Chung Wah Magazine Issue #54 - SUMMER 2023

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之声 ����年 SUMMER ISSUE #�� 第��期 CHUNG WAH BILINGUAL MAGAZINE CHUNGWAH.ORG.AU 中华会馆编辑出版 PUBLISHED BY CHUNG WAH ASSOCIATION 2023 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 癸卯兔年 珀斯中华新年文化节 澳中友好 同创未来 澳中友好五十年文艺晚会 Fifty Years of Friendship Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Australia-China Diplomatic Relations WA Senior Australian of the Year Theresa Kwok 年度西澳长者获奖者 郭郑素雯


上随着澳大利亚迎来炎热的夏季 天气,珀斯的我们也进入了圣诞节、元 旦、澳大利亚日以及华人农历新年的 欢乐季节。

配合华人农历新年的庆祝活动,中 华会馆收到了各级政府纷至沓来的节 日祝福,我们由衷感恩他们对于中华 会馆以及华人社区不遗余力的支持。

珀斯在地的节日活动重头戏、即2023 珀斯中华新年文化节的活动明细,以 及有关华人农历新年的专题内容都在 本期刊里与大家逐一分享。

在2022年12月举行的“澳中友好五 十年文艺晚会”,纪念澳大利亚和中华 人民共和国建交五十周年。在本期杂 志里,您能更进一步了解参与当日盛 典的本地优秀艺文界人士。

中华会馆为中华社区服务部的首 席执行官郭郑素雯女士所获得的成就 倍感自豪,她被评选为西澳大利亚州 2023年度的杰出长者。她也被提名角 逐澳大利亚杰出长者年度奖,并会在 2023年1月25日在堪培拉宣布。在本期 杂志中,您可以透过图文报道来了解 她与优秀的中华社区服务部的团队的 协作,在照顾多元文化群体的老年移 民,所付出的无私贡献和远见。

我们的定期专栏作家不负众望的 为我们带来了优质文章内容。米拉医 生竭力为读者提出的健康疑问提供医 疗建议和解答。药剂师李荣森先生和 符琼绪中医师,分别为我们的读者提 供来自西方医药和传统中医的健康建 议。旅美马籍的林心仁,透过盈盈小筑 亲切地与大家分享了华人美食中的腊 味各类美食做法。

这是一年中激动人心的时刻,因为 我们将翻开启2023年新的一页:这是 重启生活的时刻,也是中华之声继续 发挥新创意的机会。我们期待能继续 为您捎来激动人心的新闻和拥有丰富 知识内涵的文章、滋润你的身心。


A time to reset

As Australia welcomes the hot Summer weather, we have also entered the silly season with Christmas, New Year, Australia Day and Lunar New Year within weeks of each other.

In conjunction with Chinese Lunar New Year Celebrations, the Chung Wah Association has received festive greetings from all levels of government, who have supported our community throughout the year. The highlight of the Perth event calendar, the 2023 Perth Chinese New Year Fair and other Chinese New Year feature content will be shared in this celebratory issue.

The ‘Fifty Years of Friendship’ Cultural Concert, held in December 2022, commemorated the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Australia and China. In this issue, you can read about the excellent local talent displayed at night.

The Chung Wah Association is proud of Theresa Kwok, CEO of Chung Wah Community Care, who was the Western Australia State recipient for Senior Australian of the Year 2023. She is now a nominee for the Australian of the Year Awards, announced in Canberra on 25th January 2023. In this issue, you can read about her selfless contribution and vision in caring for CaLD senior migrants, working with the excellent Chung Wah Community Care team.

Our regular columnists bring us another issue of highly valued content. Dr Mira provides general medical advice to health queries from our readers. Mr Lee and Dr Julia Fu provide our readers with health advice from Western and Chinese physicians. Echo’s Kitchen has kindly shared the secret of preserved meat, a delicacy in Chinese cuisine.

It’s an exciting time of the year as we turn a new page to welcome 2023: a time to reset and a chance for new ideas for Chung Wah Magazine. We look forward to bringing you exciting news and knowledge-enriching articles.

Thank you.


Founded in 1909, the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organisation in Western Australia. We are recognised by the Federal, State, and Local Governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in Western Australia. The many achievements of the Association incude:

• Community and aged care for the aged and senior members, and migrant services.

• Chinese schools promoting Chinese education and upholding cultural awareness.

• Cultural and social groups incorporating Lion and Dragon dance, Chinese Cultural Dance, Chinese orchestra, Chinese opera and Women’s Subcommittee.

• Hosting the largest Chinese New Year community event in Western Australia.

BECOME A MEMBER: To review the full range of membership options and benefits, go to

BECOME A VOLUNTEER / PARTNER: Call 93288657 or email us at






· 给长者和移民提供社区服务及护理服务

· 办中文学校传承华人传统文化和发扬中文教育

· 综合舞狮、华乐、京剧、粤剧、舞蹈和妇女组等的 文化及社交小组

· 承办西澳最大型的农历新年社区活动


请浏览网页 查知会员详情及会员优惠


致电 93�� ��5� 或


Jeffrey CHA 查绍翰 Chief Editor 主编
主编寄语 EDITOR ’ S MESSAGE 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 1
Cover Photo 封面提供 Mark from the West Australian Newspaper

Dear Members,

Each year, Chinese New year falls on a different date in January and February, as it is based on the Lunar calendar which follows the phases of the moon. Chinese New Year is early this year, falling on January 22, soon after welcoming in 2023. This makes it a very busy time for Chung Wah, leaving less time to organise the Chinese New Year celebrations. On behalf of the Chung Wah Executive team, I would like to thank the hardworking staff and volunteers.

New Year’s Eve was celebrated with a dinner and dance at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta, organised by Doreen CHIN and Leonard KHO. It was held to fundraise for the building of the Chung Wah Autumn Centre which will provide short term respite care accommodation. Guests enjoyed a sumptuous buffet dinner and had a great time dancing to welcome 2023 in style. We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the event.

Australia commemorated the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Australia and China. I was honoured to attend the official dinner event in Sydney on behalf of the Chung Wah Association. Chung Wah also organised a cultural concert on the 10th of December, at the State Theatre of WA to celebrate the fifty years of friendship. The evening was attended by nearly 800 community members, including government officials and community leaders. The concert was organised by Teresa Tan and featured incredible performances that fused the rich culture of both countries. I was impressed by everyone’s support and grateful to enjoy the good friendship we have between the two countries.

The 2023 Perth Chinese New Year Fair is coming back to James Street and Northbridge Piazza this year, and we are fortunate to have Yagan Square to be part of this year’s celebration. With the continued support from the City of Perth, Office of Multicultural Interests of the WA state government, Lottery West and Development WA, we also received support from Murdoch University, SBS Australia, Global Lithium, Zijin Mining and Norton Gold Field, DoubleTree by Hilton, BYD and Stage & Studio Productions. We look forward to the colourful display of cultural performances and demonstrations, not to mention the food and art stalls which are the favourites of our record 20,000 event patrons.

The 2023 Chinese New Year Ball is one of Chung Wah’s signature events that conclude the Chinese New Year celebrations. Senior Vice President Yudy Kotrajaya is leading the team to organise the event, which is a highlight of the Chinese New Year.

The Chung Wah Association will be all hands on deck for the busy first quarter of 2023, and we look forward to seeing you at our events. We also welcome anyone who would like to get involved in volunteering for Chung Wah Association. If you have a unique or special skill or just want to help out, please contact the Chung Wah office.

Once again, I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has assisted Chung Wah Association in every way possible, my fellow executive team, leaders of Chung Wah subsidiary groups and committees, and all staff and volunteers. Special mention to all government officials, community groups and leaders, and local businesses who have supported Chung Wah with their financial and in-kind support.

Let’s look forward to a prosperous year ahead, a year of recovery. Chung Wah Association will continue to strive to serve the community.


华人农历新年(春节)都会落在每年的一二月份期间, 因为它是按照农历而定的,而农历则遵循月相来制定节气。 今年的春节来得早,就落在1月22日,而且刚迎来2023年元 旦,这让中华会馆办公室非常忙碌,组织筹办中华新年文化 节的庆祝活动就变得异常紧迫。我谨代表中华会馆执行委 员会,向辛勤工作的员工和义工表示志诚的感谢。

由分别来自排排舞的陈清灵和新潮流舞的许历仔,在中 华巴卡达文化中心举办了一场新年倒数晚宴暨舞会,以庆祝 元旦的到来。该活动也是为了秋园的兴建来进行募款,该中 心将提供短期暂托护理住宿。来宾们享用了丰盛的自助晚 餐,并尽情地跳舞迎接2023年。我们感谢所有为此次活动做 出贡献的各位。

在纪念澳大利亚与中华人民共和国建交50周年之际, 我很荣幸能代表西澳中华会馆会出席在悉尼举行的官方晚 宴活动。中华会馆也在2023年12月10日在西澳州立剧院举办 了“澳中友好五十年文艺晚会”,以庆祝澳中五十年的友谊。 包括政府官员和社区领袖在内的近800名社区成员参加了当 晚的活动。这场音乐会由王惠兰女士筹办,当晚精彩的歌舞 表演巧妙的融合了两国丰富的文化内涵。各界对于此项活动 踊跃的支持让我难忘,也很感激且真切感受到两国之间的 良好友谊。

2023年度的珀斯中华新年文化节,今年将重返詹姆士 街和北桥广场,今年我们有幸携手让雅更广场也成为文化节 庆祝活动的地点之一。在珀斯市政府、西澳州政府多元文化 部办公室、Lottery West和Development WA的鼎力支持下, 我们还得到了默多克大学、SBS Australia、环球锂业、紫金矿 业和诺顿金矿、希尔顿逸林酒店、比亚迪和Stage & Studio Productions的支持。我们万分期待即将登场的多彩的文化 表演和展示;更别说诱人的美食和文化精品摊位了,这是我 们创纪录的两万名民众参与者的最爱。

2023年中华新年晚宴是中华的标志性活动之一,它是 每年的华人农历新年庆祝活动精彩的结尾。中华会馆首席 副会长许俊豪为首的筹办小组组织了此次活动,晚宴堪称 每年珀斯华人农历新年的一大盛事。

中华会馆将全力以赴迎接繁忙的2023年第一季度,我 们期待在中华会馆的各项活动中见到您。我们也欢迎任何 有意参与义务工作的:无论您是专业人士、拥有特殊技能、 或只是想帮忙,都欢迎您与中华会馆办事处联系,让您的好 意与能力得以施展。

再次衷心感谢每一位以各种方式协助中华会馆的人, 尤其是中华会馆执行委员会的同仁、会馆属下各机构和活 动团体的领导和成员们,中华全体员工和志愿者们。我也在 此特别感谢所有以财政和实物支持支持中华的各级政府部 门员、社区团体及其领导人,以及本地企业的鼎力相助。

让我们期待这是繁荣的一年,复苏的一年。中华会馆将 不遗余力服务社会各界。

恭喜发财 !

Ting CHEN 陈挺博士 President, The Chung Wah Association
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 会长寄语 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 2 扫码看视频
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1 编者寄语 Editorial

2 会长感言 President’s Message



Chinese New Year Greetings


Chinese New Year Message from the Premier of WA


Chinese New Year Message from the Leader of the Opposition


Chinese New Year Message from the Minister of Citizenship and Multicultural Interests


Chinese New Year Message from the Lord Mayor


Chinese New Year Message from the Consul-General of PR China in Perth

20 兔年大吉

Year of the Rabbit


Chinese Horoscope 2023


Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2023 Event Schedule


Chung Wah Dragon and Lion

Dance Troupe Chinese New Year Performances


Perth Chinese Lunar New Year Activities


The Fifteen Days of Chinese New Year



12 中华消息

Chung Wah News



Meeting with the City of Gosnells


Chung Wah Group Sharing


Rockin’ around the Christmas tree!

新年倒数庆祝晚宴和舞会 筹款活动成功举办!

New Year’s Eve Celebration Dinner and Dance fundraiser 西澳洲自由党党魁David Honey议员 与西澳华社领袖交流会面

Dr David Honey MLA meets Senior Leaders from the WA Chinese Community 圣公会学院学生来访

School visit from John Septimus Roe Anglican College

15 本期聚焦

Chung Wah Focus 《澳中友好五十年》文艺晚会

Fifty Years of Friendship Cultural Concert

家爱 Family

28 盈盈小筑

A Taste of Memories

腊味煲仔饭 Claypot Cured Meat Rice (Lap Mei Fan) 腊味萝卜糕 Steamed Lobak (Radish) Cake

32 校园天地 The School Yard

36 医疗资讯 Medical Information

旅行药品 Travel Medicine

旅游季节如何预防疾病 保护身体健康的一点建议

西澳大利亚多元文化和语言 年度长者

Western Australia Senior Australian of the Year

4 CONTENTS 目录 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 目录 CONTENTS 中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah
How to stay health and prevent diseases whilst travelling 38 寻医问药 Ask the GP 松柏长青 Community Care
会员专利 Member’s Exclusive
Regular Activities
Membership Discount Scheme 36 西澳大利亚多元文化
22 珀斯中华新年文化节 珀 斯中华新年文化节 Perth Chinese New Year Fair 2023 西澳历史最悠久的民族团体 The oldest ethnic organisation in Western Australia
40 长期活动
44 中华会员优惠计划
Western Australian culturally and linguistically diverse Senior of the Year 15 《澳中友好五十年》文艺晚会 《 澳中友好五十年》文艺晚会 Fifty Years of Friendship Cultural Concert


发行 Published by

中华会馆 Chung Wah Association

Editorial and Advertising Enquiries

编辑室 Editorial team

主编 Chief Editor

查绍翰 Jeffrey CHA

执行编辑 Executive Editor

视觉设计 Visual Designer

卡尔 汪 Carl ONG

编辑 Editor

张娟妮 Jen Nie CHONG

黄诗敏 Rachel NG

行政支持 Administration

黄小娟 Lesley WONG

翻译人员 Translators

方凌坤 Lingkun FANG

项海颖 Haiying XIANG

供稿者 Columnists

张娟妮 Jen Nie CHONG

邝彩玲 Kaylene POON

马烜历博士 Xuanli MA

陈水玉 Emily TAN

林心仁 SinJin LIM


Chung Wah Hall and Administration Office

128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003 (08) 9328 8657

PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865


Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming

Aulberry Parade, Leeming 6149

联系人 Contact Details

周如真女士 Luisa CHOU 0401 738 778


Chung Wah Chinese School Morley

Bramwell Road, Noranda 6062

联系人 Contact Details

陈水玉校长 Ms Emily TAN 0411 249 463



Chung Wah Community Care

Unit 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge WA 6003

电话 Telephone 传真 Facsimile (08) 9328 3988 (08) 9228 3990


Chung Wah Cultural Centre

18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021


Willetton Centre

58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton WA 6155


Chung Wah Chinese Radio

广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3 Every Saturday 10 am to 11 am


中华妇女部 CW Womens Subcommittee

中华龙舟队 CW Dragon Boating

中华龙狮团 CW Lion Dance Troupe

中华舞蹈团 CW Cultural Dance Troupe

中华华乐团 CW Chinese Orchestra

中华粤剧社 CW Cantonese Opera

中华太极组 CW Taichi Group

中华兵乓球俱乐部 CW Table Tennis Club

电子邮箱 E-mail Address

Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Keith Road, Rossmoyne 6148

联系人 Contact Details

马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli MA 0403 003 898


Chung Wah Chinese School Perth 90 Roberts Road, Subiaco WA 6008

联系人 Contact Details

李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306


Chung Wah Chinese School Atwell 201 Brenchley Drive, Atwell WA 6164

联系人 Contact Details

李华博士 Dr Hua LI 0401 686 306

版权所有,未经允许 不得转载本刊文字及图片

All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association.

声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自 中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对其 真实性和准确性的理解而予以登载。对题材中 的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.

