Chung Wah Magazine Issue #52 - WINTER 2022

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中华会馆编辑出版 PUBLISHED BY CHUNG WAH ASSOCIATION A Cheerful Meeting Consul General of Indonesia in Perth 印尼驻珀斯总领事充满笑声的采访 Beneath the Bitumen Discoveries from the East Perth Chinese Cemetery 东珀斯华人墓地的发现沥青之下 Qing Ming Service at Karrakatta Cemetary 华人墓园的清明公祭

至诚邀请您加入 共同的大家庭炎黄子孙 We invite you to join CHUNGthe WAH FAMILY TO JOIN YOU CAN EITHER: Call our membership and enquiry 入会及询问热线hotline (��) ���� ���� or download a membership application from our webiste 网上下载入会申请表 and email us 申请电子回传 or post it to us at 或者邮寄回传 PO Box Northbridge��, WA ���� ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP RATES 年会费 Category 类别 Standard 普通 Concession 优惠 Family 家庭 $�� $�� Individual 个人 $�� $�� andCultural文化团体EventsActivitiesCommunityChinese中文学校School社区服务Care

We have prepared another jam packed issue of the Chung Wah Magazine for your reading pleasure. Please write to us if you have ideas to help us improve, your input is greatly appreciated.

• Chinese schools promoting Chinese education and upholding cultural awareness.

Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰 Chief Editor 主编


Stay warm and keep reading.

• Cultural and social groups incorporating Lion and Dragon dance, Chinese Cultural Dance, Chinese orchestra, Chinese opera and Women’s Subcommittee.

BECOME A MEMBER: To review the full range of membership options and benefits, go to


Dr Mira has tirelessly helped our readers to answer their health concern queries. With the Mid-Autumn festival approaching, Echo’s Kitchen shows us how to make the traditional teochew mooncake that many people have not tried before. In keeping with the theme of the profile interview, our special guest William Wong recalls his recent trip to the amazing Bali. We also have our regular columnist, Karen HUANG to share with us FeNaClNG Festival - The Unique festival in Karratha.

• Community and aged care for the aged and senior members, and migrant services.

BECOME A / PARTNER: Call 93288657 or email us at

Although this magazine was in production at our busiest time of the year, we have managed to document all the exciting events organised and supported by Chung Wah. These include the Perth Heritage Weekend Open House of the Chung Wah Hall, the National Volunteer Week Celebration with a workshop and afternoon tea and the Qing Ming Festival prayer service at the Chinese Cemetery at Karrakatta. Chung Wah was also involved in the ‘Beneath the Bitumen” exhibition, a Chinese Community forum with the Ambassador of China in Australia, Mr Xiao Qian, Gala Dinner celebrating the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Australia and China and last but not the least, the dragon boat festival celebrations at the Chung Wah Chinese Schools. It’s amazing that so much happened in the last quarter.

The profile interview features the Consul General of Indonesia, Mrs Listiana Operananta, who shares with us her career experience as a diplomat and the bitter-sweetness of being away from home. She addresses the bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Western Australia in trade and tourism. Read the interview in this issue of the Chung Wah Magazine.

Founded in 1909, the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organisation in Western Australia. We are recognised by the Federal, State, and Local Governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in Western Australia.

忙碌的时刻 你的丰富内容。胜感激。子欢迎写信告知,您的建议我们将不的内容供您享阅。如果您有任何新点萨特有节日。婷为我们介绍及我们常驻卡拉萨的专栏作家黄郁前往令人惊叹的巴厘岛的旅行。以黄建兴先生将向我们分享了他最近对应本期的采访主题,我们的读者何制作鲜为人知的传统潮州月饼。节临近,盈盈小筑向我们展示了如的读者回答他们的健康问题。中秋内容。岛。阅读本期中华杂志的更多采访面的双边关系,其中更提到了巴厘度尼西亚和西澳在贸易和旅游方离乡背井的酸甜苦辣。她谈到了印分享了她作为外交官的职业经历和蒂安娜·奥佩兰南塔女士,她与我们我们采访了印度尼西亚总领事莉丝的活动如此丰富的让人惊讶。华学校的端午节庆祝活动。本季度庆祝澳中建交50周年晚宴、以及中使肖千先生的华人社区论坛;出席之下”的策展;与中国驻澳大利亚大仪式;中华会馆特遣队参与了“沥青拉卡塔华人公墓举行的清明节公祭会和下午茶;我们参加了最近在卡全国志愿者周庆祝活动,包括研讨珀斯遗产周末的中华会馆开放日;的所有激动人心的事件。其中包括录了中华会馆在今年第二季度完成中最繁忙的时候,但它很完整的记本期杂志的筹备正好卡在一年在本期冬季刊的专访栏目中,米拉医生孜孜不倦地帮助我们FeNaClNG节-卡拉这一期的《中华杂志》内容满满注意保暖,请细品味我们带给

The many achievements of the Association incude:

Busiest Time of the Year

• Hosting the largest Chinese New Year community event in Western Australia.

中华会馆 ····超过一百年以来,中华会馆所建立的成果包括:区的代言组织。受联邦政府、州政府和地方政府认可为西澳华人社中华会馆是西澳最大、历史最悠久的华人社团。备给长者和移民提供社区服务及护理服务办中文学校传承华人传统文化和发扬中文教育综合舞狮、华乐、京剧、粤剧、舞蹈和妇女组等的文化及社交小组承办西澳最大型的农历新年社区活动 想成为会员: 请浏览网页 查知会员详情及会员优惠 想成为志愿者/合作伙伴: 致电 9328 8�5� 或 发邮件到

封面摄影 主编寄语EDITOR ’ MESSAGES 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 1

Cover Photography

Our Chung Wah Youth sub-committee is collaborating with the Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce to organise networking events that are held every Thursday. The Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe will be having a training session in Malaysia in the September, and they will be sharing their experiences via our media channels. You can find more details of all these events on our website, as well as in our Chung Wah Magazine and social media platforms. We hope you have a wonderful time reading this issue of the Chung Wah Magazine, and find the information beneficial for you. We look forward to seeing you at our events in the coming quarter.

We welcome the Makuru season of the Noongar Season, when the rain drops enrich the dry earth, turning the brown grass into lush green. The weather can be too wet or cold to be outdoors, but perfect for a cuppa in front of the fireplace. It’s winter weather as we call it.

Leading up to the 2022 Federal Election on 21 June, we received good news from Sam Lim, the candidate for Tangney at the time, of the commitment of the elected Labor government to 1.75 million funding towards the building of a Chung Wah Community Centre in the south of Perth. Together with the previous commitment of the State Labor government of 5 million, Chung Wah now has 6.75 million for the project. We are currently at the prospective stage of the project, and will further announce plans when they are available.

Thank you.


Ting CHEN 陈挺博士 President, The Chung Wah中华会馆会长Association 亲爱的中华会馆会员们: 的活动中见到您的参与。望我们准备的内容能丰富您的生活。我们期待在下一季度情。我们的网站、中华杂志和社交媒体平台上获取这些活动的详将通过我们的媒体渠道分享他们这次的旅程。您可以透过交活动;中华龙狮团将在九月间在马来西亚进行培训,他们华秋园的项目进展信息,请参阅中华新闻。的公共捐助者,以确保我们能够如期开启整地工作。有关中活动已经开始为该项目累积资金。我们正寻找愿意帮助我们质的计划后会给大家进行报告。该项目筹募了675万。该项目的目前还处于筹备阶段,有了实之用。加上之前工党州政府允诺的500万,中华会馆已经为供175万澳元的资金作为中华会馆在南部设立中华社区中心唐尼区候选人,林文清的选前允诺:当选后的工党政府将提活动将带动跟多对的人加入我们的自愿者团队。为谢礼,这正好搭上了西澳塑料禁令的大方向。希望这次的社区带来的极大贡献。我们特地准备了纪念版的随身杯作了中华会馆的历史和组织架构,并展示他们的自愿工作将为贡献的志诚的感谢。我们向志愿者们在此次的活动中介绍愿者入职培训班和茶话会,以此表达我们非常重视他们的Volunteering员,他们为社区的运作和项目提供极其重要的帮助。在展都有绝佳的提升。本期杂志中会有跟多的详情传承的的重要性,这对于我们未来进行文保活动、募款和策社区中提高对于华裔先人的遗物保护意识、以及其对于历史保护在西澳的华裔先人遗产。透过这次活动我们竭力在华人别组建了工作小组,与策展人合作处理这次的展会,致力于堂举办的“沥青下——发现东珀斯华人墓地”展览。我们特中华会馆办公室的工作人员组织了这次活动。北桥历史漫步于与会者分享了中华会馆的故事。也感谢我们制作。我们感谢历史组组长邝彩玲的辛勤努力,透过今年的是让年轻人有机会学习使用筷子、尝试笔墨书法和红包灯笼观。开放期间的各类文化活动让参观者们非常感兴趣,尤其遗产周末,让拥有寒冷的冬季天气终于降临。太湿或太冷而不能呆在户外,但非常适合在壁炉前喝杯茶。润了旱地,将棕色的草坪变成了郁郁葱葱的绿色。天气可能我们正式迎来了Noongar季节的Makuru季节,雨滴滋中华会馆在上个季度非常热闹。月初我们参与了珀斯120年历史的中华会馆大楼向公众开放参中华会馆很荣幸能协助国民信托组织在StBatherloo教志愿者的无私奉献一直是中华会馆不可或缺的一WA和Lotterywest的帮助下,我们举办了自在6月21日的2022年联邦选举前,我们很荣幸的得到了期待已久的中华秋园正在进行筹款活动。年前的几次中华会馆青年部与中华总商会联手重启了每周四的社我们希望您享受阅读本期《中华杂志》满满的内容,希谢谢。 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue MESSAGEPRESIDENT’S 会长寄语 2

Volunteers have been an integral part of the Chung Wah Association, who have helped in Chung Wah operations and projects dedicated to the community at large. With the help from Volunteering WA and Lotterywest, we organised an induction workshop and afternoon tea to show our appreciation for our volunteers contributions. Volunteers were introduced to the history and organisation structure of the Chung Wah Association, as well as showcasing the difference that they have achieved for the community at large. We specially prepared commemorative cups as a token of appreciation, which coincided with the plastic-ban on disposable cups. We hope that the event encourages more people to volunteer with Chung Wah.

The Chung Wah Association has been event full during the last few months. The Perth Heritage weekend saw the 120 year old Chung Wah Hall open for public visitors. The cultural activities attracted the interest of our visitors, especially the young ones in learning to use chopsticks, write calligraphy and make lanterns. We appreciate the kind efforts of our Honorary Historical Advisor, Kaylene Poon for yet another year of success in sharing the Chung Wah stories through the heritage tour at Northbridge. Thank you also to our Chung Wah Office staff for organising the event.

Dear Members,

The long-awaited Autumn Centre is progressing with their fundraising efforts. A few events have been held in previous years to help boost the funding required. We are now ready to seek public donors who are willing to help us with our fund-raising efforts. Please refer to Chung Wah News for more information on the progress of the Autumn Centre project.

Chung Wah was honoured to assist the National Trust to put together the ‘Under the Bitumen - Discovery of the Chinese Cemetery, East Perth” exhibition that was held at St Bartholomew’s Church. A special team dedicated to preserving Chinese heritage in Western Australia, was organised to work with the curator on the project. Creating awareness amongst the Chinese community of the importance of the conservation of the ‘Chinese jacket’, assisted with the fund-raising for the jacket preservation. You can read more about the details in this issue of the Chung Wah Magazine.

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FeNaClNG Festival

Trip 卡拉萨特有节日FeNaClNG节

The Unique festival in Karratha | 我们是一家人


Sisters | We are Family 24 寻根问祖 Chung Wah Ancestory 我们的故事 - 拥有华裔血统的原住民 Our Story - Aboriginal Chinese People in Australia 沥青之下 - 东珀斯古墓地发掘的发现 Beneath the Bitumen - Discoveries from the East Perth Chinese Cemetery 的清明公祭仪式卡拉卡塔公墓的华人墓园 Qing Ming Service at the Chinese Memorial Garden at Karrakatta Cemetary 让我们为和平而努力 Let’s work toward peace 松柏长青 Community Care 38 粽叶飘香端阳临 Dragon Boat Festival 2022 会员专利 Member’s Exclusive 40 长期活动 Regular Activities 42 中华会员优惠计划 Membership Discount Scheme 22 沥青之下 东珀斯古墓地发掘的发现Beneath the Bitument Discoveries from the East Perth Chinese Cemetery 12 印尼驻珀斯总领事充满笑声的采访 A Cheerful Meeting with Consul General of Indonesia in Perth 西澳历史最悠久的民族团体 The oldest ethnic organisation in Western Australia 24 卡拉卡塔公墓的华人墓园的清明公祭仪式 Qing Ming Service at the Chinese emorial Garden at Karakatta Cemetary

4 CONTENTS 目录 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue 目录 CONTENTS 中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah 1 编者寄语 Editorial 2 会长感言 President’s Message 12 人物专访 Profile Interview 印尼驻珀斯总领事携充满笑声的采访 A Cheerful Meeting with Consul General of Indonesia in Perth 6 中华消息 Chung Wah News 珀斯市文化遗产周末开放日 Perth Heritage Weekend Open Day 中华志愿者培训暨茶会 Chung Wah Volunteer Induction Workshop and Afternoon Tea 感谢苏珊奶奶 Thank you, Susan 受邀参与City of Gosnells年会晚宴 City of Gosnells Annual Dinner 中华秋园 短期暂息护理筹款呼吁 Chung Wah Autumn Centre Inc. Short Term Respite Care Fundraising Appeal 家爱 Family 26 寻医问药 Ask the GP 28 校园天地 The School Yard 中华摩利中文学校庆祝端午节 Dragon Boat Festival celebration at Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中文朗读活动成功举办中华乐思中文学校小学部 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Recital 36 盈盈小筑 A Taste of Memories 潮州芋头南瓜月饼 Teochew Mooncake with Yam and Pumpkin 我们的社区 Community 18 社区消息 Community Interest 疫情过后的巴厘岛之旅

Post pandemic Bali

Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Bramwell Road, Noranda 6062

张娟妮 Jen Nie CHONG 黄诗敏 Rachel NG

Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

黄建兴 William WONG

王米拉醫師 Dr Mira WANG


Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell 201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164 联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686


team 主编 Chief Editor 查绍翰 Jeffrey


广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3 Every Saturday 10 am to 11 am 中华妇女部每周六上午10点至11点CWWomens Subcommittee 中华龙舟队 CW Dragon Boating 中华龙狮团 CW Lion Dance Troupe 中华舞蹈团 CW Cultural Dance Troupe 中华华乐团 CW Chinese Orchestra 中华粤剧社 CW Cantonese Opera 中华太极组 CW Taichi Group 中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club 电子邮箱 E-mail Address 版权 COPYRIGHT 发行 Published by 中华会馆 Chung Wah Association Editorial and Advertising Enquiries

马烜历博士 Xuanli MA

执行编辑 Executive Editor 视觉设计 Visual Designer 卡尔 汪 Carl

黄郁婷 Karen HUANG

Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming Aulberry Parade, Leeming 6149

供稿者 Columnist

饶逸生博士 Dr Yi Seng YOW 张娟妮 Jen Nie CHONG

李良励 Michael LI

行政支持 Administration

邝彩玲 Kaylene POON

林心仁 SinJin LIM


黄小娟 Lesley WONG 翻译人员 Translators



中华社区广播电台 Chung

Chung Wah Community Care 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003 Telephone 传真 Facsimile (08) 9328 3988 (08) 9228 3990



编辑 Editor

陈水玉 Regina TAN

联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0411 249 463

Chung Wah Hall and Administration Office

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686

Chung Wah Cultural Centre Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021

编辑室 Editorial CHA ONG

Willetton Centre 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton WA 6155 Wah Chinese Radio


联系人 Contact Details 周如真女士 Luisa CHOU 0401 738

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 (08) 9328


李志坚 Andrew LI,Northbridge,WA6865 中华社区服务


方凌坤 Lingkun FANG 项海颖 Haiying XIANG

5 目录 CONTENTS 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版

CHUNG BILINGUALWAHMAGAZINE CHUNGWAH.ORG.AU 之声 不得转载本刊文字及图片版权所有,未经允许 All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association. 声明:《 真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。对题材中中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对其中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。 Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies. 8 中华志愿者培训暨茶会 Volunteer Induction Workshop and Afternoon Tea

Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Keith Road, Rossmoyne 6148 联系人 Contact Details 马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003

Many thanks to all for another successful event.

It was the first time the event was held on a Saturday and combined with current health restrictions saw lower numbers, however, the people who did attend enjoyed themselves.

Without the assistance of the Chung Wah staff and our regular volunteers, Jen Nie CHONG (Honorary Secretary), Kaylene POON (Advisor, Historical Group), Doreen CHIN (Honorary Administrator), Lyn XIANG, JingJing ZHENG, Susan LEONG, Gaik Ching TAN, Lesley WONG, Shereen OH, Tracy LIM and Arina LIU, the day’s programme would not have been possible.

Young visitors also took an activities sheet with an Opera mask, Chinese Zodiac and a Chinese number puzzle, to complete at home.

6 NEWSWAHCHUNG 中华消息 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue Text ◎Kaylene POON 邝彩玲 | Translate ◎Lesley WONG 黄小娟

Saturday 9 April 2022

This year the annual Perth Heritage Weekend ran from 8 – 10 April. Chung Wah Association held an Open House day at the James Street Hall.

The day’s programme consisted of a variety of activities: Chopsticks etiquette, red packet lantern making, and Chinese calligraphy and tangram games for the ‘young at heart’ visitors. Kaylene POON conducted two short walking tours of James Street regaling the Chinese story in WA, through old photos and visiting former Chinese-occupied locations. Tour participants were mainly Australians keen to discover the hidden Chinese history of Perth. A Chung Wah Dance group member filmed the tour for her tertiary studies and her fellow students expressed surprise at the challenges the early settlers faced.

周末文化遗产珀斯市 2022年4月9日中华会馆开放日 完成的游戏本,里面有让他们在家里彩绘的京剧脸谱、十二生肖和中国数人数减少了。但是来参加的客人都玩得很开心。小朋友们都带走可以在家中们对早期的华人移民面临的挑战表示惊叹。故事。足的地点。街文化浏览,通过就照片重温西澳华人的历史故事,并参观了以前华人驻仪、红包灯笼制作、中国书法和七巧板游戏等。邝彩铃进行了两次詹姆士士街的礼堂举行了开放日。一年一度的珀斯文化遗产周末于4月8日至10日举行。中华会馆在詹姆当天的活动内容丰富,提供的活动老少适宜。其中包括用筷子的礼参与浏览的人士主要是热衷于隐藏在珀斯文化历史中华人的一名中华舞蹈员,为他的大学功课拍摄了这次的浏览。他随行的同学这项活动第一次在周六举行,加上当时的新冠安全的限制,参加的今年中华会馆又一次成功举办了这项活动。组委会要感谢中华办公室职员和志愿者的支持和协助,特别是张娟妮(秘书长)、邝彩铃(历史组顾问)、陈清灵(办公室顾问)、项海颖、郑菁菁、梁苏珊、张贵清、黄小娟、胡贤俐、林菊儿和刘瑷菱。

Chung Wah Hall Open Day

Thank you RAT test kits from the State Government of Western Australia.

