Chung Wah Magazine Issue #49 - SPRING 2021

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The scholar that is making a difference

文人治国 有所作为 Chung Wah Youth Networking Program


����年 SEPTEMBER ISSUE #�� 第��期


义演为秋园 爱心献社区


Western Australia Chinese GuZheng Festival


Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-Autumn Festival Concert

Information About Covid-19 Vaccines





We invite you to join the


炎黄子孙 CHUNG WAH 共同的大家庭 FAMILY TO JOIN YOU CAN EITHER: Call our membership and enquiry hotline 入会及询问热线

中文学校 Chinese School

(��) ���� ����

or download a membership application from our webiste 网上下载入会申请表

文化团体 Cultural Events and Activities

and email us 申请电子回传 or post it to us at 或者邮寄回传

PO Box ��, Northbridge WA ����

社区服务 Community Care


Standard 普通

Concession 优惠

Individual 个人



Family 家庭



刚刚过去的冬天,珀斯的天气仿佛回到了 十年前。几周持续​​的 低温和持续的强降雨让我 们都只能呆在室内。我们期待春天的好天气, 尤其期待各类户外活动。 珀斯去年几次短暂的封城阻断措施,让在 西澳的我们幸免了遭遇COVID-19大流行的严 重 后果。虽然西澳暂时无法出国旅行,就连 跨 州旅行也未能幸免。摆脱这种流行病的唯一途 径是进行疫苗接种,我们在本期《中华之声》为 您带来更多的信息。

Cover Photography 封面摄影 Carl ONG 卡尔

我们很荣兴能有机会与新任命的多元文化 事务部长Tony Buti先生进行独家采访。他不仅为 我们提供了有关西澳大利亚经济发展的深刻见 解,并强调了多元文化在我们社会中的重要性。 本 期Mira医 生将 继 续为读 者解 答 各 类 健 康问题,尤其是关于疫苗接种方面的疑问。药 剂师李荣参先生在我们的医疗信息部分提供了 有关 COVID 疫苗接种的更多信息。傅绪琼中 医师也将与我们分享如何增强人体免疫系统, 尤其面对季节更替中常会引起的过敏反应 我们希望本 期内容 丰富的《中华之 声》春 季刊,能让您受益匪浅,成为您在这个美好的 春日天气中的阅读伙伴。 谢谢

Roll up in the Spring for a change The winter that had just passed, Perth’s weather seem to had returned to a decade ago. The low temperature lingering for the past few weeks, and the persistent heavy rainfalls had kept us all staying indoor. We look forward to the better weather in Spring and getting excited about all the outdoor activities.



The few short lockdowns from last year, enable us to doge the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Western Australia had not been able to travel internationally let alone interstate. Vaccination is the only way out of this pandemic, and we have more information in this issue of Chung Wah Magazine. We had gladly to have an exclusive interview opportunity with the recently appointed Minister of Multicultural Affairs, Mr Tony Buti. He had provided us with insightful views of the economic advancement of Western Australia and also stressed the importance of multiculturalism in our society. In this issue, Dr Mira will also be answering the reader’s health query, especially about the impact of vaccination. There’s more information about COVID vaccination from our medical information section by Mr Yongsim LEE the pharmacist. Dr Julia FU would share with us ways to boost our immune system to combat the drastic weather change. We hope this issue would benefit you with the jam-packed information, being one of your reading companions in this beautiful Spring weather. Thank you.

Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰 Chief Editor 主编

2021 Annual General Meeting


�:��pm Saturday �� October ���� | ��月��日周六下午�点30分 Chung Wah Cultural Centre | 巴卡达中华文化中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta





Dear Members, With the quiet changing of the season comes the blossoming of wildflowers in Western Australia. Despite being springtime in the Southern Hemisphere, we still follow our roots in welcoming the arrival of the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival. All levels of the Australian Government, including Prime Minister Scott Morrison, specifically extended their festival greetings to the Australian Chinese community. The Chung Wah Chinese School again put on their best efforts in organising the Mid-Autumn Festival Concert at the Chung Wah Culture Centre in Balcatta. With approximately 500 attendees and guests from various organisations and groups, it was another successful year of sharing the festival joy. The Chung Wah Association is indebted to pass on cultural knowledge to our younger generation through such events and to foster a good relationship amongst members and friends of other organisations.

Chung Wah is the peak body of the Chinese Community in Western Australia. We had the honour of welcoming the newly appointed Minister of Multicultural Interests, Hon Tony Buti and also Mr Dingbin LONG, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth. We assist in fostering good relationship between our community and the West Australian government, allowing grassroots’ concerns to be heard. The diaspora of the overseas Chinese community alsos benefits from these interactions.

Chung Wah Hall in Northbridge and the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta are currently busy undergoing renovation works to improve the facilities, under the tremendous support from the Community Capital Works Grant from the Office of Multicultural Interests. The Chung Wah community directly benefits from the improvement, aiding in the smooth running of the group activities. It is also a significant boost to preserve Chung Wah Hall’s heritage and legacy, which has withstood for 110 years.

I would like to encourage all Chung Wah members to attend the coming AGM on Saturday 16 October. Without members, Chung Wah cannot exist and the AGM is an important time to show your support. For your health and safety protecting your family and the Western Australian community from COVID-19, please get vaccinated and book your free appointment today!. We all can look forward to the big reunion for the coming festive season of Christmas and New Year.

Dr Ting CHEN 陈挺博士 President, The Chung Wah Association 中华会馆会长 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

亲爱的中华会馆会员们: 中华中文学校再次全力以赴,在中华文化中心巴尔卡塔举 办中秋音乐会。有超过500名的与会者莅临,其中更包括了来自 不同组织和团体的嘉宾们,同欢共庆分享节日的欢乐。中华会 馆通过这样的活动,将文化传承于年轻一代。这也是和其他社 团组织与本地各族朋同胞之间建立良互敬互爱的良好关系。 中华会馆是西澳华人社区的主要代表团体。我们很荣幸 地欢迎新任命的多元文化部部长,Hon Tony Buti 以及中国驻 珀斯总领事龙定斌先生。我们旨在协助在我们的社区和政府 官员之间建立良好的沟通,让基层的民意被聆听。海外华人移 民的社区和华裔侨民们也将从这种互动中受益。 在多元文化办公室的多元文化社区项目工程补助金的大 力支持下,北桥的中华会馆大楼和巴尔卡达的中华文化中心目 前正忙于进行一些翻新工程,以改善其设施。中华社区将直接 受益于改善,有助于中华会馆属下各个部会的活动可以顺利进 行。中华会馆大楼已历经110年的岁月沧桑,这也促而保护中华 会馆大楼这重要的历史古迹和维护社区文化财的重要推动力。 我届此鼓励所有中华会员参加即将于10月16日星期六举 行的中华会馆年度会员大会。没有会员的支持,中华会馆就无 法存在,而年度会员大会是表达您支持的重要时刻。 为了您和您家人以及西澳大利亚社区的健康和安全,免 受COVID-19疫情的影响,请立即预约您的免费疫苗接种。我 们更期待能在即将到来的圣诞节和新年l,迎来与家人团圆的 机会。

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Some important points. ^The comparison rate is based on a secured loan of $150,000 over the term of 25 years. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. *Available on borrowings from $50,000, excludes LVR above 80% and reverts to HSBC’s Standard Variable Rate. Interest rate is




中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah

1 2








编者寄语 Editorial

会长感言 President’s Message 人物专访 Profile Interview

文人治国 有所作为 TheThe scholar that is making a difference

27 11


Chung Wah Choir Charity Concert 2021

中华消息 Chung Wah News

中华社区服务的大型巴士 Chung Wah Community Care Big Bus

中华会馆青年组羽毛球团康活动 Chung Wah Youth Social Badminton Program

国际关圣文化宫联盟网络年度大会 International KSK Annual General Meeting online 2021年 MLTAWA 校长奖 MLTAWA Principal’s Award 2021

多元文化事务部长Tony Buti 礼貌拜会中华会馆 Meeting the Honorable Tony Buti, Minister of Multicultural Affairs

与中国总领事龙定斌共进晚餐 Dinner with Consul General of PRC, Long Dingbin



Western Australia Chinese GuZheng Festival 2021

社区基本工程基金计划 Community Capital Works Fund Project

家爱 Family

西澳中国古筝节2021 Western Australia Chinese Guzheng Festival 2021

义演为秋园,爱心献社区 Chung Wah Choir Charity Concert 2021

我们的社区 Community



社区消息 Community News 商业计划 Business planning

关于Covid-19疫苗的信息 Information About Covid-19 Vaccines

中华青年 Chung Wah Youth

中华会馆与西澳中华总商会 联合青年交流活动系列 Chung Wah Youth Networking Program with the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce



医疗资讯 Medical Information 关于新型冠状病毒疫苗接种 About COVID-19 vaccination

从中医角度浅谈 如何增强人体的免疫力 Boosting immunity from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine

校园天地 The School Yard 中华中文学校中秋晚会2021 Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-Autumn Festival Concert 2021



Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-Autumn Festival Concert 2021

家有一老 Aged Care

30 32

松柏长青 Community and Aged Care 寻根问祖 Chung Wah Ancestory

活动参与 Events and Activities


长期活动 Regular Activities

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive


中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme


The oldest ethnic organisation in Western Australia Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 (08) 9328 8657

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865

中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming

Aulberry Parade, Leeming 6149

联系人 Contact Details 周如真女士 Luisa CHOU 0401 738 778


中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall and Administration Office

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Bramwell Road, Noranda 6062

联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0411 249 463


Chung Wah Community Care

Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003 电话 Telephone

(08) 9328 3988


文人治国 有所作为

The scholar that is making a difference

版 权 发行


COPYRIGHT Published by

Chung Wah Association

Editorial and Advertising Enquiries


Editorial team


Jeffrey CHA


执行编辑 视觉设计 卡尔 汪


陈薇 张娟妮

Chief Editor

Executive Editor Visual Designer Carl ONG


Abbie CHEN Jen Nie CHONG

行政支持 黄小娟

Administration Lesley WONG


Helene FUNG

翻译人员 张道



传真 Facsimile (08) 9228 3990


Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021


Willetton Centre

中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Keith Road, Rossmoyne 6148

联系人 Contact Details 马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898 中华珀斯中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306

58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton WA 6155

中华爱德中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell


联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306

Chung Wah Chinese Radio

广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3 Every Saturday 10 am to 11 am 每周六上午10点至11点

中华妇女部 CW Womens Subcommittee 中华龙舟队 CW Dragon Boating

中华龙狮团 CW Lion Dance Troupe

中华舞蹈团 CW Cultural Dance Troupe 中华华乐团 CW Chinese Orchestra 中华粤剧社 CW Cantonese Opera 中华京剧社 CW Beijing Opera

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club

电子邮箱 E-mail Address


201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164





All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association. 声明: 《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自 中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对其 真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。对题材中 的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.



文◎Michael LI 李良励 | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Chung Wah Youth Social Badminton Program


文/译◎Andrew LI

Chung Wah Community Care Big Bus 6


With the support of the City of Canning, the Chung Wah Youth group initiated a Weekly Social Badminton Program. Our vision for the program is to establish a platform for young and active community members to meet and socialise through playing sports. We picked badminton because it is relatively simple to play, not too physically demanding, and is popular in many parts of the world. This program is held every Saturday afternoon, and everyone is welcome to come and join us!

中华会馆青年组在坎宁市的帮助下发起了每周一次的羽毛球团康 活动。我们希望能为年轻和活跃的中华会馆成员建立一个联谊平台, 希望通过健康的体育运动来促进会员之间的认识和交流。羽毛球因为 门坎低、相对容易入门,而且对体力要求不高,并在世界很多地方都很 流行。此活动于每周六下午举行,欢迎大家前来参加!

In August, Chung Wah Community Care (CWCC) welcomed the latest edition to its fleet of vehicles, our very own twenty-nine seater bus! The new CWCC bus is roughly the same size as the Perth CAT bus, and it was custom made for us with every safety and comfort feature available to ensure our aged and disabled clients enjoy each outing they have with us.

中华社区服务(CWCC)在八月迎来了一辆大型的29座巴士。这 CC 巴士的体积与珀斯市内的免费巴士差不多,但是按照我们要求的安 全与舒适度量身定制的。这能确保我们的长者及残障客户可以好好享 受每一次的出游活动。

文◎Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮 | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

MLTAWA Principal’s Award 2021

2021年 MLTAWA 校长奖

文◎Ben LIM 林民耀 | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

International KSK Annual General Meeting online


International KSK Allliance is the biggest lion dance alliance group in the world. It has a total of 89 countries and cities registered members. The last 9th Annual General Meeting was hosted in Changsha, China where KSK team members across the world meet and exchange lion dance culture. This annual event is welcomed and supported by the Chinese Government. Due to the pandemic, this is the first time the annual general meeting was hosted online. Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe is running KSK headquarter in Australia. 2 leaders from Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe attended and updated lion dance activities on behalf of lion dance teams in Australia.

国际关圣宫同盟是全球最大的舞狮联盟。它拥有来自全球89个国 家和城市的注册会员。上届第九届年度大会在中国长沙举行,来自各 地的关圣文化宫团队成员在此聚首聚,彼此进行舞狮文化的交流。这 年度盛会受到中国政府的欢迎和支持。因新冠肺炎疫情影响,这是第 一次在网上举办年度大会。中华舞狮团为关圣文华宫在澳的运营总部, 这次的大会中共派出了两位领导,代表澳洲舞狮队出席并汇报舞狮活 动的发展现况。 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

Dr Hua LI, Principal of Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell and Perth, has won the MLTAWA Principal’s Award for 2021. The award acknowledges school leaders who have shown long-term commitment to their Languages program and promoted Languages within the wider school community. She shares the honour with Mr Benjamin Lomas from Peter Moyes Anglican Community School as, for the first time, there was a tie in the result. Mrs Kerry Chipchase from Lesmurdie Senior High School was also one of the three finalists. The winner receives a trophy, a certificate and a cash price of $400 per school for their Languages program. Dr Hua LI said “As a principal of community schools over 20 years, I am fully aware of the positive influence that language schools have on the community at large and this should not be understated. All community language schools substantially contribute to Australia’s highly multicultural and multilingual society, making this country and our communities diverse and beautiful.”

黎明、爱德和珀斯中华学校校长,李华博士荣获2021年MLTAWA 校长奖。该奖项旨在表彰长期致力于语言课程,并更广泛的在学校社 区内推广语言教育的学校领导。她与Peter Moyes Anglican社区学校 的Benjamin Lomas先生分享了这一殊荣,因为这是第一次出现平局。来 自Lesmurdie高中的Kerry Chipchase女士也是三位决赛选手之一。获胜 者将获得奖杯、证书和每所学校 400 美元的语言课程现金。

李华博士说:“作为社区学校20多年的校长,我深知语言学校对整 个社区的积极影响,这一点不容小觑。所有社区语言学校都为澳大利 亚这个高度多元文化和语言的社会做出了巨大贡献,使这个国家和我 们的社区变得多样化和美丽。”


文/译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Meeting the Honorable Tony Buti, Minister of Multicultural Affairs

多元文化事务部长托尼·布蒂 礼貌拜会中华会馆 The Honorable Mr. Tony Buti, as the newly elected WA Minister of Multicultural Affairs, paid a special visit on 25 May 2021 to the Chung Wah Association to meet with the broader Chinese community. As the peak body for the community, Chung Wah Association invited all community leaders of commercial guild, Chinese community bodies of the south, associations and federation group of various Chinese locality, youth, professional and cultural bodies, to attend this meeting.

Mr Ting CHEN began with a quick presentation to the Minister, presenting the current state of affairs of the Chinese Community in Perth. Minister Buti praised the excellent work of the Chung Wah Association and the community in his speech. He has also presented the government’s plan and vision, especially in the critical roles of community leaders in building a robust multicultural community. Mrs. Teresa Kok, CEO of Chung Wah Community Care, talked about the good work that the team has achieved for the welfare of the aged community. Dr Xuanli Ma, chairperson of the Chung Wah Chinese School Council also presented the educational program and cultural-based curricular activities of the Chung Wah Chinese Schools.

The session concluded with an open question time. Several community leaders raised their concerns about the current international situation. They also questioned the support and aid from the government in helping the community to flourish economically and culturally. Minister Buti and his team answered the questions appropriately. The meeting concluded beneficially for both the new minister-elect and the community. It will also lead to more action and interaction between the government and the grassroots community. Chung Wah Magazine also took the chance to interview Minister Tony Buti, featured in this issue#49 of the Chung Wah Magazine.

作为新任的多元文化事务部部长,托尼·布蒂先生在于5月24日对 中华会馆进行了礼貌拜会。中华会馆作为本地华人社区的最高组织,中 华会馆邀请了近乎所有华人社区代表,即中华总商会、本地南部华人社 团、地缘乡团宗族组织、青年、职工会、专业属团、文化团体代表等参加 此次交流。 陈挺先生首先向部长进行了简短的汇报,介绍了珀斯华人社区的 现状。部长在致辞中称赞中华会馆和华人社会各界的出色工作。他也 介绍了政府的计划和愿景,尤其是社区领袖在建立强大的多元文化社 区方面的关键作用。代表中华社区服务部的总干事,郭郑素雯女士给 大家讲述了该部会对于社区以及长者所提供的各项服务与协助。中华 中文学校理事会主席马烜历博士,也介绍了中华中文学校的教育计划 和文化课程活动。


会议以开放式提问作为结点。多位社区领袖表达了对当前国际形 势的担忧。他们还咨询政府在帮助社区经济,以及创造文化荣景方面 的所能给予的支持和帮助。托尼·布蒂部长和他的团队细心地回答大家 的提问。 这次的貌拜会以及交流,让新任的托尼·布蒂与华人社区双方各 得益彰。这也将促进政府和社会基层社区之间有更多的行动和互动。 《中华之声》杂志也借此机会获得部长的独家采访机会,该访问将会 在第49期的杂志中独家刊登。

文/译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Dinner with Consul General of PRC, Dingbin LONG



welcome dinner for Consul General of PRC, Mr Dingbin LONG was held on Thursday 5 August 2021, at the Northbridge Hotel.

The Chung Wah Association and the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce, were the hosts for this event. The Community leaders from various organisations and groups who were present at this networking dinner event were: John HSU from Chinese Community Centre; Lechun ZHANG from Cockburn Chinese Association; Simon WU from Shenzhen Association; Tony HUANG from Zhejiang Association; Nancy HUANG from WA Chinese Women’s Association; Sandy CHONG from United Nations Association of Australia (WA Division).

Mr LONG presented a welcome speech to express his thanks for the warm welcome and excitement about future collaborations with the West Australian community, to strengthen the bilateral relationship between the two countries and foster friendship among the community. In response, on behalf of the Chinese Community, Mr. Ting CHEN and Mr Khoon TAN wished Mr LONG well on his posting to Perth.

华人民共和国珀斯新任总领事龙定斌先生的 欢迎晚宴于2021年8月5日星期四在北桥酒店 举行。

本次活动由陈挺会长领导的中华会馆和陈超群会长 领导的中华总商会承办。来自不同组织和团体的社区领 袖踊跃地出席了此次联谊晚宴,包括西澳华人公会的许锡 忠、酷本华人协会的张乐春女士、西澳深圳联谊会暨总商会 会长吴粤,浙江华人协会的黄通利、西澳华人妇女协会的王瑛 女士、联合国协会西澳分部的Sandy CHONG等。 龙先生向与会者致欢迎辞,并对受到的热烈欢迎表示感谢。他表 示对未来的合作以及与能与西澳华人社区交流表示兴奋,这不仅能加 强两国之间的双边关系,更能促进拥有相同民族文化的社区之间的互 利互助。陈挺会长和陈超群先生也代表本地华人社区以及社团向龙先 生表达了欢迎他莅临珀斯进行外交工作的美好祝愿。 除了与新任命的总领事交流机会外,当晚还为与会者提供了广泛 的交流机会。宴会桌上欢声笑语中尽是与会嘉宾们之间的愉快交谈。 大家的幸福面孔被定格在当晚的合影留念,这让龙定斌总领事虽远在 他乡却有着亲切如家人聚会般的感觉。 中华会馆《中华之声》双语季刊春季版

CHUNG WAH NEWS 中华消息 文◎Lesley WONG 黄小娟 | ◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Community Capital Works Fund Project 8


he Department of Local Government, Sport 方政 府、体育 和文化 产 T and Cultural Industries, and the Office of 地 业部和多元文化办公室长期 Multicultural interest have a long history of 以来一直支持作为西澳大利亚华人社区最高机构的中华 supporting the Chung Wah Association, as the peak body of the Chinese Community in Western Australia. Throughout the years many projects have been accomplished with their financial support and aid, in planning and project management.

