Chung Wah Magazine Issue #47 - AUTUMN 2021

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����年 MARCH ISSUE #�� 第��期


Perth Chinese New Year Fair

珀斯首个摘下口罩后的 大型社区活动

First major community event after the lifting of COVID restrictions

别开生面的中华会馆 110周年纪念晚宴

Chung Wah Association’s 110th Anniversary Appreciation Gala Ball 中华会馆编辑出版 PUBLISHED BY



Profile Interview A Benevolent Community Contributor

Dr Michael Kwek



Chung Wah Focus

Multicultural Ageing Population in WA


Chinese in WA, Past and Present


We invite you to join the


炎黄子孙 CHUNG WAH 共同的大家庭 FAMILY TO JOIN YOU CAN EITHER: Call our membership and enquiry hotline 入会及询问热线

中华学校 Chinese Education

(��) ���� ����

or download a membership application from our webiste 网上下载入会申请表

文化团体 Chinese Cultural Events and Activities

and email us 申请电子回传 or post it to us at 或者邮寄回传

PO Box ��, Northbridge WA ����

社区长者服务 Community and Aged Care


Standard 普通

Concession 优惠

Individual 个人



Family 家庭



《中 华之 声 》的 读 者,我 们 又 见面 了。由于澳 大利亚媒体管理 局拨款的支 持,我 们 在 过去半 年的 时 间,每两个月 出版一期《中华之声》杂志,并制作一系 列的双语网络视频特别报道,以及通过 中华会馆的各网络和社交 媒体平台,珀 斯的中文平面媒体分享我们所制作的内 容,更广泛地打开我们的读者群。

进入秋季的第47期《中华之声》,您 可以回顾过去两个月中华会馆上上下下 忙于各大大小 小的农历新年活动,以及 110周年庆活动的报导和照片,感受这些 活动所带给大家的欢乐。 Cover Photography 封面摄影 Xiaodong MA 马晓东

继过去四年的《中华之声》,陆续采 访了中华会馆的九位永久会员以后,中华 人物重新启动,接下来我们会开始采访过 去数 届的会长,记录他们在任时为中华 会馆以 及华人社区 所 做出的贡献,以 及 曾经面对过的挑战 。首位被采访的前会 长,正是在1991-1993年间担任会长的郭 宜章医生。

此外,我们制作组的网络视频 报 道 也做了两个与华人社区息息相关的专题, 分别是西澳多元文化老年群体,以及西 澳华人的过去与现在。分别长 达七分钟 的四集内容尽在这 期《中华之 声》的内 版。恳请各位读者,支持我们的节目组的 用心制作,更多的视频内容,可免费订阅 中华会馆的 YouTube 平台。 谢谢各位读者的支持。

Chung Wah Media is ready Time flies, you may feel that you have been receiving our e-magazine more frequently than before. Since October last year, with the funding from the Australian Communications and Media Authority, we have been publishing the Chung Wah Magazine every two months, instead of quarterly. In addition, we have also been producing a series of bilingual online videos on current affairs, which are shared on Chung Wah’s social media platforms. We also publish some of our public interest content in the local Chinese community newspapers in order to reach a bigger readership in the Chinese community.

In this Issue 47 of the Chung Wah Magazine Autumn edition, you can read about our major Chinese New Year events and the 110th Anniversary celebrations. We hope it brings you joy and memories of these wonderful events. Continuing with our efforts in the past four years, where we interviewed the nine Life Members of Chung Wah Association, starting from this issue, in our Profile Interview column, we will be interviewing the past Presidents of the Association. The first past President we interviewed was Dr Michael Kwek, who was President between 1991 and 1993.

In addition, our production team has also produced online video coverage for two topics that are very much relevant to the Chinese community. These are the Multicultural Ageing Population in WA, and the Chinese in WA, Past and Present. The transcripts of these seven-minute current affairs shows are also published in this issue. I sincerely hope that our readers will support the efforts of our production team. Please kindly subscribe to the Chung Wah YouTube channel for more video content. Thank you for your support.

Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰 Chief Editor 主编



The many achievements of the Association incude:


Founded in 1909, the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organisation in Western Australia. We are recognised by the Federal, State, and Local Governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in Western Australia. • Community and aged care for the aged and senior members, and migrant services. • Chinese schools promoting Chinese education and upholding cultural awareness. • Cultural and social groups incorporating Lion and Dragon dance, Chinese Cultural Dance, Chinese orchestra, Chinese opera and Womenʼs Subcommittee. • Hosting the largest Chinese New Year community event in Western Australia. BECOME A MEMBER: To review the full range of membership options and benefits, go to BECOME A VOLUNTEER / PARTNER: Call 93288657 or email us at

中华会馆是西澳最大、历史最悠久的华人社团。备 受联邦政府、州政府和地方政府认可为西澳华人社 区的代言组织。 · 给长者和移民提供社区服务及护理服务

· 办中文学校传承华人传统文化和发扬中文教育

· 综合舞狮、华乐、京剧、粤剧、舞蹈和妇女组等的 文化及社交小组 · 承办西澳最大型的农历新年社区活动

想成为会员: 请浏览网页 查知会员详情及会员优惠 想成为志愿者/合作伙伴: 致电 9328 8�5� 或 发邮件到







Dear Members, The first quarter of every year is the busiest period for most of the Chung Wah Executive Committee members, staff and volunteers, in organising and preparing for Chinese New Year celebration events. This year was extra hectic as it coincided with the Chung Wah Association 110th Anniversary celebrations, as well as the catastrophic bush fires in early February, and the unexpected lockdown due to Covid-19. However, we are committed to providing quality service to our members and the Chinese community, regardless of how busy we are. Our Executive Committee has been actively planning for the south of the river community centre project, and we are in the process of searching for an appropriate site. We welcome any suggestions and recommendations pertaining to this project. Feel free to send an email to me at

An old saying in Chinese is “Find the similarities, not the differences”. We celebrate Harmony Week every year on the third week in March. This is a special awareness week that means a lot for me and many other migrants. It represents that Australia is a country that embraces migrants, who come from different backgrounds, and to respect the culture of various ethnic groups. Being involved in Chung Wah Association, an organisation with a history of over one hundred years, it is essential to effectively connect government funding, corporate sponsorship, community participation and human resources, both paid staff and volunteers, in order to build a sustainable and socially cohesive community organisation.

At this moment, I would like to especially thank our Life Member, Dr Simon Lee AO, who donated $30,000 through the Simon Lee Foundation, for the Chung Wah Association 110th Anniversary celebrations. The Simon Lee Foundation Australia was established in 1994. The Foundation aligns itself with charities which represent a cultural investment and have some significance in the community, including the core areas of arts, community, education and medical research. In addition, I would also like to thank all the businesses and community members for your trust in Chung Wah and for your donations to the Bush Fire Appeal. Australia’s next national Census will be held on Tuesday 10 August 2021. The Census is a snapshot of who we are and tells the story of how we are changing. It’s used to inform many things, from planning schools, healthcare and roads to local services for individuals, families and communities. I would like to remind every reader to participate in completing the Census form this year. With the growing Chinese population in WA, our voice means a lot. Chung Wah Association will be assisting the Australian Bureau of Statistics to promote relevant information to the Chinese community, between March and 10 August this year. Thank you.

Dr Ting CHEN 陈挺博士 President, The Chung Wah Association 中华会馆会长 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

亲爱的中华会馆会员们: 每年的第一季度,中华会馆的所有理事、员工和志愿者都 忙于筹办各大小型的农历新年活动,加上今年是我们的110周 年庆,以及西澳在二月份经历严重的山火事件和突发的疫情防 备计划等等,让我们忙上加忙。然而,再忙我们也要确保能够 有效的为中华会馆会员,西澳华人社区提供服务和帮助。 随着西澳州选举尘埃落定,中华会馆的执行委员会 成员正在积极筹备州长麦高文承诺的五百万拨款项目,目 前正物色合适的地点。欢迎会馆会员和社区人士,向我们 表达您对此活动中心的意愿和建议,可以直接发邮件到。 正所谓:“同中有异,异中求同”,三月份的和谐周,对我 和很多移民而言是一个非常有意义的节日,它象征了澳大利亚 这个国家十分包容来自不同背景的移民,尊重不同民族的文 化。我参与有百年历史的中华会馆将近十五年,深感要有效的 贯穿政府拨款、企业赞助、社区参与、志愿者和受薪的人力资 源,才能成功建立社会凝聚力,缺一不可。 在 此 特 别 要 感 谢 我 们 的 永 久 会 员 李 瑞 喜 博 士 AO, 通 过 Simon Lee基金会捐献三万澳币给中华会馆筹办110周年庆。成 立于1994年的Simon Lee基金会主要支持与文化投资相关的慈 善活动和项目,包括艺术、社区、教育和医学研究。感谢所有 的赞助单位和个人,也特别感谢乐善好施的商家和华人社团, 通过中华会馆捐助山火的灾民。 在这里也提醒大家今年是2021人口普查年,呼吁所有华 人必须参与,以让政府可以更加重视我们华人的声音。今年八 月十日是澳大利亚全国的人口普查日,中华会馆会积极协助澳 大利亚人口统计局,在三月份到八月十日之间向华人社区推广 有关信息。 谢谢大家。


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中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah

1 2 8


14 16


编者寄语 Editorial

会长感言 President’s Message 2021珀斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair

32 26 27


Perth Chinese New Year Fair

珀斯首个摘下口罩后的大型社区活动 First major community event after the lifting of COVID restrictions

别开生面的中华会馆 110周年纪念晚宴 Chung Wah Association’s 110th Anniversary Appreciation Gala Ball 人物专访 Profile Interview

仁心仁术的人民医生-郭宜章先生 A Benevolent Community Contributor – Dr Michael Kwek

中华消息 Chung Wah News

中华龙舟队赢得2021西澳总冠军赛 的公开组大奖 Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team, Open Champions of the Dragon Boating WA State Championship 2021

我们的社区 Community



社区评论 Community News

西澳多元文化老龄人口 Multicultural Ageing Population in WA

西澳华人历史 过去与现在 Chinese in WA, Past and Present 西澳企业对新冠疫情结束后 有什么想法呢? How are WA businesses feeling post-COVID?

移民心声 Migrant’s Voice

时间是最好的治疗 This soon will pass

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue


别开生面的中华会馆 110周年纪念晚会

Chung Wah Association’s 110th Anniversar y Appreciation Gala Ball


仁心仁术的人民医生 郭宜章先生

A Benevolent Commmunity Contributor – Dr Michael Kwek

家爱 Family

活动参与 Events and Activities

家有一老 Aged Care

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive



校园天地 The School Yard

松柏长青 Community and Aged Care



长期活动 Regular Activities

中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme

西澳历史最悠久的民族团体 The oldest ethnic organisation in Western Australia

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 (08) 9328 8657



Multicultural Ageing Population in WA

Chinese in WA, Past and Present

中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne

电话 Telephone

联系人 Contact Details 马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898



Published by


Chung Wah Association

Editorial and Advertising Enquiries E-mail:


Editorial team


Chief Editor


Executive Editor


叶俐廷 编辑 陈薇


视觉设计 卡尔 汪

行政支持 黄小娟

翻译人员 张道



传真 Facsimile (08) 9228 3990


Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street)

版 权

Jeffrey CHA Elvie YAP Editor

Abbie CHEN


Visual Designer Carl ONG

Administration Lesley WONG Translators



联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0411 249 463

Chung Wah Community and Aged Care

(08) 9328 3988 西澳华人历史 过去与现在

联系人 Contact Details 周如真女士 Luisa CHOU 0401 738 778

Bramwell Road, Noranda 6062

Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003


Aulberry Parade, Leeming 6149

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865


中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming

Balcatta WA 6021


Willetton Centre

58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton WA 6155


Chung Wah Chinese Radio

广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3

Every Saturday 10 am to 11 am 每周六上午10点至11点 中华妇女部



CW Womens Subcommittee

CW Dragon Boating

CW Lion Dance Troupe


CW Cultural Dance Troupe


CW Cantonese Opera



CW Chinese Orchestra CW Beijing Opera

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club

电子邮箱 E-mail Address


中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall and Administration Office

Keith Road, Rossmoyne 6148


中华珀斯中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306

中华爱德中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell 201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164 联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306



版权所有,未经允许, 不得转载本刊文字及图片。

All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association.

声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自中华会 馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对其真实性和准确 性的理解而予以登载。对题材中的任何误差,中华会 馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.




文/译 ◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

2021 Perth Chinese New Year Fair First major community event after the lifting of COVID restrictions

n 14 February this year, the third day of the lunar new year O coincided with Valentine’s Day. It was also a special day for Chung Wah Association, who hosted the annual Perth Chinese New Year Fair. Due to the effects of the global pandemic, the event, in its tenth year, was held in a different way to meet the state’s health and safety requirements. Unlike previous years, when the event took place across the two major streets in Northbridge, this year’s event was held around the Perth Cultural Centre precinct. The event was divided into five areas, including the Perth Cultural Centre Amphitheatre, Cultural Activity Zone, Perth Cultural Centre Central Square, Perth Cultural Centre Wetland Stage and the WA Museum City Room Stage. The ninehour fair ran from 12:00pm to 9:00pm, and consisted of a variety of art and cultural activities, entertainment and performances that catered for all ages, multicultural cuisine, Chinese culture craft, costumes and toys, and a children’s rides and games. At 12:00pm, a Welcome to Country ceremony was conducted by Olman Walley, a traditional owner of the Whadjuk

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Noongar region, who played the didgeridoo. This was followed by the Australian national anthem. The WA Minister for Asian Engagement, Hon Peter Tinley AM MLA accompanied by the President of Chung Wah Association, Dr Chen Ting, to light the five-metre-long red firecrackers for the opening of the event. This was followed by a lion dance performance by five different coloured lions from the Chinese Community Centre to bring luck and auspicious greetings to the WA community. Even though it was a hot day, with the temperature reaching 37 degrees Celsius, it did not stop Perth residents from attending this significant cultural event. Given that the 14-day

mandatory face mask restriction was only lifted 12 hours before the event started, it made the event an anticipated outing for many residents in WA. For people who were unable to attend the event in person, the major highlights were broadcasted live on Chung Wah’s Facebook page.

Chung Wah Association undertakes a huge task for the ethnic community every year in

The Perth Chinese New Year Fair promote multiculturalism and the social cohesion.


organising the Perth Chinese New Year Fair. It is a wonderful platform for artists and performers to showcase their talents, and for entrepreneurs or businesses to promote their products and services, using different languages. We greatly appreciate the support of our major funding bodies, the WA Office of Multicultural Interests, City of Perth and Lotterywest, as well as our sponsors, such as Murdoch University, and the Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation.

We can see a huge number of volunteering individuals and organisations from the Chinese community, who spent their time and contributed their ideas and efforts, to make this event a success. There was also significant coverage of this event by the major local newspapers and the Chinese media. Almost every Lion Dance Troupe in Perth participated in this event, to ensure that there was a performance every hour, as it is the most popular item in every Chinese

New Year event. Volunteers also played the roles of photographers, videographers, ushers and performers.


The multicultural concert in the evening was again the highlight of the second half of the event. It is obvious that the great reputation of the concert has travelled far and wide. This year was the first time the concert was set up in front of the brand-new WA Museum. The concert was kick-started by the Welcome to Country,




conducted by Olman Walley, an Aboriginal community leader. Over one hundred VIPs attended the event and enjoyed the multicultural performances brought by the Chung Wah Lion and Dance Troupe, Chung Wah Cultural Dance group, Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra and Choir Group, contemporary Chinese costume catwalk presented by the Ausasia Creative Art Academy, Chinese New Year songs in three languages presented by Jessica Lim and the Little Angels Children group, and a variety of other multicultural dances.

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Chung Wah Association, on behalf of the Chinese community in WA, presented a cheque of $16,800 to City of Perth’s Lord Mayor, Basil Zempilas, as a donation to the Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund – Wooroloo and Hills Bushfire Appeal, in response to the Wooroloo fires, which started on Monday, 1 February 2021. The next day, we immediately, we made a call to most other Chinese associations in Perth to work collectively to raise funds for the victims of the catastrophic bushfires. The response was overwhelming.

The 2021 Perth Chinese New Year Fair was concluded with a big round of applause from the crowd. We look forward to a new look of the Chinese New Year Fair in 2022, after the pandemic has ended.



