Chung Wah Magazine Issue #48 - WINTER 2021

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for WA Bushfire Victims

为西澳山火灾民 募款赈灾

WA Police Academy Tour

参观西澳警察学院 中华会馆编辑出版 PUBLISHED BY



����年 MAY ISSUE #�� 第��期



Upcoming migrant reality show


Get to know the Pilbara in a different way

新角度下的 皮尔巴拉区域

We invite you to join the


炎黄子孙 CHUNG WAH 共同的大家庭 FAMILY TO JOIN YOU CAN EITHER: Call our membership and enquiry hotline 入会及询问热线

中华学校 Chinese Education

(��) ���� ����

or download a membership application from our webiste 网上下载入会申请表

文化团体 Chinese Cultural Events and Activities

and email us 申请电子回传 or post it to us at 或者邮寄回传

PO Box ��, Northbridge WA ����

社区长者服务 Community and Aged Care


Standard 普通

Concession 优惠

Individual 个人



Family 家庭




����年 MAY ISSUE #�� 第��期




for WA Bushfire Victims

为西澳山火灾民 募款赈灾

WA Police Academy Tour


Upcoming migrant reality show


Get to know the Pilbara in a different way



新角度下的 皮尔巴拉区域

Cover Photography 封面摄影 City of Perth 珀斯市政府


在这资讯 发 达,讲求效率的时代,人们接 受信息的方式已经从被动转成主动。在数码时 代来临之前,我们只能选购报摊上出售的报纸 杂志,或通过电视节目、广播媒体 获得新闻从 业员锁定的信息。现在的自媒体时代,人人可以 通过手上的智能手机搜索想要看的内容,而且 可选择的平台也包罗万象。 感恩澳大利亚政府的支持,让中华会馆有 资源可以用来增设多个社交媒体平台,当中的 中华会馆YouTube 中华之声频道大受欢迎。

如果读者们有留意中华会馆在过去八个月 在媒体工作上的转变,以及给大家以不同形式 所 制 作 的 新 闻 内 容,欢 迎 您 给 我 们 发 邮件 到,表达您的意 见和建议,以让我们可以更好的策划接下来的 方向和内容。

中华会馆除了制作多媒体的精彩的内容, 在过去两个月也马不停蹄地主办了多个社区活 动,包括配合珀斯市的珀斯历史周的华人文化 和历史介绍;安排二十位青少年参观西澳警察 学院等等,想了解更多请继续翻阅我们这期的 《中华之声》。 谢谢。

User-focused Era In today’s world of information overload and high efficiency, the way people get information has changed. Before the digital age, I read newspapers and magazines, watched TV programs and listened to radio programs for information and news. The media agencies set the content. In the current We-media world, everyone can search for their interested topic using their smartphone. We appreciate the support of the Australian Government. It has enabled Chung Wah to have sufficient resources to expand our social media channels. The Chung Wah Focus series program on our YouTube channel has been very popular.

For readers who have noticed the changes in our media channels and the variety in our content delivery, we hope to receive your feedback and suggestions. Kindly please email to help us continue improving our content and media presentation.

In addition to producing fascinating content on multiple media channels, Chung Wah Association has also organised a few community activities. These activities included Chung Wah’s Historical Walking Tour of James Street and it’s early Chinese History during the Perth Heritage Weekend and a visit to the Western Australia Police Academy for twenty young teenagers. You may find out more about these activities by browsing this issue of the Chung Wah Magazine. Thank you.

Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰 Chief Editor 主编



The many achievements of the Association incude:


Founded in 1909, the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organisation in Western Australia. We are recognised by the Federal, State, and Local Governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in Western Australia. • Community and aged care for the aged and senior members, and migrant services. • Chinese schools promoting Chinese education and upholding cultural awareness. • Cultural and social groups incorporating Lion and Dragon dance, Chinese Cultural Dance, Chinese orchestra, Chinese opera and Women’s Subcommittee. • Hosting the largest Chinese New Year community event in Western Australia. BECOME A MEMBER: To review the full range of membership options and benefits, go to BECOME A VOLUNTEER / PARTNER: Call 93288657 or email us at




中华会馆是西澳最大、历史最悠久的华人社团。备 受联邦政府、州政府和地方政府认可为西澳华人社 区的代言组织。 · 给长者和移民提供社区服务及护理服务

· 办中文学校传承华人传统文化和发扬中文教育

· 综合舞狮、华乐、京剧、粤剧、舞蹈和妇女组等的 文化及社交小组 · 承办西澳最大型的农历新年社区活动

想成为会员: 请浏览网页 查知会员详情及会员优惠 想成为志愿者/合作伙伴: 致电 ���� ���� 或 发邮件到





Dear Members, For the past three months, Perth has twice experienced a snap lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID in the community. No doubt, we are living in an unprecedented uncertain period. Considering the severe global pandemic, Australia is indeed a very fortunate country, especially in Western Australia. Our day to day living is almost normal. However, a few Chinese restaurants were deemed ‘high risk’ exposure sites in the recent COVID community case. Simultaneously, India’s COVID surge is heartbreaking. I believe it must be an anxious and challenging time for many migrants in WA who have family or friends in India. We, as migrants ourselves, should be more empathetic to friends and neighbours, by providing mental support and care to them, improving the mutual understanding of both nations.

In February and March this year, the Chung Wah Association coordinated 34 local Chinese community organisations, to raise funds for the bushfire victims. The Chinese community in WA raised a total of $30,888, which was donated to the Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund. The overwhelming response of the local Chinese community to provide financial assistance, reflects our care and love to everyone in this country. Chung Wah Association has been upholding the objectives of its founding members to protect the interests of members, improve social cohesion and bridge the gap between migrants of Chinese heritage and the local Australian community. This March, we have established a Memorandum of Understanding with a community agency, ASeTTs, to produce a reality show that encourages migrants to be actively involved in community activities.

From the moment I joined Chung Wah Association, I was thrilled by the resilience and perseverance of Chinese migrants in the early days. Without their persistent efforts, we may not have Chung Wah Association still in the community today. Recently, our Chung Wah Focus media team has produced two episodes of the Chinese in WA, Past and Present; the response was overwhelming. We would like to give special thanks to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) for their funding support to enable us to present the Chinese history in WA in video format.

Chung Wah Association is a Chinese organisation with 110 years of history; it is a home for all Chinese in Western Australia. In the future, we would like to have more people from the community working together to make our home a better place.

亲爱的中华会馆会员们: 过去三个月内,珀斯经历了两次突发而来的封城措施,以 抑制社区传播的风险。我们正处于一个时晴时雨的时期,变幻 无常。 全球疫情肆虐的情况,澳大利亚是幸运的,尤其是西澳, 普通百姓的生活似乎一如既往。然而最近传开的社区疫情,好 几家中餐馆成了高风险地区,印度疫情严重的新闻被推上风 头浪尖。 对于印度疫情严重恶化,氧气瓶短缺,让许多有亲人身在 印度的西澳移民,心急如焚。同是移民的我们,应该多一份同 理心,伸出援手去关爱他们 ,增进民族之间的和谐和友爱。同 是来自异国他乡到西澳谋生,落地生根,大家应该四海一家, 同舟共济。 今年二、三月份,中华会馆凝聚了三十四个华人社团,共 同为西澳山火灾民募款赈灾,共筹得三万八百八十八的募款, 透过市长救灾基金平台来支援灾民。西澳华人社团踊跃捐献, 尽显西澳华人的不分你我的大爱精神。 中华会馆一直秉持先辈立馆的宗旨,维护会员权益、增强 社会包容, 帮助华人移民融入主流社会。今年三月份,我们与 西澳一家经营了二十九年的移民服务非盈利机构,ASeTTS 签 订备忘录,制作一个”真人实境秀”节目,让新移民可以参与更 多中华会馆安排的当地活动、运动项目、培训班等,培养新移 民在新环境活出自信。 从我加入中华会馆的第一天以来,一直都很敬仰早期华 人建立中华会馆的那份坚毅的心,没有他们当初的坚持,就不 会有今天的中华会馆。近期《中华之声》节目组制作的”西澳华 人历史- 过去与现在”上下集,好评如潮。特别感谢澳大利亚媒 体管理局的拨款支持,让我们可以把西澳华人历史用视听效 果呈现给大家。 中华会馆是历史悠久的百年华人社团,是全体西澳华人的 家。未来的日子里,希望凝聚更多华人的力量,继续努力建设 发展这个属于你我的家。

Dr Ting CHEN 陈挺博士 President, The Chung Wah Association 中华会馆会长 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

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Some important points. ^The comparison rate is based on a secured loan of $150,000 over the term of 25 years. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. *Available on borrowings from $50,000, excludes LVR above 80% and reverts to HSBC’s Standard Variable Rate. Interest rate is




中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah

1 2 6



10 12 14

编者寄语 Editorial

会长感言 President’s Message 中华消息 Chung Wah News


一场鼓舞人心的传媒前辈分享会 An Inspiring Media Workshop

华裔青少年团参观西澳警察学院 A Chinese Community Visit to the WA Policy Academy 一场鼓舞人心的传媒前辈分享会 An Inspiring Media Workshop 为新移民而制作的 真人实境秀即将播出 A reality show, beneficial to migrants like you and me, is on its way! 中华会馆开放日 Chung Wah Open Day

中华会馆再度联同西澳华社为 西澳山火灾民募款赈灾 Chung Wah and West Australian Chinese Community raises funds for Bushfire Victims 中华会馆迎接新上任 中国驻珀斯总领事 Welcoming the newly appointed Consul General of PRC in Perth


为新移民而制作的真人实境秀即将播出 A reality show, beneficial to igrants like you and me, is on its way!

我们的社区 Community

家爱 Family


28 32

34 17

社区消息 Community News 西澳商家分享的六个经验教训 Six Lessons from WA Business Owners

在面对家庭暴力时 了解您的权利 Know about Your Rights when Facing Family and Domestic violence 学习游泳和生存 Learn to Swim and Survive

新角度下的皮尔巴拉区域 Getting to know the Pilbara in a different way

移民心声 Migrant’s Voice

断舍离 Decluttering Your Life


24 38

亲子乐 Parenting 生命教育帮助孩子理解 和感恩生命 Life Education: supporting children to understand and appreciate life

寻医问药 Ask the GP

校园天地 The School Yard

家有一老 Aged Care


松柏长青 Community and Aged Care

西澳历史最悠久的民族团体 The oldest ethnic organisation in Western Australia Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue



Chung Wah Open Day

活动参与 Events and Activities


长期活动 Regular Activities

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive


中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 (08) 9328 8657

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865

中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming Aulberry Parade, Leeming 6149

联系人 Contact Details 周如真女士 Luisa CHOU 0401 738 778


中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall and Administration Office

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Bramwell Road, Noranda 6062

联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0411 249 463


Chung Wah Community and Aged Care

Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003 电话 Telephone


(08) 9328 3988 新角度下的皮尔巴拉区域

Getting to know the Pilbara in a different way

版 权 发行


COPYRIGHT Published by

Chung Wah Association

Editorial and Advertising Enquiries



Editorial team

Chief Editor


Jeffrey CHA


Elvie YAP

陈薇 张娟妮

Abbie CHEN Jen Nie CHONG

执行编辑 编辑

视觉设计 卡尔 汪

行政支持 黄小娟 翻译人员

Executive Editor Editor

Visual Designer

Carl ONG

Administration Lesley WONG Translators







传真 Facsimile (08) 9228 3990


Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021


Willetton Centre

中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Keith Road, Rossmoyne 6148

联系人 Contact Details 马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898 中华珀斯中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306

58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton WA 6155

中华爱德中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell


联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306

Chung Wah Chinese Radio

广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3 Every Saturday 10 am to 11 am 每周六上午10点至11点

中华妇女部 CW Womens Subcommittee 中华龙舟队 CW Dragon Boating

中华龙狮团 CW Lion Dance Troupe

中华舞蹈团 CW Cultural Dance Troupe 中华华乐团 CW Chinese Orchestra 中华粤剧社 CW Cantonese Opera 中华京剧社 CW Beijing Opera

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club

电子邮箱 E-mail Address


201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164





All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association. 声明: 《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自 中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对其 真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。对题材中 的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.



文◎Brock Johnston | 译◎Michael Li

A Chinese Community Visit to the WA Police Academy




n 9 April 2021, during the Easter term break, under the supervision of Senior Constable Jess Gunnis and Senior Constable Sam Lim, a group of twenty teenagers from the Chinese community, organised by the Chung Wah Association, visited the Western Australia Police Academy located in Joondalup. The tour began at 9.00am, with us getting visitor badges, and then entering one of the police cadets’ training rooms. Firstly, we were taught various ways on how to handle a situation where two drunken people are fighting in a bar. We were also taught tactical knowledge, such as why the police don’t shoot at arms or legs. like in the movies, as this could miss and result in nearby civilians being injured. Senior Constable Sam Lim, who is a wellrespected figure in the community, also shared some of his experiences with us. Later, Sergeant Dave Mallows, who previously mentored Officer Lim, joined the group and showed us around the

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

academy. We first watched a group of recruits learning how to safely transport a victim. As we continued the tour, we heard gunshots and screams. It was another group of recruits practising a situation where there is a gunman who runs into a building. The recruits had to rescue the victims and arrest the gunman. From there, we went to the obstacle course where we got to experience police training, including wall climbing, chin-ups, and jumping over fences. It was very physically demanding. We then entered a mock police station with a mock holding cell. We learnt that nowadays, steel bars

aren’t used anymore, instead, glass is used to prevent prisoners from attempting to hang themselves on the bars. We then entered a firing range, where we were taught the firearm testing procedures. After that, we went to the taser testing room. There, we learnt how to load and reload guns using mock ammunition. I was lucky to be taught how to use a taser. We finally came back to the training room at around 11.30am. We met another two representatives from the Police Recruiting Branch, Senior Constable Jemma Clarke and Senior Recruiting Coordinator Mrs Shirly Gilchrist. They gave us a presentation on the police force recruitment process. Each of us received a police notebook. Even though the tour was only half a day, it was plentiful, from which we learnt many things about the police force and how to begin a career in the force. It was a very fun, exciting and enjoyable day!




021年四月九日,正值复活节学期假期,在Jess Gunnis警官和 林警官的带领下,包括中华会馆安排了二十名华裔青少年来到 了位于Joondalup的西澳警察学院。 上午九点开始,我们先是领取访客证,然 后进入一间警校学员的训练室。一开始,我们 学习了不同的方式来处理两个醉汉在酒吧里 打架的情形。 我们还学到了一些战 术知识,例如为什 么警察不像电影里那样开枪打胳膊或腿。因 为这些地方不容易打中,会导致伤害到附近的 平民。之后,社区中倍受尊敬的林警官也和我 们分享了他的一些经验。 随 后 ,曾 经 指 导 过 林 警 官 的 D a v e Mallows警官也加入了我们的队伍,并带我们 参观了警校。我们首先观看了一组新警员学习 如何安全运送伤者。当我们继续前行时,我们 听到了枪声和尖叫声。这是另一组新警员在 练习应对一个枪手跑进一栋楼里。新警员们 要救出伤者,逮捕枪手。 从那里我们去了障碍场。在这里我们体 验了警察的训练,包括翻墙,引体向上,跳围

栏等,非常考验体能。 然 后 我们进 入了一 个模 拟警 察局,有一 个模拟的拘留室。我们了解到,现在已经不用 铁栏杆了,而是用玻璃材料来防止嫌疑人试图 用铁栏杆上吊。 之后,我们进入了射击场。在这里我们学 习了枪支测试的程 序。我们随 后来到了电击 枪测试室。在那里,我们学习了如何使用模拟 弹药装填枪支。我很幸运的还学习了如何使 用电击枪。 十一点半左右,我们返回到训练室。我们 见到了另两位负责警察招募的代表,Jemma Clarke 警官和 Shirly Gilchrist 女士。她们向我 们介绍了警队的招募流程,我们每个人还得到 了一本警察用的笔记本。虽然参观时间只有半 天,但内容却很充实。在参观中我们学到了很 多关于警队的知识,以及如何成为一名警察。 这一天非常有趣、刺激、愉快!