The century-old building of Chung Wah Hall in James Street, Northbridge, is still standing strong. Ongoing maintenance is needed to ensure it can withstand the test of time. Recently, Chung Wah has successfully applied and being granted $150,000 and $80,000 for renovation or improvement to Chung Wah Hall and Balcatta Centre respectively. Wiith the funding received from the Community Capital Works Fund, Chung Wah finally had a chance to fix the worn part of the Chung Wah Hall. The toilet renovation work commenced in August 2021, which will then be followed by restoration work to the wooden staircase and front door of this historic building. The roof coverings including gutters and downpipes at the back portion of the building which has been a disaster during the recent outpouring of rain will be replaced The external side brick wall repairs will also be carried out. The evaporative air-cooler is scheduled to be upgraded in September 2021, ready for the coming Summer. It will be a much more bearable indoor venue for the usual Chinese New Year event that falls in the peak of the summer heat.

The approved capital works at Chung Wah Cultural Centre at Balcatta include renovation of the male and disable toilets at the hall, installing energy saving solar panels, replacing the front entrance canopy as well as window tinting. The counter-heat treatment via tinting of its high windows of the hall area was completed on 27 July 2021. This is great news for our senior community members who utilise the hall for activities to beat the summer glare. We appreciate the continuous support from the West Australian government in providing much-needed assistance to the Chung Wah Community. This not only benefits the members but the Chinese community at large.

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

会馆。全年的许多项目都在他们的财政支持以及规划和项 目管理方面的帮助下完成。

位于北桥詹姆士街的中华会馆百年建筑至今屹立不倒,但仍然需 要持续维护以确保它能够经受住时间的考验。近日,在社区基本建设 基金的资助下,中华会馆终于有机会修复大楼的破旧部分。厕所的翻 新工程已于2021年8月展开,随后将修复这座历史建筑的木楼梯和前 门。房顶的瓦盖将被更换以排除漏水问题,尤其是最近频繁的倾盆大 雨更是构成巨大的麻烦。原有老式的蒸发式空气冷却器将在2021年9 月进行升级,以确保它为即将到来的春季做好准备。尤其是每年举办 的中华新年文化节活动都落在炎热的春季,期望焕然一新过后的中华 会馆再度以徐徐凉风迎接大家。 位于巴卡达的中华文化中心,在大厅区域的高窗也于2021年7月进 行了防护深色贴膜来进行降温减炫光处理。这对经常使用这个作为活 动场所的长者们来说是个好消息,他们再也不用忍受春季太阳的炫光 和高温。 中华会馆感谢西澳各级政府一直以来的支持,尤其是为中华社区 基建提供急需的协助。这不仅使会员受益,而且使整个华人社区受益。

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文◎Small Business Development Corporation 小型企业发展机构 | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Business planning


ffective business planning can be the key to your success. A business plan can help you secure finance, prioritise your efforts and evaluate opportunities. It may initially seem like a lot of work; however, a well prepared business plan can save you time and money in the long run.

What should a business plan include? There are no rules about what your plan should cover or the level of detail. In general, plans need to include information regarding:


• business profile

• vision, mission and goals • market research

• operational strategy

• products and/or services • marketing plan

• financial strategy.

Before starting your business plan

You may want to consider the following key questions to help determine if you are ready to start writing your business plan.

How often should I review my business plan? Business planning is an ongoing activity. Review plans regularly and updates whenever your circumstances change.

Writing a business plan You can download our business plan template and guide to writing a business plan to assist you to complete your plan.

More information

To learn more about writing a business plan attend our workshop, How to Write a Business Plan.

For more practical advice and tips, see the Getting started section of our blog.

• Have you thoroughly refined your business idea so you have a good understanding of how your business will operate?

• Have you researched your business concept to determine if there is a need for it in the marketplace? • Have you completed a feasibility study to determine the expected level of success?

• Do you have the money required to start and grow the business? • Are you prepared to invest significant time into the business to get it up and running?

商业计划 有

效的业务规划可能是您成功的关 键 。商业计 划可以帮助 您 获 得资 金、优先考虑您的工作并评估机会。乍看 这似乎是一项艰巨的工作;但是精心准 备的商业计划从长远来看,可以为您节 省时间和金钱。

商业计划书应该包括什么? 对于您的计划应涵盖的内容或详细程度,没有任 何规定。一般来说,计划需要包括以下信息: • 业务简介

• 产品和/或服务

• 愿景、使命和目标

• 营销计划

• 市场调查

• 财务战略。

• 运营策略

在开始您的商业计划之前 您可能需要考虑以下关键问题,以帮助确定您是 否已准备好开始撰写您的商业计划。 • 您是否彻底改进了您的经营理念,以便您对您 的业务将如何运作有一个很好的了解? • 您是否研究过您的商业理念,以确定市场是否 需要它? • 您是否完成了可行性研究,以确定预期的成功 水平? • 您是否有启动和发展业务所需的资金? • 您准备好投入大量时间来启动和运行业务吗?

我应该多久重新核查我的商业计划? 商业计划是一项持续的活动。定期审查计划并在 您的情况发生变化时更新它们。

写商业计划书 您可以下载我们的商业计划模板和撰写商业计划 的指南,以帮助您完成计划。

更多信息 要了解有关撰写商业计划的更多信息,请参加我 们的研讨会,如何撰写商业计划。 如需更多实用建议和技巧,请参阅我们博客的入 门部分。

Reference 参考页面:

Where to get support

For more practical business tips and lessons from real business owners, join the Facebook group I’m a small business owner in Western Australia to share challenges and successes with more than 10,000 local business owners. You can also access free resources and advice, and affordable business skills workshops from the Small Business Development Corporation. Visit or call 133 140 to speak to a business adviser. Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue


想要向现实中的企业家身上获得更多实用的商业 技巧和经验,请加入Facebook群组“ 我是西澳小企 业主”,与一万多名当地企业主分享挑战和成功经 验。你也可以向小型企业发展机构获取免费的资源 和建议,以及参加价格实惠的商业技能培训课程。 浏览 或致电 133 140 向企业顾问咨询。

中华会馆与西澳中华总商会联合青年交流活动系列 文◎Rachael | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

华会馆与西澳中华总商会联合 举办了一系列青年交流活动。首 次合作活动于2021年6月16日举行。


Chung Wah Youth Networking Program with the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce

该系列的第一部由Sensory Media Agency 董事总经理Lucia CHEN担任。她还是The MOVEs Dance Studio 舞蹈工作室的创始人和总监, 拥有超过6万的YouTube频道订阅者。Lucia 分享了她在澳大利亚工作和创业的经验。她 还就最新的社交媒体趋势、接触中国观众的 技 巧以 及与他们交 流 的 注 意事 项 发表了见 解。

he Chung Wah Association in conjunction with the WA Chinese T Chamber of Commerce conducted a series of youth networking events. The inaugurate collaboration event took place on 16 June 2021. The first in the series featured Lucia CHEN, Managing Director of Sensory Media Agency. She is also the Founder and Director of The MOVEs Dance Studio, a leading Perth dance studio with over 60K YouTube channel subscribers. Lucia shared her experience of working and setting up businesses in Australia. She also gave an insight on the latest social media trends, tips on reaching a Chinese audience, plus do’s and don’ts in communication with them.

The second youth networking event in the series focused on the topic of Business Startups. Two experienced speakers shared their thoughts on startup planning, structuring, launching and sustaining: Vivienne DENG is an accountant (CPA Australia and registered tax agent) with 16 years of experience. She established her accounting practice in 2012, which then morphed into AusAsia Financial & Tax Solution following expansion. Michael CAO is a Perth based entrepreneur. Since 2009, Michael has established several small businesses, including an online venture in the Chinese market, several The Coffee Club branches, and a non-profit organisation (Australasia Junior Golf Association). The third Joint Youth Networking event focused on advice for those seeking to enter and develop careers in banking and finance. The two speakers are both experienced bankers with unique career paths: Ms Jovy LEONG, the Corporate Relationship Manager at Bankwest Business. She started as a Bankwest teller at the Booragoon branch in 2008 and progressed from retail banking into business banking. Along the way, she picked up numerous awards for service and business excellence. Another speaker for the night is Mr Henry Habekost, also Vice President at the WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce. He is Managing Director of Asia Link Capital, a specialist finance broking business he set up after retiring from National Australia Bank in 2017. Henry founded NAB’s Asian Banking operation in 1999 and remained as head of this business unit until his retirement. The division grew into coverage of 9 Asian countries with about 540 people under Henry’s stewardship.

该系列中的第二场青年交流活动侧重于 创业主题。两位经验丰富的演讲者分享了他 们对创业计划、构建、启动和维持的想法: Vivienne DENG 是一名拥有 16 年经验的会 计师(澳大利亚注册会计师和注册税务代理 人)。她于 2012 年建立了自己的会计业务, 然后在扩张后演变为 AusAsia Financial & Tax Solution。 Michael CAO 是珀斯的企业家。自 2009 年以来,Michael 建立了几家小型企业, 包括在中国市场的一家在线创业公司、多家 The Coffee Club 分支机构和一家非营利组织 (澳大利亚青少年高尔夫协会)。


第三 次联合 青 年交流 的重 点 是 为那 些 寻求进 入银 行 和金融领域并发 展 其职 业 生 涯的人提供建议。两位演讲者都是经验丰富 的银行家,拥有独特的职业道路:Bankwest Business的企业关系经理 Jovy LEONG 女士。 2 0 0 8 年,她 开 始 在 B o o r a g o o n 分 行 担 任 Bank west出纳员,并从零 售 银 行业务发 展 为商业银行业务。在 此过程中,她凭借卓越 的 服 务和 卓 越 的 业 务 获 得了无 数 奖 项 。当 晚 的另一 位 演讲 者是西澳中华总商会 的副 会长 Henry Habekost 先生,他也是 Asia Link Capital的董事总经理。这是他在2017年从澳 大利亚国民银行(NAB)退休后所创立的专 业金融经纪业务。Henry于1999年创立了NAB 的亚洲银行业务,并一直担任该业务部门的 负责人直至退休。在Henry的管理下,该部门 发展到覆盖 9 个亚洲国家,约有 540 人。 三期的交流和讲座对中华青年团体有很 大的启发。它还有助于在支持网络之间建立 良好的关系。 WACCC 一直是这些活动的真 正合作伙伴,以其在商业领域的丰富经验引领 潮流。我们希望将来会有更多这样的合作。下 一期活动将于 2021 年 11 月 3 日举行,请继续 关注我们以了解跟进一步的详情。

The three instalments of networking and talks has been inspirational for the Chung Wah Youth group. It also helps to forge good relationships among themselves for a support network. WACCC had been a true partner in these events, leading the way with their vast experience in the business world. We hope that there will be more collaboration as such in future. The next instalment of event will take place on 3rd November 2021, watch the space for details to follow.



The scholar that is making a difference Hon Dr Tony Buti BPE(Hons) DipEd MIR LLB(Hons) DPhil MLA


文/译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

After the Western Australia State Election in March 2021, Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA, Member for Armadale, was appointed the Minister for Finance; Lands; Sport and Recreation; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests. As a local Armadale boy, born in Collie, Tony was elected as the Member for Armadale in the Legislative Assembly in October 2010. Previously, Tony was Chairman of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly Public Accounts Committee and the Deputy Chair of the Community Development and Justice Standing Committee while in the opposition. Tony worked as a high school teacher, lawyer, AFL player agent and legal academic.

The Western Australia Economy and Mining “Western Australia had traditionally been powerful in the resource sector since the opening up of the North West in the 60s. The long history of mining in WA can be traced back to gold rush days in the 1900s,” says Tony. That was also the beginning of the influx of Chinese migrants. Western Australia was called the ‘golden mountain’ at the time. Tony further explains that Western Australia is rich in minerals deposits to fuel the world’s economy; among them are iron ore, coals, rare earth, and the energy source for production of batteries, lithium. Iron Ore is currently the main export for Western Australia that constitutes approximately 39% of global production, the largest globally, followed by Brazil. Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

“The commodity helped shave $50 billion off the recently revealed budget deficit, it’s what Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan fought to protect with his hard border last year, and it’s been one of the few sectors to excel as others have been crippled by COVID-19.” - (Pupazzoni, 2021) Iron ore exports made up to 20% of the nation’s GDP (Pupazzoni, 2021), with coal following at 3.5% (The Changing Global Market for Australian Coal, 2019) and lithium being the newfound energy resource. China is the largest trading partner with Australia in iron ore, bringing vast wealth towards the state. In May 2021, iron ore, as the most valued commodity in trade, peaked at $US233 a tonne (Pupazzoni, 2021). With the high demand for steel in the construction industry in China, Western Australia, which operated with business as usual during the pandemic, grabbed the chance from Brazil’s decline in production. As per the latest budget surplus report, Western Australia perhaps is the only economy that benefitted from the pandemic resulting in a surplus. The state benefits from this, having immense bargaining power with the federal government in the reallocation of GST, as the bill was being debated in the parliament three years ago, and WA will benefit the first time round from the surplus gathered from

the GST allocation. Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed gross domestic product (GDP) rose 0.7% in the June quarter. That was a step down from 1.9% in the March quarter but topped forecasts of 0.5% and avoided analysts’ worst fears of a negative outcome (Nikkei Asia, 2021). Knowing it is vastly inflated by strong economic growth in Western Australia that leads by the export of iron ore at record pricing (Pupazzoni, 2021). Despite the increasing trade tension between the two nations, it is a big responsibility to maintain a good relationship with the trading partner.

State Government Role in Mining Most people would have heard of the recent collapse of Juukan Gorge, near Brockman iron ore mine in the Pilbara, Western Australia., a culturally significance site to the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura (PKKP) people of the Pilbara region. Rio Tinto identified this as a series of systemic failures of the company’s communities and heritage management processes at Brockman 4 over an extended period (Rio Tinto, n.d.). However, this would never bring back the lost site’s cultural significance. Tony indicated that the government plays

Tony addresses this being a delicate situation, as the current state government had drafted a crucial bill to preserve indigenous culture. The recent WA Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 is very old and deemed to be quite outdated, hence in modernising the system, the Aboriginal Heritage Bill 2021 will replace the outdated 1972 Act. This version of the bill is to ensure that the Aboriginal people have a greater say and input into preserving their culture. Under the new Bill, decisions about what qualifies as Aboriginal cultural heritage will be in the hands of Aboriginal people. They are can now be involved in the dialogue regarding the need for land to be used for mining. “The McGowan government have committed $10 million in the 2021/22 budget that came down last week to establish a local Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Services, to try and improve local indigenous capacity to manage their cultural heritage in dialogue with the mining industry,” says Tony, as this is a significant step to ensure the welfare of First Nation people is protected.

Land ownership and Development Dr Buti was also asked about his view of foreign ownership of land in Australia and its complication on state-driven development. He stressed that land ownership by foreigners (people who are not Australian Citizens or Permanent Residents) is the responsibility of the Australian Government, and is dealt with by the Foreign Investment Review Board. The State Government can provide advise but the decision rests with the Australian Government.

Civic engagement Another robust portfolio that Dr Buti holds is Citizenship, which relates to civic activities and participation. He is responsible for ensuring that Western Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds have the understanding and opportunity to participate in all aspects of life in WA, including participation in elections both as voters and candidates. The Minister, through the Office of Multicultural Interests supports the works to empower and build the capacity of CaLD communities by providing them with information, skills and opportunities to assist with settlement, integration and citizenship.

cultural displays of arts, performances and food to foster harmony among people. Chung Wah Association is the peak body of the Chinese community. Our responsibility is to ensure the community’s welfare is being looked after and encourage inter gratin across people of different ethnic backgrounds. Dr Buti expressed his gratitude towards Chung Wah in such an effort. When asked about citizenship, Dr Buti stressed that it’s a big decision for a migrant to be naturalised as an Australian. He understands that some residents of Western Australia may be hesitant to become Australian Citizens a result of their family ties to their birth country. They should know that Australia allows dual citizenship both for Australians who take citizenship of another country, or permanent residents becoming Australian Citizen, while maintaining citizenship of their country of origin. An Australian citizen with voting rights holds a significant responsibility to choose the people who will govern the country and make policies to secure their future. Dr Buti says apart from the voting rights, there has not been much difference between a citizen and Permanent Resident (PR). Hence there should not be a worry about the potential of PR’s being marginalised. He wants migrants to Australia who hold dual citizenship, that they should value the good life that Australia has offered them and their families. Despite the saying“home is where one’s heart is”, he believes their hearts are set within for anyone who calls Australia home.

Sports and Recreation This interview is taking place only 11 days away from the first AFL grand final in Optus Stadium in Western Australia. Due to the seriousness of Covid cases in Victoria, it was only decided in late August 2021 (AAP/ABC, 2021) to be held in Perth. It’s one of the questions that CWM has asked Tony regarding the state government’s appetite for holding sporting events of national importance. “I agreed that we have the state of the art sporting facilities like the Optus Stadium and the economic and social stability to allow for this, but it was not in the state governments agenda topus for this to happen,” says Dr Buti. He stressed that the state government is still pushing for a COVID-19 Safe community. The AFL Final is just being handed to Western Australia because we are the region of low COVID-19 risk and the McGowan Government has done an excellent job of

keeping the community safe. When asked about Brisbane hosting the 2032 Olympic Games, Dr Buti had a chuckle. He indicates that it is still too early to query if our state will have such an appetite. Perth is still home to a few sports events that attract international audiences, such as the Hopman Cup and Test cricket at WACA. Perth has hosted the only international sports event in the VII British Empire and Commonwealth Games in 1962, at Perry Lakes Stadium, Floreat (Wikipedia, 2020), which is now redeveloped into a new housing estate.


a mediating role, ensuring such accidents will never occur again. After retiring from politics, Ben Wyatt was appointed to the Rio Tinto board of directors (“Ben Wyatt to become Rio’s First Aboriginal Director,” 2021), providing consultation on indigenous matters.

Importance of cultural and linguistic diversity Western Australia comprises a community of very diverse backgrounds: from the pearling industry at Broome, a vegetable farm in Carrabooda, cattle farming in the central, fisherman in Christmas Island and Fremantle, you notice the differences in cultural vibe amongst people. Cultural diversity is also noticeable from the selection of grocery items that is attainable from the supermarket and the different food that we can order at the same food court. Says Tony,


“we often take such conveniences for granted, as its the fruit of cultural diversity in WA”. He valued those differences should not bring fear but add fun to our life. Australia still relies on skilled migrants to assist with our economic boom, so it’s inevitable for such diversity. According to the last statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 29.8% of the population in Western Australia were born overseas (Australia Bureau of Statistics, 2021). In 2019, there are 305,832 registered births in Australia, a decrease of 3.0% from 2018 (Births, Australia, 2019). Australia is still vastly reliant on migrants to boost its population growth, especially for the economy that heavily relies on this future workforce. However, The Australian value of ‘fair go’ and ‘mateship’ still draws the interest of foreign migrants. The “new Australian” truly embrace the freedom lifestyle, where social justice has thus prevailed.

“Multiculturalism brings us the wealth and convenience of living in Western Australia, and we should maintain the peaceful cohesion among us,” Says Dr Buti. He highly praises the West Australians who respect each other and embrace the differences with a big heart for unity and peace of the community.

