的前景

Production team Executive Producer

Elvie YAP

News Content Writer


here is no doubt that the coronavirus has hit Australia in ways we’ve never seen or experienced before. As life and business return to normal in WA, what’s the outlook for overseas students and the education sector? In this episode, we explore what the future holds for overseas students and the tertiary education sector, which contributed an additional $935 million to the Australian economy before COVID-19.

Ivan LEUNG Presenter

Helene FUNG Graphic Designer

Carl ONG


Sam LI

Footage Credit

WAMN StudyPerth Tourism Western Australia

Watch CWF-Ep1 on YouTube

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue


13 It’s an unforeseen disaster, one that continues to cast a shadow over WA. The coronavirus pandemic caused overseas students significant hardship and forced tertiary education to change its way of teaching. As borders shut and students are locked in or out of WA, universities are certainly feeling the pinch. The Pro Vice Chancellor International for Murdoch University, Kelly Smith, said:

“This is a sector that relies on free movement of people, so the inability for people to travel to study here face-to-face is having an impact obviously on students.” The Study Perth’s International Student Ambassador, Harry Li, said:

“Obviously, with the border closed, and then it’s just impossible to actually physically go back home. So, that is definitely something that has changed.” The Regional Recruitment Manager for Curtin International, Lynn Tan, said:

“In the initial stages where we went into restrictions in March, we had to transition all courses online to adhere to the social distancing restrictions that the government had placed.”

But with many classes and tutorials forced to go online, adapting to the new normal can be a challenge for both students and teachers, who prefer face-to-face interactions. “If we’re talking about other international students, who I’ve known of, who are not able to come back to Australia, it is obviously a problem, because there is just online studying. Perth has relaxed restrictions, you are now allowed to go back and have physical face-to-face classes,” says Harry.

The hardship has become opportunities for some.

The Regional Manager, TAFE International WA, Chris Hogg, said:

“There have been quite a few international temporary residents in WA and other visa categories, such as tourist visa and working holiday visa. Quite a few of those students have decided to remain in WA during COVID-19 and opted to do some studies with TAFE WA. Semester 2 this year, we have a pretty good intake.”

As WA continues to manage the COVID-19 virus, some educators see it as a chance to improve their own technology infrastructure, going forward. And the future is a user-friendly online education experience for all students. 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊夏季版



The International Operations Manager of Edith Cowan University, Rhys Lodwick, said:

“It means the university has been able to improve its virtual online activities as well, and provide an even better service to those students, who are down here at the moment.” The CEO of the Australian Institute of Workplace and Training, Yvonne Yeo, said:

“We have freedom to go out and live as normal as we used to. For students coming to Australia to study, Perth is definitely a very good place. We are healthy here, and the economy is picking up really, really well.” With the hard border closure, many international students in Perth are facing some emotional difficulties. To discuss more about student assistance, Study Perth’s Senior Manager, Angela Beechey, provided an insight about the latest situation for overseas students during the International Education Expo. “ COVID has made international students feel increasingly vulnerable due to some of the restrictions and feeling away from home as well. So, in April, we launched the Study Perth Crisis Relief Program. This is offering two weeks rent and food to any international student in acute need, and we review this fortnightly as well, so students can apply more than once, and we’ve been and we’re still supporting students now in October, so it’s been quite some months that it is up and running,” says Angela. “ A nother way that we’re supporting students is through our international student meals program, so we’re actually providing meals to students that are in need of additional food and support in that sense. We’ve also recently opened the Study Perth student hub, which is perfectly located on St Georges Terrace. And that is a place for students to come and get assistance with finding appointments, meeting other students, and also getting tips on budgeting and everything else that’s very important at the moment in the current climate.” The inaugural International Students Expo held at the Perth Convention Centre on 9 and 10 October was essential for many prospective students, parents and tertiary educators. But under COVID-19, the number of attendees was affected, as universities attempted to attract overseas students during this difficult climate - despite WA’s success on pandemic control. Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

In 2019, international education contributed $37.6 billion to the Australian economy. It was the largest service-based export. It supported 240,000 jobs, business opportunities and economic growth. Overseas students are some of the most affected during COVID-19.

What kind of support do they get from the Australian Government during this critical period?


Angela said, “this initiative was very much brought on because we still got 28,000 international students here in Western Australia and it’s very important to showcase the wonderful opportunities that are already here, to extend their education, and also enhance their career prospects as well, so a very important time to develop students that are here.”

The Federal Acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, Alan Tudge, joined us.

“There are many international students here in Australia. We have done a number of things for people, enable people to access their superannuation immediately, that can be several thousand dollars; we provided greater flexibility in terms of their work rights, in many cases, they being able to work up to 40 hours per week instead of 20 hours per week, extended those opportunities,“ said Minister Alan Tudge.

“We encourage the universities themselves to provide welfare assistance for their students. Universities and tertiary institutions charge significant fees and they equally have an interest as well. We put additional money into the emergency relief fund, accessible to anybody.” Australia has every reason to be proud of its great universities that attract thousands of young people around the world to make us their home away from home during their studies. It is part of our caring spirit that we support their wellbeing while they are in Australia.

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冠病毒无疑给澳大利亚带来前所未有的冲击。正当西澳各方 面似乎回归正常之际,教育界和海外学生正面对怎样的境况 呢?这期节目,我们一起来探索海外学生和高等教育的前景如何。 疫 情之前,这个领域,给澳洲经济带来额外的九亿三千五百万收入。

这期节目,我们一起来探索海外学生 和高等教育的前景如何。 疫情之前,这个领 域,给澳洲经济带来额外的九亿三千五百 万收入。

西澳仍严控新冠病毒传播,有的教育 机构认为这是个机会加强他们的科技设 施。未来就是能让学生可以体验轻松容易 操作的网络教育。

Murdoch 大学国际市场副校长

“ 这表示大学可以改善他们的 虚拟网络活动,给目前在这里的学生 提供更好的服务。 ”

这场疫情导致海外学生陷入困境,高等 教育机构被迫改变教学方法。随着边界关 闭,学生无法自由出入境,大学首当其冲。


Kelly Smith

“ 这 是 一 个 人 口 自 由 流 动 的 行 业,无法入境和来到这里面对面上 学,学生很明显大受影响。 ” Study Perth国际学生大使 黎楚雄

“ 边 境 关 闭 ,很 明 显 我 不 可 以 亲身回国。这确实对我有影响,我觉 得有必要改变。 ” Curtin 大学的区域招生经理

Lynn Tan

“ 三 月 份 最 初 新 管 令 ,我 们 全 面 将所有课程转向网课以符合政府设 定的安全社交距离。 ”

可是不少课程被迫改为网课,对于偏 爱面对面交流的学生和教师而言,比较难 适应这种新常态。 黎楚雄补充: “ 那些仍然滞留海外,我 所认识的海外学生而言,只能上网课,确实 是个问题。 珀斯在放宽紧令,境内的学生可 以回去学校里面对面上课了。

疫情所造成的许多不方便,却成了一些 机构的机遇。 有的教育机构成功吸引了一些 身居西澳的国际学生。 那些选择留在珀斯上 学的学生被这里的生活方式所吸引住。

西澳TAFE International WA区域经理 何佳明

“有 不 少 滞 留 的 短 期 国 际 居 民 在 西 澳,持有的签证包括旅游签、度假工 作签。当中有不少决定在疫情期间 留在西澳,并选择在西澳的技术学 院学习。今年度第二学期,我们的新 增学生人数相当不错。 ”

ECU大学国际营运经理 Rhys Lodwick

AIWT学院执行总监 Yvonne Yeo

“我们可以自由出门,正常生活。对于 来澳洲学习的学生,珀斯的确是个非 常好的地方。我们这里很健 康,经济也复苏地非常好。 ” 由于严厉的边境封锁,许多 人在珀斯的国际学生面对着某些情绪问 题。 讨论有关对学生的援助,Study Perth 代言人在珀斯会展中心的博览会中,告知 我们对国际学生的补助。

新冠疫情促使国际学生感到脆弱。 原因 在于种种的限制和人在异乡的感觉。 今年四 月份,我们推出Study Perth紧急援助计划, 提供急需的国际学生两周的租金和饮食救 济金,我们再复审学生的申请,可以重复申 请,至今十月份,我们仍继续这项计划。 另外,我们也提供国际学生餐饮计划, 提 供 需 要 额 外 餐 饮 补 助 的 学 生 膳 食 。我 们近期也在St George’s Terrace 设立了 Study Perth 学生站,让学生预约咨询,提 供财政管理的资料和其他事务。这在目前 的环境下很重要。 在珀斯会展中心的首届国际学生博览 会,对许多潜在学生、家长和高等学府而言 是必须的。然而,由于新冠疫情,出席人数 受影响。 尽管西澳成功抵抗疫情,大学也尝 试在这不景气下能吸引到国际学生。

Angela Beechey 补充说 :“这个举动 是因为仍有两万八千的国际学生还在西 澳。 重要的是要展现这里的美好机会,扩展 教育,同时提高他们的就业潜能,也是提升 目前在这的学生一个好时机。 ”

2019年,国际教育领域给澳大利亚经 济带来了376亿的收入。 国际教育是澳大利 亚最大的出口服务,支持着24万的工作岗 位,带来商机和经济成长。

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

新冠疫情,国际 学生深受其害。在这 水深火热之际,澳大利 亚政府如何支援他们呢?

澳大利亚联邦移民、 公民、 移民服务、 多元文化暂代部长 Alan Tudge表示

“有 很 多 国 际 学 生 身 在 澳 大利亚。我们做了好几项 措施对他们或许有帮助。 让人们可以及早取出他们的公积 金应急,至少好几千块。我们放宽工作 时间的要求,很多情况下,国际学生可 以每周工作四十小时,而不是原来的 每周二十小时,这增加了他们赚钱的 机会。我们鼓励各个大学和高等学府 提供福利服务给他们的学生,这些学 校向学生收取相当昂贵的学费,这是 他们也要考虑的利益关系。我们也注 入更多钱用于紧急援助金,让任何有 需要的人士申请。 我们会继续关注。 ” 澳大利亚为拥有高质量的大学感 到骄傲,吸引来自世界各地的年轻朋 友,在求学期,选择澳大利亚为他们的 家。澳大利亚关爱精神的一部分,对于 目前在境内的国际学生,我们应该支 撑他们的身心健康。

中华中文学校 2020年度招生启事

报名 进行中



Chung Wah Chinese School – Rossmoyne Rossmoyne Senior High School, 1 Keith Road, Rossmoyne WA 6148

校长:马烜历博士(Dr Ma Xuanli) 电话:0403 003 898


班至12年级中文班、成人中文班及多 种课外兴趣班。 学校也开设低幼班,招 收2-3岁的学童,以亲子共读的形式让 幼童在快乐中学习中文。

学校同时专设11/12年级中文WACE 课程:CBL


Background Language)和CFL (中文 第一语言:Chinese: First Language)



认可,12年级考核成绩计入ATAR总 分。参加中文WACE课程考试的考生

可得到语言课程加分。详情请参照西 澳学校课程及标准管理局(School

Curriculum and Standard Authority) 有关信息。 WACE12 年级学生如果在

我校注册考试必须在第一学段结束前 报名上课。



Chung Wah Chinese School – Morley

Chung Wah Chinese School – Leeming

Morley Senior High School, Bramwell Road, Noranda WA 6062

Leeming Senior High School, Aulberry Parade, Leeming WA 6149

副校长 校长 林翠妤女士 陈水玉 女士 Emily Tan-Emery Regina Lam

校长 周如真女士 Luisa Chou



0411 249 463

0406 402 944

班至12年级中文班和成人中文班以 外,还开设1-3岁儿童游戏小组。我们 的老师以轻松的教学方式重点教授口 语,听力和对话技巧。学校开设武术, 民族舞,绘画,象棋兴趣班。欢迎大家 踊跃报名。


Chung Wah Chinese School – Atwell Atwell College, 201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164

0401 738 778

副校长 李华博士 Dr Li Hua

0401 686 306

至12年级中文班和四个程度的成人 中文班,还开设1-3岁儿童中文游戏 小组,家长与孩子进行快乐的亲子互 动。兴趣和电化教学是黎明的重点与 特色。学校开设书法、唱歌与话剧、绘 画、扯铃、武术、古筝兴趣班。


Chung Wah Chinese School – Perth Perth Modern School, 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

校长: 李华博士(Dr Li Hua)

校长: 李华博士(Dr Li Hua)



电话: 0401 686 306

五间中文学校,将于2021年为所有年 龄的孩子们开放。

电话: 0401 686 306

至8年级中文班。学校开设书法和舞 蹈兴趣班。


中华会馆下属五个学区2020学年度已经开学啦!各校均开办幼儿班、学前 班、一年级至十二年级中文班。 四岁以上学童均可报名。 有的学校还开办成人 班、WACE/ATAR中文高考辅导班

中文课时间: 每星期六上午9点至11点半 (黎明、摩利、乐思、爱德) 每星期六下午1点半至4点 (珀斯)

课外兴趣活动时间: 每周六11点半至12点半

由专业教练、导师辅导学生开展中国传统文化兴趣活动,内容包括民族舞蹈、 书法、珠算、唱歌、故事演讲、绘画、中国象棋、乒乓球、扯铃、武术、话剧、民族器 乐演奏,学生可以选择自己喜爱的项目报名参加。

2021 年全年上课时间


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Week �� to Week ��


��/��/���� ‒ ��/��/����

Week �� to Week ��

第二学期 第四学期

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Week �� to Week �� Week �� to Week ��



How three tiers of Government support services for our growing migrant communities?