An Inspiring Media Workshop O

文◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷 | 译◎Karen Huang 黄郁婷

n Wednesday, 24 March 2021, a Media Workshop was held at the Chung Wah Association. This event was part of Chung Wah’s commitment under the Regional and Small Publishers Innovation Fund, granted by the Australian Communications and Media Authority. Six experienced and long-standing professionals from the media and creative industry were invited to share their career stories with the younger generation of journalism students from local universities.


One of the guest speakers from ABC Radio, Nadia Mitsopoulos, shared her views on journalism, saying that journalism is much more than writing a story; it involves finding the story, finding the people who are willing to share, and talking to real people who have different experiences. A piece of helpful advice was shared by one of our guest speakers, Lesa Hinchliffe, she said, “Whatever you do in life, give it your absolute best – even if you wash floors for a living, make them sparkle – not only does it make you proud of your work, you never know who’s watching.” She emphasised that she learned this teaching from Peter Cumins, one of the interviewees in her book “Entrepreneur to Megapreneur”. It was such an inspiring afternoon where attendees listened to true stories that gave them real-life examples. It is never an easy journey to achieve individual goals.

Our guest speakers included: Bob Cronin, retired EditorIn-Chief, West Australian Newspapers Group.

Bob had been a journalist for more than 50 years when he retired in 2016. In 2011, he was made a member of the Order of Australia (AM) for services to the print media and the community. He was editor of four, including Australia’s biggest selling daily, The Sun (now the Herald Sun) in Melbourne. Between 2003 and 2008, he worked for the Shanghai Daily newspaper in China. In 1998, he received the Ethnic Communities Council award for outstanding contribution to multiculturalism. From 2002 to 2012, he was a director of Australia’s multicultural broadcaster SBS.

Lung has developed and implemented creative brand direction and design for a variety of public and private organisations. He is experienced in the creative industry for his strategic thinking and innovative solutions for offline and online media. Kudos Creative was founded in 2007 and the studio joined TKS Partners, a Hong Kong-based marketing agency in 2017. Lung holds a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design and a Bachelor degree in Fine Arts.

Yoga Zhang, Founder, Most WA media.

Yoga Zhang is one of Most WA media’s co-founders, she is now working in Most WA media and magazine as the marketing manager. She came to Australia in 2011 and graduated from the University of WA with her Master’s degree in Marketing in 2018. She is also a social media influencer on Instagram with 12.2k followers. Ivan Leung, Founder and Editor, WAMN (West Australian Media Network).

Lesa J Hinchliffe, Director, Powerhouse Productions Australia.

Nadia Mitsopoulos, Presenter, ABC Radio Perth.

Nadia has been a journalist for more than 25 years. She has spent most of that time working in various television newsrooms in Perth and London and has specialised in state politics. Since joining the ABC Radio Perth team in 2012, Nadia has worked on the Breakfast, Focus and Mornings programs. She is also on the board of Lifeline WA and AWESOME Arts. Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

Lung Chan, Principal Creative, Kudos Creative (Perth WA) and Creative Partner of TKS Partners (Asia Pacific).

In 2000, Lesa secured a role as a TV presenter and was soon writing, producing, and directing programmes. A strong work ethic and drive led her to establish Powerhouse Productions Australia, where the production of documentaries and short films further developed her writing and storytelling skills. Today, Lesa’s works as a professional speaker and author are driven by a desire to see everyone live a life they love.

Ivan Leung is the founder and editor of WAMN, an independent online news and media service in Perth. He has covered many major news events locally and overseas, with 13 years experience in both English and Chinese journalism. Mr Leung can speak English, Cantonese and Mandarin, due to his origin from Hong Kong. His journalism efforts were recognised after being awarded the “City of Perth’s Young Citizen of The Year” in 2015 on Australia Day.



一场鼓舞人心的传媒前辈分享会 3

月24日(星期三),中华会馆举办了一场传媒前辈分享会。本次活动是我们在“区域及小型出版商创新” 拨款项目所承 诺的部分工作,该项拨款是由澳大利亚通信和传媒管理局所提供。我们邀请了六名来自传媒和创意行业经验丰富的 资深专业人士; 他们与当地大学新闻系学生们分享了自己的职场生涯的故事。 来自澳大利亚广播公司驻珀 斯主播Nadia Mitsopoulos, 作为嘉宾之一分享了她对新闻 业的看法,她表示新闻不仅仅 是写一个故事,其中包括找故 事、找出愿意分享故事的人, 并与有着不同经历的人们实 际交流。 另一名主讲嘉宾Lesa Hinchliffe 分享了一项相当有意思的建议, 她说:“生活中不管你做什么事, 都要尽力做到最好——即使你 靠洗地板谋生,也要洗到地板 闪闪发光—这不仅会让你为自 己的努力感到骄傲,而且你永 远不知道你的努力会带来什么 机遇。” Lesa Hinchliffe强调,这 是从她曾采访的Peter Cumins那 里学来的。Peter Cumins是她所 出版的书《从企业家到百万企 业家》的受访者之一。 这是一个鼓舞人心的下午,这 些真实经历为与会者提供了现 实生活中的例子。实现个人目 标从来都不是一件容易的事。

当天的主讲嘉宾包括: Bob Cronin,西澳大利亚人报业集团前总编 在2016年退休时,Bob已从事了五十多年的新闻工 作。2011年,他因对纸媒体和社区的服务而被授予 澳大利亚员佐勋章。他曾是四家报纸的编辑,包括 澳大利亚销量最大的日报,墨尔本的《太阳报》(现 在的《先驱太阳报》)。2003年至2008年间,他在中 国的《上海日报》工作。1998年,他获得了民族社区 委员会 颁发的多元文化杰出贡献奖。从2002年到 2012年,他担任澳大利亚多元文化广播公司SBS的 董事。 Nadia Mitsopoulos,澳大利亚广播公司珀斯电 台主持人 Nadia从事记者已有二十五年以上资历。她大部分 时间都在珀斯和伦敦的多个电视新闻编辑室工作, 专精国家政治。自2012年加入ABC珀斯电台团队以 来,Nadia就一直从事于《新闻早餐》、 《焦点新闻》 和《晨间新闻》的节目工作。她也是西澳生命热线和 AWESOME Arts等非营利机构的董事会成员。 陈裕隆,Kudos Creative (西澳珀斯)首席创意总 监及TKS Partners (亚太区域)创意合作伙伴 Lung为许多公立和私立机构开发和实施创意品牌 方向和设计。他在创意产业有着丰富经历,为线下和 线上传媒提供策略性思考和创新解决方案。该工作 室于2007年成立了Kudos Creative,并于2017年加 入了香港营销机构TKS Partners的行列。陈先生拥 有平面设计和艺术 双学士学位。

Lesa J Hinchliffe,澳大利亚Powerhouse Productions Australia制片公司总监 2000年,Lesa曾任职电视节目主持人,并很快地 开始编写、制作和监制节目。强烈的职业道德和自 我推动力引导她创办了Powerhouse Productions Australia制片公司,在这里,纪录片和短片的制 作进一步提高了她的写作和讲述故事的技巧。今 天,Lesa作为一名职业演说家和作家,其理念背后 的动力就是渴望看到每个人都能过上自己喜欢的 生活。 张尧家, 《最西澳》文化传媒创办人 Yoga是《最西澳》的联合创办人之一,目前在《最西 澳》文化传媒与杂志担任营销经理。她于2011年来到 澳大利亚,并于2018年毕业于西澳大学,取得市场营 销硕士学位。张女士也是社交媒体Instagram上具影 响力的人物,目前有一万两千多名西澳粉丝。 梁恩霖,WAMN传媒网络公司创办人兼编辑 Ivan是珀斯独立在线新闻和传媒服务公司“WAMN” 的创办人和编辑。他有十三年的中英文新闻工作经 验,曾报导过许多国内外重大新闻事件。由于Ivan来 自香港,他精通英语、广东话和普通话。2015年的 澳大利亚日 ,他荣获了“珀斯市年度青年公民”的奖 项,这肯定了他在新闻业的付出。



A reality show, beneficial to migrants like you and me, is on its way!


真人实境秀 即将播出

文/译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷



iving in a new country is a phenomenal experience, but along with adjusting to new cultures, comes a feeling of being out of place and loneliness. Don’t worry, we are here to help new migrants expand their social circle, learn new knowledge and build capacity.

Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors (ASeTTS) and Chung Wah Association have agreed to work together to implement the project, “Make a Difference”, to support recently-arrived (in the last five years) Chinese community members living in Perth, to restore their attachments and connections, and to help them to settle well in Australia. It is common to see many Chinese migrants in Western Australia with limited English proficiency, who rely heavily on the Chinese media, particularly social media, to access government and local information. This is especially the case for newly-arrived Chinese grandparents and housewives, who know very limited English, and who are reluctant to leave their comfort zone due to their language

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

barriers. This issue has limited their access to more economical living and social network opportunities in Western Australia.

Chung Wah has been organising a series of community sporting activities and education programs for the migrant community with a Chinese heritage between April and May 2021, particularly for new migrants who have arrived in WA within the last five years.

With the experience gained in producing a video series and using social media in the past ten months, we understand the importance of maximising the impact of a community project by recording it in an audio-visual format and sharing it with the target group who may have missed out on the activities in person. A reality show featuring four women in their 40s, 50s and 60s, sharing their new life journeys living in Western Australia. By participating in community education programs, such as first aid, water safety and Transperth, as well as a series of sporting activities like swimming, archery, yoga, dancing and rock climbing, their confidence and attachment to this new home has changed.

The entire project is not only beneficial to the participants in the activities, it is also meant to inspire migrants like you and me, showing us that living in Western Australia presents so many opportunities for personal growth and for expanding our social circle, cultural knowledge and spirituality. You feel free and open, and inspired, and it is like every seemingly insurmountable problem in your way, can be conquered if you just push a little bit harder.


择在另一个国家展开 新生活是人生的一大 体验,然而要适应新的生活文 化,难免会有要面对一种不自 在的感觉,还可能会面对孤独 感。没 关 系,我们的角色就是 要帮助新移民扩大朋友圈、学 习新知识和增强能力。 一所社区服务机构 ASeTTS和中 华会馆合作实践一项社区项目,取名 为“人生新起点”,旨在帮助在珀斯来 澳少于五年的华人新移民,建立他们 对澳大利亚的归属感,让他们可以自 在生活。 在西澳不谙英语的华人移民,往 往都依靠中文媒体尤其是社交媒体来 获取政府和当地的信息,特别是看不 懂英语的华裔祖父母和家庭主妇。同 时他们也常会因为语言障碍而不愿意 离开自己的舒适圈。因此,这样影响了 他们在西澳获得更符合经济标准的生 活和社交的机会。

Subscribe to the Chung Wah Youtube channel to view the reality show soon.

订阅YOUTUBE中华之声频道, 即将可以收看为您制作的 ”人生新起点”真人实境秀 In line with this project, the Chung Wah Association has organised a series of Community education programs and sporting activities in May. 配合这个社区项目,中华会馆在五月份组 织了一系列的社区教育和运动项目

Basic First Aid + Water Safety Training 急救基础课 + 水上安全课 May 27, Thursday(周四) 9:30 – 13:00 Chung Wah Association, 128 James Street, Northbridge Conducted by Royal Life Saving Society WA 由西澳皇家救生协会授课 (配有中文翻译)

‘Learn to Swim’Womens Session (8 Lessons) 免费女性社区游泳课 (八堂课)


Every Monday(每周一)from May 10 9:00 – 11:00 Cannington Leisureplex Conducted by Royal Life Saving Society WA 由西澳皇家救生协会授课

Archery Community Sport 社区射击户外活动 May 23, Sunday (周日) 9:15 – 11:30 Bowmen of Melville Archery Club 51 Beasley Road, Leeming

中华会馆在今年四月份和五月 份,组织一系列的社区运动和教育项 目给华人移民社区,特别针对来西澳 少于五年的华人朋友。

TransPerth Education Program 熟悉珀斯公交

在过去十个月制作视频节目和 善用社交媒体的经验,让我们体会到 将社区活动用影音效果记录下来的 重要性,并且分享给无法参加活动的 人士。

May 12, Wednesday (周三) and May 13, Thursday (周四) 9:30 – 13:00

Every Tuesday (每周二) from May 25

Chung Wah Association, 128 James Street, Northbridge

Conducted by AusAsia Creative Art Academy 由澳亚新艺学院以中文授课

我们正在录制一个“真人实境秀” 重点拍摄四位女性新移民,分别在四 十、五十和六十岁的年龄段,分享她们 在西澳生活的心路历程。通过参与一 系列的社区教育项目,包括急救、水上 安全和熟悉珀斯公交,以及多类运动 项目如:游泳、射箭、瑜伽、跳舞、攀岩 等,来增强他们对这个新家园的归属 感和信心。

Conducted by TransPerth Education officer 由珀斯交通局TransPerth 解说员带队 (配有中文翻译)

Yoga + Dance 瑜伽 + 舞蹈课 Level 2, 693 Albany Highway, Victoria Park

这整个社区项目不仅有利于参加 各种活动的参加者,同时也旨在让更 多像你我的移民有所启发。录制的“真 人实境秀”展示出西澳这个地方可以 让人有很多成长空间,以及扩大朋友 圈和提高文化与精神内涵的机会。 移民或许会感觉很多难关克服不 了,其实只要稍微鞭策自己任 何事都迎刃而解。



文◎Kaylene Poon 邝彩玲 | 译◎Lesley Wong黄小娟





he Heritage Perth Weekend T 16–18 April 2021, was officially launched at the


City of Perth Council building on Thursday 15 April with the Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe providing an impressive performance for the invited guests. The programme of 133 events was spread across various Perth sites, included 30 first time presenters. The inaugural Chung Wah Association (CWA) Open House held on Friday 16 April 2021, offered morning and afternoon sessions with 200 plus visitors. Lesley Wong, Chung Wah Project Coordinator coordinated the programme and due to her efforts, provided the public with an interesting and educational day. School aged participants tried Chinese calligraphy conducted by Deng Hu; red packet lantern making presented by Susan Leong; and sessions of chopsticks’ etiquette and an introduction to abacus, were enthusiastically conducted by volunteers Dominic Yam, Lucy Chen and Dena Jin and assisted by Fran Blampey, Grant Hoy Poy, Shu Juan Liu, Brock Johnson and Arina Liew. Feedback from all the attendees and their parents/carers were positive and encouraging. Considered a success, CWA will consider continuing this programme in future.

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

All of the ‘Early History of the Chung Wah’ presentations and walks along James Street were booked out prior to the day. Honorary Historical Adviser, Kaylene Poon presented these sessions, and several attendees expressed interest to learn more as they are descendants of mixed Australian and Chinese parentage.

A photographic exhibition and a display of a lion dance and instruments gave all visitors an opportunity to view Western Australian Chinese history and traditional culture.

The Association acknowledges the support of the City of Perth to present these activities. CWA’s profile has been lifted through the heritage network, as several attendees were visiting CWA Hall for the first time.

Chung Wah thanks the staff and volunteers whose presentation of these activities would not have been possible.



021年4月16日至18日的珀斯文化 遗产周末活动于4月15日星期四在 珀斯市议会大楼正式推开帷幕,中华 会馆龙狮团受邀到招待会为嘉宾带来 了令人影像深刻的表演。分布在珀斯 市各个站点的活动节目共有一百三十 三个,其中三十个是首次参与者。


首届中华会馆开放日活动是在4月16日星期 五举行。当天的活动分为上午和下午的场次,大 约两百位公众人士前来参加。中华会 馆项目协 调员黄小娟协调整个活动计划,为公众提供了 一 个有趣而富有文化教育的一天。许多青少年 和家长一起尝试了邓虎的中国书法和梁苏珊呈 现的红包灯笼制作。另外还有中国筷子礼节和 算盘简介,由任国雄、金建华和Lucy Chen热诚 的介绍。在这文化活动落力协助的志愿者还包 括 Fran Blampey、Grant Hoy Poy、刘淑娟、 Brock Johnson和刘瑷菱。 所有参加的人士 包括家长,青少年 和孩 童 都给以积极和令人鼓舞的反馈,认为这是一项非 常成功的活动。中华会馆将考虑在未来继续展 开这个活动项目。 当天的《中华会馆历史》演讲和《詹姆斯街 历史》行游都被预定一空。中华会馆历史顾问邝 彩玲主持了这两个项目。有几位参加者是澳中混 血的后裔,他们表示有兴趣了解更多早期西澳华 人的信息。 在礼堂的一边展示了中华会馆的历史图片 和一套舞狮及其乐器,让公众有机会观看西澳 华人的历史和传统文化。 感谢珀斯市政府给于中华会馆开放日活动 的支持。许多人因此第一次来参观中华会 馆礼 堂,可见中华会馆的形象也通过这次文化遗产 网络获得提升。 中华会馆在这里感谢办公室人员和所有志愿 者的时间和协力帮助使得这次活动的圆满成功。




文/译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷|照片提供◎Zhou Dan 周丹

Chung Wah and West Australian Chinese Community raises funds for Bushfire Victims

中华会馆再度联同西澳华社为西澳山火灾民募款赈灾 3月26日,中华 会 馆陈挺会长与西澳深 圳联谊会暨总商会吴粤会长,共同将一张总 值三万八百八十八澳币的现金支票移交给珀 斯市Basil Zempilas市长。这笔山火赈灾捐款 的全额承载着西澳华人的一番心意,当天见 证这支票转交仪式的,还包括出钱出力的西 澳湖南同乡会暨总商会朱松如会长、西澳华 人工人协会汤良杰会长、西澳中原联谊会宋 廷光会长等十位西澳华社社团代表。

On 26 March 2021, President of Chung Wah Association, Dr CHEN Ting, and President of the WA Shenzhen Association and Chamber of Commerce, Mr Simon WU, presented a cheque of $30,888 to the Perth Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas, as a donation to the Lord Mayor’s Distress Fund.