Perth Chinese New Year Fair has been a long-running event since 2012, which receives full support from the Minister and OMI. This event provides a platform for understanding among West Australians of different cultures by sharing colourful 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊春季版


Biography of Dr Tony Buti Dr Tony Buti was born in Collie and later moved to Armadale when he was nine years old. He is of Italian background as his mum (Mimma) was born in Roelands and raised in Yarloop. His dad (Andrea) emigrated from Italy when he was 21 years old in the early 1950s. Tony is the youngest of three siblings: Robert being the elder brother, and two older sisters (Jenny and Josie). Being a local boy, Tony attended St Bridgit’s Convent for his primary studies, then Kingsley Primary School, both in Armadale. He graduated in 1978 from Kelmscott Senior High school, then later pursued his study at the University of Western Australia for a Physical Education Degree. After Tony completed his tertiary studies in UWA, he continued his journey of academic challenge through to Australian National University for Diploma of Education, Oxford University for Bachelor of Laws and Masters of Industrial Relations, then Yale University for Doctorate in Law.


“I wanted to make a difference, particularly in trying to ensure that people from underprivileged backgrounds or disadvantaged backgrounds had had a greater say, well had a great opportunity to participate in Australian society.” - Dr Tony Buti Tony was a high school teacher; then, a lawyer became a legal academic. At one stage, he was an AFL player agent, which is quite drastically different. Tony made his political debut as the Member of Armadale in the Parliament of Western Australia on 2 October 2010. He is the author of several WA Labor discussion papers in education and domestic violence, and he also drafted several private members bills. Tony chairs the Western Australian Legislative Assembly Public Accounts Committee. He was also the Deputy Chair of the Community Development & Justice Standing Committee during his opposition. Tony is also an author of books, articles and publications. His pieces cover the stolen generation, British child migrants, human rights, disability discrimination and sports law. He also wrote about the Mickelberg saga. He won the 2007 Premier’s Book Award for his work on the biography for Sir Ronald Wilson, ‘A matter of Conscience’. The latest book from Tony was published in July 2019, A Stolen Life - The Bruce Trevorrowcase. When asked about his most significant achievement in life, Tony acclaimed without a doubt that was his marriage to Mandy and being the parents of Alkira, Paris and Tennessee. His family had been the backbone to Tony in supporting his drive in his political career, for which he is deeply grateful.

Bibliography 参考文献 AAP/ABC. (2021, August 31). Perth confirmed as AFL grand final host for 2021 season decider on September 25. Antonio Buti. (n.d.). Fremantle Press. contributors/antonio-buti Australia Bureau of Statistics. (2021, 04 23). Migration, Australia. Migration, Australia. https://www. population/migration-australia/ latest-release Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2019). Births, Australia. Births, Australia. people/population/births-australia/ latest-release Ben Wyatt to become Rio’s first Aboriginal director. (2021, June 4). Financial Review. https:// ben-wyatt-to-become-rio-s-firstaboriginal-director-20210604p57y12#:~:text=Indigenous%20 leader%20and%20former%20 West,become%20Rio’s%20 first%20Aboriginal%20director. Burton, J. (2020, August 10). Longserving MP still passionate. Examiner Newspaper. https://www. Burton, J. (2020, August 20). Giant Book Sale to support Starick Services. Examiner Newspapers. https://www.yourlocalexaminer.

Tony enjoys sports, among them Aussie Rules and he also enjoys track and field athletics that keep him fit and healthy. Tony passionately supports South Fremantle and Fremantle Dockers. And yes, he’s also a fan of Chelsea Football Club. Apart from being physically active, Tony also enjoys time for himself by reading. He often goes to the New Edition Bookshop in Fremantle or The Lane Bookshop in Claremont to look for books and immerse himself in the joy of reading.

The Changing Global Market for Australian Coal. (2019, September 19). The Changing Global Market for Australian Coal. https://www.rba. sep/the-changing-global-market-foraustralian-coal.html

Tony had been a four-time competitor in the Concours International de Plaidoiries in Caen, France. He has also co-directed a documentary on racial vilification in sport (Antonio Buti, n.d.). During the interview, Tony was delighted to share his aspiration to look up to significant figures like Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, Paul Keating and Julia Gillard. They have been his inspiration for becoming a person who can make a difference for people in need to change their lives. Tony exerts his power of knowledge and communication via his written words to make a difference.

Nikkei Asia. (2021, September 1). Australia GDP growth slows in Q2 ahead of COVID lockdown downturn. Economy/Australia-GDP-growthslows-in-Q2-ahead-of-COVIDlockdown-downturn Pupazzoni, R. (2021, May 27). Record iron ore prices boost Australia’s economy, but will the China trade war end the boom? https://www. iron-ore-price-at-record-highbut-australia-china-tensionsloom/100166932 Rio Tinto. (n.d.). A breach of our values. Rio Tinto. en/news/inquiry-into-juukan-gorge Wikipedia. (2020, August 1). Perry Lakes Stadium. Perry Lakes Stadium. Lakes_Stadium

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

- 尊贵的 Tony Buti 博士 BPE(Hons) DipEd MIR LLB(Hons) DPhil MLA




西澳大利亚州经济和矿业 “自西北部在六十年代被开发以来,矿业一 直都是西澳最强劲的传统经济。西澳有着长远 的开矿历史、可以回溯至十九世纪初的淘金潮,” 布蒂部长说道。这也是大量华人移民开始涌入 的时候。那时候的西澳洲被称为‘新金山’。

在 2021 年 3 月的西澳大利亚州选 举之后,Armadale议员,托尼·布蒂 (Tony Buti MLA) 博士被任命为财 政部长;土地;运动和休闲;西澳州 政府的公民参与,和多元文化事务。 作为一位来自Armadale本地的男孩,布蒂 部长在2010年的10月当选为当地的立法议员。 在野期间,布蒂部长曾经担任西澳立法议会账 目委员会的主席,也兼任社区发展和司法常务 委员会副主席。布蒂部长曾经是一名中学教师、 一名律师、澳式足球员经纪人和法律学者。

布 蒂 部 长 解 释 道:西 澳 州 拥 有 丰 富 的 矿 产、足以供全世界经济所用;其中包括铁矿、煤 矿、稀土、以及生产电池所用的锂矿。铁矿是澳 洲最大的原材料出口,约占世界总出口量的百分 之三十九,乃世界最大,巴西居次。 “ 这种商品帮助从最近公布的预算赤字中削减了 五百亿澳元,这是西澳州长马克·麦高文(Mark McGowan)去年通过严厉的边境管制所努力 保护的成果,在其他行业受到 COVID-19 的影 响下,这是少数几个表现出色的行业之一” - (Pupazzoni, 2021) 铁矿石出口占全国国内生产总值的的百分 之二十(Pupazzoni,2021),煤炭占 3.5%(The Changing Global Market for Australian Coal, 2 0 19),锂 是 新发 现 的 能 源 。中国是 澳 大 利亚 最大的铁矿石贸易伙伴,为澳大利亚带来了巨

大 的 财 富收 入 。2021年5月,铁 矿 石作为贸 易 中最有价值的商品,达 到每吨233美元的峰值 (Pupazzoni,2021)。由于中国建筑业对钢材的 需求旺盛,在大流行期间依然照常运营的西澳, 正好抓住了巴西铁矿产量下降的机会。根据最新 的预算盈余报告,西澳可能是唯一受益于新冠疫 情大流行期间所导致盈余的经济体。本州从中受 益,在商品及服务税的重新分配方面与联邦政府 具有巨大的议价能力,因为三年前该法案在议会 中进行了辩论并确定过了新的比例分配,西澳将 第一次从商品及服务税分配中获得的盈余中获 得更高的比重。 澳 大 利亚 统计局的数 据显 示,今年6月当 季国内生产总值 (GDP) 增长 0.7%。这比3月份 季度的1.9%有所下降,但高于预期的0.5%,成 功避 过了分析师的所 预测的最糟结果(Nikkei Asia,2021)。众所周知,西澳州强劲的经济增 长,主要依靠西澳以创纪录的价格出口铁矿石 (Pupazzoni,2021)。与贸易伙伴保持良好关 系是州政府的一项重大责任,但要对两国之间 日益加剧的贸易紧张局势进行维稳作业。

州政府在矿业中的角色 大家或许略有听闻最近发生在西澳的 皮尔巴拉(Pilbara),Brockman铁 矿 附 近 的 Juukan Gorge坍塌事件。这里是皮尔巴拉地区 Puutu Kunti Kurrama 和 Pinikura (PKKP)族人 的 重 要 文 化 遗 址 。力 拓 公 司 将 此 确 定 为 Brockman 4 公司在社区和遗产管理流程方面, 经长时间管理失当所出现的一系列系统性故障 (Rio Tinto,日期不详)。然而这具有文化意义 的遗址将永久失去。 布蒂部长表示在这个时间上,政府发挥了 调解作用以确保此类事故不再发生。同期,Ben Wyatt在隐退政坛之后,被力拓董事会任命为成员 之一(“Ben Wyatt to become Rio’s First Aboriginal Director,” 2021),就土著事务提供咨询。 布 蒂 部 长 指出 这 是 一 个微 妙 的 情 况,因 为 现任 州政 府已 经 起 草 了一项 重 要 的 法 案 来 保护土著文化。最近的1972年西澳土著遗产法 (WA Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972)非常陈 旧,被认为相当过时,因此在系统性的推动法案 现代化方面,2021年土著遗产法案(Aboriginal



社区。澳式足球首要联盟总决赛权力刚交给西 澳州,正好因为我们是Covid风险较低的地区, 麦高文政府在确保社区安全方面做得非常出色 当被问及布里 斯班举办即将 举办2032奥 运会时,布蒂部长莞尔一笑。他表示,现在质疑 西澳是否会有这样的胃口还为时过早。珀斯仍 然是一些吸引国际观众的体育赛事的举办地, 例如霍普曼杯(Hopman Cup)和 WACA 的板 球对抗赛。珀斯于 1962 年在 Floreat 的 Perry Lakes 体育场(维基百科,2020 年)举办了第七 届大英帝国和英联邦运动会,这是历史中唯一 在珀斯举办的国际体育赛事,该体育场现址现 已重新开发为新的住宅区。



Heritage Bill 2021)将取代过时的1972年西澳 土著遗产法。这个版本的法案是为了确保原住 民在保护他们的文化方面有更大的发言权和直 接参与决策。根 据新法案,土著人民将掌握何 者为土著文化遗产的决定权。他们现在可以在 土地征用来进行采矿活动的情况下,直接参与 对话。 “麦高文政府已在上周下调的 2021/22 年 度预算中投入 1000 万美元,用于建立当地土 著文化遗产服务机构,通过与采矿业的对话,努 力提高当地土著管理文化遗产的能力,”部长继 续解释道 ,这将是确保原住民福利受到保护的 重要一步。

土地所有权和开发 布 蒂 部长 还 被问及他 对 澳 大 利亚 土 地 的 外国所有权及其对国家驱动发展的复杂性的看 法。他强调,外国人(非澳大利亚公民或永久居 民)的土地所有权是澳大利亚联邦政府的责任, 由外国投资审查委员会处理。州级政府可以提 供建议,但决定权在于澳大利亚联邦政府。

公民参与 布 蒂 部长负 责的另一 个重 要 的部门职 责 是公民身份,它与公民活动和参与有关。他负责 确保来自不同文化和语言(CaLD)背景的西澳人 能够理解并有机会参与西澳生活的方方面面, 包括作为选民和候 选人参与选举。部 长通过多元文化办公室(OMI)为 CaLD社区的赋权和能力建 设提供支持、为他们提供 信息、技 能 和机会,以 帮助他们解决定居、 融 合 和 公民 身 份方 面的问题。 珀斯中华新 年 文化 节自2 0 12 年以 来 一直 是本 地区的长青活动, 并且得到了有关部 门和多元文化办公 室的全力支持。该活 动通过分享丰富多彩 的艺术、表演和美食文 化展示,促 进 人与人 之间 的和谐,为来自不同文化背景 的的西澳人提供了一个相互了解 的平台。中华会 馆是本地 华人社区的最 高团体。我们的责任是确保中华社区的福祉与 到相应照顾,并且鼓励不同族裔背景的西澳人 相互融合。布蒂部长对中华会馆的不懈努力努 力表示感谢。 当被问及公民身 份时,布蒂部长强调,移 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

民归化为澳大利亚人是个人的一项重大决定。 他明白,西澳大利亚州的一些居民可能会因为 他们与出生国的家庭关系而对成为澳大利亚公 民犹豫不决。他们应该 知道,澳大利亚允许 获 得另一个国家公民身份的澳大利亚人 或 成 为澳 大 利亚公民 的永久 居民 拥 有 双 重 国 籍,同 时保 持 其 原 籍国的公民身份。拥有投票权 的澳大利亚公民在选择将管 理 国 家并制定 政 策 以确 保 其未 来的人方面负有重大 责任。布蒂部长还指出:除 了投 票 权 之 外,公 民 和 永 久居民 (PR) 之间没有太大 区别。因此,不必担心永久 居民 被 边 缘化 的可能性 。他 希望拥有双重国籍的移民来到 澳大利亚,他们应该珍惜澳大利 亚为他们和他们的家人提供的美好 生活。尽管俗话说“家是心之所在”,但他相 信,任何以澳大利亚为家的人对这个国家的真 心是毋庸置疑的。

运动与休闲 此次采访距离在西澳的Optus体育场举行 的第一场澳式足球首要联盟(AFL)总决赛仅十 一天。由于维州 Covid 病例严重超标的节节攀 升,此项赛会被迫于八月下旬(AAP/ABC,2021 )官宣确定在珀斯举行。这是 《中华之声》在此 次采访中就州政府对举办具有全国重要性的体 育赛事的兴趣向部长提出的问题之一。 “我同意我们虽然拥有像Optus体育场这样 的如此先进的体育设施,而且经济和社会稳定 的良好状态,可以完全来实现这一点,但这并不 是州政府的首要议程,”布蒂部长说道。 他强调,州政府仍在推动建立Covid


西澳 是由一 个民 族 背景 非常多样化 的 社 区组成:从布鲁姆(Broome)的珍珠业、卡拉博 达(Carrabooda)的蔬菜农场、西澳中部的畜 牧业、圣诞岛(Christmas Island)和弗里曼特尔 (Fremantle)的渔民,您会注意到人们之间文 化背景的多元性。从超市可以买到的各类货品 选择,甚至在同一个美食广场可以选择到不同 族裔的传统食品,西澳的文化多样性社区构成 的确显著。 布蒂部长说,“我们常常认为 这 样 的 便 利是 理 所当然 的,但 这的确是因为西澳 广纳百川 所构成的文化多样性成果”。 他认 为这 些 差异 不应 带来 恐 惧,而 应 为 我 们 的 生 活 增添趣味。 澳 大利亚仍然依赖 技 术 移民 来协 助 我 们 的 经 济繁 荣,因此这种文化多样 性是不可避免的。根据澳大利 亚统计局(Australian Bureau of Statistics)的最新统计,西澳大利亚 州有29.8%的人口出生在海外(澳大利亚 统计局,2021年)。2019 年,澳大利亚有305,832 名登记出生,比 2018 年下降 3.0%(Births, Australia, 2019)。澳大利亚仍然在很大程度上 仰赖移民来促进其人口增长,特别是对于严重依 赖未来劳动力的经济而言。然而,澳大利亚“公平 (fair go)”和“伙伴(mateship)”的价值观仍然吸 引了外国移民的兴趣。“新澳大利亚人”更是真正 拥抱自由生活方式,让社会正义因此盛行。

“多元文化给生活在西澳的 我们带来了财富和便利,我们更 应该 保 持 我们之间的和平 凝 聚 力,”布蒂部长说。他高度赞扬西 澳人以团结与和平的胸怀相互尊 重、包容差异。


托尼·布蒂博士的生平 托尼·布蒂博士出生在柯利,九岁时搬到阿 马代尔。他有意大利背景,因为他的妈妈,米玛 出生在洛兰,并在娅洛长大。他的父亲 (Andrea) 在1950年代初,21岁时从意大利移民过来。托尼 是三个兄弟姐妹中最小的一个:罗伯特是大哥, 还有两个姐姐:珍妮和乔西。 作 为 阿 马 代 尔 当 地 男 孩 ,托 尼 就 读 于 阿 马 代 尔 的 圣 布 里吉 特 修 道 院 和金斯利小学。他于1978年从Kelmscott高中毕 业,后来在西澳大利亚大学攻读体育学位。在西 澳大学完成高等教育之后,托尼继续他的学术 挑战之旅,先后获得澳大利亚国立大学教育文 凭、牛津大学法学学士和劳资关系硕士学位,以 及耶鲁大学法学博士学位。 托尼从政 前是 一名高中老师;然 后,从律 Tony Buti and Tony Simpson plan to ride from Margaret River to Elizabeth Quay to 师身份成为了法律学者。在他职业生涯中,他是 raise awareness on domestic violence (Lily Yaeng, Busseltonmail 2016) 曾经也是一名澳式足球员的经纪人,这是完全 迥异的角色。托尼于2010年10月2日在西澳大利 读的乐趣。他经常去弗里曼特尔的New Edition Trevorrowcase (偷来的生活 - 布鲁斯·特雷沃 亚议会以阿马代尔议员的身份首次在政治上亮 Bookshop或克莱蒙特的The Lane Bookshop 罗)》。 相。他是多份西澳工党关于教育和家庭暴力的 寻找书籍,沉浸在阅读的乐趣中。 论文的作者,他还起草了几份私人议员法案。托 当 被 问 及他 一 生中 最 重 尼是西澳大利亚州立法议会公 托 尼 曾 四 次 参 加 法 国 卡 昂( C a e n )的 要的成就时,托尼毫无疑问地 共账目委员会的主席。他还在 “ 我想有所为, 特别 Concours International de Plaidoiries 比赛。 称赞他与曼迪(Mandy)的婚 在野期间,担任社区发展和司 是努力确保来自贫困背景 姻以及作为阿尔基拉(Alkira) 他还联合导演了一部关于体育活动中出现种族 法常务委员会的副主席。 诽谤的纪录片(Antonio Buti, n.d.)。在采访中, 或弱势背景的人有更大的 、帕 里 斯( P a r i s)和 田 纳 西 托尼很高兴地分享了他对纳尔逊曼德拉、巴拉 (Tennessee)的父母。家人一 托 尼 还 是 书 籍 、文 章 和 发言权,让他们有很好的 克奥巴马、保罗基廷和朱莉娅吉拉德等多为大 出 版 物 的 作 者 。他 的 作 品 涵 机会融入澳大利亚社会。 ” 直是支持托尼政治生涯的支 人物的敬仰。他们一直激 励着他成为可以为有 柱,对此他深表感谢。 盖被盗一代、英国儿童移民、 需要的人改变生活的人。托尼通过他的文字作 - 托尼·布蒂。 人权、残疾歧视 和体育法。他 托 尼 热 爱 运 动,其 中 包 品发挥他的知识和交流的力量来唯有需要的人 还 写 了关 于 米 克 尔伯 格 传 奇 括澳式足球(Aussie Rules) 改变现状,实践了文人治国有所作为的精神。 的 文 章 。他 因为罗 纳 德·威 尔 逊 爵 士 撰 写的 传 ,他还喜欢田径 运动,这让他保 持 体魄健壮且 记《A matter of Conscience(良心问题)》获 健康。托尼是 South Fremantle 和 Fremantle 得了 2007 年总理图书奖。托尼的最新作品于 Dockers 的支持者。是的,他也是切尔西足球俱 2019 年 7 月出版, 《A Stolen Life - The Bruce 乐部的球迷。除了运动,托尼也很享受独 处阅

我也是披 头四, 比吉 斯乐团和尼 尔·戴蒙德 的粉丝呢!

