Chung Wah Magazine Issue #51 - AUTUMN 2022

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Together we prosper 携手华侨为西澳 中澳友谊号长春 中华会馆编辑出版 PUBLISHED BY



����年 AUTUMN ISSUE #�� 第��期


Chinese New Year Ball

2022 Perth Chinese New Year Fair



Autumn is here

“空山新雨后,天 气晚 来秋”,王维 的山居秋瞑生动了描写秋天的气候。 南半球的珀斯 一入三月就迎来了微凉 的天气、偶尔还带着丝丝的小雨。 虽然刚过了龙 抬头、2022壬寅 虎 年珀斯新年文化节的喧闹还在耳边环 绕 。本 期杂志 将 给 大 家回顾当天的各 色 精 彩表演和花 絮,以 及当天的热 闹 场面。据估计当天约有两万人的流量、 温暖柔和的天气更是让酷爱夏日的人 们络绎不 绝 。中华 会 馆新年 晚宴也在 元宵节后隆重登场,当晚的红男绿女、 衣 香鬓 影,您 可以在 本 期 的 特 别介 绍 中找到。 Cover Photography 封面提供

Consul General of PRC in Perth 中华人民共和国驻珀斯总领馆

本期杂志主要看点是《中华之声》 对新任中国驻珀斯总领事龙定斌先生 的独 家 采访。龙 总领 事 不仅 为大 家探 讨 澳中关 系的 微 妙、并详 细 介 绍中国 驻 珀 斯总领 馆 的 运作、也让 读 者 们更 加了解身为外交人员的龙总领事,在生 活中不为人知的一面。 此外本 期如常Mira医生会 给大家 讲解 各 类 疑 难 杂 症的提问;老朋友李 荣 森 药 剂师、和符 琼 绪中医师也 继 续 为大 家 探 讨中西 方医 药 对于 保 健 上 的建议。旅 美马侨 透 过本刊美食专栏 《盈 盈小筑》给 大 家带来她的私 房秘 籍 “娘惹粽子”的做法。在《寻根问祖》 专栏里,本会元老,饶逸生博士给读者 们带来关于 “天干地支” 的玄理。 本刊编辑 组一如既往的努力为您 带 来更优 质 的内容。因为在 这个微 凉 的舒服天气里,沏好一壶热茶、慢慢品 读本刊、绝对是最好的休闲方式。 谢谢。

“Freshly after the rain, the mountain has an unobstructed view. Late in the evening, the weather is turning into Autumn.” This poem by WangWei describes the Autumn weather. As the southern hemisphere enters March, the cold weather and rain begin. A month ago, Chung Wah Association hosted the 2022 Perth Chinese New Year Fair. In this issue, we look back on the colourful celebration and performances. It is estimated around ten thousand people attended the fair, helped by the warm weather. After the lantern festival, Chung organised the Chinese New Year Ball which will be covered as a special feature in this issue, with photos of the celebrations and guests enjoying themselves on the dance floor. Chung Wah Magazine has secured an exclusive interview with the new Consul General of China in Perth, Mr Dingbin LONG. He shares with us his view on the bilateral relationship between China and Western Australia, details the services and work of the Consul General Office, together with sharing his personal life and background. As a regular columnist, Dr. Mira has again tirelessly answered our reader’s questions. Our columnist Mr LEE and Dr FU will again share their professional knowledge in looking after ourselves for good health. This issue features an overseas Malaysian blogger, Echo’s Kitchen, who shares her secret recipe for making “Nyonya Rice Dumpling”. And a special mention to our Chung Wah elder, Dr Yow, who will be sharing his knowledge about the Chinese Lunar Gregorian Calendar in the “Chung Wah Ancestry’’ section. The Chung Wah editorial team have worked hard to bring you quality content because it’s an absolute joy to have a good read, whilst sipping away on a hot cuppa tea, immersing yourself in this Autumn weather. Thank you.

Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰 Chief Editor 主编



The many achievements of the Association incude:


Founded in 1909, the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organisation in Western Australia. We are recognised by the Federal, State, and Local Governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in Western Australia. • Community and aged care for the aged and senior members, and migrant services. • Chinese schools promoting Chinese education and upholding cultural awareness. • Cultural and social groups incorporating Lion and Dragon dance, Chinese Cultural Dance, Chinese orchestra, Chinese opera and Womenʼs Subcommittee. • Hosting the largest Chinese New Year community event in Western Australia. BECOME A MEMBER: To review the full range of membership options and benefits, go to BECOME A VOLUNTEER / PARTNER: Call 93288657 or email us at

中华会馆是西澳最大、历史最悠久的华人社团。备 受联邦政府、州政府和地方政府认可为西澳华人社 区的代言组织。 · 给长者和移民提供社区服务及护理服务

· 办中文学校传承华人传统文化和发扬中文教育

· 综合舞狮、华乐、京剧、粤剧、舞蹈和妇女组等的 文化及社交小组 · 承办西澳最大型的农历新年社区活动

想成为会员: 请浏览网页 查知会员详情及会员优惠 想成为志愿者/合作伙伴: 致电 93�� ��5� 或 发邮件到






Dear Members,


The Autumn breeze has cooled down the scorching heat from Summer. Although Western Australia is still experiencing a high number of COVID cases, this is mitigated by our high vaccination rates. We thank the community for doing the right thing, getting vaccinated, wearing masks, maintaining social distance and practising good hygiene. Please stay at home if you are unwell and get tested. Chung Wah has given out some free RAT tests courtesy of the State Government via Pierre Yang MLC and our Chung Wah Senior Vice President, Yudy Kodratjaya. We are looking forward to life returning to normal and interacting with the wider world. As one of the celebratory events of Australia Day 2022, Chung Wah Association worked with the Australia Chinese Dance Academy to organise the “2022 Australia Day Multicultural Dance Performance”. This event at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, was streamed live via Facebook and WeChat. This was the first virtual concert held by the Association.

The Perth Chinese New Year Fair is an annual event in the Perth calendar. The ever changing restrictions set in place due to the pandemic once again posed a challenge, but the sunny weather made for a beautiful day. With the advancement in technology, we were able to live stream the festival joy with people at home and the wider community in Australia.

The pandemic didn’t stop the Chinese New Year celebrations continuing, The 2022 Chung Wah Chinese New Year Ball tickets sold out quickly. Three hundred and fifty community, government and business leaders attended the ball at the grand ballroom of the Pan Pacific Hotel. Our volunteers, staff and friends of Chung Wah were also present. The jewellery charity auction once again proved to be popular. Thank you to everyone for your contributions. This Autumn, with the borders open both internationally and interstate, Chung Wah Association strives to serve the community better through its care and support. Our doors are always open ! Thank you.

Dr Ting CHEN 陈挺博士 President, The Chung Wah Association 中华会馆会长 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

亲爱的中华会馆会员们: 三月的秋风吹走了夏日的暑气,迎来的是天气宜人的 秋季。虽然西澳疫情尚未解除,但是疫苗接种率的高涨,让 我们稍微鼓足了底气来面对西澳州境解封。我们感谢社区 做正确的事,接种疫苗、戴口罩、保持社交距离和保持良好 的卫生习惯。如果您感觉身体不适,请待在家里并接受检 测。中华会馆在通过杨帅议员的和首席副会长许俊豪的协 助安排下,得以向会员们免费发放州政府提供的RAT快筛试 剂盒。我们期待生活回归常态,与更广阔的世界互动。 作为澳大利亚日的庆祝活动之一,中华会馆连同澳大 利亚中国舞蹈团联合主办了“澳大利亚日多元文化表演”。这 项在中华文化中心举行的活动,并通过脸书和微信进行了 现场直播。这是也是中华会馆首次以虚拟方式举办的表演 活动。 珀斯新年文化节已经成为了珀斯的年度盛典。在疫情 的笼罩下,不断更新变化的疫情对策让我们构成挑战,但 明媚的天气让我们还是可以感受到节日慰藉。拜现代科技 所赐,珀斯新年文化节结合了线上线下的方式,让除了近万 人的现场与会者感受华人农历新年的热闹,更是透过线上 分享传播节日喜悦至全国各地。 疫情没有阻挡华人农历新年庆祝活动的继续。2022中 华会馆年度新年晚宴在泛太平洋酒店隆重举行,席开三十 五桌,来自政商各界的名流云集。其中也不乏为中华会馆 付出心力的各属会负责人、中华学校教职员、以及义工团 队。当晚歌舞升平、宾主尽欢、不仅犒劳大家一年的辛劳, 更是透过珠宝慈善竞拍活动筹集了中华会馆营运善款。于 此,我由衷感谢各位商贾善翁们对于中华会馆的认可,以 及实质上的大力支持。 州境跟国门开启的这个秋季,中华会馆将会继续为各 界服务,不仅努力做好疫情后的社区关怀工作,更期待能 带动激发社区活力。 谢谢

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中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah

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编者寄语 Editorial 会长感言 President’s Message 人物专访 Profile Interview

携手华侨为西澳 中澳友谊号长春 Together We Prosper

中华消息 Chung Wah News 中华会馆新年庆祝舞会 2022 Chung Wah Chinese New Year Ball 二零二二年澳大利亚日舞蹈大汇演 2022 Australia Day Dance Concert 中国驻珀斯总领馆新任副总领事王 凤忠先生 对中华会馆进行礼貌拜会 Welcoming Mr Wang Fengzhong, Deputy Consul General of China 捐赠快速测试剂盒 RAT Test Kit Donation



多米尼克旨在让年长者保持活力 Dominic aims to get older people moving to the beat




珀斯中华新年文化节 Perch Chinese New Year Fair 张灯结彩 迎新岁 敲锣打鼓 庆虎年 Ushering in the Year of the Tiger in Style

2022年珀斯中华新年文化节致谢 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2022 Acknowledgements

寻医问药 Ask the GP



儿童接种 COVID-19 疫苗 Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine

浅谈老年中医保健品的应用和误区 The application and misunderstanding of traditional Chinese medicine health products for the elderly

校园天地 The School Yard 中华中文学校师生同台 载歌载舞庆新年 Celebrating the Chinese New Year with Chung Wah Chinese Schools

课堂上的热闹中国年 Celebrating Chinese New Year in the Classroom!

盈盈小筑 A Taste of Memories 娘惹粽 Nyonya Dumplings

张灯结彩 迎新岁 敲锣打鼓 庆虎年

Ushering in the Year of the Tiger in Style

我们的社区 Community


社区消息 Community Interest


寻根问祖 Chung Wah Ancestory

医疗资讯 Medical Information

中华中文学校2022教师大会 及培训成功举办 Chung Wah Chinese School 2022 Teacher Training

珀斯新年文化节 缘起 History of the Perth Chinese New Year Fair 中华会馆文化团体 - 耕耘社区的文化大使 Chung Wah Cultural Groups in the Community

Together We Prosper

家爱 Family

中华社区服务参与 珀斯中华新年文化节 Chung Wah Community Care at 2022 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 特别社区论坛 Special Community Forum

携手华侨为西澳 中澳友谊号长春

充满多元文化气息的 珍珠小镇— 布鲁姆 Broome - A pearling town renowned for its multiculturalism

2022年,水虎年 2022 and the Year of the Water Tiger

松柏长青 Community Care


新春团拜会 Chung Wah Community Care’s Chinese New Year Celebrations

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive

40 42

长期活动 Regular Activities

中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme


The oldest ethnic organisation in Western Australia Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 (08) 9328 8657

10 中华会馆新年庆祝舞会

2022 Chung Wah Chinese New Year Ball

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865

Chung Wah Community Care

Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003

24 版 权 发行


电话 Telephone

Broome - A pearling town renowned for its multiculturalism

COPYRIGHT Published by

Chung Wah Association

Editorial and Advertising Enquiries



Editorial team

Chief Editor


Jeffrey CHA

卡尔 汪

Carl ONG

执行编辑 视觉设计

Executive Editor Visual Designer

(08) 9328 3988

传真 Facsimile (08) 9228 3990


Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021


Willetton Centre

Chung Wah Chinese Radio

广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3 Every Saturday 10 am to 11 am 每周六上午10点至11点

Rachel NG

中华龙狮团 CW Lion Dance Troupe




Lingkun FANG




Haiying XIANG



中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne

CW Womens Subcommittee

中华龙舟队 CW Dragon Boating

中华舞蹈团 CW Cultural Dance Troupe 中华华乐团 CW Chinese Orchestra 中华粤剧社 CW Cantonese Opera 中华京剧社 CW Beijing Opera

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club

电子邮箱 E-mail Address


Keith Road, Rossmoyne 6148

联系人 Contact Details 马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898 中华珀斯中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306


Administration Lesley WONG

Bramwell Road, Noranda 6062



行政支持 黄小娟

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley

中华爱德中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell



联系人 Contact Details 周如真女士 Luisa CHOU 0401 738 778

58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton WA 6155



Aulberry Parade, Leeming 6149

联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0411 249 463


充满多元文化气息的 珍珠小镇— 布鲁姆

中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming


中华会馆总部 Chung Wah Hall and Administration Office

201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164





All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association. 声明: 《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自 中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对其 真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。对题材中 的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.




文◎中华会馆 Chung Wah Association Inc | 编◎黄思敏 Rachel NG

2022 Chung Wah Chinese New Year Ball 中华会馆新年庆祝舞会


n the evening of February 12, the Chung Wah Association welcomed the Year of the Tiger at the 2022 Chinese New Year Ball, held at the Pan Pacific Hotel ballroom in Perth. Among the attendees were, Community leaders, government representatives, Chung Wah executive committee members, council of elders, sub-committees, Chung Wah Community Care, sponsors and volunteers. Yudy Kodratjaya, Senior Vice President of the Chung Wah Association, gave a warm welcome by addressing the guests in Chinese, English, and Indonesian. Chen Ting, Chung Wah Association President, gave a speech expressing his gratitude for the rare opportunity to celebrate Chinese New Year, in the midst of a pandemic. The Minister of Multiculturalism, representative of the Premier of Western Australia, Dr Tony Buti, and Western Australia’s Liberal Party Leader Dr David Honey thanked the Chinese community for their contributions. Other important guests included the Minister of Mines and Energy Bill Johnston, Catherine Doust MLC, Education Minister Sue Ellery, Cockburn Mayor Logan Howlett, Wanneroo Mayor Tracy Roberts, Stirling Mayor Mark Irwin, the Premier’s Parliamentary Secretary David Michael, Government Whip in the Legislative Council Pierre Yang, Perth City

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Councillor Brent Fleeton, Liberal Party Federal Perth District candidate David Dwyer, Labour Federal Downey District candidate Wenqing Lim, Labour Federal Canning District candidate Amanda Hunt, major sponsors of the Chung Wah Association, Global Lithium Non-Executive Director Dianmin Chen, and general manager of Norton Golden Field Co. Ltd., Zhaoping Liu. The night was filled with exciting performances and entertainment. The Chung Wah Association’s Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe dominated the stage with a thrilling performance. The lions transformed oranges into wine-filled glasses, while leaving the empty wine bottles upside down on the floor. The lions blessed the wine as a symbol of good luck, which were then given to guests to make a celebratory toast to the audience. The God of Fortune and tiger mascots joined in the festivities, giving out red packets to spread joy and prosperity. Gracing the dance floor were the Chung Wah Dancers, dressed in vibrant aqua as they performed beautiful choreography with their long sleeves. For the second performance, the dancers used delicate chinese umbrellas. Guests danced throughout the night to the band and singers who performed nostalgic Chinese New Year tunes.


农 The finale of the night was the announcement of the lucky draw prize, a diamond pendant worth $8,000. Chung Wah sponsors also provided other prizes, such as travel, beauty, shopping and food vouchers. Most of the raffle prizes were won by the guests sitting at the Norton Gold Fields Ltd. table, who bought a collective total of 1,000 raffle tickets. The Chung Wah Association thanks them for their generosity and support. There was also a silent charity auction of jewellery from Australian Fine Jewellery. The Chung Wah Association would like to thank everyone for their support. We wish everyone a safe and prosperous year ahead, and we look forward to working with you in the new year.

历虎年的2022中华会馆新年庆祝舞会,于二月十二日在珀斯泛太平 洋酒店宴会厅隆重举行。当晚来自西澳的政商名流、贤达商贾云集, 其中包括了中华会馆理事们、元老会成员、中华学校教职员、社区服务部 同仁、赞助单位、中华会馆属下各康乐组代表、和中华会馆自愿者欢聚一 堂庆祝壬寅虎年的到来。

中华 会 馆 首席副主 席 许 俊豪作为活 动 的 筹 划 人,向 来 宾 们 表 示 欢 迎、并 以中、英 和印尼 三语向各界人士 拜 年。中华 会 馆会长 陈 挺 在 其 献 词 中 表 示 ,能 在 西 澳 珀 斯 如 此 盛 大 的 庆 祝 华 人 农 历 新 年 、在 疫 情 之 下 是 难 能 可 贵 的 事 情 。西 澳 州 长 代 表 多 元 文 化 部长Dr Tony Buti下议员和西澳州自由党领袖 Dr David Honey下议员分别向华社恭贺新年, 赞赏华人对西澳社区的贡献。西澳矿业能源部 长Bill Johnston和Kate Doust上议员、教育部 长Sue Ellery、Cockburn市长Logan Howlett、 Wanneroo市长Tracy Roberts、Stirling 市长 Mark Irwin、州长的议会秘书David Michael、 执 政 党 上议 院 党 鞭 杨帅、珀 斯 市议 员B re nt F l e e t o n 、自由 党 联 邦 珀 斯 区候 选 人D a v i d Dwyer、工党联邦唐尼区候选人林文清和工党 联邦Canning区候选人Amanda Hunt以及中 华会馆年度赞助单位环球锂业非执行董事陈 奠民和诺顿金田有限公司总经理刘招平等出 席了晚会。 中华会馆龙狮团献上了绝妙的表演, 狮子在 舞台上 嬉 戏、把准 备好 采青的橘 子瞬间变 换 成了盛 满 红酒的杯子,空酒 瓶四平八稳的倒立在 地面上。嘉宾们上 前接过醒狮祝福的酒杯、向在座的宾客 们祝酒。晚会期间财 神分别给大家分派 利是,虎 娃 也 给 大 家分 派 赞 助商 的 折扣 券,恭祝大家吉祥如意。中华舞蹈团为大家 带来两支曼妙的舞蹈:舞者们身着青绿、阿


娜多姿水袖善舞;秀女们撑着纸伞、开心的你 追我赶的嬉戏。舞台上的乐队和歌手们,不间 断的为大家带来耳 熟能详的新年歌曲、以 及 大家熟悉的舞曲吸引来宾们翩翩起舞。 晚会的最高潮要属幸运抽奖了,因为当晚 的一等奖是价值八千元的钻石吊坠。赞助商们 为晚会提供了综合旅行、美容、购物和美食等 各类相关奖品、购买了彩 券的幸 运儿个 个满 载而归。绝大部分的奖品被诺顿金田有限公司 那桌的嘉宾抽走,因为他们购买了近千张的彩 票,感谢他们的慷慨支持。晚宴当晚也备有珠 宝义卖活动:透过神秘竞标活动,让仁者善翁 在竞标心中所好之余,也以义卖善款 支持中华会馆为社区做贡献。 中华会馆新年舞会在来 宾 们 欢 歌 笑 语,以 及 爱 舞 之人的翩翩舞姿中落下帷 幕。中华会 馆至诚感谢一 年以来各界对中华会馆的 坚定支持,并祝愿大家平 安顺遂,来年再见。



文/译◎卡尔 Carl ONG

2022 Australia Day Dance Concert 二零二二年澳大利亚日舞蹈大汇演

The Chung Wah Association and the Chinese Dance Academy organised a Dance Concert to celebrate Australia Day. Due to capacity restrictions during the pandemic, the event was streamed live online from 10am on 26 January 2022 from the Chung Wah Cultural Centre at Balcatta, without a physical audience. After the national anthem, Senior Vice President of the Chung Wah Association, Yudy Kotrajaya gave a speech, extending his gratitude towards the First Nation people, which paved the way for the flourishing multicultural community that we have today. Ms Amy LEI, chairperson of the organising committee thanked the various groups and artists that enabled the dance performance to be a reality. Throughout the hour-long show, there were a variety of dance performances accompanied by colourful costumes. Regardless of age or gender, all the performers danced with big smiles on their faces. Although separated by physical distance, you could still feel the warmth in the comments from the online audience.


为了 配 合二 零二 二年度 澳 大 利亚日庆祝活动, 华族 舞 蹈团协同中 华 会 馆 联 合 举 办了多 元 文化 舞 蹈 大 汇 演 活 动。但 是碍于疫情的攀升,最终大汇演活动以没有现场 观众的网络直播方式,在上午十点整于巴卡达中 华文化中心透过云端与观众们见面。 在国歌演奏过后,中华会馆首席副会长许俊 豪先生致开幕词。他在致辞中感恩这片古老土地 的先民们的无私分享,让这片土地多元文化的社 区安居乐业。雷红敏女士作为活动筹划人、在其

致辞中感谢各个文化团体的支持,让这次的文化 大汇演成功举行。 在这个一个小时的大汇演中,集结了来自西 澳 不同民 族 特 色 的 舞 蹈 。不受 年 纪 和 性 别 的 限 制,你可以看见参与演出者脸上开心的笑容。华 丽的舞衣、结合了舞者曼妙的舞姿、伴随着美妙 的音乐;我们的网络上的观众点赞不断。虽然云 端转播让表演者与观众实质上分别甚远,但还是 可以透过云端的互动来感受到观众们的温暖。

The finale of the event was all performers on stage singing ‘I still call Australia Home’ whilst holding Australian flags. On behalf of the organising committee, Ms Amy LEI presented a memento to all participating groups, to acknowledge their contributions to the fantastic concert.