Also in attendance were: Mr ZHU Songru, President of the Hunan Association and Chamber of Commerce; Mr TANG Liangjie, President of the WA Chinese Worker Society; Mr SONG Tingguang, President of the WA Central China Association and ten representatives from various local Chinese organisations who contributed the funds. The Perth hills bushfire started in Wooroloo on 1 February 2021. On the second day

Welcoming the newly appointed Consul General of PRC in Perth Chung Wah Association welcomes, Mr. Dingbin LONG, the newly appointed Consul General of People Republic of China, in Perth. Mr. LONG was appointed into the position in January 2021, after serving five years in Lahore, Pakistan. Since 1987, he has had vast experience in professional diplomatic affairs and has been stationed in Beijing and Yunnan in China, as well as Laos and Malaysia. Chung Wah President CHEN Ting, Senior Vice President Yudy KODRATJAYA, Vice President Jiping ZOU and Assistant Secretary Michael LI met with Mr LONG and exchanged views and thoughts on developing the local Chinese community in cultural and advocacy work. Chung Wah looks forward to collaborating with the Consulate General of PRC, in strengthening China-WA relations, promoting culture and assisting WA residents with consular services. Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

of one of the most devastating bushfires in WA, Chung Wah Association rallied the community to support the bushfire victims, and the response was overwhelming. The funds raised were donated to the Lord Mayor’s Distress Fund.

Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas expressed his gratitude to the WA Chinese community for their marvellous support. He was moved to know that, despite their tight financial situation, some Chinese elderly people had also contributed to the fund. He hoped that the funds raised would help the bushfire victims to get back to their normal lives.

自2021年2月1日西澳Wooroloo山火发 生以来一直倍受西澳华社关注,这场火患是 西澳有史以来最严重的山火之一。中华会馆 在火患第二天开始号召华人社团共同为珀斯 山区及Wooroloo山火的灾民筹款赈灾。捐 款 款 项将透 过 市长救 灾基金平台 来支 援 灾 民,号召发出,西澳华人社团纷纷踊跃加入。 珀斯市长Basil Zempilas对西澳华人社团 的全力支持深表感激,特别感动的是一些老 人将自己省吃俭用的钱捐出来帮助有需要的 人,他也希望这些善款能帮助此时受灾的人 们能恢复原来的生活。 陈挺会长说,“在澳洲,我们都是澳大利 亚人,澳大利亚的价值观之一就是帮助需要 帮助的人。”

President of Chung Wah Association, Dr CHEN Ting, said, “We are Australians. We are here together to make Western Australia strong.“


中华会馆热烈欢迎新上任中国驻珀斯龙 定斌总领事。 自结束了五年驻巴基斯坦拉哈尔 的总领事任期,龙定斌总领事,于2021年一月 份开始,就已正式就任珀斯总领事一职。 龙定 斌总领事的外交生涯从1987年累积多年,经 验丰富,曾在中国北京、云南任职,以及曾派驻 到老挝和马来西亚。

中华会馆会长陈挺、高级副会长许俊豪、 副会长邹纪平和副秘书长李良励与龙定斌总 领事会面,并相互交流对发展当地华人社区在 文化和权益上的事务。 中华会馆期待与中国 驻珀斯总领馆有进一步的合作,增进中国和 西澳的关系,弘扬文化和帮助西澳居民取得 领事服务。

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文◎Small Business Development Corporation 小型企业发展机构 | 译◎Karen Huang 黄郁婷

Six Lessons from WA Business Owners


ocal small business owners recently shared the most important lessons they have learnt from running their own businesses, in a Facebook discussion.

1. Being great at your profession does not guarantee a successful business.


Many people start a business with years of experience in their trade or profession to draw on. However, business owners need a range of additional competencies including business planning, financial literacy, sales and marketing skills and people management. You must invest in building your practical small business skills to manage your business effectively.

2. You can’t do it all — no matter how good your time management is.

Operating a small business is demanding, and trying to do it all is a recipe for burnout. If you can afford to outsource an essential task to someone who can do it more efficiently than you can, it’s a good investment. Otherwise, look at what you can automate to save time. This will free up time for you to work on your business rather than in it – a key to progress!

3. Be careful entering partnerships and ensure everything is done legally.

Whether you are thinking of working with family, friends or colleagues, you must evaluate your potential business partner to see if they share your goals and can complement your strengths and weaknesses. Once you have found a perfect match, formalise your partnership agreement with the help of a lawyer, instead of relying on a handshake.

Where to get support

4. Keep your job until your business proves to be profitable and reliable

Testing the market while keeping another source of income to meet your living costs is a wise idea if you are unsure whether your business idea will succeed. In today’s ‘gig economy’, starting a parttime business in addition to your regular job can give you financial security — but ensure you understand the difference between a hobby and a business to avoid tax and legal implications.

5. You are your most important investment – look after yourself

Managing your wellbeing as a business owner is essential. While your GP is an important first call if you are feeling unwell in mind or body, there are many other resources including the My Business Health portal, which offers mental health support designed especially for small business owners.

6. Cash is king

Staying on top of your cash flow is essential, even if you have to send a letter of demand to a debtor for a late payment, or strengthen your terms and conditions of trade. Paying your own suppliers on time also gives your business a good reputation and credit history. After all – money makes the world go around!

For more practical business tips and lessons from real business owners, join the Facebook group I’m a small business owner in Western Australia to share challenges and successes with more than 10,000 local business owners. You can also access free resources and advice, and affordable business skills workshops from the Small Business Development Corporation. Visit or call 133 140 to speak to a business adviser. Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

西澳商家分享的 六个经验教训 最

近,当地的小企业商家在Facebook 上分享了他们在经营企业中学到的 最重要的经验教训。


许多人在创业时都借鉴他们多年来累积的技能或 专业经验。然而,商家需要一系列额外的能力,包括 商业计划、财务知识、销售和营销技能以及人力管 理。你必须投资学习小企业实务技能,来有效地管 理你的生意。

2. 无论你的时间管理有多好,你都不 可能完成所有的事情。 经营一家小企业的要求很高,尝试着去做所有的事 情会让你筋疲力尽。如果你能负担得起把一项重要 任务外包给比你更有效率的人,这是一项很好的投 资。否则,可以通过自动化来节省时间。这将为你腾 出时间来处理其他业务——这是让企业前进的关键!

3.进入合作伙伴关系时要小心,并确保 一切都是合法的。 无论你是考虑与家人、朋友还是同事一起工作,你 都必须评估你潜在的商业伙伴,看他们与你是否有 共同的目标,并能与你的优缺点互补。一旦你找到 了完美的商业伙伴,可以在律师的帮助下正式签订 合作协议,而不是仅仅凭借着口头承诺。

4. 持续工作,直到你的生意确实赚钱且 稳定

如果你不确定你的商业想法是否会成功,明智的做 法是维持另一份收入来源,以满足生活开销并同时 测试市场。 现今社会的“零工经济”中,在正常工作之 外创业可以给你带来财务保障,但你要确保理解兴 趣和事业的区别,这样可以避免税收和法律问题。

5. 你是你最重要的投资—照顾好你自己

作为一个商家,照顾自己的健康是必不可少的。如 果你心理或身体上感到不舒服,家庭医生是你可以 第一时间联系的人,还有许多其他资源,包括“我的 企业健康”(My Business Health)门户网站,该网站 提供专为小企业商家量身定做的心理健康支持。

6. 现金为王

掌握你的现金流是至关重要的,即使你不得不向债 务人请求延期付款,或加强你的贸易条款和条件。 按时付款给你自己的供应商会为你的企业保有良 好声誉和信用记录。 毕竟金钱使世界运转!


想要向现实中的企业家身上获得更多实用的商业 技巧和经验,请加入Facebook群组“ 我是西澳小企 业主”,与一万多名当地企业主分享挑战和成功经 验。你也可以向小型企业发展机构获取免费的资源 和建议,以及参加价格实惠的商业技能培训课程。 浏览 或致电 133 140 向企业顾问咨询。


断舍离 Decluttering Your Life 文/译 ◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷


uring the three-day lockdown in Perth, I made use of the time at home to tidy up my wardrobe and study room, massively decluttering unwanted stuff from home. Getting this done is my first step in working towards my New Year resolution to declutter my life. It is a way to declutter an individual’s mind and life by getting rid of personal belongings that have not been used for a long time or no longer needed. However, it is indeed a hard decision to let go. I was planning to get rid of half of my clothing and books, but eventually, I decided to put aside all this stuff for further arrangements, considering they have been with me for many years. This process has significantly tested my ability to let go of personal belongings that are no longer needed.

Since the pandemic began in early 2020, it has been a year of reflection for many people. I feel contented and replenished every day throughout this year. I am fortunate to say I have also managed to accomplish some of my goals in the media industry. During the busy period, I realised the importance of making the right choice of give and take and discovering my weaknesses.

I felt relieved and relaxed looking at a halfempty and well-organised wardrobe and bookshelf. This minimalism of life is meant to help someone to have a better understanding of themselves through tidying up their home, and at the same time, discarding negative thinking. Turning anxiety into happiness!

At some stage, we may have to let go, to continue moving forward and becoming a better person.

着珀斯封城三天的长周末,正是 时候好好收纳家中衣物、书籍和 各种小物,以迈向自己步入断舍离生活 的第一步。想要把值得的东西伴随着生 活,长期不用的东西处理掉或扔掉,通 过丢弃不重要的杂物,来清理自己的思 绪和生活。 原来懂得取舍也正是一门很大的学问。原 本计划要减少一半的衣物和书籍,但是却惦记 着每样东西的来历,最后也只是把这一堆腾出 来的衣物和书籍搁置一边,有待处理。这个过 程也考验着我能否放下曾经属于我却不再适合 我的东西。


看着腾空整齐的衣柜和井井有条的书橱, 让我的心情顿时觉得舒畅。断舍离是生活的减 法哲学,透过收拾家里的杂物来了解自己,和 整理内心的废物。让人生转而开心的方法。 2020年初疫情开始到现在的这一年,促使 很多人重新去思考人生。这一年是我人生四十 年以来最充实的一年,过去半年我也一一达成 自己在媒体工作上的各种理想。在忙碌的日子 里,也让我明白到懂得取舍的重要和了解到自 己的不足之处。 选择在对的时间断舍,有助于让自己能走 更长远的路。

FREE sport activities for migrant community


为移民社区而设的免费运动活动 Aerial Yoga 空中瑜伽

Rock Climbing 攀岩

Kayaking 划独木舟

Badminton 羽毛球

RSVP and confirmation is compulsory for the above activities. Please email to or contact us via wechat or whatsapp

参加者必须先报名参加,可发邮件到 或通过 wechat 或Whatsapp 联系我们

More activities such as Archery and Horse Riding to be confirmed. Welcome for your inquiry.

更多的免费活动如射击、 骑马有待确认。欢迎咨询

Course Counselling 课程咨询 Admission Application 办理入学申请

Arrivals / Pickup 接机服务

Student Visa Assistance 学生签证办理

Student Accommodation 住宿安排

*Student visa holders in Australia can work up to 20 hours per week, min wages $19.49 per hour

Connect with us : Azurra Migration & Education Services | Unit 4, 10 Canning Highway South Perth WA


或致电 0402 639 635 Elvie 叶俐廷


Elvie 微信联系

Azurra 微信公众号



Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动 Activities 活动


Day 日期

Time 时间

Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

�:��pm - �:��pm

Dragon and Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Sunday 周日

��:��am - �:��pm

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Wednesday 周三

��:��pm - �:��pm

Beijing Opera 京剧社

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Women’s Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Monday 周一

�:��pm - �:��pm

Tai Chi class 中华太极班

Saturday 周六

�:��am -��:��am

Choir 中华合唱团

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Line Dancing 排排舞

Saturday 周六

New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Table Tennis 中华乒乓球俱乐部

Wednesday 周三

�:��pm -�:��pm

Karaoke 卡拉OK

Saturday 周六

Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐

Saturday 周六

Sunday 周日

Sunday 周日

Location 地点

Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 ��� James Street, Northbridge

��:��am -��:��pm

�:��pm - �:��pm

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

Per term 每学期 $��

Teresa TAN �� ���� ����


(members only)

免费,仅限会员 Free

(members only)

$� for members 会员

(Beginner ��:��am - ��:��pm)

�:��pm -�:��pm

Jen Nie CHONG �� ���� ����


Salvation Army 救世军总部 ��� William Street, Northbridge

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 巴卡达中心

�� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Contact 联系人

Each class 每堂课 $�� for members 会员 $�� for non-members 非会员 $�� for members 会员

��:��am - �:��pm

��:��am -�:��pm

Fee 收费

Per term 每学期 �� seessions 十堂课 $��� for members 会员 $��� for non-members 非会员 Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

$� for members 会员 $� for non-members 非会员

Ben LIM ���� ��� ���

Annie WONG �� ���� ���� Baohe LIU �� ���� ���� Jiping ZOU ���� ��� ���

Robert HE (Cantonese/ Mandarin) ���� ��� ��� Michael WU (English/ Mandarin) ���� ��� ��� Trinh QUACH ���� ��� ��� Jiping ZOU ���� ��� ��� Doreen CHIN Leonard KHO ���� ��� ��� Dong NHAN ���� ��� ��� May KE ���� ��� ��� Maya ���� ��� ��� Doreen CHIN

Activities 活动

Day Long Respite Care 中华日间暂息中心

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Day 日期

Monday to Friday 周一至周五

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划

Time 时间

�:��am �:��pm �:��am �:��pm

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 �� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 �� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Various 商议待定

Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

��:��am ��:��pm

Tai Chi Class 太极班

Wednesday (Northbridge)

��:��am ��:��am

周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

��:��am ��:��pm

周三 (北桥) Community Talks 社区讲座

Location 地点

周四、五 (威乐顿) Monthly 每月一次

Monthly 每月一次

Fee 收费

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit �,�� Lake Street, Northbridge Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 �� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit �,�� Lake Street, Northbridge

Contact 联系人

Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care staff for more details


此类服务都须经由政 府部门评估,请联系 中华社区与长者服务 部以了解更多详情

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit �,�� Lake Street, Northbridge

Gold Coin donation 金币捐献

Please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Coordinator for more information. 请向中华社区与长者服务部 了解更多详情。 Phone 电话: �� ���� ����

Free 免费

Email 电子邮箱 : enquiry@chungwahcac.