Quick Answers 快问快答 河南区 vs 河北区


- 我来自Collie,绝对是河南区

- Collie Boy, SOR

West Coast / Dockers - Dockers

Beach / Sea or Hills

- Beach / Sea - been living in the hills all life long.

/ Others

- Perks?

西澳老鹰队,费曼图Dockers 或其他 - 费曼图Dockers队

海滩 vs 山区 - 海滩或靠近大海的地区,因为我一生都住在山上

Winter or Summer

冬季 vs 夏季

City or Country

城市 vs 郊区

Coffee or Tea - Best Coffee / Tea place?

咖啡 vs茶,推荐的地方?

- Winter

- Country

- Coffee, best coffee made by Debby from the office

Burger or Pizza - Best Burger / Pizza

- Pizza, without pineapple; local pizza shop, no preference


- Bookshops: New Edition @ Freo, The Lane Bookstore @ Claremont

Coriander / no?

- Yes, eat what’s being offered and being Italian.


I’m a fa n of the Beatles , Bee Gee s and Nei l Diamon d!

- 冬季

- 郊区

- 咖啡,办公室的黛比冲泡最好的咖啡

汉堡 vs 比萨,推荐的地方? - 比萨,只要不含菠萝;任何一家比萨小店,没有特别偏好

最爱逛?推荐点? - 任何一家书店: *推荐费曼图的The New Edition书店 和 克雷蒙的 The Lane书店

可以接受香菜吗? - 是的,身为意大利人,母亲要求我必须吃完所有食物




CHUNG WAH CHOIR CHARITY CONCERT 2021 Perth’s unpresidented stromy weather on the 18 July, the sky is overcast with darkclould Hundreds of benefactors gathered at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta, in support of the Chung Wah Charity Concert. Invited state government officials, Senator Hon Kate Doust MLC, Senator Dean Smith were present at the Concert. Other guests included Mr Dingbin LONG, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth, He Yifan HE, Consul for Overseas Chinese

Affairs, Labor Party Balcatta Member David Michael MLA, Labor Party Riverton Member Dr Jag Krishnan MLA, Cannington City Council Member Yaso Ponnuthurai and others. Despite the wind and rain, many of these benefactors and hundreds of people braved the weather to attend this meaningful event. The enthusiasm of the performers on stage was displayed during the chorus, group singing, duet and solos and cultural dancing. The Chinese Choir’s charity performance was to raise funds for the establishment of the Autumn Garden for the Chinese Association. China Autumn Garden is a charitable organization independent of the China Association. It aims to provide shortterm accommodation for the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled. This allows family members who take care of them for a long time to ease and take vacations; to travel abroad or take care of personal medical and nursing needs.

Trinh QUACH, the leader of the choir group, gained the largest amount of donations for her singing and the choir teacher, Zhou Yongjun, was second. Many donors generously donated, the highest amount was $80,000, followed by $35,000. There were more than 60 donations. All choir members actively participated in finding people to donate money and sell tickets. Within just a few months of dedication and hard work, $171,240 was raised for Chung Wah Autumn Centre. Other helpers included Shirley LAU, Shuhuan TAN, Ann, Margaret VOON, Rong Jialing, Huilan WANG, Xiaojun YE, and Jiping ZOU. The concert was a great success due to the support and participation of other teams, such as the Chung Wah Dance Group and Mulan Culture and Art Association who performed three dance pieces. The Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra also played Chinese instrumental music. The choir received rave reviews from the audience. Many went up after the concert to congratulate and praise the performers. There were many volunteers helping and photographer Xiaodong MA also volunteered to take photographs at the event. A celebration dinner was held after the concert, to thank the performers and volunteers. It ended with much laughter, duet singing and competition among the performers and volunteers.

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

义演为秋园,爱心献社区 -记中华合唱团义演

7月18日,珀斯的天空仍然乌云密布,全 市各地仍然风雨交加。

但是在中华会馆Balcatta文化中心大厅 里,上百人聚集一堂。前来观看演出的有西 澳州的政府官员,包括工党参议员Hon Kate Doust MLC,,自由党参议员Senate Dean Smith, 他当天上午参加了其他两个民族社区 活动,下午前来参加这场义演,只能停留十五 分钟,致辞之后马上要去赶飞机飞赴Karratha 开 会。其他 嘉 宾 还 有中国 驻 珀 斯总领 事龙 定 斌 先 生,何 一凡侨 务 领 事,众 议 院 工 党 Balcatta议员David Michael和工党 Riverton 议员Dr Jag Krishnan, Cannington 市区议员 Yaso Ponnuthurai等人,更有多位捐赠人士和 社区群众百多人都冒雨前来观赏。 尽管室外风雨交加,文化大厅内观众们 聚精会神观看中华会馆合成团的精彩义演, 丝 毫 不受 恶 劣天 气 影 响。大 厅里 荡漾 着 优 美动听的歌声,盖过了室外的雨声,观众和 演员们洋溢的热情,驱散了严冬的寒冷。舞 台上一个接一个上演着各种文艺节目,大合 唱,小组唱,男女声独唱,民族舞蹈,民乐演 奏,吸引着参与者的所有注意力。 中华合唱团慈善音乐会旨在筹款兴建 中华秋园短期暂托中心。中华秋园是独立于 中华会馆的慈善机构。其目是给需要低护理 的家人提供短期住宿。这样能让长时间照顾 他们的亲人得到缓解和短暂休息;能够出外 旅游、修养、照顾个人的健康需要。中华秋园 将配合住宿家人的文化语言和膳食的需 要 提供一个令人感到熟悉和舒适的生活环境。 这将减轻家庭照顾者的负担。

为了筹办这次义演和为中华秋园筹款, 合唱团全体成员都动员起来,积极参与找人 捐款赞助并售票。团长洪淑贞老师一人拿到 大部分捐款,合唱团周永军老师仅居第二。 更有为秋园慷慨解囊的众多捐款者,最多的 一位捐赠了$80,000,另一位无名氏捐赠了 $35,000。捐赠人数高达近60人,真可谓众人 拾柴火焰高。在合唱团团长洪老师和周老师 的带动下,在全体成员的努力下,经 过短 短 几个月来的投入和努力,合唱团为中华秋园 筹得$171,240元。除了社区人民的爱心捐赠, 合唱团里许多成员也都积极参与了捐赠,并 积极参与售票。除了洪老师夫妇和周老师两 位领头人,还有Shirley LAU、谈菽欢、Ann、 Margaret VOON、容嘉玲、王惠兰、叶晓君, 邹纪平等多人。 义演不但在恶劣天气下如期举行,并且 举办得非常成功。这次义演还得到了其他团 队的支持和参与,中华舞蹈团和木兰文化艺 术艺术协会参与了三个舞蹈,中华民乐团也 演奏了民族器乐。合唱团的演唱水平也得到 了观众好评如潮。许多观众边看边赞,结束 后也都纷纷前来祝贺并赞扬。这次义演,还 获得了众多义工相助,摄影师马小东也义务 为义演摄影。这场义演,从组织、筹款、售票 到上演,最佳地诠释了爱心奉献。 演出结束后的庆功宴上,参与表演的各 队演员们和义工们欢聚一堂,大家仍然非常 兴奋,饱餐后大家开始引吭高歌,开怀欢笑, 竞相欢唱,此起彼伏,形成了各桌竞争之势。 半天的义演以台上高歌开始,以饭桌上欢笑 对唱而终。不少人都笑言,虽无美酒相助,清 茶美曲也让人醉了!

The organising committee of the Chung Wah Choir Charity Concert 2021 would like to express our sincere thanks to the individual or group that has directly or indirectly contributed to this event’s success. To all performers, audiences, the stage crews: sound system, lighting, ticket sales, and those who had helped promote the event, putting posters. Specially mentioned the ChiGong Master, Jianguo Xiao, who had come from Sydney to aid our performances. His kindness is greatly appreciated. Mr Yongjun Zhou deserved a special mention of being the greatest coach of all time. He has been leading the team towards the success of tonight’s concert. Mrs Teresa Tan volunteered to lead the accompanied Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra. The Chung Wah Chinese School and Chinese newspapers assisted to promote the concert. Mr Xiaodong Ma kindly offered to be the event photographer. Venue crew and volunteer ushers ensured the smooth running of the event. There are many more who contributed to the event via sponsorship or moral support. Please excuse me for missing anyone. As such, I offer the highest appreciation to every one of you.


文◎ Chinese Chorus Organizing Committee 中华合唱团组委会供稿 | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔


We would like to thank Chung Wah Association for their support to use the venue of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre but also helping to acquire the choir stands. For those noble ladies and gentlemen who generously dug-deep to donate to our cause, your kindness has eased our financial burden and enhanced our confidence in proceeding efficiently with the planning. We want to express our thanks to you all. Lastly, on behalf of the organising committee for the Chung Wah Choir Charity Concert 2021, once again, I thank you. May you all be in good health, joy and smooth sailing. Trinh QUACH Chairperson of the organising committee Chung Wah Charity Choir 2021

音乐会赞助善长人翁芳名录(排名不分先后): Doners for the Chung Wah Charity Concert 2021 刘舜桢 $80,000 洪芝龄 2000 曹本中 2000 曹琦 300 曹洪禹 300 洪蓓龄 2000 郑再川 3000 郑嘉思 300 郑秄欣 300 郑凯婷 300 洪雅悌 2000 侯启贤 500 侯佩芩 400 侯舒恬 400 刘国安 500 田雅璇 500 赞助机票 3000 Serina Luong 500 Steven Luong 500 Ngoc Chau Luong 3000

Jia Pey Liew 250 洪素芳 100 Ngu Sanh Quach 5000 Trinh Thuc Quach 5000 无名氏 35,000 Thuan Anh Naicker 5000 郭慧心 300 郭慧德 300 郭德成 300 郭德彦 300 Agnes Yung 500 岐盛堂中医诊所 500 江月枝、Margaret Voon 500 Alangi Pty Ltd 200 Asmc Group pty Ltd 300 Linic Group Philip Lin 200 王慧兰 500 Henry Chan 500 宋庭光 500 王萧湘 500

邹纪平 北桥新鲜肉店 周永军 Mei 胡晓健 Mimi 叶传荷 Farwest Scallops Shirley Lau Mary 郭秀娥 Roy Li 谈菽欢 罗国求 罗国富 罗国强 Thomas Lung 洪泉龙

300 300 500 200 200 200 200 5000 1000 50 200 300 1000 30 50 50 10 200

中华合唱团慈善音乐会筹备委员会,特 别向每一位直接或间接协助此次演出的人士 和团体致谢,其中包括所有演员,全体观众, 台前幕后工作人员,音响,灯光,推销入场卷, 帮忙宣传,张贴海报的人士。值得一提的还有 远 从雪梨来的气 功师父萧健国先生,凭着一 股热情,远道而来,支持演出,实在令人感动。 还 有我们不厌 其 烦的指挥周永军老师,淳淳 指导,百费心思,为此次音乐会而努力付出。 还有义务为我们伴奏的王慧兰老师,真是功德 无量。更有帮助宣传的报章,学校,摄影马晓 东义务免费为我们摄影,无限感激,以及会场 编排负责人 及义工等 等。还 有许多以其他方 式赞助或 精神上 鼓 励的人们,我们无法 一 一 道及,借此我们由衷地感谢大家。 我们特别感谢中华会馆的大力支持,提供 我们使用中华文化中心的会场,还为我们购买 了合唱团的站台。还有各位慷慨赞助此次善举 的先生女士们,你们的关心使我们减少了负担, 增加了信心和办事的方便,在此一并致谢。 最后,本人仅代表筹备委员会,以一颗感 恩的心。再次说声谢谢。祝大家,健康,快乐, 万事如意。 中华合唱团慈善音乐会 筹备委员会主席:洪淑贞敬上。 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊春季版


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Ask the GP Dr Mira graduated from Melbourne University Medical School in 2006. Dr Mira is very passionate about her work in general practice as well as cosmetic medicine. She is fluent in both English and Mandarin, and has many years of experience caring for communities with different cultural and social diversity, and she enjoys interacting and helping patients of all backgrounds and ages.




As my husband and I are preparing to have a child, my family discourages me from getting vaccinated. I seem to be receiving mixed opinions from my circle of friends too, what should I do?

Since the beginning of the pandemic, my partner has been getting very paranoid about disinfection and being clean. I think that might affect the development of immunity for my child, should I be paranoid about this? This is a personal preference for the individual to decide what degree is enough for disinfection and the definition of being clean. If you are stressed out by your partner’s behaviour and believes, it is important to have a good discussion with your partner. If these are still too difficult, it may be a good idea to visit your local GP for further discussion and management.

The Australian Health Department advises that it is safe for prepregnancy women to receive Covid vaccination. Therefore, it is recommended that you have a consultation with your local GP to discuss in full detail of your personal medical history and assess your suitability for any covid vaccination. After the consultation, if you choose to have the covid vaccination done, there may be potential benefits for your future baby as he or she may possibly acquire some covid antibodies from you after you received your covid vaccination.


My child (age 15) is allergic to peanuts and is being diagnosed to have asthma, should he be receiving the vaccination? Having asthma and peanut allergy are not listed as contraindications for receiving any covid vaccination. Therefore, it is ok for your child to receive the covid vaccination.

If your child has asthma, it may put your child at a higher risk of developing respiratory complication in comparison to any normal person when being exposed to any covid infection. Therefore, he or she may actually benefit from receiving any covid vaccination if there are no actual medical contraindication for it. Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue


For the current Covid infection, it is hard to know what kind of impact it may bring on any individual. Therefore, it is up to the individual to decide what degree of disinfection and cleanliness is enough for one to feel safely protected against the exposure to Covid infection.

Is having medication the only way to combat Hay Fever? Is there any natural way or non-drug-related method that I could apply to avoid the strike during this time? Having medication for hay fever can temporarily assist you to reduce the severity of these hay fever symptoms. There are different ways to manage your hayfever. One approach is to avoid it where you can. And the other approach is to have a referral to see the immunologist about a trial of desensitisation therapy. Desensitisation therapy works by increaseing or prolonging exposure to a particular allergen. This is performed by receiving a monthly allergen vaccine for a period up to 18 months at least, to progressively desensitize your body towards this particular allergen. Therefore, if you are having frequent or severe hay fever that you are finding it very hard to manage, it is important that you see a GP for further management discussion.


I am a mother to a 1.5-year old that is currently still breastfeeding. Do I need to give up breastfeeding my child if I am getting vaccinated? Or can I be excused from getting a vaccination? In Australia, you have the right to decide whether or not to have a covid vaccination, unless it is a work requirement for you to be vaccinated against covid. Therefore, there is no need to request an exemption for not having a covid vaccination.

As a breastfeeding mother, if you ever choose to be vaccinated against covid, you may be able to pass some anti-Covid antibodies to your future baby. As there is no current covid vaccination for young children, this may be beneficial for your baby. However, every individual’s medical and allergy history are different and it is best to talk to your doctor for further advise.


I felt anxiety during lockdown at home, which caused me to have to go to the toilet more frequently. Is there any better way of combating this? Having anxiety can potentially affect your mood and causing you to go to toilet more frequently. Therefore, if you are feeling anxious at home, you need to look into what is cause of your anxiousness.

Then you would need to try your best to see what you can do to manage your anxiety. These are methods like identifying stressors, improving your coping mechanism, trying to minimse stressors and trying to maintain a good social network by doing facetime with family and friends to obtain support during lock down period.

If none of these helpsed, you may want to talk to a GP to assist you with managing your anxiety. This is done by either being referred to a psychologist or being assessed for your suitability for potential medical treatment. Also there are local mental wellness support groups that you may be able to obtain information from your local GP.



她能说流利的英语和普通话,并拥有多年参与各个多元文化社区的医护经验,并且享受与不同类型和年龄段的 患者进行互动,给他们提供帮助。


我跟丈夫正在备孕中,我的 家人劝退我们去接种新冠 疫苗。我在朋友间也听不少有关 于疫苗接种褒贬不一的见解,请 问我应该如何是好?

澳大利亚卫生部目前發布正在備孕的婦 女是可以接種新冠疫苗。因此,如果您正在考 慮備孕,會建议您咨询您的家庭医生,去做一 個詳細的個人病史評估,進而建議您是否适 合去接種新冠疫苗。 您與家庭醫生咨询過后,如果您选择接 種新冠疫苗,您身體的新冠抗體有機會傳給 您的未來寶寶,給予一些些對抗新冠病毒的 免疫體。


我的孩子今年15岁,对于花 生敏感并且被确诊有哮喘 病。他是否应该接受新冠疫苗的 接种?

患有哮喘和花生过敏并不會影響您的孩 子接种 新冠疫苗。

由于您的孩子患有哮喘,这意味着如果 您的孩子不小心接触到新冠病毒感染,那么 他患呼吸道并发症的风险可能会比一般人還 要高。因此,如果他並未因爲擁有其他健康上 的問題而無法接種新冠病毒,那打新冠疫苗 對他來說也許能減低新冠病毒所能引起的呼 吸道病發症。


自疫情大流行以来,我的伴 侣对于孩子环境的消毒跟 清洁度特别注意。但是我认为这 样会让我们的孩子抗菌的免疫 力降低,我是否应该对于这件事 有所作为?

對於何種程度的消毒跟清洁才能讓個人 感覺到安心而不怕被傳染到新冠病毒,會因人 而異,並沒有一定的標準與準則。如果您对您 伴侣的清潔要求跟準則感到很有压力,您應該 在第一時間与伴侣进行良性的溝通討論。如果 这些仍然無法解決您的擔心,你們可以一起去 看家庭醫生进行下一步讨论您的擔憂。

对于当前的新冠病毒感染,它对每个人 所带来的健康影响程度都不一樣。因此,每个 人都有權利選擇决定要做到何种程度的消毒 和清洁才能让自己感覺到安全,並減少自己得 到新冠病毒的感染機率。


我是一名一岁半孩子的母 亲,尚且 还在 进行 母 乳哺 育。请问我是否在接种疫苗后舍 弃对孩子的母乳哺育、还是因此 我可以豁免接种? 在澳大利亚,除非您個人工作的公司需要 您接种新冠疫苗,否則您有权利决定您是否要 去接种。因此,您无需去申请豁免接種疫苗。

如果您目前正在喂母乳,假設您決定选 择接种新冠疫苗,您的婴儿有可能可以从母乳 中获得新冠抗体。

由于目前並没有针对幼儿的新冠病毒疫 苗接种,您在餵母乳的階段接種新冠疫苗有 機會給予您的宝寶新冠抗體保護體。然而,每 个人的病史和过敏史都不同,您最好咨询您 的医生做全面性評估在去考慮是否接種新冠 疫苗。



服用抗過敏药物可以暂时帮助您减轻这 些花粉症症状的严重程度。

焦虑可能会影响您的情绪并导致您更频 繁地上厕所。因此,如果您在家感到焦虑,则 需要调查导致焦虑的原因。

服用抗敏药物是否是对应 花粉症的唯一办法?是否有 其他更自然或非药物性的治疗 方法来应对让人异常难过的花 粉症? 想要減少花粉症的發作有很多不同的治 療作法。一种方法是尽可能避免它。另一种方 法是讓家庭醫生转介去看免疫系統学家諮詢 過敏治療。 過敏原專家會根據您的過敏去制定您的 治療。这是讓您持續跟長期接觸過敏原,療 程大概少12個月到18个月,讓您的身体有機 會能逐渐对这种特定的过敏原減少過敏的敏 感程度。 因此,如果您发现您有很难控制或非常 频繁严重的花粉症,请务必去看全科医生以 进行进一步的讨论與治療。

If you would like Dr Mira to answer your medical question, email it to before 10 November 2021


封城阻断措施实行的时候 在家的我感觉非常焦虑, 尤其让我更频繁的上厕所。请 问有没有专业的建议来应对这 个问题?