5 目录 CONTENTS 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版

Chinese New Year Message from the Premier of WA


我很高兴有机会在兔年伊始向 所有人致上最美好的祝愿,祝大家 新年快乐。

我听说兔子在中华文化中是和 平与繁荣的象征,因此希望2023年 是和谐、平静和恢复的一年。

西澳大利亚州非常幸运地拥有 繁荣的华人社区,他们对西澳大利 亚州生活的方方面面都做出了重大 贡献。

和华人及其他社区的许多人一 样,我每年都很期待热闹的农历新 年庆祝活动,尤其是珀斯中华新年 文化节。我相信今年的活动将一如 既往的精彩纷呈。

我相信水兔年会给所有人带来 希望和快乐,祝大家兔年快乐、健 康、富贵。

扫码看视频 | Scan for video

6 CHINESE NEW YEAR GREETING 新年贺词 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue
祝西澳大利亚州的华人社区 及中华会馆的全体会员 们,“恭喜发财”。
Mark McGowan MLA

大家好!在我们迈向2023 年之际,我和大家一起庆


在经历了充满挑战的、动荡的 几年之后,2023年,兔年,将是 充满希望的一年。新的一年将给西 澳的华人社区带来长寿、和平与繁 荣。

在我们迈向新的一年之际,回 顾2022年和这一年的经历是很重要 的。

2022年,我们庆祝了中澳建交 50周年,这对西澳来说至关重要。 这一年也是我们与浙江省建立友好 州关系的第35个年头。

即将进入2023年,我们必须加 强我们社区之间的关系,并鼓励为 我们两国发展创造更多机会。

2023年将有更多机会加强中国 与西澳大利亚州之间的关系,并在 西澳大利亚州庆祝中国文化和华人 社区。

感谢中华会馆邀请我在农历新 年前分享我最美好的祝福。

我希望你们都有一个安全和荣 华的兔年。

Chinese New Year Message from the Leader of the Opposition


7 新年贺词 CHINESE NEW YEAR GREETING 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版
Hon Mia Davies MLA

Chinese New Year Message from the Minister of Citizenship and Multicultural Interests



年(兔年)的所有西澳大 利亚人致以最美好的祝愿。

当我们告别旧的一年时,我们 不仅能停下脚步来反思我们共同面 临过的挑战,更能满怀热情地展望 未来。

兔子代表着和平与繁荣,我希 望兔年能帮助我们恢复生机,并与 寻获新的机遇。

我很荣幸能担任公民和多元文 化利益部长一职,因为我能无比幸 运地参与来自世界各地不同族裔的 庆祝活动和节日。

我们秉承着西澳大利亚包容的 社会承诺,麦高文政府对于华人社 区对于我们社会的进步和发展所作 出的许多贡献表示高度的认同。

华人社区的这些贡献发挥着其 重要的的作用,让我们能继续安享 这个充满活力的多元文化社会。

祝全体中华会馆会员和西澳大 利亚华人身体健康,幸福美满。 我 期待在2023年再次与你们合作。

8 CHINESE NEW YEAR GREETING 新年贺词 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue
Dr Tony Buti MLA 扫码看视频 | Scan for video

Chinese New Year Message from the Lord Mayor



感谢中华会馆主办今年的庆祝 活动,感谢你们在社区中发挥的重 要作用。

珀斯市是中华会馆农历新年庆 祝活动的长期合作伙伴和支持者, 该活动是本市年度活动日历中的一 大亮点。

珀斯的居民和游客喜欢这些庆 祝活动给城市带来的色彩和活力, 并很高兴能有机会更多地了解节庆 活动背后的文化意义和传统习俗。

这座城市有幸与整个亚洲拥 有牢固的友谊,包括与南京和成都 的姐妹城市关系,以及与台北的相 互友好宪章。这些关系为我们本地 的文化、商业和教育机构提供了机 会,并拉近了人与人之间的联系。

2023年,我们将与江苏省省 会南京,一个重要的文化、艺术和 教育中心,一起庆祝我们缔结姐妹 城市关系25周年。南京是一座拥有 2000多年悠久历史的现代化大都 市。我们很高兴将在2023年庆祝我 们的周年纪念日,并期待与社区分 享我们的庆祝活动。

最后,我要感谢珀斯的华人社 区,感谢你们为使这座城市成为世 界上最宜居城市所做的所有贡献。

在中国文化中,兔象征长寿、 和平与繁荣。2023年将是充满希望 的一年。

我代表珀斯市祝愿您和您的家 人在兔年平安、快乐、富贵!兔年 大吉!

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9 新年贺词 CHINESE NEW YEAR GREETING 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版
Basil Zempilas

Chinese New Year Message from the Consul-General of China in Perth

Consul-General of China in Perth

Long Dingbin’s greetings for the Chinese New Year

Auspicious Tiger bids farewell to the old year, and the Golden Rabbit welcomes the new year.

On behalf of the Consulate General of China in Perth, I would like to extend Chinese New Year greetings and festive blessings to all Chinese in Western Australia upon the arrival of the Lunar New Year of the Rabbit!

The Year 2022 will be a milestone in both the history of the Chinese Communist Party and the history of the Chinese nation. The Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held in Beijing. This important conference has drawn a blueprint for China’s development in the next five years and beyond. China will always adhere to the fundamental national policy of opening up to the outside world, firmly pursuing a mutually beneficial and win-win opening strategy, adhering to the path of peaceful development, and providing new opportunities for countries worldwide, including Australia, with China’s new development.

2022 is the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Australia. After several years of difficulties and setbacks, China-Australia relations have ushered in a new dawn. It was an opportunity for both countries to return to their original aspirations, calibrate, and reset the course again. The successful meeting between President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in Indonesia set the direction for the progress of bilateral relations. Australia’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with China’s Foreign Minister Penny Wong to promote the return of bilateral ties to the right track and sustainable development.

Overseas Chinese in Western Australia have always cared about their ancestral (home) country. They have worked hard in Western Australia, helped each other, and promoted friendly exchange between China and Western Australia in various fields. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the overseas Chinese in Western Australia and people from all walks of life who support the friendly exchanges between China and Western Australia. In the new year, the Consulate General will always adhere to the principle of “diplomacy for the people” and continue to provide good services. I hope you continue to support the work of the Consulate General and contribute to the deepening of the China-Australia partnership. and make new and more significant contributions to the relationship!

I wish all people of Chinese heritage all the best and a happy Year of the Rabbit!

10 CHINESE NEW YEAR GREETING 新年贺词 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue
译◎Lyn XIANG 项海颖
BYD West Perth 505 Newcastle St, West Perth WA 6005 (08) 6149 8600 Visit our website Energy Awakened. The BYD ATTO 3 has arrived in Western Australia, fully charged and ready to test drive visit BYD West Perth today. 150kW Up to 480km Blade Battery

文◎David HONEY, 译◎Carl ONG卡尔

Dr David Honey MLA meets Senior Leaders from the Western Australian Chinese Community

西澳洲自由党党魁David Honey 议员与西澳华社领袖交流会面

Dr. David Honey said that it was an absolute pleasure to catch up with a group of Senior leaders from the Western Australian Chinese community. He said: ‘The Chinese community makes an outstanding contribution to our society. I greatly welcome and respect that contribution and look forward to working closely with them.’

西澳自由党党魁 David Honey议员在11月12日与 西澳华社领袖们开展了交流会面。David Honey 议员 表示西澳的华社对于社会贡献梁洛,他对于华社的积 极努力表示欢迎且尊敬,并允诺将与未来更加与华社 积极合作。

The Chung Wah Line Dancers celebrated Christmas on 17th December 2022 with an afternoon of festive costumes and holiday-themed dance sessions. Led by dance instructor Laychoo WONG, the dancers filled Balcatta Cultural Centre with music, positive energy, and a joyous Christmas spirit.

中华排排舞队于2022年12月17日以节日盛装和耶 诞主题作为主轴,于周六的舞蹈课堂上一起庆祝圣诞 节。在排舞指导老师黄丽珠的带领下,舞者们用音乐、 正能量和欢乐的圣诞气氛为巴卡达中华文化中心注入了 满满的活力。

文◎Rachel NG 黄诗敏 | 译◎Carl ONG卡尔 Rockin' around the Christmas tree! 围着圣诞树摇摆!

图◎Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra 中华会馆华乐团 | 文◎Carl ONG 卡尔汪

Chung Wah Group Sharing


On 20th November 2022, the Chung Wah Lion Dance leader, Ben LIM, conducted a workshop with the Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra. sharing his knowledge and experience about drumming. He patiently showed the team, how through frequent practise and correct technique, it is possible to get a good sound on the drum. The orchestra team were grateful for the cross group collaboration and sharing.

中华龙狮团团长林民耀在2022年11月20日,连同中华华乐团主办了一个 擂鼓讲习会。林民耀团长在讲习会中巨细靡遗的为华乐团团员们讲解擂鼓的要 点、以及如何以正确的方式练鼓、以获得更加悦耳的鼓声。华乐团的团员们在 此讲习会中获益良多,更是感恩林团长百忙中抽空与华乐团进行交流,这体现 了中华会馆属团之间合作且相互学习的优势!

12 CHUNG WAH NEWS 中华消息 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue
Left to right:: Honorable Nick Goiran MLC, Ting Chen (Chung Wah Association President), Tony Chong (WA Chinese Chamber of Commerce President), Honorable Tjorn Sibma MLC, Isaac Stewart, Eddie Kwah (WACCC Life Member), Ah Hong Lai (Christmas Island Phosphate Resources CEO), Mark Sun (Shanghai Federation President), Yudy Kodratjaya (Chung Wah Senior Vice President), Kai Tang (Hunan Association) and Xinmin Chen (Fujian Association) 左至右:Nick Goiran 议员,中华会馆陈挺会长,西澳中华总商会Tony张会长,Tjorn Simba议,Issac Stewart先生,中华总商会永久会员柯雅伯,圣诞岛盐酸业总裁 Ah Hong LAI,西澳上海联合会 马克孙会长,中华会馆首席副会长许俊豪,西澳湖南同乡会陈凯会长,以及西澳福建同乡会陈新民会长。 原文节录 Resource: posts/440606868235858

New Year’s Eve Celebration Dinner and Dance fundraiser


The Chung Wah Line Dance Group and New Vogue Line Dance Group jointly hosted an affordable and fun dance party, to support the Chung Wah Autumn Centre to build a Short Term Respite Care Accommodation. A massive thank you to Doreen CHIN and Leonard KHO for organising this festive event with a good cause.

中华排排舞团与新潮流舞团再次联手举办了迎新送旧2022年新 年倒数的晚宴暨舞会。这活动也是为了筹募中华秋园短期暂托中心的 建设基金而办。非常感谢陈清灵与许历仔两位为这次活动的努力、让 团员们能尽兴的欢舞迎接2023年的到来、也帮助了中华秋园的建设, 真为一举两得。

The President of Chung Wah Association, Ting CHEN, and Vice President Jiping ZOU met with Mayor Terresa Lynes - City of Gosnells, and Emma ZHANG, City of Gosnells Councillor, on 25 October 2022. Mayor Terresa Lynes and Councillor Emma ZHANG were very impressed with the long history of the Chung Wah Association. They discussed their plans to hold a Chinese New Year event in Langford. President Ting CHEN also extended the invitation to the 2023 Perth Chinese New Year Fair at James Street, Northbridge on 29 January 2023.

中华会馆会长陈挺博士、协同副会长邹纪平在 2022年10月25日友好拜会了Gosnells市长Terresa Lynes,陪同的有华裔市议员,张页。他们双面交流了 社区和办活动的经验,尤其是在能构造互赢互利的合 作机会上。市长Terresa和张页市议员对于中华会馆的 悠长历史深感敬畏。市长和议员给中华会馆代表介绍 了他们即将在Langford区举办的华人农历新年庆祝活 动,会长陈挺也邀请该市参与即将即将在同月廿九日 于北桥区举办的2023年珀斯中华新年文化节活动。

原文节录 Resource: posts/pfbid02R8PhocGWVMsYemiqvLhffx12nnin7q5thCueL598gTiFaMyeXQn6pf7ysouyGTwPl

13 中华消息 CHUNG WAH NEWS 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版
文◎Rachel NG 黄诗敏 | 译◎Carl ONG卡尔
Meeting with the City of Gosnells 中华会馆与Gosnells市政团队的友好交流
图◎ Mayor Terresa Lynes - City of Gosnells | 编◎Carl Ong卡尔

School visit from John Septimus Roe Anglican College 圣公会学院学生来访

The first school visit since the relaxation of COVID restrictions occurred on Friday, 4 November. The Chung Wah Hall hosted fiftythree Year Six students from John Septimus Roe Anglican College.

The school teaches Chinese language, and the students were given a taste of Chinese culture by learning about lion dance, writing Chinese characters with brush and ink and trying on some Chinese costumes. They also made lanterns using red packets.

These activities were provided with the assistance of volunteers Dominic Yam, Susan Leong, Dena Jin, Brock Johnson, and myself. New Chung Wah office staff member Sophie Wang developed a new calligraphy activity sheet for the students. Many thanks for providing such interesting sessions for the students.

On Thursday 17 November, nine Year 9 Carey College students visited the Hall and experienced the same activities, as well as learning a traditional chinese handkerchief dance, trying their hand at using an abacus and playing tangram games. They were accompanied by two teachers, who also participated in the activities. Their program was spread over most of the day, with a Chinese lunch on their excursion.

Many thanks to Honorary Secretary Jen Nie Chong, who presented many of the morning activities and Lesley Wong and I conducted the afternoon program after lunch.

Chopsticks and eating etiquette are other activities offered. We are keen to expand the activities, so if you know how to play Chinese chess, demonstrate Tai ji, qi gong or brush painting, to name a few; and you have a few hours to spare and would be interested in helping next year, please contact the Chung Wah Office staff.

自新冠疫情限制放宽以来,2022年11月4日 星期五中华会馆大礼堂第一次面向学校开放,接 待了53名来自 John Septimus Roe Anglican学院 的六年级学生。

这间学校正在教授学生学习中文,中华会馆 的这次活动让学生可以体验中华文化,他们学习 了舞狮,用毛笔写汉字,试穿中国服饰,还学会 了用红包做灯笼。

志愿者 Dominic Yam,Susan Leong,Dena Jin, Brock Johnson协助我共同完成了这些活动 项目,办公室新员工Sophie Wang为学生们设计 制作了新的书法临摹练习页。

衷心感谢大家为学生们提供了如此有趣的 课程。

11 月 17 日星期四,Carey Baptist 学院九年 级的9名学生参观了礼堂并体验了相同的活动以 及学习了中国手娟舞、尝试使用算盘和玩七巧板 游戏,2名带队老师也饶有兴趣地参与了活动。 整个活动项目安排在一天时间内,其中包括一顿 中式午餐。

诚挚感谢尊敬的张娟妮秘书长,她主持了许 多上午的活动项目,午餐后我和黄小娟主持了下 午的活动项目。

筷子和饮食礼仪也是中华会馆提供的另一 项活动。

我们期望扩大活动项目范围,如果您会下象 棋,打太极、玩气功或写书法和画中国画等,并 有兴趣在明年义务奉献几个小时的时间,请联系 中华会馆办公室。

14 CHUNG WAH NEWS 中华消息 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 文◎Kaylene
Poon 邝彩玲 | 译◎Sophie WANG
中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 15 中华动态 CHUNG WAH EVENT 中华会馆与华社团体企业齐心协力成功举办 《澳中友好五十年》文艺晚会 摄影◎Dan ZHOU 周丹 | 文◎Teresa TAN 王慧兰 | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔
Fifty Years of Friendship Cultural Concert

Held on 10 December 2022 at the State Theatre of Western Australia to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Australia - China’s diplomatic relationship, the theme for the ‘Fifty years of Friendship’ cultural concert was ‘Together for a Shared Future’. There were exceptional dance, vocal and instrumental performances.