Watch CWF-Ep2 on YouTube

Watch CWF-Ep3 on YouTube

n this December episode of the Chung Wah Focus online news, we explore the synergistic relationship between the Federal, State and Local Governments, and not-for-profit organisations in delivering support services to our growing migrant communities. Western Australia. The Philippines, Malaysia, Scotland, China, Italy, Ireland and Vietnam completed the top 10 countries on that list. Local Governments, such as City of Stirling and City of Gosnells, have a significant number of migrant populations. The Mayor of City of Gosnells, CR David Goode, said,

“ From a local government perspective, our demographic is wide and varied. We’ve got 133,000 people stretched across 11 suburbs. We have more than 40% who were born overseas. Putting that into perspective, we have a range of different languages spoken at home.”

Western Australian residents are made up of people born in 190 different countries - that’s almost every country in the world! WA Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, Paul Papalia, said to Chung Wah Focus that WA is a wonderful place because of our multicultural community. Minister Paul Papalia stated,

The Mayor of City of Stirling, CR Mark Irwin, explained,

“City of Stirling is the largest local authority government in Western Australia, we have a population of about 220,000 across 100sqkm. City of Stirling not only has the largest population, we are one of the most diverse multicultural populations within Australia. Currently, about 40% of the population of City of Stirling were born overseas, and about 2/3 of the population were either born overseas or have a parent who was born overseas. About 1/3 of the population speak a language other than English at home.”

“ Over the last 15 years, WA has become even more diverse. It was already a strong multicultural community with about 27% of our community born overseas, but in the last “Languages are so important, 15 years, that percentage, that they are such a powerful way proportion, has grown to 32%. We to learn about culture, to learn can say today that 1 in 3 Western about history, to learn about Australians were born overseas.” other people’s experiences.”

Recognising the increase in the population of the migrant community, both the Federal and State Governments have policies to help such large numbers of communities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, to quickly adapt to their new homes.

In 2016, Perth’s overseas-born - Senator Dean Smith population was 702,545, the fastest growing migrant population in Australia. After To many migrants, moving to Western Australia means England, New Zealand and South Africa ranked second learning a new language and adapting to a different lifestyle. and third highest as countries of origin for residents of Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

and support their cultural activities and therefore strengthen their community, and fill our calendar with events that everyone can enjoy, not just culturally and diverse linguistically diverse communities.”

More than 433,000 residents in WA spoke a non-English language at home that year, and Mandarin was the most commonly-spoken language. The State Government has been financially supporting community language schools for years.


The Australian Federal Government offers a huge range of migrant services, funding programs for eligible organisations to apply. Tarryn, from the Community Engagement Team of the Department of Home Affairs in WA, spoke to Chung Wah Focus about some of the services that help migrants to settle in Australia.

Minister Paul Papalia said,

“One of our great flagship programs is the $1.13 million provided to our community language schools program, enabling young people right across the state to learn the language of their parents or their forebears, and strengthening that link between WA and the countries of origin of many of our WA citizens.” “One way that Home Affairs supports newly-arrived migrants and multicultural communities is through the Fostering Integration Grants program.” “This program provides funding for community organisations to assist migrants integrate into Australia’s social, economic and civic life, build community resilience, and promote understanding of racial, religious and cultural diversity.” “ Another way Home Affairs supports Australia’s migrant communities is through the Adult Migrant English Program, or AMEP, which provides free English tuition to eligible migrants and humanitarian entrants.” “ Home Affairs also runs the Translating and Interpreting Service, or TIS National, which assists people who don’t speak English, and organisations that need to communicate with clients who don’t speak English.”

The Federal Government also rolled out $60,000 worth of grants earlier this year to support Chung Wah Association, in providing Mandarin language classes across Perth. The Secretary of Chung Wah Association, Jen Nie Chong, said,

“We currently have 5 Chinese schools, every year, they receive a per capita grant from the Office of Multicultural Interests, to provide high quality educational services to children all over Perth every Saturday. This year, we also received a federal grant to assist in the community language program, for which we thank the government very much.” We spoke to Senator Dean Smith, who shared the importance of preserving native languages amongst Western Australia’s migrant communities.

Across Western Australia, multicultural events and community activities take place almost all-year-round, to celebrate this rich diversity. The State Government has rolled out several programs and offered funding, as part of its commitment to supporting culturally and linguistically diverse groups. Minister Paul Papalia added,

“In recent times, we’ve created a Covid-relief program of up to 3 million dollars, which has been distributed to 41 community associations across the state, to assist in providing direct support to community members during the Covid challenge.” “In addition to that, we created another 3 milliondollar fund called the Community Capital Works Program, which enables community associations to apply for support to maintain or upgrade their community buildings. It’s not for religious buildings but for community associations and groups who have a building that is potentially ageing and needs a coat of paint or maintenance done to it, we have this fund to enable up to $250,000 per association to go into support of that infrastructure. And what it also does is provide work for local small businesses and suppliers, and that’s a great thing as well, another good outcome during Covid.” “We have annual funding, which is made up of the Community Grants Program, which supports community associations right across the state, to have celebrations

“Languages are so important, they are such a powerful way to learn about culture, to learn about history, to learn about other people’s experiences.” “It’s a great opportunity for Chinese Australians to share their heritage with the next generation of Australians, but also for Australians of non-Chinese heritage to learn about the language, to learn about Chinese culture.” Today, Western Australia has developed a unique identity as a result of our heterogenous society, and our community is flourishing with cultural diversity and heritage.

Funding for initiatives, such as language classes and other migrant community programs, come from the Federal and State Governments, but there’s another equally important player who is involved in these programs for the migrant community. That is the local government, also known as local councils. 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊夏季版



The Mayor of City of Gosnells, CR David Goode, said,

“Local government is a critically important avenue for our local citizens. We are the grassroots for local areas to access our services and facilities, so we are the closest level of government to the people.”


The Mayor of City of Stirling, CR Mark Irwin, revealed,

“We provide a lot of services for our diverse community, especially in the multicultural area, so things like settlement services and access to services. where people might not otherwise be able to find those services.”

Many suburbs in Perth are made up of a large proportion of overseas-born residents, and local governments play an important role, of understanding and meeting the real needs of their residents. Mayor David Goode added,

“With regards to the services that we provide to the multicultural community, there’s an extensive list. We’re here to encourage people to access our services and use them wherever possible they can. On the city’s homepage, we have a very large browse button called ‘browse aloud’, when you press the button, you can translate to a number of different languages, from Chinese, Cantonese, Punjabi, Arabic, just to name a few.”

Mayor Mark Irwin advised,

“Probably one of the best examples of state and federal government funding working together is our kaleidoscope program. That’s a program we started in 2017, and it’s specifically targeted at multicultural communities. Not only looking at the challenges of them finding the networks they need to get jobs, things like writing the right resumes, or different cultural situations they might find in the workplace they are not used to. But we go a step further in recognising that not only are people unemployed when they get to Australia, a lot of people, when they start looking for work, become underemployed. So, this is specifically putting them in touch with a mentor and through that mentoring process, finding them meaningful employment in their own field.” The wide range of Federal and State Government programs supporting migrant communities are in place to help in the settling in process. However, there remains a gap in accessing these services, because of barriers, including a lack of confidence, language or simply awareness of the programs.

Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre, or MMRC, is a settlement service not-for-profit organisation, that seeks to meet the needs of refugees and newly-arrived migrants. A government funding program coordinator from MMRC, Kieran O’Connor, advised,

“ We often find that new migrants and refugees are struggling to settle into the new community and aren’t actively engaging in programs set for them. This is due to financial, language and cultural barriers, that aren’t giving them the confidence to step out into the public light.”

Meanwhile, ASeTTS helps assist refugee survivors of torture and trauma. The organisation also runs Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

multiple programs, aimed at helping new residents of Australia settle into their new homes with as little disruptions as possible.

The Chief Executive Officer of ASeTTS, Marissa Van Der Linden, stated,

“There are a range of issues that face CALD and new settlers in WA, these range from difficulties in accessing services based on barriers within services. Many existing mainstream services that we access are not set up or ready for people who may have diverse needs, including language needs.” “There’s also stigma within communities that is associated with services like mental health; various issues to do with settlement, housing, with the ability to find a job, keep a job and manage finances, along with a range of things that are quite specific to the people we support.”

Like most other not-for-profits, MMRC, ASeTTS and Chung Wah Association rely heavily on government funding for their services to run. Marissa added,

“ A SeTTS delivers services to refugees, asylum seekers, humanitarian entrants and other members of the CALD community, entirely as a result of funding from commonwealth and state government departments.” “ Without this funding, we would be unable to support people in the way which we do. For example, commonwealth and state-based funding supports our counselling services for people who have survived torture and trauma. The impact of those services on people is profound.”



The Program Director of the Perth Chinese New Year Fair for the last few years, Jen Nie Chong, said,

“One of the major events for Chung Wah Association is the Perth Chinese New Year Fair. Without funding from the Office of Multicultural Interests and City of Perth, Chung Wah Association would not be able to hold this event every year.” “ For Chinese New Year, it brings the whole community together. It is for the local community to celebrate Chinese New Year, as well as for all those overseas Chinese, especially this year, who cannot return home to celebrate Chinese New Year with their families, to celebrate the local tradition and custom overseas. We also have our community and aged care branch, who also receives funding from the government and provides essential services for aged care and members of the Perth community.”

Despite the many programs and services available to migrant and culturally and linguistically diverse communities, many remain unaware of where to go when they need assistance. Several local residents from the migrant community, expressed surprise when told of the support of the Federal and State Governments behind the multicultural program initiatives.

A father of two school-age children, Willy Chen, said,

“ Besides Centrelink assistance, I’m not aware of these government grants. We are pleased that the government is taking this initiative to support multicultural events.”

A migrant who has settled in Perth for the last 12 years, Angela Heng, said,

“ I was not aware of the funding behind all these programs in the beginning. It is good to know today’s government is funding and supporting all these good initiatives, like the Chinese school where my child can get to learn my own language, Mandarin, at affordable fees.”

As Western Australia’s lively and diverse migrant population continues to grow, the role that the Federal, State and Local Governments play in ensuring that these communities quickly adapt to their new homes is increasingly important.

The faster migrant communities assimilate and settle in, the easier it will be for them to become contributing, active members of their community. And that, ultimately, is what will build a harmonious, thriving society.