这个活动在全体表演者挥舞着国旗、在台上的大 合唱 “澳大利亚我的家” 的歌声中中落下帷幕。雷 红敏女士更给参与的各个团体代表颁发了纪念 品,以感谢他们优越的演出与奉献式的参与。

文/译◎卡尔 Carl ONG

Welcoming Mr WANG Fengzhong, Deputy Consul General of PRC in Perth 中国驻珀斯总领馆新任副 总领事王凤忠先生 对中华 会馆进行礼貌拜会 As the peak body of the Chinese Community, Chung Wah Association welcomed the newly arrived Deputy Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth, Mr Fengzhong WANG, to the Chung Wah Hall on 22 January 2022.

President of the Chung Wah Association, Ting CHEN, together with Senior Vice President, Yudy Kodratjaya, and Vice President Jiping ZHOU greeted Mr WANG. Amongst those present were, Honorary Treasurer Kemei SHAO, Assistant Treasurer Yang HE, Chief Editor of the Chung Wah Magazine Jeffery CHA, Committee Member Michael WU and Perth chinese community leaders. Mr WANG was previously stationed in Sumatra, Indonesia and had only recently been posted to assist Consul General Dingbin LONG in Perth. During the meeting, he said he was excited to work with the Chung Wah Association, particularly in culture exchange. Chung Wah President Ting CHEN expressed the willingness of Chung Wah to act as the bridge between the two nations to look after the welfare of the chinese community.

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

中华会馆作为西澳华人社团的最高机构,在 一月廿二日迎来了新任中国驻珀斯副总领事、王 凤忠先生特意安排的礼貌拜会。 中华会馆会长陈挺、首席副会长许俊豪,以 及副会长邹纪平在中华会馆大厅热情的接待了到 访的王副总领事。同时与会的有《中华之声》杂志 总编辑查绍翰、荣誉财政邵克美、副财政贺洋、理 事吴立方。在场的也有几位来自本地华人社团领 袖、以及总领馆的工作人员。 王凤忠先生 先前在印度尼西亚的棉兰领馆 任职,随后被调派至珀斯协助龙定斌总领事处理 领馆事务。在会议中,王副总领事表 示能参与并 协助在 珀斯本地推 广中华文化的传播而感 到雀 跃。以中华会馆的创会宗旨为指标,会长陈挺在 其谈话中表示愿意作为两国的桥梁、以照顾华社 福利为己任。见面会在充满欢声笑语的温馨大合 照中结束。


RAT Test Kit Donation 捐赠快速测试剂盒 With support from the State Government via Pierre Yang MLC and our Chung Wah Senior Vice President Yudy Kodratjaya, Chung Wah Association received RAT test kits for our members. The donation was received on 25 March 2022, by the President of Chung Wah Association, Dr Ting CHEN. 在州政府的支持下透过杨帅议员,以及本会首席副会长许 俊豪的的协助,中华会馆为中华会会员准备了数量有限的RAT 检测试剂盒。陈挺会长在四月廿五日于会馆大楼代表接受该项 捐赠。

Chung Wah Community Care at 2022 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 中华社区服务参与珀斯中华新年文化节 Chung Wah Community Care participated in the 2022 Perth CNY Fair wishing the community members a joyful and prosperous year of tiger. We introduced to the visitors the Chinese zodiac. Soon, there was a long queue at our game booth and the winners brought home happily a tiger mascot.

Special Community Forum 特别社区论坛 On the 15th March 2022, Chung Wah Association was invited by Vince Connelly, MP, Member of Stirling/Liberal Candidates for Cowan and the Honourable Dean Smith, Senator for Western Australia to attend a Special Community Forum. The Chung Wah Association was represented by President, Chen Ting and Senior Vice President, Yudy Kodratjaya and members of the Executive Committee. Representatives from the multicultural community were also present at the forum.

中华社区服务在2022珀斯中华新年 文化节内设有 摊 位,向广大社区群众 拜


年。我们更向群众介绍中国的十二生肖。 他们也可以参加投环游戏。可获 奖 虎年 玩偶。人们对这游戏和奖品甚感兴趣,摊 位外很快便出现了一条长长的人龙。

Text◎Josephine Allison, adapted from HAVE-A-GO News NO.358 January 2022.

Dominic aims to get older people moving to the beat

多米尼克旨在让年长 者保持活力

Health, happiness and hope for a better lifestyle are the mantras that 83-year old seniors fitness instructor and Chung Wah member Dominic Yam instils in his Fitness 50 Club. Dominic, an Australian citizen of Chinese heritage, migrated to Perth with his wife Amy from Ipoh, Malaysia, in 1980. He worked as an aeronautical engineer until he retired in 2005 and wanted to do something rather than sit at home or play golf, so he took up fitness training.

健康、幸福和希望是83岁的老年 人健身教练Dominic Yam在Fitness 50 俱乐部向他的团队灌输的口头禅。多 米尼克是一名拥有华裔血统的澳大利 亚公民,于八零年与妻子艾米从马来西 亚怡保移居珀斯。他曾担任航空工程师 至零五年退休。他想做点事,而不是坐 在家里或打高尔夫球,所以开始健身。

Dominic started instructing classes for 60 to 75 year-olds seventeen years ago. “Members are in the company of people their age with the same goals as opposed to a gym full of younger people where one can feel uncomfortable exercising,” he said. Exercise routines are choreographed with easy-to-follow steps to popular old-time music, making it a fun environment that caters to each individual’s fitness level. While complying with the standards of exercise set by Aus Active, the routines also incorporate Chinese martial arts philosophies, tai chi, qi gong (art of deep breathing), foot reflexology and meditation. Dominic himself is a picture of health despite open heart surgery in 2012, quickly recovering from the procedure with a strict exercise routine. In 2012 he was awarded the Active person award and, in 2020, Senior Community Citizen of the Year. Anyone wishing to join Dominic’s classes can email him at

多米尼克在十七年前就开始为六 十至七十五岁的人开设课程,提供免费 咨询和指导。“会员与同龄目标相同的 人在一起,而不是在满是年轻人的健身 房里,人们会感到运动不舒服,”他说。 锻炼程序是根据流行的老式音乐编排 的,易于遵循的步骤,使其成为一个有 趣的环境,满足每个人的健身水平。他 在制定的锻炼标准的同时融入了中国 武术哲学、太极运动练习、气功(深呼 吸艺术)、足部反射疗法和冥想艺术。 尽管在二零一二年进行了心脏手 术,多米尼克本人仍然身体强健,在手 术过后通过严格的复健迅速恢复。同 年他 获得了积极 人士奖,并 在二零二 零 年获得了年度长者社区公民奖。任 何希望加入Dominic课程的人都可以 拨打 0415 301 142 或发送电邮至: 与他联系。

中华会馆收到了来自到Stirling区议员、Cowan 区自由党候选人Vince Connelly和西澳大利亚州参议 员Dean Smith阁下的联合邀请,出席二零二二年三 月十五日的特别社区论坛。与会者包裹来自西澳的 各个社区民族团体代表们。 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊秋季版

PERCH CHINESE NEW YEAR FAIR 珀斯中华新年文化节 文◎陈薇 Abbie CHEN, 黄小娟 Lesley WONG,卡尔 Carl ONG | 译 ◎ 卡尔 Carl ONG | 审◎张娟妮 Jen Nie CHONG


张灯结彩 迎新岁 敲锣打鼓 庆虎年 -暨2022年“珀斯中华新年文化节”圆满落幕 二零二二壬寅年 珀斯新年文化节开幕式 2022年2月6日,珀斯文化中心张灯结彩, 十二个 生肖灯笼对列两排,一年一度的“珀斯 中华新年文化节”在珀斯文化中心和西澳博物 馆盛大举行。今年是这项年度盛事的第十一次 举办,吸引了成千上万来各族民众前来共襄盛 举。在澳大利亚原住民长者的祝福及传统乐器 声中,珀斯中华新年文化节徐徐展开序幕。 中 华 会 馆会 长 陈 挺 博 士在 开 幕 辞中表 示,西 澳民 众何 其 幸 运,能 在 肆虐 的 新 冠 疫情期间,如常的举办文 化节庆祝活动。他也呼 吁 并 鼓 励 大 家在 文化 节会场的疫苗接种站 接 种 疫 苗,因为这 是 保 护自己、家人和 社 区的最好方式。 西澳多元文化 部部长Tony Buti先 生代 表 西 澳 州长Mark McGowan先生出席了开 幕 典 礼 。他 表 扬了中 华 会 馆及华社 对西澳经济社会发 展和促进所做的贡献,并代表州 政 府颁发了多元文化部及西澳彩票局 的拨款赞助证书。 西澳副警察总长兼新冠疫苗项目总指挥 Gary Driebergs 先生感谢华社遵守新冠安全的 方针,对疫情防控的支持,对疫苗推广的合作。 珀斯市长Basil Zempilas偕同副市长Di Bain, Liam Gobblet 市议员以及Clyde Bevan 市议 员出席了开幕仪 式 。市长在 致 辞中提 及中华 会馆为珀斯最古老的社团组织之一,华人移民 与早期意大利和希腊移民并列同位. 他表示自

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

己是希腊后裔,Buti部长为意大利后裔,,陈挺 会长则是华裔。他感谢中华会馆与广大华社在 珀斯山火期间,第一时间赈灾募款,高度赞扬 庆典的举行,彰显了华裔先辈们前人种树的辛 劳,让后人们能与各族裔分享这个文化盛典。 最后,Basil Zempilas 市长宣布文化节启动并 点燃鞭炮。

亲子间的互动参 与 。其 中 一 位 妈 妈 反映:“在 澳 洲长 大的 孩子能亲身体验中华文化 的机会并不多,她很开心孩子们 被文化区的活动所吸引,转而成为他们学习中 文的动力。”

震耳的 锣鼓 乐 紧随着 鞭 炮声响起,来自 中华会馆、西澳华人公会、西澳蔡李佛功夫会 馆、精武武术学院和珀斯江兴馆国术体育会分 馆五大龙狮队一起展开精彩的表演。色彩鲜明 的醒狮,穿梭人群中给群众拜年互动,场面非 常生动热闹。

与此同时,由中华会馆华乐团团长王慧兰 以及五所中华中文学校主持的文化演出精心 策划的歌舞表演也首次如火如荼地在博物馆 的City Room徐徐展开,歌舞、粤剧、功夫和太 极表演,引来观众的阵阵掌声,向主流社会充 分展示中国丰富悠久的历史文化 和华人的今 日风采。

档摊及文化活动集锦 文化节集合了珀斯的美食以 及 文化 表演 于一体。在珀斯文化中心广场,提供来自不同 地域的美食摊位供民众选择。喜欢中式文化风 物的人士也在摊贩中寻获合心意的小商品。不 少商业团体以及服务机构也趁势给珀斯民众 介绍他们的品牌与服务、基本涵盖了生活的方 方面面。现场除了有醒狮助兴,同时也有彰显 青春活力的K-pop街舞以 及财神和虎年吉祥 物分发红包、利是糖等现场互动环节,新年气 息甚是浓厚。 值得一提的是中华社区与长者服务中心, 十一年来从未缺席文化节;工作人员详细耐心 地为大家介绍中心的多元服务范畴,并通过各 种小游戏让广大民众赢取可爱的虎年布偶和 纪念品,是人气最旺的便民摊位。 “莫 道 克大学文化活 动区”让民众有 机会 可以亲自体验华族文化的精髓。由中华中文学 校老师们主持的书法、剪纸和彩色活动,让民 众亲自用毛笔书写对联以 及祝福语 并认识中 国一些民间故事。西澳川渝同乡会会员在现场 展示正宗的四川麻将;用红包袋制作精巧的提 灯以及面部彩绘活动。该区老中青皆宜,适合

贵宾招待会暨多元文艺晚会 傍晚六点整,文化节的嘉宾招待会在西澳 博物馆的 Hackett Hall 举行。出席招待会的嘉宾 包 括 西 澳 州 长 代 表 ,矿 产 和 石 油 部 长 Bill Johnston、联邦下议院Vince Connelly议员、 州议员David Michael、Paul Lilburne、 珀斯市副市 长DiBain、珀斯市议员LiamGobbert、Cockburn 市长Logan Howlett、Canning市长PatrickHall、 Wanneroo市长Tracey Roberts、警督Don Emanuel -Smith、警长Sam Lim,日本驻珀斯副总领事、 以及各个华社和其他社区领袖及嘉宾们。 晚七点整,由中华会馆秘书长兼文化活动 委员会主任张娟妮女士策划并担任舞台总监 的多元文化文艺晚会在西澳博物馆City Room 的舞台展开。两位司仪冯 恺 盈和尹昆身着华 服,为 文 艺 晚 会主 持 节目。节目由 原 住 民 的 Welcome to Country序幕, 欢迎大家来到澳 大利亚这个多元文化的大家园。中华会馆陈挺 会长、西澳州长代表Bill Johnston 部长、珀斯 市副市长Di Bain以及联邦Vince Connelly议员 分别致辞并给观众拜年。 当晚的节目集合了华社和多个其他社区的

致诚感谢 2 0 2 2 年 珀 斯 中 华 新 年 文化 节 的 成 功, 都 汇 聚 着 大 家 无 私 的 付 出 和 智 慧 。感 谢 中 华 会 馆 的 大团 队,感 谢 筹 委 会 各 部门、参 与 文化 演 出 的 各 个 团 体 及 志 愿 者 辛 勤 无 私 的 付出 。感 谢 珀 斯 市 政 府,西 澳 多元 文化 办 公 室,Lot ter y Wes t 对 “ 珀 斯 中 华 新 年 文化 节 ” 一 贯 的 支 持 和 赞 助,感 谢 赞 助 商 莫 道 克 大 学、SBS民族电台、西澳博 物 馆、珀斯文化中 心、环 球 锂 业和 紫 金矿 业 集 团 。感 谢所有 文 化 节 设 施 及 服 务 供 应 商 的 一 贯 支 持。感 谢 对本次文化节给予大力支持和优惠的 Stage and Studio 和 Michelle Mok Creates。 感谢西澳警 察、感谢 司仪冯恺盈和尹昆的精 彩主持,感谢中华会馆办公室的精心组织和所 有志愿 者的无 私奉献;协 办本次活 动的各 侨 团侨领、新闻媒体《The West Australian》(西 澳人报)、ABC电台、 9号台、SBS民族电视台 等主流媒体和广播电视台,各大华人报纸及微 信媒体、摄影摄像师们,有了你们的信任和支 持,才有机会为珀斯人民带来如此精彩的多元 文化盛宴!


多元文化表演。这些极具高水平多姿多彩的演 出包括: 林佩莹、李子若与莱恩·金一 起以热闹的 新年歌曲”天天好天“为大家献上新年祝福,炒 热现场气氛到最高点。随后林佩莹和李子若以 吉他伴奏带来抒情的闽南语歌曲“家后”; Vocal Evolution的男声合唱让人领略声乐 美学,浑厚的男声共鸣竟能如此的和谐; 中华民族舞蹈团、妇女部以及华乐团的首 次合作,把观众们带入了虚幻的古风世界:舞 蹈员们的长袖善舞、开合犹如花朵的伞舞、配 以古筝独曲和高低起伏的三联奏,让观 众们如痴如醉; 中 华 华乐 团 更 是 在 随 后 的表演中,带来了扣人心弦 的“疯马”一曲; 印尼 舞 蹈 团 带 来 了 Selendang Pandang 歌 曲演唱并配合传统舞 蹈,让 人仿佛 感 受 到南 洋的蕉风椰雨; 珀斯 芭 蕾舞 团 的 舞 者们透 过 曼 妙 舞 姿 完美演绎了“梁祝”的精 髓,让观众们无不折服; 珀 斯枫 叶 合 唱团非常应 景 的演唱了北 京冬奥的主 题曲“ 冬梦之约”,并配合了手语的演出; 珀斯自由舞团的韩风满满的劲舞‘海盗’ ,展示 了年轻舞者的无比活力; 来自Saraswati Mahavidhyalaya南印度的 舞者身上的金饰玲琅作响,舞者的妆容让他们 的眼神融入了表演,投手顿足间仿佛看见了古 印度庙宇的舞者飞跃舞台上;接着是澳新舞蹈 团的小演员为观众呈现了别有一番风味的可 爱版敦煌舞。 周永军老师再次为观众们带来高水准的 演唱,配合舞者的表演堪称一绝; 中华合唱团作为压轴演出,带来了“往日 时光”和“闲聊波尔卡”两首动听的合唱曲,展示 了其专业水平; 文艺晚会在中华合唱团所引领、“澳大利 亚我的家”的歌声中圆满落下帷幕,并在台上 让全体表演人员以及嘉宾们进行大合照。

Ushering in the Year of the Tiger in Style Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2022 Opening Ceremony The annual Perth Chinese New Year Fair was held on 6 February 2022 in the Perth Cultural Centre and the West Australian Museum. For the two weeks of the Lunar New Year Celebration, the cultural precinct was decorated with festive red lanterns. Greeting visitors were twelve large Chinese Zodiac animal lanterns lining both sides of the walkway between the Museum and the Central Square. It was the eleventh year of the Perth Chinese New Year Fair since the inaugural fair in 2012.The event attracts thousands of people from the City of Perth and the metropolitan region. Held in the Cultural Centre Amphitheatre, the Opening Ceremony began with a Welcome to the Country, by Aboriginal Elder, James Webb. In his opening address, the President of the Chung Wah Association, Dr Ting CHEN expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to celebrate Chinese New Year under the extremely challenging circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions. He stressed the importance of receiving the COVID vaccination to protect ourselves, our families, and the community. He urged and encouraged the public to roll up their sleeves at the pop-up Vaccine Command Station to receive first, second or third vaccinations. Honorable Tony Buti MLA, Minister for Office of Multicultural Interests representing the Premier Honorable Mark McGowan MLA, acknowledged and thanked the Chung Wah Association and the Chinese Community for their community services and contribution to the development of Western Australia. Minister Buti also presented the grant certificates from the Office of Multicultural Interests and Lotterywest to Dr Ting Chen. Deputy Commissioner of the West Australian Police Force, Gary Driebergs, who is also the new Vaccine Commander praised the Chinese community for complying with the COVID safety policies and guidelines. He thanked the community for the immense support in the COVID Vaccine Command Programme. City of Perth Lord Mayor, Basil Zempilas, Deputy Mayor, Di Bain, Councilor Liam Gobblet and Councilor Clyde Bevan also


attended the opening ceremony. In his speech, the Lord Mayor stated that Chung Wah Association was one of the oldest community associations in Western Australia. He pointed out that the earlier Chinese migrants arrived in Western Australia around the same time as the Italians and Greeks and divulged his Greek background as he mentioned Minister Buti and Dr Ting CHEN’s respective Italian and Chinese backgrounds. The Lord Mayor thanked Chung Wah and all the Chinese Community Associations for raising funds towards the Lord Mayor’s Distress Relief Fund for the Wooroloo Bushfire Victims in 2021. He praised the Perth Chinese New Year Fairs organisers who have shared this colourful festival with everyone for the past ten years. Lord Mayor Basil declared the fair open by the lighting of the firecrackers. The loud firecrackers were followed by lion dancing to the deafening sounds of drums and gongs. There was a large combined group performance by lion troupes from the Chung Wah Association, Chinese Community Centre WA, Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu Association, Ging Mo Academy and Kong Hin Koon Perth. The Amphitheatre steps were fully packed with thousands of enthusiastic lion dance fans and spectators watching the entertaining performance.

Market Stalls and Cultural Activities One of the highlights of the fair were the fifty market stalls which offered a selection of multicultural food and drinks, games, gifts, toys and business as well as community information stalls. Of particular mention was the Chung Wah Community Care stall, who have taken part in the fair for the past eleven years. Friendly staff explained their services and there was an opportunity to try your luck at the throwing games. It was one of the busiest stalls of the day. The Murdoch University Cultural Activities Zone offered a variety of Cultural activities and learning experiences. Teachers from the Chung Wah Chinese School demonstrated Chinese calligraphy, traditional paper cutting, and there were colouring in activities for the young ones. Patrons could try writing Chinese couplets and learn words of good wishes and Chinese folk tales. Volunteers 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊秋季版



from the Western Australia Chongqing and Sichuan Association demonstrated playing the famous Sichuan Mahjong. Children could also learn to make a lantern out of red packets and have their faces painted.

popular amongst the Chinese background younger generation.