Chung Wah received fantastic support from the local Chinese business and community. The co-organisers were the Western Australia Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Global Lithium Resources, Norton Gold Fields - Zijin Mining, PRL Group, European Hotel, Ideal Realty WA, Laudis Developments, AustraliaChina Business Club, Australia Chinese Traditional Culture Federation, Australian Shanghai Federation, Western Australian Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Association Inc, China Chamber of Commerce in Australia, Perth Huaxing Arts Group Inc, Australia China Friendship Society Western Australia, Australian Chinese Women’s Federation, Australian Central Chinese Association, Australian Hunan Culture and Commerce Association, WA Chinese Mothers Group, Western Australian Fujian Association Inc, Tianshan Association (WA), Western Australia Chinese Restaurant Association, Australian Guangdong Business Association (WA) Inc, Beijing People's Association of WA Inc, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Perth Branch), Western Australia Chongqing and Sichuan Association, Cockburn Chinese Community Association, Hubei Association of Western Australia, Australian Chinese Times, Perth Post, Perth Hotline, Doorway Media Group and Chung Wah Magazine.

Special guests present on the night were the Honorable Pierre YANG MLC JP representing the Western Australian Premier, Honorable Mark McGowan, Honourable Dr David Honey MLA, leader of the Liberal Party, Deputy Consul General

Mr Fengzhong WANG from the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Perth and Mr Ting CHEN President, Chung Wah Association.

The concert began with an indigenous welcoming dance titled ‘Mind Marr Dreaming’, which celebrated the pursuit of humankind towards a good life. It was followed by soprano singers Bonnie de la Hunty and Yongjun ZHOU, singing the Australian and the Chinese National Anthem. Under the direction of Teresa TAN, Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra, consisting of thirty musicians playing over ten different Chinese musical instruments, performed the famous songs ‘My Homeland’ and ‘We are Australian’. The Australian Mulan Culture and Arts Association took the audience to Dunhuang, the east-meet-west cultural melting pot, with the opening dance ‘The Great Beauty of Dunhuang’. The duet between Bonnie de la Hunty and Yongjun ZHOU singing the 2008 Beijing Olympic theme song, ‘You and Me’, reminds us of the hope for peace, unity, tranquility and a happy new era to come. This was followed by instrumental performances of ‘Butterfly and Blue’ by Aime HUANG, Teresa TAN, Shutong LIU and Alina SUN, and ‘Racing Horse’ by Audrey FANG, Jenica Jin Yin POH and Gideon LEE. Singer Eric NI collaborated with Diversity Dance Studio to perform the theme song, ‘Together for a Shared Future’. The dances from

different ethnic backgrounds portray Australia's cultural diversity, working towards a shared future. ‘South of the Clouds’ was danced by well-known dancer Zhidan CHANG, accompanied by Xiaowen PAN playing the Hulusi. Opera ‘Je Veux Vivre’ was sung by soprano Xiaojia ZHANG, accompanied by ballet dancers from The Dance Workshop. The Chung Wah dancers danced ‘The Sleeves of Time’, accompanied by Aime HUANG playing the Konghou. Tenor Jun ZHANG and the Vocal Arts and Drama Academy

Children sang ‘Auld Lang Syne’. The finale of the evening was the Chung Wah Choir with ‘My Home Country’ and ‘I Still Call Australia Home’, directed by conductor Yongjun ZHOU and pianist Teresa TAN,. The master of ceremonies, Yin FU and Lucas Rosendaal thanked the businesses, community organisations and the audience for their support.

The fifty years of the Australia - China diplomatic relationship witnessed the cultural exchange of the east and west, which has brought prosperity and opportunity to both countries.

Through mutual understanding and cooperation between the two countries, the future will be prosperous and harmonious.

Magazine Summer Issue
Chung Wah Bilingual

《澳中友好 同创未来》是《澳中友好五十年》文 艺晚会的主题。为庆祝澳中建交五十年,这场百人 汇演在2022年12⽉10⽇星期六于西澳州剧场中心 举⾏。蓝⾊代表澳州,红⾊代表中国,从海报到节 目表,服装到每个节目内容都冲着晚会的主题⽽设 计。现场气氛热烈友好,晚会上,不同民族的艺术 家,艺术团体联袂为观众献上歌舞,乐器演奏等精 彩纷呈的节目。主办单位中华会馆得到华社团体企 业的支持,齐心协力成功举办这场晚会。

支持单位包括澳大利亚中国总商会, 环球锂业,紫金矿业- 诺顿金田,PRL Group,European Hotel,Ideal Realty WA,Laudis Developments,澳大利亚中国商贸 促进会,澳大利亚中国传统文化促进会,澳大利 亚上海联合会,西澳大利亚浙江联合会,西澳中 华总商会,珀斯华星艺术团,澳中友好协会,西 澳华人华侨妇女联合会,澳大利亚中原联谊会暨 商会,西澳大利亚湖南同乡会暨总商会,妈妈俱 乐部,福建同乡会,西澳新疆联谊会,西澳中华 餐饮业协会 ,西澳广东同乡会暨总商会,北京西 澳联谊会,中国工商银行,西澳大利亚川渝同乡 会,酷本华人社团,西澳湖北同乡会暨总商会, 澳大利亚时报,珀斯邮报,珀斯热线,多维传媒 和中华之声。

当晚出席演讲的特别嘉宾包括州长麦高文 代表上议院议员杨帅先生 Honourable Pierre Yang MLC JP,自由党领袖 Honourable Dr David Honey MLA 先生,代表中华人民共和国驻珀斯 总领事王凤忠副领事以及中华会馆会长陈挺博 士。

除了以上单位之外,演艺界的支持也绝对不 能缺少。首先《 Mind Marr Dreaming 》原住民 舞蹈团以欢庆和追求,表现人类文明积极向上的 舞蹈,为晚会拉开了序幕。再由女高音 Bonnie de la Hunty 和男高音周永军老师分别唱出澳洲和 中国国歌。由三十人组成弹奏十种中国乐器的中 华华乐团在王慧兰的指挥下,奏出《我的祖国》 和《我是澳大利亚人》两首名曲,乐曲悠扬,震 撼人心。澳大利亚木兰文化艺术协会带给观众开 场舞《大美敦煌》,敦煌是中西文化融汇的地 方。这个舞蹈气场宏伟,尤其具

有澳中文化交流传承。Bonnie de la Hunty 和周 永军老师再次出场唱出《我和你》,此曲是2008 年北京奥运的主题歌,它以朴实,简单,柔美的 旋律唱出了全世界人民的共同的希望和期盼 - 和 平,团结,祥和,快乐的新时代。音乐可以传递 真情,艺术可以沟通心灵。当晚节目很多具有中 西元素,共同谱写和谐之声,如黄孜蕊,王慧 兰,刘姝彤和孫毓君的古筝大提琴四重奏《蝴蝶 与蓝》,以及青少年方一诺,Jenica Jing Yi Poh 和 Gideon Lee的二胡小提琴合奏《赛马》。就 像澳州与中国在过去五十年里友好务实合作取得 了丰硕的成果,惠及了两国和两国人民。本地知 名歌手 Eric Ni and Diversity Dance Studio 演绎 晚会的主题曲《一起向未来》,舞者来自不同的 文化背景,就像澳大利亚的多元文化社会人民同 创未来。还有常志丹老师著名的《彩云之南》 孔雀舞加插潘晓雯的葫芦丝前奏,张晓佳老师 在 The Dance Workshop 的芭蕾舞蹈员伴舞下 唱出高难度的歌剧《我要活在美梦里》, 中华 舞蹈团舞蹈《时间的袖子》配上 黄孜蕊的箜篌,张军老师与 华大童声四重唱的《友 谊地久天长》,为文 艺晚会推上高潮。阵 容强大的中华合唱 团,在周永军老师 的指挥和王慧兰的 钢琴伴奏下,唱出 《我和我的祖国》 和《澳大利亚仍然 是我家》。

最后全体演员, 义工和嘉宾上台合照。

主持人傅旖旎和 Lucas Roosendaal 强调《澳中 友好五十年》文艺晚会的成功举办,离不开以上 所有企业、社团及每一位观众的支持。在此向大 家致以由衷的感谢,澳中建交五十周年,我们见 证了中西文化交流,为两国带来了繁荣,机遇, 两国人民生活水平不断提升。我们深信,只要两 国诚心交往,合力排难,一定能创造出一个更幸 福,更美好的未来!

17 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版

According to Chinese Astrology, 2023 is the year of the Water Rabbit. This year, Chinese New Year 2023 will commence on 22 January 2023. There are twelve Chinese zodiac signs with the Rabbit being fourth on the list.

根据中国占星术,2023 年是水兔年。 今年,2023 年农历新年将于 2023 年 1 月 22 日开始。十二生肖中,兔排在第四位。

Rabbit Years 兔年 Element Date 日期

2023 Water 水 22 January 2023 – 9 February 2024

2011 Gold 金 3 February 2011 – 22 January 2012

1999 Earth 土 16 February 1999 – 4 February 2000

1987 Fire 火 29 January 1987 – 16 February 1988

1975 Wood 木 11 February, 1975 – 30 January 1976

1963 Water 水 25 January 1963 – 12 February 1964

1951 Gold 金 6 February 1951 – 26 January 1952

1939 Earth 土 19 February 1939 – 7 February 1940

1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

2023 is the year of the Rabbit and promises favorable outcomes in most aspects of Rabbits’ lives. Your love life will be good, especially in the first quarter of the year. Married Rabbits, however, might face some challenges this year. Career-wise, the year will be fulfilling as the stars are aligned in your favor. But if you are thinking of changing your career, then you should wait for another year. Financially, the year will be both good and bad. You will earn money but might lose it due to your carelessness, so be mindful while spending money. In terms of health, you must refrain from going out on adventures due to the chance of injuries.

2023 年是兔年,预示着属兔人生活的大部分方面都会有好的结果。你的爱 情生活会很好,尤其是在今年的第一季度。然而,已婚兔今年可能会面临一些挑 战。事业方面,这一年将是充实的,因为群星对你有利。但如果你正在考虑改变 你的职业,那么你应该再等一年。在财务上,这一年既有好也有坏。你会赚到钱, 但可能会因为你的粗心而失去它,所以花钱时要小心。健康方面,切忌外出冒险, 以免受伤。

1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

People born under the Dragon sign have two aspects to their horoscope in the year of the Rabbit. Married people will enjoy a good relationship with their spouses. But if you have recently entered a relationship, then you might face turbulence in your love life. On the other hand, single Dragons might finally find their soulmate this year. Professionally, your hardwork and dedication will help you in enhancing your career. Your efforts will be acknowledged and rewarded by your boss. Your financial life might go through ups and downs, so you must be prepared. You are advised to include exercise and include yoga in your daily regime to keep health problems at bay this year.

生肖属龙的人在兔年的流年运势分别会有两个方面:已婚人士将与配偶保 持良好的关系;但如果你最近刚开始一段恋情,那么你的爱情生活可能会面临动 荡。另一方面,单身龙今年可能终于找到了他们的灵魂伴侣。在专业方面,您的勤 奋和奉献将帮助您提升您的职业生涯。你的努力将得到老板的认可和奖励。您的 财务生活可能会起伏不定,因此您必须做好准备。建议您在日常锻炼中加入锻炼 和瑜伽,以防止今年出现健康问题。

1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

According to the 2023 Chinese Horoscope, this year will be full of positive changes for Snakes. The things you have worked hard for will finally start to pay off. In terms of love, this year is full of romance and happiness. You might struggle in finding time for your beloved but you can overcome this challenge if you try to maintain a good work-life balance. Competition from coworkers may create some hindrance in growth, so you are advised to be careful of your opponents. Financially, it can be a fruitful year if you learn to differentiate between spending on important and less important things. You are advised not to neglect your health and seek medical guidance as and when needed.

根据 2023 年中国生肖,今年将充满积极的变化。你为之努力的事情终于开 始有了回报。在爱情方面,这一年充满了浪漫和幸福。您可能很难为您所爱的人 腾出时间,但如果您尝试保持良好的工作与生活平衡,就可以克服这一挑战。来 自同事的竞争可能会对成长造成一定的阻碍,所以建议你小心你的对手。在财务 上,如果你学会区分重要和次要事情上的支出,今年可能是丰收的一年。建议您 不要忽视自己的健康,并在需要时寻求医疗指导。

1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Those born in the year of the Horse can enjoy a rigorous life if they remain positive this year. The year of the Water Rabbit is promising a romance with your spouse, which will strengthen your bond. Singles might also find true love. Career-wise, you might face difficulties initially, but eventually, things will start to fall back into place and you will see progress in your career. As for finances, some months will bring abundance, while others might bring loss. You are advised to spend mindfully and save enough money for difficult days. In terms of health, you need to remain extra careful this year.

马年出生的人如果今年保持积极向上,可以享受严谨的生活。水兔年有望 与您的配偶浪漫,这将加强您的联系。单身人士也可能找到真爱。事业上,一开 始你可能会遇到困难,但最终,事情会开始回到原位,你会看到事业上的进步。在 财务方面,有些月份会带来丰裕,而有些月份可能会带来损失。建议您谨慎消费, 并为困难的日子存足够的钱。在健康方面,今年您需要格外小心。

1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

In the year of the Rabbit, Goats might have to face some difficulties. But these challenges will make you stronger than ever. When it comes to your love life, you must refrain from suffocating your partner by being around all the time. You must give and take some space, as it is essential in any relationship. Career-wise, be ready for great things to happen. Your hard work will be rewarded and your skills will add value to your career. Financial challenges may bother you if you do not learn to spend money wisely. In terms of health, there is the chance of accidents, so you must be careful at all times. Also, take special care of your children’s health this year.

在兔年,属羊的人可能会遇到一些困难。但这些挑战会让你比以往任何时 候都更强大。当谈到你的爱情生活时,你必须避免一直在身边而让你的伴侣窒 息。你必须给予和保留一些空间,因为这在任何关系中都是必不可少的。在职业 方面,为伟大的事情做好准备。你的辛勤工作将得到回报,你的技能将为你的职 业增值。如果您不学会明智地花钱,财务挑战可能会困扰您。健康方面,有发生 意外的可能,要时刻注意。另外,今年要特别注意孩子的健康。

1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Monkeys this year will enjoy a peaceful, blessed, and happy period. You are willing to make life altering changes which will yield great results. In your love life, your bond with your beloved will improve and you will get to know more about each other. Single Monkeys who are not ready to fall in love, must not push themselves. The right person will walk in at the right time. After a challenging period of career downfalls, your career will finally start to take flight this year. If you focus on achieving your goals and keep moving in the right direction, the victory will be yours. To achieve financial stability, you will have to practice patience and mindfulness. Take care of your health as minor illnesses might bother you this year.

今年的属猴人将过一个祥和、幸福、幸福的时期。你愿意做出改变生活的改 变,这将产生巨大的结果。在你的爱情生活中,你与爱人的关系会得到改善,你 们会更加了解对方。还没准备好谈恋爱的单身猴子千万不要勉强自己。合适的人 会在合适的时间走进来。在经历了一段充满挑战的职业低谷期之后,你的职业生 涯最终将在今年开始腾飞。如果您专注于实现目标并继续朝着正确的方向前进, 那么胜利将属于您。为了实现财务稳定,您必须练习耐心和正念。照顾好你的健 康,因为今年可能会有小病困扰你。

YEAR OF THE RABBIT 兔年大吉 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 18

1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

The 2023 Chinese Horoscope is bringing a year of ups and downs for people born in the year of the Rooster. Married Roosters will have to learn to balance their personal and professional lives or it might anger your spouse. Don’t be afraid of having difficult conversations, as it is the only way to deal with problems in a healthy way. Single Roosters who are willing to open their heart for love, might end up finding the right partner this year. However, Roosters thinking of switching their jobs or career must hold that thought for now. When it comes to financial stability, it will only be achieved if you spend according to your budget. Do not over exceed expenses and save for the difficult days to come. Health-wise, it will be a good year.