然后您需要尽最大的努力看看您能做些 什么来減少您的焦虑。例如识别压力的來源、 改善您個人對壓力的应对能力、您個人尽量 减少压力來源,還有尝试通过与家人朋友面 对面網路交流来获得支持和维持良好的社交 活動。 如果这些對您都没有任何帮助,您可能 需要与全科医生諮詢帮助您控制焦虑。家庭 醫生也許會通过将您转介给心理学家或评估 您是否适合服用一些藥物來去改善您的焦慮 狀態。还有家庭醫生有時候也能提高您社區 的心理健康服務人員幫您一起改善焦慮。 如果您想请Mira医生解答您的医疗问题,可以在 2021年11月10日之前把问题发至本刊编辑部电 邮



文◎Yongsim LEE 李荣参

译◎冯恺盈 Helene FUNG

About COVID-19 vaccination

关于新型冠状病毒疫苗接种 Yong Sim Lee is a pharmacist with 12 years of experience. He believes that the best medication is education. As a father of two children, he also has further advanced his study in paediatric medicine. He is blessed to own two pharmacies. Sim is currently pursuing postgrad in Nutritional Medicine 李荣参从事了12年的药剂师工作。他相信教育是最好的良药。作为两个孩子的爸爸, 他完成了儿科药物学课程。他感到侥幸可以经营自己的两家药房。荣参正进修着营 养药物学。


COVID-19 vaccination is an important step in the pandemic response and protect against severe disease and death. There are over 200 vaccines for COVID-19 being developed. As of 3 June 2021, WHO has evaluated that the following vaccines against COVID-19 have met the necessary criteria for safety and efficacy (1): • • • • • •

AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine Johnson and Johnson Moderna Pfizer/BionTech Sinopharm Sinovac

Although millions of people have safely received Covid-19 vaccines, Australia has the slowest start date and lowest vaccination rates of all G20 nations. As of 10 September, only 32.66% of the population who are 16+ has fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in Australia. We are still far away from achieving the goal of herd immunity with the gold standard of 95% coverage. While other countries are reopening, Australia is still locking down. It is important that we do our part to protect each other. To welcome the (Morrison government’s) four-phase roadmap out of Covid-19, community pharmacists who have been appropriately trained are now able to provide Covid-19 vaccinations. Approximately 3900 of the 5700 pharmacies nationwide have been deemed suitable to deliver the AstraZeneca Covid-19 two dose vaccine. In future, Moderna and Pfizer vaccines will be made available in pharmacies too. Anyone who is looking to have their Covid-19 vaccine administered in the pharmacy can easily find and book with their nearest participating pharmacy through (4).

Further Reading 衍生阅读: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. national-cabinet-four-phase-plan-out-ofcovid-pandemic/100339314

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

With our current limited data, there are still many hard questions that remain to be answered such as the long-term safety profile of Covid-19 vaccines. Nevertheless, there are a few important things we can do before and after vaccination to keep us safe and healthy. Firstly, eat well. It has been proven that T-cells are highly influenced by nutrients (5). Adequate nutrients are essential to ensure the proper function of physical barriers and immune cells (6). However, it is also important to remember that we may need higher daily intakes of nutrients to support our immune function. Supplementation with multivitamin has been suggested by researchers to modulate immune function and reduce risks of infection (6).

Secondly, supplement zinc 15-40mg daily. Zinc has been shown to influence our genomic stability, it is also essential in breaking down mRNA (7). Zinc deficiency also leads to poorer Covid-19 outcomes (8).

Thirdly, replete vitamin D by 4000-10000IU daily to achieve 75-125nmol/L blood level (9) . Severe Covid-19 patients have been found markedly low in vitamin D and the prevalence was almost 100% in critical ill patients (10)(11).

Lastly, have enough sleep. People who slept less than 6 hours were 11.5 times less likely to gain protection from the vaccine (12).

6. 7. 8. PMC7482607/ 9. 10. 11. 12. news/20120801/sleep-helps-vaccines-workstudy

COVID-19 疫苗接种是应对大流行的重 要步骤,可预防严重疾病和死亡。目前 正在开发 200 多种 COVID-19 疫苗。截 至 2021 年 6 月 3 日,世界卫生组织已评 估以下针对 COVID-19 的疫苗为符合安 全性和有效性的必要标准(1): • 阿斯利康/牛津疫苗 (AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine) • 强生公司(Johnson and Johnson) • 摩登纳(Moderna) • 輝瑞/BNT(Pfizer/BionTech) • 国药控股(Sinopharm) • 科兴(Sinovac)

尽管数百万人已 经 安 全地接 种了 Covid-19疫苗,但在所有G20国家中,澳大利 亚的开始日期最慢,疫苗接种率亦最低。截至 9月10日,澳大利亚只有32.66%的16岁以上人 口接种了COVID-19疫苗。我们距离达到95% 覆 盖率的 “黄金标 准” 群 体 免 疫目标 还 很 遥 远。在其他国家重新开放的同时,澳大利亚仍 处于封锁状态。重要的是,我们都需要尽自己 的一份力量来保护大家。

为了欢迎(莫里森政府的)Covid-19的 四阶段路线图,经过适当培训的社区药剂师 现在能够提供Covid-19疫苗接种服务。全国 5700家药房中约有3900家被认为适合提供阿 斯利康Covid-19两剂疫苗。未来,药房也即将 可以提供摩登纳和輝瑞疫苗。任何希望在药 房接种Covid-19疫苗的人都可以通过www.轻松找到离他们最近 的参与药房并预约(4)。 由于我们目前的数据有限,仍有许多问 题仍有待回答,例如Covid-19疫苗的长期安 全性。尽管如此,在接种疫苗之前和之后,我 们可以采取一些的措施来保证我们的安全和 健康。

首先,吃得好。已经证明T细胞受营养物 质的影响很大(5)。充足的营养对于确保物理屏 障和免疫细胞的正常功能至关重要(6)。然而, 同样重要的是要记住,我们可能需要每天摄 入更多的营养来支持我们的免疫功能。研究 人员建议补充多种维生素来调节免疫功能并 降低感染风险(6)。

其次,每天补充锌15-40mg。锌已被证 明会影响我们的基因组稳定性,它对于分解 mRNA也是必不可少的(7)。缺锌还会导致较差 的 Covid-19 结果 (8)。

第三,每天补充 4000-10000IU 的维生素 D,以达到75-125nmol/L的血液水平(9)。已发 现很多重症 Covid-19 患者的维生素 D 含量显 着降低,并且在Covid-19危重患者中,缺维生 素 D的患病率几乎为 100% (10)(11)。 最 后,保 持睡 眠 充足。睡 眠 时间少 于 6 小时的人获得疫苗保护的可能性比标准要低 11.5 倍 (12)。

Boosting immunity from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine 从中医角度浅谈如何增强人体的免疫力

Dr Julia FU is a practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. She graduated from the Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China in 1983, and has 36 years of experience. 傅绪琼中医师 - 1983年毕业于5年制中国安徽中医药大学,从事中医临床已有36年 工作经验。

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the body’s immune system is referred to as its “vital energy”. By enhancing the body’s immunity one can improve their vital energy to resist the intrusion of “pathogenic energy”. Building up the body’s immunity to eliminate disease is a principle of TCM.

Humans live in an increasingly harsh natural environment where we are constantly under attack by viruses and bacteria that are foreign to our bodies. As practitioners of TCM, we learn from the Huangdi Nei Jing 1 that “he who has vital energy will not be affected by pathogenic energy; he who collects pathogenic energy must lack vital energy”. In other words, as long as the body is full of vital energy, disease-causing pathogenic energy cannot invade the body; if you are sick, it must be due to a lack of vital energy. This essential theory of TCM has been proven through the ages. For example, we often see young or healthy people having very mild symptoms and recovering quickly or having no symptoms when they are infected by pathogenic energy. However, when the elderly or frail people become infected, they may have more severe symptoms and might not recover so easily. A concrete example of the battle between vital and pathogenic energies is the Covid-19 virus pandemic currently ravaging the world.

How is TCM typically used to regulate the body’s vital energy? Based on my many years of experience in clinical practice, I suggest you consider doing the following things:

1. Nourishing the mind and body, and maintaining a calm mental state is critical. Having worked in traditional Chinese medicine for several decades, I feel that emotional damage and a variety of stresses are the main causes of a decline in vital energy. This may also be due to changes in today’s society, competition, and deteriorating interpersonal relationships. A healthy person without any illness may suddenly fall ill due to sudden emotional shock or severe mental stress. Practitioners

of TCM believe that harming the seven human emotions causes dysfunction in the internal organs, an imbalance of yin and yang, and a decrease in vital energy. I would like to especially warn white-collar workers to avoid being in a stressful working environment longterm; your health is more important.

2. You should maintain a daily routine, ensuring moderation and regularity in life. The human body has its biological clock, yin and yang must be balanced, and the body’s yang energy must adapt to the changing rhythms of day and night in nature. When the sun rises in the morning, the body’s yang energy begins to grow; at noon, it is at its peak. When the sun begins to move to the west, the body’s yang energy gradually attenuates, and the pores start to close; at sunset, yang energy travels to the yin points, bodily activities become more internal, and the pores close up. This is when the body needs rest and attain uninterrupted sleep. It is therefore important to develop good living habits: be active during the day, rest at night, go to bed and get up at a fixed time, and never stay up late. 3. Ensure you eat three meals at the same time each day, avoid overeating, consume fresh food and maintain a varied diet. 4. Exercise regularly at a level within your ability. I recommend walking for forty minutes or more a day, moving the arms as you walk.

5. Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage and moxibustion all help to improve the body’s vital energy. They should only be done under the proper guidance of a Chinese medicine practitioner.

人体的免疫力,用中医的术语来说,就是 人体的“正气”。增强人体的免疫力,就 是要增强人体的正气来抵抗“外邪”的侵 入,这就是中医的“扶正祛邪”的原则。

人类生活在越来越恶劣的自然环境中, 经常受到外来病毒和细菌的侵袭。我们中医 认为,“正气内存,邪不可干,邪之所凑、其气 必虛” (《黄帝内经》),这是千古锤炼过的中医 理论的精华,意思是说,只要体内正气充沛, 外界致病的邪气就不能侵袭机体;而如果是 生病了,就必然是正气的不足引起的。表现在 实际的例子中,我们就是看到年轻或体壮的 人,即使感染了”外邪“也会表现为症状很轻, 恢复得很快,或者完全没有症状。而年老或体 弱的人一旦感染,就可能会症状比较严重,也 比较难以恢复。当下肆虐的Covid-19病毒的流 行,也是一个正邪相争的具体实例。


文◎傅绪琼 Julia FU 译◎张道 Toby JONES


中医通常是怎样调养人体内的正气呢? 根据自己多年临床实践的经验,建议大家注意 以下几个方面: 1. 养心调性,保持平和的情绪是第一重要的。 本人从事中医养生方面的工作几十年,感 觉情绪受损或各样的压力是造成人的正气 下降的一个主要原因,此外也与当今社会 的变化,竞争,人际关系每况日下等环境有 关。一个没有任何疾病,身体强壮的人可能 会因为一次突发的情感打击,或出于大的 心理压力下,而造成健康会突然垮掉。中医 认为七情内伤会导致各脏腑功能紊乱,阴 阳失调,正气下降。在此也特别提醒白领人 士,不要长期处于压力大的工作环境中,健 康更为重要。

2. 起 居有常,生活要有节制和规律。人体都有 自己的生物钟,阴阳要平衡,人体的阳气要 适应自然界变化的昼夜消长节律。在早晨日 出之时,人体阳气开始生发;日当中午的时 候,阳气最旺盛;太阳偏西时,体表的阳气 就逐渐衰减,汗孔由开放而闭密;到了日落 的时候,阳气行于阴分,活动倾向于体内, 汗孔就更加紧闭,这时人体需要休息,保持 安静睡眠。所以要有好的生活习惯,日出而 作,日入而息,按时起床,按时入睡,千万不 能熬夜。 3. 饮食三餐要有规律,不暴饮暴食,且食品要 多样化和新鲜。

4. 坚持做一些适应自己的运动,特别推荐走 路,每天四十多分钟甩手步行。 5. 中药,针灸和按摩,艾灸等都有助于提高人 体内的正气,这需要在中医师的指导下使用。

Translator notes:

The Huangdi Nei Jing (“Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor”) is an ancient text and one of the main sources of knowledge for practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine.




文◎Department of Health | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Information About Covid-19 Vaccines The Department of Health is committed to making information about COVID-19 vaccines available to everyone in Australia, including culturally and linguistically diverse communities. The information below includes in-language communication resources on the latest COVID-19 vaccine information. We encourage you to share the resources in this pack across your multicultural networks. Through your help and support, we can ensure everyone stays informed about COVID-19 vaccines through official sources.



Everyone in Australia aged 12 years and over are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. Read the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) statement on the approval of the Pfizer (Comirnaty) vaccine for 12 to 15 year old children, and the Prime Minister’s statement on eligibility for the Pfizer (Comirnaty) vaccine for those aged from 16 to 39. Please continue to check the Department of Health translated vaccines web pages for new inlanguage information and communication resources, including information relating to updates to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.


• Share the materials available in this stakeholder kit with your community by email, social media, or via messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Viber, WeChat, Messenger and others. • Print factsheets or posters and display them in your place of work or community organisations.

• Direct people to the Department of Health website for the latest information and updates. The website has information on COVID-19 vaccines available in 63 languages: au/covid19-vaccines-languages • Encourage your community to continue safe behaviours to stop COVID-19 from spreading. • Encourage your community to get vaccinated to protect themselves, communities and family.

• Advise anyone who would like more information to call the National Coronavirus Help Line on 1800 020 080. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. People who do not speak English can access phone interpreting services by calling 131 450.


• Vaccination against COVID-19 is recommended for all individuals 12 years of age and over. • All people in Australia aged 12 years old and over are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.

• Children aged 12-15 in priority groups can book now. Priority groups include children who have severe asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and other serious medical conditions; are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander; live in remote communities; are on the National Disability Insurance Scheme or are living with a disability requiring frequent assistance with activities of daily living. Bookings for all other children aged 12 to 15 will open from 13 September 2021. • We need the vaccine to help end the pandemic, reduce the number of cases, and stop the virus from changing.

• COVID-19 vaccines can help us get back to doing the things we enjoy. • Everyone in Australia can get the COVID-19 vaccine for free.

• You do not need a Medicare card if you get your vaccination at government vaccination clinics.

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

KEY MESSAGES : Vaccine safety and how they work

• The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) are the scientists and medical experts who regulate and approve all vaccines, medicines, and other medical products for use in Australia. The TGA check all COVID-19 vaccines for quality, safety and effectiveness before approving them for use in Australia. • COVID-19 vaccines teach your body to recognise and fight the COVID-19 virus. They do not contain COVID-19. You cannot get COVID-19 from having the vaccines.

• Vaccines are a safe way of building protection against the virus in the body, without causing illness. • For the best protection, you will need two doses of the same vaccine, a few weeks apart.

• COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in Australia have been shown to be very good at protecting against severe illness and death.

KEY MESSAGES : Learn more

• It is important to stay informed through official sources.

• If you want to talk to someone about COVID-19 vaccines, call the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080. The hotline is available 24 hours every day. For phone interpreting services, call 131 450. • You can learn more at the Department of Health’s website where information is available in 63 languages covid19-vaccines-languages • You can also talk to your doctor.

OTHER RESOURCES: Cancer Australia

Cancer Australia have produced a frequently asked questions factsheet about COVID-19 vaccines for people affected by cancer. This factsheet is available in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese. This translated factsheet can be downloaded from the Cancer Australia website.

For further information visit

To find out how to book your vaccine visit

Protect yourself

30 sec video

卫生部致力于向澳大利亚的每个人(包括文化和语言多样化的社区)提供有关 COVID-19 疫苗的信息。 以下是最新 COVID-19 疫苗信息的媒体资源,我们鼓励您透过您的个人渠道在多元文化网络媒体中分享。 通过您的帮助和支持, 我们可以确保每个人都通过官方渠道了解 COVID-19 疫苗。


澳大利亚 12 岁及以上的每个人现在都有资格接种 COVID-19 疫苗。 请阅读澳大利亚免疫技术咨询小组 (ATAGI) 关于批准 12 至 15 岁儿童 接种辉瑞 (Comirnaty) 疫苗的声明,以及总理发布的16至39岁人群接 种辉瑞 (Comirnaty) 疫苗资格的声明.


• 通过官方渠道随时了解情况很重要。 • 如果您想咨询有关接种COVID-19疫苗的信息,请拨打国家冠状病 毒帮助热线 1800 020 080。该热线每天 24 小时开放。如需电话口 译服务,请致电 131 450。

请继续查看卫生部提供的的疫苗翻译网页,以获取新的信息和资源, 包括与 COVID-19 疫苗的最新相关信息。

• 您可以在卫生部网站上了解更多信息,该网站提供 63 种语言的信息


• 您也可以与您的医生交谈。

• 通过电子邮件、社交媒体或通过短信应用程序(例如 WhatsApp、Viber、微信、Messenger 等)与您的社区共享这疫苗接 种懒人包中的信息材料。 • 打印资料单或海报,并将它们展示在您的工作场所或社区组织中。 • 引导人们访问卫生部网站以获取最新信息和更新。 该网站提供 63 种语言的 COVID-19 疫苗信息 • 鼓励您的社区继续采取安全行为来阻止 COVID-19 的传播。 • 鼓励您的社区接种疫苗以保护自己、社区和家庭。 • 建议任何想了解更多信息的人拨打国家冠状病毒帮助热线 1800 020 080。它每周 7 天、每天 24 小时运行。不会说英语的人可以拨 打 131 450 获得电话口译服务。

关键信息:COVID-19 疫苗





• 澳大利亚癌症协会制作了一份关于为癌症患者提供的 COVID-19 疫 苗的常见问题简报。 • 本资料单有阿拉伯语、简体中文、繁体中文、希腊语、印地语、意大利 语、韩语、西班牙语、他加禄语和越南语版本。 • 这份翻译后的情况说明书可以从澳大利亚癌症协会网站下载。



• 建议所有 12 岁及以上的人接种 COVID-19 疫苗。 • 澳大利亚所有 12 岁及以上的人都有资格接种 COVID-19 疫苗。

COVID-19 疫苗对所有人 都免费

• 12-15 岁的优先群体儿童现在可以预订。优先群体包括患有严重哮喘、 糖尿病、癫痫和其他严重疾病的儿童;原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民;住在 偏远社区;参加国家残疾保险计划或患有需要经常协助日常生活活动 的残疾人士。所有 12 至 15 岁儿童的预订将于 2021 年 9 月 13 日开始。 • 我们需要广泛接种疫苗来结束大流行、减少病例数并阻止病毒发生突变。 • COVID-19 疫苗可以帮助我们重新做我们喜欢做的事情。 • 澳大利亚的每个人都可以免费获得 COVID-19 疫苗。 • 如果您在政府疫苗接种诊所接种疫苗,则不需要 Medicare 卡。


• Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) 是监管和批准在澳大利亚 使用的所有疫苗、药物和其他医疗产品的专家。 在批准于澳大利亚使 用之前,TGA 会检查所有COVID-19疫苗的质量、安全性和有效性。 • COVID-19 疫苗会让您的免疫系统识别和抵抗COVID-19病毒。 它 们不包含致病的成分。您不会因接种疫苗而感染COVID-19。 • 疫苗是一种安全的方式,可以在体内建立针对病毒的抗体,而不会 引起疾病。 • 为了获得最佳保护,您需要间隔几周内接种两剂相同的疫苗。 • 已获准在澳大利亚使用的COVID-19疫苗已被证明可以预防恶化重 疾和死亡。

保护好自己免受 COVID-19感染

COVID-19 疫苗对澳大利亚境内 12岁以上的所有人均免费,其中包括: 不是澳大利亚公民的人士 不是永久居民的人士 持签证居住在澳大利亚的人士 没有Medicare卡的人士 海外游客 国际学生 移民工人,以及 寻求庇护者。