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Elvie YAP

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City of Gosnells City of Stirling


COMMUNITY NEWS 社区评论 Watch CWF-Ep2 on YouTube


Watch CWF-Ep3 on YouTube

二 月份 的《中 华之 声 》网 络 新闻,我 们 探讨了联 邦 政府、州政府和地方政府及非盈 利机构之间是如何相辅相成,来 给移民社区提供服务。

西澳居民有包括在一百九十个不同国家 出生的人口,这几乎是全世界每个国家都包 括在内。 西澳公民与多元文化部长,Paul Papalia对中华之声节目组表 示,由于我们的多元文化社区 让西澳这个地方更美好。

他 说 :“在 过去 的 十五年 里,西澳的多元化更加明显。原 来 的 27%出 生海 外 的人口已 经很 高了,在 过去十五年这个数字增幅至32%。今天,我 们可以说每三位 澳大 利亚人有一 位是出生 于海外。”

2016年,珀斯出生海外的人口 有702,545人,是澳大利亚城市 中移民人口增长最快。海外 出生移民的国家排名,英 国 排 在 首位,之 后有 新 西兰和南非移民人口分 别排在第二和第三。出 生 于 菲 律 宾 、马 来 西 亚、苏 格兰、中国、意 大利、爱尔兰和越南的 移民人口排在名单上的 前十位。

有 的 地 方 政 府 , 如:Stirling 市和Gosnells 市 有着更大的移民人口比率。

City of Gosnells 市长,David Goode 表示:

“从 地 方 政 府 的 角度 而 言,我们市的人口结构是广泛 且多元的。我们有133,000人 口分布在十一个地区,其中有 40%出生于海外的人口。概括来看,在家里 使用的语言种类也相当的多。 “

City of Stirling市长,Mark Irwin 表示:

“Stirling市是西澳州最大的地方政 府,有着220000的人口居住在一 百平方公里的面积。Stirling 市不仅人口最多。我们是澳大 利亚最多元文化的城市之一。 目前有40%的海外出生人口,三 分之二的人口出生海外或父母有一方在海外 出生。三分之一的人口在家里用英语以外的 语言沟通。” 对于移民人口迅速增长的认可,联邦政 府和州政府都纷纷出台不同的政策,帮助多 元文化社区尽快融入澳大利亚这个新家园。

对于许多移民而言,移居澳大利亚等于 学习一种新的语言和适应一种全新的生活方 式。

澳大利亚联邦政府提供一系列的移民服 务拨款给符合资格的机构申请。 澳 大利亚内政部 驻西澳 的社 区服务团队代表Tarryn给中 华之声节目组,解说一些帮助 移民生活在澳大利亚的服务项 目。

也加设了另一个三百万拨款,称为社区建筑 工程项目,让社区协会申请来进行建筑物的 保修和扩建工程。这拨款同时也有助于给当 地的小企业和供应商带来生意。

我们也有每年长期都有的社区拨款 计 划,支持社区机构在西澳范围内举行庆祝活 动、文娱活动,加强社区凝聚力。让我们的活 动表充斥着各种活动,公开给任何人参加, 不仅限于多元文化社区。”

超过433,000的西澳人口在家讲英语以外 的语言。华语是最常用的英语以外的语言。 州政府多年来一直在经济上支持社区语 言学校的发展

多元文化部长说:“我们其中一项旗舰 计划就是多达一百一十三万的社区语言学校 拨款项目,让年轻一代可以学习他们父母和 先辈的母语,加强西澳和其来源国之间的友 好关系。” 今年联邦政府也提供了六万的拨款给中华 会馆,发展其在珀斯多个地区的中文学习班。 中华会馆秘书长张娟妮表示:

“我们目前有五所中文学校,每年都获 得西澳多元文化部以学生人数计算的拨款, 以提供高质量的教育给周六来上中文的孩 子们。今年,我们也获得一笔联邦政府的拨 款。”

“澳大利亚内政部给予新移民和多元文 化社区的支持方法,包括通过强化融入拨款 计划。此项目给社区机构提供拨款,帮助移 民融入澳大利亚的社交、经济、民生,建立社 区的灵活度和促进种族、宗教和文化差异之 间的理解。

自由党西澳参议员Dean Smith,谈及西 澳移民社区保留母语的重要性。他说:

内政部也 提 供 翻译 和口译服务 T IS National,帮助无法用英语沟通的人士, 以及帮助一 些机构跟讲不了英语的 客户沟 通。”

这是非常 好 的 机会 给 澳 大 利亚华裔分享他们的历史文 化给下一代,同时也让澳大利亚非华裔族群 可以学习一种语言和认识华人文化。 “

“我们推出疫情救济项目,多达三百万 的拨款帮助西澳州内的各个社区。此外我们

各个项目的拨款包括语言班和其他计划 源自联邦政府和州政府,但其实还有其他同 样重要的角色参与移民社区的项目,那就是 各个地方政府。

另一种内政部支持移民社区的方法,是 通过成人移民英语计划AMEP,提供免费英语 课程给符合资格的移民和人道主义入境者。

在西澳,多元文化和社区活动在一年当 中经常会举行,欢庆多元文化的丰富多彩。 州政府长期提供一系列的拨款,作为其对多 元文化社区的承诺和关注。西澳多元文化部 长Paul Papalia表示:

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

“语言非常重要,它是一个 非常有力量的途 径 来学习文 化、历史,以及别人的阅历。

今天的西澳发展成一个具有独特风格的 地方,它的多元社会,以及富有各种文化和历 史的社区色彩。


移民资源中心or MMRC是以给帮助移民 的非营利机构,特别是难民和新移民。

移民 资 源 中心 的 项目负 责 人 K i e r a n O’connor 表示:

Gosnells市市长David Goode 表示:

“地方政府是当地居民一个非常 重要 的管道。我们对自己市政府范围的服务和设 施,知根知底,也就是我们是和居民最接近 的政府层。 “ Stirling 市市长 Mark Irwin说:

“我们提供多种服务给多元文化社区, 特别是在多元种族的集中区, 服务包括安定 生活的服务和帮助他们寻找所要的服务。” 不少珀斯的地区居住了许多出生海外的 居民人口,地方政府扮演着重要角色,对这些 居民种种需求的理解和帮助。 David Goode市长补充道:

“对于我们提 供 给多元文化社 区的服 务,有着很详尽的服务种类。我们在这鼓励 人们 使 用我们 的 服 务。在 我们 的 市政 府网 页,我们有一个非常显眼的浏览按键,称为 Browse Aloud,让使用者可以把信息直接 翻译成其他语言,如汉语、广东话、旁遮普 语、阿拉伯文等其中几种。” Mark Irwin市长说:

“其中一个联邦政府和州政府共同资助 的万花筒项目。这个项目始于2017年,特别 为多元文化社区而设,不仅帮助他们克服打 造人脉的挑战来寻找工作,还包括帮助他们 做好一份履历,适应不同工作环境的文化。 此外,我们也意识到初到澳大利亚找不到工 作的困难,当他们寻找工作时,往往都是不 符合他们学历和经验标准的工作。这个项目 正好可以安排一位导师指导他们,属于他们 领域的工作。”

联邦政府和州政府的广泛项目,支持着 移民社区安定下来的过程。然而,这当中有着 种种障碍包括缺乏信心、语言障碍和对各计 划的不了解。

“我们常常意识到新移民 和难民很吃力地融入新的社 区,也不积极参加给他们设计 的活动。其中原因包括财务、 语言和文化的障碍所致,导致他 们没有信心走进人群。”

同时,ASeTTs是帮助经历过创伤和磨难的 难民生还者的机构。此机构也提供各种项目协 助新移民融入澳大利亚这个新家园。

ASeTTs的执行总监Marissa Van Der Linden 表示:

“多元文化移民和新移民 在西澳面对着种种问题。这些 困难包括使用为他们而设的服 务。许多当地服务的设计对多 元文化族群而言并不完善,他们因 言障碍而无法使用。

此外,还有其他问题包括精神问题、房 屋问题、找工作和保住工作的问题,以及管 理财务等相关的安居问题。 “

正 如 许 多 非 营 利 机 构 ,M M R C 、 Asetts和中华会馆都非常需要政府的拨款来 提供各项服务。 Marissa Van Der Linden 补充道:

“Asetts给难民、寻求庇护者、人道主 义入境者和多元文化社区的服务,完全依靠 联邦政府和州政府的拨款。没有这些拨款, 我们无法目前那样来支持我们的服务群。比 如,联邦政府和州政府的拨款让我们可以辅 导经历创伤的服务群,这方面的服务对我们 的服务对象帮助非常大。”

不了家乡,在海外庆祝节日传统。我们也有另 一个社区及长者服务也依靠政府的拨款来提 供高质量服务给广大社区。”

尽管有那么多计划和服务提供给移民和 多元文化社区,却有很大部分的移民不知道 从哪里获得所需的服务。

当知晓原来联邦政 府和州政 府在背后 支持着种种的多元文化项目,好几位受访的 移民背景居民表示惊讶。珀斯两个家庭的移 民,Angela Heng 和Willy Chen分别表示:

“我的名字是Angela, 我 居 住在 澳大 利亚大 概 十二年 了。我并不知道这些项目背后 的资金来源,很欣慰今天知道 政府支持着这些很不错的项目, 比如中文学校,让我可以以较廉宜的学费给 孩子学习我们自己的语言,华语。” Willy Chen 说道:“除了 福利局的援助金,我并不知道 政府拨款这回事。很高兴政府 对多元文化活动的支持。 “

西澳的多元文化 移民人口 持续增长,联邦政府、州政府和地方政府所 扮演的角色给移民社区所理解,对他们适应 这个新家园相当重要。 移民社区越快可以安定下来,让他们可 以更快地给自己的社区带来贡献。

这样最终我们大家可以一块建设一个和 谐、蓬勃发展的社会。


“中华会馆其中一个主 要庆会就是每年的珀斯中华 新年文化节。没有西澳多元文 化部 和珀斯市政府的 拨款,我们 无 法每年举办这场盛大的活动。不仅给当地人 庆祝农历新年,也是给海外华人一起庆祝华 人新年让整个社区一同欢庆,尤其是今年回





How to pay your overheads when funds are low

如 何 在 运 营 资 金 紧 张 的情况下缩减经费开支


hether your business is making money or not, business bills, like wages, rent and insurance, still need to be paid. These costs are known as your business overheads or fixed costs. So how can you manage these payments when turnover is lower than expected?


Step 1 Review all expenses

Step 5 Overhaul your terms

Step 2 Compare costs

Step 6 Check your profit margins

Review every invoice you receive this month and ask whether you really need to continue receiving that product or service in the future. For example, look at subscriptions or supplementary insurance policies that are no longer relevant.

If the expense is justified, compare suppliers to see if you can find better value for money. Consider approaching your current supplier with comparative quotes — they might improve their offer to keep you as a customer. Once you have chosen the best option, review the supplier’s terms and conditions, and consider requesting extended terms of payment and discounts, for example, for bundled services, if available.

Step 3 Recalculate minimum revenue

Now that you have reassessed your costs, review the overheads your business needs to pay on a monthly basis and the minimum revenue required to cover these fixed costs. If you are still not able to comfortably meet these expenses, complete the following steps.

Review your own terms and conditions or terms of trade. Do you need to shorten your payment period to collect revenue more quickly? Don’t forget to have a lawyer review your terms to make sure they are watertight.

Review the gross profit margins on your sales mix to evaluate whether it’s time to increase prices. Your gross profit is your revenue minus the cost of goods sold (COGS). It is an indicator of efficiency. The higher the gross profit margin, the better, as your business keeps more from each dollar of sales.

Step 7 Remove or control bad debtors

Prepare a ‘black list’ of debtors who have overdue invoices. Place a hold on delivering further goods or services to them until the backlog of delayed payments is recovered. If certain customers have a history of not paying, put them onto a cashon-delivery basis. You should follow up promptly and regularly when payments are late.

论您的公司盈利与否,员工的工资、租 金和保险账单都是需要支付的。这些 费用就是我们常说的企业日常管理经费或必 要开销。那么在资金周转不理想的情况下该 如何管理这些开销呢?

步骤一: 重审开支

整理具代表性的一个月的财政支出发票,重新判 断您是否还需要各项产品或服务。例如,关注一下 之前购买的保险或是一些附加保险,重新评估它 们是否还是公司所需要的。

步骤二: 货比三家

在有足够的理由下,对市场上的竞争者们提供的价 格进行比较,也许会找到更物有所值的供应商。认 真考虑一下联系当前合作的供应商,提出您分析比 较的价格,很多时候为了挽留合作伙伴,他们会提 供适当的优惠。在做了最佳选择后,也不要忽略了 认真检查他们新的条款和条件。借此也可顺带询 问延长付款期限的可能性或是其他合理的捆绑式 服务。


至此,您已经重新评估了成本,重新规划了公司每 月的必要开支,这就更好的帮助您重新计算公司的 最低收益金额来确保覆盖全部的成本。如果您还 收担心运营资金会周转困难,那么请进一步参照以 下步骤。


与您的供应商,包括银行金融机构,同步商讨延期 付款事项直到公司的资金状况重回轨道。这可以有 效的缩减公司每月的经费,在公司面临流动资金紧 张,现金有限的情况下是非常有帮助的。

步骤六: 检查利润率

重新审核本公司的整体销售组合下的毛利润率来 决定是否是时候提高商品或服务的价格。毛利也 是总利润的计算,就是用总收入减去售出商品或 服务的成本(COGS)。利益最大化是衡量企业经 营妥善与否的关键标准。


拟草一份经常拖欠付款的债务人“黑名单”, 暂停向 其继续提供商品或服务直到对方将积压的未付款 项清除为止。对待有些经常逾期付款的客户,就实 施货到付款的原则。如果发生任何拖延付款的事 项,您应该及时的,有条不紊的加紧催收。

Step 4 Start supplier negotiations

Negotiate with your suppliers, including financial institutions, about offering extended terms until your finances are back on track. This can reduce your monthly overheads while you are experiencing a reduction in available cash.