The Activity Zone was well received by people of all ages and was especially beneficial for the children. According to one of the Mums at the fair, “There is not a lot of opportunity for Australian born kids of Chinese background to experience and learn about their culture in detail”. She was delighted as her children had a great time participating in activities and was hopeful that it would motivate them to take up Chinese language lessons.

Throughout the day, the Perth Chinese New Year Fair mascots, the God of Fortune, Tigers and Kung Fu Panda roved around greeting the crowd, giving out red packets and taking photos with children. They were the celebrities of the Fair.

The afternoon cultural performances were presented by the Chung Wah Chinese School and Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra. The performers included children, teachers, and parents from all five school campuses. Other performers were singers, dancers, and members of various community groups. There were folk dances, songs, musical, opera, martial arts, taichi performances and a Han-fu Chinese costume show. At the Cultural Centre amphitheatre were lion and dragon dance performances from various community organisations, as well as martial arts and kung fu demonstrations. In the afternoon, a group of about one hundred dancers performed random dance to popular K-pop songs. K-pop has been

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Multicultural Concert The VIP reception was held in the Hackett Hall of the Western Australian Museum. The guests were Honorable Bill Johnson MLA, Minister for Mines and Petroleum, represented the Premier, Mr. Vince Connelly MP, Mr. David Michael MLA, Mr. Paul Lilburne MLA, Deputy Lord Mayor Di Bain (City of Perth), Councilor Liam Gobbert (City of Perth), Mayor Logan Howlett (City of Cockburn), Mayor Patrick Hall (City of Canning), Mayor Tracey Roberts (City of Wanneroo), Inspector Don Emanuel-Smith and Sergeant Sam Lim (both from the COVID19 Vaccine Command of WA Police Force), Mr Naoki Semmyo (Deputy Consul General of Japan in Perth), Community Leaders and other guests. The evening Multicultural concert commenced at 7pm in the outdoor City Room of the Western Australian Museum. The Masters of Ceremony were talented Helene Fung and Yao. The concert was organised and directed by Jen Nie Chong, Honorary Secretary and Chairperson of Cultural Development of Chung Wah.

The night started with a Welcome to Country and Aboriginal Dance by Elder James Webb and the Wadumbah Aboriginal Dance Group. The President of Chung Wah Association, Ting CHEN, Honorable Bill Johnson MLA (Representing the Premier), Deputy Lord Mayor of City of Perth Di Bian and Mr Vince Connelly MP (representing the Senator Dean Smith) delivered their speeches and Chinese New Year greetings. The concert showcased the finest performances from more than fifteen local community organisations. The memorable performances included: A Chinese New Year song by the vocal trio, Jessica Lim, Zola Li and Ryam Jim that brought much festive excitement followed by a sentimental song in the Fujian dialect, entitled ‘Home’. Vocal Evolution, sung ‘My Country’ and ‘Waltzing Matilda’ in acappella, which amazed the audience with their harmonious deep vocals and synchronicity. “The Sleeves of Time”was the first collaboration between the Chung Wah Dancers, Womens’ Subcommittee and the Chinese Orchestra. The dancers with long sleeves and flower umbrellas dancing to the Guzheng music was spectacular and mesmerising. ‘Crazy Horse’ a classic traditional piece of Chinese music, was perfectly performed by Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra.


口述◎丁少平 Shao Ping DING | 采编◎卡尔 Carl ONG | 摄影◎周丹

History of the

Perth Chinese New Year Fair 珀斯新年文化节 缘起

A traditional Indonesian dance to the song ‘Selendang Pandang’ (a Touch of Advice) by Selendang Sutra told a beautiful story about life education advice. “The Butterfly Lovers”, was a ballet, perfectly performed by the dancers from the Perth School of Ballet. Their dance movements were exquisite and graceful to watch. The song from the recent Winter Olympics “The Date of the Winter’s Dream”was performed by the Maple Leaf Choir accompanied by a dancer, was as well a memorable performance. Play Dance Entertainment performed the K-pop cover, ‘Pirate’. The dancers of Saraswati Mahavidhyalaya, dressed in glittering costume and theatrical makeup, brought the ancient Indian temple dancers to life on stage. The “Flying deities dance of Dunhuang”was performed by the young dancers from the Aus Central Performing Company. Although young in age, their synchronised movements were very impressive. Once again, Yongjung Zhou, the famous tenor, provided the audience with a professional vocal performance. He is also the conductor for the Chung Wah Choir. The Chung Wah Choir was the last group on the stage. In harmony, they performed the songs ‘The Old Times’ , ‘Chit Chat Polka’ and ‘I Still Call Australia Home’. This concluded the multicultural concert and the Perth Chinese New Year Fair for 2022.


This year was the 11th year of the Perth Chinese New Year Fair. The inaugural event was first held in 2011, founded by Mr Sammy Yap, former President of Chung Wah Association. The committee members who helped to initiate the event were Mr Quanlong HONG, then President of Fujian Association, Mr Shao Ping DING, Immediate Past President and Mr Ting CHEN, President of Chung Wah. During the interview, Mr Shao Ping DING said that the organisation of the event was split into two parts that was a joint effort between two major organisations of the Chinese community. The Chung Wah Association liaised with the local government and funding bodies and organised the official ceremony, reception and the multicultural performances and concert. The Fujian association contributed their expertise in organising the street stalls and parade. The collaboration received an overwhelmingly good response from the community. When Mr Shao Ping DING came into office as President of the Chung Wah Association in 2013 2016, the Perth Chinese New Year Fair became the signature annual event in Perth, carefully curated by the Chung Wah Association. The City of Perth became the major supporter of the event, making it the largest Chinese New Year celebration in Western Australia. Other Chinese community organisations have also played a huge role in bringing in their expertise in culture and arts to this annual event. The re-opening of the Perth Museum and establishment of the Perth Cultural precinct brought a new perspective to the 2021 Perth Chinese New Year Fair. The spacious Amphitheatre proved to be a good venue for the opening of the fair and the lion and dragon dance performances and the Perth Museum City Hall was perfect for the evening Multicultural concert. James Street did not have to be closed for the event, which took some of the logistics and cost pressures off. However, the street parade was greatly missed as it was cancelled as a result of COVID restrictions in 2021 and 2022. The event has become the platform for local cultural and arts groups to showcase their talents, as well as benefiting local businesses to promote their products and services. Perth Chinese New Year Fair also aims to support the local community, as is evident from the Mobile Covid Vaccination Hub at this year’s fair. It is from the perseverance and hard work of passionate committee members and volunteers of Chung Wah Association that makes the Perth Chinese New Year Fair such a remarkable event. We sincerely hope that it will continue to prosper, constantly be reinvented and injected with creativeness, to be an event all West Australians and visitors can enjoy.

二零二二壬寅年珀斯新年文化节是这 个活动从创建以来的第十一个年头。第一 届珀斯新年文化节是在2011年的时候举办 的。发起人为当时的中华会馆时任会长叶 俊凡先生、时任福建会馆会长的洪泉龙先 生,时任中华会馆秘书长的前中华会馆会 长丁少平先生、以及时任福建会馆秘书的 现任中华会馆会长陈挺先生。 在访问中丁少平先生提及,当时活动 的活动筹办分成两个部分:中华会馆与政 府官方作为联系人来筹办多元文化晚会和 招待会;对于文化活动非常有经验的福建 会馆,承担起了街道游行和庙会式活动的 部分。这样的合作方式效 果显著、成 功获 得了各级政府以及社区群众的热烈响应。 在 丁少平先 生在2013至2016年 期间 承担了中华会馆会长的职务后,珀斯新年 文化节成为了在中华会主催下的珀斯年度 活动名片之一。珀斯市政府成了该活动的 主要赞助,让其成为了西澳最盛大的华人 农历新年庆祝活动。西澳的各个华人乡属 地缘组织和文化团体在这个文化节的活动 上扮演了非常重要的角色,没有他们的积 极参与就没有如此完美的庆祝活动。 珀斯文化中心的设立让珀斯新年文化 节有了新的出发。珀斯文化中心露天剧场 成了绝佳的开幕式地点、再也不会受街道 空间的限制。这也解决了文化节需要封闭 街道进行活动部署所带来的物流和筹备梦 魇。然而、游街活动在2020以 及20201年 的疫情施虐下被迫取消,这让大家倍感怀 念当时盛大的场面。 珀斯新年文化节已经成为本地文化团 体最佳的表演舞台、更是让本地商家趋之 若鹜的绝佳市场推广产品与服务的机会。 这双赢的局面更是让许多非盈利机构来参 与我们,例如今年的流动疫苗接种中心。 珀斯新年文化节满载了支援社区发展的重 要使命。 在中华 会 馆 理 事 会成 员和志 愿 者们 的齐心努力协作下,让珀斯新年文化节成 为首屈一指的大型社区活动。我们至诚希 望它更加茁壮成长、年复一年继续创新且 注入新活力,让社会的各个阶层都可以享 受活动所带来的欢乐与硕果。 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊秋季版



文/译◎中华会馆 Chung Wah Association Inc | 摄影◎Stockland Livingston, 中华华乐团、中华龙狮团

Chung Wah Cultural Groups in the Community 中华会馆文化团体 - 耕耘社区的文化大使

为西澳最具代表性的华人团 体,中华 会 馆担 纲起了传承文 化的重任、把源远流长的厚重文化引 导入社会群体。在庆祝农历华人新年 的十五天里,中华会馆的文化团体不 辞辛劳的在各个社区活动中亮相、给 大家带来新年的愉悦。 中华会馆文化团体在珀斯大都会的各个角 落都留下了足迹、其中包括Riverton、Willetton, Bull Creek、Victoria Park、Harrisdale 等等、给当 地的华人社区祝贺新年

s the peak body of the Chinese community in A Western Australia, it is one of the objectives of the Chung Wah Association to promote and

share the rich cultural heritage with the wider community. Throughout the fifteen days of the Chinese New Year Celebrations, the Chung Wah Cultural Groups have been very busy out and about in the community presenting a series of chinese new year activities and performances. With the restrictions on travel, many people were able to enjoy cultural experiences right here in Perth. Performers travelled to various parts of the Perth metropolitan area, Riverton, Willetton, Bull Creek, Victoria Park, Harrisdale and more, to share the Chinese New Year joy with the wider community. Cultural performances included Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra playing traditional Chinese musical instrument such as Guzheng, Er Hu and Di Zhi, the ever popular Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe and Chung Wah Dance presenting chinese cultural dance. Everyday items such as fans, umbrellas and even the sleeves of their dance costume become a part of the chinese dance. Many have enquired with the team if there are dance lessons, especially for young children. There were also interactive activities such as having your name written in Chinese calligraphy

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

on traditional red paper and making a chinese lantern out of red packets. Red packets are traditionally used to give money to children during Chinese New Year. The fifteenth day of Chinese New Year is called the Lantern Festival and is the finale of the celebration by holding a lantern display and guessing riddles hanging underneath each lantern. The chinese new year art exhibition and chinese face painting was also popular as were the God of Fortune, tiger and red packet characters roaming the shopping centres. Chinese New Year celebrations have become more significant in Western Australia. The cohesiveness of the multicultural society brings harmony amongst all ethnic denominations. COVID might have made us socially distant, but our hearts are drawn closer via the sharing of culture. Chung Wah Association is proud to be part of the movement.

中华华乐团、作为华族民乐的大使、透过大 众公演给社区人士带来了余音绕梁的古韵古乐。 古筝、二胡与笛子等的古典乐器给观众们带来了 新奇的体验。 中华舞蹈团透过她们曼妙的舞姿紧紧抓住 了观众们的心。平凡无奇的生活物件、如扇子、 雨伞、甚至如衣袖等、在舞者的灵动中变得鲜活 了起来。透过展演、更是吸引了家长们的询问、 让孩子们报名学习中华舞蹈。 中文书法是文化展示中最受欢迎的活动之 一、因为它集结了对于中文方块字的美感体验。 华人传 统上有在洒金红字上书祝福语 作为吉祥 的装饰、但是活动展演中有更多的人希望能得到 他们名字的中文译音书的书法作品;这的确是中 西两方文化交流的体现。 孩子们都很热衷于使用红包袋来做灯笼小 手工:漂亮的红包封套是在农历新年期间给孩子 们的收压岁钱的包装袋。农历新年庆祝活动的的 第十五天为元宵节、又称灯节。这是农历新年庆 祝活动的完结篇、在观灯赏灯之余、猜猜挂在灯 笼下的灯谜、是为有趣。 华人农历新年的庆祝活动在西澳的社区变 得越来越显著跟普及化。族群间的相互包容与协 作、让多元文化的社区的和谐得以提升、让人与 人的交流变 更融洽。虽然 疫 情 让我们在物理 距 离想变得疏远、但是我们的心灵缺更加相互靠近 了、尤其在文化交融方面。中华会馆很荣幸的能 成为族裔融合的推手之一。

Sponsors 赞助机构:

Support Organisations: 支持单位:

City of Perth | 珀斯市政府

Zijin Mining Group Norton Gold Fields | 紫金矿业集团诺顿金田有限公司

Perth Cultural Centre | 珀斯文化中心 WA Museum | 西澳博物馆 Stage and Studio Productions Art Gallery of Western Australia | 西澳美术馆 Western Australia Police Force | 西澳警察 COVID-19 Vaccine Command | 新冠疫苗指挥部 Michelle Mok Creates

Cultural Activities Contributors 文化活动贡献组织:

Master of Ceremonies 活动司仪:

WA Chongqing & Sichuan Association | 西澳川渝同乡会 Susan LEONG | 苏珊.梁 Chung Wah Historical Group | 中华历史组 Chung Wah Chinese School| 中华中文学校

Helene FUNG| 冯恺盈 Yao | 尹崑 Regina LAM| 林翠妤 Wei Ling TEH | 郑暐訚

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries Office of Multicultural Interests | 西澳多元文化部 Lotterywest | 西澳彩票局

SBS | SBS 广播公司

Murdoch University | 莫道克大学

Global Lithium | 环球锂业


Performing Organisations/Groups 演出单位: James Webb and Wadumbah Aboriginal Dance Group 原住民舞蹈团 Chinese Community Centre WA | 西澳华人公会 Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu Association | 西澳蔡李佛罗汉气功醒狮团 Kong Hing Koon Perth | 珀斯江興國術體育會分館 Ging Mo Academy | 精武学院醒狮团 Pak Mei Yaolin Kung Fu Association | 白眉武馆友联醒狮团 Perth South Dancing | 珀斯南部舞蹈艺术团 GSI Dance Group – Gallery Minang Australia Yang Style Fu Nei Pai Taichi Li Academy | 杨氏府内派李式太极协会 TIME Quartet | 时光四人组合 A Good Moon Dance Team | 良月舞蹈队 WA Hanfu Association | 西澳国风社 Enoch | Enoch 琵琶独奏 Audrey and Yong Ai Hakka WA Cultural Dance | 西澳客家公会文化舞蹈团 Kinanti Perth | 珀斯Kinanti 印尼舞蹈团 Amy CHAN and Mary LIEW | Amy Chan, Mary Liew 组合 Colourful Dance Group | 西澳多姿舞蹈队 WA Seniors Folk Dance Group | 西澳中老年民族舞蹈团 Cheryl FU | Cheryl 笛子独奏 Agnes YUNG and Yingyu ZHAO Duet | Agnes Yung and Yingyu Zhao 双人组合 Aus Central Performing Company Vocal Evolution | Vocal Evolution 无伴奏合唱团 The Perth School of Ballet | 珀斯芭蕾舞学院

Selendang Sutra | Selendang Sutra 马来舞蹈团 Saraswati Mahavidhyalaya Little Apple Cultural Dance Group | 小苹果文化舞蹈团 Lily Dance Group | 小百合舞蹈团 Play Dance Entertainment 自由舞团 Jessica LIM 林佩盈 Zola LI 李子若 Ryam JIM 占 Yongjun ZHOU| 周永军 Cee Cee 任芮颖 Maple Leaf Choir | 枫叶组合 Julia ZHU | 朱莉亚

Esme HE | 何芷薇 Photographers and Videographer 摄像师 Jiasizhe ZHENG| 郑嘉思哲 Alan LI | 李智威 Tiezhang TAN | 谈铁璋

Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe | 中华会馆龙狮团 Chung Wah Choir | 中华合唱团 Chung Wah Womens Subcommittee | 中华妇女组舞蹈队 Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra | 中华华乐团 Chung Wah Dance | 中华舞蹈团 Chung Wah Cantonese Opera Group| 中华粤剧组 Chung Wah Chinese School, Leeming | 中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School, Morley | 中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School, Rossmoyne | 中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School, Perth | 中华珀斯中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School, Atwell | 中华爱德中文学校

Volunteers 志愿者:

Media 传媒:

Dr Xuanli MA |马烜历

Julia GAO | 高丽君

Patricia TEE

Jinghua WANG | 王静华

Australia Asia Business Weekly | 澳洲环球商报

Dr Hua LI | 李华

James YAO | 姚健郎

Karen HUANG | 黄郁婷

Jingru LI | 李静茹

Australia Chinese Times | 澳大利亚时报

Emily TAN | 陈水玉

Gaik TAN | 张贵清

Wen HAO | 浩文

Qing CHEN | 陈清

Most WA | 最西澳

Luisa CHOU | 周如真

Jason YUN |恽杰灵

Andy LOW

Yiping CHEN | 陈依萍

Dena JIN | 金建华

Binjie CAI | 蔡炳杰

Chet Teh | 郑泽蓉

Junting LAI | 赖俊廷

Oriental Post | 东方邮报

Nita LIU | 刘淑娟

Rachel NG | 黄诗敏

Wei Ling TEH | 郑暐訚

Lyn XIANG | 项海颖

Teresa TAN | 王蕙兰

Jialin ANG | 洪嘉伶

Ting Yu CHEN

Meili CHEN | 陈美丽

Michael WU | 吴立方

Sussie SU | 苏慧心

Jingjing ZHENG | 郑菁菁

Ying HE | 贺洋

Ben LIM | 林民耀

Bryan LIEW | 刘玉刚

Nalynn FOO

Carl ONG | 卡尔.汪

Arina LIEW | 刘瑷菱

Hua CHEN | 陈华

Valerie LAI


Jiamin MA | 马家敏

Chung Wah Office Lesley Wong | 黄小娟 Tracy Lim | 林菊儿 Abbie Chen | 陈薇 Shereen Oh | 胡贤俐 Alicia Leong | 梁恩慈


Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2022 Acknowledgements 2022年珀斯中华新年文化节致谢

And all the stallholders, contractors and event crew for your support and participation. 所有的摊主、承包商、活动工 作人员的支持和参与。

Perth Post | 珀斯邮报 Perth Today | 今日珀斯 The West Australian | West Australasian Media Nework Pty Ltd WeiPerth | 微珀斯 Chung Wah Magazine Team | 中华之声

Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2022 Organising Committee

珀 斯 中 华 新 年 文化节二零二二 组 委 会 Ting Chen, Jen Nie Chong, Michael Li, Cong Ma, Lesley Wong, Tracy Lim, Abbie Chen 陈挺、张娟妮、李良励、马聪、黄小娟、林菊儿、陈薇



Image/Content◎Perth Consul General of PRC | Editor /Translation◎Carl & Jen Nie CHONG

Together We Prosper Exclusive Interview with the Consul General of PRC in Perth


onsul General Dingbin LONG arrived in Perth in early April 2021. With his extensive relationship with the South East Asian region from his previous posting in Malaysia, Consul General LONG is well received by the local Chinese community. On 20 July 2021, he paid a special visit to the Chung Wah Association. He has been introduced to all the overseas Chinese community leaders to familiarize himself with the local community. Consul General LONG has tirelessly served the community in promoting cultural exchange. It is with great pleasure that Chung Wah magazine is able to conduct this exclusive interview with him, for our readers to know more about him, his aspirations and his work duties.


What are the challenges and main tasks of serving as Consul General in Perth? It is a great honour to serve as the tenth Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Perth. I came to Perth in early April 2021. In the past year, I have had extensive contact with people from all walks of life including political,business and academic sectors and overseas Chinese in the consular district. While I have deepened my understanding of the customs of Western Australia, I have become more and more fond of this place from the bottom of my heart. A place of peace, tranquility and vitality. In Perth, the Chinese ConsulateGeneral just celebrated the Chinese New Year of the Tiger online with the Chinese community and all circles in the consular district. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to friends from all walks of life who have long cared about and supported the development of friendly relations between China and Western Australia. I would like to extend my warmest regards and best wishes to the overseas Chinese people, Chinese-funded institutions and Chinese students in Western Australia. Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia. During the Chinese New Year “Cloud Celebration” event held by the Consulate General, Governor Kim Beazley, Premier Mark McGowan, and State Opposition Leader Mia Davis expressed the great importance of this landmark event. The traditional friendship between China and Western Australia has gone far beyond the scope of economy and trade. It has expanded to a wide range of humanities, education, tourism and local cooperation. I am glad to see that the Labour government under the leadership of Premier McGowan has always firmly supported the healthy and stable development of mutually beneficial and friendly cooperation between China and Australia and between China and Western Australia. This year marks the 35th anniversary of the establishment of sister province-state relations between Zhejiang Province and Western Australia and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of friendship between Chengdu and Perth. The Chinese Consulate

General in Perth will work together with the state and local governments to promote friendly cooperation between China and Western Australia. We will aim higher to help China-Australia relations get back on track. The Chinese Consulate-General in Perth will, as always, provide services for overseas Chinese, Chinese-funded institutions and Chinese students in the consular district. This is my top priority and expectation as the Chinese Consul General in Perth. As Xiao Qian, China’s new ambassador to Australia pointed out in his recent speech: “A healthy and stable China-Australia relationship serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and its people, which leads to prosperity and stability of the Asia-Pacific region. As long as the two sides adhere to mutual respect, equal treatment, inclusiveness and mutual learning, and firmly head in the right direction of the development of bilateral relations, China-Australia relations will prosper”.