可以在哪里免费接种疫苗? 政府疫苗接种诊所、参与疫苗推广计划的药店都可 提供免费疫苗接种。此外,也可向家庭医生预约疫 苗接种。

欲预约疫苗接种,请访问 或致电1800 020 080。如需口译服务,请致电131 450 更多信息,请访问


粤语版本 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊春季版


Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动 Activities 活动


Day 日期

Time 时间

Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

�:��pm - �:��pm

Dragon and Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Sunday 周日

��:��am - �:��pm

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Wednesday 周三

��:��pm - �:��pm

Beijing Opera 京剧社

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Women’s Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Monday 周一

�:��pm - �:��pm

Tai Chi class 中华太极班

Saturday 周六

�:��am -��:��am

Choir 中华合唱团

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Line Dancing 排排舞

Saturday 周六

New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞

Sunday 周日

�:��pm - �:��pm

Table Tennis 中华乒乓球俱乐部

Wednesday 周三

�:��pm -�:��pm

Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐

Saturday 周六

Sunday 周日

Sunday 周日

Location 地点

Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 ��� James Street, Northbridge

�:��pm -�:��pm

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

Per term 每学期 $��

Teresa TAN �� ���� ����


(members only)

免费,仅限会员 Free

(members only)

$� for members 会员

(Beginner ��:��am - ��:��pm)

��:��am -��:��pm

Jen Nie CHONG �� ���� ����


Salvation Army 救世军总部 ��� William Street, Northbridge

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 巴卡达中心

�� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Contact 联系人

Each class 每堂课 $�� for members 会员 $�� for non-members 非会员 $�� for members 会员

��:��am - �:��pm

��:��am -�:��pm

Fee 收费

Per term 每学期 �� seessions 十堂课 $��� for members 会员 $��� for non-members 非会员 Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Ben LIM ���� ��� ���

Annie WONG �� ���� ���� Baohe LIU �� ���� ���� Jiping ZOU ���� ��� ���

Robert HE (Cantonese/ Mandarin) ���� ��� ��� Michael WU (English/ Mandarin) ���� ��� ��� Trinh QUACH ���� ��� ��� Jiping ZOU ���� ��� ��� Doreen CHIN

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

Leonard KHO ���� ��� ��� Dong NHAN ���� ��� ���

$� for members 会员 $� for non-members 非会员

May KE ���� ��� ��� Maya ���� ��� ���

Activities 活动

Day Long Respite Care 中华日间暂息中心

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Day 日期

Monday to Friday 周一至周五

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划

Time 时间

�:��am �:��pm �:��am �:��pm

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 �� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 �� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Various 商议待定

Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

��:��am ��:��pm

Tai Chi Class 太极班

Wednesday (Northbridge)

��:��am ��:��am

周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

��:��am ��:��pm

周三 (北桥) Community Talks 社区讲座

Location 地点

周四、五 (威乐顿) Monthly 每月一次

Monthly 每月一次

Fee 收费

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit �,�� Lake Street, Northbridge Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 �� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit �,�� Lake Street, Northbridge

Contact 联系人

Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care staff for more details


此类服务都须经由政 府部门评估,请联系 中华社区与长者服务 部以了解更多详情

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 Unit �,�� Lake Street, Northbridge

Gold Coin donation 金币捐献

Please contact Chung Wah Community Care Coordinator for more information. 请向中华社区与长者服务部 了解更多详情。 Phone 电话: �� ���� ����

Free 免费

Email 电子邮箱 : enquiry@chungwahcac.

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 �� Radalj Place, Balcatta

Community Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务


Chung Wah Services 中华服务

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 �� Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Appointment Required 提早预约



Community Outing: Adventure into the West


ong before Europeans settled Perth’s nature-rich scenery, the Nyoongar people lived here for over 5,000 years. These people enjoyed an intimate relationship with the land around them, a bond with the earth that nourished and nurtured them throughout the millennia. enthusiastic participating seniors were singing and laughing while our team ensured their comfort and safety throughout the entire journey.


According to the Nyoongar people, there are six weather-based seasons, and they are essential for understanding respect for the land concerning plant and animal fertility cycles and land preservation. The June-July period was called Makuru (early winter), a time of rains when the Nyoongar people move to the hills. Despite the cooler weather and the occasional shower, Perth Hills and Swan Valley region are blessed with the most stunning scenery with raindrops hanging off grass trees and the smell of eucalyptus through the air. With this in mind, and as the COVID restrictions gradually eased, our Chung Wah CAC’s outdoor activities are back in full swing.

Did someone say “Persimmon”?

Winter is citrus fruit season in Perth, with warm days and cooler nights, the fruits are ripe, and the persimmon trees at the orchard farm makes the ideal spot to commence our 2021 CAC Community Outings.

The CAC Community Outings is our muchanticipated program amongst our seniors, and with the limited quota available, the sessions were booked out within minutes. Our first stop was S&C Fiolo in Karragullen near Armadale, around 35 minutes drive from the Perth city centre. Along the way, our

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

Upon arrival, everyone was overjoyed as they were greeted with a field of fruit trees covered with red and round persimmons, like big and perfectly round red faces smiling down at them. Our seniors were in high spirits; for some, this experience helped them rekindle their childhood rural memories, while others expressed their delight with a sigh of relief as they appreciated the natural scenery. The calm and collected mood suddenly turned swiftly as our seniors reached the farmers market area, where they were dazzled with locally grown fresh fruits and agricultural products. The fruits of this outing were definitely met with a fruitful result!

Magnificent Sunset

Bold, brilliant, elegant and sublime are just some of the words scholars from many cultures used to describe a majestic sunset as it slowly quenched into the sealevel horizon. Being a migrant, the topic for our endless supply of blue sky and our spectacular sunset has consistently topped the list for every conversation back home. It reminds us just how lucky we are living in such a beautiful country that we call home. Unfortunately, when asked how many sunsets we have enjoyed in a year,

the number is disappointingly low and can generally be summed up on one hand. But, have no fear, we got it covered! Our next stop was Bathers Beach Fremantle (also known as Whalers Beach). Fremantle is also known for its historic architecture from the first colonial settlers and a tourist hotspot for great food and entertainment.

As we arrived at our destination, everyone’s eyes were wide open as they gazed upon the stunning seascape and the clouds hanging over the horizon illuminating a red and orange glow, such a simple pleasure in life but undoubtedly one to remember. As the sun finally retires for the day, it’s time for our seniors to head indoors and sample the delicious bounties fresh from our beautiful ocean.

A French author and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Andre Gide once said, “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he dares to lose sight of the shore.” For our seniors who ventured out of their daily routine to participate in the outings program, they not only experienced the beautiful Australian scenery, but they got better acquainted with the place we call home. It also promotes communication among the seniors, relieves loneliness, getting some fresh air and helps them enjoy their wonderful “golden era”. We have many more community outings organised for our community in the months ahead, and we have reserved a seat especially for you.

在欧洲人定居于风光秀丽的珀斯之前,努恩嘎人(Nyoongar)已经在 此居住了超过5000年以上。努恩嘎人与这片大地有着密不可分的关系; 他们认为,是大地在数千年的岁月中滋养培育了他们。 根 据 努恩 嘎 人 的 说 法,他 们 共 有六 个 由天 气 而 定 的 季 节。这 六个 季 节 除了能 让 努恩嘎人理解及尊重所有生物的生育周期, 亦让他 们 学 会 保 护 大 地 。六 月至 七月被 称 为“Makuru”(初冬)。因是雨季,所以努恩嘎 人会在这段时间迁移到山上居住。尽管天气 渐冷、冬雨绵绵,但当雨滴挂在树上、空气充 满桉树香气时,珀斯山和天鹅谷依然拥有着 最迷人的风景。随着有关新冠肺炎的限制逐 渐放宽,中华社区与长者服务中心的 社区出游活动就趁着这个好时节 重新回归了。

们有说有笑,而CAC的员工则全力保证长者 们的舒适与安全。 抵达后,大家都喜出望外。在大家面前 的是结满又红又圆的柿子的果树,就像一张 张美丽的红脸庞正朝着我们微笑,长者们都 感到兴致勃勃。一些人觉得这样的经历令他 们回忆起儿时的田园记忆,也有人觉得欣赏 自然风光令他们心情舒畅。当长者们走到农 贸市场区时,满眼的本地新鲜农产品及水 果让他们看得眼花缭乱。这次出游最 终取得了丰硕的成果!



在许多文化中,艳丽、壮观、优 雅和优美等字眼 都会被 用来形 容地 平线上的夕阳。作为移民,我们时常都会和 家人提起这里无尽的蓝天和壮观的日落。这 些风景让我们明白,我们很幸运能够生活在 这个美丽的国家中,并以此为家。可惜的是, 当被问到我们在一年中观赏过多少次日落, 用一只手便能数完的次数通常都低得令人失 望。不过,这次不用失望了,因为我们的下一 站是位于弗里曼特尔小镇的巴瑟斯海滩(也 称为捕鲸人海滩)。在弗里曼特尔,我们还能 看见第一批殖民者建造的历史建筑,以及品 尝到令很多游客慕名而来的美食。 抵达目的地后,大家的眼睛都睁得大大 的— —大海的景色让人惊叹,地平线上还燃 烧着橘红色的晚霞。虽然眼前只有大海和云 彩,但风景仍然值得让人记住。当夕阳西沉,长 者们进入室内,开始品尝由大海馈赠的美食。


社区出游 : 西游记


法国作家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者安德烈· 纪德曾说,“人们只有鼓起勇气告别海岸,才 有可能发现新的海洋”。对于勇于跳出日常生 活、参加社区出游的长者而言,他们不仅 欣 赏到了澳洲美好的自然风光,还更好地理解 了这个我们称之为家的地方。除此之外,社 区出游还促进了老年人之间的交流,缓解了 他们的孤独感,令他们能够呼吸新鲜空气, 并且帮助他们享受到美好的“黄金岁月”。未 来 几个月,我 们 还 会 继 续 举 行社 区出 游 活 动,而我们也期待你的参与。

在 珀斯,冬天 是 柑 橘 类 水果的季节。因为白天温暖, 夜晚凉爽,水果 正 好成熟。于 是,拥有柿子树林的农场就成为 了重启2021年度社区出游最佳的目 的地。 CAC的 社区出游 是 最 受 长者 欢 迎 的 活 动,并且 由 于 名 额 有 限,通 常 在 几 分 钟 内就 会 被 预 订一 空。此 次出游 的 第一 站 是 靠近阿玛代尔(Armadale)、位于卡拉伦加 (Karragullen)的S&C Fiolo果园。从珀斯市 中心出发,车程大约是35分钟。在车上,长者

Do not hesitate to contact us at 9328 3988 or email us today at Let’s start this wonderful journey to make the world a better place!

如果你愿意一起共创这个美好的社区,迎致电9328 3988查询或电邮联络 如果您想了解更多关于中华CAC的 活动和服务,欢迎您扫描二维码关注CAC 微信公众号,或关注我们 Facebook 账号: Chung Wah Community and Aged Care,您 也可以拨打我们的咨询电话 9328 3988 了解 更多资讯。 If you would like to know more about Chung Wah CAC, please scan the QR code to subscribe to our WeChat account. You can also follow our Facebook page Chung Wah Community and Aged Care. Furthermore, you can dial our number 93283988 to seek more information.

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地址 Address: 2/98 Lake Street. Northbridge.

主页 Facebook: Chung Wah Community and Aged Care 微信 WeChat: ChungWahCAC华人服务在珀斯

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文◎Criena Fitzgerald | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Edie Hoy Poy, ‘Mother’ of Chung Wah Original Title: “EDIE HOY POY - GROWING UP IN PORT HEDLAND”


die Hoy Poy was born in Port Hedland in 1927. Her father was a Chinese migrant, and her mother was born in Australia of Asian descent. Edie described herself as “an ABC” - an Australian Born Chinese. According to Edie, growing up in Port Hedland was fun. Many of her friends were Greek, Italian, and some Japanese, so she never really felt different as a child, except perhaps at school.


Her father would prepare her food – that was typically Chinese – and sometimes other kids would make comments like – “What are you eating – it smells” or “it stinks” because they weren’t used to different smells. Also, now and then, there would be a “blow up” in the school playground. Kids would grab her hat, stomp on it and say such things as “Ching Chong Chinaman.” While her Dad would get very upset, as a kid, Edie took it in her stride, saying to him, “Oh, it’s all right; they didn’t belt me or anything; they’re just names, you know.”

was the time of the White Australia Policy (1901 – 1973), and they would be ridiculed for doing so. As young as ten years old, Edie sometimes had to act as a spokesperson for the Chinese people in Port Hedland as many could not speak, understand or write English. She used to help translate documents, write letters and write bank drafts for those sending money back to their families in China. In the early years, many Chinese people hoped that they would return to China one day because that was where they wanted to end their lives, even if their family was no longer there. Sadly many never made it and were buried in Port Hedland or Broome. Chinese locals would also come to Edie if they were ever in trouble, and she would go to the people they had the problem with to help sort things out. She was not afraid to fight for non-English people, as evident in the following story. In the early days, many Chinese men were cooks, market gardeners, and storekeepers, so the only entertainment was once or twice a week when they could get together socially. They would gather at the house of a market gardener and play their Chinese gambling game – like dominoes but not Mah Jong.

Most kids in those days grew up with the saying - “sticks and stones will hurt my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Edie’s Dad had migrated to Western Australia from China in the late 1800s, as did many other Chinese people as indentured workers. It was hard for many as they couldn’t own land, and it wasn’t easy to start a business. Edie’s Dad was lucky because “like many Chinese, he had the initiative to make money and start something”. He started a small store which survived because there were no other facilities like it. Well known Perth suppliers included J and W Bateman and Harris Scarfe and Sandovers, Good Durant and Murray. Edie’s Dad used an abacus (a Chinese counting frame) and wrote things in Chinese in the store. He struck up a friendship with the Bank of New South Wales manager who did his books in exchange for a bottle of good Chinese whisky. While Edie could understand Cantonese, she never learnt to speak it. Later in life, this was something she deeply regretted. Back then, many ethnic groups hardly spoke the languages of their parents. It Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

A couple of times, other groups wanted to join in, and they said, no, it was just between the old Chinese. But one day somebody got annoyed and reported them to the police. They were raided and carted off to the police station. Edie remembers looking out from the store window and seeing a man on a bicycle out front with all these old Chinese following him. Among them, her Dad! “Where the heck are they going?” she wondered and followed them to the police station. As none of the old Chinese could speak English, ten-year-old Edie pleaded with the police for their freedom. After much bargaining, the men were let off. It wasn’t Edie’s Dad’s first dealing with the local police. When she was seven or eight years old, he had done a deal with them to run a gambling house. At Christmas time and during bad weather, Japanese, Chinese, Malays and Indonesian crews from the pearl luggers would come to the store to gamble. Tables were set up, food provided, and Edie would go around emptying ashtrays and cleaning up. It was here that she first learnt to swear in Chinese, Japanese and Malay! Even though she could not speak their language, her involvement with people taught her much about tolerance

and understanding. Edie’s father died when she was only 13-years-old. Everything went haywire. The money her father had saved for her education to study Chinese in Sydney was used to clear the bank draft – “so that was it, and my education went.” However, it would seem that Edie and her mother managed to keep the store going. Edie remembered the first Japanese bomb in Perth Hedland in 1942. “We panicked, and we didn’t know what it was because it happened at sunrise, early morning. We had been all educated to look out to the sea for planes, and no one told us that the Japanese would come with the rise of the sun. They bombed the airport, and we didn’t even know what was happening, we thought it was an earthquake. Even the army contingent that was stationed around didn’t know; all the soldiers just ran out into the middle of the cricket ground wondering what the heck had happened.” The people of Port Hedland were evacuated, and Edie returned three weeks later only to find her home, and the store looted. “We lost refrigerators; we lost food; we lost counters; we lost everything.” As did all the businesses in the town. It was a very frightening time. People were very fearful that the Japanese would take over the whole of the North West. Chinese families, including Edie’s, burnt old documents and photographs because they didn’t want anything to end up in the hands of others. Edie Hoy Poy OAM died in 2011, aged 84 years. She spent a lifetime of volunteering, improving the lives of non-English speakers and promoting harmony. She worked for decades for the Chung Wah Chinese community association and was its first life member. In 2007, Hoy Poy Street in Northbridge was named in her family’s honour.

Source - Interview with Edie Hoy Poy Interviewed by Criena Fitzgerald

Hoy Poy, Edie, 1927-2011. Oral History | 2000. Available at Online (Call number: OH3015) Original Post: posts/4947920771902209


丽茹(Edie Hoy Poy)出生于 1927 的Port Hedland。她的父亲是一名 华人移民,她的母亲则是出生于澳大利亚的亚裔。丽茹称自己为“ABC”, 即澳大利亚出生的华人。

摆好桌子,提供食物,小小年纪的丽茹便会四 处走动,帮忙清空烟灰缸和打理整洁。正是 在这个地方她第一次学会了用中文、日文和马 来文说脏话!尽管她不尽然通晓这些人的语 言,但她与这些人的接触教会了她很多关于 宽容和相互理解的处事道理。


中华妈妈: “EDIE HOY POY阮丽茹”

丽茹的父亲在她十三岁时就去世了,让 她的世界都乱了套。她父亲原本为她去悉尼 学习中文所积存下的钱,被用来清算银行汇 票的余款— —“就这样,我的学业前程报销 了。” 然而,丽茹和她的母亲还是设法让商店 继续营业。 丽茹深刻记得1942年在 珀斯Por t Hedland落下的第一颗日本炸弹的情景。

据丽茹的口述,在 Port Hedland 长大的 经验很有趣。她的许多朋友都是希腊人、意 大利人或日本人等。除了在学校里,她小时候 从来没有真正感受到不同。 她的父亲会为她准备餐点— —这通常 是中国菜— —有时其他孩子会说— —“你在 吃什么— —闻起来很香”或“很臭”,因为他们 不太习惯陌生的的食物气味。 此外,学校操场上时不时会发生“暴动” 。孩子们会抓住她的帽子,跺着脚说“Ching Chong Chinaman”之类的话。虽然她爸爸会 很不高兴,但作为一个孩子,丽茹从容应对, 对他说:“哦,没关系;他们没有限制我的自由 或被打击; 这只是绰号,你可以理解的。” 那个年代的孩子的成长过程中常听闻的 一句话是这么说的— —“棍棒或石头可能会 砸伤我的筋骨,但绰号伤不了我”。 阮丽茹的父亲在十八世纪后期从中国移 民到西澳大利亚、当时也有很多其他的华人 涌入澳洲作为苦力劳工。当时的生活对于他 们来说非常困难,因为他们不仅无法拥有土 地、创业也不容易。丽茹的的父亲是幸运的, 因为“他和许多华人一样、有着生财之道和聪 明的生意头脑”。 他开了一家小店,因为没有其他类似 的竞争者,他得以存活了下来。当时珀斯 著名的商家包括J & W Bateman、Harris Scarfe & Sandovers、Good Durant & Murray 等。 丽 茹的父亲在 店里 用算盘 且并 用中文记账。他与新南威尔士银行的 经 理 建 立了友谊,这位 经 理帮忙他处 理的账务,并以一瓶优质的中国威士忌 作为报酬。 虽然丽茹能听懂粤语,但她从未学会说 粤语。这是她在往后的生活中深感遗憾的事 情。那时许多民族的后裔几乎都不会说他们

的母语。那是白澳政策的时代(1901-1973), 而且如果他们这样做便会受到嘲笑。 年 仅十岁的 丽 茹 有 时 不 得 不为 Po r t Hedland的华人做翻译工作,因为很多人不会 说、听不懂或不会写英语。她曾经为那些寄钱 回中国的人帮助翻译文件、写信和填写银行 汇票。 在那个年代,很多华人都希望有一天能 回到中国。即使他们的家人已经不在了,那也 是他们想要落叶归根的地方。可悲的他们绝 大部分临终后还是无法还乡,只能被按章在 在Port Hedland或Broome。 本地华人遇到麻烦时也会来找丽茹,她 会去找涉事者进行沟通以解决纠纷。她并不 害怕为非洋人而出头,这在后续的故事中很 显著。 早期很多华裔男人都是厨师、菜园主和 店主,所以他们唯一的娱乐活动就是每周一 两次的社交聚会。他们会聚集在某个市场园 丁的家里,玩他们的中国赌博游戏(牌九): 一种类似多米诺骨牌,但不同于麻将。

“我们惊慌失措,也不知道那是什么,因 为它发生在清晨的日出时。我们都被教育要 眺望大海的方向寻找敌人的飞机,但没人告 诉我们日本人会从太阳的升起的方向来。


他们轰炸了机场,我们甚至不知道发生 了什么事,还以为那是地震。就连驻扎在周围 的军队也不知道发生了什么事;所有士兵都跑 到板球场中央,想知道到怎么了。” Port Hedland的人们被疏散,丽茹在三 周后返回家中,却发现她的家和商店被洗劫 一空。“我们丢失了冰箱;我们失去了食物; 我们丢失了店面柜台;我们失去了一切。” 镇 上的所有店家也是如此。 那是个恐怖笼罩的时期。人们非常害怕 日本人会占领整个西北地区。包括丽茹在内 的华人家庭烧毁了家中的文件和照片,因为 他们不希望任何东西落入他人之手。 阮丽茹(Edie Hoy Poy OAM)于2011年 去世,享年八十四岁。她一生从事志愿服务, 改善非英语人士的生活并促进民族和谐。她 在中华会馆献身服务了几十年,是该中华会 馆的第一位终身会员。2007年,北桥的Hoy Poy街以她家族的名字命名。

有几次其他群体想加入,他们说却拒绝 说这仅限于华裔老爷子们。但有一天,他们其 中有人生气并报了警。就这样他们遭到突袭, 随后被带到警局。 丽茹记得从商店橱窗向外望去,看到前面 有一个骑自行车的人,所有这些中国老爷子们 都跟在他后面。而且其中还有她的父亲!“他们 到底要去哪里?”她没多想就急着跟他们去了 警局。由于没有一个华裔老爷子通晓英语,十 岁的丽茹只能向警方请求还他们自由。经过一 番讨价还价后这些人最终被释放。 这并不是丽茹的父亲第一次与当地警察 交手。在她七八岁的时候,丽茹的父亲通过 警方的允许,开始经营着了一家赌场。耶诞节 期间或坏天气的时候,采珠商的日本人、中国 人、马来人和印度尼西亚人都会来店里聚赌。 资料来源 - Criena Fitzgerald 对阮丽茹的采访

Images – Port Hedland in the early years. Sadly there are no photographs of Edie growing up or her family as they were all destroyed. However, you can imagine that one of the buildings pictured here might have been her home and another the family store.