More information

If you need personalised advice on managing debt in your business, the Small Business Development Corporation offers free advisory services and financial management workshops to help Western Australian small business owners. Visit or call 133 140 for more information. Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue


如果您需要量身制定的财务管理、解决债务的 方案,澳大利亚中小企业发 展顾问公司将为您 提供免费的咨询服务,另有多种资金管理的专题 讲座旨在服务所有的中小企业。有意者请访问我 们的网站 或致电 133 140 查询更多信息。

Persistence Paying Off Elvie YAP 叶俐廷 - Executive Editor 执行编辑

到澳大利亚这些年,让我见证了 这个国家充满机遇的现象。只要 愿意付出努力、积极争取,很多事情是 可以水到渠成。

二十年前在马来西亚以全奖学金新闻 系毕业的我,花了一年的时间参加了报章、 杂志、广播台、电视台的多个活动和面试, 却没有成功进军到媒体这个领域,实践我所 学到的知识和技能。 机缘巧合下,有了来澳大利亚深造的 机会。人生第一次离乡背井,独自在一个陌 生环境生活,只有让自己没有多余的时间才 不会因为思念家人而感到忧郁。 在大学的 一年半日子里,除了应付大学课业和新的学 习方式,我开始在当年的《东方邮报》实习 接着就职,以及参与中华会馆的广播节目。 同时也积极参加国际学生运动,出席全国会 议维护学生权益和争取福利。

毕业后,同期的国际学生朋友都纷纷 回国发展,基本上传媒科毕业的学生不容易 定居在澳大利亚,工作机会也不多。我总是 抱着一种心态“世上无难事,只怕有心人”, 一直留在媒体和社区工作,希望可以为社会 出一份力量。 新闻系毕业十六年后,终于如愿以偿, 制作了首个时事新闻视频节目。感谢澳洲政 府对社区媒体的支持,感恩有中华会馆这个 平台,让我可以在过去十八年一直在做我所 喜欢的社区和媒体工作:广播、杂志、视频 新闻。没有白费的坚持。


or the years that I have been in Australia, I have witnessed that the country is full of opportunities. In many cases, with great passion and effort, you can achieve what you aimed for.

Twenty years ago, I graduated as a journalism student under a full scholarship back in Malaysia. I spent a year attempted numerous job interviews and media programs, but unfortunately, I was not selected to be a part of the media industry.

advocating for international students for their rights and interests, including participating at a National Conference.

After graduation, most of my international student friends had no choice but to return to their home countries. Basically, there was a very slim chance for media graduates to remain in Australia after graduation. Furthermore, the media job market was scarce. I have always had faith in the old saying “When there’s a will, there’s a way”. I feel fortunate that I get to work in a role relevant to media throughout my working life in Western Australia.

With the disappointment of not being able to apply my knowledge and skills, I decided to pursue my studies in Australia, when an opportunity arose. This was the first time I left my family, staying alone in a totally new environment. Keeping myself busy, with no time for homesickness, was the only way for me to remove any feeling of depression.

What’s more, I got to produce my first current affairs video program after graduating from journalism 16 years ago. I believe this is also the first bilingual video news program produced in WA. Thanks to the Australian Government for its support to community news media. I also really appreciate being involved with Chung Wah Association in magazine and radio broadcasting for the last 18 years, and now the video news, as well as the community work that I really enjoy.

During the 18 months studying in an Australian university, I worked extremely hard to adapt to the new way of learning, in order to pass all my subjects. At the same time, I also did my internship for six months with Oriental Post and got hired eventually, and took part in the Chung Wah radio program simultaneously. During my time as an international student, I was an International Student Leader,

Becoming a trained Professional Translator and/or Interpreter

成为一名专业翻译员 和/或口译员的途径

OUR SERVICES 我们的服务 Course Counselling 课程咨询


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CRICOS Course Code: 092523M PSP50916

Diploma of Interpreting (LOTE-English)

口译文凭(外英互译) CRICOS Course Code: 099137J

This qualification covers the competencies required to interpret between Mandarin and English, to convey information using specific terminology for a specific audience.

该课程培训英语和汉语的口译能力,以 使用专门术语向特定听众传达信息

This qualification will provide you with the skills and knowledge required to translate special purpose texts from one language to another to convey information written using specific terminology for a specific audience. This qualification is designed to prepare you to translate texts at a professional level such as in areas like legal, medical, and business contexts.

该课程将为您提供将特殊目的文本从一种 语言翻译成另一种语言所需的技能 和知 识,以传达使 用专门术语为特定受众 编写 的信息。本课程旨在帮助您学习如何翻译 专业级别的文本,例如法律、医疗和商业等 领域的文本。



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Arrivals / Pickup 接机服务

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*Student visa holders in Australia can work up to 20 hours per week, min wages $19.49 per hour

Connect with us : Azurra Migration & Education Services | Unit 4, 10 Canning Highway South Perth WA


或致电 0402 639 635 Elvie 叶俐廷 *可给您安排中文专员电话咨询

Elvie 微信联系

Azurra 微信公众号




Poh is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist. She completed her master’s degree in psychology at UWA in 2007. Poh is a mother of two children aged four and six. She is experienced in working with children, teenagers and adults with stress, depression, anxiety, worries and anger. She is passionate about supporting children with special needs (e.g. autism, ADHD and dyslexia) and their families. 颜宝玉,教育与精神发展心理医师,2007年西澳大学心理科硕士毕业,育有两名孩子,有经验处理儿童、青少年 和成人所面对压力、抑郁、焦虑、担忧和愤怒的问题。热衷于帮助特殊儿童(如:自闭症、过度活跃症和读写障 碍)和其家人。

文◎Poh GAN 颜宝玉 | 译◎Lily WANG 王金媛


Adjusting to your I child’s autism diagnosis

t’s never easy to get the news “Your child has autism.” There can be mixed emotions for parents after going through a long and thorough assessment process. Some parents have told me they felt relieved. It meant that some of the difficulties their child was experiencing could be explained by the diagnosis. Other parents experienced sadness, a deep sense of grief and loss over the “hoped for child”, and worry about their child’s future. Others might experience guilt, anger or resentment. Some parents might not want to know much initially. It’s important to know that everyone in the family responds and copes differently. They are all okay responses.

I’m privileged to have worked alongside parents in this journey of support for their child with ASD. I’m amazed by their will power, resilience and immense love for their children. Here are some of the things many parents have told me helped them when they first learned of their child’s diagnosis:

Get informed and get started

Learn about ASD and evidence-based interventions to make an informed choice about your child’s treatment and support options. Understand how your child’s brain thinks and functions differently. Consider not only their difficulties but also their strengths. Try to think about your child’s perspective and needs. Also think about how different treatment options suit your family’s unique needs. Families usually feel better when they are actively learning and taking steps to start intervention for their children.

Take care of yourself, acknowledge the emotions, don’t sweep them away

While most parents might understandably put their child’s needs first, you can’t look after others until you’ve looked after yourself - you can’t pour from an empty cup. Think of it as a ‘marathon’ rather than a sprint. Pace yourself. Allow yourself to experience the various mixed emotions and grief that can come with the diagnosis. The feelings of grief and loss may not go away and they may come in waves from time to time. Parents who accept their emotions as they are and learn to be compassionate towards themselves tend to cope better. Some parents say their children ‘bounce off their emotions’. When they are less stressed, they are better able to meet their child’s emotional needs.

Ask for help and support

It’s okay to get help. If respite options are available for you, consider taking them. Consider joining a parent support group or an online community (Facebook has some great groups!) to talk to someone with similar experiences. Find your cheer squad. Some parents share that they gain new and meaningful friendships with people who really understand them and their family along this journey.

Remember … you know your child best

Build positive partnerships with the school and therapists. While you might start working with various therapists and school staff, you still know your child best as you live with them 24/7. You bring to the table your expertise about your child. Therapists may share their experience and knowledge about autism and how things may work for your child. Think of it as a partnership, each contributing equally to the process. Don’t let therapists tell you otherwise. It’s okay to let them know that you are not ready to tackle certain goals yet. Family comes first.

See your child, not your child’s diagnosis

The diagnosis may explain some of your child’s behaviour but it doesn’t define who he or she is. Your child’s character, personality and quirkiness make your child unique. Your child is so much more than the diagnosis. Be curious and

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

open about your child’s behaviour. It’s often a form of communication that the environment is not meeting your child’s needs. Ask, “What’s up?”, rather than asking your child to “Smarten up”. Meet them where they are at. Be with them and help them to regulate their feelings. Celebrate and find moments of joy with your child.

Celebrate the small wins

Often, we get caught up with finding weaknesses, next treatment goals, ways to support a child to improve, that we are not taking time to celebrate when they are making progress and having those small wins. Give praise and acknowledgement generously to your child (and yourself!).

Maintain your relationship and support each other

Sometimes, adjusting to the new diagnosis can be all time-and-effortconsuming when you are learning about different funding options, support organisations, and intervention strategies. It can be overwhelming and a shock to your relationship. Be mindful that your partner may be coping differently. Check in with him or her regularly. Find time and opportunities to reconnect and be there to support each other. This will help both of you to work as a team constructively to navigate the ASD journey.


当孩子确诊为自闭症时, 父母应该如何适应及调整自己

听到“您的孩子患有自闭症”时,是任何家庭都无法轻易接受的。漫长繁琐的层层检查,复查,让 已是身心疲惫的家长心情变得更为复杂。有一部分家长告诉我,得知最终的确诊结果时,他们 其实松了口气,这是因为孩子以前经历的总总困难以及家长的诸多疑惑都得到了解释。而还有一部 分家长十分难过,甚至深感悲痛,对孩子的未来极其担忧,希望渺茫。另外也有许多父母则深陷自责 当中,有些还会发展为无法接受现实的封闭状态。请大家理解的一点就是,不同的家庭成员反应和处 理应对的方式都会有所不同,其实这些都是很正常的。

我很有幸参与支持帮助自闭儿家庭(ASD) 的工作,与众多父母一路走来,我一直深深 感叹他们坚强的毅力,顽强的韧性和对孩 子无边的爱。很多家长与我分享了他们的 一些经验,希望在此也对您有所帮助。

充分了解自闭症并 及时开始早期干预

通过学习了解更多ASD的本质及熟悉具科 学依据的干预训练,以帮助您更明智的选 择适合孩子的治疗方法及辅助训练。理解 自闭儿的智力发展及思维方式如何不同 于其他儿童。 不要偏重放大孩子身上的“缺 点”而忽略了他们与生俱来的优点和长处, 请多关心孩子的遇事观点和需求。认真考 虑不同种类的康复疗法,以满足您家庭的 特定需求。 很多实例表明,更重视学习并及 时开展早期干预的家庭往往能更好的面对 各种考验,心态更加健康。

认知情绪的复杂性, 不要过分压抑

无可厚非,父母们都会永远地把孩子放在 第一位,但请不要忽略了空杯倒不出水的 道理,照顾好自己才能够照顾好他人。 应对 自闭症不是短跑,而更像是马拉松。 保持冷 静的源头就是准备好在确诊结果出来时, 复杂的心情和悲痛等都会一涌而来。且强 烈的悲伤与挫败感也许不会轻易离去,它 会像余震般的冲击您疲惫的身心。我们欣 慰的看到,很多理智接受现实的家长,都能 够很成功的消化很多负面情绪,对自己也 是怀有慈悲之心,这些都能够帮助他们一 路披荆斩棘。 有些家长说孩子们有时就像“ 情绪试探剂” ,当父母的情绪稳定放松,您 才会更能照顾到孩子的情感和需求。

铭记… 您自己 是最懂孩子的人

与学校,康复机构建立良好的合作关系。 共 盟是十分重要,但在众多的参与者中您才 是那个时刻陪伴在孩子身边的人。自闭症 专家在学术上有更深的研究,他们熟知相 关科学及临床病例,所以会提供相对应的 干预方案,与此同时,您也贡献出对孩子的 无所不知。 互帮、互助、互敬,与其他参与者 在自闭症的康复之路上携手共进。不必担 心您需要对专家的的建议唯令是从,您可 以放心的与他们沟通,表明您或您的家庭 还未完全准备好突如其来的达标计划。我 们一直都信仰家庭的团结和温馨是至关重 要的。

不要仅因一个诊断 就给孩子“贴标签”

诊断仅仅是从医学角度解释了孩子的行为 举止,并不是给孩子的全部下了个片面定 义。孩子的个性特点,人品气质,甚至是调 皮捣蛋和古灵精怪,正代表了他/她是个与 众不同的个体。孩子的其他众多品质要远 远大过一个诊断。 敞开胸怀,真心的接受孩 子自闭症表现,并努力探索未知区域。 很多 情况下周围的某些特定环境因素打乱了孩 子的内心。以关心的询问“你怎么了,发生 什么事了吗?”来替换处处要求孩子要“醒 目些”。与孩子找到共识才能达到共鸣。耐 心地陪伴与放轻松的的指引才能更好的协 助孩子认知和管理情绪。与孩子一起尽情 享受任何愉快的瞬间。


难免的,在很多时候我们都困在了拼命探 测自闭儿的缺点和弱项在哪里?如何达到 下一个训练目标和学习各种康复方法的怪 圈里。导致家长们被占用了太多的精力和 时间,而忽略了孩子们在康复过程中的点 滴进步。 也未能及时地庆祝孩子们取得的“ 小胜利”。慷慨地赞美及发自内心的认可( 包括对你自己的努力)都是极其宝贵的。


自被通知孩子患上自闭症开始,家长们不 但要面对痛苦的消息,还要紧接着收拾好 心情找专家,选培训机构,学习康复训练知 识,更不要说还要保证所今后所有的经济 支撑。这些无疑都是对家庭的巨大冲击及 配偶关系的考验。请考虑到您的另一半也 许会用不同的方式应对各式难题。所以一 定要保证完善的沟通,多找些时间和机会 也另一半建立良好的互动品质,让对方知 道您永远都会陪在他/她的身旁给予支持 和鼓励。温存有爱的家庭氛围会让康复之 路越来越顺利。


寻求帮助和支持真不要感到“难为情”。如 果暂停工作一段时间可行,请认真考虑可 自己减减压。和有相同经历的家庭一起抱 团 取 暖,加 入 自 闭 儿 家 长 互 助 会 或 是 互 联网上的自闭症答疑解惑的团体或机构 (Facebook上也有很多很棒的小组),这 些互动都会是很有益的的帮助。很多家长 还因此收获了众多新朋友和非常坚定的友 谊。 自闭儿父母的艰难也心酸,只有经历过 的人才能深刻体会。 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊夏季版



盛情邀请 携手同行 Partner with us

Chung Wah Members Discount Scheme


Expand your business by offering a special discount ranging from �% to ��% or any other privileged offer to Chung Wah members.