The Chinese embassy in Canberra handles all foreign affairs between China and Australia on behalf of the Chinese government in Australia, mainly dealing with the Australian federal government. The five Chinese consulates-general established in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide perform consular duties in their respective consular districts, as stipulated by relevant treaties and laws or under international practices, generally only dealing directly with the local government in the consular districts. The consular district of the Chinese Consulate General in Perth is Western Australia. Its primary responsibility is to promote exchange and cooperation between China and Western Australia in various fields such as politics, economy, trade, culture and education. It is also to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and Chinesefunded institutions in Western Australia and provide consular services.

What is your expectation for Chinese immigrants in Western Australia, especially professionals and international students? Chinese students are studying in several major universities in Western Australia . According to the statistics, there were about 6,000 Chinese students in Western Australia before the pandemic. Some of them enter various local professional fields after graduation. While developing their careers, they actively participate in pragmatic exchanges and cooperation between China and Western Australia. Chinese students are also nongovernmental ambassadors for friendly exchange between China and Western Australia. I hope they will introduce the development of modern China to Western Australians and tell the Chinese story, while completing their studies. The pandemic is continuing to spread in Western Australia, I hope that Chinese students can strengthen the measures of pandemic prevention and ensure physical and mental health. I also hope that the universities and relevant departments will facilitate and assist Chinese students to complete their studies smoothly. The Chinese Consulate General in Perth will continue to safeguard the health and safety of Chinese students and provide necessary assistance when needed.

What is your expectation for the West Australian business community? China and Western Australia’s economies are highly complementary, and the cooperation areas between the two sides are extensive. China has maintained the largest trading partner, export market and import source of WA for many years. In WA, Chinese investment is concentrated in fields like mining and energy. There are more than 70 Chinese-funded enterprises here at present, which have been working hard and operating in accordance with the law, and have made big contributions to WA in promoting economic development and boosting employment. China will firmly share market opportunities with the rest of the world, and will firmly promote highstandard opening up. China’s economy will continue growing steadily in 2022, and will provide more investment and cooperation opportunities for companies worldwide. We encourage WA companies to pay continuous attention to the development of China and the Chinese market, take advantage of the 5th China International Import Expo (CIIIE) and other platforms to deepen cooperation with China, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

How do you create a good learning environment for the younger generation of Chinese to learn Chinese? There are more than twenty Chinese schools in Western Australia. Chinese learning courses are offered in some local primary and secondary schools, as well as five Chinese Schools administered by the Chung Wah Association. Over the years, these Chinese schools and Chinese language classes have worked diligently and made positive contributions in carrying forward Chinese culture, promoting cultural exchange between China and

Western Australia, and enhancing the mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples. With the deepening of cooperation and exchange between China and Western Australia in various fields, the local demand for Chinese language learning has continued to increase. Many parents want their children to learn Chinese and understand Chinese culture. This is also an important component of cultural exchange between China and Western Australia. The Chinese Consulate General in Perth will provide assistance to people from all walks of life in Western Australia, including local primary and secondary school students, who have a need to learn Chinese language and understand Chinese culture.

How do you evaluate the role played by the Chinese as a major minority in Western Australia?


What is the difference between the responsibilities of the Consulate General in Perth and the embassy in Australia?


Chinese immigrants to Western Australia has a long history of more than 190 years. It is estimated that there are about 130,000 overseas Chinese in Western Australia. For a long time, they have worked industriously and forged ahead on the land of Western Australia, and made remarkable achievements and outstanding contribution to the social and economic development of Western Australia, winning wide respect and high praise from all walks of life and being an inseparable part of the multicultural society. For example, the Perth Chinese New Year Fair held during every Spring Festival by the Chung Wah Association of Western Australia has become an important festival that all nationalities participate and celebrate together. The Chinese community in Western Australia have also won wide recognition by giving back to the society. In 2020, the Chung Wah Association and other Chinese associatons in Western Australia raised donations for the bushfire victims in the eastern states of Australia and donated face masks and other pandemic prevention material to local communities. For a long time, overseas Chinese have participated in exchanges and cooperation in various fields between China and Western Australia, which is an important driving force for the friendship between the two sides. The year 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia. I hope that overseas Chinese will take this opportunity to make a greater contribution to the local multicultural society and build a stronger friendship between the two countries.



What is the outlook for ChinaAustralia bilateral relations, and what role can overseas Chinese play? As I mentioned before, although the relationship between the two countries has faced many problems and challenges in recent years, I hope that China-Australia relations will get back on track as soon as possible and I will make unremitting efforts to it. “The relationship between countries lies on the people’s relationship.” The friendly exchanges, mutual understanding and deep friendship between the two peoples will provide fundamental strength and support for China-Australia relations. I firmly believe that as long as people of insight take action, starting from oneself and starting small, the ChinaAustralia friendship will flourish.


Background of Consul General Dingbin LONG system was restored, opening the way to the great cause of reform and opening up which has changed the image of China.

Family background and a brief history I was born in the 1960s in Ziyuan County in Guilin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China. I completed primary school in the village. After graduating from primary school, I left my hometown and went to a boarding school in the county. In 1982, I entered Beijing Foreign Languages Institute (now Beijing Foreign Studies University) with flying colours of my entrance examination. Although my hometown is not well developed, it has beautiful landscapes and you can lead a simple life. I spent an unforgettable and happy childhood on the land where I was born and raised, playing with mud, games, catching fish and shrimps. When I grew up, I helped with simple farm work. My generation was fortunate, as the “Cultural Revolution’’ did not impact me greatly. The end of the “Cultural Revolution” came at the most crucial moment in my life. The country began to bring order out of chaos, and the national college entrance examination Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

I fell in love with the English language since junior high school. My talent in the language showed and my teacher provided assistance by giving extra tutoring in my spare time. The hard work paid off, and I was admitted to the university with the first grade in Guangxi Autonomous Region’s foreign-language category during the college entrance examination, which caused quite a stir. After entering university, I was assigned to learn Lao language, which I had never heard of. People of talent were needed in this area since the government had just initiated reform and opening-up policy. I accepted the assignment of the state in pursuing the learning of Lao language well but did not drop my study of the English language. After five years of hard work, I eventually graduated with my diploma with excellent grades.

Personal experience in foreign affairs Before graduation, since I was the best in my class in learning the Lao language, I was recruited by China Radio International as an announcer. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was also in urgent need of translators in minor languages, so I was lucky to join them as a diplomat, which for many was a dream job. I worked in the Department of Asian Affairs under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a long time, mainly in charge of affairs relating to Laos, and served as Attaché, Third Secretary, Second Secretary, deputy division director and First Secretary. China and Laos are friendly neighbours, but in the context

of international relations during the Cold War , China-Laos relationship continued to deteriorate in the 1970s and 1980s. When I started working, international relations were beginning to ease, and China-Laos relationship was improving and developing. It was an opportune time to put my knowledge into practice . I was posted to Laos for the first time in June 1988. I was engaged in essential work such as secretarial, protocol, and translation in the Chinese Embassy in the Lao P.D.R Since then, I have been posted to the Chinese Embassy in Laos twice in the last ten years. The ChinaLaos relationship has elevated to a comprehensive strategic partnership. The China-Laos railway was completed and opened to traffic. I was not only a participant but also a witness to these events. In November 2002, I was posted to the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia, and I worked there for five years. The relationship between China and Malaysia is friendly and close. Malaysia is also a beautiful country. I miss the days of working and living in Kuala Lumpur, as it is very comfortable and enjoyable. In January 2017, I was posted to a country that is a loyal friend of China and served as the Chinese Consul General in Lahore, Pakistan. During my four years of working there, I felt the deep friendship towards China by the people of Pakistan, namely ‘Ba Tie’ in Chinese, and realised the meaning of all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation.

Personal hobbies and Interests I love sports. I have been playing table tennis since I was in elementary school, and I also won first place in the school competitions. I also like swimming.

What do you love most about Western Australia? It is my first time setting foot on Australian soil. Although I have heard about Australia before, I don’t know much about it. I only know that Australia has a large land area, a high standard of living, and breathtaking scenery, but that’s about it. I was delighted when I was informed about the upcoming diplomatic mission to Australia, and I immediately started to do some research and collect information about Australia. Perth, Western Australia, is a beautiful, pleasant and livable city in which the Chinese Consulate-General is located. Since I arrived in Perth and took up my post, I have met many people from Western Australia and visited many places. My general feeling is that Western Australia is vast and sparsely populated, rich in natural resources, with many tourist attractions, and enjoying a high level of education and culture. In particular, people of Western Australia are outspoken, hospitable and very friendly, and generally friendly to China. All this has left a beautiful and deep impression on me. It has also strengthened my confidence to play the


When I was a child, I used to play and swim in the stream and even crossed the widest river in my hometown. I learned to play tennis in my college years by joining the school tennis team. I represented the school in some friendly matches. I also play basketball, volleyball, and golf, which I enjoy. I have also learned some martial arts routines, like Taijiquan, which can strengthen the body and cultivate mindfulness. My interests are also relatively broad, such as travelling, reading, food and music. Because of my work, I traveled a lot in China and overseas. I visited many places of interest and scenic spots and tasted many unforgettable delicacies, and was amazed at the local customs and practices all around the world.

role of bridges and links between China and Western Australia during my tenure and do my utmost to promote friendly exchange and cooperation between the two sides.

What do you miss most about your hometown? It has been forty years since I left my hometown, and I still remember things from my childhood, perhaps because I have become more nostalgic as I get older. However, I have deep feelings for my hometown, and I don’t think my hometown is poor or backward.Since I left my hometown, I will go back to it whenever I have time. My hometown has also undergone a dramatic change with the development of the age, but the joyful things of childhood have got lost gradually too. We can only keep the past in our memories. Now, my parents, uncle, and eldest brother have passed away one after another, young people have all gone to the cities to seek opportunities, only my second brother, the only relative in my hometown, is still holding on. This is also a microcosm of China’s contemporary countryside. Now that I work and live abroad, after the outbreak of COVID-19 , I have had fewer chances to return to my hometown. I can only visit my hometown and relive my childhood in my dreams. Honestly speaking, I have an indelible impression of the mountains, rivers, plants and trees in my hometown, and when I have the opportunity in the future, I will go back to see more.

How do you quickly adapt to the country posted to? As a diplomat, you often need to be stationed in other countries and spend a lot of your career abroad. I have accumulated twenty years of working time abroad, which exceeds my time

in China. In addition to Australia, I have worked in Laos, Malaysia, and Pakistan and studied in Brunei for one year. No matter which country you are posted to, you must first familiarise yourself with the state of affairs of that country as soon as possible, including information on politics, economy, culture, climate, geography, and humanities. The second is to prepare the personal items that you need, especially when you go to countries with poor living conditions. The third is to do as the locals do because when you are in a foreign country, you must adapt to the living and working environment there as soon as possible. The most crucial point is to adjust your mentality and thought process (and the jet lag). In dealing with all kinds of difficulties, face them with an optimistic attitude. Don’t blame others or wait passively, but work hard to do your job well.


Do you have a favourite dish and how do you cook it? Everybody loves food. Delicious food is the most beautiful thing that heaven has given to humankind. No matter where you go, the first thing you think of is tasting the food there. Every place in China has its local delicacies, and every country also has its unique cuisine. I have travelled to most areas in China and many countries globally, but my favourite is the food of my hometown because I can never forget the taste. Vegetables and fruits are homegrown; chickens, ducks, fish and pigs are raised. Every time I go back to my hometown, I eat and drink to my heart’s content, and when I leave, I always pack them in my luggage. Because the ingredients are fresh and delicious, there is no need for special cooking. Simple cooking such as stewed chicken and fried bacon can whet people’s appetite. 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊秋季版


图/文◎中国驻珀斯总领馆 | 编/译◎卡尔 & 张娟妮

携手华侨为西澳 中澳友谊号长春 采访缘起


龙定斌总领事在该职位长期空缺后,于二 零二一年四月上旬抵达珀斯并立即走马上任。 龙先生之前在马来西亚任职期间与东南亚地 区建立了广泛的关系,深受当地华人华侨的欢 迎。他在到任后于同年七月二十日专程拜访中 华会馆,并会见了本地华人社团组织的负责 人,以熟悉本地社区。他更是孜孜不倦地服务 社会,努力促进中澳文化交流。 《中华之声》 杂志编辑部很高兴能对他进行独家专访,让 我们的读者更多地了解他的工作志向和职责, 以及他作为首位来自海外的专访嘉宾。

此次担任驻珀斯总领事 的挑战及主要任务? 非常荣幸出任中华人民共和国驻珀斯第 十任总领事。我是2021年4月初来到珀斯的, 到任近一年来,我广泛接触领区政商侨学各 界人士,对西澳风土人情的了解不断深入的 同时,越来越发自内心地喜欢上这片祥和安 宁又充满活力的热土。中国驻珀斯总领馆不 久前刚刚以线上方式与华社和领区各界共庆 农历虎年春节,在此,我愿再次向长期以来关 心和支持中西澳友好关系发展的各界友人表 示诚挚的敬意与感谢,向西澳华侨华人、中资 机构和留学生致以亲切问候和良好祝愿。 今年是中澳建交50周年,两国长达半世 纪的友好互利合作实实在在地增进了两国人 民的福祉。在我馆春节“云庆祝”活动中,比兹 利州督、麦高文州长和州反对党领袖戴维斯 女士均表达了对这一具有里程碑意义事件的 高度重视。中西澳传统友好,这一关系已远远 超越经贸范畴,拓展到人文、教育、旅游、地 方合作等宽广领域。我很高兴地看到,麦高文 州长领导下的工党政府始终坚定支持中澳、 中西澳互利友好合作健康稳定发展。 今年是浙江省与西澳州建立友好省州关 系35周年,也是成都与珀斯市结好10周年,我

和中国驻珀斯总领馆全体同仁将与州政府及 领区各界通力合作,推进中西澳各领域与地 方友好合作不断迈上新的台阶,助力中澳关 系早日重返正确发展轨道。中国驻珀斯总领 馆也 将一如既往地为领区华侨华人、中资机 构、留学生做好服务保障工作。这就是我作为 中国驻珀斯总领事的首要任务与期许。

国坚定不移同世界共享市场机遇,坚定不移 推动高水平开放。2022年,中国经济将继续 稳健增长,将为包括西澳在内的各国企业提 供更多投资和合作机会,欢迎西澳众多企业 继续关注中国、关注中国市场,积极利用第五 届中国进口博览会等平台开展对华合作,实 现互利共赢。

正如中国新任驻澳大利亚大使肖千在履 新讲话中指出的:一个健康稳定的中澳关系 符合两国和两国人民的根本利益,有利于亚 太地区的繁荣稳定。只要双方坚持相互尊重、 平等相待、包容互鉴的原则,牢牢把握两国关 系发展的正确方向,中澳关系之路就会越走 越宽广。

如何为年轻一代华裔学习中文 营造良好学习环境?

驻珀斯总领馆与驻澳大利亚使 馆职责有什么不同? 位于堪培拉的中国大使馆在澳大利亚代 表中国政府处理中澳两国间全部外交事务, 主要工作对象为澳联邦政府。设立在悉尼、墨 尔本、布里斯班、阿德莱德和珀斯的五个中国 总领馆在各自领区内执行由相关条约和法律 所规定或依国际惯例所实行的领事职务,一 般只与领区内澳地方政府联系交涉。中国驻珀 斯总领馆领区为西澳州,主要职责是促进中 西澳政治、经贸、人文、教育等各领域交流合 作,维护西澳州中国公民和中资机构合法权 益,为西澳州中外人士提供优质领事服务。

对西澳州中国移民,特别是专业 人士、留学生等有什么希望? 西澳州几所主要大学都有来自中国留学 生,据不完全统计,疫情之前西澳州中国留学 生约6000人。有的留学生毕业后进入当地各 类专业领域任职,在自身事业发展的同时,他 们积极参与中西澳各领域务实交流合作。广 大中国留学生也是中西澳友好交流的民间大 使,希望他们在完成好学业的同时积极向当地 民众介绍现代中国发展情况,讲好中国故事。 近期西澳州疫情仍在蔓延,希望在校中国留 学生加强疫情防护,确保身心健康,也希望校 方及有关部门为他们顺利完成学业提供便利。 中国驻珀斯总领馆将继续维护西澳州中国留 学生健康安全,并为他们提供必要协助。

对西澳州工商企业界 有何希望? 中西澳经济互补性强,双方合作领域 较 为广阔。多年来,中国是西澳 第一大 贸易伙 伴、第一大出口市场和进口来源地。中国在西 澳的投资集中在矿产、能源等领域,70余家中 资企业深耕细作、依法经营,为促进西澳经济 发展、社会就业等发挥了重要作用。同时,中 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

目前西澳州有各类中文学校20多所,有 的当地中小学还开设有中文课程,西澳中华会 馆也开设有5所中文学校。多年来,这些中文 学校和中文课堂积极开展中文教学,为推广中 华文化,促进中西澳人文交流、增进两国人民 相互了解和友谊做出积极贡献。近年来,随着 中西澳各领域合作交流不断深化,当地民众 对中文教育需求也不断增加,很多家长都希 望孩子学习中文、了解中国文化,这也是中西 澳人文交流的重要组成部分,中国驻珀斯总领 馆将为包括本地中小学生在内的西澳州各界 人士学习中文、了解中国文化提供协助。

如何评价华裔作为西澳州一个主 要少数族裔所发挥的作用? 华人移民西澳州历史已超过190年。据估 计,西澳州华侨华人约有13万。长期以来,他 们在西澳这块热土上辛勤耕耘、开拓进取, 取得令人瞩目的成就,为西澳州经济社会发 展做出杰出贡献,赢得社会各界广泛尊重和 高度评价,成为当地多元文化社会不可缺少 的一部分。比如西澳中华会馆每年春节举办 的“中华新年文化节”已成为当地各族裔民众 共同参与、共同庆祝的重要节日和盛会。华侨 华人在事业发展的同时积极融入当地社区, 回馈当地社会,赢得广泛认可。2020年,包括 西澳中华会馆在内的西澳州各侨团积极向澳 东部山火灾区募捐,向当地社区捐赠抗疫物 资。长期以来,华侨华人发挥自身优势和桥梁 纽带作用,积极参与中西澳各领域交流合作, 是中西澳友谊的重要推动力量。2022年是中 澳建交50周年,希望广大华侨华人以此为契 机,为当地多元文化社会和中西澳友好交流 做出更大贡献。

对中澳双边关系展望以及华侨 华人能发挥何种作用? 正如我之前提到的,虽然两国关系近年 来面临诸多问题与挑战,我期待中澳关系早 日重 返 正确发展轨道,并将为此做出自己的 不懈努力。“国之交在于民相亲”,两国民众之 间的友好往来、相互理解与深情厚谊将为中 澳关系提供源头活水和重要支撑。我坚信, 只要所有有识之士行动起来,从我做起,从点 滴做起,中澳友好的洪流就会一往无前,势不 可挡。


龙定斌总领事个人背景 家庭背景以及个人简历 我于上世纪60年代出生在中国广西壮族 自治区桂林市资源县。我在村子里完成了小 学学业,小学毕业后离开家乡赴县城读寄宿 中学,于1982年以优异成绩考上北京外国语 学院(现为北京外国语大学)。我的家乡虽然 不很发达,但是山清水秀,民风淳朴,仿佛一 派“世外桃园”景象。我在生我养我的土地上 度过了难忘而快乐的童年,玩泥巴、做游戏、 抓鱼虾……,稍为长大以后还帮大人们干些简 单的农活。我们那一代人是幸运的,“文化大 革命”对我没有造成太大影响,在人生最重要 的时刻赶上了“文化大革命”结束,国家开始拨 乱反正,恢复全国高考制度,开启了改变中国 面貌的改革开放伟大事业。 我从初中开始接触英语,并且喜欢上了这 门功课,表现出了一定的天赋,老师也是格外 关照,课余时间重点补习。功夫不负有心人,高 考时以广西外语类第一名成绩考入大学,一时 引起了不小轰动。进入大学后,按照国家当时 的需要,安排我学习从未听说过的老挝语。由 于国家刚实行改革开放,需要大量各种人才, 我服从了国家的分配,把老挝语学得很好,英 语学习也没有放下。经过五年寒窗苦读,最终 以优异的成绩拿到了毕业证书顺利毕业。