图像——早年的Port Hedland。可惜的时候没有丽茹童 年或她的家人的照片,因为它们都被销毁了。但是你可以 想象,图中的其中一栋建筑可能是她的家,另一栋可能 丽茹家经营的商店。

Hoy Poy, Edie, 1927-2011. 口述历史 | 2000. 可透过网络查找 (搜寻编码: OH3015) 原帖: posts/4947920771902209




文/译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Western Australia Chinese Guzheng Festival 2021 GuZheng Seminar


he Western Australia Chinese Guzheng Festival for 2021 kicked off with a seminar on 25 September 2021, at the Alexander Lecture Theatre, Uiniversity of Western Australia, Crawley Campus. The seminar comprised of two one and a half hour lectures, with an interval. Attending the seminar were fifty guzheng players, both beginners and experienced players, who share the same passion for this ancient instrument. As the host, Ms. Teresa TAN from the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra opened the Western Australia GuZheng Festival 2021 with a speech.

“Bringing the sound of Zheng to the world, let’s start from planting the seed with

your mind, and cultivating it to appreciate this art form”, said Teresa in her speech. She had been the greatest supporter of the Guzheng Festival, who successfully organised the Guzheng Grand Ensemble with 100 players at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre Balcatta in 2020.

The seminar started with the first lecture from Aime HUANG on “Introduction of Guzheng”. She introduced the guzheng from three aspects: the history of guzheng, the structure of guzheng, simplified notation (sheet music of guzheng). The attendees learnt from the slide shows and presentation, how guzheng has evolved from its primitive form to the current instrument, that we see. They also had an insight into the formation of sound via the deigned structure of a guzheng. As it’s quite different to western sheet music, the Chinese Simplified notation is an eyeopener to all guzheng beginners. Time flew by quickly with everyone focused on the second part of the seminar, presented by Xueyan CHEN,

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

analysing the technique of guzheng playing with Fisherman’s Songs at Eventide (渔舟唱晚). Ms CHEN demonstrated and explained in detail how to express the musical language of guzheng vividly using various playing skills, such as timbre changes and breath control. All attendees were not only amazed but mesmerised by the movement of her fingers among the strings of guzheng, which strikes the most beautiful chord that resonates with the music.

Learning from the best in both of our talented speakers, who selflessly shared their knowledge with the audience, everyone is looking forward to the next instalment of the Guzheng Festival, the Folk Music Concert, on Sunday 26 September at MLC hall in Claremont.


澳中国古筝节2021首届研讨 会将于2021年9月25日在西 澳大学克劳利校区亚历山大演讲厅 拉开帷幕。研讨会包括两场讲座, 从下午3点到4点30分持续1.5小 时,分别为上下两场讲座、外加中 场休息。 本次研讨会有大约50多名与会者参加, 其中不乏对这种传统乐器有着相同热情的初 学者和经验丰富的人。中华民族乐团作为东 道主,团长王慧兰女士以简短的开幕致辞揭 开了2021年西澳中国古筝节的序幕。

“让古筝音乐走向世界,我们先播下对于 古筝音乐的种子,再慢慢培养欣赏这门艺术 的身心灵”,团长王慧兰在开幕致辞中说道。 她是古筝节最大的推动者,并曾经再2020年 于巴卡达中华文化中心成功组织了百人古筝 大汇演。


西澳中国古筝节2021: 古筝研习会 研讨会以黃孜蕊“古筝介绍”的第一场讲 座拉开帷幕。她从古筝的历史、简体记谱(古 筝乐谱)的结构三个方面介绍了古 筝。与会 的学员们观众从幻灯片和演示中了解到古筝 是如何从原始形式演变为乐器的。她也通过 对于古 筝的设 计 和结 构来解 释曼 妙 音声的 形成与共鸣。由于它与西方乐谱完全不同, 简体中文符号让所有古筝初学者大开眼界。 研讨会的第二部分由陈雪艳主持,分析 了渔舟唱晚的古筝演奏技巧。陈老师详细讲 解了如何运用音色变化、气息控制等多种演 奏技巧,生动地表达古筝的音乐语言。所有 在场的人无不 都 被 她的手 指在 古 筝 琴弦间 的拨动感到惊叹且着迷,它与琴弦的互动产 生了最美妙的共鸣。


在 每 个人都专 注于 向 我 们 两 位 才 华 横 溢的老师教导中,时间不知觉的快速流逝。 两位老师无私地与学员们分享了他们的丰富 的古筝知识与技巧。这更让每个人都期待着 9 月26日星期日在克莱蒙特MLC大厅举行的 2021西澳中国古筝节:民乐音乐会。



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文/译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Western Australia Chinese Guzheng Festival 2021 Chinese Folk Music Concert


he second instalment of the Western Australia Chinese GuZheng Festival 2021 finally arrived. An excited audience of 600 people filled the MLC Hall is filled with excited audiences. According to the organisers’ ticket sales, it was a great turnout to the concert. The Chinese Folk Music Concert commenced with the Welcome to the Country Ceremony performed by Nyoongar Elder Betty Garlett. We are grateful to be able to gather in this ancient land of the first nation people and experience music from the land afar. The Chinese Folk Music Concert started with a bang with the symphony performance of the familiar rhythm of “I am Australian”, rearranged by Teresa TAN. The feast of music continued with a solo performance, “Beautiful Flowers Blossom in the Countryside”, then “Busily Carting Grain” by Cheryl on Dizi solo. Hueiqing NG continued next with “Here Comes the Tractor”, a Yangqin solo.

The audience wass then taken to the Yangzi River, “A Big River”, performed by the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra. The Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra had been practising for months in preparation for this concert, and their hard work paid off seeing the joy on the faces of the delighted audience. They elevated the crowd from the hassle and bustle of everyday life into a musical heaven. Grace ZHU from Muso Music Acadamy, who is only eight years old, brought the Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

audience into the “Butterfly Lovers” love story. Grace is currently completing her grade eight exam under the coaching of Lawrence Ng. She had performed and won various prizes in local competitions and events, including Fremantle Eisteddfod, WAPC and Muso Concert Series.

Yongjun ZHOU, a well-known tenor in the WA Chinese community, performed with Ruixue LIU on her Pipa, his famous piece “The Shepherd of Koktokay”. Mr ZHOU has given continuous support to Chung Wah Association’s events, often collaborating with the Chinese Orchestra on various significant occasions, such as the Perth Chinese New Year Fair and Chung Wah Association 110 Anniversary Gala Ball in 2020. The orchestra spoiled the audience with the next grand piece of music, “Beautiful Flowers Under the Moonlight” just before the intermission. A newly rearranged ancient piece by Bin Tang “Mei Hua Xin Nong” is then followed, performed by the Cheryl FU (Dizi), Xiaowen PAN (Xiao), Cynthia DONG (Percussion), Shutong LIU and Teresa TAN on GuZheng. It brought the audience to a standstill mesmerising in the music. The audience gave a standing ovation after such an incredible performance.

Zirui HUANG had brought along a special presentation of konghou to the audience with “Parting the Yangguan Gate”. Konghou is an ancient instrument that can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty. The harp-like instrument treated the audience with its heavenly sound. A Guzheng trio by Gabby LI, Shutong LIU and Wendi WEN follows, performing “Snowy Mountain in Spring”. The famous “Edelweiss” that was made famous by the movie The Sound of Music was brought to life by the concerto of guzheng players: Celeste LIU, Elaine CUI, Esme HE, Jasmine ZHOU, Simone CURRY and Vanessa TING. The trio of Xueyan CHEN, Aime HUANG and Teresa TAN delivered the piece “Hundred Flowers” with the incredible GuZheng performance. In a slight change of pace, the light-hearted “Dance Monkey” was skillfully delivered by Avril YET, Cyrilla JI, Duzi DU,

The leader of the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra, Teresa TAN expressed her appreciation to all volunteers, teachers, administers, technicians, performers and their families who have greatly contributed. In particular, the audience and the gold sponsors, AZ Invest Perth Real Estate, with their contributions towards fundraising for Breast Cancer Research Centre - Western Australia. “Without any of them, it would not be possible. “ Teresa TAN said.

The last instalment of the series of events will conclude at the Grand Guzheng Ensemble, on 17 October at the Confucius Institute, at the Claremont Campus of UWA. There will be 100 guzheng players participating in the grand event, letting the sound of Zheng flow to the world.

西澳中国古筝节2021: 民乐音乐会 西

澳中国古筝节2021的第二 活 动:民 乐 音乐会 终 于 到 了,MLC大厅里挤满了雀跃大约六 百位的观众。根据门票销售情况, 这场音乐会座无虚席。 民 乐音乐会以Nyoongar长 老Bet t y Garlett表演的欢迎来到乡村仪式开始。我们 很 庆幸 能 够聚 集在 这片古老的原住民土 地 上,一起感受来自遥远东方的音乐。民乐音 乐会以团长王慧兰重新编排,大家耳熟能详 的《I am Australian》和《花儿遍地开》华乐 大协奏演曲开始。随后付彦昕带来笛子独奏 《扬鞭催马运粮忙》,以及黄慧晴的扬琴独 奏《拖拉机来了》。 观众随后被带到长江滚滚长流中,欣赏 由中华华乐团呈现的《大河》。乐团成员们为 筹备这场演唱会已经练习了几个月,他们的 信服付出终究得到了回报:观众们目不转睛 的在欣赏演出,眼中尽是闪烁着欣喜若狂的 光芒。他们成功的将观众从日常生活的喧嚣 中抽离,飘抵了这个音乐天堂。 年仅 八岁的Muso音乐学院的Grace朱 梓茜将观众带入了《梁 祝》的爱 情故事。朱 梓茜目前正在 Lawrence Ng 的指导下完成 她的钢琴8级考试。她曾在本地的比赛和活 动中表演并赢得各种奖项,包括Fremantle Eisteddfod、WAPC 和 Muso 音乐会系列。 西澳华人圈知名男高音周永军、伴随着 刘瑞雪的琵琶声,演唱他的拿手名曲《可可 托海牧羊人》。周先生是一位才华横溢的歌 唱家,他于中华华乐团常在中华会馆的各类 重要活动场合一起合作,其中包括2020年珀 斯农历新年和 中华会馆110 周年庆典舞会。 中场休息前,乐团以一曲《花好月圆》将 观众听出耳油。接着是唐斌新改编的古乐曲 《梅 花 新 弄》:由付彦昕(笛子)、潘晓 文( 萧)、董欣怡(打击乐)、刘姝彤和王慧兰(古 筝)等人伴奏。观众在音乐中陶醉得如痴如醉。 表演之后,观众们全体起立报以热烈的掌声。 黄孜蕊以箜篌独奏《阳关三叠》为观众 带来了特别的表演。箜篌是一种古老的乐器,

它的历史可以追溯到东汉时期。这类似竖琴 的乐器以其天籁般的琴声让观众无不称奇。


Mandy LI and Nico ZHAO on guzheng. It was a fantastic sight to have modern pop music on traditional musical instruments. In a cross-cultural collaboration, Xueyan CHAN and Evgenia Moore successfully joined the two worlds with the performance of “As it is”, with guzheng pairing up with the piano. The concert concluded with the familiar “Oriental Music”, bringing the musical vibe to its peak for the day.


紧随其后的是李怡菲、刘姝彤、温 迪茵 的古筝三重奏《雪山春晓》。因电影“音乐之 声”成名的《雪绒花》在古筝演奏下别有一番 风味:由刘元熙、崔伊琳、何芷薇、周珈石、 黄孜烨和陈乐萱共同以古筝演奏。陈雪艳、 黄孜蕊和王慧兰给大家带来了神乎奇技的古 筝表演《百花引》。接下来的节奏稍有变化, 由叶祖杉、纪诗韵、杜思颖、李诗曼和赵妍瑜 在古筝上巧妙地演绎了轻松愉快的《Dance Monkey》。使用传统乐器演奏现代流行音乐 是一种奇妙的景象。谈及跨文化合作,陈雪艳 和Evgenia Moore以《As it is》的表演成功地跨 越了中西两方的音乐世界、让古筝与钢琴相得 益彰。音乐会随后以观众耳熟能详的Oriental Music,把当天的音乐氛围推向顶峰。 中华华乐团团长王慧兰女士对大家的支 持使本次活动取得圆满成功深表感谢。他衷 心向所有作出贡献的义工、教师、管理人员、 技术人员、表演者及其家人致以最诚挚的谢 意。尤其是现场观众热烈的购票支持,以及 金牌赞助商 AZ Invest Perth Real Estate的鼎 力合作,为西澳乳腺癌研究中心的筹款工作 做出了贡献。“如果没有他们的付出,这一切 都不可能成真。”王慧兰女士表示。 系列活动的最后一部分将于10月17日在 西澳大学克莱蒙特校区孔子学院的百人古筝 大汇演作为完结。届时将有百名古筝手的大 规模参与,让古筝之声流遍世界。



文/译◎Carl ONG 卡尔

Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-Autumn Festival Concert 2021




he Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-Autumn Festival Concert was successfully held on 18 September 2021 at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre at Balcatta. It was another year of success with an attendance of approximately 500 attendees that included parents and students of Chung Wah Chinese Schools, members and their families, the Chung Wah Executive Committee and Council of Elders, as well as guests from various community and government organisations.

The special guests were: Hon Pierre YANG MLC representative of the Premier Hon Mark McGowan MLA and Minister for Education Hon Sue Ellery MLC, Mr Yaz Mubarakai MLA, Member for Jandakot, Mayor Logan Howlet of City of Cockburn, Councillor Yaso Ponnuthurai of City of Canning, Nadia Civa and Hannake Rekelhof both Principal Consultants of Curriculum Assessment of the Department of Education, Jieqi ZHANG, Secretary of Chinese Language Teachers Federation of Australia, Li LIU, Secretary of Chinese Language Teachers Association of WA, Dr Tim SONG, President of Australian Central China Association, Carol ZHANG,Chairperson of Cockbourn Chinese Association, Inspector Don Emanuel-Smith (Community Engagement Division), Sergeant Sam LIM (COVID19 Vaccine Command), Senior Constable Sidhu and First Class Constable Te Nahu from Mirrabooka Police Station. Due to the COVID19 pandemic social restrictions in 2020, the Mid-Autumn Festival had to be cancelled. In year 2021, as the pandemic is relatively under control in Western Australia, many community events are still permitted. Recognising the tremendous effort of the Chung Wah Chinese School principals and academic staff, together with the volunteers and parents, to put together such a great event, President Ting CHEN mentioned in his speech, “This event Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

not only continues the traditions of acknowledging the Chinese heritage of the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, but it provided a chance for the younger generation to appreciate the poetic beauty of this celebration.” The ever-popular Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe started the festivities with their superb performance. With the thundering drumbeat and clashing of the gongs and cymbals, the lions jumped onto the stage with incredible acrobatic movements; the audience gasped at every stunt of their performances. The talented Chung Wah Chinese School students and teachers co-hosted the

night’s event. The audience applauded the great performances from Chung Wah Chinese School Perth, Leeming, Morley, Rossmoyne and Atwell, which was comprised of singing, dancing, Kungfu, GuZheng, Diablo and Chinese poem recitals. Apart from the great performances, there was a students’ work exhibition which showcased the theme “Mid-Autumn Festival”. Among the favourites on display were the lanterns handmade by the students, as part of the


NSHIP, MIGRANT SERVICES MINISTER FOR IMMIGRATION, CITIZE AND MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS FESTIVAL MESSAGE FOR MID-AUTUMN MOON Australian community, who are joining Chinese the to s greeting t warmes my I extend world in celebrating the Mid-Autumn Moon with the Chinese community around the Festival this year. holiday for Chinese people around the The Mid-Autumn Moon Festival is a special 2000 years ago, it celebrates good harvest, world. Originating from China more than a symbol of harmony and the hope for as moon family and the importance of the full ahead. good fortune and prosperity in the year the how this joyous occasion, marked by At this time of giving thanks, I reflect on r of lighting of colourful lanterns , is a reminde sharing of traditional mooncakes and such as this is festivals of ion celebrat the how and Australia’s rich cultural diversity, nation. our of cultural vibrancy and diversity so important to the enrichm ent of the , Chinese Australians have made With over 200 years of history in Australia continue success as a multicultural society and significant contributions to Australia’s Australian community for the Chinese the to do so today. I also want to thank donating From ic. throughout the pandem compas sion and strength you have shown online those in financial need to adapting to critical medical supplies and supporting in ed, you have played an important role connect remain people platform s to ensure keeping our community safe. element of Mid-Autumn Moon Festival Optimis m for the future is an integral to nities around Australia will not be able celebrations. While I know many commu I hope you can find alternative ways to gather together as you traditionally would, also whilst year, this family and friends celebrate and meaningfully connect with staying safe.