2023年的生肖流年为鸡年出生的人带来了跌宕起伏的一年。已婚属鸡人必 须学会平衡他们的个人生活和职业生活,否则可能会激怒你的配偶。不要害怕进 行艰难的对话,因为这是以健康的方式处理问题的唯一方法。愿意为爱敞开心 扉的单身鸡,今年可能会找到合适的伴侣。但是,想要换工作或职业的属鸡人必 须暂时保持这种想法。谈到财务稳定,只有根据预算支出才能实现。不要过度支 出,为即将到来的艰难日子存钱。健康方面,这将是一个好年头。

1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

The stars are aligned in the favor of people born in the year of the Dog, in the year of the Water Rabbit. Be ready for luck, success, and abundance. In love-related matters, you are advised to move out of your comfort zone and try new things. Go on romantic outings with your partner and show them how much they mean to you. The Dog business person will earn good profits this year. Dogs might face some challenges in the workplace but they are advised to be patient. You are good at managing your finances, so a little turbulence in your financial life will not bother you this year. Health-wise, you will need to pay heed or you might suffer from health issues. Adopt a healthy lifestyle to live a longer and fulfilling life.

星象对出生在狗年、水兔年的人有利。为好运、成功和富足做好准备。在爱 情方面,建议你走出舒适区,尝试新事物。和你的伴侣一起去浪漫的郊游,告诉 他们他们对你有多重要。属狗人今年财运不错。狗在工作场所可能会面临一些挑 战,但建议它们要有耐心。您擅长理财,因此今年财务生活中的小动荡不会困扰 您。健康方面,你需要注意,否则你可能会出现健康问题。采用健康的生活方式, 过上更长寿、更充实的生活。

1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

According to the 2023 Chinese Horoscope, everything that Pigs have been waiting for will be theirs. In relationships, you must do things that will make your partner happy, as it will strengthen your relationship and make them feel special and loved. Single Pigs will also find the ‘one’ and this will mark the beginning of their romantic fairytale. Professionally, it will be a rewarding year as your hard work will finally start to pay off. However, the business person of this zodiac must

1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984

The year of the Water Rabbit brings luck and happiness to most aspects of life of people born under the Rat sign. Love will bloom and single Rats might find the love of their life this year. Your career will be on the rise as well and it will be a favorable time to explore your passion. Financially, you will prosper if you learn to manage your money. Health will be good for Rats in 2023.

水兔年为属鼠人的生活的方方面面带来好运和幸福。爱情会绽放,单身的 属鼠人可能会在今年找到一生挚爱。你的事业也会上升,这将是探索你的激情的 好时机。在财务上,如果你学会管理你的钱,你就会成功。2023 年,属鼠人的健 康状况良好。

1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

The Ox Chinese Horoscope reveals that people born in the Year of the Ox, will enjoy a good love life in the year of the Rabbit. Their bond with their beloved will be stronger than ever. Singles might have to wait some more. Their professional life will go through some turbulence but by year end, things will start to fall back in place. You are advised to be cautious regarding your money this year as spending on unnecessary things will lead to financial troubles in the future. Health-wise, it will be a good year.

属牛的流年运势显示,牛年出生的人在兔年将享受美好的爱情生活。他们 与心爱之人的纽带将比以往任何时候都更加牢固。单身人士可能需要再等一段 时间。他们的职业生涯会经历一些动荡,但到年底,事情会开始回落。建议您今 年谨慎理财,因为花在不必要的事情上会导致未来出现财务问题。健康方面,这 将是一个好年头。

1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

The Chinese Horoscope 2023 promises a year of prosperity, luck, and abundance for people born in the year of the Tiger. In love related matters, you will enjoy a fulfilling time with your partner, and single Tigers will have a great year too. In your professional life, the more people you meet, the more opportunities will come your way, so work on growing your social circle. You are advised to look for more sources of income if you want financial stability. Health-wise, you must be careful of the changing weather and consult a doctor even in cases of minor illness.

生肖流年在2023年为虎年出生的人带来了繁荣、幸运和丰富的一年。在爱 情方面,你会和伴侣一起度过一段充实的时光,单身的属虎人也会度过一个美好 的一年。在你的职业生涯中,你遇到的人越多,你的机会就越多,所以努力扩大你 的社交圈。如果您想要财务稳定,建议您寻找更多的收入来源。健康方面,注意 天气变化,小病也要看医生。


Text ◎Punit Pandey | Translate ◎Carl ONG 卡尔

兔年大吉 YEAR OF THE RABBIT 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 19



Sunday 29 January | 12 noon

Northbridge Piazza 北桥大草场 Corner of James and Lake Streets

12.00 - 12.20pm

Event Opening Ceremony 开幕典礼

Welcome to Country, speeches, lighting of firecrackers, lion and dragon dances

原住民欢迎仪式 、致辞、燃放爆竹、舞狮舞龙

12.20 - 1.00pm

Parade 游行

Dragon Dance, lion Dance, Chinese Community cultural groups, Taichi, Qigong, WA Police Pipe Band


1.00 - 2.30pm

Cultural Performance – Presented by Chung Wah Chinese School

文化文娱表演 – 中华中文学校呈现

3.00 - 4.30pm

Cultural Performance – Presented by Chung Wah Women Sub-committee

文化文娱表演 – 中华妇女组呈现

6.30 - 9.00pm

Multicultural Concert 多元文化文艺晚会

Aboriginal Dance, Dragon/Lion Dances, Chinese Cultural Dances, Indonesian Dance, Russian Dance, Singing, Chinese Orchestra, Maloya Music.

12.00 - 6.00 pm

12.00 - 9.00 pm

St John Ambulance Youth and Community Engagement 圣约翰救护车青年社区参与 WA Police Community Engagement

Northbridge dining experience,food and beverage, community and business information stalls


Lake Street (North)

12.00 – 9.00pm


Carnival Games and Rides


James Street 詹姆士街

12.00 - 6.00pm

Murdoch University Cultural Activity Zone 莫道克大学文化活动区

Cultural Demonstrations and Activities 文化展示和活动

Paper cutting, lantern making, Chinese painting, calligraphy, mahjong, storytelling. 剪纸、制作灯笼、国画、书法、四川麻将、说故事、少年机械人展示

1.00 - 4.00pm

Chinese musical instruments ensemble and Cantonese opera


Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 20 YEAR OF THE RABBIT 兔年大吉
The Street Fair 街道嘉年华

珀斯中华 新年文化节节目表 二零二三癸卯年正月初八 | 正午十二时

Lion and Dragon Dance Performances 龙狮表演

12.00pm Chung Wah Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe


Chinese Community Centre WA


2.00pm Ging Mo Academy Lion Dance Troupe


3.30pm Kong Hing Koon Perth Lion Dance Troupe


4.30pm Pak Mei Yaolin Kung Fu Association

5.30pm Chung Wah Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe

7.15pm Chung Wah Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe

Yagan Square 雅更广场

Parade along James Streets from Northbridge Piazza to William Street

Lion Dance 醒狮表演

Lion dance and martial arts

Lion and Dragon Dances, drumming

Dragon Dance

Lion dance at the Multicultural Concert

12.00 - 7.00pm Face painting, rabbit petting, wishing tree, luck lane, wishing note writing, animal balloons, food stalls 脸部彩画、抚摸兔子、许愿树、幸运巷、写许愿字条、兔子或动物气球、珀斯农历新年装饰和摊位

12.00 - 3.00pm Roll’d Vietnamese Rice Paper Rolls Workshop 制作越南春卷

3.00 - 5.00pm Oriental Fan and Mask Making Workshop 制作扇子或面具

5.00 - 7.00pm Chinese Calligraphy Workshop

3.00pm Lion Dance and Martial Art

** Programme is subject to change 活动将按实际情况调整

Major Sponsor Sponsors

中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 21 兔年大吉 YEAR OF THE RABBIT
韩国流行舞 6.30pm
1.00pm Dragon Dance
6.15pm K-pop Dance
In Collaboration

Chung Wah Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe 中华会馆龙狮团

Chinese New Year Performances 新年表演列表

Monday, 23 January

City of Canning Libraries

11:00 1-3 Hill View Place, Bentley

City of Perth

12:00 City of Perth

Swanbourne Post office

13:30 2 /111 Claremont crescent Swanbourne St Bart Aged Care

15:00 7 Lime Street, East Perth

Tuesday, 24 January

Gloucester Park

22:15 Gloucester Park

Saturday, 28 January

Mandurah Lakelands Shopping Centre

10:00 Mandurah Lakelands Shopping Centre

Geometric Hairdressing

13:00 Southland Boulevard

Geometric Hairdressing

13:30 Harrisdale shopping centre

Rottnest Island

Saturday, 21 January (Eve)


10:00 Mirrabooka Shopping Centre

Perth Badminton Arena


13:00 Canningvale

Pearl River Chinese Restaurant

18:00 Pearl River Morley

��Crown Perth

19:00 Crown

Crown Roving

19:30 Crown

Sunday, 22 January (CNY)

Market City Market Canningvale

10:00 Market city Canningvale

Mount Lawley Temple

11:30 55 Harold St, Mount Lawley

�� Karrinyup Shopping centre

13:00 Karrinyup shopping centre

Amitabha Buddha Association WA

14:00 154 Elliot Road, Hocking

Pearl River Chinese Restaurant

18:00 Pearl River Morley

�� Crown Perth

19:00 Crown

City of Belmont Library and Museum

9:30 City of Belmont, 215 Wright Street, Cloverdale WA 6105

Harold Hawthorne Community Centre

10:30 Carlisle

Thursday, 26 January

Indonesia Community WA

19:40 Civic Centre Park, Cnr George Street West and Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 6107.

Friday, 27 January

City of Perth

12:00 City of Perth

Crown Roving

19:00 Crown

13:30 Rottnest

�� Crown Perth

19:00 Crown

�� Crown Perth

19:20 Crown

Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 22 YEAR OF THE RABBIT 兔年大吉

Sunday, 29 January

PCNYF 2023

12:00 James and Lake Streets and Northbridge Piazza

Yagan Square

13:00 Yagan Square

PBA Canningvale

16:00 PBA Canningvale

PCNYF 2023

17:30 Piazza

PCNYF 2023

18:30 James and Lake Streets and Northbridge Piazza

Monday, 30 January

City of Perth

12:30 City of Perth

Tuesday, 31 January

Emerson Process Management Australia

11:00 20 Sangiorgio Court Osbourne Park

City of Perth

12:30 City of Perth

Karrinyup Store Blessing

14:00 Karrinyup shopping centre

Wednesday, 1 February

City of Perth

13:30 City of Perth

Thursday, 2 February

City of Perth

12:00 City of Perth

Banksia Grove Shopping Centre

17:00 Banksia Grove

Karrinyup Store Blessing

18:00 Karrinyup shopping centre

Buddhist Society Of Western Australia

20:45 18-20, Nanson Way, Nollamara. WA

Saturday, 4 February

Stockland Riverton

12:00 River ton Shopping Centre

Stockland Harrisdale

13:00 Harrisdale

�� Crown Perth

19:30 Crown

Sunday, 5 February

�� Lakeside Joondalup Shopping Centre

11:30 Joondalup

�� Crown Perth

19:30 Crown

Lunar New Year Activities | 珀斯各地农历年庆祝活动列表

Saturday 28 January 11.30am12.30pm

11am – 2pm

Saturday 4 February


4 February

Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra Victoria Park Central 366 Albany Hwy, Victoria Park WA 6100

Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra

Chinese Face Painting

God of Fortune

Stockland Riverton Shopping Centre

High Road and Willeri Drive, Riverton WA 6148 12pm

11am – 2pm

Lion Dance Performance, special bench set

Face Changing Performance

Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra

Chinese Face Painting God of Fortune

Chung Wah Lion Dance

Stockland Harrisdale Shopping Centre

Corner Nicholson Road and Yellowwood Ave, Harrisdale WA 6112

中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 兔年大吉 YEAR OF THE RABBIT
Date 日期 Times 时间 Activity 活动 Location 地点

The Fifteen Days of Chinese New Year

The Spring Festival, which is often referred to as Chinese New Year in general, was called ‘Yuan Dan’. It was recorded in the ‘Wu Zhu Bao Dian’ by Taiqin DU in the Sui Dynasty. The first month is also the month of auspiciousness, of which the first day is called the ‘Yuan’ day (the first day) or ‘Yuan Suo’ (the first day of the month). ‘Yuan’ means the ‘head’ or ‘new beginning’, the first day of the year (Chinese calendar), and first day of the spring season and the first month. Hence it’s also referred to as ‘San Yuan’ (the beginning of the trio). It’s also called ‘San Zhao’, as it’s the first of the day, month and the year. Being the first day of the lunar calendar, it’s also called ‘Yuan Suo’.

The First Day

‘Shang Ri’, ‘Zheng Zhao’, ‘San Zhao’, ‘San Suo’, ‘San Shi’ are all different names for the first day of the year, referring to the reset of the Chinese Gregorian-Lunar calendar to mark the beginning of the day, month and year. The most significant practice of the first day of Chinese New Year is lighting fire-crackers. On the first morning of the Spring festival, fire-crackers were lit upon opening the front door as an act of auspiciousness. The crackling noise accompanied by the red-confetti symbolises good affinity. It’s called ‘Man Tang Hong’ (all red within the courtyard), and fills the whole street with joy and happiness.

New Year visiting starts on the first day of Chinese New Year. As well as visiting one another in person, it can also be done via phone call or other means of contact, sending best wishes to one another for the coming year to be filled with good luck. The first day of Chinese New Year is also belived to be ‘the birthday of the broom’. Because of this, sweeping the floor on the first day attracts bad luck and represents good luck being swept away. This makes it inauspicious to sweep the home on the first day. If cleaning is required, floorsweeping must be done inwardly. You should not take out rubbish or throw out water, to avoid ‘loss of money’. Many places still practise such traditions. Cleaning is carried out right until New Years eve, no sweeping or throwing out rubbish on the first day of the new year, water from cleaning is collected in a big bucket throughout the day.

The Second Day

The Second Day of Chinese New Year is for married daughters to visit their maternal home, together with their spouse and children, it’s called ‘Hui Niang Jia’ (return to the maternal home). The visiting daughter would arrive with gifts and red envelopes for the kids. The daughter and family stay overnight at

the maternal home, which is a tradition called ‘Zhu Niang Jia’ (stay at the maternal home). Northern China has the tradition of praying to the God of Fortune on the second day of Chinese New Year. Shops, businesses, and families host prayer ceremonies, offering joss paper to the God of Fortune.

Lunch would be ‘Hun Tun’ (Chinese Dumpling), or ‘Yuan Bao Tang’ (Soup of the gold ingot). The praying ceremony would have fish and mutton as offerings. Some big businesses in the olden Beijing would host grand ceremonies, offering a whole pig, whole lamb, whole chicken and duck, and sometimes live fish, seeking good fortune throughout the year.

The Third Day

The traditional custom on this day is called ‘Qiong Gui Ri’ (day ghost of poverty). Every family would practise ‘Shao Qiong Gui’ (sweep away the ghost of povertyt) on the third day of Chinese New Year. It is literally taking out all the rubbish that has been accumulated for the past two days, symbolising the repelling of bad luck. Visiting would pause to avoid being mistaken as the ‘poor ghost’. It is also the day of ‘Chi Kou Ri’ (the day of arguments), which forbids people from visiting each other, as it’s believed they would easily get into an argument.

The Fourth Day

Ancient belief says that the fifth day of January of the Lunar Calendar is the birthday of the God of Fortune, so preparations must start the day before. The ceremony is aimed at welcoming the arrival of the God of Fortune. Some families would even set up a banquet to celebrate his birthday, consisting of chicken, pork, fish, fruits, candy and tea. This is one of the most important prayer ceremonies of the month, usually held in the afternoon as the sun goes down.

This is also the day to thank the Kitchen God, the most virtuous deity according to traditional beliefs. If the year has not gone well, the offering could be just water and

three joss sticks. However, if the family has made some fortune in the past year, it could be replaced by a better offering of meat, fish, fruits, tea or liquor to express ratitude and wish for a better year ahead.