2021珀斯中华新年文化节 珀斯首个摘下口罩后的大型社区活动


021年二月十四日,农历年初三遇上情人节的这一天,珀斯历史最悠 久的少数民族社团中华会馆,举办了一年一度的珀斯中华新年文化 节。由于新冠疫情席卷全球,踏入十周年的新年文化节,有别于往年横跨 北桥的两大主街,今年的活动范围主要围绕着整个珀斯文化中心。

珀斯文化中心分成五个区域,分别有: 珀斯文化中心露天广场、文化活动区、珀斯 文化中心广场、珀斯文化中心水塘小舞台及 西澳博物馆舞台区。从中午十二点至晚上九 点结束的文化节,所涵盖的文化艺术活动; 各年龄层的艺术娱兴节目;多元文化民族食 摊;农历年艺术品;服装及相关玩具的小摊; 儿童游乐场游戏等,应有尽有。 中午十二点,土著代表用传统乐器演奏 欢迎音乐和全场同唱澳洲国歌之后,中华会

馆会长陈挺协同州长代表,亚洲事务西澳州 部长Peter Tinley,点燃爆竹,响砌云霄。五只 不同颜色的舞狮同时走入人群,舞动全场, 热闹十足。当 Peter Tinley 部长的致辞中, 提及终于不用带口罩参加活动时,引起全场 共鸣。 三十七度炎热天气下,并未阻挡民众前 来 参加 活 动 的 热 情。随 着 十四 天 带口罩强 制令在当天凌晨结束后,更让西澳人们对这 首个摘下口罩后的大型社区活动,更有期待

感 。此 外,主 办当局中华 会 馆 也顾虑到无法前来 参加活动的民众,特别在 社 交 媒体直 播中华 新年文化节 的精彩演出和部分节目内容。 每年的中华新年文化节,中华会馆肩负 着多元文化社区的重大使命。在西澳多元文 化部、珀斯市政府、西澳博彩局的活动拨款, 以及一些私人机构,比如:默多克大学、汇 丰银行的资金支持下,成 功让更多 的民 族团 体展 示自己 的 艺 术 才 华、让 企 业可 以 通 过 这个 活 动推广产品和服务,以及用 各种语言传达信息。




不 仅 是 为了 推 广 多 元 文化,每 年 的新年文化节也是 凝聚社区力量的好 时机。西澳的所有 的华人社团及艺术 团 体 集 思 广 益,为 整个活动铺排了一个 尽善尽美的艺术文化 表 演 节目内容;中西方 媒体纷纷大篇幅的宣传华 人农历新年以 及此文化节; 全珀斯的舞狮舞龙团齐集在这活 动,确保每个小时都有民众最爱观赏的 舞狮表演;参与当中的各个年龄层的志愿者、 摄影师、录影师,不辞劳苦在烈日当空下稳守 岗位。

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

此 外,中 华 会 馆 也 代 表 了 西 澳 华 人,展 现了我 们 作 为西 澳 一 份 子 的 责 任。自二月一日星期一Wooroloo山火 发生以来,中华会馆在第二天就开始号 召珀斯 的其他 华人社团共同为此山火 的灾民筹款解难。华人社团纷纷踊跃加 入。在文化节当天的多元文化文艺晚会 上,中华会馆在众多出席的华人侨领见 证下,将一笔多达一万六千八百澳币的 捐款支票,转交给嘉宾之一的珀斯市市 长Basil Zempilas,作为市长救灾基金的用 途。 多元文化文艺晚会是每年珀斯中华文 化节的亮点,除了出席的众多西澳瞩目的 政治和商场人士以外,同时也齐集了多元文 化社区的高水平文化节目。中华会馆各文化 小组包括:华乐团、龙狮团、舞蹈团、合唱 团的精彩演出以外,还有澳亚 新艺学院惊 艳全场的模特秀、林佩莹和小天使合唱团 带来的多种语言贺年歌曲,以 及木兰文化 艺术协会、印尼舞蹈团、马斯蒂宝莱坞带来 别具一格的精彩舞蹈。 2021年珀斯中华新年文化节,在 观众 的欢呼声中圆满结束。期待2022年疫情结 束后的另一个新年面貌。



Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2021

THANK YOU Sponsors: City of Perth

Office of Multicultural Interests Lotterywest

Murdoch University Hong kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

Supported by: WA Museum

Perth Theatre Trust

Western Australia Police

Cultural Activities Contributors:

WA Chongqing and Sichuan Association 西澳川渝同乡会

WA Oriental Cultural and Art Association 西澳东方文化艺术协会 Australia China Friendship Society (WA) 澳中友好协会 Susan Leong Craft Vex Robots


Emcees Vivienne DENG, Yao, Yi ZHOU, Chinese Community Cente

Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe Yarn Yee Tong Choy Lee Fut

Yaolin Kungfu Association

Kong Hing Koon Perth Jimmy Tsui’s Kung Fu School

Jessica Lim and the Little Angels Australian Mulan Culture and Arts Association


Masti Bollywood

Selendang Sutra Dance Troupe

Australian Chinese Times

CCCA 珀斯南部舞蹈艺术团

Oriental Post

Ausasia Creative Arts Academy

Chung Wah Choir 中华会馆合唱团 自由快乐舞蹈团

WA Taichi Association 西澳太极协会 珀斯姐妹花舞蹈队

Chinese Dance Australia Inc 雷老师舞蹈学校 珀斯多姿舞蹈队

西澳中老年协会五湖四海舞蹈队 珀斯开心快乐家园

Catherine Liu 刘诗琪

Perth Rainbow Performance Club 珀斯彩虹艺术团

Australia Yang Syle Fu Nei Pai Taichi Li Academy 澳洲杨式府内派太极李氏学院 Little Apple Dance Group 小苹果舞蹈团 Baihe Dance Group 百合舞蹈团 Zhou Yongjun

Joshua Clarke Christina Wu

Chung Wah Women Sub-committee 中华会馆妇女部 Chung Wah Orchestra

Chung Wah Cultural Dance group

Chung Wah Chinese Schools (Rossmoyne, Leeming, Morley, Perth) 中华乐思、黎明、摩利以及珀斯中文学校

Photographers and Videographers:

Xiaodong MA 马晓东 Tiezhang TAN 谈铁章 Alan LI

Jiasizhe ZHENG


ABC Radio

Australia Asia Business Weekly Most WA


Dr Julia FU Dr Xuanli MA Dr Hua LI Mrs Emily EMERY Ms Luisa CHOU Valerie LAI Julia GAO James YAO Gaik TAN Jianhua JIN Shu Chuan LIU Karen NG Anchi SU Jason HUI Zhang LEI Lisa ZHOU Rachel NG Wen Kun LI

Perth Post

Perth Today

The West Australian WeiPerth

Oriental Post

Chung Wah Magazine Team Yu Sheng DI Tian Zuo ZHANG Jia Lun CHEN Lele WANG Lei ZHANG Lettie ZHANG Yu Meng YE Tracy LIM Shereen OH Aileen LING Binjie CHAI Cynthia Li Celine SIM Lucy XIONG Zac ZHANG Zi Han ZHOU Jinxing ZHOU Alicia LEONG

And all the Ground Crew, Stallholders, Contactors for your supports and participation

Organising Committee

Ting Chen, Jen Nie Chong, Lesley Wong, Abbie Chen, Michael Li, Cong Ma, Ke Mei SHAO.




文/译 ◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

Chung Wah Association 110th Anniversary Appreciation Gala Ball


istory lies at the heart of any culture. Chung Wah Association has gone through a series of hardships, ups and downs, and yet has continued to survive until today. On 20 February 2021, Chung Wah invited representatives from politics, business, culture and arts, and Chinese language education as well as past presidents and executive committee members. Together, there were approximately five hundred guests who celebrated this remarkable milestone for the ethnic community organisation with the longest history in Western Australia, and in Australia.

For almost forty years, the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce (WACCC) has developed as a separate entity. It was originally the Business and Professional Group of Chung Wah Association. The WACCC provided great support in the planning and organising of this Gala Dinner. The entrance to the ballroom was filled with lanterns, Chinese New Year decorations and cherry blossom and peony flowers. There was also a backdrop printed with all the sponsors logos for guests to take photos with. Musicians from the Chung Wah Orchestra, dressed in gold Chinese costumes, played classical Chinese music for the guests’ enjoyment before the official proceedings began. The arrival of WA Premier, Mark McGowan, right before the beginning of the Gala Dinner, attracted dozens of guests to approach him for photos. At 7pm, the Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Crown Grand Ballroom was filled with fifty tables of guests, and the show began with the announcement made by Yao and Jessica Lim, Masters of Ceremony for the night. Firstly, Aboriginal Elder, Dr Richard Walley OAM, conducted the Welcome to Country ceremony. This was followed by a exhilarating Chung Wah Lion Dance performance on two metre high poles. A memorable performance for the majority of the guests!

As a famous Confucius saying goes, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” An eight-minute documentary was also produced expecially for the event, sharing the history, story and the developments of the Chung Wah Association. The President of Chung Wah Association, Dr Chen Ting, said, “We have been supporting new Chinese migrants, seniors and young people since we opened in Northbridge in 1910, and exceptional commitment to service is what has made Chung Wah a role model for so many other multicultural communities. In the 2016 Australian

Census, over 103,000 people were identified as having Chinese ancestry. After a century of development, the Chinese community has become an important pillar of multiculturalism in Western Australia. On behalf of the Chung Wah Association, I would like to thank our past presidents, executive committee members, staff and volunteers for their contributions in building social cohesion in WA.” He added, “Chung Wah Association prioritises the interests of the Chinese in WA, and we will also continue to support people in need.” After watching the documentary and having visited the Chung Wah Hall a couple of times, WA Premier Mark McGowan, said, “It always drives me on how difficult it must have been for people 110 years ago, of Chinese heritage, Chinese background, Chinese upbringing, to come to Western Australia, a country a long way away, and they have prospered and engaged, and made a life here, it must be so terribly difficult. Australia was a very, very different place in those days. But they did, they persisted and they succeeded, and Chung Wah was along the way, particularly this organisation has been around for 110 years, not many organisations survive that long, but not only it has survived, it has succeeded and grown and supported, and people who arrived 110 years ago could not imagine what they have created.” Senator Dean Smith, representing Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Western Australia, presented his speech at the event. He complimented Chung Wah Association for its great contributions in helping members


and in actively engaging the community at large. For more than one hundred years, a great number of people have benefited from this effort, and without any doubt, it will continue to benefit more people in the coming years.

Tony Krsticevic MLA, representing the WA Opposition, a long-standing friend of Chung Wah Association, also expressed his greetings at the 110th Anniversary. There were also pre-recorded greeting videos of the WA Governor, Honourable Kim Beazley AC, as well as the Founder of Simon Lee Foundation, Dr Simon Lee AO, the major diamond sponsor of the event and a Life Member of Chung Wah Association. Other attending politicians included WA Minister of Multicultural Interests and Citizenship, Paul Papalia MLA, WA Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Energy; Industrial Relations, Bill Johnston MLA, WA Labor Party President, Carolyn Smith, Members of Parliament, Kate Doust MLC, AmberJade Sanderson MLA, Pierre Yang MLC, Yaz Mubarakai MLA, David Michael MLA, Consul General of Indonesia in Perth, mayors of various local councils, City of Canning Mayor, Patrick Hall, City of Cockburn Mayor, Logan Howlett and other councillors. State election candidates, Dr Jags, Anthony Spagnolo, Wayne Evans, Simon Ehrenfeld and Stephen Pratt, were also invited guests.

The organising committee also took the opportunity to express their gratitude to all sponsors of our 110th Anniversary celebrations. These sponsors included Simon Lee Foundation, Westindo, Global Lithium Resources, Murdoch University, Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Sunlong Group, Coastal West Transport, European Hotel, Green World Investments, Degre and Westminster.

After the ceremonial formalities, a series


of fabulous entertainment programs were presented. Firstly, there were two beautiful, dynamic musicians from Perth’s finest and award-winning contemporary and classical strings duo, Dolce Ensembles. Next, were ten gorgeous dancers from the Chung Wah Dance group, dressed in traditional Chinese red costumes, Qipao, gracefully presenting the ‘Ye Lai Xiang’ dance.

Chung Wah was honoured to have Ms Billie Court, a very special guest performer, who has been performing nationally and internationally for the past 20 years, sing ‘My Island Home’ She also performed a duet with Mr Sheng Shen, a famous Chinese song “Kang Ding Qing Ge”. This was followed by another dance from the Chung Wah Dance group, a Mongolian dance entitled “The Endless Sky”. The 110th Anniversary Gala Dinner Ball was a night of appreciation and gratitude. We invited the WA Premier Mark McGowan to present commemorative awards to all the attending past presidents for their contributions to the Chinese community. Doug Fong, a descendant of one of the Founders of Chung Wah Association, Louey Wah, received the honour on behalf of his great grandfather. Representatives from the major sponsors, Simon Lee Foundation and Westindo Group, also received a token of appreciation from the Premier.

Special awards were also presented to sponsors, seven long-standing volunteers of the Association, nominated by the Chung Wah President, committees of the Independent Board of Management of Chung Wah Community & Aged Care and volunteers of Chung Wah Chinese schools with excellent service.

The Chung Wah past presidents, together with Mr Doug Fong, cut the 110th birthday cake, followed by groups from Chung Wah Association, including the past executive committee members, Chung Wah Chinese schools, Community & Aged Care, special guests, sponsors, community leaders and organising committees. For the rest of the night, Nicholette’s commanding presence and powerful vocals, backed by a seven-piece ensemble contemporary band paired with the ornamental sounds of the Guzheng, Yangqin and Dizi sang a series of popular Chinese and English songs. A memorable night was had by all.




别开生面的中华会馆110周年纪念晚宴 别开生面的中 华会馆110周年纪念晚宴 历

史是文化的精髓。走过逾110年风风雨雨仍然屹立不倒的中华会馆,在 二月二十日晚上,邀请了政界、多元文化社团、商界、文化艺术界、中文教 育等各界的代表人物,以及历届会长和理事们,大约五百人共聚一堂为这个在 全西澳,甚至全澳大利亚历史最悠久的少数民族社团,欢庆历史性的一刻。 近四十年前,从中华会馆商务组发展成 独立机构的西澳中华总商会,大力支持和协 助中华会馆策划和组织这一个举足轻重的晚 宴。活动迎宾场地,以灯笼、新年贺词和牡丹 花,以及一座印有所有赞助商标志的活动背 景幕,供来宾留影。同时,中华华乐团团员穿 着金光闪闪的中式礼服,现场演奏长达一小 时的悦耳中国古典音乐。 接近来宾纷纷入座的时刻,西澳州长麦 高文的莅临,引起现场来宾们争相合影。晚 上七点钟,场内五十桌 座 无虚 席,在大会司 仪耀和林佩莹的宣布下晚宴正式拉开帷幕。 原住民元老中德高望重的Dr Richard Walley OAM 现场演奏了土著欢迎辞仪式后, 中华龙 狮队 给现 场观 众 带来 精 彩 绝伦 的跳桩表演,令人印象深刻。 孔夫子说千里之行始于足下。中华会馆 特别做了一个八分钟纪录片,跟现场一起追 溯会馆的起源和发展历程。 中华会馆会长陈挺致辞中说道:“中华会 馆自1910年建馆以来,致力于援助华人背景 的新移民。多年以来的努力,给其他多元文化 社团设立了一个良好的榜样。2016年人口普 查显示,西澳有超过十万三千的人口具华人 血统。经 过上百年历史的发展,如今华人已 经是西澳多元文化中的重要组成部分。我在

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

此代表中华会馆,衷心感谢历届会长、理事、 员工和志愿者的奉献,给西澳缔造牢固的社 区凝聚力。“他表示中华会馆视华人在西澳的 利益为第一位,继续帮助需要帮助的人。 看 过了那 纪 录片 和到过 北 桥 的中华 会 馆大楼数次,西澳州长麦高文发言中表示:“ 我总有一种很惊叹的感觉,百年前的华人漂 洋过海远道而来,离乡背井来到一个陌生的 环境谋生,他们一定经历了非常非常辛酸的 日子,那个年代的澳大利亚跟现在非常不一 样,然而他们还是挺住了。中华会馆为例,撑 的过百年的社团寥寥无几,而中华会馆不但 生存下来了,而且不断地在发扬光大。” 澳洲总理西澳代表Senator Dean Smith 代表 Scott Morrison 总理致词,赞扬中华会 馆作为文化团体的贡献之一就是帮助会员, 本着诚意与广大社区互动。百年来,许多人从 中受益,毫无疑问,更多人将继续受益。 反对党领袖代表 Tony Krsticevic MLA, 是中华会馆的老朋友,他祝贺中华会馆成立 110周年。 除了现场政坛嘉宾的致辞以外,大会也播 放了西澳总督Kim Beazley AC和此纪念晚宴 金砖赞助商李瑞喜基金会的创办人 兼中华会 馆永久会员李瑞喜AO的道贺录像。出席的政 要, 还有包括西澳多元文化部长Paul Papalia