Mid-Autumn Moon Festival and for clear I wish you and your families a very happy at its fullest and brightes t. skies so that you many enjoy the moon





中秋节贺词 中秋节贺词 今天,澳大利亚华人社区将与全球华人一道, 共同庆祝中

华传统节日——中秋节。借 今天,澳大 利亚华人社 区将与全球致以最热烈 此机会,我 华人一道,共同庆祝中 谨向澳大利 亚华人社区 华传统节日 ——中秋节。借 的节日问候 。 此机会,我谨向澳大利亚华人社区致以最热烈的节日问候

中秋节起源于 2000 多年前的中国,是一个对全球华人 中秋节起源于 2000 多年前的中国,是一个对全球华人



这一天欢庆满月,寄托对生活美好的憧憬,感恩于五谷丰 这一天欢庆满月,寄托对生活美好的憧憬,感恩于五谷丰





吃月饼、挂彩灯是中秋节最主要的风俗活动。这种喜庆的 吃月饼、挂彩灯是中秋节最主要的风俗活动。这种喜庆的 气氛不禁让我想到,正是像 气氛不禁让我想到,正是像 中秋节这样 的节日构建 了澳大利亚 中秋节这样 的节日构建 文化,滋养 了澳大利亚丰富多元的 了我们的文 丰富多元的文化,滋养 化活力和文 了我们的文 化活力和文 化多化多 样性。 样性。 在澳大利亚 多年的历史 在澳大利亚 中,澳大利亚华人为澳 200200 多年的历史 亚华人为澳大利亚多元 中,澳大利 文化社会的 成功做出了 大利亚多元 文化社会的 成功做出了 重大贡献,并且在今天依旧如此。此外,我要感谢澳大利 重大贡献, 并且在今天依旧如此。此外,我要感谢澳大利 亚华人社区 在整个新冠 疫情疫情 亚华人社区 在整个新冠 期间所展现出的爱心和力量。从捐赠重要的医疗物资和为 有需要的人提供经济帮助, 期间所展现出的爱心和 力量。从捐赠重要的医疗物资和为 有需要的人提供经济帮助, 到转为使用在线平台保持联络,澳大利亚华人在保护社区 防疫安全方面发挥了重要作 到转为使用在线平台保持联络,澳大利亚华人 在保护社区防疫安全方面发挥了重 要作 用。 用。



亚各地的许多社区将无法像 亚各地的许 我希望今年大家能够以其他的方式来庆祝。在 多社区将无 与朋友和家 人庆法像 往常那样欢 度中秋,但 我希望今年 祝联络的同 时,确保防 疫安全。 大家能够以其他的方式来庆祝。在与朋友和家人庆

憧憬未来是 中秋节庆中 不可缺少的元素。我知道,澳大利 往常那样欢 度中秋,但









ER MESSAGE FROM THE PRIME MINIST MID-AUTUMN MOON FESTIVAL 2021 Moon to everyone celebrating the Mid-Autumn I am delighted to send my warmest wishes world. Festival –– here in Australia and around the time cultures, countries and traditions. It is a The Moon Festival is a celebration that crosses with family and friends. for togetherness and thanksgiving, shared is tural nation on Earth –– the Moon Festival Here in Australia – the most successful multicul s the generous sharing of history and heritage part of the rich tapestry of our nation. It embodie . that is the foundation of our unity and harmony of for many will again be subdued. The impact This year, the sights and sounds of the festival the celebrations we enjoy. the COVID-19 pandemic continues to restrict ion this pandemic –– underpinned by our vaccinat Our National Plan is our pathway out of by our ed –– to take up the opportunity offered program. I urge all Australians to get vaccinat doses of hope.

ce you will gather again with family and friends With this hope in reach, I have every confiden all aspire dawn of a new day. This is a future we can to watch the night sky and prepare for the to with confidence and joy.

to, it is my hope that the moon of this year’s At a time when we have much to look forward you. festival shines brightly to uplift and inspire


总理致辞 总理致辞

2021 年中秋节 总

2021 年中秋节 理致辞

我诚挚祝愿在澳大利亚和世界各地欢庆中 秋节的每一个人中秋节快乐。 我诚挚祝愿在澳大利亚和世界各地欢 2021 年庆中秋节 中秋节 的每一个人中秋节快乐。


家都有庆祝中秋佳节的传统。这是与家人朋友团 许多文化和国家都 有庆祝中秋佳节的传统。这是与家人朋友团聚聚、共享欢乐并表达感 日。 恩的节 、共享欢乐并表达感 我诚挚祝 愿在澳大 恩的节日 。 利亚和世界各地欢庆中秋节的每一个人中秋节快乐。 许多文化 和国家都 有庆祝中 在澳大 利亚这 秋佳节的 在澳大利 个地球 传统。这 亚这个地 上最成 是与家人 球上最成 功的多 国家, 朋友团聚 元文化 功的多元 中秋节 、共享欢 文化国家 乐并表达 ,中秋节 是我国 感 部分。 是我国丰 丰富文 富文化的 化的一 恩的节日 一部分。 。 了大家共 中 中 秋节体 秋节体现 现了大 家共享历史和 享历史和 文化传统 文化传 的慷慨态 统的慷 慨态度 度,这是 我们团结并和 ,这是 我们团结 并和谐共 存的基础 谐共存 。 。 的基础 在澳大利 亚这个地 球上最成 功的多元 对许多人 文化国家 ,中秋节 年庆祝中 对许多 是我国丰 秋节将再 人来说来说,今 富文化的 次不比往 ,今年庆祝中 秋节将 一部分。中 年热闹。 再次不 COVID19-19 疫情的影 秋节体现 比往年 了大家共享历史和 热闹。 COVID 制 文化传统的慷慨态度,这是 疫情的响继续限 了我们的 影响继续限制 我们团结 并和谐共存的基础 了我们 的庆祝庆祝活动 活动。 。 。 对许多人 来说,今 年庆祝中 秋节将再 我国的全 次不比往 国计划是 年热闹。 我们战胜 COVID疫情的出 19 疫情的影 路,其基 响继续限 础是我们 制 有 我国的 的疫苗接 全国计 种计划。 了我们的 们战胜疫情的 划是我 我敦促所 庆祝活动 。 苗,抓住 出路, 澳大利亚 其基础 人接种疫 是我们的疫苗接种计划。我 接种疫苗 敦促所有 的机会, 才能有希 望。 澳大利

澳大利亚人接种疫苗,抓住接种疫苗的机 会,才能有希

能有希望。 我国的全 国计划是 我们战胜 疫情的出 有了这个 路,其基 希望,我 础是我们 相信大家 的疫苗接 能再次与 种计划。 亲友团聚 我敦促所 共赏夜月 有 我 ,准备好 迎接崭新 澳大利亚 的一天。 人接种疫 苗,抓住 个希望 有了这 ,我相 接种疫苗 们都能怀 的机会, 着信心和 信大家 喜悦期待 能再次 这样的未 与亲友 来。才能有希 团聚共望。 赏夜月,准备好迎接



心和喜悦期待这样的未来。 有了这个 希望,我 相信大家 能再次与 在这个万 亲友团聚共赏夜月,准备好迎接崭新的一天。 众期待的 佳节,我 希望今年 我 励大家。 们都能怀着信心和喜悦期待这样的未来。 中秋皎洁的明月能鼓舞和激 在这个 在这个万众期待的佳节,我希望今年中秋 皎洁的明月能鼓舞和激励大家。



The Hon Scott Morrison MP Prime Minister of Australia September 2021

斯科特·莫里森议员阁下 澳大利亚总理

斯科特·莫里 森议员阁下 斯科特· 2021莫里森议 年 9 月 员阁下 澳大利亚总理 澳大利亚 总理 2021 2021年 年9 9月月


SCHOOL YARD 校园天地 allowed the concert to be held in safe hands. We are indeed grateful to everyone who had put in tremendous effort, time and sweat to make this event a success.


We look forward to next year for another instalment of grand celebrations.

lantern making competition. Some creative works indeed demonstrated the excellent skills of the students (and their parents).

A festival is never dull due to the great food that it is associated with. There was school volunteers preparing mooncakes, Asian delicacies and beverages to sell in the “Canteen” for the event. The attendees were able to enjoy their favourite food whilst being spoilt by the great stage shows.

The Mid-Autumn Festival concluded with the prize-winning lucky draw. Everyone enjoyed the cultural festivities. Fortunately, we are in a safe state in Western Australia that

Chung Wah 中华会馆代表 • • • •

Dr Ting Chen, President Jen Nie CHONG, Hon Secretary Bill Te h, Elders James CHONG, Elders & Trustee

VIP Guests 贵宾

• Hon Pierre YANG MLC, Representing Premier Hon Mark McGowan MLA • Minister of Education Hon Sue Ellery MLC • Mr Yaz Mubarakai MLA, member for Jandakot • Inspector Don Emanuel-Smith, Community Engagement Division • Sergeant Sam LIM, COVID 19 Vaccine Command, WA Police Force • Senior Constable Sidhu & 1st Class Constable Te Nahu (Mirrabooka Police Station, WA Police Force) • Mayor Logan Howlet, City of Cockburn

Sponsors 活动赞助

• School Management Committee (Morley), Principals, Teachers, Parents and Students.

• Yaso Ponnuthurai, Councilor of City of Canning • Nadia Civa, Principal Consultant, curriculum and Asssessment, SCSA • Hanneke Rekelhof, Principal Concultant, Curriculum and Assessment, SCSA • Prisacilla Prince, President, Chinese Teachers’ Association WA • Carol ZHENG, Chairper, Cockburn Chinese Association • Tim SONG, President, Australia Central China Association,

Lingolink | Sushi Master | HSBC | Murdoch University Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue


华学校中秋晚会于2021年9月18日假巴尔卡 塔中华文化中心成功举行。当天的活动大约 有500人出席,其中包括中华中文学校的家长和学 生、中华会馆会员、会馆理事会及元老会成员,其 中更不乏政要和各社区领导。

当晚的政要和嘉宾包括:西澳州长麦高 文及文化部Sue Ellery的代表杨帅上议员、 Yaz Mubar akai 议 员、Cockbur n 市长 Logan Howlet、Canning 市议员 Yaso Ponnuthurai、教育部高级顾问Nadia Civa 和Hannake Rekelhof、西澳中文教师协会 秘书长刘丽、澳大利亚中文教师联合会秘书 长张洁绮、中原联谊会暨商会会长宋廷光、 酷 本 华人社区 主 席张 乐春,西澳警 察代 表 Don Emanuel-Smith督察(社区睦邻部)、 Sam LIM 高级警官(新冠疫苗指挥部)、 及Mirrabooka警察局的Sidhu高级警官和 Te Nahu警官。 由于新冠疫情原因,中华中文学校2020 年的中秋晚会未能举办。2021年西澳州的疫 情受到控制,2021年度的中华中文学校中秋 晚会在各校区校长、全体教职员、志愿者和 家长的共同努力下终于得以成功举办。中华 中文学校理事会主席马烜历博士,中华会馆 陈挺会长及州长和教育部长的代表杨帅议 员均在在致辞中表示举办中秋晚会不仅延续 了华族欢庆中秋团圆的传统,更让年轻一代 有机会领略中秋节的诗意之美。也为中华中 文学校的学生展示才艺提供了平台。 才华横溢的中华中文学校师生共同主 持了当晚的活动。广受欢迎的中华舞狮团, 以 其 精 湛的表演为晚会拉 开了帷幕 。在热 闹的锣鼓声中,群狮在舞台上跳跃舞动,各 种特技表演令人惊叹,观众们对精彩的演出 报以热烈的掌声。接着,中华珀斯、黎明、摩

利 、乐 思 以 及 爱 德中文学校的学生 和老师们分别带来了 多姿多彩的表演。当天晚 上精心挑选的表演节目包括合唱、舞蹈、功 夫、古筝、抖空竹和古诗词朗诵,将观众带入 一个充满文化气息的的诗意境界。

除了舞台上精彩的各类表演,中华文化 中心的一侧还有学生作品展。以“中秋节”为主 题的绘画及书法作品及各校精选学生作业展 示吸引了家长和来宾的目光。当晚也有自制灯 笼比赛的佳作展览,并由与会嘉宾投票选出了 最精致的灯笼作品。这些精巧的灯笼体现了 中华学校学生优秀的创作和手工技能。 中秋佳节的餐桌上从不乏味,因为秋收 的美味佳肴多得数不尽。中华学校的家长们 以 及 志愿者为活动准备了一 个摊位售卖月 饼和让人垂涎欲滴的各类亚洲美食。观众可 以一边观赏舞台上的精彩表演,一边享受美 食,倍感节庆的欢悦气息。

中秋晚会的活动以幸运奖抽奖完美画 上了句点。大家都非常尽兴的享受着节日气 氛,并体会到了中秋佳节丰富的文化意义。 在西澳的我们幸运地免于遭受疫情的极端 限制,可以安全地举办中秋晚会。在此,让我 们向为这次活动的成功付出了巨大努力、时 间和汗水的老师、同学和家长们致以最崇高 的谢意。 期待明年中秋晚会再团圆。

“The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the major events according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Many parts of Asia, including the South East Asia region, share the same festive celebration with a slight localised twist: Chinese from the mainland China enjoy three days public holiday; Singapore has the main streets in Chinatown beautifully lit up with lanterns; Children in Vietnam celebrate the event with a star-shaped lantern on a stick; Malaysia’s supermarkets are stocked up with moon-cakes of all shapes and sizes. Korean and Japanese people share the same festival with a slightly different selection of food, but reunion is still the main theme. In Australia, the government acknowledges the significance of this festival by putting forward their official greetings to the community via various media channels. Chung Wah Association carries on the tradition to celebrate the MidAutumn Festival in style, with the Chung Wah Chinese Schools taking the lead in this culturally significant event.”


“中秋节是中国 农 历的 大事 之一。亚洲的许多地方,包括东南 亚地区,都有着相似的节日庆祝活 动:来自大陆的中国人将享受三天 的公共假期;新加坡唐人街的主要 街道会被灯笼点亮;越南的孩子们 会用棍子上的星形灯笼庆祝这一活 动;马来西亚的超市将备有各种形 状和大小的月饼;韩国人和日本人 共享同一个节日,食物选择略有不 同,但团聚仍然是主题。与澳大利 亚一样,政府通过各种媒体渠道向 社区发出正式问候,从而承认这个 节日的重要性。中华会馆延续中秋 节的传统,以中华学校为主导,引 领这一具有文化意义的活动。”



Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中华摩利中文学校

Elysses Lim Sayon, Caitlin Au, Yr 3, Morle


Yr 2, Morley

42 Grace Ouyang, Yr 2, Morley

Janice Li, Yr 4, Morle


Jessica Zhao, Yr 2, Morley

Lulu Chen, Yr

3, Morley

Valerie Szeto, Yr 1, Morley

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

Cynthia, Yr 8, Morley (1)

Kai Xi Yong, Yr 3, Morley

Violet Szeto, Yr 1, Morley

Kewei Seah, Yr 2, Morley

Mikael Lim, Yr 1,


报名 进行中


2022 年度 招 生 启事 招生详情请向相关学校进行咨询


Chung Wah Chinese School – Rossmoyne Rossmoyne Senior High School,

1 Keith Road, Rossmoyne WA 6148

校长:马烜历博士(Dr Ma Xuanli) 电话:0403 003 898


班至12年级中文班、成人中文班及多 种课外兴趣班。 学校也开设低幼班,招 收2-3岁的学童,以亲子共读的形式让 幼童在快乐中学习中文。

学校同时专设11/12年级中文WACE 课程:CBL(中文背景语言/Chinese:

Background Language)和CFL(中文 第一语言:Chinese: First Language)



认可,12年级考核成绩计入ATAR总 分。参加中文WACE课程考试的考生

可得到语言课程加分。详情请参照西 澳学校课程及标准管理局(School

Curriculum and Standard Authority) 有关信息。WACE12年级学生如果在

我校注册考试必须在第一学段结束前 报名上课。



Chung Wah Membership Required


Chung Wah Chinese School – Morley

Chung Wah Chinese School – Leeming

Morley Senior High School, Bramwell Road, Noranda WA 6062

Leeming Senior High School, Aulberry Parade, Leeming WA 6149

副校长 校长 林翠妤女士 陈水玉 女士 Emily Tan-Emery Regina Lam

校长 周如真女士 Luisa Chou



0411 249 463

0406 402 944

班至12年级中文班和成人中文班以 外,还开设1-3岁儿童游戏小组。我们 的老师以轻松的教学方式重点教授口 语,听力和对话技巧。学校开设武术, 民族舞,绘画,象棋兴趣班。欢迎大家 踊跃报名。


Chung Wah Chinese School – Atwell Atwell College, 201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164

0401 738 778

副校长 李华博士 Dr Li Hua

0401 686 306

至12年级中文班和四个程度的成人 中文班,还开设1-3岁儿童中文游戏 小组,家长与孩子进行快乐的亲子互 动。兴趣和电化教学是黎明的重点与 特色。学校开设书法、唱歌与话剧、绘 画、扯铃、武术、古筝兴趣班。


Chung Wah Chinese School – Perth Perth Modern School, 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

校长: 李华博士(Dr Li Hua)

校长: 李华博士(Dr Li Hua)



电话: 0401 686 306

五间中文学校,成立于2021年。除了 开设幼儿学前班,一年级到四年级以 外,还在课外时间开设小主持人班和 绘画班。

电话: 0401 686 306

至8年级中文班。学校开设书法和舞 蹈兴趣班。

欢 迎 前来学习中文

中华会馆下属五个学区2022学年度已经开学啦!各校均开办幼儿班、学前班、一年级至十二年 级中文班。 四岁以上学童均可报名。 有的学校还开办成人班、WACE/ATAR中文高考辅导班

中文课时间: 每星期六上午9点至11点半 (黎明、摩利、乐思、爱德) 每星期六下午1点半至4点 (珀斯)

课外兴趣活动时间: 每周六11点半至12点半

由专业教练、导师辅导学生开展中国传统文化兴趣活动,内容包括民族舞蹈、书法、珠 算、唱歌、故事演讲、绘画、中国象棋、乒乓球、扯铃、武术、话剧、民族器乐演奏,学生可 以选择自己喜爱的项目报名参加。

2022 年全年上课时间


05/02/2022 – 02/04/2022

Week 01 to Week 10


25/07/2022 – 17/09/2022

Week 20 to Week 28

第二学期 第四学期

30/04/2022 – 25/07/2022 22/10/2022 – 10/12/2022

Week 11 to Week 19 Week 29 to Week 36




Advertise with Us


The Chung Wah Magazine is a bilingual quarterly publication of the Chung Wah Association. Founded in 1909, the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organisation in Western Australia. We are recognised by the federal, state, and local governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in WA which numbers over 140000.

《中华之声》双语季刊由西澳中华会馆编 辑出版。成立于1909 年的中华会馆,是西澳规 模最大、实力最强的华人社团,得到澳大利亚 联邦、西澳洲、珀斯市和各个地区政府的共同 承认,是西澳超过14万华人的官方代言人。

Each edition of the magazine has a major theme or topic to report and explain matters and information that impact our members and the Chinese community. This is done through comprehensive research and interviews, and expressed via storytelling and reporting based on fascinating and factual materials and information. We strive to use a variety of styles and formats to spread the messages of the Association in promoting cohesion within the Chinese community, preserving our rich heritage, and increasing our efforts in people services. In the process, through this, generates a historical record for the Association and the WA Chinese community of their life experiences and changes.

每一期的《中华之声》,通过素材丰富的人 物专访、背景介绍、相关知识和信息的深度和 广度挖掘,来对每一个与会员和本地华人密切 相关的不同主题,进行全面演释和报道,我们 力求通过多样的形式和风格,来传达中华会馆 关于“凝聚华人精神、传承中国文化、加强人 道关怀”的理念追求,以此来记录中华会馆乃 至西澳华人社会百年以来的生活历程和历史 变迁。 本刊向会员和包括商业机构、政府部门和其它 非盈利性组织在内的全社会各界人士免费寄 送,同时在中华会馆网站 中有电子版可供阅读和下载。

The magazine is posted to our members, the business community, government departments, and other non-proÞt organisations. The electronic version is available on our website,au. We invite you to advertise in our magazine to share information about your goods and services with readers. We have a professional team of people with a variety of expertise that can help you to optimise your business’ exposure and presentation.

我们诚挚地邀请您在本刊发布广告,将您的 产品和服务信息与我们的读者分享。我们具有 全方面专业才能的工作团队,能够使您的广告 展示更加优化。

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