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 �� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Community Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务


Chung Wah Services 中华服务

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 �� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Appointment Required 提早预约



盛情邀请 携手同行 Partner with us

Chung Wah Members Discount Scheme

中华会员 优惠计划

Expand your business by offering a special discount ranging from �% to 2�% or any other privileged offer to Chung Wah members. 向中华会馆会员拓展您的商务,只须提供特别优惠给我们的会员。 比如介于�% 至2�% 的商品或服务折扣,或其他类似优惠。

Free to Join 免费加盟 No ongoing 无须缴付任何 costs or fees 会费或成本费

For further enquiries, please contact Chung Wah Association | 若想进一步咨询,可联系中华会馆

Ph 座机 9�2� ��57 | Mb 手机 0450 1�0 12� | Em 电邮


Arirang Australia Unit � / �� River Road, Bayswater WA ����



Azurra Migration

Off ���� ��� ���

BUPA work cover insurance

Bunga Raya Satay

$1 Discount

Food truck trade at various Market Places

for transaction of above $��.��


Old Shanghai Hongkong Dim Sum


Shop �, Old Shangai Food Court, ��� James Street, Northbridge


Red Rooster, Northbridge

��� James Street, Northbridge


Miss Maud

�� Murray Street, Perth

Unit � / ��� Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill

Lunch: Wed - Fri ��:�� AM - �:�� PM | Dinner: Mon - Sun �:�� PM - �:�� PM

Barristers & Solicitors, Notary Public T: ��) ���� ���� W: Level �, ��� Adelaide Terrace, Perth

Juice Station Shop ��, London Court, ��� - ��� Hay Street, Perth WA ����

Happy Union Restaurant

Shop �, Somerville Shopping Centre, Cr Le Souef and McMahon Way, Kardinya

Han Palace Chinese Restaurant �� - �� Bennett Street, East Perth

Honey In the Garden Shop online:

Reference Code: MAF


Northbridge Chinese Restaurant


Good Fortune


Discount on food

Chinese Restaurant and Take Away Food

Lex Legal


(Restaurant, Pastry Shop and Hotel, does not include catering)

Hong Lin 康年饭店 Tel: �������� | Open � Days |


20% Off

Free 3� minutes initial legal consultation

Discount for all property and business settlement

�� Roe Street, Northbridge

Roast Duck House 德兴烧鸭店

��� William Street, Perth. ��� Albany Hwy East, Victoria Park

Aus World Travel ��� James Street, Northbridge ��� Collins Road, Willetton �� Hulme Court, Myaree

Stanbond Security Unit � / � Iron Street, Malaga WA ����

Mob: ���� ��� ��� Email:


cold pressed juice

worth $�.��

+ FREE Orange Juice Worth $�.��

with all purchase over $��.��

12% Off

10% Off



for purchases over $1��.��

Free tea

at Dim Sum Lunch and Dinner



on dine-in only



Perth Local Coach Tours


Chung Wah Members


Perth Local Coach Tours


Chung Wah Staff s


all quotes


Isabel CHAN Family Photo Specialist Mob: ���� ��� ��� Email:



CKG legal Barrister & Solicitor

AALA Inaugural Young Lawyer of the Year


T: (��) ���� ���� | M:���� ��� ��� F: (��) ���� ���� | W:

for all legal fee $2 discount

Perth Badminton Arena

on restring services

$� discount

for off peak hour court hire

�/��� Great Eastern Hwy, Redcliffe WA ����

$2 discount

for peak hour court hire

�% discount

Call ���� ��� ��� for booking

ASSURE ALLIANCE Certified Practising Accountants �/�� Biscayne Way, Jandakot WA ����

for merchandise above $�� (except shuttle cock)

Free 3� minutes

complimentary consultation

Book online at with promo code: CHAI��

Fusion Klean

Professional Cleaning Service in Perth

���� ��� ��� Suite ��/� Haster Road, Osborne Park ����

Chung Hwa Cuisine 龙江宴 ���� Albany Hwy, Cannington WA ����


Off all quotes

for windows and floor cleaning services


��� Brisbane Street, Perth Tel: (��) ���� ����

CleanTech Energy

Business Sales Executive 商业电力顾问

T: ���� ��� ��� | E:

BMS LAW Lawyers

T: (��) ���� ���� E: W:



for cash payment only

Free review & comparison

for business electricity bill



Initial Consultation

All Legal Disputes Litigation


E: W:



Freddie Strudels

Nicholas 郑启智


(Not for discounted packages, T&C applies)




massage with discount coupon

我们殷切的期待您的加入 Waiting for your participation

Imperial Finance, Linda LAI

Mob: ���� ��� ��� Email:

Little China Girl 一盅两件

�� Roe St, Northbridge WA ����

Reservation: ���� ��� ��� |

Ingot Hotel Perth ��� Great Eastern Highway Belmont WA ����

Reservation: +�� (�) ���� ����

Excel Podiatry Clinic

���� ��� ��� �/�� Apsley Rd, Willetton WA ����


Call 13 21 �� and quote promo code “CHUNG WAH”

or visit

HONG KONG BBQ House Chinese Restaurant 顺德海鲜烧腊酒家

�� Francis Street, Northbridge

Freddie Strudels

��� Brisbane Street, Perth Tel: (��) ���� ����

Mom Dumpling House


T: (��) ���� ���� W:

Linkar City Cellar

T: (��) ���� ���� W: A: G��/��� Adelaide Terrace, Perth

Morish Nuts Shop online: PROMO code: CHUNGWAH

Swan Valley: ��� Great Northern Highway, Herne Hill Watertown Perth: ��A / ��� Wellington Street, West Perth

Fremantle Market: Stall #��, Henderson Street, Fremantle

Free 1�-3� minutes consultation


Off total bill

Not in conjunction with any other special ʻoffer’ or ʻpromotion’ running at the time

10% Off

Food and drinks Best available room rate when booked directly with hotel

10% Off

total fee

��% Off

gas usage charges for � years

10% Off

for cash payment only

5% Off

for cash payment only

10% Off

for cash payment $�� and above


*not to be use with other offer


Spend over $��� *not to be use with other offer

Online -

Spend over $��

(including postage)

to get $� Off

In Store -

Spend over $�� to get $� Off

The above offers on full price Morish Nuts products only and it’s not to be used with the conjunction with any other offers.


Poh is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist. She completed her master’s degree in psychology at UWA in 2007. Poh is a mother of two children aged four and six. She is experienced in working with children, teenagers and adults with stress, depression, anxiety, worries and anger. She is passionate about supporting children with special needs (e.g. autism, ADHD and dyslexia) and their families. 颜宝玉,教育与精神发展心理医师,2007年西澳大学心理科硕士毕业,育有两名孩子,有经验处理儿童、青少年 和成人所面对压力、抑郁、焦虑、担忧和愤怒的问题。热衷于帮助特殊儿童(如:自闭症、过度活跃症和读写障 碍)和其家人。

文◎Poh GAN 颜宝玉 | 译◎Lily WANG 王金媛


Life Education: supporting children to understand and appreciate life W

e usually celebrate, and are overjoyed, with the birth of newborn babies. However, the majority of us are not comfortable with the news of having someone close to us dying. What do we say when our children ask us questions such as, “Where do we go when we die?” Death and dying are one of the many taboo topics that most parents try to avoid as much as possible. If we constantly avoid talking about it, this topic remains difficult, mysterious and anxiety provoking. The attitude of turning away from this topic of death could cost us a lot. Children and adults alike may experience significant anxiety for one’s existence and try hard to prevent bad things from happening. Death anxiety is arguably at the root of many mental health conditions, such as anxiety, somatoform disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety and eating disorders (Menzies, 2018). In order to overcome this death anxiety, some form of acceptance that ‘each and every one of us will die one day’ needs to be cultivated. The mortality of our lives is an undeniable fact. When we are able to accept that death is a natural part of life and something outside of one’s control, we will be able to understand and appreciate life at a deeper level. There will be lower levels of death anxiety. When we turn towards this uncomfortable truth about life and death, we may actually appreciate life as it is and find deeper meaning of our short lives on earth. What is most important to us in this life and what we would like to be remembered for? As parents, how do we support this acceptance in children? It is not a class that you can enrol your child in. It is not just a topic that you can finish in one day. It is a lifelong learning and appreciation that needs to be embraced fundamentally from young. It starts with our own mindset. Have you ever thought about what your family or children would say in your eulogy or tombstone inscription? It is not a matter of “how much I have”. It is a matter of “how I want to be.” If we could work out our personal values and meaning in life, we no longer just exist to pursue mundane or materialistic goals. We will treat our loved ones with respect and care. If I want my son to remember me as a loving parent, how should I act now? How would I talk to him in stressful situations? Do I prioritise watching shows on the screen or spending time building

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

Lego with my son? Every decision that we make in the moment will be guided by our values to be a loving parent. Our openness to talk about death and dying is essential to help children to understand the natural cycle of life. Provide this space for them to talk about their feelings and not shut them down. Answer their questions using simple facts. Support them to engage in rituals and ceremonies to celebrate the lives of our loved ones. We can talk honestly about how we feel when we are grieving for our families and friends who have died. Let them know that it is okay to grieve and it is completely normal. Through storybooks or movies, we can explore and share with children about life. A beautiful book, like ‘Lifetimes’ by Brian Melloni, is a useful tool to explain death to children (see YouTube link). There is a beginning and an end to every living being. In between that, is living. How about the recent Disney movie, “Soul”? Another huge classroom for “lessons about life cycles” is nature. Nature provides numerous opportunities to foster awareness and appreciation of life. As they discover, take risks, experiment, innovate and improvise with wherever nature takes them and get their hands and feet dirty in bushland or the beach, they learn and experience the joy of being in nature. Kids who have truly experienced those magical moments in nature are more likely to learn to appreciate life. There

could be numerous guided conversations about the lifetimes of different living beings in nature, which could be related to our lifetimes on earth. There could be conversations about how humans rely on nature and the importance of environmental conservation. This inquisitive and open-end play is hard to be replaced by technology. Kids in the past spent more time being in nature. They caught fish in the creek. They found seashells on the beach. They observed how frogs, insects and other animals interact in nature. In contrast, kids nowadays sit on the couch and watch videos about frogs on their iPads. We hear too many stories of children or teenagers commenting that “life is meaningless” or give up their lives too easily when they encounter setbacks in life. Perhaps when they see the wonders of life, they would think differently, I wonder. After all, we do not simply ‘watch’ how our life unfolds. We actively construct and experience the life that we want by living in the here and now. Let that sink in for our children, starting now.



帮助孩子理解和感恩生命 23

们通常会欣喜万分地庆祝新生宝宝的到来。然而,大多数人听到亲近的人去世的噩耗时都会感到十分不适。如 果孩子问到: “人死后会去哪?”时,我们该如何回答呢?死亡和濒临死亡是大多数父母尽量避免的众多禁忌话 题之一。如果我们一直避免谈论它,只会使其愈发复杂,神秘甚至会激发内心的焦虑。所以无视讨论死亡的态度可能 会让我们付出很多代价。儿童和成人都可能对一个人的存在感到严重的焦虑,并努力防止坏的事的发生。死亡焦虑可 以说是许多心理健康状况的根源,如焦虑、躯体形式障碍、强迫症、社交恐惧和饮食失调(Menzies,2018年)。


为了克服对死亡的焦虑,需要培养一些形 式的接受,即“我们每个人都有一天会死去”。 生命的有限是一个不可否认的事实。 当我们 能够接受死亡是生命的自然部分和无法控制 的东西时,我们就能在更深的层次上理解和欣 赏生命, 随即死亡焦虑程度也会降低。 当我们 正视这个虽令人不快,但关于生死的真理时, 我们可能会真正的欣赏生命,并找到我们在地 球上短暂生命的更深层含义。 今生对我们最重 要的是什么,我们想被人们记住什么? 作为家长,我们该怎么帮助孩子接受这种 现实?这可不会是报名就能上的一堂课,也不 仅仅是一个您可以在一天内就能讨论完毕的 话题。 这是一个需要终身学习并且在年幼时就 懂得怀有感恩之心的历程。 这也始于我们自身 的思维观念及心态。 您可曾想过您的家人或孩 子会在您的悼词或墓碑铭文中说些什么呢?这 不是”我有多少钱”的问题,而是一个”我想成 为怎样的人”的问题。如果我们能解析出我们 个人的价值观和人生意义,我们就不再仅仅为 了追求世俗或物质主义的目标而存在,而是将 会去尊重和关心我们的所爱的人。 如果我希望 我的儿子记住我是一个慈爱的父母,我现在应 该如何行动?在紧张的情况下我该怎么跟他说 话?我优先考虑看屏幕上的节目还是花时间和 我儿子一起建造乐高?我们每时每刻做出的每 一个决定都将以我们的价值观为指导,成为一 位慈爱的父母。

Bibliography 参考资料:


我们对谈论生死的开放态度,也是对帮助 儿童了解生命的自然循环至关重要的。 尽力为 他们提供这个空间来谈论他们的感受,而不是 封闭他们。用简单的事实回答他们的问题。支 持他们参与与我们亲近的人的生活,包括有关 生命意义的仪式或庆典。 我们可以诚实地谈论 当我们为离世的家人和朋友悲伤时我们的感 受。 让他们知道,这是可以被理解的,也是完全 正常的。通过故事书或电影,我们可以与孩子 一同探索生命的意义。 有这么一本让人爱不释 手的书,叫做《一生》 ,作者是Brian Melloni (布 赖恩·梅洛尼),可算得上是向孩子们解释死亡 的有用工具(见Youtube链接)。每一个生命都 有一个开始和结束,在这两者之间,就是活着。 或许还可以看看最近的迪斯尼电影“Soul” 《心 灵奇旅》怎么样?

• Menzies, R. E. (2018). Death Anxiety: The Worm at the Core of Mental Health, InPsych: The bulletin of the Australian Psychological Society Limited, Volume 40 Issue 6, pg 9-13.


另一个“关于生命周期课”的大课堂便是 大自然。 大自然提供了许多机会来培养人对生 命的认识和欣赏。它会拉孩子们去任何地方, 弄脏他们的小手小脚,无论是在丛林还是沙 滩,去发现、去冒险、去实验、去创新甚至是即 兴发挥,他们都会借此亲身经历感受生活在大 自然里的快乐。 真正经历过大自然中那些神奇 时刻的孩子更有可能学会欣赏生活。 关于大自 然中不同生物的一生,可以进行许多指导性的 谈话,并将它们与我们在地球上的一生联系起 来。 可能会有人谈论人类如何依赖自然和环境 保护的重要性。 这种好奇和开放式的游戏与玩耍很难被 新科技所取代。过去的孩子花更多的时间在 自然界中。他们在小溪里抓鱼,在海滩上捡贝 壳。他们观察青蛙、昆虫和其他小动物在自然 界中的相互作用。相比之下,现在的孩子坐在 沙发上,在iPad上观看关于青蛙的视频。我们 听到太多关于儿童或青少年评论”生活毫无意 义”或当他们在生活中遇到挫折时过于轻易地 放弃生命的故事。 也许当他们看到生命的奇迹 时,他们会有不同的想法?我也很想知道。毕 竟,我们不只是”观望”我们的生活是如何展开 的,我们更要积极地构建和体验我们想要的生 活,就在此时,就在这里。从现在开始,就让这 份领悟慢慢地浸入到孩子的内心吧。


• Mellonie, B. (1983). Lifetimes: The Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children. Random House USA Inc: New York, United States •



Ask the GP Dr Mira graduated from Melbourne University Medical School in 2006. Dr Mira is very passionate about her work in general practice as well as cosmetic medicine. She is fluent in both English and Mandarin, and has many years of experience caring for communities with different cultural and social diversity, and she enjoys interacting and helping patients of all backgrounds and ages.



I am approaching 60 years old. It is pretty common that many of my friends have high blood pressure issues. Is it worth buying a blood pressure monitor? Can you teach me what readings on the monitor may be of concern and that may require me to start taking medication? Is it true that, once prescribed with high blood pressure medication, it is a life-long process? Yes, it is very important to have a blood pressure monitor at home, if there are concerns for blood pressure issues. The readings that may cause concern for high blood pressure would be: if your systolic blood pressure is more than 130 mmHg and your diastolic blood pressure is more than 80 mmHg. However, there are certain medical conditions that require stricter monitoring. Once medication is prescribed, it is most likely that it will be required to be taken as a life-long process, unless one is good at improving diet, exercise and weight, to try to reduce high blood pressure issues.


I am elderly and in my 70’s, I mostly spend my day at home. I am still considering whether to take up the offer to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Is it safe? The COVID-19 vaccine has passed the Australian government’ s safety assessment for wider community vaccination. So, currently there are many people who have already taken up the offer of getting vaccinated against COVID-19. However, there are risks and benefits of having the COVID-19 vaccination, that you need to understand and discuss with your doctor prior to receiving the vaccine. It is important to understand and accept the risks of possible severe complications, like thrombosis or death. The long-term safety of the COVID-19 vaccination is yet to be determined, with more research and evaluation needed.