《中华之声》广告费标准 Advertisement Rates For Chung Wah Magazine Position位置 Full全页Page Half半页Page Quarter¼页Page Inside普通内页pages $��� incl GST $��� incl GST $��� incl GST *广告设计或许需额外收费 Extra costs may be charged if artwork is required 中华之声》广告邀请 请同我们一起 CHUNG BILINGUALWAHMAGAZINE CHUNGWAH.ORG.AU 之声 发出你的声音 Advertise with Us 代言人。政府的共同承认,是西澳超过14万华人的官方大、实力最强的华人社团,得到澳大利亚各阶级版。成立于1909年的中华会馆,是西澳规模最《中华之声》双语季刊由西澳中华会馆编辑出 才能的工作团队,能够使您的广告展示更加优化。服务信息带给我们的读者。我们具有全方面专业我们诚挚地邀请您在本刊发布广告,将您的产品和 The Chung Wah Magazine is a bilingual quarterly publication of the Chung Wah Association. Founded in 1909,the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organisation in Western Australia. We are recognised by the all level of governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in WA which numbers over 140000. We invite you to advertise in our magazine to share information about your goods and services with readers. We have a professional team of people that can help you to optimise your business’ exposure and presentation. Advertisement Contact 广告热线 (08) 9328 8657 | 7 中华消息 NEWSWAHCHUNG 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 Text/Translate ◎ Carl ONG 卡尔 汪

With support from the State Government of Western Australia, Chung Wah Association received an extra quota of 4,000 RAT tests, through the distribution channels from the Office of Honorable Pierre YANG MLC. This is the batch of much needed RAT test kit to satisfy the request from our members of the community, including all subsidiary groups of Chung Wah Association, namely the Chung Wah Community Care, Chung Wah Chinese School, Chung Wah Lion and Dance Troupe, Chung Wah Dance Troupe etc. It has also been the responsibility of Chung Wah Association to look after the Chinese community who often direct their request for the RAT test kit through the administrative office staff. Chung Wah Association expresses their gratitude towards the responsible care of the state government, towards the welfare of the ethnic community who might have difficulties in seeking community assistance.

千份新冠快筛试剂来自西澳政府的三 心华人社区民众的福祉表示崇高的谢意。方便的渠道来获得新冠快筛试剂。中华会馆谨代表华人社区对于西澳州政府关外,更是让中华会馆办公室都能够提供来自不善英文的华裔社区人士给予一个部、中华学校、中华龙狮团、中华舞蹈团等等,更惠及了中华会员们。除此之时雨,惠及了中华会馆属下各个组织:中华社区服务试剂。这是对于中华会员以及广大华裔社区的及下各个分布提供总量超过三千份的新冠快筛帅议员办公室的协助,给中华会馆及其属中华会馆非常感激西澳政府透过杨

Chung andWorkshopVolunteerWahInductionAfternoonTea

National Volunteer Week is held between the 16th - 22nd of May. A Chung Wah Volunteer Induction Workshop and afternoon tea was held at the Chung Wah Association Hall on 21st May to appreciate the contributions of new and long-time volunteers and to share Chung Wah’s history. Our Honorary Secretary, Ms Jen Nie CHONG, and project coordinator Ms Lesley WONG prepared a presentation showing how the Chung Wah community had grown since it was first established in 1910, thanks to the work that generations of volunteers have put in. Such as Jen Nie CHONG who participated in Chung Wah activities since she was a child, and then followed the footsteps of her parents to also become a volunteer for many years.

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

中华志愿者培训暨茶会 愿者们颇有收获并且在欢笑喜悦中结束了此次茶话会。朋友叙旧。会也是为了给大家提供平台,在互相分享及交流的同时结交新的朋友以及和老与的义工工作,让彼此更加了解中华会馆的构架和其他方面的运营。此次茶话区活动的长者、也有充满朝气的年轻一辈、同堂济济、热闹非常。中,并跟随她父母的脚步成为多年的志愿者。与会者中也不乏其他多年参与社妮小姐作为会馆元老的第二代更有深入的体会。她从小就参与到中华各种活动的支持与付出。中华会馆成长至今离不开世世代代志愿者们的帮助。例如张娟的志愿者们介绍了中华社区1910年的建立及发展,并感谢大家各自对社区活动者们。会馆的荣誉秘书,张娟妮女士,以及会馆项目统筹,黄小娟女士与在座中华会馆二楼大厅举行了一次中华志愿者座谈及茶会,以答谢会馆的新老志愿5月16日至22日是志愿者庆祝周。中华会馆在5月21日星期六下午,北桥座谈之后,志愿者们除了分享一顿美味的茶点,还分享了他们各自所参作为慰劳志愿者们的辛劳,中华会馆特地制作了环保随身杯作为谢礼。志

Text/Translate ◎Michael LI李良励

Our volunteers help in different areas of Chung Wah’s operations. This gathering provided a platform for the volunteers to share their experiences in the respective areas that they contribute in, giving everyone an opportunity to have a more holistic view of what Chung Wah is about. Many of our volunteers met each other while volunteering and became good friends afterwards. At the afternoon tea, volunteers were able to meet all the other volunteers from different areas, share their individual volunteering experiences, and develop new friendships.

Volunteers received a very thoughtful custom designed eco-friendly coffee cup. Everyone enjoyed the casual and relaxing atmosphere and had a great time catching up with each other.

In the last week of term 3, we organised a belated birthday party for Susan and also surprised her by arranging Mr Yudy KODRATJAYA, the Senior Vice President also the Chair of Morley campus SMC and Mrs Doreen CHIN (Hon Admin) from Chung Wah presented an appreciation gift on behalf Chung Wah EXCO team to Susan during the Congratulationscelebration.

9 中华消息 NEWSWAHCHUNG 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版

Text/Translate ◎ Carl ONG 卡尔 汪

On Saturday 25 June 2022, the Chung Wah Magazine editorial team were honored to be invited by the Mayor of the City of Gosnells, Teresa Lynes to attend the City’s Annual Dinner, at Mills Park Centre in Beckenham. The Chief Editor, Mr Jeffery CHA, together with the Executive Editor, Mr Carl ONG attended the event on behalf of the Chung Wah Association. The event began with a visual display of the evolution of the city, titled Then and Now. The team gifted past issues of the Chung Wah Magazine, together with the centennial and 110th Anniversary special publications to the Mayor, who expressed her gratitude to Chung Wah for the involvement with their diverse community events involving the multicultural community. Honorable Bill Johnson MLA and Kate Doust MLC were among the familiar faces at the event. The team also met with the Mayor of the City of Kalamunda, Margaret Thomas and the Director of Development Services, Mr Peter Varelis. It was a pleasant night of networking, introducing the good work of Chung Wah Association to the wider community.


2015 向苏珊奶奶赠送礼物致谢。的孙子们上周六中文学校。她随后决定在学校食堂提供帮助。她一年第二学期,当时我刚刚接任校长。苏珊奶奶总是陪着她直在鼓励其他家长们来参与我们的社区服务。她为在学校等待孩子的家长们组织了艺术和手工活动,利用回收的汽水罐制作烛台和天鹅。两年前,苏珊的孙子们因为高中课业繁重,决定不再继续学习中文。然而,这并没能中断苏珊奶奶继续为服务我们的社区。在第三学期的最后一周,我们为苏珊奶奶组织了一场迟来的生日派对,还安排了高级副校长兼摩利校区SMC主席许俊豪先生和来自中华的陈清灵女士给她一个惊喜,代表中华执行委员会团队祝贺你,苏珊!

City of Gosnells Annual Dinner

During semester 2 of 2015, when I was just taking over the principal role. Grandma Susan always accompanied her grandchildren to attend Saturday Chinese School. Susan then decided to offer help at the school canteen. Besides, she has been influencing other parents to get involved within our community. She organised some activities for parents who were waiting for their kids at school to be involved in the Art and Craft activity by using the recycling soft drink cans to make candle holders and swans.

to you, Susan!!

Two years ago, Susan’s grandchildren decided not to continue learning the Chinese language due to the overwhelming of their high school homework. However, this does not stop Susan continue serving our community.

Thank you, Susan

受邀参与City of Gosnells年会晚宴 中华会馆 《中华之声》 杂志编辑部很荣幸的被City of Gosnells市长,Teresa Lynes邀请参加他们2022年度的市府 年会晚宴。主编 查绍翰 先生,连同执行主编 卡尔 汪,在中华会馆会长陈挺的允许下参与了此项在2022年6月25日星 期六晚上,于Beckenham的Mills Park Centre的盛事。抵达现场就感受到了市长Teresa 发展规划部总监MrEsther照片讲述了该市的发展变化。当晚与会的嘉宾包括Hon们传播社区多元文化活动上的支持。当晚除了晚宴、还有当晚City上了给市长带去的三本前期杂志,以及中华会馆百年特辑,以及百十周年纪念刊物。市长表示很感谢中华会馆对于他Lynes的热情招呼,编辑组也献ofGosnells的ThenandNow展览,透过新旧对比的William(Bill)JosephJohnsonMLA以及Ms.Catherine(Kate)DoustMLC。编辑组也很荣幸的认识了CityofKalamunda的市长,MargaretThomas女士,以及陪同与会的城市PeterVarelis。这是一个愉快的晚上,并很荣幸能与其他社区的与会成员进行交流。 RSVP by Friday 27 May 2022 Email: Please advise of any dietary requirements (Formal Attire) The Mayor wouldCouncillorsandliketoinviteyoutothe CITY OF GOSNELLS ANNUAL DINNER Saturday 25 June 2022 Mills6.30pmParkCentre 86 Brixton Street, Beckenham Article ◎ Emily TAN (Principal of Morley Campus) | Translate ◎ Carl ONG 卡尔 汪

Naming rights for nominated areas will be inscribed with the donor’s name for a donation of:

Mission & Vision

Provide support and relief for family carers with a short term stay accommodation for their loved ones in a familiar, community environment that understand their language and needs while the carers take a short break for a holiday, recover from an illness or an operation without any worry.

As it has a Chinese themed design, particular attention is paid to the proper Feng Shui of the interior building. It is a single story building with sixteen rooms but only fifteen available for service, each room has its own patio, is self-sufficient and disabled friendly, with wider doors for easy wheelchair access.

The Short Term Respite Care Service

Honour Board acknowledgement for various amounts of donations

• $300,000 – Lounge/dining area

• $150,000 minimum for each of the 15 nominated Suites

• $100,000 - Meeting Room

不同金额的捐款致意荣誉委员会对 指定区域的命名权将刻有捐款人的姓名: • $300,000 – 休息室/用餐区 • $200,000 - 厨房 • 每间最低 $150,000 - 15 指定套房 • $100,000 - 办公室 • $100,000 - 会议室 • $100,000 - 等候休息室 • $1,赠,请联系我们或发送电子邮件至:细信息和您想提供任何其他方式的捐我们接受捐款支票。有关更多详请注意,您的捐款可抵税。每块砖,入口前的独立墙在此先感谢您的慷慨和善意捐赠Doreen CHIN 陈清灵 | 0402 028 633 Chairperson, Chung Wah Autumn Centre Inc. | 中华秋园筹建组委会 主席 128 James Street, Northbridge, WA 6003 PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865 +61 8 9328 8657 |

• $200,000 - Kitchen

Chung Wah Autumn Centre Inc. is an initiative of Chung Wah Association Inc. It is a separate legal entity and a charitable organisation.

The Location of Autumn Centre

Chung Wah Autumn Centre had leased a part of Chung Wah Association property in Balcatta. Set in a wide open, quiet area, it is an ideal place to build a short term respite care centre.

10 NEWSWAHCHUNG 中华消息 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

The service will initially commence with basic low level care service to those who are mobile and independent. Due to the limited number of rooms, a certain number of rooms will be set aside for various lengths of stay, to ensure that there is a good rotation of rooms to meet the needs of the family carers.

Kindly note your donations are tax deductible. We do accept cheques for the donations. However, for more details and any other donations, kindly contact the undersigned or email: 便轮椅进出。自足,适合残疾人,门框设计宽广以方服务,每个房间都有自己的庭院,自给单层建筑,有16个房间,但只有15个可供其注重室内建筑的风水堪舆。这会是栋区域,是建立短期暂托中心的理想场所。馆的部分物业。该地点位于开阔、安静的中华秋园已在巴卡达租用了中华会由于它具有中式的设计为主题,尤 的金额获得认可:托护理住宿建设的首期目标日期。资金,以期在2023年初之前完成短期暂费350万澳元,所以我们尽最大努力筹集和朋友的资金支持。该项目至少需要耗足不同家庭照顾者的需要。入住天数使用,以确保良好的轮换来满的数量,会预留定量的房间以供不同的些行动不便和独立的人。但受限于房间秋园将提供基本的护理服务。为那但要实现这一目标,我们需要会员为了感谢您的捐赠,您将根据捐赠


• $1,000 - per brick, Free standing wall in front of the entrance

Text◎ Doreen CHIN 陈清灵 | Translate◎Lingkun FANG 方凌坤 Chung Wah Autumn Centre Inc. Short Term Respite Care Fundraising Appeal 中华秋园 短期暂息护理筹款呼吁 为非盈利慈善组织。立的法律实体和并以注册起的一项倡议。它是个独中华秋园是由中华会馆发使命与愿景 从疾病或手术中恢复,无需操心。求,同时照顾者在假期中短暂休息、或人提供短期住宿,了解他们的语言和需救济,在熟悉的社区环境中为他们的亲主要为需要家庭照顾者提供支持和 中华秋园的位置

However, to achieve this goal, we need financial support from our members and Tofriends.complete the project will need at least $3.5 Million. There is an urgent need to fundraise as much as possible to meet the target date for the construction of the Short Term Respite Care accommodation by early In2023.appreciation for your donation, you will be acknowledged as per the amount donated:

• $100,000 - Office

• $100,000 - Waiting Lounge

Festival Guzheng Guzheng Festival 华 中 节 筝 古 年 寅 壬 壬 寅 年 古 筝 节 中 华 22 20 20 22 ChungWahChineseOrchestra Organisedby Organised by Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra MediaProudlyOtherCo-organisers:participatingschools:supportedby:support:CHUNGWAH 之声 WA Chinese Guzheng Festival 2022 第三届西澳中国古筝节 Chung Wah Office | | *The organiser reserves the right, with reasonable cause, to make changes to the event. Day 2 A Hundred Guzhengist Grand Ensemble (Outdoor) 百人古筝大合奏 16/10/2022 Sunday 4pm | Forrest Place, Perth * Weather allowed - Please refer to notice at or Facebook posts Day 1 Folk Music Concert (Indoor) 民族民乐音乐会 02/10/2022 Sunday 5pm | Hadley Hall Methodist Ladies’s College, 356 Stirling Hwy, Claremont Tickets available on EventFree Highlights: • Guzheng Concerto - Robe of Clouds 云裳诉 • Maloya and Chinese music crossover • Yellow River concerto 黄河颂 by young Muso pianist • Movie song Inch Heart 寸心

About Indonesia

Consul General of Indonesia in Perth

Indonesia is the founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and has been part of the United Nations since 1950. Due to its rich offshore petroleum resources, Indonesia has been an occasional OPEC member and a signatory to the ASEAN Free Trade Area agreement, the Cairns Group, and the However,WTO.

Indonesia had a humble start in 1966, when it was a recipient of humanitarian and development aid. The country only recently established its first overseas aid program in late 2019.

There are 132 diplomatic missions abroad, including 95 embassies of Indonesia worldwide. Indonesia is seeking a role in regional affairs in proportion to its size and location but avoiding involvement in conflicts among other countries, a so-called “free and active” foreign policy.

Interview/Text◎Rachel NG 黄诗敏

12 INTERVIEWPROFILE 人物专访 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue


The Republic of Indonesia is located between the Indian and Pacific oceans in Southeast Asia and the Oceania region. Indonesia has always been known as a country of Thousand Islands (the world’s largest island country), consisting of over 17,000 islands, including Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, and parts of Borneo and New Guinea. Indonesia is the fourth-most populous country in the world with a population of over 270 million, and the most populous Muslim-majority country. Half of the country’s population live in Java, which is also the world’s most populous island.

Indonesia consists of over 1,300 distinct native ethnic and linguistic groups, with Javanese being the largest. A shared identity has developed with the motto “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” (“Unity in Diversity” literally, “many, yet one”), defined by a national language, cultural diversity, and religious pluralism within a Muslim-majority population. The concept of “Indonesia” as a nation-state emerged in the early 20 th century, culminating later in the proclamation of Indonesian Independence in 1945.

A Cheerful Meeting

The AustraliarelationshipbilateralbetweenandIndonesia

Reference: Indonesia

Since the seventh century, when Srivijaya and later Majapahit traded with entities from mainland China and the Indian subcontinent, the Indonesian archipelago has been a valuable region for trade. Currently, Indonesia is the world’s 17th largest economy by nominal GDP. The country is a regional power of Southeast Asia and Oceania, and plays a significant role in global affairs. It is a member of several multilateral organisations, such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organisation (WTO), and G20. It is also a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, East Asia Summit, and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

“We have two categories - Indonesians who still hold Indonesian citizenship, who have been working, living, and contributing to the society in Western Australia, and the Indonesianists - Indonesian Australians who still feel a strong connection with Indonesia,” Mrs Listiana Operananta, the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, said. When asked about the Indonesian diaspora in Western Australia, Mrs Operananta expressed positivity and optimism. “We have very good relations with the Indonesianists. We connected with those teaching Bahasa Indonesia and promoting Indonesian art,” she said. Indonesian culture, arts, and trade are widely celebrated in Western Australia in the form of events and festivals, such as the annual Festival Indonesia held in Perth’s Central Business District. “Indonesianists are happily promoting Indonesian culture, language, and food, and it is very uplifting,” Mrs Operananta said. “I am in awe of their achievements and happy that they can maintain the Indonesian inside their hearts all this time.”

13 人物专访 INTERVIEWPROFILE 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版

Indonesian Business and Trade with Western Australia

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“Opportunities are there. The people-topeople connection is also very good, and Indonesia and Australia are very close,” she said.