在外交事务上的个人经历 由于我在班 里老挝语学得最好,毕业前 已经由中国国际广播电台招为播音员。但是 中国外交部也急需小语种翻译,因而最终我 荣幸地进入中国外交部,成为了一名令人羡慕 的外交官。我较长时间在外交部亚洲司工作, 主要负责对老挝方面事务,历任随员、三秘、 二 秘、副 处 长、一秘。中国 与老挝 是 友 好 近 邻,但在国际关系处于冷战状态背景下,中老 关系在上个世纪70-80年代不断恶化。我参加 工作之时,正好国际关系开始出现缓和,中老 关系也随之改善发展。我学到的知识正好赶 上了用武之地。 我于1988年6月首次外派老挝常驻,在中 国大使馆从事秘书、礼 宾、翻译等 基 础性 工 作。此后我又两次常驻中国驻老挝大使馆,前 后加起来总共有十年时间。中老关系提升为 全面战略合作伙伴关系,中老铁路已经建成 通车,这些事件我都是参与者、亲历者和见证 者。2002年11月我被派往中国驻马来西亚大 使馆工作,而且一干就是五年。中马关系非常 友好密切,马来西亚也是非常美丽的国度,我 怀念在吉隆坡 工作和生活的那些日子,十 分 惬意,非常开心。2017年1月我出使中国铁杆 朋友国家,担任中国驻拉合尔总领事,在那里 工作四年时光里,我深刻感受到了“巴铁”对中 国的深情厚谊,真正领会了全天候战略合作 伙伴关系的内涵。



我喜爱体育运动,从小学就开始打乒乓 球,而且 还 在学 校比赛中得到过 第一名。当 然我还喜欢游泳,我小时候就经常在家乡的 溪水里 戏水、玩耍,甚至 还横 渡 过我们那里 比较宽的大河。在大学里我学会了打网球, 并成为学校网球队队员,并代表学校参加了 一些友谊比赛。篮球、排球、高尔夫球我都会 打,也很喜欢。自己也学过一些武术套路,尤 其是喜欢太极拳,既可以强健体魄,也可以陶 冶 情操。我的兴趣也是比 较 广泛的,比如旅 游、阅读、美食、音乐等。因为所从事工作原 因,我国内外出差比较多,游览过许多名胜古 迹,品尝过众多令人难忘的美食,也为世界各 地眼花瞭乱的风土人情而赞叹不已。

我离开家乡已经40年了,现在对孩提时 代的事情仍然历历在目、念念不忘,也许是年 纪大了更加怀旧的缘故吧。不过我确实对我 的家乡充满了深厚感情,不嫌她穷,也不嫌她 土。自从离开家乡后,我只要有时间都要经常 回去看看。随着时代的发展,我的家乡也发生 了巨大变化,这是让人感到欣慰的,但同时孩 提时代那些欢乐的事情再也找不到了,我们再 也回不到过去了,只能深深地留在记忆里。如 今,我的父母、伯父、大哥都已经先后辞世, 年轻人都到城里打拼去了,家乡只剩下二哥这 个唯一的亲人仍在坚守。这也是中国当代农 村的一个缩影。现在因为常驻国外,加上新冠 疫情还在蔓延,回老家的机会少了,有时只能 在梦里梦到家乡和小时候的事情。说实话,我 对家乡的一山一水、一草一木印象难以磨灭, 今后有机会还是要多回去看看。

最钟情于西澳的什么 这次是我首次踏上澳洲国土,此前对澳 洲虽有所耳闻,但并不是十分了解。我只知道 澳洲国土面积很大,生活水平很高,风景非常 美丽,但也仅此而已。得知即将出使澳洲消息 后,我感到非常高兴,马上着手做些攻略,收 集有关澳洲方面的信息资料。我任职的中国 总领馆位于西澳大利亚州的珀斯,这是个风 景 优美、宜人宜 居的城市。自抵达珀斯履职 以来,我接触结识了许多西澳人士,也走访了 不少地方,总的感觉是西澳洲地广人稀,自然 资源丰富,旅游景点很多,教育文化水平也很 高。特别是西澳人性格豪爽,待人热情好客, 而且十分友善,对华普遍友好。这些都给我留 下了美好而深刻的印象,也给我在任职期间 发挥桥梁纽带作用、做好中西澳友好交流合 作增添了信心。


如何快速适应出使的国度 作为一名外交官,需要经常常驻其他国 家,职业生涯中许多时间是在国外度过的。 就我本人情况而言,截至到目前,我在国外工 作时间已经累计达到了20年,超过了我在国 内工作的时间。除 澳 大利亚以 外,我 还 在老 挝、马来西亚和巴基斯坦工作过,此外还在文 莱留学整整一年。不管出使哪个国家,首先还 是要尽快熟 悉那个国家情况,包括政 治、经 济、文化、气候、地理、人文等各方面信息。其 次是要做 好物资方面的准备工作,自己需要 的个人物品必须备足备好,尤其是赴生活条件 较差的国家。再次是要做到入乡随俗,因为前 往不同国家与不同人民打交道,必须尽快适 应那里的生活和工作环境,以最短的时间进 入到新的工作状态之中。最后一点也是最重 要的一点,就是要及时调整心态(当然还有时 差),以积极乐观心态对待遇到的各种困难, 不怨天尤人,也不消极等待,努力把自己的工 作做好。

舌尖上的最爱 人人都喜爱美食,美味佳肴是上苍赐给 人类最美好的东西,不管你走到哪个地方,你 首先想到的就是品尝那里的美食。中国每个 地方有自己本地的美食,每个国家也有自己特 色的美食。我走遍了中国大部分地方,也到访 过世界许多国家,但我最喜欢的还是自己老 家的食物,因为总忘不了家乡食物的那种味 道。蔬菜瓜果都是自己种的,鸡鸭鱼猪都是自 己养的。每次回老家我都要放开肚皮大吃大 喝,走的时候还要大包小包带些回去。因为食 材新鲜味美,不需要特别烹饪,简单烹煮就能 让人胃口大开。比如清炖土鸡、小炒腊肉等。 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊秋季版



文◎中华中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese Schools | 译◎卡尔 Carl ONG

Celebrating the Chinese New Year with Chung Wah Chinese Schools 中华中 文学 校 师 生同台载 歌 载 舞庆 新 年 learnt at Chinese school, on the performance stage, all with smiles of pride on their faces.

On Sunday 6 February, in front of the Perth Cultural Centre and the WA Boola Bardip Museum, the drums and cymbals were clanging, dragons and lions dancing, and the Chinese zodiac lanterns were on display. There were cultural dance performances, accompanied by traditional Chinese instruments. Lively crowds gathered at the cultural activity stalls. The annual Perth Chinese New Year Fair kicked off once again. The Chung Wah Chinese School students also participated in this grand event. The students from primary school, preschool, and elementary school participated in the performances, which included dance, singing, diabolo, and instrumental music. The children showed off the language, culture, and talents they had

The Chung Wah Chinese School teachers were not far behind. The instructors of each performance group gave up their free time to assist the students rehearse. The teachers also danced and sang on stage. Applauding and cheering for their teachers,the children were all amazed to see their teachers let their hair down to dress up and perform on stage. The Perth Chinese New Year Fair is not only a festival to celebrate the Lunar New Year but also provides young ones with an opportunity to experience the cultural diversity of the Australian community. We believe that the heritage of tradition and multiculturalism planted in the hearts of many children will blossom into national harmony in the future.

二月六日日星期日,在珀斯文化中心和西 澳 Boola Bardip 博物馆前锣鼓铿锵,龙飞凤 舞,十二生肖灯笼八字排列两行,活灵活现;文 艺表演台上舞袖翩翩,丝竹声声;文化活动摊 点前人头攒动,真是好不热闹。一年一度的珀 斯中华新年文化节再一次拉开了序幕。

中华中文学校的孩子们也积极参加了这 一盛会,参加表演的学生既有小学低年级及学 前部活泼可爱的小朋友,也有风华正茂、青春 蓬勃的中学生,他们的表演形式多种多样,舞 蹈、独唱、合唱、空竹、器乐,应有尽有,在新年 文化节的舞台上,孩子们尽情展示着在中文学 校所学的语言、文化和才艺,台下的家长更是 身兼数职,围着小演员们化妆、换衣、摄影忙 个不停,脸上洋溢着欣慰和自豪的笑容。 中华中文学校的老师更是不甘落后,各个 表演组的指导老师都不惜放弃难得的假期时 间指导学生排练。老师们还亲自上场,表演了 舞蹈、独唱等节目。看到平日着装整齐,态度严 肃的老师们盛装出场,载歌载舞,在场的孩子 们都非常兴奋,不停地为老师们鼓掌加油。 珀斯中华新年文化节不仅是珀斯华人庆 祝传统新年的嘉年华,更给珀斯人,尤其是年 轻人提供了近距离体验澳大利亚社区文化多 样性的机会。我们相信,很多孩子心中种下的 传统继承及多元文化的种子,将在未来的西澳 社区开出民族和谐的花朵。

Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中华摩利中文学校

Sophia, Yr

6, Morley

Clarissa See, Yr 8, Morley

Cynthia, Yr 8, Morley

Megan How, Yr 2, Morley Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Liesel Fraterlim, Yr 3, Morley


文◎马烜历博士 Dr Ma Xuanli | 译◎卡尔 Carl ONG

Chung Wah Chinese School 2022 Teacher Training 中华中文学校2022教师大会 及培训成功举办

On January 29, Chung Wah Chinese School organised the 2022 Teachers Conference and Training. More than seventy teaching staff attended the training session. Dr Li Hua, the chairperson of the Chung Wah Chinese School Council, gave an introduction on the history of the Chung Wah Chinese School and an update on the campus security. Jieqi ZHANG, secretary of the Australian Chinese Teachers’ Association and viceprincipal of Oberthur Primary School was invited to give a lecture on “The Concept, Design and Activities of Hierarchical Teaching”. The lecture was informative and concise and well received by the teachers. After the topical lecture, further training sessions and discussions were conducted in groups based on the school years. This training provided an opportunity for new teachers to understand Chung Wah Chinese School and learn from experienced teachers. It provided all teachers with a helpful reference to improve the quality of classroom teaching.

1月29日上午,中华中文学校举办了2022年教师大会及培训活 动。70多名教职员参加了培训。 中华中文学校理事会轮值主席李华博士在教师大会上综合介绍了 中华中文学校的历史和现状,并重点讲述了校园安全的重要性。澳大 利亚中文教师联会秘书长,澳博思小学副校长张洁绮老师应邀为全体 教师做了题为《分层教学的理念、设计与活动》的专题讲座。张老师 的讲座内容翔实,深入浅出,既有理论又切中教学实际,深受老师们 的好评。讲座结束后,老师们又根据年级进行了分组培训及讨论。


本次培训为学校新进教师了解学校,向有经验的前辈教师学习提 供了机会,同时也为所有教师提升课堂教学质量提供了有益的参考。

文◎马烜历博士 Dr Ma Xuanli | 译◎卡尔 Carl ONG

Celebrating Chinese New Year in the Classroom! Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne

课堂上的热闹中国年- 中华乐思中文学校春节教学活动纪实 School has started, and the students are back on campus. The Chinese New Year celebrations have begun!

The first week of school coincided with the Chinese New Year also known as the Spring Festival. However, due to the pandemic, the annual lion dance performance could not be held. How can students learn about Chinese traditions and feel the joyous atmosphere of Chinese New Year without the cheerful gongs and booming drums to celebrate the awakening of the festive lion?

The answer: Our teachers! The skilful and multi-talented teachers of Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne taught the students about Chinese New Year through songs, stories and play. The students painted zodiac tigers, made lanterns, and recited poems and stories about Chinese New Year. They even performed a lion dance under the guidance of their teachers! The children had a lively Chinese New Year celebration right in their school classroom.

开学啦!孩子们回到校园啦!过年啦! 校园庆祝开始啦! 今年开学第一周就是传统的中国新年――春节。可是,由于疫情原因,一年一度的舞 狮表演又一次在校园缺席。少了欢快的锣鼓和喜庆的醒狮,怎样让孩子们学习中华传统,感 受中国新年的欢乐气氛呢? 没关系,没有舞狮,我们有老师啊!中华乐思中文学校多才多艺的老师们大显身手,带着孩子 们学春节、唱春节、讲春节、玩春节。孩子们画生肖虎、做灯笼、讲春节故事、背诵 春节诗词、甚至在老师的导演下亲自舞狮,在中文学校的课堂上过了一个热闹的 中国年。



Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校















Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue





















中华乐思中文学校三年级詹惠玲 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊秋季版


Ask the GP Dr Mira graduated from Melbourne University Medical School in 2006. Dr Mira is very passionate about her work in general practice as well as cosmetic medicine. She is fluent in both English and Mandarin, and has many years of experience caring for communities with different cultural and social diversity, and she enjoys interacting and helping patients of all backgrounds and ages.



I am a 55-year-old male that often feels tired and prone to catching a cold. My family members have suggested I start taking health supplements. I am a bit reluctant to do as they say as I don’t like tablets. Is it really necessary? My diet is normal with the right combination of food varieties.

With the normal aging process, feeling tired is definitely one of the possible symptoms. However, if you are always feeling tired, it is very important to go and see your family doctor to investigate the medical cause for it. If the medical check-up result is normal, the next step is to review your diet, supplements and exercises. Despite eating healthy and having very balanced meals, it is still possible to be deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. Therefore, having a daily vitamin supplyment can assist to minimise deficiencies and boost your overall energy and immune system.


I heard about sight correction surgery from my friend, and I am now considering doing it. I have been wearing glasses since a young age and I really want to look pretty on my wedding day. Do you think it’s safe for me to do so? Does it have disadvantages when I grow older, as I heard about people getting cataracts after the surgery? If you want to look pretty for your wedding day, there are many different options. For example, you can get stylish glasses, wear contact lenses or consider having vision correction therapy. The more permanent solution will be the laser vision treatment, but there would be risks that you need to discuss in full detail with the eye specialist. Otherwise, the easier noninvasive option is to see an optometrist earlier to discuss glasses versus contact lenses.


As a twenty five year old male, I believe I have long passed puberty, but I am still troubled by acne, especially at awkward places such as near the eyebrow, or behind my ears. Is this due to my diet or lack of working out? My sister recommended a facial treatment for me, but I really think it’s too feminine, is there any masculine solution? It is always hard to predict when one will develop acne. It can happen at any age if there is an infection, hormonal imbalance, stress or skin inflammation. It can also happen at any site. Therefore, when it happens it is best to get onto the treatment early. The treatment methods range from skincare to medication to cosmetic treatments. If you are unsure of the direction for managing your acne, it is best to have it reviewed with your own family doctor for a treatment plan. Males and females can both get acne, so it is not deemed feminine if you are using skincare, taking medication or having cosmetic treatment for your acne.

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue


My daughter is two and gets rashes whenever she plays outside in the garden, and I suspect that she’s allergic to something unknown. Other Mums have suggested I take her to get an allergy test at the nearby medical centre, is that safe for me to do so? What can I do to make this process easier for my daughter? If your daughter gets rashes frequently whenever she plays outdoors, it is a good idea to consider allergy testing. Allergy testing itself does pose risks of anaphylactic reaction. Therefore it is important to conduct it in a medical centre or with an allergy specialist. The allergy test can be very general and sometimes despite having the allergy testing done, you would still need to keep your own allergy diary for your daughter. This means writing down in a book when she develops her rashes and the possible allergen exposure when it happened. If her reaction is moderate to severe, it is important to talk to her general practice doctor for an anaphylactic prevention pen.


With the high rise of COVID cases in Western Australia, I am always in fear of leaving my home. I have already had my booster shot last week and am suffering from tiredness as a side-effect. What more should I do to be in a better position to face the challenges of the border opening? Regardless of how many COVID vaccines you receive, it does not stop you from catching COVID. It is only there to help minimise the severity of symptoms if you are infected with COVID. Therefore, with the border opening and to prevent COVID spreading, it means that masks and general hygiene care are very important when you go out.



她能说流利的英语和普通话,并拥有多年参与各个多元文化社区的医护经验,并且享受与不同类型和年龄段的 患者进行互动,给他们提供帮助。


我是以为五⼗五岁的男⼦, 我经常感到疲惫、⽽且似乎 很容易感冒。我的家⼈都劝我多 服⽤⼀些健康补品。我其实很 不情愿,因为我真的不太喜欢吞 食药丸⼦。这是(服⽤健康补品) 必要的吗?我吃的东⻄⼀向很健 康、⽽且荤素搭配的比例正常。

感觉疲倦是正常老化的許多症状之⼀。 如果您总是感到疲倦,那么您需要去看您的 家 庭医⽣检查確認沒有任何疾病引起的疲倦 感。如果⾝體檢查⼀切正常,那么下⼀步就是 改善 您的饮食、維⽣素缺失和提升运动量, 以提⾼你的精神。普通時候就算是有健康均 衡的饮食,我們⾝體還是有可能缺乏某些维 ⽣素和矿 物质。因此,每天补充维⽣素可以改 善您的整 体精神狀況和提升免疫系统。



如果您想在婚礼当天看起来漂亮,您有 许多不同的选择。例如,您可以考慮換时尚的 眼镜,可以考慮戴隐形眼镜或者考虑进⾏⼿術 式的视⼒矫正治疗。只要是⼿术,⼀定會有⻛ 险,所以如果您选择開⼑永久性改善視⼒,您 需要与眼科医⽣详细讨论。如果您希望低風險 改善外觀,那麼在婚礼的幾個⽉前去了解嘗試 新的眼镜或试⽤软性或硬性的隐形眼镜。

如果您的女⼉在户外玩耍时经常出现紅 斑,那麼她1 岁過後就可以考虑进⾏过敏原测 试。在測过敏原测试本⾝确实有过敏反应的 ⻛险。因此,做這個檢查最好是在医疗中⼼或 过敏专家那⾥进⾏。过敏测试只是給個⼤概 的過敏原,所以您仍然需要为您的女⼉寫过 敏⽇记。當她出现過敏引起的⽪疹时,您需要 寫下當天可能導致過敏的過敏原。如果她的 反应是中度或非常嚴重,您需要跟她的家庭 医⽣了解艾筆牌腎上腺素注射筆,買⼀⽀放在 学校,⼀⽀留在家⾥。

我从朋友那⾥听闻了可以改 变视⼒的⼿术,现在我很认 真的考虑要不要去坐。我⾃⼩就 开始佩戴眼镜、我真的希望我在 婚礼上是最美丽(不戴眼镜)的 新娘。你认为这类⼿术会有很⼤ ⻛险吗?是否对于以后年⻓了会 有什么不好的影响?我有听闻其 他⼈在⼿术 过后、就得⽩内障的 说法。


我相信⾝为⼀位⼆⼗五岁的男⼦,我已经过了发育期了,但 是暗疮的问题似乎还在困扰着我。尤其是⻓在非常不⽅便 的部位、如在眉⽑间、或在耳后这类地⽅。请问是否我的食物摄 取有问题、还是缺乏运动?我姐姐介绍了我⼀些去暗疮的美容 护肤品,但是对我来说得太娘⽓了、是否有些稍微‘男⼦⽓概’ 点的建议?

痘痘的形成實質上很難預測,任何年紀都有可能長痘痘。引起痘痘的原因可以是因為 感染、荷爾蒙失調、壓⼒或⽪膚炎。它也可能發⽣⽪膚上。因此,⼀旦發⽣這種情況,最好及 早進⾏治療。治療⽅法可以從⽪膚護理到藥物治療再到美容治療。如果您不確定如何改善 您的痘痘,可以跟家庭醫⽣檢查在進⾏治療。男性和女性都會長痘痘,所以您無論使⽤⽪膚 護理、藥物治療或對粉刺進⾏美容治療並不會感覺娘氣。

If you would like Dr Mira to answer your medical question, email it to before 10 May 2022

我两岁的女⼉在外⾯的花 园玩乐后、⾝上常会出现红 斑。我怀疑她不知是否有对于那 种我不晓得的花草敏 感?其他的 妈妈们都建议我带她到医疗所 去做敏感测试,请问这是安全的 吗?我需要预先准备些什么来⾯ 对 这个检测?