This is the day that the forbidden actions of the previous day can now be resumed to normal. The tradition was to eat dumplings for five days consecutively; however, only a handful of people practise this now, opting to eat dumplings for just two or three days or alternate days. There’s also the belief that nothing should be done on the fifth day, or it will result in constant failure for the whole year. This is also the day that shops commence trading.

The sixth day is called the Day of the Horse, or ‘Xia Tian Bei Chun Geng, Qiong Qi Song Chu Men’ (Preparing your field for farming in the Spring, throw poverty out the window). Farming starts on the sixth day. As cleaning was forbidden for the past five days, rubbish that has been collected will need to be thrown out. Although this is barely practiced nowadays, it is tradition to pray to the Toilet God and clean the toilet. This is known as ‘Yi Fei’ (fertilise). However, as many families now have modern bathrooms, this practice is hardly seen in action.

The Seventh Day

The seventh day of Chinese New Year is often called the Day of Mankind or the Birthday of Human Beings. According to myth, when the creator ‘Nu Wa’ created the world and all animals, she created humans on the seventh day and allowed all plants to grow. It is common practice to eat spring rolls or wraps on this day. Cooking usually takes place in the courtyard to ‘Xun Tian, ’ or to show appreication to ‘Nu Wa’.

‘Qi Bao Geng’ (soup of the seven jewels) is made and consumed on the seventh day for good luck. It is made of seven kinds of vegetables, and is believed to both repel the evil spirit and serve as a healing remedy for all illnesses. The combination of the vegetables can be different as local

YEAR OF THE RABBIT 兔年大吉 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 24

produce varies from region to region. They might carry different meanings, but they all ward off misfortune and disease. There is also the practice of eating noodles on this day, which symbolises longevity.

The Eighth Day

According to legend, all deities return to the human world on the eighth day of Chinese New Year. People would offer handmade lanterns to the deities. This is called ‘Xun Xing’ (following the stars), ‘Ji Xing’ (offering to the stars), and ‘Jie Xing’ (receiving the stars). Another legend says that the eighth day is the birthday of the paddy. Good weather on this day would forecast a good harvest for the year. However, the opposite will occur if it is a gloomy or cloudy day. The eighth day of Chinese New Year is also believed to be the birthday of the silkworm.

The first eight days of the Chinese New Year are assigned to the following animals: Chicken, Dog, Pig, Lamb, Cow, Horse, Humans, and then lastly, the Silkworm, as they are all farming-related animals. The farming-based society at the time constantly sought the prosperity of their harvest and livestock, the safety of the people, and the silkworm business. There is also a taboo to do needlework on the eighth day, as it is believed it would cause blindness to silkworms.

The Ninth Day

According to the Taoism legend, the ninth day is the birthday of the Jade Emperor, often called ‘Yu Huang Dan’ (birthday of the Jade Emperor), ‘Tian Gong Sheng’ (Birthday of the Heavenly Father), or ‘Tian Ri’ (Day of the Heavens). The Taoist temple would hold grand ceremonies and recite scriptures to celebrate this day. Families would pay their respects to the heavens, worship the Jade Emperor by making offerings of meats and fruits, and request good weather and harvest in the coming year. It is also the day of ‘Jiu Huang Dan’ (Nine Emperor Gods Festival), during which people would wish for family members to be blessed with longevity. People would also be especially courteous and well-mannered on this day to avoid offending the Gods.

The Tenth Day

The tenth day is also called 'Di Ri' (earth day), “the birthday of the stone”, 'Shi Bu Dong' (not moving stone). Any farming equipment, such as stone grinders or crushers, should not be used, and offerings are made to avoid harvest losses. Families pray to the stones, offer incense to them, and eat bao (buns) for lunch to ensure prosperity in the coming year.

On the night of the ninth day, people would freeze a terracotta pot on a flat rock. The next morning, the terracotta

pot would be tied with a rope, and a few young men to carry it. If the stone does not fall off during this whole process, it indicates a good harvest for the year. It’s also a customary belief that the mice in the house would have a wedding on the night. People would leave a bun in the corner of the house as a gift for their wedding. Candles would be lit, with an offering of joss sticks and papers, to show respect for their wedding celebration. However, it is forbidden to light the lamp or talk at night, as it might disturb the wedding ceremony and offend the Mouse God, which could result in pest issues. Another belief is that needlework should be avoided on the tenth day, as it could cause heart pain because the Chinese believe the ten fingers and heart are directly connected.

The Eleventh Day

The eleventh day marks the commencement of farm work; as the saying goes, ‘Yi Nian Zhi Ji Zai Yu Chun’ (plans should start at the beginning of Spring). The farming community would return to work in the fields, hoping for a great harvest in the coming year.

The Twelfth Day

is the day to light a candle at the ancestral hall. In the old days, the farming-based society preferred boys to pass on the bloodline. If the village clan does not own an ancestral hall, a newborn boy with the same surname can light a new lantern, and to be added to the family records. The ancestral hall would also be lit by lanterns offered by the other family members, indicating that the clan's family have grown and continue to prosper.

The thirteen and fourteen days is the day to prosper the livestock life, as these two days are meant to increase their numbers. It is also the best time to replenish the quantity of livestock.

The Fifteenth Day

It is accustomed to having a lantern parade, “Yang Ge” (dance reminiscing the farming activity) and lion dance, fireworks and “Miao Hui” (market in front of the temple in the form of a variety fair) on the fifteenth day of Chinese New Year. The day has been named ‘Yuan Ciao Jie’ (The festival of glutinous rice ball), one of the major highlights of the new year celebrations. It is also called ‘Yuan Xi’, ‘Yuan Ye’, or ‘Shang Yuan Jie', marking the lunar calendar's first full moon night in January. It is often associated with lantern parades and is also known as the Lantern Festival.

The glutinous rice ball is a must for the festival, which has a long history dating back to the Song dynasty. It was called ‘Fu Yuan Zhi’ (floating ball) and later renamed ‘Yuan Xiao’. Businessmen often referred to them as ‘Yuan Bao' (gold ingots).

‘Yuan Xiao’ is also known as ‘Tang Yuan’. These glutinous rice balls could have sugar, rose, sesame, red bean paste, walnut, or date paste fillings, which are then wrapped in glutinous rice flour and rolled into a ball. In Shanxi, the glutinous rice ball is formed by rolling it in rice flour. They can be served as a vegetarian dish or with meat, boiled in soup, deep-fried, or steamed. The round shape of the glutinous rice balls signifies a happy reunion.

Lantern riddle guessing - a speciality game that has continued from ancient times - will also be played during the Lantern Festival. The game was believed to be invented by a scholar, who began placing riddles in colourful lanterns. Thus, colourful lanterns would be lit during the night, accompanied by fireworks.

Legend has it that the Dragon King mistakenly caused a sudden flood during a drought in the Tang Dynasty, killing many people in the capital city. The Jade Emperor sent his guard, ‘ Wei Zheng’, to kill the Dragon King. As a result, the emperor’s sleep was constantly disturbed by the unrested soul of the Dragon King. A courtman suggested offering a gesture to appease the unrested soul, which brought about the existence of dragon lanterns.

A dragon lantern is constructed from bamboo or wood, with coloured paper or cloth. There are an odd number of individual floats on the lantern, and the lantern can be as long as ten metres.

‘Long Deng’ (dragon lantern) refers to lanterns with candles, while ‘Bu Long’ refers to lanterns without candles. During a dragon dance, a person would hold the dragon’s head high while other team members would hold on to the dragon’s body with poles. The dragon would dance along to the rhythm of the percussion with carefully choreographed movements as if it were alive. People will take this opportunity to pray for good weather and

The custom of ‘Hai Er Deng’ (Lantern of the child), ‘Song deng’ (giving a lantern), or ‘Song Hua Deng’ (giving a floral lantern) involves the maternal family giving a lantern to their married daughter to encourage her to have a baby. Elderly relatives also give a lantern to those still trying for a baby, as ‘Deng’ and ‘Ding’

兔年大吉 YEAR OF THE RABBIT 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 25

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Claypot Cured Meat Rice (Lap Mei Fan) 腊味煲仔饭

It is a tradition that sometimes, before Chinese New Year, Chinese people will prepare Lap Mei to preserve meat for use in Winter. The cold and low humidity conditions during the season is perfect for drying the meat and preserving it for many, many months to come. This year I was lucky to have some free time around winter solstice; I made some Lap Cheong (Chinese cured sausage), cured duck, Hakka cured meat and Cantonese cured meat.

冬至前后是制作腊味的好时节。“秋风起,腊味香”是广粤那里耳熟能详的口头禅, 过去很多家庭都会趁着秋风起,空气冷冽干燥的时候腌制腊味。今年秋季遇上我工 作比较闲,制作了腊肠、腊鸭、客家腊肠和广式腊肉,腊味做好了,赶紧做个腊味煲仔 饭,给家里添点新春的气息!


• 1 cup Jasmine rice

• 2 Cantonese style Chinese sausages

• 1/4 piece of Hakka cured meat

• 1 tsp cooking oil

• 4-5 pieces bok choy

• Seasoning:

• 2 tbsp water

• 2-3 tsp light soy sauce

• 1/2 tsp oyster sauce

• 1/2 tsp dark soy sauce (optional)

• a pinch of pepper powder (optional)

• Few drops of sesame oil

The process:

1. Wash and clean the sausages and cured meat, and blanch them in a small pot of boiling water for about 2-3 minutes.

2. Spread 1 tsp of oil over the bottom of a claypot. Wash and drain the rice, place the rice in the claypot with 1 1/2 cups of water, bring to a boil and reduce to medium heat to cook for 8-10 minutes until you see little holes forming on top of the rice; turn to low heat, add sausages and cured meat on top of the rice. Cover with a lid and continue cooking for 15-20 minutes. Do not open the lid in between.

3. Mix all seasonings in a small bowl. Blanch/cook a few bok choy.

4. After 20 minutes, take out the sausages and cured meat, slice thinly, use a fork to loosen the rice, place the sliced sausages and meat back into the pot, add the seasoning and bok choy, and cook for 5 minutes on low heat. Serve hot with bok choy!


• 1 杯 泰国香米

• 2 根 广式腊肠

• 1/4 条 客家腊肉

• 1 tsp 食油

• 4-5 根青江菜

• 调味:

• 2 大勺 水

• 2-3 小勺 酱油/生抽(根据家里的酱油咸淡决定)

• 1/2 小勺 蚝油

• 1/2 小勺 甜酱油/黑酱油/珍珠油(选项)

• 一撮 胡椒粉(选项)

• 几滴麻油


1. 把腊味都洗干净,煮滚小半锅水,把腊味放入 烫几分钟去除怪味。

2. 砂锅/瓦煲抹上1 勺子的食油。白米洗净,加入 1 1/2 杯的水,大火先煮滚,转中火煮至水份减 少开始看见很多洞洞的时候(大约8分钟),把 腊味放入米饭里,转小火继续焖15-20分钟,间 中不要开盖子。

3. 用个小碗把调味料全混合,同时烫上几根青江菜。

4. 取出腊味,把腊味切片摆到米饭上,淋上酱汁 加盖煮5分钟,加上青菜吃。

原文引用 Reference:

28 A TASTE OF MEMORIES 盈盈小筑 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 文/图/译 ◎ 盈盈小筑 Echo’s Kitchen(原作者授权转载)

Steamed Lobak (Radish) Cake 腊味萝卜糕

Steamed radish cake (Lobak kuih) is something I never miss when I go to Chinese dim sum. It is also relatively easy to make at home, though. You can also turn it into fried lobak kuih the next day, a good breakfast choice.

萝卜糕是我每次去喝广式早茶必定要点的点心之一,稍稍煎过之后更是香气十,怎么吃都不够。萝卜糕在 家里制作其实不难,花点时间蒸一盆,还可以变化出炒萝卜糕和鸡蛋萝卜糕呢!是早餐很好的选择。秋天 是萝卜丰收的季节,趁萝卜肥美的时候做一盆腊味萝卜糕,早餐就有啦!


• 1 radish 550-600 gm (shredded)

• 1/2 Chinese sausage, soaked; casing removed and chopped as fine as possible.

• 2 dried mushrooms, soaked and chopped into fine cubes

• 1 tsp dried shrimp (washed, soaked and chopped)

• 2 strips of bacon, cut into small strips

• 1/4 cup of fried shallots

• 2 cups/300 g rice flour

• 1/4 cup/35 g tapioca starch

• 1/5 tsp chinese five spices

• 1/4 tsp pepper powder

• 1/2 tsp of salt or to taste

The process:

1. In a cooking pan, pour in one cup of water or chicken stock and boil shredded radish until it turns transparent.

2. Whisk together rice flour, tapioca flour, salt and 1 1/2 cups of water, to form a batter.

3. In another frying pan, fry the bacon with a bit of oil until the fat releases; add Chinese sausage, mushroom and dried shrimp, stir until fragrant, and add five spices and pepper powder.

4. Add cooked radish into the cooking pan with the fried shallots, and mix well. Pour the batter in, and keep stirring till the batter becomes sticky and starts to leave the pan, around 2-3 minutes.

5. Brush or spray a thin layer of oil on a baking pan; place the dough in the pan; using a wrapping film with the help of your palm, slowly press the dough down till it is well spread and smooth on the top.

6. Steam the cake at high heat for one hour. Let it cool down completely before taking it out from the pan.

You can serve it fresh with chilli sauce or hoisin sauce. Or shallow fry it till it turns golden in colour.


• 1 根 550-600 克的 萝卜 (擦丝)

• 1/2 根 广式腊肠 切碎

• 2 朵 香菇 切碎

• 1 小勺 虾米 泡软切碎

• 2 条 咸肉/Bacon 切小条

• 1/4 杯 红葱 切片炸成葱酥

• 2 杯/300克 粘米粉

• 1/4 杯/35 克 菱粉/木薯粉

• 1/5 tsp 五香粉

• 1/4 tsp 胡椒粉

• 1/2 tsp 或适量 盐


1. 萝卜去皮擦丝后加一杯水(或者鸡汤)煮成透 明状。

2. 锅里下一点点油把咸肉爆香之后倒入其他的材 料一起倒入炒。加入五香粉和胡椒粉,把刚刚 煮好的萝卜丝倒入锅里,加入葱酥。

3. 把粘米粉和粟米粉用1 1/2杯的水调成糊状。加 盐调味后把米糊倒入刚刚煮好的萝卜丝里,小火 一边煮一遍搅拌至米糊成团、开始离锅即可。

4. 把炒好的粉团和材料装到抹了油的烤盘里,表 面抹一点油,用保鲜纸盖着然后慢慢压平,放 到蒸笼里蒸1个小时。冷却之后倒出来。


Echo’s Kitchen--a journal of an amateur chef, blogger SinJin LIM is a freelancer of Malaysian Chinese living in the United States. She tirelessly records the recipes of taste of hometown she missed, bilingually in her blog. She is a down-to-earth mum, a wife that works wonders in cultivating their only child.

盈盈小筑--素人厨师的柴米油 盐,博主林心仁是一位从事自由 职业的旅美马来西亚华裔,透过 博客以英中双语记录了异乡游子 所思念的家乡味。脚踏实地、着 实苦干她以兼顾事业与家庭, 并以培养宝贝独子为大。

原文引用 Reference:

29 盈盈小筑 A TASTE OF MEMORIES 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版

2023 Senior Australian Of The Year, Western Australia Theresa Kwok

TheChung Wah Association congratulates Theresa KWOK, CEO Chung Wah Community Care, on winning the 2023 Senior Australian of the Year, Western Australia. Theresa Kwok has been supporting older migrants from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities over the past three decades, enabling them to call Australia their home.