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue


Four years ago, when I was pregnant with my second child, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Would this experience increase my chances of developing diabetes in the long term? What can I do to reduce these chances? Once you have gestational diabetes, it puts you at a higher risk of developing diabetes. Therefore, it is advisable to have regular check-ups with your own general practice doctor. A balanced diet, exercise and weight control can assist in minimising the risks of developing diabetes.


My three year-old child easily gets nose bleeds, especially during seasonal changes. Is this common in Australia due to its dry weather or does it depend on individual body conditions? Nose bleeding is a very common issue in Australia due to the dry weather. Those who have frequent nasal inflammation and infections are even more prone to having nasal bleeding. If you have repetitive nasal bleeds, it is important to see your own doctor for further check-ups to ensure that there are no other causes for the nose bleeds.


I am turning 68 years old soon. I have found that my hearing is getting worse. Just wondering what the procedures are for me to have a check up and perhaps get a hearing aid? If you have noticed that your hearing is getting worse, seeing your own doctor for a referral for a hearing test is essential. And from there, if your hearing reduction can be improved with hearing aids, usually the audiologist will recommend a hearing aid and also assist you with applying for a hearing aid.


I am quite a skinny Asian and in my 40’s. I am worried that I may have osteoporosis later in my life, as I didn’t drink much milk and hardly do any sport under the sun when I was young. Is it too late to start now? What can I do to avoid getting osteoporosis ? It is never too late to start drinking milk and taking calcium, vitamin D or any other bone improving supplements to prevent osteoporosis. It is also important to have a balanced food intake, regular exercise, including weight bearing exercises to further strengthen your bone density. This will help you minimise your osteoporosis progression.



她能说流利的英语和普通话,并拥有多年参与各个多元文化社区的医护经验,并且享受与不同类型和年龄 段的患者进行互动,给他们提供帮助。


我接近六十岁,我身边的朋 友普遍都有高血压的问题。 请问我是否应该买一台血压测 量器?您可以教我血压高低的测 量法和什么情况下需要吃降血 压的药物?请问一旦被诊断要吃 降高血压的药物,是否真的这一 辈子都要长期吃这药呢? 如果您对血压问题有顾虑,家里有一台血压 监测仪是非常重要的。需要担心有高血压的 范围是,如果您的收缩压超过 130 mmHg, 舒张血压超过 80 mmHg。


四年前,当我怀二胎的时候, 被检验出患有妊辰糖尿病。 请问这样的经历是否导致我患 上糖尿病的风险更高?我应该怎 样才能降低患上糖尿病的风险 呢? 一旦您患有妊娠期糖尿病,患有糖尿病的风 险就会更高。因此,建议与自己的普通医生定 期检查。如果您想降低患糖尿病的风险,拥有 均衡的饮食、运动和体重控制有助于降低患 上糖尿病的风险。


我即将68岁了,我感觉自己 的听力越来越差。请问要做 听力检测或要求助听器需要经 过什么程序呢?


如果您发现您的听力越来越差,您最少要去 看家庭医生转诊去做听力测试检查。然后,如 果您听力变弱的原因可以用助听器来改善, 听力测试师会推荐您用助听器,也会协你助 您申请助听器。

然而,某些人有更严重的健康状况,需要更严 格的监测控制。一旦开始吃药,很可能需要终 身吃药,除非这一个人非常努力尝试改善饮 食,运动和体重去减少高血压的问题。



然而,在接种疫苗之前,您需要咨询您的医生 接种新冠病毒疫苗的风险和好处。更重要的 是,人们需要了解接种新冠病毒疫苗可能的 严重并发症的风险:如血栓或死亡。

如果您有重复的鼻出血,重要的是看自己的 医生去做进一步检查,以确保没有其他危险 原因导致鼻子出血。

我是一名七十多岁的老人, 常常呆在家中。我还在考虑 是否接种新冠病毒疫苗,安全 吗? 新冠病毒的疫苗已经通过了政府安全评估, 然后推广给众人去接种疫苗。因此,目前有很 多人已经去接种了新冠病毒疫苗。

新冠病毒疫苗的接种还有待时间观察, 研究 和评估接种后长远的安全性。

我三岁的孩子经常出现流 鼻血的症状,尤其气候转变 的季节。这种情况在澳大利亚是 否常见,还是因人而异? 由于澳大利亚天气干燥,鼻子出血是一个很 常见的问题。那些经常有鼻窦炎和呼吸道感 染的人更容易鼻出血。

If you would like Dr Mira to answer your medical question, email it to communications@ before 10 June 2021


我是一位相当瘦削的亚裔 长者,四十多岁。我担心往 后的日子可能会患上骨骼疏松 症,因为我年轻时少喝鲜奶,也 鲜少在太阳底下做运动。现在才 开始会太晚吗?我可以如何避免 成为骨骼疏松症的病患呢? 如果你现在开始喝牛奶和服用钙、维生素D或 任何其他改善骨骼的补充剂以防止骨质疏松 症永远不会太晚。

同样非常重要的是要有一个平衡的食物摄入 量,定期的运动量,以进一步加强你的骨密 度。这将有助于你尽量减缓骨质疏松症的进 展。 如果您想请Mira医生解答您的医疗问题,可以 在2021年6月10日之前把问题发至本刊编辑部 电邮



Bringing Forth a Golden Era



his year, Chung Wah Community and Aged Care (CAC) officially launched the “Golden Years” theme: a bold vision that utilises community centre activities to break the traditional concept of old age and a goal for our seniors to live a beautiful life. Our CEO, Ms. Theresa Kwok, continues to rally our community to encourage our seniors to take better care of themselves, dress in something that makes them happy,

and have a little fun each day. The initiative took hold during this year’s Harmony Week celebration at our CAC Balcatta and Willetton community hubs, where our seniors put our CEO’s message into action.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of “Harmony Week”, our seniors each wore their national costume to exchange their cultural traditions. The charming participants showcased their vibrant traditional outfits, from Vietnamese Ao Dai, Malay Baju Melayu to Chinese Cheongsams. The energetic displays of costumes made the participants feel energetic, while recapturing their youthful spirits. Smiling shyly, our seniors strolled carefree, in a catwalk style parade. As they walked back and forth across the stage, showcasing their elegance, maturity and charming characters, it was like a breath of fresh air for the audience, making them envy their wonderful “Golden Era”. These seemingly small and rather shy steps into the

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

limelight, help our seniors raise their heads and take a leap forward to boost their selfconfidence, allowing their inner beauty to shine through. Recognising their outer and inner beauty enables a more optimistic and positive attitude that emits magic, creating an atmosphere of joy at the community hub and in their everyday lives. With this and other centre-based activities, our seniors’ age becomes just a number as they regain the youth and vitality of the “Golden Era” with a bright smile all around. As long as there is faith in our community and our seniors, we firmly believe that we can all realise the “Golden Era”. Even though the concept may take a little effort to grasp, in the end, the result is definitely worthwhile!




年,中华CAC展开了「黄金岁月」的主题:一个无畏的愿景、一个利用 社区中心活动来打破对年老传统观念的计划、一个令长者重获美丽人生 的梦想。CAC追求的不是单纯的外在美,而是历久犹新、追求有意义生活、热 爱生命的内在美。 CAC总干事郭郑素雯女士在不同的场 合,不断地呼吁:「长者要更爱惜自己,添一 些漂亮的衣服,尽情地释放自己的美」。潜 移默化,一场小小的「变革」在上周巴卡达 (Balcatta) 和威乐顿 (Willetton) 社区中心庆祝 「和谐周」活动里爆发出来。社区中心的长者 们用实际行动回应了总干事的呼吁。 藉着「和谐周」交流文化传统的机会,长 者们各自穿着自己民族的服饰,展现出他们永 不言老的神采。风姿绰约的参与者,穿上合体 修身、色彩缤纷的越式长袄、马来服装和中国 的旗袍和秀禾装。色彩艳丽的服饰,使他们精 神抖擞,心态变得年轻起来。长者面带着腼腆 的笑容,用轻盈的步伐,曼妙的身姿走起「猫 步」。欣赏着他们在台中穿梭往返的身影,举

手投足间散发着端庄大方和成熟的气质和风 度,现场的观众们如沐春风,不自禁地羡慕 起他们精彩的「黄金岁月」。 长者们抬头挺胸地走台步,他们变得 自信、勇敢和乐观。由内而外的自信,让他 们更愿意积极地展示内和外的美。长者们热 爱生活和乐观积极的心态散发着一股魔力, 营造了现场欢乐的氛围。在CAC中心的活动 中,他们忘了年纪,重拾青春时朝气蓬勃的 「黄金岁月」,每个人的脸上都绽放着灿烂 的笑容。 CAC仝人相信只要信念一直在,就总 有被回应的一天。那怕开始时无人理解,但 最终会获得广大的回响 - 念念不忘、必有 回响!

Do not hesitate to contact us at 9328 3988 or email us today at Let’s start this wonderful journey to make the world a better place!

如果你愿意一起共创这个美好的社区,迎致电9328 3988查询或电邮联络 如果您想了解更多关于中华CAC的 活动和服务,欢迎您扫描二维码关注CAC 微信公众号,或关注我们Facebook 账号: Chung Wah Community and Aged Care, 您也可以拨打我们的咨询电话 9328 3988 了解更多资讯。 If you would like to know more about Chung Wah CAC, please scan the QR code to subscribe to our WeChat account. You can also follow our Facebook page Chung Wah Community and Aged Care. Furthermore, you can dial our number 93283988 to seek more information.

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电子邮件 Email: 地址 Address: 2/98 Lake Street. Northbridge.

主页 Facebook: Chung Wah Community and Aged Care 微信 WeChat: ChungWahCAC华人服务在珀斯

请扫描二维码以关注我们的微信公众号 Please scan the following QR code to follow our WeChat Subscription Account




文◎Australian Department of Home and Affairs 澳大利亚民政事务部 | 译◎Lily Wang 王金媛

Know about Your Rights when Facing Family and Domestic violence Family and domestic violence (FDV) is any conduct that makes you fear for your or your family’s safety and wellbeing. Family and domestic violence is not acceptable under any circumstances. It can include: • physical violence (punching, hitting, kicking, pushing, choking) • sexual assault • abuse (verbal, emotional, financial or technology facilitated) • controlling behaviour • stalking • abuse of the elderly • forced isolation or economic deprivation, including dowry-related abuse.

COVID-19 may lead to increased rates of FDV with additional risks for women and children, particularly with the introduction of necessary movement restrictions and isolation measures. If you or someone you know is in danger or a life-threatening situation, call Police on 000. Police in Australia are safe and can be trusted. Under no circumstances does the Department encourage visa applicants to remain in violent situations for a visa outcome. People experiencing FDV are encouraged to seek assistance from service providers and notify the Department. You can ask the police or your local court about getting a protection order to protect yourself and your family.

Getting help If you are experiencing FDV, you can contact a range of support agencies in your local area. For a list of support services see immi., including: • National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family violence Counselling Service or 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) • Lifeline or 13 11 44 • Family Violence Law Help or 1800 737 732 If you need an interpreter contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) at au/ or 131 450 (24/7). For information on Australia’s laws regarding FDV, sexual assault, forced marriage, and a woman’s right to safety, download the Department of Social Services’ Family Safety Pack, available in 46 languages.

Other Services for culturally and linguistically diverse people Multicultural Women’s Advocacy and Support: promotes the safety of women from migrant, refugee, or culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Outreach services are in Rockingham, Fremantle, Gosnells, Mirrabooka and Northbridge. Phone: (08) 9328 1200 or (08) 9227 8122 Multicultural Services Centre of WA: provides a range of programs and services to migrants and refugees. Phone: (08) 9328 2699 Centrelink – Multicultural and Multilingual Services: Speak with a skilled bilingual service officer about Centrelink payments and services. Phone: 131 202 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm) Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre: Aims to safeguard the rights of ethnic people with disabilities and their families. Phone: (08) 9388 7455; free call 1800 659 921

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

Can a perpetrator of family and domestic violence cancel my visa or any visa application I have made? No, only the Minister or a delegated officer has the power to refuse or cancel a person’s visa. People experiencing family violence will NOT have their visa cancelled if their relationship breaks down because of FDV. This includes those on a temporary visa.

How do I find out what type of visa I have? • Log into your ImmiAccount: online. • To check your visa status or visa conditions log into VEVO: immi.

How do I contact the Department about family and domestic violence? Depending on your situation, you may be able to advise us in one of the following ways: • Submit a completed Form 1022; • Phone 131 881; • Complete the online form on the ‘change in your situation’ page on the Home Affairs website; • Contact your processing officer directly; or • Send a letter to your nearest office. You should tell us if your relationship, situation or contact details have changed at help-support/contact-us Unless there is an immediate threat to your life or an immediate risk of harm and where mandatory child reporting obligations exist, we will not refer the matter to the police (if you have not already done so) without your consent.

What can happen to perpetrators of domestic and family violence? If the perpetrator of FDV is a visa holder, their visa can be cancelled. This depends on individual circumstances. Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to take out a protection order and possibly pursue criminal charges against them.

Can I apply for consideration under the family violence provisions? If you hold a temporary Partner (subclass 309) visa granted outside Australia, are an applicant or holder of a Partner (subclass 820) visa in Australia, a Prospective Marriage (subclass 300) visa holder who has married their sponsor, or a dependent applicant for a Distinguished Talent (subclass 858) visa and you have experienced FDV you can apply for consideration under the family violence provisions. These provisions provide protections for an applicant to continue with their permanent visa application despite the breakdown of their relationship, if they or a member of their family unit have experienced FDV committed by their sponsor. To meet these provisions, the FDV must have occurred while the relationship with the sponsor existed and the relationship must have been genuine prior to it ending. Claims must be supported by evidence. If your claims are accepted, you must also meet all other visa criteria, including health, character and security checks to be eligible for a permanent visa. See getting-a-visa/visa-listing/partneronshore/family-violence-and-yourvisa and If you are the primary visa applicant, and the dependent applicant is perpetrating FDV against you, you can request they be removed from your visa application. If you are a dependent applicant, you may need to apply for another visa in your own right or make arrangements to depart Australia.

How can I access income support and Medicare? Information about income support, welfare entitlements or Medicare eligibility is provided by Services Australia. See visit


Frequently asked questions

Is there support for temporary visa holders experiencing family and domestic violence? The Government has allocated $13 million in funding to Red Cross to provide emergency relief to temporary visa holders. Temporary visa holders can also access relief services from other community organisations that received $200 million in new funding.


This funding provides small one-off emergency relief payments to people on temporary visas who have no way to support themselves to meet their basic needs like food, medicine or shelter. The funding is not be available to people who are eligible for State or Territory support for temporary visa holders (except those delivered by the Red Cross). See www. help-for-migrants-intransition

How do I remove my visa application from other ImmiAccounts? It is important to set up your own ImmiAccount, and remove your application from any other ImmiAccounts (e.g. your former partner or migration agent). • Create your own ImmiAccount • Request removal of your application from an agent or sponsor’s ImmiAccount, and transfer your application to your new ImmiAccount through the ImmiAccount ‘Technical Support Form’.

“ The Department of Home Affairs is committed to working with victims of family and domestic violence to resolve your situation under the migration law framework.”