Currently ranked 12 th in the number of international students in Western Australia, Indonesia has the potential to be one of Western Australia’s biggest international student markets.

Mrs Operananta advises Indonesian students in Perth to keep working hard, but more importantly, to embrace their roots. “One thing I would really like to encourage them to do is to make sure you go home. You can get experience and work here, but make sure you go home because Indonesia needs you. We need you.”

Perth is just a four hour flight from Jakarta, making it one of the closest cities to Indonesia.


• Indonesia.pdffiles/2021-10/Market%20Outlook%20

Strong bilateral ties and trade relations bring about opportunities for collaboration in new and emerging sectors, such as smart cities and the digital economy. “We can even open up opportunities in critical technology, and collaborate between Indonesian universities and Australian universities,” Mrs Operananta said. She encourages trade partners to “keep going”, and continue their meaningful work.

The diaspora of Indonesians in Western Australia

Overseas Indonesian students in Australia

As education is a AustraliantheAustralia,Westernsectorpriorityhigh-inWestern Government is andtoseekingsupportcollaborate


• Indonesia.pdffiles/2021-10/Market%20Outlook%20

• Studies_Australia_Indonesian_Diasporapublication/311455621_Diaspora_




Western Australia’s current share of enrolments from Indonesia is relatively low, likely due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which has left many Indonesian overseas students in limbo. “It’s a challenge. I know it’s discouraging, I know it’s difficult, but it is an experience that you can learn from. You can bring that to build your character.” Mrs Operananta said.

In 2020 and 2021, Indonesia was Western Australia’s largest market for exports of wheat and the second-largest market for live animals (cattle). Indonesia and Western Australia also share partnerships in education and training, tourism, mining, food, and agribusiness. As Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia, its rising middle class and rapid economic growth signal immense potential for expanding trade and investment. “There’s a lot of opportunity in business, for instance, renewable energy is something that we can work with.” Mrs Operananta said. Indonesia has established a stronger focus on renewable energy, setting a renewable energy target of 23% by 2025 and making plans to build a major solar based power plant in East Nusa Tenggara. This will create opportunities for Western Australian renewable energy companies to enter the Indonesian market and collaborate within the solar cell industry.

• education-data-and-research/

The word “diaspora” is characterised by dispersal or spreading from an original country to other countries. Indonesians have established strong links with Western Australia and its Aboriginal communities since the 1600s when Makassar fishermen collected and traded “trepang” (sea slugs) in the Kimberley region. Indonesians also created migrant communities in the pearling industry located in Broome. Today, there are more than 5,000 Indonesian citizens living in Western Australia (as of December 2021).

with Western Australian universities and pathway providers in student recruitment. This includes undertaking more promotional activities and roadshows in Indonesia, to promote Perth as an ideal destination for Indonesian students.

According to Tourism Australia, Indonesia was Australia’s 12 th largest inbound market for visitor arrivals in 2019, 14th largest market for total visitor spend and 14th largest market for visitor nights stayed.

Besides hosting the annual Indonesian International Film Festival, Bali was home to various international events, such as Miss World 2013 and the 2018 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group. Bali won TripAdvisor’s Travellers Choice Award as the world’s top destination twice, once in March 2017 and again in January 2021.

Statistics from: statistics/ html

According to ABS Data dated December 2021, there were approximately 2,770 visitors to Australia that came from Indonesia, which was 91.84% less than previous years. 47% of arrivals were for VFR (Visiting Friends and Relatives) purposes, 8.6% were purely for vacation purposes, 8.9% were for employment purposes, and 3.6% were business travellers. Indonesian overseas students accounted for 9.2% of the arrivals, while the remaining 23% were for anonymous purposes.




Bali is a province of Indonesia and the westernmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands. Situated between East of Java and west of Lombok, the province consists of the island of Bali and a few smaller neighbouring islands, notably Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, and Nusa Ceningan. Denpasar benign, the provincial capital, is the second-largest and most populous city in the Lesser Sunda Islands in East Indonesia, just after Makassar. Bali’s town of Ubud is the most visited cultural centre, making Bali one of Indonesia’s main and most attractive tourist destinations.

Tourism-related business makes up 80% of its economy since a significant rise in tourism since the 1980s.

86.9% of the population in Indonesia adheres to Balinese Hinduism. Indonesia is renowned for its highly developed arts, including traditional and modern dance, sculpting, painting, leather crafting, metalworking, and music. Bali is located in the Coral Triangle, which has the highest biodiversity of marine species in the world. Over 500 reef-building coral species can be found in this area aloneseven times more than in the entire Caribbean.

14 INTERVIEWPROFILE 人物专访 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

• and-south-east-asia/indonesia.html


List of references | 参考资料

Bali the backyard of Australia


15 人物专访 INTERVIEWPROFILE 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 澳洲与印度尼西亚的双边关系 突,即所谓的“自由和积极”的外交政策。扮演与其面积和位置相称的角色,并避免卷入其他国家之间的冲有95处设立了大使馆。印度尼西亚在外交上寻求在地区事务中印度尼西亚在国外有132个外交使团,其中在全球有共印度尼西亚是不结盟运动(NAM)和伊斯兰合作组织(OIC) 参考:国,该国直到方。然而,印度尼西亚在从1966年的初始期有卑微的开始为欧佩克成员,此外作为员,自1950年以来一直是联合国的一部分。由于其丰富的海上石油资源,印度尼西亚偶尔成的创始成东盟自由贸易区协定、凯恩斯集团和世界贸易组织(WTO)的签署-作为人道主义和发展援助的受援2019年底才建立了第一个海外对外援助计划。 西澳大利亚的印度尼西亚侨民 “侨民”一词是特指从原籍国分散或扩散到其他国家的人群。自 1600 参考:他们的成就感到敬畏,也很荣幸他们能一直把印度尼西亚的文化传承放在心里。”到:“印度尼西亚人很高兴地宣传印度尼西亚的文化、语言和食物,这非常令人振奋。”形式广泛被民众接纳,例如在珀斯中央商务区举行的印度尼西亚节尼艺术的人建立了联系,”她说。印度尼西亚文化、艺术和贸易在西澳大利亚以活动和节日的士表达了积极和乐观的态度。“我们与印尼人的关系非常好。我们与那些教授印尼语和推广印Listiana印度尼西亚裔人——仍然与印度尼西亚有着密切联系的印度尼西亚裔澳大利亚人,”印度尼西亚公民身份的印度尼西亚人,他们一直在西澳工作、生活和为社会做出贡献,以及名印度尼西亚公民居住在西澳大利亚州(截至2021年12月)。“我们分为两类——仍然持有了密切的联系。印度尼西亚人还在布鲁姆的珍珠产业中创建了移民社区。今天,有超过5,000望加锡渔民在金伯利地区收集和交易“海蛞蝓”以来,他們与西澳大利亚及其土著社区建立年代印度尼西亞的总领事Operananta女士说道。当被问及西澳大利亚的印度尼西亚侨民时,Operananta女。Operananta女士还说“我对 • • • • 翻译◎Carl ONG 卡尔 汪 充满笑声的采访 印尼驻珀斯总领事 关于印度尼西亚 参考:作用,更是东南亚和大洋洲的区域大国。尼西亚在全球事务中发挥发挥着举足轻重的重要盟、东亚峰会和伊斯兰合作组织的创始成员,印度界贸易组织、G20,以及不结盟运动、东南亚国家联尼西亚也是多个多边组织的成员,包括联合国、世GDP计算,印度尼西亚是世界第处的关系、一直是有价值的贸易地区。按世界排名印度洋区域皆有商贸来往。印度尼西亚群岛因为地齐)、直至‘满者伯夷’皆以唐、明两朝的中国、以及度尼西亚独立时达到顶峰。家的概念出现于宗教多元化来定义。“印度尼西亚”作为一个民族国身份,由穆斯林占多数的民族语言、文化多样性和意思是“许多但一个”)为座右铭发展了一种共同的以“Bhinneka族和语言群体组成,其中人数最大的是爪哇族。中在爪哇岛,爪哇岛也是世界上人口最多的岛屿。2.7亿,其中更以穆斯林占多数。该国一半的人口集尼西亚是世界上人口数上高居第四位,总人口超过及部分婆罗洲到,以及新几内亚的部分地区。印度立岛屿组成,包括最大苏门答腊、爪哇、苏拉威西以大岛国)着称,因为这个国家其实是由17000多个独一个过度。印度尼西亚历来以地区,是在印度洋和太平洋之间中的群岛所组成的印度尼西亚共和国位于处于东南亚和大洋洲千岛之国(世界第一印度尼西亚的人口由1300多个不同的土著民TunggalIka”(“多样性中的统一”字面20世纪初,后来在1945年宣布印自7世纪以来,当时的古国‘室利佛逝’(三佛17大经济体。印度

参考:度尼西亚需要你。我们需要你。”在这里获得经验和工作,但一定要回家,因为印正想鼓励他们做的一件事是确保你回家。你可以续努力,但更重要的是,要拥抱他们的根。“我真将珀斯宣传为印度尼西亚学生的理想目的地。包括在印度尼西亚开展更多的宣传活动和路演,利亚州的大学和途径提供者合作以招募学生。这门,西澳大利亚州政府正在寻求支持并与西澳大一。由于教育是西澳大利亚州的一个高度优先部时的飞行距离,是距离印度尼西亚最近的城市之国际学生市场之一。珀斯距离雅加达只有四个小数来塑造你的性格。”奥佩兰南塔夫人说。难,但这是一种你可以学习的经历。你可以用它是一个挑战。我知道这令人沮丧,我知道这很困响,这使许多印度尼西亚海外学生陷入困境。“这相对较低,这可能是由于西澳大利亚目前来自印度尼西亚的入学率COVID-19大流行的影排名第12位在西澳大利亚州的国际学生人印度尼西亚有潜力成为西澳大利亚州最大的Operananta女士建议在珀斯的印尼学生继• Market%20Outlook%20Indonesia.pdf

16 INTERVIEWPROFILE 人物专访 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue 西澳大利亚州的贸易印尼商务与


参考:利亚非常接近,”她说。人与人之间的联系也非常好,印度尼西亚和澳大前进”,继续他们有意义的工作。“机会就在那里。作,”Operananta女士说。她鼓励贸易伙伴“继续印度尼西亚大学和澳大利亚大学之间开展合我们甚至可以在关键技术领域开辟机会,并在和数字经济等新兴领域的合作带来了机会。“行业开展合作创造机会。亚可再生能源公司进入印尼市场并在太阳能电池拉建造一座大型太阳能发电厂。这将为西澳大利达到23%的目标。印度尼西亚计划在东努沙登加再生能源,并预设在2025年的可再生能源占比将Operananta女士说到。印度尼西亚非常重视可会,例如,可再生能源是我们可以合作的东西。”扩大贸易和投资的巨大潜力。“商业上有很多机不断壮大的中产阶级和快速的经济增长预示着了伙伴关系。印尼做为东南亚最大的经济体,其培训、旅游、采矿、食品和农业综合企业方面建立牛)市场。印度尼西亚和西澳大利亚还在教育和亚州最大的小麦出口市场和第二大活体动物(2020年和2021年,印度尼西亚是西澳大利牢固的双边关系和贸易关系为智慧城市 • close-engagement-with-western-australia

澳大利亚的后院巴厘岛, 统计数据来自:就业目的。次于匿名目的的23%。还有8.9%的入境者是出于尼海外学生占入境人数的9.2%,跌至第三位,仅8.6%降。47%的抵达是为了VFR(探亲访友),只有年显着减少了-91.84%。与前一年相比大幅下名来自澳大利亚的游客来自印度尼西亚,比往第14大。人数,游客总支出第澳大利亚第参考:巴厘岛于2018是国际货币基金组织和世界银行集团物种,是整个加勒比地区的七倍。龟。仅在这个地区就可以找到有最高的海洋物种生物多样性,尤其是鱼类和海音乐。巴厘岛是珊瑚三角区的一部分,该地区拥统和现代舞蹈、雕塑、绘画、皮革、金属加工和多数的省份以其高度发达的艺术而闻名,包括传个位于穆斯林占多数的印度尼西亚的印度教占其经济的以来旅游业大幅增长以来,与旅游相关的业务占印度尼西亚的主要旅游目的地之一。自锡。乌布镇是巴厘岛访问量最大的文化中心,是他群岛的第二大和人口最多的城市,仅次于望加Ceningan。省会登巴萨是印度尼西亚东部小巽别是之间,由巴厘岛和几个较小的邻近岛屿组成,特群岛的最西端。该省位于爪哇东部和龙目岛西部巴厘岛是印度尼西亚的一个省,位于小巽他NusaPenida、NusaLembongan和Nusa1980年代80%。巴厘岛86.9%的人口信奉巴厘岛印度教,这500多种造礁珊瑚一年一度的印尼国际电影节在巴厘岛举行,2013年和年世界小姐年会等各种国际活动的举办地。2017年3月和2021年1月再次荣获的旅行者之选奖。根据澳大利亚旅游局的网站,印度尼西亚是12大入境旅游市场。2019年的游客14大市场和游客住宿夜市场根据2021年12月的ABS数据,大约有2770纯粹是为了度假目的,3.6%是商务旅客。印 market-performance.htmlmarkets-and-stats/tourism-statistics/international-

印度尼西亚驻珀斯总领事,ListianaOperananta女士出生于万隆,是一个首都雅加达约2.5小时车程的城市。然而,因为她的父母都是在大学任教,Operananta女士自小就得和父母一起从一个地方搬到另一个地方。 探望她时顺道把东西带进来给她。在雅加达住处,然后她的先生就会在飞过来珀斯仍然偶尔网购的方式,让物流把将商品运送到她选择并不多,更不用说送货上门的便利了。至今她亚洲相比,澳大利亚市场的网上购物的可用性和她最怀念在就是可以任意在雅加达进行网购。与她之后成为外交官的能力做好了准备。的工作确实满足了她对新体验的渴望,更奠定了加达一家英文报社里担任记者。这份具有挑战性触新的伟大想法。这最终促成她长大后成为了雅Operananta女士从小就喜欢拓宽视野,接自从成为总领事以来,Operananta女士说 的烤鸭。兴烧鸭,并称赞这家餐厅是她在珀斯吃过的最好食体外话闲聊中,Operananta女士特别提及了德这里的印尼人仍保有家乡的好手艺印象深刻。美她做的三明治。她在珀斯尝试过各种印尼美食,对的食物竟然是最简单的三明治,尤其是她女儿给笑称这也是她日常锻炼的一部分。沿着她在街来回散步。尤其在周末闲暇的时候,她还喜欢经常在午休时间在领馆前的Adelaide的爱好,让他享受着路途中的对四周的观察。她女士说她喜欢健走,这是一项她觉得非常踏实的顺便也将她的补给品从印度尼西亚带到珀斯。司任职。丈夫和女儿们会不时飞到珀斯与她见面,习。Operananta女士的先生在雅加达的一家媒体公毕业了的职业厨师,一个目前还在西澳大学学Operananta女士有两位女儿:一个已经是当我们谈到如何保持健康时,OperanantaTerrace大Applecross住所附近的天鹅河漫步。她Operananta女士非常热爱美食,但她最喜欢

Mrs Operananta has two daughters - one is a graduate chef, while the other is currently studying at the University of Western

We look forward to more interaction with the Indonesian community, especially after establishing this good relationship with Mrs Operananta. The presence of our Senior Vice President, Mr Yudy Kotrajaya, who is also President of the Indonesia Chamber of Commerce, enhances the relationship between both communities.

采访后记 加密切、源远流长。商会主席,两个社群之间的关系可以更副主席许俊豪先生同时也是印度尼西亚立如此良好的关系。中华会馆的的第一动,尤其是在与Operananta女士本人建的热情的始源。毕竟之前作为一名记者,这将是她开始法,因为她还是愿意使用纸笔进行写作,时间写作上。她笑称自己是很老派的做很乐意借此机会放慢生活节奏,花更多为她会很难适应珀斯的安静,但她却称她似乎在珀斯安顿得很好。洞察力。尽管她不久前才被派到这里,但格开朗的女士,作为外交官拥有丰富的生。Listiana采访过程非常顺利,一路上谈笑风Operananta女士是一位性与雅加达的繁华相比,我们原本以我们期待与印尼社区有跟多的互

Since becoming the Consul General, what Mrs Operananta misses the most is the online shopping scene in Jakarta. There is not so much variety and choice in online shopping in Australia compared to Asia, not to mention the convenience of door-to-door delivery. She occasionally shops with goods being delivered to her residence in Jakarta; her husband then brings them over when he visits her in Perth.

Mrs Listiana Operananta was born in Bandung, a town approximately 2.5 hours drive from the capital city of Jakarta. However, she has to move from one place to another with her parents, who have been university professors since she was young.

17 人物专访 INTERVIEWPROFILE 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 Text/Translate◎Carl ONG 卡尔汪 About Mrs Listiana Operananta 关于李斯蒂安娜·奥普拉南达女士

The interview went well, with lots of chatter and laughter. Mrs Operananta is a cheerful lady with lots of insight and experience as a diplomat. Even though she was posted here not long ago, she seems to have settled well in OnePerth.would

Since she was young, Mrs Operananta loves to broaden her horizons and be exposed to new and great ideas. This eventually led her to a career as a journalist at one of the newspapers in Jakarta. The challenging job satisfied her cravings for new experiences and has helped prepare her for her current career as a diplomat.

Australia. Mrs Operananta’s husband is also a journalist working for a media company. Her husband and daughter would fly into Perth to meet her from time to time, bringing her supplies from Indonesia to Perth.

think she would have a hard time adjusting to the quietness in Perth compared to the hustle and bustle in Jakarta, but she gladly took it as an opportunity to slow down her pace in life, spending more time writing. She laughs when she says that she’s old school, loving to write with actual pen and paper. As a journalist, keeping a handwritten journal is always her passion.

Mrs Operananta likes to take relaxing walks to keep herself healthy. She often takes a walk on Adelaide Terrace during her lunch break. She also enjoys a stroll along the Swan River near her residence in Applecross as part of her exercise routine.

Mrs Operananta appreciates food, but her favourite food is a simple sandwich, especially one made by her daughter. She has tried various Indonesian cuisines in Perth and is impressed with the variety of food in the city. Mrs Operananta gave a special mention to Good Fortune Roast Duck House, praising the restaurant for serving the best roast duck that she has ever had.

From here, we travelled to the lesser-known side of Bali to enjoy the more scenic and exotic island vibe of Nusa Penida. Travelling around the island gave us breathtaking views of the coast and clear blue waters without the noise of any traffic and cars. The hike down to Diamond Beach and Kelingking Beach (aka “T-Rex” Beach) was tiring, with some scary slopes and heights – but it was well worth it in the end! We spent only a day here, but some travellers stay overnight to enjoy the full experience Nusa Penida offers. It was simply a fast ferry boat ride away from Sanur Port.