⻄澳⼤利亚开始擢升的新冠肺 炎案例,让我每每得外出时都 充满恐惧。我已经接种了第三剂的疫 苗、也深切感受到了第三剂的副作⽤: 让我感觉超累。请问有什么建议能让 我更加有底⽓的去⾯对即将开放的 边境? 無論您接種了多少新冠疫苗,這都不會阻⽌您 感染新冠病毒。如果您感染上新冠病 毒,它只會幫 助症狀的嚴重程度降到最低。因此,邊境開放和新 冠傳播預防降低,將意味著⾼傳播機率。因此想要 預防新冠病毒感染,外出時戴⼝罩和保持⼀定的乾 淨衛 ⽣習慣。 如果您想请Mira医生解答您的医疗问题,可以在 2022年5月10日之前把问题发至本刊编辑部电邮





Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine 儿童接种 COVID-19 疫苗





Yong Sim Lee is a pharmacist with 12 years of experience. He believes that the best medication is education. As a father of two children, he also has further advanced his study in paediatric medicine. He is blessed to own two pharmacies. Sim is currently pursuing postgrad in Nutritional Medicine 李荣参从事了12年的药剂师工作。他相信教育是最好的良药。作为两个孩子的爸爸, 他完成了儿科药物学课程。他感到侥幸可以经营自己的两家药房。荣参正进修着营 养药物学。

Although the number of COVID-19 cases is the highest among the 20 to 29 years age group, it is relatively common for children below 10 years old to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19), especially with kids back in schools (Graph 1). Despite the low death rate (Table 1), approximately 1 in 2,500 children infected with SARSCoV-2 has reported one of the rare and serious inflammatory complications, which is Paediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (PIMS-TS), also known as Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C). This rare condition can cause inflammation of the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin and eyes. It typically occurs two to six weeks after infection and at times, it

Age Group

can be serious and requires hospitalisation. Additionally, children and teens aged 18 years and younger who have had COVID-19 are 2.5 times more likely to be newly diagnosed with diabetes 30 days or more after infection.

Preventing COVID-19 among children is crucial, and the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommends that children ages five years and older should have the COVID-19 vaccine. This reduces the likelihood of children getting COVID-19 and directly prevents PIMS-TS. A study conducted in the United States estimated that the Pfizer vaccine is 91% effective in preventing PIMSTS in adolescents. Source: NINDSS Data as at 22 March 2022





11 31

3 1










40-49 50-59 70-79 90+

154 788






Table 1: This table shows the number of COVID-19 associated deaths in Australia for males and females by age group since the first case was reported.

表 1:该表显示了自报告首例病例以来,澳大利亚按年龄组划 分的 COVID-19 相关死亡人数。

A double dose of the paediatric Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has shown to be 90.7% effective in preventing COVID-19, after the second dose has been administered. A longer dosing interval (eight weeks or longer) may improve immunogenicity and reduce the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination. However, it is appropriate to consider shortening the interval (minimum of three weeks) for those travelling internationally, or at high risk of contracting severe COVID symptoms.

Paediatric Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is generally well tolerated, as most adverse side effects are mild and transient (Graph 2). While the study is still ongoing, there is a potential three-dose paediatric 3 microgram formulation of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine (one-tenth of adult Pfizer dose) being developed for children six months to under five years of age in the coming months. Source: AusVaxSafety Data as of 14 March 2022

Graph 1: This graph shows the number of COVID-19 cases for males and females by age group since the first case was reported. 图1:该图显示了自报告首例病例以来按年龄组划分的男性和女性 COVID-19 病例数。 Source: NINDSS Data as at 22 March 2022

尽管COV ID -19 病 例 数 在二十至二十 九岁年龄段中最高,但十岁以下儿童 感 染 SARS-CoV-2(导致COVID-19的病毒)相对 常见,尤其是孩子们回到学校(图1)。尽管 死亡率很低(表1),但在两千五百名感染 SARS-CoV-2的儿童中约有一人报告患有一 种罕见且严重的炎症并发症,即小儿多系 统炎症综合征(PIMS-TS,也称为多系统炎 症综合征)在儿童中,MIS-C)。这种罕见 的情况会导致心脏、肺部、肾脏、大脑、皮 肤和眼睛发炎。它通常在感染后二至六周 发生,有时可能很严重,需要住院治疗。此 外,感染COVID-19的十八岁及以下儿童和 青少年在感染三十天或更长时间后新诊断 为糖尿病的可能性是其2.5 倍。 在 儿 童中预防COV ID -1 9 很 重 要,ATAGI 建议五岁及以上的每个人都接 种COVID-19疫苗,因为它们可以降低儿童 感染COVID-19的可能性并直接预防PIMSTS。美国的一项研究估计,辉瑞疫苗在预 防青少年PIMS-TS方面的有效率为91%。 资料来源:截至 2022 年 3 月 22 日的 NINDSS 数据

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

从 第 二 剂 后 的 第 7 天 起 ,两 剂 辉 瑞 COVID-19儿科疫苗在预防COVID-19方面的 有效率为90.7%。更长的给药间隔(八周或 更长时间)可能会提高免疫原性并降低患 心肌炎和接种疫苗后心包炎。但对于严重 COVID或国际旅行的高风险人群,考虑缩短 间隔(至少三周)是适当的。 辉瑞儿科COVID-19疫苗通常耐受性良 好,大多数不良事件是轻微和短暂的(图2)。

虽然该研究仍在进行中且仍处于盲态, 但未来几个月内,可能会为6个月至五岁以下 的儿童开发辉瑞COVID-19疫苗(辉瑞成人 剂量的十分之一)的三剂三微克儿科制剂。 资料来源:截至 2022 年 3 月 14 日的 AusVaxSafety 数据

Graph 2: This graph shows the common adverse events reported by children aged 5-11 years who received the pediatric 10 microgram formulation of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. 图 2:该图显示了接受辉瑞 COVID-19 疫苗儿科 10 微克制剂 的 5-11 岁儿童报告的常见不良事件。

Finding credible information You can find information and references to clinical trials and real-world studies in: » ATAGI’s recommendations on the use of the paediatric Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in children aged 5 to 11 years in Australia » ATAGI recommendations on the use of Spikevax (Moderna) COVID-19 vaccine in children aged 6 to 11 years. We also have a collection of resources for parents and children about COVID-19 vaccines.

寻找可靠信息 您可以在以下位置找到有关临床试验和实际研究的 信息和参考: » ATAGI 关于在澳大利亚 5 至 11 岁儿童中使用儿科 辉瑞 COVID-19 疫苗的建议 » ATAGI 关于在 6 至 11 岁儿童中使用 Spikevax (Moderna) COVID-19 疫苗的建议。 我们还为父母和孩子收集了有关 COVID-19 疫苗的 资源。

The application and misunderstanding of traditional Chinese medicine health products for the elderly 浅谈老年中医保健品的应用和误区

Dr Julia FU is a practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. She graduated from the Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China in 1983, and has 36 years of experience.


傅绪琼中医师 - 1983年毕业于5年制中国安徽中医药大学,从事中医临床已有36年 工作经验。

ecause of old age, the metabolic function of the elderly declines, and nutrients are not easily absorbed. At the same time, the functions of each viscera are gradually weakened, and the natural balance function of qi, blood, yin, yang, cold and heat also gradually declines. Therefore, it is vital to supplement the symptoms of traditional Chinese medicine and nutritional food (diet therapy) in old age, that is, the application of health care products belonging to traditional Chinese medicine.

TCM believes that the use of these TCM health products under the guidance of TCM doctors is beneficial to the health of the elderly. So which Chinese medicine health care prescriptions and food nutrition products are suitable for the elderly? Based on my own clinical experience, it is briefly described as follows.

1. American ginseng + Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) + a little honey: When the human body enters old age, most Chi and Yin are deficient. Lingzhi and honey are both foods: Honey moistens dryness and nourishes the lungs; Lingzhi belongs to mushrooms and can enhance immunity. Note: 1) Elderly with high blood sugar levels should avoid honey. 2) American ginseng and Lingzhi should be used in small doses. Make tea with 5 - 19 pieces of American ginseng slices as a drink, one capsule of Lingzhi per day.

2. American ginseng + Goji berries: American ginseng invigorates Qi, and Goji berries nourish the blood. Therefore, this formula can supplement both Chi and blood and is suitable for the elderly who are weak in Chi and

blood and are easily tired.

Note: The function of the spleen and stomach must be normal to take this prescription because Goji berries are weak to the spleen and stomach and easy to have diarrhea. It is not suitable for the elderly who have unformed stools or are afraid of cold.

3. American ginseng + red dates: This recipe is used to strengthen the Chi function, and it can also avoid the cold medicinal properties of American ginseng. Note: Red dates contain a lot of sugar, and it is easy to flatulence if you overeat.

4. Cordyceps Sinensis plus American ginseng are recommended to use for the elderly over 70 years old and have some underlying diseases. Cordyceps Sinensis has the function of nourishing the lungs and kidneys and has a robust curative effect. American ginseng tonifies Chi and the two are used together to enhance physical fitness and anti-aging.

Special reminder: any kind of Chinese medicine health care prescription should be used under the guidance of experienced Chinese medicine practitioners. Even the best prescriptions need to be different from person to person.


文◎ 傅绪琼 Julia FU | 译◎ 卡尔 Carl ONG

年人因为年岁高,新陈代 谢 功能有 所下降,营养物质不易被吸收。同时 各脏腑功能也逐渐衰弱,自身气血阴阳寒 热的自然平衡功能也逐渐下降了。所以在 老年阶段补益中药和营养食物(食疗)的 对症补充,也就是属于中医的保健品的应 用,是十分重要的。


中医认为,在中医师指导下使用这些中 医保健品,是有益于老年人的自身健康的。那 么有哪些中医保健方药和食物营养品适应老 人呢?根据自己的临床体会,浅述如下。 1. 西洋 参 +灵 芝+ 少 许 蜂 蜜。人体进 入老年 期,大多是气阴两虚,西洋参补气生津,没 有燥热。灵芝和蜂蜜均属于食品,蜂蜜润燥 补肺,灵芝属于菌菇类,属性温和,可以增 强身体的抗病能力。 注意: 1)血糖较高的老人最好不要加蜂蜜。 2)西洋参和灵芝都要小剂量。西洋参片可 用5 - 10薄片泡水喝,灵芝胶囊一天一粒即 可。

2. 西洋 参 +枸 杞子。西洋 参 补气,枸杞子补 血。所以这一配方有气血双补的功能,适用 于气血虚弱、容易疲倦的老人。 注意:服用此方需脾胃功能正常,因为枸杞 子对脾胃虚弱、易泄泻、大便不成形或怕冷 的老人不太适合。

3. 西洋参 + 红枣。此方用于加强补气功能,也 可避免西洋参偏凉的药性。 注意:红枣含糖份较大,吃多也容易胀气。

4. 冬虫夏草加上西洋参对于年纪超过70岁以 上、且有一些基础疾病的老人推荐使用,。 冬虫草有补肺肾功能,疗效较强。西洋参补 气,两者配合使用,有增强体质、抗衰老的 作用。 特别提醒:任何一种中医保健方,都要在有经 验的中医师的指导下使用。再好的方药也需 要因人而异。



文/译◎Chung Wah Community Care 中华社区服务

Chung Wah Community Care’s Chinese New Year Celebrations



ay your Chinese New Year be filled with joy and happiness! Celebrated for over fifteen days, Chinese New Year is one of the most significant celebrations for Asians around the globe, and this year marks the change from the Year of the Ox to the Year of the Tiger. with traditional Chinese musical instruments. They delivered outstanding musical performances in honouring the Chinese New Year! Our audiences were deeply immersed in the colourful presentation of the musical and dance.

While the pandemic continues to overshadow the occasion, we hope the new year will bring tremendous healing power and joy with the Year of the Tiger. So let’s jumpstart the new year on a positive note...

Chung Wah Community Care (Chung Wah CC) hosted Chinese New Year celebrations between 1st to 7th February at the Balcatta and Willetton hubs to extend the CNY festive cheers with our seniors.

Various culturally rich and exciting activities happened at our community hubs for the week-long Chinese New Year celebrations. Booths were set up for our consumers to play games and take pictures with our beloved God of Wealth to bring all things prosperous in the new year. What better way to bring in the festive vibe than dazzling dance performances by our community volunteers

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Wait, there’s more...

Our Chung Wah CC CEO, Mrs Kwok, wished our seniors good health and a prosperous Year of the Tiger. She also encouraged everyone to exercise as often as possible for good health. Mrs Kwok proudly announced the new name Chung Wah Community Care and this year’s theme “Branching Together”, signifying branching through various communities to connect and support each other. She further invited everyone to lend a hand to the underprivileged children to inspire hopes, dreams, and achievements. Then, of course, with the roaring lion dance springing into action, our kind participants offer their red packets as donations that went towards The Smith Family in supporting disadvantaged Australian children and young people. To further enhance the overall experience,

our proud sponsor of this celebration event, Wing Hong Food Services, provided new year gift bags and warm wishes to our 90+ senior participants.

When asked about the secret of longevity, our engaged seniors commented: “happiness”, “keep active”, “rest well”, and “visit Chung Wah Community Hubs”. This is good advice, and Chung Wah CC continues to encourage our seniors to exercise more for better health and wellbeing. As an organisation, we strive to improve the quality of life for our community so that they can enjoy their golden era!

We are so proud of our Chung Wah CC staff and volunteers for their hard work in making these week-long celebration events possible and are honoured to share this truly unforgettable Chinese New Year celebration with our seniors.

「欢天喜地迎新春,红红火火过大年」。百节年为首,农历新年(又 称春节丶新春) 是华人社会里最隆重的传统佳节。民众在新春里尽情地展现祈 福攘灾,饮食和娱乐活动。刚过去的牛年,在全球新冠疫情的影响下,确实是不 容易的一年。送旧迎新,迎来了「干支纪年法」的壬(天干)寅(地支)虎年,我 们期盼着虎年一切大吉,疫情早日受控。

中华社区服务(中华CC)在年初一至年初 四分别在巴卡达和威乐顿社区中心举办小型 的新春团拜会,与各长者欢渡传统佳节。中心

里设有摊位游戏和财神拍照区,长者们踴跃地 跟财神合照,讨个好彩头,吉祥又如意。贺年 时也不忘运动,长者们搖着发出清脆声音的手

铃,在导师的带领下,手舞足蹈地动起来。能歌 善舞的社区团体 和义工们倾力演出寓意吉祥 的歌曲、舞蹈和乐器演奏,为团拜会增添不少 欢乐气氛。宾客们在悦耳的音乐中陶醉不已, 他们报以热烈的掌声。 中华CC总干事郭太在致辞时恭祝各长者 身体健康,虎年大吉。她主张黄金岁月的延续 和自我挑战:每天恒常地锻炼身体。郭太更正 式宣布「中华社区服务」的新名字和 2022年「 枝叶丰盛(Branching Together)」的主题。她 计划在新的一年,中华CC的服务会按部就班 地伸展到社区的不同階层。 「枝叶丰盛」的第 一个行动是呼吁嘉宾们大解善囊,将关怀和援 手送到社区里的弱势儿童。在雄纠纠的瑞狮舞 动带领下,善心的长者纷纷大力捐献,共襄善 举。收集到的善款,中华CC 将如数捐赠到「史 密斯家庭(The Smith Family)」,为有需要的弱 势儿童尽一份绵力。




团拜会的高潮是代表赞助商Wing Hong Food Services (永康)为90岁及以上的高龄长 者嘉宾送上大礼包及接受与会宾客的祝福。当 主持人访问高龄长者的长寿要诀,他们认真地 回答: 「早睡 早起」、 「开 开心 心」和「常来中 华!」。真的。中华CC不断地鼓励长者们多锻炼 身体,并竭尽所能帮助长者保持和恢复日常的 自理能力, 「常来中华!」,我们辅助长者维持 居家养老的良好状态。90岁及以上是一众长者 努力追求的目标。高龄长者们居家养老,在日常 生活中活动自如,享受他们精彩的黄金岁月。 在全场嘉宾合唱「中华故事」一曲后,团 拜会圆满结束。宾客们依依不捨,尽兴而归。

Do not hesitate to contact us at 9328 3988 or email us today at Let’s start this wonderful journey to make the world a better place!

如果你愿意一起共创这个美好的社区,迎致电9328 3988查询或电邮联络 如果您想了解更多关于中华社区服 务部的活动和服务,欢迎您扫描二维码关 注CAC 微信公众号,或关注我们 Facebook 账号: Chung Wah Community Care,您也 可以拨打我们的咨询电话 9328 3988 了解 更多资讯。

If you would like to know more about Chung Wah Community Care, please scan the QR code to subscribe to our WeChat account. You can also follow our Facebook page Chung Wah Community Care. Furthermore, you can dial our number 93283988 to seek more information.

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9328 3988

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地址 Address: 2/98 Lake Street. Northbridge.

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Siberian Tiger reserve in North East of China near Siberian border Photograph by Willi Laufmann Photography“Natures Brilliance” 文◎Y.S. Yow饶逸生博士 | 译◎Lynn XIANG 项海颖

2022 and the Year of the Water Tiger M

ost calendars are organised according to some historical events. Western calendars are based on the birth of Christ. The Muslim calendar begins in 622 CE when the Muslim prophet Muhammad migrated to Medina. As such January 1, 2022 fell into year 1443 Hijrah. The Japanese year designation revolves around the year of the reign of the current Emperor. Chinese communities around the world use the Chinese calendar for traditional and cultural purposes, including life destiny analysis 算命 as well as divination 卜卦. This is probably the only calendar that is not quantified by numbers, or based on any individual. It is based on the forces in nature that generate and balance out one another in a comprehensive, cohesive manner.

The following analysis assumes a certain understanding of centuries-old concepts such as yin-yang阴阳, the five determinant elements 五行1 as well as the celestial stem and terrestrial branch 天干地支2. The concept of five determinant elements covers time, space, as well as other parameters. As the Sun invariably rises from the East every day without fail, WOOD is associated with the east in terms of space. Each of the five elements of WOOD, FIRE, EARTH, METAL and WATER has its own personality traits. China is often associated with WOOD, as she happens to be the most prominent country in the East. Those with a strong WOOD personality are known to be more humane, benevolent, kind. They are in Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

general serious, no nonsense and stick to the point. Moreover they tend to be organised, stick to routines, and adhere to their principles. In doing so they are somewhat inflexible, rigid, sincere and honest. They have known to have high moral integrity and sympathetic to others. As the sun sets in the West, West is invariably associated with Western forces and values, led by the United States. Western forces are associated with METAL. When harvesting in autumn, the wheat need to be separated from the chaff. People with strong METAL values regard themselves as being righteousness and just. Others find them sharp and penetrating (in action as well as in words). In general they are thought to be firm and determined. They are certainly ready for rapid advance. They are ever ready to reform or Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches - TianGan DiZhi: The Heart of Chinese Wisdom Traditions: Wu, Zhongxian, Taylor Wu, Karin, BingXun, Fei: 9781848191518: Books - restructure, purge or eliminate, in their pursuit of justice. In general these people

are happy-go-lucky, and often operate with a tinge of humour. Water and winter are always associated with the north, just as heat and summer is linked to the south. The WATER people are thought to be intelligent. They tend to go about with uninhibited, free spirit. At times their adaptability, flexibility or creativity could be interpreted as instability as they repeatedly change their minds. They are rather lively, active. They go along casually, spreading their thoughts or ideas around. From China’s perspective the country to the north can only be Russia. In the past few years the West, led by the United States, had been making accusations, threats, harassment, sanctions and diplomatic boycott against China. It would take considerable inner strength and prowess for China to take incessant, repeated blows from the U.S. For the next couple of water-tiger and water wood years the major forces in the universe are WATER (Russian), supporting the WOOD (Chinese). It is clear that there is no major conflicts in the world, when the Russians collaborate with and support the Chinese. More significantly Western forces (led by U.S.) would be insignificant or inconsequential. The critical turning point in U.S.-ChinaRussia relationship falls on 4 February 2022 on the day of “Beginning of the spring”立 春3, when we commence the year of watertiger [rényín] 壬寅. When we change it into

We know that METAL signifies power and force, whereas WATER connotes “Intelligence”. This intelligence is finally transferred to WOOD. The end result is that WATER (Russia) minimises or even nullifies the threats from the METAL (West), and uses the intelligence to strengthen itself and promotes the rise of China. Knowingly or unknowingly, the U.S. unwittingly supports China through Russia, when the astrological conditions are in place, over a defined period of time. The West would still criticise, make remarks, and try various methods of diplomatic boycott, seeks allies and form blocks, carrying out military exercises, going all out to encircle and prevent the rise of China.

The opinion is views expressed by author are their own and do not necessarily express the Chung Wah Association’s viewpoints or position. The Chung Wah Association does not accept responsibility for views expressed in articles or other contributions that appear on its pages.

The long term political implications would be huge. When the next METAL period returns in six years time, China will be in a much stronger position in terms of GDP, infrastructural development, military prowess, international connectivity and support, educational and university development, scientific and technological achievements including outer space, basic research and innovation, and the West might be left behind in certain areas. China was developing so fast that by the time it was acknowledged as a threat it was too late. From an astrological and historical perspective China needs to thank countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and other countries, which bogged the U.S. down in military adventurism, thus giving China valuable breathing space. It is extremely interesting to note that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will begin on the same day. The Winter Olympics is an expensive game, practised by the middle

and upper classes in affluent countries in the U.S., Canada and Europe, Korea and Japan in Asia. The facilities, ski resorts, caters for the rich. When Beijing bid to host the Winter Olympics in 2005, she was quietly confident that China would have a substantial middle class by 2022 (400 million). That involves a great deal of foresight and forward planning. Beijing is confident to organise the Winter Olympics in-spite of COVID. The 2002 Winter Olympics demonstrates to the world that it is possible to conduct an Olympics while still adhering to the strict zero-COVID regime. By creating a closed-loop bubble and isolating the entire Olympics from the rest of the population, the Chinese demonstrated their wisdom, tenacity, organisational ability, resources, prudence and lots of common sense to steer through the situation. (In contrast the Japanese Olympics were postponed for a year, and even then had a lot of issues during the Olympics within and outside the country due to COVID). Some Western countries are edging closer to a living with COVID8. Tony Abbott, former Australian prime minister, has railed against Covid “health dictatorships”, saying the economic cost of lockdowns meant families should be allowed to consider letting elderly relatives with the coronavirus die by letting nature take its course9.


in which METAL generates WATER 金生水, WATER generates WOOD 水生木7.