在面对 家庭暴力时 了解您的权利 家庭暴力(Family and Domestic Violence, 以下简称为 FDV)是指任何 导致您担心自身及家人安全和福祉的行为。在任 何情况下,家庭暴力都是不能被接受的。它可以包括: • 身体暴力(拳打脚踢、推挤、窒息) • 性侵犯 • 侮辱,滥用(语言、情感、 财务或技术便利) • 控制行为

• 跟踪 • 虐待老年人 • 强迫隔离(限制人身自由)或经济 剥削,包括对嫁妆(婚前财产) 的掠夺及侵占。

家庭暴力的加害者 可以取消我的签证或我提出的 任何签证申请吗? 不,只有部长 或专职官员有权 拒 绝或 取 消一个人的签证。 如果因FDV而关系破裂,遭受家庭暴力 的人不会被取消签证。这包括那些持有临时 签证的人。

如何查询我持有 何种类型的签证? 登录您的ImmiAccount:online.immi.来查询您的签证状态, 或登录VEVO:immi.homeaf visas/already-have-a-visa-details-andconditions/overview 查询签证条件及条款。

如何就家庭暴力问题 与有关部门联系? 根据您的情况,您可以通过以下方式向 我们提供建议: • 提交填写完整的表格 1022;

COVID-19可能导致FDV发生率上升,给妇女和儿童带来额外的 风险,特别是政府要求下的必要的活动限制和隔离措施。 如果您或您认识的人处于危险之中或有生命受到威胁,请拨打 000 报警。澳 大利亚的警察是安全,值得信任的。 在任何情况下,政府部门都不会鼓励签证申请人在等待签证结果时仍旧忍辱负重。 应鼓励家庭暴力受害人向政府部门报告事态并向有关机构寻求帮助。 您可以向警方或当地法院询问如何获得人身安全保护令以保护您自己和家人。

获得帮助 如 果 遭 遇 到 家 庭 暴 力,您 可 以 联 系 当 地 的 一 系 列 援 助 机 构 。对 于 援 助 及 支 持 服 务 机 构 的 列 表 ,请 参 阅,其中还包括: • 澳大利亚国家性侵犯 与家庭暴力咨询服务 或 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732). • 生命热线 或 13 11 44。 • 家庭暴力法帮助 或 1800 737 732。 如 果 您 需 要 翻 译 , 请 登 录 t i s n a t i o n a l . g o v. a u 或拨打 131 450 (24/7) 联系翻译和口译服务 如若想要了解更多有关FDV的澳大 利亚法律、性侵犯、强 迫 婚姻和妇女权 利保障等各项法律信息,请下载社会服 务部的家庭安全指南,此文件被翻译为 46种语言的版本。

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

为不同文化需要及使用多种 语言的民众设置的服务机构 多元文化妇女权力维护与支持: 促进来自移民、难民或文化和语言多样 化背景的妇女的安全维护。外展服务点 设在Rockingham/Fremantle, Gosnells, Mirrabooka 和 Northbridge。 电话:(08)9328 1200 或 (08)9227 8122 西澳大利亚州多元文化服务中心: 为移民和难民提供一系列方案和服务。 电话: (08)9328 2699. Centrelink-多元文化和多语种服务: 与熟练的双语服务官员谈论 Centrelink的经济补助和服务。 电话:131 202 星期一至星期五,上午8时至下午5时 种族残疾宣传中心: 旨在保障少数民族、残疾人 及其家庭的权利。 电话:(08) 9388 7455; 免费电话 1800 659 921

• 至电 131 881; • 在民政事务部网站上的”更改个人信息”页 面上填写在线表格; • 直接联系您的审核官;或 • 以信件方式邮递到最近的服务中心办公室。 同时您有责任告知我们您的家庭关系、现 况或联系方式是否在 au/help-support/contact-us 有所改变。 除非您的生命或人身安全受到直接的威 胁,以及有关儿童的任何情况的上报义务,否 则未经您的同意,我们不会将您的事件提交给 警方(尤其是您本人尚未提交于警方处理)。

家庭暴力中加害者的签证 会发生什么变动么? 如果FDV的加害者是签证持有人,他们的 签证可以被取消。这取决于个别情况。 根据您的情况,您也许有权申请人身安 全保护令,并可以对加害者提起刑事诉讼。

我可以根据家庭暴力条款 申请签证保留审议吗? 如果您持有在澳大利亚境外获得的临时 伴侣(309类)签证,或者您是已居澳大利亚 的配偶(820类)签证的申请人或持有者,或 已与担保人结婚的准婚(300类)签证持 有 者,或身为已获得杰出人才(858类)签证的 受抚养者(或依赖者)申请人,那么如果您遭 受到了FDV, 您可以借助家庭暴力条款申请 签证保留审议。

为了符合条款的规定,FDV必须在与担保 人关系存在时发生,而且这个关系在结束之 前必须是真实的。 申诉必须有证据支持。如果您的申请被 接受,您还必须符合其他的所有签证标准, 包括健康、品性和安全检查,才有资格 获得 永久签证。 详情请参阅immi.homeaf visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/partneronshore/family-violence-and-yourvisa和 如果您是 主要的签证申请人,而附属申 请人对您实施 FDV,您可以请求将他们从您 的签证申请中删除。如果您是附属申请人, 您可能需要自行申请另一个签证或安排离开 澳大利亚。

如何获得收入保障津贴 和政府医疗保险? 有关收入保障 津贴、福利权利或 政 府医 疗保险资格的信息由澳大利亚服务部提供。 请参阅访问

文◎Jen Nie Chong 张娟妮 | 译◎Lily Wang 王金媛

是否有机构服务帮助遭受家庭 暴力的临时签证持有者? 政 府 已 拨 款 一 千三 百 万 澳 元 给 红十 字 会,为临时 签证持 有者提供紧急救济。其他 的社区组织及机构也受到了政府新一轮注入 的2亿澳元资金,临时 签证持 有者也可以 接 受到他们的帮助。 这笔资金向持有临时签证的人提供小额 一次性紧急救济金,这些人无法以一己之力 来满足在食物、药品或住所方面等的基本需 求。资金不提供给有资格获得国家或地域保 障的临时签证持有者(红十字会提供的受帮 助者除外)。请参阅 news-and-media/news/help-for-migrantsintransition

我需要如何 从其他 ImmiAccount中 删除我的签证申请? 创建您自己的ImmiAccount实为重要, 随即您便可以从任何其他ImmiAccount(例 如您的前合作伙伴或迁移代理)中删除您签 证申请。 • 创建您自己的ImmiAccount


这些条款 及措施为申请人提供保 护,如 果她/他们或其家庭成员遭受到了家庭暴力, 那么即使申请人与其担保人的关系破裂,其 仍可继续进行永久签证的申请。

• 请求从代 理 或保荐人的ImmiAccount中 删除您的签证申请,并通过 ImmiAccount 里的”技术协助表”将您的签证申请转移到 您的新 ImmiAccount中。

民政事务部致力于与 家庭暴力受害者合作, 依据国家移民法框架, 来帮助您解决在 家庭暴力中的处境


Meet and Greet with the WA Police Cannington Family Violence Team 与西澳大利亚州警察Cannington家庭暴力小组见面并问候

n Tuesday 20 April, Chung Wah O Honorary Secretary, Jen Nie Chong attended a ‘meet and greet’ with the WA Police regarding family violence.

The meeting was organised by the Department of Home Affairs, WA Community Engagement Team for female community leaders to meet with the WA Police Cannington Family Violence Team (CFVT) at Kensington Police Station. The purpose of the meeting was to establish direct relationships between communities and the CFVT, build familiarity and trust, and discuss any community safety concerns, including family safety. Female community leaders from the Sikh, Indian, Maori, Pacific Islands, Chinese and Tamil communities attended the meeting, which will be a regular meeting every three months.

华会 馆荣誉秘书长张 娟妮在4 月20日(星期二)代表出席了与 西澳警方就家庭暴力问题举行的”见 面会”。


利亚州警察Cannington家庭暴力小组(CFVT)会面。 会议的目的是在社区和CFVT之间建立直接关系, 加强熟悉和信任,并讨论任何相关社区安全问题,包括家庭安全。来自锡克教、印度、毛利、太平洋岛

国、华人和泰米尔等社区的女性领袖出席了会议,此项会议未来也被立为每三个月举行一次的例会。 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版


Learn to Swim and Survive 学习游泳和生存 文◎Royal Life Saving WA 西澳皇家救生机构 | 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

ustralia is a diverse nation, with almost half of Australians either A born overseas themselves or with a parent who was, while more than 7.5 million people have migrated to Australia since 1945.


Sadly, many of those coming to Australia from overseas lack the vital swimming and water safety skills required to fully enjoy our water-loving lifestyle, and this can have tragic consequences. Western Australian statistics show that over the past ten years 39% of drowning deaths in WA involved a person born overseas. – that’s 134 multicultural West Australians who’ve lost their lives to drowning. Of these, 61% were from a nonEnglish speaking country.

Royal Life Saving WA is a not-for-profit community service organisation that aims to prevent drowning and promote safe participation in water activities. Research has found that within multicultural groups there are alarmingly low participation levels in swimming and water safety programs, while their awareness of the importance of swimming and water safety and lifesaving skills is significantly lower than the rest of the population. This contributes to their over-representation in drowning statistics.

The organisation works in partnership with Principal Community Partner BHP, The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries and the Australian Government Department of Health to address this issue. A key objective of Royal Life Saving WA is to introduce the Swim and Survive swimming

and water safety program to all cultural groups across WA. This program is aligned to the National Swimming and Water Safety Framework and teaches a range of skills and knowledge in swimming, water safety and basic rescue skills. Importantly program participants not only learn “how” to swim, but “when and where” to do so safely. The Swim and Survive program is delivered by a network of more than 140 Royal Life Saving Endorsed Swim Schools across Western Australia. These swim schools are committed to providing quality water safety education through the use of qualified instructors, effective class sizes, safe aquatic environments and the use of the Royal Life Saving Swim and Survive curriculum. Royal Life Saving WA Senior Manager Education, Trent Hotchkin says, “We continue to work hard right across Western Australia, partnering with relevant community groups to ensure those from all cultural and social backgrounds acquire vital swimming and water safety skills. We are committed to

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

teaching every child to Swim & Survive, and we recognise that this task is even more important given WA’s climate and lifestyle that encourages so much activity in and on the water. We’re determined to ensure each new generation acquires these skills, and no-one misses out, no matter who they are or where they live.”

Royal Life Saving WA provides Women’s Only and Men’s Only swimming lessons to cater for the needs of multicultural participants. As part of these classes important information is shared regarding cultural appropriate swimwear which is safe for use in water activities. We also provide targeted classes for multicultural children, enabling them to learn swimming and water safety skills to safely participate with their friends and swimming and other water sports. Royal Life Saving WA is also active out of the water, providing water safety talks and Heart Beat Club sessions throughout the year. These classes teach water safety skills along with basic first aid and CPR awareness.


过七百五十万移民来到澳大利亚。然而,这些海外移民当中有不 少缺乏了重要的游泳技巧和水上安全知识,致使他们无法完全 享受水上活动,甚至发生悲剧。 西 澳 大 利亚 的 数 据显 示,过去 十 年在西澳遇溺死亡率,有39%的受害者 是海外出生的移民,即有一百三十四来 自多元文化背景的西澳 人不幸 遇 溺身 亡。这个人数的61%是来自非英语国家 的移民。 西澳皇家救生机构是一家非营利 社区服务组织,旨在预防溺水事件并促 进 安全 参 与水上活 动。研 究调查 显示 多元文化社区在游泳和水上安全项目 方面的参与度很低。相比澳大利亚的主 要人口,他们对游泳的重要性和水上安 全,以及救生技巧的意识相对非常低。 这原因促使他们在溺毙的数据上居高 不下。 这机构与主要 社区伙伴必和必拓 BHP、西澳当地政府、体育和文化部以 及澳大利亚卫生部,共同应对此现象。 西澳皇家救生机构的主要宗旨就是要 推介游泳和生存游泳项目和水上安全 计划给全西澳的不同文化背景人群。这 个项目与全国游泳和水上安全标准相 符,且教授一系列的游泳技巧和知识、 水上安全 和基 本 救 生 技巧。重要的是 项目参加者不仅学习如何游泳,还包括 在合适的时间和地点才能保证安全。 皇家救 生机构在西澳有超过一百 四十所合作的游泳学校可以提供游泳

和生存游泳 项目。这 些 游泳学 校 致 力 于提供高质量的水上安全教育,有符合 资格的教练、标准的学生人数、安全的 水上环境,以及使用皇家救生游泳和生 存教程。 皇家救生机构的高级教育经理 Trent Hotchkin表示:“我们将继续努力 与全西澳的相关社区组织合作,确保来 自不同文化 和社会背景的人群 学习重 要的游泳和水上安全技巧。我们全力教 导每个孩子游泳和生存,这个任务在西 澳尤为重要,原因在于西澳的气候和生 活方 式 非常适合水上活 动。我们决 意 要确保每位新一代学习到这些技能, 无论他们是谁或住在哪里。“ 西澳皇家救生机构分别提供给女 士和男士的游泳课程,以配合多元文化 参与者的需求。这些课程的重要一环之 一就是 选择符合文化 标准 且可以安全 使用的游泳装。我们也给来自多元文化 背景的孩子提供课程,让他们学习游泳 和水上安全技能,以让他们可以安全和 其他朋友去游泳和参加水上活动。

For those experiencing barriers to participation in swimming and water safety education Royal Life Saving WA has a number of programs available to assist. You can find out more by contacting the Royal Life Saving WA Access and Equity team You can find a Royal Life Saving Endorsed Swim School by visiting https://



对于在参加游泳和水上安全教育上面对障 碍的社区朋友,西澳皇家救生机构有一系列的 教育课程帮助您。您可以联系西澳皇家救生机 构的咨询团队,电子邮箱 您可以在以下网站查询皇家救生机构的合 作游泳学校 swimschools


Royal Life Saving WA

12 McGillivray Road, Mount Claremont Ph: 9383 8200

E: accessandequity@royallifesavingwa.

西澳皇家救生机构也积极地提供 一些离开水以外的指导,全年我们都会 提供一些包括水上安全技能和急救课 程。这些课程教导学员水上安全技能, 包括基本的急救和人工呼吸的知识。



Getting to know the Pilbara in a different way



Eight years ago, I moved to Australia from Taiwan. Relocating to Karratha in late 2018, I worked for the City of Karratha as a cultural event manager. I currently work for the WA State government and also work as the project officer for the Pilbara universities centre. My work involves helping the culturally and linguistically diverse community to access services, such as English courses, migrant mental health support and integration assistance.


我来自台湾,现 在已经在澳大 利亚生活了将 近八年。我在2018 年底搬到卡拉萨,曾任卡拉萨市 府的文化活动主管。我目前为西 澳州政府工作,同时也是皮尔巴 拉区域大学教育中心的专案人 员,协助多元文化背景移民取得 更多的社区服务,如英语课程、 移民 心理健 康支 持 和帮助移民 融入当地社区。

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue


iving in the Pilbara for the last three years has been an eye-opening experience for me, exploring this region with rich natural resources.

The Pilbara and Mining The Pilbara region, located in the northern part of Western Australia, is rich in mineral resources and remains one of the world’s largest suppliers of iron ore. The Pilbara region covers a vast area, but has just over 60,000 residents across the region, most of whom are settled in the two major cities – Karratha and Port Hedland. Karratha, located approximately 1,550 km north of Perth, is known for its iron ore, oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG) industries, and is today, the major city of the Pilbara region. According to the 2016 Australian Bureau of Statistics Census, there were 22,716 people living in Karratha. However, the population is constantly changing because most of the population is here only to work, such as fly-in fly-out (FIFO) mining workers, engineers, project managers and building contractors, and then, once their work is completed (which can be a few weeks to a few years) they will leave Karratha and go back to their urban lives.

Port Hedland is a city about two hours drive northeast of Karratha. Almost all of Australia’s iron ore is shipped from Port Hedland to the rest of the world, and it remains Australia’s largest bulk export. Based on the statistics of the Pilbara Port Authority, 540 million tonnes of iron ore were exported from Port Hedland in 2020. However, due to the severe air and water pollution caused

by the transport of iron ore, many residents have relocated from Port Hedland to the neighbouring cities of South Hedland and Karratha.

I was impressed to see the coverage of mining stories in Pilbara when I visited the newly opened WA Boola Bardip Museum. I particularly liked to watch the controversial film made about the two-kilometre-long autonomous train, which began its service in July 2018, and is monitored and controlled remotely from Perth. It carries the iron ore from mining sites to Port Hedland every six hours. Assuming that the price of iron ore is USD100 / tonne, then this train is carrying approximately AUD4 million in one ride. Iron ore is a profitable export of Australia, supporting the Australian government and the state economy.

Early Chinese in the Pilbara The earliest Asian population in the Pilbara can be traced back to 1870, when the pearl industry took off in Cossack Town. Most of the workers from Asia were Japanese, Malays and some Chinese. In addition to pearl divers, some Asians came as traders, ship cooks, carpenters and laundromat owners. It is a challenge to try to identify the total number of Asian settlers in the Pilbara, as early Asian arrivals were not included in the Census. Asians were also not allowed to participate in any

However, in the late 19th century, a few severe tropical cyclones devastated the town, destroying all the ships and most of the buildings. Since then, many of the pearl divers relocated north to Broome and some people moved to nearby towns, such as Roebourne, Wickham and other towns.