Bali has always been the backyard for many West Aussies, as it’s the closest tourist destination from our shore. Same as the many West Aussies, it’s not our first time to be visiting this heaven on earth, and it means a lot to us, especially after two years of border closures. We live to travel; hence our journey has ‘resumed’ with a jam-packed itinerary.

Bali suffered from significant tourist loss during the pandemic. Many of the local tourism-related businesses have collapsed from the vacuum of visitors. With help from the Indonesian tourism board, the tourism operators received the most important aid, vaccinations, which has helped with the recovery. Our visit was gladly welcomed by the locals and they treated us with the best hospitality. Until next time, we’ll revisit you.

• Koral Aquarium Restaurant – Approximately $130 per person

Other travel tips:

A visit to Bali can never be without a visit to the famous terrace rice fields in Ubud. So, we moved once again to the Aksari Resort in Ubud. Another beautiful resort nestled in the jungle with two levels of infinity pool – something that had to be seen in person. From here, we spent a day chasing waterfalls, dining while overlooking the Tegalalang Rice Terraces and, of course, a relaxing massage. Whilst in Ubud, a unique tourist experience would be visiting a Luwak Coffee farm. We were introduced to the coffee variant and the whole process of how the beans were treated. And, of course, we met with Luwak himself, a squirrel-like mammal unique to Bali. It’s worthwhile going for a taste of this special coffee, and if you’re planning to bring back some Luwak coffee make sure the beans are roasted to avoid issues with Australian customs.

• Local transportation – I highly recommend hiring a driver in Bali to get you around wherever and whenever you need. Cost approximately $50-$60 / day / car (10 hours). Otherwise, Blue Bird taxis for short trips.

• Foreigners Fee – Visa On Arrival IDR 500,000 (credit card accepted)

• Green Village Bamboo house – AUD $300 per night (6-person house)

• The Apurva Kempinski Bali – AUD $450 per room (twin share)

• Flights – Jetstar generally provide the best value for Bali as a destination.

• Currency – Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)

Cost breakdown:

• Accommodation – and AirBnB offered good options. Don’t be afraid to change locations if you’re staying longer to experience more of what Bali can offer.

Post pandemic Bali Trip

To end our short trip, we decided to go big with a stay at The Apurva Kempinski Bali, a genuinely spectacular 5-star resort that we highly recommend. Although the price was at the high-end, it was definitely worth the experience. Lucky for us, we received a complimentary upgrade to an suite with a private spa pool, for which my wife was truly overjoyed. The Apurva Kempinski Bali resort hotel is situated beside the Nusa Dua beach, just for something different from our

• Aksari Resort – AUD $170 per room per night (2-person villa)

18 INTERESTCOMMUNITY 读者来稿 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue Text/Photo◎William Wong 黃建興 ( IG@ willieswongka) | Translate◎Carl ONG 卡尔汪

Aiming for the best timing, we took an early mid-week flight out as it’s the most economical when it comes to pricing. The first destination of our stay was villa complex (Hedonia Luxury Villas) surrounded by lush rice fields. And, of course, no villa is complete without a private pool. The whole space was to share amongst the four travellers; however, it was extremely spacious. There were two large rooms with private ensuites and even a kitchen that enabled us to prepare meals. However, grocery shopping is a distance away, so go prepared!

• Hedonia Luxury Villas - $315 per night (4 shares)

Having settled nicely into Bali and filled with holiday excitement, it was off to one of our most memorable stays. A 4-storey villa made almost entirely of bamboo built in the middle of the Balinese forest – definitely an experience not to be missed. It is situated in Abiansemal along the Ayung River amongst many other uniquely designed bamboo houses called the Green Village. Every floor had a fantastic view overlooking the river and forest to watch the sunrise every morning, including a private pool near the river. Being quite secluded, meals can be ordered and delivered to the house each day from the staff, which made life simpler. Treat this as an escape from city life to be amongst mother nature.

• Payment – find a credit card that offers a reasonable currency conversion rate without foreign transaction fees or conversion fees. Travel without the worry of too much cash.

jungle adventures earlier in the trip. This was a one-stop resort that had so many things to do and see – from the beach club, camel rides, and kayaking to just simply relaxing in the pool or restaurants – without having to leave. To top it off, a truly unique dining experience with a 4-course degustation at the Koral Aquarium Restaurant – an underwater dining experience. The light from the water reflections, with exotic tropical fish swimming beside you, while you enjoy the delicately prepared food, is priceless. You can book this exceptional dining experience through their website and make sure you get a window seat.

19 读者来稿 INTERESTCOMMUNITY 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 疫情过后的巴厘岛之旅 巴厘岛一直都是西澳人的后院,它也是距离澳洲大陆最近的一个旅游胜地。跟其他的西澳人一样,虽然这不是我们第一次到这个人间天堂旅游,但是其意义非凡,尤其是在经过了两年的国境封锁之后。我们热爱旅游,我们按下了旅行的’重启‘按键,开启了惊喜满满的旅程。 啡场了。我们在解说员的介绍下了解了咖啡的在Ubud旅游,非去不可的的要数参观猫屎咖下享受美食;当然少不了接受按摩放松一下。个大小瀑布、在欣赏这Tegalalang稻田的美景难以言表。我们花了一整天拜访这个区域的各的森林度假村Aksari度假村,这是一个拥有两层无边际泳池的Ubud梯田,所以我们再次的入住在Ubud的轮渡前去Nusa客。只要在Sanur海港就可以找可乘搭的快艇上过夜,尽情享受Nusa值得!我们在那里耗了一整天,更有选择在岛算蛮艰辛的、尽是陡峭的斜坡峭壁,但是完全Kelingking海滩(或称之为暴龙岛)的路途还海水、完全远离尘嚣。虽然前去Diamond和环绕海岛您可以欣赏到沿岸的风光,蔚蓝的一端、有着绮丽海岛风景的Nusa自然怀抱中。活该有的。让你远离尘嚣、真真切切的投入大后让服务人员直接送到府,真是悠闲的度假生因为地处偏僻的缘故、我们的的食物都是下单曦。在靠近河边更有我们专属的私人泳池。都可以眺望到丛林与山溪、更有美不胜收的晨Village的特殊建筑设计的竹编楼阁。每层楼Abiansemal,沿着Ayung河,这是名为Green林中的竹楼美民宿之一:足足有四层楼高的隐藏在巴厘丛厘岛的度假氛围,接下来我们入住的是全程最建议得提前预先购买好食材。备餐,但是购买食材在距离上着实有点难度。聚会或超过六人的旅行团。房子备有厨房可供在这个大房子略显空旷,或许更适合家庭亲子边。房子的正中央是一个游泳池。我们四个住Seminyak的民宿村,它坐落在著名的梯田旁都会比较优惠。我们的的第一个目的地是在珀斯启程的红眼航班。周间的航班通常价格为了抓紧旅游的时间,我们选择了周三带着满满的旅游激情,我们逐渐融入了巴-这是一次难忘的经验。它坐落在从这,我们踏上了游客罕至的巴厘岛另Penida。Penida海岛风情的游Pedina岛。来巴厘岛度假绝对不会错过的就是著名-你还真的必须亲自体验一番、 巴厘岛。待客的热诚。希望不久的将来,我们再次相约了许多本地人的欢迎,我们深深感受到了他们旅游业可以再次爬起来。我们这次的旅行得到岛得到了最重要的救命稻草:疫苗接种,让其情况下无奈结业。在印尼政府的帮助下,巴厘到重创,许多跟旅游的下游产业在游客真空的站去订座,尤其是预定靠窗的位置。无价的经验。有兴趣的读者可以透过他们的网游来游去、让你一边赏鱼一遍享受美食,这是烁着流光溢彩,尤其是热带鱼如同在你的身边餐厅处在海底世界的透明玻璃下。整个餐厅闪的蔚蓝海底世界下享受美食的特殊经验,整个了豪华的四道菜晚餐。我们体验了在游鱼穿梭点,选择了在Koral离开度假村。旅途将尽,我们决定High到最高甚至是在泳池畔或餐厅里休息欣赏:从海滩俱乐部、骑骆驼体验、水上划艇、度假村、有着你尝试不尽的休闲活动和美景供丛林是完全不同的氛围。这是一个包罗万有的该酒店面向Nusa个人泳池的套间,我的太太尤其觉得美极了。价。我们很荣幸的被升级去高级套房,是附有星级酒店。虽然价格偏高,但是绝对值回票Kempinski豆、以免被澳洲海关扣查。想买来当伴手礼、那么请选择经过烘烤的咖啡的经验(尤其知道了处理过程)。如果你考虑专有。品尝这既特别且昂贵的咖啡绝对是值得有点松鼠长相的狸科哺乳动物、并仅有巴厘岛处理过程’。当然我们也见了‘狸猫’的本尊,是不同品种,以及其加工过程、尤其是咖啡豆的‘我们最末的住宿是在宏伟的TheApurvaBali酒店,这是我绝对度推荐的五Dua海滩,跟我们前些天在-你完全不用AquariumRestaurant享用巴厘岛的旅游业在新冠世虐的两年里受 费用剖析: • Hedonia豪华民宿 - 每晚$315澳币 (四人分摊) • Green Village 竹楼体验 – 每晚$300澳币(可供六人) • Aksari 度假村 – 每晚$170澳币,双人套间 • The Apurva Kempinski Bali 度假村 – 每晚$450澳币,双人套间 • Koral Aquarium Restaurant 海底世界晚餐体验 – 每人大约澳币$130左右 其他旅游小贴士: • 航班:捷星航空提供直达巴厘岛的最优惠航班 • 交通 地的Blue至60澳币之间(10个小时)。不然也可以搭乘当不受限于地点跟时间。车资每天收费大约是50:我建议聘请当地人作为司机和向导,让你Bird计程车作为短途代步。 • 货币:印尼盾(IDR) • 签证:落地签50万印尼盾(可接受信用卡) • 付款: 金的问题。汇收费的信用卡。可以安心旅游而不用担心现选择换汇合理的信用卡、免手手续和换 • 住宿 和 AirBnB 多点时间尝试不同的住宿体验。择。如果你想更深入体验巴厘岛风情、可以花都提供很好的选

A unique festival in Karratha

The Pilbara region, in northern Western Australia, has become a popular refuge during the winter season. From around the end of April and May, tourists and caravans start traveling north. In general, the FeNaClNG

FeNaClNG Festival

文/译◎Karen Huang 黄郁婷 | 图◎Karen HUANG 黄郁婷,

Since the founding of the Karratha Lions club in 1972, the FeNaClNG Festival has been at the heart of family entertainment and community fundraising and engagement. The term FeNaClNG comes from the chemical name for iron, salt and natural gas and represents the Pilbara’s richest mineral and most significant resource trade. Much like the Royal Show, the festival is a celebration with rides, shows, market stalls and a variety of food. The Karratha Lions Club officially announced last year that it would not be

Karratha will celebrate the 50 th FeNaClNG Festival on July 30 th and 31st this year. The two-day festival is full of fun, including stage performances, carnival parades, food vans, community displays, market stalls, entertainment, live music and a massive firework show.

20 INTERESTCOMMUNITY 社区消息 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Spring Issue

hosting the FeNaClNG Festival anymore due to limited funding and sponsorship. However, this iconic traditional festival is full of historical significance and residents’ annual practices, So the local council, the City of Karratha took over the FeNaCING festival, and makes it more official.

Festival attracts an estimated 3,000 people over two days, many of whom will continue their journeys to Broome, Kununurra or Karijini National Park until the winter is over. This year, the FeNaClNG Festival will mark its 50th anniversary, and all the residents are looking forward to the return of the event. This is not only a testament to the time but also the first celebration of a return to normal life after COVID-19.

手举办FeNaClNG节,使这个节日更具官方价值。地居民每年的惯例,因此,卡拉萨市政府往后将接地极具代表性的传统节庆充满着历史意义以及当拉萨狮子会于去年正式宣布停办。然而这项在当庆祝活动。由于筹办活动的经费及贊助有限,卡乐设施、表演、游戏摊位及各式小吃聚集的一项皇家秀(Royal拉最丰富的矿产和最大的资源贸易。这个节日与(NaCl)和天然气(LNG)的化学学名,代表了皮尔巴与的核心。FeNaClNG这一名词来自于铁(Fe)、盐来,FeNaClNG节一直是家庭娱乐和社区筹款与参自从1972年卡拉萨狮子会创立以Show)其实非常相似,都是具有游 后,民众恢復正常生活的第一项庆典。不仅代表了时代的见证,也是继新冠肺炎疫情之所有居民都相当期待这个活动的再度到来。这再往南边开。家公园(Karijini(Broome)、库努纳拉(Kununurra)或是卡里基尼国动结束后,许多将会继续向北旅游一路到布鲁姆动估计吸引到三千名民众参与,而这些民众在活向北观光游览。往年的FeNaClNG节,两天的活底五月开始就会陆续有游客及露营车一路由南冬季就成为了许多民众的避寒胜地。大约从四月位于西澳北部的皮尔巴拉区,每逢澳大利亚NationalPark),直到冬季结束后今年的FeNaClNG节将迈入第五十个年头,

FeNaClNG节 Scan to explore more insight 扫码以探寻活动详情

21 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊春季版 社区消息 INTERESTCOMMUNITY 卡拉萨特有节日 卡拉萨市将于今年的七月三十、三十一日迎来第五十届的FeNaClNG节。为期两天的节日活动充满了乐趣,包括舞台表演、嘉年华游行、小吃摊、社区展示、市场、娱乐、现场音乐和盛大的烟花秀。

Ying was born in Taiwan and moved to Australia in 2010. She grew up in Taichung city, Taiwan, ROC and finished her nursing bachelor’s degree in Taiwan in 2003. She started her performance career in 2004. For six years of her performance life, she went to many countries such as China, Hong Kong, Japan, USA, and Singapore and worked with performers of different backgrounds. These experiences helped shape her ideas and develop an independent personality.

Narrative Documentary is documenting life in pictures through the recollections of friends and relatives, through the evidence of the public record, or through private papers can get closer to the truth.

Title Name Education/ Experiences

ECU Media and Communication/ Screen Production Major


Ying Chu Biography 简介

ECU Media and Communication/ Screen Production Major Photographer 摄影师 Tony Nguyen Perth Freelance Photographer

Crew Information 剧组信息 Director 导演: Ying Chu 朱盈潔 M: 0421804165 | E: Crew List 剧组名单

I think multiculturalism is a feature of the Perth community, especially when I first participated in the Perth Chinese New Year Fair. The members contribute their time and ability to participate in the event to make people appreciate Chinese culture. The “emotion” from member to member is a difference between Singapore and Perth that both countries have a multicultural background in the society. I hope that the audience can feel the “emotion” of members through Sisters and then understand the Perth Asian community and Chinese culture.

Director of Photography 摄影指导 Charlie Pu ECU Media and Communication/ Screen Production Major Sound/ Editor 声音/编辑 Felix Doan

AWARD: Sisters-We are Family are selected by • Lift-Off Global Network- Tokyo, May 2022 / Monthly Indie Short, June 2022 • Semi-Finalist by Austin International Art Festival, May 2022 获奖: Sisters-We are Family 获选为 • Lift-Off 全球网络 - 东京, 2022 年 5 月 每月独立短片,2022/ 年 6 月 • 2022奥斯汀国际艺术节半决赛,年5月

- Friedmann (2010) 通过公开记录的证据,或者通过私人 文件更接近真相,用图片记录生活。

Light/ Photographer 灯光/摄影师 H.F. Chui Perth Freelance Photographer Graphic Designer 平面设计师

I come from Taiwan, lived in Singapore, then migrated to Perth. I asked myself what is special in Perth and what is the difference between Perth, Taiwan, and Singapore. What about other Asian people living in Perth. Same as Singapore? What is different from Taiwan?


In 2015, she started learning English language at South Metropolitan TAFE WA and finished the University Preparation course at Edith Cowan University in 2019. At the same time, she joined the short-term acting course at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts school and a voice workshop in Perth to improve her voice and acting skills. In 2020, she went to Edith Cowan University to study Screen Production, focussing on producing and directing. She creates works that combined western and eastern cultures to present diverse cultures and bring the works into the international market. 化,并将作品带入国际市场。演。她创作融合东西方文化的作品,呈现多元文迪丝考文大学攻读影视制作专业,主攻制作与导讨会,以提高她的声音和表演技巧。术学院学校的短期表演课程和一个珀斯的声音研成了大学预科课程。同时,她参加了西澳表演艺WA学习英语,并于2019年在Edith立的个性。合作。这些经历帮助塑造了她的想法并培养了独美国、新加坡等多个国家,与不同背景的表演者年的表演生涯中,她曾前往中国、香港、日本、士学位。她于2004年开始她的表演生涯。在她六她在台湾台中市长大,2003年在台湾完成护理学朱盈潔出生于台湾,2010年移居澳大利亚。2015年,她开始在SouthMetropolitanTAFECowan大学完2020年赴伊


22 INTERESTCOMMUNITY 社区消息 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue Sisters | We are Family 姐妹 | 我们是一家人

Kate Wong South Korea Kyung Hee University/ Visual Communication Design

Director/Producer/Writer 导演/制片人/作家 Ying Chu 朱盈潔


A Chung Wah Dance member talks about her recent documentary featuring the Chung Wah Dance group.

More Information: Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2022

23 社区消息 INTERESTCOMMUNITY 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 +61421804165YINGWRITER/DIRCTOR:DOCUMENTRAYCHU They are from different backgrounds but eight women come together because of theirlove of dancing. Chinese culture connects them with each other. The Chung WahChinese Dance Group has for objective to promote and preserve Chinese culture inmulticultural Australia.

The Chung Wah Dance group is made up of dancers who originate fromdifferent countries around the world HK, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam, SouthAfrica, Mauritius. They dedicate a lot of time to prepare for the annualperformance at the Perth Chinese New Year Fair. The main idea of thisdocumentary project is We are family It will explore the dancers differentbackgrounds, motivation to be in the group and the relationship built amongthe dancers through a series of interviews with the dancers and a behind thescene look into their preparation for their annual performance.


View QRcode 透过以上链接或扫码观看视频


The Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2022 is an annual big event to celebrate theLunar New Year in the Perth Asian Community. Every year the Chung WahAssociation puts together a plethora of activities to share Chinese culturesuch as food stalls, activity stalls, lion dancing, martial demonstrations andmusic and dance performances with the West Australian community and topromote multiculturalism.