MLA, 西澳矿业、石油、能源、工业关系部长Bill Johnston MLA, 印尼驻珀斯总领事以及西澳 工党主席 Carolyn Smith、议员包括 Hon Kate Doust MLC,Amber-Jade Sanderson,Hon Pierre Yang MLC, Yaz Mubarakai MLA、 Dav i d M i cha e l M L A,以 及C a n n i n g市长 Patrick Hall和Cockburn市长Logan Howlett、 市议员、和各区选举候选人Dr Jags、Anthony Spagnolo 、Wayne Evans 、Simon Ehrenfeld 和Stephen Pratt。此外,大会也特别感谢各个 赞助商的支持,才能让这活动成功举办。赞助 商包括 Simon Lee Foundation, Westindo, Global Lithium Resources, Murdoch University, Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Sunlong Group, Coastal West Transport, European Hotel, Green World Investments, Degre和 Westminster。 经过了近一小时的正式仪式以后,大会 安排了一个接一个的精彩演出。首先有两位 多奖无数的美女乐手大提琴和小提琴合奏扣 人心弦的乐曲;接着有中华舞蹈团先后以“夜 来香”和蒙古族舞曲,展示婀娜多姿的舞技: 国家级土著歌手Ms Billie Court与申生先生 合唱康定情歌,令人听出耳油。 110周年纪念晚宴是个感恩之夜,州长麦 高文在中华会馆创办人之一雷华先生的后裔 Doug Fong先生的陪同下给历届会长颁发会 长纪念牌,感谢他们为华社做出了贡献。接着 州长在会长的陪同下给主要赞助商Simon Lee Foundation和黄金赞助商Westindo Group颁 发了感谢牌。大会特别安排了出席的嘉宾给


赞助商,7位奉献超过三十年的 志愿杰出贡献 奖,中华社区及 长者服务的义务工作的理事会 成员和中华中文学校的杰出服 务奖也在当天晚上颁发。 出席的历任会长和Doug Fong先生出席了切110周年纪 念蛋糕仪式。大会邀请了历任 的理事会成员,学 校,社区服

务,出席的嘉宾,赞助商,出席的华社 代表,组委会成员等分批陆续一同合 照,场面非常热闹。 大 会 邀请了珀斯 一支中西合璧 乐队Nicholette,综合中西乐器同奏, 加上中英 双语 歌手带来不同年代 的 首首经典流行 歌曲, 让 现 场不同语言背景 的 观 众 ,都 能 沉 醉 在这特别能体现 多元文化的欢庆 晚宴当中。晚宴 自由的 舞 会中 圆满结束。


中华会馆110周年纪念感谢晚宴荣誉榜 历任会长 PAST PRESIDENTS 余其勇Kee Yong YEE

吴立政 Thomas GOH

陈继志 Eric TAN

吴柏子 Pek Cher GOH

陈振发 Bob TAN (Caretaker President)

张仕煌 James CHONG

丁少平 DING Shao Ping

吴明山 Bean San GOH 郭宜章 Michael KWEK

徐天送 Tien Shang SU 赞助机构 EVENT SPONSORS

李瑞喜基金会 (Simon Lee Foundation) Westindo Group

香港上海汇丰银行 (HSBC) 默多克大学 (Murdoch University) Costal Midwest

Sunlong Corporation Global Lithium

European Hotel

Green World Investments Degre Pty Ltd

陈和水 Richard TAN 葉俊帆 Sammy YAP


Crown Perth

Double Tree Hilton, Northbridge HSBC


张娟妮 Jen Nie CHONG 查绍翰 Jeffrey CHA

邝彩铃 Kaylene POON 郑秀丽 Shirley TEH

洪淑贞 Trinh QUACH 林亚兰 Grace LIM


郭郑素雯 – 社区与长者服务部 Theresa KWOK (Chung Wah CAC) 李华 - 黎明中文学校 Hua LI (CWCS Leeming)

马烜历 - 乐思中文学校 Xuanli MA (CWCS Rossmoyne) 陈水玉 - 摩利中文学校 Emily TAN (CWCS Morley)

周如贞 - 黎明中文学校 Luisa CHOU (CWCS Leeming) 中华社区与长者服务部 管理董事会 COMMUNITY AND AGED CARE SERVICES BOARD MEMBER AWARD 郑婉婉 Esther CHANG 吴立政 Thomas GOH Paula Gevers Jeff Hughes

Beth Thompson


林翠妤 Regina Chui Yi LAM 陈琤

Cindy Chen CHEN

张慧美 Rebecca Fui Mui CHONG CWCS Leeming 田欣


周如真 Ju-Chen Luisa CHOU 王翠萍 Cui Ping WANG CWCS Rossmoyne

陈美丽 Mei Li CHEN 贺京

Jin HE

林玉真 Ge Ching LIM CWCS Perth 余雷 刘隽

Grace Lei YU

中华中文学校志愿者 长期服务荣誉奖 CHUNG WAH CHINESE SCHOOL LONG SERVICE VOLUNTEER AWARD 王玉清 - 黎明中文学校 Elaine WONG (Leeming)

许俊豪 - 摩利中文学校 Yudy KODRATJAYA (Morley)

2020 年度杰出教师奖 TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD 周明玉 - 黎明中文学校 Min-Yu Mina CHOU (Leeming)

贾雪青 - 摩利中文学校 Annabelle Xueqing JIA (Morley) 姚华超 - 珀斯中文学校 Gracy Huachao YAO (Perth) 毛红旗 - 乐思中文学校 Hongqi MAO (Rossmoyne)

Organising Committee:

Ting CHEN, Jeffrey CHA, Jen Nie CHONG, Jia Lin ANG, Gloria ZHANG, Sheng SHEN, Michael LI, Abbie CHEN, Lesley WONG

Juan Jun LIU



A Benevolent Community Contributor Dr Michael Kwek 文/摄影◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

alking in to a 180-degree wide Swan River W view apartment unit, sitting with me was a gentle, compassionate and smiling, wise man, Dr


Michael Kwek. Organised, incredibly frank and humble was my first impression on meeting this past President of Chung Wah Association (CWA). He presented to me a wide range of well-organised documents, letters, publications and photos that are relevant to his roles in the past with CWA and the Chinese community in Western Australia.

The Chinese New Year Festival was awarded the Sir David Brand Award for Cultural Tourism in 1993

The Singapore-born retired medical doctor, graduated in 1968 from Monash University in Melbourne, after six years of studies and training. With an offer to work at Princess Margaret Hospital, he moved to Perth in 1972, together with his wife. Years later, he started his own private practice. Through the introduction of other medical doctors who were involved with Chung Wah, and his passion for community work, he joined the CWA in 1989.

Ties with Chung Wah Association

In the late 1980s, the Chinese community in WA encountered the anti-Asian terror campaign led by the Australian Nationalist Movement, resulting in the bombing of Chinese restaurants and racist attacks on some Asian businesses. CWA enabled the Chinese community to speak out against racism and civil disorder. The State Government and the WA Police were eventually able to deal with the trouble makers and defused the racial problems. After witnessing the anti-Asian terror incidents, Dr Kwek had a strong calling to unite the Asian community in Perth.

“When I became the President of Chung Wah Association in 1991, I believed that the Asian community in Perth could work together to contribute to our multicultural society.”

He formed the Chinese New Year Festival Committee in 1992, with representations from the CWA, Chinese Community Centre, Chinese Association of WA, Indo-China Association, Malaysia Singapore Australia Society, and WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce. This large scale community Chinese New Year festival was hosted in Perth for five years, with support from the Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

WA State Government, Perth City Council, Consulate of the People’s Republic of China, and major business corporations. This event was the winner of the Sir David Brand Award for Cultural Tourism in 1993. Dr Kwek was the Chairperson of the festival committee between 1992 and 1994. The chairmanship of the festival was rotated between different Asian community organisations. Dr. Kwek strongly believes that CWA can play an important role in fostering friendship amongst the Chinese people, and cooperate with other ethnic community organisations. He is aware of the challenges in uniting a diverse Chinese community, which include Chinese people born in Australia, as well as migrants from different parts of the world, with different levels of education, English language proficiency and socio-economic backgrounds. He hopes that Chinese Australians, especially the younger generation, can treasure our rich cultural heritage. “We can contribute to the well-being of the Australian society by sharing our language, music, food, and many cultural festivities.”

During the Covid-19 pandemic, anti-Chinese misinformation was reported on some news outlets and social media, which adversely impacted the Chinese population living in this (predominantly) western country. “Community organisations, such as the Chung Wah Association, can counter these unfortunate events by displaying the positive aspects of our rich ethnic culture, and actively promote racial harmony.”

A meaningful Australia-China project achieved

Dr Michael Kwek was a Director of the Fremantle Regional Division of General Practice. He was also involved with the Royal

Australian College of General Practitioners and The World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA) on the development of Family Medicine in the People’s Republic of China. He was President of the Australian Medical Acupuncture Society (WA) in the 1990s. With his extensive medical background and a professional connection between the WA and China health sectors, Dr Kwek organised a Western Australian health delegation to China in May 1996. This delegation was led by the then Minister for Health, the Honourable Kevin Prince. It was a significant initiative that promoted the complementary values of western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, as well as introducing to China the concept of family medicine as practised in Australia. An outcome of this first health delegation was the development of a Model Pilot Project, applied to the Fangzhuang Community Hospital in Beijing. Its aim was to achieve an improvement in the quality of care for patients and their families, a more costeffective system of health care delivery and improved satisfaction in the service from the perspectives of both consumer and doctor in the participating Chinese hospital. The project also involved the training of general practitioners. Dr Kwek was invited to be a Visiting Professor at the Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing in 1997.

走 Dr Michael Kwek with Former WA Governor Sir Francis Theodore Page Burt

Dr Michael Kwek with Former WA Premier Richard Court

His absence in WA due to new career venture

After years of private general practice, Dr Kwek encountered a turning point in his medical career. He was appointed Medical Director for the Indian Ocean Territories Health Service, and resided in Christmas Island between 1998 and 2003. He supervised the health service of Christmas Island and the Cocos Keeling Islands. During that period, the health service provided care to the local residents as well as several boatloads of asylum seekers.

With aspiration to explore more of Australia, Dr Kwek then took an offer to work as a medical professional for the Rural and Remote Health Services. Between 2004 and 2011, Dr Kwek and his wife were travelling between Tasmania, Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, providing medical services to patients living in the remote and rural areas of these Australian states.

As a migrant with Chinese heritage, Dr Kwek is indeed a role model for many. Not only did he work hard for himself, his family and the Chinese community, but he also contributed to Australia nation-wide and the global community. In 1993, he received the Australian Doctor General Practitioners Award in recognition of GPs who perform above and beyond the call of duty for their local community. Now in his 70s, he hopes to enjoy a quiet retirement with his family.

入一处一百八十度无敌天鹅河景的公寓房,面对面的正是这位面带慈祥笑 容、亲切友善,充满慈爱又充满智慧的中华会馆前会长---郭宜章医生。郭 医生态度诚恳谦虚,处事井井有条的风格,让我留下深刻印象。采访当天,他把多 年前在中华会馆担任会长时的相关书信、文件、刊物和照片,都非常有条理地供 我一一翻阅。


仁 心 仁 术 的 人 民 医 生 -郭宜章先生

出生于新加坡的郭医生已退休,当年经 过了六年的寒窗苦读,1968年毕业于墨尔本 Monash大学。在获得了Princess Margaret 医院的录用通知后,携同太太在1972年移居 到珀斯。 数年以后,他开设了自己的诊所行医。 通过其他参与中华会馆业务的同辈医生的介 绍,以及对社区服务的热忱,郭医生在1989 年加入中华会馆。

与中华会馆结缘 在1980年代末,西澳华人社区遭遇澳大 利亚民族主义组织发起的亚裔恐怖袭击,导 致几家华人餐馆发生爆炸案件,一些亚裔生 意也受到种族歧视所带来的破坏。中华会馆 打造了一个平台向政府发声,反对种族歧视 和社会动乱。州政府和西澳警方最终逮捕了 肇事者,也平息了种族问题。 见证了这种种反亚裔的恐怖事件,郭医 生感到有一种强烈的召唤,要把珀斯的亚裔 社区团结起来。 他说:“当我在1991年担任中华会馆会长 时,我相信珀斯的亚裔社区可以携手合作为 我们的多元文化社区共同出一分力。“ 1992年,他号召了中华会馆、华人公会、 西澳华人协会、中南半岛协会、澳大利亚新马 协会和西澳中华总商会的代表,组成华人农 历新年文化节筹委会。这场当年史无前例西 澳最大型的农历年社区庆祝活动,在西澳州 政府、珀斯市政府、中国驻珀斯总领馆,以及 更大商家的支持下,成功连续举办了五年。 此活动,还在1993年获颁David Brand爵士文 化旅游大奖。1992-1994年之间,郭宜章医生 担任了这个大型活动的筹委会主席,之后由 其他协会的代表轮流担任主席。 郭医生深信中华会馆在华人之间建立友 谊,以及与其他民族团体共同合作上,扮演着 举足轻重的角色。他理解要团结所有来自不 同文化背景的华裔是一项艰巨的挑战,这些 华裔包括出生于澳大利亚的华人,以及来自 不同国家的华人移民,有着不同的教育水平、 英语能力,以 及不同的社交和经济背景。他 期望澳大利亚华人,尤其是年轻的一代,珍 惜我们源远流长的文化历史。 “我们可以通过分享语言、音乐、美食和 许多的文化庆典,来贡献给澳大利亚社会美 好的一面。” 在新冠疫情期间,有的新闻渠道和社交 媒体散播了不利华人的报导,导致身居中国 以外地区尤其是西方国家的华人,生活受到 影响。 “社区组织如:中华会馆,可以通过展示 我们博大精深的民族文化,以及积极推广民 族和平,来抵抗反面的不利事件。”

成就了澳大利亚与中国之间 的一项意义重大的项目 郭宜章医生曾是Fremantle区全科医疗 部的主任。他也参与了澳大利亚皇家学院全 科医生组织,并参加了世界家庭医生组织在 中国家庭医疗发展的工作上。1990年代,他 曾经担任澳大利亚医用针灸协会西澳区的会 长。由于深厚的医疗背景,以及在西澳和中 国医疗上建立的专业关系,1996年五月份, 郭医 生 组 织了一 个医 疗代 表 团到中国 进行 交流,由当年的西澳卫生部长,尊敬的Kevin Prince当领队。


这个重要举措,促进了中西方医疗互补 关 系 在 医学上 的 重 要 交 流,以 及 给 中 方 理 解到澳大利亚家庭医疗系统的操作,作为参 考。这个代表团所创造出的其中一个合作项 目,就是给北京方庄社区医院,进行的一个 试行项目。此 项目,目的在于改善 病人及其 家人的照护质量、提供一个更能达到成本效 率的卫生护理体系,以及提高用户和医生在 服务上的满足度。这项目也包括给全科医生 提供特别培训,1997年,郭医生被邀请为首 都医科大学的客座教授。

离开西澳开阔人生新视野 经 过多年的私 人医诊工作后,郭医 生在 医疗事业上 遇见了另一 个转折点。他被委任 为印度洋区域卫生医疗服务的主任,在1998至 2003年期间搬居到圣诞岛和科科斯群岛。他 管辖的卫生部门在那段期间给当地居民,以及 多个乘坐船只来澳大利亚的寻求庇护人群。 为了达成游遍澳大利亚的心愿,郭医生 接受了另一个作为医生的挑战,给偏远地区 提供医疗服务。2004年至2011年之间,郭医 生与太太,分别居留在 塔斯马尼亚州、昆士 兰州、新南威尔士州,以 及维多利亚州的偏 远地区,给当地居民提供医疗服务。 作为一名华人背景的移民,郭医生的经 历和奉献堪称为许多移民的表表者。无论是 自身、家庭,还是对华人社区,他所做出的努 力是无可置疑的,同时他也给澳大利亚各个 州属,以及全球社区带来无价的贡献。1993 年,他荣获了澳大利亚全科医生奖,表扬他 给当地社区提供了服务至上的表现。踏入人 生古稀之年,郭老先生只愿能静养余年。

Chinese New Year Festival in the 1992


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Chung Wah Choir Charity Char ity Concert

中华合唱团 慈善音乐会

Money raised will be donated towards the building of Chung Wah Autumn Centre 筹得款项将捐助兴建中华秋园

大合唱,独唱,变脸,口技, 气功,小组唱,民乐,舞蹈。 Chung Wah Choir, solo, mask changing art, qigong, vocal imitation, group chorus singing, Chinese instrumental music and Cultural Dance performances

3 pm Sunday 18 July 2021 | 七月十八日,星期日下午三点 Chung Wah Cultural Centre | 中华文化中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Tickets $20 each, $18 (for CW member), under 12yo $15/each, $15 each for group of 10 or above 门票 $20/人, $18 (中华会馆会员), 12岁以下$15/人, 团体票$15/人 (10人起) Contact 购票请电 : 中华会馆: 9328 8657 | 洪淑貞 Trinh : 0423 587 653 / 胡曉健 :0422 178 722


How are WA businesses feeling post-COVID?


he Small Business Development Corporation T (SBDC) has conducted their annual survey of WA small businesses for 2021. Just over a year on from the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic, how are local businesses feeling and what are they expecting in the year to come?

Business Expectation survey results


The 2021 Business Expectations survey had 113 respondents from a range of industries including Retail; Professional, Scientific and Technical Services; Health Care and Social Assistance and a range of other industries.

More than half (56.6 per cent) of respondents expected the economy to have a negative impact on their businesses in 2021, over 20 per cent up from 2020. This sharp increase can be attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic which has resulted in a lot of business uncertainty. Nearly half (47.8 per cent) expected their sales/revenue to decrease over the next 12 months and 8.5 per cent indicated they were considering closing or restructuring, doubling from 4.3 per cent in 2020.