According to historical records, the population of Roebourne in 1901 consisted of 78 Asians, 232 Australians, Europeans and Americans, and two Africans (the Aboriginal population was not included in the Census at the time). In 1961, Roebourne became the Shire of Roebourne. After decades of development, the town was officially granted City status on 1 July 2014, and the administrative office was moved to the centre of Karratha, which was renamed the City of Karratha.

活在皮尔巴拉区域的三年里,探索这个天然资源丰富地区 的经历让我大开眼界。

皮尔巴拉区域与矿业 皮尔巴拉 区 域 位于西 澳 大 利 亚 州的北 部,蕴藏着非常丰富的矿产资源,至今 仍是 全球铁矿砂供应量最大的区域之一。皮尔巴 拉地区占地虽广,但整个地区只有六万多位居 民,且大部分的人口都集中在卡拉萨与黑德 兰港 两大城市。

卡拉萨(市),位于珀斯以北 约1550公 里处,以铁矿业、石油和液化天然气工业而 闻名,现今为皮尔巴拉地区的主要城市。根 据2016年澳大利亚统计局的人口普查,共有 22,716人居住在卡拉萨。然而,当地人口数量 一直不断在变化,因为大多数的人口来这里 只是为了工作,如飞进飞出矿工、工程师、项 目经理和建筑承包商等,他们的工作项目— 通常是数周至数年—一旦工作完成后他们就 会离开这里,回到大城市生活。 黑德兰港(市),位于卡拉萨东北方约两 个小时车程的城市。全澳大利亚的铁矿几乎 都从这里输出至世界各国,目前仍为澳大利 亚大宗出口量最大的港口,根据皮尔巴拉港 务局的统计数据显示,2020年全年,黑德兰 港的铁矿砂出口量达到了5.4亿吨。但由于大 量铁 矿 砂 运 输带来 严重的空气污染 和水污 染,许多居民也纷纷搬离黑德兰港,移居到南 黑德兰市及卡拉萨。

近 期,当我 到 珀 斯 参 观 新 开 幕 的 西 澳 Boola Bardip博物馆时,对皮尔巴拉矿业故事 的展示印象深刻。特别是一段具有争议并发 人深省的短片,这段短片是关于一辆从2018 年7月开始由珀斯远距操控的自动驾驶列车: ” 这列火车长两公里,每隔六个小时就会运载 一趟铁矿砂送往黑德兰港,假设铁矿砂的价 格为每吨100美元,则一辆满载的火车价值将 接近400万澳元。这些铁矿砂是澳大利亚利


European activities, so they developed their own culture of celebration. They made a traditional Chinese dragon out of cloth material and celebrated Christmas and Chinese New Year with dragon dances through the streets of Cossack and Roebourne. During the Cossack’s peak, there were two Chinese shops, a Chinese bakery and a Japanese store. The Chinese were traditionally good at gardening, so a Chinese market garden was established to supply fresh produce to the Asians and to two hotels in town.

新角度下的 皮尔巴拉区域 润最高的出口商品,为澳大利亚政府提供了 资金并支撑着澳大利亚的经济。”

皮尔巴拉区域早期华人故事 皮尔巴拉区域最早的亚洲人口可以追溯 到1870年,当时采珠业在哥萨克镇开始盛行, 来自亚洲的采珠工人大多为日本人、马来人 和一些中国人。当年的亚洲人来到这里除了 从事采珠行业以外,还有些人担任了贸易商、 船上的厨师、木匠和洗衣店生意。由于初期 来澳的亚洲人们并没有被纳入官方资料中, 因此难以确定总共有多少亚洲人在此定居。 当年亚洲人被禁止参与欧洲人的任何活动, 因此亚洲人们发展了自己的庆祝文化。他们 用布料制作了简易的舞龙道具,每年的圣诞 节和中国农历新年都会在镇上以舞龙表演形 式庆祝。在哥萨克镇鼎盛时期,有两家华人商 店、一家华人面包店和一家日本商店。华人善 于园艺和农耕,因此当时建立了一座华人蔬 果农场,为亚洲人和镇上两间旅馆提供新鲜 蔬果。


然而,19世紀末的数个热带旋风严重接 连破坏了整个城镇,摧毁了当地所有的船只 和大部分的建筑。自此之后,许多采珠工人往 北迁移到了布鲁姆,并有一部分人搬到了其 他邻近的城镇,如罗本镇、维克汉姆等其他邻 近小镇。

据历史记载,1901年时,居住在罗本镇 的人口有七十八名亚洲人、两百三十二名澳 大利亚人、欧洲人和美国人,并有两名非洲人 (当时人口普查中不包括原住民人口)。到了 1961年,罗本镇升格为罗本郡,经过数十年的 发展,于2014年7月1日正式升格为城市,并将 政府行政办公室迁移至卡拉萨市中心,正名 为卡拉萨市。



2021 Harmony Day in Karratha




he Pilbara has been attracting immigrants from all over the world since the pearl industry took off in the 19th century. There were approximately 150 people taking part in the celebration of Harmony Day in Karratha on 21 March 2021. The Indonesian community groups performed traditional dances on the day and some interactive posters were provided for all participants to share their migrant experiences and their views on multiculturalism.

Even though the City of Karratha is located in one of the most remote areas of Western Australia, it is still home to many people from across Australia and all over the world. The 2016 Census shows that more than 22,000 residents lived there, about half of them were from other cities and states of Australia and other countries. Many of those, who joined the celebration, said it was their first migrant celebration since moving to Karratha, and that it had been about five years since the last Harmony Day celebration. The event organiser and the people who took part in the event, agreed Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

that it was a meaningful event, which made the immigrants, who settled in the area, more united and cohesive, and let everyone know more about different cultures.

To culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people, integration into Australian life can be challenging. Apart from feeling homesick, the Chinese population, with limited English, also face other difficulties, such as language barriers, a lack of equitable access to education, limited career development, a lack of Chinese support services and cohesion, and a significant shortage of medical practitioners. As an example, the new Karratha Hospital building, which opened in September 2018, is equipped with the most

advanced hardware, but unfortunately, many patients need to be transferred back to the hospitals in Perth due to insufficient medical practitioners.

In recent years, the boom and bust of the mining industry has had a major impact on the Australian economy, and governments at all levels have begun to face up to the importance of economic diversification. It is the goal of the City of Karratha to make it the most liveable regional city in Western Australia. Diversified economic development strategies, and improved infrastructure and community planning, will give local residents more choices in their career development and potentially attract more residents to settle there.


十九世纪采珠业盛行以 来,皮尔巴拉区域一直都 吸引来自世界各地的移民到此 居住。2021年3月21日世界和 谐日(Harmony Day)约有一 百五十名民众参与了在卡拉萨 举行的庆祝活动。当天有印尼 社区团体在活动中表演传统舞 蹈,现场还提供互动海报,让所 有参与的民众分享他们移民的 经验和对于多元文化的看法。 即使位于西澳最偏远的地区之一,但它 仍然是许多澳大利亚人和移民的家园。根据 澳大利亚统计局2016年的人口普查数据,有 超过两万两千的居民在卡拉萨生活,其中大 约有一半的居民都来自澳大利亚其他城市和 州省,以及其他国家。许多参与和谐日活动的 民众表示,这是他们移居到卡拉萨后的第一 次移民庆祝活动。工作人员及参与民众都认 为这是一个极具意义的一场活动,让定居于 此的移民们能够更团结、更有凝聚力,并且让 每个人认识到更多不同的文化。 对于文化和语言多样性的人来说,融入 澳大利亚的生活并不容易。除了普遍移民都 面临的思乡之情以外,居住偏远地区且英语 能力有限的华人们还面临了许多困难,如:语 言隔阂、缺乏公平的求学管道、职场发展受

限、缺少华人支持服务和凝聚力,以及医疗人 力严重紧缺。例如: 2018年九月正式启用的卡 拉萨医院大楼,虽然该院区拥有着最新的硬 体设备,但是院内的医疗人力严重不足,因此 许多病患往往需要转诊珀斯的医院而延误治 疗。 近年来,矿业的兴衰对澳大利亚经济造 成了重大影响,各级政府也开始正视了经济 多样化的重要性。正如卡拉萨市政府对当地 发展的目标— 使卡拉萨成为西澳最宜居的偏 远城市。多样化的经济发展政策及完善的基 础建设与社区规划将会带给当地居民在职业 发展上更有选择,并且吸引更多居民来到这 里定居。



一个您可以自豪的家 •居住型养老 •短期托护 •老年痴呆关怀 •24 小时护理 •大量亚裔居民 •双语照护人员

A place to call home

•文化活动项目 •每日亚洲饮食 •无养老住宿押金 •坐落于南珀斯核 心地段

欢迎致电 9367 7559 垂询, 了解更多信息或安排参观。 协和园护老院 Concorde Aged Care Home 25 Anstey Street South Perth WA 6151 电邮: 网站:



Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中华摩利中文学校


Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue



Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 中华珀斯中文学校 我最喜欢的季节


季,不断循环。 春夏秋冬,一年四 喜欢热烘烘的 放的春天,有的人 有的人喜欢百花齐 而我最喜欢不太冷 。 一片白茫茫的冬天 夏天,也有人喜欢 也不太热的秋天。 是白色,那我觉 春天是绿色,冬天 夏天如果是红色, 候叶子都会由绿 这是因为秋天的时 。 得秋天应该是黄色 迎接冬天的到 这是植物们在准备 上。 转黄,然后落在地 来。 天那样的流汗。 了。出门不会像夏 秋天的气侯太舒服 的 秋天 太阳不会太 那样包得紧紧的。 背也不需要像冬天 里更是有我 秋天里成熟的水果 迟落下。 太 会 不 也 , 来 出 早 ,梨和草莓。 喜欢的苹果,葡萄 天的时候收集 多动物都必须在秋 冬天太过寒冷,许 在太可爱了。 实 , 天 碌碌充满活力的秋 忙 忙 。 物 食 的 够 足



我最喜欢的季节 是春天。 这是因为春天的 春天的天气只能 天气不冷也不太 到二十度。 热。 春 天 的晚上很冷,到 天会吃好多不同 十度左右。 的水果,比如:苹 我在春 果,桃子,梨子等 等。 我最喜欢户外活 动,特别是在春 天的时候去踢足 足球因为我觉得 球。 我喜欢 足球很安全。 我在利物浦俱乐 赢,还是输,我都 部踢球。 不管我们是 喜欢踢足球。 我喜欢春天,因 为我可以看好多 不同的鲜花。 公园踢足球和看 我每个星期都去 美丽的花。




Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming 中华黎明中文学校

第一次,最后一次(9 年级 谢秉恒)

在学校假期,妈妈带姐姐、 弟弟和我去Super Bowl玩保龄球。 它位于 Melvi lle。因为有 特价,所以我 们决定 去。而且如 果我们 十点之前去,我们可以特价玩两场。 我们到了Super Bowl的时 候,发现那 个建筑 物看起 来很旧,可是进 去后发 现里面 其实很 现代化 。玩的费 用大约 是每人 十六块,还包括 租用它 的保龄 球 鞋。

我们首 先被分 配到第 十五球 道。当我们 开始投 球时,它的 系统并没有记录分数! 我们不断尝试投球,但还是 没有记录分 数, 所以我们到前台请工作人员帮忙。 工作人员说他们的感应 器出现 问题,所以他 们试图 修理它 。这使我 们能够 顺利玩 第一 轮,但是同样的问题又出现了。这次工作人员 无法解决问题,于 是请来另一位工作人员帮忙,可是他们花了几分钟 还是没有把 问题解 决。于是,妈妈要 求换球 道,工作人 员也同 意,就把我 们 的分数 输入到 旁边的 球道系 统。我们也 把东西 移到隔 壁的座 位,然后继 续打球 。但是很 气人,同样的 问题仍 然存在 。这一次 工作人员拿了工具去修理感应器,终于把问题解 决了。 最终,我 们总算完成了第一场比赛。 可是,我们又 发现另 一个问 题-系 统把分 数计算 错了,不 是算多 了就是 算少了 。姐姐明 明没有 strike 可是系 统记录 她 有strike, 妈妈的分数应该是spare, 可是系统记录 她只取得两 分。 可是我们也不管了, 反正我们也都玩得很开心。 第一场比 赛姐姐得了第一名,我得最后一名。接下来的一场 比赛,妈妈赢 了,我又输 了,积分也 比第一 场低。我本来 是擅长 打保龄 球,但 可能是太久没打了,我的表现很差。 经过了 这次的 经验,我们都 认为这 家保龄 球场应 该装修 了,不然系 统一 直发生故障会给顾客造成不方便,也 很浪费时间。

小说 - 冬天(9年级 刘若雨)

冬天出生的人總是依循他們心中的目標說話行使,於是他們會瘋 狂,會激憤,會與眾不同,會擁有冬天的故事。 唐昊出生在臘月十二—— 一個大雪紛飛的夜晚。

早晨,他独自一人背着書包騎車去學校,短短几天,彷彿昨日 還是那落 葉飛舞的 秋天,而今日氣 溫卻降至 零下二度,且依稀可 見天 空紛紛揚揚地灑落雪籽。“天那麼冷,多穿點衣服。”妈妈的叮嘱又在耳 边想起,看着那又 厚又胖的 羽絨衣,此時唐昊 觉得自己 只是一個 隨大 人摆弄的洋娃娃,毫無自主可言。

教室在五楼——学校的最高點,無時無刻不在向葉凡昭示着“ 高處不勝寒”,走進教室,放下書包,脫去那怪模怪樣的羽絨衣,眼角却 看见了那 放在桌上 的物理試 卷,唐昊下意 识地愁了 愁眉頭,虽然現在 早已经不是“学好数理化,走遍天下都不怕的年代”,而且這些死板的東 西对于唐 昊來说,除了应付 考試,可其他的 他都不会 。然而,那触目惊 心的分數 還是令唐 昊有些紧 张,手心也有 汗涔涔的 感觉。唐昊是雄 心 勃勃的,他希望自己是生活的强者,她喜欢那伏案疾筆的快感,也喜欢

年级 房智霞) 假期的一天(9

有时会很无聊,有时会轻松。每天我在8点或9点醒来。吃完早餐后, 我总是去后院晒太阳。那我去洗个澡之后,我必须做一些学习,例如学 快到午餐时间了,所以我帮忙做饭和 校功课,中文学习和NAPLAN准备。 准备桌子 。大多数时候,我们会同时吃饭和看电视,但是有时候我们会 戏 边坐边吃饭。下午我们有很多空闲时间,因此我们可以在ipad上玩游 /韩国 观看中国 会吃饭并 我们通常 间, 在晚餐时 情。 做任何事 或画画或

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

小说 – 水镜城(9 年级 谭诗颖)

薄 水是一面 镜子,反射着天 空,云层密布,在水面上 形成了一 层灰色的 麻木的 她站着, 。 雾。当她开始颤抖时,那个女人感到雨水从她的脸上流下来 飞机 手指紧扣着鲜红的雨伞。仍然像雕像一样,她的眼睛在已经离开的航天 血。 她的肉和 也见不到 的烟雾痕迹上徘徊,知道她再 年 当纳雷尔的腿转向果冻时,她的皮肤出现了颠簸。自推出以来已经一 天在脑海 球的那一 她离开地 样, 行歌曲一 的一首流 您脑海中 半了。就像插在 自己像 中反复播放。她可以自由选择参加任​​务,但是她沉重的内心使她感到 己的梦想 了摆脱自 了父母为 落入河中的一块石头,被扔进了深渊。她回想起

而献出的一切,他们用血,汗和眼泪赚来的每一分钱。 ‘欢迎来到 吉赛德!您应该是 乘坐Def iant航天 飞机的新 来者。她迈出第 一步,踏上寒冷,坚硬的泥土,感觉就像是永恒。她的蓝眼睛吸引了看似非人 为 类的AI助手。请移至条形码托架,以将您的详细信息输入系统中,’’一种名 使她肚 的想法, Narelle的机器人声音。终于采取了她梦so以求的下一步行动