I greeted them in Chinese, ‘Ni-Hao,’ but Ah Lee looked puzzled and tried to repeat the words, making everybody laugh. ‘Aboriginal,’ Ah Lee said, “We all Aboriginal. But everyone tells me, I am Chinaman. Now I see you… em, yeah… I am, we look the same, right?”

Kwong Lee Dow AO is an estimable member of the Australian community who has made invaluable contributions to Australian education in his time as a teacher and academic.

Father Paul told me how these men really wanted to understand their Chinese bloodlines. “Didn’t you see how excited they were when they first saw you?”

“I like Chinese food, every one like it,” he said. But because of his Chinese facial features, he could not forget his identity.

Research Team

Associate Professor (Dr) Fred Cahir is an award-winning teacher and researcher in Aboriginal History at Federation University Australia.

David Walker AM is an Honorary Professorial Fellow in the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne and Emeritus Professor at Deakin University.

Peter and Sheila Forrest have been researching and writing about Australia’s history, including Aboriginal and Chinese histories in the Northern Territory, for more than 40 years.

Julia T. Martínez is an Associate Professor in History at the University of Wollongong, researching Asia Pacific labour migration history.

Our Story

Since the gold rush of the 1850s, a connection grew as the new Chinese arrivals and First Nations people came into close proximity, by both location and by social status in these colonial years across Australia.

Zhou Xiaoping is the Director & Curator of Special Research Projects at the Museum of Chinese Australian History. Advisory Group

Families of mixed Aboriginal and Chinese descent are now widespread across Australia. They recognise their shared heritage and with it, unfortunately, - a shared history of marginalisation by European Settlers in the 19th century.

The Story

The research undertaken by a team of academic researchers nationwide forms the largest body of work on this subject and will broaden the collective consciousness of who we are as a society.

OUR STORY began with two years of research, documentation and analyses of the rich and complex interaction between descendants of two of the world’s oldest civilisations - an intersection overlooked in the dominant White Australian discourse on the history of outside contacts with First Nations Peoples.

Later in that trip, Xiaoping travelled from Halls Creek to Balgo, an Aboriginal community on the fringe of the desert in Kimberly. Travelling with a missionary, they stopped for the night at a place called “Chinaman Garden”. As father Paul lit a fire, Xiaoping was startled by four Chinese faces staring at him. Father Paul introduced them, and they all had Chinese Xiaopingnames. recounts this inspirational first meeting in 1989:

Christine Choo BA, M.Soc.Wk., M Phil (Australian Studies), PhD is a historian with a special interest in Western Australian history.

“Em, I’m getting old,” said Ah Lee sighing heavily. I wondered, who will take care of this mob now? It seemed that this task would fall to young Lee.

24 ANCESTORYWAHCHUNG 寻根问祖 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

Their personal accounts and memories form the basis of this research and an exhibition is being developed that will directly spring forth from these individuals and families. Hence, as their stories will be told first-hand, the Exhibition is titled OUR STORY.

Dr Sandi Robb is a freelance historian specialising in Queensland social and geographical history with a special interest in the migration and marriage patterns of men associated with the Chinese Diaspora of the nineteenth and early twentieth century.

The project was officially launched at the China Museum in Melbourne on March 26, 2022, by Peter Yu. More than 70 people attended the event, including speakers Mark Wang (CEO of Chinese Museum), Rodney Carter (CEO of Dja Dja Wurrung Group), Professor Peter Yu (VicePresident First Nations ANU), Dr Mathew Trinca (Director of National Museum Australia), Zhou Xiaoping (Project Leader), Kwong Lee Dow (Chairman of Australian Multicultural Foundation), Margo Neale (Senior Indigenous Curator & Principal Advisor to the Director at the National Museum Australia), followed by a research lecture with speakers Fred Cahir (Researcher at Federation University Australia), Stephen Loo (one of the families from WA), and David Walker (Historian of University of Melbourne. There were about 80 people from across Australia who watched the event live online. The Australian newspaper, ABC Kimberly, SBS Mandarin TV and radio broadcasters also reported the event.

Anew research and art project will explore Aboriginal Australians’ family connections to China. Across Australia, there are many Indigene families with Chinese heritage, and this project tells their stories.

Jimmy Chi’s grandpa was a Chinese man called John Chi who came to Australia from Guangzhou as a young man looking for gold in about 1860.

The Team Project Leader

Alexis Wright is a member of the Waanyi nation of the southern highlands of the Gulf of Carpentaria. The author of the prize-winning novels Carpentaria and The Swan Book.

This groundbreaking research will lead to a unique exhibition that portrays a new branch of Australian history.

After this encounter, Xiaoping has thought at length and many times about these two Theymeetings.were among the first stories he discovered regarding the relationship between the Aboriginal and Chinese people in Australian history. Over time, Xiaoping encountered many, many more stories – a rich intersection of peoples hardly acknowledged.

Today, 30 years later, Xiaoping has formed a group of academics and experts, to study and document this little-known history to bring it patently into our collective consciousness.

The content of the exhibition has been brought together from right across Australia with Zhou Xiaoping as the lead investigator and project manager. His long-standing friendships and connection with these people have been instrumental in gaining access to their past lives.

Aboriginal Chinese People in Australia

Zhou Xiaoping is a Melbourne-based artist, curator and researcher.

While chatting, Ah Lee lay on a blanket, one arm resting on his bent leg, looking lazily at a dog somewhere off in the dark. He made quiet pattering sounds as he sucked on a selfmade pipe. To me, he looked just like some Chinese villager, even though we had met here in the outback and communicated more with body language than with English.

Xiaoping asked him how Chinese culture had influenced him. Jimmy said that he liked Chinese food. He also liked the way that Chinese men looked after their kids and families. He remembered how his Dad used to say, “It is easy to make babies, but you got to look after them. You do not just make babies and run away.”

“Yes, I know, but what I can do for them?” I asked myself.


He knew very little about his origins. All he remembered was Chinese food.

Professor Peter Yu is a Yawuru man from Broome in the Kimberley region in North West Australia with over 40 years of experience in Indigenous development and advocacy in the Kimberley and at the state, national and international level.

25 寻根问祖 ANCESTORYWAHCHUNG 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 这个新的研究和艺术项目将探索澳大利亚原住民的家庭与华裔的联系。澳大利亚有许多拥有华裔血统的土著家庭,这个项目将讲述他们的故事。 该项目由Peter 报道了这一事件。报纸ABC大利亚各地的人在线观看了此次活动。澳大利亚Walker(墨尔本大学历史学家。约有八十名来自澳员)、Stephen顾问),随后由Fred澳大利亚国家博物馆高级土著策展人兼馆长首席澳大利亚多元文化基金会主席)、Margo利亚)、周小平(项目负责人)、Kwong长)、Dr、Peter、Rodney包括演讲嘉宾Mark华人博物馆正式启动。七十余人出席了此次活动,Yu于2022年3月26日在墨尔本Wang(华人博物馆执行总裁)Carter(DjaDjaWurrung集团执行总裁)Yu教授(澳大利亚国立大学第一民族副校MathewTrinca(国家博物馆馆长)澳大LeeDow(Neale(Cahir(澳大利亚联邦大学研究Loo(来自西澳的家庭之一)和DavidKimberly,SBS普通话电视和广播电台也 故事 OUR STORY (我们的故事) 描绘澳大利亚历史的一个新分支。作为一个社会的集体意识。了该主题的最大调研工作团队,并将其扩大我们和联系有助于了解他们的前世。首席研究员和项目经理。他与这些人的长期友谊第一手讲述,所以展览的标题即“我们的故事”。直接来自这些个人和家庭。由于他们的故事将被基础,并且准备开发成一项展览,该展览内容将缘化历史。是,他们也同样背负了被19世纪欧洲定居者的边利亚。虽然他们认同他们的历史共通,但不幸的越来越接近,这种联系越来越紧密。民在澳大利亚殖民时期的地理位置和社会地位被忽视的交叉点。主导的关于与原住民的外部接触历史的论述中,代之间丰富而复杂的互动——在澳大利亚白人的研究、记录和分析,两个世界上古老文明的的后始于历经两年自1850年代淘金热以来,随着新移民和原住混合原住民和华裔血统的家庭现在遍布澳大他们的个人叙述和记忆构成了这项研究的展览内容汇集了澳大利亚各地,周小平担任由全国学术研究人员团队进行的研究构成这项开创性的研究将带来一个独特的展览, 灵感 清晰地呈现出来。我们的集体意识。专家,研究和记录这段鲜为人知的历史,并将其知的丰富的民族交汇点。移,小平遇到了很多很多的故事——一个鲜为人和中国人之间关系的第一批故事。随着时间的推数次详细的思考。心自问。兴奋吗?”的中国血统。“你没看到他们第一次见到你时有多落到年轻的李身上了。知道,现在谁来照顾这个暴徒?看来这个任务要言而不是英语交流。管我们在内地在这里相遇,并且更多地用肢体语嗒声。对我来说,他看起来就像一个中国村民,尽狗。他一边吸着自制的烟斗,一边发出安静的啪在弯曲的腿上,慵懒地看着黑暗中某处的一条为他的中国五官,他无法忘记自己的身份。起来一样,对吧?”人。现在我看到你了……嗯,是的……我是,我们看们都是原住民。但是每个人都告诉我,我是中国试图重复的话,逗大家笑。“原住民,”阿李说,“我都有中文名字。着他,小平吓了一跳。保罗神父介绍了他们,他们地方过夜。保罗父亲生火时,四张中国人的脸盯教士一起旅行,他们在一个叫做“中国人花园”的往金伯利沙漠边缘的土著社区巴尔戈。与一位传但你必须照顾他们。你不只是生了孩子就跑了。”方式。他记得他父亲曾经说过:“生孩子很容易,欢中国菜。他还喜欢中国男人照顾孩子和家人的他于1860年左右从广州来到澳大利亚寻找黄金。JimmyChi的祖父是一位名叫JohnChi的中国人,小平问他中国文化对他的影响。吉米说他喜后期在那次旅行的,小平从霍尔斯克里克前小平回忆起1989年的第一次见面:我用中文打招呼,“你好”,但阿李一脸不解,他对自己的出身知之甚少。他只记得中国菜。“我喜欢中国菜,每个人都喜欢,”他说。但因聊天的时候,阿李趴在毯子上,一只胳膊搭“嗯,我老了,”阿李重重地叹了口气说。我想保罗神父告诉我,这些人是多么想了解他们“是的,我知道,但我能为他们做什么?”我扪经过这次会面,小平对这两次会面进行了无这是他发现的关于澳大利亚历史上原住民今天30年后的,小平已经组建了一批学者和 Contact | 联系 邮箱: Phone 电话 : (+61) 411 812 391 团队 项目负责 特别研究项目的主任和策展人。人周小平是澳大利亚华人历史博物馆 顾问团 Peter 天鹅之书》的作者。地瓦依族人。获奖小说《卡奔塔利亚》和《者期间为澳大利亚教育做出了宝贵的贡献。的一位值得尊敬的成员,他在担任教师和学有国家和国际层面的土著发展和倡导方面拥伯利地区的亚乌鲁族人,在金伯利以及州、Yu教授来自澳大利亚西北部的金40多年的经验。KwongLeeDowAO是澳大利亚社区AlexisWright是卡奔塔利亚湾南部高 研究团队

究员。民和婚姻模式特别感兴趣。世纪和专门研究昆士兰的社会和地理历史,对与副教授,研究亚太地区劳务移民的历史。邦大学原住民历史的获奖教师和研究员。澳大利亚历史特别感兴趣的历史学家。哲学硕士(澳大利亚研究)、博士是北方和内陆人民和地方的杰出编年史家。所的名誉教授研究员和迪肯大学的名誉教授。AM是墨尔本大学亚洲研究Peter和SheilaForrest四十多年来,他们ChristineChoo文学学士、社会学硕士、是一位对西副教授(Dr)FredCahir是澳大利亚联JuliaT.Martínez是卧龙岗大学历史学SandiRobb博士是一名自由历史学家,1920世纪初的中国侨民有关的男性移周小平是墨尔本艺术家、策展人和研 我们的故事 - 拥有华裔血统的原住民

David Walker

Beneath the Bitumen

Discoveries from the Chinese Cemetery,East Perth

Special community guests at the opening of the exhibition included Mr Ting CHEN representing the Chung Wah Association, Mr John Hsu representing the WA Chinese Community Centre, President of Australia China Friendship Society, Simon WU, President of Hunan Association of Western Australia, Mr Songru ZHU, President of Guangdong Association/ Guangdong Chamber of Commerce, Mr Jiayi CAI, President for Australian Chinese Mainlanders and Friends, Mr Xiao LIANG

The exhibition showcases the conserved ‘Chinese Jacket’, which has managed to last 120 years. It is now rock-hard and has bonded with sand and roots and is affected by the decomposition of human remains. The textile conservationist managed to separate the jacket from the remains through a complex chemical process. And as the investigation showed, the high concentration of chromium in the dye used for the fabric helped in its preservation. Through chemical analysis, there was also manganese, sulphur and selenium found. A family photo from 1902, showed Alan, who wore a similar jacket.

Chung Wah Association is proud to support The National Trust of Western Australia in the conservation of an important piece of Chinese Western Australian history. A new exhibition showcased some of the findings made during excavations of the former Chinese Cemetery. ‘Beneath the Bitumen: Discoveries from the Chinese Cemetery, East Perth’ is a temporary exhibition and part of the Western Australian Heritage Festival, supported by Lotterywest. The exhibition was held at St Bartholomew’s Church, East Perth Cemeteries, from 19 May to 19 June. Chung Wah Association formed a special team to work closely with the National Trust curator and staff to design and deliver this exhibition.

President of Chinese Women Federation of Western Australia, Nancy WANG, Vice President of Chinese Scientist Society of Western Australia, Mr Le JIAN, Chinese Builders Association Perth Chapter, Mr Eric Ni, Jen Nie CHONG, Honorary Secretary of the Chung Wah Association, Lesley WONG, Kaylene POON and Elvie YAP.

CEO of the National Trust, Mr Julian Donaldson opened the exhibition, followed by a speech from the Honorable Bob Kucera APM, President of the National Trust. Mr Ting CHEN also spoke on behalf of the Chung Wah Association. He mentioned in his speech

26 ANCESTORYWAHCHUNG 寻根问祖 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue 文/图◎周丹 Dan ZHOU (珀斯邮报 Perth Post) | 编辑/翻译◎卡尔汪 Carl ONG

It is ironic that centuries ago, our Chinese pioneers were treated as out-casts, suffering from racism at the time, but they are now being treated equally today after years of their passing. We hope that this exhibition sparks the interest of historians in the expansion of research in this area. It is great to see that our community today is now open to learning and accepting the contributions of everyone, despite being indigenous, Chinese or another migrant in the history of Western Australia. The next exhibition will be ‘Lasting impressions: love, family and the White Australia Policy at the National Archives WA Office until 31 October 2022.

that approximately 40 pioneers of Chinese heritage were buried at the burial site, and four of them were excavated and sent back to China for reburial by their families, as per Chinese customs. Since the 1900s, the site was repurposed for various uses and was only re-discovered in the 1990s.

In July 2020, through the relationship between the honorary historian of Chung Wah Association, Kaylene POON, Chung Wah Association was called to assist with the 36 burials found during the excavation. Through the fundraising efforts of the Chinese Community, approximately $10,000 was raised for the conservation and restoration of the found items. Last year, there was a traditional ceremony held at the Karrakatta Cemetery to lay them to rest.

沥青之下 - 东珀斯华人墓地的发现 感谢西澳华人公会的组织。华人传统的埋葬仪式,他们在新安息之地安息。物。感谢参与的华人社团,十万澳元,用于修复,卡塔公墓之间有趣合作的开始。华人社区收集了求建议和帮助。面华人墓地挖出的36具华人遗骸中发现的文物寻史顾问邝彩玲女士与中华会馆联络,希望马路对斯公墓竖立了一座纪念碑。澳历史学会合作,为所有在该州死亡的华人东珀直到1990不同用途意味着埋葬在这里的华人没有被注意,用中国传统习俗安葬。自1900年以来,该遗址的地。四具尸体后来被送回中国,他们家庭就可以四十名华人安葬在位于东珀斯公墓对面的华人墓Kucera主持开幕礼,西澳国家信托基金主席Hon应邀出席开幕典礼。廷女士等来自西澳华人社区侨领及西澳各界代表妮,黄小娟,中华历史组负责人邝彩玲以及叶俐斯分会倪一鸣秘书长;中华会馆荣誉秘书长张娟科学家协会副简乐副会长;西澳华人建筑协会珀梁骁会长;西澳妇女联合会王瑛会长;西澳华人毅会长;西澳中原联谊会宋廷光;西澳大华联会商会朱松如会长;西澳广东同乡会暨总商会蔡嘉;西澳澳中友协吴粤会长;西澳湖南同乡会暨总Bartholomew’sCemetery,East人墓地的发现”(Discoveries澳文化遗产节的一个项目“沥青之下2022年5月19日,由Lotterywest赞助的西-东珀斯华fromtheChinesePerth)展览开幕礼在东珀斯的StChurch举行。中华会馆陈挺会长;西澳华人公会JohnHsu西澳国家信托基金CEOJulianDonaldsonBobAPM和中华会馆陈挺会长分别致辞。陈挺会长在致辞中说:1882年至1899年间,年代才被发现。1994年,中华会馆与JanRyan博士和皇家西2020年7月,国家信托基金会透过我们的历这是当地华人社区,国民信托基金会和卡拉保存和保存展出的发现的文企业主和个人。去年,华人社区在卡拉卡塔公墓组织了一个 事。公众的好评,让布展团队的付出得到了回报。队甚至制作了视频片段,以更好地讲述展览的故人对于自身历史的兴趣。珀斯邮报的专业编辑团地华人媒体的广泛宣传与帮助、从而提升了本地华助策展人设计及交付本次展览。更首次获得了本日。这首个展览是由中华会馆成立的专责小组,协印象:爱、家庭和白澳政策’展览,将展出至10月31随其后的是现在在国家档案馆举办名为‘永久的日在东珀斯的St阿伦穿的外套与挖掘出来的外套非常相似。的一张阿伦和家人拍摄于1902年的照片,照片中用于制造该面料的羊毛的三种来源。展览中展出物。还检测到了锰、固定剂和硫/硒混合物,这是明,羊毛染料中使用的高含量铬有助于保护该织并移除埋葬后幸存下来的人类遗骸。科学测试表古纺织品保护员使用特殊的化学物质来松弛织物体腐烂的影响。在一个复杂而困难的程序中,考和表面的沙子和植物根系结成硬皮,还收到了尸更久的时间里,这件外套已经变得硬如岩石,它览,并感谢LotteryWest提供资金。金会在中华会馆工作人员的协助下策划本次展谢他们今天的光临。最后,还要感谢国家信托基体对该州都有历史的贡献。存在和贡献,无论是原住,华人还是其他移民群泛的澳大利亚社区学习并接受所有澳大利亚人的人员的兴趣,以扩展这些知识。很高兴看到更广的尊重!我们希望这次展览能够“激发”其他研究视。现在,他们和所有人一样,在生命结束时得到异教徒”和“外国人”对待,并受到更广泛社区的歧具有讽刺意味的是,120多年前华人被当作“我还要感谢19世纪其他华人先驱的后代,感此次展览展出了修复后的外套。在120年或这次展览的首部曲将是从5月19日至6月19Bartholomew’sChurch展出。紧

27 寻根问祖 ANCESTORYWAHCHUNG 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版

Due to the collective efforts of the Chung Wah Association and Dr Jan Ryan, together with the Royal Australian Historical Association, a memorial plaque was erected adjacent to the burial site, to commemorate the pioneers of Chinese heritage who have passed away in Western Australia.