However, 36.3 per cent were still expecting the economy to have a positive impact on their business, falling only slightly from 40.6 per cent in 2020, and two in five (38.1 per cent) are expecting their selling price to increase. Overall, half of businesses were expecting lower profitability this year, with three quarters anticipating it would be harder to find suitable staff.

Changes and challenges to business

The most common changes business owners planned to make in 2021 were to increase their customer base (21 per cent), followed by exploring new markets (16.5 per cent) and employing more staff (13 per cent). The top three challenges identified by respondents were listed as attracting new customers, coping with reduced sales/revenue and managing government legislation. You can view the full results of the 2021 survey at

型企业发展局刚进行了他们2021年的西澳小生意 小 每年度民意调查。新冠病毒疫情肆虐全球才过一 年,到底当地的商家有什么感受和对新的一年有什么展 望呢?

企业预测调查结果 2021企业预测民意调查,咨询了113名来自不同领域的受访者,包 括零售业、专术行业、科学与技术服务、卫生护理和社会支援等各行 各业。 超过半数(56.6%)的受访者预估经济因素会导致2021年的生意 承受负面影响,这个结果比2020年的提高了20%。这个大幅度的增加 也许是因为新冠疫情,造成很大的业务不确定性。近一半(47.8%)的 受访者估计营业额将在未来十二个月内下滑,有8.5%的受访者表示在 考虑关闭生意或重组,这个比例比2020年增加了4.3%。 然而,依然有36.3%的受访者认为目前的经济情况会给他们的企 业带来正面的利益。这个结果相比2020年的调查,稍微下滑。五个受 访者中有两位(38.1%)认为会提高产品或服务价格。 整体而言,半数的企业预估今年的盈利会偏低,四分之三认为会 较难找到合适的员工。

企业的改革与挑战 2021年,商家最普遍会做出的改革就是增加他们的客户群(21%), 开拓新市场(16.5%)和雇佣更多员工(13%)。 受访者确认的三大主要挑战就是吸引新客户、营业额下滑的生存 之道,以及应付政府的法例。您可以在小型企业发展局的网站www.参阅2021调查报告完整版。

生意环境 Bankwest Curtin经济学中心 (BCEC) 于2021年二月发布了《返 回商场:西澳小型企业和新冠疫情冲击》。该报告结果显示许多小企 业仍然对迈入2021年表示乐观,即使他们还要面对一些主要挑战,包 括:拖延还款所导致的财务和个人压力。想要增加员工的企业也面对 技术短缺的问题。超过四分之一的小企业受访者(27%)今年会增加 聘用员工,而不想让员工流失。

Business environment

The report is available from

The Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) released its report Back in Business: WA small business and the impact of COVID-19 in February 2021. The report found that many small businesses were feeling optimistic heading into 2021, although there were still key challenges including late payments leading to financial and personal stress. Skills shortages were also a concern for many wanting to employ more staff. A quarter more small businesses respondents (27 per cent) expected to employ rather than to let go of workers this year.

How can the SBDC help?

If you are expecting a challenging year in your business, help is available. The SBDC offers free, experienced business advice from local advisers as well as a range of practical workshops. Other assistance includes specialist commercial tenancy help and a dispute resolution service. There are also free business resources available on the website. Visit or call 133 140 for more information. Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

该报告可在 网站参阅


如果您预估今年的生意很难维持,这里有帮助您的信息。SBDC提供免 费、有经验的商务顾问服务,以及一系列实践性强的培训班。其他帮助

包括商业物业专业租赁咨询和解决纠纷服务。网站上还有许多免费的 商务资料供参考。浏览或致电133140查询更 多信息。


时间是最好的治疗 This soon will pass Elvie YAP 叶俐廷 - Executive Editor 执行编辑


hroughout my working life in media and community services, I have interviewed people from all walks of life, from highly reputable politicians, community leaders and business entrepreneurs, to marginalised homeless people. I have come to the conclusion, that no matter how successful one’s achievements or how badly someone is hurt, it will eventually become history that may not be remembered. Most important is our attitude towards gains and losses.

Looking back in history, our life in Australia today is so much easier compared to the hardship that our early settlers had gone through. The early Chinese came a long way to the early Swan Colony (Western Australia), looking for income to feed the entire family back in China. No matter how challenging it was, they strived to survive. It is hard to imagine that, in today’s 21st century, depression has become a common mental disorder despite the fact that we no longer need to worry about hunger or sending money back to our home country. It is important to be conscious about our emotions and to be able to understand that all incidents will be in the past. If most of us have this concept of taking things easy, certainly “depression” will become uncommon.

I knew of an “Uncle” who treated me like his daughter. It was indeed sad that he was diagnosed with liver cancer before he turned 60 years old, and passed away. During his cancer treatment, he once said to me that he

had sacrificed his health for earning income; too bad money was not able to give him back his good health. Humorous and optimistic, he comforted his wife and son not to feel too sad for his passing as this will pass too; time is the best remedy for everything.

Another “Auntie” I know was a successful businesswoman before her early retirement. She has been spending most of her time in Buddhism chanting and dharma. Also actively involved in charity work, her greatest wish now is to age gracefully and depart in peace as she moves to the final stages of her life.

All human beings begin life by being born – and all human beings die eventually. During this journey, we will go through ups and downs, it is important to remember that all things will pass. While we are using our time and health in exchange for monetary returns, perhaps you may ask yourself ‘What is the ultimate goal in your life?

FREE sport activities for migrant community

我的媒体和社区服务生涯中,曾经 采访过德高望重、家财万贯的成功 人士,也接触过身无分文、无家可归的露 宿者,总结出来的就是无论是多大的荣 耀,或是多大的伤害,最终都是会成为过 眼云烟。关键的是个人的心态,以及能拿 得起放得下的态度。

回顾早期西澳华人离乡谋生,为了养活 家乡的家人, 无论生活多艰苦也挣扎求存。 然 而,二十一世纪,饥荒几乎是奇闻的时代,抑郁 症却成了现代人的隐疾。 如果每个人都可以掌 握好自己的情绪,即使遇到再大的打击,能理 解到一切都会过去的道理,估计抑郁症就不会 成为一种普遍的现代病。 曾经有一位对我特别照顾的长辈,不到 六十岁就患上肝癌,最终不治。他在治疗期 间,感叹自己的人生用健康换来金钱,最后却 无法用金钱换回自己的健康。虽然如此,生性 幽默乐观的他,临终前也安慰他的妻儿不用 太难过,再伤心的日子也会过去,时间是最好 的治疗。

有一位年轻时在商场相当成功的亲戚, 退休以后终日拜佛念经,行善积德,希望在自 己的晚年可以免受病痛折磨,安详离世。每一 个人一出生,无论生命长短,最终也是有尽头 的。人生跌跌撞撞起伏不定,任何事情都会过 去的。在我们不断用健康换取物质的同时,不 妨问问自己最终想要留给世间的是什么?


为移民社区而设的免费运动活动 Aerial Yoga 空中瑜伽

Rock Climbing 攀岩

Riverton Leisureplex

Urban Jungle Indoor Rock Climbing

Monday 11:30 am – 12:30 pm April 19, May 3, 10, 17 & 24

Kayaking 划独木舟 April 18, Sunday 9am

April 11, Sunday 3pm

Badminton 羽毛球

April 8, Thursday & April 12 Monday, 10:30 am - 12: 30 pm

South Perth Foreshore

Cannington Leisureplex

RSVP and confirmation is compulsory for the above activities. Please email to or contact us via wechat or whatsapp

参加者必须先报名参加,可发邮件到 或通过 wechat 或Whatsapp 联系我们

More activities such as Archery and Horse Riding to be confirmed. Welcome for your inquiry.

更多的免费活动如射击、 骑马有待确认。欢迎咨询


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或致电 0402 639 635 Elvie 叶俐廷


Elvie 微信联系

Azurra 微信公众号



Find out more about Chung Wah Dragon Boat Racing. 扫码以获得更多中华龙舟队的比赛信息


Chung Wah Dragon Boat team were the Grand Prix Open Champions 中华龙舟队赢得西澳总冠军赛的公开组大奖 O

n 14 March 2021, the annual Dragon Boating WA (DBWA) State Championship was held at the Champion Lakes Regatta Centre. There were four Grand Prix Regatta races held between November 2020 and February 2021, prior to this championship. In total, 27 races were held on the championship competition day. More than ten dragon boating clubs participated, with approximately 300 participants took part in this competition. The Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team participated and won the championship for the Open Competition.

Being one of the new members of DBWA, the Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team achieved outstanding results in the races it had taken part in. Chung Wah won first place in five races and second place in three races.

The team leader of the Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team, Shen Feng, said that the team had put in heaps of effort in training and was well prepared for the races. They had waited for two years to get the chance to take part in this championship as last year’s event was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. He hopes to see more community members joining them in the future. According to the information provided by DBWA, dragon boating is one of the world’s


021年3月14日,一年一度的西澳龙舟 协会总冠军赛在 Champion Lakes Regatta Centre 举行。本次赛事之前,在 2020年十一月至2021年二月期间共举行 了四场竞标大赛。在总冠军赛当日一共有 二十七场比赛,共有十多个龙舟社团参与, 参加比赛的人数约为三百人。中华龙舟队 参加了公开比赛,并赢得冠军。

most popular sports, with representation

in over 35 countries. It is the fastest

growing water sport in Australia, both for individuals, private and corporate teams. It is a dynamic and exciting sport with many opportunities for individuals to compete

at state, national and even international levels.

The Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team spends two to three hours training, three times a week, at the Maylands Sport Recreation

Centre, regardless of the scorching sun or

the freezing temperature. The team include

fathers, mothers, children and working people. We hope to see more people joining the Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team. Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

作为DBWA的新成员之一,中华龙舟队 (Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team)在多次 龙舟比赛中均取得优异成绩。中华队在当天 二十七场中所报名参加的公开赛,有五场赢 得第一名,另有三场比赛中赢得第二名。 中华龙舟队领队沈峰(Shen Feng)表示, 他们在训练中付出了很大的努力,并为比赛做 好了充分的准备。由于去年的比赛因新冠肺炎 (Covid-19)疫情而被取消,因此他们等待了 两年才有机会参加这次总冠军赛。他希望在未 来看到更多的社区成员加入中华龙舟队。 根据西澳龙舟协会提供的信息,龙舟是 世界上最受欢迎的运动之一,在超过三十五 个国家都有代 表队。无 论是个人、私 人和企 业团队而言,龙舟运动也算是澳大利亚增长 速度最快的水上运动。龙舟是一项充满活力 和激动人心的运动,有很多让参加者有机会 在州、国家,甚至国际水平赛事中竞争。 不论烈日酷暑或是寒风凛冽,中华龙舟 队每周在Maylands Sport Recreation Centre 训练三次,每次训练两至三小时。团队成员 包括父亲、母亲、子女、工人和资讯科技工作 者等。欢迎您的加入。


a member of Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team completed the Port to Pub swim solo.


he annual Port to Pub swimming event was held on 20 March 2021. Starting in 2016, the swim is comprised of two races, over two distances, from Leighton Beach to Rottnest Island (a direct crossing of 19.7km) and a 25km ultra-marathon. The swim is open to solos, duos, and teams of four and six people. It begins at Leighton Beach outside Fremantle Surf Lifesaving Club and finishes at the Hotel Rottnest. The event aims to cater for local, interstate and international swimmers, who enjoy long distance swimming, to cross the iconic Rottnest Channel. Two groups of local Chinese participants completed both the solo and six team marathon races respectively. A member of the Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team, Huajian Yang, first joined the local swimming circle since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Through intensive training and effort, he managed to complete a nearly 20km solo swim in the Port to Pub race.


完成 Port to Pub游泳大赛 单人横渡二十公里的壮举


Huajian Yang,

月二十日,是一年一度的Port to Pub游泳比赛。这自2016 年开始举行的赛事,是是南半球最长的开放水域游泳赛事 之一,从Leighton Beach到Rottnest岛两段距离的两次比赛-一 次直接穿越(19.7公里)和一场二十五公里的超马拉松比赛。 游 泳开放 给单人,双 人 组和四人一组和六人一组。这场比 赛 从Fremantle冲浪救 生俱乐部 外 的Leighton海滩 开 始,到 Rottnest 岛酒店结束。比赛的目标是吸引来自当地和世界各地 的游泳爱好者来体验横渡海泳到美丽的Rottnest岛河域。 两组华人选手分别完成了单人组、六人组合接力的比赛。中 华龙舟队队员之一杨华健,在疫情期间融入当地游泳界社圈, 积极进行排练和培训,顺利完成Port to Pub游泳大赛单人 横 渡 近二十 公里 的壮 举,赢得了许 多当地人和华人的掌 声,为西澳华人争光。


华建先生特别感谢在这段期间陪伴和支持着他的 朋友们,他说:“游泳帮我适应了疫情的生活,结识了很 多海滩上的朋友,他们给我介绍澳洲的游泳情节,特别是 老鼠岛的横渡情节。游泳也让我更深的体会了本地社团 对海泳横渡的热情,让我更好地融入珀斯特色的游泳社 团。 “ 中华会馆和华建先生一样,希望看到更多西澳华人朋 友通过运动项目,增进华人社区与当地社区的交流,互相理 解双方的文化和价值观,更好地建设一个和谐社会。

Help tell your community’s story – be a Census Local Engagement Officer His perseverance and resilience have been acknowledged by the West Australian community.

Huajian expressed his gratitude to his friends and family, who have been supporting him throughout this journey. He said, “Swimming makes it easier for me to adapt to the new norm under Covid, I have made many friends at the beach, they introduced me to the swimming culture in Australia and have been telling me their feelings in crossing the Rottnest Channel. Swimming also enables me to have a better understanding of the passion of the local clubs, who do ocean crossing. I now have a better relationship with t h e local Perth swimming clubs.” Just like Mr Huajian Yang, Chung Association would also like to see more local Chinese community members participate in local sporting activities. Sport enhances understanding of culture and values to create a harmonious society.

Do you have experience in community engagement and working with diverse population groups including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, people with a disability, youth and the elderly? Apply now at:

W a h

Help tell your community’s story 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊秋季版



Multicultural Ageing Population in WA


n this episode of Chung Wah Focus, we explore the Multicultural Ageing Population in Western Australia and the vital contributions they make, not only within their own families, but to the broader community. As a country, Australia is one of the most culturally diverse in the world. Here in Western Australia alone, of the 365,000 people aged over 65, at least one in five is from a migrant background. WA Minister of Seniors and Ageing, the Honourable Mick Murray, spoke to Chung Wah Focus about our Asian Ageing population.

While the West Australian economy benefits immensely from its multicultural society, less understood is the unique role the ageing multicultural population plays in helping to sustain that positive impact.

Minister Murray said,

“The percentage in Western Australia of those speaking Asian languages almost doubled from 7.8% in 2006 to 14% in 2016. People who have identified as having Chinese ancestry have increased from 7.1% in 2006 to nearly 12% in 2016. So, as we see, the Chinese population in Western Australia has a major part, not only in our schools, but also in our businesses, and now, we have an ageing population in Western Australia as well.” Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

西澳老龄事务委员会 执行总裁 Christine Allen

Multiple organisations and government sectors, however, are well aware of the contributions migrant seniors make. He added,

“It is important that we understand the heritage that comes with the Chinese population, the ageing population. They have stories to tell, of how they got here, how they came here. They have stories to tell about how they brought their children

“Grandparent care” is invaluable in the society and while grandparents are the most popular providers of childcare in Australia, it is in our migrant communities that the significance and support of the grandparents is even more apparent.


up, and how proud they are as their children have been successful in many different ways in Western Australia.”

西澳长者事务部长Mick Murray

Wendy Wong is a retiree, currently providing grandparent care, and she said,

“I was born in Hong Kong. I migrated to Perth in 1979. I started volunteering in the early 1990s as a Tai Chi instructor, also performing in some nursing homes. I am now 72 years old, retired, but busy looking after my grandchildren for the time being.” For many migrant grandparents, childcare responsibilities are considered a privilege and central to their life goals. They place huge importance on the passing of culture and language to their grandchildren. Christine Allen is CEO of Council On The Ageing, WA or COTA. COTA acts as a conduit between our senior population and the government sector. She emphasised,

“Grandparents play a vital role, not only within their families but within the community. So, we know that many of our grandparents are migrants and come from a wide diversity of cultures. We know that many of them don’t have English as a first language, but we also know that they bring great traditions and culture to our society.”

“ Across Australia, at least 40 languages are being spoken in our communities. The challenge of being able to translate information to all of those people is one that we need to meet, and it’s one that we need to address sooner rather than later.” “In WA, we have been really privileged to have worked with many of the multicultural organisations who have been the connector to those communities - ethnic communities, so I’m talking about Chung Wah Association, umbrella

organisations, Ethnic Communities Council, and many of those organisations who have a direct contact and direct communication with our multicultural organisations and communities. It’s really important that these organisations have their finger on the pulse of what’s happening in those communities and can address those issues and work with us to find a solution to the problems that are affecting our CALD communities.”