向中华会馆会员拓展您的商务,只须提供特别优惠 给我们的会员。比如介于�% 至��% 的商品或服务 折扣,或其他类似优惠。

Free to Join 免费加盟 No ongoing 无须缴付任何 costs or fees 会费或成本费

For further enquiries, please contact Chung Wah Association | 若想进一步咨询,可联系中华会馆

Ph 座机 ���� ���� | Mb 手机 ���� ��� ��� | Em 电邮 Arirang Australia Unit 9 / 26 River Road, Bayswater WA 6053

Azurra Migration 0402 639 635

Bunga Raya Satay Food truck trade at various Market Places

Han Palace Chinese Restaurant 73 - 75 Bennett Street, East Perth

Honey In the Garden Shop online:

Reference Code: MAF

Northbridge Chinese Restaurant 26 Roe Street, Northbridge

Good Fortune

Roast Duck House 德兴烧鸭店

354 William Street, Perth. 884 Albany Hwy East, Victoria Park




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BUPA work cover insurance

$1 Discount

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for purchases over $100.00

Free tea

at Dim Sum Lunch and Dinner



on dine-in only


Juice Station

cold pressed juice

worth $6.90

Shop 48, London Court, 647 - 651 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000

+ FREE Orange Juice Worth $5.00

with all purchase over $30.00

Happy Union Restaurant


Shop 1, Somerville Shopping Centre, Cr Le Souef and McMahon Way, Kardinya

Chinese BBQ Noodle House Inside Old Shanghai Food Court, 123 James Street, Northbridge

Old Shanghai Hongkong Dim Sum

Shop 7, Old Shangai Food Court, 123 James Street, Northbridge

Red Rooster, Northbridge

130 James Street, Northbridge


�% Off

��% ��%

Discount on food

(Restaurant, Pastry Shop and Hotel, does not include catering)

Hong Lin 康年饭店

Chinese Restaurant and Take Away Food Unit 3 / 337 Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill Tel: 93377270 | Open 7 Days |



Miss Maud

97 Murray Street, Perth


Lunch: Wed - Fri 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM | Dinner: Mon - Sun 4:30 PM - 9:30 PM

��% Off


Aus World Travel 109 James Street, Northbridge 113 Collins Road, Willetton 15 Hulme Court, Myaree


Mob: 0434 087 531 Email:


Little China Girl 一盅两件


Off total bill

68 Roe St, Northbridge WA 6003

Not in conjunction with any other special ‘offer’ or ‘promotion’ running at the time


Reservation: 0414 694 121 |

Ingot Hotel Perth 285 Great Eastern Highway Belmont WA 6104


Food and drinks Best available room rate when booked directly with hotel

Reservation: +61 (8) 9259 3888


Excel Podiatry Clinic

0481 773 522 1/73 Apsley Rd, Willetton WA 6155

% Off

total fee



Call 13 �1 �0 and quote promo code “CHUNG WAH”

% Off

gas usage charges for 2 years

or visit


HONG KONG BBQ House Chinese Restaurant 顺德海鲜烧腊酒家


76 Francis Street, Northbridge

for cash payment only

Dragon Palace Northbridge

Free Chinese Tea for lunch

10% Off

66 Francis Street, Northbridge, Perth

for Dinner

CleanTech Energy

Free review & comparison

T: 0403 726 408 | E:

T: (08) 9470 2088 W:


Free 1�-30 minutes

Mob: 0421 888 689 Email:


Isabel CHAN Family Photo Specialist

all quotes

Imperial Finance, Linda LAI

Mom Dumpling House



Unit 2 / 5 Iron Street, Malaga WA 6090

Business Sales Executive 商业电力顾问

Lex Legal

for travel insurance airline and travel agents gifts item per membership in conjunction with international airfare purchase

Stanbond Security

Nicholas 郑启智


for business electricity bill


��% Off

for cash payment $50 and above *not to be use with other offer

Barristers & Solicitors, Notary Public T: 08) 9221 6366 W: Level 3, 231 Adelaide Terrace, Perth

Mob: 0449 839 020 Email:

CKG legal Barrister & Solicitor

AALA Inaugural Young Lawyer of the Year T: (08) 6262 3959 | M:0431 577 778 F: (08) 6323 3354 | W:

Perth Badminton Arena 2/309 Great Eastern Hwy, Redcliffe WA 6104

Call 0411 527 010 for booking

ASSURE ALLIANCE Certified Practising Accountants 8/35 Biscayne Way, Jandakot WA 6164

Fusion Klean

Professional Cleaning Service in Perth

0430 735 000 Suite 18/8 Haster Road, Osborne Park 6017

Chung Hwa Cuisine 龙江宴 1295 Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 6107

Freddie Strudels

193 Brisbane Street, Perth Tel: (08) 6111 4181

Morish Nuts Shop online: PROMO code: CHUNGWAH

Swan Valley: 640 Great Northern Highway, Herne Hill Watertown Perth: 33A / 840 Wellington Street, West Perth

Fremantle Market: Stall #99, Henderson Street, Fremantle

Free 30 minutes initial legal consultation

Discount for all property and business settlement



(Not for discounted packages, T&C applies)



for all legal fee $� discount

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$4 discount

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Spend over $50

(including postage)

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In Store -

Spend over $35 to get $� Off

The above offers on full price Morish Nuts products only and it’s not to be used with the conjunction with any other offers.


Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动 Activities 活动


Day 日期

Time 时间

Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

�:��pm - �:��pm

Dragon and Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐

Sunday 周日

��:��am - �:��pm

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Wednesday 周三

��:��pm - �:��pm

Beijing Opera 京剧社

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Women’s Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Thursday 周四

�:��pm - �:��pm

Chung Wah Choir 中华合唱团

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Saturday 周六

Location 地点

Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 ��� James Street, Northbridge

Saturday 周六

Chung Wah New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Table Tennis 中华乒乓球俱乐部

Wednesday 周三

�:��pm -�:��pm

�� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Karaoke 卡拉OK




Sunday 周日

(Beginner ��:��am - ��:��pm)

��:��am -��:��pm

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 巴卡达中心

�:��pm -�:��pm

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

Per term 每学期 $��

Teresa TAN �� ���� ����

Free (members only) 免费,仅限会员

$� for members 会员

Line Dancing 排排舞

Sunday 周日

Jen Nie CHONG �� ���� ����

Free (members only) 免费,仅限会员

Salvation Army 救世军总部 ��� William Street, Northbridge

Contact 联系人

Each class 每堂课 $�� for members 会员 $�� for nonmembers 非会员

$�� for members 会员

�:��am - �:��pm

��:��am -�:��pm

Fee 收费

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Ben LIM ���� ��� ���

Annie WONG �� ���� ����

Baohe LIU �� ���� ���� Jiping ZOU ���� ��� ���

Trinh QUACH ���� ��� ��� Jiping ZOU ���� ��� ��� Doreen CHIN

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

Leonard KHO ���� ��� ��� Dong NHAN ���� ��� ���

$� for members 会员 $� for nonmembers 非会员

May KE ���� ��� ��� Maya ���� ��� ���



Activities 活动

Day Long Respite Care 中华日间暂息中心

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Day 日期

Monday to Friday 周一至周五

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划

Time 时间

�:��am �:��pm �:��am �:��pm

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 �� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 �� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Various 商议待定

Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

��:��am ��:��pm

Tai Chi Class 太极班

Wednesday (Northbridge)

��:��am ��:��am

周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

��:��am ��:��pm

周三 (北桥) Community Talks 社区讲座

Location 地点

周四、五 (威乐顿) Monthly 每月一次

Monthly 每月一次

Fee 收费

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit �,�� Lake Street, Northbridge Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 �� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit �,�� Lake Street, Northbridge

Contact 联系人

Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care staff for more details


此类服务都须经由政 府部门评估,请联系 中华社区与长者服务 部以了解更多详情

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit �,�� Lake Street, Northbridge

Gold Coin donation 金币捐献

Please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Coordinator for more information. 请向中华社区与长者服务部 了解更多详情。 Phone 电话: �� ���� ����

Free 免费

Email 电子邮箱 : enquiry@chungwahcac.

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 �� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Community Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务


Chung Wah Services 中华服务

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 �� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Appointment Required 提早预约



Ask the GP Dr Mira graduated from Melbourne University Medical School in 2006. Dr Mira is very passionate about her work in general practice as well as cosmetic medicine. She is fluent in both English and Mandarin, and has many years of experience caring for communities with different cultural and social diversity, and she enjoys interacting and helping patients of all backgrounds and ages.



Would taking supplements help to prevent COVID-19? If yes, any recommendation of useful supplements?

Those who are more prone to develop severe outcomes from COVID-19 are those who potentially have weaker body immunity. For some cases, it may even be harder to know the reason for getting adverse consequences from the COVID-19 infection. Therefore, it is important to boost up one’ s immunity where you can. And this can be done by taking supplements, such as zinc, vitamin C and multivitamins, and also to keep yourself fit by having regular meals, regular exercise, reduce stress level and good routine sleep.


I am in my early 40s, my period becomes irregular and only lasts for two days when it comes. Is this a symptom of menopause? Any way to improve? Period pattern and duration can change from time to time as a result of numerous factors at any stage. There are things like weight, exercise level, body health, stress level, food intake and normal aging progression. Of course, with time, especially when a woman approaches 50 years of age, there are more chances of period changes due to being in the perimenopausal state. This can be improved by having regular meals, regular exercise, taking supplements and a balanced mood and lifestyle. It is ok to see you own doctor for further medical assessment and discussion on management, if you are concerned about your period.


I delivered my first baby recently, and had a bad tear. I am having incontinent problems, easily leak. What can I do to improve the situation?

It is very common to develop urinary or faecal incontinence post-pregnancy. And it may or may not be related to the tear. Things that can be done to improve this are seeing your GP for an assessment of where the tear is. The next step would be having investigations done to assess the reason for getting the incontinence. After that, if the medical cause of incontinence is identified, your doctor can then prescribe appropriate medical treatment. Other things you could do is to do pelvic exercises and train the pelvic muscles to improve your incontinence symptoms.


I had a fall a few days ago, my head bumped to the carpeted floor and was swollen. I have been feeling shoulder and neck pain since then. Is it necessary to do a scan or body check? Any side effects?

If you had a fall a few days ago and have shoulder and neck pain since then, it is important to have a body check with your own doctor. The complications can happen from only just soft tissue injury to more serious issues, such as bone fracture or shift in location. Hence, it is important to have a medical assessment to identify the severity of the injury postfall if you still have symptoms a few days after the fall.



There is always a concern when flying where it is an enclosed environment and there are risks of catching airborne respiratory infections while being a passenger on the plane. The best way not to catch COVID-19 infection is to avoid being in this situation. However, if flying is a necessity, it is important to have the proper protective measures. These are things like ensuring you travel at your best body immunity state. Have protective measures, like wearing a mask, having a safe distance with the other passengers, avoiding long flights if you can, and if you develop any symptoms, to have COVID-19 testing done to check whether you have been infected by COVID-19 or not.

If you have chronic neck and shoulder pain for the last 6 years, it is important to see your doctor for further investigations and check-up. You can still proceed with having chiropractic treatments but it may be important to know the actual cause of your pain and then, have further treatments. Treatment options may vary depending on what you have. With simple degenerative changes with nil sinister pathology, you can potentially try several treatment options to relieve your shoulder and neck pain. These are treatments like having a simple heat pack on the painful area, topical or oral anti-inflammatory medications, having massage therapy, seeing a physiotherapist to correct postures and movements, or having acupuncture to improve the pain. Please discuss with your own doctor to choose the treatment that is safe for your health.