To my knowledge President Putin is the only leader who in the midst of military confrontation with the U.S. and Europe, after impinging a “state of seize” to the West, calmly and confidently left his country to go to China. On the 4th February, the Chinese president Xi Jinping and Russian president Putin met in Beijing during the Olympics and mapped out the new framework for global order, based on

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Chinese zodiac parameters, it becomes yang [water-wood]4 combination. The terrestrial branches are actually the zodiac signs. Each of the symbols has a distinct [yīn-yáng] as well as “five determinant elements” [wǔxíng] combination. These entities, together with their “yīn-yáng” and [wǔxíng] are as follows: Animal Rat

Name yīn-yáng wǔxíng zǐ






Water / Earth












Wood / Earth

Based on the data available on Chinese Zodiac above, in the past six years there were 4 METAL elements5. The next METAL element won’t come for another six years in 20286. It is clear that the 2022 “Water-tiger” [renyin] revolves around Russia-China cooperation and support in a supposingly post U.S. dominating world. In terms of interaction between the 3 parties, we have an extremely fascinating chain reaction, 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊秋季版



United Nation multinational rules, rather than narrow U.S. norms. As we have seen, the China-Russian cooperation to lead the world would have long term implications. The techniques of life destiny analysis was put forward by the scholar Xu Ziping 徐 子平 (907 – 960AD) and has continued to this day. The analysis is based on the Celestial stem and terrestrial branch and their interactions. Astrological analysis should be further extended to cover the month and zodiacs for detailed analysis. To better understand the Celestial stems and Terrestrial branches, please go to the reference listed. Let us take some examples from recent years. 2020 “Metal-rat” [gēngzǐ] 庚子, METAL is so powerful that it generates water. 2021 “Metal-ox” [xīnchǒu] 辛丑, METAL is propped up by the EARTH element. 2022 “Water-tiger” [rényín] 壬寅, water supports wood In any year, say 2021 “Metal-ox” (metalearth) [xīnchǒu] 辛丑(METAL propped up by EARTH), not every day of the year would be the same. From the 5th of January, the month zodiac signs changed to “Earth-Ox” (earth-earth) [ jǐchǒu] 己丑, signifying that we are entering into a more down to EARTH era. This is the month the President Biden took office. Things get more perplexing when we add on a third set of zodiac parameters, the day astrological component come into play. Biden took office on January 20, 2021, corresponding to the year of “Metalrat” [gēngzǐ] 庚子, month of “Earth-ox” (earth-earth) [ jǐchǒu] 己丑and day of “Earth-dragon” (earth-earth) [wùchén] 戊 辰 configuration, leading to a more down to EARTH posture, rather than the Trump style anti-China rhetoric. By the time it reached 15th August 2021, the zodiac parameters were the year of “Metalox” (metal-earth) [xīnchǒu] 辛丑 (METAL propped up by EARTH), month of “Firemonkey” (fire metal) [bǐngshēn] 丙申(FIRE

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

melting away METAL), and day of “Woodgoat” (wood-earth) [yǐwèi] 乙未 (WOOD breaking up EARTH). On this day the METAL forces were weak, and the WOOD component relatively strong, U.S. made a dramatic withdrawal from Afghanistan. On 24th September 2021, corresponding to astrological parameters of the year “Metal- ox” [xīnchǒu] 辛丑 (METAL propped up by EARTH), month of “fire-rooster” (fire-metal) [dīngyǒu] 丁酉(FIRE melting away the METAL) and day of “fire-rat” (firewater) [bǐngzǐ] 丙子10, FIRE extinguished by WATER. On this day of weak METAL, the U.S. released Meng Wanzhou from Canada. I would be the first to admit that this system of analysis is not infallible. I believe that there is at present no one system that could analyse every aspect of nature. The nature is far more complicated and complex that can be analysed by human, even with the support of the latest, advanced computers, software and system analysts. For a complete analysis, the overall world wide data should also be run in conjunction with the life destiny analysis of nations and their leaders, whether it is China, U.S. or Russia, as well as its presidents and leaders. This is comparable to the practice of checking and comparing the compatibility of two people, before marriage. Many still view the Chinese people with myopic lens, oblivious of the thousands of years of history and civilisation. Coupled with “Western, Christian, and Anglo-Saxon superiority”, they often assume that their U.S. values would be much better than any others. Some of the self-styled “experts” do not speak Chinese, and have not set foot in China. They google in English and reinforce each other their ideas. As an example, the “coming collapse of China” was published in 2001 by Gordon Chang, predicting that China would collapse in 2011. Chang has given briefings at the National Intelligence Council, the CIA, the State Department, and the Pentagon, and has testified before the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs11.

If you have not heard of yin-yang and the five determinant elements, which began in the Xia dynasty, (2070 – 1600 BC), you are four thousand years behind time! If you think the system is hard to understand, you are mistaken. In reality there are various destinies, for example life destiny of a nation 国运 such as U.S., or China, life destiny of leaders involved, operating and interacting with each other at the same time. An analysis of comparing two or more sets of zodiac is beyond the scope of this paper. Footnotes 脚注: Yow Yit Seng, “Chinese Dimensions, their roots, mindset and psyche”, page 314 to 333;


Five Elements: Wu Xing Theory, Chart to Find Chinese Zodiac Elements ( Yow Yit Seng, “Chinese Dimensions, their roots, mindset and psyche”, page 344;


Note that the first day of spring is different from the first day of Chinse New Year.


Yow Yit Seng, “Chinese Dimensions, their roots, mindset and psyche”, page 344


starting with [bǐngshēn] 丙申, [dīngyǒu] 丁酉, through to [wùxū] 戊戌, [ jǐhài] 己亥, [gēngzǐ] 庚子, [xīnchǒu] 辛丑, to [rényín] 壬寅.


i.e. [guǐmaǒ] 癸卯, [ jiǎchén] 甲辰, [yǐsì] 乙巳, [bǐngwǔ] 丙午, [dīngwèi] 丁未, [wùshēn] 戊申



Wuxing (Chinese philosophy) - Wikipedia


Living with COVID-19 - Wikipedia

Tony Abbott: some elderly COVID patients could be left to die naturally | Tony Abbott | The Guardian 9

10 Taken as 25th September, to convert to Chinese time. 11

Gordon G. Chang - Wikipedia.

年)提出,并沿用至今。该分析基于天干、地支 及其相互作用。占星分析应进一步扩大到涵盖月 份和生肖进行详细分析。为了更好地了解天干、 地支,请参阅以下资料。


以近年来的事件为例。 2020 金属鼠庚子年,金是如此强大,可以生 成水。 2021金属辛丑年,金由土支撑。 2022 壬寅年,水托木。

多数日历是根据一些历史事件设置 的。西方历法基于基督的诞生为基 础的。穆斯林历法始于公元 622 年,当 时穆斯林先知穆罕默德移居麦地那。因 此,阳历2022 年 1 月 1 日是回历 1443 年。日本历法以天皇在位的年号来纪年。

世界各地的华人社区出于传统和文化的目的 使用中国历法,包括算命和卜卦。这可能是唯一 不以数字量化或基于任何个人的历法。它基于自 然的力量,这些力量以一种全面的、紧密结合的 方式产生并相互制衡。 以下分析基于对阴阳、五行、天干、地支等 百年概念的了解。 五行元素涵盖了时间、空间以及其他参数。 由于太阳每天都从东方升起,因此木在空间上与 东方联系在一起。木、火、土、金、水,每个元 素都有自己的人格特质。 中国经常与木联系在一起,因为她恰好是东 方最杰出的国家。众所周知,具有强烈木特质的 人更人道主义、更仁爱、也更宽容。总体上,他 们是严肃的,不讲废话,坚持重点。此外,他们 往往有条有理,遵循常规,并坚持己见。因此, 他们有些固执不变通、但真诚可靠。他们为人正 直并富有同情心。 夕阳西下,西方总是与以美国为首的西方 势力和价值观联系在一起。西方力量与金有关。 秋收时,小麦需要从谷壳中分离。具有强烈金价 值观的人认为自己是正义的和公正的。其他人却 觉得他们在言行上尖锐而具抨击力。他们一般被 认为是坚定的、果断的。他们已然准备好快速发 展。在追求正义的过程中,他们准备好随时进行 改革,重组,重新洗牌或优胜劣汰。总的来说, 这些人是随遇而安的,一般不乏幽默感。 水和冬天总是与北方联系在一起,就像高 温和夏天与南方有关。水属性的人被认为是聪明 的。他们倾向于以无拘无束、自由自在的精神生 活。有时,他们的适应性、灵活性或创造力可能 会被认为没有定性,因为他们不断改变想法。他 们相当真实,生动。他们随便走走便泉思涌现。 在中国看来,北方霸主只能是俄罗斯。 过去几年,以美国为首的西方对中国进行 指责、威胁、骚扰、制裁和外交抵制。中国需要 相当大的内在力量和魄力去承受来自美国不间断 的、重复的打击。 对于壬寅年水木的组合,宇宙中的主要力量 是水(俄罗斯),支持木(中国)。显然,当俄 罗斯人与中国人合作并支持中国人时,世界上没 有重大冲突。更重要的是,西方军队(由美国领 导)将微不足道或无关紧要。 2022年2月4日,农历立春是美中俄关系的关 键转折点,也就是壬寅年的开始。当我们把它转 换成十二生肖参数时,它就变成了阳、水木的组 合。地支实际上是十二生肖。每个符号都有不同 的阴阳以及五行组合。这些实体连同它们的阴阳 和五行对照如下:






任何一年,比如说2021年金属辛丑年(金由 土支撑)不是一年中的每一天都是一样的。从 1 月 5 日起,月生效变为地牛丑己,预示着我们正 在深入土时代。这是拜登总统上任的月份。

基于以上中国十二生肖的数据,在过去的 6 年中,有 4 种金。下一个金不会在 六年内出现, 直到2028年才会出现。 我们知道金象征着权力和力量,而水则意味 着智慧。这种智慧最终被转移到木中。最后,水 (俄罗斯)将来自金(西方国家)的威胁最小化 甚至化为乌有,并用智慧使自己强大,并推动中 国的崛起。当占星条件具备时,美国会在既定的 时间内通过俄罗斯不知不觉地支持中国。 西方国家仍会批判、评论,尝试各种外交抵 制手段,寻求盟友、组成盟军,进行军事演习, 全力围堵中国的崛起。 长期的政治影响将是巨大的。当下一个金 时代在 6 年后回归时,中国在 GDP、基础设施 建设、军事实力、国际联通和支持、教育和大学 发展、包括外太空、基础研究和创新的科技成果 方面更具强势地位,西方国家可能在某些领域落 后。中国发展得如此之快,以至于当它被认为 是威胁时,已为时已晚。从占星和历史的角度来 看,中国应该感谢伊拉克、阿富汗、叙利亚等国 家,这些国家让美国神仙军事冒险主义的泥潭, 从而给了中国宝贵的喘息时机。 显然,2022年壬寅年围绕着中俄在一个据说 是后美国统治时代中的合作与支持。在三方的相 互作用下,我们有一个极其精彩的连锁反应,在 这个反应中,金生水,水生木。 非常有趣的是,2022年北京冬奥会将在同一 天开幕。冬奥会是一项贵族运动,在美国、加拿 大、欧洲国家、亚洲的韩国和日本等富裕国家的 中上阶层中进行。奥运设施,滑雪胜地,满足富 人。当北京在 2005 年申办冬奥会时,她对中国 到 2022 年将拥有庞大的中产阶级(4 亿)充满信 心。这需要其有远见并具前瞻性的规划。 尽管有疫情,北京仍有信心办好冬奥 会。2002 年冬奥会向世界证明,在仍然坚持严格 的零疫情制度的同时举办奥运会是可能的。通过 制造一个闭环系统,将整个奥运会与会人员与其 他人群隔离开来,展现了中国人的智慧、坚韧、 组织能力、资源、审慎以及大量的常识来引导局 势。(相比之下,日本奥运会被推迟了一年,即 便如此,由于新冠疫情,奥运会期间国内外也出 现了很多问题)。一些西方国家正逐渐接近与新 冠病毒共存的状态。澳大利亚前总理托尼·阿博特 抨击了新冠疫情的“健康独裁”政策,称封锁的经 济成本意味着允许家庭考虑让带有携带新冠病毒 的老年亲属死亡,顺应物竞天择。 据我所知,普京总统是唯一一位在与美国和 欧洲的军事对抗中,在对西方造成“占领状态”之 后,冷静而自信地离开他的国家前往中国的领导 人。2月4日,中国国家主席习近平和俄罗斯总统 普京在北京奥运会期间会晤,制定了基于联合国 多国规则而非狭隘美国规范的全球秩序新框架。 正如我们所看到的,引领世界的中俄合作具有长 远意义。 命运分析法由学者徐子平(公元907—960



当我们添加第三组生肖参数,天占星术元素 发挥作用时,事情变得更加令人困惑。拜登总统 于 2021 年 1 月 20 日上任,时值金鼠庚子年,土 牛己丑月,土龙戊辰日,导致更迎合土的态度, 而不是特朗普式的反华言论。 到 2021 年 8 月 15 日,时值金牛辛丑年( 金被土支撑)、火猴丙申月(火溶化金)木羊乙 未日(木分解土)。在这一天,金的力量较弱, 而木的力量相对较强。这一天美国从阿富汗大幅 撤军。


2021 年 9 月 24 日,时值金牛辛丑年(金由 土支撑)、火鸡丁酉月(火熔化金) ,火鼠丙子日 (火被水熄灭)。在金疲软的这一天,美国从加 拿大释放了孟晚舟。 我将是第一个认为这种分析体系并非万无一 失的人。我相信目前没有一个系统能够分析大自 然的方方面面。大自然是如此的复杂,即使在最 新、最先进的计算机、软件和系统分析员的支持 下,人类也无法分析清楚自然界。 为了进行完整的分析,全球整体数据还应该 结合各国及其领导人的命运分析,无论是中国、 美国还是俄罗斯,以及其总统和领导人。这个做 法堪比婚前检查。 许多人仍然用短视的眼光看待中国人,忘记 了其几千年的历史和文明。再加上“西方的、基督 教的和盎格鲁-撒克逊的优势”,他们常常认为他们 的美国价值观会比其他任何人的价值观都要好。 一些自称“专家”的人不会说中文,也没有 去过中国。他们用英语谷歌搜索并相互加强他 们的想法。例如,Gordon Chang 于 2001 年发 表《中国即将崩溃》,预测中国将在 2011 年崩 溃。Chang 曾在国家情报委员会、中央情报局、 国务院和五角大楼做过简报,并曾在美国众议院 外交事务委员会作证。 如果您没有听说过始于夏朝(公元前20701600年)的阴阳五行,那您已经落后了四千年! 如果您认为该体系难以理解,那您就错了。在现 实中,命运是各种各样的,比如美国或中国等国 家的国运,牵涉其领导人命运,以及他们的相互 作用。比较两组或多组生肖的分析超出了本文的 范畴。

Reference 参考文献: Yow Yit Seng, “Chinese Dimensions, their roots, mindset and psyche”, Pelanduk Publications, 2006, ISBN 967978-927-6 Yow Yit Seng, 《中国维度、根源、心态和 心理》,Pelanduk 出版社,2006,ISBN 967-978-927-6 MacDonald, Yow, and Li: “Innovation in China, the Dawning of the Asian Century”, 2008, ISBN 978190 5068821 MacDonald、Yow 和 Li, 《创新的中国, 亚洲世纪的曙光》,2008,ISBN 978190 5068821




文/图/译◎盈盈小筑 Echo’s Kitchen(原作者授权转载)

Nyonya Dumplings According to Wikipedia: Peranakan Chinese or Straits-born Chinese are the descendants of Chinese immigrants who came to the Malay archipelago including British Malaya (now Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore, where they are also referred to as Baba-Nyonya) and Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia; where they’re also referred to as Kiau-Seng) between the 15th and 17th centuries. Members of this community in Malaysia address themselves as “Baba Nyonya”. Nyonya is the term for women and Baba for men. It applies especially to the Han populations of the British Straits Settlements of Malaya and the Dutch-controlled island of Java and other locations, who have adopted Nusantara customs — partially or in full — to be somewhat assimilated into the local communities. Many were the elites of Singapore, more loyal to the British than to China. Most have lived for generations along the straits of Malacca. They were usually traders, the middleman of the British and the Chinese, or the Chinese and Malays, or vice versa because they were mostly English educated. Because of this, they almost always had the ability to speak two or more languages. Most Southeast Asian are known for their varieties of Kuih/bite-sized snack or dessert foods. This Dumpling

is one of them, it highly resembles its close cousin Bak Zhang in looks. The taste, on the other hand, is a completely different story. It is a package of savoury, spicy and sweetness all wrapped in one (literally), very addictive it is. This recipe was my great grandma’s. Great granny was the queen in the kitchen and was great with needlework. I still remember the awe I felt when I saw her making Popiah skin the first time by spreading a bunch of bouncy/sticky dough over a hot skillet, barehanded. She was quick and swift. She made most of our festive cakes/pastries at home until much later in her life. Come to think about it. Observing her act in the kitchen was the beginning of my interest in cooking, perhaps.

The Process 1.

Dry roast coriander seeds and black peppercorn until fragrantly cooled and ground into a fine powder using a spice grinder/coffee grinder. Note: Mom washed and sun-dried the coriander seeds and peppercorn days ahead. I do not think it is necessary, so I skipped this step.

10. When all the ingredients are ready, it is time to wrap the dumplings. Pick two leaves that are similar in size and length, place one on top of each other, one pointing left and one pointing right to even out irregularities of the leaves.


Bring a half pot of water to boil and cook the pork until firm, remove, drained and skinned. Cube the pork into the size of peas, save 2 cups of the boiling water for later use.


Cleaned, soaked and chopped mushrooms to the size of peas. Use a food processor to chop shallot, garlic, candied winter melon separately. Blend/ soybean paste into a fine thick paste. Note: Try not to use minced meat to make this zhang, it tastes so much better with chopped pork.

11. Fold the leaves at about 1/3 length and bring the sides together to create a cone. Place 1 tbsp of blue rice at the bottom of the cone with 1 tsp of white rice over it. Place 2 tbsp of filling in and cover with 2 tbsp of white rice, place some blue rice at both the corners if you like your zhang to have all three points blue in colour.


Make approx 45 dumplings For filling: • 2 lbs/ 900 g Pork leg cuts • 50 g/ 20 Dried Mushrooms (soaked) • 350 g Candied Winter Melon • 100 g shallots • 80 g garlic • 3 tbsp corn/tapioca starch



For glutinous rice: • 4 lbs /1800 g long grain glutinous rice • 10 g/1 big bunch of Fresh/ dried Bunga Telang/Butterfly Pea Flower • 1 cup of cooking oil • 1 tbsp of salt

Seasoning: • 1/2 bottle of Soy Bean Paste (Around 2/3 measuring cup, preferably made in Malaysia.) • 75 g Coriander Seed • 25 g Black Peppercorn • 1 tsp salt • 5-6 Pandan Leaves/Screwpine leaves

Others: • 6 Cooking twine • 1 tbsp salt to boil dumplings

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue


Heat up 1/2 cup of cooking oil, stir fry chopped garlic and shallot until fragrant. Add blended soybean paste and cook until oil separates, add chopped mushrooms and pork, continue cooking and stirring until oil separated again. Add chopped candied winter melon and 2 cups of the broth we saved, bring the mixture to boil and turn the stove to medium-low, simmer for 15-20 minutes. Add grounded spices, mix well, continue to simmer for 5 more minutes, adjust taste with salt if needed. Mix 3 tbsp of cornstarch with 1/2 cup of water, add it to the mixture and bring the heat to high, cook for 2-3 minutes or until the mixture thickened. Take it out and store it in a container with lid/cover, let cool and place in the refrigerator to chill overnight. Boil the dried butterfly pea flowers in a saucepan with 1 cup of water for about 8-10 minutes until the colour of the water turned dark blue. Discard the flowers. Note: Adding 2-3 drops of lime/lemon juice into the flower water will brighten the colour even more.


Remove the stem of the bamboo leaves using a scissor. Soaked the leaves in hot water for one hour, brushed and wash the leaves twice before using.


Wash and drain the glutinous rice, there is no need to soak it. Divide the rice into two portions, one larger (2/3) and one smaller (1/3). Add the butterfly pea flower water to the smaller portion, mix well and let it dye the rice for 15 minutes. Drain excess liquid before adding 1 tsp of salt. Add 2 tsp of salt to the larger/white rice portion.