Chung Wah Community and Aged care (CAC) is part of Chung Wah Association, the oldest ethnic organisation in WA. Since 1909, they have committed to improving the quality of life of the culturally diverse, particularly those from non-English speaking backgrounds. The CEO of Chung Wah CAC, Mrs Theresa Kwok JP, said, “Being a migrant organisation, we understand what the challenges are, what are facing migrants coming to a new home.”

“The majority of them come here at the later part of their lives. And that is what we call, from the CALD background, that means, culturally and linguistically diverse background people. So, coming here, they are facing a substantial linguistic problem, as well as cultural adaptation challenges. Even for simple tasks, like going to the shop to buy a hat - it is a big task for them.”

Chinese Vietnamese, Xu Ha Tran, is in her 70s. She moved to Perth 10 years ago, and like many migrant seniors, adapting to a new home was a difficult journey.


She said,

“I felt extremely bored back then, everything, including the environment and transport, etc, were so different to me. Then I went to TAFE to study English, got to know many friends, and was introduced to volunteer work. I have been volunteering for nine years already.” To improve the ongoing ageing migrant experience in this country, it is vital that we understand the factors that influence their emotional and cultural well-being.

Community and social engagement is an essential aspect of well-being for Australian seniors. A part of that engagement is in volunteering activities, providing time, service or skills through an organisation or group. For many migrant seniors, volunteering is considered a way of giving back to the country they have chosen to call home. Christine Allen said,

“We know that about 35% of all volunteers are over the age of 65. We have got grandparents making a significant contribution to the community.” Xu Ha Tran said,

“I would love to continue volunteering when I am still physically able. This is probably the way I could give back to the society.” Another long-term migrant volunteer, Man Wong, said,

“I’m from Malaysia and have migrated to Perth some 30 odd years ago. And I have been a volunteer for about 30 years already.” Christine responded,

“We know that they prefer to age in the community that they’ve grown up in, that they’ve been part of; we know that they want to be by their family, by their friends. 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊秋季版


“Now, under the funding, which is under the Commonwealth, we are also organising some of the regular talks to the community at large, including seniors and their family members. The name is ACSN or Aged Care Services Navigation. Aged care service is charting your care journey from the time you may need only a little bit of the care to the time you may need more care, like under the home care packages. So, that it is the role we play, it is an advocacy role to ensure that our community is well informed and well addressed to what is being offered in Australia.”

协和疗养院护理主任 Suzanne Tillotson


And so, as they age, we need to consider what housing options we have for them. So, is there the ability to stay in their own home, and that home might be; it could be a granny flat, it could be a retirement village, it could be an aged care facility, or it could be in a lifestyle village.”

Xu Ha Tran continues to share her thoughts, saying,

“I am now 72 years old. My only wish is to receive a government pension this year; with this income, hopefully, I can rent public housing to live independently. I am now living with my daughter’s family, including me, there are seven people living in the house. It is always the case where it is not easy to live with others. I really wish to live in my own house; it can even be a rented property.” Just like Xu Ha Tran, Man Wong would like to continue living independently for as long as possible, but understands that, in time, he too may need the services that aged care can provide. Man Wong added,

“I’m quite a senior person. I’ve retired from my work. But I’m still engaged actively in volunteer services. Now 76 years old and currently staying with my children, maybe in 10 to 20 years, I may require services in a retirement home. And I hope that those people providing the services can understand my cultural background.”

We spoke to Suzanne Tillotson, Director of Nursing at Concorde Nursing Home, who houses a significant proportion of our elderly Asian migrants. She said,

“Our services provide for people from a diverse range of backgrounds. Along with residents born here in Australia, we currently have residents who originated from Asian countries, including China, Singapore, the Philippines, India, Korea and Malaysia.”

“We take a very person-centred approach to the care of all residents, and we ensure that there’s a comprehensive social Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

history available on admission, so that the lifestyle, leisure and food choices are appropriate for each individual.”

“Entering aged care is daunting for most people, particularly if English isn’t your first language. It’s extremely important that our consumers, when they come to us, that we engage with them from the start. So, we build a rapport with prospective clients before they come in, we may choose a particular staff member to greet those people when they come to visit, particularly if language is a barrier.”

Theresa Kwok said,

“For family members or children of seniors, I think, in considering the need, or service provider for your parents - it is very important to consider whether the provider can offer culturally and linguistically appropriate services for your parent - because our experience is that sometimes you know they are isolated. In the cost of services, other than just helping them with personal care, with domestic assistance, the opportunity for them to be able to talk or to share their loneliness, with a support worker, is also very important.” Jenny Lau, from Sarawak, East Malaysia, was in the oil and gas industry, and a volunteer with Red Cross before she migrated to Perth 18 years ago. To this day, she continues to volunteer her time. Jenny said,

“I’m almost 75 now, and I’m still very healthy and active. I have lots of friends because of my association with Chung Wah and the other activities. As I age, I would like to have some support from the government services. I prefer to stay at home with services from various community groups, where they can; they know my culture, they can cook for me and clean up my house.”

Theresa added,

“Most of our Asian families, or the old folks, they would like to continue to live in their own homes instead of residential facilities.”

While many challenges are confronting our ageing population, the arrival of COVID-19 in Australia has seen an escalation of specific issues that require urgent attention. One of those issues, in particular, is elder abuse. Christine revealed,

“The problem with COVID is that, while it didn’t directly affect older people, a lot of people lost their jobs. And where people, say in their 50s, have lost their jobs, they may be relying now on their parents, who’ve got an asset, they may need to move back in with a parent, they may need to have that parent help them with school fees, mortgages, and so, they’ll start to put pressure on the parents.” WA Minister of Seniors and Ageing, the Honourable Mick Murray, said,

“Elder abuse is a terrible thing within our society, not only in the Asian society, but also in the Western society as well. So, we’ve been working very hard under the elder abuse program to make sure that people have somewhere to go to express their problems. So, under the elder abuse program, we’ve put substantial money into this area, we’ve trained different groups to understand, that is the place. You know, the hospitals, the doctors and even bank clerks, are now trained to look out for elder abuse. But make one thing very clear - and that is, elder abuse is generally around financial issues, not always about a physical issue. So, we have to be on the lookout for that and train people up to understand that. In the Chinese community, those problems also exist, and we must have people who can interpret and help those elderly people out.”

There are many issues that confront our migrant ageing population, but despite this, Australia will continue to grow, age and enjoy the advantages of being “the world’s most successful multicultural society”. So, as part of that society, it is our responsibility to support our multicultural ageing population and those who work to improve the lives of everyone who calls Australia home.



Multicultural Ageing Population in WA

五 期《中 华之 声 》网 络 视 频 特别 报 道,探 讨西澳多元 文 化老龄人口及他们对自身家庭和整 个社区的贡献。 27

澳大利亚是全球最具多元文化的国家之 一。仅在西澳大利亚州,就有大约三十六万 五千名六十五岁以上的长者,其中至少五分 之一有移民背景。 西澳长者事务部长 Mick Murray 在《 中华之声》发表了有关西澳亚裔老龄人口的 看法。 Mick Murray说道: “ 西 澳大利亚使用亚洲语言的人口比例增加 将近两倍,从2006年的7.8%上升到2016年 的14%。华裔人口从2006年的7.1%上升到 2016年的将近12%左右。如我们所见,西 澳的华裔人口不仅在学校里,还有企业里 都占有很大的比例,其中还有一部分的老 龄人口。” 虽然西澳大利亚的经济从其多元文化的 社会中获益良多,但人们对于多元文化老龄 人口在为社会维持正面影响的独特作用却知 之甚少。幸亏,许多组 织和政 府部门都很清 楚移民老年人所做的贡献。 Mick Murray说道:

“ 重 要的是我们,要了解华裔老年人给家庭 所带来的传统价值。他们身上有许多故事, 包括他们当初如何来到西澳以及一路走来 的过程、他们如何抚养孩子,以 及当他们 的孩子在西澳以各种不同的方式取得成功 时,他们是多么自豪。”

Christine Allen表示道:

“祖父母扮演着非常重要的角色,不仅在他们 的家庭里,在社会上也是如此。我们也



的母语并不是英语,而我们也知道他们为 澳大利亚社会带来了伟大的传统和文化。”


种语言。我们要面对的挑战是要将信息翻 译给所有这些人,而这也是我们需要尽早 解决的问题。”

在 西 澳 ,我 们 非 常 荣 幸 能 与 许 多 多元 文

化 组 织 合 作,这 些 组 织 是与 其他 少 数 民

族 社 区 的 联 系 者,我 所 指 的 是 中 华 会 馆 (Chung 伞(The





、少数民族社区委员会(the Communities



的多元 文化 社 区有 直 接 接 触 和沟 通 的 组 织。非常重要的是,这些组织对他们所服 务 的 社 区 发 生 的 事情了如 指 掌 ,能 够 解 决这些问题并与我们合作,找出影响我们 多元文化和语言群体(Culturally


Linguistically Diverse,CALD)所面对


这期《中华之声》,我们也采访了中华社 区及长者服务工作了近四十年,现职执行总 裁的郭郑素雯太平绅士。她说道:

“ 中 华 社 区 及 长 者 服 务 ( C h u n g Wa h Community and Aged Care)是中华会馆 的一部分,是西澳历史最悠久的少数民族 组织。自1909年以来,我们一直致力于提 高多元文化背景人士的生活品质,特别是 那些来自非英语背景的人。作为一移民机 构,我们理解移民来到新家园时所面临的 挑战。 他们大多数都是在晚年来到这里的。这就 是我们所说的CALD背景,指的就是来不同 文化和语言背景的人口。所以,他们来到这 里,面临巨大的语言问题,适应文化不同的 挑战。即使是像去商店买帽子这样简单的任 务,对他们来说也是一项艰巨的任务。”

来自越南的华裔移民陈细娟 Xu Ha TRAN 现今已七十多岁了。她十年前搬到珀斯,和许 多移民的老年人一样,适应新家园是一段艰 难的旅程。她感叹: “那时候我觉得非常无聊,包括环境、交通等 所有的一切对我来说都相当不同。然后我 去TAFE学习英语,认识了很多朋友,后来 朋友介绍我从事志愿者。我已经做了九年 的志愿者了。”

我们的节目组采访了几名退休长者,一 起来听听她们的心声。 “ 我叫张凤莲 Wendy WONG,出生于香港。 1979年时移居珀斯。1990年代初期,我开 始从事志愿者,当太极教练,也在一些养老 院表演。我现在72岁,退休了。但目前正忙 着照顾我的孙子们。” 对 许 多移民 祖 父 母 来 说,照 顾 孩 子 的 责任被视为一种特权,是他们生活目标的核 心。他们非常看重将文化和语言传承给子孙 后代。 Christine Allen是西澳老龄事务机构 (Council on The Aging,或稱COTA)的执 行总裁。COTA是我们老龄人口和政 府部门 之间的沟通渠道。

中华社区及长者服务 执行总裁郭 郑素雯 太平绅士 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊秋季版


陈细娟 Xu Ha TRAN


黄锐民 Man WONG

西澳老龄事务委员会的首席执行官 Christine Allen 补充道:

“通过COVID-19,我们认识到,作为一个部 门,我们需要 共同努力和合作,以确保我 们能够满足老龄人口的需求。其中一个行 动就 是 通 过州政 府成 立的特 别小 组 来照 顾这些弱势群体,其中一个特别小组就是 照顾老年人。我们透过老年人特别工作组 (Seniors Task Force) 所做的任务,就是 要确定采取的一些行动来支持老年人。 西澳长者事务部长Mick Murray解释道:

“老年人特别工作组成员来自州政府各部门 及主要利益相关者,一批多元文化组织机 构的合作其中包括中华会馆。非常重要的 是,我们知道中华会馆在华人社区中享有 很高的名望。因此,他们的参与也可以帮助 我们,透过笔译和口译传达政府信息给这 当地华裔背景的老年人。确保人们理解政 府的做法是很重要的。” 澳 大 利亚老 年人 对 社区 发 展带来 重 要 的贡献。他们所参与的社会工作一部分是包 括不同的志愿者项目,他们付出时间通过各 社区组织提供志愿服务和贡献自己多年来的 技能。对于许多移民老人来说,志愿服务是 一种他们回馈给这个国家的方式。 Christine Allen提及道:

“ 我们也知道他们许多人是社区的志愿者。 大约百分之三十五的志愿者年龄在六十五 岁以上。我们的祖父母对社区做出了巨大 的贡献。”

来自越南的华裔移民陈细娟说道: “我已经当了九年的志愿者了。我很乐意在身 体还健壮的时候继续做志愿者,这是我能 够回馈社会的方式。” 来自马来西亚的华裔移民黄锐民表示: “我来自马来西亚,三十多年前移民到珀斯, 我参与了三十多年的志愿者工作。” Christine Allen继续说道:

“我们知道,这些老年人更喜欢在他们的成 长环境中老去,我们知道他们想和家人、朋 友一起生活。所以随着他们年龄的增长, 我们需要考虑能为他们提供什么样的住房 选择。那么,他们是否有能力独居,这个家 可能是一个加盖房、一个安老退休 村、一 个老年护理机构,也可能是一个高级退休 村。 对于未来日子的设想,陈细娟和黄锐民 分别道出了自己的想法。 陈细娟说:

“我现在72岁了。我唯一的愿望就是今年能 拿到政 府的养老金,有了这份收 入,我 希 望能租到公宅独立生活。我现在住在女儿 家,包括我在内有七个人住在同一间房子 里。相见好,同住难,我很希望住在自己的 房子里,即使是租房也行。”

就像陈女士一样,黄锐民也希望尽可能 长时间地独立生活,但他明白,将来他也可 能需要老年护理服务。他说道:

“我现在七十六岁了,现在和我的孩子们住在 一起,可能在十到二十年内,我可能需要养

“ 隔代教养”在社会中是无价的, 祖父母在澳大利亚无疑是照顾 孩子的普遍选择之一,如果有 的选择的话,让祖父母带孙子 更是许多移民家庭的首选。” --- 西澳长者事务部长 Mick Murray

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

张凤莲 Wendy WONG 老服务。我希望提供养老服务给我的护理 人员都能够理解我的文化背景。”

《 中 华 之 声 》采 访 了 协 和 疗 养 院 (Concorde Nursing Home)的护理主任 Suzanne Tillotson。她说道: “我们有很多亚裔移民老人都住在这里。我 们的服务对象是来自不同背景的人们。除 了在澳大利亚出生的居民,我们目前还有 来自亚洲国家的居民,包括中国、新加坡、 菲律宾、印度、韩国和马来西亚。进入养老 院对大多数人来说都是件令人生畏的事, 尤其是如果英语不是你的母语的话。了解 我们的消费者是非常重要的,当他们来找 我们的时候,我们从一开始就跟他们接触。 因此,在潜在客户到来之前就与他们建立 了良好的关系,对于有语言障碍的客户,当 他们来拜访时,我们可能会选择特定的员 工来接待他们。 “ 中华社区及长者服务的执行总裁郭郑素雯补 充说:

“对于老年人的家人或子女,我认为,在为你 们的父母考虑服务需求或机构时—这些机 构是否能为父母提供文化和语言合适的服 务,是一项非常重要的考量,因为根据我们 的经验,有时候你可以知道他们有一种觉得 被孤立的感觉。除了帮助他们的个人护理、 家庭援助、让他们有机会与人交流或分享 孤独,与护工的沟通也非常重要。” 澳 大 利亚老 龄人口面临诸多 挑 战 的同 时,新冠肺炎的传播使得一些需要关注的问 题变得更加急迫。其中一个特别急需关注是 虐待老人的社会问题。 针对这个问题,Christine Allen感叹道:

“新冠肺炎虽然没有直接影响老年人,但很 多人失 去了工作。当五十多岁的人们失 业 时,他们可能仰赖父母的财产,他们可能需 要搬回家与父母同住,他们可能需要父母帮 助他们支付学费、抵押贷款,因此他们将会 开始带给父母压力。” 西澳长者事务部长Mick Murray也说道:

“虐待老人在我们的社会中是一件可怕的事 情,不仅在亚裔社区,在当地主流社会也是 如此。因此,我们一直在预防虐待老人的项 目上努力,确保人们可以勇敢反映他们问题 的途径。如果我们不这样做,人们就会非常 非常不愿意站出来,因为这可能是针对家


庭成员的。因此,在预防虐待老人项目上, 我们在这一领域投入了大量资金,我们培 训了不同的群体,让他们了解,可以安全表 达的去处。医院里的医生,甚至银行职员, 现在都接受了预防虐待老人的培训。我们 要确保老年人在晚年可以好好养老,不用 担心被虐待。但有一点要非常清楚,那就是 虐待老人更多的是围绕在财务上,身体上 的暴力行为则比较不普遍。所以,我们必须 注意这一点,并培训人们了解这一点。华人 社区里也存在这些问题,我们需要理解并 帮助这些老人。”