As time went on, she felt the urgent need of assistance required by senior migrants, especially those who were not vocal enough to seek help. Due to the fear of uncertainty, they often suffer in silence. Most of them come to Australia to reunite with their children, away from anything that they are familiar with. They miss their independence, and network of friends in their home country. Theresa feels that is her calling to help those seniors in need, as she feels their loss and helplessness.

been awarded to them! Such enthusiasm further encourages Theresa and her team to design a curriculum that is suitable for CaLD seniors.

Theresa and the staff at CWCC are multilingual, and also specialise in alternative forms of communication for people with disabilities. They help to regain the Senior’s independence, providing fair and culturally appropriate assistance. She also encouraged the government, service providers and the community to increase their awareness of senior CaLD community migrants.

In 2021, Theresa was recognised as Western Australia’s 2021 Seniors Advocate of the Year. She is reshaping how aged and community care services are delivered, including programs to ensure older people can continue to live independently. She will now join the national judging process ahead of the Australian of the Year Awards, announced in Canberra on 25 January 2023.

Theresa migrated from Hong Kong 36 years ago, as a social worker. She has been helping migrants to settle down in Australia ever since. Although she faced the same issues as other new migrants who uprooted their entire life from their country of origin, she continued to provide assistance to the needy with empathy towards their challenges. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, approximately 37% of Australian seniors are born overseas and speak a language other than English. Those who are not able to speak English constitute 6% of the senior population.

Theresa understands the challenges of being a new migrant. Some simple tasks such as grocery shopping, can be extremely difficult without being able to easily communicate. There are also the cultural differences that make it difficult when seeking employment. Many migrants, although equipped with knowledge and skills, were obstructed by language barriers to start a new life in Australia. During the early days, Theresa often received requests to provide language assistance for tasks as simple as interpreting for the purchase of large household items.

Theresa has been actively serving in the community and aged care services industry for the last thirty years, providing much needed assistance to CaLD senior migrants. Her team at Chung Wah Community Care (CWCC) strives to help Seniors regain their confidence and enjoy making Australia their new home. The CWCC Hubs cater for seniors from different backgrounds, supported by valuable staff and volunteers. Seniors are able to enjoy their favourite foods and share a laugh with new found friends that share a common language. Currently, CWCC provides assistance to approximately 800 seniors, with 95% of them non-English speaking.

Theresa’s vision was for a college for the seniors, empowering them with life and social skills. It is important to find a creative solution to look after the ageing CaLD population. Most CaLD seniors, especially females, were not able to receive formal education during their younger days, which sparked the idea of the “Evergreen College”. Theresa claimed that many of the seniors are still quite resistant to the idea, claiming it is a waste of time and money. They didn’t realise that it would help them to be more independent and be able to communicate directly with people around them, especially grandchildren who may no longer speak the family tongue. The Evergreen College” also allows seniors to celebrate cultural festivals together and attend workshops and excursions to learn more about the Australian way of life and to further foster their sense of belonging. Fitness programs and cooking classes are also offered.

Education has always been an important part of Asian heritage, and some seniors value the opportunity to learn. They come with school bags to attend classes, actively participate in group discussion and some of them even frame the certificates that have

The aged-care industry in Australia is constantly facing staff shortages, which is drastically different when compared to Asian countries. Asian family values are different to cultural values in Australia, which poses a challenge to senior CaLD migrants. Theresa compares migration to transplanting a tree, in that not only extra care is required, but the tree needs to adapt to the new location. It is important to be proactive to aid in the adaptation to your new life in Australia.

CWCC is a group under the umbrella of the Chung Wah Association and is dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals from diverse backgrounds in Western Australia, especially non-English speaking. CWCC delivers community care programs for seniors, their family members and ethnic communities and has helped thousands of people and their families over the course of the past century. We intend to continue improving the community and living standard for all, through our person-centred approach, our dedication to people and our ongoing pursuit of our vision and our values.

CWCC is funded by:

• Home Care Package (HCP)

• Commonwealth Home Support Program(CHSP)

• National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Please visit the CWCC website for more information:

Reference: 0ODWvn3TEb1jZSdALHc0W5APPiqihOACONYab5YVPxw0

Published 22 December 2022 at 1:09pm, updated 22 December 2022 at 1:13pm, By OliviaYuan, Source: SBS

30 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue COMMUNITY CARE 松柏长青
编◎Carl ONG 卡尔, Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮 | 译◎Carl ONG 卡尔 | 摄影◎National
Australia Day Council

2023年度西澳大利亚长者奖 郭郑素雯

法获得正统的教育,这激发了郭太发起’长青 学院‘的想法。郭太表示许多长者仍然反对这 个想法、并认为这是在浪费时间和金钱。他 们没有意识到这能帮助他们变得更加独立、 并且能与周围的人直接交流、尤其是面对已 经无法以家乡话沟通的孙辈。’长青学院‘更让 长者们一起民族节庆、工作坊和短途旅行, 以让他们可以更多机会地去了解澳大利亚的 生活方式、并进一步培养他们的归属感。此 外,更有适合长者的健身和烹饪课程。


2023年度西澳大利亚长者奖。在过去的三十年里,郭太一直 在协助来自多元文化和语言(CaLD)的社区的老年移民,使他们能 够以澳大利亚为家。

2021年,郭郑素雯女士当选西澳大利亚 年度长者代言人。她致力于重塑长者和社区 护理服务的提供方式,包括确保长者能够继 续独立生活的计划被受肯定。她也是今年的 年度澳大利亚长者奖项的提名人之 一,该奖项将会在2023年1月25 日于堪培拉的典礼上宣布。

自三十六年前她从香 港移民澳洲,身为一名社 会工作者的她一直在在 帮助移民在澳大利亚定 居。尽管她也与其他背井 离乡的新移民面临着同 样的问题,但她秉承社工 的初心,继续为有需要的 人提供帮助,并对他们所面 对的挑战感同身受。

来自澳大利亚健康与福利研究 所的数据显示,大约有百分之三十七的澳大 利亚长者为海外出生人士,并只能运用英语 以外的语言作为沟通方式。不善英语的人士 占老年人口的大约百分之六。

郭太非常了解作为一名新移民所面对的 挑战。如果无法有效的沟通,一些简单的任 务(如购物)可能会变得难如登天。新移民也 会面到文化背景的差异导致求职困难重重。

许多移民虽然具备专业知识或特殊技能,却 因语言障碍而无法在澳大利亚开始新的生 活。在初期,郭太也时常被要求在新移民购 买大型家具用品时提供语言协助,对她来说 这口译工作是很简单的。

随着时间的推移,她越来越觉得老年 移民有更迫切的需要旁人的协助,尤其是那 些无法主动去寻求协助的老人。由于他们对 外界不确定性的恐惧,导致他们只能默默咽 下心酸去承受生活的不适。他他们其中的多 数都是为了和已经移民澳洲的孩子们团聚而 飘洋过海来澳、远离他们生活中所熟悉的一 切。他们非常怀念在原籍国的独立自主和朋 友圈。郭太觉得帮助这些有需要的长者是她 的使命,因为她可以深切感受到他们的失落 和无助。

过去的三十年来,郭太一直积极服务于 社会和老年护理服务行业,为多元文化社区 的长者移民提供急需的帮助。她在中华社区 服务部(CWCC)与专业的团队竭力帮助长者 重拾信心、让他们可以融入澳大利亚 这个新家园。中华社区服务部为 来自不同背景的长者提供协 助,有幸能有专业的职工和 志愿者们的支持,让长者 们可以最低限度享受到 他们喜欢的食物、并能 结识能够以共同语言的 朋友们一起开怀。目前, 中华社区长者服务部为 大约八百名长者 提供协助, 其中的百分 之九十五以上 的长者都无法以 英语沟通。

郭太的愿景是能长 者开设一所大学、赋予他 们学习生活和社交技能。 最终的目的是可以找到 有创意的解决方案来照 顾越来越老龄化的多元 文化社区人口。大多数的 多元社区长者、尤其是女 性、因为在年轻的时候无

教育一直是亚洲传统的重要组成部分、 有些长者非常重视学习的机会;他们会背着 书包来上课、对于小组讨论非常积极参与、 有的甚至还把颁发给他们的证书裱框起来! 长者们如此热情的举动让郭太与团队们更 加努力的去设计适合多元文化长者的各类课 程。

郭太和中华社区长者服务部的职工们都 能运用多种语言、并且还擅长为听障人士提 供其他的交流方式。他们协助长者恢复独立 性、并且为他们提供公平且符合文化惯例的 帮助。郭太也希望政府、社会服务提供者,甚 至整个社区、能提高他们对于多元文化长者 移民的认识。

澳大利亚的长者护理行业一直都面临着 人员短缺的问题、这个与亚洲国家相比之下 更显大径相廷。亚洲社会的家庭价值观与澳 大利亚本文文化的价值观不同、这对于多元 文化背景的长者移民构成了一大挑战。郭太 将此比喻为移植一颗大树、不仅要提供额外 的照顾、而且该棵树更要全力去适应这个新 的栽种地域。积极主动的态度对于适应并融 入澳大利亚的新生活圈蔚为重要。

中华社区服务部(CWCC)是中华会馆的一个重要 构成团体。中华社区服务部致力于改善西澳大利亚 不同背景人士的生活质量,尤其是非英语人士。中 华社区服务部为长者、与其家庭成员、以及其他少 数民族群体提供社区护理计划,并在过去一个世纪 中帮助了成千上万的人和他们的家庭。中华社区服务部秉承以人为本的理念、奉献精神、部会愿 景和价值观的不断追求,继续为所有人的社区和生活水平谋福祉。


• 家庭护理套餐 (HCP)

• 国家残障保险计划 (NDIS)

• 联邦家庭支持计划 (CHSP)


31 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 松柏长青 COMMUNITY CARE

Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 2022 Term 3 and 4 Highlights


Mid-Year Assembly | 2022年小学部上半年总结表彰大会及学生汇演

学校于八月二十七日举行了2022年小学部上半年总结表彰 大会及学生汇演,并借此机会提前庆祝即将来临的中秋节。 学前部及小学部共300多名师生参加了大会。大会由六年级 学生主持,从幼儿班到五年级共十八个中文教学班及传统舞蹈、 现代舞蹈和儿歌表演三个课外兴趣班在大会 上表演了精心准备的节目。

联邦议员林文清先生(Sam Lim MP)及中华会馆会长陈挺博士出席 了大会并讲话。林议员以即将到来

The Chung Wah Chinese School (CWCS) mid-year assembly was hosted by Year 6 students and attended by about 300 students and teachers. There were eighteen performances by the students, including traditional and modern dance and singing. Special guests included the Honorable Sam LIM MP and Chung Wah President, Ting CHEN.

Honorable Sam LIM MP used the example of the Mid Autumn Festival to encourage the students to learn Chinese language to retain Chinese culture. President Ting CHEN told the story of the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival, encouraging students to work harder to carry on the legacy of Chinese culture and heritage. Xuanli MA, the Principal of Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne, thanked them for their support and for attending the assembly. Honourable Sam LIM MP and President Ting CHEN presented the Awards for the two students who were finalists for the West Australian Chinese Elementary School Story Telling Competition. They also presented certificates for students with outstanding performance at the ‘Han Zhi Qiao’ competition of the school.

Dr Jags Krishnan MLA MidAutumn Festival visit

州议员Dr Jags中秋节期间的拜访

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Dr Jags Krishnan MLA, member for Riverton, accompanied by Ting CHEN, Chung Wah President, visited Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne and participated in a discussion forum with the teachers. Principal MA Xuanli introduced the current operations of the school, as well as the obstacles faced. The teachers expressed their concerns as well as specific issues that they are concerned about. Both Dr Jags and President Chen thanked the teachers for their hard work and dedication and the school's contribution to the prosperity and multiculturalism of the community. Dr Jags said that he would fully support the further development of the community school.

中秋节当日,西澳州Riverton选区议员Dr Jags Krishnan MLA在中 华会馆会长陈挺博士陪同下来到中华乐思中文学校参观,并在放学后和 部分教师进行了座谈。马烜历校长向Dr Jags和陈会长介绍了学校的情 况,并反映了办学中的一些问题。与会老师也与Dr Jags和陈会长讨论了 一些老师们关心的具体问题。Dr Jags和陈会长都对老师们的辛勤付出 学校对社区繁荣和多元文化做出贡献表示赞赏。Dr Jags也表示将全力 支持社区学校的进一步发展,并期望学校越办越好。

的中秋节为引子,向同学们宣讲学 习中国语言,传承中华文化的重要 意义。陈会长问同学们讲述了中 秋节的来历,并鼓励同学们努力学 习,传承中华传统和文化。


宾拨冗出席学校大会,并感谢各界对中 华学校的支持。马校长在讲话中肯定了同 学们在上半年取得的成绩,并鼓励同学们继续 努力,在下半年取得更大的进步。

林议员及陈会长还分别为代表我校在2022年西澳州华裔中 小学生讲故事比赛决赛中获奖的两位同学颁奖,并为在学校“汉 字墙”活动中达标及表现突出的同学颁发了达标证书及优秀奖。“ 汉字墙”活动颁奖仪式由小学部母语组主任陈美丽老师及二语组 主任许玲玉老师主持。

近百名家长出席大会观看孩子们的表演,分享孩子们的学习 成果。

Professional Development 2022年第二次教师校本培训成功举办

The second professional development for teachers was held on 17 September 2022, attended by over 20 teachers. Conventional lecturestyle training has been replaced by a more interactive format. After being divided into year level groups, the teachers discussed their teaching style and methods to create the teaching programme, based on student needs. Teachers from junior and senior high schools discussed the teaching method for teenage students and how to bridge the gap between the current curriculum and the ATAR Chinese syllabus. After the group session, a representative from each group then summarised their key findings and ideas. This interactive approach has been effective in learning about new teaching methods, resulting in an increase in the school’s teaching level.

九月十七日,中华乐思中文学校全体教师二十余人齐聚一堂,参加了今年 第二次校本培训。本次培训改以往常用的讲座式培训为教研式讨论。在分组讨 论阶段,小学部按年级分组,以“同课异构”的形式展示每位老师根据自己的教 学风格和班级学情,对同一教材的不同处理、对学生不同的学习指导方法和教 学活动方案。初中部和高中部则讨论了对中学年龄学生的教学法和本部现有 教学内容与ATAR中文大纲的衔接方案。分组教研结束 后,各组分别派代表和全体老师分享了小组教研 中的关键点和教学新法。这种培训方式让平 行班老师有机会互相了解,互相借鉴;最 后的分享环节也给了老师们展示特长, 取长补短的机会。直接的演示使得老 师们更快捷有效地了解新的教学资 源和方法,可以迅速提 升学校的整体教 学水平。

32 SCHOOL YARD 校园天地 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue 文◎ Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne 中华乐思中文学校 | 译 ◎ Carl ONG 卡尔汪

2022 End of Year Assembly | 2022年全校总结表彰大会及中学部学生汇演

学校于十二月三日举行了2022年全校总结表彰大会及学生汇演。全校400 多名师生参加了大会,并有近百名家长出席大会,见证孩子们的学习成果。

中华会馆会长陈挺博士,秘书长张娟妮女士出席了大会,西澳州议员 Dr Jagadish (Jags) Krishnan MLA作为嘉宾应邀出席了大会。马烜历校长、陈 挺会长和Jags议员分别在大会上致辞。联邦议员林文清先生(Sam Lim MP) 虽然因议会工作远在堪培拉,却仍然在百忙中抽时间视频连线,对同学们和 老师们表示问候。陈挺会长、张娟妮秘书长、Jags议员、和马校长为获得校 级优秀奖和进步奖的同学及在“汉字墙”活动中表现优秀的同学颁发了奖状 和奖品。唱游、现代舞、传统舞及一二年级中文背景班的同学在全校大会上 表演了精心准备的节目。

颁奖典礼结束后,中学部以班级为单位为同学和家长们表演了精彩的 节目。他们的节目有合唱、舞蹈、话剧等,展示了中学生的青春风采。

The assembly was held on 3 December, attended by special guests, President of Chung Wah Association, Ting CHEN; Honorary Secretary of Chung Wah Association, Jen Nie CHONG and Honorable. Dr Jagdish Krishnan MLA.