Text/Translate◎Carl ONG 卡尔 汪

Mr John Hsu, the president of the Chinese Community Centre, has organised the Ching Ming service for over two decades, with support from the Chung Wah Association. The event was attended by community members who are dedicated to offering their care and prayers to the deceased forefathers in Perth, who are remembered on this special occasion. Among them was the President of Chung Wah Association, Mr Ting Chen and Honorary Historical Advisor of Chung Wah Association, Mrs Kaylene Poon. The candidate for Perth, Dave Dwyer was also present on the day together with his spouse Ann.

28 ANCESTORYWAHCHUNG 寻根问祖 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue

The Qing Ming Festival or Ching Ming Festival, also known as the Tomb-Sweeping Day (sometimes also called Chinese Memorial Day or Ancestors’ Day), is a traditional Chinese festival observed by the Han Chinese of mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and by the ethnic Chinese of Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Panama. It falls on the first day of the fifth solar term of the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar. This makes it the 15th day after the Spring Equinox, either 4, 5 or 6 April in a given year. During Qingming, Chinese families visit the tombs of their ancestors to clean the gravesites, pray to their ancestors and make ritual offerings. Offerings typically include traditional food dishes and the burning of joss

The ceremony started with attendees making an offering of joss sticks, flowers, fruits and food to the ancestors. It was followed by a prayer, announcing to the ancestors that we’re here to remember them. It concluded with the burning of joss papers and the lighting of fire-crackers, which is believed to delight the ancestors and bless the attendees with luck and prosperity. The food offerings were then shared among the attendees. It is like a picnic to many young ones who are not accustomed to such traditional practice.

Qing Ming Service at the Chinese Memorial Garden at Karrakatta Cemetary

sticks and joss paper. The holiday recognises the traditional reverence of one’s ancestors in Chinese culture.

The Qingming Festival has been observed by the Chinese for over 2,500 years, although the observance has changed significantly. It became a public holiday in mainland China in 2008. This allows the full observance of filial piety acts in paying respect to the ancestors, which is a significant part of Chinese culture.

29 寻根问祖 ANCESTORYWAHCHUNG 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 CONDOLENCES 吊唁 The President and the Executive Committee would like to extend their deepest sympathy and condolences to Ms Dena Jianhua Jin, Jared Yujun Johnston and Brock Yuhao Johnston for the passing of their eldest son and brother Yuchen Ben Jin. May his soul rest in peace. Jared金建华女士令长子中华会馆会长暨全休理事会对宇骏YujunJohnston和Brock 宇豪 Yuhao Johnston 金宇晨的逝世表示最深切的同情和哀悼。愿他的灵魂安息。令长兄 卡拉卡塔公墓的华人墓园的清明公祭仪式 在这个特殊的时刻铭记先人们的教诲。这其中包缅怀珀斯的首批华裔移民和开拓者的功绩,以及参加了此次活动,他们透过此项有意义的活动,品和香火等。不少来自珀斯各地的华人社区成员心全意地组织了当天仪式的祭祀活动所需要的供祀活动。他们与忠于孝道的委员会成员一起,全中华会馆的支持下,孜孜不倦地组织清明节的祭先、慎终追远的道德情怀的民族精神。日传承了中华文明的祭祀文化,抒发人们礼敬祖的酒水菜肴、鲜花五果、纸钱和香火等。这个节祖先和过往的先人们。墓祭的供品通常包括传统会集结到祖先的坟墓进行清理和墓祭仪式,纪念四日、五日或六日这几天。清明期间,华裔家庭分后的第十五天。清明每年都会落在每年的四月中国传统二十四节气中,第五节气的第一天、春和巴拿马的华人共同庆祝的中国传统节日。它是坡、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、菲律宾、泰国、越南中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾、马来西亚、新加清明节,英文译称先人纪念日或祖先节,是华人公会的会长许锡忠先生二十多年来,在括中华会馆会长陈挺先生和中华会馆历史组名誉组长邝彩玲女士。珀斯议员DavidDwyer也与他的亚裔配偶Ann一同出席当天的活动。仪式由担纲公祭司仪的委员宣布开始,首先让要求代表们相应地向祖先献上香、花、水果和食物。随后是由担任主祭的许锡忠 分。的清明节更为升华成为中华文化的重要组成部清明节纳入国大陆的官方公众假期、这使重孝道史,尽管庆祝活动发生了显着变化。在2008年,跟户外野餐不分轩轾。对于许多不习惯这种传统做法的年轻人来说,这大家在一侧的亭子里分享供品,即席大快朵颐。倍感慰藉、庇佑与会的后辈们好运和昌荣。随后为节点。当天的仪式相当圆满,大家也希望祖先的进行。公祭仪式最后以焚烧纸钱和燃放鞭炮作先生向祖先朗读疏文,向宣告今天清明公祭仪式中国人庆祝清明节已有两千五百多年的历

30 ANCESTORYWAHCHUNG 寻根问祖 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue 文◎Y.S. Yow 饶逸生博士 | 译◎Haiying XIANG 项海颖

Perth 9.40% 5,032

4 James Laurenceson in What now for Australia-China relations? - YouTube

2 Y. S. YOW, “Politics and the WA Chinese community” in “Souvenir Centenary publication” Chung Wah Association, 2011

From a historical perspective, the White Australian Policy effectively put an end to Chinese immigration to our land. Local ethnic Chinese residents accepted the harsh reality that their numbers would decrease over the years; due to death and those who chose to return to China.

| 让我们为和平而努力

In the WA state electorate, eight MLAs would realise that they have around 10% or more ethnic Chinese as voters, with an average of 13.5%. Indeed we average out the top 13 state electorate candidates to face the reality of having a respectable 11% of ethnic Chinese as voters!


South Perth 9.70% 4,209

By 1933 there were only 363 Chinese living in Perth, out of 705 in the whole State. The 1947 census showed the State’s Chinese population had dropped to 3852. The bulk of Chinese migrants came to Western Australia only after 1980.

1 Y. S. YOW, “Galvanising our collective intelligence for the future” in “Souvenir Centenary publication” Chung Wah Association, 2011

Knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or subconsciously the ethnic Chinese community has been dragged into a protracted “war”. This rather ill-defined conflict with unseen enemies, has brought about an indescribable malaise. It relates to the US-China confrontation on the world stage, and it impacts on our acceptance as Australian citizens, due to our race or ancestral heritage.

It is not without basis to predict that Tangney would have an ethnic Chinese MP for the foreseeable future. Indeed the coalition might even field in an ethnic Chinese candidate to improve their chances!

Knowingly or unknowingly the Tangney group developed the zeal and sense of purpose for future candidates. The exercise provided an excellent training platform for potential candidates and their supporters, in areas such as door knocking, distribution of materials, planting of signs, polling booth manning, as well as other areas such as finance and management. This is an area that we will see more action in years to come.

was slowly but surely swinging towards Sam Lim’s Detailedvictory.descriptions of each scenario using “Six Lines divination” 六爻预测 is beyond the scope of this article. To understand divination one needs to have a sound knowledge of the yin-yang and five determinant elements 阴阳 五行 as well as celestial stems and terrestrial branches 天干地支. A basic understanding is described in my article in the last issue of Chung Wah magazine (page 33, issue 51, Autumn 2022).

Jandakot 12.70% 7,283

Victoria Park 7.30% 2702

Balcatta 6.00% 2,732

Churchlands 7.10% 3160

Since Dr. Ching Howe CHAN became the first ethnic Chinese to be elected as a local councillor in the city of Melville in 1996, others have been elected in the cities of Perth and Nedlands.

Henry TSANG was elected to serve as the Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney from 1991 to 1999. A year later Alfred HUANG became the first ethnic Chinese Lord Mayor of an Australian

Thornlie 6.40% 3,103

are that as a block, ethnic Chinese are significant voters in marginal electorates. The top four federal electorate with the highest ethnic Chinese are Tangney 30,263 residents, accounting for 16.50% of the total Swan 15,768 residents, accounting for 8.3% Curtin 11,325 residents, accounting for 6.50% Burt 10,948 residents, accounting for 6.00% The success of Sam LIM MP as our federal member of Tangney is of immense interest to the ethnic Chinese community. True to the spirit enunciated by Sunzi 2,500 years ago, we were fighting vigorously, taking on a seemingly impossible mission. Together with other associations; with support from the Labor and police network, the Tangney support group provided the critical mass for the assault.

Let’s work toward peace

5 iChing 39: Temporary Obstacles (

On the next day the hexagram “breakthrough” 泽天夬 was obtained. The emergence of this scenario was very interesting and significant, as it indicated a possible turning point. Hexagram No 43 states that “In the face of negativity don’t be disheartened. The situation requires us to be relaxed, alert, confident and cautious”.

Looking back, it was a David versus Goliath tussle, as the lead was substantial. Victory was far from certain, right to the last minute. This is evident from results of divination 卜卦, which changed with time. Every time we consult the I-Ching we get an idea of the situation at that time. Of course as time and circumstances evolve over time, the image we get invariably changes. The first consultation days after Mr Sam LIM announced his intention to contest, the message was very clear: he would definitely lose.

On the 15th of May another consultation produced two fresh hexagrams: “joy” 兑为 泽 changing into “constraints” 水泽节. When we applied the six lines 六爻 analysis6 the hexagrams. The new scenario indicated there was a fighting chance, as the strengths of the two parties were comparable 旗鼓相当. The comment was that “if that is the case we should work harder and put in more effort”.

Questions relating to language spoken at home, country of birth of father / mother as well as cultural diversity served to quantify ethnicity as a different entity.

Nedlands 10.70% 4998

The Chung Wah Association was formed in 1910 under desperate circumstances, best described by the Chinese saying “Cry out to the heaven, the heaven does not respond; Plead to the earth, but the earth is ineffective” 叫天天不应,叫地地不灵1

The third level of governance, done through election by voters is the local councils. This is an area that is often taken for granted, though normally ignored.

In Western Australia there are 116,848 who claim Chinese ancestry, accounting for 4.4% of West Australians. In the federal seat of Tangney, for example, there are 30,263 ethnic Chinese, making 16.5% of the residents in the electorate. Though the demographic distribution is not concentrated in any constituency, indications

More forecasts were made, up to the eve of the election. The results indicated the pendulum

By the end of April a new consultation produced the new scenario of “difficulties, obstruction everywhere” (there would be different translations in English) 山水蹇5, hexagram 39, indicating that the feat is not impossible, but he had to tread his way very carefully, as there are potholes and pitfalls surrounding him. In the field, Sam’s poster / lawn signs were removed or defaced, especially in Canning Vale. In sector sectors racism runs deep.

The feeling was that “obviously there are many ups and downs along the journey of uncertainty. Win or lose is a part of every game despite giving the best effort”. After all, the I-Ching is known as the Book of Change, and we expect more changes.

Cannington 13.70% 7,263

3 Census | Australian Bureau of Statistics (

6 The Yijing Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics ( A full description of the approach is beyond the scope of this article.

Since there are 151 members of parliament, with 5.5% ethic Chinese voters we look forward to eventually having no less than eight members in our Australian parliament.

Morley 7.70% 3507

Zi “The Art of War”

As a community, we strive to retain our culture and language. The latest figures show that there are now 1,390,639 ethnic Chinese in the country, accounting for 5.5% of the population. One of the features of this “war” was the Morrison government’s anti-China rhetoric, which invariably offended members of the ethnic Chinese community. It is an undeniable fact that in 2019 60 – 70% voted for the coalition; whereas in the recent election in 2022, 60 - 70% of the same community switched camps and voted for Labor, contributing to Anthony Albanese’s success4

“Wars, events of national importance, arenas of life and death, paths leading to existence or demise, matters that cannot be ignored.” 兵者, 国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也 … Sun

Riverton 23.00% 10,571 Bateman 17.60% 7,797

Today the latest census3 revealed that there are now 25,422,788 Australians. This census included some features which helped to identify ethnicity, distinct from country of origin.

Southern River 11.70% 5,998

远未确定。这从卜卦的结果中可以看出,它随着时量,因为领先优势很大。直到最后一刻,胜利还足够的支持。的支持下,唐尼区的支持者为这次的逆袭提供了成的任务。与其他社区组织一起;在工党和警网子的精神,我们奋勇拼搏,肩负着看似不可能完给华人社区带来了巨大的利益。秉承2500年前孙BurtCurtinSwanTangney比最高的前四个联邦选区是体,华裔是边缘选民中的重要选民。华裔选民占不集中在任何选区,但有迹象表明,作为一个整名华裔,占该选区居民的16.5%。尽管人口分布并西澳人的4.4%。以唐尼联邦选区为例,有30,263待最终在澳大利亚议会中拥有不少于。由于有151为70%的华人转换了阵营并将选票投给了工党,这华人投票支持联盟;而在2022成员。无可否认的事实是,2019年,60%-70%的森政府的反华言论,这无疑地冒犯了华人社区的占总人口的5.5%。这场“战争”的一大特点是莫里语言。最新数据显示,全国现有华裔1390639人,族量化为一个不同的实体。以及文化多样性有关的相关问题,这有助于将种包括询问在家所使用的语言、父母亲的出生国家些有助于识别与原籍国不同的族裔的特征。其中名澳大利亚人。这次人口普查的选项中包括了一1980年之后才来到西澳的。华裔人口已降至385人人在珀斯居住。1947年的人口普查显示,西澳的验了中国那句谚语“叫天天不应,叫地地不灵加,当地华裔人数逐年减少。了残酷的现实:因为死亡以及选择回国的人数增了来到这片土地的中国移民。当地华裔居民接受我们作为澳大利亚公民的接受度也受到了影响。舞台上的美中对抗有关。因为我们的族裔或祖籍,清不楚的冲突带来了难以形容的不安。这与世界了一场旷日持久的“战争”。这种与不可见的敌人不不察也……”兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可孙子《孙子兵法》不知不觉间,有意无意中,华裔社会被卷入从历史的角度来看,白澳政策有效地终结中华会馆于1910年在危急情况下成立,正应7”。截至1933年,全州705华裔人口中,只有3638。大部分华裔移民是在最新的人口普查9显示,现在有25,422,788作为一个社区,我们竭力保留我们的文化和年选举中,60%-AnthonyAlbanese的成功获选做出了贡献10名议员,有5.5%的华裔选民,我们期8名议员。在西澳,有116,848人声称拥有华裔血统,占唐尼30,263居民,占总选民的16.5%斯旺15,768居民,占总选民的8.3%科廷11,325居民,占总选民的6.5%伯特10,948居民,占总选民的6%林文清作为唐尼区联邦议会成员的成功是回顾过去,这是一场好比大卫与歌利亚的较 背景!人所面临的现实是,有很可观的11%选民有华裔事实上,在平均排名前13位的州议会选区的候选有大约10%或更多的华裔选民,平均数为13.5%。多行动的领域。等其他领域。这是一个我们将在未来几年看到更料、设置标牌、投票站人员配备以及财务和管理供了一个很好的培训平台,包括上面拜访、分发材蓄了力量。此次操练为潜在候选人及其支持者提人来扩大他们的赢面!并非没有依据。事实上,联盟应该委派华裔候选33一期《中华》杂志(2022干地支有一定的了解。基本的认识可参考我在上文的范围。要了解占卜,需要对阴阳五行,以及天文清。的结果显示,胜利的钟摆正缓慢但坚定地倾向林更多的变化。称为‘天地世间万象变化的古老经典’,我们也期待付出了最大的努力,但输赢是常事”。毕竟,易经被是“在不确定的旅程中显然有很多起起落落。尽管势要求我们保持放松、警觉、自信和谨慎”。感觉折点。第43卦指出:“面对消极情绪,不要灰心。形常有趣且意义重大,因为它预示了一个可能的转加努力并付出更多努力”。实力旗鼓相当。批语是“如果是这样,我们应该更时。新的卦象预示着有交手的机会,因为双方的变”正变成“水泽节”。当我们应用六爻分析可见该区的种族主义根深蒂固。坪标志被移除或污损,尤其是在坎宁维尔。于此周围布满了荆棘。在选战期间,林文清的海报、草能,但必须非常小心地走出自己的一条路,因为象,即:山水蹇获得的信息非常明确:他肯定会输。先生宣布参选后的第一次民意调查中,当时我们的演变,我们得到的卦象也会随之而变。林文清对当时的情况有所了解。当然,随着时间和处境间的推移而变化。每次查阅《易经》时,我们都会4月底,新的民意出现了“处处为难”的新卦11,卦39,表明熊心壮志并非不可5月15日的卜卦出现了两个新卦相:“兑为泽12卦象次日得到了“泽天夬”卦。这种情况的出现非直至选举前夕,更多的预测开始浮现。所有使用“六爻预测”详细描述每个情节超出了本年秋季版,第51期,第页)的撰文。预测唐尼在可预见的未来会成为华裔议员唐尼团队在有意无意中为未来的候选人积在西澳的选区的八位州议员会意识到他们 州选区 Riverton 23.00% 10,571 Bateman 17.60% 7,797 Cannington 13.70% 7,263 Jandakot 12.70% 7,283 Southern River 11.70% 5,998

This is a contentious and interesting arena. Ideally local councillors and mayors should not carry any political brand. Generally rate payers feel that local governments should not be politically aligned. As such councillors and mayors are known as residents in the neighbourhood or suburbs. When the culture is slowly but surely intoxicated by politics, many councillors might be perceived as subservient

祝好运!力,同时做好备战准备,预选择。让我们为和平而努有其他努力耗尽时的最后战争。事实上,战争是当所教诲的人会知道他并不鼓励11华裔选民,平均为市议员清楚地意识到他们有大约在我们的地方议会中、有6名市长及他们的1,82410%或更多的12.7%。事实上,我们在排名前的地方议会中平均也有11%的华裔选民!追崇伟大的军事家孙子的 The opinion is views expressed by author are their own and do not necessarily express the Chung Wah Association’s viewpoints or position. The Chung Wah Association does not accept responsibility for views expressed in articles or other contributions that appear on its pages. 作者言论不代表中华会馆立场,会馆无需承担作者言论导致的法律责任

In our local councils, six mayors and their councillors would realise that they have around 10% or more ethnic Chinese as voters, with an average of 12.7%. Indeed when we average out the top 11 local councils, there was also a respectable 11% of ethnic Chinese as voters!