我们的老龄移民人口面临着许多问 题,但尽管如此,澳大利亚仍将继续成 长、老龄化,并享受“世界上最成功的多 元文化社会”的优势。所以,身为这个社 会的一分子,我们有责任支持我们的老 龄移民人口和那些努力改善澳大利亚人 生活的人 ,以及努力改善所有国民生活 质量的机构。

Executive Producer 执行总监 : Elvie Yap 叶俐廷


Presenter 主持: Lesa Hinchliffe

Videographer/Editor 录影/剪辑师 : Sam Li 李健森

欢迎扫码并关注中华会馆 的 Yo uTu b e 频 道,开启 小铃铛以及时获取我们 的最 新视频与最 新 消息

Graphic Designer 平面设计: Carl Ong 卡尔·汪 Subtitle Translation 翻译: Karen Huang 黄郁婷



一个妳可以自豪的家 A place to call home

Concorde’s multicultural staff and resident population provide a supportive and familiar environment for our Chinese residents. • Residential aged care • Respite care • Dementia support • 24-hour nursing care • Large community of Asian residents • Bilingual carers

• Cultural activity program • Daily Asian meals • No accommodation bond • Centrally located in South Perth

We welcome you to contact us on 9367 6 7559 for further information or to arrange a tour. Concorde Aged Care Home 25 Anstey Street South Perth WA 6151 Email: Web:



Evergreen College – Path to Reablement

Chinese education. These education elements are essential in revitalising our consumer’s potentials, such as ethics, intellect, physique, social skills, and aesthetics. Many of our Evergreen College programs are community hub based, a great social platform that allows our consumers to make new friends and share their reablement journey with other Asian CALD communities.



hile many people consider ageing a natural course in life where their physical and mental declines are accelerated, inevitable and irreversible. Community and Aged Care (CAC) opts to challenge such beliefs and advocate the concept of reablement in which we firmly believe that certain exercises and activities can help older people maintain and even regain their coordination, strength, cognition, and balance. CAC integrates reablement in our goal-oriented educational program that has shown significant benefits for older people and and resestablishes their daily living skills and community connections. Our Evergreen College is an educational program comprising various interest-based classes and excursion activities that motivates our consumers to pursue their reablement. Indeed, the daily activities in our Balcatta and Willetton community hubs are st r u ct u re d around the

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Evergreen College’s programs which are led and facilitated by our well-trained staff, support workers and volunteers. These programs are open to all our consumers, who can choose to participate in various classes based on their interests and abilities. Evergreen College classes comprise an extensive curriculum of hands-on activities inspired by various topics and culturally responsive teaching methods based on the ‘five elements of education’ advocated by Mr Yuanpei Cai (1868-1940), the Beijing University’s former president who is an influential educationalist in modern

Our consumers are often in their self-control and are well informed of the benefits for each and every class in which they are free to choose to participate. For example, the exercise class is one of our most popular classes and is a pivotal contributing factor to our consumers’ longevity. It helps to enhance our consumers’ mobility, flexibility, and balance and improve their immune and digestive functions, blood pressure and bone density. Health exercises can also increase an elderly’s metabolism, building their muscle mass and minimising the risk of Alzheimer’s diseases, diabetes, heart disease and others. Our Tai Chi class provides similar benefits and is an alternative choice for our consumers. A wise person once said, ‘age is just a number. You are as young as your faith, your self-confidence and your hope. You are as old as your doubt, your fear and your despair.’ We at CAC commit to promoting lifelong-learning and encourage older people to experience new things. Our staff, support workers, and volunteers always go the extra mile to help our consumers achieve enablement and enjoy a healthy and meaning life. Together we can build a better community for all.


人认为年老是人生必经之路。人老了,体能和智力急促退化是必然和 不能逆转的现象。然而,中华CAC并不完全认同这观念。CAC推崇「 复能」的概念。我们深信一些体操和活动,可以帮助长者维持,甚至恢复他们的 协调力、体能、学习和平衡能力。为了达到这个目的,我们将「复能」的元素注 入目标性的活动。这些活动对长者重建生活自理和回归社会产生莫大的裨益。「 长青学院」涵盖不同类别的兴趣班和出游活动。这些目标性的活动可以鼓励参与 的长者踏上通往「复能」之路。实际而言,CAC社区中心日常的活动,在经验丰 富的CAC员工和前线人员引领及辅助下,实践「长青学院」的使命。社区中心的 长者,根据个人的兴趣和能力,可以自由选择适合自己的兴趣班和出游活动。 「终生学习、自强不息」。中 国近代具有影响力的教育家,前北平 大学校长蔡元培先生提倡「五育」理 念。「长青学院」各类活动的设计 秉承五育: 德、智、体、群、美的元 素。透过各类活动,CAC 重新激发 长者对五育的学习。社区中心也提供 了一个完美的社交平台,让长者们广 交来自五湖四海的新朋友。互相扶持 共赴通往「复能」之路。CAC员工详 述各活动对长者们身心的益处,客户 们拥有绝对的选择和参与自由。

比方说,广受欢迎的体操班可帮助延 年益寿。运动能够增强长者的灵活性、柔韧 性和平衡力,更可以改善长者的免疫和消化 能力、血压和骨质密度。常做体操能促进长 者的身陈代谢,增强肌肉结构和减低退智 症、糖尿病和心血管疾病的风险。中心的太 极班也具有大同小异的功效,供长者们自由 选择。


长青学院 – 通往复能之路


智者云: 「年岁只不过是一个数字,你 的心理年龄是由自己内心决定。当你对人生 怀疑、恐惧和失望时,你不知不觉地变成老 态龙钟」。中华CAC鼓励长者们终身学习和 尝试新事物。我们的员工,前线人员和义工 将努力不懈地辅助长者恢复日常的自 理能 力,享受他们的「黄金岁 月」里身心健康、有 意义的人生。让 我们一起共创 更美好的社区 吧!

Do not hesitate to contact us at 9328 3988 or email us today at Let’s start this wonderful journey to make the world a better place! 如果你愿意一起共创这个美好的社区,迎致电9328 3988查询或电邮联络 如果您想了解更多关于中华CAC的 活动和服务,欢迎您扫描二维码关注CAC 微信公众号,或关注我们Facebook 账号: Chung Wah Community and Aged Care, 您也可以拨打我们的咨询电话 93283988 了 解更多资讯。 If you would like to know more about Chung Wah CAC, please scan the QR code to subscribe to our WeChat account. You can also follow our Facebook page Chung Wah Community and Aged Care. Furthermore, you can dial our number 93283988 to seek more information.

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地址 Address: 2/98 Lake Street. Northbridge.

主页 Facebook: Chung Wah Community and Aged Care 微信 WeChat: ChungWahCAC华人服务在珀斯

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Chinese in Western Australia, Past and Present In the latest Chung Wah Focus online current affair news, we look at the Chinese in Western Australia, both past and present, and their perseverance during what has, at times, been a challenging journey in a harsh and hostile environment. the good news now is we are genuinely a multicultural society. And we’re very welcoming of Chinese Australians, and we really appreciate the contribution they’re making to our society.”


“The Chinese Community has been a part of Western Australia since 1830s. There is over 100,000 Western Australian of Chinese descents. For more than 150 years, Western Australian Chinese community has contributed significantly to every sphere of life in this state, through Business activities, Culture, Education, Sport and many other areas.” - 西澳州长Mark McGowan

Despite every adversity faced as a migrant sector in WA, the Chinese people have made a vast and consistent contribution to this state.

Minister for Mines, and Petroleum: Energy and Corrective Services, the honourable Bill Johnston acknowledges their resilience and input.

西澳矿业、石油和能源部长Bill Johnston

He said,

“ Chinese people have made an incredible contribution to Australia over the last 190 years. They’ve come to Australia. They’ve worked hard they’ve raised families; they’ve made the most of their life. And it sad that Chinese people were subject to much racism in the past, but Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Chinese history in WA, dates back to October 1829 with the arrival of migrants from all over the world to the newly claimed colony, now known as Fremantle. Among the first arrivals, was Moon Chow from China, aboard the ship, the Emily Taylor.

For third generation Australian Born Chinese, Kaylene Poon, the story of Moon Chow is an important one.

“ He settled in Fremantle, and being a carpenter, his skills were highly valued, and he became known for making ships and boats, as well as houses. In about 1847, he married an English lady, and they had a small family.” she says.

“ When Moon Chow died in 1877, he was quite elderly, and his death became a catalyst for change in Fremantle. He was attempting to cross the road and it was early evening, and he was hit by a speeding postal van. And as a result of his death, Fremantle introduced speed limits for vehicles, and at night, the vehicles had to slow down to a walking pace, and they also had to have a lit lantern and for that to happen for a Chinese is quite interesting because generally the Chinese were not held in high esteem.” Moon Chow was an exception. For the majority of our early migrant Chinese, the vilification and humiliation they endured, was shocking and is an element of Australian history that should never be forgotten.

While there was some retaliatory unrest, for the most part, peace prevailed. This can be attributed to their humility, hard work, deep respect for family, culture and their new country. These attributes are why many Chinese have become pillars of Australian society. People like Louey Wah, the first President of the Chung Wah Association.

A great grandson of Louey Wah, Doug Fong said,

“ My great, great grandfather, Louey Wah, worked in the Victorian goldfields not as a miner, but as a merchant. Apparently, he was quite a well-known person amongst the Chinese community in Victoria. Then in the late 1890s he came across to Western Australia and started a business here in Perth. He was the first president of the Chung Wah Association here in 1910. From my understanding, he felt that there was a need for a meeting place for the Chinese in Perth then .” Louey Wah’s surname was Louey, his son and grandson went by the surname of Tack, and, Doug, Louey Wah’s great Grandson, goes by the name of Fong. It’s confusing - but many Chinese families have quite different names to their original name. This was due to the early misinterpretation and misunderstanding by our local authorities and possibly because, traditionally, Chinese say their surname first, followed by their given names.

The Ambassador of the Australia China Friendship Society WA, Duncan Calder said,

中澳友协的西澳分会大使Duncan Calder

“ Surname comes first. why? For Chinese people and like most Asian people, family and community is more important than self, and I think this a very beautiful part of Chinese culture.” Doug Fong said, “ I have a Chinese name which is Lui Ming Wei, I was born in Broome Western Australia. My family moved up there in the early 1900’s. Originally, they came from China. ”

“ There are quite a number of Chinese

“ So we’ve been residents of Broome back from 1947 onwards, we still have family there. And I consider that to be my family home. ”

“ We’ve tried to maintain our Chinese culture in Broome, our own children have adjusted to that as well. We eat a lot of Chinese food, or their children use chopsticks. And they are quite proud of the Chinese connection.”

Norman Harry Shin Hun is one of 350 Shin Hun descendants but unlike Doug Fong, Norman’s ancestry was kept from him for many years. When his inherent connection to China began to emerge, his mother, a very proper English woman, felt compelled to disclose his Chinese heritage.

when we were driving through the streets, my emotions was so tuned up, I realised that I am coming back in a land of my ancestry on my great grandfather’s side of the family.” said Norman.

Since his first trip to China, Norman has been back a further seven times. His interest and love of the country and its people has led to him write a book about the journey of the Shin Hun family. Its imminent publication is receiving much attention. He said,

“ I have been on a very fascinating journey in the last 35, 40 years and have come to love the Chinese people - like in all cultures there’s good and bad.” The sharing of stories like Norman Harry Shin Hun’s, Doug Fong’s and Kaylene Poon’s is so important as they provide a richly documented account of what life was like for our early migrant Chinese and of the huge impact and influence, they have had on our society. Perth Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas said,

Norman said,

“ We didn’t know our origin because it was all hush hush, but I’m a family historian and I wanted to research with a name that we had. I knew there was something different about us. And I discovered that my great grandfather was Cheung Shin Han, who had come from Guangdong. It was a period in the 1850s and 60s where Chinese came out of China. The reason being that China was going through a very difficult time with poverty.” Norman’s interest in China continued to grow. His great wish was to visit the country of his ancestors but financially it seemed unlikely. That was until a work colleague of Normans provided an opportunity for him and his wife to visit China - and so began a journey of ancestral discovery.

“ The Chinese came in a small kind of trickle and in 1850, their stream stopped because the settlers were worried they were going to be overrun by Asians. And as a consequence, the Swan River colony became the last place in the world to take convict labour. The convict system, stayed till about 1867, and then five years after it finished, the Chinese were brought back in. And the main reason was that they were looking for cheap labor, and the Chinese were hard working, industrious and they end up getting paid substantially less than what the white workers would have been paid.”


Kaylene Poon is third generation Australian-born Chinese. Her parents ran Hop Hing & Co, the only Chinese grocery shop in James Street Northbridge, right next door to the Chung Wah Hall, prompting a long connection with the Association, and a lifelong interest in Chinese history in WA. She said,

珀斯市市长 Basil Zempilas

追寻家族历史的华裔Norman Shin Hun

“ A man who cannot tolerate small misfortunes can never accomplish great things”. Australia’s Chinese people have endured more than small misfortunes, and yes - they have managed to accomplish great things.


in Broome’s Chinatown. Originally, the Chinatown had been called the Asian quarter. And then later on named as Jap Town because there were so many Japanese there. But after World War Two, it was thought not appropriate to call it Jap town. So because many Chinese have moved and have shops and cafes, became known as Chinatown, Broome’s Chinatown.”

“ My family grew up in Northbridge they moved to Northbridge in the 1920s, and my dad who’s still alive, he’s 92 tells me that even before he moved into Northridge in 1927, the Chung Wah in Northbridge, it’s been a long association, it’s been a huge impact to our community. The Western Australian lifestyle is better because of so many people coming here and the contribution of our Chinese community is second to none.” There is a Chinese proverb that really captures the essence of these resilient people;

“ When the Chinese first came out as indentured labourers. They were unable to bring their families, and this was another form of discouragement to deter them from trying to stay in in Australia. So, a lot of the Chinese managed to stay. They had Australian wives, although there were a few that did manage to get Chinese wives, whether they were children born from other Chinese, who were from the eastern states. That’s how those families started out.”

“ Those Chinese that did intermarry. their children suffered a lot of discrimination because they were considered to be outcasts from society, and even the women themselves who married the Chinese men were often treated as though they were vagrants, and there are a lot of them were disowned by their families. And there have been a couple of photos

“ She said ‘Norm, you can come to China. I’ll stand right beside you and we’ll look after you.’ So I worked a second job on weekends, and we saved and we went in 1993. Never have been to Singapore, never had been into Asia. So, this was a huge step out for us. And so we arrived in Beijing. I was overwhelmed first of all, but 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊秋季版


out, blacks out and Jews out’; isn’t going to be very helpful,” Dr. Tan says.


Dr Simon Lee AO, founder of the Simon Lee Foundation also remembers, with disappointment and sadness, this period of violence and hatred in WA. Dr Lee said,

“ During the Jack Van Tongren years, when driving back along the waterfront going back to my home, I saw signs of Asians go home all over bus stops along the way. My young daughter said to me, why don’t Australians like the Asian tourists who come here and spend their money?”

I’ve seen of families where there’s been a hole cut out, and it’s where the head of the Chinese person was, that they’ve cut that person out of the picture.”

The discrimination and isolation suffered by migrant Chinese at that time led to the formation of the Chung Wah in 1909. The association’s main aim was to look out for the welfare of the Chinese community, which back then was mainly men - many who were living out their final days far from family and loved ones.

“ The Chinese were interested in the pearling industry. And one of my great uncle’s ended up coming across from the Northern Territory and starting a small trading business in pearls in Cossack. When the pastoralists and graziers saw the Chinese were doing this, they lobbied the government, and the Pearl Shells Fisheries Act was enacted. And again, this discriminated against the Chinese and they were forced to sell their ships or their equipment, because they weren’t deemed suitable to have a license to operate.” Without a business to run, Kaylene’s Great Uncle moved to Broome where he became a tailor and where he also raised Kaylene’s father - John Fong. In 1942, the bombing of Broome forced mass evacuation to Perth. By that time, the laws had relaxed, allowing John Fong, a full Chinese, to enlist in the Second World War to fight as an Australian soldier.

On his return from war, Kaylene’s father worked at various jobs before moving to NSW but returned to Perth in 1954 with his new wife, Win. This is when they moved into Northbridge and where they welcomed the arrival of Kaylene.

“ My father became like a de facto social worker for the Chinese community, because after the Second World War, the Chung Wah kind of went into a kind of hiatus, because there were so few Chinese. And so there were still a few elderly Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Chinese men living here. Most of them couldn’t speak English. So if they needed to go to hospital or need a translation for any official documents. My mother and father would assist with that.” Kaylene says.

Much has changed in Western Australia since those early days, including the growth of our Chinese migrant population. In 1954 the census showed only 137 males and 15 females of Chinese by ‘Race’. In the 2016 Census - 103,000 people of Chinese ancestry and 27,000 Chinese-born people were recorded as living in WA. That number is expected to be far higher in this year’s Census.