I am nearly 70 years old and I am, also a diabetes patient. I am aware that the WA border was opened in mid-November. I am very worried about my health conditions. What can I do to reduce the chances of getting COVID-19?

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

I have been having chronic neck and shoulder pain for the past 6 years. It is probably related to my daily office routine and stress-juggling work and family commitments. I tried chiropractic for a few months. Is it worth continuing the treatment for the long term?


寻 医 问 药 Mira医生于2006年毕业于墨尔本大学医学系。Mira医生对她的全科医学以及美容医学工作充满热情。 她能说流利的英语和普通话,并拥有多年参与各个多元文化社区的医护经验,并且享受与不同类型和 年龄段的患者进行互动,给他们提供帮助。


服⽤补剂品有助于预防 COVID-19吗?如果是,可 以建议一些有效的补剂品吗? 那些因为COVID-19⽽产⽣严重后果的⼈, ⼤多数是偏向⾝体免疫⼒较弱的⼈群。但 在某些情况下,有⼀些平常很健康的⼈也 有可能因COVID-19⽽引起⾝体衰弱,⽽ 导致很多併发症,严重的话也会威胁到⽣ 命。因此对抗病毒,很重要的是我们要增 强⾃⼰的免疫⼒。这可以通过服⽤适量的 锌、维⽣素C、多种维⽣素等保健品来做 改善,也可以通过有均衡的饮食习惯,有 规律的运动量,适度的压⼒和拥有良好的 睡眠习惯来保持好的免疫⼒,因⽽有更好 的⾝体去对抗病毒所可能引起的疾病与併 发症。


我四⼗多岁,我的⽉经不 规律,只有两天,这是更 年期的症状吗?有什么改善 的⽅法吗?

每个⼈的⽉经都会因许多因素⽽有所变 化,造成周期长短和周期量的改变。以下 这 些因素 都 可能 造 成 ⽉经的变化:如 体 重,运动⽔平,⾝体免疫状况,压⼒,饮食 和正常⾝体老化。当然,随着时间流逝,尤 其是当女性接近五十岁时, 更容易进入前 更年期状态,⽽发⽣周期的变化。因此若 想要避免更年期提前发⽣,可以通过正常 的饮食,定期做运动,服⽤维⽣素和补充 性保健品,或拥有愉快的⼼情和平协的⽣ 活⽅式来改善这⼀状况。如果您担⼼⾃⼰ 进入更年期, 可以请⾃⼰的医⽣进⾏下⼀ 步的检查和评估是否需要药性治疗。


我最近分娩了我的第⼀ 个孩⼦,有严重的撕裂。 我有⼤⼩便失禁的问题,容 易泄漏。我该如何改善情况?

怀孕后发⽣尿失禁或⼤便失禁是很常⻅ 的。它可能与撕裂有关,也很有可能⽆关。 因此您需要看您的医⽣去评估尿失禁的 问题出於什麽原因。此后,如果确定了尿 失禁的原因,您的医⽣可以给予您适当的 治疗⽅案 。无 论尿失 禁的问题出於哪 种 原因,您都可⾃⼰做骨盆运动训练骨盆肌 ⾁,去帮助改善您的尿失禁症状。


⼏天前我跌倒了,头撞到 铺了地毯的地板上肿了 起来。从那时起,我⼀直感到 肩颈疼痛。是否需要进⾏扫 描或⾝体检查? 有副作⽤吗? 如 果 您 ⼏ 天前 跌 倒了,此 后 ⼀直 肩颈 疼 痛,那么请 您 找 您的医 ⽣去 进 ⾏⾝ 体 检 查。因为您的疼痛有可能从仅仅软组织损 伤,到更严重的问题例如骨折或骨头错位 ⽽发⽣并发症。因此,如果您在跌倒后⼏ 天仍然有症状,您需要进⾏医学评估以识 别跌倒后受伤的严重性。



乘搭飞机时,⼤家都会是处在密闭空间的 环境中呼吸。因此乘搭⻜机时,很容易经 由空⽓中得到到呼吸道感染。如果不想感 染到COVID-19的最佳⽅法,就是避免不 必要的旅⾏。但是,如果您⼀定需要⻜⾏, 您则必须采取适当的防护措施。例如乘搭 飞机时,最好是在您⾝体免疫状态最佳时 後才旅⾏。⽽飞机飞⾏的时候确定做好戴 ⼝罩保护措施,尽量与其他⻜⾏乘客保持 安全距离。如果可能的话,尽量避免⻓途 ⻜⾏。如果在您乘搭飞机后有出现任何感 冒症状,请立⾺去看医⽣进⾏COVID-19测 试,以确认您是否受到COVID-19的感染。

如果您最近六年来⼀直患有慢性颈肩痛, 请务必看医⽣进⾏下⼀步的检查和治疗。 您仍然可以继续进⾏脊椎治疗,但是您有 需要确认疼痛的实际原因。治疗颈椎疼痛 的⽅案会因⼈⽽异。如果您的颈椎疼痛并 非受到严重的病理⽽引起这个疼痛,那您 可以考虑以下这些治疗。这些治疗如简单 的热敷,使⽤⼝服或⽪肤贴⽤的抗发炎药 物治疗,或进⾏按摩治疗,或找物理治疗 师纠正姿势和动作,也或者进⾏针灸以改 善疼痛。若有不确定原因,最好跟您的医 ⽣看诊⼀起选择适合您个⼈的治疗。

我快70岁了,也是⼀名 糖 尿 病 患 者,我 知 道 西 澳边境在11⽉中旬开放,我 非常担⼼⾃⼰的健康状况。 我该怎么做才能减少感染 COVID-19的机会?

If you would like Dr Mira to answer your medical question, email it to before 10 January 2021

在过去的六年中,我⼀直 患有慢性颈肩痛。这可能 与我的⽇常办公室⼯作以及 处理⼯作和家庭之间导致的 压力有关。我尝试了整脊疗 法⼏个⽉,是否值得继续⻓ 期治疗?

如果您想请Mira医生解答您的医疗问题,可以在 2021年1月10日之前把问题发至本刊编辑部电 邮




WA Seniors Week 2020 with Chung Wah Community & Aged Care (Chung Wah CAC)



geing is a natural process that reflects all the changes taking place over the course of life. Whilst many people hold negative connotations associated with the physiological changes of becoming older, Chung Wah CAC believes that ageing can be full of rewarding experiences; thus, it has always been our mission to ensure all community members, including older adults and individuals with disabilities, have a meaningful and better quality of life. Despite all the unprecedented events happening, we were able to witness a high level of resilience from our consumers and participants, to overcome challenges by maintaining positive thinking and following all departmental recommended precautionary measures. It might have been said before, and there is no better occasion than WA Seniors Week, to resend our sincere appreciation to all seniors and previous generations for their valued contributions to build and keep our community safe.

This year, Chung Wah CAC celebrated WA Seniors Week 2020 by organising special daily events and bringing opportunities for our consumers to participate in a wide range of reablement activities at our Balcatta and Willetton Community Hubs throughout the whole week of 8–16 November 2020. These included carnival games, CAC’s wellness exercises, and singing and dancing, etc. Moreover, our talented volunteers helped to conduct a special cooking demonstration of the famous ‘Steam Smash Tofu’, where

attendees not only learnt about the origin of the cuisine, but also actively participated in preparing ingredients.

These activities were inspired by Chung Wah CAC’s wellness philosophy, which is embedded in our reablement program, Evergreen College. If you have not heard of our Evergreen College, it can be simply explained as a range of various classes and social outings, designed especially for our seniors and NDIS participants, to build an individual’s capacity and improve their independence. Additionally, our Evergreen College presents as a social platform that allows people to connect and make friends, despite age, language and lifestyle differences. Being an experienced advocate for many culturally and linguistically diverse community members and their families, Chung Wah CAC understands the essential roles of social inclusion and community participation in achieving a healthy and purposeful life. As 2020 comes to an end, we reflect back on the valuable lessons of staying resilient and connected. There is no guarantee of what next year might bring, but we can assure that our dedication to support individuals, families and communities, will always be at the heart of Chung Wah CAC’s operations, to deliver better care services with our 2020 positive attitude.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue


老是人生中不可避免的过程。当世人对这过程怀有负面的看法,中华CAC深信 年老其实可以是一段美好的旅程。CAC鼓励和支持长者和残障人士享受他们美 好,有意义的生活。 在疫情期间,CAC深深体会到客户及 同事们不屈不挠,排除万难的精神。他们积 极配合政府推行的防疫措施。中华谨藉西 澳长者周,向长者们致上最深的敬意,感谢 他们对西澳社会的宝贵贡献。西澳抗疫的 成就,他们功不可没。

当新的一年快将来临,我们回顾在过 去不平凡的日子里,学懂了保持不屈不挠和 互相扶持精神的重要性。新的一年还有很多 不确定因素,但中华CAC服务社区群众的承 诺和【共创美好社区】的使命,始终如一。

在今年西澳长者周期间(11月8-16日) ,中华CAC每天推出庆祝活动,让Balcatta 和Willetton中心的客户们享受一系列让他 们增强生活自主的活动。节目内容包括:健 身操,歌舞项目,竞赛游戏等等。中心多才 多艺的义工们更示范製作 传统的【老少平 安】菜式。客户们都参与其中,其乐融融。 中华CAC设计的长青学院和各项增强 生活自主的活动都包涵促进身心健康的理 念。长青学院涵盖不同类型的兴趣 班和社 交出游,帮助长者们和残障人士提升自理能 力,达至他们生活自主的目标。再者,长青 学院的兴趣班也提供宝贵的社交机会,让长 者们广交来自不同年龄层,语言和文化背景 的新朋友和他们的至亲。多年来服务不同文 化和语言背景的社群,中华CAC深知社会融 合和社会参与这两大元素,对达至健康,有 意义生活的重要性。

Do not hesitate to contact us at 9328 3988 or email us today at Let’s start this wonderful journey to make the world a better place! 如果你愿意一起共创这个美好的社区,迎致电9328 3988查询或电邮联络 如果您想了解更多关于中华CAC的 活动和服务,欢迎您扫描二维码关注CAC 微信公众号,或关注我们Facebook 账号: Chung Wah Community and Aged Care, 您也可以拨打我们的咨询电话 93283988 了 解更多资讯。

If you would like to know more about Chung Wah CAC, please scan the QR code to subscribe to our WeChat account. You can also follow our Facebook page Chung Wah Community and Aged Care. Furthermore, you can dial our number 93283988 to seek more information.

电话 Tel:




电子邮件 Email: 地址 Address: 2/98 Lake Street. Northbridge.

主页 Facebook: Chung Wah Community and Aged Care 微信 WeChat: ChungWahCAC华人服务在珀斯

请扫描二维码以关注我们的微信公众号 Please scan the following QR code to follow our WeChat Subscription Account 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊春季版


文◎Kaylene POON 邝彩玲 | 译◎Karen HUANG 黄郁婷

Recent find at the East Perth Pioneer Cemetery



rchaeologists employed with undertaking the excavation discovered artefacts such as metal coffin fittings, jewellery, and pieces of clothing and footwear. However, excitement was piqued with the discovery of a complete male’s jacket in one of the Chinese graves, which would have dated back to the 1890s. To date this the jacket has not identified as being of Chinese origins, due to very little material from the 19th century in Australia to compare the jacket with. However, it is acknowledged that this jacket is an exceptional find and if identified as being of Chinese origins “its value as a literal and figurative piece of historical fabric is hard to measure”. Hence there is an urgent need of stabilisation and conservation before further examination and research can be conducted. Work of this nature requires expert handling, is time-consuming and very expensive to undertake. In July 2020 the National Trust WA initially contacted Kaylene Poon seeking contacts from the Chinese community regarding the Chinese jacket project. Also, the Minister for Local Government, Heritage and Culture and the Arts, the Hon David Templeman MLA contacted Chung Wah Association (CWA) seeking feedback from the Chinese communities before granting approving to commence the project. CWA and Mr John Hsu arranged a meeting of Chinese community leaders together with Mr Julian Donaldson, CEO of the National Trust in the Chung Wah Hall in August, to discuss the proposal with the community. Discussions included the interment of all the Chinese remains

when the excavation was concluded. Those present expressed a desire for all the remains be given traditional burials protocols and placed in the Chinese section at Karrakatta to appease the spirits. The final outcome was unanimous support for the Jacket project, the community’s target was $7,000, half the amount required, with the developers agreeing to match the donations. The Trust would present the community’s concerns to the Minister and the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board on our behalf. On Friday 25 September, Mr Donaldson and The Hon Bob Kucera, Chair of the National Trust Board visited the Chung Wah Hall to receive community donations totalling $10,000 from the CWA President and Mr John Hsu. Once the jacket has been conserved it will remain in the care of the National Trust with access by the Chinese community for future exhibitions and display as requested.