Xuanli MA, Principal of Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne, President Ting CHEN and Dr Jags spoke at the assembly with Mr Sam LIM MP, conveying his virtual greetings from Canberra. Ting CHEN, Jen Nie CHONG, Dr Jags MP and Xuanli MA presented the excellence awards to the most outstanding and most improved students of each class and prizes for students for outstanding performance at the ‘Han Zi Qiang’ competition. The Year 1 and 2 students performed singing, modern and traditional dance and the high school students performed singing, dances and sketches. There was also an exhibition of students’ work, showcasing each class’s learning results.

学校还在当天安排了学生作品展览厅,展出各班级学生学习成果,吸引 了很多家长参观。有些班级的同学还在老师的带领下参观了展览。

33 校园天地 SCHOOL YARD 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版

Chung Wah Chinese School Morley End of Year Assembly 2022中华摩利中文学校结业礼

Chung Wah Chinese School Morley’s End of Year Assembly was held on the 26th of November, 2022. In addition to the teachers, students, and parents, the President of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of WA, Ms Li Liu, the Principal and Business Manager of Morley Senior High School, Mrs Sue Gilchrist and Catherine Shaw also attended the assembly. Students from different year levels recited Chinese poems, sang Chinese songs, gave speeches in Chinese and showcased their talents on stage. During the assembly, awards were presented to reward students’ excellent learning performance, attitude and effort.

中华摩利中文学校于2022年11月26日举行了结业礼。除了师生们和家长们的参与,本校也非常荣幸地邀请到西澳中文教师协会的主席刘莉女士,摩利高 中校长和业务经理以及中华会馆的财长邵克美女士出席结业礼。各年级的同学们使出浑身解数,把在课堂上学习到的中文朗诵、演讲、演戏和唱歌等才艺呈 现给观众。高年级同学的一出“猪八戒吃西瓜”的戏剧演出,更把结业礼的气氛推向高潮。结业礼的最后是颁奖典礼。多位在课堂学习中表现优秀的同学们也获 颁最佳成绩奖、进步奖和鼓励奖等奖项。

34 SCHOOL YARD 校园天地 Chung
Magazine Summer Issue 文/译◎ Chung Wah Chinese School Morley 中华摩利中文学校
Wah Bilingual

Travel Medicine 旅行药品

Yong Sim Lee is a pharmacist with 12 years of experience. He believes that the best medication is education. As a father of two children, he also has further advanced his study in paediatric medicine. He is blessed to own two pharmacies. Sim is currently pursuing postgrad in Nutritional Medicine

李荣参从事了12年的药剂师工作。他相信教育是最好的良药。作为两个孩 子的爸爸,他完成了儿科药物学课程。他感到侥幸可以经营自己的两家药 房。荣参正进修着营养药物学。

In order to prevent infectious diseases, avoid environmental risks, and ensure the personal safety during travel, it is important to perform a personal health assessment, such as age, health conditions, medications, and immunisation history against the details of the planned trip (the season of travel, itinerary, duration, and planned activities).

Here are some common issues, but not limited to, that should be covered by travellers before travelling.

Vaccine preventable illness

1. Hepatitis A vaccination should be considered for all travellers especially for those who are travelling to countries where sanitation and hygiene may be poor.

2. Vaccination against Japanese encephalitis (a mosquito borne, viral disease that is prevalent in most countries of Asia) should be administered on the basis of a risk assessment.

3. Typhoid immunisation is indicated for travellers who will be consuming food and drink in conditions of poor sanitation and hygiene especially in Central and South America, Asia, and Africa.

4. Influenza is a year-round concern and it is strongly recommended particularly in crowded conditions, such as on cruise ships, large tourist groups or participating in mass gatherings.

5. Fifth COVID-19 vaccine dose is not currently recommended in Australia.


Malaria is one of the most severe infectious diseases among travellers but fortunately, nearly all cases are preventable. The best management of malaria includes awareness of risk, avoidance of mosquito bites, compliance with chemoprophylaxis, and prompt diagnosis in the event of a febrile illness either during or on return from travel.

Traveller’s diarrhoea

Traveler's diarrhoea is the most common disease among travellers. Self-treatment includes hydration; treatment with loperamide for control of symptoms (when there is no temperature > 38.5°C or gross blood in the stool), and a short course of a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, if necessary.

Deep venous thrombosis (DVT)

Long-haul journeys of 6–8 hours and longer should avoid wearing constrictive clothing around waist and lower extremities, exercise calf muscles, maintain hydration, and wearing below-the-knee compression stockings may be considered.

Personal medicine pack

It is important to carry medicines to treat acute or chronic health problems. These are the common medicines available over-the-counter in Australian pharmacy.

• Imodium Plus (for diarrhoea, bloating and wind)

• DiaRelieve (for relief of diarrhoea in children, and to absorb bacteria, viruses and toxins)

• Codral Cold, Flu & Cough Day and Night PSE (for fever, runny nose, block nose, insomnia, allergy, motion sickness)

• Claratyne Chewable (antihistamine, convenient to use for adults and children)

• Nurofen Meltlets (anti-inflammatory, suitable for adults and children)

• Kenalog (for mouth ulcer)

• Novasone cream (steroid cream for skin rash, bites)

• Stingose

• Gaviscon Dual Action chewable tablets (for indigestion, reflux, stomach upset)

• FLO Travel nasal spray (to prevent upper respiratory tract infection, especially best against human coronavirus infection)

• BioCeuticals Lactoferrin Plus SB (to prevent traveller's diarrhoea)

为了预防传染疾病、排除外界传播因素,并且能 确保自身的医药安全,在旅行前最好对自身健康的评 估很重要,尤其是因年纪、健康状况、药物需求,以及 针对旅行目的地所需要预先施打的预防针(因季节、行 程、旅途长度、以及旅行当时的活动安排而有所不同) 以下所列是常见的案列,但并不仅有以下所罗 列,但建议您在旅行前做好参考。


1. 所有的旅行者应该考虑接种甲类(A型)肝炎预防 针,尤其是将会参访卫生条件有限或不佳的地域 2. 应在风险评估的基础上接种乙型脑炎疫苗(一种 在亚洲大多数国家流行的蚊媒病毒性疾病,别名 日本脑炎)

3. 在环境卫生条件差的情况下食用食物和饮料的旅 行者应接种伤寒疫苗,尤其是准备前往中美和南 美洲、亚洲和非洲的旅行者

4. 流感是一个全年都令人担忧的问题,强烈建议接 种疫苗、特别是会曝露在拥挤的情况下的旅程, 如游轮、大型旅游团或参加群众集会。

5. 澳大利亚目前不推荐接种第五剂 COVID-19疫苗。


疟疾是旅行者中最严重的传染病之一,但幸运的是,几 乎所有病例都是可以预防的。 疟疾的最佳管理包括提 高风险意识、避免蚊虫叮咬、遵守化学预防措施,以及 在旅行期间或旅行归来时及时诊断发热性疾病。


旅行者腹泻是旅行者中最常见的疾病。可以进行的 自我治疗包括补充水分; 用洛哌丁胺治疗以控制症 状(当体温 不超过38.5°C 或粪便中有明显血迹时), 并在必要时短期使用氟喹诺酮类抗生素。

深静脉血栓 六至八小时及以上的旅途,应避免穿束缚腰部和下肢 的衣服。旅行者可以透过让小腿肌肉保持活动、及时 补充水分,或考虑穿膝盖以下的弹力袜以防堵血栓。 个人药品包 随时准备并携带好个人所需要的紧急或者慢性病药物 以下所罗列的是在澳大利亚的药房晷面上可以直接 购买到的普通药物

• Imodium Plus(用于腹泻、腹胀)

• DiaRelieve(缓解儿童腹泻,排解细菌、病毒和毒素)

• Codral Cold, Flu & Cough Day and Night PSE(用于发 烧、流鼻涕、鼻塞、失眠、过敏、晕车)

• Claratyne 咀嚼片(抗组胺剂,方便成人和儿童使用)

• Nurofen Meltlets(抗炎,适合成人和儿童)

• Kenalog(用于口腔溃疡)

• Novasone 外敷霜(用于治疗皮疹、咬伤的类固醇霜)

• Stingose

• Gaviscon Dual Action 咀嚼片(用于消化不良、食道反 流、胃部不适)

• FLO Travel鼻腔喷雾剂(预防上呼吸道感染,尤其是 对人类冠状病毒感染最有效)

• BioCeuticals Lactoferrin

Plus SB(预防旅行者


36 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue MEDICAL INFORMATION 医疗资讯

How to stay health and prevent diseases whilst travelling 旅游季节如何预防疾病保护身体健康的一点建议

傅绪琼中医师 - 1983年毕业于5年制中国安徽中医药大学,从事中医临床 已有36年工作经验。

Christmas, New Year and Spring Festival are coming one after another, and it is time for the annual holidays again. Many people prefer to put aside their busy work schedule and hurl themselves into travel. It is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature and the joy of gathering with relatives and friends. However, there may be unexpected physical and mental exhaustion, as well as sickness. I will put forward some practical and effective suggestions from the perspective of Chinese medicine.

(1) Adequate preparation is the most effective method.

Before going out, prepare warm clothes, rain gear, sunscreen, Chinese and Western medicines. Bring water bottles and healthy snacks to replenish water and energy anytime. Also bring wind oil essence, paw paw ointment, bruise ointment, which can be used for insect bites, allergies, and bruise from falls.

(2) Prevention of travel sickness.

Bring some fresh oranges and sliced ginger. An excellent way to prevent motion sickness is to smell orange peel. I have tried it myself, and it works every time. Sucking ginger slices or putting ginger on your belly button can also help prevent motion sickness.

(3) Have good sleep.

Travelling is often a rush and energy-draining exercise. It consumes a considerable amount of physical strength and energy, so it is necessary to have a six-to-eight-hour sleep and never stay up late. Otherwise, it damages your immunity, leading to illness.

(4) Eat in moderation.

Don't overeat. Don’t drink highly carbonated beverages or too much alcohol. This can prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases.

(5) Rinse your back with hot water.

When taking a shower at night, please rinse your back with hot water for 2-3 minutes continuously, which can effectively help prevent cold, eliminate fatigue and promote sleep. It can enhance blood circulation, keep your body warm, and remove toxins by flushing the Feishu and other acupoints on the back with hot water. I highly recommend this simple and effective method to everyone.

I wish you all have a healthy, happy and safe holiday!

圣诞节、新年和春节接踵而至,又到了一年 一度的节假日的时间。很多人都喜欢在假期里放 下繁忙的工作,带着愉悦的心情出外旅游,享受一 下大自然的美好风光以及与亲朋好友们相聚的欢 乐。但在舟车劳顿的旅行生活中,往往可能会出 现一些疾病和身心疲惫的状况,使你的预期大打 折扣。今天就从中医预防的角度给大家几点切实 有效的建议。

(一) 做好充分的预备是最有效的良 药。

出门前要预备带上保暖的衣服、雨具、防晒 霜、中西药品、水壶和健康的零食等等,随时补充 水和能量。这里也特别提醒带上风油精、木瓜膏 和跌打损伤膏等,对于蚊虫叮咬、过敏和跌伤等 都可以及时使用、立刻见效的。


带上几个新鲜的橘子和一些生姜片。用鼻子 闻橘子皮的香味,有非常好的预防晕车的作用, 本人亲自尝试过每次都有效。口含生姜片,或把 姜片贴在肚脐眼上,也可以有效地帮助预防晕 车。


出外旅行常常要赶赶时间,舟车劳顿很消耗 体力和精力,所以一定要保持六到八小时的睡眠, 千万不要熬夜。否则会损伤自己的免疫力,导致 生病。


不要暴饮暴食,不要饮用高碳酸的饮料,也 不要喝酒太多。要预防肠胃疾病的发生。 (五)用热水冲背。

每天晚上洗澡时,用热水持续冲洗背部 2 - 3 分钟,这可以有效地帮助预防和消除感冒症状、 消除疲劳和促进睡眠。因为用热水冲背部的肺俞 等穴位,可以增强血液循环,驱除风寒,清除毒 素。这种方法简单有效,特别推荐给大家。 祝愿大家有一个健康、快乐、平安的假期!

37 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版 医疗资讯 MEDICAL INFORMATION
Dr Julia FU is a practitioner in traditional Chinese medicine. She graduated from the Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China in 1983, and has 36 years of experience.
文◎ 傅绪琼 Julia FU | 译◎ 项海颖 Haiying XIANG

Ask the GP

Dr Mira graduated from Melbourne University Medical School in 2006. Dr Mira is very passionate about her work in general practice as well as cosmetic medicine. She is fluent in both English and Mandarin, and has many years of experience caring for communities with different cultural and social diversity, and she enjoys interacting and helping patients of all backgrounds and ages.

1I am a mum with three children; recently, I just had my Pap Smear Test done by a new doctor. Although the procedure was done without much discomfort and the results show no complications, my period has gone out of its expected timing. I have followed up with the doctor, and she claimed that it is regular and only temporary. I trust her professional opinion. However, a second opinion might ease my slight worry.

The standard potential complications with the pap smear procedure can range between spotting, heavy bleeding, pain, discomfort, infection and occasional repeat testing. However, if symptoms post-pap smear procedure persists, it is essential to follow up with a doctor to ensure no infection or other treatable complications.

With the delay or irregularity of the period, this may be a coincidental incidence rather than from having the pap smear. This is because the pap smear test is performed on the cervical os, which is far from the uterus and should most likely cause a Spotting unless there is a bleeding polyp or vascular structure at the cervical os opening.

2My friend asked me during a casual chat at a social event about having a prostate biopsy done. I was puzzled puzzled, being the youngest among them all (45 years old, they’re mostly 50 and over), and I do not see a pressing need. My recent health check passed with flying colours, and I am still active with my wife in private matters. My wife suggested that I forward this question to you about general health concerns for men, as it could benefit other readers too.

For men, it is important to have the prostate checked regularly from age 50 years old onwards. Before that, if any man has symptoms of dripping, mild urinary discomfort or any lower abdominal discomfort, have the prostate examined through a blood test and a prostate examination done by your doctor.

The prostrate changes may not be related to your sexual function. So despite having a normal sex life, it is still essential to have a prostate checked-up when aged 50 years and above.

3My wife recently showed some blank spots on her skull that has lost its grown hair. After seeking professional treatment from a dermatologist, she was prescribed steroid cream to be applied externally. I know the risk of steroids and their harm. Is there any other way that I could help her to recover without the involvement of such drugs?

Hair loss can result from various causes such as stress, hormonal changes, hair product allergy, hair dermatitis and many other causes. Therefore you have taken the right step by having it examined by a doctor. Apart from a steriod cream applied topically, you can take vitamins cream. You can take vitamins specially designed for hair loss, shampoo and conditioner designed for hair loss and consider other therapy such as LED light or platelet-rich plasma to stimulate hair regrowth.

4My caucasian boyfriend has suffered from sunburn issues since childhood, and I, being a Southeast Asian woman, have never known of such an issue or how to deal with it. Would getting sun protection cream over SPF50+ from Asia help him be ‘normal’ like me? And if we proceed with the marriage, would this genetically pass on to our future generation?

The SPF50plus/UVA/UVB is now widely recommended for anyone living in Australia, regardless of skin type. It is widely available now in Australian pharmacies, skin clinics or grocery stores. If you proceed to have children together, your children will likely inherit their sensitivity to sun exposure. However, it can be managed by applying sunscreen, limiting sun exposure by choosing the hours of going out and having sun protection measures such as wearing a hat. These will all help to prevent sunburn and further complications from the burns.

5I have been a migrant to Australia for 20 years, and recently I seem to be reacting quite badly after taking dairy products. My family doctors explained to me that it’s pretty normal to be a lactoseintolerant person of Asian heritage. Could lactose intolerance develop over time since migrating to this country? Or those supposed dairy products that I have consumed since young have not been the real deal? (Rumors say it’s all processed food that contains no real dairy).