People who understand the teachings of our great military strategist, Sun Zi would realise that he did not advocate war. Indeed war, which was the last option, was resorted to when all other efforts failed. Let us work toward peace, while we are prepared for war, good luck!

7 YS YOW, “为未来激发我们的集体智慧” ,2011 年中华协会“百年纪念刊物” 8 YS YOW, “政治与西澳华人社区” ,2011 年 9 人口普查 |澳大利亚统计局 ( 10 James Laurenceson 在 澳大利亚与中国的关系现在如何? - YouTube 11 iChing 39:暂时的障碍( 12 易经伦理与中国特色资本主义精神(。该方法的完整描述超出了本文的范围。

Nedlands 10.70% 4998 South Perth 9.70% 4,209 Perth 9.40% 5,032

Canning 18.50% 17,759 Perth 14.90% 4,227 Melville 12.10% 12,544 Nedlands 11.40% 2,515 South Perth 9.70% 4,224 Gosnells 9.30% 11,694 Belmont 8.10% 3,428 Victoria Park 7.30% 2,702 Subiaco 7.00% 1,212 Claremont 6.40% 719

Victoria Park 7.30% 2702

Canning 18.50% 17,759 Perth 14.90% 4,227 Melville 12.10% 12,544 Nedlands 11.40% 2,515 South Perth 9.70% 4,224 Gosnells 9.30% 11694 Belmont 8.10% 3,428 Vic Park 7.30% 2,702 Subiaco 7.00% 1,212 Claremont 6.40% 719 Cambridge 6.30%

Local Council

servants of

31 寻根问祖 ANCESTORYWAHCHUNG 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版

Cambridge 6.30% 1,824

capital city (Adelaide), with a resounding 58% of primary vote. John SO served as the Lord Mayor of Melbourne from 2001 to 2008. In Western Australia, Paul NG became the first ethnic Chinese to be elected as the Mayor of the City of Canning.

Morley 7.70% 3507

Churchlands 7.10% 3160 Thornlie 6.40 % 3,103 Balcatta 6.00% 能会被视为政治大佬们的追随者。政慢慢被政治风向所影响的时候,许多市议员可治挂钩。因此,议员和市长都是当地的居民。当市为一般来说,纳税人都认为地方政府不应该跟政下,地方议员和市长不应带有任何政治风向。因当选为Canning市府市长的华裔。Melbourne市府的市长。在西澳,吴志雄是首位数选票。苏震西博士也在2001-2008年间担任了德雷德的首位华裔市长,获得了高达58%的多府的副市长。隔年黄向墨成为澳洲首要城市阿Perth和Nedland的地方议会里。位华裔地方议员,随后有更多的华裔代表被选入域,尽管通常被忽略。方议会。这是一个通常被认为是理所当然的领通过选民选举完成的第三级治理政府是地2,732陈清豪医生在1996年在Melbille市府成为首曾筱龙在1991-1999年间当选为Sydney市这是一个有争议且有趣的选战。在理想情况 当地市府

political masters

Genetics can certainly be a major determinant of your weight and body shape. However, there are external factors that you can manage to minimise your risk of being overweight. Things you can do to improve this is to check your diet, assess your exercise calorie output, have a regular medical checkup and book in for a consultation with a dietician for diet assessment and advice. This will all help to minimise your risk of being overweight or developing diabetes.


I have survived the COVID-19 omicron infection recently, and I was asymptomatic. I am fully vaccinated with Pfizer with a booster shot too. Although I feel fine after the quarantine period, I am worried about the long term effects on my health, postinfection. Does Dr Mira have any words of advice for me?


Dr Mira graduated from Melbourne University Medical School in 2006. Dr Mira is very passionate about her work in general practice as well as cosmetic medicine. She is fluent in both English and Mandarin, and has many years of experience caring for communities with different cultural and social diversity, and she enjoys interacting and helping patients of all backgrounds and ages.

Infertility can be caused by multiple reasons. It ranges from psychological, physiological and medical issues. Being very stressed can reduce the chances of becoming pregnant. Hormonal imbalances from mood, diet changes, weight changes and medication changes can contribute to difficulty in conceiving. Therefore, if you find yourself having trouble getting pregnant, it is important to minimise stress from any aspects of your life and undergo a full medical assessment with your doctor. If you still have trouble conceiving after six months of trying, then it is time to consider visiting a assessmentspecialist,fertilityforfurtherforbothyou and your partner.

Being a vegetarian can potentially lead to malnutrition. Therefore it may be one of the many factors that have caused your anaemia. If you still would like to be a vegetarian, it is important to consult a dietician who can advise you where your diet can be improved.

I have been a vegetarian since my thirties, but due to my recent diagnosis of anaemia, my family would like me to return to a normal diet. Is there any way that I can convince them the two issues aren’t related, and any suggestion to improve my health dietwise? (48-year-old female teacher.)


32 GPTHEASK 寻医问药 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue Ask the GP

My husband was a basketballer with quite a good height, but my son who is in his teens doesn’t seem to be growing much in terms of height. I am 160cm tall and my husband is 187cm, my son is only 162cm at the age of 15.


During any child’s puberty, any sport will improve their fitness and potentially enhance their growth in height and muscle build up. Everyone has a different growth spurt and therefore it is best to focus on balanced meals, study and exercise rather than focus on height. This is because growth is very difficult to predict.



I am a female in my late twenties who is ready for a baby with my partner. Apart from timing, as we are both busy with our careers, we have not been successful in conceiving. My mum blames my habit of having too many cold drinks, which results in an imbalance of hormones within my body to discourage conception. Is this a myth about cold drinks, or is it more about managing my stress levels from my career development?

Having three COVID vaccinations will certainly minimise your risk of having complications if you were to be exposed to COVID. However, it depends on the strand and the strength of the COVID infection you have been exposed to. Although you felt fine this time, it is hard to predict that the next time will still be the same. Therefore, it is important to ensure you maintain your health and immune system the best you can. Try to avoid crowded areas, consider wearing a mask in high risk exposure places and wash your hands frequently to reduce infection risks. These will all help to minimise your risks for catching COVID again.

Weight has always been a personal issue since I was young, and it’s been a lifelong fight for me to lose weight. Some people suggest that I can’t beat the fat gene that runs in the family. Is it true that there’s such a thing? Both my parents were obese and diabetic, and I really don’t want to become like them. (24-year-old female, current weight 75kgs.)

33 寻医问药 GPTHEASK 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊秋季版 患者进行互动,给他们提供帮助。她能说流利的英语和普通话,并拥有多年参与各个多元文化社区的医护经验,并且享受与不同类型和年龄段的Mira医生于2006年毕业于墨尔本大学医学系。Mira医生对她的全科医学以及美容医学工作充满热情。 寻医问药 If you would like Dr Mira to answer your medical question, email it to before 11 August 2022年8月11日之前把问题发至本刊编辑部电邮如果您想请Mira医生解答您的医疗问题,可以在 1的?发展的压⼒所造成怀孕吗?还是我觉得来⾃事业备孕。冷冻饮料会真的让惯、让⾝体荷尔蒙失调因⽽⽆法妈却责怪与我喜欢喝冷饮的习步期⽽⼀直没法怀上孩⼦,但我要孩⼦。虽然我忙于于创业的起性、并正与我的先⽣在准备我是⼀名20出头的事业女人⽆法 討論試管嬰兒的可能性。仍然無法⽣育,那麼這是時候考慮到IVF診所全⾯醫療評估。如果您嘗試⼼情,減少⽣活各種壓⼒,並與您的醫⽣進⾏現⾃⼰懷孕不順,您要學習放鬆致很難受孕。因此,如果您發⽤,都會影響荷爾蒙失衡導化、體重變化和新藥物使⼤,情緒起伏不定、飲食變體變化影響⽣育。壓⼒過因範圍從⼼理、⽣理到⾝種原因引起。它的影響原不孕症可能由很多餓了六個⽉後還 2 162公分公分⾼,但我15岁的⼉⼦只有我的⾼度为160、我的先⽣187发育期间的孩⼦似乎不⻓个⼦。位蛮⾼挑的篮球运动员,但是我的孩⼦⻓⾼?我的先⽣是篮球是否真的能让发育中 因為⾝⾼不是我們能掌控的。飲食、學習和鍛煉,⽽不是專注於⾝⾼。這是⾼。因此最好就說把專注⼒放在注重均衡的長突增,但這是很難預測什麼時候會突然長們的⾝⾼和肌⾁增長。每個⼈都有不同的成善他們的健康狀況,並有可能因此⽽促進他在孩⼦的青春期階段,任何運動都會改 的吗?我的⽗⺟都是过重者,⽽且都患有糖尿病,与肥胖抗战是我⽣活中都⼀直⾯对的。但是却说我不能避免遗传性肥胖,这个是真我真的不想步上他们的后尘。(24岁女孩、现体重为75公⽄) 定因素。但是,您可以改善外來因素⽽減少發胖的風基因遺傳當然是您體重和體型的其中⼀個主要決險。您可以做的事情是評估您的飲食攝取量,評估您的運動卡路⾥,進⾏定期體檢,並諮詢營養師去評估和給予意⾒。這些都將有助於降低改善您發胖或患糖尿病的風險。 3 的吗?(48岁女教师)我的餐饮习惯上有什么要注意素食毫⽆关系,也想请问医⽣在我应该怎么跟他们解释贫⾎与改变饮食习惯退出素食者⾏列。了贫⾎症,因⽽我的家食者,但是最近我被诊断出我在我三⼗岁后就成为素人希望我 了解您的飲食在哪些⽅⾯可以進⼀步改善。為素食者,請務必諮詢營養師並提供建議,以導致您貧⾎的眾多因素之⼀。如果您仍然想成吃素容易造成營養不良。因此,它可能是 5 健康受创。请问Mira医⽣有什么建⾔吗?是我担⼼我虽然康复了但新冠的后遗症会让我的瑞疫苗的接种,⽽且感染期间我完全没有症状,但我隔离与康复的过程。我已经接受了三针辉我经历过了新冠奥米克隆的感染,并完成了⾃ 如果您已經接種三次 Covid 感染⼝疫系統。您要盡量避開⼈群密集場所,考慮在⾼風險新股感染場所戴上響。因此,如果你擔⼼新冠不想被感染上,您盡可能保持健康和提⾼免種和量有關係。儘管這⼀次你恢復的很好,很難預測下⼀次它對你的影導致的嚴重併發症風險。得到新冠感染的嚴重程度跟您得到的Covid株疫苗,這會幫您降低因爲新冠感染⽽罩。可慮勤勞洗⼿,去降低感染風險。這些都將有助於將您降低再次Covid的風險到最低。

Lulu Chen, Year 4 Grace Ouyang, Year 4

Chung Wah Bilingual

Our Dragon Boat Festival celebration has gone a little different this year. Students from years 9 to demonstrated the skills and knowledge they’ve learnt in previous years by showing juniors to wrap rice dumplings. are glad to see the traditions have been passed down to the younger generation.

Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中华摩利中文学校 图/文◎中华摩利中文学校



Lulu Chen, Year 5



Sarina Moss, Pre-primary 1 Sarina Moss, Year 2

Lulu Chen, Year 4

Grace Ouyang, Year 3 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley | 译◎卡尔 Carl ONG

中华摩利中文学校庆祝端午节 习俗。低年级的同学示范了裹粽子,传承中华传统文化年级的学生利用他们以往所学的知识和技巧,为我们学校今年迎来了不一样的端午节。高

Magazine Winter Issue

Dragon Boat Festival celebration at Chung Wah Chinese School Morley


Vanessa Fung, Year 3

35 校园天地 YARDSCHOOL 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 图/文◎中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese Schools Rossmoyne | 译◎卡尔 Carl ONG

中华乐思中文学校小学部中文朗读活动成功举办 提升语言表达能力和自信心。搭建一个展示的平台,同时通过诵读活动让孩子们体会中文之美,并活现。文,有的讲故事,虽然没有观众,但孩子们仍然表演得声情并茂,活灵个年级共有十五名同学参加了比赛。同学们有的朗读古诗,有的朗读课课,原定在学校礼堂举办的的诵读比赛最终改为视频进行。小学部五很多班级都在教学中组织进行了朗读活动。由于学校在学段中转为网今年第一学段,中华乐思中文学校小学部举办了中文朗读活动,学校希望这次中文朗诵活动和诵读比赛能够为喜爱朗诵的同学们 Discover Hillview Intercultural Community Centre Build new connections, participate in intercultural experiences and learn more about the range of programs and events

In term one, Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne held a Chinese Speaking Recital. This event is normally held at school, but with the start of online teaching due to COVID, it was also held virtually. There were about fifteen students participating from the primary school section, who recited classical Chinese poems, textbook articles and told stories. Despite the absence of an audience, the students spoke with enthusiasm. Chung Wah Chinese School hopes that through this event, students can better appreciate the beauty of the Chinese language, enabling them to be more capable of expressing themselves and building their confidence.

Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Recital

Water dough

• 100g water

8. Take one portion of taro filling and lightly press with your thumb to form a small bowl-like shape, place one pumpkin ball in it and wrap it up to form a larger ball. Repeat the steps for all the fillings. Refrigerate for 20 minutes before use.

• few drops of lime/lemon juice

• one medium sized purple yam/sweet potato (80g)

9. To make the water dough, combine the all purpose flour, lard, sugar and water to form a soft dough. Let it rest for 15 minutes before kneading again to form a smooth dough. Rest the dough for 15 more minutes before dividing it into 8 equal parts, 62g each.

11. Take one portion of the water dough and with the help of a rolling pin, roll it out to form a disc around four inches in diameter. Place one portion of the oil dough in it and wrap it up, pinch to seal the edges and roll it into a larger ball. Repeat the steps for all the dough. Let the dough rest for 15 minutes.

Note: Allow the pastry to cool before placing into a container. This mooncake is best consumed within 24 hours while the crust is still crispy.

文/图/译◎盈盈小筑 Echo’s Kitchen(原作者授权转载)

• 50g sugar

• 90g homemade lard

Teochew Mooncake with Yam and Pumpkin

Oil dough

Ingredients (Makes 16 mooncakes)

• 700g Kabocha pumpkin (Seeds removed)

13. Take one roll with the end side facing up, roll into long thin strips with the help of a rolling pin. Roll it up again like a Swiss roll to form a shorter but thicker cylinder. Repeat the steps for all the rolls.

3. Place the mixture in a cooking pan and cook at medium heat, stirring continuously to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pan. Cook until the mixture forms a soft dough. Let cool and divide the paste into 16 equal parts, around 40 g each.

1. Cut taro/yam into pieces and steam it with the purple yam for 45-60 minutes or until soft. Peel the purple yam and place the cooked yams in a stand mixer or food processor.

12. Take one portion of the dough, with the sealed side facing up and roll it into an oval shape using a rolling pin. Roll it up tightly like a Swiss roll to form a cylinder. Turn the roll 90 degrees with the end facing up. Repeat these steps for all the dough portions and let the rolls rest for another 15 minutes.

10. To make the oil dough, combine the cake flour and lard by slowly kneading with your hands to form a dough. Divide the dough into 8 equal parts, 38g each.

14. Cut the roll into half using a sharp knife, with the incision part facing down. Flatten the half dough to form a round disc, place a taro pumpkin ball on it and wrap it up, pinch to seal and make into a round ball. Repeat the steps for all the remaining ingredients. Let the pastry rest for 10 minutes.

• 30g homemade lard

4. Cut the pumpkin into pieces and steam for 45-60 minutes until soft, scrape out the tender flesh using a metal spoon, discard the skin.


Pumpkin Filling

5. Place the cooked pumpkin, sugar, lard and 2 tbsp of all purpose flour in a bread machine and run the ‘Jam’ function for a full cycle. You can also do this by mashing and cooking the paste on the stove top. I let my bread machine take care of the pumpkin while I work on the taro.

2. Mash the yams into a paste using a stand mixer or food processor, add sugar and lard and continue to mash until the mixture is smooth.

6. Take the pumpkin paste out once the ‘Jam’ cycle is done and the paste has turned into a soft dough. If iteh paste is still runny, run the cycle one more time until the desired consistency is reached.

15. Heat up five inches of oil in a deep fryer. With the help of a strainer/stainless steel slotted spoon, place the pastry in the oil and fry on medium heat until golden brown in color. For best results, fry the pastries one at a time.

• 500g peeled taro/yam

• 210g cake flour

• 90g homemade lard

7. Let the pumpkin paste cool and divide into 16 equal parts, around 18-20 g each. Roll each portion into a small ball and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

• 180g sugar

• 15g/2 tbsp all purpose flour

With the autumnyearcorner,festivalMid-autumnjustaroundtheit’sthetimeoftheagaintoenjoythemid-delicacy,Mooncake.

• 260g all purpose flour

Yam/Taro Filling

• 90g homemade lard

I made the cute piggy mooncake using the Cantonese mooncake recipe before. This year I decided to try something different and go all the way traditional to make this very old fashioned Teochew “Orh-Nee” WithMooncake.pumpkin in season, I even substituted the egg yolk with pumpkin paste filling, which to my great surprise, turned out to be super tasty and looked almost identical to egg yolk! A delightful surprise indeed!