It is hoped the extra funds raised can be used to re-inter the Chinese remains at the Chinese section of Karrakatta Cemetery, in the Chinese section. The community feels very strongly that these souls who lived under WA’s harsh and discriminatory conditions in the late 1800s were treated no differently in death as well. This year as the Association commences the second decade of its second century, it is an opportune time to recognise and pay our respects of those who came before us. Kaylene Poon Hon Historical Advisor

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

“ In 2018 a private syndicate headed up by Australian Development Capital and Warburton Group purchased 20 Bronte Street, East Perth in 2018 from the State Government. As the location of the former Chinese and Presbyterian cemeteries a condition of the sale was that the site was to be excavated prior to redevelopment. It was agreed that human remains would be interred in ossuary boxes at Karrakatta Cemetery and all other artifacts would be transferred to the National Trust Western Australia. The systemic excavation of a colonial cemetery in Australia is such a unique and rare occurrence that it is essentially a ‘once in forever’ situation. Initially a general cemetery in 1829, ‘Cemetery Hill’ grew into a series of independent denominational cemeteries from 1842. The Chinese community was the last to be assigned a burial place in 1888. It was in use until 1899 when the seven cemeteries were closed. “ Source: Sarah Murphy National Trust WA


近年来在E a st Per t h早期墓园的发现 “ 2 018 年,一 个 由 A u s t r a l i a n Development Capital 和 Warburton集团领头的私立财 团 从 州 政 府 手 中买 下了位于2 0 Bronte Street, East Perth的地 段。该位址原是华人和长老会墓 园,出售的条件之一是在重新开 发之前要对该地进行挖掘。双方 同意将挖掘出的人类遗骸安置于 骨灰盒中并安葬在Karrakatta 墓园,而其他所有文物则移交给 西澳州国家信托基金。对澳大利 亚 殖民 时 期 的墓 园 进 行系 统 性 地 挖 掘 是 如此的 独 特 和 罕见 的 情况,关键是这也许是有史以来 唯一的一次。最初,建于1829年 的Cemetery Hill公墓园是一个 普通的墓园。自1842年开始,这 里 逐 渐变 成一系 列 独 立 的 教 派 墓园。1888年,华人社区是最后 一个被指派以此地作为墓地的群 体。该地一直到1899年,七个墓 地被关闭后才停止使用。” 资料来源: Sarah Murphy 西澳国家信托基金

雇进行挖掘工作的考古学家们 发现了一些文物,如金属棺材配 件、珠宝,及一些衣服和鞋子碎片。然 而,令人兴奋的是,在其中一个中国 人的坟墓中发现了一件完整的男式外 套,这件外套的历史可以回溯到十九 世纪九十年代 。到目前为止,还不能 确定这件外套是否源自中国,因为几 乎找不到澳大利亚十九世纪时期的材 料可以与这件外套作比较。然而,可以 确定的是,发现这件外套是一个意外 之喜。如果能确认它是源自中国, “其 作为一件布料文物的实质和象征的价 值 是难以衡量的”。因此,在能 够更 进一步的检查和研究之前,我们迫切 需要稳定和保护这件外套的状态。这 类性质的工作需要由专家来处理,处 理过程相当费时且昂贵。

2 0 2 0 年 七 月,西 澳 国 家 信 托 基 金 最 初 联系了邝 彩 玲 女 士,希望 就 中 国 外 套 项 目与 华人社 区 取 得 联 系 。同 时,地 方 政 府 及 文 化 遗 产与艺术部部长Dav id Templeman议员在批准启动 该 项目前,曾与中华 会 馆 联 络,征询华人社区的意见。为 了与社区人士商讨该提案, 中华 会 馆与许 锡忠先 生于 八 月时安排华人社区领袖与 国家信托基金执行官Julian Donaldson先生在中华会馆

大楼会面。商讨内容包括所有华人遗骸 在挖掘结束后的埋葬问题。与会人士表 示,希望所有的遗骸按照传统的殡葬礼 仪安置在Karrakatta的华人墓园,以安 抚逝者在天之灵。本次会议的最终结 果是,外套项目受到大家一致赞同,社 区的募款目标金额是七千澳元,为所需 金额的一半,加上开发商同意的等额捐 款。国家信托基金将代表华人社区向部 长和大都会公墓理事会提出我们社区 所关注的我事务。

九 月 二十 五 日 ( 星 期 五 ) ,Donaldson先生及国家信托基金理 事会主席Bob Kucera议员到访中华 会馆,从中华会馆会长陈挺博士及许 锡忠先生手上接收共一万澳元的社区 捐款。一旦这件外套完成保存程序, 它将继续由国家信托基金保管,未来 华人社区需要作展览及陈列时,可向 国家信托基金提出要求。

人们期望额外筹集的资金能 用来将这些人类遗骸重新安葬在 Karrakatta墓园华人区域。华人社区坚 决认为这些生活在十九世纪末西澳严 酷和歧视环境下的亡灵,在死后也应 受到平等的对待。今年是中华会馆成 立一百一十年,藉此,我们向这些先人 表达认同与尊敬。 邝彩玲

Chung Wah Association - Donation of Cemetery Chinese Jacket Conservation (Total: $10,000.00)


Chung Wah Association



Atlantic Seafoods



Australia Jiangsu United Association



Chinese Community Centre WA



Hubei Association of Western Australia Australian Chinese Building Association Perth Branch Inc.

Australian Chinese Mainlaners and friends Western Australia Shenzhen Association Incorporated

Australian Hunan Culture and Commerce Association Western Australia Chinese Scientists Association Anhui Association in WA

Australian Mulan Culture And Arts Association Incorporated Li Theng Yap

Chinese Language Teachers Association WA Good Fortune Roast Duck

西澳大利亚湖北同乡会暨总商会 澳大利亚华人房产建筑协会西澳分会 大华联会

西澳大利亚深圳联谊会暨总商会 西澳湖南同乡会

西澳华人科学家协会 西澳安徽同乡会

澳大利亚木兰文化艺术协会 叶俐廷

西澳中文教师协会 德兴烧腊店

$300.00 $300.00

Wing Hong Pty Ltd

Australian Jiangxi United Association


Australia Guangdong Business Association (WA) Inc.


Australian Chinese Women's Federation


$300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $100.00 $300.00 $200.00

West Australian Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Association Inc. Australian Central China Association WA Zhejiang Business and Culture Promotion Association Inc. Western Australia Chongqing and Sichuan Association Chow Kwoon Yarn Yee Tong

Perth Huaxing Atrs Group Inc Tianshan Association (WA) WA Fujian Association Inc.

永康肉食公司 澳大利亚江西联合会

西澳广东同乡会暨总商会 西澳浙江商贸文教促进会 西澳华人华侨妇女联合会 澳大利亚河南中原联谊会 西澳浙江商贸文教促进会 西澳川渝同乡会

周馆仁义堂龙狮团 珀斯华星艺术团 西澳新疆联谊会 西澳福建同乡会

$100.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $500.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $500.00




Lily Li have worked in the youth and child learning development for more than a decade. Passionate in providing training and guidance to teenagers to improve their cultural thinking and personality. Chess enthusiast.

李俪 从事青少年儿童成

长 教 育十 多 载 。热 爱 青少年文化思想及素 质教育指导和培训工 作。艺术棋艺衷爱者。

文◎Lily Li 李俪 | 译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

Chung Wah’s Youth Club

中华 会 馆 中华青少 年俱 乐 部 栏目


1. Stimulate the curiosity of children;

Learning to play chess is beneficial to teenagers. Chess is good for cognitive development, as well as nurturing critical thinking. Hence, some people perceive chess as brain gymnastic for smart people. As recommended by experts, Chinese chess, international chess and board games, etc, are the first learning steps for many beginners, like young children. Children and teenagers are in their growing age and playing chess could help to develop and improve their cognitive thinking. It is a wonderful way to train individual brains and enhance their wisdom. Chess talents are mostly discovered during their young age, and then, enhanced through training. Some parents are afraid that playing chess may affect their academic performance, but in fact, with appropriate arrangements, it would enhance their intelligence, and perhaps help to improve their learning. Its benefits include:

2. Positive effects on the memory development of children;

3. Help in improving concentration capability and critical thinking;

4. Develop the imagination and forward-thinking capability of children; 5. Develop the creative thinking of children;

6. Cultivate “good quality” personalities, such as persistence and staying calm; 7. Train children to be disciplined, resilient and strong in self-control; and

8. Help children to develop the ability to self-reflect and judge opponents in a positive way.

The process of learning chess-playing could help children to nurture good habits, be exposed to two-way learning, and understand the importance of mutual respect.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

青少年学习棋艺好处多,下棋是一种有 益的智力运动,又是培养思维能力的高尚活 动。 因此,人们把象棋称为“智慧的体操” “ 聪明人的游戏”。专家认为,中国象棋和国际 象棋、桥牌及围棋一样,一般对弈者都是青少 儿时代学习入门的。因为青少年儿童处于长 身体、长知识的时期,下象棋有助于开发他们 的智力,在游戏中可以锻炼头脑,提高智慧。 象棋大师都是在青年儿童时期被发现、培养 出来的。有些家长担心孩子下棋会影响学习, 事实上只要处理适当,不仅不会耽误学习,而 且由于下棋能提高智力,还能促进学习呢!对 于有象棋才能的高智儿童来说,下棋与学习 是可以互相促进的。

1. 促发青少儿的好奇心; 2. 对发展青少儿记忆力有良好的影响; 3. 培养青少儿高度的注意力并使思维趋于严谨; 4. 发展青少儿的想象力和预见力; 5. 促使青少儿创造性思维的发展; 6. 培养青少儿顽强的意志品质和稳定的心理 素质; 7. 要求青少儿有纪律性、忍耐力和自我控制力; 8. 促使青少儿具有自我批评的精神和正确评 价对手的能力。 让学生在学棋的过程中养成良好的行为 习惯,互相学习、互相尊重,形成讲礼节、讲 文明的良好品德。 The Chung Wah Association’s Youth Club is forming a chess interest class. Please email us at to register your interest.

中华会馆中华青少年俱乐部正筹备棋 艺班,有兴趣的人士,可发电子邮件到

思中文学校八岁的刘立心小同 学又有佳 作 获 奖啦!之前在全 球华裔青少年绘画比赛荣获银奖,这 次在西澳州中华会馆110周年生日贺 卡设计大赛中脱颖而出,获得少儿组 (7-9岁)第一名特等奖!

文◎ LIU Chang 刘畅 | 译◎ Lyi Cjin PEH 白俐勤

Words from the Father of a Talented Young Artist



awrence LIU Li Xin, an eight-year-old at Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne, has won another prize! Previously winning the silver medal in the Global Chinese Youth Drawing Competition, his work stood out at Chung Wah Association’s 110th anniversary card design competition, winning him the first prize in the children’s (7-9 years old) category! Young Li Xin, a student born and raised in Western Australia, was like most other second-generation Chinese immigrants – an English-speaking, young boy, who grew up on milk and toast. However, compared to his blonde and blue-eyed peers, young Li Xin has always had his own pride – the pride of being Chinese.

His understanding of China comes from bits and pieces around him; his father told him bedtime stories about the history of Chinese civilisation, his mother showed him clips of the modernisation of China, and teachers taught about China’s famous and historical destinations. These made young Li Xin feel that being Chinese is part of his identity, an experience he deeply experienced at the Chinese school and the many traditional Chinese activities organised by various Chung Wah Association and other Chinese society in Western Australia.

At the Dragon Boat Race, lion dances, kung fu performances, and dance operas emanate vitality from Northbridge to the whole of Perth city. The look of joy on young children reminded us of our own childhood curiosity and joy visiting festive fairs in China. Compared to sunny beaches, indigenous and Western cultures, Chinese Australian children have an added sense of pride and belonging in identifying with Chinese culture. When young Li Xin heard about writing birthday cards to Chung Wah Association in celebration of its 110th anniversary, he excitedly burst out, “I want to draw lion dances on the card! And gongs, drums

and firecrackers!” Children’s impressions of Chung Wah Association are so vivid. He started on the layout of the cards before his parents could guide him. Children indeed have incredible creativity and imagination. It just so happened that this particular child and his family went back to China for a trip to Beijing before Chinese New Year, which implanted even more elements of Chinese culture in his mind. These elements leapt out onto the drawing paper, filling it with paper lanterns, cherry blossoms, and colourful clouds – unbridled yet structured in its imagination.

Some of the most special elements of the painting included two babies sitting handin-hand at the top, a panda holding the Chinese flag holding hands with a koala holding an Australian flag, and a dove symbolising peace holding an olive branch. Although too young to understand national affairs, he was able to feel his father’s anxiety about recent tensions between China and Australia. Inspired, the little painter carefully drew a scene of a panda and a koala holding hands and making friends, with a little wish for harmony between China and Australia.