Lactose intolerance can happen to anyone of any cultural background. This is more due to aging and changes to your intestinal cell. Suppose you are finding yourself having a bad reaction to dairy products. You can change your diet by taking soy milk or boiling regular milk to modify the composition of the milk to reduce your lactose intolerance. Otherwise, you can minimise lactose intake to reduce the symptoms.

6 My mum suffers from chronic back pain, and I have recommended she see my chiropractor. She declined my suggestion as she would rather see her Sifu for a massage. I do not object to any alternative treatment that she believes in, but I worry that might cause her delay in proper treatment. I would like to know a GP's point of view on a dilemma like this that often occurs in a Chinese family.

If your mum has ongoing back pain, despite having several chiropractor treatments, it is essential to have further investigations done to rule out sinister causes for her back pain. So if you are very concerned about her back, you can encourage her to go and see her GP for a routine investigation to rule out concerning causes of her back pain. **The above remarks are general guides only as results may differ for each individual; please consult your family doctor for detailed diagnostics if the symptom persists

38 ASK THE GP 寻医问药 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue



她能说流利的英语和普通话,并拥有多年参与各个多元文化社区的医护经验,并且享受与不同类型和年龄段的 患者进行互动,给他们提供帮助。

1我是四位孩子的母亲、最近才在一 位年轻医生那里做了子宫膜片检 查。虽然过程没有不舒服、而且结果也 是无恙,但是我的经期开始开始变得异 常。我有询问过该医生、她说这是正常 的且暂时的。我相信她的专业、但是如 果有另外一位医生的说法会让我更加 的放心。

對於子宮頸抹片檢查,非常潛在的風險有 這些:出血、疼痛、不適、感染和偶爾需要重複檢 測。但是,如果子宮頸抹片檢查後的症狀持續存 在,請務必回診看醫生以確保沒有感染或其他 可治療的併發症。

如果做完子宮頸抹片有經期延遲或不規 則,這可能是巧合。這是因為子宮頸抹片檢查實 際上是在子宮的宮頸最外面做細胞取樣,離真 正的子宮有些距離。所以除非在子宮頸口有息 肉或血管瘤,通常做子宮頸抹片引起的出血量 是很少的。

2 在一次的社交聚会上、朋友们聊起 了前列腺检测。我有点困惑因为我 是其中年纪最轻的(我45岁,而其他 的都是50岁以上的男性)我不认为我 需要做这类的检测。我最近的体检报 告优等、和太太的房事正常。我太太建 议我向您提出这个有关男性健康保养 的提问,希望对于其他读者也有助益。

對於男性來說,從 50 歲起定期檢查前列腺 絕對重要。在此之前,如果任何男性有漏尿、小 便不適或任何下腹部不適的症狀,建議通過血 液檢查檢查前列腺,並由您的醫生進行真正前 列腺檢查。

前列腺的變化與您的性功能不一定有完 全關聯。因此,儘管有正常的性生活功能,只要 你的年紀到了50歲以上或尿到有症狀,進行前 列腺檢查仍然很重要。


我的太太最近头部发现了掉头发 的白班秃点,在找过了皮肤专科医 生诊断后、她被开了含有类固醇的药膏 以涂抹在患处。我晓得类固醇的危险, 请问是否有何种替代的治疗方式可以 避免使用到类固醇?

脫髮可能是多種原因造成的,例如壓力、 荷爾蒙變化、護髮產品過敏、毛髮皮炎和許多其 他原因。因此,您去看醫生做醫生檢查是正確的 作法。治療方針除了局部使用類固醇霜外,您可 以服用專為掉髮設計的維生素、專為掉髮設計 的洗髮水和護髮素,並考慮其他療法,如 LED 燈或富含血小板的血漿,以刺激頭髮再生。

4 我的白人男友自小就饱受晒伤之

苦,而我身为一名东南亚女性对并 不了解日晒能有如此的破坏性、更不晓 得如何去应对。我在亚洲所找到的SPF 五十加的防嗮品是否对他的情况有用? 如果我们未来结合了,我们的下一代会 否遗传到这个怕晒的毛病?

SPF50plus/UVA/UVB現在被廣泛推薦給 居住在澳大利亞的任何人,無論皮膚類型如何。 現在在澳大利亞的藥房、皮膚診所或雜貨店都 可以買到。如果您選擇生育孩子,您的孩子很可 能會遺傳到他對陽光照射的敏感度。但是這可 以通過塗抹防曬霜來減少風險,或通過選擇外 出時間來限制陽光照射,也或者可以採取戴帽 子等防曬措施。這些都有助於防止曬傷和進一 步的燒傷。


我移民至澳洲已经二十年了,最近 才发现自己对于奶制品有不好的 反应。我的家庭医生说这是亚裔群体中 常见的乳酸不兼容症。我想知道的是这 类症状是否是在我移民后的这二十多 年中构成的呢?还是我在原籍国所食 用的所谓’乳制品‘其实都不是真实的? (有听说这些都是加工食品、并不真正 含有乳酸)

乳糖不耐症可能發生在任何文化背景的 任何人身上。這更多是由於衰老和腸道細胞的 變化。如果您發現自己對乳製品有不良反應。您 可以通過服用豆漿來改變您的飲食習慣,或者 將普通牛奶煮沸以改變牛奶的成分,以減少您 的乳糖不耐症。否則,您可以嘗試盡量減少乳糖 攝入量以減輕症狀。

6 我妈一直都有背疼的毛病,我屡次 建议他去我的脊椎专科医师那里 去看诊。但我妈更是相信他的‘跌打师 父’,常去他那里接受推拿治疗。我并不 排斥非主流的疗养方式、但是我更担心 她延误诊断。我想知道普通科医生对于 这类华人家庭常见的困惑有什么样的 建议?

如果您的媽媽有持續著背酸痛,儘管接受 了幾次脊椎指壓治療,重要的是要進行下一步 的檢查以排除導致她背痛的原因。因此,如果您 非常擔心她的背痛,可以鼓勵她去看全科醫生, 進行常規檢查,以排除導致她背痛的原因。

If you would like Dr Mira to answer your medical question, email it to before 11 March 2023

如果您想请Mira医生解答您的 医疗问题,可以在2023年3月11日之前 把问题发至本刊编辑部电邮

39 寻医问药 ASK THE GP 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版
**以上言論仅供参考, 有任何疑問請跟您的家庭醫生問診。

Chung Wah Ongoing Activities 中华活动

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Annie WONG 0401 042 013 Women

Please contact the Coordinator for more information.

Doreen CHIN

Leonard KHO 0411 745 285

Dong NHAN 0403 509 052

Maya 0425 425 898

Activities 活动 Day 日期 Time 时间 Location 地点 Fee 收费 Contact 联系人
Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈 Saturday 周六 2:00pm4:00pm Chung Wah Hall 中华会馆 128 James Street, Northbridge
class 每堂课 $15 for members 会员 $18 for non-members 非会员
and Lion Dance 中华龙狮团 Sunday 周日 2:30pm
Jen Nie CHONG 08 9328 8657 Dragon
请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆 Chinese Orchestra 中华华乐团 Sunday 周日 11:00am
Aaron LOONG 0434 665 170
Opera 粤剧社 Wednesday 周三
会员 $2
Teresa TAN 0413 568 682 Cantonese
12:00pm2:00pm Each class
$1 for members
for non-members
Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动 Saturday 周六 11:00am1:30pm
请联系活动负责人 或中华会馆
ZOU 0488 700 572
Chi class 中华太极班 Saturday 周六 9:30am10:30am Choir 中华合唱团 Sunday 周日 2:30pm4:30pm Salvation Army 救世军总部 333 William Street, Northbridge Trinh QUACH 0423 587 653 Jiping ZOU 0488 700 572 Line Dancing 排排舞 Saturday 周六 11:00am -1:00pm Chung
Wah Cultural Centre
18 Radalj Place, Balcatta
Sunday 周日 10:00am -12:00pm (advance)
Vogue Dance 中华新时尚交际舞 Sunday 周日 1:30pm
Table Tennis 中华乒乓球俱乐部 Sunday 周日 3.30pm -7:00pm $5 for members 会员 $7 for non-members 非会员
Kemei SHAO 0434 148 590
40 Chung Wah Bilingual Magazine Summer Issue

Chung Wah Services 中华服务

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五


Home Help Services


National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划

Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

周一,二,四 (开学期间)

Tai Chi Class 太极班 Wednesday (Balcatta)

Thursday & Friday (Willetton) 周三 (巴卡达) 周四、五 (威乐顿)

Various 商议待定

Phone 电话:08 9328 3988

Various 商议待定

Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

Various 商议待定

Phone 电话: 08 9328 3988

Balcatta Hub

巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Willetton Hub

威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community Care staff for more details 此类服务都须经由政

Please contact Chung Wah Community Care Coordinator for more information.


Phone 电话:

08 9328 3988

Email 电子邮箱 :

Activities 活动 Day 日期 Time 时间 Location 地点 Fee 收费 Contact 联系人 Day Long Respite Care 中华日间暂息中心 Monday to Friday 周一至周五 9:00am6:00pm Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton
府部门评估,请联系 中华社区与长者服务
Community Talks 社区讲座 Monthly 每月一次 Monthly 每月 一次 Free 免费 Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务 Appointment Required 提早预约 41 中华会馆《中华之声》双语刊夏季版

Expand your business by offering a special discount ranging from �% to ��% or any other privileged offer to Chung Wah members. 向中华会馆会员拓展您的商务,只须提供特别优惠给我们的会员。比如介于�% 至��% 的商品或服务折扣,或其他类似优惠。

Aus World Travel


Free to Join No ongoing costs or fees 免费加盟 无须缴付任何会费或成本费
��� James Street, Northbridge ��� Collins Road, Willetton �� Hulme Court, Myaree discount Perth Local Coach Tours Chung Wah Members ��% discount Perth Local Coach Tours Chung Wah Staffs Stanbond Security Unit � / � Iron Street, Malaga WA ���� Mob: ���� ��� ��� Email: ��% Off all quotes
Barristers & Solicitors, Notary Public T: ��) ���� ���� W: Level �, ��� Adelaide Terrace, Perth initial legal consultation Discount for all property and business settlement Isabel CHAN Family Photo Specialist Mob: ���� ��� ��� Email: ��% Off (Not for discounted packages, T&C applies) Roast Duck House 德兴烧鸭店 ��� William Street, Perth. ��� Albany Hwy East, Victoria Park �% Discount on dine-in only Hong Lin 康年饭店 Chinese Restaurant and Take Away Food Unit � / ��� Carrington Street, Hamilton Hill Tel: �������� | Open � Days | Lunch: Wed - Fri ��:�� AM - �:�� PM | Dinner: Mon - Sun �:�� PM - �:�� PM ��% Off Northbridge Chinese Restaurant �� Roe Street, Northbridge Free tea at Dim Sum Lunch and Dinner By European Hotel �� Murray Street, Perth ��% Discount on food (when you dine in at our restaurant) Honey In the Garden Shop online: Reference Code: MAF ��% Discount for purchases over $���.�� Northbridge ��� James Street, Northbridge ��% Off Chinese Restaurant �� - �� Bennett Street, East Perth ��% Off Hongkong Dim Sum Shop �, Old Shangai Food Court, ��� James Street, Northbridge �% Off Azurra Migration ���� ��� ��� �% Off BUPA work cover insurance Bunga Raya Satay Food truck trade at various Market Places $� Discount for transaction of above $��.�� Imperial Finance, Linda LAI Mob: ���� ��� ��� Email: Free ��-�� minutes consultation CKG legal Barrister & Solicitor AALA Inaugural Young Lawyer of the Year T: (��) ���� ���� | M:���� ��� ��� F: (��) ���� ���� | W: �% discount for all legal fee Chung Wah Member Benefit Programme Benefit 中华会员优惠计划 Chung Wah Member Benefit Programme 中华会员优惠计划 Invitation 盛情邀请 携手同行 Partner with us
For further enquiries, please contact Chung Wah Association | 若想进一步咨询,可联系中华会馆 Ph 座机 ���� ���� | Mb 手机 ���� ��� ��� | Em 电邮 Freddie Strudels ��� Brisbane Street, Perth Tel: (��) ���� ���� �% Off for cash payment only Mom Dumpling House 真東北餃子莊 T: (��) ���� ���� W: ��% Off for cash payment $�� and above *not to be use with other offer ��% discount Spend over $��� *not to be use with other offer Linkar City Cellar T: (��) ���� ���� W: A: G��/��� Adelaide Terrace, Perth $� off massage with discount coupon Massagr E: W: ��% Off to Chung Wah Members Seoul Delish ��/�� Walanna Drive Waterford, Karawara ��% Off Normal price Item Amcal Pharmacity A: ��� Hay Street, Perth WA ���� T: (��) ���� ���� E: W: Fb: @amcalpharmacity FREE Ear Wax Removal (Worth $���) for all pensioners Expert Hearing Care A: Westfield Innaloo, Ellen Sitrling Blvd T: (��) ���� ���� E: W: Fb: @experthearingcare ��% Off store wide online Member Code: CWMD�� This discount code is valid storewide and can’t be combined with other discount code. COOEE AUSTRALIA Online Spend over $�� (exclude postage) to get $�Off Promo code: CHUNGWAH In Store Spend over $�� to get $�Off The above offers on full price Morish Nuts products only and it’s not to be used with the conjunction with any other offers Morish Nuts Shop online: PROMO code: CHUNGWAH Swan Valley: ��� Great Northern Highway, Herne Hill Fremantle Market: Stall #��, Henderson Street, Fremantle Dragon Palace Northbridge �� Francis Street, Northbridge, Perth Free Chinese Tea for lunch ��% Off for Dinner Free Initial Consultation All Legal Disputes Litigation BMS LAW Lawyers T: (��) ���� ���� E: W: Chung Hwa Cuisine 龙江宴 ���� Albany Hwy, Cannington WA ���� ��% Off HONG KONG BBQ House Chinese Restaurant 顺德海鲜烧腊酒家 �� Francis Street, Northbridge ��% Off for cash payment only ��% Off total fee Podiatry Clinic ���� ��� ��� �/�� Apsley Rd, Willetton WA ���� Ingot Hotel Perth ��� Great Eastern Highway Belmont WA ���� Reservation: +�� (�) ���� ���� ��% Off Food and drinks Best available room rate when booked directly with hotel
Girl 一盅两件 �� Roe St, Northbridge WA ���� Reservation: ���� ��� ��� | �% Off total bill Not in conjunction with any other special ʻoffer’ or ʻpromotion’ running at the time Professional Cleaning Service in Perth ���� ��� ��� Suite ��/� Haster Road, Osborne Park ���� ��% Off all quotes for windows and floor cleaning services ASSURE ALLIANCE Certified Practising Accountants �/�� Biscayne Way, Jandakot WA ���� Free �� minutes complimentary consultation Book online at with promo code: CHAI�� $� discount on restring services $� discount for off peak hour court hire $� discount for peak hour court hire �% discount for merchandise above $�� (except shuttle cock) Perth Badminton Arena �/��� Great Eastern Hwy, Redcliffe WA ���� Call ���� ��� ��� for booking
Little China

The President and the Executive Committee would like to extend their deepest sympathy and condolences to:

Florence Ong, Honorary Architect (Rtd) of Chung Wah Association and family for the recent passing of her husband, Tommy Ong.

Cheong Loong and Aaron Loong for the recent passing of their beloved wife and grandmother Nyet Hin Loong.

• 文化活动项目

• 每日亚洲饮食

• 无养老住宿押金

• 坐落于南珀斯核 心地段

协和园护老院 Concorde Aged Care Home 25 Anstey Street South Perth WA 6151



欢迎致电 9367 7559 垂询,
• 居住型养老 • 短期托护 • 老年痴呆关怀 • 24 小时护理 • 大量亚裔居民 • 双语照护人员
A place to call home CONCORDE AGED CARE HOME


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