子里的蝴蝶重新出现了…… 明白 “赶快!”马克西米利安恼人的声音打断了纳雷尔的思想。 “我仍然不 明。 我比你聪 富裕, 父母那样 不像我的 你是如何被选择来这里的!你的家人 敬畏和激动,然后新来的人都来到了基地 。天花板被厚实的白色柱子撑 抛光砖,技术设备以及对人类新土 起,像图形化的雪花大理石一样闪闪发光。 样聚集在了一起,但是在会 饿的狼一 他们像饥 , 天的夜晚 在一个冬 。 地的希望 设 议室里也 有一种紧 张感。向他们简 要介绍了 他们要负 责的规则 和高科技 晚 们第二天 并建议他 舍房间, 并锁在宿 备,将他们的生物识别信息交给他们, 醉 疲惫地喝 , 拖着脚步 僵尸, 者厌倦了 23名新来 一天。 上睡个好觉,好好工作 舍里。 他们的宿 到分配给

读完某本著作的充宝,更喜欢在晚饭之後听听摇滚,跳跳蹦的的休息。 市重點——摇滚歌手——語文教師,這是唐昊自己設定的长远目標, 現 在看來似乎一切都是那么不可及,似乎是南柯一梦。

身旁的男生方,正方的女生斯涵又在大談《三國演義》 ,這是唐 昊最头痛 的事,也不明白 为什么人 们会那么 崇拜這本 书,更不明白 那 本可恶的东西是怎么能和《红楼梦》相提并论,虽然不止一次强迫自己 去读完這 本名著,但都是半 途而费,因为她真 的沒有耐 心去沉迷 于那 打打杀杀中,在唐昊的心目中,那《三國演義》還不如動畫片《櫻桃小 丸 子》 《灌藍高手》好看呢! 唐昊一生有兩大爱好:看書,球。但他却从來不和班裡的那群 只看甲A,英超的女生侃球。她們不懂球,說透了,他們看球無非是衝 著 那幾位帥哥而已,所以,葉凡只和斯涵說球。雖然斯涵連巴喬是誰都不 知道,但沒關係,至少他是個很好的聽者——唐昊認為。 葉凡將別人送的一串卡通風鈴掛在車把上,冬天的風有點刺骨,但 唐昊喜歡那風過後,那鈴兒呤呤鐺鐺響的聲音,路過電影院,大幅海報 上寫着“馮小剛最新佳作——賀歲片《沒完沒了》”哎,這幾年,不知怎麼 了,年年刮賀歲風,前年《甲方乙方》去年《不見不散》 ,今年又來了個《 沒完沒了》據說,還請來了當紅影星吳倩蓮來壓軸助陣,哎………… 在假期中,我们完成了很多戏剧。 戏剧。 这个学校放假很重要因为我必须NAPLAN准备准备。如果我没有通 过这个考试,明年我必须再次参加考试。这假期太短了,我不会浪费时 间。在回到学习生活之前,我只有几天的时间陪伴家人。多么悲伤。谁知 道假期会很累?我必须帮忙做家务,照顾我的弟弟并同时完成我的学校 作业。至少我有足够的时间做自己喜欢的事情。我会弹钢琴,绘画,看漫

画和看NETFLIX。 每天都是一样的,没有意思所以这就是我能写的,不好意思 。但是, 真的很酷。 我建议看Vincenzo。 我发现了一些非常好的戏剧。

今天下午,天气晴朗。我们一家还有我朋友决定去 游乐园玩,在游 乐园我们遇到了一件非常新鲜的事。

刚到游乐园,我们就直奔摩天轮,排了好久的队 ,终于到我们了,可 我们前面的一对小恋人却与工作人员大吵起来。 原来他们要把宠物狗 带上摩天轮,可工作人员说公共场所是不能带宠 物进入的。 阿姨却执意要带宠物,双方吵得不可开交。小狗趁 阿姨不注意,从 阿姨怀里跳了下来,旅客赶快跑过去伸手抓它, 可小狗太灵活了,一个 箭步冲向一个刚好开着门的摩天轮座舱。我随后 坐进了小狗后面的一 个座舱,小狗坐摩天轮,挺新鲜的,我当然要看了 ! 当摩天轮缓缓升起时,我看出小狗有些害怕了。 它的前爪拼命的抓 着玻璃,不停地“汪汪”大叫。 我也有些为它担心了。 摩天轮越升越高,小 狗越害怕了,它缩卷着身子,趴在座舱底部,瑟瑟发 抖,面呈菜色,舌头 都僵住了。 我更是提心吊胆,希望小狗没事吧! 当摩天 轮缓缓 下降时,小狗不 像刚才 那样害 怕了,它慢慢 适应过 来,“嗖”地 一声窜 到座椅 上。第二圈 时它害 怕的心 情早抛 到了九 霄云 外,像人一样坐到位置上,灵活的大眼睛骨碌骨 碌地着,不时地东张西

我的学校假期(9 年级 许健晖)

望,悠闲地欣赏着下面的风景。 我忍不住笑起来,这小狗真是太可爱了, 还会乘摩天轮,我可从没见过这样新鲜的事, 围观的人都大笑起来,还 有一个小姑娘大叫:小狗真棒!

摩天轮停下时,工作人员伸手抱它出来,它还一 个劲的向后退,死 活不肯出来,这小狗是迷上玩摩天轮了呢! 我们还 去了小 型过山 车!本来是 想去玩 比较大 的过山 车的但 是妹 妹过于紧张和害怕所以我和我的朋友决定不玩大 的过山车了我们玩小 一点的,可没想到的是上次的那只小狗居然离开了 主人的视野在过山 车要开动的时候一下子坐到了我朋友她旁边, 这可把她下了一个跳,她 还问我怎么办我说先帮她(他)既上安全带,我朋友 愣了一下就马上把 小狗抱起来然后既上安全带 。玩过山车的时候我的 头总会动不动看向 后面,我每一次都能看到我朋友紧张又害怕的 坐在小狗旁边,我知到 她怕狗因为她小时候被狗咬了。等我们玩完过 山车我的朋友她已经害 怕的冒冷汗了,其实她怕的是那条狗。 因为我 朋友被 那条狗 吓到了,然后她 就拉着 我离开 了游乐 场等我 们回到了家天就以经黑了,因为我们都很累所以 我泡了一泡面,吃完就 去睡觉了。 今天又是疲劳,开心又惊喜的一天。

我今年的假期没那么有趣。我们通常在假期期间返回马来西亚,但由于肺 炎大流行,我们今年呆在家里,没有去任何地方。 在学校放假期间我睡了很多时间。在正常的上课时间里,我必须在早上6点 起床,以便直到9点才真正放松。 第一 假期期间,我几次与朋友见面,所以我可以远离家人,哈哈。在假期的 。 这很有趣 , 整个城市 们带到了 巴士将我 天晚上,我参加了一个聚会,一辆聚会 在此 个小时。 池玩了5 们的游泳 我们在他 会, 另一个聚 然后在一周中,我参加了 期间,我还将去大型购物中心或公园,在那里我遇到了一些老朋友。 轮 在学校放假的两个星期四,我在当地的炸鱼和薯条商店工作。似乎每次 自从加入 很有趣, 班之后,我都非常疲倦,并且那天晚上很早才入睡。在那工作 这家商店以来,我学到了很多东西,尤其是关于鱼类的东西。 欢足 另外,当我有很 多空闲时 间时,我会去当 地的公园 踢足球。我非常喜 我在假期 了压力。 从而减轻 一切, 松并忘记 球,因为经过漫长的一天,我可以放 期间做了很多次,因为我有空,但是如果有人陪伴我会更好。 非常 除了列出的所有内容,我几乎什么也没做。除了写这份作业,这是一个 期。 轻松的假 这就是我的学校假期。


我疲劳又开心的一天(9年级 刘若雨)


我喜欢的一本书(9 年级 谢秉恒)

我读过一本书,书名是“The Rule Of One”。它的作者是 Ashley和Leslie Saunders, 她们 是双 胞胎姐妹 。它是三本书组 成的系列,有“The Rule Of One ”,“The Rule Of Many” 和 “The Rule Of All”。 这是一个虚拟故事,说的是美国和 加拿大这两个国家都存在 的dystopian社会-意思是一个虚拟 ,完全不人道的社会。一个强 而有力的政治家实施了“一个孩子 制度”的制度。在这个故事中, 双胞胎女孩Ava和Mira因此成为了 非法的双胞胎姐妹。 由于她们 是非法人民,因此她们必须掩饰她们 的身份并且乔装成彼此。后 来她们的真正身份被发现,成为逃犯 。两姐妹设法逃脱,并找到 了已故母亲的朋友。这位母亲的朋 友是个叛变的领袖。在他们的 帮助下,叛徒们成功地渗透进了这座 城市,赢得了人民的支持, 并俘虏了政客。 但是,这位政客在他忠实的仆人的 帮助下又成功逃脱了,经 历了许多艰难的事情后,叛徒们最 后还是把他捕捉,让世界又回 到了原来的状态。 这个故事是一个非常有趣的故事, 有很多未知的情节,非常 精彩。 我一定会推荐给其他人。 故事情节很难预测,而且总会有 剧情变化 。尽管情节看起来很简单 ,但内容充满了悬疑,和复杂 性,还有角色所面临的麻烦,例如死亡 ,背叛和囚禁。 因此,我推 荐大家有空不妨尝试阅读”The Rule of One”。


为某人提供艺术品,这样他就可以获得签证并去法国与他的女 佘思贤 ) (9年级 友再次见面。我觉得这部电影挺有意思的,因为它是关于自由 看完电影之后,我们去吃晚餐。 和感情。 这个假期,比我以前的假期们,这假期我没有做很多东西, 通 假期的其它的天挺普通的,我八点多起床然后吃早餐。 但是我还觉得挺好的。 。 或者麦片 吃烤面包 我们常常 餐。 哥准备早 常是妈妈帮我和我 我们去吃午餐,骑轿 我跟我家人花了很多的时间在一起。 欢 最近我喜 。 者做练习 电脑看书,做功课或 我也跟我朋友一起去吃饭,聊天和逛街。 然后我就会用我的 车,去看电影,去逛街。 又看了一部。到了下午我和我哥会去 所以假期 画片, 看日本动 我 我这个假期最难忘的一天就是我跟我家人看电影的那一天。 后院做运动。 我觉得这 们去看一部法国电影《The Man Who Sold His Skin》。 这就是我如何度过我的假期,很普通但是我觉得能有放松 个戏很好看,是关于一个很爱他的女朋友的男生。可是他的女 的时间是有利于精神健康的。 但是他是难民,他被邀请 朋友移民到了法国,所以他不能见她。 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版


Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell 中华爱德中文学校


Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue


Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校



三年级3A1班新年海报 中国春节

乐思中文学校 七年级 林柔杏

春节或农历新年是华人重要的传统节日。 它代表新的一年又开始了。 它是辞旧 迎新,家庭团聚,祈求丰收的日子。

春节前,大家忙着大扫除,把屋内屋外打 扫干净,然后在门口贴上红春联、窗花 和“福”字。 除此之外,也忙着买年货、买新衣等等。

除夕当天,一家人会聚在一起吃团圆饭 。 吃很多好吃的食物,有饺子,因为它像 古代的钱----元宝,吃了饺子代表会发财 。 除了吃饺子,也吃年糕、汤圆和鱼。 年糕代 表“年年高升”,汤圆代表团圆,鱼代表“年年 有余”。 吃完饭后,大家看中国中央电视台播放 的《春节联欢晚会》 ,然后守夜至半夜十 二点,放鞭炮迎接新年。

初一大清早,一家大小穿新衣走家窜户拜 年。 见面时都说吉利祝福的话,比 如:“新年快乐!”、“万事如意!”、“身体健康 !”等等。 大人会给小孩红包或叫压岁钱, 希望孩子们健康成长。

春节期间,到处都有舞龙、舞狮,非常热 闹。 春节是从农历正月初一到正月十五,一共要 庆祝十五天。 最后一天是正月十 五,也叫元宵节。


二年级B2 母亲节感谢卡

乐思中文学校 七年级 陈思廷

以在游泳池里轻 我能在水里像鱼一样游来游去,也可 我最喜欢的运动是游泳。 松地倒立和滚动,其乐无穷。 以 游泳是一项可以单独做的运动,也可 。 每周我都会去我家附近的游泳池游泳 喜 我最 。 玩乐 水中 以在 也可 同时 , 游泳可以保持身体健康 和你的朋友一起做的运动。 益。 体有 对身 欢游泳,因为它有趣、有竞争性,并且 得冠军。 我正在努力地练习游泳,希望可以 赛。 泳比 加游 今年是我第一次参 的运 可以单独做,也可以跟朋友们一起玩 如果你在寻找一项能保持身体健康, 动,那就选择游泳吧!


Fundraising with Entertainment 20% of every Membership we sell, goes directly to our fundraising.

More ways to enjoy everyday From dining to shopping, to travel, get more of what you love and give back to our course Share in the good, with up to 50% off and 2-for-1 deals in your city and across Australia and New Zealand.

Support us, Buy your Entertainment Membership today!


Get your Entertainment Book via Chung Wah Association. Order your Membership online today!


The President and the Executive Committee would like to extend their deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of Chung Wah Member, Mdm. Yoke Gan CHAN 陈玉颜 (member since 2004), who departed on 14 May 2021. May her soul rest in peace.

*Member offers are subject T&Cs. Check individual offers on the Entertainment Membership App or au

Chung Wah Choir Charity Char ity Concert

中华合唱团 慈善音乐会

Money raised will be donated towards the building of Chung Wah Autumn Centre 筹得款项将捐助兴建中华秋园

大合唱,独唱,变脸,口技, 气功,小组唱,民乐,舞蹈。 Chung Wah Choir, solo, mask changing art, qigong, vocal imitation, group chorus singing, Chinese instrumental music and Cultural Dance performances

3 pm Sunday 18 July 2021 | 七月十八日,星期日下午三点 Chung Wah Cultural Centre | 中华文化中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Tickets $20 each, $18 (for CW member), under 12yo $15/each, $15 each for group of 10 or above 门票 $20/人, $18 (中华会馆会员), 12岁以下$15/人, 团体票$15/人 (10人起) Contact 购票请电 : 中华会馆: 9328 8657 | 洪淑貞 Trinh : 0423 587 653 / 胡曉健 :0422 178 722


Chung Wah Association (Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra) Co-organisers:

Confucius Institute at The University of Western Australia Methodist Ladies’ College | HuaXing Art Group Zing Music Studio | Western Australian Guzheng Ensemble Other Participating groups: Chung Wah Chinese School, Leeming

25/09/2021 26/09/2021 17/10/2021

Saturday 3-4.30pm Seminar @ UWA Sunday 5-6.30pm Chinese Folk Music Concert @ MLC Sunday 4-5pm Guzheng Big Ensemble @ Confucius Institute at UWA

Dear Guzheng players, You are invited to participate in the Western Australian Chinese Guzheng Festival 2021. This is an opportunity to play guzheng together with other players in Perth and a chance to showcase this beautiful instrument to the community. There will be a seminar and a Chinese Folk Music Concert as well as the big guzheng ensemble in the festival this year. Teachers and selected students will perform at the Chinese Folk Music Concert together with the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra (community-based) and other local artists. The costume for this year is the same as last year. New participants can order the costume from us. This year’s registration fee is $10. It will cover the cost to the seminar (25/9) and big ensemble (17/10). Tickets sale for the Chinese Folk Music Concert (26/9) will start in August. The net proceeds from the festival will be donated to Breast Cancer Research Centre-WA which improves the outcome and minimises the impact of breast cancer through excellence in research and education. Performing songs: 1) Fighting the Typhoon 战台风 (optional)

5) Laughter of the Sea 沧海一声笑 (compulsory)

2) Fisherman’s Song at Eventide 渔舟唱晚 (optional)

6) You and Me 我和你 (compulsory)

3) Jasmine Flower 茉莉花 (optional)

7) Oriental Charm 东方神韵 (compulsory)

4) Spring on the Moonlit River 春江花月夜 (optional) Registration is open now. Upon registration, you will obtain a copy of the music scores and sound recording of the songs for you to practice with. There will be small group practise in September and October and one final rehearsal for the big ensemble closer to the day. Thank you again for all your support last year. We hope to see you again this year. New participants are very welcome.

Contact: Teresa

王老师 0413568682


黄老师 0425987816

The organiser reserves the right to change the content.

Updated 25/3/2021

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