在西澳出生、成长的小立心同学,和许 多华人移民第二代一样,喝牛奶吃土司说英 文长大的懵懂少年。但比起班里其他金发碧 眼的小伙伴们,小立心有着属于自己的自豪 感,身为中国人的自豪感。 他对中国的印象来自身边的点点滴滴: 爸爸在枕边给他讲中华文明的历史小故事; 妈妈给他看新中国现代化的短视频;学校老 师在课堂介绍中国的名胜古迹......都让他觉 得中国人是他身份认同的一部分,而最直观 感受到的,莫过于小立心在中文学校学到的, 和以中华会馆为主、西澳各华社举办的种种 中华传统活动里,亲身参与和感受到的。 擂鼓镇田的赛龙舟,喜气洋洋的舞龙舞 狮,灵动帅气的功夫表演,华丽婀娜的舞蹈 戏曲——每当中国传统佳节伊始,整个珀斯市 区从北桥中国城开始就焕发出盎然生机。小 朋友们欢快开心的样子,就和我们小时候在 中国逛庙会时的好奇和喜悦一模一样。比起 阳光沙滩、土著美欧的文化风格,澳洲华裔 小朋友们多一份认同中华文明的归属感和自 豪感。 小立心在听到要给中华会馆写封生日贺 卡,庆祝他的110岁生日,兴奋的眉飞色舞起 来——“贺卡上我想画舞狮!还要敲锣打鼓、 放鞭炮!”小朋友对中华会馆的印象是那么 的鲜明,还没等爸爸妈妈引导,自己就已开题 布局了。小孩子的想象力和创造力是不可思 议的,正好孩子一家在过年前回国去了趟北 京旅游,脑海里沉淀了更多中华元素,此时 也在画纸上跃然而出——灯笼与桃花,五彩 的祥云,虽天马行空,但也井然有序。 画作中最为特别的,是顶端手拉手并排 坐的两个小宝贝:拿着中国国旗的熊猫和拿 着澳洲国旗的考拉熊手拉着手,旁边和平鸽 衔来了橄榄枝。孩子还小,不懂国情大事,但 耳濡目染之中,也能感受到父亲对近期中澳 关系紧张而忧心忡忡。小画家来了灵感,细 心地把中澳和睦的小小心愿,用熊猫和考拉 手拉手、做朋友的景象画了出来。 画作繁体字及徽标Logo由妈妈稍作指 导矫正,除此外构图、素描、上色的整幅原创 作品,都是小立心用课余和两个周末,独立 完成的。创作不易,希望刘立心小同学能再 接再厉,不断有好作品呈现给大家哟!

The traditional characters and logo in the painting were corrected with a little guidance from his mother. Aside from those, the composition, sketching and colouring in this original work was completed independently by young Li Xin in his spare time and two weekends. It was not an easy thing to create. I hope young Liu Li Xin can persist in his efforts and keep presenting excellent works!




READER’S CONTRIBUTION读者来稿 文◎Jeff Lim 林南玉 | 译◎Lily Wang 王金媛


Life as an Overseas Student in Australia in the 1950s and Early 1960s I was born in Singapore in a large family, comprising 3 boys and 4 girls. I was the youngest of the 4 boys.

My father undertook active leadership in anti-Japanese activities during World War ll. Before Singapore fell to the Japanese, he left for India in February 1942, where he was trained by the British Force 136 for intelligence work to support resistance groups behind enemy lines in Malaya. That was the last time our family saw him. He was betrayed by a triple agent, caught by the Japanese and was tortured. He died on 29 June 1942 in Batu Gajah Prison in Ipoh. He was 35 years old when he died.

do their best in their studies and to participate in the school’s sports programs, which we all did.

My eldest brother was a recipient of a Colombo Plan Scholarship and he went to the University of Adelaide to do an engineering course.

My other two brothers went to Perth to complete their secondary education at Guildford Grammar School, before embarking on their university studies at the University of Western Australia. Following my brothers, I also enrolled at GGS. I was a Day Scholar for the first semester as there were no vacancies at the boarding school at that time.

‘ Do not grieve for me, but take pride in my sacrifice. Tell the children what happened to me, and guide them along my footsteps.’

I stayed with my eldest sister and my brother in-law at an apartment along William Street in Mount Lawley. It was located about 200 metres past the top end of Hyde Park. I would walk to the Perth Railway Station every morning to catch the train to East Guildford, where Guildford Grammar was located. After school, I would stay back for sporting activities, which were compulsory. I then took the train back to Perth and walked back to the apartment.

I went to St Andrew’s School as did my brothers, and the girls attended Raffles Girls School. Our Principal at St Andrew’s was an Australian Priest Canon RKS Adams from Adelaide. He encouraged all the students to

I had no trouble assimilating with my fellow Aussie students. I got along with them very well. In my second year, I was appointed as a prefect in the boarding school, which surprised me, as most of the boarding house students were Australians and I would have thought that they would have preference over me. To me, this showed that there was no racial prejudice at the school. As a prefect,

It was then left to my mother to bring up her 7 children. She was a caring and loving mother, who dedicated her life to bringing us up the best way she could. My father had written a letter to my mother in which he said:

He was concerned about our education and mentioned about sending all of us to university. It was with these thoughts in her mind that my mother dedicated her life to our upbringing.

In the second semester, I was accepted as a boarder in the school.

Chung Wah Quarterly Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

I would administer all the duties assigned to me. Every morning, we would assemble for morning briefings, before going to classes. In the evening, after prep studies, we would gather the students together, and we, as prefects, would lead in reading the Bible and saying prayers, etc, before retiring to bed. On Sundays, we would attend church services at the school chapel. I was very fit in my 2 years at Guildford Grammar as I took part in sporting activities and had wholesome wellbalanced meals. Besides social sports, I also participated in interhouse sports and school sports. I also represented the school in athletics in the 110-metre hurdles in the Inter-School Athletics Meet. As a representative, we were offered special meals, such as steaks, etc, to strengthen us for the meet. I also represented the school in hockey.

After Guildford Grammar, I went to Leederville Technical College, before starting my accountancy studies at Perth Technical College. It was in a totally different environment, as all my fellow students and friends at Guildford Grammar were predominantly Australians, whereas the students doing accountancy were mainly from Singapore and Malaya, although there were also many Australians doing the course. Life was also different for me as I was now more independent and had to look after myself. I stayed with fellow Asian students and made many lifelong friends, some of whom returned home but we are still close friends. Others stayed behind and settled in Perth.

There was also a Chinese hardware shop called Hup Seng on James Street, where one could get Chinese cooking utensils and condiments. Hup Seng was one of the few places in Perth where you might come across older Chinese folks on the weekend. After my graduation, I returned to Singapore and worked for a year, before deciding to go back to Perth, where I worked for another 3 years. Unfortunately, in my first job in Perth, I had a boss who was a racist and made life miserable for me. I left the firm and worked with different companies, including J&W Bateman in their offices in Perth and Fremantle. The last company I worked with was G.H. Reid, an engineering and construction company, which supplied tractors, bulldozers and other heavy equipment to the companies up north. Except for the first company I worked with, I enjoyed working in Perth. However, I felt that my prospects were limited, and that there was a‘glass ceiling’being an Asian, and so I decided to return to Singapore.

Fortunately, I had many friends who studied in Perth and we shared a common bond. Some have passed on, but there is a group of us, who meet regularly for lunch and chit chat. Often, the conversation would be about out student days in Perth, which were our formative years and which have left us with a lot of good memories. Many of us return to Perth regularly for holidays and we would meet up with old friends, as old friends are the most cherished friends, no matter where we live.

五十年代末六十年代初 在澳洲的留学生活 我出生于新加坡的一个大家庭,兄弟四 人,姐妹三人,而我是兄弟中最年幼的。

二战期间,我们的父亲积极地参与并领 导抗日活动。1942年二月,就在日本即将完 全侵占新加坡之前,父亲远赴印度,在那里 接受了英军一三六军团的情报工作训练, 以协助马来西亚在敌军后部的抵抗组织。 那年,也是我们最后一次见到父亲。后来, 由于三重间谍的出卖,父亲被日军逮捕并 遭受了极其残忍的折磨,最终于1942年六 月二十九日牺牲在怡保的Batu Gajah监狱, 年仅四十三岁。父亲在写给母亲的信中嘱 咐: “ 切莫为我悲伤,要为我的牺牲而感到 自豪。一定要给孩子们讲述我的经历,指引 他们在父亲踏出的路上继续前行! ” 父亲极其重视教育,最大的心愿也是 能将我们全部送入大学。为此,母亲奉献了 她的一生,尽心竭力的培养我们成材。受益 于科伦坡计划的奖学金项目,大哥去了阿 德雷德大学,开启了工程学的求学之路。我 的另外两个哥哥先就读于珀斯的Guildford Grammar School (GGS),随后考入了西澳大 学(UWA)。 我跟随着兄长,也入学了GGS。

在融入澳洲同学方面我并未遇到什么 障碍,我与小伙伴们相处得十分愉快。大学 的第二年我就被选为寄宿校舍的年级长, 这倒使我自己也吃了一惊。因为借宿校舍 里绝大多数为澳洲本土学生,我也一度认 为他们会更被青睐。这件事向我证明了在 校园里是不存在种族歧视的。 在完成GGS的学业后我先就读了 Leederville工程学院,之后在珀斯工程科 技 学 院 就 读 财 政 会 计 专 业 。之 前 提 到 在 Guildford 时,同学与朋友绝大多数是澳洲 人,但后来就是另一番景象了。就读财政会 计专业的只有一小部分是澳洲人,其余的 基本上都是来自新加坡和马来西亚的学 生。在与亚洲同伴生活的日子里,我收获了 众多终生的好友。即便他们当中之后有的 返回了自己的故乡,我们依旧保持着紧密 的联系。

在那个年代,华人餐馆是十分稀有的。 一家叫“The Pink Lotus”的中餐馆也是我 只有在极少数难能可贵的机会下才会光顾 的 。老板是移民澳洲的华人,大家都叫他 “Captain Wan”。在珀斯仅有的几家中餐馆, 该餐馆可谓是众星捧月,十分的受欢迎。在 James street 还有一家华人五金店叫 Hup Seng,在那里可以买到华人的厨房用具,甚 至还有做中餐的调味料。Hup Seng也是为数 不多的在周末里偶遇华人长者的地方。 毕业后我回到了新加坡并工作了一年, 随即我便决定重返珀斯,之后在珀斯又工作 了三年。遗憾的是我的第一份工作的老板是 个种族主义者,他令我的生活苦不堪言,我 毅然地辞职并在接下来的日子里就职了几 家不同的公司。其中包括J&W Bateman 设 在珀斯和Fremantle的办公室。我就职的最 后一间公司是 G.H. Reid,那是一间工程与 建筑的公司,主要业务为向在北部作业的公 司提供拖拉机、卡车、推土机及其它众多重 型机械。除了第一家公司以外,在珀斯的工 作生活整体令我非常愉悦。可即便如此,我 预视到未来的工作前景还是极其有限的。身 为华人在异国他乡,总是存在着难以克服的 瓶颈。因此,我又重返故乡。

幸运的是,我有很多朋友也曾在珀斯 学习、生活过,共同的经历如纽带把我们 紧密相连。如今我们一群老友还是会经常 约出来吃个饭,聊个天,也会时常回忆起几 位已离我们先去的老朋友。我们天南海北 地聊,但往往聊得最多的还是那些在珀斯 留学和工作的日子,那些弥足珍贵的成长 经历留给我们太多美好的回忆。我们当中 的有些人还会找机会回珀斯度假,到了那 儿把当地的老朋友约出来聚聚是必不可少 的,千山万水也隔不断我们的友情。 回首往日,我深感庆幸曾有过一段在 珀斯学习和工作的宝贵时光,似水流年,但 那难忘的十年,我将一生珍惜!

Looking back at my life, I feel very fortunate to have spent my education and working life in Perth, and I cherish all the special memories of my 10 years studying and working there.



There were very few Asian restaurants at that time, and I remember going, on the rare occasion, to‘The Pink Lotus’, a Chinese restaurant owned by a Chinese Australian family, Captain Wan and his two children, Brian and Shirley Wan. Some of the dishes had quite unique names, like ‘long soup’ and ’short soup’. These were names of dishes which we had never heard of in Singapore and Malaya. However, the restaurant was very popular as it was one of the few Chinese restaurants in Perth at that time.



The Chung Wah Association would like to extend their deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of Mr Kok Tiw FOO 符国锈, who passed away on �� November ����. Mr Foo was a member of the Chung Wah Association since ����. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.

高 山硕 仰德 止可 风 Floral Design by Clement Lee



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