An active senior Chinese community member, Peter Hoe said,

“ Chinese traditional culture has a history of 4,000 years. So I think it’s good for everyone, good for our family, good for our country and good for our society, we all build our very harmonious society based on our values, based on our culture and based on our daily behaviour.” For migrant Chinese living in harmony, in Western Australia, while maintaining their respect of culture and family was and still is of great importance. But West Australian history sadly shows that their presence and culture was not always welcome or valued. Well respected Past President of the Chung Wah Association, Dr Eric Tan has experienced this first hand. Dr Tan said,

“ And they came in and hit us like a thunderbolt because they were a violent movement organisation. They harassed the Chinese community, people in the streets were harassed and abused, and restaurants were bombed. One minute it’s a restaurant, the next minute it is gone.”

“ There were posters on all the lampposts at the time when Australia is trying to go into Asia to do business, posters like ‘Asians

“ They don’t mean the tourists, they mean people like you and me who are Australian Chinese race, but she said I’m an Australian.”

“ I think it did have an impact on her, it did change her in a lot of her thinking process as she grow up, to me that was sad, because there is certain unpleasant views that maybe harness during the period of Jack Van Tongren,” Dr Lee says.

Dr Tan said

“ Chung Wah has helped to respond to that by having a concert and inviting all 40 communities to celebrate togetherness. Chung Wah has also invited the press council to come to Perth to have a public meeting the incitement to race hatred legislation. Indeed, we did get through Parliament with such legislation, and we were second in Australia to be successful in achieving it.” Duncan said,

“ To people who don’t understand China, or have questions about Chinese culture, go open your eyes, If you can, go over to China and visit China, it is an amazing place. Every time you go it’s different because the pace, the sophistication, the technical advancement is much more impressive than going to somewhere else, Shanghai is more powerful and impressive than New York.” Like Duncan Calder, most West Australians truly embrace our Chinese population and culture. So hopefully with greater public awareness and education we can continue

The Honorary Secretary of Chung Wah Association, Jen Nie Chong said,

“ Chinese New Year is traditionally the start of the Lunar New Year and the start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. For overseas Chinese, it’s a very important occasion to come together and celebrate with your families at reunion dinner, and also to teach the younger generation what Chinese New Year traditions and culture is all about. For the Chung Wah Association, this is the 10th year that we have held the Chinese New Year Fair,”

Doug Fong said

“ We used to be given red packets by our parents and we still do the same with our children and our grandchildren. So we’ve kept that tradition going in our family. So as much as we can, we’ve tried to maintain a Chinese tradition.” A passionate photographer, Susan Moss said

“ I just love what every Chinese people do, how they live their lives, and their craft and the Chinese way of life,” WA Premier Mark McGowan said,

“I always found the Western Australian Chinese Community to be friendly, hospitable and incredibly welcoming. The local Chinese community is an invaluable part of the fabric of this great state.”

There is no denying the extraordinary impact the Chinese have had on this state. As such, elements of their history have now been included at the newly opened WA museum, giving us all an opportunity to have a greater understanding of the Chinese in Western Australia – both Past and Present.

We conclude this topic by leaving you with the words of Dr Simon Lee, one of Western Australia’s most successful Chinese Australians and founder of the Simon Lee Foundation. His sentiment is one that is held by many.

西澳华人历史 过去与现在 欢

迎大家收看这期的《中华之声》,我们一起回顾华人在西 澳历史上的过去与现在,以及他们过去面对种种严峻困境 做显现的坚毅力量。 西澳州长麦高文说:

“ 自1830年代始,华人社区是西澳大利亚的 一部分。西澳有超过十万名有华人血统的 西澳 人。超 过150年以来,华裔社区给西 澳带来无限贡献,在各领域如商务、文化、 教育、体育等等。” 尽 管 在 西 澳 移 民 经 历 了各 种 不 利 条 件,华人依然可以对西澳州带来持续性且巨 大的贡献。西澳矿业、石油和能源部长Bill Johnston 认可华人的坚毅精神和贡献。

“ 华人在给澳大利亚带来无量的贡献,在过 去超过一百九十年以来。他们来到澳大利 亚,努力工作、维持家庭,不浪费生命。可 悲的是华人在过去面对了种种的歧视。好 消息是我们现在实际上是一个多元文化社 会,我们也欢迎澳大利亚华人,我们也感 谢他们所做出的种种贡献,他们造就了我 们今天的社会。”

西澳华人历史的开始 西澳华人历史,追溯到1829年十月份, 来自世界各国的移民来到这个刚成立的新殖 民地,就是今日的Fremantle。这首批 移民 当中,包括了这位来自中国的周满,他乘坐了 Emily Taylor 号轮船来到这里。

推 出了 交 通 工 具 速 度 限 制 的 法 例,到 了 夜 晚,所 有 交 通 工 具 都 要 减 速 到 行 走 般 的 速 度,而且要配上油灯。这个因为华人而修法 的例子前所未有,因为当时华人的社会地位 都 不高。像周满的例子不多。对于大多数早 期华人受到长期的鄙视和压迫,也是澳大利 亚历史无法磨灭的一环。


to advance our position as the world’s most successful multicultural country. Celebrating Chinese New Year is a great place to start.


虽然当时动荡连连,基本上大家依然和 平 相处。这有赖于华人的谦 逊、勤奋、家庭 观念重,爱戴自己的文化和新家园的态度。 这些美德也体现了华人跃升为澳大利亚社会 重要的栋梁。华人榜样中包括中华会馆的首 位会长雷华。

中华会馆的首位会长简史 雷华的第三代后裔Doug Fong说道: “ 我的曾爷爷,雷华,在维多利亚金矿上工作, 但不是矿工。而是一名商家。显然,他在维多 利亚的华人圈子相当有名望。之后在1890年 末,他来到西澳,开始在珀斯行商。1910年, 他 成 为中 华 会 馆 的 第一 任 会 长 。根 据 我了 解,他意识 到许多华人在当时的珀斯,须要 有个聚集一起的地方。

邝彩玲,第三代的西澳移民的后裔,也 是西澳华人历史学家,她指出周满是其中一 个关键例子。

雷华的第三代后裔Doug Fong

西澳华人历史学家邝彩玲 他定居在Fremantle, 作为一名木匠,他 的手艺非常受用。他成为了当时制作船只和 房子的一名炙手可热的工匠。大约1847年, 他与一位西洋女子结婚,并组织了小家庭。 当周满命终于1877年时,他已经相当年 老了。他的死也在Fremantle引起一小轰动。 他在傍晚时分尝试过一条马路时,被一辆超 速的邮递车撞毙。由于这宗意外,Fremantle

雷华的姓氏是雷(Louey),他的儿子和 孙子分别用了两个不同的姓氏,即达(Tack) 和 杜(Doug)。雷 华 的曾孙,有 的 变 成 姓 冯 (Fong)。反正就是很混乱,但是许多华人 家庭的姓氏都有别于原来的家族姓氏。这与 早期当地各注册局的误解有关,也因为传统 上,华人都把姓氏放在前面,有别于西方的 名字排位。 中澳友协的西澳分会大使Duncan Calder 先生说:

“ 为 什 么 姓 氏 在 前 面?华人 如同 许 多亚 洲 人,家庭和社区比自己还重要。我觉得这 是华人传统美妙的一部分。”



造就的影响。 然而,依然还有一些鲜为人知的故事有 待发掘,让我们继续探讨更多的早期西澳华 人故事。 俗语说: “天降大任于斯人也,必先苦其 心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤”。澳大利亚华人 在过去遭受的长期磨练可真不小,但他们依 Doug Fong 接着说:


“ 我 的 中 文 名 是 雷 明 华,我 出 生 在 西 澳 的 Broome。我的家人早在1900年代初搬到 这里,他们来自中国。 “ B roome的华人区人口不少,本来,这个中 国城被称为亚洲地盘,之后被视为日本区因 为当时很多日本人。但是世界二战,被认为 不适合与日本挂勾。由于很多华人搬到这里 开店开茶室,逐渐被视为中国城。” “ 我 们尽量在Broome保持华人传统文化, 我们的孩子也从中适应。在各种程度上他 们基本上都挺喜欢自己是华人。我们经常 吃中餐、让孩子用筷子。他们为自己是华人 感到骄傲。

追寻家族历史的华裔 Norman Harry Shin Hun 是 Shin Hun具 华人 血 统 家 族 的350 个后 裔成 员 之 一,但是有别于Doug Fong,Norman的身 世却被隐瞒多年,直到他的妈妈,一位传统 西方女性揭露Norman 其实拥有华人血统, 促使他追查自己的华人根。 Norman 阐述道:

“ 我 们并不知道自己的祖宗,毕竟过去有太 多太多难处。但我是个家庭历史追查家, 而且我要知道自己姓氏背后的故事。我知 道 这 背后 肯 定有 其 独 特之 处 。最 后 我 发 现原来我的曾祖父名叫张秦汉,他来自广 东,大概是在1850和1860之间,跟随一批 中国人来到这里。当时的中国经历着非常 艰难的贫穷窘境。

Norman对中国的兴趣持续增加,他盼 望着可以回去祖先的故乡,但是当年没有足 够的经济条件。直到有一天,Norman的一 名原籍中国的同事帮助下,让他和妻子开始 走上寻根之路。 Norman回想道说,

”她对我说Norm,你可以去中国,我可以陪 同你去。就这样我开始在周末做兼职,把 钱存起来,并在1993年第一次出发。当时 我 从 未 去 过 新加 坡 或 其他 亚 洲 国 家 。这 对我们来说是挺大的决心。我们来到北京 等地方,我觉得很 震撼。当我坐在车上, 开过几条道路时,我突然觉得情绪波动很 大,感觉终于可以来到我曾爷爷的祖国看 看。 “ 自从去了中国一次以后,Norman已经 回去过中国七趟了。他对这个国家和这里的 人那种兴趣和喜爱,也促使他著作一本Shin Hun家族的故事。 珀斯市市长 Basil Zempilas 在采访中 提及华人在北桥的历史,说道:

“ 我 的家人在Northbridge 成长,我们的家 族自1920年代就搬进Northbridge。我的 父亲现在还在世,现年92岁的他说,1927 年他 搬 进Nor thbridge 时,中华 会 馆已 经在那,对社区发展影响很大。西澳的生 活方式逐渐提升,因为有很多人搬到这里 来,华人社区的贡献更是数一数二。 Norman Harry Shin Hun, Doug Fong 和邝彩玲的故事分享很重要,让我们进一步 理解早期华人的生活处境,以及他们对社会


19世纪的华人潮 西澳华人历史学家邝彩玲说道:

“ 华人在1850年代一波一波地涌现,华人潮 接着被停顿,原因在于当地居民担心会被 亚裔取代。接下来的后果就是,当时的天 鹅河殖民地 (就是西澳)就成为了世界上 最 后接 受牢 狱 劳工的殖民 地,直 到1867 年。结束了五年后,华人潮再次被允许。主 要是他们是廉价劳工,且勤奋。工业崛起, 可悲的是他们所得到的酬劳远远比不上白 人劳工。 ” 邝 彩玲是 第三代出生于 澳 大 利亚 的 华 人。她的父母有一家唯一在Northbridge区 James Street的华人商店Hop Hing & Co, 就在中华会馆旁边。这也是她与中华会馆和 西澳华人历史结下不解之缘的起源。 邝彩玲继续说:

“ 当 华人来当合约劳工时,他们不被允许带 同家人,这是其中一个不鼓励它们长期留 下的条件。但是有很多华人在这里落地生 根,他们大都娶了洋媳妇,只有少 数 几人 有办法与其他华人子女或来自东部的华人 结为夫妻。 “ 那 些中西通婚生下来的孩子也受到被歧视 的痛苦,嫁给华人的西洋女人也被自己的 家族遗弃,并被排除在家族之外。我见过 一些照片被剪了个洞,照片上的华人头部 被剪掉。” 华人移民当年所 遭 受 的 被 边 缘化 和 歧 视,引起 大 家在1909年成 立中华 会 馆的决 心。中华会馆的主要宗旨就是维护华人社区 的利益,在那个时候 主要是帮助男士们。他 们很多最终也都客死异乡,无法与远在他乡 的家人和爱人见最后一面。 邝彩铃接着说:华人之后转向采珠业, 我有一位叔公从北领地远赴西澳的Cossack 发展珍珠行业的生意。一些畜牧业的农民发 现华人发展采珠业,就像政府发话,之后就 出现了珍珠採摘条例。这些法例促使华商受 到约束,他们被 迫要卖船只和设备,因为他 们无法得到运作执照。

二战后的西澳华人处境 失 去了这 门 生 意,邝 彩 铃 的 叔 公 搬 到

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

当时候法律有所更改,即使一名纯华人 血统的人民都可以加入澳大利亚军队,应付 第二世界大战的需要。 退役后的John Fong从事了多种工作后 搬 到 新 南 威 尔 士 州,最 终 又 在 19 5 4 年 与 她 的 新 太 太 W i n 搬 到 珀 斯 。他 们 继 而 在 Northbridge开店并有了邝彩玲这个女儿。 邝彩铃回忆说:

人、黑人和犹太人”,这对开拓市场没有一 点帮助。 李瑞喜基金会创办人,李瑞喜先生也记得那 段充满暴力和仇恨的日子,所带来的悲伤。

“在Jack Van Tongren 的那段 他述说: 日子,有一次我开车经过河边回家的时候,看 到路边车站 挂满“亚裔回去”的字眼。我 年 纪轻轻的女儿问我,为什么澳大利亚人不喜 欢亚洲游客来这里,来这里花钱?“


“ 中 国传统文化有超过四千年历史。我觉得 它对每个人、家庭、国家和社会都很好,让 我们共同用我们的价值观、文化和日常行 为创造一个和平社会。 “

民族主义对华人社区的冲击 华人移民和平生活在西澳,同时保持着 他们对自己文化和家庭的尊重,极为重要。 但 是,在 西澳 历史中,有这么一段时 期他们 的存在和文化却没有受到欢迎。中华会馆一 位备受尊重的前会长陈继志医生讲述他的经 历。


中华会馆秘书长张娟妮 Doug Fong说:


“ 我觉得因为这件事影响了我的女儿,改变 了她在成长过程的思考方式,对我来说, 这让我觉得难过。Jack Van Tongren时期 所带来的不愉快观点影响了很多人。 陈继志医生也说:

“ 中 华会馆作出了回应,邀请了四十个社区 联合举办音乐会。中华会馆也邀请了澳大 利亚报业执委会来到珀斯,进行公众会议 讨论,立法处理煽动种族仇恨问题。我们 最终通过议会立法,我们在澳大利亚是第 二个取得成功的州属。 澳中友协西澳分会大使,Duncan Calder表 示:

“ 对 中国不了解的人民,或对中国文化有疑 问的人,去开阔眼界。如果可以,去看看中 国,那是一 个了不起的地方。每次你去都 会变得不一样,因为它的步伐、它的先进, 以及技术上的进步比任何一个地方都让人 惊叹。上海就比纽约更有力量和超凡。” 如同Duncan Calder一样,大部分的西 澳人都对华裔和他们的文化,无比包容。希 望随着更多的广泛教育和意识,我们会进一 步成为世界上最成功的多元文化国家。庆祝 农历新年就是最好的开始。

执行监制 Executive Producer:

陈医生所说的正是恶名昭彰J a c k V a n Tongren为首领的澳大利亚主义行动。1988 年九月份长达八个月时间尝试威逼恐吓亚裔 社区,五所亚洲餐馆被放火和一家被炸毁。

录像/剪辑师 Videographer/ Editor:

“ 路 灯柱都贴着海报,那个时候澳大利亚正 开拓亚洲市场,这些海报写着“踢走亚洲

“ 华人新年,传统上就是农历新年,北半球春 天的开始。对海外华人而言,这个节日很重 要的是要聚在一起,和家人一起吃团圆饭 庆祝。同时,也让我们的年轻一代知道华人 新年的传 统 和文化。对中华 会 馆来说,这 是我们举行华人新年文化节的第十年。


他说: “他们如同闪电般的对 我们作出 攻击,因为他们是一 个暴力行动组织。他们 骚 扰 华人社 区,走在 路 上 的 人也 被 恶 意 骚 扰,华人餐馆被炸。这分钟还完整的餐馆,下 一分钟被炸了。”



回到家,他对女儿说: “他们指的不是游 客,他们是说我和你,住在澳大利亚的华人,

“ 我 的爸爸如同一个华人社区的社工,当时 经历了二战的中华会馆近乎停顿状态。当 时华人人口少之又少,但附近住了几位年 老的华人,大部分 说不了英语。每当他们 需要看病或英文书信的翻译,我的父母都 会提供帮助。 今时今日的西澳已经是今非昔比了,包 括 华人华 裔人口的增长 。1954 年 的人口统 计,只有137男性 华人和15名女 性 华人。在 2016年的人口普查结果显示,西澳有华人血 统的人口有超过十万三千人,中国出生人口 超过两万七千人。今年的人口普查,相信华裔 人口将会进一步刷新。



Broome,以裁 缝的工作维生,并 抚养邝彩 铃的父亲John Fong。1942年,Broome 被 日本军以炮弹攻击,促使大量居民移居到珀 斯。

“ 我 们的父母过去都会给我们红包,现在我 们就同样会给儿女和孙子们。我们让这个 传统一代传一代。能做到的,我们都会尽 量保留华人传统。”