Heat up 1 cup of cooking oil in a small pan until small bubbles form from the bottom, pour 1/3 of it to the blue rice and 2/3 to the white. Mix well and the rice is ready.

12. Now with one hand firmly holding on to the cone, fold the leaves over rice with another. Once folded, turn your left hand (still firmly holding on to the cone) from palm facing up to palm facing down. 13. With the same left hand, lightly squeeze to mould the shape a little with your thumb and forefinger to create ‘wings’ on both sides, fold the ‘wings’ upwards. Turn the remaining leaves (which are now sorta folded into half) around the shape of zhang. 14. Now pull a string of cooking twine and make two loops around the dumplings where most of the folds and the end of the leaves are at. Tie a “live knot” at the end to secure the shape, a single pull later should be able to unravel the knot. 15. Repeat the same steps for all the remaining ingredients. Note: try not to make the loops too tight to leave some rooms for the rice to swell during the cooking process. Looping too tight can cause the rice to burst out from the leaves or create a “waist” in your zhang which indicates very firm texture. 16. 13. Fill a stockpot with 2/3 of water and 1 tbsp of salt, bring to a rolling boil. Place the zhangs into the water and cook at medium heat for 2.5 hours. Let the zhangs sit in the water for 30 minutes more after switching off the stove. Drain and let cool. Note: Adding salt to cooking water is essential to prevent changes of taste in the Zhangs. I also made a vegetarian version using Vegetarian chicken (gluten) with the same recipe (minus garlic, shallot and meat) for prayers at the temple, it tasted very good too! The taste of my family heritage!Beautiful and palatable!

盈盈小筑--素人厨师的柴米油盐,博主林心仁是一位从事自由职业的旅美马来 西亚华裔,透过博客以英中双语记录了异乡游子所思念的家乡味。脚踏实地、 着实苦干她以兼顾事业与家庭,并以培养宝贝独子为大。

据维基百科的介绍:峇峇娘惹(或稱土生華人/侨生)是指十五世纪初期定居在 满剌伽(马六甲)、满者伯夷国和室利佛逝国(印尼)和淡马锡(新加坡)一带 的中國明朝后裔。峇峇娘惹也包括少数在唐宋时期定居此地的唐人,但目前没有来源 证明唐宋已有唐人定居此地,所以一般上峇峇娘惹都是指大明后裔。這些唐宋明后裔 的文化在一定程度上受到当地馬來人或其他非華人族群的影響。男性称为峇峇,女性 称为娘惹。

娘 惹 粽


Echo’s Kitchen--a journal of an amateur chef, blogger SinJin LIM is a freelancer of Malaysian Chinese living in the United States. She tirelessly records the recipes of taste of hometown she missed, bilingually in her blog. She is a down-to-earth mum, a wife that works wonders in cultivating their only child.

娘惹糕点在东南亚一直都富有盛名,今年端午节我们吃喝饭团召集了一起过节吃粽子,团里的姐妹们都拿 出自己家乡的粽子。我也拿出我们祖传的娘惹粽食谱,来跟大家分享一下啦!这个食谱是我曾祖母留下的,家 里只有我妈学下来了,我奶奶是不太爱做高点的,妈妈嫁过去的时候,曾祖母还健在,我的曾祖母是有名的巧 手,很会做糕点和女红。我还记得小时候坐在她身边看她手握面团,随便在铁板上绕一圈,就烙出一片薄饼皮 的情景,也记得家里小孩子弥月还是婚庆,她老人家亲自做发糕和龟糕的样子。我想,我就是那个时候就开始 了对烹饪的兴趣的吧!


材料(45 只 粽子) 馅料:


• • • • • •

• 1/2 瓶/罐豆酱 (大约2/3杯,最好是马来

2 磅/900 克 猪后腿肉 (Pork leg cuts) 50 克/20 朵香菇 (泡发) 350 克 糖冬瓜 100 克 红葱头 80 克 蒜瓣 3 大勺 芡粉

糯米: • • • •

4磅/1800 克 长糯米 10 克/1大把 晒干的蓝花 (大约35朵) 1 杯 食油 1 大勺 食盐


• • • •

75 克 芫荽籽 Coriander Seed 25 克 黑胡椒 Black Pepper Corn 1 小勺 食盐 5-6 大片 香兰叶 洗净剪成2寸左右 的小段

其他: • 6 把 棉绳 • 1 大勺食盐 煮粽子用

做法和步骤 1. 把芫荽籽和黑胡椒煸香,冷却后磨成粉备用。 注:我母亲的做法是芫荽籽和黑胡椒都要洗过 晒干才煸炒的。我没觉得芫荽籽和黑胡椒很 脏,就没洗。 2. 把肉洗干净入水煮至7分熟,取出去皮,切细 丁。煮肉的水留下一大碗备用。 3. 香菇泡发切细丁,冬瓜糖切细丁。豆瓣酱搅 拌机搅拌成糊状/或剁成茸备用。葱蒜去皮剁 碎备用。 注:这个过程我最不喜欢了,站着切了大半 天,腰都累直了。不过肉还是不要用搅拌机搅 拌的好,用手切丁做出来的粽子的口感比绞肉 好太多太多。 4. 锅里下1/2杯的油,倒入剁碎的葱蒜,炒香后 加入豆瓣酱,煸炒香后,倒入香菇丁和五花 肉丁,煸炒至出油,加入糖冬瓜,翻匀。倒入 一大碗(大约两杯)煮肉水,加盖焖煮15-20 分钟。 5. 加入芫荽和胡椒粉,拌匀。试试味道,不够咸 加点盐。再焖煮五分钟,三大勺芡粉加水兑好 勾芡后就可以熄火冷却。装到容器里,放入冰 箱的冷藏室,冷藏一个晚上。

This is what the butterfly pea flower/ Bunga Telang looks like. Mine was harvested from mom’s backyard and sun-dried by mom and her maid. Best natural food colour. 蓝花马来语叫做Bunga Telang,英文名 字叫做Clitoria,是Blue pea的花,这是 网上找来的照片, 我的是娘家女佣种了收 成晒干给我带到美国用的,是最好的天然 色素哦!

6. 在一口小锅里,倒入一杯的水,放入洗净的蓝 花,煮大约8-10分钟,至颜色充分煮出,捞出 兰花丢弃不用。 注:在兰花汁里滴入两三滴的柠檬/青柠汁可 以让颜色变得更深,染出来的米粒更好看哦! 7. 裹粽子前把粽叶剪去硬梗部分,泡热水1个小 时后用刷子刷干净,再冲洗两遍,备用。 8. 把长糯米淘洗干净即可,不必泡。把米分成两 份。把糯米分成两份,一份大,一份小。小的 那分大约是总量的1/3 。在小的那份倒入蓝花 汁,浸泡15分钟后倒掉多余的水份,拌入1 小 勺食盐。大份里拌入2小勺食盐。

9. 一口小锅里热上1杯干净的食油,将 1/3 倒入小份糯米里,2/3倒入大份 糯米里,拌匀。米这里的准备功夫就好了。 10. 把所有的材料准备好就可以开始裹粽子。选两 片差不多一样大小的粽叶,较细的那端向内相 对,叠起。然后在粽叶1/3处,折起成筒状。 后边要看起来是如图所示那样。 11. 先在底部填入1大勺蓝米,再一小勺白米,然 后把2大勺的馅料填入,再铺上2大勺白米,左 右两角各放上一小撮蓝米,盖上一片香兰叶, 用汤匙压紧米粒。 12. 把粽叶折起,左手把粽子的左右两端握实, 右手把粽叶盖上,折好,就可以用棉绳绑起来 了。重复相同的步骤把粽子都裹好。 注:棉绳不要缠得太紧,不然粽子在煮的过 程可能会因为糯米发涨而爆破,即使不破, 做出来的粽子也会有”腰”,不够方正,就没那 么好看。 13. 在一口大大的深锅里,倒入超过大半锅的 水,加入1大勺的盐,煮滚。水滚之后,把 裹好的粽子下锅,煮2。5个小时.熄火后泡 在水里30分钟再取出滴干水份, 冷 却。 注:煮粽子的水里一定要下 盐,不然煮出来的粽子味道 会变淡喔! 我另外用素鸡,香菇, 糖冬瓜,去了葱蒜(五 辛)做了素馅的娘惹粽 送到佛堂供养师父。素 的味道也不错喔! 家乡有名的 娘惹粽好了,味 道丰富,卖相 美观呢!



文/译◎Karen HUANG 黄郁婷


A pearling town renowned for its multiculturalism 充满多元文化气息的珍珠小镇— 布鲁姆 38


roome, sitting 2,250km north of Perth, is the largest town in the Kimberley region. Famous for its pearling industry, many local shops sell pearl products, attracting pearl lovers from all over the world. work and harvest of the year. Therefore, the Shinju Matsuri festival is also a representative multicultural festival held in September every year. The festival usually runs for two weeks. Apart from the historical exhibitions in the museum, there are many cultural activities such as Japanese Taiko (drum) performance, lantern making and floating, dragon and lion dance performances, cheongsam wearing and mahjong. The most symbolic activity is the ‘Pearler’s Game’, a competition that simulates the daily life of the early pearlers, with people wearing divers’ helmets, a fishing net of seashells on their chests, and running in frog shoes. This game showcases the outfits and gear of pearlers to the public and lets people experience the toughness of the traditional pearl industry. In November, the Broome Chinese Community invited the Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe to host its first “Lion Dance Workshop”. Anyone interested could experience and learn lion dance skills by attending this event. The workshop was a great success, according to the participants, who were actually involved in the performance and not merely watching it. Broome, sitting 2,250km north of Perth, is the largest town in the Kimberley region. Famous for its pearling industry, many local shops sell pearl products, attracting pearl lovers from all over the world. The pearling industry in Broome reached its peak in the late 19th century, bringing together divers from Japan, Philippines, China, Malaysia, Indonesia and elsewhere. However, the rapid increase in immigration also led to the rise of inter-ethnic conflicts. The most widely known riot between the Japanese and the Koepanger was in 1920, which resulted in dozens of casualties. A Japanese air raid on Broome in 1942 ushered in a period of silence. In addition to conflicts between immigrants, there was later segregation of immigrants by white people, which lasted until the late twentieth century. However, the influx of immigrants brought in different flavours to the locals, and the rich Chinatown history and culture have long supported the tourism economy in Broome. In May 2021, Broome hosted the ‘Chinatown Discovery Festival’, a three-day event as part of the Chinatown Revitalisation Project that the Shire of Broome initiated in 2019, aiming to encourage public participation in understanding the history of Chinatown. According to the past, September is usually the end of the pearl season in Broome, when various ethnic groups celebrate the hard

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Looking back over the past year, it is not hard to see the impact and contribution of immigrants in Broome. In addition, through the series of activities, we also feel that the Australian government and people are more and more tolerant and accepting of multiculturalism.



鲁姆,距离伯斯2,250公里的北方小镇,是金伯利区域内 最大的城镇。以珍珠产业闻名世界,至今当地仍有许多贩 售珍珠製品的商店,吸引着各地的珍珠爱好者前往朝圣。

十九世纪末,布鲁姆的珍珠业来到了鼎盛时期,当年聚集了来自日本、 菲律宾、中国、马来西亚等各地的採珠人士。然而,移民急速增加的情况之 下,不同种族间的冲突也逐渐升温,其中最着名的冲突事件就是1920年,日 本人与印尼库邦人之间的暴动,造成了数十名的伤亡。1942年时(二战期间) ,日军空袭了布鲁姆,使当地进入了一段沉默年代。除了移民之间的冲突, 后来还有白人对移民的种族隔离政策,而这些情况一直持续到二十世纪后期 才逐渐好转。由于当年因为珍珠业带来的大量移民在此定居,也为当地的建 设发展增添了多元文化的色彩,当年移民聚集的唐人街,一直以来支撑着布 鲁姆的观光旅游经济。 今年五月,布鲁姆举办了《唐人街探索节》(Chinatown Discovery Festival),这个为期三天的活动当地政府《唐人街復兴计画》(Chinatown Revitalisation Project)的规划之一,旨在鼓励大众参与认识布鲁姆的唐人街 及当地珍珠业发展历程。据说,九月通常是布鲁姆珍珠季节的尾声,各族群 都会在这段时间庆祝这一年来的辛劳及收穫。因此每年九月的《真珠祭》 (Shinju Matsuri) 也是极具代表性的多元文化庆典,真 珠祭通常为期两周,除了博物馆及历史文物展出以外, 还有许多文化体验活动,如:日本太鼓表演、祈福水灯 体验、舞龙舞狮表演、灯笼製作、旗袍及麻将体验。 除此之外,最具当地特色的就是 ‘採珠人竞赛’(Pearler’s

Game),这项比赛是模拟早期採珠人的日常生活,让民众戴着 採珠人的潜水头盔、胸前挂着装着贝壳的渔网,以及穿 着蛙鞋赛跑。不仅让民众亲眼目睹当年的採珠人装 扮,也让人们亲身体会传统採珠行业的辛劳。今 年十一月,布冧华人公会 (Broome Chinese Community) 邀请中华会馆龙狮团前往布鲁 姆举办首届‘舞狮工作坊’,让有兴趣的民众 有机会亲身体验并学习舞狮技巧。这一次 的工作坊教学得到当地民众的广大迴响, 不同以往的纯表演性质,民众有更多的 参与感。 回顾这一年来布鲁姆举办的多元文 化活动及民众参与热忱,我们并不难看出 移民在布鲁姆镇上的影响及贡献,此外, 我们也经由这一系列的活动安排,感受到 澳大利亚政府及民众对于多元文化有越来越 多的包容及接纳。



Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动 Activities 活动


Day 日期

Time 时间

Location 地点

Fee 收费 Each class 每堂课

Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

2:00pm 4:00pm

$15 for members 会员 $18 for non-members 非会员

Dragon and Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Sunday 周日

2:30pm 4:30pm

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐团

Sunday 周日

11:00am 2:00pm

Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 128 James Street, Northbridge

请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

Each class 每堂课

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Wednesday 周三

12:00pm 2:00pm

Women’s Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Saturday 周六

11:00am 1:30pm

Choir 中华合唱团

Sunday 周日

2:30pm 4:30pm

Saturday 周六

11:00am -1:00pm

Sunday 周日

10:00am -12:00pm (advance)

New Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞

Sunday 周日

1:30pm 3:30pm

Table Tennis 中华乒乓球俱乐部

Sunday 周日

3.30pm -7:00pm

Line Dancing 排排舞

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

$1 for members 会员 $2 for non-members 非会员

Contact 联系人 Jen Nie CHONG 08 9328 8657

Aaron LOONG 0434 665 170 Teresa TAN 08 9328 8657

Annie WONG 08 9328 8657

Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572 Salvation Army 救世军总部 333 William Street, Northbridge

Trinh QUACH 0423 587 653 Please contact the Coordinator for more information. 请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆

Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572

Doreen CHIN

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Leonard KHO 0411 745 285 Dong NHAN 0403 509 052 $5 for members 会员 $7 for non-members 非会员

Kemei SHAO 0434 148 590 Maya 0425 425 898


Chung Wah Services 中华服务 Activities 活动

Day 日期

Time 时间

Day Long Respite Care 中华日间暂息中心

Monday to Friday 周一至周五

9:00am 6:00pm

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

9:00am 2:00pm

Location 地点

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Various 商议待定 Phone 电话:08 9328 3988

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms) 周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Tai Chi Class 太极班

Wednesday (Balcatta)

Various 商议待定

Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

周三 (巴卡达)

41 Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community Care staff for more details 此类服务都须经由政 府部门评估,请联系 中华社区与长者服务 部以了解更多详情

Various 商议待定 Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

Contact 联系人

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务 National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划

Fee 收费

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Please contact Chung Wah Community Care Coordinator for more information. 请向中华社区与长者服务部 了解更多详情。 Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988 Email 电子邮箱 :

Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

周四、五 (威乐顿) Community Talks 社区讲座

Monthly 每月一次

Monthly 每月 一次

Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务

Appointment Required 提早预约

Free 免费



盛情邀请 携手同行 Partner with us

Chung Wah Members Discount Scheme

中华会员 优惠计划

Expand your business by offering a special discount ranging from �% to 2�% or any other privileged offer to Chung Wah members. 向中华会馆会员拓展您的商务,只须提供特别优惠给我们的会员。 比如介于�% 至2�% 的商品或服务折扣,或其他类似优惠。

Free to Join 免费加盟 No ongoing 无须缴付任何 costs or fees 会费或成本费

For further enquiries, please contact Chung Wah Association | 若想进一步咨询,可联系中华会馆

Ph 座机 ���� ���� | Mb 手机 ���� ��� ��� | Em 电邮


Arirang Australia Unit 9 / 26 River Road, Bayswater WA 6053



Azurra Migration

Off 0402 639 635

BUPA work cover insurance

Bunga Raya Satay

$1 Discount

Food truck trade at various Market Places

for transaction of above $10.00

Old Shanghai Hongkong Dim Sum


Shop 7, Old Shangai Food Court, 123 James Street, Northbridge


Red Rooster, Northbridge

130 James Street, Northbridge



By European Hotel

97 Murray Street, Perth

Unit 3 / 337 Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill

Lunch: Wed - Fri 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM | Dinner: Mon - Sun 4:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Barristers & Solicitors, Notary Public T: 08) 9221 6366 W: Level 3, 231 Adelaide Terrace, Perth

Juice Station Shop 48, London Court, 647 - 651 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000

Happy Union Restaurant

Shop 1, Somerville Shopping Centre, Cr Le Souef and McMahon Way, Kardinya

Han Palace Chinese Restaurant 73 - 75 Bennett Street, East Perth

Honey In the Garden Shop online:

Reference Code: MAF


Northbridge Chinese Restaurant


Good Fortune


Discount on food

Chinese Restaurant and Take Away Food

Lex Legal


(when you dine in at our restaurant)

Hong Lin 康年饭店 Tel: 93377270 | Open 7 Days |


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Free 3� minutes initial legal consultation

Discount for all property and business settlement

26 Roe Street, Northbridge

Roast Duck House 德兴烧鸭店

354 William Street, Perth. 884 Albany Hwy East, Victoria Park

Aus World Travel 109 James Street, Northbridge 113 Collins Road, Willetton 15 Hulme Court, Myaree

Stanbond Security Unit 2 / 5 Iron Street, Malaga WA 6090

Mob: 0434 087 531 Email:


cold pressed juice

worth $6.90

+ FREE Orange Juice Worth $5.00

with all purchase over $30.00

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Perth Local Coach Tours


Chung Wah Members


Perth Local Coach Tours


Chung Wah Staff s


all quotes

Isabel CHAN Family Photo Specialist Mob: 0449 839 020 Email:

CKG legal Barrister & Solicitor

AALA Inaugural Young Lawyer of the Year T: (08) 6262 3959 | M:0431 577 778 F: (08) 6323 3354 | W:

Perth Badminton Arena 2/309 Great Eastern Hwy, Redcliffe WA 6104

Call 0411 527 010 for booking

ASSURE ALLIANCE Certified Practising Accountants 8/35 Biscayne Way, Jandakot WA 6164

Fusion Klean

Professional Cleaning Service in Perth

0430 735 000 Suite 18/8 Haster Road, Osborne Park 6017

Chung Hwa Cuisine 龙江宴 1295 Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 6107

Freddie Strudels

193 Brisbane Street, Perth Tel: (08) 6111 4181

Mom Dumpling House


T: (08) 9470 2088 W:

Linkar City Cellar

T: (08) 9228 2207 W: A: G02/256 Adelaide Terrace, Perth

Seoul Delish

48/37 Walanna Drive Waterford, Karawara Amcal Pharmacity A: T: E: W: Fb:

717 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000 (08) 9322 6921 @amcalpharmacity



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Normal price Item

Imperial Finance, Linda LAI

Mob: 0421 888 689 Email:

Little China Girl 一盅两件

68 Roe St, Northbridge WA 6003

Reservation: 0414 694 121 |

Ingot Hotel Perth 285 Great Eastern Highway Belmont WA 6104

Reservation: +61 (8) 9259 3888

Excel Podiatry Clinic

0481 773 522 1/73 Apsley Rd, Willetton WA 6155


Call 13 21 �� and quote promo code “CHUNG WAH”

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HONG KONG BBQ House Chinese Restaurant 顺德海鲜烧腊酒家

76 Francis Street, Northbridge

Dragon Palace Northbridge

66 Francis Street, Northbridge, Perth

BMS LAW Lawyers

T: (08) 6389 0270 E: W:


E: W:

Morish Nuts Shop online: PROMO code: CHUNGWAH

Swan Valley: 640 Great Northern Highway, Herne Hill Watertown Perth: 33A / 840 Wellington Street, West Perth

Fremantle Market: Stall #99, Henderson Street, Fremantle

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Accredited Dancesport Coach


Dr Keith Wong 0419 900 491 Can speak Cantonese - SMS or WeChat in Chinese SOCIAL DANCING is fun. Exercise in style & rhythm I teach lead & follow. So you can dance with anyone. Coach/Student Competitions if performance is you.


Venue Humphreys Dance Studio The Regent Ballroom Or your home 在你家或舞校室教



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