• 50g fine sugar

36 MEMORIESOFTASTEA 盈盈小筑 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

7. 分钟。18-20克,搓成丸子。入冰箱冷藏室冷藏20做好的馅冷却后分成16等份,每份大约 8. 骤把所有馅料处理好。南瓜丸,捏起成球状就是内馅了。重复此步取一份芋头馅用拇指压成窝窝状,塞入一只 9. 克。团稍微饧面后即可分割成8个等份,每份62个软面团,饧面15分钟后揉成一个光滑的面把中筋面粉、猪油、糖和水和在一起成一 10. 团。分成8个等份,每份38克。把猪油和低筋面粉用手指头慢慢捏成一个面 11. 好。松弛15分钟。起搓成球状。重复把所有的水皮和油酥包取一份水皮擀开,取一份油酥摆在中间,包 12. 好。盖上盖子,松弛15分钟。往上卷起成圆柱状。重复把所有面团都处理取一份面团,封口朝上擀开成牛舌状。由下 13. 条状,卷起。依次把所有面团处理好。取一份松弛好的小面团打直,再次擀开成长 14. 松弛10分钟。包起收口。把所有的面团和馅料依次包好。面杖擀圆。取一只南瓜芋泥球摆中间,面皮开一分为二。切口向下,用手掌压扁后用擀取一只松弛好的面团,用锋利的刀从中间切 15. 了效果怕要不好。色即可。这款月饼最好一只一只分开炸,多把月饼摆在上头,入油锅中火炸酥,成金黄一口小锅里热上5寸左右的油,取一个漏勺 注: 以入烤箱稍微烤制一下即可恢复酥脆。密封,最好是1-2天内吃完,如果有回潮现象可炸好沥干油的月饼要冷却后才装到盒子里 后,因为家门前的Costco开始卖台湾产的广式月饼,就一直没有再开工做月饼。中秋节快到了,又到了社交媒体满屏都是月饼的时候。我前几年做了一次小猪猪月饼 潮州芋头南瓜月饼

着实苦干她以兼顾事业与家庭,并以培养宝贝独子为大。西亚华裔,透过博客以英中双语记录了异乡游子所思念的家乡味。脚踏实地、盈盈小筑--素人厨师的柴米油盐,博主林心仁是一位从事自由职业的旅美马来 朋友误因为是咸蛋黄呢!很惊艳,除了特别美味之外。南瓜馅还被好多当季,就做了南瓜芋泥的双色馅,出来的效果比较不经放,因此市面上是越来越难买到了。传统的潮州月饼。这款月饼因为工序复杂,也今年我想做点不同的月饼,就选择了这款我不是很喜欢月饼里的咸蛋黄,最近南瓜 材料:(可做 16 只月饼) 芋泥馅: • 500 克 去皮芋头 • 80 克/1 小 只 紫薯 • 180 克 糖 • 90 克 猪油 • 几滴 青柠或柠檬汁 南瓜馅: • 700 克 带皮日本南瓜(去种子) • 50 克 糖 • 30 克 猪油 • 15 克/2 大勺 中筋面粉 水皮: • 260 克 中筋面粉 • 50 克 幼糖 • 90 克 猪油 • 100 克 水 油酥: • 210 克 低筋面粉 • 90 克 猪油 制作步骤: 1. 拌机里。软。紫薯去皮后和芋头一起摆到厨师机/搅把芋头切块和紫薯一起蒸45-60分钟或至 2. 匀。把芋头和紫薯压/拌成泥,加入猪油和糖拌加几滴柠檬/青柠汁后,用厨师机/搅拌机 3. 克。团。冷却后分成16个等份,每个差不多把拌好的芋泥倒入锅里,中火不断翻炒至成40 4. 把瓜肉挖出,皮丢弃不用。把南瓜切大块入锅蒸软,大约45-60分钟。 5. 馅,所以南瓜就交给面包机去负责了。芋头馅一样。我因为一边已经在炒制芋头你也可以在炉头上炒制这个南瓜馅,做法和起摆到面包机里,启动果酱程序开始炒制。把南瓜肉、糖、猪油和两大勺的中筋面粉一 6.

Echo’s Kitchen--a journal of an amateur chef, blogger SinJin LIM is a freelancer of Malaysian Chinese living in the United States. She tirelessly records the recipes of taste of hometown she missed, bilingually in her blog. She is a down-to-earth mum, a wife that works wonders in cultivating their only child. 的不成形,可以再走一遍果酱程序。团,就取出冷却即可。如果南瓜馅还是稀稀果酱程序完成后,如果南瓜馅已经可以成

37 盈盈小筑 MEMORIESOFTASTEA 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊秋季版

We invited our lovely senior consumers and volunteers to demonstrate wrapping rice dumplings (Zongzi) techniques. Zongzi is made of sticky rice filled with meat, beans, and other delicious fillings. They are usually wrapped in different shapes in bamboo leaves and tied with string. The flavours and shapes of Zongzi are different across Asia. People in Beijing like their rice dumplings in a triangular or rectangular shape. Guangdong people like their dumplings similar to a pyramid shape and Shanghainese like a rectangular shape. Vietnamese rice dumplings are round and square, symbolising earth and the sky. The Nanjing rice dumplings are the most versatile as they come in all sorts of shapes.

After some mouthwatering rice dumplings, the Evergreen College designed a brain-stimulating game for senior consumers. First, they participated in rounds of quick questions, including the meaning of Tuen Ng (Duan Wu) and the purpose of rice dumplings. Tuen or Duan (端) means ‘start’, while Ng or Wu (午) means ‘noon’, but also ‘the fifth lunar month’ in the traditional Chinese calendar, so it means the beginning of Whatmid-summer.doyouthink

38 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Winter Issue CARECOMMUNITY 松柏长青 文/译◎Chung Wah Community Care 中华社区服务

Dragon Boat Festival 2022

are the purpose and uses of rice dumplings? Some senior consumers answered that question quickly. While some said it is to ‘worship ancestors!’, others said that rice dumplings are to ‘fill up our stomach.’ Interestingly, Zongzi are used to worship the god of dragons and Qu Yuan. Hands were clapping, and we could almost make out everyone’s smiles through their masks. At the end, everyone received a full-size rice Celebration,dumpling.atitscore,

is all about sharing joyous moments together and giving seniors a chance to bond and experience new things in life. In addition, a cultural celebration such as the Dragon Boat Festival can strengthen social adhesion and enhance social connectedness. All of these reflect the unique activities that Evergreen College has put together for seniors to create and enjoy their golden era.

To celebrate the festival, the main activities are dragon boat races and eating rice dumplings. There is an old saying: ‘Drinking regular wine drives diseases and evil away!’ Some people in China still carry on the tradition of drinking wine, and hanging mugwort and calamus during the Dragon Boat Festival.

The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the top three traditional Chinese festivals. Chung Wah Community Care invited senior consumers to the Balcatta and Willetton Hub for the celebration, and everyone had a fantastic time.

39 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊冬季版 松柏长青 CARECOMMUNITY粽叶飘香端阳临 「粽叶飘香端阳临,龙舟竞渡鼓声频」 各地不同粽子的知识。在中国,不同地区的粽子形状五花八门。酒等等。社区中心特别邀请长者客户和义工们示范裹粽子的技巧。他们也分享国部份地区还传承着一些趋吉避凶的其他习俗,比如佩香囊、挂艾叶、饮雄黄参加,中心里座无虚席。赛龙舟和品尝粽子是庆祝端午节的传统活动。当然,中巴卡达和威乐顿社区中心分别举办庆祝活动,与长者们欢渡佳节。长者们踴跃中华社区服务(中华CC)为庆祝中国三大传统节日之一的端午节,上周在 烈地讨论着粽子的历史。长者们信心满满地继脏庙(填饱肚子)」。这答案也不差。长者们热答案。也有务实,来自广东的长者回答:「祭五比祭屈原早很多很多年。但祭屈原也是正确的子用来祭祖先、神灵和祭吴人伍子胥,时间上者们争着抢答:「祭楚人屈原!」。有趣的是粽的意思是「五月初五」。「粽子有何用途?」长「五月」。加上古字中「午」和「五」相通,端午初」的意思,而在农历地支纪月中,「午月」即是谓端午?」长者们努力地思考。原来「端」是「以端午节为主题的「快问快答」有奖游戏。「何学院」不忘让长者们动动脑筋,跟他们来一回意义。在长者们享用过丰盛的午餐后,「长青日中不忘接触新的事物,让生活更精彩,更有形状,千奇百怪,让长者们眼界大开。他们在节形粽子代表地。天地合一,大吉大利。粽子的圆形和方形。越南人认为圆形粽子代表天,方粽、斧头粽、圆筒粽和秤砣粽。越南的粽子呈最多,形状丰富:小脚粽、枕头粽、三角粽、四角上海的粽子呈正方形和五角形。南京粽子花式广东粽子形状为金字塔形,条形和三角锥形。北京粽子个头大,为斜四角形和三角形。 更多资讯。可以拨打我们的咨询电话账号:注CAC务部的活动和服务,欢迎您扫描二维码关如果您想了解更多关于中华社区服微信公众号,或关注我们FacebookChungWahCommunityCare,您也93283988了解 If you would like to know more about Chung Wah Community Care, please scan the QR code to subscribe to our WeChat account. You can also follow our Facebook page Chung Wah Community Care. Furthermore, you can dial our number 93283988 to seek more information. 电话 Tel: 9328 3988 电子邮件 Email: 地址 Address: 2/98 Lake Street. Northbridge. 主页 Facebook: Chung Wah Community 微信 WeChat: 请扫描二维码以关注我们的微信公众号ChungWahCAC华人服务在珀斯 Please scan the following QR code to follow our WeChat Subscription Account Do not hesitate to contact us at 9328 3988 or email us today at Let’s start this wonderful journey to make the world a better place! 如果你愿意一起共创这个美好的社区,迎致电9328 3988查询或电邮联络 续抢答,赢得奖品的客户欢欣鼓舞。最后,大会更进行抽奖活动,把活动气氛带上高潮。中华CC中心人员在活动结束前,向每一位来宾送上一颗饱满丰硕的粽子。长者们乐极忘返,尽兴而归。中华CC社区中心每日的活动,其实是由「长青学院」的不同项目组成。长者们每天参与中心的活动,他们并非期望享受体贴的服务。长者们希望透过自选的「长青学院」项目,在中华CC专业员工带领和辅助下,增强他们的自理能力,促进身心健康,然而达到有意义生活的目标。「长青学院」也提供一个完美的社交平台,让长者们广交来自不同年龄层,语言和文化背景的新朋友。在互相的鼓励下,一起享受大家的「黄金岁月」。

Jen Nie CHONG 9328 Cantonese Opera 粤剧社 Wednesday 周三 12:00pm2:00pm Each class 每堂课 $1 for members 会员 $2 for non-members 非会员

WONG 0401 042 Women’ Subcommittees 中华妇女联谊活动 Saturday 周六 11:00am1:30pm Please contact the Coordinator for more information. 或中华会馆请联系活动负责人 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572 Tai Chi class 中华太极班 Saturday 周六 9:30am 10:30amChoir 中华合唱团 Sunday 周日 2:30pm4:30pm Salvation Army 救世军总部 333 NorthbridgeStreet,William Trinh QUACH 0423 587 653 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572 Line Dancing 排排舞 Saturday 周六 -1:00pm11:00am Chung CulturalWahCentre 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Doreen 周日 (advance)-12:00pm10:00am New DanceVogue 中华新时尚交际舞 Sunday 周日 1:30pm3:30pm Leonard KHO 0411 745 285 Dong NHAN 0403 509 052 Table Tennis 中华乒乓球俱乐部 Sunday 周日 -7:00pm3.30pm $5 for members 会员 $7 for non-members 非会员 Kemei SHAO 0434 148 590 Maya 0425 425 898 40 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Autumn Issue

Teresa TAN 0413 568

ACTIVITIESREGULAR 中华活动 Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动 Activities 活动 Day 日期 Time 时间 Location 地点 Fee 收费 Contact 联系人 CulturalChinese Dance 中华舞蹈 Saturday 周六 2:00pm4:00pm Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 128 James NorthbridgeStreet, Each class 每堂课 $15 for members 会员 $18 for non-members 非会员

Annie OrchestraChinese 中华华乐团 Sunday 周日 11:00am2:00pm Dragon and Lion Dance 中华龙狮团 Sunday 周日 2:30pm4:30pm Please contact the Coordinator for more information. 或中华会馆请联系活动负责人


Aaron LOONG 0434 665

中华服务CHUNGWAHSERVICESChung Wah Services 中华服务 Activities 活动 Day 日期 Time 时间 Location 地点 Fee 收费 Contact 联系人 Day RespiteLongCare 中华日间暂息中心 Monday to Friday 周一至周五 9:00am6:00pm Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, WillettonBalcatta Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Boulevard,BurrendahWilletton moreCareWahcontactapplies,eligibilityGovernmentcriteriapleaseChungCommunitystafffordetails 部以了解更多详情中华社区与长者服务府部门评估,请联系此类服务都须经由政 Please contact Chung Wah Community Care Coordinator for more information. Phone了解更多详情。请向中华社区服务部电话: 08 9328 3988 Email 电子邮箱 : Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动 Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五 9:00am2:00pm Home ServicesHelp 中华家居护理服务 Various 商议待定 Phone 电话:08 9328 3988SchemeInsuranceDisabilityNational(NDIS) 国家残障保险计划 EnglishMigrantClass 英文学习班 Mon, (schoolThursdayTues,terms) (开学期间)周一,二,四 Various Phone商议待定电话: 08 9328 3988 Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, WillettonBalcatta Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Boulevard,BurrendahWilletton Tai Chi Class 太极班 (Willetton)&Thursday(Balcatta)WednesdayFriday 周三 周四、五(巴卡达)(威乐顿) Various Phone商议待定电话: 08 9328 3988 Community Talks 社区讲座 Monthly 每月一次 Monthly 每月 一次 Free 免费 Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务 Appointment Required 提早预约 41 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊秋季版

Expand your business by offering a special discount ranging from �% to ��% or any other privileged offer to Chung Wah members. 向中华会馆会员拓展您的商务,只须提供特别优惠给我们的会员。比如介于�% 至��% 的商品或服务折扣,或其他类似优惠。 Free to Join No ongoing costs or fees 免费加盟 无须缴付任何会费或成本费 Aus World Travel ��� James Street, Northbridge ��� Collins Road, Willetton �� Hulme Court, Myaree discount Perth Local Coach Tours Chung Wah Members ��% discount Perth Local Coach Tours Chung Wah Staffs Stanbond Security Unit � / � Iron Street, Malaga WA ���� Mob: ���� ��� ��� Email: ��% Off all quotes Lex BarristersLegal&Solicitors, Notary Public T: ��) ���� ���� W:�,���AdelaideTerrace, Perth initial legalandconsultationDiscountforallpropertybusinesssettlement Isabel FamilyCHANPhoto Specialist Mob: ���� ��� ��� Email: ��% Off (Not for discounted packages, T&C applies) Roast Duck House 德兴烧鸭店 ��� William Street, Perth. ��� Albany Hwy East, Victoria Park �% Discount on dine-in only Hong Lin 康年饭店 Chinese Restaurant and Take Away Food Unit � / ��� Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill Tel: �������� | Open � Days | Lunch: Wed - Fri ��:�� AM - �:�� PM | Dinner: Mon - Sun �:�� PM - �:�� PM ��Off% ChineseNorthbridgeRestaurant �� Roe NorthbridgeStreet, Free tea at Dim LunchSumandDinner By European Hotel �� Murray Street, Perth ��% Discount on food (when you dine in at our restaurant) Honey In the Garden Shop ��% Discount for overpurchases $���.�� Northbridge ��� James NorthbridgeStreet, ��%Off Chinese Restaurant �� - �� Bennett Street, East Perth ��Off% Hongkong Dim Sum Shop �, Old Shangai Food Court, ��� James Street, Northbridge �%Off MigrationAzurra ���������� �%Off BUPA work cover insurance Bunga Raya Satay Food truck trade at various Market Places $� Discount for transaction of above $��.�� Imperial Finance, Linda LAI Mob: ���� ��� ��� Email: minutes��-��Free consultation CKG Barristerlegal& Solicitor AALA Inaugural Young Lawyer of the Year T: (��) ���� ���� | M:���� ��� ��� F: (��) ���� ���� | W: �% discount for all legal fee Chung Wah Member Benefit ProgrammeBenefit Chung中华会员优惠计划ProgrammeWahMemberBenefitProgramme中华会员优惠计划盛情邀请Invitation 携手同行 withPartnerus

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For further enquiries, please contact Chung Wah Association | 若想进一步咨询,可联系中华会馆 Ph 座机 ���� ���� | Mb 手机 ���� ��� ��� | Em 电邮 Freddie Strudels ��� Brisbane Street, Perth Tel: (��) ���� ���� �% Off for cash payment only Mom Dumpling House 真東北餃子莊 T: (��) ���� ���� W: ��% Off for cash payment $�� and above *not to be use with other offer ��% discount Spend over $��� *not to be use with other offer CityLinkarCellar T: (��) ���� ���� W: A: G��/��� Adelaide Terrace, Perth $� off massage with discount coupon Massagr E: W: ��% Off to Chung Wah Members Seoul Delish ��/�� Walanna Drive Waterford, Karawara ��% Off Normal price Item Amcal Pharmacity A: ��� Hay Street, Perth WA ���� T: (��) ���� ���� E: W: Fb: @amcalpharmacity FREE Ear Wax Removal (Worth $���) for all pensioners Expert Hearing Care A: Westfield Innaloo, Ellen Sitrling Blvd T: (��) ���� ���� E: W: Fb: @experthearingcare Waiting我们殷切的期待您的加入foryourparticipation Online Spend over $�� (exclude postage) to get $�Off Promo code: CHUNGWAH InSpendStoreover$�� to get $�Off The above offers on full price Morish Nuts products only and it’s not to be used with the conjunction with any other offers Morish Nuts Shop online: PROMO code: CHUNGWAH Swan Valley: ��� Great Northern Highway, Herne FremantleHill Market: Stall #��, Henderson Street, Fremantle Dragon NorthbridgePalace �� Francis Northbridge,Street,Perth Free Chinese Tea for lunch ��% Off for Dinner Free Initial Consultation All Legal Disputes Litigation BMS LawyersLAW T: (��) ���� ���� E: W: Chung Hwa Cuisine 龙江宴 ���� Albany Hwy, Cannington WA ���� ��% Off HONG KONG BBQ House Chinese 顺德海鲜烧腊酒家Restaurant �� Francis Street, Northbridge ��% Off for cash payment only ��% Off total fee

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欢迎致电 9367 7559 协和园护老院了解更多信息或安排参观。垂询, Concorde Aged Care Home 25 Anstey Street South Perth WA 6151 电邮: 网站: • 居住型养老 • 短期托护 • 老年痴呆关怀 • 24 小时护理 • 大量亚裔居民 • 双语照护人员 • 文化活动项目 • 每日亚洲饮食 • 无养老住宿押金 • 协和园护老院坐落于南珀斯核心地段 A place to call home AGEDCONCORDECAREHOME 一个您可以自豪的家 Dr Keith Wong 0419 900 491 Can speak Cantonese - SMS or WeChat in Chinese SOCIAL DANCING is fun. Exercise in style & rhythm I teach lead & follow. So you can dance with anyone. Coach/Student Competitions if performance is you. 粤语社交及比赛舞蹈导师 Venue Humphreys Dance Studio The Regent Ballroom Or your home 在你家或舞校室教 Accredited Dancesport Coach BALLROOM - LATIN - NEW VOGUE

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