一 名常到中国 拍 摄 的 摄 影 家 Sus an Moss表示: “我就是那么喜欢每个中国人做 的事,他们的生活方式、手工艺品和他们对 生活的态度。” 西澳州长麦克文说道:

“我常常觉得西澳的华人社区非常友善、热 情,待宾至上。当地的华人社区是西澳这 个超棒的州属不可缺少的一部分.” 无可否认华人对澳大利亚所带来的巨大 影响,作为一 个国家,我们应该 抱有感 恩 之 心。作为这期的结束,最后分享西澳一位商场 上最成功的华裔之一,李瑞喜博士的心愿。

“我有一个很简单的心愿,我盼望着有那么 一天像我一样的华人,成为了澳大利亚公 民,会被视为澳大利亚人,而不是澳大利 亚华人。”

Disclaimer: The opinion and views expressed, do not necessarily express The Chung Wah Association’s viewpoints or position. 受访者言论不代表中华会馆立场。

Elvie Yap 叶俐廷 撰稿人/主持人 Script writer / Presenter:

Lesa Hinchliffe Sam Li 李健森 平面设计 Graphic Designer:

Carl Ong 卡尔 汪 翻译 Translate :

Elvie Yap 叶俐廷



Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动 Activities 活动


Day 日期

Time 时间

Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

�:��pm - �:��pm

Dragon and Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Sunday 周日

��:��am - �:��pm

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Wednesday 周三

��:��pm - �:��pm

Beijing Opera 京剧社

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Women’s Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Thursday 周四

�:��pm - �:��pm

Tai Chi class 中华太极班

Saturday 周六

�:��am -��:��am

Choir 中华合唱团

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Line Dancing 排排舞

Saturday 周六

New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Table Tennis 中华乒乓球俱乐部

Wednesday 周三

�:��pm -�:��pm

Karaoke 卡拉OK

Saturday 周六

Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐

Saturday 周六

Sunday 周日

Sunday 周日

Location 地点

Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 ��� James Street, Northbridge

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue


(members only)

免费,仅限会员 Free

(members only)

$� for members 会员

Salvation Army 救世军总部 ��� William Street, Northbridge

��:��am -��:��pm

�:��pm - �:��pm

Per term 每学期 $��


(Beginner ��:��am - ��:��pm)

�:��pm -�:��pm

Each class 每堂课 $�� for members 会员 $�� for non-members 非会员 $�� for members 会员

�:��am - �:��pm

��:��am -�:��pm

Fee 收费

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 巴卡达中心

�� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Per term 每学期 $��� for members 会员 $��� for non-members 非会员 Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

$� for members 会员 $� for non-members 非会员

Contact 联系人

Jen Nie CHONG �� ���� ����

Ben LIM ���� ��� ���

Teresa TAN �� ���� ����

Annie WONG �� ���� ���� Baohe LIU �� ���� ���� Jiping ZOU ���� ��� ���

Robert He ���� ��� ��� (Cantonese/ Mandarin) Trinh QUACH ���� ��� ��� Jiping ZOU ���� ��� ��� Doreen CHIN Leonard KHO ���� ��� ��� Dong NHAN ���� ��� ��� May KE ���� ��� ��� Maya ���� ��� ��� Doreen CHIN

Activities 活动

Day Long Respite Care 中华日间暂息中心

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Day 日期

Monday to Friday 周一至周五

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划

Time 时间

�:��am �:��pm �:��am �:��pm

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 �� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 �� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Various 商议待定

Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

��:��am ��:��pm

Tai Chi Class 太极班

Wednesday (Northbridge)

��:��am ��:��am

周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

��:��am ��:��pm

周三 (北桥) Community Talks 社区讲座

Location 地点

周四、五 (威乐顿) Monthly 每月一次

Monthly 每月一次

Fee 收费

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit �,�� Lake Street, Northbridge Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 �� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit �,�� Lake Street, Northbridge

Contact 联系人

Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care staff for more details


此类服务都须经由政 府部门评估,请联系 中华社区与长者服务 部以了解更多详情

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit �,�� Lake Street, Northbridge

Gold Coin donation 金币捐献

Please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Coordinator for more information. 请向中华社区与长者服务部 了解更多详情。 Phone 电话: �� ���� ����

Free 免费

Email 电子邮箱 : enquiry@chungwahcac.

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 �� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Community Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务


Chung Wah Services 中华服务

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 �� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Appointment Required 提早预约



盛情邀请 携手同行 Partner with us

Chung Wah Members Discount Scheme


Expand your business by offering a special discount ranging from �% to 2�% or any other privileged offer to Chung Wah members.

向中华会馆会员拓展您的商务,只须提供特别优惠 给我们的会员。比如介于�% 至2�% 的商品或服务 折扣,或其他类似优惠。

Free to Join 免费加盟 No ongoing 无须缴付任何 costs or fees 会费或成本费

For further enquiries, please contact Chung Wah Association | 若想进一步咨询,可联系中华会馆

Ph 座机 9�2� �657 | Mb 手机 0�50 160 12� | Em 电邮 Arirang Australia Unit 9 / 2� River Road, Bayswater WA �0�3

Azurra Migration 0402 �39 �3�

Bunga Raya Satay Food truck trade at various Market Places

Han Palace Chinese Restaurant 73 - 7� Bennett Street, East Perth

Honey In the Garden Shop online:

Reference Code: MAF

Northbridge Chinese Restaurant 2� Roe Street, Northbridge

Good Fortune

Roast Duck House 德兴烧鸭店

3�4 William Street, Perth. ��4 Albany Hwy East, Victoria Park




5% Off

BUPA work cover insurance

$� Discount

for transaction of above $10.00







for purchases over $�00.00

Free tea

at Dim Sum Lunch and Dinner




on dine-in only


Juice Station

cold pressed juice

worth $�.90

Shop 4�, London Court, �47 - ��1 Hay Street, Perth WA �000

+ FREE Orange Juice Worth $�.00

with all purchase over $30.00

Happy Union Restaurant


Shop 1, Somerville Shopping Centre, Cr Le Souef and McMahon Way, Kardinya

Chinese BBQ Noodle House Inside Old Shanghai Food Court, 123 James Street, Northbridge

Old Shanghai Hongkong Dim Sum

Shop 7, Old Shangai Food Court, 123 James Street, Northbridge

Red Rooster, Northbridge

130 James Street, Northbridge


5% Off

10% 10%

Discount on food

(Restaurant, Pastry Shop and Hotel, does not include catering)

Hong Lin 康年饭店

Chinese Restaurant and Take Away Food Unit 3 / 337 Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill Tel: 93377270 | Open 7 Days |



Miss Maud

97 Murray Street, Perth


Lunch: Wed - Fri 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM | Dinner: Mon - Sun 4:30 PM - 9:30 PM

�0% Off

Aus World Travel 109 James Street, Northbridge 113 Collins Road, Willetton 1� Hulme Court, Myaree

Stanbond Security Unit 2 / � Iron Street, Malaga WA �090

Mob: 0434 0�7 �31 Email:

Imperial Finance, Linda LAI

Mob: 0421 ��� ��9 Email:

Little China Girl 一盅两件 �� Roe St, Northbridge WA �003

Reservation: 0414 �94 121 |

Ingot Hotel Perth 2�� Great Eastern Highway Belmont WA �104

Reservation: +�1 (�) 92�9 3���

Excel Podiatry Clinic

04�1 773 �22 1/73 Apsley Rd, Willetton WA �1��


Call �� 2� �0 and quote promo code “CHUNG WAH”

or visit

HONG KONG BBQ House Chinese Restaurant 顺德海鲜烧腊酒家

7� Francis Street, Northbridge

Dragon Palace Northbridge

�� Francis Street, Northbridge, Perth

Mom Dumpling House


T: (0�) 9470 20�� W:

BMS LAW Lawyers

T: (0�) �3�9 0270 E: W:



Perth Local Coach Tours

10% discount

Chung Wah Members

Perth Local Coach Tours


Chung Wah Staff s



all quotes

Free ��-�0 minutes consultation



Off total bill

Not in conjunction with any other special ʻoffer’ or ʻpromotion’ running at the time

10% Off

Food and drinks Best available room rate when booked directly with hotel


% Off

total fee


% Off

gas usage charges for 2 years

10% Off

for cash payment only

Free Chinese Tea for lunch

�0% Off

for Dinner

10% Off

for cash payment $�0 and above *not to be use with other offer


Initial Consultation

All Legal Disputes Litigation

Lex Legal

Free �0 minutes initial legal consultation

Barristers & Solicitors, Notary Public

Discount for all property and business settlement

T: 0�) 9221 �3�� W: Level 3, 231 Adelaide Terrace, Perth


Isabel CHAN Family Photo Specialist


Mob: 0449 �39 020 Email:

(Not for discounted packages, T&C applies)


CKG legal Barrister & Solicitor

AALA Inaugural Young Lawyer of the Year


T: (0�) �2�2 39�9 | M:0431 �77 77� F: (0�) �323 33�4 | W:

for all legal fee $2 discount

Perth Badminton Arena

on restring services

$� discount

for off peak hour court hire

2/309 Great Eastern Hwy, Redcliffe WA �104

$2 discount

for peak hour court hire

�% discount

Call 0411 �27 010 for booking

ASSURE ALLIANCE Certified Practising Accountants �/3� Biscayne Way, Jandakot WA �1�4

for merchandise above $�0 (except shuttle cock)

Book online at with promo code: CHAI20

Fusion Klean

Professional Cleaning Service in Perth

0430 73� 000 Suite 1�/� Haster Road, Osborne Park �017

Chung Hwa Cuisine 龙江宴 129� Albany Hwy, Cannington WA �107

Freddie Strudels

193 Brisbane Street, Perth Tel: (0�) �111 41�1

CleanTech Energy Nicholas 郑启智

Business Sales Executive 商业电力顾问

T: 0403 72� 40� | E:

Morish Nuts Shop online: PROMO code: CHUNGWAH

Swan Valley: �40 Great Northern Highway, Herne Hill Watertown Perth: 33A / �40 Wellington Street, West Perth

Fremantle Market: Stall #99, Henderson Street, Fremantle

Free �0 minutes

complimentary consultation


Off all quotes

for windows and floor cleaning services

10% Off

5% Off

for cash payment only

Free review & comparison

for business electricity bill


Online -

Spend over $�0

(including postage)

to get $� Off

In Store -

Spend over $3� to get $� Off

The above offers on full price Morish Nuts products only and it’s not to be used with the conjunction with any other offers.


Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中华摩利中文学校 Lesley Shi

施婉 媛

9 年级 《我最喜欢的季节》

春天来了!这是我最喜欢的季节。我读大学的时候是在新西兰。过 了寒冷的冬天,春天就像个老朋友。天气变暖了,定期来拜访我了! 我的大学校区都很像刚睡醒了的小婴儿样子,绿绿的小草从土里钻 了出来迎春。河边的柳树也长出了很多嫩嫩的、温柔的新芽。在春风中, 它们摇摇摆摆地,可好看了! 桃树很开心地开满了花。每条街都被桃花盖上了一层厚厚的白色和 粉红色的被子。蜜蜂在花丛里嗡嗡地闹着。美丽的蝴蝶也在丛中起舞!春 天,多么美丽啊! 突然,下起了一场微雨!雨过天晴,天空中挂起了一道五颜六色的 彩虹像极了一幅画。雨后,小鸭子和他的兄弟姐妹都出来玩。 这美丽的景色让我充满能量,回去图书馆再努力学习。我希望不久 的未来能有机会重回新西兰感受一下春天。


Yong Yik Loh


12 年级 《冬天》

虽然我从来没有过过一次冬天,但是冬天是我最喜欢的季节。我在 Perth 过了好多个冬天,但从来没有见过下雪。一次都没有! 我好想过一次白色的冬天。我觉得下雪的冬天很有趣。你可以在外 面堆雪人、打雪仗、甚至可以尝尝雪的味道。我最想,最喜欢的事 情是滑 滑雪。滑下来的感觉是很清爽。冬天的雪就像蓝天白云一样白,一 样漂 亮。

Raymond Wang 王和


《元宵节》 元宵节是中国传统的节日之一,也 是中国新年的第十五天。元宵节 以后就是中国春天的到来。 这天街上很热闹。有的人在卖汤圆 ,有的人在猜灯谜。我也去猜灯 谜了。我看了半天,最后选了一个 红色纸的灯谜。后面写着:“小时 候像 逗号,在水中玩耍;长大后跳得高 ,是捉虫冠军。”我想了一会儿说 : “青蛙!”我答对了。 猜完灯谜,我又在路边的一个小店 里吃了汤圆。有花生的,有芝麻 的,还有红豆的。吃汤圆的意思就 是要一家人团团圆圆,快快乐乐的 。 我在家里跟妈妈做过汤圆。先把一 百五十克的糯米粉加上五十克的 水,然后揉到光滑,再揉成一个个 小圆球。最后在一个锅里加上一半 的 水,然后把圆球倒进锅里煮到浮上 水面,就可以吃了。

Letisia Heo 贺思恩 六年级 《元宵节》 个华人传统的节日,也是

昨天我和家人庆祝了元宵节。元宵节是一 新年的最后一天。

在超市里可以买到各种各 在元宵节这一天,华人会吃美味的汤圆。 的汤圆。在元宵节,我们 花生馅 馅的贺 、红豆 麻馅的 样的汤圆,包括黑芝 还可以猜灯谜和赏花灯。 们希望每天都健健康康、 我和家人都非常喜欢庆祝元宵节。因为我 快快乐乐、团团圆圆的生活在一起。

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue


Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming 中华黎明中文学校


Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校 乐思中文学校 七年级 陈思廷

乐思中文学校 七年级 林柔杏



它代表新的一年又 春节或农历新年是华人重要的传统节日。 子。 收的日 祈求丰 聚, 家庭团 , 它是辞旧迎新 开始了。

扫干净,然后在门口 春节前,大家忙着大扫除,把屋内屋外打 买年货、买新衣等等。 也忙着 外, 除此之 。 “福”字 窗花和 春联、 贴上红 吃很多好吃的食物, 。 除夕当天,一家人会聚在一起吃团圆饭 除了吃 会发财。 子代表 有饺子,因为它像古代的钱----元宝,吃了饺 表团圆,鱼 汤圆代 高升”, 表“年年 年糕代 鱼。 饺子,也吃年糕、汤圆和 代表“年年有余”。

,然 的《春节联欢晚会》

吃完饭后,大家看中国中央电视台播放 后守夜至半夜十二点,放鞭炮迎接新年。

见面时都说吉利 年。 初一大清早,一家大小穿新衣走家窜户拜 大人 康!”等等。 “身体健 ”、 ! 意 “万事如 ”、 ! 乐 祝福的话,比如:“新年快 康成长。 子们健 希望孩 岁钱, 或叫压 孩红包 会给小 闹。 春节期间,到处都有舞龙、舞狮,非常热 最后 庆祝十五天。 一共要 , 月十五 一到正 正月初 从农历 春节是 一天是正月十五,也叫元宵节。

我最喜欢的运动是游泳。 我能在水里像鱼一样游来游去,也可 以在游泳池里轻松地倒立和滚动, 其乐无穷。 每周我都会去我家附近的游泳池游 泳。 游泳是一项可以单独 做的运动,也可以和你的朋友一起做的 运动。 游泳可以保持身体健 康,同时也可以在水中玩乐。 我最喜欢游泳,因为它有趣、有竞争 性, 并且对身体有益。 今年是我第一次参加游泳比赛。 我正在



如果你在寻找一项能保持身体健康 ,可以单独做,也可以跟朋 友们一起玩的运动,那就选择游泳 吧!


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*38% off the usage component of the standard tariff for 2 years when selecting the Monthly Smart Saver plan. Offer is only available to new customers and existing customers who are arranging a new gas connection for a new residential home. Visit for full terms and conditions. #To ensure supply on move in date, Kleenheat must be notified of your move 2 business days prior to the move in date. ^To be eligible to earn flybuys points, Kleenheat residential natural gas customers must have an active flybuys membership. Visit for full terms and conditions.





TIME: Friday | 10am–11am Session 2 (Max 32 pp) Age 5+

TIME: Friday | 11am–12pm Session 3 (Max 32 pp) Age 5+

TIME: Friday | 1pm–2pm Session 4 (Max 32 pp) Age 5+

TIME: Friday | 2pm–3pm

THE CHUNG WAH ASSOCIATION OPEN HOUSE The Chung Wah Association extends an invitation for visitors to learn about early Chinese history in Western Australia as Chung Wah Association celebrates 110 years. There will be a historical photographic exhibition, presentations, walking tours, cultural demonstrations and fun-filled games and activities. All hands-on activities will be conducted in English and Mandarin. Presentation and walking tours in English only.


Friday 16 April 2021



LOCATION: First floor,

Chung Wah Building Hall, 128 James St, Northbridge


BOOKING: Required



TIME: Friday | 10.15am–11am 1.15pm–2pm


TIME: Friday | 11.15am–12pm 2.15pm–3pm

BOOKING: Required

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